#10x social review
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Qasim Rashid at Let's Address This:
On May 20, 1962, JFK delivered an impassioned speech at Madison Square Garden in favor of universal healthcare. Then, decades later in 2006 nearly 7 in 10 Americans believed the government should fund healthcare. And now, a new Gallop Poll reports that 62% of Americans believe in guaranteed universal healthcare. And despite this decades of support, not a single Presidential candidate this cycle had the courage to run on this wildly popular platform. Over the last week I’ve written in detail about America’s Violent Health System, and likewise, shared a deeply personal story about When Insurance Rejects Life Saving Care about our daughter Hannah Noor.
In response, I’ve received overwhelming empathy and compassion from conservatives and liberals alike, Republicans and Democrats, from those who self-identify as “Ultra MAGA” to those who label themselves as “Bernie Social Democrats.” Americans get it. Healthcare needs to be a human right. Sadly, politicians, Republicans and too many Democrats alike, don’t get it. They worship at the altar of corporate donations. The health insurance industry annually spends a harrowing $700,000,000 on lobbying politicians to do their bidding. And that doesn’t even include what they spend on SuperPACs to block out candidates who dare run on a platform of guaranteed universal healthcare. Those same healthcare corporations then engage in a mass media blitz of misinformation and disinformation to convince people to vote against their own self-interests. In reality, guaranteed universal healthcare is a proven model adopted by every single developed nation on Earth (and many lower income developing nations). And while I do not have $700,000,000 to counter the lobbying propaganda health insurance corporations infuse into our politics, I do have access to the facts that health insurance corporations hope the American people don’t realize.
Myth 1: We Can’t Afford Universal Healthcare
Fact: The opposite is true. Dozens of studies prove that universal healthcare will save Americans billions of dollars annually. In fact, 22 studies reviewed all concluded that universal healthcare would save approximately $450 billion a year. And this is a universal conclusion. For example, “Even the Mercatus Center, a right-wing think tank, recently found about $2 trillion in net savings over 10 years from a single-payer Medicare for All system. Most importantly, everyone in America would have high-quality health care coverage.” Moreover, we cannot forget that right now approximately 73 million Americans are on Medicaid, 68 million Americans are on Medicare, and 10 million Americans are on Tricare. That means that of our nation’s 335 million people, approximately 151 million are already on a universal (or near universal) healthcare model. And guess what? These programs each cost significantly less than the exploitative for-profit healthcare model. The overhead on these programs is 2-3%, while the overhead on for profit healthcare is 20%, plus a near unlimited mark up on prescription drugs. In this we have a side by side comparison of access to the exact same doctors and medications, except one has a nominal mark up and the other has a 10X markup. It doesn’t take an MBA in finance to understand that the same product or service without the massive markup is the smarter path to take. The only thing we cannot afford is for the current exploitative for profit model to continue.
Myth 2: If Costs Go Down, So Does Quality of Care
Fact: This is simply not true. It is important to understand why costs decrease, because contrary to the myth, every single one of the above studies found that quality of care would not decrease with universal healthcare. 
Myth 3: Universal Healthcare Puts Millions Out of Work
Fact: What would happen to the roughly 1.8 million Americans who work in medical billing? This is a great question and has a robust answer that I break down in three parts. First, remember that about 40% of these jobs are already in the Medicaid and Medicare and Tricare industries—which is essentially universal healthcare for a portion of society. Therefore, we’re talk about roughly 1 million jobs, which admittedly is still a large number. What to do with those? Well, hence the second point. Expanding Medicare to accommodate another 175 million people will necessarily require medical billing professionals and administrators to do those jobs. Therefore, the question is not about eliminating jobs, but about transitioning workers from the for profit exploitative system, to a non for profit system that prioritizes access to healthcare. Likewise, remember that ending the for profit system saves us at least $450 billion annually. These resources give us options. For example, these are excellent resources that could be spent on a lengthy 2-year salary severance to those in medical billing who do lose their jobs, plus adequate funding and training to allow them to become proficient in a new job. Indeed, at $70 billion annually, four-year-public college costs a fraction of what would be saved by shifting from an exploitative for profit model, to a universal healthcare model. We cannot afford not to make the shift.
Myth 5: Universal Healthcare Causes Long Wait Lines
Fact: For primary physician appointments, Americans already wait longer under our exploitative for profit model than do people in nations with universal healthcare. Frankly, I marvel at this allegation as I reflect over the fact that it took us more than two years to get our daughter the critical life saving medication she needed, only because our exploitative for profit health insurance company refused to accept our doctor’s medical instruction. In reality, wait times in the United States are shorter only for elective surgery, but for primary care or for critical care, the United States is the worst out of any nation with universal healthcare.
Qasim Rashid wrote a solid piece debunking anti-universal healthcare lies propped up by for-profit health shills.
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evidence-based-activism · 14 days ago
Citing “changes in testosterone” as not having a pronounced effect on violence does not mean testosterone is not linked to violence. Whereas increased testosterone in women may result in what we consider “leadership and social bonding” what we consider to be “high” levels of testosterone in women is tiny compared to how much more testosterone men naturally have. Men have 10x more than women. Testosterone is responsible for *all* sexually dimorphic traits. Male Chimpanzees, a species we share 98% of our DNA with, form patriarchies and male coalitions, and are known to rape, murder and drink the blood of other Chimps. They don’t have “socialization”, they’re animals. The only difference between a male and female Chimpanzees is their Y chromosome and testes.
I'm guessing this is in response to this post? Either way, you are incorrect, Anon.
Citing “changes in testosterone” as not having a pronounced effect on violence does not mean testosterone is not linked to violence.
Testosterone is not linked to violence. There is no correlation. The relevant portion from that linked post:
"The correlation to testosterone to physical aggression is indisputable -- this correlation between masculinization and aggression exists even in women." No, no it is not, and no it does not. This meta-analysis [5] found a correlation of 0.08 between testosterone and aggression. To be clear, a correlation score can range from -1 to +1, with -1 indicating a perfect negative correlation, +1 indicating a perfect positive correlation, and 0 indicating no correlation. A correlation of 0.08 is an extremely weak correlation. Another, more recent, meta-analysis [6] found a 0.05 correlation between aggression and testosterone and no statistically significant causal effect of testosterone on aggression. Changes in testosterone were weakly correlated with aggression (0.16) and this was only in men. Importantly, this result may have been influenced by publication bias (see the study for details). Again, to be clear, they found no evidence of a causal connection between testosterone and aggression. The lack causal connection is important, as some research as presented in this review [7] and meta-analysis [8], suggests that behavior/external events (like winning a competition) can increase testosterone. This raises an important question: can acting/being aggressive independently raise testosterone? If so, (and it does appear likely) then men who choose to act aggressive may be raising their testosterone levels; when recorded in a correlational format this results in the positive (albeit weak) correlation discussed above.
The correlations found in these meta-analyses are so close to zero (0.08 and 0.05) they effectively indicate no association. (And for clarity, a meta-analysis is a synthesis of many different studies, so as to obtain a more exact, less biased estimate. The analyses here included 30 studies – some with multiple datasets – and 98 studies, respectively.)
Whereas increased testosterone in women may result in what we consider “leadership and social bonding”
And, as indicated in the above post, testosterone in men is linked to both anti-social and pro-social behaviors as well as both dominant and submissive behaviors.
what we consider to be “high” levels of testosterone in women is tiny compared to how much more testosterone men naturally have. Men have 10x more than women.
This is accurate. I discuss this in this post.
Testosterone is responsible for *all* sexually dimorphic traits.
This is completely false.
To begin with "other steroid metabolites and their receptors are required to produce the diverse tissue differences observed in males and females" and "multiple hormones from several endocrine glands are required to act in concert with androgens to produce and maintain their effects" [1]
For a couple of specific examples: "gender differences in GH–IGF1" plays a role in "skeletal sexual dimorphism" [2] and both estrogen and proestrogen play a vital role in sexual dimorphism in the immune system [3].
Not to mention the fact that it is genetics which determines which sex hormone(s) are made at which times. And, as I've discussed in this post, there is even evidence for a role of culture in what we commonly consider dimorphic traits like height.
Male Chimpanzees, a species we share 98% of our DNA with, form patriarchies and male coalitions, and are known to rape, murder and drink the blood of other Chimps.
We also share 98.7% of our genome with bonobo monkeys [4], who are "best characterized as female-centered and egalitarian" [5]. Male violence in bonobos is less severe and almost entirely intra-sexual (i.e., aimed at other males) [6].
They don’t have “socialization”, they’re animals. The only difference between a male and female Chimpanzees is their Y chromosome and testes.
This is not correct.
Socialization is common in animals, although we often call it social learning [7, 8].
Chimps specifically exhibit both "positive and negative social contagion" [9].
References under the cut:
Bardin, C. W., & Catterall, J. F. (1981). Testosterone: a major determinant of extragenital sexual dimorphism. Science, 211(4488), 1285-1294.
Callewaert, F., Sinnesael, M., Gielen, E., Boonen, S., & Vanderschueren, D. (2010). Skeletal sexual dimorphism: relative contribution of sex steroids, growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I (GH-IGF-I) and mechanical loading. J Endocrinol, 207(2), 127-134.
Shepherd, R., Cheung, A. S., Pang, K., Saffery, R., & Novakovic, B. (2021). Sexual dimorphism in innate immunity: the role of sex hormones and epigenetics. Frontiers in immunology, 11, 604000.
Prüfer, K., Munch, K., Hellmann, I., Akagi, K., Miller, J. R., Walenz, B., ... & Pääbo, S. (2012). The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes. Nature, 486(7404), 527-531.
Waal, F. B. M. D. (2006, June 1). Bonobo sex and society. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bonobo-sex-and-society-2006-06/
Jacobs, P. (2024, April 12). Bonobos, the ‘hippie chimps,’ might not be so mellow after all. Science. https://www.science.org/content/article/bonobos-hippie-chimps-might-not-be-so-mellow-after-all
Hoppitt, W., & Laland, K. N. (2008). Social processes influencing learning in animals: a review of the evidence. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 38, 105-165.
Heyes, C. M. (1994). Social learning in animals: categories and mechanisms. Biological Reviews, 69(2), 207-231.
SANDARS, G. (2022). ChimpanSee, ChimpanDo: A Review of the Significance of Social Contagion, and Exploration of Grooming and Play Contagion in Chimpanzees.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years ago
Not ganna outright say what account, but I will share that I was one of the people who had a long thread conversation with Vivziepop when she was spiraling the other day on twitter, and let me tell ya, it was like talking to a brick fucking wall. Of course I expected it, but when you’re directly talking to the woman herself, the experience is far out there. Like her other response threads, the conversation was long. No we didn’t reach a middle ground, no the conversation didn’t go anywhere, and no….she didn’t own up to anything or practically acknowledge anything I said. If I had to sum up the conversation, it was mainly her making excuses, tap dancing around certain things I said or just straight up ignoring it and saying something else. At one moment she even said nothing and just let a fan speak for her. This woman is defensive, insecure, and lacks social awareness, and I genuinely feel like the internet is making her mental health 10x worse than what is already is.
But putting that aside, there is genuinely no hope for this woman. No matter what, she’ll stick to what she believes and block out anyone who says or even suggests otherwise. She’ll put up walls for herself and either cower behind her fanbase, or ignore the issue and make up irrelevant excuses. Her words may be different but her actions show otherwise, that she genuinely believes she can do no wrong, that her writing is flawless and that she doesn’t need any constructive criticism or help, wether that be regarding the shows or in general. She’ll pull the homophobia or queer card as a defense mechanism, and cope by seeking constant praise and attention from her fanbase.
The fact that her victims may never get justice depresses me, and I’m ganna be honest with y’all, every day we get a new pathetic twitter rant, every day I wonder if reviewing or even watching Hazbin is worth it. This woman has made it clear that she will not accept anyone who tells her that her work is flawed and that she could be better. She thinks everything she touches is perfect as it is. Hazbin is going to be bad and there is no hope for it to get better because the creator has made it clear that she’s not going to do that. She’s going to stay in her personal bubble that she’s been stuck in for the past decade and never come out into the real world. So like…what’s the point of even reviewing Hazbin if you know it’s never going to get better and just slip further down the slope like Helluva is right now all because the creator is a stubborn woman child?? I want to like Hazbin so fucking bad. I love the concept and I can SMELL the potential. I want it to succeed. But there’s no point in hoping that it’ll be good or improve and it fucking sucks, I’m just so tired of all of this. I’m still definitely going to review Hazbin, but if by any miracle this show gets a season 2, I don’t think I’ll stick around for that long.
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pinkglacierz · 6 months ago
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bookloure · 9 months ago
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Books finished in May| May has been a good month, but I'm also ripe for another social media break! When I took a month break last March, I decided I will do it periodically—quarterly, in fact. So I'll be gone again for a bit in June, from the third week (because I still have a book to review) up to the second week of July. Sana afford ko mag sabbatical chz.
Now let's talk about books—the highlight is I discovered that I loooove body horror because of a random eARC I got. The cheka part is that I gave my first 1star of the year. Anyway, here are the 10 books I finished this month, ranked:
📱 Kindred by Octavia E. Butler - It has been forever since I stayed up late because I can't put a book down. This totally did it. Of course I felt shit the next day, but damn it's so worth it!
📖 It's A Mens World by Bebang Siy - It's a collection of the author's personal stories chronicling her girlhood in Manila. Funny, relatable and quite charming, but also dark in places.
📱 Welcome To Your Body: Lessons in Evisceration, edited by Ryan Marie Ketterer - Before this book I already had an inkling that I like body horror—Grease by Junji Ito and Earthlings by Sayaka Murata are two of my favorites, but this book gave me different flavors of body horror and I enjoyed sampling every story. Of course, I like some stories more than the others, but as a collection I honestly will give this 5 stars. It reminded me of Deesha Philyaw's "The Secret Lives of Church Ladies" in the sense that it feels very much like a cohesive collection. Top tier!
📖 Tao Sa Prowa: Mga Tala, Mga Taon by Allan Popa - Another stunning collection. It's a series of seemingly random vignettes on different aspects and phases of life, that is, until I came to the titular piece—then it morphed into a rounded collection. And the theme is revealed. I would say it's similar to Saglit: Mga Ala-ala't Muni by Rofel Brion, but (10x) better.
📱 Frieren: Beyond the Journey's End Volumes 7&8 by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe - I adore this series so much!!! It's starts in the end and shows the reader how we carry the people we meet to the future even though our time together is over. I tear up a lot reading this manga lol.
📖 Asintada: Mga Tula by Lilia Quindoza Santiago - Simple. Pero pag tinamaan ka bubukol for sure.
📱 Giraffe and a Half by Shel Silverstein - Minsan trip ko lang bumasa ng children's book. Solid naman ito hehe.
📱 Sheets by Brenna Thummler - Loved the art style, the story, not so much.
📱 🎧 Bel Canto by Ann Patchett - So disappointed with this because it's a highly anticipated read. I guess I'll just put my Goodreads review here: The writing is gorgeous because it's Ann Patchett, but I did not connect with this for some reason, so I was already planning to give it 3 stars... but then I found out what Peruvian historical event this book takes inspiration from and it just left a bad taste in my mouth the erasure and co-opting of POC stories and histories. I wouldn't have learned about the Lima Hostage Crisis if not for other Goodreads reviews. You'd hope that the telling of these stories would help shed light, but the author swept the Peruvians under the rug instead. In their own story. Very British Museum behavior.
And that's a wrap! 🌯 I already cried to LOTR: The Return of the King, so June is already going so well lol.
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kankuroplease · 2 years ago
Heres what i think tsau narts would post on a social media
Naruto- shitposts, random memes he probably found on google or videos he took from the shop
Sakura- Daily vlogs, get ready with me videos, product reviews or making fun of naruto
Sasuke: he just has a blank profile with user92639307 as the name
Sai: painting videos with that bob ross set up
Kakashi: about his favorite books (obviously) ,videos and pictures of his dogs and kids
Sakura’s get ready with me for a day at work would be the most anyone sees Sasuke online because they live together. Also has a ton story times because she lives with Naruto and Sasuke and is buddy buddy with Shisui who always gets her (and others) into questionable situations 🤣
Naruto is definitely in everyone’s face at the shop. He’s using Kakashi’s looks for likes, doing TikTok dances with Sakura and Sai (they have to show Sai how to do it 10x but he always gets it eventually), mukbang, would you rathers, pranks, etc..
Sai’s is spot on. It’s art on top of art and teaching techniques he’s learned. Also the one to get into accidental arguments with people because he genuinely wants to know where they’re coming from when they’re being rude. But also the guy that makes video montages of his (muse) GF.
I can see Kakashi being the typical social media person… but he’s also a fanboy and more likely probably has a cosplay account he feignsignorance about and writing fanfics under an alias. It’s definitely an iykyk sort of deal. Don’t ask why there’s foundation that can cover tattoos at his place even though Rin doesn’t use that brand and Obito would look horrid doing his own makeup.
Yamato’s has any and everything nature related; forging, drone videography of the woods, outdoor cooking with firemen (aka Genma and Itama). Very cute wholesome stuff.
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yuri-ray · 1 year ago
No-Spoilers Review #4: Sora & Haena!
Content Warnings: stalking (without intention to harm)
An amazing manhwa! Sora & Haena! by Jackbull is a romance webtoon. It's about two high school girls who make a deal: Sora will help Haena get into college and Haena will help Sora get a boyfriend. (Obviously that's not exactly what happens.) It's light and fun, but it has depth too!
Is it good? Yes! This is something I can pretty much recommend to anybody who likes a good romance.
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Sora Yoon (brown hair, short girl) is the main protagonist and Haena Woo (taller girl) is the second lead. Sora has the highest grades in the school, but is completely friendless and out of her depth in social situations. Meanwhile Haena is popular and sociable, but her grades are very bad. So Sora tutors Haena in academics while Haena tries to teach Sora how to make friends.
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The art is charming and fun, and the two leads are both super likeable -- you gotta root for them. I love that they're understanding and supportive of each other.
There's also a supporting cast that's pretty good! This is one of the first times I actually felt kind of bad for the male "love interest" character in a yuri because he's genuinely a good and nice guy, even though Sora is super gay so he doesn't even register as a blip to her romantically. LOL
The most divisive one is definitely Jae-in Park. Jae-in, who has the #2 highest grades in the school, has a super unhealthy one-sided admiration for Sora based solely on her grades. She slowly learns to get over it, but her overall mental state is as thin as a wet sheet of tissue paper and she freaks out super easily. Personally, she's my favorite character... I love her. What a little freak. Totally divisive for understandable reasons though.
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What the hell is wrong with her. She's literally like 10x as insane as all the other characters combined. (I'm not the biggest fan of Ah-Young personally, but that's 100% just a matter of character taste.)
Final Thoughts:
Anyway, the point is, Sora & Haena is funny and just all-around wholesome as well as being pretty well-written. I really think this is something that virtually everybody could enjoy! It's light and fluffy but has depth to back it up, and things progress at a good pace.
You can read it officially translated on Tapas, Tappytoon, and Lezhin.
Fair warning, after the main series ends, there are side stories set with the characters (now college-aged) that are absolutely rated 18+. One of the pairs is a student who, after graduating (and is now an adult), dates their former teacher. Whether that's a total dealbreaker or something you'll let slide is up to you, given that there's absolutely no actual romance in the main series between those two.
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jamespereira · 15 days ago
AiSpokeStudio Review - 10x Your Social Media Presence
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pupcake-and-icecream · 19 days ago
Emerald App 2025 Review: Can AI 10X YouTube Income?
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Welcome, hustlers and dreamers! If you’re reading this Emerald App Review 2025, chances are you’ve felt the pain of grinding on YouTube. Let’s face it: building a channel today is like running a marathon… in quicksand.
Creating content is exhausting. You spend hours scripting, filming, and editing, only to get 3 views (2 of which are your mom). The algorithm? A fickle beast that buries your videos unless you sacrifice your sanity to trends. And don’t get me started on monetization—ads pay pennies, and sponsors ghost you.
Imagine waking up to another video with single-digit views. Or worse, your “viral” cat video gets flagged for copyright. You’re stuck in a loop: no traffic → no income → no motivation. Meanwhile, faceless channels rake in $349/day with zero effort. How?!
Enter Emerald App—a $17 AI sidekick that promises to automate your YouTube empire. No filming, no editing, no begging for clicks. Just set it up, let the AI work, and watch your channel grow while you nap. Skeptical? So was I… until I saw the results.
What Is Emerald App?
Emerald is an AI-powered YouTube automation tool designed to turn anyone into a passive income pro. Created by Billy Darr (more on him later), it handles:
Automated Channel Creation: Launch a faceless YouTube channel in 60 seconds.
AI Content Generation: Let ChatGPT4 write scripts and stitch videos from 100+ templates.
Traffic Autopilot: Promote videos across 100+ platforms (no ads required).
Monetization Magic: Earn via ads, affiliate links, and $97 AI funnels.
Who Created Emerald App?
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A Serial Innovator Billy isn’t new to the game. He’s the brains behind heavy-hitters like Kadjo (a viral video engine), Helios (AI-powered funnel builder), and A.I Funnels (the holy grail for affiliate marketers). His portfolio reads like a “Greatest Hits” of digital tools, each designed to strip away complexity and deliver results. But Emerald? This might be his magnum opus.
Why Emerald? Billy noticed a glaring gap: YouTube’s gold rush was leaving behind folks who lacked time, skills, or a camera-friendly face. “Why should content creation be a full-time job?” he wondered. So, he assembled a team of AI wizards and coders to build a tool that lets anyone—yes, anyone—claim a slice of YouTube’s $29 billion ad revenue pie.
Philosophy: Tech for the Rest of Us Billy’s mantra? “Automate the boring stuff, so you can focus on living.” He’s allergic to jargon and obsessed with user experience. Case in point: Emerald’s interface is so intuitive, even your tech-phobic aunt could launch a channel. His tools aren’t just functional—they’re fun.
Top Benefits of Emerald App
Let’s cut through the fluff: Emerald isn’t just another app—it’s a Swiss Army knife for YouTube success. Here’s why it’s worth your attention:
1. Zero Skills? No Problem!
Forget editing software nightmares or scripting genius. Emerald’s AI Video Creator does the heavy lifting. Just type a keyword or mumble a voice prompt, and voilà—ChatGPT4 whips up polished videos using 100+ templates (think “Canva for YouTube”). The drag-and-drop editor? So simple, even your tech-clueless cousin could turn cat videos into cash cows.
2. Earn While You Sleep (Literally)
Emerald’s automation is your 24/7 cash machine. Once set up, the app generates videos, auto-shares them across social media, and drives traffic even when you’re offline.
3. Traffic Without the Tears
Tired of shouting into the void? Emerald’s AI Traffic Generator is like a hype squad for your channel. It auto-shares videos to TikTok, Reddit, blogs, and even niche forums, while the 1-Click YouTube Keyword Finder ensures your content ranks. No ads, no influencer bribes—just free, organic eyeballs.
4. Manage Your Empire from the Toilet
Yes, really. The Smartphone Edition lets you tweak thumbnails, check earnings, or launch new channels from your iPhone or Android. Stuck in a grocery line? Boom—adjust your monetization strategy between cereal aisles.
5. Mentorship & Safety Nets
Newbies get 7 days of 1-on-1 mentoring to dodge rookie mistakes. Plus, the 365-day money-back guarantee means you’ve got a YEAR to test-drive Emerald. If it flops, Billy Darr personally refunds you—no “30-day window” nonsense.
6. No Hidden Fees, Pure Profit Unlike tools that charge monthly subscriptions (looking at you, cough YouTube Premium), Emerald’s $17 one−time fee, means no recurring bills. Plus, the included Commercial License lets you sell pre−built, monetized YouTube channels to others for 17 one−time fee. It’s like buying a money-printing press for the price of a pizza. 🍕💰
7. Stock Assets Galore
No more scrounging for royalty-free beats or visuals. Emerald’s library includes hundreds of free stock videos, images, and tracks—perfect for spicing up faceless content without copyright drama.
Bottom Line: Emerald turns YouTube’s steep learning curve into a lazy river. Whether you’re a burnt-out creator, a busy parent, or someone who just hates being on camera, this app hands you the keys to a hands-off income stream. And at $17? It’s cheaper than most takeout orders. 🍔💸
>> Get Instant Access Now! <<
How Does Emerald App Work?
Pick a Niche: From cat memes to crypto, choose your battlefield.
AI Takes Over: Generates videos using keywords/voice prompts.
Traffic Tsunami: Shares content across social media, blogs, and forums.
Cash Flow: Monetize via ads, affiliate links, or Emerald’s $97 AI funnels.
Best Features of Emerald App
60-Second Setup: Faster than microwaving popcorn.
AI Video Creator: ChatGPT4 + 100+ templates = endless content.
Built-In Monetization: No guesswork—Emerald shows you the money.
Commercial License: Sell pre-made channels for $500 each.
1-on-1 Mentoring: Get expert guidance for 7 days.
Who Should Buy Emerald App?
Aspiring YouTubers: Skip the learning curve.
Side Hustlers: Earn extra cash without extra hours.
Affiliate Marketers: Drive traffic to your links effortlessly.
Retirees/Busy Parents: Perfect for hands-off income.
>> Get Instant Access Now! <<
Emerald App Pros and Cons
Pros: ✅ Fully automated YouTube channels ✅ $17 launch price (cheaper than Netflix) ✅ No monthly fees or hidden costs ✅ 365-day money-back guarantee
Cons: ⚠️ Requires patience (AI isn’t instant rich) ⚠️ Upsells can add up (stick to the front-end if budget’s tight)
Emerald App Pricing and OTOs: Full Breakdown
Front-End Offer: The Steal of the Century
For a $17 one-time payment (use code “Emerald3” to get $3 off).
you get:
Lifetime access to Emerald’s core AI tools.
Automated YouTube channel setup in 60 seconds.
AI Video Creator with 100+ templates and ChatGPT4 integration.
Built-in traffic generator for 100+ platforms.
Monetization training ($349/day methods included).
7 days of 1-on-1 mentoring + 365-day money-back guarantee.
This is 90% off the planned $97/month subscription. But act fast—prices spike soon!
OTO Upsells: Turbocharge Your Earnings
(All OTOs are optional but highly recommended for scaling)
Upsell 1: Emerald- Unlimited Edition – $147 Create unlimited podcasts, no usage restriction etc.
Upsell 2: Emerald- DFY Setup Setup – $297
In this upgrade our team sets up the software for your customers.
Upsell 3: Emerald- AutoPilot Edition – $39
Your customers will be able to activate all the automation tools within ONYX. Upsell 4: Emerald- 200 DFY Campaigns Edition – $39
You will get 200 done-for-you proven money-making campaigns that have made us $50,000.
Upsell 5: Emerald- Franchisee Edition – $197
You will get bumped up to 85% across the entire funnel with additional tutorials on how to promote the funnel to make sales.
Why the OTOs Are Worth It
Unlimited Elite: For serial entrepreneurs juggling niches.
AI Franchise: Turn Emerald into a $10k/month agency.
Scale AI: 10X traffic with geo-targeted campaigns.
Final Word: The front-end alone is a steal, but the OTOs unlock Emerald’s true power. Start with the $17 base, then add upgrades based on your goals. With a 365-day refund policy, there’s zero risk.
Ready to dominate YouTube? Click here to lock in 2025 pricing before time runs out! ⏳
Conclusion: Should You Buy Emerald App?
For $17, Emerald is a no-brainer. It’s not magic, but it’s the closest thing to a YouTube cheat code. The 365-day refund policy means zero risk. If you’re tired of burnout and ready for passive income, grab Emerald now before the price jumps.
Ready to let AI do the work? Click here to lock in the $17 deal and claim your bonuses!
>> Get Instant Access Now! <<
Q: Is there a refund policy? A: Yes! 365-day money-back guarantee.
Q: Do I need tech skills? A: Nope—Emerald’s designed for beginners.
Q: How soon can I earn? A: Most users see results in days, but patience pays off.
Q: Does it work on mobile? A: Yes! Fully compatible with smartphones.
Thanks for reading “Emerald App Review 2025: Can This AI Tool Really 10X Your YouTube Income?” If you’re ready to ditch the grind, click here to start your passive income journey today! 🚀
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, user experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. 
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marketingprofitmedia · 20 days ago
CIneGenix AI Review – Create Pro Quality Videos Videos in Minutes
Welcome to my CIneGenix AI Review. Today marks a new era in video creation, and it’s your time to shine. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a marketer, a content creator, or a business owner, you need high-quality videos to attract your audience, dominate the web, and get conversions.
But producing professional grade videos can be ridiculously time consuming and expensive with the added technical challenge of doing so. Here’s where CineGenix AI comes in as a game changer. CineGenix AI is an AI powered video creation software that magically generates pro quality videos in any niche for any offer.
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It claims to be the ultimate solution for marketers and businesses who want to generate video effortlessly using 25 powerful video generation methods for an affordable one time price. In this CineGenix AI review, we’re taking an in-depth look at the features, benefits, pricing and why CineGenix AI is an absolute must have tool for those creating video content. Let’s dive in!
What Is CIneGenix AI
CineGenix AI is a video maker tool that consists of artificial intelligence to develop professional videos across any segment and niche of any offer. Whether you are using it for business, marketing, or content creation, or even as a social media manager, this tool says it can create captivating videos in just a few minutes through the use of artificial intelligence.
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The uniqueness of this software is in its 25 different approaches to creating videos, including promotional videos and explainer videos or social media ads, educational content, etc. The best part? It works on a one- time fee basis, and this is cheaper than most of the video tools that boast of the subscription model.
CIneGenix AI Review: Overview of Product
Product Creator: Vijay Pratap Singh
Product: CIneGenix AI
Launch Date: 2025-Jan-30
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Site: Click Here To Visit Official Salespage
Product Type: Tools and Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “GENIXADMIN” To Get $5 Off (Full Funnel)
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
CIneGenix AI Review: Key Features of CIneGenix AI
First To Market AI Tech Creates Pro Quality Videos In 25 Unique Ways In 3 Easy Clicks
Unlock 25 POWERFUL Ways To Create Scroll Stopping Videos That Audience Love
Revolutionary Patent Pending Tech Replaces Dozens Of Expensive & Complicated Video Creation Platforms
Built-in AI Script Writer Creates Video Scripts From Any Topic Or Idea
Integrate 100% Human Like Voices Or Add Yours To Maximize Engagement
Convert Podcast Audio, Speeches, or Music Tracks into Engaging Visual Content.
AI Instantly Creates Storyboards For Al Your Videos
Access A Large Royalty-Free Library Of Videos, Images, And Music Tracks
Get 100+ Stunning Easy To Use Templates For Effortless Video Creation
AI Creates Auto Sub Titles & Captions To Get 10X Audience Attention
Let AI Create 100% Fresh, Multi Lingual Videos That Boost Your Global Presence
Drive 10X Leads, Sales & Traffic On Your Videos Without Lifting Your Finger
Get 10X More Traction By Embedding Your Stunning Videos Anywhere You Like
Boost Branding By Adding Your Watermark Or Logo On The Videos Created
Instantly Reach Out To Red Hot Prospects & Convert Them Into Lifetime Buyers
Zero Video Creation, Zero Voice Over Recording, Zero Third Parties & Zero Freelancers Needed
Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide Red Hot Services
Nothing To Download, Install Or Customize – Get Started In Seconds
Limited Time Offer- Get Premium Bonuses Worth $18,458
Iron-Clad 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee Included
CIneGenix AI Review: How Does It Work?
CineGenix AI crafts videos in 25 ways, capturing attention and unlocking the $638 billion video marketing sector in just 3 simple steps.
Step #1: Login
To get started, just login into this masterpiece & be on the fast track to beat your competition hands down.
Step #2: Create
Now, Choose how you want to create amazing videos with this AI technology, saving time on manual editing videos, creating storyboards, writing scripts, and voiceovers. No more boring videos or monthly subscriptions your audience will love it.
Step #3: Profit
Boom, you’re done. Now share or embed these scroll stopping videos on top social media platforms or anywhere you like & see boatloads of dollars flowing in like never before.
CIneGenix AI Review: Benefits of CIneGenix AI
Unlock 25 POWERFUL Ways To Create Scroll Stopping Videos That Audience Love
Built-in AI Script Writer Creates Video Scripts From Any Topic Or Idea
Integrate 100% Human Like Voices Or Add Yours To Maximize Engagement
Convert Podcast Audio, Speeches, Or Music Tracks Into Engaging Visual Content.
AI Instantly Creates Storyboards For Al Your Videos
Access A Large Royalty-Free Library Of Videos, Images, And Music Tracks
Get 100+ Stunning Easy To Use Templates For Effortless Video Creation
AI Creates Auto Sub Titles & Captions To Get 10X Audience Attention
Let AI Create 100% Fresh, Multi Lingual Videos That Boost Your Global Presence
Boost Branding By Adding Your Watermark Or Logo On The Videos Created
No Prior Tech Or Marketing Skills Needed
Step By Step Video Tutorials
100% Newbie Friendly, Easy To Use Platform
No Monthly Or Yearly Fees Ever
Regular Monthly Updates Included
24*7 Dedicated Customer Support
CIneGenix AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Website Owners
Digital Product Sellers
Affiliate Marketers
Social Media Marketers
E-com Store Owners
Video Marketers
Local Business Owners
Bloggers & Vloggers
Coaches/ Trainers
CPA Marketers
Marketing Agency Owners
Product Advertisers
CIneGenix AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “ADMINGENIX″ – For 30% Off Any Funnel OTO Below
Front End Price: Cinegenix AI Video Studio ($14.97)
OTO1: Cinegenix AI Agency
Agency 100 ($97)
Agency Unlimited ($147)
OTO2: Cinegenix AI Automation ($37)
OTO3: Cinegenix AI DFY ($97)
OTO4: Cinegenix AI Franchise
Franchise Gold ($97)
Franchise Lite ($67)
OTO5: Cinegenix AI Income Stream ($37)
OTO6: Cinegenix AI Traffic
Traffic Gold ($57)
Traffic Lite ($47)
OTO7: Cinegenix AI Unlimited
Unlimited Gold ($47)
Unlimited Lite ($32)
OTO8: Cinegenix AI Whitelabel  ($397)
CIneGenix AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try Our CineGenix AI Today With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We are very sure that you will be an instant fan of the awesome powers that comes with CineGenix AI today. That is why, we give you our no questions asked money back guarantee to each of our precious customer. Experiment now with CineGenix AI for the next 30 days In the unlikely event, there is a technical problem that hinders the performance of the product you will be fully refunded. All that you need to give us is a proper technical description of the issue, and that shall be followed by action from our side, PERIOD.
CIneGenix AI Review: Pros and Cons
Easy to Use – No prior video editing skills required.
25 Video Creation Methods – A versatile tool for different needs.
AI-Powered Automation – Saves time and effort.
High-Quality Exports – Supports HD and 4K resolutions.
Cost-Effective – One-time payment for lifetime access.
AI Voiceovers & Avatars – Makes videos more engaging.
Pre-Designed Templates – Fast and professional results.
Multi-Platform Support – Perfect for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more.
Requires a subscription fee
Requires stable internet connection.
Nothing wrong with it, it works perfectly!
My Own Customized Exclusive VIP Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the CIneGenix AI: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest CIneGenix AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
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Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
CIneGenix AI Free Premium Bonuses
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is it easy to get started with CineGenix AI?
Yes, all you got to do is just follow 3 simple steps that we’ve mentioned above, and get ready to create your first profitable video message that engages 10X more audience in 3 easy clicks.
Q. Do I need experience or tech/video creation skills to get started?
CineGenix AI was created keeping newbie’s like you & me in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior tech or video creation skills.
Q. Do you provide a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- CineGenix AI comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, which simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Q. Does your software work easily on Mac and Windows?
Definitely, CineGenix AI is 100% cloud based. You can use it on any Mac or Windows operating machine.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
My Recommendation
After going over CineGenix AI, we can say that they have delivered on their promises. As an AI driven automation tool and all these great editing features with a super budget friendly one time pricing it’s the perfect video content creation tool for individuals and businesses that want to make them easier.
If you’re tired of wasting hours bluring, rotating and cropping your videos or paying expensive subscription fees for industry leading software, then CineGenix AI is exactly what you have been looking for. This tool will help you effortlessly create high quality videos whether you are doing it for marketer, educator or entrepreneur or as a social media influencer.
>>> Click Here To Get Instant Access CineGenix AI Now <<<
Check Out My Previous Reviews: StickerLab Review, Emerald App Review, AzonBot AI Review, WhatsAI Review, and VidAvatar AI Review.
Thank for reading my “CIneGenix AI Review” till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly
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reazreviewzone · 21 days ago
AI Copy kit review
AI Copy kit is the world's first powered integrated all-AI generator. It Is A Game-Changing AI Platform Designed To Empower Content Creators And Businesses Like Never Before. With AI Copy Kit, You Gain Access To A Vast Array Of AI-Driven Tools That Effortlessly Elevate Your Content Game. GPT 4 powered copy kit for use no deeds skills and experience, commercial license, learning curve no subscription cost including ZERO cost. You get inside massive and interesting features & It has Everything Like 4k AI Video Creator, Ultra Shorts Creator, UHD AI Graphics Generator with 40 Categories, 200+ AI Writing Tools, Human Emotion VoiceOver Generator, 50+ AI Agents to work 24x7, and Many MORE! An entrepreneur struggling at the beginner level. They do not know how to grow their new business from a beginner level to an advanced level.  This is the point of a new entrepreneur. Generally, a businessman has to find business guidelines for success when they start their new business.  They are no waste of time and money. This is more expensive for a new man.  That`s why, I recommend you use the AI Copy Kit app. AI Copy Kit has a lot of unique features and a user-friendly funnel.  You can generate massive traffic with the AI Copy Kit. I arranged some important topics in the review that help you get access to the software.
What is an AI Copy Kit? How does it work? What features, bonuses, or benefits use the app?
What is the benefit GPT 4 powered copy kit?
Many video creators and content creators are struggling too much. But the software will be easy to use for them.
4k image:- Create eye-catching 4K images using SDXL Tech, and
UHD & Ultra video:- Captivating UHD videos, Ultra shorts, and reels for social media with our AI-powered Video and AI Shorts creator.
200+ AI writing tools – create blogs, articles, video scripts, emails, product descriptions, etc. for all your business needs.
Voiceover:- Create emotion-based real human Voiceovers That Wow and captivate your audience.
Targeted niche:- 50+ AI Agents in different niches for automated customer service, leads, and sales!
High conversion:- More website visitors, higher click-through rates, and increased sales for your business.
Content creator:- 100x Faster Content Creation with ChatGPT 4 Tech - save time and 80% money in costs
Affiliate marketing:- Fuel Your Business Growth, accelerate your content production, and automate lead generation and sales!
Global buyer:- Reach a global audience with content generated in multiple languages, expanding your brand's reach and impact.
Traffic bonus:- Get Paid 10x from your clients for the Same Work.
GPT-4:- Revolutionary GPT 4-powered AI technology you desperately need to elevate your content marketing game to fuel your business growth in 2025 and beyond!
CLIENT SERVICE:- rive massive buyer traffic, leads, and sales & take industry by the storm.
Tech skill:- No complicated setup, no tech hassles, no installation, or any other headache!
Passive income:- Create multiple passive income streams without spending a dime!
Who is the best choice for it? AI Copy Kit
Every software has limitations for users. Same the agency has some targeted niches for promotion. We would use the software unlimited and they have a commercial license. So you work & generate traffic 10x with us.
Content Creators: Whether you're a blogger, vlogger, podcaster, or social media enthusiast,
 it is for you. They grow day by day their audience.
Digital Marketers:- everybody knows about the digital marketing work. Many people started their lives in digital marketing.
Small Business Owners: Level the playing field with big brands by creating professional content that resonates with your customers.
Content writer:- Millions of Online content businesses ready to make a fortune creating & selling HQ content
Personal Use & Commercial Use:- anyone can use the AI Copy kit for their personal.  
read more
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hiringteam · 2 months ago
Company Name: NoBroker
Website: https://www.nobroker.in/
Required Skills: Excellent Communication,Talent Acquisition,Strong knowledge of Recruitment & Employment Laws.,Proficiency in ATS and HR software,Leadership and Team management skills
About the company :
NoBroker.com is world's largest C2C marketplace in online real estate. With cumulative 75 lakh customers, it has grown 10X in last one year. With three rounds of funding of INR 1 thousand 2 hundred 14 crore and 10 lakhs (1214,10,00,000), it is well funded by key US, Indian, Japanese & Korean investors like General Atlantic, SAIF Partners, KTB ventures and BeeNext. It is headquartered in Bangalore with a team of 1500+ People.
Key Responsibilities:
• Talent Acquisition Strategy: Develop and implement a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy aligned with the company's business goals. Continuously assess and improve recruitment processes and procedures for efficiency and effectiveness. Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in talent acquisition.
• Team Management: Recruit, train, mentor, and supervise a team of recruiters and talent acquisition specialists. Set clear performance goals and provide ongoing feedback and coaching to team members. Foster a collaborative and results-driven team culture.
• Candidate Sourcing: Identify and implement effective sourcing strategies to attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates. Utilize various recruitment channels, including job boards, social media, employee referrals, and partnerships with educational institutions. Build and maintain a strong talent
• Selection Process: Collaborate with hiring managers to define job requirements, qualifications, and skill sets. Conduct interviews and assist in the selection process, ensuring alignment with company values and culture. Oversee background checks, reference checks, and other pre-employment screening processes.
• Employer Branding: Develop and enhance the organization's employer brand to attract top talent. Manage the company's presence on employer review websites and social media platforms. Organize and participate in job fairs, networking events, and industry conferences.
• Data Analysis and Reporting: Track and analyze recruitment metrics to assess the effectiveness of recruitment efforts. Provide regular reports and insights to senior management on hiring trends, progress, and areas for improvement.
• Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant employment laws and regulations throughout the recruitment process. Stay informed about legal developments related to recruitment and make necessary adjustments to processes.
Qualification and Education Requirements:
• Education- Any Graduate or MBA in HR [ Bachelor's degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field (Master's degree preferred).]
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
• Good Interpersonal skills, numerical and analytical ability.
• Decision making skills.
• Language required: English & Hindi mandatory
• Proficient in MS-Office (Excel, Word).
• Comfortable with working 6 days a week (Sundays will be fixed off).
• 8 to 10 years of experience in TA 
• Proven experience in talent acquisition, with at least 4 years in a managerial role.
• Strong knowledge of recruitment best practices and Employment Laws.
• Excellent communication, interpersonal, and negotiation skills.
• Proficiency in applicant tracking systems (ATS) and HR software.
• Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
• Demonstrated leadership and team management skills.
• Certification in HR or talent acquisition (e.g., PHR, SHRM-CP) is a plus.
Ideal candidate will be the one who has done Bulk Hiring 
If interested kindly drop me your updated CV to [email protected]
Thanks and regards
Snehashree Panda
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tsreviews · 3 months ago
🔥🔥🔥VisualPal AI Review: Unveiling the Revolutionary GPT-4 Technology
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VisualPal AI Review: Features
First To Universe Technology Creates Professional AI Visual Assets That Are 10X Powerful Than MidJourney, Canva, Deep AI Etc
Create Tons of Canva Like 4K HD Images For Your Campaigns In 2X Less Time & Efforts
Advanced, Easy To Use Editor To Say Goodbye To Complex Editing Tools Forever
Create Google Friendly, Attention Grabbing AI Images, Graphics Etc & Get 100X More Visibility Hands Down
Use These Mesmerizing Graphics To Give Unmatched Customer Experience With Zero Upfront Cost
Create Amazing AI Instagram Posts & Reels In Literally No Time
Automatically Generate Profitable Facebook, YouTube Videos For Any Offer In Any Niche In 3 Clicks
Instantly Create Profitable Social Media Graphics For Top Platforms Without Any Third Party Dependency
Get 100X Audience Hooked Without Wasting Time Or Writing A Single Word Yourself
Never Ever Waste Hours Finding Premium Stock Images
VisualPal AI Creates 10X Powerful AI Visual Assets That Convert Visitors Into Customers
Smoothly Create AI Face Videos & Maximize Audience Engagement Like A Pro
Convert Any Text Into Attention Grabbing Images Using AI
Create & Sell High-Converting, Breath-Taking Visuals For Hungry Audience Globally
Stop Searching For Reliable Freelance Designers Or Agencies Today
Get 50+ EXTRA Premium AI Features That Leave Your Customers Spell Bound
More Than 18 REAL Beta Testers Made Money Using The Same Technology
Easy To Use Software With Step By Step Video Training
Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide High In Demand Services To Hungry Clients
>>>>>Get More Info
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fastsolutionhub · 4 months ago
10 AI Prompts That Will 10x Your Productivity
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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, productivity has become a coveted trait. Whether you're a freelancer juggling multiple clients, a student striving to meet deadlines, or a small business owner looking to optimize operations, the need for efficiency is universal. With the advent of artificial intelligence, we now have tools at our disposal that can significantly enhance our productivity. This article will explore 10 AI prompts designed to help you work smarter, not harder. By integrating these strategies into your routine, you can improve your workflow, reduce stress, and ultimately achieve more in less time.
Understanding AI Productivity
What Is AI Productivity?
AI productivity refers to the use of artificial intelligence to streamline tasks, enhance decision-making, and optimize various aspects of work and personal life. By leveraging AI tools, individuals can automate repetitive tasks, analyze large datasets, and receive personalized recommendations, thereby freeing up time for more creative and strategic endeavors.
Why AI Prompts Matter
AI prompts are specific questions or commands that you can input into AI tools to generate useful responses or perform tasks. Utilizing effective prompts can not only save time but also lead to better outcomes by ensuring you’re getting the most relevant and insightful information from AI.
10 AI Prompts to Boost Your Productivity
1. "Create a Weekly Task List Based on My Goals"
How It Works: Input your long-term goals and let the AI create a detailed task list to help you achieve them.
Actionable Insight: Review your task list weekly and adjust based on completed tasks and new priorities. Tools like Todoist or Notion can be integrated with AI to create dynamic lists.
2. "Summarize This Article in Bullet Points"
How It Works: Use AI to summarize long articles or documents, allowing you to grasp essential information quickly.
Actionable Insight: Implement this prompt when consuming large amounts of content to save time and focus on key takeaways.
3. "Generate Ideas for My Next Blog Post"
How It Works: Input your niche and desired topics, and the AI will provide a list of potential blog post ideas.
Actionable Insight: Use these ideas as a foundation for your content calendar, ensuring a consistent flow of fresh content.
4. "Draft an Email Response for This Client Inquiry"
How It Works: Paste the client's inquiry into the AI and ask for a draft response tailored to the situation.
Actionable Insight: Personalize the AI-generated response to maintain your voice and rapport with clients before sending.
5. "What Are the Latest Trends in My Industry?"
How It Works: Ask AI to analyze recent articles, reports, and social media conversations in your industry.
Actionable Insight: Use these insights to inform your strategy and stay ahead of the competition.
6. "Create a Social Media Content Calendar for Next Month"
How It Works: Provide details about your brand and target audience, and let the AI generate a content calendar with post ideas and scheduling recommendations.
Actionable Insight: Review and tweak the calendar before implementation to ensure alignment with your brand voice and marketing objectives.
7. "Suggest Tools to Improve My Workflow"
How It Works: Input your current tasks and responsibilities, and the AI will recommend tools to enhance efficiency.
Actionable Insight: Test out a few suggested tools to find what works best for your workflow.
8. "Create a Budget Plan Based on My Expenses"
How It Works: Feed your recent expenses to the AI and ask it to create a budget plan that maximizes savings.
Actionable Insight: Regularly update the AI with new data for ongoing financial optimization.
9. "Outline a Presentation on [Your Topic]"
How It Works: Provide your topic and let the AI generate a structured outline for your presentation.
Actionable Insight: Use the outline as a foundation for your slides, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the subject.
10. "Generate a Daily Reflection Journal Prompt"
How It Works: Ask AI for daily prompts that encourage reflection on your work and personal progress.
Actionable Insight: Incorporate this practice into your evening routine to foster continuous personal growth.
Best Practices for Using AI Prompts Effectively
Tailor Your Prompts
The effectiveness of AI prompts largely depends on how specific and clear they are. The more context you provide, the better the response you will receive. Experiment with different phrasings to find what yields the best results.
Combine AI with Human Insight
While AI can provide valuable assistance, human judgment is irreplaceable. Use AI-generated insights as a starting point, and apply your expertise and intuition to refine outcomes.
Stay Updated on AI Developments
The field of AI is ever-evolving, with new tools and features emerging regularly. Keep yourself informed about the latest advancements to maximize productivity gains.
Embracing AI in your daily routine can transform the way you work and enhance your productivity significantly. By implementing these 10 AI prompts, you can streamline your tasks, generate insightful content, and maintain focus on what truly matters. Start integrating these strategies today, and watch your productivity soar!
Ready to take your productivity to the next level? Implement these AI prompts and share your experiences with us in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with fellow productivity enthusiasts.
By leveraging these insights and strategies, you can harness the power of AI to achieve your goals more efficiently. Happy working smarter!
Explore More Prompts
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marketingparaestudar · 4 months ago
Você está enfrentando restrições orçamentárias na publicidade. Como você pode garantir conteúdo de qualidade sem gastar demais?
Em meio a restrições financeiras, a criação de conteúdo publicitário impactante requer inovação e planejamento estratégico. Aqui estão as táticas eficazes:
- Aproveite o conteúdo gerado pelo usuário. Incentive os clientes a compartilhar suas experiências como endossos autênticos.
- Concentre-se em plataformas de alto retorno. Invista em canais onde seu público-alvo está mais engajado.
- Otimize para alcance orgânico. Use algoritmos de SEO e mídia social a seu favor, criando conteúdo compartilhável e relevante.
Como você superou criativamente os limites orçamentários em publicidade? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Kunal D.Seguir
🔆 Top Advertising Voice | Performance Marketer | Lead Generation & Conversion Specialist
To maintain quality content on a tight budget, leverage the talent within your team:
> Employee-Generated Content: Encourage team members to share behind-the-scenes stories, insights, or experiences that highlight your brand’s culture and expertise.
>Collaborate with Industry Peers: Co-create content with partners or complementary brands, sharing both costs and audiences.
>Focus on Micro-Moments: Capture authentic moments with a smartphone and use them for quick, relatable content. By using in-house resources and fostering creative partnerships, you can create compelling content without breaking the bank.
Mohmmad MujtabaSeguir
Amazon Brand Manager & Advertising Specialist | Helped 12+ Amazon Brands Achieve $50k Revenue with a 15% ACoS | Amazon PPC Pro ��� | Enhanced Sales 10x in 60 Days
To maintain high-quality content without exceeding your budget:
> Prioritize High-ROI Platforms: Focus your efforts on channels that offer the best return on investment.
> Leverage User Generated Content: Utilize content created by your audience to cut production costs.
> Repurpose Existing Assets: Adapt and reuse previous content for fresh engagement. > Boost Organic Reach: Invest in SEO and social media to enhance visibility without additional ad spend.
> Partner with Micro Influencers: Work with smaller influencers for targeted, cost-effective promotion.
> Set a Monthly Ad Budget: Adhere to a strict budget cap for your ad campaigns.
> Highlight Customer Testimonials: Showcase endorsements from past buyers to build credibility.
Dr. Ashish GuptaSeguir
LinkedIn Top Consumer Behaviour & Advertising Voice l Marketing Educator | Consulting, Training & Projects l Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi | Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India
We have to think about budget-friendly strategies:
Content Creation:
Repurpose existing content (blog posts, social media, webinars);User-generated content (customer testimonials, reviews); Employee-generated content (employee stories, expertise);
Partner with influencers or micro-influencers (cost-effective);
Utilize free design tools (Canva, GIMP) and templates
Content Optimization: Focus on evergreen content (timeless, always relevant); Update existing content;
Repurpose content for different channels (blog to video, social media)
Advertising Strategies: Targeted advertising (social media, Google Ads); Retargeting ads; Native advertising (blend in with platform content); Email marketing; Organic social media (leverage free channels)
Jagveer SinghSeguir
💡Top Voice in Advertising, Brand Development & AR | Brand Strategist | AR & AI Marketing Expert | Google Analytics Pro | Digital Marketing | Content & Branding Specialist
Leverage Free Tools: Utilize free platforms like Canva for design, Pixabay for images, and YouTube for tutorials.
Repurpose Existing Content: Turn blog posts into social media graphics, or repurpose videos into shorter clips.
Collaborate with Influencers:
Partner with micro-influencers or bloggers who can promote your content to their audience for a fraction of the cost.
Focus on Evergreen Content:
Create content that remains relevant for a long time, reducing the need for frequent updates. Prioritize Engagement:
Monitor your content's performance and focus on creating content that resonates with your audience.
0 notes
gmbranksolutions · 4 months ago
Cloud Stacking for Local SEO: Elevate Your Business in Local Rankings
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Cloud stacking is a powerful link-building strategy that can help diversify your backlink profile and give you an edge over competitors.
Why Are Cloud Links So Effective?
Cloud links offer numerous advantages because they come from:
Highly trusted companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft
Domains with incredibly high metrics (which can be further boosted)
Minimal competition utilizing this method
A highly diversified backlink portfolio
High DA (Domain Authority) with DoFollow links
How We Implement Cloud Stacking
We create static HTML websites and host them on trusted cloud platforms. These sites are meticulously optimized to enhance your local and organic SEO rankings. This cutting-edge technique is highly effective and suitable for any niche, offering trusted backlinks from well-known domains.
By leveraging cloud stacking, you receive strong, authoritative links that pass along valuable link juice to your main site. These backlinks are not only DoFollow but also contextual, making them more relevant and impactful for SEO.
Long-Term Benefits of Cloud Stacking
For the best results, we recommend scheduling bi-weekly or monthly cloud stacking sessions. SEO is a long-term game, and investing in a high-quality method like this can ensure that your site maintains top rankings for an extended period. Most competitors are unaware of this approach, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.
DoFollow Backlinks from Leading Cloud Platforms:
Your website will gain authoritative backlinks from high DA domains such as:
Google Cloud – DA 94
Amazon AWS – DA 93
IBM Cloud – DA 47
Neocities – DA 86
Dreamhost – DA 43
DigitalOcean – DA 91
Netlify – DA 93
Backblaze – DA 58
Plus 15-18 other cloud platforms!
Comprehensive Website Creation on Cloud Platforms
We don’t just build a single HTML page; we create a fully presentable website hosted on the cloud, optimized to strengthen your online presence. Each cloud-based website will include:
Niche and geo-relevant content
Local business schema integration
Video and map embeds
Driving directions
Links to citations, Google Reviews, and Posts (for local businesses)
A detailed report of all backlinks in an organized format
Photos with your business information (NAP: Name, Address, Phone)
Service showcases and blog content
NAP + social links and website integration
Tumblr media
Pricing Options
5X Cloud links
25X Tier 2 links to boost Tier 1 links
100X Web 2.0 embeds pointing to Cloud links
Video and map embeds
Driving directions
Geo-relevant content
Links to citations, Google Reviews, and Posts
Personalized report of all backlinks in an organized format
Photos with Business Info (NAP)
Service showcase and blog content
NAP + social links and website integration
All links are indexed using Indexification and GSA SEO indexer
10X Cloud links
Tier 2 Cloud links
150X Web 2.0 embeds pointing to Cloud links
Video and map embeds
Driving directions
Geo-relevant content
Links to citations, Google Reviews, and Posts
Personalized report of all backlinks in an organized format
Photos with Business Info (NAP)
Service showcase and blog content
NAP + social links and website integration
All links are indexed using Indexification and GSA SEO indexer
15X Cloud links
Tier 2 Cloud links
200X Web 2.0 embeds pointing to Cloud links
Video and map embeds
Driving directions
Geo-relevant content
Links to citations, Google Reviews, and Posts
Personalized report of all backlinks in an organized format
Photos with Business Info (NAP)
Service showcase and blog content
NAP + social links and website integration
All links are indexed using Indexification and GSA SEO indexer
By choosing one of these packages, you ensure that your website benefits from a strong and diversified backlink profile, helping you stay ahead in search rankings.
If you're interested in this strategy pls check out my Cloud Stacks service.
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