#14 Days Sri Lanka
srbachchan · 5 months
DAY 5900
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 13/14, 2024 Sat/Sun 12:37 AM
Birthday - EF - Prasha Ganesh Sunday, 14 April .. wishes for this day from all the Ef family ..🚩❤️
🪔 ,
Ef Prasha Ganesh from Sri Lanka .. and Ef Urvashi Sharma .. 🙏🏻🚩
Mesadi / Vaisakhadi
Mesadi/Vaisakhadi festival celebrated by the people of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Celebrated on the 13th day of the bright half of the Hindu month of Vaishakha. An important festival for the farmers of Maharashtra and Karnataka as it marks the beginning of the sowing season.
Sunday, 14 April
.. all the festive occasions .. all together .. one nation ..
greetings for peace calm and harmony among all .. 🚩🇮🇳
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... for the joy and happiness in the celebration of good harvesting .. what be sown, be of value and immense .. the feed from the 'Annadata' .. अन्नदाता .. the deity who provides food ..
... but the mind still lingers on the nuclear areas of discussion and many other books videos documentaries are researched .. and all come to just one conclusion ..
within seconds .. it can me Armageddon .. !!!
no further explanation or talk .. live in the present of celebration and gaiety , happiness and celebration .. for nothing be greater than that ..
Love to all 🌹❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
PS :
.. and you watch a game .. and truly without reason you side with one side and inwardly, even though there is no personal interest or following, you wish it to win .. and it reaches a hard fought end to a battle well fought .. and lose ..
Painful ..
But the pluck of the loser be rewarded ..
The boxing ring in Sherwood ..
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matan4il · 9 months
I've seen arguing over how many people were slaughtered on Oct 7 itself. IDK the exact answer, because from what I've gathered, no one does so far. The last time I saw an article addressing the forensic work on this (which was about a week ago), it said 1,248 people had been identified, but I know there have been victims of the massacre identified since, I know there's still the unidentified victims to take into account, and the missing people (those that we can't know yet whether they'd been murdered on that day, kidnapped, or murdered and their body was kidnapped). There have been some bodies that were brought in together with all the rest, but were then identified as Hamas terrorists (my guess is their bodies weren't among those the forensic experts struggled to identify, unlike the bodies of their victims, often mutilated and burnt beyond recognition). Based on the number identified already, and the number of bodies still unidentified, over two months after the massacre, I find it hard to believe that the final number of Oct 7 victims will be less than 1,300 people. But like I said, nobody knows, there's still no official number, not until either the work of identification will be done, or until it's confirmed that there are no more ways to identify the remaining victims of Hamas' slaughter.
Even before the final number, it is the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, it is the second deadliest terrorist attack ever (if we take the lowest possible number of fatalities. The worst one is Sep 11, when 2,996 Americans were murdered by al-Qaeda), and the deadliest one ever if we adjust the number of victims to the attacked country's population size (if we take the not final figure of 1,248 people massacred on Oct 7, once adjusted for population size, this would be roughly equivalent to over 42,500 Americans murdered, meaning that for the Israeli population, this is over 14 times the scale of the Sep 11 attacks). Think about the number of Israelis (and Jews) impacted by this attack, before we start talking about the over 5,000 people injured on Oct 7, or those kidnapped. Hamas' massacre is also the single bloodiest day in the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict for one side. So anyone telling you that the Palestinians have been "suffering Oct 7 every single day for years," is either incredibly ignorant, or straight up lying. Anyone who knows the history of the conflict, or of terrorism, knows that there is no underestimating the unique brutality of Hamas' massacre.
Out of the people massacred on Oct 7, who were not Israeli citizens, there were at least: 39 victims from Thailand, 10 from Nepal, 4 from the Philippines, 3 from China, 2 from The United Kingdom, 2 from Sri Lanka, 1 from Canada, 1 from Cambodia, 1 from Germany, 1 from Moldova, 1 from The United States, 1 from Tanzania, and 1 from Eritrea. Altogether, at least 67 foreign nationals.
At least 26 people have been killed by direct rocket hits, of which at least 15 were killed on Oct 7. At least 20 were killed by Hamas and PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) rockets from Gaza, and at least 6 by Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon. Of the 26 known victims of rocket fire, 2 were citizens of Thailand, 14 were Israeli Jews, and 10 were Israeli Arabs. This doesn't reflect the full effect of the rockets on Oct 7, since the fate of many people was sealed when they started fleeing the barrage of around 4,000 rockets fired into Israel, only to run straight into ambushes set up by Hamas terrorists, like many of the Nova music festival victims, where over 360 people were murdered.
This is 5 years old Yazan Abu Jama'a, who was killed by a direct rocket hit on Oct 7:
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I think the worst part about this post is writing "at least" so many times, knowing that every single one of these figures may be updated with a greater number.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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We might know how it ends, but like all good stories it bears repetition. So here it is again, the story of a battle.
Bernard Cornwell, Waterloo: The True Story of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles
So I've been getting lots of questions about the significance of the Battle of Waterloo for Britain, France, and indeed Europe.
Great claims have been made as to the legacy of the Battle of Waterloo; but it is not as clear cut as many may claim; for it certainly did not crush all French opposition in a single blow; it did not augur in a century of enduring peace and prosperity across Europe; nor can it claim to have permanently re-established the monarchical system in Europe. Therefore after all the glory, the death and suffering caused on that battlefield, what were its real long term legacies?
For the people living in the vicinity of Waterloo, the utter destruction of the land and of their homes was devastating to their lives, but time soon healed the wounds on the landscape and the abandoned equipment scattered across the battlefields became a virtual treasure trove for the locals as the field of Waterloo was soon at the top of every travellers ‘must see’ list during a sojourn in Belgium. Numbers lived for years selling relics of the battle or became guides to the battlefield as the bloody fields instantly became a top tourist attraction. Every poet and writer in Europe had to visit to witness the scenes of devastation before penning their impressions and publishing to an eager audience, hungry for every new edition.
When they are examined with the benefit of hindsight, battles are rarely accorded the significance given to them. Few become venerated among a nation’s lieux de mémoire, or contribute to the foundation myths of modern nations. Of the battles of the Napoleonic Wars, it is arguable that Leipzig [the 1813 battle lost to the Allies by French troops under Napoleon] has its place in the rise of German nationalism, even if its real importance was greatly exaggerated and mythologized by 19th-century cultural nationalists. In Pierre Nora’s magisterial study of France, only Bouvines, in 1214 [which ended the 1202–14 Anglo-French War], makes the cut. Waterloo, unsurprisingly, does not figure.
Yet at the time Waterloo was hailed in Britain as a battle different in scale and import from any other of the modern era. It had, it was claimed, ushered in a century of peace in continental Europe. It had brought to a close, in Britain’s favour, the centuries-old military rivalry with France. And it had ended France’s dream of building a great continental empire in Europe, while leaving Britain’s global ambitions intact. If the Victorian age could be claimed as ‘Britain’s century’, it was her victory over Napoleon that had ushered it in. Britain, it seemed, had every reason to celebrate, every reason to claim Waterloo as its own.
To some extent Britain’s response was justified; it was a victory that positioned the country favourably, bolstering its global ambitions and helping to create the conditions for the economic success that lay ahead in the Victorian era. Having laid the final, decisive blow on Napoleon, Britain could command a leading role in the peace negotiations that followed and thus shape a settlement that suited its interests. While other coalition states claimed back sections of Europe, the Vienna Treaty gave Britain control over a number of global territories, including South Africa, Tobago, Sri Lanka, Martinique and the Dutch East Indies, something that would become instrumental in the development of the British Empire’s vast colonial command. It is not surprising then that in other parts of Europe, Waterloo - though still widely acknowledged as decisive - is generally accorded less significance than the Battle of Leipzig.
If Waterloo was Britain’s greatest military triumph, as it is often feted, it surely does not owe that status to the battle itself. Military historians generally agree that the battle was not a great showcase of either Napoleon’s or Wellington’s strategic prowess. Indeed, Napoleon is commonly believed to have made several important blunders at Waterloo, ensuring that Wellington’s task of holding firm was less challenging than it might have been. The battle was a bloodbath on an epic scale but, as an example of two great military leaders locking horns, it leaves a lot to be desired.
The short term significance in the aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo marked the end of Napoleon’s storied military career. He reportedly rode away from the battle in tears. Though he emerged victorious, the Duke of Wellington later reflected on the the horrific costs of that victory: “My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.” Wellington went on to serve as British prime minister, while Blucher, in his 70s at the time of the Waterloo battle, died a few years later.
Waterloo’s long term significance must surely be the role it played in achieving lasting peace in Europe. Wellington, who did not share Napoleon’s relish for battle, is said to have told his men, “If you survive, if you just stand there and repel the French, I’ll guarantee you a generation of peace”. Perhaps the lesson of this historic battle the nations of Europe which fought as foes that day need to forget these old sores and celebrate together; recognising that it did force Europe to acknowledge that it must find a new path of reconciliation and accord. This road has been far from smooth, but each time it has failed, a greater understanding of the need for the European states to work more closely together has emerged from the ashes.
Ultimately this is the truly significant importance of Waterloo.
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prapasara · 2 months
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Songkran History
Songkran History
History of Songkran Festival [ENG Ver.]
Thai New Year or Songkran (Thai: เทศกาลสงกรานต์, pronounced [tʰêːt.sā.kāːn sǒŋ.krāːn]) is the Thai New Year's national holiday. Songkran is on 13 April every year, but the holiday period extends from 14 to 15 April. In 2018 the Thai cabinet extended the festival nationwide to seven days, 9–16 April, to enable citizens to travel home for the holiday.  In 2019, the holiday was observed 9–16 April as 13 April fell on a Saturday.  The word "Songkran" comes from the Sanskrit word saṃkrānti,  literally "astrological passage", meaning transformation or change. It coincides with the rising of Aries on the astrological chart  and with the New Year of many calendars of Southeast and South Asia, in keeping with the Buddhist and Hindu Calendar. The New Year takes place at around the same time as the new year celebrations of many regions of South Asia like China (Dai people of Yunnan Province), India, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
In Thailand, New Year is now officially celebrated 1 January. Songkran was the official New Year until 1888, when it was switched to a fixed date of 1 April. Then in 1940, this date was shifted to 1 January. The traditional Thai New Year Songkran was transformed into a national holiday.  Celebrations are famous for the public water fights framed as ritual cleansing. This had become quite popular among Thai and foreigners.
Songkran is a term derived from Sanskrit संक्रान्ति saṅkrānti meaning 'to move' or 'movement'. It derives from the movement of the sun from one position to another in the zodiac. According to its literal meaning in Sanskrit, a Songkran occurs every month. However, the period that Thai people refer to as Songkran happens when the sun moves from Pisces to Aries in the zodiac. The correct name for this period should actually be Maha Songkran ('great Songkran) because it coincides with the arrival of a New Year. The Songkran festival is, therefore, a celebration of the New Year in accordance with the solar calendar. The celebration covers a period of three days: 13 April is regarded as Maha Songkran, the day that the sun moves into Aries on the zodiac or the last day of the old year. The next day, 14 April is called Wan Nao, the transitional day between the old and the new years, and 15 April is called Wan Thaloeng Sok (Thai: วันเถลิงศก 'to begin a new era or year'), New Year's day itself.
Songkran Water Festival (Chainese Version)
Songkran Water Festival (Russian Version)
Songkran water Festival (Malay Version)
Songkran Water Festival (Korean Version)
Songkran Water Festival (Japanese Version)
Songkran Water Festival (German Version)
Songkran Water Festival (French Version)
Discover Amazing Stories | History of Songkran Festival [ENG Ver.]
Songkran : The journey from ancient water festival to UNESCO cultural heritage
UNESCO announced its decision from Botswana on Wednesday afternoon, Thai time, while events to mark the new honour will take place in Bangkok on Thursday.
Songkran is celebrated from April 13 to 15 each year to mark the traditional Thai New Year. The festival is known for its water-splashing traditions, which symbolise cleansing and purification. However, Songkran is also a time for paying respect to elders, giving alms to monks, and enjoying traditional Thai food and music.
Next year, the Pheu Thai-led government plans to stretch celebrations throughout the whole of April to promote the festival as Thailand’s soft power.
Songkran has a colourful past, which some scholars believe is rooted in an ancient Hindu festival marking the harvest season and the arrival of the new year.
This festival, called Makara Sankranti, celebrated the sun's entrance into the water sign of Aquarius, marking a new astrological period.
The water element, significant in both Hinduism and Buddhism, played a central role in rituals like making sacrifices to deities and the symbolic washing away of sins.
The festival was adopted by the Khmer Empire, which ruled parts of present-day Thailand, around the 11th century.
According to the traditional Thai calendar, the first new moon day of the fifth month is regarded as New Year’s Day. It normally falls on April 13.
Thais regarded Songkran as New Year's Day until 1889, when King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) switched the date to April 1. In 1941, the first day of the year was moved to January 1 by Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram’s government, to match the Western Gregorian Calendar. The Thai traditional New Year switched back to April 13, to be celebrated with a three-day Songkran holiday.
Under the Khmer empire, people bathed under the sun as they believed it helped cleanse the soul of bad karma and freed the spirits of dead ancestors to return to their homeland. This belief was apparently later attributed to the water element in Songkran celebrations.
As Theravada Buddhism flourished in Thailand, Songkran took on new dimensions.
The focus shifted towards merit-making, with people offering food and prayers to monks at temples.
This tradition, called "tam bun", remains an essential part of traditional New Year celebrations today.
During the Ayutthaya Kingdom (1350-1767), Songkran became an elaborate royal ceremony.
The king led processions, offered symbolic gifts to Buddha statues, and participated in the "Washing of the Buddha" ritual. No water splashing took place in those days.
The washing ritual, where people pour water over Buddha images to purge impurities, is still practised widely.
Millions who study or work outside their home provinces grab the opportunity of the three-day holiday to travel home to their families. April 14 is also called Family Day. The government often extends the holiday period by one or two days, creating a long weekend to promote tourism. But the exodus of people, coupled with partying, also leads to a spike in road accidents each year.
Water splashing takes centre stage at Songkran these days, with water guns in all shapes and sizes filling the shelves in shops.
The roots of this tradition are a mystery, though. Culture scholar Sujit Wongthet believes the water fights were encouraged and adopted in modern times to promote tourism.
He notes that a poem about Songkran written during the reign of King Rama III makes no mention of water splashing.
Some scholars believe that water splashing began after King Chulalongkorn began celebrating Thai New Year in 1989.
Today, Songkran is a vibrant celebration of tradition, family, and community whose significance has now earned UNESCO recognition.
People visit temples, offer alms, sprinkle water on their elders to show respect, and engage in joyous water battles symbolising cleansing and renewal.
The gentler side of the festival sees people anointing the hands of their parents, grandparents and seniors with scented water to seek their blessing for the new year.
Many families, especially those in the Northeast, make merit for deceased relatives or ancestors.
Local authorities and shopping malls set up spaces for the public to pour scented water on Buddha images to seek blessing.
Some temples invite worshippers to carry sand into their grounds for future building construction. Many Buddhists believe the practice brings prosperity, hoping that money pours into their pockets to match the amount of sand they carry.
Another traditional New Year activity is the releasing of captive animals. Worshippers buy fish and caged birds to free on Songkran Day, hoping that this act of compassion will wipe away their bad luck.
Songkran's journey from ancient to modern times reflects Thailand's history and culture, weaving together ancient customs, religious beliefs, and a zest for life. The festival is testament to the enduring power of tradition and the joy of celebrating new beginnings And as world intangible heritage, it is here to stay.
The history of Songkran – all you need to know about Thai New Year
What is Songkran?
Songkran is the largest and most famous festival in Thailand and marks the start of Thai New Year. For younger people it is perhaps best known for its large-scale water fights (or at least it was until the pandemic) but is also known for its traditional water blessing ceremonies. An important event in the Buddhist calendar, Thais will also use the Songkran holidays as an opportunity to return home and spend time with their families.
When is Songkran?
Originally, the Songkran festival’s date was determined by astronomy, but now, the official date, Songkran takes place is April 13-15. However, depending on the province, celebrations can continue for a week, sometimes longer. Pre-COVID, the Songkran celebrations in places such as Pattaya and Chiang Mai can often take place for up to seven days and longer.
What are the origins of Songkran?
The word Songkran is from a Sanskrit word that means passing or moving and is a metaphor for relocating the zodiac imprint or entering the New Year. Songkran was originally Thailand’s New Year’s Day, and signified the start of the Thai calendar. Between 1888 and 1940, Songkran and New Year’s Day in Thailand was celebrated on April 1 but was later changed to April 13-15, when January 1 became synchronized across the world as New Year’s Day.
Where else is Songkran celebrated?
Other than in Thailand, Songkran is celebrated in Laos, Cambodia, Burma, the Tai ethnic minority of Vietnam, and in China’s Yunnan province as well as in Sri Lanka and other eastern Indian countries. The Songkran festival is culturally rooted in India’s Holi festival. The Holi festival uses a splash of color instead and is celebrated in March.
How is Songkran celebrated in Thailand?
Water is a central element to Songkran and traditionally people would sprinkle water on one another as a way to cool down during the peak of the Thai summer season. Today, that has escalated somewhat to large scale water throwing celebrations where people use buckets and water pistols to soak anyone within reach. Appreciation of family and elders is also an important part of Songkran. More traditionally, people will mix clean water, fresh flowers, or garlands to pour over the hands of their parents, grandparents or other elderly family members or neighbors.
What are some traditional activities that Thai people do on Songkran?
With COVID-19 preventative measures putting a temporary halt to water throwing, people in Thailand will be opting for more traditional celebrations this Songkran, such as:
Making merit : Many Thai people will visit a temple during Songkran to make merit and pay their respects to people who have passed away. This type of merit-making is frequently planned ahead of time by bringing food to the temple pavilion to offer to the monks.
Sand pagoda work : After making merit, some people may build sand pagodas at their local temples. The building of pagodas is a religious Thai tradition that highlights teamwork among residents who work together to build the pagodas.
Releasing fish and birds : People will release fish and birds at their local temple as a form of making merit. Releasing the animals from the confines of a cage or giving them freedom is meant to signify a cleansing of the sins or a means of eliminating misfortune to bring happiness and comfort.
Pouring water on an adult or elderly person : This is a mark of respect for adults such as parents, teachers and other respected people. Water is poured on the hands of the person who will then bless the individual who is pouring the water.
Bathing the Buddha : Bathing images or statues of Buddha either at home or at a temple. This is typically performed at the end of the merit making ceremony.
House cleaning: The biggest cleaning day of the year, Songkran is when Thai people clean, sweep, and mop to get rid of bad items from their houses. The cleaning symbolizes ridding the home of any terrible things that have occurred during the previous year in readiness for better things for the year ahead.
Songkran  ,  Songkran in Thailand ,  Traditional Thai New Year festival , Songkran Festival , History of Songkran Festival , Thai New Year ,  Thailand , เทศกาลสงกรานต์ , The history of Songkran , วันสงกรานต์  , The history of Songkran in Thailand  , The Story of Songkran  ,  Songkran History
#Songkran2557  #Songkran  #SongkranFestival   #ThaiNewYear  #SongkranThailand #กำเนิดวันสงกรานต์  #ตำนานสงกรานต์   #สงกรานต์   #Thailand'sWaterFestival    #Songkran2024    #CelebratingSongkran  #TheWaterFestival
CR   ::    https://www.nationthailand.com/  ,  https://www.huahintoday.com/
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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14 November 2013 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales has a garland put on by a small boy being held up by his father in honour of his 65th birthday during a visit to Jew Street in Jew Town on day 9 of an official visit to India in Kochi, India. This will be the Royal couple's third official visit to India together and their most extensive yet, which will see them spending nine days in India and afterwards visiting Sri Lanka in order to attend the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
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methinmycoffee · 2 years
Season 2 rankings!
Best to Worst:
Gnomes (Ep. 17)
Ike’s Wee Wee (Ep. 3)
Spookyfish (Ep. 15)
Prehistoric Ice Man (Ep. 18)
Cartman’s Mom is Still a Dirty Slut (Ep. 2)
Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka (Ep. 6)
Conjoined Fetus Lady (Ep. 5)
Chickenpox (Ep. 10)
Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson! (Ep. 16)
Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods (Ep. 11)
Clubhouses (Ep. 12)
Terrance and Philip in Not Without My Anus (Ep. 1)
Chef Aid (Ep. 14)
Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls (Ep. 9)
Cow Days (Ep. 13)
Summer Sucks (Ep. 8)
Chickenlover (Ep. 4)
City on the Edge of Forever (Ep. 7)
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auddacity · 1 year
Survey I did on friends about geography :>
So, lately I've been geeking over like, geography (except capitals, fuck capitals) and I rlly wanted to like survey how much people i knew knew about em for like, fun HAHA. Since the school year just ended, I had time :3
I picked 7 countries (can't be territories etc.) from each continent except Antarctica from most to least popular (imo) and asked people to self-evaluate how well they knew them!! I know this isn't statistically unbiased or something because I didn't choose randomly but FUCK THAT
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Each country would have 2 questions like this:
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I got like 17 responses in under a day (tysmmm!! idc if it's 'too little') and instantly went into analysis hehe (note that most if not ALL the respondents were Asian so there might be a bias but BLEGH >:P)
I turned the answers into a numeric value that I could process:
Yes - 2 pts Sorta - 1 pts No - 0 pts
So obvious stuff: Europe and Asia were the most identifiable, while North America (central if we're bein honest) was the least Surprisingly (at least to me), people recognize country names wayyyy more than flags (which in retrospect, yea but). The flag was equally (if not MORE*) recognized only when:
it was a well-known country (South Korea*, UK)
it had a unique flag (Nepal*, Antigua and Barbuda)
If we subtract the score a country got from its name to its flag, many have an average difference of at least 5+, with the most being Samoa 🇼🇸 (19), Haiti 🇭🇹 (15), and Fiji 🇫🇯 (14).
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Looking at continents, the same can be said with Africa (10.7), North America (9.1), and Oceania (9) having the largest differences. It's prolly cuz people know countries like Kenya and Fiji and exist but are dumbfounded to realize they had flags?!?! TL;DR: i did not know that people legit didn't know flagss prolly cuz they heard countries from passing only which is mostly through their name. I'd love to dissect this more but I'm very lazy and this draft got deleted midway??? tumblr???? so I'll send the excel file below for y'all to see if you guys are interested :]
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myths-n-legends · 2 years
Deepavail (Diwail)
Hehe, hello I almost forgot to post today again, anyway its Diwail/Deepavail, so happy diwali to all the people how celebrate the festival!! Also only one week till Halloween!! Look who once said that she'll never write anything about Indian mythology (°=°;;) Anyways enjoy the story.
Deepavali (Btw its actully Deepavali but many people call and know it as Diwail), also known as the Festival of Lights is a Hindu religious festival and one of the most important festivals within Hinduism.
It generally lasts five days (or six in some regions of India), and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November). It is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, it symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance". 
The festival is widely associated with Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity and Ganesha, god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles, with many other regional traditions connecting the holiday to Sita  and Rama, Vishnu, Krishna, Durga, Shiva,  Kali, Hanuman, Kubera, Yama, Yami, Dhanvantari, or Vishvakarman.
Furthermore, it is a celebration of the day Rama returned to his kingdom in  Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating the demon Ravana in Lanka and serving 14 years of exile.
In the lead-up to Deepavali, celebrants prepare by cleaning, renovating, and decorating their homes and workplaces with diyas (oil lamps) and rangolis (colorful artistic circle patterns).
During Diwali, people wear their finest clothes, illuminate the interior and exterior of their homes with diyas and rangoli, perform worship ceremonies of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth, light fireworks, and partake in family feasts, where mithai (sweets) and gifts are shared.
Originally a Hindu festival, Diwali has transcended religious lines and is also celebrated by Jains and Sikhs. It is a major cultural event for the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain diaspora.
The five-day long festival originated in the Indian subcontinent and is mentioned in early Sanskrit texts. Diwali is usually celebrated twenty days after the Vijayadashami (Dussehra,  Dasara,  Dashain,  Dashahara.(There are all the same btw)) festival, with Dhanteras, or the regional equivalent, marking the first day of the festival when celebrants prepare by cleaning their homes and making decorations on the floor, such as rangolis.
Some regions of Indiastart Diwali festivities the day before Dhanteras with Govatsa Dwadashi. The second day is Naraka Chaturdashi. The third day is the day of Lakshmi Puja and the darkest night of the traditional month. In some parts of India, the day after Lakshmi Puja is marked with the Govardhan Puja  and Balipratipada (Padwa).
Some Hinducommunities mark the last day as Bhai Doojor the regional equivalent, which is dedicated to the bond between sister and brother, while other Hindu and Sikh craftsmen communities mark this day as Vishwakarma Puja and observe it by performing maintenance in their work spaces and offering prayers.
Some other faiths in India also celebrate their respective festivals alongside Diwali. The Jains observe their own Diwali which marks the final liberation of Mahavira,  the Sikhscelebrate Bandi Chhor Divas to mark the release of Guru Hargobind from a Mughalprison, while Newar Buddhists, unlike other Buddhists, celebrate Diwali by worshipping Lakshmi, while the Hindus of Eastern Indiaand Bangladesh generally celebrate Diwali by worshipping the goddess Kali. 
The main day of the festival of Diwali (the day of Lakshmi Puja) is an official holiday in Fiji, Guyana, India,  Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
A/n: stolen knowledge from Wikipedia coz your girl lost track of time. Im sorry about that and also for no pictures and also became I'm late at posting again. If there are any spelling errors I have no Idea about it but I apology for that too.
See you on the next post and happy Diwail!! Bye and take care.
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khushigodara · 2 years
Diwali (also: Deepawali) is one of India's biggest festivals. The word 'Deepawali' means rows of lighted lamps. It is a Festival of Lights and Hindus celebrate it with joy. During this festival, people light up their houses and shopswith Diyas (small cup-shaped oil lamp made of baked clay). They worship the Lord Ganeshafor welfare and prosperity and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and wisdom.
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This festival is celebrated in the Hindu monthof Kartikamasam which falls sometime during October or November. It is celebrated to mark the return of Lord Rama after 14 years of exileand his victory over the Demon Ravana. In many parts of India, Deepawali is celebrated for five consecutive days. Hindus regard it as a celebration of life and use the occasion to strengthen relationships. In some parts of India, it marks the beginning of a new year. People clean and decorate their house before the festival. They do colorful rangoli art works on floors.
Deepawali is celebrated and is a public holiday in countries such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago. It is also a school holiday in many states of the United States with a large Hindu population. President George W. Bush had the first celebration of the holiday in the White House.
Hindus light up their homes and shops to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi and to give them good luck for the year ahead. A few days before Ravtegh, which is the day before Deepavali, houses, buildings, shops and temples are thoroughly cleaned, whitewashedand decorated with pictures, toys and flowers. On the day of Deepawali, people put on their best clothes and exchange greetings, gifts and sweets with their friends and family.
At night, buildings are illuminated with earthen lamps, candle-sticks and electric bulbs. Sweets and toy shop are decorated to attract the passers-by. The bazaars and streets are overcrowded. People buy sweets for their own families and also send them as presents to their friends and relatives. The Goddess Lakshmi is also worshiped in the form of earthen images, silver rupee. Hindus believe that on this day, Lakshmi only enters houses which are neat and tidy. People offer prayers for their own health, wealth and prosperity. They leave the light on in buildings believing that Lakshmi will not have difficulty in finding her way in.
Diwali is one of the most important festival of the Hindus.It is also known as deepawali or the festival of lights. It comes on Amavasya day in the month of kartik. Both rich and poor wear new clothes on this day. Lots of sweets are made. People light diyas and burn crackers. They ex- change greetings and sweets. Goddess Laxmi is worshipped on this day.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Secrets of Ramayana
Rama killed 14 thousand Rakshas, destroyed their chariots and neutralized their counter attack and killed them in 72 minutes during the Aranya Kanda.
Rama can shoot 13 arrows at once. At once he can kill the opponent, his horses, chariot driver and destroy the chariot.
Rama once fired a Brahmastra on a Crow (Actually a Rakshasa who was sent by Gods to provoke Rama) which was biting Sita and eating her flesh
When Rama and Ravana was fighting everyone stopped war and just watched both of them in amazement
Rama and Vanaras built the bridge of 100 yojanas in 5 days. One Yojana is approximately 8 miles. So 100 yojanas is 800 miles. So because of this I often wonder that the current Sri Lanka may not be the Golden Lanka of Ancient times. It is said that the Olden and Golden Lanka is submerged in the Sea and Vibheeshan (who is one of the immortals) is still ruling it.
Rama killed Vali from front not from back. But he shot the arrow from hiding. But Rama clearly justified his act to Vali who asked all sorts of questions to Rama before dying.
Rama cried for Sita like a mad person when she was abducted and ran here and there and asked trees, plants, flowers, rivers, deers etc for her whereabouts. He loved her very dearly. Sita in fact mentions many times that Vanavas was the best boon for her so that she got to spend all the time with her husband in intimate settings. Even when Rama ordered Sita to prove her purity, he tells her that it is not because of her mistake but because of his clouded vision he is ordering it. Indirectly he was mentioning that people will ask all sorts of questions and to shut them up, he is ordering her to enter fire. But even after that one idiot did ask question about her purity, which forced Rama to abandon her. He considered people’s welfare more important compared to his love for his wife. He even gives his word during coronation to all the sages who present there that he will not hesitate to leave his wife or brothers for the sake of people
Ravana took Sita on the Pushpaka vimana by manhandling her directly.
Rama is older than Sita by 6 years. Rama was 24 and Sita was 18 at the time of her marriage. As mentioned by Sita herself to Ravana just before he abducted. (Ravana was in the guise of a Sanyasi at that time)
At then end of the war Rama did not lose a single soldier where as Ravana lost all of them. Because at the end of war all the Gods appear to Rama and praise him and ask him to choose his boon. Rama requests that all his dead soldiers should become alive.
Whom ever Rama looked at once, or who ever looked at Rama at once, got irresistibly attracted to Rama
Rama was so handsome that even men, even ascetic men wanted at least embrace him at once. But he denied all of them and told that they will be born as cowherd women and he will born as Krishna to fulfill their wishes. Even then he did not even look at any other women. After leaving Sita in forest, he wanted to perform a Yagna and he needed wife, people suggested him to marry again, but he denied. He said Sita is only wife for this life and he made a golden Sita and performed with the statue along side of him.
The other boon Rama postponed to the Krishana avatar was the one given to Jambavanta (the Grand Old Bear). At the end of the war, Rama was pleased by Jambavan’s help during the whole episode of searching for Sita and War, asked him to choose any boon. But Jambavan was too fascinated by Rama’s warring skills so chose a boon to fight Rama once. But Rama gently denied that he does not want to fight with friends even for the sake of fun. He however said that in my next Avatar, I will give you that chance. In the Krishna avatar, he goes in search of the missing Samanthaka jewel and find it in the cave Jambavan, in the process of retrieving it he fights with Jambavan thus fulfilling his wish. Jambavan finally realizes Krishna was none other than Rama and with overflowing Joy he gives his daughter Jambavati in wedding to Krishna.
Just before the war, on the banks of ocean, Vibheeshana (Ravana’s brother) comes to join Rama on the fight. Rama accepts him despite the warnings from Sugreeva and others to deny the person from enemy camp. Rama takes him in saying that he will never forsake anyone who took refuge in him.
He coronated Vibheeshana as King of Lanka even before the war started. Then Lakshmana asked him, what if Ravana comes with a truce and gives Sita back? How can there will be two kings to Lanka? Then Rama replies that if that happens, then he will give his kingdom Ayodhya to Ravana and he will remain in forests. Such is the greatness of Rama’s word.
He truly lived the life of One word, One Arrow and One Wife despite all the odds one can face.
Rama is the full true representation of Dharma
At the end of the war, when his Generals and Brother wished to stay in Lanka for few months to enjoy the beauty of the grand city, Rama tells him “Mother and Mother land are greater than even the Heavens” and hence we should quickly return to Ayodhya
During the war when Lakshmana fell to ground with an arrow to the chest by Indrajeet, Rama thought that Lakshmana was killed, at that time Rama weeps uncontrollably by saying “Wherever I go I can get a Wife and Friends, but I can’t get a brother in this life”. This is to indicate the preciousness of brothers. Not to be taken that Rama wanted another wife.
Everyone wants a Son like Rama, brother like Rama, friend like Rama, husband like Rama, King like Rama…But it is so appalling to see that there are people who hate him still..
Sita devi saved the honor of Rama. When Hanuman found abducted Sita under the Asoka tree in Ravana’s garden, he suggested that Sita devi should sit on shoulders and he would quickly fly back to Rama. But Sita devi denies that offer for two reasons. One is that she does not want to knowingly touch any other male other than her husband. Second is that she wishes her husband to come and kill Ravana in the war and take her back like a true warrior. She does not want Rama to be known as a coward who stole her back, just like Ravana stole her in the absence of her husband.
Sita devi is not physically born to her Father. He found her while he was ploughing the land for some Yagna. Hence she got the name of Sita (The one who came up by herself)
Sita and Rama loved each other as if they are one Soul in two bodies. They started even resembling each other, so much so that when Hanuman first looked at Sita devi in Ravana’s camp, he thought that he was looking at Rama only.
Sita and Rama are considered the most ideal couple. Even to this date in India when some one sees a loving couple, they are referred to be like “Rama and Sita”
Lakshmana could not bear separation of Rama even for a moment, and hence accompanies Rama by himself to the Forest for 14 years. Once Rama tells him to go back to Ayodhya, Lakshmana replies saying that “I will go by , but as soon as I lose the sight of you, I will drop dead”. Rama never spoke like this ever after this.
Lakshmana fights with Indrajeet (The most dangerous warrior in the entire Ramayana) for several days. The fight was most fierce and both the warriors covered each other with countless arrows and the blood was flowing out from both of them like streams. But none was getting tired or losing enthusiasm. Lakshmana tries all celestial weapons he had and Indrajeet had answer for all of them. Finally Lakshmana comes up with never before used Mantra which had no counter, hence is able to kill Indrajeet. This mantra is considered as cornerstone of Ramayana. It goes “Oh Arrow, if Rama is really the son of Dasaratha, who never deviated from Dharma and Truth and is really a matchless warrior, then you may kill my enemy”
I am getting goose bumps just to think of writing about Hanuman.
Hanuman is the most powerful warrior. Wherever Hanuman is present, there will always be victory.
During the war when Indrajeet overpowers the entire Rama’s army with celestial Cobra weapon, every one is succumbed including Rama & Lakshmana except Vibheesha and Hanuman. At that time they approached Jambavan to inquire how he was doing. Then Jambavan asks “Where is and How is Hanuma”. Hanuma humbly replies “I am here and fine”. At that time Vibheeshana asks Jambavan “Why did you not inquire about Rama or Lakshmana first?”. Jambavan replies “If Hanuman is fine, then every thing will be fine. If Hanuman is not fine, then everything is lost”
As soon as he was born, he mistakes rising sun for a juicy Mango and flies towards the Sun to eat it. Lord Indra had to intervene and strike him unconscious. But later all the Gods feel sorry for the little one and blesses him with immortality and all their powers. They also bless him that he may not be defeated by any celestial weapon.
Hanuman is the embodiment of humility, nice speech, great intelligence and great power.
When Rama and Hanuman first come face to face, Rama can’t stop himself from praising Hanuman, just after listening to few words. Rama says, which ever king has him (Hanuman) as his minister, that King will never face any defeat.
When once Rama asked Hanuman of what does he think of himself. Hanuman replies “When I think of myself as body, I am your servant. When I think myself as a individual soul/mind, I am part of you. When I consider myself as Brahman, I am You”
At the end of Rama’s avatar, Rama invited every one to come along with him to the Vaikunta. But Hanuman denies the invitation, saying that he prefers to hang around the earth listening to the divine stories of Rama. To this day, it is said that wherever Rama’s story is told, Hunuman comes there in some form to listen to the story. It is said that he listens to the story with folded hands with flowing tears of Joy and gratitude.
When Hanuman came back to after talking to Sita Devi and burning the entire Lanka, he narrates the story in great detail to his awaiting friends like Angada, Jambavan and the entire Monkey army. But when he comes to Rama, he narrates the entire episode in one sentence. That is shows humility in front his master.
Hanuman is the only one who got the blessing of a Hug from Rama:(except Sita of course) When Rama hears about Hanuman’s victory of finding, talking and comforting Sita with nectarous words, Rama says that he can’t repay Hanuman’s help with anything except with a Hug.
Hanuman’s search in Lanka & Sita Devi’s darshan, compare to a sadhak
Ramayana has 24000 slokas and each of the 1000 slokas is considered as an expansion of 1 letter of Gayathri mantra, which as 24 letters.
Ramayana on Leadership: One can get a lot of details on leadership by comparing the qualities and conversations of Rama and Ravana. How Rama asks opinions from others before deciding, How Ravana decides first and tries to support his arguments etc. How Rama deals with others with Love, Logic and Honesty and How Ravana deals with others with Threat, Authority and Deception etc. You can see this more in the last 3 Kandas
Like this Ramayana is a great resource for Omens and Psychology. It has a great deal of description about nature, birds and trees. Some of the descriptions about different seasons like rainy season and spring season is too good.
Ramayana has the mention of decimal system. Ramayana has specific names numbers ranging from for 1 to 10 ^64.
Ramayana clearly mentions about earth being a sphere, not flat. (It is mentioned at the end of Ayodhya Kanda, During the debate between Rama and the ministers of Ayodhya, when they were trying to persuade Rama to come back to the Kingdom). They also debate about materialism, offering to the diseased ancestors (tarpan) etc, during the same debate.
During Ramayana the tax rate was flat 16% (Ayodhya Kand, Bharta indirectly speaks about it with Kausalya Mata)
The Pushpaka vimanam is a flying 7 storied building, which has infinite capacity. Flying around is common during Ramayana. Apart from Pushpaka the chariots of Indrajeet and several other Rakshasas can fly.
Robots are common during Ramayana :-) :-). When Kumbkarna is woken up for the war, he starts walking in the streets to reach his brother’s palace. The Vanaras see this from the battle field and get scared and start to run away. Vibheeshana calms them down by saying that “It is not a Giant Rakshasa, but just a machine (robot)”
Note: It was a common practice to count the age from the day of from the day of Upanayanam, from the day of their starting of education, on that day they get a sacred thread and initiated into chanting of Gayatri mantra. For that reason they are also considered to have taken a new birth. Brahmanas and Khatriyas have this Upanayanam function. Usually the Upanayanam is done at the age of 8.
Bala Kanda, 20th Sarga, 2nd Sloka: “Dasaratha tells Vishwamitra that he can’t send Rama along with him to kill the demons who are spoiling his Yagnam, because Rama’s age is not even 16 years.” This happened just before his marriage to Sita. So we can say that Rama’s age at the time of Marriage is 16 years (16+8 = 24 years from the date of birth)
Aranya Kanda, 47th Sarga, 4th Sloka: Sita devi is speaking to Ravana who was in the guise of Sanyasi “I have enjoyed all the pleasures a human would enjoy in the palace of Rama for 12 years after our marriage and on the 13th year Dasaratha thought of coronation of Rama as Crown Prince”
Aranya Kanda, 47th Sarga, 10th Sloka: Sita devi is speaking to Ravana who was in the guise of Sanyasi. “At the time of Coronation, Rama’s age is 25 and Mine is 18 years”. From this we can say that Rama’s and Sita’s age is 33 and 26 (from DoB) respectively at the time of Coronation. So Sita’s age at the time of marriage is 14 years (26 minus 12 year in Rama’s palace) from DoB and Rama’s was 21. (33 minus 12 years after marriage)
Sita is definitely younger to Rama by 7 years or so.
Sitas age at the time of marriage is 6 years from Upanayanam and 14 years from DoB. This is also confirmed because at several places, it is mentioned that Janaka (Sita’s father) thought of looking for a suitable husband for Sita after she attained proper marriage age.
Rama’s age at the time of marriage is either 24 years from DoB (Balakanda) or 21 years from DoB (Aranya Kanda)
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5536
Jalsa, Mumbai                April 13/14,�� 2023                Thu/Fri  12:05 AM
Birthday - EF - Prasha Ganesh .. Friday, 14 April .. greetings filled with the affection of the Ef .. ❤️
🌹 .. April 14 .. birthday of Ef Prasha Ganesh from Sri Lanka and Urvashi Sharma .. both sharer of birth with  Bharat Ratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar .. and on this auspicious day we wish you all the love and happiness, Prasha and Urvashi ji ..
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... and having done the birthdays the slumber and the routines of daily responsibilities took over and here we are on the 14th of Apr again at 9:17 AM
intriguing debates and discussions pursued the entire day in discussion and Saptaswar, for projects that need careful attention and involvement for the work undertaken .. it is a World of rapid change .. 
Change .. or be changed by circumstances .. but change you will .. it is the byline tag USP of each daily day now .. and the generation that occupies the Universe , unaware of the past and the good it left, have before them the incredible NEW World of immense value and invention and technology that is keeping us oldies breathless and under no condition to keep up with them .. 
Smarter faster in intellect .. educated for it , for borrowed through technology, it is an inevitable occurrence .. cannot fight against it , for when you do the force of the technological world swishes past you , leaving you gasping for fresh air .. if at all there is some ..
there is some merit in the ‘elixir of life’ .. the bean, burnt melted in degrees of consumption and which states that it is welcomed by several parts of the interior physiognomy  .. one of such being the cerebrum .. which exudes intellect physical extended limits and much more .. actually the guile and freedom to performance enhanced brings immense pleasure to not just the consumer, but indeed they that come in close proximity ..
and the consumer .. well .. it is being protected now by law and morality soon .. the one that propagates is the one that shall be at the gate of answerability .. 
Hmmmmmmm ..
a great deal of  .. MMMMMMMMMM .. shall follow if this is put into practice .. 
time shall tell ..
the breathing machinery be present now .. which nostril bringing in the energy .. so 🙏 .. 
more later .. the famous departure express ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years
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i’m taking a page from @princess-paramour and having no filter 😂
Have fun
goshness bahaha thanksss
1. ellora (middle name)
2. jan.5th
3. my name as a married woman to kaz brekker hahaha
4. sound of music
5. im scattered minded
6. i always treat others the way i wish to be treated
7. im a pushover sometimes
8. just chilling at the beach or like a coffee shop and asking each other questions and talking about our days
9. family
10. straight
11. no clue
12. family issues yesterday
13. thai
14. fall
15. .... really long haha 30mins
16. france
17. english, spanish, and a tinyyy bit of tamil
18. dark brown
19. siege and storm
20. vanilla or mint chip
21. dogs. 100%
22. family line by conan gray
23. night
24. yes!! i love them!
25. 15
26. the only one coming to mind is better terrible truths than kind lies
27. superache by conan gray
28. their eyes and smile
29. i will not put that out there bahaha
30. american
31. you're on your own kid by taylor swift
32. i don't think i have one...
33. bowl of rice and curry
34. tea
35. supermarket flowers by ed sherran
36. all over the states, sri lanka and dubai
37. teal or mint green
38. water
39. hockey(watching) taekwondo(doing)
40. mango
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bananafail · 2 years
Minna no nihongo 1 audio
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(You might need it if you are studying through uni anyway) Also there's little people diagrams in there that are really cute too. This is a great little textbook - however if you are studying on your own you will need to get the translation book. (And I bought it through here because I thought that it would end up cheaper than what my uni charged) (it was $10 cheaper at another bookshop than what I ordered it for,postage included) I used this textbook as part of Japanese study at university. SoundCloud Minna no Nihongo 1 1 by Unagibun published on. La calidad del producto es excelente, el libro llego en perfectas condiciones, como siempre el cuidado que tienen, y las precauciones que toman para proteger los productos es la mejor de todas.No queda mas que decir, ahora a estudiar para aprender de este maravilloso idioma, muchas gracias y un saludo desde colombia 1 EXCELENTE COLOMBIA Study hard and you shall. Listen to Minna no Nihongo 1 1, a playlist curated by Unagibun on desktop and mobile. Here it is: The perfect method to learn Japanese! Clear, well-written and affordable, it is the must-have for those who want to learn this fascinating language! 8 Deborah BELGIUM EXCELENTE 5 /rebates/&252fdownload-buku-minna-no-nihongo-1-bahasa-indonesia-pdf.
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As with the " Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu" series, the accompanying Translation and Grammatical Notes in English is necessary. Minna no nihongo audio mp3 These are elementary Japanese conversation lessons using the Amieke original Q&A materials, commercially available texts or free online materials. The grammar of words offers the complete vocabulary and the grammar of 50 Minna without Nihongo lessons in this article, we would like to present the collection of 50 lessons with vocabulary and grammar. The book set is suitable for foreigners who start studying Japanese. "Minna no Nihongo Chuukyuu I" is aimed at those learners at the upper beginner/lower intermediate level (i.e., a bridge between the beginner and intermediate levels) who wish to cultivate in a practical manner their all round skills in talking, listening, reading and writing. Minna no sets of Nihongo books includes vocabulary, grammar. Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu has an established reputation as a textbook that cultivates the practical conversational skills of the learner through the steady learning of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as exposure to everyday conversation in various settings.
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Emirates Visa from Sri Lanka: Application Details & Process
Traveling to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an exciting opportunity for many Sri Lankans, whether for tourism, business, or visiting family and friends. However, securing a visa can seem daunting. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on how to apply Emirates visa from Sri Lanka, outlining the types of visas available, the application process, required documents, and tips for a smooth experience.
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Types of Emirates Visas
It's critical to comprehend the several Emirates visa categories that Sri Lankans might apply for before beginning the application process:
Tourist Visa: Perfect for tourists or people traveling for fun. There are two types of visas available: 30-day and 90-day.
Transit Visa: Usually good for up to 96 hours of stay, this visa is intended for visitors passing through the United Arab Emirates.
Visit Visa: For travelers paying visits to relatives or friends who live in the United Arab Emirates. Although it is usually good for thirty days, this visa can frequently be extended.
Business Visa: Intended for tourists on business visiting the United Arab Emirates for meetings or conferences.
Application Process
The application process for an Emirates visa can be completed online or through a local UAE embassy or consulate. Here’s a step-by-step guide to applying online, which is the most convenient method.
Step 1: Select your country
Go to our Website Emirates Visa Online. Select your country of residence, Like choose "Sri Lanka" from the list.
Step 2: Determine the Visa Type
Identify the type of visa that matches your travel purpose. If you’re visiting for tourism, a tourist visa for single or multiple entry is appropriate. For business-related visits, opt for a business visa which is a 14 Days UAE Visa from Sri Lanka. If you're just passing through the UAE, a UAE transit visa which is for 48 or 96 Hour Layover Visa will be required.
Step 3: Upload Required Documents
Prepare the following documents, which are commonly required for Emirates Visa applications:
Passport Copy: A clear copy of your passport's biographical page.
Photograph: A recent passport-sized photo.
Application Form: Fill out the visa application form completely and accurately.
Proof of Travel: Flight bookings or travel itinerary.
Accommodation Details: Proof of where you will be staying in the UAE, such as hotel reservations.
Financial Proof: Evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay.
Visa Fee: Payment for the UAE Visa Application Fee.
Step 3:  Complete Your Application
Once you have completed the application form and gathered all necessary documents, submit your application through our portal. Verify again for any mistakes or information that is missing.
Step 4: Pay the Visa Fee
After uploading your documents and completing the application, you’ll need to pay the visa fee. The kind and period of the visa affect the fees. Usually, credit or debit cards can be used to make payments.
Step 6: Submit Your Application
Once everything is completed and the fee is paid, submit your application. You will receive a confirmation email with a reference number, which you can use to track your application status.
Step 7: Track Application Status
You can Check UAE Visa Status through the portal if it approved, pending or any or more details needed. Keep an eye on any updates or additional requirements.
Step 8: Wait for Processing
The processing time for an Emirates Visa varies depending on the type of visa and the volume of applications. Typically, tourist visas are processed within 3 to 5 working days. But if you have any urgency you have an option you can get UAE Express Visa Service , it will help you to approve your visa within 4-24 hours. However, it's advisable to apply well in advance of your travel dates to account for any delays.
Step 9: Receive Your Visa
Once your Online application of Emirates Visa is approved, you will receive your Emirates Visa. If you applied online, you can download and print the visa from the e-Visa portal. Ensure that all details on the visa are correct before traveling.
Cost of a UAE Visa for Sri Lanka Citizens
The Emirates visa fees from Sri Lanka can vary based on the service provider and processing speed, and here is the overview of the price:  
If you apply for a standard visa, this visa will be processed within 72 days, and its valid time is 30 days 
Applying for a UAE Express Visa is processed within 24 hours. It is also valid for 30 days.
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Tips for a Smooth Application Process of UAE Visa
Apply Early: To avoid any last-minute issues, apply for your visa at least a few weeks before your planned travel.
Double-Check Information: Ensure all the information provided is accurate and consistent with your passport. Any discrepancies can lead to delays or rejection.
Stay Updated: Visa policies can change, so it’s wise to check for the latest requirements on the official UAE government website or through your airline.
Consult a Travel Agency: If you find the process overwhelming, consider consulting a reputable travel agency. They can provide guidance and assist with the application.
Travel Insurance: While not mandatory, obtaining travel insurance is highly recommended. It can provide peace of mind and financial protection during your trip.
Applying for an Emirates Visa as a Sri Lanka citizen involves several steps, from determining the type of visa you need to submitting your application and waiting for approval. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide and avoiding common pitfalls, you can enhance your chances of a smooth and successful application process.
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livesanskrit · 8 days
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
National Engineers' Day.
Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya more commonly known as Sir MV (15 September 1860 – 14 April 1962), was an Indian civil engineer and statesman and the 19th Diwan of Mysore, serving from 1912 to 1919. He received India's highest honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1955. He was knighted as a Knight Commander of the British Indian Empire (KCIE) by King George V for his contributions to the public good. His birthday, 15 September, is celebrated as Engineers' Day in India, Sri Lanka and Tanzania in his memory. He was the Chief Engineer of Krishna Raja Sagara dam in the north-west suburb of Mysuru city, and also served as one of the Chief Engineers of the flood protection system for the city of Hyderabad.
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novumtimes · 28 days
Jonny Bairstow and Moeen Ali left out as England enter new white-ball era
Sign up to our free sport newsletter for all the latest news on everything from cycling to boxing Sign up to our free sport email for all the latest news Sign up to our free sport email for all the latest news Jonny Bairstow and Moeen Ali could have played their last games for England after being dropped in a shake-up of the white-ball set-up. Matthew Mott was sacked as head coach of the limited-overs side last month after disappointing title defences in the ODI and T20 World Cups and the appetite for change has continued with the removal of two senior men sharing over 400 caps for the forthcoming series against Australia. Five uncapped players have been called up for Marcus Trescothick’s first assignment as interim coach, with left-arm seamer Josh Hull, all-rounder Jacob Bethell and pace bowler John Turner selected in both formats, while Dan Mousley and Jordan Cox come into the T20 reckoning. Moeen has been an influential vice-captain to Jos Buttler in recent times but is now 37 and has acknowledged in the past that his international career was winding down. His role as a spin bowling all-rounder will be covered by his Warwickshire teammates Bethell and Mousley. Bairstow turns 35 next month but there is no such sense that he is ready to bring the curtain down on his England days. He was an integral part of the white-ball revolution that carried the side to World Cup glory in 2019, and scored back-to-back centuries against India and New Zealand in must-win games at that tournament. He lost his Test spot earlier this summer after winning his 100th cap over the winter but made his desire to continue representing his country clear in an interview with the BBC during the Hundred. Bairstow bristled when quizzed about his future, telling former Test captain Michael Vaughan: “All I want to do is play for England. End of. You don’t need to ask me that do you? I think you’ve known me for long enough to know that.” Despite having around 14 months left on the two-year central contract he signed last October, it seems clear England are looking to move in a different direction and empower the likes of Will Jacks. Chris Jordan has also been moved on while Liam Livingstone has retained his T20 spot but misses out on the 50-over matches. Another eye-catching pick is that of Durham seamer Brydon Carse, who completes a three-month ban for historical betting offences on Wednesday. He has not played competitively since May 10 due to his suspension but has been offered an instant return by the England and Wales Cricket Board. No red-ball regulars have been considered for the three-match T20 series which starts in Hampshire the day after the final Test against Sri Lanka, though Hull and Cox are involved despite being part of Brendon McCullum’s squad. Harry Brook, Gus Atkinson, Ben Duckett, Jamie Smith and Matthew Potts will take a short break before joining up with Trescothick’s ODI team for the five-match series. Joe Root is not included but the PA news agency understands his omission is simply a case of workload management ahead of a busy winter. Zak Crawley, Ben Stokes and Mark Wood are all out injured but Saqib Mahmood, who conquered his own long-term fitness issues to play a starring role in the Hundred final, returns. England T20 squad to face Australia: Butter (c), Archer, Bethell, Carse, Cox, S Curran, Hull, Jacks, Livingstone, Mahmood, Mousley, Rashid, Salt, Topley, Turner. England ODI squad to face Australia: Buttler (c), Archer, Atkinson, Bethell, Brook, Carse, Duckett, Hull, Jacks, Potts, Rashid, Salt, Smith, Topley, Turner. Source link via The Novum Times
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