tulliok · 4 days
Rare little MLP rant from me incoming. (I don't like talking about my opinions on the show too much.)
I'm getting really fed up with a "debate" that keeps popping up every month in MLP's online fandom regarding the character, Cozy Glow, and how the show ended her storyline. The discourse is specifically about if her actions and motivations warranted her being sentenced to what is the equivalent of capital punishment in a children's show. 
This shouldn't even be a conversation.? Why are fans so eager to subscribe to the show's logic that a child character is irredeemable and evil and deserves to be punished that way? Like, are these fans not seeing the issue with a children's show about friendship and redemption having a storyline like this in the first place? Especially in the season that is literally about a friendship school.
The entire concept is the problem. It's ok to admit that as a fan. Watching the show's protagonists gleefully punish a young child is distasteful. Reading threads and think pieces on why it's actually ok is gross.
I have so so so many issues with season 8-9 but I'm really only willing to talk about it if I am asked about it.
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obscenicon · 6 months
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the girls are snugglingggg!!!
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j-em-g · 1 year
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Oh and I drew this because I dreamed of this movie for no reason days ago haha
These two are very very adorable. Very tiny, yet very fierce.🗡🗡🔫
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You are the daughter of an angelic faerie and an elven king. You have grown up inside the only magical safe-haven of an increasingly apocalyptic land outside. You have wanted for nothing, essentially leading the perfect life, suffering and death playing little role beyond the abstract. Your father will never die, and your mother will never leave, but for tradition you are still crown princess and are educated as such. You love to dance and to sing.
You meet some kind of monster inside your mother's borders, a monster not of her or your making. It stumbled across you, dancing in the forest, bloody and travel-worn and weary and wide-eyed as it stares. You are stronger than it, but you run rather than lunge for the kill. You feel pity, more than fear. And something about him makes the part of you that you inherited from your mother sing.
He tries to follow you, for a year and a day. You are stronger, and faster, and stealthier, and you let him see you sometimes anyways. You are not convinced that he is not a monster, but nor are you convinced that he is.
Spring blooms again to the tune of your song, and you let him get closer than before until you run.
But you hear him speak for the first time. He is a speaker, and perhaps to him you are the monster. You do not run, and you do not kill.
He calls you "Tinuviel"
He calls you nightingale- a little songbird, plain and brown, with a lovely voice. They are your mother's creation, but he does not know this.
He calls you daughter of twilight- perhaps for your skin and eyes and hair, but perhaps because that is when he has seen you most.
He calls you singer- creator of the very fabric of the universe, skilled enough to deserve the title.
You are the most beautiful creature the world will ever see, the daughter of an angel and a king. He does not call you beautiful, or angelic, or princess. He calls you a singer, plain and brown, dark and distant as the approaching night.
He is bloody and travel-worn and weary and wide-eyed as you dare to step closer.
He called you nightingale.
You don't know what to call him, but you hope to find out.
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psychojetcocktail · 2 months
Stupid whiteboard stuff from last night with my friend :P
LOTS more under the cut vv
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khaopybara · 1 month
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❝What's your role in a bar?❞
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mabaris · 3 months
“men are always willing to believe two things about a woman: one, that she is weak, and two, that she finds him attractive.”
truly insane to have a character say this and then make them actually attracted to men in any capacity. btw.
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Clearing up a very recurring misunderstanding:
The Shirai Ryu was NOT built using Harumi's clan!
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"Also incensed by Bi-Han’s betrayal, Harumi agreed to help me forge a new clan. One that would stand against him and defend Earthrealm.
Her aid proved invaluable. And as time went on, we grew closer."
The Shirai Ryu was built from the ground by Kuai and Tomas WITH HARUMI'S HELP, she did not give away her clan, Kuai did not use her clan as foundation for his and they did not merge their clans.
Harumi's clan still exists and it's NOT the Shirai Ryu!
Every time her clan is brought up, it's either to say Harumi gave up on it or that Kuai took advantage of their relationship and took it for himself. And ultimately is used as an excuse to shit on the Kuairumi ship. And I'm tired of seeing these takes being spread all over when they are so clearly FAKE and so easily DEBUNKED by a 2 minutes vídeo.
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alisscared · 5 months
I don’t watch 9-1-1 but my bestie is a a bucktommy shipper which means I am one too. Bucktommy forever
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moongothic · 5 months
You think Crocodile's gonna blow his stack when he finds out how shitty Luffy's upbringing was? His baby boy repeatedly got tossed into the jungle to fend for himself against wild animals, as well as off cliffs and left to float into the fucking air on balloons all courtesy of Garp. He got left alone for long periods of time possibly as early as infancy, also cuz of Garp. And oh yeah, he was tortured by pirates, almost burned to death in a giant garbage fire, and went through the trauma of losing a brother.
Like, no matter how stern or distant of a parent Crocodile may be, I don't think he would be content to stand by and let any of that happen to baby Luffy. Also also, Crocodile witnessed firsthand Garp impeding Luffy's attempts to rescue Ace. The Cross Guild wants Garp for his bounty. Crocodile wants Garp for REVENGE.
With Garp I feel like it could go either way because like, let's be real for a second
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This is 100% played for laughs.
Like if we're being serious then yes, in the Very Real World this is absolutely child neglect and abuse, Garp's parenting would NEVER fly (🥁) in our Very Real World. But just like Nami can physically abuse Luffy and co for laughts and get away with it, Garp's "training" is very much the same tonally, a Cartoon Slapstick Gag (made even more obvious when Toei animated Baby Luffy flying off into the sky going "UGYAAAAA" (that clip lives in my head rent free it's so funny??)) and a reflection of how this ridiculous old man (who might've been through even more ridiculous training in his childhood) views how a small child can be trained.
And so like. I could imagine Crocodile being like "who the fuck does that to a small child, are you insane" at Garp if he found out how Garp had been raising Luffy, but I think whatever reaction Crocodile might have would be played just as much for laughs as Garp's original comments were
Like IDK if Crocodile and Garp did have a relationship I think it would end up being similar to how Zoro and Sanji interact. Like Crocodile would to some degree be indebted to Garp because Garp did look after his son when he couldn't, and Garp wouldn't have a precious grandson (whom Garp sincerely does love, deeply) without Crocodile, so like. I think there could be like this mutual respect and gratitude for the other. But also it'd be kind of a begrudging gratitude and they would also hate each others guts and what they stand for and probably bicker. Lots. But in a funny way. (Like Zoro and Sanji)
Also I feel like even if Crocodile personally hated Garp's guts I don't think Crocodile would ever try anything to harm Garp. Like he saw how Luffy absolutely shattered after losing Ace, so even if Luffy and Garp's relationship wasn't the strongest, if Luffy loves his grandpappy then I don't think Crocodile would want to take his son's only grandfather, his family, away. Crocodile isn't in any kind of position to "take revenge" on the man who did look after his son for him (even if his methods were questionable at times) (Same for Dadan and the bandits too arguably)
The convenient thing of me letting this ask sit in my ask box for 20 days before actually responding is that I managed to post this thing the other day, and I want to continue an observation from that post; While I do agree Crocodile would probably be horrified to find out about all shit Luffy went through as a child... In the end, what's happened has happened, and I think Crocodile might believe that if he had wanted to ensure his son wouldn't have to go through things like that, then he should've raised the child himself. That Luffy's childhood not being all sunshine and rainbows is kind of his fault.
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
you know I never really set out to write meta or character analysis (cause writing is hard) but if you ask me about women I just must make a huge two part essay and research everything I can about them.
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blenderenvy · 2 years
I love you irredeemable villains
I love you ugly villains impossible to sexualize
I love you villains who don't give a fuck about anyone else
I love you villains who has a good childhood
I love you villains who are capitalist
I love you lil jack horner
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I love problematic horrific villains who disregard others for the sake of money, because they are the most true to life of all villains
We don't all have tragic backstories sometimes people just suck
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Problematic Ship Tournament: Round 1, Match 1
Ever Given: You know her, you love her, you submitted her more than any other ship - the Ever Given was the cause of the famous 2021 Suez Canal obstruction and remained stuck there for almost a week, bringing canal traffic to a halt and costing billions of dollars in trade.
Felicity Ace: A cargo ship designed for transporting cars, it gained problematic status when it caught fire in mid-February of 2022 with thousands of expensive and high-end vehicles on board. The crew abandoned ship and the Felicity Ace drifted without control for about a week before tugboats reached it. The ship sank after another week.
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mika-loverjoy · 1 year
Lando: Daniel you can't keep saying "enchanté" whenever you have a mid-life crisis
Daniel: well then you can't say "it is what it is" every time something emotionally scarring happens to you
Lando: Listen-
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softerhaze · 2 years
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leafy-m · 2 months
So I finally started playing the Great Ace Attorney game and I love it so far. Ryunosuke's adorable, KAZUMA is something else. (Those gazes!! Hot damn) I'm genuinely upset I haven't seen more fanart of him on my dash, because holy shit. I've seen so much fanart for the Sherlock Holmes guy-- sorry, Herlock Sholmes (?? I haven't run into him in-game yet. Still dueling Swan Lady Ms Brett), but I can't remember ever seeing any Kazuma art. Outrageous.
Anyway this is my one-minute warning before I attack and reblog everything in the tags.
Update: fineeeeee, I will attack the tags and reblog all the fanart after I finish the games 😭 darn you spoilers. 😔
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