#...this feels kinda ick to say on the internet-
shinyshade8026 · 13 days
that sounds silly,, /pos
I wore the tightest bra I own, paired with a baggy shirt
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
What this website really needs is a button that will allow me to filter all y/n content out of my feed so I don't ever have to see it because I absolutely can't stand it, my ass does not want to be in a relationship with my favorite characters my ass wants them to be dating each other
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novemberthewriter · 4 months
remember how i was working thru my thoughts on ownership/distribution of art the other day?
ive changed my mind abt deleting, if it's something you made and provided for free then i think you should have carte blanche to delete the shit if you get sick of it
idk why i still torture myself w reddit but the people on there have such a weird mean entitled attitude over people deleting fanfic. saw ppl saying things like 'it's a faux pax' 'you're disingenuous for pretending like you had nothing to do with fandom' 'you're an asshole if you take it away' 'something really serious needs to happen before you do something like that' etc and it all just gave me the ick. it feels almost culty like 'once you're in you CANNOT distance yourself you CANNOT renege on any ideas and Don't You Know It'll Never Really Be Gone From The Web Anyways?'
like, yeah, ofc the internet is forever -- which is precisely why it makes sense to let authors have what little demblance of control they can have over their work?
it just puts such a bad taste in my mouth because ive deleted shit before ao3 existed and after ao3 began and it's like, if this how y'all react to fanfic what does that bode for original work --
--but ACTUALLY i do kinda have an inkling abt that bc something else ive thought of a lot is how certan hannigram fans get super possessive over hugh and mads and pick apart anything they perceive as a slight against the ship / show ... in particular they think dancy doesn't get 'sufficiently' enthusiastic outside of cons about the show anymore and it's like. holy fuck. artists are allowed to grow tired of their past work! one of my fav bands considers my fav album by them to be their worst. they hardly play anything from it anymore on tours. im not gonna sit and stew over that
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alluralater · 5 months
opinion on the renee rapp/fletcher/ethel cain/hayley kiyoko genre of music?
i like girls and i would say that i enjoy the largest array of music but ive never been able to find myself able to get behind the hype generated by that specific genre ? like both the lyrics and melodies seem bland
kinda just comes across as conditioning oneself when i hear abt friends going out of their way to insert themselves into social media communities surrounding these artists and occupying their free time with discourse around who u wanna kiss. it seems forced as in why cant we like girls casually without the 50lbs of baggage and would that even be the case w/o the baggage
cultivating a minority group that struggles to exist outside of the internet and within the public sphere, if you will
i wish i could tell u that i was high when i wrote this to dispel some of the terrible reception im expecting but noo these are organic thoughts that have been pressing my mind and i don't rly have anywhere else to put them :')
fight/entertain/accept me on this!
let’s do this <3
i personally don’t really care for renee rapp. like not because she’s not talented and cool but literally just because her songs were overplayed to me and it’s a huge thing for me if someone listens to the same thing over and over and over i build up this weird repulsion to it and end up getting icked out whenever i hear it. so she is cool as fuck but i don’t listen to her stuff. i like fletcher in a way but both of these artists are kinda just the white gay trending artist templates rn, like i don’t personally find them to be intriguing. ethel cain doesn’t really fit in this group i think since she’s like folk (right??) and these other people are pop/indie but her stuff doesn’t really get me either so it’s cool. hayleyyyyy my love. i love her. i think she makes really good music but its been a bit since any bangers. hayley makes the music for the gays that remember what it was like before gay marriage started to become legalized in the us. her music is really sweet and buzzing with baby gay energy even though she’s an experienced gay.
what i tend to notice about people who listen to fletcher and renee rapp like a LOT is that they also pretty much only listen to other white trending artists as well. the lack of melody and variety in lyrics comes down to the fact that all of these artists are in the exact same niche— white x queer x woman x gen z pop/indie. i’ve heard both fletcher and renee rapp have fantastic stage presence and their shows are supposedly amazing so regardless, they’re still dishing out a show worth watching and i like that.
you can build an entire community around one small interest and people will invest their time and energy and care into whatever that interest is. they feel connected to the topic as well as each other, which is a whole huge conversation i could get into about lack of third spaces in the irl world today and by extension the decline in irl music communities but i’m sleepy so we’ll skip that. i think stan culture is oftentimes what that gets around to (did that sentence make sense?? my eyelids are falling)
btw girls can’t be normal about kissing girls because there is excitement in journeying the paths you didnt know you could take. we relive that feeling each time we have opportunity or desire to kiss other sapphics. it’s panic and thrill and nervousness and glowing miraculous enchantment with the idea of being able to enjoy someone freely and wildly and without men, which is a concept many of us have to drag ourselves away from. kissing other girls is like a repeating shout of liberation yk?? plus it’s super hot ;) okay i am falling asleep though so nighty night <3
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tommyssupercoolblog · 7 months
IM SORRY THIS ISNT MEANT TO BE AGGRESSIVE i have not been on this part of the internet in a long time so things might have changed but.... last i heard the proship label encompassed things (in fiction) like inc/st, abusive relationships, p/do shit, etc... is that still correct? idk if thats what you were talking about in your tags because i do not know Anything about minecraft youtubers but usually when people put proship in their dni theyre denouncing that stuff. just wanted to clarify im understanding your complaints, no harm intended!
No problem!! it can be confusing lol, nothing wrong with being unsure. All-in-all, you're kinda close with that idea, but still not on target. explanations of proship vs anti, the d/mp fandom's take on it, and my thoughts on it all under the cut:
So proship as a philosophy is about wether or not things like that (in fiction) translate to real life, which is why it's connected to censorship like i mentioned in the post- if you believe that watching or reading something problematic will make more problematic things happen, that someone reading a book with a child/adult relationship makes them more likely to (or is on it's own already the same as) a person pursuing that in real life, that makes you an anti; and it also gives you a big reason to push for works like that being taken down or removed, and for people who make or read that stuff to be put in real prisons or face other real life consequences for fictional acts- because the idea is that, to an anti, these things bleed into each other.
being proship isn't equivalent to enjoying dark fiction like that, but it IS equivalent to believing that, similar to fictional violence, fictional crimes or acts of any kind can be created and consumed by artists and audiences without people actually condoning it IRL. a proshipper would say that if someone plays a video game where they murder someone, and then does it IRL, thats on the PERSON, not the media- and they hold the same position for fictional portrayals of incest, abusive relationships, and pedophilic relationships. the name comes from being pro- as in for- ships, and other content, as a whole; without it having to meet IRL moral criteria.
dark fiction freaks me out personally; the biggest ick (and actually a trigger for me) being incest; It bothers me and i stay away from it. but I don't think that people who read or make it are going to condone it IRL directly because of that media, and I believe that if they WERE to do something bad like abusing someone, it'd be an unrelated/seperate issue: an independent choice that only they are responsible for, not anything they made or watched or read.
That makes me fall under proship, even though I don't like any problematic (as in incest, abuse, adult/minor) ships. Personally, I literally follow people who like things that bother me in that way: i just block the tags so when they post something i really don't wanna see, tumblr tells me, hey, this post has this thing in it so we've spoilered it. If someone likes shipping their silly little blorbos and those silly little blorbos are kinda fucked up in a way that makes their brain go brrr, that's totally chill with me as long as they aren't hurting anyone- which, because i don't think fiction equates to reality, I believe they aren't when they're playing with their blorbos. (and since i'm pro-rpf, it's worth mentioning i feel the same about that. rpf is still FICTION, at the end of the day. you don't actually expect those people to do the things you write or draw. it's still removed from reality. that's personal preference though, many proshippers would disagree.)
So basically proship or Anti is a label that represents your philosophy on how human thoughts and behavior link to fiction. anti means you believe that consuming something fictional is equivalent to doing it in real life, or at least will make you do it IRL later, while proship means you believe that consuming something fictional is unrelated to doing it IRL, and you can enjoy something fictionally without actually enjoying it or condoning it when it's real people.
you will, of course, see more people who enjoy dark fiction under proship, and that's because they themselves consume it- so of course they're going to say it's not the same as doing it IRL. You will also, of course, see more people who don't like dark fiction at all under anti, because when you're disgusted by something like that then that reaction can be taken as "evidence" that it's morally bad. (personally, disgust-based morality doesn't hold up as a concept for me- it's a big reason why bigots believe the things they do, so using the same logic path makes me uncomfortable, but it is still common for people to use it as a way to measure wether something is okay or not.)
so, the part about silly block game.
there's lots of censoring in this part to avoid harassment, so bear with me.
In the early days of the d/mp, people decided that creating romantic content around the b-nchtr-o (Tmmy, tvbb0, and rnb00, who were all around 16 at the time) was inherently problematic. I'm not sure why, exactly, but the idea became that a fan crushing on one of them (at the exact same age!!!) or shipping them with each other, even as characters, was equivalent to being a real life child predator. again, even if the person doing it was ALSO a minor.
because it was seen as inherently problematic, behaviors like those were lumped in with other things problematic- shipping characters on the smp who had fought or killed each other, shipping characters who were related or were minor/adult, etc. there was no distinction; i was there!! it was all problematic, and all of it was seen as evidence that you were a real life predator of some kind regardless of age or disclaimers put under your content.
the label that developed for this group of "problematic content" enjoyers within the fandom became "poppytwt" or "ppytwt". (twt being there because it was mainly localized around twitter). as i explained above, because it could be because of dark fiction OR be//htr/o content, poppytwt content and ships doesn't even require it being dark fiction necessarily, nor does it require it being b//chtr/o; just one or the other, although usually the assumption is that it's both, since that combines the two reasons for being under that label. some people also call any proshippers in the fandom poppy even if they don't engage in anything problematic in-fandom, but that's generally the antis and not people themselves. if someone self describes as poppy, it's for the two main reasons above.
Additionally, the d/mp fandom has this concept of "maintagging". what this means is that if you make problematic content, you are NOT ALLOWED to tag it under the fandoms or characters it's about, because people don't want to see it in their results. ao3 has a tag filtering feature for this exact purpose, but people generally disregaurd that; you're still not supposed to tag it on the "main" tags, and doing so is seen almost like "asking for" harassment, like how some people talk about wearing crop tops alone at night.
Tntd/o managed to cross over, actually, from poppy to main/normalized in the fandom as the creators leaned into it with their characters. but for awhile even that was considered poppy.
different members of ppytwt have different opinions on RPF, but RPF was also considered poppy on it's own sometimes depending on who you were talking to and how militant they were on what got a pass and what didn't.
as be/chtr/o aged....it didn't stop?? all of them hit 18, but still, to this day, you can be cancelled for shipping them with each other or ANYONE else. it's why i'm so damn scared of the d/mp fandom, if i tagged a fic about my source with his character tag, with ANYTHING other than platonic relationships for him/me, I run the risk of being sent threats or doxxed- don't get me wrong, many antis keep to themselves, but there are also those who try to play vigilante- remember, if something fictional is equivalent to IRL, then attacking someone for enjoying a "bad" fictional thing becomes a charitable, heroic act; so sometimes antis might pursue proshippers with the goal of keeping people "safe". Many people in related fandoms or under the same creators also adopted the same ideals handed down from the d/mp fandom, so i'm wary of people who just watch my source too, or of people who like the q/mp.
people joke about the old fandom going crazy if they say tvbb0 and tmmy today, and that's because they would. they'd be furious at tmmy for doing this bit and putting himself in danger, they'd be cancelling anyone who ran with the bit in chat or had a photo of them hugging or kissing like in the music video as a profile picture, it'd be a whole mess. even today though it's still...scary.
((paused there to take a strawberry milk break, im back now))
the somewhat exception to this rule is Rnb00- people literally thirst for them and make nsfw comments openly, so while im not sure about the shipping aspect, i do know simping is widely okay- you couldn't even say you wanted to kiss them before, but now people are saying wayyy more than that...
inversely, i feel like my source has it the worst, because people won't even talk about him- or anything related to him- as an adult. it's always child this and child that, "who let him drink" and "get the alcohol away from the baby!", and of couse "don't ship him or his character with anyone that makes you a pedophile!!!" while the grown ass man they're talking about outright says he's alright with sfw fanfiction in a video where he reacts to someone's x-reader and then makes flirty nsfw jokes with every other adult man in the vicinity. every fanfic is platonic and almost all of them both irl and in game write him as sixteen. they take place in the past or, more commonly, they just straight up age him down. hell, sometimes they even age him down to like eight. even in fics where he IS an adult, he gets called a child or a teenager but never an adult.
poppytwt, like the stigma against writing for the creators or their characters, lives on. and even outside of benchtrio, again, ships between other characters that are problematic are poppytwt, so that also is still clinging on for dear life in some corners of the web. most poppytwt posts that are tagged as such usually include b//chtr/o, but not all of them; and it's worth noting many creators avoid tagging at all even if it's just the poppytwt tag, because they don't want to get swarmed.
because I ship myself with my husband of course, and also make fictional content with our sources as an extension of that (think dungeons and dragons but the character is just you...or, actually, SMPs are a great example of this since the appearance/name is generally the same, so think like an SMP!!!!!) I am poppytwt. I will always be poppytwt to most people who don't like poppytwt. and I have friends who are poppytwt and I like art made by people under poppytwt. I don't need to ship incest to be a part of that, i just need to not think the people who do aren't doing anything harmful when they ship that, and to write/draw....well, anything about septicinnit, which i do all the time.
if someone has poppytwt dni in their bio, i can't interact. if someone has proship dni in their bio, i can't interact. it doesn't matter if what they really mean is "people who like abusive ships because that triggers me", I still can't interact.
Because i think we SHOULD be tagging our content exactly so that we can filter it and find what we personally enjoy (and avoid what we dont), the concept of a DNI is technically something i'm kinda for- it is a way of monitoring and controlling your experience- but it also can be used as an excuse to harass people who forgot to read it, and i have no way of knowing if that's the case in advance.
ADITTIONALLY, because I know and care about people who consume dark fiction, I also don't want to be around people who think that makes them a bad person, regaurdless of wether or not they think i can stay. and "proship dni" is about proship, that fiction isn't reality philosophy- they are saying right out of the gate that they think it DOES make them a bad person. and I don't agree with that. it frustrates me and it makes me upset. those DNIs are based in a place of disgust and hatred for the people I care about, because of content that isn't real, and i'm never going to feel super okay with that...
there's people who don't understand what it means and use it anyway when it's really just about the content; but again, how am i supposed to know which is which?? ESPECIALLY on twitter, the anti philosophy is extremely popular and relevant and yes, trendy. people believe it, HARD, and so i can't assume they don't when they say they do. I've met real flesh and blood people in person who think that way, so if you are using these words, i'm assuming you know what they mean- that way I don't run the risk of making an actual anti upset and violating their boundaries.
you don't have to agree with me on this- if you're anti, then that's your worldview and i'm not going to change that. but that's what those words mean, the history of the block game side of things, and how they're correlated to censorship.
To Summarize:
Anti : Fiction Equals Reality so Fictional Crimes are Real Crimes (ergo we should censor them to stop the crimes)
Proship: Fiction does NOT Equal Reality so Fictional Crimes are Harmless (on their own)
Anti-Anti: Not sure if Fictional Crimes are Harmless, but Don't Like that Antis think Proshippers are The Exact Same Level as IRL Criminals
Poppytwt/ppytwt: Problematic silly block game stuff, OR things that have to do with these three specific block people being hot/dating someone. Sometimes both.
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soleminisanction · 1 year
This might seem a bit out of the blue to you, but I just wanted to say your old posts about Stephanie Brown changed my mind on her quite a bit, even if I still don't feel quite as strongly about it as you seem to haha. Overall she's a character with some interesting potential to her backstory, but she's been written awfully over the years. Your points are all really well-argued, even though for me it's hard to look past the Doylist context of the choices made with her character; from plain poor writing to mysoginy to editorial mandates and whatnot, so it's tough for me to outright *hate* her, but when I put the Watsonian glasses on... yeah, she does kinda suck, and Batgirl 2009 is pretty darn shallow. And honestly, TimSteph shippers outright baffled me--well, no they didn't, a lot of their outrage at the breakup was just pure biphobia, but if I were giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming they genuinely liked the relationship as presented from Rebirth onwards it's like... why tho. They're such a boring couple, leaving aside the toxicity of Post-Crisis because I don't know much about it and just ick. Idk what I'm even saying here. Just expressing appreciation for the effort put into your posts even if I don't agree with absolutely every interpretation, I guess. Keep on keeping on
Thank you. I appreciate you saying all that.
It's not like I'm unaware of the Doylist reasons behind all the events that happen in-comics, I just don't agree with the idea that the way to fix that is to brush huge swaths of a character's history under a rug. That's just not how you do it if you're trying to reclaim a character who's been sexistly victimized, not if you're doing it well -- they didn't do it with Barbara after Killing Joke, or Carol Danvers after Avengers #200, or Gwen Stacy when creating Spider-Gwen, or with Harley when transitioning her into anti-hero, and those all resulted in great stories.
And male characters have to deal with the aftermath of bad shit they pulled under other writers all the time. Wally West only just put a final capstone on the events of Heroes in Crisis last month. Over in Batman, Bruce is catching the brunt of fall-out from both the Babel Protocol and the Batman of Zur-en-arrh. Hank Pym got labeled an infamous wife beater because one artist misinterpreted a script direction. Roy Harper has only just recently gotten back everything that Cry for Justice took from him.
So yeah, I think it's only fair to do the same with Stephanie, and that it does the character a major disservice not to. More than that, it's lazy. The least amount of effort needed to get people on the internet to stop yelling at them.
Killing her off for Bruce's manpain and having her around, alive, but presented as a flat, perfect little Princess Badass with a bland "quirky" personality and no interests outside the immediate needs of the plot are both examples of sexist writing. If you want to engage with her as a character you need to embrace the fact that she can be kind of an asshole, that she's got negative emotions and bad opinions and shitty ideas and things that she just plain sucks at. Of course she does! She's human!
That's all feminist writing really means. Treating women like they're human instead of just a plot convenience. It should not be that hard.
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runthepockets · 3 months
Honestly, as a man, I think most of my greivances have been with online leftism and the attitudes the queer and feminist spaces have towards men in them have been more damaging than almost anything else in my life. I've stopped thinking about my middle school bullies, and everyone knows my abusive mom and ex girlfriend are insane, but the attitudes I'd been faced with on the internet as a teen still seem to sit with me.
It's the constant judgement. The perpetual social hierarchy of how men are only ever oppressors and be wrong in situations. "Never trust a man who says all his exes are crazy, be wary of men who speak poorly of their mothers" while women who say all their exes are crazy and speak poorly of their fathers are only ever met with sympathy and the usual "lol yeah men are trash". Masculine hobbies and modes of presentation being put down to uplift feminine ones, "when you see a 10/10 girl with a 4/10 guy" comments just cus the guy looks like a dude who works at Target rather than a goddamn movie star, penises and facial hair and deep voices are yucky disgusting, The Ick, "hate when big groups of men are laughing, what's so funny, rape and misogyny?" Videos of dudes crying and talking about how they're having a hard time is just met with ridicule and emasculating commentary from both men and women who posture themselves as kinder and smarter than the status quo, "weh weh raise the male suicide rate they're all rapists and abusers anyway", other dudes siding with women who do this shit cus they're more concerned with being One Of The Good Ones than they are having a fucking spine or a sense of individuality, not realizing they're just the male equivalent of pickme girls.
Idk man it just hurts me. I've been abused by a lot of women, had my sexual advances blown wildly out of proportion because the women in question either regretted engaging with me later or wanted to keep running with this narrative that they have no agency and are perpetually victims in their own lives even though I haven't really done anything to make them believe this, and all it gets me in these spaces is blank stares and awkward silences, when I know if the genders were flipped I'd get nothing but endless support. I'm not as upset about one of my exes making false rape accusations against me as I was as a teenager, but I'm sometimes nervous around bringing it up in leftist spaces at all because I figure folks are just gonna find a way to warp it and make me feel like I imagined the whole thing and that my ex had every right to be a shit to me because she's a girl and girls doing anything is Girl Power, even when it's actively harming others.
I'm sure me being black and trans plays a big role in this too, but again, 1) I'm not a fan of putting emphasis on my marginalization for brownie points, 2) I actually am straight, masculine, gender conforming despite those marginalizations, so there's really no identifiers for me to hide behind and claim "false comparison" over, I actually am all those things that online queer and feminist spaces take issue with and it still sucks and has actively done damage to my self esteem over the years and 3) I've seen other men-- cis, white, whatever-- of all backgrounds talking about their frustrations with this too. It's just another form of socially acceptable bullying and I kinda hate it.
People ask why I go stealth irl, why I don't go out of my way to befriend a ton of queer and liberal people my age, and why I'm adverse to communities that pride themselves on being diverse and all accepting and shit, well this is why. Cus every time I talk about a problem or criticize reactionary sentiment in those spaces, I'm met with me just being ~a pathetic man who's too sensitive to letting marginilized people vent~, I'm told that I'm part of the problem, I'm told that if I stopped being so rape-y and entitled and if I just fell in line like a good little man that I wouldn't have any of these problems, no actual solutions or sympathy, just condescension.
Yeah, of course I identify with bro culture, speak highly of masculinity, and entertain playful douchebaggery after years of that. That stuff saved my life and isn't hostile to my existence or my desires. I'm loud, energetic, assertive, with a hazing / controversial sense of humor and morality, there is no timeline where I'm going to be defanged and docile and see it as acceptable to walk all over someone for things they can't help, no matter how "privileged" they are. These subcultures let me be a man in a way a lot of online (and honestly, irl) leftist spaces aren't really willing to allow or deal with.
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gossipgirloff1 · 5 months
Honestly I live for the day Max and Kelly marry each other to see some die hard max fans stop living in the delusion that max is “trapped” and “manipulated” by Kelly 💀 They really need to stop infantilising Max and they need to stop using Max past with his father as a justification that he’s being “manipulated” by Kelly because it’s honestly ridiculous he’s old enough to make his own decisions //
You need to look up what grooming is 💀 I don't usually comment on Max and Kelly as I am not a Max girlie and their relationship gives me the ick, but the way some of you try to normalize how this weird woman has had her eyes on Max since he was a teenager, just because you like the "image" she presents on the internet is very worrying to say the least. Also pointing out that this relationship is really fucked up isn't infantilising Max. I agree with you anon that there is a certain group of Max fans on this site who are..well...a little gaga in their obsession with Kelly, but that doesn't mean people should root for a relationship that has begun with a "magical night" when Max was 17. No offense, but if you truly can't wait for them to get married than I kinda feel for him he has you as his fan. Yeah sorry harsh but true 🤷‍♀️
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jrueships · 1 year
I think Jalen and Gup will still remain friends but I hope whoever is leaking these video suffer a faith worst than… lol
literally!!! say it louder!! like the de-realism of it all. the 'ENTERTAINMENT' of it all. It's entertainment>emotions always, and it's soo sick. Their relationship is strong still, which I love, but ever since that leak.. it's been overanalyzed and picked apart EXHAUSTINGLY!! Ppl are going back to any material they can find of the two together and just heaping BUCKETS of immaturity onto them. Talkin like 'oh see? This random dude with them made an expression THAT MEANS HE KNOWS AND HE H A T ES THEM. HE IS DISGUSTED.' and it's just SOOOO. UGH. ICK! UGH! i'd zay go find a hobby but being homophobic is literally their hobby. It's just so blatant and disgusting, and media is a GREAT tool for them to dish all that shit out without consequence. The way they can and DESIRE to constantly go back and pick apart the past just from the chance that it can spread even more hate is UGHHHH!!! i HATE it!!! Boundaries aren't SHIT anymore! Respect is trodden and relationships can get rotten AND NO ONE CARES!!!!!
It's a really good thing that jalen green's nature and upbringing as one of the hyped top picks has kind of steadied him through this. He doesn't turn off his comments (for what I know), he's BEEN getting painted nail comments and he just keeps painting them bcs who gives af? They're internet people. He's the People's people.. without even caring about the worser half of that lot. He doesn't care. But it's also kind of sad. But that's just how this world is
What im worried about mainly is gup like... gup's always been more attentive to any kind of hate or would-be hate he gets. Green's even noticed it bcs interacting with the haters (on an image level) is never a good thing. HE'S been forced to learn and get with that kinda practice bcs he's jalen green. He can't speak more as jalen green bcs. He's jalen green. He can only have the comforts of an allowed argument ..in the comforts of a fuckin burner account.
That's one thing I like about Kd, although he might not be a fav player of mine (I just personally don't rlly care for him but can understand why others do. He's very complex and way more interesting than the media tries to portray. I just kinda missed the kd era in bball and moved on, it's just a personal whatever) .. he stopped (for the most part of what we know) with the burners and uses his voice a lot. He's older, he doesn't gaf about not giving a fuck. He doesn't HAVE to , and he doesn't WANT to. He embraces being a hater and a speaker now. Unlike Jalen and Josh, he has more abilities AND experience.
Which is just so sad that alot of the things basketball players need to worry abt can be from off the court. And We're not talking being a role model or whatever, We're talking always having to watch your back ESPECIALLY when your work environment can get very quickly hostile as it is so often sold as hostility being a propelling marketing principle. Nobody can have fun anymore or be kids or a lot of things.
LIKE!!! gup can't defend himself well because he's not trained well enough as someone who's a lower pick so therefore less worry to the business. Bro is just a pawn they can trade away whenever shit gets rough. AND IT'S SO SAD THAT HE H A S TO EVEN GET TRAINING IN THE FIRST PLACE??? on how to WHAT?? Feel less? IT'S SOO. UGHHHHHH!!
When gup posted that picture of him and a woman (with like long pink pedicure nails) holding his face where he was tryin to make it look chill even tho it was very obvious on how hard he was trying to show how that hand holding his face was very obviously a woman's hand and not a man's ... as a 'response' to that video....... like. I saw it n i didn't even screenshot. And yall KNOW me, i love taking photos of things i find funny n sharing it with yall! BUT JUST YALL. YALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS. not to THE PERSON, not blasting smthin that could be embarrassing all over the media. There's BOUNDARIES to shit, even the smallest shit! But what i meant with this is.. u know. Usually i enjoy kinda embarrassing moves. But this? This was just str8 up Sad. Like. That was all he could even do to try and defend himself, his friendships, his LIFEstyle. That was the only power he had was some miserably pr picture without pr in a sad attempt at personal protection.
And of course, the rest of the internet thought it was the funniest shit ever and blew that boundary up. Bcs they don't gaf and the best (perhaps only) thing these young guys can do is try and not gaf either AND THAT IS SO FUCKIN SAD!!! LIKE! THAT'S JUST SAD. I get sadness can be entertainment, yeah... FICTIONAL sadness, i can SEE. an ARTFUL, blossoming yet still Respecting some boundaries while exploring others, FICTIONAL (saying this AGAIN) sadness can be quality entertainment. Quality as in ure not an absolute shithead for sharing it if you still respect it.
Their friendship is REAL! THEIR LIVES AND EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS N FUCKIN EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM IS REAL BCS THEYRE REAL HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE EVEEYONE ELSE!!! and it's just so DISGUSTING that a reminder and a worry even has to be made but that's just how the world runs when it's ran on entertainment, i fuckin Guess .
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1eos · 1 year
hello ms kendra! first off just wanted to say i hope you're doing well and i love your blog theme. also that i hope only good things come to you and those you love 💗
i don't know if you feel comfortable sharing, so please don't worry if you don't want to answer, but how did you know you were a lesbian? sorry if this seems out of the blue ahfjfkal but i've been kind of questioning myself lately and i trust your thoughts and opinions and i was just... looking for some thoughts/feelings i guess? once again please don't feel pressured to answer. thank you for reading 💗 have a sexy day ms leos!
omg its not too much at all 😭😭😭 how i realized i was a lesbian was obvious in retrospect but i was surrounded by so much comphet i didnt realize it was an option until one day i was like ohhhhhhh i can just like women lol
anyways when i was a kid i felt a bit left out bc ive always been a girls girl and only rarely found boys worth hanging out with but when all my girl friends were starting to be boy crazy i just had. no interest. none at all. when i was in elementary school the one boy everyone liked he did nothing for me but i started to fantasize abt him liking me so all the GIRLS would like me 😭😭😭 like i said obvious
but it didnt click bc i had crushes on 2 guys. one was gay so 😶😂 LOL and for a while i was like so im not gay bc i liked 2 guys but then i realized those 'crushes' were just how i am with ppl i like and want to be friends with. this all encompassing desire to be with them 24/7. i didnt want to do anything w my friends i just wanted to but stuck on them and im the same way to this day just toned down (scorpio vedic moon)
and then i started having intense and tumultuous friendships with other girls who similarly didn't like boys at all. and i would be consumed in wanting to be with her all the time and got jealous. it was how i was w close friends but even more intense bc it tended to be mutual. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. like i was in a toxic lesbian not relationship in middle school looking back
and then in high school when my mom left me alone at home i would runnnnn to the dvd player and rewatch the sex scene in monster's ball bc halle berry was topless 😭😭😭 i was kinda obsessed w sex but again had NO interest in the men? and if boys approached me irl i would just be like 🧍🏾‍♀️ what the hell did u want. and i was learning that u can be other things than just straight so even tho i was fucking sneaking away at my grandma house (we didnt have internet at our house) to scroll thru playboy and look at pics of half-naked WOMEN bc i didn't want to be desired by men i was like 'ohhhh ok so im asexual'
I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH but comphet was fucking beating my ass bruh. andddd in college i branched out started meeting more girls like me (black and gay) and i was like oh ok. so im NOT abnormal there are ppl like me. met more men still didnt want to do anything w them. met more girls i wanted to fucking build a house with after geeking out after dragon age once. anyways i got a girlfriend...sophomore year and magically turned from sexless nun to disgusting horny beast and also i met this very sexy butch girl who i wanted to [redacted] so bad and wouldve if not for girl code. and it finally clicked that girls just do it for me 😭😭😭😭severely. all the romance and sex things i was all ick abt fell into place bc i finally beat the comphet. ofc i found sex disgusting bc i didnt like men and it put alllllllllllllll previous relationships into perspective
so for me what helped was to just not try to force myself into any label or worry oh what if im actually this or that? i just lived my life liked who i liked and slowly the reality that i want girls to [redacted entry] me very nastily fell into place!
and thank you so muchhhhh wishing good things on you too. good things and clarity 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
I’ve been watching the hunny drama unfold for a while from the sidelines for a while now without saying anything, and I gotta say at this point it’s kinda unsettling how y’all are so ready to justify obvious alcoholism. I’ve followed this blog for like 3 years and this is the first time y’all have given me the ick but like… yikes. Not being able to go a single goddamn show 30 min set all tour without drinking is blatantly alcoholic behavior. I hope he gets help, so I’m not gonna jump on the hate train because, no, it’s not “just wine” and it’s not “idgaf aesthetic”, it’s fucking embarrassing. Not being able to get through a set without drinking isn’t something to idolize, it’s called alcohol dependency.
Adding on, mods, if you feel the need to justify alcohol dependency because it makes you feel less alone in your own alcoholism I genuinely hope you get help. Justifying the negative actions of those around you (or your idols) are behaviors often seen by high functioning alcoholics that don’t want to admit to their problem. Acknowledging the problem is the first step to sobriety. If you’re genuinely not alcoholics, I actually have no fucking idea why you continue to support the behavior of someone who is obviously suffering from addiction. You can support people without supporting their addiction. I hope this helps. Btw I am a listenced councilor who works with unhoused people, many of with have substance dependency issues that I am trained to help with. I hate to bring my job into my personal free time, but you all are worrying me and it’s my job to recognize these patterns.
hey there anon! i was tapped in to answer this since i have the most ability to deal with things like these. glad we gave you the ick! anyways, one, it is a bottle of wine that we don’t even KNOW what is in there. as someone who has lived around alcoholics and struggles with it themselves, assuming alcoholism is just as bad as trying to ignore alcoholism. sure! if it is a problem, then it is! but what are we to do? we are fans of the bands, we can be concerned and that is it. we are NOT his friends and family, so really we have no place to be assuming someone’s struggles if they do exist or not. sure, you are helping people who are actively seeking out help and actually need it, but you are also pushing a narrative on someone you do not know. just because you know the signs doesn’t mean you are right every single time you see the signs.
us on the internet saying “this is a problem!!” isn’t going to do anything or make someone we don’t even personally know seek help if they need it. you all immediately raise arms about people assuming awsten’s mental health struggles or what disorders he may or may not have, but then turn around to immediately do it to others. it is not our place to diagnose a person with a struggle or illness even if you are qualified in the field. it is seriously overstepping boundaries as a fan/celebrity.
you are also assuming that we have this stance you believe we do on his on-stage bit. we are saying he’s winning the “idgaf war” by being unbothered by waterparks fans constantly saying they are a shit band. also “just wine” is TRUE to the fact that we do not know if it is actually wine or a prop. again, assuming that he is ACTUALLY drinking on stage. all of this is assumptions.
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
tbh the first two rossi anons were the ones who prompted the creation of italianstalionfan69 😹😹 they just got me thinking yk 🤔 like i would be open to him and aaron together, but not rossi alone 😭
but no i couldn’t look at him while doing the dirty 🫣🫣 (shocker i know 🤧)
i agree with the other anon though, it’s moreso personality than looks. eventhough he is kinda fine 🫢
and your comment about him being a father figure 💀it reminded me of this post, saying that: you’re either a hotch daughter girl or a rossi daughter girl. ik for a fact i’m a rossi one 💀💀💀💀so now i feel really gross and icky 😭
idk if i should end the haunting of italianstalionfan69 or just sign off all my asks as this 🤧 (it was mostly a joke, i’m a devoted hotch girl at heart)
okay first italianstallionfan69 is iconic asf. a literally slay, honestly 💅
second, your feelings don't have to make sense to anyone else but you. the brain and the heart are weird little creatures, it's impossible to describe why we feel attraction towards certain people, why you feel sexual attraction to them, etc. but the thing is, at the end of the day, if it makes you happy and there's no harm to anyone, then that's all that matters. truly, who the fuck cares if you wanna bang rossi?? i promise, there's literally thirst traps on the internet for men who are old enough to be your grandad.
so it's not something you need to be ashamed of. it's natural, you're only human.
and don't forget, rossi isn't related to you. there's no blood connection, you both aren't from the same family. so you needn't be icked/grossed out, you're not committing a crime by saying you find rossi hot. and guess what? most people that crush on men are twice/three times their age. that includes me too. literally hotch is old enough to be my dad but i don't care. it's my life, it's my feelings, it doesn't have to make sense to anyone. hell, i don't even understand it either.
so whether you want to discard the name or keep it, it's entirely up to you. but the name is cute and it's also funny. i know you're a hotch girly, but maybe rossi can be an inside joke? like a secret 😌 but of course, if you really don't like the name then by all means, change it to whatever you desire 🤍
you'll still be italianstallionfan69 deep down in our hearts 😙🤭
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redkoi1 · 2 months
[continuation of my internal monolgue]
yeah and the people who claim to be nazis could either be victims of Luciferian ritual abuse that was heavily within Jewish communities, or wrong-path Satanists or non-sensible Luciferfians
i'm fairly certain based off of my discernment that Hitler's manifesto was a virtue signal for the conscious to rise up out of their spiritual, emotional and physical abuse
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i membaa'
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so i'll break it down, we are a species created with a total of 22 other extraterrestrial genetic samples to serve an un-off-branching runaway extraterrestrial civilization, and Luciferianism is their immediate connection to keeping the machine fueled, so when you forsake God, you disconnect us from 5D and up, and you gain access to the fourth dimension(dreams/thoughts/imagination) and can't go any further
"Luciferianism" isn't even a defined word anymore, how obvious and subtle do they need to get. That's really ick doe..
It's a religion of non-belief. And they removed its definition from the internet. Non-defined, non-based, non-sensible. It is Anti-Christ, because again, first thing they ask of you as an individual is to forsake your soul and God in damnation.
...-- so, ultimately, you're forsaking the suffering of yourself, which even in Satanism, is designed to make you a great individual, for like, your entire afterlife you chose not to believe in, which in turn affects your proximal surroundings heavily, and allows you to harm other people without feeling bad, which in turn, again, degenerates your brain [AKA brainrot], and lowers your intelligence quotient to such an extent that it makes you mentally retarded based on the simple fact that you accepted there was a God in your Forsaking of God.
"I don't believe in God, so this sounds like the religion for me" turns into a-- *suicided*
he must've disregarded that one completely ^
and yeah i can't be jealous that you're stupid ghost-faggots because you guys are just fucking with people constantly like the lowest of imps. we're all reptilian. try harder. fucker kneed the hell out of my tailbone in middle school like a god damn retard
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and so it's like-- Revelations even says we still lose somehow? and it's true that my acquainted interpersonal relationships from the past really fucked me up under my nose. So it's almost a free-for-all if not 100% already in full-disclosure honesty. There's not really any semblance of a good community i can seem to find, but in retrospect that makes sense because we've all been taken advantage of in some way shape or form.
so it's like i'm not leading you Luciferians anywhere besides off of a cliff, and that's kinda helping the enemy, but you guys are programmed to drag people down anyways, so the only option if you do follow me as a Luciferian is to engage in the spiritual warfare in your vessel that you desperately deny within yourself. If you follow me and deify me as Lucifer, the Lucifer within me against my Lucifer's own behest, that's nonconsensual. which is why the entire ideology of the Luciferian religion is absolutely terrifying you turn yourself into a retard jihadi for no reason. You submit yourself to denying the struggle of finding meaning in a land of warfare and human trafficking
and this is what's been talked about in [at least to me,] spiritual facebook communites. and we're all anchored down, waiting for everybody to emerge out of their rape-induced slumber. because honestly any public populace of any recorded country isn't the one at fault, but staying dumb and abusive is going to slide your ass down the sewer pipes real fucking quick, nigga
#pooped #like #fatigued #poopedasf #yeahibeenpoopedmanyatime
#>get pooped, faggot
>"praise Christ" [lmfao transcribing immediate telepathic coversation] >cringe but necessary >the eternal cringe was necessary >spiritually braced
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>braced god >austistic barbarianism
>get fucking pooped [ahahahaha] >relentless autism = a good barbarian RP
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so yeah Hitler never killed actual true Jewish people. He was systemically purging faggot-warlocks from his home country, and any guy who became a Nazi basically caught wind of his virtue signaling, and we sent our faggots to fight the axis and they were just stronger than the Christian Nazis because they had more brute strength than the Germans. US kidnapped their scientists and they're all in the military industrial complex probably still having families that now operate outside the public [hi] [ah! ah! ah! ah!]
#redHot #can'tStop
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jamsofdeath0 · 3 months
I just clicked on a YouTube video titled stop saying unalive to play in the background because it's a topic that interests me. but then in the first 10 seconds they said unironically IN THE FUCKING YOURUBER VOICE "if you've consumed content on the internet in the last" so I clicked off before they finish the sentence.
normally I don't let the phrase consume content or YouTube voice bother me even if it does kind of ick me. but to do that on a video about the word unalive. idk mate feels weird. Like maybe it's just me but the vibes of "consume content" and "unalive" are kinda the same. Its making everything on the Internet about money and advertiser friendlyness and CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME CONSEMO CNSOEM FJXOSJEJSINAAJ ANQ WD XOXK E IDFOSM WDIZONW CIC E EJAIWNEJDNENRIDNS DFNFIXN EJDOX E ENFSNE I WE OD W XD WNWSISJDNCNIXXJSN D NDIDNSW E FJCI OXDN DF CIXKS R CJ EKMR VKDKMG VII
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mythtakxn · 4 months
umm just ranting cause ive been thinking about this a lot
but feel free to ignore
so i sent one of my moots a tiktok of really just a generic skinny white boy in a crop top and running shorts (also cant forget the hair because like above shoulder length wavy/curly hair is my fave, and just idk a hair style i love)
and i said
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and she was like "why do i get exactly what you mean"
and like idk ive been thinking about it more. ive always been wishing i was like /boy/ skinny ya know. and like other things
and when i didnt have other ppl. influencing my clothes & decisions in what i wear, like i always felt comfier not wearing skirts or dresses. and whenever i did it was like idk because i thought its what i should be doing or like because i thought ppl. would think i was attractive that way
like highschool me was legit like skinny jeans, band tees, converse. and then when i had my own money id like buy stuff from hollister cause i thought it would make me cool
and i still remember like one of my friends saying "i miss when you dressed cute"
cause by senior year i started dressing in band shirts again
and its so funny to me that like people in my "friend" group (and i use friend lightly) made up rumors that i liked girls which LOL (like i do now) and they were like why dont i date anyone? (like it was none of their business)
but its like? all teenage boys cared about was sex. and idk most guys in general.
and like ive known since i was 12 that i never wanted kids. and like i never imagined getting married. and just the idea of marrying a man is such an ick. (cause god imagine all the weaponized incompetence and just a million other things)
and its so annoying because i like some guys, and obvi slept with men. but ick id never wanna get married to one
and like one of my internet friends and i talked about this last year, and i think shes the only one i actually really talked to about this - but like there was this person at our job last year who was so attractive omg they (she? idk what their pronouns were) like short black hair, dressed kinda masc or like neutral. - and like my friend is the only one i really talked in depth about liking girls. and she was like even you have a specific type or only eve have a crush on one girl, you still like girls. and liking more like masc presenting doesnt make me not like girls.
i get off topic very easily but like im totally fine with people referring to me with like she/her pronouns.
but ive also been thinking about like "they" recently but i dont know. - reading online wasnt helpful and i was overthinking. and like gender is a fluid thing so i can also be like eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ not for me
idk if id ever wanna be a guy, but sometimes im just like damn i wanna look like that, i wish i could be like that
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donttakeitsopersonal · 6 months
Seeing internet drama like… match up or I suppose mirror the subplot of a webcomic I’m reading is so so fascinating. I mean it’s like drama that we’ve seen a bazillion times if you’ve spent enough time in the right circles but idk seeing it playing out too with real people got me thinking again.
Waffles under cut
Ima keep it vague even tho im an absolute nobody, knowing my luck, this will breach containment and then my unorthodox new ways of thinking will ruffle feathers haha but yeah.
Essentially the comic is about the aftermath of a murder and how people are living their lives after that. One of the accomplices is free and living their life and they’re also online. People find out and bully them, someone even suggested deleting their accounts and going offline for a while, but they don’t want to. One thing that is brought up with it is everyone keeps telling them they got to take accountability, which is true. But that’s got me asking well what does that look like? Like it can really look a lot of different ways but watching irl drama play out it makes me wonder if anything will ever be good enough for people. Like I’ve even seen this same scenario play out many times and there’s usually always a vocal group who just want the guilty party to be forever guilty. Is it good enough for them to take accountability, apologize, and rectify their behavior? (I’m talking low stakes drama here not like heinous abuse lol) it just really feels like if you ever make a tiny misstep online that’s your cross to bear forever. I feel like it’s very reductive and doesn’t allow the person to grow and change, which, isn’t that what we want? For people to grow and change and better themselves? Like idk man at this point in time if you can’t show me examples of someone doing XYZ shitty thing within the last year, like yknow something recent, I really couldn’t give a flying sideways fuck. If someone said “hey I did XYZ at this time and that was fucked and shitty and I’ve worked to change myself” and they haven’t done XYZ and did work to change themself, then idk man you sound incredibly immature and like you gotta mind your own business. Like it’s perfectly fine to be like “I don’t like this person they’re icky to me” that’s fucking fine you don’t need a good reason to not like people they can just give you general ick, water and oil don’t mix and you won’t like everyone you meet. You don’t have to be a bully tho 🙄🙄
OMG lemme waffle about other silly drama I saw that’s just like oh myfuckingod you do not need to and also hey wait a minute. So this one car influencer who is a very mean girl that’s also mean to other women while trying to present as a ✨Girl’s Girl✨™️ has had this, I shit yall not, YEARS beef with this other gal. So two face (that’s what ima call her lol) years ago, like BC(before covid) times TF was doing modeling and mechanic work, wow femme model on car soooo original /s 🙃so at this point in time she was actually a ✨Girl’s Girl✨™️, or at least pretended like it well enough lol, and was friends with some other blue collar girlies. She said she’d help them start their own OFs if they wanted and one took her up on that offer. Idk what happened exactly but TF started accusing said girl that she was copying her and taking her business. And like this was all so funny to me because like this just gave me DeviantArt sparkledog furry drama circa. 2007, like legit “yOu CaNt PaInT yOuR cAr PuRpLe!!11 YoU cOpIeD!!!!2!11!” Like bro this is straight up “you copied my design because you also have stripes on your tail” like day one internet shit, get with it girl. But also this is funny too because I seen her at that time basically copy someone else’s video like cmon. So anyways that basically made their friendship implode on itself and she has since then had a vengeance on this poor girl lol so here’s the nutty part, TF will constantly say “this girl is always copying everything I do, I saw her doing XYZ” which like is kinda inconspicuous when you hear it but then it’s like wait, you say you do not like this person, you try and avoid them, so on and w/e so it’s like wait,,, HOW do you know that??🤨unless you’re checking out her page and following what she does 👀 sussy. And like the other gal she’s cool and nice, we’ll call her GG, but I NEVER see her saying SHIT about TF unless TF did something like get her page flagged or something, which I feel is normal. And like mind yall this has been going on for over the span of years. So being an outside spectator to this all I seriously think TF is projecting onto GG, at least with the “oooh you stalking my page waaah” like girl idk you the only one posting videos about someone else 👀and also I feel like TF feels like I wanna say attacked but not really, maybe more like GG makes TF feel inadequate? But like I feel like seeing GG’s journey it’s what TF have strived for, like GG was a dealer mechanic, and now has her own shop with her mans and their friend. Like TF has only ever worked at like quick lube places and I think very very briefly at a custom shop or something. Like a month or less. And while I can say TF can perform the work, she is not what I would consider a high level mechanic. Like you just realistically have not seen that many cars, you’re not going to see the normal stuff that comes into places you’re not going to have that experience. Yeah working on your own stuff gives you skills a dealer or shop won’t but there’s far more you’ll learn in a shop, and I feel like deep down she knows that and feels threatened by it. Cause like girl why the hell else would you be paying so close attention to this game that you’d clown on her miscarrying like brruuuuuhhhhh you did not have tooooooooo 🥴🥴🥴that VIDEO could’ve stayed in the drafts😶 the fact she made a video too is big YIKES. But wow yeah it’s nutty asf, reality is stranger than fiction
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