#1. I'm pretty sure this one is canon but she takes more after her father personality wise. But I think she hates when people compare her to
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my headcanon for older (like teenage) Zephyr Haddock's appearance :)
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been taken from right under Wednesday's nose. Finding you is a given, but it's really a question of who is saving whom. Wednesday shouldn't be surprised that she's complete entranced by the sight of a fallen faerie.
Warnings: canon level violence. long villain monologues. Enid & gang doing their best.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: just two killer gfs 🫶 also i can't believe the next chapter is the last one 😳
Check out this fan edit! IG LINK
Part Eight
Ambedo: Noun. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—which leads to a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life, a mood whose only known cure is the vuvuzela.
Wednesday touches item after item in your studio. She holds whatever Thing passes her and tosses it when nothing happens. Wednesday knows she can't force a vision, but that doesn't stop her from trying. Her hands run along the ground, trees, and furniture. 
Something—anything in this forsaken room should give her a clue as to what happened to you or where she could find you. 
The voice was quiet, timid even. 
Wednesday doesn't need to turn to know who it is. She grabs one of your books, gripping it with force, willing a vision to happen. When it doesn't, Wednesday tosses it aside. "What is it, Enid?" She asks, her voice flat but frustration laced around her tone. 
"I've got everyone spread out and looking around," Enid updates. "I texted Ajax, and he's got some of his friends out searching too."
Wednesday merely nods tersely. 
"I'm going with Yoko to search, but I just wanted to tell you something before I left," Enid bit her lip. 
Wednesday turns, her eyes boring into Enid's with a dark intensity that her roommate is both used to and still finds unsettling. "Go on."
"I—" Enid sighs lightly. "I didn't want to say this in front of everyone else in case I was wrong, but I'm pretty sure now. I can smell someone else in here. The scent is stale like yours and Fae's, but it's a little stronger, more recent."
"Who else was in here, Enid?" Wednesday demands immediately. While certain people knew you had a studio, no one except Wednesday knew where it was. 
"Um," Enid murmurs, her brows furrowing. "That guy—the one who's always around Fae. Yoko said his father is an alumnus here. Harry?"
"Henry," Wednesday seethes, her eyes flashing and jaw clenched.
"Yes, him!" Enid exclaims. "Yoko and I are going to see if we can find him, but if we can't..." The words drag, but Wednesday already knows the truth of it. 
If they couldn't find Henry, then they'd found their culprit. 
Enid: can't find him.
Enid: roommate says he hasn't seen him at all today and said he's been barely in his room. He usually apparently only returns around 1 to 2am lately.
Enid: I'm gonna search around in my wolf form with yoko. She'll text u with my phone with any updates.
Enid: also the black fuzzy blanket you had earlier in our room is gone. Did you take it?
Wednesday doesn't reply and clicks her phone to turn off the screen before putting it back into her pocket. 
1 to 2AM was when the two of you finished your nightly meet-up.
Wednesday definitely didn't move the blanket. Her eyes look back to the blanket in question. She recalls you telling her that Henry was a psychic who could create things. And based on what she's deduced so far, he could materialize his mindscapes into reality, but it seems that anything taken out of his mindscape couldn't last for prolonged hours if he wasn't focusing on it. 
Wednesday has touched everything inside this studio, and nothing has conjured a vision. It leads her to believe that you weren't taken in your studio. She exits and begins to look around. 
The first thing she noticed now that she was not blinded with rage and panic when she first searched for you was one of the tree trunks partially rotten. It was hard to tell with it being so dark, but Wednesday could spot the strange shape of the rot. She walks over to it and finds a single black feather resting on the ground directly underneath. 
Wednesday bends down to grab the quill of the feather, and the live wire shredding at her skin comes forth.
Wednesday sees you walking out of your studio. The day has rewound, and the sun is only starting to set. 
You look happy, with a serene smile and a single feather in your hand. But only after a few steps out do you tilt your head and refuse to take a step further.
Wednesday can hear it from your perspective. The way the wind oddly ruffles the leaves. There's a certain discomfort in her spine. 
"Who's out there?" Wednesday watches you call out and place the hand on the tree trunk. "You can't hide from me in the forest and whatever trap you've set, I can sense it."
There's a moment of tense silence, but you refuse to budge. 
A twig snaps as someone moves behind a tree. 
Henry steps out, and you relax slightly but keep her hand on the trunk.
"Henry," you look confused. "Why are you following me?"
"Well, this is annoying," Henry sighs. "You didn't notice the mindscape of your studio, but now you won't step into the new one I made? I wonder if it's because Wednesday's energy is so intertwined with the studio one I made. You lower your guard down so much when she's around," he hums. 
You look wary. "What do you want?"
"I want you to follow me," Henry smiles, but his eyes are hidden, and you can't determine his full expression. "Quietly."
"What are you talking about?" You frown at him. 
"Your wings," Henry says in a cavalier tone. "I need your wings. So, I need you to come with me to Crackstone's crypt so I can perform the ritual there. I still have some things to prep, but if you go to meet with Wednesday for your date, I'll miss my chance and the sap wont be potent anymore."
As you step back, you narrow your eyes at him, full-on in defensive mode. You're opening your mouth to say something, but Henry pulls out a small blowgun and shoots a needle that lands right into your neck. 
You stagger, hand at your neck to pull out the needle, and you instantly know it's made out of draeconium. You slump to your knees first before falling onto your front completely, groaning. 
Henry approaches with a syringe filled with a cobalt teal liquid. He steals you away, and all that's left is your feather and the rot you placed in the trunk.
Wednesday returns to reality, her hand on the trunk and the grip of your feather in her other hand. She pulls out her phone, typing a quick message to Enid before she takes off.
Wednesday: Meet me at Crackstone's crypt. 
The room was dimly lit by candles. Where Crackstone's crypt used to be now stood a giant rectangle stone table. There were inscriptions carved into the table, and Wednesday knew immediately that it was a ritual for your wings.
Wednesday's eyes lay upon your limp form lying in the middle of the table. There was a chained collar around your neck bolted to the table. It was only long enough to likely let you sit up, but no further than that. She can see your body rising and falling with each breath, and there's a sense of relief. She's about to walk to you and wake you up when someone steps out of the shadows.
"I didn't think you'd actually find us."
That lanky, stuttering boy. Except he wasn't stuttering now. Wednesday's uncontrollable rage simmers inside her, but she tempers it. She needs to be rational if she wants to save you. 
Henry's long fringe normally covers his eyes, but tonight, they're pushed out of his face, combed stylishly over his head. It was no wonder that he covered his eyes, Wednesday thought. They would draw too much attention with their pale silvery glassy look. His eyes lacked pupils, but Wednesday was sure they were why he had such powers. 
"Of course, I'd find you," Wednesday sneers at him. "Only a moron would come back to Crackstone's crypt. How unoriginal."
Henry smiles at her, and it's utterly disgusting. "I suppose after your glory stories of last year, I expected you would and that you'd come here stupidly alone."
"I don't need a group to make you wish you were never born," Wednesday's face was stoic. "What exactly can you do? Your little tricks won't work on me now that I know what you can create. It's not real."
Wednesday takes a step closer, but Henry pulls out a knife. The blade was a pale pearl white with ridges, and the handle was made from wood. There was no doubt it was made from draeconium.
"Move any closer, and I'll plunge this right into her," Henry threatens. "I only need her alive, she doesn't need to be unharmed."
There's a moment that Wednesday hesitates, thinking about her chances. She has a knife in her own boot that she could use to cut his throat. But Wednesday eventually decides against it as she doesn't know where he might stab you and if it'll accidentally be fatal. He looks like an idiot.
Wednesday's eyes trail to you. Even though you're unconscious, your wings are slowly appearing from your back, unfurling slowly, and you haven't moved one bit. She eyes the chain in detest and wills you to wake up to no avail.
"I know her wings are injured, but I'm pretty cautious," Henry sighs but doesn't relax his form as he turns to point the knife at her. "I can't risk her potentially flying."
"What did you do to her?" Wednesday demands, her stance tense as she keeps a distance from the boy. "Why isn't she waking up?"
"She won't," Henry shakes her head. "I know she's told you about how draeconium sap can cut her wings out, but they can do so, so much more."
"Makes me wonder why she didn't tell you. Maybe she doesn't trust you as much as you think." Henry smirks at her. "Draeconium petals can be crushed into a powder and mixed into a liquid that will put faeries to deep sleep. It's poisonous and makes their body numb and unable to control their movements."
That would explain why your wings were coming out.
"How did you find out where we were?" Henry narrows his eyes at her. "I hear you're a witch, but I have yet to see you do anything amazing. If anything, you're insufferable."
"Thank you."
"You're always hanging around her, hovering like a goddamn vulture," Henry huffs. 
"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Wednesday raises her brow. 
Henry rolls his eyes. "I thought for sure her fae abilities would catch me following her around. At first, I couldn't get too close without her constantly turning around and nearly catching me. Before you started to get closer to her, I was trying to figure out for weeks where she was going every single day and night."
Henry smiles lightly at her. "The night you followed her after the siren's party, she heard both you and I were following her. But for some reason, she dismissed it and kept going. Your presence has always masked mine perfectly."
Then he smiles haughtily at her, his eyes filled with malice. "Thank you, Wednesday. Because of you, I was able to get closer to Fae without her noticing. And since then, the two of you haven't even noticed you've been in and out of my mindscapes for months."
Wednesday thinks back to the night she first followed you to your studio. You had turned around, and Wednesday thought it was her, but it was probably Henry you'd sensed. But her presence distracted you, and you kept going. 
She thinks back to Parents' Day and how she couldn't find you anywhere. She had gone to her room first to change before looking. Yet, you told her you'd been in her room waiting for half an hour.
Wednesday recalls the time you came to meet her, saying you just came from seeing Henry, but he couldn't conjure anything. But he had, and you just couldn't tell you were already experiencing it.
Wednesday thinks back to the day before the Poe Cup Race and how the three of you had been standing in the hallway. She had heard footsteps, but when she turned around, it was just Henry sitting at one of the arches. Those footsteps were probably from the outside of the mindscape. 
Wednesday grinds her teeth, keeping her mouth shut as she looks around the room for anything she can use. Her phone is in her pocket, and she can tell Enid has likely been sending her messages incessantly by the sporadic vibrations. Wednesday hopes that Enid will call her so she can try to pick it up, keeping it open in her pocket before she starts spouting things that will tell Enid where she is. 
"This is weird," Enid mutters. "This is the crypt, isn't it?"
"It should be," Xavier looks around. "Something feels off, though."
Yoko is walking around, her glasses are off, and she looks up to see the moon. "This isn't right. Something feels wrong," Yoko says as she turns to the group. "This moonlight feels synthetic. It's making my eyes hurt."
Bianca looks around. "Henry was a psychic, right? What classes was he taking?"
"Um," Enid thinks of some of the classes they shared, but it was generic. Then she snaps her fingers. "Oh! He was taking psychitech! You know, the class where you can use your psychic powers to build things."
"What if this is one of them?" Bianca suggests as she looks back to the group. "What if this is what he could build? Fake rooms?"
"How the hell are we supposed to get out of this? It looks way too real," Xavier sighs, rubbings his face. 
"Let me try calling Wednesday," Enid pulls out her phone and dials. It picks up after the 4th ring, and Enid almost shouts into the phone when voices are already coming through.
"—couple relents, and an agreement is formed."
"Hold on," Enid says quietly, putting the phone on speakerphone. "I think Wednesday picked up, but she's with Henry right now."
The group listens to him speak, gauging the story with tense interest. 
"That's weird," Enid whispers. "It's quiet, but I can kind of hear an echo now."
"Hey Enid," Eugene whispers as he looks at her. "You put flowers in the Crypt when we came back to school, didn't you?"
Enid screws her brows in thought but nods when she remembers. "I did in the corner...to remember Rowan."
"What flower did you put?"
"I put a potted tristeria in there because they don't require any care. I didn't want to come back to look after it."
Eugene smiles. "I think I know how we can find our way in." He summons a single bee. 
"As long as there's pollen in there, this bee will find it." 
"So?" Wednesday raises her brow at Henry. "Aren't you going to reveal your grand master plan? What your wish will be?"
"And why would I do that?"
"Because cliche villains like you can't help it," Wednesday drawls. "It's why you're all so embarrassing. You think you're so clever and the need to show your cleverness to someone overrides any smart brain cell in your head to be efficient."
Henry looks at her contemptuously, but he looks up through the open sunroof and realizes the full moon isn't in position yet, and he has time. 
"I'm an only child," Henry begins to talk.
"Here we go," Wednesday mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes.
"My father was an alumnus here. We come from a long history of psychics and old money, so coming to this school is really the only choice. My father eventually graduated and married another socialite. You know, the type that's well-bred and genetically compatible to produce another strong psychic to pass on the legacy," Henry continues to point the knife at Wednesday but waves his other hand whimsically to emphasize his point.
"Except," Henry sighs, like the next part will be tragic. "The well-bred socialite turned out to be barren in the womb. Oh, whatever will they do? How will they pass down this enriched legacy? They need another psychic to pass it down to!"
Henry smiles like a bright idea comes to his head. It looks unhinged, which Wednesday would normally find charming, but Henry's face disgusts her to her stomach.
"Of course, the only answer is to find a surrogate. Secretly, of course. It's too shameful to let anyone know. And that means our lovely little couple finds an outcast struggling to make ends meet three states over. She's barely got any psychic abilities, but she's better than nothing, right?"
Wednesday's listening, but her eyes are taking in his stance. He doesn't stand like he has extensive combat abilities like she does, and she's confident in her odds there. 
"The couple promised riches. They promised a better house and food that wasn't stale and enough money to let her live her days out comfortably. But our soft-spoken, poor outcast says she can't agree. She loves children, and if she were to have a child, she'd want to be able to see her visit that child. The couple relents, and an agreement is formed."
Wednesday stares at the room around her without moving her eyes. This was real, wasn't it? There were limitations to Henry's powers. How many rooms could be kept active, how long he could keep them engaged, and the objects inside the mindscape can't stay outside for prolonged periods.
Henry must've brought you here because he couldn't mimic the magic residue that surrounded this crypt. 
That meant the surrounding area of his crypt would be made up of mindscapes so no one could find them.
Wednesday wonders if Enid and the rest of the group were currently lost in one of his mindscapes, and they were closer than she thought.
"Everything seems fine at first," Henry's voice interrupts her thoughts. "The pregnancy goes without a hitch, but on the day of her birth, there were complications, and she passed away soon after. Still, she gives birth to a lovely, healthy son. All should be well, right?" The way Henry says it is filled with sarcasm.
"But what should be filled with fulfilling days is just scorn. The well-bred socialite can't love a son who isn't really hers. His eyes are a constant reminder that he's someone else's child. She doesn't want to hold him, touch him, or even look at him if she doesn't have to. The father has great expectations, but when his son can't achieve them, he's distant. They don't tell him the origins of his birth, so the child is left to believe his parents just can't love a disappointment like him."
Great, Wednesday thinks, another idiot with mommy issues. "That was entirely uninteresting and cliche," Wednesday stifles a yawn, annoying Henry.
"Yes, but I'm not quite done."
"Hurry on then. I'm considering dying might be better than listening to the rest of this."
Henry sneers at her but continues on. "The child thinks he's just unloveable. That it's just the way he is, and that's why his parents cannot love him. Until one day, he's rummaging through his father's study in hopes that there's something there that could help him strengthen his psychic abilities."
"Let me guess," Wednesday drones. "You found a letter from either the doctor or the coroner about the day your birth mother had you but your father had her killed right after."
Henry looks surprised.
"Amateurs," Wednesday huffs. 
"Yes," Henry looks miffed that his plot twist was ruined. "The doctor injected nightshade into her IV, and because she was poor, her death was never looked into after the report the doctor gave."
"So?" Wednesday raises her brow. "What are you going to wish for? Your birth mother to come back so someone might love you as pathetic as you are?"
"I'm going to rewind time," Henry reveals, scowling at her. "I'm going to go back in time and kill Tyler before he can awaken as a hyde."
"Why?" Wednesday demands. "That mongrel is already behind bars and rotting. Even if you rewind back time, he's not going to awaken his hyde for you. He has severe mommy issues just like you do, and you don't seem like the motherly type."
"Not to kill my parents," Henry snaps. "For me, for my life at Nevermore. Everything was perfect before Tyler came along."
Wednesday furrows her brows. "What the hell do you—"
"If Tyler didn't come along, Miss Thornhill would still be here and she'd be focusing on me!" Henry shouts, gripping his knife tightly until veins become visible on his arms. 
Wednesday's eyes scrunch up in disgust, her head bobbing back with disbelief. "You're doing all this for Thornhill?" Her tone hides none of the contempt she feels. "Are you an absolute imbecile? Thornhill was using Tyler because she hates outcasts. She hates you too, you stupid—"
"That's not true!" Henry thunderously shouts at her. "Tyler and I were different. She cared about us but she chose Tyler because he was stronger! I'm different now! I can help her achieve her goals and we will be happy after."
"No," Wednesday curls her lip at Henry. "You were her puppet until she decided you were useless and Tyler could help her kill everyone. You do realize that was her goal, right? You'd only be kept alive until she decides she doesn't need you in her normie world."
"Shut up!" Henry's red in the face as he roars at her, stomping toward her. 
Wednesday hardens her stance, bending her knees slightly to keep her grounded. She blocks Henry's attempt to stab her before using her other elbow to dig into his sternum. It makes Henry stagger back, coughing, and grip his chest, but he hangs onto the knife. He recovers quickly before he moves back towards her, swinging the knife back and forth.
Wednesday dodges, but Henry extends his arm, and it nicks her cheek. The cut stings, and Henry grunts as he tackles her to the ground. He meant to stab her in the neck, but Wednesday moved her arm just in time and stabbed the outside of her bicep. Wednesday grunts in pain when he rips it out. 
His height difference gives him the advantage, and they're rolling on the ground. The force of the tackle made the back of Wednesday's head slam into the ground. She can feel a warm liquid dripping down the back of her head, but she doesn't let it stop her. 
Wednesday knees him in his groin, which makes him drop the knife, roll onto his back, and hold the tender area with a groan. Wednesday quickly kicks the knife away and gets on top of him, punching him in the face before she wraps her fingers around his neck and squeezes.
Henry is struggling and wheezing, his hand wrapped around his wrist, attempting to rip them away, but Wednesday's grip is firm. She can feel his Adam's apple giving, and she squeezes tighter. 
Henry flails around, winding the back of his hand, and punches Wednesday in her temple. He wore a ring that dug into Wednesday's skin and ripped it open. 
The force and cut of it make Wednesday dizzy, and she's forced to let go as she staggers to the side. Henry is gasping for air but immediately scrambles for the knife. He has a cut on his brow from where Wednesday punched him, and his neck was wrung red. 
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Henry shouts, enraged as he grabs the knife. 
Wednesday is still lying on the floor, holding herself up on her elbow as she is holding her temple while her own blood coats her hand. 
The noise is deafening, and it makes you breathe deeply. 
You begin to stir, your fingers twitching. The sound of your leg moving grates against the stone table.
Henry and Wednesday snap their heads in your direction. 
"How did you..." Henry starts to say.
"Don't...touch her..." your voice is raspy and lethargic as you slowly sit up.
"Don't move," Henry threatens, grabbing the collar of Wednesday's shirt and pressing the knife against her throat. "Don't move, or I'll slice her neck open!"
Wednesday is staring at you. It's hard to see your eyes with your head tilted down and your palm pressed against your eye.
"How the hell did you wake up?' Henry seethes. "The draeconium should've kept you unconscious even when I started to cut your wings. You shouldn't have fought against it. This would've made all of it less painful."
The chain rattles as you move your palm away and look up at them. Wednesday could feel Henry tense, and she could understand why. 
Your eyes have transformed, and they were completely pitch black—even your sclera. You looked more like a demon than a faerie, and Wednesday felt her heart skip. She's entranced, eyes unable to look away. 
"I'm a high lord's daughter," your voice rumbles quietly, your eyes narrowing on them. "I'm a night faerie. You think I wouldn't be trained to have resistance against draeconium poison?"
Henry's jaw clenches, and Wednesday can't tell for certain, but she's pretty sure your eyes drop to look at the knife against her neck. 
"Let her go," you demand. "Let us both go, and the worst that will happen to you is an expulsion."
Your voice isn't threatening in any way. It's almost calm, and Wednesday almost scoffs that you'd think this psychopath would listen to you. 
"Expulsion?" Henry laughs. "The second Weems learns what I did, there's no way I won't be going to jail. My parents might just execute me out of shame."
"You could probably use your last meal to request to see your beloved Thornhill first, if she even agrees to see you," Wednesday mutters. The knife presses further into her neck threateningly. A thin slit of blood drips down from Wednesday's neck.
"There's only one way I'll let her go," Henry looks at you warily, trying to bargain. "Your wings for her life. I'll tie Wednesday up as leverage but the second I have your wings, I'll let her go."
"Only a moron would believe that," Wednesday drones, her face impassive. 
"She can't wait that long," you argue back, ignoring Wednesday. "She's losing blood in her arm."
"It's not fatal," Henry shakes his head. "I'll let you seal the wound up, but if I don't have your wings before the moon moves from the highest point in the sky, I will kill her."
"Don't bargain with me," you warn him, but your delicate tone doesn't scare Henry at all. 
Henry glares at you. He's losing his patience as he presses the knife further into Wednesday's neck, and she can feel it cut into her skin more. "There's nothing you can do but accept my bargain. You're lucky I'm even offering to let Wednesday go. I could kill her right now and still take your wings—"
Your eyes, filled with nothing but darkness, flash dangerously at him.
"Shit!" Henry suddenly curses, tenses up, and Wednesday sees his eyes cloud over. She knows that he can no longer see the way he's frantically looking around. She moves her head back, so the knife is no longer pressed against her neck. 
You suddenly spread your wings to their full span. Your wounds rip open, and blood rapidly rushes down, soaking your fingers and staining the stone table. They fill in the carved inscriptions but pour over onto the ground. 
You flap your wings, rising. The chain initially resists, but with another flap, it breaks like a measly string. 
You're hovering in the air, held up by your wings. Blood coats your shirt and cheek when your wings flap, splattering blood everywhere. 
It's terrifying how much blood you're losing, but Wednesday can't help the hitch of breath in the back of her throat. 
You look like a fallen angel. Like you fought tooth and nail before heaven cast you out.
You force your wings to their full wingspan and flap them with a reckoning force. The wind you create is so powerful that it forces Henry to fly back. He collides with a pillar, his body arches from the impact, and he gasps painfully. He drops the knife and falls onto his knees, coughing. 
You swoop down towards him, standing in front of him as you grab the collar of his shirt with both your hands, pressing him against the pillar to hold him up as he can't even stand. Henry is sure you've broken his ribs. 
"Lucky?" You snarled before seething at him. "Did you think because I smiled at you that I was kind? That I wasn't capable of hurting you?"
Wednesday looks down at her hand, covered in blood and soaked feathers that fell when you flew over her. The air is hard to breathe after your wings disrupt the air, almost like she's choking. 
This was what her vision meant. 
How utterly useless to figure it out now. 
All Wednesday can smell is blood, all she can hear is your breathing and the sound of your wings. Your voice—raspy and rumbling—is all she can hear. Even when she closes her eyes, the image of you in the air with your bloodied wings is imprinted—burned into the back of her eyes. 
Everything about you has taken Wednesday's senses hostage.
"Say, Henry," you say, and Wednesday feels a chill down her spine in the calm and light way you say it. "What do you think would happen to you if I dropped you from 1500ft? Do you think you'd die, or do you think you'd survive and just become paralyzed?"
"Please—" Henry whimpers, begging. He screws his eyes shut despite the fact that even if they're open, he can't see anything but pitch black. It's just instinct at this point.
"Let's see who's really lucky," you tell him, pulling him from the pillar, your wings fluttering. "You or me."
You're about to take off when you feel your shirt being tugged at. 
You look over to find Wednesday standing, parts of her temple crusted with dry blood while fresh blood pouring down a line. 
Wednesday is looking at you sternly, her brows furrowed deeply while hiding something else she is feeling—desperation. 
"Don't fly," she demands you, her voice serious. "If you fly, you'll lose too much blood and you won't make it."
You merely stare at her, and Wednesday wonders if you can even hear her.
"I'm okay," Wednesday tells you quietly instead. "We both are." She turns her head to look at Henry, who looks like he has passed out from the pain in his ribs. "He's done. He can't do anything anymore."
The words seem to reach you as you loosen your grip, dropping Henry, and he falls to the floor on his side. 
You turn to Wednesday, blood dripping drop after drop from the end of your wings. 
"You've ruined your wings again," Wednesday scowls at you, and your lip twitches. "You fool, they will never heal at this rate."
"They will," your voice was raspy. "I just need intensive care for the rest of the year."
Wednesday keeps her scowl at you, and you smile weakly at her.
"Thank you for coming to find me," you tell her, your voice lulls Wednesday.
"Of course, you were late," Wednesday relaxes her face as she looks over your wings. As much as she hated to admit it, this was out of her hands, and they needed the nurse.
You smile sadly, and it looks strange with someone whose eyes are completely black. "I missed our date."
"Stop with the look," Wednesday orders. "It's unnecessary. I can always plan it again."
You look happy, then. But you also look extremely tired. The black from your eyes fades and after a couple long blinks, they become normal again. 
"Thank you for saving me," Wednesday eventually says, her features looking soft as they gaze at you. "Even if you were stupid enough to ruin your wings."
You chuckle, but it's weak. You lift your hand, almost hesitating to touch Wednesday's face since your hands are coated in blood. But Wednesday leans into it, letting it smear her cheek.
You're so warm, and it's comforting to Wednesday. It was a sign you were alive. 
Making sure you paid for making her feel wretched over you would have to wait because all Wednesday can do right now is be thankful you're alive.
You lean towards her face, your lips hovering over hers. 
"Don't die," Wednesday quietly commands. "Ever. Especially without me."
You smile, and it brushes against Wednesday's lip. 
"Are you threatening me with a good time again?" you murmur. "But okay, only because you have such a way with words."
You're about to close the distance, but you slump against her instead, passing out.
Wednesday holds you securely, her eyes widening. 
Suddenly, Enid burst through the room. Well, first, it was a bee, and then Enid.
"We're here! I'm going to wolf out and beat that motherfuc—oh, you guys already won."
The group follows quickly behind Enid, taking in the gory scene.
"Jesus Christ, Addams," Bianca scowls at her. "Did you make Fae do all the work? What happened to the Addams that held someone hostage to torture them?"
Wednesday doesn't respond to the comment, merely passing you to Enid and Yoko to carry. "Take her to the nurse quickly."
"It'll be faster if I carry her in my wolf form," Enid says. "Let's take her outside first."
"I can do some first aid to hold her over," Bianca follows. "Let's get her near the river; I can use the river water."
They all take a moment to stare at you. 
"I didn't know she had wings," Yoko comments. "They're beautiful."
"If rumors of her wings go around, I will—"
"Obviously, we're not going to talk about them, Addams," Bianca rolls her eyes. "You don't need to threaten our lives."
Wednesday shrugs. 
"Let's just get going," Enid starts to move. Everyone begins to follow except Xavier. He stays and lingers around Wednesday.
"You need medical attention too," Xavier glosses over her, specifically the wound in her arm. 
"I'm fine," Wednesday brushes him off, turning around to stare at Henry on the ground. "You should go help them."
Xavier follows Wednesday's gaze. "I can help you carry him back."
"I'm not bringing him back," Wednesday monotones.
Xavier sighs. "Wednesday, I know what he did was horrible and he should die for it, but you can't kill him. Weems might—"
"I'm not going to kill him either," Wednesday interrupts. "You should leave."
"Now, Xavier," she snaps.
Xavier hesitates for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh and turning to leave the room.
Something scuddles into the room, and Wednesday turns to see Thing.
"There you are, Thing," Wednesday says. "Let's see if your scalpel skills improved."
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whinlatter · 5 months
something tells me you don't really like tonks, just a hunch xD
For the relationship ask if you're still doing it: harry and remus, molly and remus, teddy and adromeda. I would love to see what do you think <3
noooo i love tonks! i had a ball writing her and think that @evesaintyves’ rendering of her is one of fandom’s greatest gifts 😭 i just find it very funny that harry thinks she should low key get a grip. and as a clumsy young woman who should myself get a grip, i say: get off her case, hjp.
ok the remus + tonks/black extended family universe... hyped for this one. delicious choices, thank you anon. (i have a few more in the inbox i'm going to take a stab at but am trying to avoid spoilery ones or ones where i risk boring you all again by repeating old talking points, so if i don't get to one pls forgive me...)
right — to business. we begin with everybody looking at remus lupin waiting for him to put his crippling self loathing aside to write (1) singular letter to his dead friend's son:
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i jest (to an extent). but i do think the entirety of harry and remus' dynamic is best encapsulated in one singular scene in PoA:
“When they get near me — ” Harry stared at Lupin’s desk, his throat tight. “I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.” Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though to grip Harry’s shoulder, but thought better of it.
i know there's a very understandable move in AUs to imagine what would have happened if remus had raised harry - or, more often, if remus had been 'allowed' to raise harry by dumbledore. but looking past the whole plot-requiring-harry-to-be-at-the-dursleys thing, the truth is, canon remus lupin would never have put himself forward to raise harry, because of his own (not unfounded!) concerns about the precarity of his existence and the dangerousness of his condition. remus' sense of self - more specifically his fear of himself, and his very low self worth - consistently lead him to hold harry at arm's length from the moment he's introduced in the series until its bitter end. i don't think remus at all approves of the way harry is treated at the dursleys. but i can very much imagine that remus thinks it would still be better than the life he could have given harry if he ever had been called upon to serve as his primary caregiver. one of the most interesting implicit dynamics in the series is that harry notices this and does, to some extent, resent it (obviously the fact that he only ever calls him 'lupin' in his narration, though uses remus to his face, and also: 'Harry had received no mail since the start of term; his only regular correspondent was now dead and although he had hoped that Lupin might write occasionally, he had so far been disappointed.') while the harry & remus fight in DH is about harry's view of what remus ought to do re tonks and the baby, it’s also harry coming as close as saying to remus: you're letting your own child down like you let me down. ('I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually... He had it coming to him,” said Harry. Broken images were racing each other through his mind: Sirius falling through the veil; Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair; a flash of green light and his mother’s voice, begging for mercy… ‘Parents,’ said Harry, 'shouldn’t leave their kids unless—unless they’ve got to.')
molly and remus: i think this is a very, very underrated relationship! i know there’s a lot of molly-bashing around these days, especially if you’re a marauders and/or sirius and/or wolfstar stan. but i think it is very very overlooked that the person who looks after adult remus the most from 1995 onwards, and who shows him some of the deepest trust and roots for his happiness, is molly. for a man who has plainly known a huge amount of financial/food/housing insecurity, and who is so villainised in wider wizarding society, it is no small gesture for molly to not only provide for remus materially but also to trust him in a house with all of her children and encourage him in a romantic relationship he struggles to feel entitled to and worthy of. (i love sirius, but he is in no fit state to ‘look after’ remus in the last year of his life, and fandom’s continued unwillingness to recognise the importance of domestic/caregiving labour as a vital contribution to the resistance will never not be problematic af). remus clearly values and admires molly in return - the only time he actually ever entertains a parent/guardianship role is when molly is weeping over her boggart, crying onto remus’ shoulder (‘what must you think of me?’) and he assures her that if anything were to happen to her and arthur, he would be a part of the team making sure her children are taken date of (‘what do you think we’d do, let them starve?’) remus’ relationship with molly is often the more mild-mannered translator of her viewpoint to others (especially others with hot tempers), and mediator trying to find middle ground between molly’s protective instincts and the battle/ready instincts of others. (more grist to my sirius & ginny parallels mill — in DH, when a fuming ginny is desperately trying to sneak off to fight in the battle, it’s remus who appeals to molly and ginny to find the compromise of ginny staying in the room of requirement to know what’s going on but not actively fight, a mirror image of his role mediating the dispute between sirius and molly over harry’s right to know what’s going on at grimmauld in ootp…) molly accepts this compromise, a sign that she trusts remus implicitly (she never frets that a werewolf is living among her children in ootp onwards, and invites him to christmas readily even after months undercover with the pack) and also feels able to call him out (‘i’ve always said you’re taking a ridiculous line on this, remus’.) this is too long but basically — justice for molly and remus, unlikely buds!
teddy and andromeda: i weirdly think a lot about teddy lupin these days. i tend to imagine teddy as a very mild-mannered, affable, calm child, like who remus might have been had he not been bitten, with tonks' heart and sociability but also with something of remus' more philosophical disposition. i think he'd slip very naturally into a big brother role because, in part, he does see himself as having a responsibility to take care of people, and i think this would shine through in his relationship with andromeda. we know teddy was raised by his gran, and i imagine she feels enormously protective of him, perhaps bordering on strict in her desire to keep him safe from the harm that came to all the rest of her family. but i like to imagine teddy didn't act out against this too much, in part because he understands where it comes from and in turn feels very protective of andromeda. growing up in the aftermath of the war would make teddy as a child particularly aware of the grief and pain and the silences among the adults around him, and i think teddy would take any compensatory protective strictness on andromeda's part with good grace, and humour her for it. i like to think teenage/young adult teddy serves as the translator for any of his gran's more prickly edges, and that they have a very close relationship that both of them really treasure.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 2 months
Okay I think I’ve finally come up with a plot for that jervis story I was telling you about. This is pretty long- I’m sorry 😭
Basically could follow the same plots as the ‘come on Eileen’ story with an age gap but obv themed for Jervis’s character. For the sake of everything, since this could be already dark-ish, instead of Alice being his sister, she’s his coworker. Very similar story tied with the btas version. Anyways continuing that, let’s say reader is Jim and Barbara’s kid all the way from episode 1 when they were still in there couple era (I miss it 😔). Jim had custody over reader when Barbara was sent to Arkham but once she’s out and running the sirens club, her and Jim come to an agreement for the sake of the reader to co-parent. Reader is about 10-13 during that time and then jumping to like season 3 with jervis being introduced, reader is around 17-19 (I’m not sure if this is the realistic time jump but whatever). During the first episode with how Barbara introduces tabby to jervis, imagine that same scenario but with reader also present. Jervis realizes how much reader reminds him of the book version of Alice with their curiosity, ambition, etc. I’d like to imagine Barbara finds it cute in a way similar with that one fix you did when jervis was leaving stuff for the reader while tabby is like “Stay away from the baby 😡”.
Now when Alice gets killed, we know jervis makes him go through all these games of killing and stuff and then he has to choose the one he loves. Instead of Val, it’s reader. As much as Jervis doesn’t want to hurt his current crush, he tries to be nicer about it and shoots them where the bullet won’t damage them as bad?? Idk where else I’m goin with this lol. I’ll let you come up with whatever else you wanna do. Be creative if you’d like.
I’d say basically it follows the plot of season 3 but without Alice and reader is present.
Thank you Cupid 🙏🖤
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Everything's always the same in Gotham. Hard to imagine things changing.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) Readers got trauma. Reader's also a cynic and dissociating. She fell first, he fell harder. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Jervis being an obsessive freak, per usual. Jervis and reader are soulmates, not just in his head but in real life! More about reader is revealed as the story goes on. I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx
Special thanks to @adalwolfgang for giving me the idea for this fic <3 really really excited to make this multichapter !!
♫ “Echoes of your name inside my mind / Halo, hiding my obsession.” Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
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You feel like your ten again, staring into space, watching the passerby's from inside a Gala. You're mother used to take you there, when you're dad wasn't available.
You sometimes miss it, even though you used to complain. You hated just sitting there, hours on end, seeing rich people dance; like there weren't people being murdered on the street two blocks down. Maybe you took after your father in that aspect. It was a curse.
Your mom used to do your hair. You remember the way she finger-twirled your curls, gasping as she looked in the mirror. Eyes wide, she always said the same thing.
"Look at you, you're gorgeous!" You'd laugh and hit her on the shoulder, young and innocent. Sometimes, you'd make a mess of her lipsticks and bronzer. You'd try on her dresses which were far too tall for your young stature.
The sound of yelling rips you away from your thoughts.
This place isn't a gala. It's a club. And you didn't get ready with your mom, you got ready in the morning, waking up alone in your dads house.
You watch the two men argue from across the bar. You're cradling a drink; unsure what to do with it. Selina had stole it for you, somehow. You didn't ask questions anymore. You'd known her since you were eleven and she was eight. You didn't really like to drink. She knew that. You don't know where she ran off too.
Mindlessly stirring your glass in your palm, you can't help but squint under the bright blue lights. This place...it's not your first choice of where you'd like to be right now. Never is.
You hear a feminine voice calling you to the front of the club, and you can already guess who it is. You haven't seen her in a little over a week, not that it matters.
You decide to down your drink anyway. Who cares.
Pushing your way through the crowds of Gothamites, you notice the stage light up. Your mother and Tabitha stand in grand dresses. Tabitha's resting, one arm on the bar, looking effectively bored out of her mind. Your mother, on the contrary, looks utterly pleased. You fight the urge to snort.
There's a man on the stage. Long hair, cat-like smile. Your eyes follow the contours of his cheek bones. He's spouting something about waking up from an animal-identity. You're frankly lost, staring into his dark eyes. They look pitch black.
Sounds of clapping arise from the back. You simply suck your teeth. Someone new comes into the club everyday with a different act. This guy certainly wasn't any different.
"A magician? Really?" Tabitha asks, interrupting your thoughts. She sounds displeased and confounded, unsure what to make of Barbara's smile.
"Hypnotist." Your mom answers, correcting her. Ah, so thats what he is. You think. Couldn't hypnotize himself to have a better act? You almost make yourself laugh. Barbara mistakes it for agreeance.
"See! I like him! Y/N likes him!" Barbara chimes, smile lighting up to be a bit more genuine at your laugh. "Like mother like daughter. Plus, the place is packed. Be happy." She waves her drink around. Tabitha still looks peeved.
You want to correct her, but the words 'like mother like daughter' make bile rise in your throat. You don't speak.
"Just a taste, ladies and gentlemen." The man purrs, pulling your attention to him. That dark stare of his never once leaves the crowd. "But now...let us venture into something more arcane."
His eyes drift to you in the crowd, and it feels like a jolt of electricity. You wonder if he feels it too. He must have, since he cocks his head, pausing in his words for a little too long. His brows furrow, until the crowd begins to murmur. It's awfully intense.
You tear your gaze away to look at your mom, wondering if she was who he was looking at instead. It would certainly make more sense, given they must've been around the same age. But as soon as your gaze leaves his, the man clears his throat, and goes right back to speaking.
"The hell was that?" Tabitha whispers to me, and my mind goes blank.
"...No clue."
We watch the rest of the act, intrigued. He makes a man stand on the back of a chair, which definitely does not obey the laws of physics whatsoever. I can see why some people might find this amusing.
Your mom does bring up a good question though.
"So you could get him to do anything you wanted?" She asks, abet too excitedly. You want to roll your eyes. When you were younger, she would've made fun of this guy with you.
The man looks between the two of us, and you squint your eyes.
"Did you have something in mind, Ms. Kean?" He asks, and her gaze darkens. You feel a little sick.
As the act finishes, the man takes one too many bows, but the crowd eats it up. That blinding blue light still bounces off his face. Something about it is...unsettling. You notice it more as he stalks towards the three of you.
"Very impressive, Mr. Tetch." Your mom compliments. Mr. Tetch, huh. Well, you finally have a name for the man. "You have quite the gift. But you didn't answer my question. Can you make people do anything you tell them to do?" She speaks, slowly. Mr. Tetch looks flattered at the praise.
He clicks his tongue. "Only things they secretly wish to do," he remarks, eyes falling on me once more. "It's surprising what people will wish for," His eye contact remains on you, voice getting quieter. "Secretly. Deep down." He repeats.
Your mother makes a sound akin to a pleased hum. Tabitha looks between the man and you, and she looks less than amused.
"True," Tabitha speaks, pushing you to the side a bit. You watch as his gaze leaves yours, and snaps up to her. There's a ghost of a scowl on both of their faces that suddenly makes you confused. "You must be a very popular man."
She takes a swig out of her drink as she says the words, a bit sarcastically. Mr. Tetch, or whatever his name is, doesn't falter in his resolve. He instead offers a polite chuckle.
"Oh, I wish. Parties like this help pave my way, so, thank you."
"And you're new to Gotham?" Your mom asks.
"Yes...just arrived from up north."
"You have a place to stay?" Tabitha asks, head cocked. You begin to feel a bit embarrassed, heat rising in your clothes. They're asking the guy way too many questions. And he's a new comer. Poor man probably doesn't know a thing.
Before the man can answer, you butt in.
"Let the man breathe." You huff, and all three of them look at you in unison. Eyes-narrowed on you, the man blinks. Barbara looks at you, surprised, and Tabitha glares daggers.
Silence surrounds the four of you, and you shiver uncomfortably.
"Just saying." You mumble. Barbara raises an eyebrow.
"You'll have to excuse her. This is my daughter, Y/N."
Jervis's face lights up in realization.
"Ah, I see." He remarks, taking your hand. Tabitha instinctively steps close, watching the way he takes it. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/N."
"Thank you," You say, softly, looking into his eyes. It really does feel like time stops. You can understand why people are hypnotized by him.
Tabitha finally steps in between you two, as Barbara watches the interaction with vague intrigue. He drops your hand with some reluctance. You don't blame him.
"I think you should get going." Tabitha says, firm. The man simply nods.
"Very well. Enjoy your night." He speaks. "Ms. Kean, Ms. Y/N." He bids one last nod of goodbye, before turning on his heel.
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thrandilf · 1 year
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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schro4444 · 9 months
About the Kaito keeping his secret ID through Refuge In Audacity do you think Conan stuck with his first guess that KID was younger than 20 or later dismissed it as KID wearing a mask? (Ik this isn't relevant to the kuroba sitcom but I had Ditto in the brain haha)
I personally hc that he logicked it away as "he can't be THAT young, learning all those skills he has would take time" and then Kaito TOLD HIM his mom was Phantom Lady who did crazy gymnastics so she couldn't have been very old and dissappeared a scant 20 years ago and Conan went "welp"
Ik that Hakuba figured KID's age through DNA and then compared to highschool databases across the country, but first that's not how DNA tests work, the length that tells how old someone is changes from person to person, and second, I'm not familiar w Japanese laws regarding privacy and DNA databases but I'm fairly sure that what Hakuba did was like. Super illegal. Probably why Hakuba hauled ass back to London after that case actually, I bet he only got away with it bc nepotism (IT'S SURE ILLEGAL IN THE UK)
I still rlly want to know if Hakuba sat KID down w an optometrist board and an IQ test though, HOW did he get that data. Like I bet Toichi and Chikage never even got Kaito tested bc they thought it funnier to keep people guessing just HOW smart he was, plus Kaito wanted to share class with Aoko and Nakamori wanted her to be in a class where she could make friends her age, and that was the end of the topic
(oh man this ended up long, MY BAD)
first of all, omg im honored, tysm for reading ditto :D <3
GREAT QUESTION I think conan kept it in mind, but became less sure of himself over time. conan/shinichi has a pretty skewed idea of what kids are capable of doing, and I think he knows this about himself, so it’s reasonable for him to think “...nah, it would be insane if a high schooler was doing all this… right?” and if he was basing his original age guess off of what he could see of kid’s face and body shape, well, he learned very quickly that kid can change any of those traits at any time. who’s to say that kid wasn’t wearing makeup/a mask/anything else that might change his silhouette? …left to his own devices for long enough, conan can become a victim of his own overthinking, lol.
aaaand then kaito dropped the Phantom Lady tidbit. that, if anything, seemed to me like a peace offering of some kind? possibly meant to even the playing field between them? as always, it’s hard to tell what shinichi and kaito actually Know in canon, though I’m of course personally a fan of them knowing the least amount of information possible while still being as intelligent as we know they are. because shenanigans >:D
if we want to have fun with it ;) , I think the phantom lady reveal only narrows down kid’s age to,,,,, younger than 30? ish? it mostly gives conan an upper limit, since he doesn’t know whether kid was born before or after her retirement, and she easily could’ve retired in her early 30s. what it Does confirm is that this kid isn’t the original one, but that only narrows his identity down to “probably a protege of kid #1.” from there, the biggest bit of provable evidence against kaito is that his father died right when the original kid disappeared, but that’s still a pretty big logic leap to make when you aren’t around kaito all the time (like hakuba is). and toichi had students, too! who knows who else he taught besides yukiko and sharon? who is more likely to be kaitou kid: an undercover protege of toichi’s, or his teenage son who has an alibi for multiple heists?
best I can tell from some brief research, in Japan, DNA collection isn’t regulated for law enforcement, but hakuba isn’t law enforcement, he’s a consultant at best. I think other DNA tests for ppl age 16+ require consent of the person, and 16 or younger require the consent of a parent. hakuba has NEITHER. hakuba was saved from being a juvenile criminal by nepotism and the fact that nakamori laughed in his face instead of charging him with obstruction of justice or something. and yeah, that’s Absolutely Not How DNA Tests Work adjfksjdj
FR THO!! now I’m imagining hakuba chasing kid through a museum yelling “WHAT NUMBER LOGICALLY FOLLOWS THE SERIES ACCORDING TO THE GIVEN PATTERN” while kid answers with, like, extremely confused perfect accuracy. “400 iq” honestly sounds more like something hakuba made up to explain the fact that kid could answer the iq test questions while rappelling down a skyscraper lol. and I totally agree, kaito’s probably never been officially tested—it’s important for kids to be with their peers, especially when you’re already likely to have child prodigy syndrome. also because kaito and aoko get along so well, they would run the risk of never making other friends (cough shinichi cough). plus, the kurobas probably like to avoid official records as much as possible, and scoring even in the 160+ range would gather attention that their family of internationally-wanted criminals does Not need
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burning-thistles-bt · 3 months
Hi! First of all, love the AU and fic, I've been keeping up with it for about a year now and I love seeing new updates on it! Secondly, I was wondering two things... #1. Is Adderfang still Thistlestar's mentor in this AU? I don't believe we ever saw much of their Mentor-Apprentice relation in the fic if it existed, (likely because Adderfang hates Thistlestar so much xD) what was that like? Do you think Adderfang's reaction being so extreme was not only because he loves his daughter, but also because he felt betrayed at his former apprentice's actions? and #2. In Leopardstar's honor, a timeline is given for Mosspelt's pregnancy and relationship with Frogleap, and through another wonderful oversight by the Erins, Mosspelt apparently was pregnant while she was still an apprentice, from Frogleap, a cat who was ~4 years old. She gave birth around the same age as Spottedleaf had the Firesibs! I know that the BT timeline is a bit altered from canon, and that the fic pre-dates some later retcons from the series, like Volewhisper surviving. Is Frogleap having a predatory relationship with Mosspaw/pelt a thing that happened in BT? If so, what was that like for Mosspelt? Did she ever get any support in her hardships? did Dawnflower join the rebels out of a disdain for Thistlestar, knowing he has done terrible things like her father did as well? Anyways, that's about all. Sorry for such a long message! Thanks for putting so much time into your work and making such a great fic, and for taking the time to read my questions!!
yes Adderfang is still Thistlestar's mentor! i don't believe if it was ever mentioned in the fic or any one-shots, but he is lol. Adderfang's reaction was so extreme because Spottedpaw was his Precious Baby Girl and he very abruptly realized during the reveal how awful it was that someone in a position of power was getting with an apprentice (he would not have been so aggressive if this was a situation with a different apprentice and warrior---for example, Whitepaw and Goldenflower, or something. he cared and got protectively angry so much because it was his own daughter affected). the fact that Thistlestar was his own apprentice honestly didn't even cross his mind until it was over, and then it was just a very angry thought process of "i never taught him to be like that! (did i teach him to be like that?)" (yes, he taught him to be like that---not a predator, but he taught, unintentionally, Thistlestar to be more aggressive. remember, Adderfang was a part of Thistleclaw's groups that attacked kittypets for no reason.)
in BT canon, Mosspelt and Frogleap's relationship isn't touched upon much because I didn't realize how young Mosspelt was and also I'm not sure how much their age gap changes with the condensed timeline in BT lol. But! But! There are always hidden inappropriate relationships in the background (like, WillowTawny, although that's not really in the bg, but compared to SpottedThistle, GrassThistle, and DawnFinch, its not as prominent. also ShadeThistle is a bg bad-relationship. and i believe Cloudrunner x Morningflower would be one too, and there's definitely more. and future ones, like Snowbird x Scorchfur), so I do think Frog and Moss could be as it is in accidentally implied canon, where Frog groomed Moss. after all, most of RiverClan was pretty accepting of Thistle getting with Grass, weren't they? well, in general, it is---or was---unfortunately an acceptable part of clan culture. I do think that there is a multitude here; I think Frogleap is not as manipulative as Thistlestar, and cared more genuinely about Mosspelt and her emotions. While that does not make what he did okay AT ALL, I think Mosspelt did not experience as much negative emotions about the situation, and she doesn't perceive herself as being preyed upon. There are real life relationships like this, and they're definitely not ideal, and there's issues, but sometimes it just works out like that. i think there might have been issues down the line though, if Frogleap had survived, and Mosspelt had grown more as a person and developed differences in her personality than to how she was as an apprentice/young warrior. I'm getting "they died a happy couple, but if he had lived, she would have grown up and become more independent and he'd get upset at the changes, and then she'd divorce him" vibes
Dawnflower was one of Thistlestar's victims! it's mentioned a few times in passing that Thistlestar would 'go on patrol' with Dawnpaw, or look at Dawnpaw. actually, most young she-cats in RiverClan (Silverstream, Grasswhisker, Vixenleap, Shadepelt, Dawnflower, Primroseleaf, Feathertail, etc.) experienced some level of "creepiness" with Thistlestar. Dawnpaw/flower was one of the ones that Thistlestar would definitely say a bunch of weird shit to and touch her, but they never did anything past that. still, Dawnflower was scared shitless by him and terrified he'd do something she didn't want to him. she also just hated how aggressive/annoying Thistle and Lightning's rule was, so she left the instant she had an out (LeopardClan), though she was also really scared to leave her family/home behind, and worried for her siblings/friends. Dawnflower also definitely thinks of Frogleap (her dad) as a good warrior, and has no idea his and Mosspelt's relationship would have been similar to what she was experiencing (though, again, Mosspelt viewed Frogleap's attention as a much more positive thing, sort of like how Spottedleaf did with Thistlestar at the beginning. Meanwhile, Dawnflower was just always scared of his attention)
it's interesting, definitely, that Mosspelt stood against Thistlestar and what he'd done, yet never saw that she was victim to something similar too... though, to be fair, she joined LeopardClan because she supported Leopardfur as a close friend (through Frogleap) and knew Leopardfur was being unjustly accused, not necessarily out of a hatred of Thistlestar himself. much to think about...
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undertheknightwing · 9 months
I'm sure this is absolutely predictable of me but - your boy Gar and my girl Rach for "Send me a character" 💚🖤
The siblings of all time ✨️
Garf first 🐯
First impression
Oh baby boy. Such a sweetie pie 🥺 *watches Asylum* Whoa! This show is actually letting Gar have a character besides goofy sidekick?? This just got so much more interesting.
Impression now
So that was a fucking lie. Buttt.. if I wrote out my true impression of him now we'd be here all day so imagine I'm unfolding a comically long list of my Gar thoughts because there’s a lot. The less the show did with him, the more I got to over analyze and create from there.
Favorite moment
When he's left in the tower and just messes around for a few days. I re-watch it all the time. It's very relatable too, I get sad and unmotivated after a day without having people to talk to as well. Also that scene from s3 ep1 when he's talking to himself in his room, I love his silly facial expressions, and "nothing tops a Super" has been burned into my brain.
Idea for a story
Fic wise? You'll just have to wait and see 👀
Unpopular opinion
I don't think it's really unpopular but his hair is so bad. I wasn't a fan of it in s3 but s4 made it so much worse. I'm also not a huge fan of his suit but that's for "it looks cheap and plain compared to the other ones" reasons.. like the abs on it look like the kind you'd see on a Halloween costume. It's weird.
Favorite relationship
In canon.. I don't really know. Gar's character felt it went from "DickKory's son" level of importance to just "oh yeah that guy" throughout the seasons. Gar's relationships with the characters (besides Rachel) is pretty surface level imo, especially in seasons 3 - 4. But whatever Gar's relationship with the Red is seems cute. It changed it's realm color for him and looks to care about him a lot through what I saw in the episode. He's clearly the favorite child and I love that for him.
Favorite headcanon
I got one too many of those, but him being able to purr is always a great one, and acting cat-like at times. Empty box? That's his now. Left a cup on the island? It's pushed onto the floor. Nothing is safe. He might have left a dead bird somewhere as a gift too, who knows.
And just for fun have some songs that gives me his vibes: Shapeshifter by Brye, The Garden by The Crane Wives, and Wild Things by Alessia Cara
It's Rach time 🖤
this is more your territory so I'm sorry if it's a little lackluster 😅
First impression
Precious girl. So precious. Must be protected at all costs. I really like this take on her powers and character.
Impression now
Much like Gar, she got the short end of the stick in the show tbh. She went from being the most important to a side plot thing which sucks. She should have had much more to do in season 4 since they were dealing with her family.
Favorite moment
I like a lot of her scenes in season 1 the most. Her interacting with the Doom Patrol was cute.
Idea for a story
That's your thing lol but I never liked how they always kept her stories tied to Trigon somehow in any media so I would give her a more unique story about something else.
Favorite relationship
She and Kory were my favorite for a long time but I've warmed up to her and Dick's father-daughter relationship because of you. So I choose them 💙🖤
Favorite headcanon
She's an artist who prefers painting over the other arm forms and painted something special for all the Titans members.
And some songs for your duo: Protector by City Wolf or Calm Me Down by American Authors, they have season 1 vibes
Thank you Mundi! 🖤💚
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legoarsonist · 10 months
yooo hey hi how's it going, so I have a pretty extensive theory about bunny call that i'd like to share, people have forgotten about this short story specifically, and it didn't seem to have much speculation around it when it did release. Which is odd, I've noticed that every story in fazbear's frights has at least one notable lore detail in the story for theorists. Even the story about sea monkeys that look like rabbits (sea bonnies) explains the logic that the fnaf universe runs on, that being "no bad deed goes unpunished".
This is going to sound strange, but I think that bunny call describes what happened to the books world michael, and gives details on the afton family as a whole.
I'm putting my thought process, speculation details and evidence under a keep reading thing, as i've written out a LOT and don't want to clog people's feed up that much, esp since it's old lore from 2020.
So, for starters, I guess I'll talk about how phillip is described in bunny call. The book states that "He had a thick head of light colored hair, and he had what might be blue eyes." This is a fairly specific way to describe him, and while it may not match up with michael's rendition in fnaf 4 as foxybro, it matches up closely with his sprite in SL, along with michael's eye color in fnaf 1's game over screen. The only thing that can dispute the similarities is the graphic novel, which shows phillip with grey hair, but even then that can be explained away as michael being old by that point in the timeline, along with differing interpretations from the colorist, the source material, and artist. After all, jessica in the charlie trilogy graphic novels is blonde, when each of the books described her having brown hair.
In bunny call, Phillip also talks about his family. To take quotes from the book itself, "My mom died when I was five." "I hardly remember her, but I remember how my dad was before she died. He was a great dad. Taught me how to throw a ball, always showed me what he was working on when he fixed stuff, read me stories at night. But then after mom died, my dad…" "My dad got lost. He just got lost. He couldn’t do anything for me anymore. He was all about himself. He turned into a horrid dad.” “I’ve become just like him.”
There is a LOT of correlation between Michael's family and Phillip's. In the games, we never actually see or hear about Mrs. Afton, for one. there are theories about her being the spirit that possessed ballora, sure. But there is nothing solid currently about her with actual lore relevancy. It would make sense if she died prior to 1983. Maybe even in childbirth.
And then of course, there's phillip's description of his dad. In many ways, phillip's dad sounds VERY similar to william afton. They both have a wife that's been out of the picture, and they're both described as horrid parents. Plus, phillip's father is explicitly stated to have some mechanical knowledge, showing him what he's working on and fixing "stuff". It may not be an explicit connection to robots and machinery, but it shows that he may have knowledge in a similar area.
That line of "I’ve become just like him." Is interesting to me, too. It could be something about how Phillip's become a bad parent, but I feel like there's something more with it considering both the story phillip's in and the differences of the books world canon to mainline.
Consider ralpho's design, it is a smiling rabbit suit that has a vest, a bowtie, and a large grin. Along with these features, their hands are more glove-like, with five fingers on each hand. Though, the hands are only shown on the graphic novel's cover. In the original story, they're moreso described as paws. I find it interesting that they'd give a character many of these specific features, considering that we've seen them on an incarnation of afton (or at least what's supposed to look like afton) previously, specifically on glitchtrap. They're both rabbits that wear vests with bowties, and they both have glove-like hands.
the line of "I’ve become just like him." takes up a more twisted meaning when you consider the thought that phillip could be a person wearing the ralpho suit. After all, the main character of the book (bob) told him that he had indeed signed up for the bunny call. Phillip asked him, "You sign up for the bunny call too?" and bob replied simply with a "Yeah". He would've known, and had an opportunity to go get the suit after bob left.
To be bold, it would even make sense if phillip was a cover name in the same way that william went under the name of dave miller. After all, what afton did is well known in the books universe, if a member of the afton family wanted to distance himself further from the killer's name, why not go for a name change? Mike even does so in the books, going under the schmidt name.
This is more speculation and elaboration, but the "death in childbirth" explanation for Mrs. Afton would provide a decent reason for a child (such as michael afton) to lash out at his younger brother. Because of CC's birth, he lost his mother AND his father's love. That would be enough of a motive for somebody to resent a little brother, especially if they unintentionally destroyed the afton family.
to add on one last thing for the Mrs.Afton tie-ins and speculations, the death in childbirth explanation also explains why elizabeth afton's sprite is so different to the other members of the afton family like mike and CC. She simply had a different mother and inherited different genes.
It's more of a funny point to tie in, but there is also the matter of what Phillip's doing when he does encounter bob. He's smoking cigarettes, menthol cigarettes specifically. "Bob listened to a man suck in smoke and then expel it. The smell of menthol made bob’s nostrils twitch."
The choice of menthol cigarettes specifically interests me, menthol is the thing that makes stuff minty, and while it is a common cigarette choice, it's different from the usual description of the smell of tobacco. While this could be considered a bit of a stretch, it brings to mind michael's bad habit from the logbooks of "chewing gum excessively." Nicotine gum is a fairly common aid to help smokers quit, and is of course also often flavored with menthol, if michael tried to quit smoking, it'd then make sense if he picked up the bad habit of excessively chewing mint gum.
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exhausted-pigeon · 1 year
@matchacheezo sorry it took me a while but there we are! Let's start explaining my unhinged (wel not really unhinged but surely complicated) headcanon for Cass and Jason has twins!
A bit of a premises:
1. We are going with Sandra old backstory, her sister was murdered by Guano Cravat, not David Cain, and Cain had absolutely nothing to do with her until well after she became Lady Shiva;
2. I prefer when Willis and Catherine are loving but struggling parents, with a lot of flaws but that are trying their best, that the outright abusive ways that are depicted in RHatO;
3. I haven't read has many comics I like (fuck ADHD) so my canon information is second hand, not very important for this but I wanted to clarify that.
Now in for the actual headcanon!
How Jason and Cass are twins
Cain wants a heir like in canon, and does find a suitable partner in Lady Shiva (who has become extremely famous after she took revenge on her sister murder has a wandering mercenary) and approach her with a proposal of her donating her genetic material to make the perfect warrior, but she refuses and laugh in his face.
Cain is determined to have the perfect child so he hunts her down and tries to force her in to collaboration but she is better an manage to kick his ass and avoid the LoA people that he send after her.
So Cain goes in another direction and investigate her past and find out her old identity, and the fact that she had donated her eggs to a fertility clinic before the death of Carolyn. So he has the eggs stolen and hires Sheila Haywood, a doctor that was in trouble for malpractice, to act has both the surrogate mother and pediatric for after the kids are born (because they would still have needed some medical supervision even with the batshit training he would put them through).
So they move to one of the LoA bases or something and the kids are born. Fraternal twins, and they are healthy and growing well, but the boy seems to be weaker than the girl, and Cain is all but ready to be done with Jason to focus on Cassandra.
Potentially Jason has some health issues that seen to make him a imperfect candidate, maybe he is born hard of hearing or something that a eugenicist piece of shit like Cain would consider lesser. The point is Jason is not the son Cain wanted and would not care if he died or disappeared.
But there is a guard there that has taken something of a shine to the boy, and he does want he can to help Jason in some ways.
Enter stage left a young Talia, who is there to see how the project for her father perfect bodyguard is coming along. She notices the way baby Jason is struggling, Cain disinterest, Shelia coldness towards both kids, and how it seem that only this guard seems to care about this child. so she takes the situation in hand, and help the man escape with baby Jason, and covers his tracks so the LoA would not find them again. It's not that hard, Jason was pretty much declared a fallied product and the guard was no one important, so they disappear.
The man ends up settling in Gotham and making himself a new identity has Willis Todd, single father, and meets there a struggling actress who ran aways from her family when she came out has trans. Her name is Catherine, and she absolutely adore his little prince.
And the things process has canon or whatever story I'm working on.
The details may change depending on stuff (like if I go with trans guy Jason), but this is the basic idea.
I have more ideas on Willis and how his experience shape the way he raises Jason but that isn't the focus there.
I hope you enjoy! 💜
EDIT because forgot earlier: anyone feel free to reblog and/or use this idea for their stuff, just tag me/message me so I can see it!
Also tagging @benbamboozled (because I added some stuff from the last time we talked about this) and @prodigworl hopping you enjoy it since it was your post that pushed me to finaly clean this idea up.
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chubfeather · 2 months
Fireheart x Morningflower AU Drabble
The old "what if I ship THIS rarepair as a joke?" but as per usual I get attached to said rarepair. Anyways. Here's some very scrambled `1 am thoughts.
I'll do something more concrete after I reread tpb again cause since Morningflower isn't a major character, somethings are blurry!
This is also a "Fireheart goes to Windclan" AU but its AFTER he's become a warrior of Thunderclan. Mostly because I thought it would be fun and also because I think it would be the most likely scenario for a Fire/Morning ship to work.
-In this AU, Fireheart fails to convince Bluestar that Tigerclaw is a threat. He's exiled, but finds refuge in Windclan [I think Jake tells Tallstar something about Fireheart at the end of Tallstar's revenge so that but its taken further]. Tallstar is more then happy to take in Fireheart when he both saved his clan and was talked about by his old mate [Tallstar/Jake is canon you can't tell me otherwise]. Tallstar almost sees Fireheart as a kit he never had.
-Kind of a take on what happens if one of starclan's prophecys fail cause they never do that and its lame [I'm only caught up to dawn of the clans so if they have done that afterwards my bad]. Since Bluestar doesn't end up trusting Fireheart's instincts "Fire alone can save our clan" doesn't pan out!!!
-Obviously this has a lot of implications when it comes to the main plot of tpb but I just like changing things to see where I would make them end up. Stuff like if Tigerclaw killed Bluestar, what happens to Yellowfang, what happens to Graystripe and Riverclan and Bloodclan, how Fireheart might be considered a traitor by other clans and how much Windclan would/wouldn't accept him. etc. lol. Big AU for tiny ship.
-Probably going to either fill in some windclan warriors or take a realllll close look at the allegiances between books because so few are actually listed in the first series.
-Not sure exactly when I want Fireheart's exile to take place- I think I would place it somewhere between Graystripe leaving for Riverclan and Tigerstar's murder attempt on Bluestar, but I'll think on that.
-Anyways onto the actual Fire/morning stuff.
-Other then talking at gatherings about how Gorsepaw is doing, the two don't really get romantic until after Fireheart joins Windclan. Originally on my main art blog I thought it would be funny if Fireheart was sneaking out to see Morningflower in the same vein Graystripe does with Silverstream, but I think that's too repetitive and a bit out of character for Fireheart [he's seen sneaking out and breaking the warrior code plenty sure, but he's also seen to be a complete goofball when it comes to romance]
-Fireheart acts as a sort of surrogate father for Gorsepaw [who lives in this au]. More father figures in Warriors please. [Pretty sure Morningflower's canon mate is Cloudrunner which is WILD becuase Cloudrunner was a moorunner warrior when Tallstar was a kit and Tallstar was Morningflower's mentor?????? What I'm saying is he's old as hell. I don't thin he's in TPB so I'm just assuming he's dead or generally ignoring his existence for now] Gorsepaw would absolutely adore having Fireheart in windclan
-Onestar and Fireheart being brother in laws is cute and they won't have the same kind of falling out if Fireheart is in windclan [Idk if Fireheart would ever become leader of windclan but hey. Question for another day]. Don't ask me about Ashfoot. I forgor what she's like
-I mostly like this ship because I like the thought of Fireheart being the one who comforted Morningflower in what was probably one of the darkest moments of her life!!! and also that Morningflower is such an underutilized character, with her retiring [rather early, i think she's brother's with Onewhisker?] to the elder's den after she feels like she avenged her son, but the way she fought so fiercely to do so always makes her stand out in my mind : (
-With how protective Fireheart is over Sandstorm in the last few books of tpb I think he would absolutely do the same for Morningflower and his adopted son.
-I have many doodles planned and will expand on this as I think of stuff haha. Will have to make some stuff up for Morningflower seeing as she doesn't appear in the books often.
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dbphantom · 3 months
Watched the first 2 episodes of the Fallout show and was pleasantly surprised. I have a few complaints but I actually did enjoy the first episode a lot and the 2nd was pretty decent too
I really really enjoyed the sets, especially the Vault. Really well done and the vibes are perfect. The scene in the farm where the film of the projector burns and looks like bombs going off around them during the raid was great. A touch cheesy but I appreciated it bc I am a cheesy media connoisseur
I really like Lucy and the ghoul (don't remember his name). Maximus is on thin ice cuz dude is... a bit unhinged in the first 2 episodes. But he was raised by the brotherhood so I'm wishing him the best character arc. I am hoping he realizes how shitty the brotherhood is and defects by the end of the season... I'm convinced that's what's going to happen, but we will see what they do.
One scene that made me roll my eyes was the raider husband coming back to life after Lucy cut his jugular so that the dad could get the kill on him. Like why not let that moment impact her more?? Why did the dad have to be the one to kill him? Was it supposed to foreshadow that the dad was a raider or something? Cuz honestly I'm mostly suspect due to the raiders taking him with them, it's classic to have the father be a criminal but he's reformed because of his dead wife and kid... Would be awesome if they twisted it so it's the mother who was the raider, but didn't they already say she was from this Vault and the dad was the one transferred over? Regardless, that totally ripped away a character moment for Lucy. That man stole her kill...
Another thing I didn't like was the appearance of the Brotherhood so soon in episode 1. They appear before the viewer even knows what the wasteland looks like for everyone else. You see the Prydwen before you see your first established settlement and that kind of ruins the idea imo. People are struggling to live, but the brotherhood is hoarding tech. Show the people struggling first, THEN have the Brotherhood appear.
Maybe they're doing it this way because you're supposed to be viewing things like Maximus (loosing his faith in the brotherhood as the season goes on because he was raised by them and was indoctrinated, please, it would be a nice parallel to Lucy), but it still makes the pacing feel off. The friend I watched it with (hi @bautistawithadrive) agreed w/ that and he isn't even a Fallout fanatic. It just feels weird. I get that pacing is gonna be wack cuz it's an 8 (?) episode season, but it just isn't working for me.
The ghoul is fine. His intro scene at the start was cute. I found it interesting the shot of the bombs going off around them, but I'm 90% sure it's canon in lore that the Fallout nukes are less powerful than ours so I have no real complaints. If it's not canon, then it's a widely accepted fanon. I was just confused why the little girl wasn't blinded by the flash because I'm pretty sure there are logs in the games of people who were blinded when they saw the flashes? I could be misremembering tho I don't have enough room for all the Fallout lore in my brain. Anyway it's an insignificant detail overall afaik, so I'm being fussy, I think.
I am kinda bummed the ghoul doesn't look worse tho. Weird complaint probably but I was hoping he'd be a bit more idk... Ragged? Given all the other gore in the show, I was interested to see how they'd do the makeup for the ghouls, but just like nexus modders, they took the cowards way out. He looks (and sounds, oof) like a generic bald dude with some liquid latex on his cheeks and a missing nose.
The best friend of Lucy is another fave, I really.enjoyed every time she was on screen. Good actress, I hope she either becomes a villain (that eyepatch in the end credits bit of ep 2 is throwing me haha) or follows Lucy out of the Vault (or both).
I'm also curious to see where the brother's character is going to go because they could do a lot with him since he was pretty bland at the start. He could follow Lucy out (maybe with the best friend) or start some kind of political change in the people of the Vault so it will cause conflict when (if) Lucy returns, or he could convince them all to leave the Vault. It'd be cool if he found what their specific Vault experiment was meant to be, then either put it in action or made sure no other Overseer would be able to continue it. Maybe I have too much hope for such a short season... But it would be a fun way to introduce Vault experiments to the audience.
One thing I am VERY nervous about is if they're going to make Lucy pregnannte. I could see them doing it bc that sex scene with the raider felt like a Chekov's gun situation (plus the BFF being like "I can't wait to raise our kids together!" which initially had me like 'wait what are they a lesbian couple forced to get with dudes to make babies? That'd be an awesome storyline!' but thinking abt it I'm wondering if it is foreshadowing for the bestie to also leave the Vault and track her down. Which I want to happen, I loved her character). Idk they could have just included a sex scene for the sake of having one... But I'm also thinking about all the morning sickness vs radiation sickness jokes they could be making, so if there is a scene of her puking in the next few episodes (beyond the gore-fest), I am SO calling it
But like to be clear I don't WANT it to happen, usually that kind of thing in shows makes me turn it off immediately because I'm so not interested in watching a character slowly become 2D for a wailing potato we're just supposed to like because it's a kid, so I hope they surprise me, but I also wouldn't be shocked if it did because all the set-up is there 😬
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emberkeelty · 9 months
I started writing this as part of the Hunter background-Chorus path-Stone Sea post I've been trying to make for a while, but I think it stands on its own as more general Scarlet Chorus meta, so I'm putting it up as Part 1, to be followed with a Part 2 that gets more into the Stonestalkers and the Hunter Fatebinder.
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Misery is the Chorus contact in the Stone Sea, and her story is an interesting one, though told in a rather oblique way. Like many Chorus members, Misery murdered her own family. Unlike most of them, it wasn't something she was forced to do as part of her initiation, but something she was "entrusted" with well after joining. What does that mean? One clue is that she willingly joined the Chorus just to "ditch home". Another is hidden away in a different conversation you get if you meet her on a non-Chorus path:
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Screenshot from TheGreatEvilKing's LP. TGEK interprets this as "confirmation that the motivation of the Kyrosians is entirely personal power," and he's not wrong. But I also see something just a little bit sympathetic in that mention of "slaughter[ing] those who plague my dreams," when I put it together with what she says on the Chorus path.
(And, hey, doesn't the Fatebinder always have at least one person who plagues their dreams? A person who calls himself their family? A person who they end up killing in more than 75% of all possible worlds, including any world where they side with the Chorus? Then again, he's also the guy who runs Chorus-style death games in the Court. Kind of funny how he turns around and sneers at the Fatebinder for taking this path.)
Misery might be somewhat atypical, but she's far from unique. Back in the Blade Grave, we met Pyre.
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If Pyre ended up having to kill her family to prove herself, do you think she felt particularly bad about it? I sure wouldn't blame her if she didn't.
And, of course, there's what Sirin did to her father. Sirin is not a member of the Chorus and acts insulted by any suggestion to the contrary, but there's no doubt she played into their game with that one. TGEK argues that Nerat lied to her about her father's role in her abduction, but I honestly have no idea where he's getting that, other than perhaps a misguided conviction that parents are good by default. The official short story confirms it, and even if you question the canon status of anything outside the text of the game, Sirin's father was already pretty horrible and mercenary toward her all through her early childhood. And then there's the fact that she used his memories of what he did to her and her mother to kill him. She already had her helmet limiting her at the time, which means that she couldn't have controlled him so successfully if she'd had a completely inaccurate read on him.
The Scarlet Chorus is a machine for exploiting trauma. Much of that trauma it inflicts itself, but not all of it. Some people have families and neighbors who frankly aren't worth very much. Some people have very good reasons for wanting to discard their mother-given names and forge new identities for themselves. Some people are actually pretty justified in wanting to commit the sort of violent transgressions that will bind them to the Chorus.
That doesn't make the binding itself any less of a bad idea.
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creampuffqueen · 5 months
Mal's Future Sukka Headcanon Timeline (Part 1)
hi guys, i'm currently in the middle of an atla rewatch so y'all know what that means: i'm being insane about sukka again. i've finally worked out my personal headcanon future for them after the events of atla and the comics, which i will be sharing here.
this post is basically just a bulleted list of events that happen. things they do, when they have their kids, more things that happen, all up until the events of tlok, which i tie in. (i currently have two different 'tie-ins', depending on how angsty i feel).
a few points before we start:
no, suki did not fucking die young
sokka is not suyin's father
i gave sokka and suki A Lot of kids. 12, to be exact. yes, you read that right. i will explain further in the post why they have so many and what allowed them to successfully raise such a large family
i've published a fic with sukka babies in it, however my timeline is now different from what i wrote then. that fic is of course still staying, because i love it, but it's no longer part of my 'personal canon', if you get what i mean
and finally, just remember this is my personal headcanon timeline for them. don't like it? go make your own headcanons. i'm sharing this because i love talking about sukka and their future together, i'm not trying to insist that This Is Definitely What Happened. it's all for fun!!
so, without further ado, let's into the timeline stuff <3
after the events of A:TLA, Sokka and Suki then spend the next few years helping out as Team Avatar. Suki splits her time between guarding Zuko in the FN and traveling with Aang, Katara, and Sokka
by the time they're 18, Sokka and Suki know that they've found 'the one'. they both know that they're endgame for each other. sure they're young, but why wait?
i like to imagine they elope on the battlefield. fighting some baddies or another, one of them is like 'hey, we should get married!' and the other is like 'i love that idea! aang, you're the avatar, you have the power to marry people, right?'
they get battlefield eloped, but end up having a 'proper' wedding with their friends and family when they're 19
they're ridiculously in love and very happy to be married
so, they weren't planning on having kids right away. they're very young, there's plenty of time for that in the future
however, life has some other plans for them
Suki gets pregnant very soon after the wedding. like, right after the wedding, honestly
at first she doesn't really want to believe it. but eventually she can no longer deny it, and it's time to face the music
i want to emphasize here how complex feelings can be about pregnancy. Suki wants kids, but she feels very thrown off by getting pregnant so quickly and so young
but she and Sokka make a wonderful team. although they're both worried about the future and what it will look like as a family of three, they begin to get excited about welcoming a baby
their first baby is a little girl they name Yuki, born on a warm spring night on Kyoshi island
and while in some ways their lives do change, it's much less than they expected
both Sokka and Suki take to parenting like fish in water
so now they're just continuing their regular jobs and adventures, but with a baby in tow
Sokka with a baby carrier lives rent free in my brain tbh
for a while things continue pretty normally. Suki is no longer in charge of guarding Zuko, as that's a bit more dangerous than she's comfortable with, she's still the leader of the Kyoshi warriors and all that entails
and then Suki finds herself pregnant again, when Yuki is about seven-eight months old
this sort of forces her and Sokka to reevaluate their plans
Yuki is a great baby. but soon enough she's going to be a toddler, and they'll have a second baby to take care of
when Suki is too pregnant to work anymore, they have to make some decisions
they love their kids. they love their family. they love their communities. they love their jobs
after some discussion with the rest of Team Avatar, Sokka and Suki elect to take a step back from all the Big World Peace missions
they want to raise their family
their next baby is born, another girl that they name Saya
everything starts to feel right
as much as they love helping out the entire world and bringing about world peace, they also love raising their little family together, being able to benefit from the peace they've helped create
nobody blames them for this, of course. they've done their part in saving the world. now they get to live their quiet life and raise their kids in a peaceful world
they still work, of course. Suki still leads the Kyoshi warriors, and Sokka is always in close contact with their friends, giving his advice wherever needed. he's just not traveling as much, staying home to look after his babies
now is a good time to point out that Sokka and Suki are amazing parents who take a very equal role in raising their kids
they also have a very close-knit community to help them out. Kyoshi island has such an emphasis on community. there's always someone to help out. their kids are taken care of in equal part by their parents and the larger island community
this strong community is a major reason why they end up with so many kids. they have the support system around them to do so
Suki gets pregnant again when the girls are 3 and 2, and has another little girl that they name Umari
time passes peacefully
Umari shows waterbending abilities right after her second birthday. a bit unexpected but not totally surprising
around this time Sokka and Suki decide to move to the southern water tribe for a time, to help Umari harness her waterbending
and at this point Suki decides it's time to hand over her mantel of leadership to another very capable warrior. she can't very well lead them if she's living in the south pole
it's a very bittersweet moment for her. she's adored leading the Kyoshi warriors. she'll always be a Kyoshi warrior, of course, just not the leader anymore. she's sad to leave them, but at the same time she's in a new phase of life at this point, and focused on being a mother
and before anyone says any kind of bullshit about Suki giving up her career for motherhood, i want to emphasize that that's not a bad thing, when it's the woman's choice. being a mother is important work. Suki was not forced to give up her career to be a mother; she was successful at being both for a while. but she chose to give up her position as leader for the benefit of her daughter learning waterbending in the SWT
and in the SWT she still works. there's always plenty to do
soon after their move she and Sokka welcome their fourth daughter, who is named Kyiasa
and then Hakoda decides he wants to retire as chief
Sokka, as his son, is technically next in line
and Sokka loves his tribe. he's happy to serve as their chief for a few years and help rebuild
so they stay in the SWT for a while
during this time they welcome two more babies, both girls. Akedi, born three years after Kyiasa, and Kanna, two years after Akedi
Gran-Gran Kanna passes away right before Kanna 2 is born, which is where she gets her name
Kanna also happens to be a waterbender as well! Oh yeah and Kyiasa is an earthbender, which absolutely nobody was expecting. Apparently Suki had some earthbending ancestry she never knew about
eventually though, Sokka decides to step down as chief as well. his family is still growing, and he wants to be present for their childhood
with the SWT more stable, the family decides to move back to Kyoshi
one of the first things they do when they get back? have another baby lol
they welcome their first son: baatar
at this point, with the kids getting older, it allows them to do more traveling
they spend time on Kyoshi, time in the SWT, time in the Fire Nation, time in Ba Sing Se, time in Republic City
the kiddos all love traveling
and of course, Sokka and Suki are still having more babies. they're wonderful parents, they love their kids, and Suki has a relatively easy time with pregnancy and childbirth. why not?
again, the emphasis on community. it's only through this supportive community they are able to have all these kids
they welcome more kids: Senna, Iknik, and Kio
at this point Sokka and Suki are in their late thirties. when Suki goes years without getting pregnant again, they assume they're done having kids, and get happily settled as a family of 12
life goes on
then, five years after Kio's birth, Suki finds herself unexpectedly pregnant again. wild
they happily prepare for their eleventh baby
but life has one last surprise for them
omfg i've run out of room. to be continued!!!!
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paradoxiii · 10 months
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So yesterday I spent a bunch of time recreating D&D characters in BG3 (after having downloaded a bunch of cc mods)
FYI I wasn't paying attention & didn't actually change Evie's stats/proficiencies/etc. to mimic her actual character sheet before taking the screenshot, but everyone else's info is as close to "canon" as I could get them.
1) Brenworne Flashwing - High Elf, Fighter (Eldritch Knight), Noble. I used her for a campaign in college that only had a couple sessions. One of my ironic characters (a high elf from a noble family but she slings around a big axe & hates nobility). I'd like to reuse her one day.
2) Carla - Hill Dwarf, Bard (College of Lore), Entertainer. Used in a completed campaign with friends from high school! She originally didn't have a beard but partway through the campaign I was like "she only shaves once it starts getting annoying to deal with" so she ended up with a bit of a beard.
3) Ebony Way - Tiefling, Fighter. Used in a two-shot modern campaign held over Roll20! Here she doesn't really look very close to "canon" at all but I originally designed her on Hero Forge. Another ironic character (tiefling fighter but she's sweet & kind & wears pastel clothes).
4) Evie - Changeling (usually disguised as human), Sorcerer (Death Touched), Haunted One. Also used in a two-shot campaign with college friends! And also another ironic character (Death Touched & Haunted but wears a pretty white dress and make her hair pink).
5) Isil - Half-Elf (half human, half high elf), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline - Black)/Rogue (Thief), Charlatan. Not yet used & one of the rare characters that actually has a fair bit of backstory already. Also her scales usually only look like purple makeup & become black scales when she's using magic. No particular campaign preference, she's just kind of a fugitive & a mercenary.
6) Kallisto - Tiefling, Druid (Circle of Stars)/Rogue (Swashbuckler), Sailor (Pirate). The newest edition to my roster & not yet used! She also has a fair bit of backstory; ideally I'd like to use her in a campaign that starts with all the player characters having amnesia since that's where my backstory for her ends, but I can always adjust.
7) Qelira - Water Genasi, Ranger, Charlatan. Used in one campaign in college that only had like one or two sessions, then reused for another campaign that was technically also a redo of another more modern campaign. Qelira is my ADHD gremlin child & I'd like to use her again someday
8) Singe - Tiefling, Warlock. Not yet used. Her patron is a celestial being that actually made a pact with Singe's mother while she was pregnant with her. She died in childbirth & the patron raised Singe themself. I'm not sure how exactly I would fit her into a campaign, as I'm not sure why she would leave her patron. Something to discuss with the DM should I end up in a campaign that I'd like to use her for.
9) Vhinn Do'mtor - Air Genasi (child of a drow and a djinn), Rogue (Thief)/Sorcerer (Shadow Magic), Urban Bounty Hunter. Used in a campaign in college that fizzled out in "season 2". Part of me wants to reuse her one day, but I also don't think I could; she's kinda attached to that particular world in my mind. I did, however, make an alternate version of her where her mother never left the Underdark & thus Vhinn was born full drow (and named Vhana for the sake of differentiation). Her mother, Chalnitra, never liked drow society or Lolth & raised her child in the hopes that she might one day leave. Vhana, despite becoming a Cleric of Lolth (she is still a shadow magic Sorcerer as well, she gets that from her mother regardless of who her father was), does leave the Underdark. I imagine there would be some tension between her & other part members, & she wouldn't blame them for not trusting her. Regardless, who knows how long she can keep calling on Lolth's power before the goddess rejects her for turning her back on everything the drow stand for...
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jestiamy · 1 year
#responding to gloomy; 23 24 #1 #2 #3 #4 for the oc ask game since. oc was not specified I'm going to choose who I answer for what based on how interesting I think the answer will be
23: venera is stupidly loyal. 'how is that a flaw' you ask me. I say she takes it to the point it somehow is, in fact, a genuine character flaw. if she likes you and you say, hey man if I ever start going crazy and killing people you're joining me right? as like a joke or whatever. she goes yeah sure! in that way she says literally everything that kind of makes it hard to tell if she's being serious. only for you to find out several years later she in fact does have a very detailed plan of what she would do in the event you both are going evil, and it mostly goes 'fuck stuff up, vary depending on the brand of evil.' -- I guess if I put her in the linear lmk timeline she'd be an antagonist because of how I'd play with that, actually. / she's pretty honest, actually. well, for the most part. in the somewhat evil antagonist linear lmk au that's probably mostly her 'canon' setting she's probably not very honest most of the time. she's also actually physically really strong, despite shapeshifters not getting 'all' of the power of their source, even a fraction of unknown amount of macaque is like, several times the power of the average demon. she does not look this strong whatsoever, this is really helpful in the event of an actual fight as literally no one expects her to be able to throw even a proper punch (mostly because she can't. she just kicks stuff and hopes that's enough. it usually is.) 24: Makya is actually the only oc I have that had a serious plotline around that, as his father passes away in the summer of 1955 (around there, anyways. sometimes he dies in the winter of 1946 because I give makya a brother but that's a crossover au and so we are pointedly not talking about it) mostly he just kind of walled himself off after. became a bit of a globe trotter. basically dissociated for ten years straight. it's a bit of a ride but he was freshly immortal so he was kind of coming to terms with that too, in normal circumstances he just tends to isolate himself more. 1*: oh yeah sure, like all of them - makya has skulls, light has all consuming darkness (and spiderwebs), v has general fluidity, ch'en has the ouroboros/the circle, hong has, oddly enough, crosses, gongdai has clocks, I could keep going but I occasionally repeat themes a few times over sometimes. *taking motif to mean like, a central part of them and their journey and a representative of that. some being more literal then others 2: none of my characters have voice claims. literally none. except, of course, light, who has a stupidly distorted sans undertale voice beeps that come out whenever they talk. think error sans in underverse. they are the literal only one. I generally struggle with voice claims and don't like having to do it so I typically don't 3: indoor: default for all my ocs. outdoor: karius, makya, hong, jianwei. neutral: light, venera 4: venera has a hobby of watching people. an unfortunate hold over from when she was looking for a base like, several hundred years ago. she didn't really try to kick it. light talks to the voices in their head (the hypothetical tumblr ask blog mentioned in the tags of this post). the voices in their head generally ask stupid things, like wow why are you in this weird creepy void light, why don't you have clothes light, why are we here light, etc. it's not very fun for light, mostly because they don't really have answers. the voices don't need to know that though. jianwei melodramatically stands in the rain and wonders how his life devolved into where it is now in his spare time. makya does not have spare time and he generally prefers it that way.
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