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eclipsinstar · 4 months ago
task #001: os interrogatórios.
12 de julho de 2024
Era cedo quando Hana entrou na delegacia, os olhos castanhos varrendo o local em busca de um rosto conhecido e, ao não encontrar nenhum colega da Kappha Phi, supôs que seria a primeira infeliz a dar depoimento no dia. Ela suspirou, lançando um olhar para o advogado ao seu lado, que se encontrava lá por insistência de Jin, seu marido. Apenas uma precaução, ele dissera, pois temia que os policiais ou o nervosismo levassem Hana a dizer algo que a comprometesse. Não que ele acreditasse que ela tinha alguma culpa no acidente de Fiona, tampouco que estivesse envolvida no assassinato do presidente da fraternidade. Oh, não, nada disso. O medo de Jin residia na possibilidade de ela abrir a boca para contar o quão alterada estava naquela noite há nove anos atrás, ao ponto nem sequer ter certeza o do que havia visto e o que não passara de alucinação. Essa informação não só a colocaria como suspeita do crime, como causaria uma mancha na imagem da família perfeita que se esforçaram tanto para manter.
Hana foi afastada de seus pensamentos por um policial que a abordou para conduzi-la em direção a sala onde aconteceria o interrogatório. Ao adentrar no cômodo, deparou-se com o delegado sentado a esperar por si, então ela sentou na cadeira oposta a ele, enquanto o advogado tomou o assento ao seu lado.
" — Bom dia, senhora Lee. " Desprat a cumprimentou, alternando o olhar para o colega de trabalho dele que a conduzira até a sala e que agora tirava um bloquinho de notas do bolso de trás. Antes de voltar a falar, o delegado já direcionava sua atenção para Hana outra vez. " — Antes de começarmos as perguntas, gostaria de um copo de café, chá..? Posso mandar alguém buscar para a senhora. " ele ofereceu, com um sorriso, indicando com um gesto o policial que entrara por último na sala. Uma gentileza ensaiada, Hana reconhecia muito bem, a intenção, no entanto, fugia do seu conhecimento. Talvez uma maneira de fazer com ela se sentisse à vontade? Bom, não havia surtido efeito, pois ela se mexeu inquieta no assento antes de respondê-lo.
" — Não, obrigada. Eu tomei café antes de vir. " negou, educadamente, devolvendo o sorriso que lhe fora oferecido. Uma mentira, não havia ingerido nada desde ontem, o nervosismo embrulhava seu estômago ao ponto de perder o apetite. Algo lhe dizia que não seria a única mentira que contaria naquela manhã. " — Certo. Vamos começar, então. " o delegado declarou, o sorriso dele esmaecendo, o tom de voz e a feição adquirindo certa seriedade. Antes de continuar, ele consultou rapidamente os papéis em suas mãos.
" Onde você estava na data da morte de Victor? "
" — Hum... Viajei de Paris para Des Moines, isso de manhã. Não me recordo o horário ao certo, desculpe. Passei a tarde no meu apartamento, no centro da cidade, e à noite compareci a uma confraternização da empresa com Jin, meu marido. Depois, voltei com ele para o apartamento e voltamos para Paris no dia seguinte. " Hana respondeu, de forma calma e direta, sem dar muitos detalhes. A bem a verdade, não se recordava muito do que havia feito naquela tarde, provavelmente fora mais um dia entediante como tantos em sua vida. Ela só esperava que isso não abrisse brechas para suspeitas por parte da polícia. Para a sua sorte, a resposta parecia ter sido o suficiente para Baptiste mover para a próxima pergunta.
" Você o conhecia? Como era a relação de vocês? "
" — Seria impossível estar na Kappha Phi e não conhecer Victor. Então, sim, eu o conhecia. Sobre a nossa relação... Erámos só colegas, eu acho? " ponderou ela, revisitando memórias antigas que os envolviam, não conseguindo encontrar nenhum momento que evidenciava que um dia foram mais do que dois conhecidos que se davam bem. Agora, depois do desfecho trágico de Victor, e movida por alguma curiosidade mórbida, Hana desejou ter sido mais próxima dele. " — Eu não o conhecia tão bem quanto outros membros da fraternidade, mas vivíamos sob o mesmo teto, a convivência era tranquila e conversamos algumas vezes em ocasiões diferentes. " concluiu, com crispar de lábios e um leve erguer de ombros.
" Você sabia que Victor estava investigando a vida das pessoas que integravam a Kappa Phi na data do acidente de Fiona? Alguma vez foi procurado por ele? "
" — Não, não sabia que eu estava sendo investigada por Victor. " respondeu com um riso soprado, como se a ideia fosse absurda. Tratava-se, no entanto, de uma meia-verdade. A informação da investigação feita por Victor havia sido compartilhada na coletiva de imprensa do caso, então o advogado de Hana a alertara para possibilidade do nome dela estar no meio da lista de suspeitos do falecido. Ela só poderia se indagar qual informação Victor tinha sobre si para incluí-la naquilo, talvez ele pudesse preencher lacunas vazias em sua memória a respeito do fatídico dia. Novamente, desejou ter sido mais próxima dele enquanto ele ainda estava vivo. " — E, não, Victor nunca me procurou. Também duvido que ele os meios para me contatar, não nos falamos desde a época da faculdade e, nesse meio tempo, troquei de número e mudei de e-mail. "
" — Você sabe o que aconteceu no dia do acidente de Fiona? Acha que foi apenas um acidente? "
Com o olhar baixo, observando um ponto qualquer na mesa a sua frente, Hana ainda divagava sobre as informações que Victor podia ter quando o delegado proferiu a mesma pergunta que ouvira nove anos atrás. Os olhos castanhos ergueram-se imediatamente, encarando Baptiste e, logo em seguida, focaram no advogado que se pôs a falar pela primeira vez. " — Minha cliente foi chamada para dar depoimento a respeito do caso Victor Dagoty, não do acidente de Fiona. De qualquer forma, a sra. Lee, na época conhecida como srta. Kwon, já compartilhou o que sabia sobre o ocorrido há nove anos atrás. " o homem declarou, impassível, virando para Hana no mesmo instante para tranquilizá-la: " — Não precisa responder isso. " por mais que fosse uma sugestão, Hana teve a impressão que se tratava de uma ordem. Ao seu ver, seria suspeito evitar a pergunta ao invés de repetir a mesma mentira contada no passado. Então, com um suspiro seguido por um sorriso fraco, ela encarou o delegado outra vez. " — Está tudo bem, eu vou responder. Não sei ao certo o que aconteceu com Fiona, assim como o maioria eu exagerei um pouco na bebida. Em algum momento dei falta do meu celular, subi no segundo andar em direção ao meu quarto e ouvi o barulho que parecia um tiro. Eu entrei no cômodo, tranquei a porta e esperei até ter certeza de que era seguro para sair. Depois me disseram que encontraram Fiona... imóvel. " suspirando, deixou cair os ombros. Quantas vezes teria que contar a mentira até que ela se tornasse verdade? Exausta, Hana se permitiu ser totalmente sincera ao responder a segunda pergunta: " — Não sei o que pensar, se foi um acidente ou não. Gosto de pensar que ninguém da fraternidade faria mal a ela, e que se fosse, de fato um crime, o responsável seria um dos desconhecidos que compareceram a festa naquela noite, mas... Talvez eu estivesse errada, você disse que o Victor estava investigando membros da Kappha Phi. "
" Acha que Victor tinha motivos para desconfiar que alguém tinha causado o acidente? "
" — Como eu disse, nunca acreditei que um membro da Kappha Phi seria responsável pelo acontecido com Fiona. Isto é, até hoje. Não sei o que Victor descobriu, ou pensou ter descoberto, para suspeitar dos meus colegas. Talvez ele tivesse certo, talvez não... Não tenho como saber. " deu de ombros, sentindo o olhar de repreensão do advogado sobre si. Era a segunda vez que Hana hesitava e não descartava logo de cara a possibilidade de Victor estar certo, embora tivesse sido instruída a não dar nenhum pouco de credibilidade para a investigação dele. Segundo o advogado, quanto mais a mulher contribuísse para a fama de Victor de paranoico e obcecado, melhor. Porém, ela decidiu que lidaria com a consequências disso depois.
" Qual motivo ele tinha para achar que você estava envolvido? "
" — Também queria saber, para ser sincera. " disse ela, pensativa, com um suspiro e um arquear de sobrancelhas enquanto as costas encontravam o encosto da cadeira. Hana realmente queria saber, não estava mentindo a respeito disso. Victor podia ser a chave para preencher as lacunas da sua memória e diferençar o que era real ou não. Bom, agora não tinha como saber. A não ser, é claro, que o responsável por aquela carta tivesse a par das investigações do ex-presidente da Kappha Phi, mas Hana estava incerta se encontraria respostas com essa pessoa. Quem quer que fosse o remetente, não parecia estar disposto a nada além de vingança.
" Você foi procurado por Victor nos últimos anos? "
" — O senhor já não fez essa pergunta? " rebateu, com um franzir de cenhos. Não se tratava de um déjà vu, disso tinha certeza, mas por que o delegado estava batendo de novo nessa tecla? Estranho, pensou. " — De qualquer forma, não, Victor não me procurou. Se o fez, não chegou ao meu conhecimento. " Hana declarou com firmeza, fazendo uma nota mental de checar a caixa de entrada do seu antigo e-mail para sanar a curiosidade que o oficial havia despertado em relação a essa questão. Logo em seguida, Dr. Baptiste deu por finalizado o interrogatório, dizendo que poderia entrar em contato no futuro. Hana e o advogado despediram-se do homem e deixaram o local rumo ao seu apartamento, onde provavelmente remoeriam o que havia sido dito.
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months ago
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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itsscaredycat · 2 months ago
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the triangle obtains a mortal human body! and depth perception!
edit: AU created by @/waty_mot and @/LosanPostle on twitter!
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lowkeiloki · 6 months ago
guys can you BELIEVE my professors rejected this illustration of litle sharks for my college project i am devastated
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atalana · 8 months ago
the curse of adhd:
i will remember with absolute clarity, when the thought strikes me that i have a text to send someone, that this is the fourth time in three days i've attempted to send this specific text
i will forget, in the time it takes me to pick up my phone, that i picked it up intending to send a text
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mrnargle · 1 year ago
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whenever my program freezes
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etherealspacejelly · 11 months ago
me when the disability disables me: oh what the fuck? this sucks. what the hell man!
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tickfleato · 1 year ago
funniest adhd thing is when you're like ugh. doing this simple task would be too hard. guess i'll do a difficult one instead
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lxvvie · 28 days ago
Simon who married your family when he married you.
He wasn't used to it, the open affection your relatives showered him with. He would die before he admitted it, but he was nervous as shit when he first met them. First impressions sometimes created lasting impressions and he didn't want you to feel torn if shit went left.
And then he met them and "Welcome to the family!" That's the first thing that your mother said when meeting him. Okay.
"Well sit down, baby. We don't bite none," is what your grandmother greeted him with. Sure, why not.
And then it snowballed from there.
He'd never been one for pet names. Didn't really care for 'em until you came along, but every time your grandmother calls him Baby he melts. He bloody fuckin' melts. A huge puddle of goo. Simon realizes why you're so protective of her and he becomes the same way, too. He's her Baby and she's his Girl. He doesn't make the rules, he only enforces them. You can only roll your eyes and shake your head as your grandmother gleefully continues to indulge his sweet tooth.
Your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings weren't any better, calling him Son, Brother, Nephew, Cousin and similar, clapping his back, including him in things, inquiring about his wellbeing, and bloody fuckin' hell Simon realizes he actually has a family now whether he likes it or not.
It didn't truly hit him until you two wed and your parents, your mom with tears in her eyes and your father beaming with pride, declared that they had a new son to love.
A new son. A new brother. A new nephew. A new cousin. A new baby.
A new family all his own.
And fuck if Simon didn't feel the lump forming in his throat.
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khioneee · 29 days ago
simon knew it was over the moment he realized just how freaky you are.
simon knew he was massive—he always had.
it was a quiet fear that followed him, the thought that if he lost control for even a moment, he might hurt you. his touch was always careful, deliberate.
his hands were wrapped around your neck, not tight, but gentle—just enough to feel the pulse beneath your skin. his thumbs rested softly against your throat, his grip light, careful not to leave a mark. but when you started frantically grinding your hips against his, rolling your body in desperate need, everything shifted.
a low, guttural noise rumbled from his throat as his body responded on instinct. without meaning to, his hands tightened, gripping your neck for leverage as you moved against him. he froze for a second, startled by his own strength. but then—
it happened.
you clenched tighter around him, your head falling back as a broken moan escaped your lips. you were crying out, completely undone, lost in the moment. your hips bucked harder, desperate for more, and it hit him like a bolt of lightning:
you liked it rough.
you, his innocent, angelic girl — the one with soft smiles and bright eyes, the one who blushed at the smallest touch — had been hiding it all along.
he stared at you, stunned, as you begged with your body, your innocent exterior cracking to reveal the wicked, burning desire beneath. his angel wasn't just soft and sweet
—you were freaky.
a low growl rumbled in his chest as he leaned in, the ghost of a grin tugging at his lips. “you've been holding out on me, haven't you, lovie?” he murmured, his voice dark with amusement and something far more dangerous.
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tame-the-lion-writes · 1 month ago
“… Sweetheart, when was the last time you went into heat?”
“I mean, I’ve— I’ve always been on suppressants, so—“
“That’s not a date, love.”
You swallow hard, looking at the cement floor of the makeshift safe house. You were supposed to be home by now, to have access to all your meds—but no. You were here. Out in enemy territory, holed up with the rest of your team.
Your otherwise all alpha team.
Well. Shit.
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sigh-tofm · 11 days ago
when they come home drunk…
… price
- thinks it’s important that he loudly tells you he’s married while you steady him upstairs to bed. points to his ring incessantly, slurs on and on about his perfect wonderful wife with the big ass and soft tummy. you roll your eyes and can’t help but smile when he doesn’t let you hold on to his arm to support him. something about protecting his virtue for his wife, as if you’re not standing right beside him. proceeds to lock you out of your own bedroom when you finally get upstairs, telling you his wife will be home soon so he can’t have a strange woman in their bedroom (but still remarks on your wonderful ass). you decide it’s too early in the morning to persuade your drunk husband to let you in, so you go down to sleep on the couch. you wake up with price sleeping soundly on the floor beside you, having gone to find his wife when she never showed up in his bed the night before.
… kyle
- gets sappy and apologises for being away. loses all concept of time when he’s drunk, says he’s sorry, he didn’t mean to be away so long, he was thinking of you the whole time, the guys pulled him along and he couldn’t say no. while he’s on his knees at your feet, pressing his face to your thighs and mumbling into your marbled skin, almost making you lose your balance with his fervent apologies, you gently remind him that you were the one who made him go out with the boys because he needed to unwind after a stressful weekend of combat drills, and that he had left with them less than two hours ago. he refuses to hear and only hugs your thighs closer, so much so that you have to support yourself on the wall. turns out all he needed to relax was you.
… johnny
- is horny. almost starts drooling when he eyes you at the top of the stairs, after struggling to close the entrance door for a good minute, causing you to investigate what made all the noise. gets a wild look in his eyes when he sees you in just his t-shirt and makes you scream and giggle as he chases you back up the stairs and to the bedroom. being absolutely shitfaced, he has the coordination of a tranquillised moose and stumbles head over heels across the floor, catches his foot on the doorway and narrowly misses the edge of the dresser with his head as he falls. still, his little soldier is courageously tenting his pants when you worriedly lean over him and he gets a good look right into the collar of your shirt.
… simon
- is emotional and clingy. can’t get enough of you, won’t leave you alone. you can’t make out half his words when he’s had this much to drink (and the mancunian in him breaks out too, making it ever harder to make out the words), but you play along, smile and nod and let him sit on the closed toilet seat and talk and talk while you do your night routine in front of the mirror. so lucky to have you, luv. how could’a lug like me get a pretty one like you, luv. his melancholy statements of love become comfortable background noise for you as you remove your makeup and apply moisturiser. lets you wash the sweat and grime of the day off his face with a washcloth, closes his eyes while you massage your floral-scented moisturiser into his skin, never once stopping his little speech. ambles after you out of the bathroom, holding on to the hem of your shirt, when you’re all finished and ready for bed. his devoted mutters only let up when be falls asleep next to you.
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i-love-you-just-the-same · 20 days ago
bear hybrid! price who stalks around your house at night, protecting you from whatever else might be lurking in the woods. you don't know that he is of course, but you should be more thankful when he shuts and locks your windows when you're asleep. occasionally you see him lumber on the edge of the forest, minding his own. he doesn't want to scare you, but he wants you to admire him, too.
wolf hybrid! simon that follows you everywhere (from a distance and he rarely lets you touch him). you were frightened at first of the big bad wolf, but when he takes you away from snakes and other dangers in the woods you learn to leave out some scraps for him. (he sleeps on your front step. won't enter the house yet.)
fox hybrid! johnny who regularly sneaks into your house to play in your blankets. the wildlife here is so friendly you're shocked, shouldn't they be frightened of you? however he sleeps under your bed and he's fine unless you try to kick him out. red fur is on everything, he seems unusually close to the wolf that looms around. loves scratches to the ears!
falcon hybrid! kyle who hovers in air around your house. he finds little trinkets for you and leaves them on your porch. he mostly hangs around price, but he will chirp greetings and steal bird feed from your feeders.
they protect you in different ways, trying to worm their way to your affections before they bed down in your abode for winter.
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haileys-out2 · 8 months ago
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I’ve been told to make this caption from one of my photos (yes this is me in the photo). I have no control over any of this, I’ve been told what tags to use and how long the post is to be pinned to the top of my page. 😥
The post is up for three months (until June 8) and I am scared about how long I’ll get!!
P-p-please be nice. I d-d-don’t want my life ruined!! 😭😭😭
Update. If this post hits 100 REBLOGS I have to get a larger plug and dildo.
Update 2. You are all mean (specially @count-alta with your 20-odd reblogs)😤😭😭 I now have to get a larger plug and dildo. If it gets to 300 REBLOGS then I have to make a Discord server to show that I am in fact wearing the cage and plug 😭😭😭😭 this is getting both out of control and expensive
Update 3. It hasn’t even been a week. 😢😢 I’ve been instructed to add note milestones. I’ve only been given a couple for now but more will be added if any of you suggest something my dominant likes.
Update 4. I’m back from a brief hiatus from Tumblr while I settled into a new job, and I discovered that this post really took off. I now have to make discord (coming soon) and I’ve been given a new Reblog MILESTONE. If this post reaches 500 Reblogs I will have to start HRT. If it hits 1000 Reblogs then I have to find a man to fuck me on camera 😭😭😭😭. Please be nice.
Update 5: whelp it’s done. My Discord server is live
1500 notes: I have to keep myself hairless from the nose down.
1700 notes: Make an Amazon Wishlist and add 100 toys and clothes for anyone to buy. Anyone who buys them will get a free show with what they bought
1800 notes: my hair must be grown out
2000 notes: I have to resume my BambiSleeps regimen
2500 notes: Practice deepthroating the current sized dildo twice a week
2750 notes: I now have listen to Bambi sleeps every morning, afternoon and night on my days off
3000 notes: Sit on a 7-inch dildo 2 times a week for 30 min
3250 notes: I have to start using she/her pronouns
3500 notes: I have start wearing a bra everyday
3750 notes: Use a large plug now
4000 notes: I have to start an OF (ManyVids and webcamming as well once I find a better living arrangement)
4250: I have to film myself suck cock
4500 notes: i can only ever cum from anal
5000 notes: I can only wear androgynous clothing. Nothing overtly masculine
5100 notes: Sit on an 8-inch dildo 3 times a week for 30 min
5400 notes: Listen to Bambisleep hypno every time I do anal
6000 notes: edge with a Hitachi magic wand for 30 once a week
6500 notes: start using a ball gag whenever I do anal
7100 notes: Once a week I have to film myself anal training and share it to the discord channel
8000 notes: Sit on a 9-inch dildo 4 times a week for 30 min
8500 notes: I must listen to ALL hypno that is sent to me
9000 notes: The Hitachi edging session becomes twice a week
12300 notes: Clicker train myself to get horny to the thought of cock
13200 notes: Use an XL plug now
13500 notes: Only use 10-inch toys from now on sit on it 6 times a week for 30 min, once a week use a 12+ inch toy
15000 notes: I have to get either bottom surgery or an orchiectomy
20000 notes: I have to be spit roasted
25000 notes: I have to be the center of a Blow Bang
32500 notes: I have to be the center of a Gangbang 😳😳😳
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Ghost: I cut my finger Y/N: I can kiss it so it'll get better Ghost: That works? Y/N: Yeah my mum used to do it when I was little *later* Ghost: I need you to punch me in the mouth Roach: Fucking finally
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lxvvie · 5 months ago
Simon 'I'm a bloody fuckin' gentleman' Riley
Simon who refuses to let you walk behind him. You're either in front or right beside him and never on the side closest to the street.
Simon who opens your car door and closes it after you get in.
Simon who puts gas in the car and refuses to let you handle it, especially when it's cold.
Simon who will go outside at night if you need to get something before winding down.
Simon who won't let you carry anything heavy even if you can do so.
Simon who won't let you put together or fix anything around the house.
Simon who's your escort around town if need be.
Simon who's the first to whip out his wallet. Complain all you fuckin' want, luv, he takes care of his.
Simon who makes sure everything is taken care of before leaving for deployment.
Simon who makes sure to check in with you every time he can because he knows you worry about him.
Simon who does all that and more because he's a bloody fuckin' gentleman. Your bloody fuckin' gentleman, and he wants your life to be as stress-free and easy as possible.
Simon who hits you with this look when he finds out you paid the tab instead of using the loo like you said you were going to:
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