#14 Ellen
zepskies · 10 months
Smoke Eater - Part 14
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: Welcome back! Get ready for some more detective work, a pinch of Jo drama, another fire, and the reader finally meets John Winchester...
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 7,500 Tags/Warnings: Angst, fire hazards, threats, and hurt/comfort.
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Part 14: “Message in a Bottle”
A week before Christmas, John Winchester left his house for work before the sun had even risen in the sky. It was still dim when he stepped out onto his porch, which is why he didn’t see it at first.
He heard the clink when his boot kicked at something metallic.
He glanced down and found a small badge lying on the ground. He bent to pick it up, and on further inspection, it was a fire department’s badge. A replica, probably, because it had Dean’s number on it: 20579.
The badge was also splattered with blood.
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Later at his office, John handed it over to his partner for his inspection.
“It’s actually paint,” John said. “Forensics looked it over. No prints, of course.”
“That’s a shame,” Cas said. His tone was mild, but his face was as grave as John’s as he considered the crimson-stained badge. They stood together in the bullpen of the 84th Precinct.
“And I got this little present a few days ago,” John admitted quietly. He grabbed a folder off his desk and showed Cas its contents: a picture of Sam leaving the courthouse while talking on his cell, climbing into his car. Someone was watching his sons.
“I already have a police detail on him,” John said, heaving a sigh. “I requested approval for Dean’s this morning.”
Cas’s frown was deepening, along with his furrowed brows. “We may need to ask for backup on this.” 
John shook his head. “Rufus won’t give it to us.”
Their esteemed Lieutenant thought John was on a vendetta with a ghost, stirring up a conflict of his own making. He only approved a temporary police detail for Sam, with the condition that John stopped what he was doing, let the Fire Department handle the serial arsonist, and let this blow over.   
But Rufus should’ve known better than that by now. This was personal, and John wouldn’t tolerate these yellow-bellied threats to his family.
“Azazel’s applying pressure, hitting your weak spots,” Cas said, perhaps pointing out the obvious.
“So let’s hit him back, goddamn it,” John growled. He threw down the folder back onto his desk.
“How?” Cas asked. “We still don’t know who Azazel is.”
The other man thought hard, rubbing a hand over his mouth, and feeling the overgrown stubble. He didn’t remember the last time he’d shaved.
“How’s your progress on questioning Savage & Co.?” he asked.
“Stalled. Nick Savage has lawyered up,” said Cas.
His face slackened from frustration to realization. He didn’t seem happy about his next idea, but it looked like he had one.
“Though now that I think of it, we may be able to apply some pressure of our own,” he said.
John raised a brow and crossed his arms. “How’s that?”
“Dean’s girlfriend works there, if you remember,” Cas said. “Something happened this past weekend at her company Christmas party.”
John nodded, despite his frown. He was set to meet you in a week, but it looked like they might need to question you before then. What a pleasant first meeting that was going to be.
But if you had anything on Savage, on the company, or even better, if you were willing to wear a wire, that could be the break they needed to get some headway on this case. They could squeeze Savage for any information he might have on Azazel—like his real identity.
“Tell me,” John said.
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You returned to work on Monday with steel in your veins (and a taser in your purse).
You had about an hour of peace in your office, catching up on your emails and calls. Then there was a knock on your door before it pushed open without your consent.
Damn it, should’ve locked it. Your lips pursed when Nick Savage came in.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” you said firmly. Already you were opening a drawer in your desk, reaching into your purse.
“It’s my goddamn office,” Nick replied lazily. But he crossed his arms and stopped just behind the spare chair that sat in front of your desk. It gave you a good few feet of distance.
You stared back at the man with hidden satisfaction through your disdain. It seemed Dean’s threats got to him.
“Just thought I’d let you know that Josh’s been promoted to Senior Sales Manager,” Nick said. He checked his watch absently.
Your teeth clicked in irritation, but you let it pass. He was just trying to get a rise out of you, and you no longer gave a fuck about this company anyway. What you told Dean before was the truth: you were now here just to collect a paycheck, until you could find a new job.
“Good. He’s been working hard, kissing your ass,” you said with a fake smile. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a lot of work to do.”
Nick made the mistake of taking a half-step forward. Your hand subtly clenched on the weapon in your purse, but you tried your best to seem relaxed. In control of yourself. This was your office that you’d occupied for three years.
This was your space, and this man didn’t control you.
“Take one step forward, and I will quit today,” you threatened. And then you bluffed.
“I’ll call Mr. Greenway,” you said. “In fact, he offered me a job last month. Then I’ll make a few more calls, and I’ll take all of my accounts with me. I’ll kill your fucking sales team and leave Josh to continue sucking your lackluster tequila dick.”
Nick stared back at you with thinly veiled shock. You’d always been “no nonsense,” but you’d never spoken to him like that before. He smirked.
This was why he liked you. And hated you.
“All right,” Nick said. He didn’t come any closer, but he did rest his hands on the back of the chair. “How about I buy out your friend Greenway. His whole damn company. And then I’ll blacklist you with every other company that calls for a reference. Even the ones that don’t call.”
Your eyes widened incredulously. He had the gall to wink at you, boiling your blood.
“I’ll fucking sue you,” you said, hating the slight tremor in your voice.
Nick rolled his eyes. “This again? Please.”
You couldn’t help it. Your temper snapped, and you pushed away from your desk to stand up. You gripped the edge of it to steady yourself. You quirked a humorless smile.
“As it happens, I know a damn good lawyer,” you countered. “He puts murderers in jail every day. I doubt he’d struggle too much with a corporate asshole. And I’ll remind you, Dean’s father is a police officer. I’m sure he’d like nothing better than to lock you up after I report you for what you did. And I will.”
Nick scoffed at that, his eyes narrowing.
“If you take it there, I’ll have every resource at my disposal to make your life a living hell. I’ll drag this out for years. Until you’ve got nothing but your boyfriend’s charity to keep you from living in a fucking box.”
You were seething, trying to stay in control. He knew it too, and he smirked at you. He pushed away from the chair and started to leave.
But then, he tossed you a smug look over his shoulder.
“Just remember,” he said. “You could’ve just spread those legs for me.”
It took everything you had within you not to hurl a stainless steel stapler at the back of his retreating head.
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“A double please, Ellen. Dry, lots of olives,” you requested.
After a ridiculously long day at work, you were now trying to let go of your frustrations at the Roadhouse, while you still had the money to drink. You rubbed through the ache in your temples.
“Long day, hun?” Ellen asked you. Her eyes were sympathetic as she made you the martini you ordered. You gave her an attempt at a smile.
“Long life,” you muttered.
“Hmm. Asshole boss?” she surmised.
You met her gaze with a note of suspicion. “Did Dean tell you…”
You knew he’d told his brother about what happened at the Christmas party. And you had a feeling he’d told Cas as well, to try and see what you could do from a law enforcement standpoint. The first step was filing a report. Now you knew, however, that you couldn’t. Not if you wanted your life to remain in one piece.
“Nothing, hun,” Ellen shook her head. “You’ve just got that look. I reckon every woman in the world has worn that face. Usually because of a man.”
You sighed and chuckled at the same time. It loosened some of the tightness in your shoulders.
“Yeah, well. This one’s a rat bastard in human clothing,” you replied.
“Ooh, sounds like my old biology professor,” Jo chimed in. She was drying out some newly clean glasses behind the counter along with Ellen. “He had a reputation for scoping out freshman girls.”
You made a gagging sound as you reached for the delectable martini glass Ellen slid your way.
“Men are disgusting,” you said. Jo snorted.
“99.8% of them, yeah,” she said. But her gaze drew towards the door when Dean Winchester came in. And she added, “A few of ‘em are all right.”
Was it just you, or was there a softer look in her blue eyes when she noticed Dean?
You were soon distracted though, giving your boyfriend a smile to try and cover up how exhausted you were, in every sense of the word. He greeted you with a warm hand along your lower back. He dropped a kiss to your forehead.
“Waiting long?” he asked.
“No, just a few minutes,” you shook your head. You laid a hand on his thigh when he took a seat next to you at the bar. “How was your shift?”
This week he was on three 12-hour shifts instead of his usual 24-hour shifts, which meant you got more of him in the evening. 
“Fine. Just a couple of accidents to clear off the road, nothing major,” he replied. He ordered a beer from Ellen and gave Jo a smile. He was surprised to see mother and daughter working civilly together under one roof, after the scene he saw last week.
“How’s the studying going?” he asked Jo, once Ellen was out of earshot to serve further down the line. He turned to you and filled you in. “Jo’s gearin’ up to hit the Police Academy.”
“Oh wow, that’s great!” you remarked.
Jo glanced over at her mom, but then she smiled, looking back at you and Dean. She focused on him.
“The test is in a few weeks,” she said. “I think I’m ready, but I don’t know…”
“You’ll be fine,” Dean said, with easy conviction. “You’re stubborn enough to know it’s what you want. So I got no doubts about you.”
Jo’s smile was warm, with a hint of shy and gratefulness. You smiled at Jo encouragingly, but inside, you had a familiar unease churning inside your gut.
Dean then turned to you with expectant brows. His fingers brushed a strand of hair away from your cheek, curling it behind your ear.
“And how was your day?” he asked. His tone was quieter, laced with double meaning.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Jo moving on to another waiting customer with a small sigh.
You met Dean’s gaze and you nodded. “It was fine.”
His brows rose a touch higher. “Very convincing. You took the taser with you, right?”
You sighed and had to smile a little. His concern warmed you, made you feel protected, even though you’d had to do that part yourself today. You soothed a hand over his chest, between the open panels of his plaid shirt.
“Yes, I did. I’m okay, baby. We’re at a standstill,” you said. And you reminded him, “I can handle myself, you know.”
Dean nodded, sighing through his nose. His hand rubbed up and down your back, whether to comfort you or himself, you didn’t know. Your fingers curled into his shirt, and you smiled up at him, just before you tugged him down for a kiss.
It was slow and sweet, until you became a bit more than sweet, grazing his bottom lip with your teeth. His hand came up to cup the back of your head as he accepted the warmth of your kiss.
You knew that you couldn’t tell Dean what happened this morning in your office. He’d likely go for the Halligan in his trunk and beat Nick Savage within an inch of his life.
While the idea appealed to you for several reasons, you didn’t want to be the reason Dean lost his badge, or ended up in jail.
So over a couple of drinks, you distracted him by having a healthy debate over what you two were going to have for dinner later: sushi or pizza.
You ultimately won with sushi. (Or maybe he let you win. Either way, you were getting salmon rolls tonight.)
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Still, you had that uneasy feeling when you and Dean left the bar. You wondered how the hell it had taken you this long to notice the starry look of longing in Jo’s eyes.
You fell into step with Dean as you two headed for the sushi restaurant down the street. It was already dark out, but even on a Tuesday night, the streets and sidewalks of downtown were busy.
“Can I ask you something…potentially uncomfy?” you said.
Dean’s head turned to you, with a raised brow.
You let out a breath, and you could see it on the December chill in the air. Your hands were tucked into your pockets, and so were Dean’s in his.
“Did you and Jo ever have a thing?” you asked.
Dean blinked, but then his lips pressed together. “What makes you say that?”
You sent him a suspicious look. You’d known him long enough to know when he was hedging.
“Just please, answer the question,” you said.
He blew out a breath. After a moment, he nodded.
“Yeah, for a few weeks,” he admitted.
You sighed. That sure explained a hell of a lot. And really, with his track record, you couldn’t be surprised.
“You dated her, or you hooked up with her?” you clarified. Dean shot you a look.
“Dated,” he said, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
Your brows furrowed. “When?”
He’d told you that he’d been in one relationship before, briefly…
“About a few months before I met you,” he said at last. But he saw the incredulous, almost upset look on your face. “Obviously it didn’t work out.” 
“You couldn’t have told me that earlier?” you asked. Your hands slipped out of your pockets to gesture at him. “How did it end?”
The man sighed, looking up at the sky.
“Come on, Dean,” you prodded.
“All right,” he placated with a hand. “It didn’t end great, put it that way.”
You couldn’t help a frustrated huff. You crossed your arms and kept walking beside him down the street, albeit in silence.
Dean glanced at you in slight exasperation. He was with you now. Why did it matter to you so much?
“She still has feelings for you,” you said, though you still weren’t looking at him.
“How do you figure?” he asked. But if he was honest, even he knew the truth.
“Because I could see her eyeing you like a honey glazed ham,” you snipped. At that, he let out an incredulous chuckle. 
“Are you jealous?” he teased.
You stopped walking and looked up at him, frowning. “Do you want me to be?”
Dean stopped as well. He sobered, realizing you weren’t in the mood for jokes. You’d been through a lot recently, and he knew then that you didn’t need this kind of stress on top of everything else. He drew closer and gently grasped your arms.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. Though he thought to himself, I’ll talk to Jo if I have to.
Your lips pursed in frustration, but he soothed his hands up and down your arms. His touch plied you, along with his smile.
“Hey,” Dean said, dipping his chin so he could catch your eyes. “You should know how I feel about you by now.”
You sighed and nodded in agreement.
“Mhmm,” you replied.
He wasn’t satisfied.
“Okay, listen,” he said, squeezing your arms and earning your eyes on him. It took him a moment, letting out a breath, but he was honest.
“I love you," he reminded. "And if that damn elevator hadn’t broke down on you, I’d still be missing something in my life.”
…Damn it, you thought, even as a blushing smile grew across your face. Dean Winchester was too smooth for his own good.
But you also saw the sincerity in his eyes. You couldn’t help but be warmed by his words, down to your toes.
“There she is. All right,” he said with a grin. He nodded in satisfaction and gathered you into his arms. “My soft girl again.” 
Your smile deepened, but you still pinched his side, making him flinch and laugh. You held him back and looked up at his handsome face. He still looked amused and his eyes were warm. You leaned up on your toes for a kiss that lingered on wind-chilled lips.
“I love you,” you whispered back, against his lips.
His smile against yours was your answer.
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Two hours and two salmon rolls later, Dean drove you home. You had taken an Uber to the Roadhouse, which reminded him that he needed to make another trip to Singer Salvage.
He’d been scoping out potential cars to fix up for you. He’d even recruited Bobby’s help to find something good, something with strong bones. Dean could do the rest.
Even after he watched you get inside your house safely, he let out a subtle breath before he peeled away. He wished you were coming home with him tonight. More often, he was feeling your absence when you weren’t in his bed. But it also reassured him, that he knew you were safe with him and Sam at their apartment.
He later found his brother eating leftover chicken parmesan at the kitchen counter.
“Why’re you eating standing up?” Dean asked, tossing his keys onto the counter. He reached into the fridge for a beer. “You look like Big Bird if he wore a suit.”
Sam sent him a dry look. “I don’t know. Force of habit.”
He barely had time in his day for an uninterrupted coffee, let alone a meal. When Dean wasn’t here, Sam fell back onto his work habits. He took his plate and actually went to the table.
“You eat already?” he asked. Dean nodded and said he’d eaten with you.
“Oh yeah? How’s she doing?” Sam asked.
Dean sighed and sank down heavily onto the chair opposite his brother. He rubbed at his forehead.
“She’s okay, considering,” he replied. But he knew you hadn’t told him the whole story about how your day went at work. Whether you were trying to spare him, or protect him, or yourself, it still drove him up the wall. Knowing Nick Savage was still your boss, and he was there, an ever-present threat just a few floors above you in that building…
It made Dean’s skin crawl. It had his teeth grinding and coiled his spine tight with repressed rage. And worry.
He met his brother’s eyes. Sam had been watching him, hiding his wariness.
“What can we do about him?” Dean asked. He knew he didn’t have to explain who he was talking about.
Sam started to shake his head, but Dean wouldn’t have it.
“I mean it, Sam. Because I almost…” His hand and forearm clenched and unclenched on the table. He could almost feel the way his arm had pressed into Nick’s throat, slowly but surely crushing his trachea. Just a couple of minutes more, and Dean could’ve done it. In that moment, he saw it so clearly.
It was the first time he’d ever wanted to take a man’s life.
“I know,” Sam said. His brows furrowed in sympathy. “But you did the right thing.”
Dean’s lips pursed as his hand once again fisted on the table.
“If I hadn’t been there,” he said. “If I had been just a few minutes off…”
These were the what ifs that kept plaguing his mind, ever since the party. Sometimes, it added to the catalogue of waking nightmares that wouldn’t let him sleep.
“And now she’s gotta go back there, every day, where that animal is just waiting for an opportunity,” Dean gritted out. Then his fist dropped more heavily onto the table, rattling Sam’s silverware.
Sam held the table steady and looked at his brother, calm but firm.
“You can’t touch Savage,” he said. “Don’t even go near him. Whatever you do, he’ll use it against you, and potentially against her. Unfortunately, she’s got the best plan right now.”
Dean looked up at him with angry eyes.
“Wait him out,” Sam said, “until he makes a mistake he can’t easily cover up. In the meantime, she’ll find a new job and get the hell out of there.”
Dean forced a sharp breath through his nose. He leaned back in his chair and tapped his fist more calmly on the table.
“I don’t have to like it,” he said.
Sam nodded in agreement. “No, you don’t.”
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The fire was wild. It was eating up the four-story apartment building in a full blaze. The Truck 79 team was geared up outside of it, with Chief Singer already calling out instructions along with Dean.
Benny and the Rescue Squad were already on the roof, rappelling down to get the ones trapped on the top floors out through the windows. Dean was on the ground. He had Gordon, Jack, and a few others behind him. Meg and Chuck were on standby, waiting for the firefighters to pull out any residents still trapped inside.
Dean had to wonder if he was walking into another arson, like the Richardson fire. Against his will, he thought of that day. He thought about everything his father had told him about that arson, about Azazel and his mom’s death. He thought about you, working for a man who was potentially tied to Azazel.
“Winchester,” Gordon tapped him on the arm. “You good?”
Dean glanced over at him, then nodded.
“Yeah. Let’s rock and roll.”
When Dean was at work, he couldn’t let the outside world into his mind. All he could let himself focus on was the scene ahead after he put his mask on.
Inside the first floor of the building was like entering a living furnace. It was hot as shit, and layers of smoke choked the room. The mask was the only reason Dean could see, let alone breathe.
He turned to Jack. “All right, take it room by room. Stay close. We don’t got a lot of time.”
Jack nodded his agreement, and Dean split his team. A few of the others took the first floor on his orders. Dean, Gordon, and Jack would take the old stairs to clear the second floor.
Fuck. This whole place is just wood and plaster, Dean thought, shaking his head. These old buildings were all the same. Easy to build, easy to knock down. And usually they weren’t up to code, often thanks to cheap property owners.
He got apartment 201 open with his Halligan. The shoebox studio was smokey as all hell, but it was clear of any tenants. Gordon moved on ahead quickly, but Dean’s brows furrowed as he listened to the unsteady creaking of the floorboards. He moved more carefully forward.
Until he felt the warmth under his boots, saw the orange glow underneath a thin patch of flooring.    
“Walker, wait!” Dean called, at the same time he held Jack back.
He reached out, just as the wood floor splintered and broke underneath Gordon. His eyes flashed wide just before he fell.
Dean dove for him. His Halligan clattered away, but he managed to grab onto the man’s sleeve before he disappeared. Gordon grabbed onto Dean’s arm and nearly pulled him down too. Luckily, he managed to grab onto the splintered edge with his other glove-covered hand. He gritted his teeth at the strain of the other man hanging off his shoulder, but he didn’t dare let go.
Jack grabbed Dean’s belt to keep him from sliding further down. It let him grab onto Gordon with both hands. The men panted for breath; Dean had a better vantage point to see that the middle of the ground floor below was engulfed in flames. The glow of it flared in the corner of Gordon’s eyes. He could feel the heat making both of them sweat.
The wood flooring under Dean creaked ominously, but before anyone could move, it broke further. He almost lost his grip on Gordon as his torso hung over the edge. He managed to get a new stronghold under the other man’s arm, and Jack did his best to keep Dean from falling by pinning his legs down. Jack was strong, but he was still a smaller man than Dean.  
“Jack, call for backup!” Dean gritted out. Jack nodded behind him and radioed in for help.
Gordon stared up at Dean with wide, but resigned eyes. “The floor’s gonna cave before you can pull me up.”
Dean stared down at him, even as lines of sweat poured down his forehead from within his mask. They both knew that if that happened, Dean would be pulled along for the ride down, maybe even Jack too. Dean gave a sharp shake of his head.
“Just hold on. Backup’s comin’,” he said. All his strength was going into keeping a firm grip on the man’s arm and jacket. He called to Jack over his shoulder. “Can you get next to me and grab him?”
To his credit, Jack tried. But the jagged edges of the floor around Dean were unsteady, creaking and groaning under Jack’s added weight, a bit too much.
“Stop, stop!” Dean shouted, halting Jack’s movements.
Gordon licked his dry lips and blinked sweat out of his eyes. “This might be the part where you let go, Winchester.”
Dean took exactly a beat to process his shock. Then he glared down at the man.
“Shut the hell up, Walker. You don’t let go, you hear me?” he barked. “Jack, grab the back of my jacket and my belt.”
Jack followed the order, and a combination of him pulling Dean up and Dean straining every muscle he had to heft up Gordon slowly, painfully, brought them back up and over the ledge.
Jack had an easier time then of helping Dean pull Gordon the rest of the way out of the hole.
And the rest of their Truck crew came to help them onto their feet, before the fire consumed the rest of the second floor.
Once Dean was out of the building, he took off his mask and breathed in cooler air on his face. He made a beeline for the fire truck. In the back was a cooler, and grabbed a bottle of water to dump over his overheated head and face while he caught his breath. Gordon and Jack were following suit, and the men stared and one another. All of their faces said the same thing.
We made it. We’re alive. That was almost fucked.
Gordon’s gaze met Dean’s, sobering further. For a moment, he looked like he was searching for words.
“How’s your shoulder?” he asked eventually.
Dean nodded, rotating his right arm. He was going to feel that bitch tomorrow.
“Fine,” he said. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Gordon nodded. Another hesitation, followed by an honest gaze. “Thanks, Lieutenant.”
Dean’s face broke into a smile, wry but also genuine. “Yeah, thank me by layin’ off the burgers.”
He swatted the other man’s stomach and went for three more waters. He handed two of them to Jack and Gordon. One was smiling, while the other just smirked and shook his head.
“You callin’ me hefty?” Gordon remarked. “I’m averaging 6% body fat, man.”
Dean scoffed. “Yeah, right. What’re you, the Rock? That’s why you almost sunk.”
He dropped his fist into the air and made an exploding sound. Jack was wide-eyed, but Gordon just chuckled. They started making their way to the front of the truck to start packing up their gear. The Truck and Rescue teams had done what they could, and all the residents that made it out of the building were being seen to by the paramedics.
“I’d rather be weighed down by muscle than all them Little Debbie’s you’ve been putting away at the station,” Gordon shot back. “Cheap cake is not your friend.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “All right, that’s just uncalled for.”
“Dean,” Chief Singer called, beckoning him over with a hand. His free hand wore a glove as he held something steaming.
Dean nodded at his men and joined Bobby outside his department-issued SUV. Dean’s gaze focused on the bottle-shaped object in Bobby’s hand. There was a small digital box attached to the front, with wires wrapped around. The entire device was now blackened, but the smell of chemicals was unmistakable.
“Molotov cocktail?” Dean quipped, but his face was as grave as Bobby’s. The Chief nodded.
“Lafitte pulled this out of the fourth floor,” he said. “Looks like the same kind of incendiary device Arson found at the Richardson fire.” 
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That night, you made dinner for Dean at your house. He was forced to explain what happened at the apartment building, and why he had his arm pinned to his side like a chicken wing. You made him sit down and relax, all while you tried to hide your worry and relief that he was mostly all right.
Later in the living room, you sat on your knees beside him on the couch and lifted the bag of ice from his shoulder. You peered at it in concern, gently rubbing your hand over the joint and surrounding muscle. Dean sighed through his nose as your gentle touch was both soothing and painful.
“Are you sure you should do another shift tomorrow?” you asked, replacing the ice. He shot you a glance.
“I’m fine,” he said.
“Right,” you said dryly. “That’s why you can barely move this arm.”
Dean rolled his eyes and made his point by raising his right arm, slowly, but easily back down.
“I’ll be up and running by tomorrow. Just need a good night’s sleep.”
“Dean, are you sure? You seem to be in a lot of pain,” you asked.
He tried to hold in his annoyance. “I think I’d know if I’m fine.”
“You forget, I know all too well what downplaying looks like,” you countered, giving him a chiding look. Dean didn’t appreciate it. He didn’t need you to mother him.
“This is my job, all right,” he said.
You gave him a steady look. Your hand moved up his shoulder to rest along the back of his neck. Your fingers slipped into his hair.
“I know that. But I’m allowed to worry,” you said. Your brows furrowed. “Please don’t get upset at me for that.”
Dean let out a breath. He relaxed against the couch and met your gaze. He knew he had no right to ask you not to worry about him.
“Yeah, okay,” he said.
To you, he still seemed a bit annoyed. You nodded and continued to gently sift your fingers through his hair. You had to wonder if his resentment was coming from a different place.
“Are you still mad at me for going back to work?” you tested.
Dean breathed out deeper this time, but he didn’t answer.
Bingo, you thought with a frown.
“All I want is for you to be safe,” he said. His voice was harder as his face tightened up. His hand gestured in frustration. “This whole thing…that fucking douchebag…it’s killing me. Fucking killing me. And you know that.”
Your eyes softened, and you unconsciously bit your lip.
“Ditto,” you tried to joke. It landed flat, because your boyfriend was deadly serious.
He looked away from you with pursed lips and a frustrated shake of his head. You sidled closer to him and tried to soothe, with a hand on his chest.
“Look, I’m trying to find a new job, but it takes time,” you said.
“You could quit. You could quit right now,” Dean replied hotly.
You sighed; you couldn’t believe you had to remind him about this. “I can’t, Dean. I have bills to pay, just like you do. You think I like this situation any more than you? I’m the one who’s had to deal with this for months!” 
“I know that!” Dean snapped back. “Or should I say, now I do.”
He pulled away from your touch and pushed off the couch, onto his feet. You looked up with your mouth agape as he left the room. You got up and followed after him.
“You’re leaving?” you asked in shock. You watched him grab his keys and his wallet from the kitchen counter.
“I’ve got a long shift tomorrow and I gotta sleep,” Dean said, rather gruffly.
You followed him all the way to the door, where you grabbed onto his wrist. He stopped in the doorway, glancing back at you over his shoulder.
“Dean, please,” you implored. “Don’t go like this.”
After a beat, he seemed to soften. Just enough to lean over and press a brief kiss to the side of your head.
“I gotta go.”
He left you in the doorway with tears swimming in your eyes, and he pretended not to notice them.
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When Dean woke up the next morning, his shoulder still ached, and he still felt guilty. He rubbed the offending join and tried to slowly roll the stiffness out of his arm. Fuck.
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes next. They blearily took in the digital numbers on his alarm clock: 5:00 a.m.
He slid out of bed and got ready for work. He definitely wanted to check in with Arson about the device that likely started that fire, and he knew his dad would need to be brought in on it. It would give Dean a reason to press John for an update on his investigation.
By 6:00, he was finishing his coffee, about ready to head over to the station. He could hear the pipes running, meaning Sam was in the shower.
Dean was startled only slightly by his phone vibrating in his pocket. His brows furrowed, but he fished it out and found your name crossing the screen, along with a smiling picture of you. He sighed.
Part of him hesitated. If you were calling just to try and convince him to call out of work, he was going to get worked up again. And he’d rather not have anything disturb his first cup of coffee of the day.
Still, he answered. “Hey.”
“Dean, did you come into the house last night?” you asked.
He didn’t like the wary, almost scared tone of your voice.
“No.” His brows furrowed. “Why?”
“Look at the text I just sent you.”
He put you on speaker so he could check his messages. Sure enough, he found a picture from you. It was of a glass bottle-shaped object on your nightstand. There was a black box attached, but its digital screen was blank. Dean’s breath caught in his lungs as his eyes widened. His heart dropped into his stomach.
“Dean, what is this thing?” you asked. Your voice was shakier, more worried. “It looks like a bomb. And it smells awful, like chemicals.”
“Don’t touch it,” he said quickly. “Get out of the house…better yet, wait for me at your neighbor’s place. I’m coming over right now.”
And I’m calling Dad.
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Dean tried his best to calm you while the police and the Arson Department swept your entire house for devices, fingerprints, and any other evidence on who broke in.
You had a hand over your mouth by the front door as you watched them turn over cushions, move tables and shelves, ruck through cabinets. Your entire life turned inside out.
Dean’s hand rubbed up and down your back. You eventually had to look away and sigh. You pressed closer to his side, and he wrapped his good arm around your shoulders.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he said quietly, and kissed the top of your head. Inside, he was furious. Mostly at himself.
If anything had happened to you last night, after he left…he would’ve never forgiven himself.
So it was a welcome distraction when John and Cas’s police car finally pulled into the driveway. Dean led you outside, away from the chaos happening in your house.
“Hey, Dad,” he said, with a nod at Cas. Both men nodded back.
“Son,” John greeted, His brown eyes turned to you next. He offered you a hand. “Good to finally meet you, despite the circumstances.”
You blinked up at him and curled a stray strand of hair behind your ear, a bit nervously.
“Oh, it’s…it’s great to meet you, Mr. Winchester,” you said, sticking out your hand and shaking his.
A smile flickered across Dean’s lips. He realized then that this was the first time you were meeting his father. You were adorably nervous.
A reserved smile tugged at his father’s lips as well.
“John’s just fine.”
You smiled back, with a bit of a blush tinging your cheeks.
“Now, can you tell me what happened here?” John asked you, not unkindly.
Dean’s good humor faded away as he explained about the device left on your nightstand. He filled them in about the fire he’d responded to yesterday as well.
“What the hell is happening, Dad?” he demanded to know.
John let out a breath and nodded, swiping a hand through his dark hair.
“It’s another one of Azazel’s signatures,” he said, lowering his voice so only the four of them could hear. “It’s a message.”
“To who?” Dean asked.
“To me,” John said. “Warning me to back off the case…there’ve been other threats. I’ve finally got a police detail on Sam, and I just got approval for you. I’ll add her to the list.”
John glanced at you. Your eyes widened in confusion as you tried to hold in your fear.
“Who the hell is Azazel?” You turned to Dean. “Is this…does this have something to do with your mom’s killer?”
John’s brows shot up at his son. “You told her?”
“You’re over here talking about him too,” Dean retorted. He gathered you closer and met his father with steely eyes, to mask how his gut was churning with worry.
“You need to get this guy,” Dean said, almost through gritted teeth. “Get him now.”
John agreed with a nod.
Once again, you covered a trembling hand over your mouth. Dean squeezed your side a bit to earn your attention.
“I want you to come stay with me,” he said. His tone was boding no argument, not that you would. You nodded and fairly melted against him. Your head rested against his chest.
“Dean, this is insane,” you whispered.
He nodded and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I know. I’m sorry…I’m so fucking sorry about this.”
You looked up at him, your brows furrowing. “It’s not your fault.”
Dean met your gaze, but he couldn’t quite believe you. He was the one who kept pushing his dad for answers, to let him in on this. This was his family’s bullshit, not yours. You didn’t deserve to get dragged into it too.
The spell between you two was broken by Cas, awkwardly clearing his throat.
“We do need to ask you some questions,” he said. “About Nick Savage.”
You frowned. You peeled yourself away from Dean enough to face the detectives.
“What does he have to do with this?” you asked.
“His company is linked to a money laundering scheme, which ultimately leads back to Azazel,” Cas explained. “But we’re having trouble getting through his wall of lawyers.”
You scoffed. “Not surprising.”
However, it did worry you that Nick was possibly doing business with a criminal. Not that that should surprise you either. 
“What do you want to know?” you asked.
“Well, first of all, would you be willing to file a police report,” Cas said, more gently, “regarding your assault at his home.”
Your eyes widened. Your mouth fell open slightly before you looked over at Dean. His face tightened, along with his hand on the curve of your waist.
“Why do you need me to do that?” you asked Cas.
“It’ll give us the leverage we need to dig deeper into his business,” John said. “Knock loose any shady dealings. We could get him to cough up what he knows about Azazel.”
You wanted to help, but at the same time, you were reluctant to mire yourself deeper in this. Dean saw your reservations, and he could guess why.
“Won’t that just paint a bigger target on her back?” he asked.
“We’re gonna protect her,” John promised. His eyes went from Dean, back to you. “But we need your help. This could be the break we need to get to Azazel. To find out who this bastard is.”
John could see your indecision. “All you need to do is fill out the report. Maybe get up in court to testify.”
You tightened up at that. “Testify?”
“If it gets that far,” John nodded.
“I don’t think so,” you shook your head. “That man can make my life hell without a serial killer’s help.”
You looked to Dean for support.
In the beginning, he had all but begged you to do what his father and Cas were asking. But now, this was just too much. He pressed you more securely to his side.
“Dean?” his father prodded.
“You heard her,” Dean said. “It’s her choice.”
You sighed and held onto the back of his shirt gratefully. The detectives shared a look, with John’s brows furrowing. He regarded you with a gruff, slightly strained look.
“Listen, don’t you want Savage in a cold hard cell?” he asked. “You could put him there.”
“Dad, she said no. Lay off,” Dean’s tone sharpened. Unfortunately, he knew how stubborn the man could be.
“Dean, I’m trying to nail this guy, but I’m missing pieces,” John said. “Right now, I can’t do it without her.”
“Well, figure it out,” Dean snapped.
John frowned in near disbelief. "Excuse me?"
“Look, I know where your priorities are, but mine is making sure she’s safe," said Dean. "If you can’t handle that, then we’ve got a problem!”
The strength of his retort took everyone by surprise, but no one more so than John. He hid it well behind a deepening frown.
He glanced between you and his son. You were looking up at Dean with unshed tears in your red-rimmed eyes, grateful, and holding on tight to his shirt. He still held you to him. His entire frame was tight and angry.
And John knew that he would react the same way, if he were Dean. He also knew then that he was pushing too hard.
So he sighed, and pulled out a card from his wallet. He handed it to you.
“I’m sure you’ve got Cas’s number already, but here’s mine,” said John. “Call me if you change your mind.”
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“I’m sorry for invading,” you told Sam that night. He was helping you and Dean bring in your suitcases. You were pretty much moving into their apartment, indefinitely.
“You’re not,” Sam said, shaking his head. “We’re happy to have you here.”
You gave him a tired, thankful smile. “I appreciate that, thanks.”
“We’ll get to have an in-house chef,” Dean chimed in, earning more amused look from you.
“Need I remind you that I’m not an actual chef?” you said. You set down your smaller suitcase, full of shoes and toiletries, to grasp the front of his shirt. You leaned up on your toes and met him with a kiss. It was sweet, but it was also tender. His arms came around your lower back and pulled you flush against him.
He parted from you gently, afterwards pressing his forehead against yours. He let out a brief sigh through his nose.
“I’m sorry, about how I left last night,” he said.
You shook your head, despite the tears that wanted to burn in your eyes. You wanted to tell him, It’s fine. I’m fine.
But you couldn’t lie to him.
“You came back when I needed you,” you said instead. “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
You felt his fingers tangle in your hair, his hand resting along the back of your neck. It was familiar, and soothing.
“This isn’t exactly how I wanted you to move in,” he admitted. You chuckled wryly.
“Really,” he said. “…I was thinking of asking you. But not ‘til, you know, down the line.”
You softened at that. You raised up on your toes and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Then you circled your arms around his neck and hugged him close. He held you back just as tightly.
“Thank you for always being there for me,” you said. He couldn’t see your smile, but somehow, he knew it was there. But he could also hear you sniffle, and feel your body tremble with tears.
“You’re safe here,” Dean said softer into your ear. “Nothing’s getting to you, all right?”
 You nodded, pressing your face into his neck. He continued to say and do whatever he felt he had to in order to reassure you that night, and make you feel safe.
All the while, he was trying to reassure himself.
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AN: *burrr* That tension, huh? What did you think of her finally finding out about Jo's lingering feelings, plus a bit of Dean's resentment, him and Gordon coming to an understanding, and the reader meeting John for the first time! 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Good news though. Next time, we'll take a huge break from all this drama and have a nice fluffy Christmas special. (Plus a healthy dose of spice. ❤️‍🔥)
Next Time:
You hadn’t undressed yet from your jeans and sweater, but you crawled across the bed to come up behind him and drop a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“How’s your slugging arm?” you asked.
Dean quirked a smile at you over his shoulder. “Just fine.”
“Dean,” you said. Your tone was gentle, but warning. No downplaying.
You pressed your lips against the side of his head and soothed your hand along his shoulder and down his arm. Still, he was resistant.
“I’m fine, sweetheart,” he said.
You hummed. “Okay. I guess you don’t need a massage then.”
He paused. His head tilted just so, once again turning to you over his shoulder. You spied the edge of his piqued interest, his grin.
“Well, if you’re offering…”
Keep Reading: PART 15
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @katherineann814 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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fortune-tickets · 4 months
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I can't keep the radio drama out of my head lately and this particular scene from it makes me absolutely sick so I had to put it on paper
(Please click/tap for better quality!!)
(Bonus Ted doodle under the cut)
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(I didn't want to make an entire separate post to share this, but again click/tap for better quality! The text in this comes from the book. I wanted to add some flavor and I felt that those in particular matched his expression best)
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cklukilutz · 2 months
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Body: Craftsman's Coverall Top Hands: Recreationisle Dive Watch Legs: Craftsman's Coverall Bottoms Feet: Casual Boots
I recommend MCH for Ripley cosplayers coz FLAMETHROWER!!
There isn't really a great hair for her original look as the game lacks curly options.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
‘... Before you leave this house, I must exact a promise from you that you’ll get me an interview with her: consent, or refuse, I will see her! What do you say?’ ‘I say, Mr. Heathcliff,’ I replied, ‘you must not: you never shall, through my means. Another encounter between you and the master would kill her altogether.’ ‘With your aid that may be avoided,’ he continued; ‘and should there be danger of such an event—should he be the cause of adding a single trouble more to her existence—why, I think I shall be justified in going to extremes! I wish you had sincerity enough to tell me whether Catherine would suffer greatly from his loss: the fear that she would restrains me. And there you see the distinction between our feelings: had he been in my place, and I in his, though I hated him with a hatred that turned my life to gall, I never would have raised a hand against him. You may look incredulous, if you please! I never would have banished him from her society as long as she desired his. The moment her regard ceased, I would have torn his heart out, and drunk his blood! But, till then—if you don’t believe me, you don’t know me—till then, I would have died by inches before I touched a single hair of his head!’
Heathcliff × Ellen ‘Nelly’ Dean; Wuthering Heights- Chapter 14 (Emily Brontë)
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 14
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mild language and mentions of smut (nothing explicit).
The next morning when Y/N woke up, she tried to stretch her arms out, only she was met with something, or rather someone instead. Looking to her side, Y/N noticed Joe, still peacefully sleeping. It was only then she realised that he had an arm draped over her stomach as she laid on her back. 
Not wanting to wake him, she stayed still, remembering the events from the night before. The delicate touches and soft kisses, matching the way they had made love. It was safe for Y/N to say that it was the best she had ever had. She didn’t even register the smile that had made its way across her face.
She didn’t know how much time had passed but she soon felt Joe stir beside her. A wave of fear ran through her, wondering what he might say or do when he realised that she was lying next to him. Y/N was pleasantly surprised however, when Joe tightened his arm around her and drew her closer to him again. Much like he had done the previous night as they went to sleep.
“Morning.” Joe rasped when he saw that she was awake. The low tone and husk that presented itself made her feel warm inside.
“Morning.” Y/N smiled back at him. “Sleep well?” 
“Better than I have in years.” Joe gave her a cheeky albeit sleepy grin. 
“Me too.”
Y/N moved to get out of bed, only to be held back down by Joe. “Where are you going?”
“To the bathroom, I’ll be back.” Y/N got up out of Joe’s grip, missing the warmth that he had provided for her all night and made her way to the toilet. 
Joe sat up as he waited for her to come back to bed. When Y/N wandered back into the room and round to the bed, Joe opened his arms out for her to crawl into, something that she didn’t object to. Cuddling into his side she hesitantly spoke up.
“Not to ruin the mood but we need to talk about this”
Y/N felt Joe sigh but he kept his grip on her as he agreed.
“I need to know, was this a one time thing? I’m not expecting anything from you but I want you to be honest with me.” Y/N spoke first. Joe looked at her for a moment.
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He confessed, making Y/N turn her head towards him. “I know I haven’t been the nicest to you since you got here but I can’t imagine being on tour without you now.”
Y/N smiled at this. Putting her hand on the side of Joe’s face she brought him towards her and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Shutting his eyes he allowed her to envelop him in her aura.
When she pulled away, Joe chased her lips and tightened his arm around her yet again.
“What are you gonna do?” Joe asked as Y/N allowed herself to snuggle into his side.
“I want to stay.” She smiled. Joe couldn’t help the grin that took over his face. Kissing her again, planting his lips all over her face as she let out a giggle. Pushing her to lay flat on the bed, Joe climbed back on top of her and the pair knew that they would not be leaving that bed again for a while.
Everyone met downstairs in the reception area, ready for checkout before they flew back to America for the next show. It did not go unnoticed that Joe was clutching Y/N’s hand tightly, the smiles that the pair wore was enough for the rest of the band to realise that something happened.
“I’m just going to check us all out.” Y/N smiled at them, giving Joe’s hand a squeeze before letting go and moving to the desk.
All the band, apart from Joe, stood there smirking. When he noticed the insane looks on his bandmate’s faces he frowned.
“What?” He looked at them confused.
“Since when are you holding hands with Y/N?” Phil asked him, the shit-eating grin taking over his face completely.
Sav let out a short cackle at that. “Since the two of them shagged last night and this morning.” He informed everyone.
“How the hell did you know that?” Joe looked at him baffled.
“Well, you weren’t exactly quiet mate.” Sav told him pointedly. “And the walls aren’t exactly soundproof.”
“Okay fine we did but shhhh.” Joe told them, a slight red hue coming to his cheeks.
At that moment, Y/N walked back and saw the expressions of four of the Leppards, and how they were all looking between her and Joe.
“So they all know then.” Y/N spoke, looking at Joe.
“Sav umm… heard us.” Joe answered her. Y/N’s face was the picture of mortification and Joe wrapped his arm around her to sooth her. Before anymore could be said, the group was joined by Malvin.
“Great start to the tour guys.” He smiled. “Y/N have you…?”
“I’ve decided to stay.” She informed him before he could finish asking.
“That’s brilliant.” He then ushered everyone to the bus, transporting them to the airport. Everyone climbed on and found a seat, Y/N and Joe next to each other, ignoring the looks that the other band members were giving them.
Once they were settled in their seats, Joe leaned down and kissed Y/N. It started out innocent but it swiftly turned into making out. They were soon interrupted by a cough. Looking up they saw Rick smirking in the seat across from them. An expression that none of them had dropped all morning. 
“Save it for the bedroom.” He grinned, earning an eye roll from Joe. 
The rest of the journey, they all mostly remained quiet, doing their own things. When they reached the airport, they quickly moved through customs and onto their plane. Joe pulled Y/N away from everyone to a seat at the back. 
When they took off, Y/N noticed that most of them had dropped off to sleep. Leaving only her and Joe awake. 
“Joe?” Y/N mumbled.
“What is this?”
“What do you mean?” He asked her, though he had a fair idea of what she meant.
“Us. I know you said that you didn’t want this to be a one time thing but what does that make us?”
“Do you need a label now?” Joe looked at her.
“Not a label necessarily.” Y/N told him calmly.
“Well how about we are exclusive but see how things go. I’m not sure I want a relationship just yet but I do like you Y/N/N.” 
Y/N smiled at him. “That sounds good.” Joe reflected her expression. She laid her head on his shoulder and found herself drifting off to sleep.
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stromer · 1 year
if i got sat at table 8 during the tkachuk wedding i’m cutting microphone cords so brady can’t sing mr. brightside and gluing his clothes onto his body as reparation
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touhoueveryday · 2 years
Day 14: ELLEN!!
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tivajunkie · 1 year
Also, I still love Deeks and Whiting’s dynamic 😂
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lunmos · 2 years
finally listening to the last season of Rose & Rosie's podcast that's out and i could cry, what they have is all i want. i love them so much
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bncdiaries · 1 month
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Day 3: Ellen Milgrau
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I basically want to have the same body as hers
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vibewiththy · 3 months
Neurodivergent 14-16 year olds take over the ZZZero fandom...neurodivergent 14-16 year olds if you can hear me PLEASE
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perfettamentechic · 6 months
14 aprile … ricordiamo …
14 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Garn Stephens, è stata un’attrice cinematografica, televisiva, teatrale e musicale americana e, in seguito, una sceneggiatrice. Era nota per i suoi ruoli nella serie televisiva Phyllis e nel film horror del 1982 Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Debuttò a Broadway nel 1971 nella pièce Father’s Day e nel 1973 ha cantato il ruolo di Jan nella produzione originale del musical Grease a New…
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obuxixo · 2 years
Moranguinho é a eliminada da semana e deixa A Fazenda 14
Moranguinho é a eliminada da semana e deixa A Fazenda 14
Disputando uma vaga na final de A Fazenda 14, Moranguinho foi eliminada com 13,04% dos votos. Quem estava na roça e continua no reality foi Bia Miranda que ficou com 33,58% e André Marinho com 53,38% ambos seguem nesta reta final. Questionada sobre sua participação na casa, a peoa disse que teve medo de ser julgada. Ainda permanecem no reality os participantes: André Marinho, Bárbara Borges, Bia…
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stromuprisahat · 25 days
A picture: Senator Jeffrey Richards’s stupid Sam the Eagle face on CNN, talking about his grave concern for President Claremont’s ability to remain impartial on matters of traditional family values due to the acts her son engages in on the sacred grounds of the house our forefathers built. Followed by: Senator Oscar Diaz, responding via satellite, that President Claremont’s primary value is upholding the Constitution, and that the White House was built by slaves, not our forefathers.
Red, White & Royal Blue (Casey McQuiston)
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Non-exhaustive list of things I’ve called my dog today:
-Mabel (her name)
-A crackhead
#last one might have been a bit harsh but in fairness she managed to get into my bedroom (banned) and crammed herself behind my bed#and got fucking stuck for NO reason#and THEN when i got her out of there and we went downstairs she tried to do it again!!!#that was the point at which i accused her of crackhead behaviour and making a nuisance of herself#she always does this kind of thing approximately an hour before she’s due to get fed and i’m always like.. you are Not getting fed#an hour early. it’s just not fucking happening#like if your breakfast is at 7am.. and your lunch is at 11:30am.. and your dinner is at 4:30pm….. what happens if we push ALL OF THAT back#an hour. if you had ‘ellen has to get up at the arsecrack of dawn; a thing she is unwilling to do’ you win#tbh she’s not too crazy in the early morning but from 10:30am to 11:30am and 3:30pm to 4:30pm?? OHHH boy#she will climb the fucking walls if she can#i just watch her do it with mild disbelief like ‘you’re a 14 year old patterdale terrier. HOW’#and like i don’t care about the pacing and stuff but when she’s doing stuff that’s outright dangerous (i.e. breaking into my room which is#full of hazardous shit like unsecured bookcases and table lamps with trailing cables) like…..#mabesie. baby. why do you want to die#and don’t get me started on when she tries to climb the fucking sideboard because we’ll be here all night#when i tell you there is NOTHING of interest up there. like please. stop trying to unalive yourself#and also you don’t need to destroy my great-grandma ellen’s art nouveau tea seat. i don’t have anything else of hers apart from her name#just SIT. just BE. this doesn’t need to happen#if it wasn’t obvious i love my dog. i think i love her more than she loves herself. considering I AM THE ONLY ONE LOOKING OUT#FOR HER WELLBEING#i didn’t think i’d have to babyproof my house for a senior dog but this is where we’re at apparently#if any of you need me i’ll be enacting a fucking machiavellian scheme to keep my elderly terrier from trying to emulate olga korbut#personal
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The Fifteenth Doctor's Companion Has Been Cast (and Might Be Revealed This Month)
The Fifteenth Doctor's Companion Has Been Cast (and Might Be Revealed This Month) #DoctorWho
New Doctor Who Producer, Ellen Marsh, has effectively confirmed that the Fifteenth Doctor’s companion has been cast; and because they start shooting soon, we might actually find out their identity this month or next! When asked by Doctor Who Magazine what she’s most excited about, Marsh enthused: “The new companion! I think they’re one for the ages.” The magazine further teased that “secret…
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