#1000 Jutsu
doveywovy · 4 days
izuna trapped in a groundhog day scenario after tobirama kills him like in canon, and at first he assumes it's just a matter of being the one to kill tobirama instead.
but that doesn't work- and he tries it multiple times, right? at least 10 loops he wastes on being the one to kill Tobirama and bring the Uchiha to victory. He wastes even more assuming it's a matter of needing total victory. Of killing all the Senju, of getting them to admit defeat, every variation he can think of. None of it breaks the loop.
So then he tries to grant his brother's peace. Maybe that's what this is about? ending the cycle of violence? Feels deeply wrong but fine, he'll try it. It takes him a horrific number of tries- and an astounding number of deaths- but eventually he figures out how to not-kill tobirama while also not-dying while also somehow convincing the Senju to make peace.
The loop restarts. He tries again. The loop restarts. He tries again. At a certain point, he starts to forget what it was like to live outside the loop. He starts to worry he'll break it and then immediately die, because his instincts when it comes to death are extremely fucked. He starts to struggle in his interactions with the people around him- he can't relate to their viewpoint. He can't comprehend their concerns. He's broken them down into puzzle pieces, into parts of his steps to achieve something, and he can't put them back into being 'people' in his brain.
The loop restarts. He stops trying. He starts doing whatever he wants. There's no consequences if he skips out on the battle for the day to spend it learning how to play the zither- no real consequences. His painting improves. He can carry a note for once. He learns a bit about weaving, about sealing, about infrastructure. The loop restarts. The loop restarts. The loop restarts. He learns about the Uchiha religion- none of it entails what he's been trapped in.
He gives up. He's mastered all his hobbies, indulged every interest, there's nothing left to learn or experience that he can feasibly manage in the time span he's got. He does nothing.
The loop restarts.
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
This came to me in a dream:
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jolioiseau · 6 months
1000 narutos booping vs 1000 boop jutsu attack
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sasukeless · 8 months
kakashi is equally to female characters in naruto when it comes to having kishimoto hype all his abilities with words but never showing them at all. because what do you mean you know over 1000 jutsus and keep doing the same three moves. YOURE A FRAUD
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Konoha Taxes are accepted 'in monetary value or equivalent services'. Most Ninja just use this to compensate taxes by doing civil service. But Tobirama plans for Undead Madara include taking the entire Uchiha clan, lineage, and jutsu as fucking collateral for Madara coming back and paying taxes. When he's revived in the finale, he is *instantly* assessing just how much of the Uchiha is now Konoha public property. He sends the Konoha IRS the financial equivilant of 'Its time, execute order 66'.
Tobirama is 1000% petty enough to have a goddamn tax-oriented kill switch in place for Madara and the Uchiha in general
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spacealligator · 2 months
Sannin students success analysis
Shizune: awesome doctor, often forgotten, kept Tsunade alive for years despite loan sharks going after her as she tried to drink herself to death, assistent to the 5th and 6th Hokages, still alive by the end of the series -> 8/10 because I'm mad she doesn't get any recognition
Sakura: heir of Tsunade's legacy, protagonist's friend, plot armor, did good in the war, got what she wanted and married childhood crush, still alive -> 8/10 because we all know Sakura could be better
Success rate: 100% as in all her students are still alive, but the final rate is 80% because of the patriarchy
Anko: cool premise, forgotten character, became a joke in Boruto because she put on weight and apparently that's something to laugh at, but at least she still alive? -> 4/10 I miss cool Anko
Kabuto: the type we love to hate, important to the war because he did a lot of stupid shit, full snake sage, had a cool fight with Itachi and Sasuke giving them some Bonding Time, and is still alive -> 9/10 with 1 point deduction because his motives as a villain during the war don't make sense and he's reformed phase, like Orochimaru's, makes no sense
Sasuke: Naruto's boyfriend -> 10/10 successful student with good plot armor
Success rate: 100% of all students are still alive, 10% deduction because I'm still mad at Anko's (lack of) storyline and 10% deduction because of all the trauma inflicted, making expenses on shrinks for Konoha skyrocket, 80% final score
Konan: cool paper jutsu that nobody explains and we just accept it, patience to make 600 billions origami paper bombs, sunhine protector, dead by the end of the anime, very cool fight with Obito and makes him use Izanagi -> 5/10 she still lost though
Yahiko: sunshine smile, mirrors Naruto, super chill, could've been the Kage of Rain Country based on charisma alone, dead by offing himself to save his friends -> 2/10, his body made for a cool Pain though
Nagato: spoke one of Naruto's most recognizable quote, one of the most remembered fights in the anime, made Naruto use 8 tail plus giant toads, two rinnegan, sunshine protector, dead by the end of the anime -> 7/10 one point reduction because he fell for Naruto's blah blah blah no jutsu
Minato: 4th Hokage, father of the protagonist, once killed 1000 shinobi in one go, Kushina's husband, dead before the anime even started -> 6/10 because if you're dead you're not exactely successful
Naruto: the anime is called Naruto -> 11/10 successful student even with dead sensei (RIP Jiraiya)
Success rate: 20% of his students are still alive, 20% bonus because 2 of his stundents became Kage, 10% bonus because Pain is so iconic, 300% bonus because of protagonist plot armor, 350% final score
Source for ratings: voices inside my head
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mixelation · 1 year
"I wish you would write a fic where" Karin ends up in the Founders era (location up to you) and causes Problems
"I wish you would write a fic where..."
Okay, bullet point fic:
Karin is like 20-22. slightly matured from canon but still Silly, has confronted the fact that sasuke and her aren't going to happen, and looking for fun new employment opportunities but for now stuck in mom's basement oto
[insert generic jutsu accident for time travel]
karin doesn't know what the fuck is happening but she's 1000% sure there's not a chakra signature she knows and also there's no.... plumbing. is this hell? she hasn't done anything wrong in her LIFE
she goes to bother the uchiha clan because Beautiful Men. duh. also blah blah old school social rules about hospitality mean that big clans will take on unaffiliated wandering-nin. like in an old novel. what the fuck
it HAS occurred to her she could go to uzushio and claim she's a bastard or something and they'd probably take her in-- but that's far away and she'd have to dodge through multiple battle zones and like. what if she took a break and looked at pretty men? there's so many of them. *-*
hashirama and madara are both young sexy new clan leaders and the clans are at a temporary standstill while they try to negotiate an actual peace agreement and also maybe. a union? into a village? where they invite OTHER clans????
madara is experiencing Insane Feelings about hashirama 24/7 which range from "i should put his head on a pike because this is STUPID" to "if only he were a woman and then we could just unify our clans by getting married--"
anyway hashirama announces he's engaged to uzumaki mito and this triggers Extreme Jealousy in Madara except Madara will never admit this but also HE MUST MAKE HASHIRAMA JEALOUS BACK
madara and karin have had like three conversations but she dedicates a lot of time mooning over izuna because Duh. so like. madara's seen her scuttling around, fluttering her eyelashes and just HAPPENING to be there when izuna comes home or comes out of the bathhouse. he knows she's uzumaki because Hair.
anyway madara announces he is now engaged to karin in an insane LOOK I'VE GOT ONE TOO move. no he hasn't talked to anyone about it, least of all karin
(mito: uzumaki w h o m s t?)
all of the uchiha elders are like, "it's not an alliance unless we've actually TALKED TO her family??" and when pressed karin deflects by throwing a fit that she can't be engaged to izuna. it's mostly her playing up dramatics to distract from the fact that she came out of nowhere and no one can vouch for her identity, but also she's like 20% serious. izuna pretty!!!
here i also want to introduce a plot mechanism we'll revisit later, where uchiha engagement rituals involve one or both sides (non-ninja don't have to do this) going out and completing some sort of task to show off their ninja prowess. in peacetimes it's usually like grabbing an object from a difficult location or bringing home a very deadly animal. during wartimes it might be killing an enemy or stealing something from them. the more insane the thing, the more fortuitous it is for the future marriage
madara hasn't ACTUALLY done this because he doesn't ACTUALLY want to marry karin. he gives her something stupid he already has and she's like. kind of annoyed about it. hello if you're forcing her into engagement, at LEAST be romantic about it!!!!
anyway the surprise engagement doesn't phase hashirama and now madara is stuck engaged to someone he doesn't even LIKE and the uzumaki are confused but there's a bunch around for mito's wedding and so they're like "idk who this is but she's obviously one of us" and so madara has created a stupid situation where he'll offend them if he breaks off the engagement but also she's not actually important to them and therefore isn't politically useful??
also. and madara cannot stress this enough. she's horrible. she acts like a ditzy flirt on purpose but then turns around and is MEAN TO HIM and she talks back and stop looking at his brother like that
here is my vision for how they resolve the stupid situation. okay. madara is like "you have to give me a Reason to break up with you" and karin is like "okay but only if you let me marry izuna" and madara goes away and sets several things on fire and then comes back and is like. fine. if you do this, AND you can get izuna to agree, i'll let you marry him.
karin cracks her knuckles and reviews the oto playbook of how to be the most dramatic bitch in the room. it will be really hard to outshine madara, but she was trained by orochimaru himself--
here is the vision. karin, standing on the back of the kyuubi, using her chains like reigns, crashing the hashirama-mito wedding
karin can't actually control the kyuubi with her chains, so all hell breaks loose immediately. madara and hashirama can both individually take the kyuubi so no one actually gets hurt, mito seal it into herself a decade early, etc. overall the senju-uzumaki guests are freaked out but hashirama laughs it off as a weird wedding gift. karin is 100% sure that if madara were like "she's a lunatic, take her back" then the uzumaki clan would accept. maybe she can hitch a ride back to uzushio. she never got izuna to fall madly in love with her but maybe madara will let her take him with her--
unfortunately now the uchiha elders are like. holy shit. you H A V E to marry her now
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fandom-susceptible · 2 years
Compressed timeline AU where the Hokages retire younger instead of mostly dying (Minato still kicks the bucket, sorry man, should have called Hashirama to deal with Kurama instead of trying to tackle it yourself) and you just have them wandering around the village when Naruto's growing up
Bonus points for Kakashi's mom being a Senju so he ends up adopted by Tobirama. Hashirama would have volunteered but he already has Tsunade and Yamato and Mito said they weren't taking any more.
Kagami Uchiha/Tobirama Senju is a thing and Madara's still pissed about it
Madara's homophobic repressed gay
Hashirama is a useless bisexual who's absolutely crushed that Madara "hates" him
Naruto and Sasuke had screaming matches at the academy about who was going to get to be taught by the Shodaime and were both *terribly* disappointed with Kakashi, until Kakashi took them to a family dinner and they realized Hashirama is very powerful but can't teach to save his life
Kagami used to be terrified of his cousin but by now he's just like *bitch, at least I had the guts to marry the guy who kicked my ass and made me fall in love with him, fuck off*
Tobirama and Madara fucking hate each other and will leave family dinners if the other is there
Sasuke fucking hates Tobirama and Kakashi by extension until Kagami sits him down and is like "Madara's an idiot let me tell you why" "he's our clan head!" "do I look like I give a fuck-"
Sakura low-key loves Tobirama's work but she pretends to hate him at first because Sasuke does. Tobirama never quite respects her for that but after the Character Development where she learns to do things for herself he might teach her a few things if Tsunade asks.
People still keep ripping off Tobirama's jutsu and forgetting he invented it and yes he's still salty about it
He and Orochimaru got along very well before Orochimaru left the village
Naruto was upset at first but later if Tobirama scolds Kakashi for reading Icha Icha when he's supposed to be teaching this 12 year old is 1000% ready to throw down with the Lord Second for being mildly disrespectful to Kakashi-sensei
Kakashi is mildly embarrassed. Tobirama is vaguely nonplussed. Kagami is laughing so hard he can't breathe.
Shisui still dies but Kagami finds out and grabs Itachi and he and Madara get a confession out of him and killing Danzou is the only thing Madara and Tobirama have ever agreed on. They hate it but Tobirama still tells Hashirama to shut up when Madara lights Danzou on fire. It goes a ways towards the younger Uchiha stopping calling him the White Demon of the Senju.
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I hate that out of nowhere, a bunch of people are calling Kakashi a fraud. Saying that "he never lived up to his hype" or "he copied more than 1000 jutsus and only used 3" or "he never had a w", It's something I don't understand, because they never told us that he was the strongest, and also the fact that he always faced the most powerful even without having large amounts of chakra and a kekkei genkai. It's stupid to think that he's being slandered for facing Itachi, Pain, etc. and not winning, as if it were a shame, when they are the strongest and even so Kakashi gave them a fight and made them sweat.
I also hate that all this comes up because they always compare him with Gojo (that is, the strongest in his manga) and the fans don't know how to defend without hating Kakashi for no reason.
Sorry for bothering you with this😔😔
Never had a W? Did they watch him whoop Zabuza and almost kill him until Haku showed up to take the hit? Did they miss that he was fighting Kakuzu without using the Mangekyo sharingan at all? Did they just not watch any of the war arc where he was constantly kicking ass and leading a whole devision???
Gojo is (from what i inderstand) an all powerful character who legit could not be beat and had to be written out by having him sealed away
Kakashi is an incredibly powerful shinobi known for his versatility in skill and intelligence but never painted as ‘unbeatable’ which i think is cool. He’s an exceptional shinobi but he cannot win them all and that’s awesome. It allows other’s to shine without Kakashi being stomped on (like Konohamaru is in Boruto). Even when Kakashi does lose it’s against impossible odds (pein is legit stated as a god like character where as Kakashi is not, and Pein STILL felt threatened enough to have two pein’s fighting Kakashi at once)
With Itachi there’s only one fight itachi won and that was the first one when Kakashi came in unprepared because he didn’t know shit about the sharingan and Itachi (rightfully) used his MS to put Kakashi under a genjutsu that no one except Sasuke could eacape. Like, that alone tells you how much of a threat Kakashi was to Itachi. Itachi put Kurenai (a genjutsu specialist) under regular genjutsu. He whipped out his MS and exhausted himself to take Kakashi out right away instead of risking an actual battle.
Their second ‘fight’ (stated this way since Itachi was not really there and there was no winner on either side) Kakashi tricked Itachi into putting a shadow clone into a genjutsu using his MS (it was the exact same genjutsu but Kakashi was preppared this time and tricked Itachi).
Kakashi is also a character who talks about teamwork a lot and he doesn’t just talk about it, he lived it. He fights with his students. He fights with his friends. He does not take everything onto his shoulders and fight alone like naruto and Sasuke. He is also very aware of his skill level, telling Naruto he needs the back up against itachi but also being the dude who predicts ‘certain death for the 50 nobodies’ in Kakashi retsuden when Nanara asks him how a fight with the sixth hokage vs fifty shinobi would end (and he was right. They didn’t die but he demolished 50 shinobi without breaking a sweat)
Anyone talking like this about kakashi 1) is probably someone who only likes over powered characters which i personally find boring af cuz there’s no risk 2) is just lying. Kakashi win’s all the time and is a little shit in a fight and that’s the best thing about him. He’s not the strongest but he is strong and with his strength comes a certain level of arrogance when he knows he’s going to win.
Man faced Hidan with nothing but a Kunai and wasn’t even really sweating. Kakuzu was more of a threat but again, not enough of a threat for Kakashi to even use the MS
As for the ‘never used 1000 jutsu’s’ like… how is that the characters fault? Kishi decided to always have him spam Chidori instead of showing his 1000+ jutsu. Kakashi retsuden is fun for me because we get to see him use all diffrent sorts of jutsu so anyone who wants to see Kakashi’s range of skills i highly suggest his books because they portray his diffrent skills so very well.
In short: i suggest ignoring people who say that kind of thing. They clearly watched/read Naruto with blinders on and didn’t actually care to pay attention to anyone but their fav. I mean, they’ll probably talk up how strong sasuke is and never address the fact that he took a lot more L’s than Kakashi
And for those who think Kakashi lost all his battles
Kakashi vs Zabuza: Win (Haku saved Zabuza)
Konoha crush: defeated 21 enemy no sweat and then a draw (Kabuto ran for it) against Kabuto
Sent away during the sasuke retrieval arc
Ripped off deidra’s arms and sent him running for it (naruto was also facing him so is that an L for naruto? Or do people just ignore it?)
Kakashi vs Kakazu: interupted, but kakashi destroyed two hearts, three with shikamaru’s help and his work
War arc: defeated multipule enemies including the seven deadly swordsmen
Kakashi vs obito: draw
Team seven defeating kaguya? Managed because of KAKASHI’S plan
Kakashi is also a big reason Gai was able to hit madara while using the eighth gate of death. He kamui’d away a piece of Madara’s protective sphere and gave Gai an opening to actually strike and nearly kill madara
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soaringpigeonshovel · 9 months
Kakashi not using his most of his 1000 copy-nin jutsu ever is definitely because a) thinking of new jutsu is hard :( and b) drawing new jutsu is also hard :( however it's funny to imagine it as a commentary on ninjutsu itself. Yeah he knows a ton of jutsu but they all do roughly the same thing. "This one hits someone with—" yeah yeah move along. If it's not a bloodline jutsu it's probably garbage. All the people he stole from are dead for a reason. Actually he took a look at all of your jutsu and his favourite one is the finisher he invented when he was ten <3
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linggluu · 1 year
tbh why was kakashi only known as the copy ninja?
pretty much anyone kakashi fights he's like - "cool jutsu. mine now."
what's important to a ninja in the naruto world? ninjutsu, villages, power, politics, blah blah. but what's correlated in that is intelligence and information gathering. so when you meet an enemy called "the copy ninja", are you gonna use your ninjutsu? if you don't, you can't defend yourself or fight this dude with the scary eyeball. if you do, kakashi knows you know ____ jutsu and copies it. and next time the ninja meets an enemy from konoha, they won't be able to use their own in house jutsu for defense.
because theres no way in his entire tenure as a ninja, all those mission reports that there is no detailed notes on every jutsu kakashi has ever copied. and if there are detailed notes on every jutsu he has ever copied then, then that means he's able to replicate it perfectly (obviously - but someone with regular eyes would have a hard time copying a regular jutsu) and if he's able to replicated it perfectly then that means he can do it over and over again and teach it to someone else in the village with that chakra nature. and kakashi can copy nearly everything because he has all the chakra natures. (also on another tangent - someone fighting him would be like WTF? HE CAN USE FIRE STYLE JUTSUS BUT OH NOOOO HE CAN USE WATER STYLE TOO??! HOW DO WE FIGHT THIS GUY? the important question is not "how do we fight this guy" but "who is he, what can he do ") <- which as pein says, kakashi is extremely dangerous dude to keep around.
so basically kakashi can copy a justu and replicate it over and over again. why is he known as the copy ninja and not "Raikiri Kakashi". Because raikiri doesn't matter, it's only for defense, for attacking. What's important is Kakashi is an important arsenal of knowledge, literally. Fighting Kakashi = telling Konoha what kind of jutsu you use and what kind of jutsu your family/your village uses. Kakashi is said to have copied over a thousand justu....so let's say there's 1000+ victims who's jutsus have been recorded into Konoha's info archives. 1000+ enemy jutsus would have incredibly valuable under any circumstances for an enemy village to have.
tldr; kakashi isn't just a cute, killing machine. he's also a data/information gathering machine, there's the potential that the entire aresenal of jutsu he copied is in the konoha archives which immensely boosts the villages power defensively and offensively and that HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CALLED "COPY NINJA KAKASHI BUT COPY AND SAVE NINJA KAKASHI" ....because he COPIES and SAVES all his jutsu. Every so often there's those polls that are like "what would naruto characters do as a job in the modern world" and kakashi's job is always like a navy seal or something but in reality he'd be just a porn reading, data analyst.
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justsomeoneunordinary · 7 months
i just had a 1000 iq brainfart right now.... Konan is Tsunade's secret daughter conceived by experimentation.
just hearme out here, Konan, by the time she died was 35 (accourding to google) and at the time, Tsunade was 54 (again, accourding to google), which means Tsunade could have had Konan when she was in her twenties however, i believe Tsunade would know is she had a kid, so my heory is that somene (either Orochimaro or Danzo or both) managed to somehow steal one or a few of TSunade's eggs and get them artificially insemanted into a surrogate womb, which somehow managed to end up in Ame where Konan was born.
what really ties my theory is Konan's paper power, because paper is made of wood, Hashirama had wood release, Konan was really powerful, Hashirama was really powerful, Konan had really good chakra control, Tsunade also has great chakra control and in the world of Naruto where you blood lineage palys a huge part in how powerfull you either are or can be, those things add too much for Knona to not be related to Hashirama.
that or Hasirama was a man whore before he married Mito, and had a dozen or so bastards and one of them ended up in Ame, a centuru down the line later and we have Konan.
I know what you mean, anon. I once made a shitpost myself pointing out that Konan must have a milder form of the mokuton. It really doesn't make sense otherwise, right? Konan only fights with paper, she even creates paper out of thin air, but paper isn't an element, so that shouldn't be possible - unless, it's either an own kekkei genkai (in which case it would be a little weird that it's never mentioned as such) or a milder form of the mokuton. It doesn't add up otherwise.
That being said, I don't like the thought of Konan being a secret child Tsunade's born from experiments neither know of. That theory makes me uncomfortable, to be honest. If anything I imagine Danzou/Orochimaru using the Hashirama cells to experiment with, although that doesn't quite add up either, since 1. Orochimaru didn't work with Danzou back then yet, and 2. Danzou would've naturally kept the child in root and not let her roam free in Ame.
The closest possibility, if anything, is Madara being the one to do such an experiment, since he 1. had Hashirama cells and 2. was already in Ame to put his Rinnegan eyes into infant Nagato for safekeeping (I'm still not over this, literally what the fuck, Madara), so he may as well have added some Hashirama cells to another child just for shits and giggles...
Any of these theories is super far-fetched either way, but Kishimoto is the one who gave Konan a power that literally defies the rules he set in his own fucking universe. At least he could've attempted to explain Konan's paper no jutsu, but nooo, he really went into this "head empty, cool powers go brrr" and ignored the rules of ninjutsu he himself created.
Actually, the closest possibility is that Konan is a descendant of the Senju, and that's why she has a milder form of the mokuton. That makes far more sense than the other theories lol
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p3answer · 5 days
idk what it is with early shippuden but you could tell they were doing everything in their fucking power to bring up the gaybait to 1000% naruto thinking sai is hitting on him sai kind of wanting him just a little tbqh naruto thinking abour him and sasuke kissing and being like 😳i-ive only ever kissed another b-boy before 👉👈 😳. and yet they commited the cardinal sin of not showing fujoshi no jutsu
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acnproject · 21 days
Um mês especial!
Todos os meses, temos um homenageado e sempre é uma niversariante e esse mes o nosso homenageado é...
🎶O mestre assassino da Anbu Aquele que copia os 1000 Jutsus Pela vila eu morri O sexto Hokage Lendário Shinobi Kakashi Hatake 🎵
Além do nosso Rokudaime, esse mês o ACNProject completa seu primeiro ano! Parabéns ao Kakashi e a nós!!
Agradecemos já a toda a staff, aos que nos seguem, nossos parceiros! Sem vocês, nada disso seria possivel!
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maoam · 2 years
I hope you're alright.
U know how the fandom view kakashi right? The guy with the most tragic past in the whole show, one of the best senseis in anime history and is extremely wise and and wins every battle. yeah?
But not everything they claim him to be is true right? Like he's called wise but to me I never really saw that, the times he was meant to be wise like when he told twelve year old sasuke to give up on revenge... yea, wasn't the best advice to give since their pasts are different? As for them claiming he is op, didn't he have to be saved from Zabuza, which was like the first serious battle of the arc and part 1 of naruto?
Him having a tragic past yea I agree w that, but it never made him think of the system and how it was wrong? He's just content to follow with whatever.
And him being one of the best senseis in anime history, like I'm sorry but he didn't understand any of his three students, was blind to sakura's faults, didn't help sasuke with anything ( apart from teaching him chidori), projected on sasuke waayy too much, knew the truth about the massacre and did nothing w that information? ( unless I missed a bit where he did).
Idk this is just my opinion. What do you think of him? Thanks.
Him as a teacher is whatever for me, I mean he teaches Sasuke some things in part 1, and teaches Naruto couple things in part 2, but he is admittedly lacking in that department. The sannins take over his role in part 1 already.
As for why he is popular, one reason is because he is superficially a cool character, he is hyped up a lot, he has "1000 jutsus", he has sharingan, he has a tragic backstory, he also hides his face so even that is a mystery about him. Him reading erotica books is something people find funny, because it seemingly contradicts with his outer appearance. He is also a mentor character and those tend to become popular since young people find mentors reliable figures they would want in their own lives.
But yeah he doesn't really fight much despite all the hype, some fanboys also point out that his track record during the story is small compared to what one would expect.
What I dislike about his character is that he's a passive victim who never questions their system. His father killed himself because his community was brainwashed by Konoha's mentality, one of his teammates died as a child soldier, and another seemingly died as well. And that's not all, one of his students was a victim of a decades long alienating policy and a genocide and another of his students was a human container for monster that were seen as tools used for war so that the villages could profit from it. Yet he accepted it and submitted to it. And of course the fandom glorify this because what they care about is drawing flower crowns on their favorite characters and pretending the story is about kittens and puppies and not oppression. They don't like to see characters negatively and uncomfortably affected by injustice, unless it lasts like one arc and they are back to cracking jokes.
What makes it worse is that he does see it, he sees why Sasuke is the way he is, because of their world, yet his solution is to get rid of Sasuke instead of the system.
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Generally, I don't think there is anything admirable about letting oppressors walk over you and putting up with it. It's sad if anything.
He is also hypocritical. When Sasuke's revenge was only consisting of killing Itachi, Kakashi was already against it, despite the fact Itachi killed not only Sasuke's family but his whole clan. And yet when Team 10 wanted to avenge Asuma, he was all for it, he even went to help. Is it because Asuma is someone Kakashi personally cared for? Because that's not a good look.
I also hate how he handles Sakura with kid gloves. I understand a character was needed to do this, because despite the fact Sakura is supposed to be an unlikeable person she is still part of the main cast and can't be outrightly condemned. There needs to be someone justifying her nonsense. But it doesn't change the fact it's annoying and doesn't make me favor Kakashi's character. A good example is when he tries to speak for Sakura, and he says to Sasuke that Sakura wants to save him eventhough he tried to kill her. He is of course conveniently omitting the fact Sakura came there to kill Sasuke herself. Lol.
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Sakura isn't the type to brag or hurt others?
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First arc.
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Last arc. Yeah, no bragging to be found...
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I don't think I need to add every single scene where Sakura has beaten Naruto up or berated him.
And to add to Kakashi's passiveness, he became a Hokage to warm the seat for Naruto because Obito wanted him to, like come on.
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cottenbee · 1 month
My DR-self in Naruto is fairly complicated. In some ways I’m over a thousand years old and in others I’m 12 currently. I have my pre-reincarnation self and my post-reincarnation self. Because in my script my pre-self, Himeka Ōtsutsuki, was born as the middle triplet with my older brother being Hagoromo and Hamura as my younger brother.
Since I’m more genetically like Kaguya being more celestial being than human, I became the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki then later created the other Tailed Beasts becoming their “Mother”. I kept just a smidge of the Ten-Tail’s chakra in order to break Kaguya’s will on him. After recovering from that ordeal and taking care of the tailed beasts, I left to go to what is now known as The Hole that is within Hachō Village to preform my final jutsu as Himeka, the Frozen Phoenix Lotus-Style Reincarnation which allowed me to be “reborn” as Daki.
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The Frozen Phoenix Lotus-Style Reincarnation is such a powerful jutsu that it takes all of your chakra, no matter how much you have, and reverts yourself into a infant-like form in another dimension waiting to be reborn since I was worried about leaving this world behind with my powerful pure tailed beasts as they were the closest thing I had to children. All of my old memories as Himeka and almost all of my powers and chakra locked away until I grew enough to unlock them. Like Senjutsu, it requires natural energy at least a centuries worth of it before the rebirth can happen. I was in my frozen state for about a 1000 years and my rebirth was triggered by the Nine-Tails attack on Konoha due to the act of cleaving Kurama’s chakra in two. Because of that I was “born” on the same day was Naruto was, October 10, while my actual birthday is August 6
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My metal powers are an added protection that the jutsu supplied in order to protect me until I’m old enough to actually defend myself. My high healing factor is an unintentional side effect of the jutsu. The only actual ability I took with me from Himeka to Daki was my Kunijundo eyes. Kunijundo eyes are like the other kekkei genkai eyes and whatnot but instead of being offensive it’s a mostly defensive set of abilities it grants, it can only damage other Ōtsutsuki
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Be OP have fun
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