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meble-do-salonu · 2 years ago
Capri Line 3 – wysoka jakość, trwałość i piękno w jednym!
Lampa Capri Line 3 to prawdziwy hit wśród mebli i oświetlenia. Jej główną cechą jest połączenie kulistych, szklanych kloszy z aluminium. Dzięki temu zapewnia bardzo przyjemny i elegancki efekt. Źródłem światła jest moduł LED składający się z 6 x 7W, który można wybrać w barwie ciepłej 3000K lub w odpłatnej wersji 4000K. Światło skierowane jest zarówno do dołu jak i do góry. Capri Line 3 jest produkowane przez stworzoną w 1991 roku firmę Libel. Od początku istnienia Libel stale wprowadza innowacje w swoich projektach. Jej twórcy, inspirowani pięknem natury oraz miłością do wzornictwa, tworzą meble i oświetlenie, które nie tylko daje ożywienie i komfort naszym wnętrzom, ale również zapewniają najwyższą jakość. Oświetlenie Libel spełnia wszystkie wymagania do wykorzystania w profesjonalnym otoczeniu. Ich konstrukcje łączą piękno z trwałością, dzięki czemu zachwycają one nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów. Większość produktów Libel waży do 11 kg i jest wykonana w wymiarach 110 cm x 59 cm x 56 cm. Wyprodukowane elementy dostarczane są w paczce i są gotowe do samodzielnego montażu. Z pewnością lampa Capri Line 3 w postaci kolorowych, szklanych kloszy połączonych z aluminiowymi i delikatnymi przewodami, stanie się jednym z najciekawszych elementów Twojego wnętrza.
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fjordfolk · 2 years ago
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Happy Fucking Easter
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agapi-kalyptei · 15 days ago
i have literally ordered four weighted blankets yesterday and instead of feeling regret I'm just wondering if I should have ordered more
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nefja · 2 years ago
When you randomly weigh your little dog and she's suddenly half a kg lighter than expected/her ideal weight. Guess who's getting more food now.
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plainwaterpdf · 2 years ago
I think I am actually feeling quite fucked up about how much my body has changed this year. I don't really know how to talk about it. I think I want to talk about it more. Exercise for me is pleasurable for it's own sake, to an extent, but it's always had a very psychic component. Historically I've tried to focus on exercise as a state of being in my body and having control over my body. In that way it's similar to sex and transitioning. But that control and presence is conditional. This year I've been exercising and dieting towards an aesthetic goal and I think it's fucking with my brain a little. I'm experiencing the thing where I'm thinking about how I look when I exercise more than I am focusing on the action of the exercise itself – like imagining how you look when you're fucking, looking at myself through a pornographic lens. It's an interesting phenomenology – like Heidegger's broken hammer analogy, the subject has become alienated from an object, becoming aware of it, constituting a phenomenological break. It's literally self-objectification. Very obvious when I write it out like this. I (subject) becomes a body (object). I'm always aware of this object. I cannot suppress my awareness of this object. I don't know if this body is mine. I don't know if anyone does. I don't know if that's bad or necessary to "work through" in any meaningful sense. I think it's likely the normal experience. I just want to talk about it.
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zehlinks · 1 year ago
Lavadora Electrolux LFE11: Vale a Pena o Investimento? Descubra
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nerdybouquetpeanutworld · 1 year ago
Lavadora Electrolux LFE11 é boa? Vale a Pena Comprá-la?
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osegredodaslvadoras · 2 years ago
Maquina de lavar Samsung 11kg WW4000 Vale a Pena? #shorts
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artmisk · 2 years ago
lavadora Electrolux 11kg LES11 é boa? Electrolux Essential Care 11kg Val...
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gustavopotente · 26 days ago
Lavadora Samsung 11kg WW11T Inox : Confirs suas funções e benefícios pa...
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driftwooddestiel · 2 months ago
my pack was too heavy so now i’m gonna be having most of my stuff in a bag that gets shuttled from campsite to campsite 😭 and my pack that i carry will just have scroggin lunch water and rain gear… part of me feels like i’m cheating at hiking by not having to carry much but also i’m glad i don’t have to carry a ton so. oh well
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washingmachineblog · 5 months ago
LG 11.0Kg Top Load Washing Machine AI Direct Drive, THD11NWM: A Smarter Wash
The LG 11.0Kg Top Load Washing Machine AI Direct Drive, THD11NWM, is a testament to LG's commitment to innovation and efficiency. This advanced washing machine combines powerful cleaning performance with intelligent features, making laundry day a breeze.
Key Features
11 Kg Capacity: Ideal for large families or those with heavy laundry loads.
AI Direct Drive Technology: Automatically selects the optimal wash program from over 20,000 patterns, ensuring gentle care for your clothes.
TurboDrum Technology: Creates a powerful water current to remove stubborn stains and dirt.
Smart ThinQ Technology: Connect your washing machine to your smartphone for remote control and monitoring.
A Closer Look
The AI Direct Drive technology in the LG 11.0Kg washing machine is a game-changer. By analyzing fabric types and load size, the machine intelligently selects the most suitable wash program, ensuring optimal cleaning results. The TurboDrum technology further enhances cleaning performance by creating a powerful water current that removes dirt and stains effectively.
The Steam Technology in this washing machine is a valuable addition for those with sensitive skin or allergies. The steam penetrates deep into the fabric, eliminating allergens and bacteria, leaving your clothes fresh and hygienic.
Why Choose the LG 11.0Kg Top Load Washing Machine?
Powerful Cleaning: Removes tough stains and dirt effectively.
Gentle Care: Protects delicate fabrics with AI-powered wash programs.
Energy Efficiency: Reduces your carbon footprint and saves on electricity bills.
Smart Features: Connect your washing machine to your smartphone for remote control and monitoring.
Durable Construction: Built to last with high-quality components.
The LG 11.0Kg Top Load Washing Machine AI Direct Drive is a perfect blend of performance, efficiency, and convenience. It's more than just a washing machine; it's a smart solution for your laundry needs. For Best Offers visit Poorvika Online!
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cinephobia · 5 months ago
Eating disorders are so stupid I've been feeling neutral about my body for a while and I open my old calorie counter once (1) and immediately start spiraling
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months ago
Also I have decided I’m using the money from vinted to treat myself to a weighted blanket
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poojalate · 11 months ago
Role of washing machines in modern homes
In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, the washing machine has emerged as an essential appliance in households across the globe. As much as technology grows much work are being done one of the best example is the washing machine unlike in the old days when people didn't want to put their physical efforts into washing their clothes just using the switch would complete the work. This technological marvel has revolutionized the way people manage their laundry, making it an integral part of contemporary living. The reasons why washing machines have become essential components of homes are explained below, remember before buying front load washing machine knowing about them is vital.
Benefits of washing machine
One of the primary reasons washing machines have become integral to homes is the significant time and labor savings they offer. In the past, laundry was a difficult and time-consuming task that often involved manual scrubbing, beating, and wringing of clothes. With the advent of washing machines, this unmanageable process could be avoided, allowing individuals to allocate their time and energy to more meaningful purposes. The convenience of simply loading clothes into the machine, pressing a few buttons, and letting technology take over has transformed the way people approach laundry.
Washing machines are designed with efficiency in mind, optimizing water and energy consumption. Modern machines come equipped with various wash cycles and energy-saving features that allow users to tailor the washing process to the specific needs of their laundry load. This not only ensures that clothes are cleaned effectively but also contributes to resource conservation.
The adaptability of washing machines to various fabric types and laundry loads enhances their appeal. From delicate fabrics to heavy-duty items, washing machines are equipped with different settings to cater to diverse laundry needs. This adaptability ensures that individuals can confidently wash a wide range of clothing items without the fear of damage in the front load washing machine. The convenience of having a single appliance capable of handling various types of laundry makes washing machines an essential and versatile addition to modern homes.
Take expert advice
Even though washing machine has become a common thing still there are people who don't know how to buy them and what features they have to look into while buying them in that case getting expert advice will be a better choice than not only assisting them in purchase at the same time make them pick the right one based on their essentiality.
Bottom lines
The washing machine has evolved from a luxury to a necessity, transforming the way people manage their laundry and contributing to the overall efficiency and hygiene of our homes. Before you go to the market to buy a front load washing machine knowing front load washing machine price is highly important so that you can reduce the confusion at the last moment of purchase. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that washing machines will play an even more pivotal role in modern homes, further simplifying and enhancing the laundry experience for generations to come.
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larissamorah · 1 year ago
✅ Qual a Melhor Máquina Lava e Seca? TOP 3 Melhores Máquinas Lava e Seca Custo-Benefício [ATUALIZADO]
🔥 Sabe aquela sensação de ter uma pilha de roupas sujas e sentir que sua máquina atual simplesmente não dá conta do recado?
E aquela frustração de ter que repetir a lavagem porque a roupa não ficou realmente limpa?
Eu entendo perfeitamente.
Mas a boa notícia é que existe uma solução: a *Máquina Lava e Seca Inverter*!
E neste vídeo, vou te mostrar os TOP 3 modelos que são verdadeiros aliados na hora da lavanderia, sem pesar no bolso.
Então, se você está em busca da melhor máquina lava e seca custo benefício, vem comigo!
Neste vídeo, revelo os TOP 3 modelos que unem eficiência, economia e praticidade!
Analisamos cada máquina lava e seca inverter considerando as avaliações reais e características únicas.
📌 O que você vai descobrir:
• A verdadeira eficiência das Máquinas Lava e Seca Inverter;
• Os modelos que realmente valem a pena em termos de custo-benefício;
• Como escolher uma Máquina Lava e Seca boa e barata;
• As características únicas da Lava e Seca LG;
• Por que a Lava e Seca 11kg é tão popular.
🌟 Por que assistir a este vídeo:
• Para descobrir qual a melhor Máquina Lava e Seca Inverter;
• Para entender as vantagens da Máquina Lava e Seca samsung;
• Para fazer uma escolha informada e economizar na sua próxima compra de Máquina Lava e Seca;
• Para conhecer os modelos mais recomendados e bem avaliados do mercado;
• Para transformar sua rotina de lavanderia em algo simples e eficiente, sem gastar uma fortuna.
👉 [00:00] Introdução: Qual a Melhor Máquina Lava e Seca Custo-Benefício?
👉 [01:38] Máquina Lava e Seca Samsung 11kg WD11M4473 - Lava e Seca Samsung Inverter
👉 [03:58] Máquina Lava e Seca Midea Prata 11kg Storm Wash Inverter Tambor 4D LSD11X - Lava e Seca Midea com Tambor 4D
👉 [06:23] Máquina Lava e Seca Smart LG VC4 13kg Titanium IA CV5013BC4 - Lava e Seca LG com Inteligência Artificial
👉 [09:08] Conclusão: Top 3 Melhores Máquinas Lava e Seca Custo-Benefício 2023"
Economize Tempo e Dinheiro | Compre Seu Mais Novo Investimento para o LAR:
Máquina Lava e Seca Midea Prata 11kg Storm Wash Inverter Tambor 4D LSD11X
Compre a Lava e Seca da Midea 110V/127V na Amazon: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-midea-11kg-110v-amazon
Compre a Lava e Seca da Midea 220V na Amazon: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-midea-11kg-220v-amazon
Compre Agora o Midea na Magazine Luiza: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-midea-11kg-magazine
Máquina Lava e Seca Samsung 11kg Inverter 3 em 1 WD11M4473 - Lava e Seca com Água Quente e Fria
Compre Agora a Lava e Seca da Samsung 110V/127V na Amazon: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-samsung-11kg-110v
Compre Agora a Lava e Seca da Samsung 220V na Amazon: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-samsung-11kg-220v
Compre Agora a Lava e Seca da Samsung na Magazine Luiza: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-samsung-11kg-magazine
Máquina Lava e Seca Smart LG VC4 13kg Titanium IA CV5013BC4 
Compre Agora a Lava e Seca Smart da LG 220V na Amazon: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-lg-13kg-220v-amazon
Compre Agora a Lava e Seca Smart da LG na Magazine Luiza: https://larissamorah.com.br/maquina-lava-e-seca-lg-13kg-magazine
Mais modelos de Máquina de Lavar e Secar na AMAZON: https://larissamorah.com.br/mais-modelos-maquina-lava-e-seca-amazon
Mais modelos de Máquina de Lavar e Secar na Magazine Luiza: https://larissamorah.com.br/mais-modelos-maquina-lava-e-seca-magazine
Clique nos links acima e compre sua mais nova MÁQUINA DE LAVAR E SECAR de forma prática e segura!
🖥️ Compartilhe este vídeo com 3 pessoas importantes: https://youtu.be/dDDCcp_faUE
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REVIEW TOP 3 Melhores Máquinas Lava e Seca
Qual a Melhor Máquina de Lavar e Secar
Máquina Lava e Seca Boa
Máquina Lava e Seca Barata
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Máquina Lava e Seca Review
Máquina Lava e Seca Análise
Máquina Lava e Seca Resenha
Máquina Lava e Seca Onde Comprar
Análise por Larissa Morah
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Canal Compra Segura para o Lar
#lavaeseca #maquinalavaeseca #melhorlavaeseca
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