#.abc hopeful
i-am-no-dam · 2 years
An .abc arrangement for The Lord of the Rings Online of “Khazad-dûm” from The Rings of Power, composed by Bear McCreary. You can download my McCreary-KhazadDum-SoloHarp-v1.abc from Google Drive!
Optimized for Basic Harp, but Lute of Ages and Misty Mountains Harp work OK. It relies heavily on tremolo effects to help the melody line sing, so it will especially suffer in lag.
Some “Westron” lyrics I wrote under the cut, plus my rambling “translation notes”.
So there are some oddities with the original lyrics of the Khazad-dûm theme. They... don’t exactly make sense. Like, RoP probably has its own variant of Neo-Khuzdul, but “Khazad-dûm” mostly seems like a mishmash of the very small number of attested Khuzdul words. It does include “Gabilgathol” (great fortress), “baruk Khazâd” (axes of the Dwarves), “kibil” (silver), “uzbadu baraz” (king of the red).
But what’s even stranger is that “Gabilgathol” features so prominently. Gabilgathol is the Khuzdul name of Belegost! Why are we singing about Belegost in Khazad-dûm’s theme?? (Yes, it translates to “great fortress”, and Khazad-dûm is technically a great fortress; but Khazad-dûm translates to “Dwarf-home”, and every single Dwarf mansion is technically a Dwarf-home. Should Nogrod’s theme be all about praising “Khazad-dûm”?)
So I thought about why Khazad-dûm’s theme would open with a reference to Belegost. And... there is a reason that makes sense. Not only that, but that reason is the real reason why Khazad-dûm grows explosively and becomes a truly great mansion in the Second Age, even before the partnership with Eregion -- i.e. when we first see it in The Rings of Power.
So I attempted to make new Dwarrowscholar Neo-Khuzdul lyrics, trying to keep the attested Khuzdul in the same places, and then translated that, with a lot of poetic license, to this song that a Dwarvish bard might have sung in the Second Age to weary refugees on the East Road:
Gabilgathol's shadow on your back, Bearing still Dwarvish chisels, Tumunzahar's shadow on your back, Bearing still Dwarvish axes,
Hark ahead to the Mountains, Dwarves of the West, Where the red sun shines on his crown! Durin's kingdom where silver shining flows, Let your hammers rest in his Dwarf-home!
Kheled-zâram, where he saw the stars, Not as Blue as your homeland, Still will bear all the volume of your tears, Salting cold Kibil-nâla.
Then quench your thirst and look upon the Gates, Standing open, and light within! Durin's kingdom where silver shining flows, Swing your picks and make it your Dwarf-home!
We are all one kin in his Dwarf-home!
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thefrsers · 2 months
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#they been knew
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ayo-edebiri · 26 days
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#I think Buck deserves Bobby to call him his son in front of him (insp by this gifset)
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daffi-990 · 3 months
Seeing comments on Facebook like “Buck was always a ladies man” or “he’s never shown any interest in guys before” is why this story arc is so important.
Bisexual people exist and so often get dismissed or told to pick a side or that they just can’t commit to being gay or some other shit.
Just because you show a preference to one gender doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to another.
And you don’t have to have your sexuality figured out at a certain age! It’s fluid! It changes! You could not discover something about yourself until you are away from toxic noise and finally are in a place where you feel safe.
I’m just .. I’m so thankful for Oliver and Tim and how they’re wanting to tell this story.
Especially Oliver.
He loves Buck so much and he sees the bi community and he wants to give them the best representation he can.
just yeah .. this story arc is important and Oliver is cradling it so gently in his hands because he knows how precious it is
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buckxtommy · 2 months
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flying lessons
@sunglassesmish made me think ab tommy w a chain & rings also, so here u go <3)
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bucksboobs · 27 days
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But no I’m not done explaining why this shit is hot homophobic garbage and anyone who reblogs it should be ashamed of themselves
Tommy reacted to Buck’s genuine show of vulnerability and fear and bid for connection with reciprocation. He opened up about his own father and his experiences with Gerrard.
It wasn’t “out of the blue” Buck said “we both have daddy issues” with a smirk on his face. He was flirting. He turned the conversation horny.
If your argument relies on ignoring half the actual lines in the scene, it’s just bad logic. You get an F in Media Analysis.
“I would have killed him with a gun” god Good Thing there’s not a well documented pattern of people killing gay men for flirting with them and getting away with it or that would read very poorly. Oh Wait.
“Poisonous” in reference to a gay man is just classic Lavender Scare rhetoric.
The whole vibe of acting like Buck, who again, was the one that first brought up daddy issues, is some passive observer being preyed upon by Tommy? Homophobia. Textbook homophobia.
Blocking anyone who calls you out is troll behavior but that doesn’t excuse the people that reblogged it uncritically. It especially doesn’t excuse the person that put it on my dash.
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maybesomethingunusual · 2 months
is this a safe space can i say this but i Love love the way tommy looks at buck please go back and rewatch all their moments and focus on his eyes and the way he listens to buck and look at him like he has decided to love buck forever that look he gives buck after they hugged at the bachelor party he looks at buck as if he’s saying “you’re so pretty i can stare at you forever” it’s not just me right
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
9-1-1 getting renewed before they finish filming means they don't have to try to wrap up everyone's story with a little bow like they did at the end of season 6 because they had no idea if they'd be back for a 7th season. They can write stories that span seasons if they want to!!
This is SO exciting.
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i-am-no-dam · 2 years
An .abc arrangement for The Lord of the Rings Online of “This Wandering Day” from The Rings of Power, composed by Bear McCreary. You can download my McCreary-WanderingDay-Duo-v1.abc from Google Drive!
You can play this with 1 or 2 characters. The “Lute of Ages Melody” line is here previewed on Lute of Ages, but you can use any plucked string you like. If you’re playing solo, you get a pretty simple, ‘naive’ arrangement without too many ornaments. Optionally, you can have a second character join with the “Basic Harp Accompaniment” (which, also, you can play on a different plucked string instrument if you like) which adds a little richer harmony.
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boasamishipper · 27 days
whoa can't believe the 8.01 title leaked already
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fireplceashes · 2 months
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a birthday gift for @ice-sculptures xoxo
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existenceisthis · 23 days
day thirty something thinking about the fact that apparently lou negotiated to take the first kissing scene from full on make out to something gentle since it's more in character for how he plays tommy
because lou finds tommy gentle and considerate because tommy never got to have that applied to himself 
because lou wants tommy to adore buck how buck deserves to be adored and not have lust steer the direction bucktommy are going together
because even lou knows tommy was seeking for permanence and while he was super into buck he was never going to push buck into anything he wasn't ready for
because tommy is the reliable and steady one, the one who knows you can't built anything long lasting on a whim or uncertainty or dishonesty
and when buck is honest about not knowing what he wants but wanting whatever it is with tommy, tommy says yes
because buck is gentle with him back, buck is considerate and seeking for permanence, too
just, you know, thinking about them
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bbbuckaroo · 1 month
Can I just make sure everyone noticed that Buck was getting an OVERNIGHT BAG, specifically a toiletry bag, ready in the locker room and solely by seeing that Bobby knew he was going to see Tommy? Not a date that he was getting gussied up for with the plan to return to his own place - an overnight. So he’d still have plenty of time to go to Tommy’s after talking to Eddie and not have not cancel which I’ve seen theorized. They’ll just make up for lost time in the morning 😏
I’m feeling a drabble coming from this. Oh damn, here we go.
By the time Buck got to Tommy’s it was pushing eleven. The text to Tommy about stopping by Eddie’s to drop something off and check-in wasn’t questioned, Tommy telling him to take his time and that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Wasn’t going anywhere. Those words resonated deep in Buck’s being, especially because, despite everything still being new, Buck believed him.
He opened the back door quietly with the key Tommy kept under the creepy gnome (“no one’s going to mess with him Evan.”), toeing off his shoes. The light over the oven had been left on, just enough to see the post-it on the orange countertop.
Pasta in the fridge for you, 45 seconds on high. ♡ T
Buck smiled, following the instructions to thoroughly enjoy the amazing bolognese which he’d thank Tommy for with breakfast in the morning. He was prepared for Tommy to tell him it wasn’t necessary and then he would shush a kiss and a, “well you’re getting it anyway.”
He quietly washed the container in the sink, placing it up on the drying rack before picking his bag back up and tip-toeing down the hallway. Making sure to shut the door before turning on the light, he pulled his toothbrush out, leaving his other toiletries by the shower. He used Tommy’s toothpaste, hesitating as to where to put his toothbrush. He put it back in his bag, for now.
Buck tugged on some shorts and a t-shirt, folding his other clothes up and carrying them down the rest of the hall. Tommy’s door was open a crack, enough to hear the white noise playing. Tommy told him early on that he couldn’t and never had slept in silence and Buck had no objections.
He placed his clothes on the dresser, sneaking around the bed to see an extra charger plugged in already. After he connected his phone he turned his attention to the large body-shaped lump on the other side. Not wanting to be like that chick from Paranormal Activity, he slipped into bed. Tommy was turned away from him, his broad shoulders rising and falling in sleep. Despite being disappointed in missing him awake that night, neither had to be up early. The thought had Buck doubting if he’d even be able to sleep with how much he was looking forward to it.
He didn’t want to disturb his boyfriend, his chest bursting with warmth at the word, he wondered if it ever wouldn’t. He hoped it didn’t. He slid his six foot plus frame under the covers as gracefully as he could but he quickly realized he shouldn’t have bothered. The moment his weight settled into the bed, there was a wave of dark, wild hair and miles of muscle washing over him.
Tommy’s arm went tight around his waist, his face finding the small of Buck’s neck like it had never left. Tommy’s nose bumped under his jaw, “hey you.” His voice was low and raspy, sending another kind of warmth through his body at the sound.
Buck replied quietly, “didn’t mean to wake you.”
Tommy shook his head, “wanted to when you got here.” He didn’t ask what time it was or pry for details, solely asking, “everything okay?”
Buck’s arm went around his shoulders, rubbing gently at Tommy’s back, “as it can be. Eddie’s, well …”
“Don’t have to tell me anything, s’between you two.” The consideration and trust Tommy had had Buck pressing a kiss to his forehead. Tommy hummed happily, fingers slipping just under the hem of Buck’s shirt but not venturing further. A couple quiet moments passed before Buck spoke.
“Bobby saw my bag and asked if I was coming to see you.” Tommy smiled against his neck.
“Nothing gets by that man does it?!”
Buck laughed, “nope.” He paused, fingers wandering into Tommy’s still damp hair. “Told me that you were good people. And that you were good for me.”
Tommy’s head rose, sleepy eyes meeting Buck’s as he replied, “he might have missed something there.”
Buck’s brows furrowed, Tommy leaning in to bump their noses together, “we’re good for each other.”
Buck beamed, happily returning the gentle kiss Tommy gifted him. It didn’t go past that, Tommy sneaking in one more before tucking himself back into him.
“Goodnight Evan.”
“Night Tommy.”
The morning brought more kisses, these a bit more leading than the ones the night before but still slow, sweet, waking Buck up from the inside out as their bodies reacquainted themselves eagerly. They did have time to make up for after all. Later, after Tommy brushed his damp hair back and kissed him again he told Buck he’d meet him in the kitchen when he was ready.
Buck’s parting words were, watching his brick house of a man slip out the door, “don’t you dare cook breakfast for me Kinard.”
An amused laugh, “no promises.” Buck rose soon there after, stretching with the delicious popping of his joints. He tugged on the clothes he had mysteriously lost upon waking, padding into the bathroom. Imagine his surprise when he found his toothbrush had moved.
Right next to Tommy’s.
Of note, I know that the firefighters bring a big backpack/duffel for their shifts but I wasn’t specific enough in saying that I think what Bobby noticed most was a toiletry bag (I tried to confirm it was what Buck had in his hands but couldn’t). Assuming they keep their toiletries there, as we’ve seen in multiple episodes, I’m guessing this is what Bobby noticed and said, hmm? Otherwise he wouldn’t have said anything. Or it’s just showbiz 😝
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dangerpronebuddie · 27 days
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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