#11 P.M.
mylovelychibi · 2 years
March Release #5
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Hi fellow readers! Today will be our 5th release for this month and we hope you guys enjoy reading the release 🎉 🎉 Visit the link on the bio to read the latest release of the group ❤
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flompvoidsinsanity · 9 months
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bleppybeans · 5 months
New Chaggie Headcannon: Vaggie used to pull at her hair when she was stressed, so Charlie got her the bow as a present so she would pull on the bow instead!
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Go rest (⌐■▽■)🗞️)`ν゜)
*Insert Tom & Jerry newspaper smackinng sound*
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miramisaki · 5 months
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36(???) days until Charlie...
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
[gives you the cup with more chai in it] [peels oranges for you because your hands still have wet aalta on them] [untangles the knots in your hair] [untangles the knots in your stomach] [ties the paayal around your ankle] [fixes your saree's pallu] [holds your hand in a crowd] [gives you the bigger laddoo] [brings your medicine for you] [loves you without telling you i love you]
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syn4k · 9 months
i have found myself thinking a lot lately about how the s1 crew landed in a completely different world that was just similar enough to where everyone seemed to do a double take at their names and faces
It was a quiet March afternoon, the type that people wrote poems and drew paintings about. While it was still mostly winter, there were patches of tentative spring that shone through here and there. The sun still shone cold, though, and almost all who were out under it were wearing some kind of jacket to buff themselves against the chill.
Everyone except for Jordan, it seemed.
Windbreaker tied around his waist, he walked from the little half-burnt hut he performed his witchcraft in to the cauldron beneath to the forest around it, apparently in the sort of hurry that deep concentration brought when you were working on something.
Ianite sat nearby on the grass, crosslegged, quietly humming while she worked on adjusting her bow string. Occasionally, she would turn to aim an arrow at a nearby tree, always neatly hitting the mark but frowning to herself to return to her work. Every so often, she'd pause to watch Jordan work, simply observing, a strange expression on her face. Every so often, he'd glance over at her as if reminding himself that she was there.
It wasn't an uncomfortable silence that they shared, by any means, but after three or so hours Jordan finally sat down next to his goddess with a wordless sigh.
"Hello," said Ianite. "What are you working on?"
"Testing stuff in the Spirit Realm," said Jordan, mouth full of apple. "Turns out that things get real mad if I try to get things over there, but I think I've found a workaround. What about you?"
"Oh, I'm just tuning my bow," said Ianite, nocking an arrow for demonstration. When she released it, it flew straight across the clearing and knocked one of the skulls off of the witchery altar. Jordan winced, but didn't say anything.
"Is something wrong?" asked Ianite after a little bit.
"Oh," said Jordan, shaking himself out of his thoughts. "No. I mean, uh, the skulls are kind of important for upgrading the power the altar can consume but I think you just knocked one off, I can always place it back later. It's not a big deal."
"I didn't even realize that," said Ianite, surprised and a little bit guilty. "I wasn't talking about that. Sorry, though."
"You're good," said Jordan. "Apart from that, though, no, nothing's going on. Unless you had something to say?"
Ianite looked over at him, expression unreadable but oddly piercing nonetheless. "While you were working, you kept looking over at me like you were surprised to see me there."
"Oh, that," said Jordan, leaning back against a tree trunk with a small sigh. "Not surprised to see you. It's more like... I don't know. I guess I'm just not very used to this."
"As in, you being actually, like, here and stuff." He swallowed his chunk of apple and continued, waving a hand around awkwardly. "All casually and stuff."
Ianite nodded. "That's not a bad thing, right?" she asked, somewhat anxiously. "It's been a while since I've actually been around people. I hope I'm not messing it up."
"No, no," said Jordan, surprised. "You're doing great. I'm sure it's just a me thing. I don't think either of us are really used to each other yet."
Ianite nodded thoughtfully. "That would be it. In my dreams, I was always seeing through the eyes of my other selves, and they were all different from me in temperament and the like. Was I- was your Ianite different?"
Jordan paused for a moment in thought before nodding. "Yeah. She was more... distant, I guess. No offense, by the way," he added quickly. "I haven't talked with this world's Mianite or Dianite, but they were detached too. Less like people and more like how you'd think gods would act."
Ianite nodded, momentarily focused on whittling at her bow. It was quiet for a little longer. Small clouds chased each other across the sun, the earth below constantly dappled with ever-shifting shadow.
"It's strange to hear that coming from you," she said eventually, carefully setting her bow and knife in front of her. "But it does make sense."
Jordan paused for a minute, confused. "Me as in Spark?"
Ianite sighed. "Yes. I have to keep reminding myself that you're not him."
Jordan nodded. "I'm definitely not. I'd never wear green sunglasses. With this outfit?" he asked, jokingly scandalized. "I'd make everybody's eyes hurt just by looking at me."
Ianite squinted at him. "I vaguely remember you wearing basketball shorts in the other world."
"We do not talk about the basketball shorts."
Ianite laughed, a clear laugh, one that sounded like mission bells and high notes sung by church choirs to Jordan. "You have the same sense of humor too," she said. "And the same messy hair."
"Is it alright if I ask you a question, my lady?"
"Of course."
"What's Spark like? Or what was he like, I guess? Is that an okay thing for me to ask you?"
Ianite nodded. "Yes. It's just a bit of a difficult question for me to answer for... a couple of reasons." She sighed. "He was older, for one, by maybe half a decade. And quieter. Far quieter. He used to go off for hours on these tangents about the things he'd read and what he thought of them." She smiled softly in remembrance. "Spark was a brilliant tactician." Ianite glanced over at Jordan. "He also did most of the wiring in the castle. I guess that's one thing that hasn't changed."
Jordan nodded, and she continued. "You're both very stubborn when it comes to the ones close to you, though. And gentle. I remember once he came home sopping wet in the middle of the night holding a stray kitten he'd found and announced that he'd named it Biggs."
"Mhm. It was a sweet little thing."
Jordan tossed the apple core aside on the grass. "He sounds like someone I'd get along with, if it's not weird to get along with yourself," he said. "I can tell you loved him a lot."
Ianite nodded. "I did. I still do, in fact."
"Tucker keeps pressuring me to try and go out with you, m'lady," said Jordan with a sigh. "Especially ever since he figured out that this universe's version of me ended up getting with you. It feels wrong to me, though. I can't really explain it."
Ianite tilted her head to one side in slight contemplation. "I think I understand," she said after a moment. "And I think that I agree with you. I don't know if Spark is dead, after all. I'd like to at least wait until then to do anything."
Jordan nodded. "That makes sense," he said. "I think I'm good for now, though. No offense."
"None taken."
The two sat there for a few more minutes, simply drinking in the weak spring sunshine. Jordan stood, stretched, and pulled his windbreaker back on.
Ianite's communicator beeped, and she glanced over at it. "Oh!" she said happily. "Sonja's invited me over to bake with her."
"Ooh," said Jordan. "When?"
"Now," said Ianite, picking up her bow and knife and putting the knife into its sheath at her waist.
"Ah," said Jordan. "Until next time, then, my lady. Safe travels."
"Thank you," said Ianite with a smile. "You too."
And with that, she was gone.
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kayniscanem · 6 months
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I’m scared to share a selfie on here, but hey! There’s little to no official merchandise, so... You just have to make do. It makes for a good spring jacket here in New England, where it just seems to rain relentlessly…
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fr-likes-chocolate · 1 year
Random thought. (this is probably inaccurate because I cant really watch QSMP streams)
Philza, renowned fighter and married to death: currently being gaslit by the federation
Etoiles, renowned fighter who beats up codes: retured because he lost a fight to a code
Fit, he comes from 2b2t, master survivalist: currently on his C!ranboo arc by loosing memories (and cucurucho may know why he is on the island)
Bad, immortal grim reaper who helped sink atlantis: actually im sure yall can figure out why he is on this list...
Forever, president over server: got f***ing drugged by federation
My point? All 5 of these people are A, canonically powerful, and/or B. Have many connections to eachother and the rest of the server.
Say that we theorize that the codes are made and used by the Federation, that means all 5 of these character’s arcs are driven by the Federation.
That means all 5 of these characters are being hindered/unable to use their abilities or powers because of the situation that the federation has them in.
Also considering how powerful Bad, Fit, Etoiles, and Phil are canonically, its basically the federation taking out the 3 strongest defenders that the islanders have, and having Forever under their control only adds to the power the federation has against the islanders.
So who is next? Possibly Rubius of his CC logs on soon, maybe Foolish depending on the lore CC foolish has for his character.
One thing seems to be clear though...
The federation seems to be done with playing games.
They are starting to enforce rules and break people to get what they want.
We have seen what they have done to Quackity.
Its only a matter of time before more people start to dissappear and come back witm memories gone.
Time may be running out.
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seiwas · 8 months
top 5 of your own favourite work
thank you for asking nonie 🥺 this is a really tough one bc i feel like how i feel abt my writing always changes 🥲 so at the moment, i enjoy these:
keep this drive to just us two (megumi drive series—which is getting a part 3 soon!) i like this bc of how it still makes me feel even after re-reading it!! that and i love writing megumi in general 🥺 the first part to this was inspired by a personal experience!
col, specifically: these traces of love, they outline you (but am fond of the longer col installments in general) the entire col is my baby, but i enjoyed outlining and writing 'these traces of love...' the most so far 🥺
11:49 p.m. (gojo blurb) i like how concise i was with my paragraphs, and how i made everything flow (sometimes i worry i won't be able to write like this again 😭)
by your name only (part of my iwa series, (keep me) steady, hold me gently) the fic is privated right now because i'm planning to rewrite the entire series! but the concept of this fic is a 6+1 and i enjoyed executing it a lot 🥺 (tbh i have this whole series outlined i just need to get it written 😭)
it's a match! (non-curse au with dating app yuuji) conceptualizing this was so fun!! and writing it was really enjoyable too!! i think because i was so used to writing for canon jjk, switching to something more lighthearted was so refreshing 🥺
ask me my top 5 or 10 anything!!
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hate to disneychannelpost but like. It's kinda fucked how stevie was literally like "hey the competition where only the winning child in any wizard family keeps their powers and everyone else gets the gift they've been using their whole lives taken away forever so siblings in every single wizarding family for generation after generation are pitted against each other for their entire childhoods/adolescence is actually. y'know. kinda fucked. we should make it so that stops." and then they shattered her body to pieces
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msvelawciraptor · 29 days
The thing about living where I do and being a public defender is that hearing gunshots is not entirely outside the normal part of my daily existence. Maybe not daily. But it's regular enough. And my reaction to it isn't to dive for the floor or call 911. It's to wonder who's getting this bullshit on Monday.
My job is weird, man.
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scilou-mdr · 1 year
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From Sunday June 8, 2023 at the exact time of 8:29 a.m. (French time,). Me Luca aka Scilou officially names our friend: @dobythealpaca Larry's Number 1 fan!! And also Bing and Larbing!
Cheer! It is now a great responsibility that is in your hands 😌
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kimsuyeon · 5 months
gn !!!! giffed out for the day
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theeverdream · 5 months
I've had like three separate mental health breakthroughs today because of how I've approached stuff that I'm dealing with, and I'm proud of myself? But I'm tired? Can life give me a goddamn fucking break?
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greenscreen-dress · 10 months
Hello! Can I interest you in a sleepy gorl?
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KITTY BABY... so very sleepy :0
In exchange I offer my own sleepy beast, briefly awoken by me daring to sit down on her (my) bed :3
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