˚₊‧꒰ა fic reccomendations ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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☆ bucky barnes
☆ steve rogers
☆ miguel o'hara
☆ moonknight
☆ logan howlett
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☆ simon riley
☆ john mactavish
☆ john price
☆ kyle garrick
☆ könig
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☆ ellie williams
☆ joel miller
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☆ obi wan kenobi
☆ han solo
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☆ stanford pines
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navigation . how you can help palestine
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cityof2morrow · 7 months
NetworkMAT: Street Planters 001
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Published: 3-08-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY The Network Materials (NetworkMAT) (Simmons, 2023) series includes assets for building modern road networks in Sims 2. Use these items to enhance your city’s streets, walkways, highways, skyways, bridges, and so on. Enjoy 10 planters in various shapes and sizes. The larger landscaping blocks are designed to fit builds on 2-click/step foundations but will work with just about any space in general.
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DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §250 | Build > Architecture You need the BBNiche1Master (Buggybooz, 2012) and Element Repository - both are available in the Repository Pack (Simmons, 2023). Any recolors you have for these can be applied to items in this set (see #ts2rcolors, #co2recolors, #co2repo, and #co2repopack). If the 3x3 Grassy Round is too high poly for your liking, the Large Circular Landscaping Block is a great substitute. ITEMS Landscaping Blocks (141-284 poly) Nol22, 2x1 Grassy Strip (61 poly) Nol22, 2x2 Grassy Strip (73 poly) Nol22, 3x3 Grassy Round (1150 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA
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CREDITS Thanks: Simming/Sketchfab Communities. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Grass Strip (Nol22, 2023; 2021), Grassy Landscaping Blocks (Gruny, 2019), Nooks & Niches (BuggyBooz, 2012), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Stair Cover(s) (Khakidoo, 2013; 2007).
Converted content is for non-commercial use only. EA/Maxis own all content derived from their games, as do other game/content publishers whose work appears on this site in derivative form. Per the Valve Developer Community TOU, CS creators control their custom content – contact this site via private message re: TOU violations.
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I've heard the idea that Monkey is 7 times immortal thrown around a couple times, but my count has only ever gone up to 4 (the peaches, the pills, the wine, and his daoist studies). How immortal IS Monkey?
(Note 09-07-2024: I am going to edit this for more clarity. It will differ from previously shared versions.)
I count eight categories of immortality.
In place of using “layer” or “level,” I’m choosing to designate his various immortalities as “categories.” This is because a new layer of divine longevity or durability would surely be added for each immortal peach, elixir pill, or cup/jug of heavenly wine consumed. Hence, eating multiple peaches would be one category, eating multiple elixir pills would be one category, and so on and so forth.
There are two sets. The first are achieved before or during the journey:
1) Daoist Longevity Arts - Ch. 2
I discuss the exact methods here.
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A photomanipulation by me.
2) Erasing Allotted Lifespan - Ch. 3
[After Monkey is summoned to hell in his sleep and thereafter threatens to beat the Judges of Hell for their mistake] The Ten Kings immediately had the judge in charge of the records bring out his [Sun's] books for examination. The judge, who did not dare tarry, hastened into a side room and brought out five or six books of documents and the ledgers on the tens species of living beings ... He [Monkey] had, therefore, a separate ledger, which Wukong examined himself.  Under the heading "Soul 1350" he found the name Sun Wukong recorded, with the description: "Heaven-born Stone Monkey. Age: three hundred and forty-two years. A good end." Wukong said, "I really don't remember my age. All I want is to erase my name. Bring me a brush." The judge hurriedly fetched the brush and soaked it in heavy ink. Wukong took the ledger on monkeys and crossed out all the names he could find in it. Throwing down the ledger, he said, "That ends the account! That ends the account! Now I'm truly not your subject" (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 140-141).
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A print from the Japanese children book Son Goku (1939).
3) Immortal Peaches - Ch. 5
[After being appointed the guardian of the Queen Mother of the West's immortal peach groves] The Great Sage ... asked the local spirit, "How many trees are there?" "There are three thousand six hundred," said the local spirit. "In the front are one thousand two hundred trees with little flowers and small fruits. These ripen once every three thousand years, and after one taste of them a man will become an immortal enlightened in the Way, with healthy limbs and a lightweight body. In the middle are one thousand two hundred trees of layered flowers and sweet fruits. They ripen once every six thousand years. If a man eats them, he will ascend to Heaven with the mist and never grow old. At the back are one thousand two hundred trees with fruits of purple veins and pale yellow pits. These ripen once every nine thousand years and, if eaten, will make a man's age equal to that of Heaven and Earth, the sun and the moon..." One day he [Monkey] saw that more than half of the peaches on the branches of the older trees had ripened, and he wanted very much to eat one and sample its novel taste. Closely followed, however, by the local spirit of the garden, the stewards, and the divine attendants of the Equal to Heaven Residence, he found it inconvenient to do so. He therefore devised a plan on the spur of the moment and said to them, "Why don't you all wait for me outside and let me rest a while in this arbor?" The various immortals withdrew accordingly. That Monkey King then took off his cap and robe and climbed up into a big tree. He selected the large peaches that were thoroughly ripened and, plucking many of them, ate to his heart's content right on the branches. Only after he had his fill did he jump down from the tree. Pinning back his cap and donning his robe, he called for his train of followers to return to the residence. After two or three days, he used the same device to steal peaches to gratify himself once again One day the Lady Queen Mother decided to open wide her treasure chamber and to give a banquet for the Grand Festival of Immortal Peaches, which was to be held in the Palace of the Jasper Pool. She ordered the various Immortal Maidens ... to go with their flower baskets to the Garden of Immortal Peaches and pick the fruits for the festival ... [After meeting with the Great Sage's ministers] The local spirit went into the garden with them; they found their way to the arbor but saw no one. Only the cap and the robe were left in the arbor, but there was no person to be seen. The Great Sage, you see, had played for a while and eaten a number of peaches. He had then changed himself into a figure only two inches high and, perching on the branch of a large tree, had fallen asleep under the cover of thick leaves (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 161-162).
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A new years print found online.
4) Immortal Wine - Ch. 5
Our Great Sage could not make an end of staring at the scene [the heavenly feast set for the Immortal Peach Banquet] when he suddenly felt the overpowering aroma of wine ... standing beside the jars and leaning on the barrels, he abandoned himself to drinking. After feasting for a long, he became thoroughly drunk... [...] [After returning to Flower Fruit Mountain and meeting with his children, he says] "When I was enjoying myself this morning at the Jasper Pool, I saw many jars and jugs in the corridor full of the juices of jade [yuye qiongjiang, 玉液瓊漿; lit: "Jade liquid and jade syrup"], which you have never savored. Let me go back [to heaven] and steal a few bottles to bring down here. Just drink half a cup, and each of you will live longer without growing old" ... He took two large bottles, one under each arm, and carried two more in his hands. Reversing the direction of his cloud, he returned to the monkeys in the cave. They held their own Festival of Immortal Wine [Xianjiu hui, 仙酒會], with each one drinking a few cups" (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 165 and 167).
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A screenshot from the 1986 Journey to the West TV show.
5) Immortal Elixir - Ch. 5
[After Sun Wukong drunkenly stumbles into Laozi's laboratory in the Tushita Heaven] He found no one but saw fire burning in an oven beside the hearth, and around the oven were five gourds in which finished elixir was stored. "This thing is the greatest treasure of immortals," said the Great Sage happily. "Since old Monkey has understood the Way and comprehended the mystery of the Internal's identity with the External, I have also wanted to produce some golden elixir on my own to benefit people. While I have been too busy at other times even to think about going home to enjoy myself, good fortune has met me at the door today and presented me with this! As long as Laozi is not around, I'll take a few tablets and try the taste of something new." He poured out the contents of all the gourds and ate them like fried beans (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 166).
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A detail from the 1835 Japanese translation of Journey to the West.
6) Ginseng Tree Fruit - Ch. 24
In the mountain there was a Daoist Abbey called the Five Villages Abbey [Wu zhuang guan, 五莊觀]; it was the abode of an immortal whose Daoist style [name] was Master Shenyuan [Shenyuan zi, 鎮元子] and whose nickname was Lord, Equal to Earth [Shi tong jun, 世同君]. There was, moreover, a strange treasure grown in this temple, a spiritual root that was formed just after chaos had been parted and the nebula had been established prior to the division of Heave and Earth. Throughout the four great continents of the world, it could be found in only the Five Villages Abbey in the West Aparagodaniya Continent. This treasure was called grass of the reverted cinnabar [cao huan dan, 草還丹], or the ginseng fruit [renshen guo, 人參果]. It took three thousand years for the plant to bloom, another three thousand years to bear fruit, and still another three thousand years before they ripened. All in all, it would be nearly ten thousand years before they could be eaten, and even after such a long time, there would be only thirty such fruits. The shape of the fruit was exactly that of a newborn infant not yet three days old, complete with the four limbs and the five senses. If a man had the good fortune of even smelling the fruit, he would live for three hundred and sixty years; if he ate one he would reach his forty-seven thousandth year. [After Wukong learns the complicated method of harvesting the fruit] Parting the leaves and branches, he knocked three of the fruits into the sack ... The three of them [Monkey and his brothers] took the fruits and began to enjoy them (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 453 and 462-463).
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Monkey holding ginseng tree fruit. Image found online.
This previous article talks about the history of this magical fruit.
Sun Wukong is not truly immortal during the journey, just long-lived and hard to kill. Immortality in Ming to Qing-era popular literature means that you can live for a long time but still die if injured badly enough. Think of it like an infinitely long candle being blown out instead of having a chance to burn for centuries or eons. For example, Investiture of the Gods (Fengshen yanyi, 封神演義, c. 1620), a sort of prequel to Journey to the West, is full of immortals killed in battle with heavenly weapons. Some even have their immortality sapped away before dying in one of many celestial traps. The biggest of these traps is the "Ten Thousand Immortal Array" (Wanxian zhen, 萬仙陣), so named because it can apparently kill myriad transcendents.
The second set of immortalities are achieved at the journey’s end once they reach the Buddha’s blessed land. These shouldn’t be lumped together with those acquired before and during the pilgrimage.
7) Divine food and tea - ch. 98
Then Buddha turned to call out: "Ananda and Kasyapa, take the four of them to the space beneath the precious tower. Give them a vegetarian meal first. After the maigre, open our treasure loft for them and select a few scrolls from each of the thirty-five divisions of our three canons, so that they may take them back to the Land of the East as a perpetual token of grace." The two Honored Ones obeyed and took the four pilgrims to the space beneath the tower, where countless rare dainties and exotic treasures were laid out in a seemingly endless spread. Those deities in charge of offerings and sacrifices began to serve a magnificent feast of divine food, tea, and fruit-viands [仙餚、仙茶、仙果] of a hundred flavors completely different from those of the mortal world. After master and disciples had bowed to give thanks to Buddha, they abandoned themselves to enjoyment (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 4, p. 349). [...] This time it was Eight Rules who was in luck and Sha Monk who had the advantage, for what the Buddhist Patriarch had provided for their complete enjoyment was nothing less than such viands as could grant them longevity and health and enable them to transform their mortal substance into immortal flesh and bones [... 壽長生,脫胎換骨之饌,儘著他受用。] (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 4, p. 350).
While the quote refers directly to Zhu and Sha, Monkey certainly benefits from the meal as well, gaining another category of immortality.
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Monkey eating yummy food.
8) Buddhahood - ch. 100
Sun Wukong, when you caused great disturbance at the Celestial Palace, I had to exercise enormous dharma power to have you pressed beneath the Mountain of Five Phases. Fortunately your Heaven-sent calamity came to an end, and you embraced the Buddhist religion. I am pleased even more by the fact that you were devoted to the scourging of evil and the exaltation of good. Throughout your journey you made great merit by smelting the demons and defeating the fiends. For being faithful in the end as you were in the beginning, I hereby give you the grand promotion and appoint you the Buddha Victorious in Strife [Dou zhansheng fo, 鬥戰勝佛] (Wu & Yu, 2012, p. 381).
I'm adding this as another immortality category since as a Buddha, he is now completely free of the wheel of reincarnation.
It’s important to note that the novel ends before Monkey is able to perform any feats as a Buddha. Therefore, making claims about his subsequent abilities is outside of canon.
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A lovely drawing of Sun Wukong as a Buddha by the talented @ninjahaku21art.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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ns-imagines · 1 year
What they drive
141 Guys x domestic/everyday life
SFW | Word Count: 1.4k | Headcannons
**Long post with lots of pictures!
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A/N: I dunno much about cars but I always wonder what the boys would be driving. See what they’re picking me up in for date night… this is just for fun and highlights the modern life they have outside of missions. Also the gif of Soap falling on the car took me out lmao. Not requested. -Kiv
John Price
A man who takes pride in his vehicles. He has two Chevy trucks. A nice truck for everyday use and a project truck. The perfect person to talk to if you are thinking of purchasing a car or truck. Price has got the “dealership scam” game down. You'll be leaving the lot with a good deal.
The project car being a 1985 Chevy C10. Price is always going on about how “this is every man's dream car to work on”. He says it everytime he opens the garage. Without fail! It's got a classic blue color with a few rust spots but, nothing a good layer of paint can't fix. Its the 90s car from the movies. Nothing else to say about it!
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Ahh the project car. Price works on it when he can. Set up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade, and just watch that man work. Sometimes hell even explain to you what he’s doing. That is if you can even pay attention. There’s something so attractive about a man talking about what he’s passionate about all sweaty with a nice pump. HEY, wipe that drool off your face.
Price’s personal truck is nice. It gets him from point A to B. Everything on it is stock. He’ll always tell you hes gonna sell it once his project car has been fixed. But there’s still quite a lot to do on the project car. Its a 2012 Chevy Silverado in cherry black with a covered bed. Good on gas and can pull a trailer or boat! He doesn’t invest money in it for other than maintenance costs.
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It smells specifically like “Lakeside Morning” from Bath and Body works car scents. The packaging is what got him. It was honestly super cute when he read the package out loud. “Smells like: Cool, Sweet, Fresh, and alone time on the dock” followed by a shrug and him throwing it into his cart. Does he even fish?
Oh, whenever he turns a corner in the Silverado theres a thud coming from the bed. Its a cooler that has been there FOREVER. He swears he’s going to take it out. Price brought it when 141 met for a cook out and some beers a few months ago.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Don’t ask about the APR please. Kyle is going to use this bad girl till it breaks. Its his dream car. Price took him away from base to get a better rate for it! Its fast its speedy its a 2015 Ford Shelby GT350. Oh yeah racing stripes and all. He got it wrapped in a matte ocean blue. Im talking leather seats, tinted windows, and custom wheel.
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Kyle loves this car and will always offer to pick you up. Ur always going to be passenger princess. Kyle always drives up reallll slow, rev the engine a little, and rolls down the window to smile big at you. He gets the door for you when you are both approaching the car. Don’t test him. He will literally sprint to get the door for you. An actual cutiepie
Hes so damn cute when it comes to long drives. Hand on your thigh and singing to the music together. Expect spontaneous trips!! He doesn’t even know where you guys are headed today.
Loves to speed up when there no cars in front of him. That feeling of the car pushing into you the sear is his favorite. Kyle is definitely the type to lightly bang on the steering wheel and go “Wooooooo” when returning to the normal speed limit. Hehe. Hope it didn’t freak you out too much. You will without a doubt get a few reassuring thigh squeezes.
Classic Black Ice scent. Cant go wrong with it! Its his car’s signature sent if you ask him. Kyle keeps his car clean. Theres a few half empty water bottles in the back but never straight up trash. He makes sure to buy the premium wipes for the interior. Like I said that car is his baby. Ugh did i mention the sound system?! Its absolutely amazing. You can feel the bass in your bones. Literally sounds like you’re in an air pod pro.
John “Soap” Mactavish
His car is the hangout car. Like if were going out with boys were taking Soaps car. He drives a pearl colored 2020 Honda Accord. He ordered the under the seat lights and everything. Its actually a vibe in there. The music changes the lights or he has an app on his phone to change the color. Another amazing sound system tbh.
Similar to Gaz the glovebox in the car is yours. He even puts stuff in there for you as a surprise :,). Sweet baby Johnny. Like one time you got in the car like usual and opened the glovebox to grab chapstick or some perfume/cologne and sitting on the car instruction manual was a bag/box of ur favorite snack. When you looked back over, Johnny was looking back at you with a big derpy smile.
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Since his car is the hangout car it can get messy pretty easily. He has to do “trash runs” to empty the random things people leave in his car. Dont get it wrong, It isnt nasty with random food left behind!! Soap has tried those like little trash cans on Amazon but they always end up lost under the back seats.
Johnny always goes with New Car Smell. He doesn’t have a specific brand he likes he just gets whatever’s at the gas station at the time. He also has the bad habit of never locking his car. Soap swears he always forgets to but you think its just a habit at this point.
CEO of spontaneous trips. You would never believe how much camping stuff his car can hold. Soap will give him car encouraging words as it struggles to go up the hills to the hike or camping site. He always keeps an emergency box under the passenger seat. Its shaped like tackle box. It has a first aid kit, some portable batteries with chargers, flares, and an emergency flash light. Last time you both went camping he was so excited to show you the random hatchet he bought. He keeps it in the trunk for no reason. I mean, he cant have it in the barracks so you suppose it makes sense.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Simon currently owns two bikes. Hes in the process of selling his old one. Which is a chameleon purple painted 2006 Suzuki GSXR600 with 750 cc. It gave him a good year and half off rides. He took care of it and rode it to its top speeds. It has a scuff on the side from when he tried to do a wheelie but, he was going to slow and had to jump off before it fell to its side. Your heart sunk when it happened. Ghost was super embarrassed because he thought he had it down. He’ll never tell you though.
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After a long deployment where he was getting quite a big of hazard pay (extra pay when you’re in a dangerous location) he saved it all up. As soon as he got back he bought a black 2021 Honda Rebel 1100 DCT. This bike is fast but it’s more for cursing. Trust that he’ll ride it to its max speed at least once for the adrenaline rush.
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Bought you a matching jacket. He wont say anything about it being matching but you noticed almost after putting it on. Best part about riding is when you get to wrap your arms around his waist. Simon always makes sure to take it slow especially if you get nervous on bikes. Don’t even try to do your hair. He wont move the bike unless you have the right gear on. Ghost doesn’t wanna lose you from an accident.
You are probably wondering what he does when it rains… or maybe you already knew he chooses to ride anyway. I promise though that after a ride in the rain he will slightly complain about how wet the road was. It makes you worry because so much could happen with one slip. Simon will always reassure you that he’s an experienced rider. If you pick him up in your car he won’t be upset. Definitely wont say no to a free and dry ride!
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itzpris15634 · 10 days
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putting out my gacha life 2 design codes
be warned, these are very long, as these use the offline codes
also, ignore the stuff in their age/birthdays, i havent decided yet on those
Sunil Nevla|itzpris15634|x|x|He/Him|Character from LPS 2012 Human design by itzpris15634|12|13|19|19|4|1|6|-1|11|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|169|15|15|0|0|13|20|20|0|0|61|-20|20|1|-5|23|18|20|12|-11|208|-18|20|5|-5|9|18|20|1|-5|335|-18|20|7|-5|2|18|22|5|-7|4|18|22|6|-4|13|18|22|3|-6|0|18|22|3|-4|345|15|16|4|-5|356|18|20|191|103|15|15|0|141|0|0|32|32|4|4|0|18|17|5|-62|22|275|10|5|5|-17|-20|8|11|17|0|-4|-17|8|-5|17|0|23|-4|67|20|20|5|-7|-17|346|-17|18|5|-11|-13|0|20|20|0|2|-11|0|-16|20|0|-1|-2|352|20|20|10|1|0|20|20|138|138|1|1|1|1|3|3|1|1|188|3|2|-1|356|21|16|20|11|-2|4|-13|16|20|-2|-3|360|21|16|20|-5|-4|2|-12|16|20|-2|-3|360|15|11|-6|-4|2|-10|9|-15|-15|356|21|16|-8|-17|6|12|16|-1|5|347|18|15|5|5|14|-12|15|0|0|8|11|19|18|3|1|0|20|20|0|0|0|0|0|329|0|0|0|125|117|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-38|73|305|14|19|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|-4|0|20|20|5|0|-2|0|14|11|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|6|9|0|0|27|27|0|0|4|4|0|0|5|5|1|-4|0|18|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|5|5|5|5|-1|8|11|24|14|5|-5|11|23|24|-14|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|6|6|0|0|91|91|0|0|0|0|23|23|5|5|5|5|0|2|0|18|13|5|0|2|0|16|13|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-2|10|0|15|11|5|-1|20|0|14|-11|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|42|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|-8|-9|351|14|10|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|0|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|BE7862|AA5E45|803318|0|1A134A|189EB4|189EB6|189EB3|62F4C|189EB3|189EB6|189EB3|189EB3|189EB3|189EB3|BD7761|62F4C|189EB3|189EB3|BD7761|62F4C|189EB6|189EB6|1C214F|62F4C|189EB6|189EB6|1C214F|62F4C|189EB6|189EB6|1C214F|62F4C|189EB6|189EB6|1C214F|62F4C|90DBE1|189EB3|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|189EB5|189EB5|0|FFFFFF|189EB5|189EB5|0|FFFFFF|F1BF39|F1B221|FFE5AA|1B1D4E|F1BF39|F1B221|FFE5AA|1B1D4E|623012|623012|623012|623012|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|189EB6|62F4C|189EB6|62F4C|BD7761|764130|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|321206|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|A4E67|A4F68|A4F68|305|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|B0593B|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|189EB5|FFFFFF|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|8FDBE0|E1E1E1|1C214F|7304D|8FDBE0|189EB5|1C214F|7304D|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|189EB5|8FDBE0|1C214F|7304D|189EB5|8FDBE0|1C214F|7304D|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|EFB020|E1E1E1|1C214F|764607|EFB020|E1E1E1|1C214F|764607|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|898E9E|898E9E|1C214F|343760|898E9E|898E9E|1C214F|343760|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|189EB3|A4E67|1C214F|1B1D4E|189EB3|A4E67|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1A1D4D|FFFFFF|EEF3A8|FFFFFF|C6AFEE|FFFFFF|EEF3A8|FFFFFF|C6AFEE|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|189EB5|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|1|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|BE7862|AA5E45|AA5E45|803318|BE7862|AA5E45|AA5E45|803318
Zoe Trent|itzpris15634|x|x|She/Her|Character from LPS 2012 Human deisgn by itzpris15634|5|13|18|18|4|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|170|7|16|0|0|0|20|20|0|0|0|20|20|8|0|0|20|20|19|-10|40|-20|20|6|-1|356|20|20|7|-3|334|-20|20|10|-3|9|20|20|10|-4|360|20|20|3|-2|3|20|20|9|-4|357|20|20|2|-2|8|14|15|8|-4|352|20|20|197|387|0|0|0|134|0|0|0|3|2|2|0|18|17|5|15|-2|3|-20|22|5|-3|0|0|20|20|0|10|4|0|-14|20|0|23|-4|67|20|20|5|3|-21|0|20|18|5|-11|-13|0|20|20|0|2|-11|0|-16|20|0|-6|-16|0|20|20|-71|42|329|21|24|124|124|1|1|1|1|3|3|23|23|267|12|1|4|0|20|18|20|13|4|0|-13|18|20|-1|3|0|20|16|20|-3|3|0|-12|16|20|-1|4|0|13|10|-4|4|0|-8|10|2|-12|8|20|19|-3|-9|352|12|19|3|11|356|18|19|4|11|4|-12|19|0|1|8|15|16|18|0|0|0|20|20|0|124|0|0|0|0|0|0|236|124|246|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|-2|10|358|20|18|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|8|4|0|24|32|5|0|1|0|20|20|5|0|-1|4|17|17|5|4|10|0|15|13|5|19|0|9|0|80|80|0|0|5|5|0|0|5|5|0|0|0|20|18|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|5|5|5|5|-2|6|0|20|12|5|-2|5|0|20|13|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|22|22|42|42|98|98|55|39|0|0|7|7|5|5|5|5|0|3|0|18|17|5|-1|3|8|17|17|5|1|-3|359|17|13|5|0|-2|0|18|22|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-2|14|0|15|33|5|-3|19|0|14|-40|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|42|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-56|10|338|22|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|34|6|95|12|13|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-2|3|-4|-2|0|3|-1|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-10|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|-1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-2|-1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-4|-1|0|0|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|AD674C|AC664C|562716|0|1A134A|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|6A3EA3|6A3EA3|4A1A4D|2B0972|E11AB4|E11AB4|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|693DA2|6A3EA3|2C0A73|FFFFFF|693DA2|6A3EA3|2C0A73|FFFFFF|79E0D8|2ABCB1|B0EDE8|236E69|79E0D8|2ABCB1|B0EDE8|236E69|184342|184342|184342|184342|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|6A3EA3|2B0972|6A3EA3|2B0972|E7E1DF|6D311B|6A3EA3|FFFFFF|210909|191758|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|2E2C39|2E2C39|90B1E|90B1E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|EFBD37|EFBD37|EFBD37|EFBD37|8D4024|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F0BE38|74E6DD|2E2C39|6C301B|2E2C39|E0E0E0|1B214E|90B1E|E2B7F6|E3B8F7|E5BAF9|49194C|E2B7F6|E3B8F7|E5BAF9|49194C|2D2B38|2E2C39|90B1E|A0B1F|2D2B38|2E2C39|90B1E|A0B1F|2C2A37|2C2A37|140537|90B1E|2C2A37|2C2A37|140537|90B1E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F1BF39|F1BF39|1C214F|6F2F18|F1BF39|F1BF39|1C214F|6F2F18|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|90B1E|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|90B1E|2D2B38|E5BAF9|2E2C39|90B1E|2D2B38|E5BAF9|2E2C39|90B1E|E3B8F7|E3B8F7|E3B8F7|E3B8F7|E3B8F7|E3B8F7|E5BAF9|49194C|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|2E2C39|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|1A214D|E6BBFA|D77BF8|D77BF8|D77BF8|D77BF8|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|AD674C|AC664C|AC664C|562716|AD674C|AC664C|AC664C|562716
Pepper Clark|itzpris15634|x|x|She/They|Character from LPS 2012 Human design by itzpris15634|1|13|17|17|4|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|4|171|7|7|1|1|26|-20|20|1|0|33|-20|20|-12|-19|214|20|20|14|7|197|-20|20|4|-4|40|20|20|5|3|343|-20|20|-3|0|356|20|20|-6|0|332|20|20|2|0|0|20|20|6|1|19|20|20|10|-1|16|14|15|0|0|14|19|20|21|123|0|0|123|0|188|0|4|0|0|2|0|20|20|5|4|-9|21|17|10|5|-3|0|0|20|20|0|10|4|0|-14|20|0|-24|-3|320|-20|20|5|-7|-87|10|20|20|5|9|-14|356|18|10|0|-223|-1|356|-14|10|0|1|43|280|20|40|10|1|0|20|20|136|136|1|1|1|1|3|3|65|65|229|11|-1|0|0|20|19|20|12|0|0|-13|19|20|-5|-3|0|20|19|20|-4|-3|0|-12|19|20|-5|-3|0|15|14|-5|-3|0|-11|12|-6|-14|0|20|19|-2|-13|0|12|19|5|6|7|16|15|5|6|354|-10|15|-3|-1|4|20|20|18|0|0|357|20|20|0|0|183|0|0|287|0|0|0|12|36|66|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|11|113|0|11|10|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-39|-35|341|6|9|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|42|45|0|20|20|5|14|6|344|5|-8|5|12|3|15|20|20|5|62|0|0|0|41|41|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|34|34|0|0|79|79|0|0|1|1|13|13|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-12|-19|260|23|20|5|8|-23|258|20|15|5|-7|-7|277|31|15|5|-8|0|272|26|13|5|-6|11|278|-38|18|5|-4|5|277|40|16|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|11|-12|344|8|6|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|3|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|-6|0|0|0|0|1|9|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|12|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|FBE2C1|EBB7A2|AB674D|0|1A134A|909090|909090|1C214F|373333|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|1C214F|373333|909090|909090|1C214F|373333|909090|909090|1C214F|373333|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|909090|909090|1C214F|373333|909090|909090|1C214F|373333|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|F886B1|F886B1|F886B1|F886B1|F886B1|909090|909090|373333|FFFFFF|909090|909090|373333|FFFFFF|F886B1|DE5D9E|F3BCD8|602A44|F886B1|DE5D9E|F3BCD8|602A44|5E1134|5E1134|5E1134|5E1134|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|909090|373333|909090|373333|E7E1DF|AB674D|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|59443D|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F684B0|F1BF39|1C214F|9C2A61|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F986B1|F886B1|1C214F|602A44|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|F583B0|EEBC36|EFBD37|1C214F|472B00|FFFFFF|363232|1C214F|0|FFFFFF|363232|1C214F|0|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|363232|1C214F|0|FFFFFF|363232|1C214F|0|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|353131|DFDFDF|353131|919191|353131|DFDFDF|353131|919191|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F886B1|F1BF39|1C214F|60344A|F886B1|F1BF39|1C214F|60344A|373333|E0E0E0|1C214F|1|373333|E1E1E1|1C214F|1|909090|909090|909090|353131|909090|909090|909090|343131|909090|909090|8F8F8F|373333|909090|909090|8F8F8F|373333|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F583B0|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|F886B1|F886B1|F886B1|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|FBE2C1|EBB7A2|EBB7A2|AB674D|FBE2C1|EBB7A2|EBB7A2|AB674D
Penny Ling|itzpris15634|x|x|She/Her|Character from LPS 2012 Human design by itzpris15634|8|13|16|16|4|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|172|12|12|0|0|17|20|20|0|0|0|20|20|-4|1|11|23|20|4|-3|234|-20|20|-3|-1|359|23|20|-2|0|348|-20|20|2|-4|339|23|20|-5|0|20|23|20|13|-2|341|23|20|-16|-1|26|23|20|-1|0|348|15|15|-2|0|0|24|20|21|259|29|0|0|0|84|84|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|25|-5|0|-20|20|5|0|10|6|9|6|0|13|14|6|-3|6|0|23|-4|67|20|20|5|1|-8|10|20|20|5|-5|8|0|20|20|0|6|10|0|-16|20|0|-6|-16|0|20|20|10|1|0|20|20|141|141|1|1|1|1|3|3|24|24|189|3|1|-2|0|19|23|20|11|-2|0|-12|23|20|-3|-1|0|18|17|20|-5|-1|0|-13|17|20|-3|-1|0|13|12|-6|-1|0|-10|10|-8|-19|0|19|23|-4|-19|0|14|22|0|1|335|20|20|5|1|25|-14|20|0|0|0|9|20|18|0|0|0|20|20|0|0|0|0|368|368|0|0|0|0|66|37|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-56|-16|326|12|9|5|43|-19|24|12|9|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|-1|0|11|12|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|24|2|0|0|17|17|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|-8|-30|264|10|-12|5|0|-21|0|5|4|5|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|22|22|1|1|104|104|258|259|0|0|0|0|5|5|5|5|0|4|0|19|14|5|0|4|0|19|14|5|-2|-2|0|14|12|5|0|-9|357|16|18|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|1|-7|0|20|20|5|3|-18|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|15|33|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|10|4|288|5|5|5|-12|31|0|3|4|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|0|3|6|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|FFE8DD|FEB896|A0563B|0|1A134A|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|372982|372982|372982|230042|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|372982|372982|1A214D|FFFFFF|372982|372982|1A214D|FFFFFF|A192B3|9989AD|D9D2EE|1B1D4E|A192B3|9989AD|D9D2EE|1B1D4E|26083F|26083F|26083F|26083F|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|372982|230042|372982|230042|E7E1DF|D9845A|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|59443D|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|A79BF4|A79BF4|1C214F|1A1D4D|A79BF4|A79BF4|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|A79BF4|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|372982|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|392B84|382A83|1C214F|1B1D4E|382A83|382A83|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|392B84|FFFFFF|1C214F|1B1D4E|392B84|FFFFFF|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|372982|A99DF6|1C214F|1B1D4E|372982|A89CF5|1C214F|1B1D4E|372982|A79BF4|372982|372982|382A83|FFFFFF|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|1A214D|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|A79BF4|A79BF4|A79BF4|372982|A79BF4|A79BF4|1C214F|372982|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|FFE8DD|FEB896|FEB896|A0563B|FFE8DD|FEB896|FEB896|A0563B
Vinnie Terrio|itzpris15634|x|x|He/Him|Character from LPS 2013 Human design by itzpris15634|22|13|15|15|4|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|173|20|14|0|0|6|20|20|0|0|0|20|20|-12|-21|151|20|20|10|-3|45|-20|20|6|-3|45|20|20|3|1|342|-20|20|-3|-3|0|20|20|-5|-3|351|20|20|-3|-3|0|20|20|3|-3|0|20|20|9|-1|9|14|15|2|-3|10|20|20|121|354|61|61|116|0|94|27|0|0|-3|1|0|21|18|5|-61|10|308|-7|-8|5|-10|-5|91|-16|8|0|1|-1|91|-10|8|0|-39|59|17|11|16|5|1|-8|10|20|20|5|20|-1|298|19|15|0|7|16|62|23|20|0|-6|-16|0|20|20|10|1|0|20|20|137|137|1|1|1|1|3|3|69|69|46|11|-1|0|360|23|23|20|13|0|1|-16|23|20|-5|-1|360|22|22|20|-4|-1|1|-14|21|20|-6|0|360|15|13|-6|0|1|-9|12|-6|-10|355|19|20|-2|-10|6|13|17|5|12|2|13|16|4|12|358|-7|16|-1|0|11|25|17|18|0|0|0|20|20|0|0|232|0|0|0|37|0|55|258|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|7|8|0|16|16|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|-53|0|20|14|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-36|-3|10|-5|10|5|-12|-1|0|25|20|5|0|-1|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|53|0|104|0|17|17|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|3|5|0|24|6|5|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|46|46|0|0|33|33|100|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|5|5|1|4|0|20|17|5|1|3|0|20|17|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|1|-7|0|20|20|5|3|-18|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|3|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|35|-21|265|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|F6D2AE|F0B378|A45C41|0|1A134A|669900|669A00|5E6333|5A8800|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|669900|669A00|5F6434|4B5A17|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|669900|669900|2C4300|FFFFFF|669900|669900|2C4300|FFFFFF|A392BE|8A74AC|CFC3F3|1B1D4E|A392BE|8A74AC|CFC3F3|1B1D4E|252222|252222|242121|252222|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|669900|4B5A17|669900|4B5A17|E7E1DF|A35B40|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|58433C|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|EFCFC2|CC957F|1C214F|AB674D|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|0|2C2C2C|1B214E|0|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F0BE38|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|669900|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|66AB38|65AA37|1C214F|9ECC00|66AB38|65AA37|1C214F|9ECC00|262323|9ECC00|252222|5082B|9ECC00|9ECC00|252222|5082B|262323|9ECC00|252222|0|262323|9ECC00|252222|0|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|9ECC00|9ECC00|719200|252222|9ECC00|9ECC00|719200|252222|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|252222|FFFFFF|1C214F|80808|252222|FFFFFF|1C214F|80808|5A8800|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|1A214D|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|EEB176|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|F6D2AE|F0B378|F0B378|A45C41|F6D2AE|F0B378|F0B378|A45C41
Minka Mark|itzpris15634|x|x|She/Her|Character from LPS 2012 Human design by itzpris15634|7|13|15|15|1|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|174|7|7|0|0|17|20|20|0|2|34|-20|20|-8|-2|25|20|20|8|-22|300|-20|20|-2|0|11|20|20|-7|4|295|-20|20|-4|0|341|20|20|-5|0|354|20|20|8|0|71|20|20|-2|0|354|20|20|-2|0|8|14|15|-3|0|0|20|20|21|324|0|0|0|0|42|42|0|0|0|2|0|20|20|5|-2|0|349|20|17|5|-3|0|0|20|20|0|10|4|0|-14|20|0|23|-4|67|20|20|5|1|-8|10|20|20|5|-7|2|0|18|20|0|2|2|343|-12|20|0|-6|-16|0|20|20|10|1|0|20|20|125|125|1|1|1|1|3|3|70|70|188|3|0|-3|0|20|20|20|10|-3|0|-13|20|20|-4|-3|0|20|20|20|-6|-3|0|-12|20|20|-4|-3|0|15|15|-7|-3|0|-11|13|-5|-17|0|20|20|-6|-17|0|12|20|0|3|357|15|15|6|3|3|-9|15|0|1|7|15|31|18|0|0|5|20|20|0|0|0|0|0|254|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-12|11|0|22|-22|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|-1|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|4|0|35|0|26|26|0|0|48|48|0|0|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|1|-23|340|11|7|5|5|5|5|5|-1|2|0|20|14|5|-3|7|0|20|17|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|32|32|1|1|79|79|47|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|2|0|20|16|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|12|6|18|-20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|1|-7|0|20|20|5|3|-18|0|20|20|5|0|0|17|33|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|1|30|0|14|9|5|4|10|0|15|13|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|7|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|DA967F|C65D3A|9E4728|0|1A134A|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FACEDF|F9CDDE|BA2F72|8E3863|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|F8CCDD|F9CDDE|AA1C61|FFFFFF|F8CCDD|F9CDDE|AA1C61|FFFFFF|8FCCE6|8096DD|BFFDF9|1B1D4E|8FCCE6|8096DD|BFFDF9|1B1D4E|3B519C|354386|3B519C|354386|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FACEDF|8E3863|FACEDF|8E3863|D9957E|AC5031|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|6E311B|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|8ECCE5|8ECCE5|1C214F|236E69|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|D96DAA|D96DAA|1C214F|8D3D63|D96DAA|D96DAA|1C214F|8D3D63|FBAED7|933463|1C214F|602A44|DA5654|189EB3|1C214F|F5BAB9|D96DAA|D96DAA|1C214F|8D3D63|D96DAA|D96DAA|1C214F|8D3D63|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|383838|C975E8|2C2C2C|2C2C2C|444444|7EDA6D|2C2C2C|2C2C2C|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FAAED7|413348|1C214F|651238|FAAED7|413348|1C214F|651238|423449|E1E1E1|2C213F|300A20|423449|E1E1E1|2C213F|300A20|D96DAA|923363|1C214F|1B1D4E|D96DAA|923363|1C214F|1B1D4E|FAAED7|FAAED7|F9ADD7|5E1134|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|413348|413348|413348|2F0B08|413348|413348|413348|2F0B08|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FAAED7|573C32|1C214F|923363|FAAED7|E1E1E1|1C214F|923363|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|1A214D|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|DA967F|C65D3A|C65D3A|9E4728|DA967F|C65D3A|C65D3A|9E4728
Russell Ferguson|itzpris15634|x|x|He/Him|Character from LPS 2012 Human design by itzpris15634|25|13|14|14|1|2|0|0|0|20|20|0|1|0|0|0|20|20|10|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|20|20|20|1|175|1|17|0|0|0|20|20|0|0|0|20|20|-13|-7|308|20|20|9|-3|246|-20|20|-3|1|25|20|20|-1|0|342|-20|20|-1|0|0|20|20|-3|0|352|20|20|-1|0|0|20|20|2|1|355|20|20|0|0|350|14|15|-1|0|0|21|20|102|431|63|92|147|30|0|0|30|30|0|0|0|20|20|5|-6|-20|0|24|18|5|-9|4|86|18|10|0|3|-25|271|-14|20|0|-36|55|341|14|31|5|-15|-23|10|16|18|5|0|32|16|17|13|0|-80|54|38|13|13|0|-57|-34|290|20|20|-4|-44|339|13|12|65|65|1|1|1|1|3|3|12|12|1|12|0|-1|0|20|20|20|10|-1|0|-13|20|20|-4|-2|0|20|20|20|-6|-2|0|-12|20|20|-4|-2|0|15|15|-7|-2|0|-11|13|-5|-11|0|20|20|-2|-10|0|12|20|3|12|22|20|-20|4|7|338|-14|20|-1|2|0|18|16|18|0|1|0|25|25|0|0|26|45|0|0|0|0|0|0|126|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|-11|-19|117|-6|16|5|-20|-11|97|7|9|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|-3|0|20|16|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|26|0|22|1|70|70|0|0|7|7|11|11|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|5|5|5|5|-2|4|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|10|3|307|19|25|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|34|34|0|0|48|48|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|5|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|1|-7|0|20|20|5|3|-18|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|135|20|20|5|4|1|245|-20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|20|0|0|-14|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|20|20|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-6|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|12|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|-2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|EBBC93|DC7C3D|623012|0|1A134A|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|631812|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|631812|B04400|B04400|1C214F|631812|B04400|B04400|1C214F|631812|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|631812|B04400|B04400|1C214F|631812|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|621711|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|621711|B04400|B04400|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|B04400|B04400|47110C|FFFFFF|B04400|B04400|47110C|FFFFFF|AACC00|72852F|E2F386|4B5A17|AACC00|72852F|E2F386|4B5A17|4A4D29|4A4D29|4A4D29|4A4D29|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|7D3001|631812|7D3001|631812|E7E1DF|9F3636|DC6969|FFFFFF|210909|621711|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|AF4300|B04400|B04400|B04400|621711|621711|621711|621711|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|7E3101|E0E0E0|413430|0|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FA9F48|FBA048|6D2F2F|2F0B08|FA9F48|FBA048|6D2F2F|2F0B08|F66508|F66508|6D2F2F|671816|F66508|F66508|6D2F2F|671816|F56408|B04400|6D2F2F|2F0B08|F56408|B04400|6D2F2F|2F0B08|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|621711|B04400|1C214F|1B1D4E|621711|B04400|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|FA9F48|FFFFFF|B04400|FFFFFF|FA9F48|FFFFFF|B04400|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|341D0B|7D3001|7D3001|1C214F|341D0B|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|F66508|F66508|1C214F|671816|F66508|F66508|1C214F|671816|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|1A214D|0|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|E0E0E0|1B214E|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|E1E1E1|1C214F|1B1D4E|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|FFFFFF|DFDFDF|1A214D|1A214D|55A0D2|55A0D2|55A0D2|2|0|0|0|-15|20|0|0|5|5|EBBC93|DC7C3D|DC7C3D|623012|EBBC93|DC7C3D|DC7C3D|623012
24 notes · View notes
Evelyne "Snake" Gray: Timeline
CWs: Mentioned abuse, mentioned drug use, mentioned abuse, hospital, pregnancy, miscarriage canon mw3, major character death
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2002 • 5 years
First hears her brother’s scream.
2003 • 6 years
Father is arrested for public intoxication.
2004 • 7 years
Vitiligo develops on face and arms.
2005 • 8 years
Vitiligo progresses to back, abdomen, and legs.
2006 • 9 years
Sent to hospital for extensive wounds to back and arms.
2007 • 10 years
Finds out Alice is pregnant
August - Nellian and Claire are born.
2008 • 11 years
Nellian and Claire’s first birthday.
2009 • 12 years
Moves to London.
2010 • 13 years
Alice (mother) begins abusing prescription drugs.
2011 • 14 years
Begins working at a grocery store after school.
2012 • 15 years
December - Meets John “Soap” Mactavish while he is visiting his aunt.
2013 • 16 years
Sexual abuse begins.
Attempts to leave London.
2014 • 17 years
Andrew (brother) flees the United Kingdom.
Enlists for the British Army.
Cadet Gray
2015 • 18 years
Graduates secondary school.
Forges death certificate for Andrew.
Mother and father are arrested for child abuse due to anonymous tip.
Gains full guardian custody of Nellian and Claire.
Moves to an apartment in Manchester.
2016 • 19 years
Private Gray
Sent on first anti-drug operation.
Meets Kyle “Gaz” Garrick at a cafe while on leave.
2017 • 20 years
Corporal Gray
Starts dating Kyle James Garrick.
Meets Commander Phillip Graves while teamed with Shadow Company.
Charged with Aggravated Assault Against a Commanding Officer.
Meets General Herschel Shepherd, Kate Laswell.
Transferred to CIA Special Operations Team.
Given call sign “Snake.”
2018 • 21 years
Says “I Love You,” to Kyle after bad mission.
Adopts three kittens, Squid, Noodles, and Yoshi.
2019 • 22 years
Meets Captain John William Price.
Teams up with Captain Price and Stg. Garrick while in Urzikstan. Evelyne is gravely injured.
October - Miscarries unknowingly
November - Marries Kyle in Norway.
2020 • 23 years
January-March - Medical Leave
Meets Simon "Ghost" Riley
Assists in humanitarian relief in South Asia.
Becomes Intel and Negotiation Specialist.
December - Positive pregnancy test
Goes on medical leave immediately.
2021 • 24 years
Nellian and Claire go to secondary school.
Finds out the gender. A girl.
Starts calling the baby “Peach” due to the fruit being her pregnancy craving.
July 8th - Gives birth to Scarlette Ada Garrick 2 weeks early. Kyle is deployed during the birth.
2022 • 25 years
Kyle and Evelyne buy their first house in Scotland.
Scarlette’s First Birthday.
Emergency deployment to assist Laswell while stopping Hassan.
Graves’ Betrayal of 141.
2023 • 26 years
Goes back to fully active duty.
Meets Victoria “Whiskey” Callahan
Nellian and Claire graduate secondary school.
Scarletts turns 2.
Deployed to assist in stopping Makarov.
Gathers intel on Makarov’s location.
John “Soap” Mactavish is KIA. Evelyne pays her respects days after his funeral, out of respect for Meabh.
2024 • 27 years
January - Positive pregnancy test.
Goes on inactive duty.
Finds out the gender. A girl.
May 31st: Gives birth to Leona Clove Garrick
Meets Meabh O’Malley
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ausetkmt · 1 month
Florida quietly removes LGBTQ+ travel info from state website
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FILE - Hundreds of people line Central Avenue and cheer during the 10th Annual St. Pete Pride Street Festival & Promenade in St. Petersburg, Fla. on June 30, 2012.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Key West, Fort Lauderdale, Wilton Manors and St. Petersburg are among several Florida cities that have long been top U.S. destinations for LGBTQ+ tourists. So it came as a surprise this week when travelers learned that Florida's tourism marketing agency quietly removed the “LGBTQ Travel” section from its website sometime in the past few months.
Business owners who cater to Florida's LGBTQ+ tourists said Wednesday that it marked the latest attempt by officials in the state to erase the LGBTQ+ community. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis previously championed a bill to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and supported a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, as well as a law meant to keep children out of drag shows.
“It's just disgusting to see this,” said Keith Blackburn, who heads the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce. “They seem to want to erase us.”
The change to Visit Florida's website was first reported by NBC News, which noted a search query still pulls up some listings for LGBTQ+-friendly places despite the elimination of the section.
John Lai, who chairs Visit Florida's board, didn't respond to an email seeking comment Tuesday. Dana Young, Visit Florida's CEO and president, didn't respond to a voicemail message Wednesday, and neither did the agency's public relations director.
Visit Florida is a public-private partnership between the state of Florida and the state's tourism industry. The state contributes about $50 million each year to the quasi-public agency from two tourism and economic development funds.
Florida is one of the most popular states in the U.S. for tourists, and tourism is one of its biggest industries. Nearly 141 million tourists visited Florida in 2023, with out-of-state visitors contributing more than $102 billion to Florida’s economy.
Before the change, the LGBTQ+ section on Visit Florida's website had read, “There’s a sense of freedom to Florida’s beaches, the warm weather and the myriad activities — a draw for people of all orientations, but especially appealing to a gay community looking for a sense of belonging and acceptance.”
Blackburn said the change and other anti-LGBTQ+ policies out of Tallahassee make it more difficult for him to promote South Florida tourism since he encounters prospective travelers or travel promoters who say they don't want to do business in the state.
Last year, for instance, several civil rights groups issued a travel advisory for Florida, saying that policies championed by DeSantis and Florida lawmakers are “openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals.”
But visitors should also understand that many Florida cities are extremely inclusive, with gay elected officials and LGBTQ+-owned businesses, and they don't reflect the policies coming from state government, Blackburn added.
“It’s difficult when these kinds of stories come out, and the state does these things, and we hear people calling for a boycott,” Blackburn said. “On one level, it’s embarrassing to have to explain why people should come to South Florida and our destination when the state is doing these things.”
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
「Call of Duty Modern Warfare Original Character Info」
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NAME: Noemi Rayne G. Trinidad
CODE NAME: “Soro” (Fox in Filipino)
AGE: 31
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
P.O.B.: Davao City, Philippines
Bravo 0-9, Ghost 0-5
Noemi, Emi, Rayne, Ren (By her family, relatives, and friends)
Ma’am, Captain (By Gaz)
Capt, Capt. Soro (By Soap)
Sea girl, Nomi, Show off (By Ghost)
Soro, Love, Ray (By Price)
Zorro, hermana (By Alejandro)
Kapitan Trinidad (By Rudy)
OCCUPATION: Military personnel from the AFP Light Reaction Regiment, an associate member of Task Force 141.
RANK: 2nd Lieutenant (2012-2015), Captain (2015-present)
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Cebuano and Filipino as her mother tongue, English as her third language as she is a polyglot but limited.
AFFILIATIONS: Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine Scout Rangers, Light Reaction Regiment, Task Force 141, Coalition, Armistice, JTF - Ghost Team, SpecGru
HEIGHT: 5’9” (175 cm)
WEIGHT: 141 lbs (64 kg)
EYE COLOR: Dark brown
HAIR STYLE: Shoulder-length (2019), Overgrown Boy Cut (2022)
BODY TYPE: Hourglass
BUILD: Lean and muscular
DISTINGUISHABLE FEATURES: Has a scar on her right cheek and the lower left part of her neck. She also has scars on both of her arms, which she mostly wears long sleeves.
FACE CLAIM: Jane de Leon (Images below)
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STATUS: Youngest daughter of the Gerardo-Trinidad Family
FATHER: Ramon O. Trinidad
AGE: 60
HEIGHT: 5'6" (167 cm)
OCCUPATION: Retired AFP Soldier as he works as a carpenter for their shop.
MOTHER: Paulina G. Trinidad
AGE: 57
HEIGHT: 5'4" (162 cm)
BROTHER: Leonardo Eric G. Trinidad
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 5'11" (180 cm)
FIGHTING STYLE: Any but most likely uses Muay Thai and Arnis (If she found a pair of sticks)
WEAPON OF CHOICE: Any as she uses a throwing knife to take down enemies silently.
ABILITIES: Can be a translator and a recon sniper due to her experience back in 2016.
SPECIALTIES: Stealth, Espionage, and Hacking to infiltrate unauthorized areas.
Intelligent: Noemi is one of the smartest students in the class who mostly competes in quiz bees as she receives a lot of rewards from her competitions and also excels in her class.
Boyish: She spends time with her brother and her male friends and she has different interests and traits, unlike other girls around her subdivision.
Good tactician and thinks logically: After becoming the lieutenant, she uses her wits and observation around her as she will find an advantage for her and her squadmates of when to attack or when to fall back. With her being the mentee of the former captain, she took note of how her lieutenant led them to victory.
A loving friend and daughter: Despite her stern, relaxed, and laid-back personality, she is nothing more than a friend you can always rely on. She is a loving and caring daughter to her family in which she tends to overwork herself just to get the right amount of money to provide her parents for their needs. 
Dutiful with her occupation: Noemi is very dedicated to her job as a soldier in her country even if what she entered is a life-and-death situation. She mostly escapes her near-death experiences during the siege after their deployment in 2017. Noemi has no hesitation in killing her targets, as long as she knows what their wrongdoings are, she won't think twice to kill them in an instant.
Can crack jokes: If she ever feels like lighting up the mood, Noemi won't hesitate to brighten up the spirit of her fellow soldiers with some jokes.
Has trust issues: Noemi tends to have trust issues and is also cautious when choosing the right people to trust.
Weighing some guilt inside her: After losing some of her friends during her career, she couldn't help but distinguish self-guilt from what happened to them.
Getting out of control of her emotions, especially anger: Noemi tends to bottle up her emotions, which she would snap at any time, and manages to go feral.
An expert in manipulation and deception: Noemi is capable of manipulating and deceiving people in order to acquire intel. She may act natural but deep down she was using them for extracting information.
Noemi is the lead guitarist for the school's band which joins the battle of the bands.
Her favorite activities in school are Intramurals, quiz bees, band performances, and sports fest.
She likes to play video games during her free time during her off duty and sometimes she would draw on her journal to pass the time.
Noemi never shares her music taste with anyone but she listens to Jpop, Kpop, OPM, Pop, Pop Rock, Punk Rock, Rap, and Alternative Rock.
Noemi was known for being the smartest student who tends to sleep during class and answers questions without even trying to be attentive during the discussion sometimes.
Noemi is the youngest of the Gerardo-Trinidad family and was born to have an inspiration to be a soldier because of her father's past. Although her parents wanted her to be a nurse, she declined and was eager to pursue her dream of being a soldier and fighting for her country. Noemi is a talented and intelligent child who tends to join quiz bees as she is also an athlete at her alma mater. She is the captain, and outside hitter of her volleyball team, and the small forward of the basketball team. She also joins badminton and sepak takraw competitions, and everyone looks up to her as one of the athletic students in her school. After graduating high school, she passed the PMA exam and strived hard to finish her military training. Noemi joined the AFP and then proceeded to join the Scout Rangers to get the Scout Rangers Qualification Badge in order for her to join the Light Reaction Regiment. Before she joined LRR, she embarked on missions that molded her as a soldier and took down notes about becoming a leader from her captain. She lost her comrades during the Siege of Marawi she looks at them as her brothers-in-arms and a family. In 2019, Noemi became an associate member before the formation of Task Force 141 after Laswell introduced her to Price and Gaz as she continued to work in TF141.
Images for the gif above (From left to right):
MW1 (Left), MW2 (Center), MW3 (Right)
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russsiangirl · 4 months
What fandoms will I write for?
i will not write smut for any fandom because i am a minor. i will write fluff, angst, and any sort of thing but no smut.
some of the things on the list are things i still have to watch so i will hold off on writing things for them until i watch it!
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my current fandoms i will write for! ( subject to change )
shameless ( 2011 - 2021 ) - i will write for any of the gallagher siblings besides liam due to him being a child. i will also write for the milkovich siblings & kev + v!
the umbrella academy ( 2019 - 2024 ) - i will write for any of the umbrellas and sparrows! ( this includes lila! )
call of duty mw & mw2 ( the remakes ) - i will write for all of 141 ( alex & farah included ) and graves!
panic ( 2021 ) - i will write for dodge mason, ray hall, heather nill and bishop!
percy jackson and the olympians ( 2023 - present ) - i will write for all of the campers!
the hunger games ( 2012 - 2023 ) - i'll write for all of the contestants or try my best to, i'll write for young snow, sejanus and lucy gray for tbosas
the maze runner ( 2014 - 2018 ) - i'll write for all the gladers + aris!
challengers ( 2024 ) - i'll write for art donaldson and possibly patrick & tashi
outer banks ( 2020 - present ) - i'll write for all the pogues + sarah and rafe
PSA! - i can also write for the book versions of these! just please specify in my asks so i don't get confused! i'll also try my best to qrite consistently and frequently
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Timeline: Victoria Isabelle "Whiskey" Callahan
CW: Death, Grief, Fire/Burning, Burn Injuries, Scars & Injuries, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture Mentioned, Canon Character Death.
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2009 - 18
Victoria graduates high school (3.4 GPA) gets accepted into College (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee).
Joins swim team and tennis in college. Begins situationships.
2010 - 19
Victoria has her first kiss with a girl whose name she doesn’t remember.
Starts dating Lucas Sutton. They date on and off.
2011 - 20
May - Graduates University
Nathan has already enlisted in the Marines and is deployed overseas.
September - Joins Navy as a Seaman (Recruit) in the second half of the year. Progresses to Seaman (Apprentice) within that same year.
Gets placed in USS Sentinel. Picks up troops (Marines and sailors, especially) from Iraq after the Iraq War was declared over.
2012 - 21
Receives Seaman rank.
Remains in the Arabian Sea in the USS Sentinel for many small anti-piracy ops off the coast of Somalia.
October-November - Hurricane Sandy happens and gets shipped back to the States for humanitarian relief.
Meets Philip Graves.
2013 - 22
Returns to Arabian Sea for the first half of the year.
Receives Petty Officer 3rd Class rank after demonstrating bravery in service.
Signs up for Navy SEALS in the second half of the year. Begins Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training.
August - Meets Elaine and they bunk together for 2 years.
2014 - 23
Continues BUD/S training.
2015 - 24
Completes training (16 + 18 months = 2 years and 10 months), becomes a Navy SEAL.
Receives Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class rank.
Begins her Eastern Europe deployment assignments (anti-sex-trafficking ops).
November - Meets Meabh during an OP in the Black Sea.
2016 - 25
Continues series of deployments in Eastern Europe.
Meets Emilio during a joint operation with the Spanish Navy.
2017 - 26 
Receives Légion d'Honneur awarded by the French government for an act of heroism while off duty/on vacation.
Meabh receives the UN Peacekeeper award, Victoria is there to watch it happen.
2018 - 27
January - Loses her father and brother in a joint Marine-SEAL operation that resulted in an explosion and in many burn injuries for her. Spends 3 months on medical leave w/rehab.
Leaves home (to never come back), then spends 6 months in Officer’s Academy.
September - Graduates with Lieutenant Junior Grade rank
Gains the Whiskey callsign. Begins series of short-term deployments in Eastern Europe.
2019 - 28
January-February - Helps Meabh who’s on medical leave
June - Meets Val
Goes through Some Shit (Bad Mission, nearly died).
2020 - 29
Goes through Torture.
May - Meets Ghost & Soap
November - Starts officially working with the 141
2021 - 30
April - Marries Simon Riley
Goes through Torture Again.
June - Receives Lieutenant rank
2022 - 31
Soap & Meabh’s wedding (not invited).
Moves to Scotland with Ghost.
November - Graves betrays the 141 in Las Almas.
2023 - 32
Goes through Some Shit (Bad Mission, had to kill her way out).
August - Gets contacted by her aunt. Goes to see her cousin Rosie in New York.
November - Soap fucking dies, dog.
2024 - 33
May - Becomes an aunt! (Fiadh O'Malley MacTavish)
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Extra 🫶:
Rosemary Williams belongs to my beloved @lyralein ;
Meabh O'Malley belong to my beloved @crashtestbunny ;
Emilio Melero belongs to my beloved @cod-z ;
"Valkyrie" belongs to my beloved @superhero-landing ;
Elaine Laswell belongs to my beloved @loveandplanet
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gmlocg · 11 months
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141.) Jet Set Willy
Release: 1984 | GGF: Action, Platformer | Developer(s): Software Projects Ltd. | Publisher(s): Software Projects Ltd., Tynesoft Computer Software, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Elite Systems Ltd. | Platform(s): Commodore 64 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1984), Amstrad CPC (1985), BBC Micro (1985), Dragon 32/64 (1985), Electron (1985), Memotech MTX (1985), MSX (1985), Tatung Einstein (1985), Atari 8-bit (1986), Commodore 16, Plus/4 (1986), Atari ST (1998), iPad (2011), iPhone (2011), Xbox 360 (2012), Windows Phone (2012)
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panther-os · 8 months
I'm here to ask you about you Bastard Children of Bones Riley AU before you explode. So, could you please tell me about your AU?
So this all started in DMs with Atohi (@/atohii, not actually tagging because I don't want to spam you, my love) who got me into Call of Duty in the first place. It was his special interest and I was like "oh, to show my love for my partner, I should learn more about what he's interested in" you know, as one does. And now it's my special interest, too.
But here's the thing: for my special interests, I create a metric shit ton of OCs. If I have even a vague idea for a character, it's spiralling out of control. This is how Lennie, the all-seeing Irish cryptid Chief of Logistics & Supply officer on the 141's home base, came into being. AND it's how I came up with Cam.
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This is Cameron "Cam" Love Davis. I was using this avatar maker app and trying to make a version of Simon, but this one didn't really have the looks I wanted. So I was like "damn he looks like he could maybe be Simon's baby brother, just not Tommy". And then I was like "okay now wait, we all know Ghost's dad is a bastard who regularly slept around, so what if...?"
So Cam is Ghost's trans baby half-brother who felt his life lacked direction and never met Simon but always felt a connection to him. As far as he's aware, Simon's dead - and innocent of the Riley Murders - and he's following his footsteps into the military trying to make his big brother proud from wherever he's looking down from. And he does! He follows his brother's footsteps all the way to the 141 where Ghost, who doesn't know he had any half-siblings at all, oversees his training.
And so I was telling Atohi about all this and then I went "lmao you know it would be really funny if after the reveal Cam was just like 'yeah there's dozens of us let me add you to the groupchat'" and then I went "wait, what if...?"
So now, I have this au where there's a discord server with 21 people in it and 2 people too young to join, and the server is titled The Bastard Children of Bones Riley (1962-2015, RIH) and they all have the same dad and they all hate him and none of them ever met the Riley brothers even though they all knew they were related. (The youngest kid was born after the massacre, so she never had the chance to meet them.) In some versions of this au, the older ones all met for the first time when they showed up at Bones' grave for desecration purposes. (Most of them also brought flowers for Tommy, Beth, Simon, Joey, and Simon's mom's graves.)
And for Ghosts fans, I made the oldest of the Bastard Children have a mom who was an American tourist and went back to the States and had one Keegan Russ. So Keegan and Simon are half-brothers in this au, and Ghost Team does still exist, they just came into being under different circumstances and haven't interacted with the 141. Yet.
ANYWAYS! Here's the whole list of Bastard Children - with pronouns, place of birth, and birth year - including the pseudonym Cam manages to puppy eyes Ghost into joining under. I have it formatted kind of like what a pinned post in the server might look like.
The Bastard Children of Bones Riley (1962-2015, RIH)
Simon Riley (1988-2015, RIP)
Giles, he/him, Manchester, 1988†
Keegan, he/him, Las Cruces NM, 1989
Lizzie, she/her, Manchester, 1991
Thomas Riley (1992-2015, RIP)
Carter, he/they, Manchester, 1992
Ava, she/her, Madrid, 1995
Mary, she/her, Glasgow, 1996
James "Jambo", he/him, Birmingham, 1998
Shauna, she/they, London, 1999
Joy, she/her, London, 1999
Sean, he/him, Belfast, 1999
Danny, he/him, Manchester, 2002
Anise, she/her, Bristol, 2003
Oliver, he/him, Liverpool, 2004
Cam, he/him, Manchester, 2005
Keisha, she/her, Manchester, 2005
Mei, they/them, London, 2006
Victoria, she/her, Manchester, 2007
Avery, they/them, Manchester, 2008
Axel, they/them, Manchester, 2010
Charlotte, she/her, Manchester, 2010
May, she/her, Liverpool, 2011
Rodney, he/him, Manchester, 2011
Mary-Louise, she/her, 2012‡
Kitty, she/her, 2016‡
†"Giles Norman" is the pseudonym Ghost joins the server under.
‡kids under 13 are not part of the server and do not have their location/hometown listed
I've also decided Shauna and Joy are twins and Oliver and Axel have the same mom.
tl;dr: ghost's dad is a WHORE and he has more family than he knows
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lostidiot24 · 9 months
Who do u write for??
If you mean fandoms then here’s a list:
Tmnt (Mostly Rise, Bay, and 2012)
DC (Mostly the Bats)
Lego Monkie Kid
One Piece
Creepypasta (The OGs)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Obey me
Genshin (I haven’t played Fontaine or Sumeru fully yet but you can still request those characters)
Fandoms that I will write for but I need to do more research on/I don’t know the full timeline/they might be ooc:
CODMW (The 141)
No NSFW. Kissing is fine for all and making out is fine for the 18+ characters.
Basic DNI
You can request a character that isn’t on this list but I might need to do research on them and they might be slight ooc
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historyofglee · 1 month
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On this day in 2012:
Glee: The Music, The Complete Season Three was released.
The album featured 141 tracks from the show’s third season and was made available for digital download only.
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tumblr nezná 330 filmů! aneb 45. statistika
Nejméně známý film nově přidaný do seznamu je tento:
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Takhle vypadá celá nejnovější desítka:
Adopce: Konkurz na rodiče (2014) : nezná 89,3 %, vidělo 0 % (16. místo)
Poslední propadne peklu (1982) : nezná 74,1 %, vidělo 3,7 % (123. místo)
Zloději zelených koní (2016) : nezná 71,9 %, vidělo 0 % (141. místo)
Malá z rybárny (2015) : nezná 70,9 %, vidělo 7,3 % (151. místo)
Zralé víno (1981) : nezná 68 %, vidělo 4 % (166. místo)
Divoké včely (2001) : nezná 67,9 %, vidělo 1,8 % (167. místo)
Dita Saxová (1967) : nezná 62 %, vidělo 4 % (208. místo)
Falešná kočička (1937) : nezná 58 %, vidělo 16 % (236. místo)
Pozor, vizita! (1981) : nezná 51,9 %, vidělo 9,6 % (276. místo)
Čtyři slunce (2012) : nezná 50 %, vidělo 7,7 % (282. místo)
náhodné poznatky:
dnes se nám tu sešly cottagecore filmy: Zloději zelených koní, Zralé víno, Divoké včely, Čtyři slunce, dva z nich jsou navíc od Bohdana Slámy O_O
hned 3 filmy jsou ze záchranného programu Druhá šance, tzn. už se o nich jednou hlasovalo, ale málo, takže jsem je nasadila znovu; mám radost, že to funguje
nejvíce neznámá dekáda jsou desátá léta (58 filmů), procentuálně v rámci dekády jde pak o léta čtyřicátá (75 % všech filmů)
pro zajímavost se poprvé podíváme na nejméně známé roky z každého desetiletí: 1920 se nepočítá, 1930: 1937 (6 filmů z 7), 1940: 1940 (4 z 5), 1950: 1953 (2 ze 2), 1960: 1963 (7 z 8), 1970: 1972 (4 z 5), 1980: 1981 (5 ze 6), 1990: 1990 (8 z 8), 2000: 2007 (9 z 11), 2010: 2015 (10 z 12), 2020: 2023 (6 ze 7)
osobní skóre: viděla 1 | neviděla 5 | neznám 4
stala se mi zajímavá věc – náhodně jsem v televizi narazila na Zralé víno (po tom, co jsem v anketě dala, že ten film vůbec neznám) a zvědavost mi nedala, podívala jsem se; nejlepší část filmu je Sovák, jinak je to takový hezký komunistický průměr (jo a není tam žádné víno, tak nevím)
A to by bylo. Mějte se fanfárově.
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self-ish-daily · 3 months
Song: 2012
Word: 37 / 438 
Total word: 141 / 3,125
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