#111 replies... LOL
rabbitmotifs · 3 months
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okay buckle up chuckle fucks here is everything i remember from tonight (absolutely missing some stuff)
- before dan comes on he introduces himself over the speaker stating that he asked phil to do it and phil said no because he didn’t want to be sat behind a curtain for an hour
- dan comes on stage and stands in the big church plinth thing (iconic)
- he tells a story about how he went to a&e the day before yesterday because he had sore eyes. says phil was trying to get him to put eye drops in but he was being very dramatic so whilst on the phone to 111 phil knelt over him lying on the bathroom floor holding his eyes open to put drops in. dan then went to hospital to check it and everything’s fine (lol) he just needed some special eyedrops. phil did not accompany him and dan had to cross a dual carriageway on his own whilst not being able to see well (i doubt he will ever let it go)
- here is a diagram i drew on the way home to depict said event
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- it is also giving this
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- spoke about the butt chair. union chapel said they did not have any furniture for him to borrow so he had to bring his own - he bought the butt chair from his bedroom and a lil plant to decorate. said phil carried the plant to the car but made dan get the chair in the uber and then said “okay have fun at work sweetie” (this was said jokey but we died nonetheless)
- he then talks about pissyourselffordan trending and how he had to explain to harper collins what the actual fuck was happening on stan twt. apparently they were glad the fans were supportive and he has an engaged audience but they were not going to use the hashtag in the promo. called the whole scenario pissgate and the crowd chanted piss at him
- he was told there was wine and advertised wine before realising alcohol was not allowed in the church. he then got given a sprite and everyone screamed that it was piss
- talked about the book and the previous release, how weird covid was, talked about the photoshoot for the book cover and the graphic design. said he didn’t love the pics because they were super dramatic. someone shouted “it’s cunty” he replies: “oh it’s cunty is it?” then realises he said cunty in a church which was a big lol
- he then read the new chapters, several mentions of phil not being supportive and abandoning him at the hospital (he talked about phil a lot it was very sweet)
- then brought out dan’s slit (box used to put questions in before the show)
- the questions i can remember include but are not limited to:
- what was the weirdest position you wrote the book in: “cheeks out in an armchair curled up over my laptop, you might think your scrolling posture is okay now but when you hit thirty you will all be broken”
- fave comfort show: “the office - is the office a bit millennial? it isn’t as millennial as friends. ross being offended by a manny? that’s where my internalised homophobia is from”
- how has the gaming channel affected your mental health? A: he is finding it a lot more sustainable than before because of help with editing, but will see where it goes
- will he ever judge drag race: he didn’t want to when he was asked because he didn’t want to be exposed to more speculation about his sexuality at the time, same with strictly come dancing
- how do you cope with feeling lonely whilst surrounded by people: talked about how online friends are truly real friends and distance doesn’t have to determine friendship levels. says it is important to notice the friendships even that aren’t close
- i can’t remember the question but he said that phil has to remind him of some of the stuff that is in ywgttn when he struggles “i literally learnt the word catastrophising from your book dan come on”
- another tour? “do you guys want that” *screaming* “what would it be?” *dan and phil games screams* “well 👀👀”
- are we going to get more sister daniel: *everyone loses their minds* “maybe i should have done it for the church but it is far too exposing under the spotlight”
- did you work in the asda in Lower Earley: “what in the baby reindeer? yes i did”
- then went to the insta questions that were too inappropriate for the audiobook including
- piss
- will you wear wigs
- when will you wear wigs
- how long is your big toe “six centimetres - i don’t have a big toe im just a long person”
- pee pee poo poo time
- what were the other names for the book: “you will get through this was a bit cliche, you will get through this night? she is sexy and mysterious. at first we wanted to call it “you are messed up read this to fix your issues” but then realised the book was more serious in tone after it was finished so went with ywgttn instead”
- i genuinely can’t remember most of these i think i dissociated a lil at this point if anyone remembers please add
- then read the author’s note at the end of the paper back, talking about how lockdown impacted him and was a big scary thing and also how incredible it is to see people recommend it, find it useful, have therapists recommend it etc. “it is an honour to have created this”
- took a selfie with everyone
- someone gave him a bouquet of flowers and he said “aww you guys are so gay”
- then said “if you enjoyed seeing me in person… i’ll see you again very soon”
this is everything i remember off the top of my head so people please feel free to add what i have forgotten!!
and here are all the pics i got!!
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 months
End Game: I wanna be your first string
A continuation of end game. This is stan tumblr's pov of Ginny's World Cup Semifinal match.
if you somehow got tagged in this, i am so sorry it was an accident
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The first semi-final match will start in just under an hour with England taking on Bulgaria!
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@ginwiz posted
i'm nervous, anyone else nervous?
@ginginweas replied: nervous? why would we be nervous? (i've vomited three times today)
@queezy-4-weasley replied: bulgaria's chasers still suck, so i have some hope
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@bitch-witchh posted
fuck bulgaria and fuck viktor krum!
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I'm trying!
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
don't make me bring out the spray bottle cat meme
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
Krum will likely get the snitch over Shah, but Bulgaria's chasers still suck
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasly
Shah could catch the snitch!
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
yeah and I could win an order of merlin
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry just finished the Frey Family case yesterday, so he should be able to make it to the game!
@harpies-hore reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
how do you know that?
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@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @harpies-hore
I listen to the auror scanner
@im-a-keeper posted
I am very excited to see England's chasers: Weasley, Alton, and Killick play against Bulgaria's beaters: Higgs and Ross. A fast, electric offense vs a brutal, widespread defense.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The England World team has entered the arena. They play Bulgaria in Round 2 of the World Cup.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch posted
do you think Ginny Weasley, Richard Alton, and Ophelia Killick need a fourth?
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
there aren't 4 chasers
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I wasn't talking about quidditch
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
i've been watching Higgs and Ross, and unfortunately they are on their A game today. I hope Gin, Oph, and Rick can handle them
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
weirdo, calling them Gin, Oph, and Rick like you actually know them
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @puddlemore-111
how have i not blocked you yet?
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@ginwiz answered
probably not yet since we haven't seen him, but he is going to be there
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@ginwiz answered
95% of my blog is Ginny, and the moment i talk about her boyfriend (someone who has been heavily involved in Ginny's life since she was 11), I get this stupid ask. Go take your hate somewhere else.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
Bulgaria World Cup team, lead by team captain, Viktor Krum, has entered the arena.
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@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @ginginweas
wait, whats the lore
@ginginweas reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
krum took hermione to the yule ball back during the triwizard tournament was happening. obviously there is no bad blood, but it's just funny to see him boo his fiance's ex
@quid-bitch posted
poor ron, only member of the golden trio to not have been with an international quidditch star
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
that's what he gets for being a Chudley Cannons fan
@drarry-is-real posted
lol so ron is there but harry isn't, even tho @hinny-luv-4-eva knows that he is free. wonder where he is then
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
well we know he is not hanging out with a death eater rn
@gin-will-win posted
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@ginginweas replied: NO WAY
@ginwiz replied: OH SHIT HAVE SO MUCH FUN!
@queezy-4-weasley replied: STOP I AM SO JEALOUS
@im-a-keeper posted
looks like the ref team will be the same team from the france game
#hahaha oh fuck
@harpieshore reblogged @im-a-keeper
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@gin-will-win posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
get fucked @drarry-is-real
@bitch-witchh posted
okay but why was he late?
@harpies-hore reblogged @bitch-witchh
what if i told you he was in England's locker room
@bitch-witchh reblogged @harpies-hore
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@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The semi-final match between England and Bulgaria has officially started with the release of the quaffle!
@gin-will-win posted
they are so fast in person wtf
@queezy-4-weasley posted
that bludger that nearly hit killick came out of NO WHERE
@bitch-witchh posted
merlins beard. why did no one tell me bulgaria was actually good now?
@ginginweas posted
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score?
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score again?
@harpies-hore posted
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@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
you all need to have more faith in ginny lol
@gin-will-win posted
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
i don't like that you know what is going to happen 5 seconds before i do
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
but omg yay!! she scored!!
@im-a-keeper posted
England only down 10-20 right now is somehow a miracle
@bitch-witchh posted
@gin-will-win posted
I have such a good view of Harry and he is such a nervous fan, omg. he is basically clinging onto the railing
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @gin-will-win
stop, he is so sweet
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
do you even like quidditch?
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
do you even have morals?
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
i think he is feinting
@im-a-keeper posted
Shah should start looking for the snitch himself instead of trailing Krum
@ginginweas posted
killick scored!! assist by ginny!
@harpies-hore posted
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@quid-bitch posted
omg they got their shit together
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz reblogged @ginginweas
Hermione looked so disappointed in them, im crying
@quid-bitch posted
what if i said ron is the hottest weasley
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
shut up
@quid-bitch reblogged @harpies-hore
they crucified jesus for being right
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
who the fuck is jesus?
@bitch-witchh posted
LOL the bulgaria chaser dropped the quaffle again
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @bitch-witchh
that's the bulgaria team i remember
@im-a-keeper posted
Alton just scored with an assist from Weasley! All England chasers have now scored! 50-20 in favor for England!
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Bulgaria's beaters are fucking aggressive
@bitch-witchh posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@Im-a-keeper posted
that was a NASTY hit by Ross. It looks like Ginny was hit in the face and knocked from her broom.
@ginginweas posted
that hit was terrifying
@harpies-hore posted
Oh shit! is she okay?
@gin-will-win posted
guys, there is so much blood
@ginwiz reblogged @gin-will-win
fuck, i hope she is okay
@gin-will-win reblogged @ginwiz
Richard caught her, and she is moving fine. I think it looks worse than it was.
@ginginweas posted
They showed Harry, and he looks so upset.
@bitch-witchh reblogged @ginginweas
Ross better hire some bodyguards because Auror Potter looks like he is planning his murder right now.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Harry's heart dropped out of his ass watching that. (my heart did too)
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry looks like he wants to jump down to Ginny to comfort her right now :(
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
if a player getting hit by a bludger makes her whiny boyfriend act like this, she should just quit and stay in the kitchen
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
harry is faking sadness right now, he would much rather be with his boyfriend than be at this stupid quidditch game
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @ginginweas
you already know who I voted for
@ginwiz posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
They fixed her nose and she is okay!!
@harpies-hore posted
STOP!! she just looked up at the stands and gave the "I'm okay" sign
@gin-will-win posted
Harry visibly sighed when Ginny waved to him. Hermione was rubbing his back and Ron gave him a reassuring shake
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
Every day, I become more and more thankful for the golden trio
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
After a nasty hit, and a presumed broken nose, chaser, Ginny Weasley, makes her penalty shot increasing England's lead to 70-20.
@harpies-hore posted
like we always say. ginny shooting a penalty shot = free points
@bitch-witchh posted
Bulgaria's chasers have now gotten so desperate that they are stooging
@ginwiz reblogged @bitch-witchh
and the refs have done nothing to stop them
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
I feel like I need to bring back the refs vs voldemort poll
@gin-will-win posted
Ross is out of control today. He just elbowed Shah
@harpies-hore posted
Shah gets hit in the face when he is the one player who a beater cannot touch with their body and yet the refs call nothing
@ginwiz reblogged @harpies-hore
hey @ginginweas, we need the poll now
@ginginweas reblogged @harpies-hore
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@im-a-keeper posted
I was really hoping that the ref team would have gotten better since the last match, but unfortunately they have not...
@bitch-witchh posted
lol while everyone was focused on Shah and Ross, Ginny scored again
@ginwiz posted
I fucking love Ginny Weasley
@qin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
@ginginweas posted
okay, someone needs to take Ross's bat
@im-a-keeper posted
Ross hits a quaffle out of the hands of Alton. And of course the refs say play on.
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch reblogged @ginwiz
I am not going to do that
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
krum on his way to go yell at his beater
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@quid-bitch posted
Krum can come yell at me next
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
@ginginweas posted
@gin-will-win posted
@im-a-keeper posted
Is Shah about to????
@queezy-4-weasley posted
England's Shah catches the snitch while Krum is distracted. England wins 240-20!
@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@bitch-witchh posted
@puddlemore-111 posted
A pathetic win for England. How the hell did they make it all the way to the Quidditch World Cup?
@harpies-hore posted
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@im-a-keeper posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@ginwiz posted
The entire team jumping on top of Shah, celebrating. What if I cry?
@gin-will-win posted
@bitch-witchh posted
Shah it seems I’ve grown quite fond of you tho there are no sexual urges or desires you come to me as a long lost friend whom I once picked apples with in papa’s orchard
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Ginny, Ophelia, and Richard are dancing around Shah, this is adorable
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore reblogged @gin-will-win
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@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@gin-wiz posted
@gin-will-win posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@harpie-hore posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
fuck you
@ginwiz posted
@harpies-hore posted
i am so single
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@quid-bitch posted
@im-a-keeper posted
What a thrilling game. I will never forget this. (also hinny are so cute)
@ginnyweasley posted
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
I hate you more! Part 3
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!reader
Word count: 737
Warnings: angst
Summary: Reader sabotages Rodrick’s chances with Heather. A classic enemies to lovers!
Author's note: I'm trying to be more consistent in writing, and I'm trying to "plan out" the chapters more? As you may have noticed (or not), I have also updated my masterlist for better reading experience I guess haha I have also started to be more detailed as I can when posting fanfics including warnings and proper tagging lol I'm still new to all of this but yeah :) This chapter's a bit short but I just wanted to get this out so I can start "planning" the next few chapters? lol yeah
Tags: @tomhockstetter7-111 @vihtoriacorrea @sleepyb1txh
"How do you read this again?" You asked Rodrick while pointing at the word "Sweaty" that's spelled out on a dog bowl.
"Uhh duh, it's sweetie!" Rodrick said confidently.
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This is the second day of your tutoring session with Rodrick, and a day before your big test. You had arrived at the Heffleys a bit early so you decided to hang out with Greg and Rowley in the living room when Greg told you about how Rodrick pronounces "Sweetie." You decided to put it to the test when Rodrick came in through the front doors, and you held up the dog bowl and asked him what it says.
You, Greg, and Rowley failed miserably at trying to hide your laughter. It was too much that even Rodrick got embarassed. What's worse is that he doesn't know why you guys were laughing. He taunted Greg, and you decided to step in.
"Alright, come on, Rodrick, time to study," as you pull him by the waistband on his shirt.
"Don't tell me what to do," Rodrick snapped at you as he eyed you pulling him by his shirt.
"Oh? I think in this case, I can," you snapped back at him.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, because if you don't," you paused for a while and smirked at him. "Oh Mrs. Heffleyyyy," you said in an almost sing-song voice.
"Fine fine, you're a snitch!" Rodrick sighed in defeat as he headed upstairs into his room.
"She's awesome!" Greg told Rowley but you didn't hear it because you were already walking up the stairs with Rodrick.
When you arrived at Rodrick's room, it was still as messy as the first time you had set foot in there.
"Geez, would it kill you to clean up in here?"
"Why clean my own room when my mom will do it for me when she gets tired of calling me out on not cleaning my room?" Rodrick said as if he had figured out all the answers to the world. You just rolled your eyes.
"Let's just get this over with."
"What's the rush?" He asked.
"None of your business," you replied. The truth is that you're planning to sneak out later because you heard that there was this party where college students go to at the far-end of town. You always thought that you were too mature for your age so you casually enjoy hanging out with older people. Truth is, you always thought people can see right through your "too cool to be here" attitude and you're worried that people would hate you for it. Maybe Rodrick was right when he said you were only pretending in order to fit in. Did he just figure out your whole double life, the one you tried oh so hard to hide?
The good news is that no one can really tell how old you were when at events like college parties, and you still have your own set of fake IDs from when you were dating your ex. Rodrick didn't ask anymore questions but you can tell that he was curious about it.
"Anyway, let me be frank, you suck at spelling and your grammar is shitty. If I am getting this $100 a week, you need to really mean it."
"Why should I? You're the one getting paid, and if I recall correctly, you lied to me!"
"About what?"
"About Heather!"
"Please, you never had a chance with her!"
Rodrick became silent. His expression pained. You apologized and decided to reach your hand out to him, with the intention of giving him a light tap on the shoulder, but he dismissed it.
"Yeah okay," Rodrick's voice was low and soft. "Whatever," he said after some pause.
He was sitting on the bed and you were facing him, books and notes sprawled out in front of you two. Recently, you've noticed that there's this gnawing feeling whenever you see this side of him, like you want to take care of him. Then again, there is that other side that makes you want to punch him in the face.
"Rodrick," you said softly.
"What?" You detected a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"What if I split the $100? You get $40, I get $60, as long as you take this seriously. And if you take this seriously, we can end today's session a bit early," that last one was for your own benefit.
DOAWK masterlist
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boy-rott · 28 days
intro post <3
hiii!! i'm oliver
transmasc and bi
ghibli films, over the garden wall, fantastic mr fox, kimi ni todoke, k-on, evangelion, madoka, sanrio, saiki k, regular show, ouran high school host club, devilman crybaby, persona 5, honkai star rail, dead poets society, stardew valley, scott pilgrim, i'm trying to get into resident evil and final fantasy
i enjoy baking, reading, drawing on occasion, and taking a nice shower
some music artists i like are laufey, hozier, bôa, the cardigans, soundgarden, the cranberries, the smashing pumpkins, etc
basics (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist) zoophiles, proshipper (please get the help you need if it's out of trauma, you deserve better <3), fujoshis, dsmp, JJK and object show fans are on THIN ice! 18+/-13 (as i said, i'm a minor, do not talk to me if you are an adult.)
adhd, slow replies sometimes, i struggle understanding tone lol, i yap a lot, and i make a lot of spelling errors
howl pendragon (howls moving castle), kaido shun (saiki k), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), mugi (k-on), haruhi (ouran high school host club)
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koskela-knights · 3 months
Ao3 Ask Game
Thanks @autisticwriterblog for the tag :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
542 but that's going to change to 543 soon I hope ;)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,498,254 words 😳😱
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment I'm still obsessed with Alan Wake 2. Gonna hit 111 works for it soon 😏 Which is why I'll try to focus on those works and becos this is my Koskela blog after all :D
4. Top five fics by kudos
Lmao, it's all DBH xD Used to be very active in that fandomD but my Top 5 AW fics would be:
Jacket (Ilmo/Alan)
Minds Collide (Zaneling, my only Zaneling fic lol)
Curious Case(y) (Scratch/Casey)
Off trail (Ilmo/reader)
Bleeding Hearts (Ilmo/Alan)
Honestly, I'm mainly proud of the first and last piece here.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to reply to every comment! Honestly, it's cool when a little convo ensues from that ;) I also save all comments in my jar (a word file) to reread whenever I'm suffering from imposter syndrome/feel down about my writing 😅
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pheew... That's a tough question. I've written a whole bunch of angsty Hanahaki fics and general angsty shit in multiple fandoms.
Many early AW2 fics center on the aftermath of Jaakko's death ;_; Maybe Kaleidoscope is one of the angstiest endings but certainly not the only one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In the romance category that might gonna be the Slow Roasting Love ending. But the Koskelas at Pride was very happy too. Again, it's not easy to choose becos of how many different situations I've written about :P
For a Koskela or Huotari/Reader fic, I'd like to say the historical Ilmari x transmasc Reader where they're in an arranged marriage but Ilmari's a closeted gay man and reader is a closeted gay transmasc person so in the end it works out perfectly for them 🥺😏 It has a smut tag but smut only happens in the last chapter. It's a slowburn fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think only once. I'm surprised and glad it hasn't happened much :P
9. Do you write smut?
Lol, my very first fic on there was smut. Once a smut writer, always a smut writer 😏
10. Craziest crossover?
I have a few post-apocalyptic series with a big mashup of seemingly unrelated fandoms together.
One being about Libraries where characters from Resident Evil meet PoTF characters, OCs and even Rose from Alan Wake so 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of which one is published on ao3 too and the other on a Russian fan site :D Love when that happened 🙌🥰
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. However, the Echoverse has come to life thanks to many discussions and conversations with @zephyrone01 and @copiasmic who have helped flesh out that world and given me prompt fuels for some of the fics
14. All time favourite ship?
Tough one, for the AW world it would be CultCase.
Be it in the echo-verse or extended from there in other AUs 😏 And its 'variations' in Ilmari x Kesä. I love their tragedy across several AUs. Same reason I also love Jaakoppi x Kesä
And the third OTP would now be Tim/Jaakko which, again, was born from the Echoverse
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I once started writing a fic about the Koskelas and the Huotaris and the importance of stars and them trying to escape their tragic fate by astral projection.
16. What are your writing strengths?
🤔Maybe that I write multiple oneshots and make it a series. So you have this idea of a bigger world, without having to write one big overarching story or plot :P
Also, if i'm rly into a fandom and am hyperfixated, that creativity just flows abundant lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes. And believe it or not, sometimes I feel the smut isn't always as spicy as I want it to be xD especially if it's more than 2 people, that shit is tough to write. U don't want anybody neglected unless it's something a character is into 😂
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love it, but it's definitely a challenge! I usually resort to/limit myself to some translated words.
So far I've written stuff with Spanish, Finnish or Dutch in it.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
It all started with The Evil Within back in 2014. I think you could see an improvement in my English as the years go on in fic writing :P
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Sticking to AW works.... I like multiple works lmao 😂 All for different reasons. I'd say the two series: YY but Different and the CultCase series. (I can't choose 1 fic 😭)
Some of those stories contained, are standalone oneshots, but all combined give you a vast look into these worlds.
One being about bisexual Kesä and his complicated relation with closeted Ilmari. And the relationships between him and Ahti and between the Huotari brothers and Ahti (WIP)
And then you have CultCase which also explores many interesting dynamics between characters 🥺
And both series have a lot of angst, but also some tenderness and softness in them. And smut 😏 Something for everyone can be found there
I tag @copiasmic @entropicquilibriumofchaos @changethecircumstances @juhospemmifer & others who might wanna join but no one's obliged to do these ofc
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demonsfate · 10 months
not to talk about another murray tweet, but i swear i saved it but i can't find it now - but a fan asked him how come there's no skinny male characters whilst all the others are muscled beefy men. and he actually replied with "because realistically those men wouldn't stand a chance. they have to have muscles when going up against these stronger fighters" or whatever, that's not exact but that's essentially what he said. and it just made me LOL so hard. because it's like... really? then how come... most of the female characters are all slim? don't they need the big muscles to be able to realistically hold their own? next he's gonna say there's no older women because older people aren't able to keep up with the younger fighters despite the fact that there are many older male fighters.
it's the same reason why i criticize the mortal kombat devs for saying "realistically women wouldn't fight in bikinis!!111!!" because it's hypocritical when you already have the male characters fighting practically in their underwear in a game that's highly unrealistic and fantasy. like don't try to use the "REALISM" excuse. just say "yah i like big sexy beefy dudes and we don't care to make skinny male characters" then quote harada's famous words, "don't ask me for shit." it really irks me when game devs come up with flimsy excuses that can easily be disproven instead of just saying "it's my game and i do what i want."
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solar-serpent · 2 years
Guyyyys, I'm finally here to share the tea on my allegedly twin flame (I won't address him as the legitimately one until I'm fully convinced so please take this story with a grain of salt).
The legend tells Asteria wanted human warmth and someone to call "hers" somewhere around this time last year, so she decided to give dating apps a chance. After one disgraceful disappointment after another, I (let's stop using third person to speak atm) realized I needed to heal myself if I ever wanted to have a normal intimate life with someone else and that not all men were trash... Just traumatized by their parents? Probably as much as I was, lol.
I was on my way to uninstall Bumble from my phone when I got a text from the last match I got. I checked his profile and he honestly looked like a cute and empathetic guy, yet I was fed up with hoping from one man to another and I ignored the last message I received from him.
3 moths later I came back to this app, but I wasn't interested in using the dating option. There's a bff service on the app and I was looking for female friends from the city I lived to hang out with. Unfortunately, all chats were paired up in the same place and I couldn't stop seeing that unanswered chat from the cute guy. I waited for one week until I was fully convinced I should text him and expect no reply. I literally ghosted him for months and he could've been one of those hypersensitive guys that would give you the cold shoulder to ground you for getting them to feel ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️
Afterwards we kept ghosting each other for weeks and coming back in between 😂 we exchanged phone numbers and continued talking over messages about philosophy, films, and astrology. Dynamics have not changed from the start, except I stopped ghosting him because I got interested in him as a person. He felt weirdly familiar to me, like we had been neighbors for years or like we went to the same school but different grades, you know? I felt like I could read his mind but you know I'm psychic so it's not that uncommon coming from me 😅 but this guy got the power to help me sort my thoughts out really quickly. We speak the same language and my soul does not need to translate anything for him to get me on the spot.
Then I went berserk after I found I've fallen for him. 'Why? What's wrong with liking anyone, Asteria?', you must be wondering. Well, let me tell you now the unsavory side to this story. I realized my feelings for him were deep and not the ones you usually had for a friend after he stood me up twice and stopped talking to me for a month. Yup. He disappeared and I was left to grieve for this connection alone. I thought he had made me a great favor for showing his true colors sooner rather than later. Then, he came back and didn't apologize to me 💀 that prick pretended like nothing ever happened while I thought, 'from this moment forward we're going to stay like good friends from the internet and I'm never inviting you to hang out again'. Ha! Things only turned wilder afterwards 🙃🙃 I don't want this story to drag on forever, so I'm going to list everything that have happened recently and weird shit I noticed in his one month absent.
The latest guy I dated was Gemini sun and Aquarius moon. My tf? Same, plus we both were born in June.
I had dreams about meeting a man that was obviously a Gemini months before I got to meet him. He told me in my dreams, "we are going to be friends, but you shouldn't fall in love with me *sigh dramatically*. If you do, who could blame you? I'm awesome~. Honestly, I'm going to like you too, but I would be dealing with so much at that time that I might not pay much attention to you". I thought that dream was a fabrication from the trauma inflicted by Gemini people from my past 💀
Angels numbers could be seen all day along. Specially 111 or 1111.
Archangels rarely summon me. That's my relatives thing, not mine as I work directly with the gods. But Saint Raphael was practically begging me to sit down and speak to him, so I went for a meditation to try and see what he wanted. First thing I saw was the image of a male and female angels holding hands and then I heard, "the lovers". I was bit taken aback... I was expecting the archangel to give me a warning on my poor health or any advice related to my recent life decisions.
I pulled some cards for further clarification and right there was my crush depicted on the spread 💀 I went berserk for the second time since I couldn't believe my guides were speaking about someone that didn't belong to my family or wasn't actually close to me.
I guessed it was a twin flame connection because my guides had told me even before Saint Raphael did, "that man is your closest mirror at the moment. Both share fate". Ha ha, they love being cryptic in the most critical moments 🤠
He's currently outside the country and we haven't spoken for one week maybe? I don't know what might happen in the future, but I'm glad for the silence and time I was left with as it helped me to analyze things in peace. One month ago I had promised myself to decline future invitations coming from him, but now? I'm jumping at the first chance to see him and I might even confess my feelings for him *sigh*. I did understand my angels were addressing I was possessed by fears of rejection and being emotionally vulnerable, blocking the learning I'm supposed to get from this experience. Now, I feel ready to be rejected or accepted. Either way I would take it as a great challenge I managed to overcome.
@kinky-khaleesi @aagnathavasi @bluenoom @moons-euphoria
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Author Interview
Thank you for the tag @galadrieljones!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
111 (I wrote a lot of one shots back in the day)
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Dragon Age, Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption 2, ASOIAF/GOT, and recently Baldur's Gate. Also, the The Mirror Visitor book series, and another certain video game fandom that we now don't talk about, heheh.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
-Love Song on Sapphire Isle, Jaime x Brienne, GOT/ASOIAF
-In Waking Dreams, Cullen x Quiz, DAI
-The Sweetest Sorrow, RDR2, Arthur x Charlotte,
-Voila, Leon x Ada, Resident Evil
-Our Immortal Longings, Connor x OFC, DBH
5. do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! If someone leaves me a string of comments in succession I'll usually reply to the most recent.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There was a one-shot where I explored the Inquisitor losing Cullen, and nothing will top that. However, in my small series Leon and Ada fics there tends to be a note of sadness in each one, even if the main fic has a happy ending.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my longfics have happy endings, but I find it doesn't ring true to life if everything is happyhappyjoyjoy. It probably also depends on what your definition of happiness is. Probably Love Song on Sapphire Isle because Jaime and Brienne get married and literally have a pack of children and travel the world--the ending written solely to say Fuck you to the GOT writers for doing that to Jaime and brienne, and at this point I can't count on GRRM for a happy ending for them.
I mean that's what I want, so I would say this ending. (I'd prefer 2/3 kids however, LOL.)
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've been fortunate but I've had a few frankly very stupid comments over the years. One person claimed I was a fetishist because I noted Cullen and Lydia gain weight when they retire but they still think each other is hot. It's more accurate to say I've received unsolicited concrit, which I'm sorry, is and forever will be annoying when you don't ask for it. concrit is helpful, but don't give it when the author doesn't ask. Trust me, we will ask when we want it from people we trust.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I used to write a lot...and I used to enjoy it a lot, but frankly at this point in my life I find I don't enjoy writing it as much unless there's a character exploration to it or something else beneath the surface. I joked a while ago that falling for an IRL man killed my smut writing career, but I think it's more accurate that as I started writing original fiction again I learned to be more purposeful with sex.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
No, but there is a scene in In Waking Dreams that is an homage, if not outright rip off of my favorite scene in one of my favorite movies, That Hamilton Woman. It's the scene before he gives her the coin when they're staying at in inn
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of. I'd honestly love it!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
Cullen x Inquisitor for getting me into writing again, but it honestly fluctuates.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am quite proud of myself for finishing most of the fics I've begun. The one fic though I'd love to finish would be my Morrigan x warden fic simply because it's not a ship I see often. At this point however I'm not going to say I am done with fanfic, but my priorities have shifted.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I have been told it's lyrical, poetic writing and characterization.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I like to rely on dialogue and my descriptions tend to me minimal. There is a fine line of course, too much description will bog a story down.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Should be used sensibly and sparingly and you should know what you're doing. Read a book fairly recently where the characters were bilingual, Spanish and English, and as someone who grew up with a lot of Spanish speakers it rang hollow to me.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age
20. favourite fic you've written?
Why is this so hard? I like them all to a certain degree. There's just something about my one shot Leon and Ada fic Barcelona though. I hadn't even been in the city yet and I still think I got it down so well. The utter helplessness, the slight angst, the longing, the pinning. It reminds me of a version of me that I can't go back to, a version of me so etched in that certain point in time, and yet you wouldn't know it unless you were me. You'd just read it and say "yes."
tagging @myreia @verai-marcel @fiannans @wintersongstress and anyone else!
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enverni · 1 year
Thankyou so much @orbitingplutoinmysocksleepingbag @crayonssmellgood and @ticcywhaleshark <33 for tagging me in @someluwritingghost's loving hour post and sorry I didn't reply sooner :))
@shototooru @amillionnames @zombiesoufle @iwillbehauntedbymactionsforeverr @angerycat @melantoriori @dakry @sorebelflowerr @azurewitch @astrangersociety @panic-like-the-disaster-you-are @meloncholic-bookworm @pinkypie1209 @everythingwillend @yoshispring @faerie-of-fallen-dreams @thuidium-delicatulum @sharm-the-shark @2xhbergggg @jochronicpessimist @unendiverse @pessimist-felix @letters-from-december @messy-emo @i-have-no-idea-111 @ticcywhaleshark @dreamingofyouinseattle @confuseddoatmeal
@wantmeifyouwantme @red-a-world-about-to-dawn @phoebus-apollo-stan @stewpid-soup @borderline-outcastt @ohthatsnew @error404-charlienotfound @paulisbloggingsomewhere @patiencekills-solitaire @teal-robin @this-is-emzy @writingandwritten @butterfliesareamyth @orbitingplutoinmysocksleepingbag @v4nillaskies @kitskat7 @effysdiarystuff @dahiasposts @ilikemonster666 @loulooserr @inversemitosis @piney-45 @myfloreanfortescue @vicsvoid @older-sister-magic @elihoneybee @frxncesx @one-of-them-queers @solitary-pelican @sodium-bitchh @nekole @musicatnightt @my-name-is-alex-okay
@goldenspringx @the-queer-demon @godd-3-ss @solitarilykyu @localtorispring @theresnothinglikethis @elijahpleaseshutup @allaboutbethsblog @mangomarmalade13 @toirandchar4life @hershey-the-person @creative-username-lol @ohwelltymps @charsthoughts @sad-awkward-child @drowinginmyownabyss @itsfunnybcuzitstrue @believeinavocado @lyssified @doepedip @sapphium @eepybubble @crazylesbianpanic @ms-anthrope-cellaneous @ghost-under-my-bed @ashtreefrog
@downbytheriversside @bitterliked1etlem0nade @dead-aroace-elias @chronic-stressed @poetawritesdeath @din0s-in-space @heartstopper-is-my-life @nellysview @sleepy-vix @over-rated-cheese @themaxbyers @rainydaysonearth @virtualpeachhoundwobbler @simplykarl69 @nowmemoriees @lexamushexamus @noromo35 @planetsoupo @writingallthetimee @catsarestupidinagoodway @elleaasv @yesterdayorcenturiesbefore
@sillylittlecheeto @bluesandwhich @plutoisnotaplanet42 @autisticnotartistic @queenofcrazy27 @beau-byers @nicknelsonblog @imactuallyagiraffe @henrythepug @headempty-heartfull @sadnesstown @canonsunkmyships @bylergivesmelife @sweaters-on-a-rainy-day @polishedgnome @cl3ssic3lshiftxr @saturnisaprettyplanet @person4924 @literally-maria @cheesepizzabro @reversepossum @alastairisgay @ghost-inspace @gaymushroomvibesc
That is all 137 of my beautiful followers. Whether you only know me because you followed me back, have no idea when or why you followed me, haven't interacted with me in a while, interact with me all the time, know me well or have no idea who I am, I love you so much and you are so loved and appreciated by me <3 You all give me so much joy and it's just so crazy how this blog was only started in 2022, without the intent of getting followers, and now has a whole army of lovely people. I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
Tumblr couldn't post this on the existing chain for some reason, probably because it is so long, but I just need to let you know how much you guys matter to me <33
(don't feel pressured to keep the chain going btw, this is just me showing my gratitude, but if u want to, tag your favourite Tumblrs or some people who you think deserve some love!)

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jordyn-degas · 2 years
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I posted 1,866 times in 2022
That's 1,866 more posts than 2021!
128 posts created (7%)
1,738 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,059 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#jordyn reposts - 190 posts
#🐼 jordyn’s favs - 77 posts
#jordyn replies↠asks - 50 posts
#love: ryuuzaa - 36 posts
#anime writing blog - 32 posts
#naruto - 24 posts
#thoughts a la jordyn - 24 posts
#jujutsu kaisen - 23 posts
#anime x reader - 23 posts
#kisses from mama jordyn - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#i wholeheartedly agree that she was written poorly out kishi’s lack of capability of capturing a woman properly
My Top Posts in 2022:
The one that got away [2]
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Series: Part 1 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara, Hinata Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka(mentioned), Sakura Haruno;
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; angst; smut; vaginal sex; mutual masturbation; some choking; rough; baby mention but not breeding kink;
notes: a month has passed since the first part - the story will unfold along a period of time - by the time it ends there would be a year in which Naruto and Reader have been together; yes, I wrote a lot, AGAIN, because I most likely have a documented problem in which I cannot keep a story short - forgive me 🤯;
special note: as per always, my extra special love and dedication goes to the best tumblr soulmate there is @uchihamylove26 😍! her inputs and ideas make my days and life better 😳
💀 NSFW! Minors DNI! 💀
Mood 🎧 ALESSIA CARA - Scars to your beautiful
"She don't see her perfect She don't understand she's worth it Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface"
See the full post
384 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
2 am - brainrot
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How the hell does this always happen to me? At 2 am my brain simply spits this smut thingy out.
Shit! I'm waking up in 4 hours 😓
warning: Graphic content 18+; NSFW - Minors DNI! ☠️
content: smut; 👅 Naruto x fem!reader x Sasuke 👅; unprotected sex; friends with benefits;
notes: brain rot at 2 am 🤯 - not proof-read - naruto and sasuke have been on my mind for the past two weeks in not a very HOLY way
See the full post
438 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
The one that got away
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Series: Part 2 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara; Hinata Uzumaki; mentions of: Gaara, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; smut; vaginal sex; oral (f receiving); a bit of chocking because why the hell not?
💀 NSFW! Minors DNI! 💀
notes: YES! I have been MIA because writer's block 😒 4 am - apparently it's my hour for brain rots LOL 😅
I didn't even read it again after writing it so I have no idea what came out of it to be honest 🤣 I simply needed to get this out of my head.
special note: some light reading for my love, my smut partner and my Naruto soulmate @uchihamylove26 💕💕 enjoy! 😎
Mood 🎧 JNR CHOI & SAM TOMPKINS - To the moon
"Come set the mood, yeah You come like sunshine, yeah Call me the moon"
See the full post
478 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
What if?
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characters: Sasuke Uchiha x fem!reader;
additional: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader; Sakura Haruno; Orochimaru, Sai, Yamato, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki have a brief appereance; mention of Kakashi Hatake;
warnings: afab!reader - fem!reader; characters age range vary from children to adults; fluff; angst; emotions all over; mentions of: nudity, subtly implied intercourse, blood and death.
notes: SFW; i'm extremely in my feels today- this song ALWAYS breaks me no matter what - i actually cried throughout writing this, don't ask me why - especially the end - my emotions are all over the place 😊
word count: 4.074 - i'm sorry - my feels got me carried away
taglist: @haikyutiehoe - thank you for being my first ask and requesting to be tagged in this 😭 - hope you like it 🤐
Mood 🎧 LUKAS GRAHAM - 7 years
"It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker" - "Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me 'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me"
See the full post
607 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕖'𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕥
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Characters: Roronoa Zoro x fem! reader
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Warnings: first time writing for him - be patient with me; light smut - MDNI; Zoro fucks you against a door because why the hell not?; yes, there is some alcohol involved; yes, we also have some soft Zoro thrown in there;
See the full post
811 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 889 times in 2022
That's 889 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (4%)
857 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 111 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 6 posts
#bisexual - 5 posts
#me - 5 posts
#desithings - 4 posts
#romione - 3 posts
#taylor swift - 3 posts
#desi girl - 3 posts
#sirius black - 2 posts
#gay - 2 posts
#desi culture - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#everyone say happy teacher's day to all those people who taught you little things that turned out very useful
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pass the happy! ✨ When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! <333
my sister
my friends and tumblr moots
Thanks for the ask @newtonpermillimetersquare
pass it on! @talesofruby01 @jadedaceofspades @aqsaamjad @thotsinsideout @ziegenknect @katykins87 @shut-up-achilles @dumbass-unchecked @young-potato-stuff @selenophiliaa
11 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
my thesis: don’t believe everything u see online
me: believes half the stuff with little to no proof on tumblr
13 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
the struggle of getting really tight bangles to get tf of the hand
16 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
physics be like if your mother is driving and your sister is riding a bike how fast will the train get to the station
22 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
AU where Ron is a teacher at Hogwarts (maybe he’s a flying instructor like Madame Hooch?)
Hermione Granger: Profesor McGonagall helped me learn everything I know.
Hugo Granger-Weasley: (to McGonagall) She knows everything.
Profesor McGonagall: I know.
Hugo Granger-Weasley: Was my daddy a good student?
Profesor McGonagall: He was a wonderful student.
Hermione Granger: Why would you lie to my kid?
Profesor McGonagall: He tried his best.
Hermione Granger: Why would you lie to my kid?
Profesor McGonagall: He was so bad, he became a teacher so he could go back to school again.
65 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years
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I posted 2,777 times in 2022
129 posts created (5%)
2,648 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,246 of my posts in 2022
#queue has four redundant letters - 682 posts
#dean x reader - 307 posts
#au - 249 posts
#dean fluff - 226 posts
#rpf - 139 posts
#manta ray reads - 139 posts
#jensen x reader - 126 posts
#dean smut - 111 posts
#dean angst - 105 posts
#lol - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#and how sheets need to be washed on the regular because he's a dirty boy who's dirty and doesn't wear jammies
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Jensen Ackles #SPNDC gold panel
197 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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Jensen Ackles #SPNDC gold panel
216 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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I'm sad that there is no new episode of #TheWinchesters tonight, but looking at his silly face makes it better.
Jensen Ackles, SPNDC2022, main panel.
250 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Sam's Last Straw
A/N: This was supposed to be a ficlet or just a little something about what I would write if I actually wrote something, but instead, I actually wrote something! Prompt provided by @wingedcatninja.
Prompt: Dean x Reader, hurt/comfort
Summary: Dean and the Reader are BOTH hurt on a hunt and Sam has to take care of them. They get... needy.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Nothing. It's just so freaking fluffy.
Word count: 2322 words
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After much squabbling (Dean was hurt worse, but you kind of had to pee), Sam carried you to the bathroom, then helped Dean get settled in his room, then carried you from the bathroom to your bedroom. He left you with an apology and a set of guilty puppy eyes, then raced off to find supplies.
You got changed into comfy clothes all by yourself, thank…Pete, maybe? Can’t thank God anymore, so might as well thank a random dude named Pete. It was about as effective. Anyway, a severely sprained ankle and bruised/possibly cracked ribs made things difficult, but not impossible. Mostly. You’d gotten off easy. Dean had broken his leg. Luckily, it was just a hairline fracture that would heal in a few weeks, but he was non-weight-bearing for a while. As were you. And the little clinic you’d visited for the x-rays was all out of crutches. Hence Sam running around like a one-armed paperhanger to help you both.
Sam appeared in your doorway, slightly out of breath and still with the guilty puppy eyes. “I could have sworn we had two sets of crutches in the infirmary, but I can only find one. There’s not even a cane or a walker or anything, so I went online and ordered us a bunch. They’ll be at the post office in a couple of days. Until then, I’ll keep helping you two and you can share the one pair, right?”
“Sam,” you replied with a sigh, “With the ribs, I can barely sit up straight without pain, so I think hanging out in bed is going to suit me just fine. Let Dean keep the crutches and I’ll just use my desk chair or something if I really need to get around.” You shrugged as your mind started to put together a makeshift walker with your chair and a towel or something so it would slide on the bunker’s cement floors.
“Although that sounds like a neat idea, I insist on you just relaxing, okay? Stay in bed, and just call me if you need anything. It’s my fault you’re hurt, anyway. I will bring you food and whatever you want until the crutches and stuff get here. Okay?”
Gosh, he looked so sad and guilty. “Sam, it’s not your fault I got hurt! The plan went sideways, that’s all! The plan always goes sideways, and it’s no biggie! You don’t have to wait on me hand and foot as an apology because there’s no apology necessary.”
“I insist!” he argued. “Really, I want to!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Fine. Whatever you want. But honestly, just bring me some food every so often and I’ll be okay, okay?”
“Okay.” Sam grinned.
“But Sam—”
“Could you go to Walmart and pick up some things?” You pulled out your phone and texted him a short list. Back scratcher or something for under-cast itches, a couple of different pies, those little frozen mini pizzas Dean loved, and slide-on slippers to wear until he could get his boots on, again. “I don’t really need anything, but Dean’s gonna need some things with that cast he’s got.”
“Just for Dean?” Sam bit his lips to stop from smirking and you rolled your eyes.
“It doesn’t mean anything, Sam! In fact, don’t even tell him it was my idea.” You crossed your arms over your chest and dared him to argue with you, hiding the fear that Sam would spill the beans about your crush. Your face heated without your permission, though, giving you away.
“Yeah, yeah, doesn’t mean a thing,” Sam teased as he shut the door behind him.
Across the hall, a similar scene played out with Dean.
“Hey, Dean, I’m heading to Walmart to pick up some things. Want anything?”
Dean shifted and picked up his phone. “Yeah. Well, I don’t really need anything, but I bet Y/N does. She’s going to want to soak in the bathtub with some Epsom salts for those ribs, and she’ll want some arnica for bruising, which we’re all out of. And get her some cute fuzzy slippers to wear until she can fit her shoes on, again, or her feet will get cold on the cement floors.” Dean tapped away on his phone. “Here, I’m texting you a list.”
“Slippers?” Sam teased. “And nothing for you, huh?”
Dean looked up from his phone and glared at his brother. “I know you think it means something but it doesn’t mean anything! In fact, don’t even tell her it was my idea! Take the credit for yourself and earn her forgiveness since she got hurt saving your ass,” Dean groused.
A grimace replaced Sam’s grin. He really did feel bad about you having been where he was supposed to be and you then getting hurt. “She’s already forgiven me, and I’ve already promised to take care of her until she’s mobile again to make up for her getting hurt. I don’t need to take credit for your ideas. Why don’t you keep your credit and just tell her how you feel?”
“There are no feelings, Sam, so just take the list, get the stuff, and do whatever you need to do to help her feel better. Maybe you could watch rom coms and braid each other’s hair?”
Sam bit his lips for the second time that hour to keep a smirk from forming. “Alright, man. Whatever you say. I’m off to Walmart.”
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347 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Jensen Ackles #SPNDC gold panel
825 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
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I posted 2,515 times in 2022
That's 2,510 more posts than 2021!
889 posts created (35%)
1,626 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,301 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#musings of an extrovert - 575 posts
#talk to aisha - 448 posts
#shyna bonds with moots - 409 posts
#icymi from aisha ♥️ - 247 posts
#shyna selfrbs - 232 posts
#shyna recs - 155 posts
#shyna rants - 151 posts
#i got mail 🖋 - 111 posts
#aisha stop breaking the queue - 102 posts
#jotaro kujo - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and able to focus intently on your goals. you fight to overcome obstacles and you don't give up easily. you probably have a mean competitiv
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
singing in the rain
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153 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Jotaro Kujo Valentine’s Drabble
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Prompts: “I need just one date.” “You think you can woo me with just one date?” “Absolutely.”
Thank you so much @creativepromptsforwriting for these lovely prompts <;3 @creativepromptfills it’s okay to reblog ^_^
Features: Jotaro Kujo x Reader
Scenario: An AU where Joseph, Avdol, Polnareff, Kakyoin, and Jotaro meet the reader in Japan and complete different missions before setting off on their biggest mission in Egypt. Also, Jotaro, Kakyoin, and the reader are adults here (of Polnareff’s age)
Warning: Suggestive scenes (if you're a minor and/or uncomfortable, best to stay away, or block #shyna suggestives :D), mention of injury and loss of blood, Jotaro being a teeny bit of OOC, maybe?
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies <3 I didn't realize that Jotaro's birthday had an official date according to some websites. Also, he being my current anime boyfriend has gotten me to dream about him in my subconscious. Gaah, I love this guy. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy belated birthday, JoJo Baby <33
Number of words: 991 ( lol it was supposed to be a drabble, oh well idc it is a Drabble xD)
Taglist: @saltyvanilla @akaashi-todorki @pencilpoked-heart @tiddieluvr @quirrrky @fuwushiguro @kagejima @ofallthingswhythis
Let me know here if you want to join my tag list for future posts, and also, for suggestions (for AUs, characters as per the character rules) and feedback regarding my writing :D
Song: Harleys in Hawaii by Katy Perry
Joseph turns to Jotaro and me and asks, “Jotaro, (Y/N), what about you guys? How much money do you have with you?” Polnareff taunted us with a smirk, “Yeah, how much do you have? Kakyoin has 85 Singapore Dollars and I have 90.”Jotaro and I smirked back with him replying, “Ah, well, I still have 2000 Singapore Dollars.” I continued, saying, “and I have 3000 Singapore Dollars. So, guess who's going to have dinner in a fancy restaurant now?”
I glance at Jotaro, who nods and lightly chuckles along with me. Polnareff's eyes widen in shock. Avdol drags him along, saying, “Now, now, let them rest. They fought the most, after all.” We laughed as they were walking away, much to their chagrin, and as Jotaro looked in the other direction, Avdol gave a knowing smile and a thumbs up, reminding me as to why I needed to make the most of this.
When Jotaro and I first met through Avdol, our personalities were too opposite for us to understand each other. We'd argue for hours on end, even when we were forced to live as roommates. But, after our first mission together, when we went back to our hotel rooms, it's safe to say that Avdol and Joseph could hear a plethora of moans, groans, and grunts coming from our room.
What started as a way of relieving stress for us, became a means of expressing that we were getting addicted and accustomed to each other's touch, voices, and presence. It definitely seemed like a toxic way of bonding, but with us finding it difficult to get along initially, it definitely seemed like the best way out. However, on the last mission, before we set out to Singapore on our way to Egypt, a sword pierced through my stomach, causing me to lose a lot of blood. I remember before closing my eyes, that Jotaro was the first person to approach me and pick me up.
When I opened my eyes, I realized we were in the hospital, and the operation was successful and I was going to recover in a week. I was in the room with Jotaro beside me and holding my hand. “You’re awake,” he replies with a smile on his face and I noticed his eyes were baggy and the tears had dried off his cheeks. I smile at him and reply softly, “hi.” He approaches me, holds my head, and places a chaste kiss on my lips. When we pull away from the kiss, he tells me, “okay, Ms. (F/N) (L/N), as soon as you get out of the hospital, we’re going on a date okay?”
I was flabbergasted by his response and I said, “I didn’t know Mr. Jotaro Kujo can be open about his feelings. Since when did that happen?” He facepalms and replies, “Yare yare, since I thought I was going to lose you, woman. You scared me.” I chuckle, perch myself up with my elbows and I respond, “Okay then, mister. A date, you say?” He nods in agreement and smiles, “I just need one date.” I raise my eyebrow at him and ask him, “You think you can woo me with one date?” He brings his face closer to mine, kisses my forehead, and replies, “absolutely.”
As Jotaro looked in my direction, he cupped my cheek with one of his hands and asked, “Okay, so (F/N) where do you want to eat?” while caressing my cheek. As a tint of blush appears on my cheeks, I shrugged and replied, “well, there's this steak restaurant 10 minutes away. Want to walk there?” Jotaro smirked and replied, “I have a better idea,” and he pulls me to a corner of the street where there was a Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide in front of us. My mouth opens wide and my eyes widen as I turn to him and ask, “Jotaro, how, how did you get this? When did you get this?” He heaves a sigh and replies, “ah well, I asked the old man for some money,” his eyes looking down on the ground.
I put my arms around him, tilt my head to the left and ask him softly, “Jotaro, what did you tell Joseph?” He takes off his cap and ruffles his hair, replying,“ yare, yare, how does it matter? I told him that I wanted to...” his voice trailing into the air as he looks in another direction so as to hide the tint of blush that appeared on his cheeks, “take you out on a date.” My eyes widen as I look at him and tell him, “oh, it's funny because I was asking Avdol's advice on the same thing,” and I chuckle while slightly biting my bottom lip. Both of us look at each other and laugh. Then he put his cap back up and said, “so both of them are helping us. Do they know?”
I replied with another shrug, “I don’t know. But if that's the case, why don't we make the most of it? We could go to an aquarium, explore it, have a nice dinner at the steak restaurant, and go back to the room and watch a movie. It's Valentine's Day, after all.” Jotaro then clicks his tongue, responding, “The date was supposed to be my idea.” He then picks me up, gives me the helmet, puts me behind him, and sits on the Harley as he replies, “However, I’m glad that you’re alive and with me. That is something I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world.” As I put my helmet and put my arms around my waist, and place my chin on his shoulder, I say with a smile, “Happy Valentine’s Day, JoJo.” He then smiles as he starts the motorcycle, with the biggest smile I think I’ve ever seen, and softly replies, “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.” I guess he did woo me before our first date began.
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161 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
'tis the damn season
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features: hajime iwaizumi x gn!reader (no pronouns used, written in 2nd person)
submission for: @woahsamu’s  “It's Always Been You” Collab  | song: ’tis the damn season - taylor swift | type of writing: oneshot | trope: slice of life, exes to lovers | wc: 2530
summary: when you come back to japan for the holiday season, while walking along the sidewalk enjoying the snow, a chance encounter with your ex reminds you how much you miss and still love him.
content warnings: partial haikyuu timeskip spoilers, suggestive themes, hurt/comfort, talks of the breakup, talks of commitment-phobia, the reader's being called baby, love
beta reading: @mxonigirimiya @portfolio-of-dreams @mrskenmakozume (ily all thank you so much <333) | networks: @hanayanetwork @tokyometronetwork
(taglist form / library account, turn on notifications to be updated) (taglist in next rb)
a/n: when i first chartered my list of fics i was going to write for tumblr, i had a fleeting idea for this song along with iwa, and when the collab came into existence, i knew what i had to do: bring the idea to fruition. taylor swift's one of my favs (y'all know this lol), so it's no surprise that my writing's based on one of her songs. plus, I thought of creating a moodboard instead of the usual banner. also, this is based on a two-year relationship i'd had with my ex in uni before i left for the states and he decided to stay in india and prepare for civil services exam. as always, likes, reblogs, and comments, especially reblogs are appreciated.
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176 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
...That Wears the Crown ( A Royalty AU Collab)
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247 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can I request for I want a baby prank with Guren Ichinose??? Ive been dreaming about that guy a lot recently <333
Awww sure thing Ro!!!! Guren's such a dreamy boy <3333 This gif and this website helped me channel my idea with this prompt for this scenario: Them huddled by the fireplace at night after making snow angels in the fresh snow. Oh and since it's been a while since I've watched Owari no Seraph, I'm sorry if this doesn't come out well. Oh and as a bonus, I thought of the song, Sweater Weather while writing this :D Anyway, let’s do thissss!
When we tell Guren Ichinose that we “want a baby”:
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Warning: suggestive content <3, minors dni pleaseeee
Shyna's Seiyuu Birthday Celebration
He then brings his hand forward and introduces himself, “I am Guren Ichinose, the lieutenant Colonel of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. I present to you two options: strive to live a normal life and risk being a target all over again,” then shrugs his shoulders and continue, “or you could join me and we could exterminate them together. You’ll be under my protection, I promise.” You bite your lower lip, pondering about the offer that was just presented to you. You weren’t someone that was into fighting, let alone slapping someone. But, in this cruel world that you were living in, you were needing to stand up for yourself. You then put your hand forward, accepting his offer. “I am (F/N) (L/N). I accept your offer, Lieutenant Guren,” you respond with a smile.
It’d been four years since the day that Guren kept you warm and safe from your vampiric partner, whom you'd run away from. You were working hard to join the Vampire Extermination Unit, but to no avail. It's not that you were weak. Oh, you certainly were not like the person Guren saw then. Lost, frail and having nowhere to go. You'd become stronger and smarter in your own right, being able to wield a sword faster than any of the initial candidates.
You were just too scared that you'd not be able to do your job well. Moreover, there was something that the Army didn't know: you'd begun a four year tryst with Guren. When you two weren't busy completing missions, both of you would find excuses to go to secluded places and immerse yourselves in each other.
From making out to lovemaking to doing it rough, you'd done it all. Every touch, every breath, every heartbeat. You'd made yourselves known to each other intimately.
You'd even decided to go on a couple of dates together, either by the vending machines or parks or by the fountains. His playful nature wasn't hidden from you, and he even had one of the best smiles in the entire regiment. He was also someone that valued teamwork and was strategic in his approach. It was official, you were becoming giddy over him.
But while you were slowly able to let your walls crumble down, Guren however, kept stuff to himself. While he was able to slowly reveal his past, you felt that he wasn't revealing enough. So, you came up with an idea.
You'd just come back from the hospital, where one of your friends had just given birth to a baby girl, where you'd warned your friend to run to a city that wasn't occupied by vampires yet, and promised her that you'd bring them back home safely. You'd then come outside your apartment to find Guren cladding thicker jackets on top of his uniform. He said, “Babe, let's go, it's cold outside,” with a big smile on his face. Taking you by your hand, he drags you outside into the snow, where both of you feel the chilly breeze hitting your face. Suddenly, you felt a ball of snow hitting your neck and you turn to see Guren throwing snowballs at you. You two have a good time together, chasing each other, frolicking in the snow, and making snow angels.
Later, you two come back to your apartment, take a huge blanket, sit on the couch and huddle by the fireplace. Snuggling up to him, you softly tell him with a smile, “Guren, I want a baby.”
His eyes widen in surprise as he didn't expect in the wildest of dreams for you to blurt it out. You suddenly hear his pacing heartbeat, and the moment you look into his purple eyes, he strokes your cheeks with his cold hand, asking you with a voice that seemed as calm as ever, “Are you sure that you want a baby?” You respond by nodding in agreement. You started to observe Guren even more.
“I'll think about it, okay? It's just, it's just...” You tried to complete his sentence for him, by saying, “A lot to ask for?” when he replied, “No, it's just that I've been wanting this too...” Your eyes widen in shock, “Wait, what? I thought...” He puts a finger on your lips and reply, “You thought I didn't want a baby, right? Truth be told, I wanted us to wait it out until this apocalypse is done with, because I'm scared of losing you the way I lost my family.” Your breathing hitched in your throat, with realization slowly hitting you. He's right. The war isn't over, not yet away. You nervously chuckle, “Alright, alright, chill! I was just messing around!” However, Guren's focus didn't move away from yours as he picks you up, off the blanket, from the couch in a bridal fashion. You flail your arms and legs as you protest, “Guren, babe, no....” That is when he places you on the bed, gently, as he comes on top of you and whispers, “Your wish is my command, baby....”
Finally omg! This took me a while, but I hope you enjoy it Ro! :D:D:D
265 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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joshriku · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
thank you @x-populuxe for the tag!
this is hard because i have, um, 111 works posted on ao3. not counting the ones from my side acc that are 12. so. i. um. i'll try anyway. probably will be mostly x-men ones because i do find myself going 'that wasn't so bad' abt them lol
father, help me get down: i liked writing this one. i really like the magneto family because all the layers with them are just... insane behavior. i remember writing this like 'well it's gonna be crazy if pietro kills erik on this one' as if i wasn't the one in control of what pietro was doing :sob: it was just a fun experience. and gave me more brainrot. i write things to "get them off my head" so i "stop thinking about them" but i think i am failing at that.
family matters: I LOVE tommy and i love erik and when i was like 14 i read avengers children's crusade and seeing magneto interact with billy and tommy rewired me as a person so now i write fics of them hanging out. i think magneto watching drag race with tommy is the only good thing i've ever written.
be stronger than the story: (guy who read all appearances of destiny in comic history just so i could write a fix-it movieverse fic) oh yeah i'm normal about raven and irene. i love irene. i love raven. i really think everything would be easier if irene had been in the movies for real.
some people stay with you, though: one day i was like 'i love writing tommy. i could easily write movie peter'. and that monstrosity of a fic was born. it was really not meant to be 8k and neither was it meant to be cherik related and YET.
scandal of the century: more than anything i just liked the formatting of it all. so challenging and fun. and also my friends are in this fic >:) i love it a lot because of them in it. also i put shinee's love like oxygen in that fic and so i think that's funny only to me. And also the knowledge that charles has, canonically, a sextape is very haunting.
tagging: @isthiswhatiam @kikuchibas @unluckiestclover @mutxnts @hellfre if you want. no pressure. sorry i panicked
why do i have 111 fics? what the fuck do i have so much to say. Anyway lighting fast 5 extra bonus ones because i was like 'oh that's not so bad': issues, issues, issues (because i do think pietro and david should become besties), out of touch (because i love spider-man and also i wrote that when i had covid and it's surprisingly coherent so), let's use these days for living (because i think writing about disabilities is nice, especially when it's charles and erik), close to half of you (because i like touch starved cherik and the title is from dean's D (half moon), probably the greatest song ever made so i really like it), love sick (because i think irene should always kill men for raven)
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my-fancy-hat · 2 years
I really like your post about CSM 111, thank you for making it! The metaphorical significance a new Chainsaw's appearance who kills someone desperately trying to imitate the Denji's heroics is a really good catch. Also, the idea that Denji will have to confront the popular persona he created makes me think that the impostor is likely the Chainsaw Man Devil (which might have been what you meant, you didn't say), as it would have been made from people's conception and fear of him.
First of all big sorry for the late reply and thank you!
I didn't want to dig onto a concrete answer of which devil this was because we can theorize until we get bored and I feel like the possibilities are quite interesting on their own. It was more about the narrative element this serves as the internal conflict we've seen in denji so far: he dropping his denji persona to the side and wanting to achieve success and acceptance (a gf lol) through chainsaw man. imo I love there's an actual devil who represents this dichotomy and as well be the new antagonist of this arc! if I have to guess who this silhouette is uhhh... maybe it's a piece of pochita's heart that got lost in space during the hybrid weapons' fight? as you say, the chainsaw man devil? the hero devil? if it were the "chainsaw man" devil it would be pretty weak since the masses don't fear chainsaw man anymore.. we'll see
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