#15 questions meme
15 questions meme!
i was tagged by the lovely @kelkat9 <3
were you named after anyone?
does the beatles album count?
when was the last time you cried?
ummm, a few days ago and not really for catharsis reasons. just pain reasons, unfortunately
do you have any kids?
do you use sarcasm a lot?
on a daily basis, but only with certain people and friends. otherwise, i try very hard to be earnest
what sports have you played/do you play?
i did my time on soccer and volleyball teams when i was in middle school and have been blessedly free ever since
what's the first thing you notice about other people?
i tend to look at the middle of the face, so nose comes first and then eyes. i think that's why i love unique noses so much
what's your eye colour?
technically green, but they often appear blue or grey
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies WITH happy endings
any special talents?
can i soapbox for a second? i just have to say that at this point, nothing i do in my life can be attributed to talent anymore. sure, i can write and i can sing and i can keep house plants alive and i am very flexible, but even if i had innate 'talents' for those things once, i've really worked hard at developing and maintaining those abilities. talent is overrated! just do the damn thing!! okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk, lmao
where were you born?
a hospital, if you can believe it
tagging: @paigenotblank @sunniebelle @sunnibits @saecookie @mrunmione @caspersgraveyard and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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storyknitter · 2 years
15 Questions
Tagged by both @captainderyn and @starknstarwars a while back. Again, open-tagging anyone who hasn’t done this yet and wants to!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not specifically, though I share a name with a character from a popular late 70′s/early 80′s tv show
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
Yep! An almost 10-yo sass monster that I love dearly, though I sometimes debate selling her on Etsy
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Sarcastic? Never!
5. Favorite time of day?
Evening, when everything is settled and I can get some quiet time
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I’m a big chicken when it comes to scary stuff
8. Any special talents?
9. Where were you born?
Midwestern US
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, gaming, knitting, sewing
11. Have you any pets?
One blue heeler/pittie rescue mutt named Oreo
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Tennis & softball when I was younger, martial arts in college
13. How tall are you?
5′5″ if I stand up straight
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music and history
15. Dream job?
Traveling! There’s so much world out there to see!
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juniperarts · 1 year
PS: Sorry if I came as too much, I just ADORE your art so much and I really need more of it😭😭😭❤️💗💖💖❤️
I already adore that boy and want to draw him all the time and this is just FUELING ME TO DO SO DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING??
I've been trying to be ... chill ... with my appreciation towards him but now you're giving me the enablement I need to do the opposite.
You better take responsibility 🤣
Nah but fr I'm glad you enjoy my stuff with him! It feels like there aren't as many artists fixated on Pav as they are with, say, Hobie or Miguel so I will do my best to provide more art/comics of him!
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etrevil · 1 year
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Chuuya: so, I'mma beat your ass up-
Dazai: I like you!
Chuuya: wait, what?
Dazai: I said I hate you.
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textsfromthetva · 1 year
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Incorrect Loki Quotes [173/?]  
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lilolilyr · 6 months
Tagged by @toboldlynerd and by @die-schwanenkoenigin , thank you! <3
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Not to my knowledge
Probably today? About fanfics or memes or something? Oh! I remember, it was this post.
No and don't plan to!
As a kid I did Judo for a while, then horse riding, unicycling, and handball
I did and, while not regularly atm, still really like to dance :) took standard&latin classes from age 14-18 and again in the last couple years, modern dance both during my bachelor's and the first years of my master's degree, and a semester of pole dance
My absolute favourite: aerial silks ♡ I've been doing it on and of since I was 11, depending on whether I could take classes or find a place for my own silks in the towns I lived - I'm still trying to find a place to practice again at the moment, but I went to classes in a studio last year and even was part of a performance in December, first time in ages :)
No idea?? Vibes?
Happy happy happy happy happy
I can wiggle my eyebrows separately. Also my ears.
At the moment mostly reading&writing fic and making origami butterflies, but theoretically also cosplay, photography, travelling, literature, psychology, and much more
No :( but the neighbours' kitty likes to come over a lot, and today a different neighborhood cat came over: a young and incredibly clumsy and anxious orange cat, he's hilarious but I had to gently shoo him away because Disl (the regular visitor) probably wouldn't take kindly on an interloper and I don't want them to start throwing handspaws
160sth cm I think 165 is in my ID
In highschool English (as a foreign language) and literature&theatre, in university (try to figure out my degree from these I dare you) intercultural relations, marketing psychology, venue management, and I don't remember what exactly it was called but it was basically a seminar on intersectional feminism?
Getting paid for reading fanfic all day. :]
Tagging, if you want to do it, @lavendelhummel , @cryhardanddanceharder , @ladydedlock , @raindropsandteaandtears , @mindflamer , @asstraightasau-turn , @mimi-mindless , @smittyjaws , @banashee , @nbie , @existentialvoidofexistence , @katharinaste , @grayisthewarmest , @sharkbatez , @gunsandcherries , and everyone else who sees this :) purlturtle yes you too :)
Blank copy for easier copy-pasting:
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15 people 15 questions
tagged in this meme a few weeks ago by @isaksbestpillow!! here we go
1. are you named after anyone?
My first name is the name of a specific figure from UK history! someone a lot of uk people have heard of, but it's unusual to actually have this as a name. I get some incredulity and some people who politely ask where i'm from. I have to say i'm not 100% sure what answer they're expecting.
My tumblr url is a B-52s song which seemed somehow relevant back in uhhh 2013 or whenever it was.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I thinkkkk possibly when i was doing my taxes back in january. These days I tend to cry from stress and anger and frustration but it's really bad for me because once I start I find it VERY hard to stop, it makes my emotions spiral, I get more and more upset, so I really have to squash it down. For me crying is not cathartic, it just ruins the day.
3. do you have kids?
No - BUT - I have a lot of much younger cousins - and I babysit them & help with childcare fairly often so I am quite used to kids. Fortunately my cousins think i'm super fun
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am extremely noncompetitive! I was terrible at team sports at school and also had terrible hand-eye coordination. I have been at times an OK swimmer and I played a lot of table tennis in my last couple of years of school with the other four or five people who'd been deemed too useless for netball etc. As an adult I do youtube yoga, I periodically do app-based running stuff like Zombies Run or Nike Run Club. Ideally I'd like to go every day on like a 5 mile walk in an interesting location with a reasonable amount of ascent and descent but in a city it's hard to orchestrate that. Also I put my little cousins on my shoulders and get them to direct me where to go so they can learn the difference between left and right
5. do you use sarcasm?
I think I actually don't! Maybe a little bit sometimes. I tend to me more uhhh. pedantic and literal. tend to deconstruct .
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh probably skin texture . or haircut . or I look at their clothes. i don't know . sounds creepy. sorry.
7. what’s your eye color??
I think if you average it out it's brownish / greenish . think filippo berio bottle . maybe a bit browner / greyer than that. I tried to take a picture but it only confused me. Also when you look close enough at someone's eyes you might get flecks of like eight different colours.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I do watch and enjoy scary movies and I have learned that I have a higher tolerance for them than some people BUT if I must pick between the two - I am team happy ending.
9. any talents ?
Little bit doublejointed! Can play a little bit of ukulele. Good memory. Good cook. Can make cocktails .
10. where were you born?
London, UK
11. what are your hobbies?
cooking, language learning, walking. Tumblr . opening new browser tabs . I'm getting some wine qualifications which is partly work related partly hobby.
12. do you have any pets?
no but my sister & her partner just got a dog and I do feel I am now an auntie
13. how tall are you?
167 cm I think? i think that's 5 ft 6? normal amount.
14. favourite subject in school?
probably languages ........... honestly I don't remember. unfortunately I had a thirst for knowledge and enjoyed most subjects.
15. dream job?
What I do now (print media production work, magazine production work) is pretty good for me
I'm going to do what @isaksbestpillow did and tag the last 15 people in my notes, that seems fun. no obligation obviously! @rociopath @fizzbuzzbananagram @magicmarker @autisticmisabel @starburger @the-omnishambles @itsmapes @youvegotaluckyface @misterhaderach @jestershark @lanninglurksnomore @sirquacklesdefoof @tracybaconnnn @321claratin @alien-ally
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mdpthatsme · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
are you named after anyone? My mom's best friend and my aunt.
when was the last time you cried? not sure
do you have kids? nope
do you use sarcasm a lot? Sure
what sports do you play/have you played? I've played sports (volleyball, pickleball, American football, horseshoes, cornhole, baseball, basketball, etc.) for fun, but never in school or professionally.
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? their eyes
eye color? brown
scary movies or happy endings? Really not the same thing. Ones a genre, ones a trope. But I'll take dramedies or mystery. I prefer open endings.
any special talents? I can make some really interesting faces.
where were you born? Arkansas, USA
what are your hobbies? gaming, drawing (traditional and digital), looming, reading, baking every once in awhile - I want to get back into music and try out painting (I've been watching too much Bob Ross).
do you have any pets? One little Beth
how tall are you? 5'9''
fave subject in school? I didn't really have one.
dream job? Full-time author
I was tagged by @budgie2budgie and I tag anyone who wants to play this game.
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basmathgirl · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thanks very much for tagging me @raywritesthings! 💖
I will tag: and @smackalicious, @some-thrilling-heroics, @tardis-mouse, @some-thrilling-heroics, @fuckyeahfredandginger, @tamagocchiheaven, @ladynoblesong, @pia-writes-things, @noelevangilinecarson, @horseonthespaceship, @stupidlittlenemo, @tellmethereisnonoddy, @giff4088@24601error-prisonernotfound, @ageless-aislynn, @none-ofthisnonsense (and any other mutual who fancies a go. Just tag me in your answer to let me know!).
Were you named after anyone?
Not as far as I know. It was my late grandfather who suggested it, so he might have met someone in northern France, when he was there during WWI, who influenced him.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. A TV programme called “24 Hours In A&E” had a mother agonising about watching her son go through cancer treatment, and I shed tears in sympathy, having been through that experience.
Do you have kids?
I think the answer above confirms that I do. [Still open to adopting other people’s kids, if you want to apply]
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Quite a lot; but usually to amuse rather than get at people. Hubby is the exception that proves the rule.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe, I suppose. Inevitably visual cues make you create assumptions about people’s class, intelligence, and demeanour; and I am very sensitive to possible rejection, since my appearance caused many nasty reactions in the past. Nowadays, most older people look like me, so it’s easier to blend in.
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I only like scary movies that are funny, so I’ll opt for happy endings. Although I don’t mind a bit of bittersweet instead.
Any special talents?
Erm… I’m useful, because I know random stuff; or am very willing to find out on your behalf.
Where were you born?
An East London borough.
What are your hobbies?
Mainly reading, a spot of writing, lots of telly; and plans to return to hobbies like cardmaking, cross-stitch, watercolour painting, and playing the instruments I own. I thought I might join the village choir when we moved here, but alas, my singing voice has faded away to a croak. Oh well. There’s still some possible voluntary work to keep in mind for later.
Have any pets?
Sadly, my Marvin the Martian and Tentoo (that @some-thrilling-heroics  made for me *cuddles him*) are the closest things I’ve got to pets.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I wasn’t exactly encouraged to play ‘normal’ sports, so I loved playing darts, snooker, and table tennis when I was younger. Don’t have access to any of these anymore, not even a computer game version.
How tall are you?
The last time my height was measured it was 5′4″ (about 1.62m)
Favourite subject in school?
Favourite subjects to learn were English Literature, Maths, Sociology, and Geography. My favourite subject to teach was Maths; although I got the chance to have a go at a multitude of subjects.
Dream job?
I’m a bit past having a dream job, as retirement is now beckoning. There are flippant answers I could give (like: David Tennant’s bedwarmer) but to be honest, I had my dream job for many years.
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sysig · 1 year
Requestober 2023 (Closed!)
4th go around! Very similar rules to last year, although I am putting a limit on Vargas requests again lol - one per person please! Feel free to take a look at the list to see if there’s something else you’d like! Or I mean if you want both not-Vargas that works too haha
As always, you don’t have to follow me to request something, I just ask that you split up your request(s) into their own asks so I can answer them individually :)
First come, first served; anons, honour system rules
Anything on this list
Anything not on that list for $3+ (ko-fi | Patreon) and/or an art trade
Redraws (and you can pick the medium if you want)
General prompts i.e. Spooky, Pumpkin, Costume, etc.
Memes, Challenges, Palettes, etc, as long as you have a source I can link back to (I have submissions open for convenience)
Anything against TOS
More than 3 characters
More than 2 requests per person (except trades/donations) and 1 Vargas request per person
Anything super complex i.e. large backgrounds, machinery, animation, etc.
Slots: 31/31 All the slots have been filled, thank you! :D
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neapaulatan · 11 months
15 Questions 15 mutual
I was tagged by the wonderful @kaiarchives A WHILE ago (lol), so I have to do it. Check out their posts here and here; their posts honestly make my day! Thx for tagging me <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm named after a total of four people
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple days ago because I made my partner angry and I felt bad
3. Do you have kids?
Nah, but in the distant future lol
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Softball, Volleyball, and Dance
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they treat others or their mannerisms think it tells a lot about someone. Their vibes basically
7. What's your eye color?
DARK DARK brown. Nearly black, but really nice brown in the sun c:
8. Scary movies or Happy endings
Happy endings. I don't do scary movies lol
9. Any talents?
I'm an artist and I used to be able to play the piano by ear (couldn't sight read to save my life). I can also sing and dance c:
10. Where were you born?
Rocky Mount, NC
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, Reading, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Playing Video Games, and Hanging with Family and Friends c:
12. Do you have any pets?
I have an old cat named Vicious Bo-Bicious Penn.
13. How tall are you?
5"1 and a quarter. Have to add the quarter
14. Favorite subject in school
Earth Science and World History
15. Dream Job?
To be a graphic novelist (and maybe a professor, who knows)
softly tagging [no pressure if you don’t want] : @mjparkerwriting @mjjune @atelierwriting @annachronisms @touloserlautrec @catnittodays @cyber-sweets @likegemstone @thecharlottewrites @non-alphabeticalsoup @airic-fenn @faelanvance @chainsaw-raven @morganwriteblr @runeseaks
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grimdarkfandango · 3 months
for the 30s ask meme: 3, 7, 8, 13, 15, 27, 30, 32, 40, 42, 44, 47, 51, 62, 65
Goddamn you (ilu) I will answer the ones I haven't already anyway...
3. Foaming hand soap or normal hand soap?
normal I ain't paying for that foam it yoself
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
uhhhh my hands. but no I'm bad at cleaning and don't really have any I swear by but am always looking for recs of good shower glass cleaner -_-
15. Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from?
only the ones I need!! I am NOT a grocery store ambler. in and out dodging traffic jams of old people and carts like a mofo
27. Do you prefer Boardgame Night, Build-Your-Own-Pizza Night, or Movie Night with your friends?
I am coming over to your house and we are playing board games and making pizza and watching movies this is non-negotiable (the real answer is I just like hanging out with my friends!!!)
32. How do you take your morning coffee/tea?
black, french press, in a big oregon mug
40. Grocery list or no grocery list?
grocery list, otherwise I will come home with 75% of four meals and nothing complete
44. Honest feelings on Settlers of Catan?
I'm sure it's fun?? I've never played it
47. Lamps or overhead lighting?
everyone will boo me but I am a Big Light person. why would I spend money on lamps when the big light is right there
51. How many blankets do you keep in your living room?
just the one! it's grey lightly quilted jersey material and is very cozy
62. Where are you on the minimalism-maximalism kinsey scale?
oh solidly on the maximalism end. I do appreciate a truly nice clean minimalist space but I like my tchotchkes too much
65. Anything you're procrastinating on right now?
stares in the camera like i'm on the office
would I be on tumblr if I weren't procrastinating. what AREN'T I procrastinating. oh god actually what have I forgotten I need to do I know there's someTHING-
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Tagged by the lovely @flyinghome-againstthewind . I almost never share about myself online but l like these questions so let’s do it. 💕
Are you named after someone? My middle name is the first name of one of my grandmothers and my other grandmother picked out my full name.
When was the last time you cried? In the middle of April. I got some potentially very concerning health news (an eventual good outcome) and I was very stressed and scared.
Do you have kids? I don’t. I know I don’t want to birth any children myself and I don’t know if I want to have kids any other way besides being an epically cool auntie to all of my friends’ kids.
What sports do you play/have played? I played soccer for a few years in middle and high school but was not good. Now I run and do other workouts to hopefully postpone the inevitable decline of my body. 😂
Do you use sarcasm? With aplomb. I have realized the more comfortable and safe I feel with someone, the more sarcastic I am with them, so if I’m being sassy, you’ve made it with me.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Usually their overall demeanor or disposition.
What's your eye colour? A bluish grey that I have never really been able to figure out.
Scary movies or happy endings? No scary things ever, thanks. Happy endings only for me. Real life is enough horror.
Any talents? Does being able to name all 50 US states in alphabetical order in about 20 seconds count as a talent?
Where were you born? Wisconsin
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, going for walks
Do you have any pets? Not at the moment but I try to visit my cat nieces as much as possible and would love to have another dog
How tall are you? 5'7”
Favourite subject in school? Social studies, history, politics and government
Dream job? Professional reader of books (with a generous salary, impeccable benefits, and no meetings) would be ideal.
I think everyone I want to tag has already been so please share your answers!
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verytendou · 6 months
about to trauma dump to the ac*u and hope i get the job wish me luck
#theyre so funny for this question like what did they expect the response to be LOLLL#i know they had to change things to not get sued but like damn yall know this is just an excuse for me to trauma dump now#like lmfaaaaoooooo#anyways if i get this done in the next hour it will literally be the [TRAGIC-task youve put off for 2 months only took 15 minutes!]#meme all over again and that will just kill me bc i did put it off for an extra 10 hours today again#anyways i would like to be paid 30 bucks an hour so pleaseeeeeeeeeee hire me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#if not this its back to the motherland boys so get ready for a 3 hour time difference IM GONE FOREVER SOON#v.txt#literally so excited to graduate and leave for at minimum a year and be literally anywhere but here college is a lie friends#and dont do it unless you are 5345245u34% sure you want to bc i do feel like i have been scammed#I SHOULDVE DONE A TRADE!!!!!!#anyways hears hoping i get this job and find a different way to spend time in peru bc regardless i do miss it there#none of u understand the intricacies of being able to get pollo la brasa or ceviche whenever i want..... without my mom having to make it#none of u understand the intracacies of coming back from the MOTHER-motherland and having the capital police stop ur bus#anyways as per usual if your motherland isnt at least a level 4 DNT for us citizens dont even bother talking to me about it#HAVING YOUR DNI IN YOUR BACK POCKET AT ALL TIME-RS MAKE SOME NOISEEEEEEEE#realiziing i spent here's wrong earlier and i hope you know it haunts me but i wont change it so we'll all have to deal
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
15 Questions/15 Mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @finniestoncrane! This is gonna be fun!
Are you named after someone?
I actually am, my first name (I go by my middle name more lol) is from my paternal grandmother.
When was the last time you cried?
Umm...last week? Like...last Friday? Just had a really low moment and needed to cry it out to get over it rip
Do you have kids?
Nope, and don't plan on having any either.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think I do, I just don't think it executes well, or my family just severely struggles with tone and sarcasm as a whole cause it works when I'm at work or with friends rip
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Maybe a typical answer but like their facial expressions and especially their eyes and then body language. Just something I've done from observing people.
What's your eye color?
For the longest time, it's been kinda hard to describe cause it does change color a wee bit in the light. But it's mostly gray-ish dark blue, but sometimes can look like a dark green, especially if I wear green.
Scary movie or a happy ending?
Scary movie, but with at least a decent ending.
Any special talents?
Umm...I can talk/sing really fast? Uhh i can make my fingers look wiggly/double-jointed? Uhh...it's all I got.
Where were you born?
In a hospital right across the street from where I would eventually go to high school....it's a small world after all
What are your hobbies?
Ooohh so many lmao; writing, drawing, walking, doing jigsaw puzzles, reading, watch movies (trying to watch more shows but..it's hard to commit lmao), and listen to music.
Do you have any pets?
I have a 14/15 year old dog named Roxi
What sports do you play/have played?
None...I was offered to join the girl's wrestling team once though im high school, but wasn't interested rip. I just wanted to draw.
How tall are you?
-_-....5 ft 1 in
Favorite subject in school?
I loved English, History, and Art...it let me exercise my writing and drawing hehe and I got to read a lot!
Dream job?
I'd like to be a storyboard artist or screenwriter...but for now I'm chasing the goal of being a storyboard artist so I can combine my love for both drawing and story!
Tag 15 Mutuals (again no pressure and sorry if you were tagged twice lol):
@lovesick-on-the-loose, @march-harrigan, @abbynx, @mietkoz, @taliscat , @letshaveadepressionparty , @little-silly-fucker , @worri-wort, @sweetums0kitty , @rainfallinthevoid, @a-rose-as-sweet, @aces-corner , @luckyspade-8 , @oddball216 , and @cooldreamyfox
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks to @occidentaltourist and @naralanis who both tagged me!
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope!
2. When was the last time you cried? umm... probably the last time I watched a movie where a person got to see a loved one who died, just one last time. It always gets me.
3. Do you have kids? No, thank god.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Why yes! does it show?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I have no idea. I just... get to the point? But the thing that usually sparks me as "oh, this is a cool person!" is either their sense of humor, or what entertainment they enjoy.
6. What color are your eyes? Blue/green/brown. All the kids in my immediate family have mostly blue eyes, with a smaller ring of green, and a smaller ring of brown around the iris. My brother's colors are way more defined than mine... I mostly just say blue for brevity's sake.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on the mood! A lot of times I'm happy with something happy, but there are times I just want to be scared witless!
8. Any special talents? I dunno-- what counts as special? I'm kind of the tech guru in my office, despite no formal training. The pre-IT call, if you will, because IT at our company is a pain. I'm pretty good at writing, especially emulating the characters I really like.
9. Where were you born? USA. Oh, how I wish I was Canadian... Or Irish.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, video games, watching online content. I used to be a big reader, but that's fallen off on the wayside in recent years. Nowadays if I read it's usually AO3.
11. Do you have any pets?  CLOVE!! My love, my joy. She's a shorthair calico with a special sort of personality. She seems like a middle aged mom most of the time. But the kind of mom whose kids you've never seen, just the woman at work who acts like she's been through it and has zero fucks left to give.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?  I was basketball kid growing up-- through the end of 6th grade, I think. Maybe some middle school? My first season was an outdoor summer league, which is how we found out I'm sensitive to the heat. Apparently my face turned green. After that it was indoor basketball only.
13. How tall are you? Approx. 5'7". Always wanted to be 5'9", but my genetics failed me.
14. Favorite subject in school? English. Didn't try to major in it though. Was afraid if I studied it and had to do nothing but write papers for school, I'd come to hate it, and I wanted to preserve my enjoyment of it.
15. Dream job? I would love to be a full time novelist. I don't think it'll ever happen at this point-- might catch on when I'm retired. But work and life means I don't have a lot bandwidth left over for big projects.
I still have no idea how to tell who's a mutual on here, so I'm opening this up to everyone! If you wanna answer, here's your invitation!
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