#...there is a bird outside.
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todaysbird · 4 months ago
Never forget that acceptance of far-right ideals (ie tradwives, terfs, casual racism) in liberal spaces is a huge part of why today’s radicalization is so widespread and unquestioned
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veradragonjedi · 6 months ago
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justawanderingfan · 2 years ago
The Hidden Problem of Outdoor Cats: Ecology of Fear
As a huge cat lover who grew up with cats and adores every part of them, outdoor cats are a problem. You’ve probably already heard this, but domestic outdoor cats are responsible for a staggering number of extinctions in local bird populations, even if someone thinks their “sweet little baby would never hunt” because the cat definitely has. But that’s old news, and I’m here to present another (probably already done) theory on why these cats cause problems, and that is a concept called “The ecology of fear.”
Ecology of Fear is a semi-recent concept coined by ecologists that talks about the indirect impact predators have on prey species. Basically, besides directly influencing prey populations by killing prey, there is a broader impact caused by just the presence of a predator that causes defensive changes in behavior. This change usually involves being much more cautious, meaning there’s more energy devoted to being alert and weary and less energy spent on growth and reproduction. There’s also less food consumed because the prey cannot spent large amounts of time in the open. So what does this mean for cats?
It means that even if your cat has less than one brain cell and doesn’t know how to hunt and is scared of grass like mine is, it doesn’t matter. Just the existence of a cat in the area causes local animals to chance their behavior, often with negative impacts for themselves. Birds and other prey species already have to deal with natural local predators, and adding the pressure of cats into the system tips the natural balance too far against the prey.
So please keep your cats indoors, both for their safety and the safety of local animals.
An aspiring ecologist
(Also: if you’re interested in more details on the ecology of fear, a good documentary to watch is “Nature’s Fear Factor” on PBS. It’s about the reintroduction of wild dogs to Gorongosa Natural Park)
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powdermelonkeg · 4 months ago
Hey do you guys remember when Google worked. Do you. Do you remember when it worked better than the Tumblr search function.
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assiraphales · 2 years ago
some birds r so loud like girl WHO are you talking to rn. no one’s replying. you’re being left on read. ur coming off way to strong & that’s embarrassing for the both of us
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burningcheese-merchant · 21 days ago
Hear me out
The ancients giving themselves up to the beasts as sacrifices if they agreed to leave earthbread alone and never wreck terror or show their faces again
I'd say everyone besides Flour would go:
Say less Babygirl*hops into a pumpkin carriage and rides off into the sunset*
Maybe Salt would need a lot of convincing because... Holy shit it could be this easy, Milk you seeing this, quick Spice snap a photo this is a moment in history
Flour is just in massive denial but would find a way to agree to mke it seem like it isn't about love or anything
Unknown3doors, don't tempt me like that 👀 don't tempt me like that, unknown3doors 👀 you're playing with fire, unknown3doors 👀🔥
Pure Vanilla surrendering to Shadow Milk would be the happiest day of Shadow's life. He makes Vanilla repeat himself multiple times, makes him announce it through a megaphone, they do a radio broadcast, Shadow makes a TV special out of it, Shadow writes poems and essays gloating and taunting... And then he eventually agrees to Vanilla's terms (although, he DOES try to haggle for permission to continue annoying people). Pure Vanilla is HIS!!! HE'S FINALLY HIS!!! FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!!! (And the Soul Jam, technically. But WHATEVER!!! HIS SILLY VANILLY!!!). Now Vanilla must endure having to spend EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of his life within 10 feet of Shadow AT ALL TIMES, or else the deal is off and Shadow will commit genocide in retaliation. Why the long face, though? You agreed to this! You knew this would happen! Maybe if Vanilla behaves well enough, like a good little doll, Shadow will allow himself to be HIS doll for a time. Tit for tat. It's only fair. They can be each other's playmate for eternity now...
Eternal Sugar would be 100% awake for the first time in forever if Hollyberry offered herself to her - in exchange for anything at all, it never had to have been for keeping innocents safe. Typical of Holly, in her estimate; she's not necessarily surprised by this. Maybe she'll feign a bit of surprise just because, maybe she'll tease Holly about it... But all in all, she's quite pleased. Now she can keep those pesky subjects of Holly's away from her much easier (as well as her friends... Including that ridiculous dragon...). Holly will learn to see things her way eventually. Appreciate the little things. Like a nice, long nap in a warm bed, in the arms of a loved one... Pleasant, sugary sweet dreams that are too comforting to wake up from... No one ever bothering them about anything ever again. Free from their responsibilities, free from the burden of the shield and the crown. Just the two of them in their own little world, pursuing their own happiness. Won't that be nice?
Mystic Flour would struggle to even entertain Dark Cacao's presence, never mind his... proposal (oh gods, not that word). She would refuse, and refuse, and refuse again. But Cacao does not give up, stubborn fool that he is. Curse his Light of Resolution... Eventually, in lieu of plainly refusing, she tries to appeal to reason. What about his kingdom? His people? What would they say, think, do? Will he leave them behind just to keep her pacified? What about his friends? His son? Who will rule in his absence? Unfortunately, Cacao has an answer for every single one of her questions... and, with an even greater undertone of misfortune... she likes them. That part of her that likes HIM also likes this. That he always has an answer for everything she says. That he won't bend the knee to her, no matter what. His self-sacrificing nature, bordering on martyrdom... just like hers once was. In truth, every word out of her mouth is only serving to delay her inevitable acceptance of his offer. A feeble attempt at shooing him away, one final shot at denying her feelings towards him, for having him around her constantly would be too much to bear, and she might... She... She'll break. She knows she will. And she can't have it. She won't stand for it.
... Dark Cacao, stubborn, handsome, selfless fool that he is. He has undone everything she ever worked for. Her apathy meant nothing the moment they locked eyes. It means nothing now, as they go back and forth about this foolish deal of his. And it won't mean anything when she eventually says yes.
(But she'll try to pretend otherwise, for as long as she can. Neither of them could handle the truth...)
Golden Cheese: Burning Spice, if you leave everyone else alone, I'll give myself to-
Burning Spice: DEAL!!!!!!!!! *pounces on her before she can actually finish or explain herself any further... What he does next, I'll let you imagine/decide 😉*
Silent Salt... wouldn't even believe it at first. He'd be astounded. Dumbfounded, really, that White Lily would say such a thing... Is this really her? Is someone forcing her to do this? What is the catch? Enough reassurance from her would convince him that she's being real and sincere and every other word that can be used to describe her deal, and... he accepts it. No other ifs, ands or buts. His White Lily... now, she really IS his White Lily. Forever and ever... He doesn't mind having to keep away from society; that's hardly a punishment. It costs him nothing. And if his White Lily is there with him, he won't even notice the difference...
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falimarcis · 2 months ago
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Kabru looks so good with Fleki’s bird familiar. This man needs to take up falconry as a hobby post-canon
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adrianna-illustrations · 3 months ago
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deeva-arud · 11 months ago
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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eviesqueezie · 3 months ago
darry grips the side of the counter, knuckles turning white to match his pale face. the nausea was rising up his throat slowly but steadily, threatening to spill bile and unspoken words he would eat he die than speak.
“dar?” pony takes a step towards him, darry can tell him apart from the rest of the gang by his footsteps. soft and delicate in the way that darry knew would change eventually. he was holding onto them with a tight grip for as long as he could. “you- you okay?”
he could hear the silent tears in his voice, the hoarseness of his throat. he’d been crying non-stop once the shock had faded. when he’d cried himself to sleep, soda had moved to darry’s room and done the same in his.
who’s arms would darry cry into?
“yeah. yeah, i’m fine. go back to sleep, it’s late.”
his voice doesn’t sound like his own, too strong and steady. he wasn’t strong nor steady anymore, he was weak and shaking. lightheaded and dizzy, wobbling off balance.
“darry..” his voice trails off as he launches himself into his arms, darry barely catching him. but when he does, he holds on tight. both boys’ bodies shake, darry can feel his shoulder grow wet with tears. “i’m scared, i’m so scared darry. i’m sorry, please, god i’m sorry.”
darry shakes his head, pulling him in closer.
“it’s not your fault, baby.”
pony sighs, knees buckling as they both fall to the floor slowly.
how problematic is fear? darry would ask himself in his diary, months and months ago. he could answer it now, with wet cheeks and a bleeding bitten lip. problematic enough to destroy your mind, to torture you from the inside out and rip your heart apart from the valves to the veins. he had lost that diary months ago, though.
was pony asking himself the same question in his own diary? darry prayed, hoped and wished he wasn’t.
he would do anything, to make him feel different to how darry felt. make him soar like those birds in those documentaries his father had always loved. soar like a bird, happy and free.
darry would be chained down, legs sawed in half and arms buried in the sand- if it meant ponyboy could soar.
he would make sure of it.
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keferon · 3 months ago
Oh god I see there's more amazing stuff in my inbox but I need to get some sleep the dilemma of century
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myokk · 5 months ago
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werecreature-addicted · 1 year ago
for someone who wants to bang a werewolf, I sure do scream like a fire alarm when my dog brings me "gifts" (dead lizard) realistically if a man brought me his hunt as a gift I'd pass out.
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acorviart · 7 months ago
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little birds to hold your little flowers
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scarapanna · 10 months ago
Yippe we did it!!!
I've been brewing for god knows how long, and since I'm finished here's some food for y'all!!
This took me quite a while to finish, and I'd say it paid off pretty well. Plus there's some more lore regarding the AU for everyone!!
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comicpolls · 1 month ago
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