#.. okay maybe he will get a guilty verdict
linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 007: yano asahi
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just so you know most of the time i have no idea what to do with my ocs' hands.
so, we already know which prisoner is the oldest one, but what about the youngest one? well, here he is! (fun fact: he was actually supposed to be even younger at first)
this boy.. tbh i'm not so sure about his verdict as well, like at the same time THIS IS A CHILD AND HE PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BE HERE but also.. he's not really the most sympathetic prisoner here.
General info:
Name: Yano Asahi (谷野旭冴) (his last name means "valley" and "field" and his first name means "rising sun" and "clarity")
Age: 11 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Prisoner 007
Birthday: May 15 (Taurus)
Height: 145 cm
Blood type: O
Image color: #DBFFC1
Occupation: Elementary school student (sixth year)
Personality: Asahi appears to be a sweet child when you first meet him, however, his true personality is not like that at all. He's very rude, he swears more often than all the older prisoners, he says mean things without thinking and whenever someone tells him that it's wrong to act like that, he just lies on the floor and cries or says that he's just a child, so it's okay if he makes mistakes like that. He takes full advantage of his age and even makes other prisoners do all kinds of things for him, because "he's a child, so he's too weak to do it himself". It's obvious that he was very spoiled by his parents: he asked for a different prisoner uniform because he didn't like this one, he's the one who requests more stuff than all the other prisoners and if something doesn't go his way, he starts crying and says that he will tell his mom about it. But even though he is almost never seen smiling or laughing, he's actually.. very calm when it comes to his crime? He never mentions it and when the guards ask him about it, he simply goes "Huh? What crime?". At first the guards thought that he's just pretending or maybe he's so cruel that he doesn't care about his crime.. But for some reason, it also feels like he actually doesn't know what crime he committed. Or maybe he does know, he just.. doesn't want to think about it.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: Half. YES. THE YOUNGEST PRISONER HERE WOULD SING HALF. It fits his backstory well not counting the whole cheating on your wife part and for some reason I actually can imagine him singing it and it would sound good with the voice I imagine him to have. Maybe his cover would be like a cuter and softer (but still very emotional) version of the original song?
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Iiya. The lyrics actually sound a lot like Asahi and I can definitely imagine him singing it for. Reasons that I can't talk about yet.
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: All I Need Are Things I Like by Pinocchio-P.
His MV description: .. his MV would have a goth aesthetic actually. It would mostly have gray and black colors, but some important objects would be the same color as Asahi's image color.
His MV starts with Asahi sitting in his room, looking bored and watching the clock tick. He gets annoyed and walks to the door, but something stops him from leaving the room. He starts walking around the room and it looks like he's thinking deeply about something. He looks at all his toys (and he has.. a lot of them) and.. suddenly starts crying while hugging one of them? It does look sad and makes you feel bad for him, but the lyrics are actually about him feeling like "this is not enough, he deserves more" and him asking someone to "give him everything he wants, because he's their only joy in life and he should be treated as one". He looks at a particular plushie he has, the one that looks like a strawberry and for some reason he finally decides to leave the room.
We see Asahi in his room again and now he's actually playing with his toys, though he still looks bored. The lyrics mention that he's still "not satisfied" and "he won't stop until he gets what he wants". He looks at some books he has in his room and decides to read one of them just because he has nothing else to do and it looks like he actually finds it interesting. It gives him inspiration to do something and he gets so excited that he starts writing something in his notebook while lying on his bed, still surrounded by his toys. If you look closer, you can see that he's writing something called "A list of weaknesses". When he's done, he starts laughing and it looks like he is not exactly sane right now. The POV suddenly changes and it looks like we're opening the door to Asahi's room and see what he's doing. Asahi pretends like everything is fine and just smiles at us.
We still see everything from that person's POV and now it looks like that person is having dinner with Asahi. There's no one else around and the whole scene just gives off that feeling of loneliness. The person stops eating to tell Asahi something and he still looks annoyed, but he listens anyway. But then, everything becomes blurry, even though we can still see that now Asahi is smiling and that person's food was actually the same color as Asahi's image color. That person falls on the floor and now Asahi looks like he is actually scared for them and he even tries to help them get up, but everything goes dark before he is able to do anything.
The POV changes and we're opening a door again and we can see Asahi lying in a puddle of something that looks like a bright green liquid. We walk closer to him and try to wake him up and when he does, he looks at us with a confused face expression and the lyrics say "Hey, can you remind me, what did I even want?"
Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Huh? Why do you even want to know my name? If you're soooo smart, then you probably know it already, don't you?" *SLAP* "OW! What the fuck are you- Fine, fine! My name is Yano Asahi, I'm an elementary school student and all.. But you knew that, didn't you? Look at me, I'm literally a child! Now let me go home or I'll tell my mom about what you've done to me!"
"Hey.. Come on, you know I deserve it. It's not that expensive. JUST BUY THE DAMN THING ALREADY, THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING! WHAT, ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THAT I DON'T DESERVE IT? Oh.. maybe you just hate me? You hate me, right?"
Murder is his only crime and he had only one victim.
Of course, he believes that he will get an innocent verdict and it's just not possible for him to be voted guilty.
He spends most of his free time eating something or playing with the toys he requested.
Some prisoners have mentioned that they heard Asahi talking to someone in the middle of the night, but when they checked, it was just him sitting in his cell and talking to himself. They heard him talk about the other prisoners, Milgram and this whole situation. When it was morning and they asked Asahi about it, he denied everything and he looked genuinely confused.
He's not close with any prisoners and he especially hates Akio even though they're very similar.
Naomi is a little scared of him because of him being almost the same age as her students (though a little bit older) and she tries to avoid him when she can. However, Asahi himself doesn't think she's that bad and other prisoners even say that he sees her as a mother figure.
Even though he's not friends with anyone here, he still refers to all other prisoners by "Nii-san" and "Nee-san", basically treating them as his older brothers and sisters. And about the guards.. he really doesn't like Eiji, so he refuses to call him that, but he eventually warmed up to Miki and started calling her his big sister as well. (Edit: that was changed and he's actually calling everyone "(Name)-nii" and "(Name)-nee" now. I just thought that it sounds more like him)
Other prisoners didn't want him to spend time with Kei, because they were afraid that Kei will be a "bad influence". To everyone's shock (even Kei's), Asahi understood.. uh, everything that comes out of Kei's mouth perfectly and when they asked where he got this knowledge, he just said that "he's young, but he's not stupid".
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Comfort [Yandere!Chain + Isekai!Reader]
You're part of the family now, and everything that entails.
I have fallen deeper into the abyss. Just exploring the new, untested dynamics of this latest indulgence. It's a hot mess, so be warned before you read.
Sky Route
Four Route
TW: Yandere nonesense. Be warned.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
Meeting the Chain had seemed like a dream come true at first. Of course, there had been the pain and disorientation of being ripped from everything you knew without warning, but meeting the boys and procuring thier promise for aid had calmed you significantly.
So, rather than despairing and falling into the throes of depression, you instead set your mind to learning of the world around you. And of course, you spent a lot of that time observing the boys and their behaviors (curious as to what so many fans had gotten right or wrong).
You wished you hadn't. You wished you'd kept to yourself. Ignored their very existences and just stayed focused on getting home. Wished you'd never been found by them.
You wish you'd set boundries sooner. If you had, maybe none of this would be happening. Maybe you'd be free.
"Hey. It's going to be okay." Twilight whispered softly from behind you, voice low and sorrowful as his large, warm hand pet you carefully upon the back. As though that would somehow bring you comfort after what he did.
You couldn't face him. You refused to meet any of their eyes. The bandages on your back burned against your torn skin where Hyrule had been prevented from properly healing you.
'A reminder', Wars had said, eyes cold and unforgiving, and Time had stayed quiet, only offering your cowering form a disappointed frown. Hyrule had wailed and snarled at the thought of leaving you in pain, but Legend had quieted him with soothing whispers (though he himself looked borderline rebellious too).
Wind had grit his teeth, eyes blazing hellfire, and looked ready to tell Wars off for that, but Time had placed a gentle hand on his head and given him a sad, rueful smile. To which Wind had huffed but remained silent, but not before casting (Big Brother) Wars a look that promised many unfortunate incidents in the near future.
Twilight had continued to hold you upright as your punishment was handed down. Calloused fingers caressing lightly, possessively, over the still bleeding wounds along your torn back. You swear you saw pride in his face as the verdict was decided that since he caught you, until you recovered you'd be his responsibility.
At the memory of that smug glint in his eyes, you curled further away from his soft, comforting (frightening, blood-chilling) touch, and he pulled back obligingly. A heartbroken sigh left his lips, torn so raw at the seams it almost broke your resolve to ignore him right then. Until you reminded yourself of what he (what they) were capable of despite their sweet, adoring smiles and soft attentions.
Twilight had been so damned gentle with you since that night, relieved and apologetic both. And terribly guilty. Nothing like the feral beast that had chased you down without regard for your fear or wellbeing. Took you down like thrashing, wailing, vulnerable prey when you bolted for the bright, shining portal that whispered home, comfort, safety (and freedom) that had appeared so suddenly.
Nothing like the monster that had torn into the back of your shirt (and flesh) with savage teeth, snarling and growling, ripping you away from salvation with punishing strength. Desperate, predatory eyes shining like death in the portal light, the hairs lining his powerful back standing on end and lost to the shadows that clung to his massive form.
Nothing like the man who had come after, large, burning, painfully tight hand shackled around your wrist. Cruelly dragging you on your knees from escape, shadowed eyes glowing unnatural, eerie blue in the dim light of a waning moon. No different from the creature that had drawn blood upon your defenseless skin, merely wearing a more familiar face.
And the way he had stared upon you once the light of promised safety had faded entirely. Eyes dark and bright and sharp with the threat of violence. Of sanity lost. Watching down at your whimpering, shivering, pain-racked form with quiet possession, dark promise.
The moment for escape had been so perfect, that night. You had finally managed to convince Wild to give you a moment of privacy. Convinced Time that you just wanted an hour of peace from Red's needy whines and Hyrule's obsessive tending. Managed to distract Warrior's keen eyes with a word of praise in Wind's ear and the promise of stories from your homeland. Sidestepped Sky's soft, curious eyes as you walked passed.
You had been alone. For the first time in three months. And it had been liberating.
And then the portal had appeared, and you hadn't thought of anything else after that. Not of consequences. Not of the Chain's anger or the darkness that hid behind soft, adorning gazes. And not of the way their eyes watched you always.
Not of the eyes on you even then. For you had forgotten that you are never truly alone. Not until you were reminded.
Not until that first, bone chilling howl of rage.
"We should move them closer to the fire." Came Hyrule's concerned voice, hovering just on the other side of Twilight (he must have escaped Legend's clutches. the man had been keeping Hyrule under strict supervision after The Incident). "They may be cold from blood loss."
Before Twilight could reassure his obsessively worried brother (once again) that all was well and that you were just upset, Four spoke up. Sounding just as ragged and agitated as you felt. "The Incident was three days ago. There was never issues with blood loss to begin with." He sounded done, tired. Pissed even.
You didn't doubt it. After the chaos that had ensued that night, it was decided (by Green and Vio and reluctantly Red) that merging was the most viable option to ensure a safe (quiet) and stress free environment for you to recover in.
Blue had come to blows with Twilight three times before the night had even ended after The Incident (he'd fought Legend twice. had only been prevented from triggering the sociopath that is Wars by Time's intervention). Red have been crying nonstop since you were first carried back to camp by a shame-faced Twilight. Green was running damage control to keep Wars from challenging Twilight for rights to safekeep you. And Vio had dutifully sacrificed his body to cuddles, forehead kisses and soft (distressed) cooing to placate the ticking time bomb that was Sky's protective instincts.
You almost pitied the small smith. Until you remembered how Blue had wanted to take your legs, and Vio had gotten a calculated glint in his eyes. And then you didn't feel bad for him anymore, even with the memory of Red sobbing his eyes out and Green talking Blue down before Wild got it in his head to put himself (and thus Twilight) between the Colors and you protectively.
At some point during Twilight's, Four's and Hyrule's discussion (argument) Wild had arrived with his characteristic brashness. Breezing past all of them, as usual, and putting himself squarely into your space. And Twilight let him, because Wild was one of his, and now (for the time being) so were you.
The scarred man took you in his arms (so easily, as though you weighed nothing at all), careful not to touch the tender wounds on your back, and made his way towards Sky. Hyrule made to protest, but by the low familiar hum of expectancy that sounded out, it looked like Legend had finally caught up to his wayward (stupidly determined to play mother cucco) charge.
You ignored them after that, but not before catching a glimpse of Four apologetically carding a hand through Legend's feather soft hair, cupping his vulnerable nape with tender care. Small, forge roughened fingers gripping lovingly as he whispered heartfelt apologies, eyes flashing red and speckled green and even blue at the edges. Witnessed how Legend melted under the touch, and how Hyrule had leaned into Legend's side with equal affection (and desperation for comfort. attention).
You wished you hadn't seen it. So you wouldn't have to remember the good that resided within these men, as well as the bad. About how much these men truly loved each other, and you, despite all the hurt they put you through that night.
Quiet sobbing caught your attention, and Sky was before you suddenly, though he was not the one making such heartbroken sounds. You had been lost in your head and hadn't even noticed how Wild had kissed into your hair in relief. Shedding tears of gratefulness that you hadn't screamed and thrashed at his touch (like that first night he tried to give comfort. before he sacrificed himself to Sky's doting).
Wild went to his knees before the sleeping Skyloft knight (crying silently in fitful slumber) and whispered warmly through soft sniffles. "Sky. They're right here, safe. See." He gently placed you down beside the tearfully sleeping man, and you let him. Too tired and overwhelmed by your own emotions to fight.
And too fearful. Because Sky was an enigma. Seemingly the most docile of all the boys, even Red and Hyrule, and yet Time, Wars and Vio all catered to him with due diligence (the three who knew the most, and controlled the most). Conceded to his every demand when it was made (rare as they were) and sacrificed any whom Sky called to for comfort and reassurance. Including themselves.
Claims did not matter when Sky wanted to hold you through the night. If Sky wanted to cuddle Wind, Wars would have to concede (even if it took Time and Green's combined efforts to keep him subdued). If he desired to brush Wild's hair into traditional skyloftian braids or spoon feed Hyrule sweet pumpkin soup like an infant, Twilight and Legend were made to step aside. If Sky wanted Time to sit beside him and speak of their beloveds, then it would be so. Even if it meant setting up camp early for the night. Even if it meant Blue, Legend and Wars bitched for hours afterwards (amongst themselves, of course).
In the eyes of the Chain, Sky was an outlier to the established hierarchy, and you had a feeling you knew why. You remembered the first time you felt the fear of wrongness amongst the men you called your friends (family). The moment of clarity.
You'd never forget the smell of smoke and iron reek hanging thick in the air, fanning out across the wasteland that was Hyrule's homeland. The blank and distant looks in the heroes' eyes as they emerged from the treeline. And Sky, covered in red, red, red. Like an ocean sunset dripping into calm waters. Like fresh berry juice between overzealous fingers.
He'd been crying then.
Sky rarely cries.
Sky had called for Hyrule for days after. Had kept him by his side as they walked and slept and ate. Had babied and coddled and smothered him with fierce devotion. And the chain had let him. Kept Legend and Twilight in check. Kept Blue forcibly subdued when Red riled him into a protective fury over his most vulnerable, sensitive brother's pitiful, longing tears for his Rulie.
So, when Wild had set you beside Sky, you remained quiet. Because you were afraid. And because you owed WIld.
Because when Sky called for you that night (still raw and shaking), Wild had straightened his back, looked Time in the eye and told him that you needed space. And then had given himself over to Sky's obsessive coddling, enduring the man's frantic petting and overbearing smothering.
For three days. After Vio had been merged back into Four. Wild had endured the babying for three days. Wild, the man who may have hated being tied down more than anyone else in the Chain.
You owed him, and if he thought time was up for your sulking. Well, there was nothing you could do. Especially not when Sky was in tears (dangerous, unstable).
The moment you were pressed into Sky's side, he immediately latched onto you (you were saved from pain only by Wild's arm sheltering your back), reddened eyes opening to reveal a tearful, shattered, truly unhinged gaze. "Your came. You tried to leave us." He sobbed, burying his sleepy, splotchy face into your neck. His hands (so strong, enough to crush your windpipe if he wanted) gripping into the fabric of your shirt like a child seeking comfort. "I thought you hated me."
You wanted to snap that of course you hated him. That you hated them all for forcing you to stay here when home had been so close. Right there, you could feel it. You wanted to scream that you despised them for being silently complicit with your captivity, even if they weren't always the ones to physically hold you down.
You wanted to do a lot of things. Rage. Cry. Break something. Find words, accusations, demands, anything to make them understand the depths of your hurt and betrayal. To see how much they had taken from you.
And yet, frustratingly, you couldn't. The fight had been sucked right out of you at the sight of Sky's hurt, his soul-deep suffering. Because you loved these boys still, despite all the horribly broken affections they saw fit to shower upon you and each other. Genuine, but ultimately flawed and damaged (and damaging).
With Wild snuggling in from behind to sniff your hair contently (the creep), and a glimpse of Wind hovering longingly at the sidelines, unsure of his welcome. You felt your resolve breaking ever further.
In the firelight, Time leaned down to kiss Wars along the temple, ruffling his fluffy (beautiful) hair before retreating towards Twilight. He gathered the saddened, guilt ridden man in his arms and laid them both down for sleep, speaking soft reassurances into his descendant's dark hair. Warm, paternal smile on his lips.
Closest to the fire pit, Legend and Hyrule had Four trapped between them, Four resting his head peacefully on Legend's shoulder, and Hyrule sandwiching him from the back. Legend's arm draped over Four's small form to rest his hand possessively (protectively) on Hyrule's waist.
Warriors watched over this all with sharp, but quietly adoring, eyes. Scanning over you and the others around you with just as much of that overwhelmingly intense (too intense) devotion. Ensuring all was well and safe under his domain, before turning away to ensure nothing came from outside to disturb his peacefully resting family. Shield at his side and sword on his back. Loyalty corded into every line of his lithe form.
Wind had shuffled closer. Big (wondrously big) blue eyes locked on you and waiting. Wild's hand was on your hip, resting as he too waited patiently. Content to let you speak in your own time.
Sky's love stricken, adoring, grieving eyes locked with yours. Searching, waiting. A blade ready to drop across his heart and everything in it as the slightest of provocation.
And you broke. Because what else could you do.
"I don't hate you, Sky. I'm just so angry." You forced out, bitter for the truth of those words. "I just need time to forgive and heal."
Those shattered eyes lightened, the ragged edges softened, and suddenly you were looking at Sky again. Tender-hearted, fiercely protective but forever hopeful Sky. The Sky you trusted still with your life, for all you feared the zealous protectiveness that cast a very long shadow across his path.
"I understand. Twilight was so rough with you, and Warriors so harsh with your punishment." He said, and Wild huffed in agreement behind you. "It's only natural you'd want to return home. So they should have been more understanding of your feelings."
Wind, now at Wild's back, was on his knees with hands on Wild's waist as he leaned forward. "I'll put rocks in their boots every day 'til they say they're sorry! The small ones ya don't feel 'til it's too late!" He vowed, and you didn't doubt that. You'd seen Wars wincing and Twilight limping for a few days now, and now you knew why.
Your heart lightened, for all it felt shackled and confused and broken too. "Thank you guys." And you meant it.
As strange as it seemed. You really did mean every word of it. Truly and wholely.
Maybe you were a little broken too, after all. And as Wind settled behind your back, helped by Wild so he didn't agitate your injuries (he placed a gentle kiss on the bandages, so light you nearly missed it), you found you almost didn't mind.
Things were always complicated with family, after all.
Off I go. Back to the shadows to rest this one off.
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itsnevercasual · 3 months
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pairing: mafia!harry styles x singer!reader
summary: Harry is in town for some.. less than legal business, and you're a local singer trying to get your foot in the door, and also planning your wedding. And maybe Harry is a little too interested in you.
warnings: mentions of death & blood, mentions of abuse, cursing, that should be it!!
Almost immediately, his browser was flooded.
Y/N L/N and Mason L/N: The Internets Favorite Siblings
Y/N L/N - Youtube
Mason L/N - Youtube
Mason & Y/N - Youtube
#prayfory/n on Twitter
Y/N and Mason L/N’s Incredible Work with Band ‘The Diamonds’
Well, you two certainly had an online presence. He sighed and clicked on the first article.
Mason L/N (20) and little sister, Y/N L/N (15) have quickly become the internet’s favorite dynamic sibling duo! The duo rose to fame in 2012 when Mason began vlogging their adventures living alone in Miami.
After a near-death incident with her mother read article here, Y/N was put into her brother’s care. The two grew up in Wimberley, Texas, on a farm. Mason’s earliest videos on YouTube were in 2010, when he posted videos of 11-year-old Y/N singing onstage somewhere.
Since moving to Miami, Florida in 2012, at age 13 and 18, they formed a band called The Diamonds and started a successful YouTube career. Most of the videos, now posted on a shared account entitled Mason & Y/N, they show their day-to-day lives, backstage previews, clips of the songwriting process, and more.
Mason is the producer of his sister’s band— in which she is both the songwriter and lead singer. The band, though not as successful as their YouTube, has a decent following on both Instagram and YouTube.
Also featured on their accounts is Y/N’s childhood best friend— Jodie. There is nothing of Jodie online, so we aren’t sure of her last name. We only know the story of how Jodie moved right before Y/N’s near-death experience, and the siblings moved to Miami to see her again.
We look forward to seeing more of the iconic duo! Best of luck, L/N siblings!
Well, that gave him next to nothing.
Read More:
Smalltown Tragedy: Violet L/N attempts to murder daughter, Y/N L/N.
Jesus fucking Christ, Niall wasn’t joking about shitty.
He skimmed through the article.
Coming home from school—
Walked through the door—
Authorities were quickly contacted by brother—
Violet pleads innocent in court case—
Y/N and Mason attest to their mother’s innocence—
Guilty verdict—
Sentenced to life in prison without bail or parole—
Added charges of child abuse after bruises found on both children—
Siblings go on news after the verdict was given—
Claim it was their father—
Well. He was starting to regret looking you up.
He sighed, running a hand over his face. After how nice you were tonight, he felt incredibly bad knowing this is what the result of invading your privacy was.
Yet, he didn’t shut the laptop.
He clicked back to the original search tab.
Mason & Y/N - Youtube
He pulled up the page, and his eyes widened.
925.4K Thousand Subscribers. 493 Videos.
Holy shit.
He scrolled to the last updated video—
He didn’t want to watch it. He didn’t want to intrude anymore than he already had. That’d be wrong.
But Harry also never claimed to be a good person.
As he tapped on the video, your brother’s face filled the screen. Or.. he assumed, it was your brother. He looked similar to the articles of the two of you, only older.
“Hello, lovely people! We’re back! We are currently backstage at the biggest show yet of the best band ever—“
“Oh, my God, you’re so stupid,” a voice laughed. It was slightly familiar.
The camera turned, and he realized why. It was you.
“Y/N tries to be rude, but we all know I’m her favorite here.”
“Uh, no, bitch. I’m her favorite. Back off.”
“Dude, you have a boyfriend. You back off!”
“Yeah, but Ni’s not here yet, so… I win.”
“How does that even— okay. Anyway, my lovely sister is currently shoving food down her face—“
“Mason! Shut up, oh, my God! I’m literally curling my hair, you ass!”
“Hey, language!”
“Oh, boo-hoo. You taught me how to cuss when I was, like… seven.”
“.. Yeah, I did do that. Alright. Whatever. We’re gonna give the camera to Y/N so she can give y’all a sneak peak at the set list!”
The camera was now sitting in front of you. Younger you.
“Hello! It’s the better sibling—“
You grinned at him, “And this is the setlist for tonight, which is super-duper top secret. So… shh! Okay! We’re opening with my personal favorite, Girl I’ve Always Been! And then we’re gonna transition that… somehow… into Vicious. And then.. I Should Hate You, little break to introduce the other Diamonds, Should’ve Said No, Picture to Burn, All-American Bitch, Stranger, another little.. break thingy.. Florida, Happier Than Ever, and then we close with.. Better than Revenge! But we have an encore, so we come back for one song, which is Nothing You Can Take!”
He skipped ahead in the video.
“Jodie, where are we?”
“Ni, what are we about to do?”
“You’re about to kill it onstage!”
He skipped a bit.
It was a circle of you and a bunch of girls, and one of two guys, that he recognized. The same people who’d played with you tonight.
“We worked our asses of for this, and we’re gonna make it count, right?”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Okay, Diamonds on three. On.. two.. three.. Diamonds!”
“Y/N, how you feelin’?”
Harry could hear the crowd and music in the background, and he assumed that you were about to run onstage.
“I’m gonna puke!” You laughed.
“Ew. Don’t.”
“Gee, thanks. Real supportive.”
“I’m being honest—“
“Y/N, you got ten seconds.”
You screamed.
He skimmed the rest of the video. Some of it was clips of the show, some of it was after.
Well, that didn’t do anything except make him feel shitty. One, because he knew he shouldn’t be watching, and two… because you and your brother seemed close, and he, obviously, was dead.
He went back and clicked on the Twitter link.
#prayfory/n on Twitter.
Daytona News: Internet Star Mason L/N Fatally Shot in Robbery.
He clicked on the article.
Late last night, after The Diamond’s Only Night Only on Main Street, the internet star siblings Y/N and Mason went to a gas station for celebratory snacks. Unfortunately, while they were checking out, the gas station got robbed.
Y/N told Daytona Police that the robber had aimed for her when he shot, but her brother shoved her at the last second. Both Mason L/N and the store clerk, who is yet to be identified, died. Y/N came out with only a few scratches. Witnesses say she tried to keep her brother alive while waiting for police.
The siblings were swarmed by paparazzi as they got hauled into the ambulance, where Mason unfortunately died on the way.
Harry clicked back to the hashtag.
user001: omfg guys someone got a video of the store after the robbery where mason l/n died. ONE VIDEO LINKED.
He clicked play, knowing he’d regret it.
“Oh, my fucking God,” the person recording spoke.
You and Mason were covered in blood. You were in hysterics, holding your brother on your lap.
“Mason! Mason!” you were shouting. “Someone call an ambulance! Oh, my God! There’s so much blood— why is there so much blood? Mason, answer me! Are you okay? You have to be okay—“
The video panned away from you as you screamed, showing the store that’d been ransacked.
It ended.
Harry shut the computer and went to bed, feeling sick to his stomach.
When you woke up the next morning, it was to a weight on your chest.
“What the— Jodie, get the fuck off of me. I’m gonna die,” you grumble, shoving her.
She falls off the bed with a thud. She gasps, “Are you calling me fat?”
“No, you called yourself fat.”
“You’re so mean in the mornings,” she pouts.
“I’m only mean when you wake me up at ungodly hours by sitting on me.”
She shrugs, “Oh. Yeah. Well… come on, get up.”
You whine. The bed was comfy.
“No, I’m tired.”
She stands up and yanks your arm. You, too, fall off the bed.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
“I didn’t really think that one through,” she admits.
“Clearly. Alright, I’m up now, I guess. What did you want?”
“We’re going to brunch with Harry and Ni. Get ready.”
“Brunch? Harry doesn’t seem like a brunch guy.”
“What do you mean?” her brows furrow.
“He just.. is very intimidating—“
“He was nice to you, though, right? He better have been, or I swear—“
“No, he was,” you quickly cut her off. “He just… seems like he’d rather gouge his own eyes out before her went to brunch.”
She sighs in relief, “Thank God. I like him, so I didn’t wanna kill him for being rude to you. But, yeah.. probably. But he basically does whatever I say because, as he admitted once and only once, I’m like his little sister and he feels bad saying no. That, and I’m annoying when I don’t get my way.”
You snort, “That’s… yeah, that seems more likely.”
“But.. Niall also said he likes you, too. Maybe not in the, y’know, little sister way, but you’re right. He is usually an asshole, but he was extremely friendly yesterday. Kinda threw me off, to be honest.”
“Dude, I thought he was gonna bite my head off.”
She laughs, “Yeah.. oh, well. Get dressed and dress slutty!”
“Why slutty?”
“Because we invited Asshole of the Year, and if he shows up, he’s gonna wish he was Angel of the Year.”
“Jodie..” you sigh.
“I know. You don’t wanna piss him off. But.. if you just happened to grab a slutty dress… what’s the harm?”
“Get out,” you laugh.
You don't wear the slutty outfit Jodie wanted you to wear, mainly because the brunch spot was a nice restaurant and you don't want the looks from grandmas.
Instead, you wear a white dress with small, green leaves. You throw on heels that were slightly dressy, but comfortable and also barely make you any taller. You put a green ribbon in your hair after tying half of it back.
You haphazardly do your makeup once Jodie began spamming your phone, urging you to hurry up.
You rush out of the room, sighing once you saw the other three sitting at the kitchen island.
"Sorry I took so long. We can go, now, though!"
“Took you long enough,” Niall teases.
“Shut up. This is why you don’t have any friends.”
“I have friends!” he protests quickly. “You! And— Harry!”
“Mhm. Got any more?” you laugh. “I don’t count because I’m friends because of association. You get one point for Harry, though. I guess.”
“No point from me,” Harry spoke up. “We’re work friends.”
“I knew I liked you.”
Harry smirks at you.
Niall glares at the two of you. “I hate you both.”
You grin, “Aw. Love you, too.”
“Aright, children. We’re gonna be late,” Jodie reminds you.
The three of you chorus agreements and head to the car. Niall drove, Jodie sat in the passenger seat, and you and Harry got into the back.
“You know, you look crazy familiar.”
“Who, me?”
“No, the ghost sitting in between us. Yes, you.”
He pauses before shrugging, “Probably just got one of those faces. I don’t remember meeting you before.”
“Yeah, that’s what’s weird. I swear I know you, but I’d remember if I met you.”
He smirks, and you regret phrasing it like that. “Oh, really? What’s that supposed to mean, lovie?”
Lovie? What the hell? Is he a psycho? Are you a psycho?
Connor. Engaged to Connor. Can’t break up with him.
“Nothing. I just meant I have, like, a good memory,” you huff. “You’re right. You’ve probably just got one of those faces.”
One of those faces.
One of those faces.
One of those faces you know you recognize.
Brunch was short, but sweet. The food was good, and it was fun. Connor didn’t show.
You and Jodie made Niall and Harry wait in the car while the two of you ran into Sephora to restock your respective makeup collections.
“I kinda wanna try a new perfume..”
“I thought you always got that.. whatever one it is, because it’s Connor’s favorite?”
“I do. But.. the smell has been giving me migraines. Plus, he’ll get over it. He can hardly stand to be around me for longer than, like, twenty seconds, so… I doubt he’ll even notice.”
“Seriously, I still don’t get why you’re getting married. To him, of all people.”
“Because. I do love him, even if he’s an ass. And it’s.. safe. He’s safe.”
“Safe from what?”
You huff, “If music doesn’t take off. He has a good, stable job.”
“The band will never take off if you get married, babe. He hates the band. He’ll make you quit, and you know it.”
“Then maybe it wasn’t mean to be,” you shrug.
Jodie stops in her tracks. “How can you— no. Absolutely not. I do not care if you love him or if you wanna marry him. You are not throwing away your dream for some guy! Any guy! If it was— fuckin’, I dunno, Harry, who was like this—“
“Harry? Ew! I just met him—“
“He was the first person that came to mind! The point is, if anyone you dated pulled that, I’d say the same thing. It isn’t just because I don’t particularly like Connor.”
“Jodie—“ you sigh.
“No,” she cut you off. “You’ve been singing and writing songs since as long as I can remember. That was all you wanted. Since we were six, you’d tell people you’d be a singer when you’re older! You and Mason planned this for years! You can’t just quit because some stupid, no-good, ugly guy tells you to! Music is who you are. If not for yourself, then for me. For Mason. The band was meant to be, but maybe you and Connor weren’t.”
“I know. I know. But I’m serious. If Niall treated me like this, you would’ve roundhouse kicked him by now.”
“It’s complicated—“
“But it doesn’t have to be,” she argues.
“.. I don’t wanna talk about it. I don’t, okay? I won’t quit music whenever we get married, okay? He’ll get over it eventually.”
When the four of you return home, Connor is on the couch. He's fuming.
You roll your eyes as you walk through the door, ignoring him. The others seem to follow your lead, both not acknowledging his presence.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asks, storming over to you as you set the Sephora bag on the kitchen counter.
“You’d know where I was if you bothered to show up.”
“I wasn’t invited.”
You gave him a deadpan look, turning to Jodie, Harry, and Niall.
“I did invite you, dumbass,” Jodie scoffs.
“Yep. Invited,” Niall nods.
“.. Invited,” Harry echoes, visibly confused but still going along.
“Well, excuse me if I didn’t feel welcome after my own girlfriend told me to leave my own house when she was gone—“
“Not your own house. Your name isn’t on the lease. And why is that? Oh, right. Because you don’t pay fucking rent like a grown adult.”
“I don’t got a job right now, babe. I’m not stable—“
“Oh, and I am? I sing for a living. You think that’s stable? No. But I do it because I want to, and when I’m not making enough there, I have another job. Jesus, you act like you can’t problem solve.”
“That isn’t the point.”
“Then what is your point, Connor?” you sigh, crossing your arms and leaning against the kitchen island.
“My point is that you care more about your career than me!"
"Connor, babe, that isn't true, I just-"
"It sure seems like it."
"I just.. I really love it, and it's-- it's what I wanna do with my life, y'know? I don't mean to make you feel that way. I invite you to every show, you just.. don't show up, and-- and that's fine, but I try to include you."
"Yeah, whatever. I guess I forgive you."
You smile, "I love you."
"Love you, too."
The two of you retreat to the bedroom, and it was silent for a moment.
"What the fuck?"
"Welcome to a normal day for us, Harry. Havin' fun yet?" Jodie sighs, patting his shoulder as she walks past him.
The next day, you and Jodie went out to look at wedding and bridesmaids dresses.
"So, what are we looking for here,?" Jodie asks you as the two of you stop for coffee in between hitting dress stores. You'd been aimlessly trying on dresses for the better half of the day, and none of them felt right. "I feel like you were just trying on everything, but you weren't happy with a lot of them. So, when you envision your wedding, what is the exact dress you want?"
"I want.. like.. flowery lace with a decent neckline. I want it tight, but kind of flowy once it hits my legs. And.. bell bottom sleeves. The rest I could adjust, but bell bottom sleeves are a must."
"Flower lace, tight top flowy bottom, halter neckline. Got it," Jodie grins. The barista calls your name and you run to go grab the drinks and snacks. The two of you began walking down the street.
"So.. how does Ni know Harry, anyhow?"
"Uh... work, I think? I can't even remember, it's been so long! I think they met before Ni moved here, and then reconnected through work. I could be wrong, though. Ni only told me once when I first met Harry, and that was years ago," she laughs. "But I think it's work, mostly. You don't mind him staying, right? Because, he's sweet, don't get me wrong, but he's also kind of... promiscuous, I guess? Not that he's.. pushy about it! He just is extremely flirty and doesn't really have boundaries sometimes."
"No! No, God, no, he's perfectly fine. I like him. I was just wondering, because I can't remember either of you mentioning him ever," you explained.
"I'm sure we have once or twice, you've just got the memory of a goldfish."
"Shut up! I do not!" you giggle as the two of you walk into the next dress shop of the day.
"Hello! How may I help you?" a woman greets the two of you.
"Hi! My friend here is getting married, and she has a very specific dress in mind! She wants flowery lace, halter top neckline... kind of tight at the top and slightly flowy at the legs? Oh, and bell bottom sleeves. That's the only ones that are non-negotiable."
The woman nods and glances at you.
"I'm pretty sure we've got something exactly like that in your size. I'll bring you a few options."
"Thank you so much!" you tell her and Jodie and you set your things down and sit on the couches by the changing rooms. The two of you talk idly about plans for the band until the woman reappears.
"Alright, love, here's a few similar to what you want. But I think this one is closest to what you want," she smiles kindly as she hands you a stack of dresses, and then one singular one.
"Oh, it's beautiful!" you gush.
"Try it on!" Jodie tells you. You laugh and walk into one of the changing rooms. Obviously, the first dress you try on is the one closest to what you'd envisioned. You couldn't help the smile on your face as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
"Hurry up!" Jodie urges.
"Calm down, woman, I'm coming!" you huff as you push the curtain aside and step onto the pedestal.
"Oh, Y/N/N... I think this one might be the one. It's gorgeous!"
"It fits you like a glove," the woman grins.
"I love it!" you squeal. "Here, get a video of me in it. I wanna show Ni whenever we get home."
"Okay. And.. recording!" Jodie tells you.
You spin around in the dress, and it has just enough train to spin with you a tiny bit. You squeal in excitement and jump up and down. "I love it! Bury me in it, honestly."
"I won't send it now just in case he's with Connor, so we'll show him when we get home. But.. and this isn't me saying don't get the dress, I think you should, but I thought Connor didn't want you to get a... revealing dress, I guess is the words?"
You pause and your smile fades, "Yeah, he doesn't. He likes the ballgown ones more, but.. it's my wedding, too, right? I should be able to get my own dress. Besides, he won't see until the day of, and then it'll be too late to be mad. And he can't be mad on our wedding day," you shrug.
"Fair enough. How much is this dress, again?"
"Oh, I forget. Turn and let me check that tag, dear."
You turn so your back is to the store owner.
"It is... three thousand dollars."
You and Jodie both pause. Three thousand? You weren't sure you had that type of money. Not yet, anyway.
"Y/N, I can-"
"Jodie, absolutely not. You can't pay for my wedding dress."
The woman looks between the two of you awkwardly.
"Um.. is it possible to put the dress on hold?" you ask after a beat. "It's just.. I wanna make sure that price is good with my fiancé."
"Oh, of course, love. What's your name?"
"Y/N L/N."
She grabs a sticky note and scribbles it down.
"It'll be on hold for about.. two weeks, does that sound good?"
"Yes, please. Thank you so much."
"'Eyyyy, they're back!" Niall cheers as you and Jodie walk in through the door. He and Harry were both on the couch drinking beers, watching something on the TV. "C'mon, I wanna see the dress!"
You and Jodie both laugh and move to the couch. Jodie sits between Harry and Niall while you perch on the armrest as she pulls the video of you in the dress up on her phone.
"Awwe, Y/N/N, you look gorgeous," Niall grins.
"Thank you! Took us forever, but we finally found one that is exactly what I wanted."
"Where is it? I wanna see it in person!"
You and Jodie both hesitate. "Uh.. we.. didn't get it."
"What?" Niall furrows his brows in confusion.
Harry finally chimes into the conversation, "Why the hell not?"
"It was.. um... three thousand dollars. We put it on hold, but.."
"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you to just use our card? You know I have enough money-"
"I know. Jodie offered, but I feel bad using your money. I don't even know if Connor would like the dress, so maybe-"
"Fuck Connor. Sorry," Harry suddenly says, "excuse me if this isn't my place, but you're the one wearing the dress. If you like the dress, get the fuckin' dress, Y/N. You look great in it."
".. Thank you. I just- I don't really have three thousand dollars," you sigh.
At damn near four in the morning, Jodie and Niall prefer to be asleep. However, Harry didn't really seem to care all that much when he came barging in.
"What's the name of the shop?"
"What?" Jodie asks harshly.
"The dress shop. The one Y/N found that dress she likes. What's it called?"
"It's... fuck, it's, like, Wedding Dreams or some stupid shit like that."
"Why are you even asking, Harry? It's fucking four in the morning, go to sleep," Niall grumbles.
"I have to buy a three thousand dollar fucking dress."
a/n: when he buys ur wedding dress cause ur broke how cute
taglist: @angeldavis777
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cherubharrington · 2 years
Here with you
Steddie x reader
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The boys knew something was going on between you, Eddie and Steve. They could see it from a mile away. Lucas was the first out of the bunch to bring it up to the older boys. Maybe they’ll be honest.
“So, you guys and y/n?” He asked, he knew it wasn’t a three way kind of thing. Only that the two boys had a thing for you. But he wanted to milk out as much as he could. Both boys looked at each other then at the younger boys in front of them.
“What about her?” Eddie asked, almost defensively. Oops, wrong way to approach this situation.
“Uh- just we noticed you guys have a-.”
“Jesus Christ, we know you both have a thing for her.” Dustin said bluntly. Mike hit Dustin on the shoulder and Dustin just shrugged. He wasn’t one to hold back and he wasn’t going to do that in this situation either.
“Uh-.” Steve said.
“You don’t have to tell us.” Will said, he didn’t like this. He felt like it was heading in unwanted territory. Eddie had been quiet before this now he felt the need to speak up.
“No no, what are you guys trying to ask? If we’re in a relationship together because we’re not. We just- we don’t know who she would pick if she had to.” Eddie said, he sounded anxious. Eddie Munson wasn’t the anxious type. Maybe in high stake situations but this wasn’t that.
“What do you mean pick?” Nancy and Robin had entered the room and looked between all the boys. Jonathan and Argyle close behind, Steve closed his eyes and put his hand on his temple.
“Pick what? Who’s picking?” Robin asked after Nancy. Eddie put his face in his hands. The younger boys recoiled at the way the older kids reacted. This wasn’t how they wanted to get information on the situation.
Before they knew it, Max and Eleven walked into the room. They were laughing at something they said to each other. Then they saw how everyone in the room looked.
“You guys okay?” Max asked.
“We’re trying to find out who’s picking whatever it is they’re picking.” Robin replied, Nancy nodded staring at both boys then at the younger ones.
“They both like y/n.” Dustin said.
“Dustin!” Steve and Eddie said in unison. Dustin rolled his eyes. “What! You morons wouldn’t say it.” Steve threw a paper at Dustin’s head, Dustin pull out his middle finger.
“What about her?” Jonathan asked, sitting on the couch. Arygle had gotten preoccupied in the kitchen to care about their conversation.
“We don’t know who she would choose if she had to between us.” Eddie said, he was looking down at the table. Nancy sat down next to Jonathan.
“Why not put it to a vote? We put down who we think she’ll choose.” Lucas said, he felt bad about the whole thing already. Maybe this would help things?
Oh how wrong he was, when everyone had written on their little papers and Lucas had collected them. Steve had won overall vote. He looked over at Eddie, it seemed like he knew what the paper said before Lucas said it out loud. Steve didn’t even look over at Eddie, he knew.
“Steve won overall vote.” The look of hurt was written on Eddie’s face. Eddie didn’t speak, he didn’t say anything. Almost like if he knew what the verdict was going to be before he said it. Lucas winced, he didn’t realize this idea made things even worse.
“Uh-.” Robin said. “Who wants to watch back to the future? Yeah, let’s watch back to the future.”
Everyone sat down and didn’t say anything to each other. Eddie had left early that day and everyone in their own way felt guilty.
When you found out about the voting, you were pissed off. You hated when people tried to speak on your behalf. Or tried to interject themselves into your decisions. You stared at the party with anger. Steve stood next to you, the only person you weren’t mad at.
“It was my dumb idea, I’ll take credit for that.” Lucas said, a guilty expression on his face. You looked over at him.
“Look, whoever I decide to “pick” is my business. And my business alone. I don’t need anyone making it for me. And who said I was going to choose anyone.” You said, you felt Steve’s eyes on you as you spoke. You looked up at him, his eyes told you a story about heartbreak. One you’ve known because he told you and one you had to figure out by the way his eyes dimmed as he said it.
“I have to go talk to Eddie. Come on Steve.”
Steve drove you to Eddie’s trailer, silence between the two of you was louder than it usually was. Usually though, it was a comfortable silence. This one was too tensed.
“Uh y/n?” He said, his eyes still on the road.
“Not saying you have to choose, but uh I just need to know. Do you- do you like me?” He asked, you felt his eyes on you for a brief time.
“Of course I do Steve. But I also like Eddie. So you can see how that complicates things.”
Eddies trailer was in sight and Steve glanced over at you. He smiled a small smile at you.
“Choose wisely.”
Eddie was busy trying to tune his guitar to have heard you guys come in. Once he saw you guys at the door. He knew.
“You didn’t have to come all the way here ya know. I can take care of myself. Just fine.” Eddie said, placing his precious guitar back on the wall. You sighed and sat on his bed.
“Stop the shit, Munson. I know when you’re hurting. Right now is not the time for that.” You said, your arms were crossed. Both boys stared at each other before sitting on opposites sides of you.
“Look, I know you and Harrington knew each other longer. I get it. I’m the stranger who barge into your love story.”
You put your hands on your head. Shaking your head slowly.
“Never said I was going to choose. Never asked for people to speak for me, Eddie.” You stared him down until he looked away. You sighed, you turned to look over at Steve. There was a hurt expression on his face.
“I want the both of you. But I don’t know if either of you would compromise.” You went on. Eddies face turned into a mixture of confusion and suspension.
“What are you trying to say? You want us to be a threesome?”
“Polyamory is a thing, you know. And I know you never cared for what other people thought.” You turned to Steve. “You on the other-.”
“I’ll do anything, anything to be with you.” Steve said, his hand now on your back. Eddie looked at him and a smile began to form.
“Sounding a little desperate, aren’t we Harrington?”
Steve glared at him before looking back at you. “So that’s a yes?” You asked.
Both boys couldn’t make it to you fast enough. Both of them ready to devour you whole. They could try and see where it went. That was what they could do. Eddie had you by your back as Steve kissed you.
“You sure about this?”
“No shit.”
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boxeom · 3 months
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• When Judgement Day Comes •
🌻[The Failure of Truth and the Success of Lies]🌻
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Synopsis: Hiromi gets yet another guilty verdict, but luckily, you are there to pick up his stray pieces.
Contains: Higuruma Hiromi/gn!reader, heavy angst, hurt comfort, a lil spooky (:3), (cw.) heavy intrusive thoughts, (cw.) suicidal ideation, (cw.) heavy dissociation, non-sexual intimacy, acts of service, bird facts (it's symbolism, I promise/I also just know way too much about birds and must share my knowledge), disgusting amounts of soft and emotional fluff.
Wc. 5k+
[Message from the Box]: Uhhhh…first time actually posting my writing. A bit nervous. I have literally been writing so much stuff in my personal life and have literally finished stories I've just been a wee scared to post so they've just been sitting in my drive for like…three years??? Maybe there will be more to come if I actually hype myself up enough- I'm proud of my writings, I think I'm an okay writer (I think), but posting them always makes me feel urrg. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! (IF YOU SAW THE UNCOMPLETED VERSION OF THIS, NO YOU DIDN'T. 🫵🏽)
-Boxe in the Box
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Hiromi's eyes peel open slowly to meet the dark roof of his car. He blinks a few times, head lifting from his headrest to stare ahead at the dark and practically empty parking lot just outside the courthouse. The sun was up when he had gotten into his car- how long was he sitting here? A nearby lamppost flickers. Harsh pale yellow light flashes in rapid patterns- straining Hiromi's eyes and painting his skin ghostly white for only mere seconds before plunging him back into shadow. Hiromi chuckles without a hint of amusement. Those really were the only two sides of the coin, weren't they? The head is too bright- too harsh, it leaves you squinting in wait to adjust- to have to eventually hope that you can one day comfortably live in the exposure the light paints you in. Meanwhile, the tail is too dark to even tell whether or not you are conscious as everything passes by right in front of you- leaving you to blindly stumble your way through uncertainty. You can flip that coin as much as you want. But was the hope for heads every time really worth it? Was this worth it?
Was life worth it?
The intrusively dark thought comes creeping its way out unexpectedly- forcing Hiromi to look it right in the face and come to terms with his subconscious questioning the idea of living. It isn't new, not at all. Hiromi has always had thoughts like that, but he's never given them his attention in favor of pursuing his passion to redeem the world of justice and honor. Right now, though? Hiromi finds himself not countering this consideration of life with his usual optimism. He's too tired. He's so tired. Hiromi takes a deep breath and slightly shakes his head, starting his car, flicking on his lights, and leaving that damned parking lot he's had too many moments of defeat in. He doesn't see the dark figure flickering in and out of existence just beneath the light of that lamppost in his rearview mirror watching his retreat- nor does he see the bulb begin to surge with power, shining too brightly until it shatters with an unheard pop! and litters glass onto the asphalt below. He doesn't see that whatever had been watching him was now gone.
Driving has always been something that Hiromi has come to appreciate. Despite the unfortunate impact careening around in a highly flammable steel box at speeds humans were not meant to move at pouring gray smog into the air from every hole had on the environment, Hiromi finds himself comfortable in the mindless routine of turning the steering wheel, pressing or easing off the acceleration or brake, using the appropriate signals when it was time to use them, and everything else that came with such a common act. His windows are down- wind whipping in his ears and face as he naturally drives the speed limit right at its number, blank eyes staring ahead and occasionally glancing to the left or right. Today, though, something is...different.
He finds himself disassociating from the world around him- from the other cars sharing the road and forgetting that living, breathing people reside inside them. He wonders what would happen if he just pivoted into the black Mercedes Benz he saw littering a styrofoam cup full of cigarette butts a couple miles back. He wonders what would happen if he got on the ass of the rundown truck blaring bass and shit with its driver who blatantly has his eyes glued to his phone. Hiromi can feel the upper half of his dress shoe continue to press down on the acceleration, his vehicle revving along with the action as if to egg him on to go faster. He finds himself not caring when he cuts someone off or doesn't use his turning signal. His chest feels positively hollow. Just like before, he doesn't see the dark figure lounging in his backseat just behind him.
It's like he snaps awake when he finds himself in the elevator of his penthouse, the default cheery tune of elevator music making his clear exhaustion look almost comical in the mirrors paneled to the walls surrounding him. His heavy eyes blink. Hiromi's head swivels to the wall to his right suddenly- eyebrows drawn together in puzzlement. He could have sworn, in the corner of his eye, someone was just with him in the elevator. There had been a flash of long black hair and uncomfortably pale skin, donned in a dark robe of some kind. Before he can give what he just saw much thought, the elevator dings and the steel doors slide open. Hiromi blinks a few times and lightly shakes his head. He lifts his free hand, pinching the bridge of his nose before his palm drags down the rest of his face and he sighs deeply while leaving the elevator. Hiromi's shoulders slouch and his feet are heavy against the floor below him. He slips off his shoes, toeing them in the corner before stepping further into his home.
And just like that, the lead in his muscles and fatigue weighing him down just melts away as you peek around the corner to meet his eyes. You meet him halfway. It doesn't go unnoticed by Hiromi how your eyes look him up and down in clear concern and what he really thinks is pity. "...Guilty again, huh?" He doesn't even need to explain it to you anymore. Hiromi feels every single ounce of negativity cursing his mind, body, and soul simply disappear as he steps into your open and warm embrace. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him flush against your body as a hand cradles the back of his head and welcomes his heaviness. Hiromi's forehead drops to your shoulder and his eyes slide close in relief to be with you. "I made dinner. Hungry?" He shakes his head to decline your offer. There's a moment of guilt in the pit of his stomach that he selfishly turns down your effort in caring for him, but that feeling is soon washed away as you nod instantly. You understood. You always understood. "C'mon," you give a soft kiss to his temple, "let's get this suit off."
With your hand in his, you lead Hiromi into your shared bedroom and take his suitcase to put aside on his desk. You sit Hiromi down on the edge of your bed gently and go about grabbing some more comfortable clothes for him to wear. Hiromi watches you with the softest gaze as you return to him, setting a fresh pair of boxers and one of his old college shirts beside him. You start loosening his tie, “Wanna get washed off? We can lay down afterwards.”
“Yes, please."
“Want me to join?”
Hiromi's heart swells to a point where his chest aches. He leans forward into you, head resting on your chest to listen to your steady heartbeat as he hugs your waist and draws you close between his legs. He just needs a moment to take you in- to feel you in his arms. You let him, return his embrace without question. His heavy eyes close slowly.
He's home.
Hiromi lets out a long sigh as he sinks into the hot embrace of the lavender scented water filling the master bathroom’s spacious tub, resting his arms along the porcelain edges. His eyes peel open when you pass by- pulling your shirt up over your head and tossing it into the wicker laundry bin against the wall. He tilts his head, taking you in from head to toe as you slip your shorts down your legs. Hiromi’s eyebrows knit slightly.
“Where'd you get that bruise from?” He asks in concern, sitting up and reaching out for you- palm smoothing along the back of your bare thigh where a large, dark bruise welts against your skin. “Hm?” You peer over your shoulder at Hiromi with a frown of surprise, “I have a bruise?” “Yeah- it looks horrible. Did this happen recently?” “Oh, right,” Hiromi’s thumb gently rubs small circles against your flesh as you chuckle sheepishly, “I slipped and fell while running late to a meeting the other day, but it didn't hurt or anything.” Hiromi lets out an exasperated sigh, “How do you always manage to hurt yourself? Please be more careful, you have enough scars and bruises as it is.”
You raise your hands in playful surrender as you step into the bath, “I know, I know, I'm sorry.” Hiromi just shakes his head with a smile and welcomes your body against his when you join him within the water. You hum out in satisfaction, your back pressed to Hiromi's chest- your skin warm and pleasant flushed to his. Hiromi noses at the crook of your neck before leaving a fond trail of kisses down the gentle slope. Your hand reaches back as you tilt your head to give him more room, fingers threading through Hiromi's dark hair and scratching his scalp just the way he likes as his lips linger on the scar that curls at your left shoulder. Hiromi closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer still. “How was your day?” He asks against your skin. “You don't want to talk about yours?” You shift slightly in his arms to peer at him where his chin is tucked into your shoulder. “No,” Hiromi tilts his head to gently bump yours, your temples resting against each other's, “I just want to hear about you.”
You don't respond, but Hiromi can feel the way your cheek rises just a bit with your smile.
The next thirty minutes or so are filled with you telling Hiromi how you've spent your uneventful but peaceful day off (“boring is best”, you always say) as the two of you bathe together. It's a routine that you're both familiar with- one that Hiromi holds very dear (and he knows you do as well). You always insist on washing him first, working soap against his skin with a delicate touch and melting away the stress and tension of his day. When it's your turn, Hiromi is never not thorough. He finds it oddly relaxing- cleaning another person's body for them (though, he'd never done such intimate acts with anyone before meeting you so maybe he finds it so comforting because it's you).
His favorite part, though, is when you coax him to rest back into your chest and wash his hair. Tonight is no different.
Your hands do wonders. How you aren't the most famous massage therapist in the world, Hiromi has no idea (but he's more than happy to keep your talents for himself, anyways). Your fingers work through his hair with a touch that could rival that of an angel's. The clean and woodsy smell of Hiromi's shampoo fills the air as you knead his sensitive scalp, the heavenly combination nearly causing him to doze off in the water the two of you sit in. Hiromi's head lulls whichever direction your hands work in and his eyes have long since fluttered shut at the sound of your voice very seriously recounting a nature documentary you'd been absolutely appalled by earlier this evening.
"-and the mother bird won't realize that she's been taking care of a baby that isn't hers! The cuckoo hatches along with her babies and she'll feed them all, but the thing is that the cuckoo is much larger than the others so the mother will focus on feeding them more than her own." You tell him, disturbed by the information you've learned, "The other babies will either starve to death because they aren't getting enough food or be pushed out of the nest by the cuckoo because it needs more room. It's called...oh, what was it?"
"Parasitic brooding..." Hiromi finishes for you, having remembered seeing the term in a book he'd read once.
"Parasitic brooding! That's it!" You frown deeply, "It was really...sad. I know it's just nature, the cuckoo is just doing what its instinct is, but still...I can't help but feel bad for all the birds involved. The baby cuckoo especially."
"The baby cuckoo? How come?"
"...I'm not sure. It's just...the idea of a baby that's planted into a family it's meant to destroy without even knowing..." You trail off long enough for Hiromi's eyes to open and tilt his head back against your chest to see your face. "...It's a scary thought." He correctly words your feelings aloud. "Very." You agree solemnly, absentmindedly shaping Hiromi's hair into spikes. It's a bit surprising to him- how affected you seem by this concept. He's sure there's something there, something complex within you he's yet to uncover. Your relationship was founded and built on patience and trust- both of your backgrounds are complicated enough to have shaped who you are today significantly. And you've both mutually confided in one another about your pasts with time.
Hiromi knows there is still more about your life before him that you haven't told him about. However, he would never dream of trying to push that information out of you. Whatever it is, whenever you are ready to tell him about it, he'll be there for you the whole way. It's a silent promise he'd made to you early on into your friendship that he has no intention of breaking now after three years of being together.
He slowly sits up, turning in the water to face you and cup your face in his wet hand. You lean into his touch with an apologetic and sheepish smile. "Sorry...I was getting too into my head."
"You have nothing to apologize for."
"But I'm supposed to be taking care of you today, not the other way around."
"We can take care of each other at the same time, you know." Hiromi reasons, his response being a trill of your lips and a playfully dismissive wave. "Impossible."
With a shake of his head, he kisses your forehead and chuckles against your skin as you snicker along with him. When he leans back, you're beaming up at Hiromi with a smile that will never fail to make the rest of the world just disappear. He breathes your name. "I love you." "I love you, too."
"Keep telling me about the documentary. What else did it talk about?"
"Oh! Did you know that there are families of lesbian lizards?"
Hiromi climbs into bed beside you, letting out the hundredth sigh of the day when he flops face first into the sanctuary of his fluffy pillow. He hears you snicker and coo with sympathy to the side and he can't help but smile. You pull the cool duvet over him before settling in, your hand resting on the nape of his neck and absentmindedly playing with the short dark tufts of hair there. Hiromi turns his head to meet your eyes. The two of you simply stare at each other for a moment. His mind wanders back to the failure of his day- to the look of pure contempt on his client's face when the verdict was given. Will the next time be the same? And the time after that? What about the inevitable case he'd take a year from now? Will he ever make a difference? Is he the kind of person that can even make a difference...?
"What're you thinking about, Hiro?"
“...Do you think I'll ever change anything?”
Your expression is hard for Hiromi to read, even after these years of being with you, but he can see the sympathy in your eyes. There's something else he catches just in the subtle downturn of your thoughtful frown. It's complicated and deep and almost devastating. It's like you've heard these words or asked yourself the same question before, but in a way Hiromi can't seem to grasp. Your palm glides to cup his cheek, thumb stroking the corner of his eye rhythmically. Before he can think any further on it though, the brief glaze to your stare disappears to something he can actually recognize. Love.
“I do.”
There isn't a hint of doubt in your whisper. You continue;
“You are…a righteous, beautiful, and passionate soul with the mind to accomplish anything and everything you want. You're always learning, always watching, always adapting. And I wish- every single day- I wish I could be even half as strong as you are. You're unshakeable, Hiromi.”
Hiromi has never been a very outwardly emotional man. It takes a lot for his heart to bare itself so clearly. Even so, you are easily able to sway him as if it was as simple as breathing- like he is a book with its pages ready and waiting to be read and analyzed by your eyes and your eyes alone. It's a terrifying and exhilarating experience. To be seen, known, and cherished.
“You won't just change anything, Hiromi.” You smile so softly, finger brushing away the tear Hiromi hadn't noticed was falling until your touch. He lifts his hand to cover your own and weaves your fingers together. “You'll change everything. I know it.”
“...How?” His voice is so quiet, he almost doesn't hear it himself…but you hear him.
“Because you're Higuruma Hiromi. And I love you.”
There's such a serene silence that falls between the two of you, Hiromi almost feels like he's caught in a dream. Your skin is painted by the loving strokes of the rising moon’s brush- your eyes sparkle brighter than any mere shooting star that's ever streaked across the night sky. You're ethereal. Hiromi has to question- has to wonder what it is he did in his past lives to have earned the grace that is you. What he does know, though, is that you're here. With him.
And that is more than enough.
The shadows of your and Hiromi's bedroom shift, something darker than the black blanket of night slinking silently across the ceiling. It moves slowly and deliberately- spindly and twisted limbs like the branches of a dying tree moving the bulbous, swollen trunk they are attached to. The damnable thing crawls down the wall the headboard of the bed presses against, making its way closest to Hiromi's side. Its pencil thin neck stretches and cranes with the accompanied sound of crackles and pops (as if stretching bones it does not possess), two wide bloodshot eyes that are much too human yet far too large leer unblinkingly down at the soundly sleeping man just within its reach. Its face holds no features- just a silhouette of a head that is too small compared to its sac-like body. It's like a child's rendition of a giant spider they saw in their nightmares has peeled off paper and grew the size of a car. It stares, drinking in the face of the human who's woe it bore from. His desperation, his sorrow, his guilt, his regrets- all a delectable ambrosia that fills its fat gut. But it is not enough.
There's a soft, almost undetectable sound from it. Like the slow inhale of a dying man that draws on and on and on and on and on, hollow and wheezing and infinite. The space where its mouth should be begins to fall cartoonishly from the upper half of its face, a cacophony of ripping tendons and snapping cartilage growing more and more frequent the more its gaping maw yawns open. It draws closer to Hiromi, jaw unhinging and stretching to the size of Hiromi's upper torso.
Closer. Closer. Closer. Closer.
The creature's mouth snaps closed, head shooting up to the sudden sound of something just barely moving to the right. Its wide eyes widen further when it meets the subtly glowing gaze of you. You stare into its very core- shaking the foundation of its being. Your expression is void, yet the unbridled wrath storming in your eyes and lashing through your energy strikes something into the newborn curse. Something so horrible, it cannot truly comprehend how or why you make it feel.
It feels fear.
The curse is fleeing before it realizes, scattering with uncanny speed across the floor and heading straight towards the glass doors leading to the connecting balcony. It crashes through the glass, pieces digging into its fleshy body but it is undeterred. Gnarly fingers wrap around the railing as it heaves its body up, ready to jump over the edge and escape into the night. It watches as its own body suddenly hurdles over the edge of the railing unceremoniously- plunging silently over the edge and disappearing. Its eyes shake as it slowly peers to the side.
"The next time you are born," your voice is soft and even as your fist tightens around its severed neck with a strength that has the curse's eyes about to pop out of its head, your free hand resting over its face, "make sure it isn't by him."
There's a sick, wet, tearing sound- purple residue spraying across the floor of the balcony as you reduce the curse’s head into a ball of meat, raw cursed energy rushing through both parts of its body before exploding in a display of churning blue flame. Any evidence of its existence is instantly eradicated. You look back just as Hiromi is startled awake from the shattering glass, snapping your fingers as the ruined glass door flashes and is fixed in the blink of an eye. Hiromi bolts upright and his head snaps to where you're re-entering the bedroom. "Sorry," you whisper, "did I wake you?"
"Wh-What the hell was that?!" Hiromi asks in panic, eyes flickering around your bedroom to find whatever it was that had awoken him. Guilt picks at your bones as you tilt your head and furrow your brow in feigned confusion. "What was what?" Your boyfriend stares at you like he's trying to decide if he's gone crazy or if you've gone crazy. "Th-That...that sound! It sounded like glass was breaking!" "...Glass? I didn't hear anything, Hiro."
Hiromi blinks a few times, processing your words- his mind running. You can see him thinking. You know that he definitely knows he didn't dream that up, but your reaction clearly makes him question himself. “You're stressed, baby. It was probably just a nightmare.” To ease (and distract) him, you move back into bed, your hand gently cupping his face to turn Hiromi towards you and meet him in a soft kiss. He relaxes with a slow exhale through his nose- you can feel his rapid heart beat calming where you rest your hand over his chest. “C’mere, let's go back to sleep, hm?” You murmur when you pull away, your answer a quiet nod. Hiromi moves with you- your hands gently holding his shoulders to guide him to rest on top of you.
Hiromi sighs as he lays his head on your chest, your fingers threading through his hair and running through his hair to tempt his eyes to fall closed. It's not long until you feel Hiromi's breathing slowly even out like it always does when he sleeps. You glance to the balcony door, releasing your hold on the illusion to assess the damage. There's a giant hole punched right through the now ruined glass door, pieces scattered across the ground (but luckily it's far enough that Hiromi won't accidentally step on the pieces when he wakes up tomorrow). You inwardly groan before setting the false image back into place and shut your eyes.
You'll need to get that fixed tomorrow.
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hectorthedoggo · 3 months
Mahiru decides it’s her turn to do the parenting of es (inno verdict au)
THIS IS SO BAD OH MY GOd but if you guys wanna read it i suppose food is food. i am going on hiatus after this one (if all goes well) (I do have ~1.8k of next fugue chapter done but... i don't like it...)
start of character study fic that i never finished
When Mahiru was young, she had once found a baby bird in her yard. It had fallen from the nest, and it seemingly had nowhere to go.
It begged, yelled, for anyone to help it. Mahiru had excitedly taken it in, cradling it as gently as possible, finding all sorts of books in the library on how to take care of a baby bird.
As she had grown closer to it, in taking care of it, watching it grow, a new sense of pride came in. And, a new feeling, she would come to know, as posessiveness.
She didn’t hang out with her friends, instead opting to watch it hop around in her little homemade nest.
Eventually, her parents caught on, and explained to her, with slight horror, that she had done something bad.
But, they never explained what about it was bad. They didn’t let her outside often, after that incident.
But, she never learned from the incident.
It always stuck in her head, as she pined through reading romance, of the idea of one true love, one to fawn over until they both died, a love that lasted through trials and tribulations.
As the world threw more and more issues and expectations at her, she decided to latch onto that idea. Just as she had found that bird in her backyard, she believed it was fate.
The next time she had met the bird from her childhood was with Ren. He was crying on the school rooftop, and Mahiru took one look at him.
She knew.
So, she softly introduced herself, asking him what was wrong.
The rest was history.
He was dead. He was dead. He was dead.
The one she thought would stay with her, forever, gone.
And it might’ve been just because of her.
Yapping yapping
Milgram used to be empty. There used to be nothing, a sense of doubt. The INNOCENT verdict changed everything.
She realized how true her love was. How perfect it was.
Post highlighting ideas
Okay guys so you have heard of overly-paternal Shidou. Now get ready for: overly-maternal Mahiru. (maybe in a fic). I just wanna explain my reasoning for believing in this so that it doesn’t seem sudden IF she gets like this.
Mahiru and Shidou are foils for a reason.
She’s in love with ‘love’, which can be interpreted as a lot. It could be interpreted as romantic, yes, but also platonic.
Yes, her guilty verdict didn’t do good, but imagine what an INNOCENT verdict would do. She would assume her idea of love is correct (it isn’t). (even with the guilty verdict, she kept kinda believing in love. *shivers*)
And, drawing from the bf was already suicidal mentality, that’s a sort of “i can fix him” mentality she took there. Like, finding an injured baby bird, and taking care of it to feel better about herself, despite accidentally ruining its future.
It doesn’t matter if it’s romantic in nature or not; she’s in love with the idea of taking care of sometihng.
That mentality would get WORSE. Because, I’m assuming she used love as a coping mechanism; which, would be expemplified in a stressful environment such as milgram.
I think they all need fixing, but guess who is ALONE. Guess who is young, pathetic, and not coping well with an environment they were forced into.
Guess who’s the equivilant of an injured baby bird. That’s right folks: Es Milgram.
I think it would start with minor things, like checking in with them.
And, they would want the comfort, they would crave it, but insist otherwise. She would figure out their craving, and OH GOOD LORD.
Someone’s not getting their complaints listened to (they don’t know better they don’t know true love_
She would fall deeper and deeper into her mentality of ‘they need my help, it’s so domestic’ ‘i’m useful this way’ ‘this is almost like my purpose’
I actually know someone who’s kinda like this (less intense ofc), but with dogs and children and says it’s kinda like this. So. i have some backing for this mentality.
She would enjoy taking care of them, too much. She would sing them to sleep, she would bring their meals, encourage them to rest, basically be an impromptu mother. (fluff except es is slowly watching their sense of agency and therefore get taken away from them)
But, she would also get a little exhausting to be around, to keep up with. They’re constantly getting their sense of authority undermined, but they’ve also become a little addicted to love
And that’s fitting perfectly into the gender roles she loves, too. She’s def vibing.
Eventually, it would get to be too much, and they would start locking their door unless they have a moment of weakness and open the door for her.
Which, would increase her relentless knocking. Mahiru’s known to be relentless in terms of her love (breakup ritual and shi)
I think eventually, they would give up, and simply let her in, asking her to leave them alone.
T2 she would get a guilty verdict because audience can’t deal with her.
And i think that would make her WORSE, like accidentally guilt-tripping them to why she got a guilty verdict; 
Es would have an emotional attachment to her (accident), and that would make things worse for them. Bc. guilty verdict
idk tho i’ll probably just gonna write some comfort scenes from this au. It would probably be called ‘nestling’ or smth like that :D es would get comfort but at what cost (sickfic cauesd by trying to stay away from Mahiru)
Adding on about traditional family roles; shidou could potentially also participate in this madness. He could end up being the mediator, like the “i agree but maybe leave this kid alone”
Meanwhile, this whole time, Es is trying to hold onto their sense of identity, they hate being ‘babied’. dumpsterfire
es just wants to be warden please stop adding them to the “new (unhealthy) family 💛🩶🩵” gc
#excuse to write a platonic yandere fic #because i really really wanna do that for like a period of 30 minutes then look back on it like tf why would i write thsi #would i be forgiven if i wrote a fic like that vote now on your phones # but would you guys gen wanna see this
Es weakly coughed, curling up on their bed, trying to ignore everything. Their eyes and nose leaaked, and they were utterly pathetic and fatigued.
There was a knock on their door. “Es? Es, can I come in? Sorry, you’re really worrying me…”
Please. Please, god, just leave me alone.
“Mahiru- please… go away…” Their voice was parched; they hadn’t wanted to go out and get water. Holing myself up seemed like the best solution, but…
“Es? Oh no, sweetie, you really don’t sound good. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Please leave me alone. “Go…”
The rapid knocking resumed. “Es, c’mon. Let me in… I’ll make you your favorite~!”
I’ve never had a favorite. I just needed the food.
Their head shot through with pain, and they let out a little whimper.
She gasped. “Oh no! You’re sick!” No shit, Sherlock. “C’mon, Es, you’re going to have to let me in… sickness can be very bad, if left alone like this! Y’know, just having someone with you can increase healing!”
I bet she read that in a magazine. She is right, though. I do need food, I do need to drink, I definitely need sleep.
I just… can’t. Not with her around. I was just trying to cut her off, to get her away from me. Why isn’t she going? It’s been 2 days, she’s literally slept outside of my room.
This feels like a horror movie. Please.
Another knock.
Something in them broke. I can’t take this anymore. I can’t die here, so I have to be dependent. Honestly, though…
They used the last bits of their strength to open the door, to let her in.
She looked like she had been crying, but immediately scooped their weak self up into her arms. I hate this. Please, let me go.
They didn’t have the voice to say that. It wasn’t as if she’d listen. She ran her hand through their hatless hair. “Wah! Es, I’ll just have to wash this. But I’ll have to feed you, first.”
Get away from me. I could’ve done that myself, it’s just… they shivered. I’m scared of her.
Hey, at least I understand her boyfriend a little more, a beaten up optimism pointed out. My opinion doesn’t matter. With that MV, I’m pretty sure she’s going to get guilty.
It doesn’t matter my opinion on the matter. It would be biased.
She kept cradling them, forgetting about their other basic needs, before they coughed. “Ah right! I’m so scatterbrained. Here, Es. I’ll lay you down, and bring the food to you. I’ll be right back with water, then I’m going to prepare the food!”
They didn’t know what to say. They didn’t know what to think.
She hummed, a stark contrast to the earlier desperation in her voice, as she moved them towards their bed, gently tucking them in.
“Alright, Es. I’ll be right back, don’t you worry!”
As soon as she left, they allowed themself some tears. I really don’t like this. This isn’t who I am. I can’t be doted on like this, I need to be working.
She won’t let me get a word in. I’m not sure what to think around her.
a/n: TOP FIVE ways to let a teen KNOW you LOVE them!!
Check in on them during their every waking hour
This is a sure sign that you love them. Really makes them feel seen!
(if they lock their door (totally by accident)) sleep outside their room for days on end :D
A great way to demonstrate care, and loyalty! Persistence is key!!
Make them lose their sense of identity
Don’t worry, they didn’t need it anyways! They don’t need to be warden!! That’s not important to you, and it shouldn’t continue.
Care for them when they get sick (totally not because they were trying to avoid interactions with you)
Teehee what are you talking about? It must be some outer source of stress!
It’s really fun when they’re dependent!! Cherish that!!
Don’t let them discourage you!
It only matters that you enjoy this love. They might be a little unreceptive, but they’ll warm up to you! It might just take a bit!
^ Make sure to repeat the first 4 steps to assure them you’re not leaving, no matter how hard they try!! They’re just misguided, dw!! :)
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plus-i-miss-you · 9 months
hey can i request anything (rom) shidou related . please t2 prisioner reader and in jail setting . besides that go wild i love that man so much no matter the scenario it'll be great + the 1 post u have up at time of requesting is REALLY good so .. idk i trust itll be good no matter what
▷ listening to:
"maybe it's okay to give love a second chance" (gn!reader)
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılıㅤ
♪ note: SO SORRY ANON FOR TAKING SUCH A LONG TIME WORKING ON THIS... uni be damned i'll try my best to finish writing all the requests i have in my inbox! (also i really should make a masterlist..)
♪ summary: after the first trial, shidou has been voted innocent.. not the verdict he was hoping for. and now he has mahiru and fuuta's injuries to take care of. the second trial is already a lot for him, so you can only hope you can help him somehow.
♪ warnings: none 
♪ shidou just couldn't understand why he was forgiven. he literally asked for a death penalty. yes, he knew about the three trials system, but he could still be voted guilty after the first trial, right? he thought this would make es's work easier, they don't even have to think about his verdict, they just have to vote him guilty and that's it. but for some reason unknown to him, the 15 year old guard still decided to forgive him. why? maybe there was something wrong with his video? or.. it actually was their idea of punishing him?
♪ you didn't know anything about shidou's crime. you had some thoughts, but theorizing about a fellow prisoner's crime felt wrong and weird. however, you still couldn't agree with his own opinion on his crime. you've talked to him before, you've seen him help others, you just couldn't believe that someone like him could've committed such a horrible crime that he deserved to die for it. maybe you did like him. maybe you were biased. but hey, you doubt that the guard's judgement was 100% unbiased either.
♪ you've seen him help mahiru and fuuta. mahiru could've literally died if it wasn't for him. how can someone like him deserve to be executed for his crime? maybe you just don't want to accept the truth. maybe you just don't want to accept that even someone like shidou is responsible for murdering someone. maybe even more than one person. yes, you're a prisoner as well, but it was hard for you to accept that other prisoners are murderers too, especially someone as young as amane.
♪ shidou doesn't understand why you're so nice to him. don't get him wrong, he appreciates it, but he still feels like he doesn't deserve to be treated this way by you. you're just so gentle, so kind, so sweet, he doesn't understand why you're here just as much as you don't understand why he's here. he will never ask you about your crime though. he understands that it obviously can be something that is hard for you to talk about. if you want to talk about it though, he will listen.
♪ your conversations with shidou are calm and quiet. nobody knows what you two are talking about. nobody can even hear you. sometimes you two sit in complete silence and it's not boring or awkward or anything. you appreciate each other's company and you both just feel a little lighter. if shidou looks tired, you ask if there's anything you can help him with. whether or not you have experience with medical help, you don't mind taking care of other prisoners even if it's just staying by their side while they sleep. you just want to help shidou somehow.
♪ when shidou goes back to check up on mahiru's condition and sees you talking to her and making her laugh and smile even if she's still in pain and making her day brighter, he can't help but smile too. even if he doesn't ask you, you still offer him your help. you still continue to treat shidou with kindness and you don't expect anything from him. when he asks you about everything that you do, you simply shrug and say that "it feels like the right thing to do". haha, you're even more pure than he thought.
♪ when shidou spends time with you, he forgets about his own pain for a minute and at first he felt extremely guilty for that. how can he forget about it? how can he even think about possibly forgetting about it? this is why he deserves a death penalty, this is why he deserves a guilty vote, this is why he deserves to be here. he doesn't know what it is about you that makes him feel like maybe it's okay for him to keep living. ah, no, no, it doesn't mean that you, uh.. remind him of someone from his past. you are you, after all. and it's you who adds at least some kind of meaning to his life at the moment, not counting the prisoners who need his help, of course.
♪ shidou makes sure you get enough rest as well and he's quick to notice if something is wrong. maybe you look more tired than usual, maybe you're refusing to eat, maybe you move a bit slower. he will gently remind you to take a break and will even make sure you get one. you can take a nap while he's in the same room as you, it's fine, there's no need to rush or push yourself. of course, he's worried about all the prisoners here, but for some reason, the thought of losing you.. hurts him the most. 
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fuutakaijyama · 1 year
may i get more harukontent. maybe supporting him thru his guilty verdict, or convincing him not to die. i love him
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synopsis: Haruka got voted guilty to his dismay, your the only one he trusts to give him some comfort.
warning: none !!
alo’s notes: grahhhhhh harukas so squishy, not proofread
includes : cuddling, kissing, hugging, crying and comfort, hurt/comfort
The sound of Haruka slamming the gate to his cell made you crawl out of your skin, the sound of him screaming and throwing things around in his cell made your ears ring like gongs.
The sound of Muu’s deceitful works dripping out of her mouth like honey made your ears bleed, like the sound of metal grating against itself. Finally she left as you slowly entered his cell.
“Haruka.. are you alive..?” His head whipped around to turn and look at you, his eyes puffy and red, his face covered in snot, he ran up to you, pulling you down on top of him as he buried his face in your collarbone. “[Name].. I can't do this anymore.. I can't..” She sobbed into your chest, whimpering as he pleaded with you.
It was all too much for him, he was just like a little baby bird, one who’d left the nest far too soon. You rubbed his back, kissing his cheeks and forehead softly almost like a lost puppy.
“There there, Haru, it's all okay.. hush now..” You whispered into his ear pushing yourself on the floor and having him sit on your lap as you played with his hair.
Haruka sniffled, his sobs dying down slightly as he shook his head. “Mama hates me.. you probably hate me too.. right..?” His eyes pled with you to dispel his delusions, the corners of his eyes still watery.
“I don't hate you Haruka.. you poor thing.. why would I ever hate you sweetheart?” He chuckled between sobs, wrapping his slim arms around you silently.
“Do you promise..? Tell me you promise.. please, please, please, please tell me you promise..” He held you even closer, his blue hair tickling your nose as you kissed his temple.
“I promise, Haruka.”
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oboetemasuka · 6 months
Order of Attack, Part 15
(Or, if you have a better one-word title that fits the themes, I'll take it before I put this on AO3.)
After this, there's one chapter left before the main fic concludes. Side stories (and incessant bothering of Beans) shall continue.
Special thanks to @seariii for the feedback!
The moment Es opened Kotoko's cell door, she began speaking. "Greetings, Es. You kept me waiting." She didn't bother waiting as Es took a seat. "While you were gone, I carried out your judgment. Since this was only the first trial, though, I didn't go all-out-" She stopped when she noticed Es's expression. "Why are you so-"
"What have you done!?"
"Oh, my apologies. I wasn't able to cause enough pain to Kayano Mikoto and Shiina Mahiru."
"You… you…" You caused enough pain to them, alright! Mahiru lives in constant paranoia, wondering when it's her turn and believing it should be. Mikoto is suffering in isolation because he unknowingly interfered-
"Es? Are you okay? You're hardly coherent."
Es realized they had been hissing and growling instead of venting their thoughts. Fine by them. They didn't need to give Kotoko any more ammunition against the other prisoners.
While they were catching their breath, Kotoko continued.
"I decided to attack in numerical order. I was able to deal plenty of damage to Kajiyama Fuuta. Then Momose Amane showed up unexpectedly, saving me a trip. Kayano Mikoto interfered before I could finish, however, and I was unable to get enough hits in before Mukuhara Kazui broke up our fight, and when I went to Shiina Mahiru's cell-"
"Kotoko!" Es stood up, making Kotoko flinch. "You didn't go 'all-out'? You almost killed them. If everyone hadn't interfered when they did, Fuuta and Amane could have died!"
"Is that cause for concern?" Kotoko asked, concealing all traces of having been rattled. "You told me yourself that it's okay to kill scum that are murderers."
"Scum!?" Es slammed the table. "You're calling them- Wait, when did I ever say that?"
"Ever since you finalized my verdict, I could hear your voice loud and clear. 'That man was the trash of society. He got what was coming for him.' Honestly, I didn't mean to go that far, but-"
Es figured there was no arguing about the voices. The voices were a near-universal experience. Still…
"Did you ever consider what Fuuta and Amane had done?"
"What does it matter? You said they were unforgivable, so it wouldn't have mattered if-"
"You would have killed a child."
"So what? Children can be just as dangerous as adults. She's in this prison for murder, Es. You didn't let her off the hook, so why should I?"
I didn't know who her victim was last trial. I made my judgment on a mistaken assumption… They had to redirect their thoughts quickly. It wasn't their place to tell Amane's situation to Kotoko.
"That goes beyond 'letting them off the hook'. You attacked them when they couldn't fight back."
"Criminals don't fight fair. I wasn't going to seek them out on even ground. Say, you seem awfully protective of Amane, considering that you hit and restrained her last trial too."
Es was still mad about how Kotoko had eavesdropped on all the interrogations last trial, but they couldn't counter her argument. 
"Or, could it be… You judged her for reasons other than her murder? A guilty judgment born out of misguided c-"
"Shut up!" Es pounded their fists on the table. It was all they could do not to slam their palm across Kotoko's face.
Kotoko chuckled. "You're only proving my point."
Es was supposed to finalize Amane's verdict later that day. Any lingering thoughts of declaring Amane unforgiven were crushed by this conversation.
They needed to break away from the topic of Amane. Maybe they could bring up Fuuta? He enacted misguided justice on a child too. Maybe Kotoko would see reason. No, they shouldn't feed Kotoko any more information about the other prisoners.
Kotoko took over in the silence again. "You've gotten soft, Es, backtracking and defending the very people you condemned. Did I execute my judgment based on such flimsy decisions? What a shame."
"There was no 'judgment' for you to execute. You acted on your own accord, out of line. There was no need for you to go that far!"
For all Es tried to reason with her, she may as well have been a brick wall. The way she attacked their character ticked them off so much that they could no longer stop their hand from connecting with her face. That only seemed to encourage her more. 
Honestly, Kotoko brought up a lot of good points that they couldn't counter. They were almost drawn to her invitation to rely on her.
But no. They had to stand their own ground.
For Mahiru's sake. She wholeheartedly trusted Es to stick to their beliefs and judge honestly.
For Amane's sake. They owed it to her to make judgments they could stand behind firmly.
For Fuuta's sake. They promised to judge him with resolve. Leaving that judgment up to Kotoko would be a huge disservice to him.
And even for Kotoko's sake. If they were going to be the warden she expected them to be, then they couldn't falter and fall back on her.
It was Es's job to run Milgram. Kotoko would not take it from them.
Q. Aren't your actions overstepping boundaries?
A. I was just enacting your judgment, regardless of who was at the other end of the stick. I only serve as an extension of your will.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Same Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins anon here (you know if I'm gonna keep sending anon asks because of ideas, I need a shorter name...) Glad they're getting time to cool off on what happened during the trial. This project is hard on them all QvQ
Okay another thought! While working on the Trial 2 MVs, you think the prisoners get to watch everyone's first MVs? Like, maybe praise how each video looks ("Oh my gosh, Amane you look amazing!"), making comments with Jackalope's artistic choices (Shidou's flower mummy) and how stiff some of the prisoners look ("Fuuta you're walking like a tinman." "Shut up!"), some singing along to songs they've overheard earlier (Kotoko singing Weakness), and...er...shirtless Mikoto ("Amane don't look!"). Idk, this makes their filming for the next MVs sound more fun as they hang out.
Hello again!! omg Thank You for sharing once again, I’m obsessed with that 🥺🥺🥺 That's so wonderful picturing a little movie night... (And yes, feel free to pick a name :D else I will dub thee 🎬 next time given the theme lmao)
Okay so my original idea was that those first videos were actually watched on the down-low. There were a few days of nothing going on while the prisoners debriefed, made plans, and communicated their song ideas to the writers to start working with. (Minor detail but I think they’re cut off from the world still, no internet access though they can exchange a few messages/visits with family). They do, however, get access to the others’ T1 videos on their phones/ facility computers. Everyone gave permission to watch them, but there’s a bit of hesitancy. They haven’t started filming their new videos yet, so no one has gotten a look that deep into anyone else’s hearts. Just because they’re closer in this au doesn’t make them better communicators -- there’s still a lot that’s been left unsaid regarding near-murders and their true selves. So they only watch them in secret out of respect.
Haruka hides under the covers to watch After Pain on loop late into the night (going “she’s just like me fr”). Fuuta doesn’t care much for the others’ songs but tries to decipher the crimes as best as he can. He probably gets one stuck in his head the next few days that he finds really embarrassing. Mahiru gets very emotional over the other lovers, doing a poor job of hiding her sympathy toward Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui in the following days. Kazui is embarrassed to watch Throw Down so often, but Shidou is such a subtle man and it’s nice to see a more open side to him (who admits to lying as well). Amane takes a while to watch them -- they’re videos supporting murder and sin, after all -- but once she convinces herself it’s to help the experiment, she allows herself to enjoy  them. Kotoko does the same as Fuuta but jumps straight into Fandom Mode and starts taking notes and analyzing the others’ videos. She keeps a secret folder on her phone of theories and symbolism and screenshots for reference. 
You have opened my eyes to Milgram Movie Night 👁️👁️
Everyone realizes they’re going to need to get comfortable with a lot of personal info really quickly, since T2 filming starts in a few days. Rather than Jackalope’s suggestion of undergoing a painful group circle talk, they go with Mikoto’s idea to all sit down to watch the videos together. This keeps the atmosphere up while they watch, allowing for many compliments and encouragement. It also lets the singer defend things in their video if they see fit, though most let it speak for itself. (Fuuta: “ah, back when I was a menace online.” “You’re still like that Fuuta.” “I’m a changed man!” “You got one guilty verdict and nothing’s even happened yet.”)
I love all of those reactions so much ahhhh! Amane getting showered in compliments like she deserves. Honestly, all of them getting showered in complements because it's what they deserve ;-; Playful teasing getting thrown around for everyone. Not even Jackalope is safe from their heckling (see: Throw Down flower person), and he's not even there to defend himself. There’s lots of blushing and eye covering during MeMe. And a singalong aspect!! I don’t know I didn’t think to incorporate that into the fic so far -- there’s nothing quite like heckling your friend onstage by echoing their lines really loud from the wings asdfsdfsd. Mikoto recognizes the video game from Fuuta’s and makes his whole day. Mahiru and Shidou realize they have both flowers and food in common, and get to talking. All at once, everything clicks into place for why Amane hated Shidou him so much.
I'm also realizing Kazui would have a Moment TM while seeing all the prisoners talking so comfortably about their deepest selves and struggles. I don't think he'd break down and open up just yet, but I bet it's be a pretty big change of heart for him to see such honesty/vulnerability...
Plus, most of my original ideas can still stand after the fact! There's no shame in seeing too much personal info about another prisoner, the only shame comes from just how many time the video was looped in private lmao
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linagram · 5 months
[ 𝙿𝚛𝚎-𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟷 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎
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yay yay the verdict system reveal is here!
hopefully it all makes sense and is not too confusing... also please keep the ending of this voice drama in mind for the future :)
(the door opens)
Hinode: We're here.
Miki: S-sorry for being late!..
Hinode and Miki: ...
Hinode: Huh.. Maybe he's hiding somewhere?
Miki: W-why did he ask us to come anyway?
Hinode: Who knows. *sits down*  The third trial is going to start soon, so it's most likely related to that.
Miki: ".. The third trial.."
Hinode: Is something wrong, Miki-san?
Miki: .. It's just..
Miki: I can't believe we've come so far.
Hinode: Yeah.. You're so strong, you know that? I've joined you all very recently, but you've been here since the very beginning.
Miki: .. Eiji-san is very strong too. 
Miki: I hope he comes back soon.
Hinode: .. A-ah, right.
Jackalope: What, are you sad that such a pretty girl is ignoring your compliments?
Hinode: Ah, here you are.
Jackalope: Hm? No screaming this time?
Hinode: Well, I'm kinda used to your company and your sudden appearances, so..
Hinode: The only downside is that I have to try really hard not to sneeze because of my allergies, haha..
Miki: ...
Jackalope: Hey, Guard 002, is everything okay?
Miki: .. I don't think you're actually worried about me, so let's just get started, okay?
Jackalope: .. You've really changed, huh?
Miki: Please, just tell us why you've called us here-
Miki: .. I forgot your name.
Jackalope: *sighs* Fine, let's just get into it.
Jackalope: So. The third trial.
Hinode: (to Miki) Told you it's gonna be about that.
Jackalope: By the way, how has everyone been doing lately? I'm especially curious about the guilty prisoners, considering their punishments-
Miki: I'm sure you know everything already.
Miki: Innocent prisoners have started to feel better, thankfully, but the guilty prisoners..
Miki: Well, w-we had another suicide attempt and a lot of murder attempts as well..
Hinode: Honestly, I'm worried about some innocent prisoners too. They have been acting.. a bit suspicious lately.
Jackalope: Yeah, you all have a lot of work to do.
Jackalope: So, the reason why I have called you two here..
Jackalope: .. Do you already know how you're going to vote everyone this time?
Hinode and Miki: Huh?
Miki: Well.. We have to watch their videos first, right? That's how it's always been..
Hinode: Is it possible that this time our decisions will be especially important since it's the last trial?
Jackalope: All of your decisions are equally important, but I don't think you two realize that.
Jackalope: You don't know what is going to happen to the prisoners after this, right?
Miki: ...
Hinode: So, how exactly this trial's voting will go? Is there anything we have to know beforehand?
Jackalope: Well, first of all, you all have to know how Milgram's voting system works.
Jackalope: The prisoners have to go through three trials. They will be voted either guilty or innocent after each trial ends. 
Jackalope: Every single verdict matters. 
Jackalope: The prisoner's fate depends on the "combination" of verdicts they got.
Miki: !
Hinode: A combination?..
Jackalope: Let's go through all of the possible combinations, shall we?
Jackalope: Let's start with the best one!.. For the prisoner, that is.
Jackalope: What if a prisoner is so lucky that they end up getting not one, not two, but three innocent verdicts?
Jackalope: Well, first of all, they get to return home safely, so that's already good.. again, for them.
Jackalope: But wait, there's more! The prisoner also loses all memories of their murder and the same goes for everyone who was either related to that murder or heard about it.
Miki: Loses.. memories?
Jackalope: What, are you surprised? Come on, you have no right to say anything about this after punishing the guilty prisoners.
Jackalope: But yes, the prisoner and everyone around them forget about the murder completely! And not just about the murder, they forget that the victim even existed!
Jackalope: So yeah, all of their problems just get solved magically and they get to continue living their life peacefully.
Jackalope: Obviously, they won't remember anything about Milgram as well.
Jackalope: Now, let's see who has a chance to get three innocent verdicts..
Jackalope: Right now, Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi, Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi, and Prisoner 010, Himura Reina, have two innocent verdicts.
Jackalope: So, do you think they deserve to live such a happy life?
Miki: "I'm not sure about Aimi-chan.. But maybe it really would be better for Himura-san to just forget about everything."
Miki: ".. I definitely want Marito to live a life like that."
Jackalope: There's also.. another thing that can happen to the prisoner that gets three innocent verdicts.. 
Jackalope: But we're not gonna talk about that. Basically, it's supposed to be a reward for them, haha.
Hinode: Hold on, what kind of reward-
Jackalope: Anyway, but what if the prisoner got only two innocent verdicts? Well, the order of those verdicts matters a lot.
Jackalope: For example..
Jackalope: If the prisoner got two innocent verdicts after the first or second trial and also got an innocent verdict after the third trial, they will be able to go back home and everyone around them will forget about the murder and the victim!..
Jackalope: .. But they won't.
Jackalope: The prisoner will still remember everything perfectly. They will remember their life in Milgram too.
Hinode: I see.. So it's like a punishment for them still getting a guilty verdict once?
Jackalope: Correct. It may sound good at first, like sure, nobody remembers about your murder except you, but..
Jackalope: .. If you still feel bad about it, well. Sorry about that.
Jackalope: Right now, Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio, Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi, Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei, Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko, and Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku, have a chance to go back home while still having memories of their murder, but otherwise being safe.
Jackalope: All of them have been voted innocent once, but also have been voted guilty once as well. Whether or not they get forgiven this time is your choice to make.
Miki: .. Hinode-san, do you think your brother should-
Hinode: .. I don't know. 
Hinode: Actually, maybe it would be better for him to just forget about his victim entirely.
Hinode: But that's not possible, considering his verdicts, haha..
Jackalope: Well, but what if you discover something truly horrible about that prisoner?
Jackalope: What if you thought someone this nice doesn't deserve to be in a place like Milgram, but then you watched their video and found out that they've done something disgusting and immoral?
Jackalope: This happens all the time here, trust me.
Jackalope: So, the prisoner who got two innocent verdicts after the first two trials, but got voted guilty in the end will be able to go back home..
Jackalope: Except they will get punished right before that and any wounds they got because of it won't be treated. Psychological damage also counts.
Miki: .. W-what?
Hinode: I'm sorry, but how is that supposed to work?
Jackalope: Well, for example, the prisoner may lose their arm or get shot, but we will still send them home.. except they will most likely bleed out on the way and when they get to finally see their family again, they will already be dead.
Hinode: By the way, how exactly the prisoners are going to be sent home? Do they just get teleported or-
Jackalope: Right now I'm supposed to tell you about the verdict system. Nothing else. 
Jackalope: The prisoners are the same: Hanasaki Aimi, Yano Asahi and Himura Reina have two innocent verdicts, but you can still vote one, two, or all of them guilty, if you so desire.
Jackalope: I wonder who's going to end up not so lucky this time..
Jackalope: And now, the worst option out of them all.. again, for prisoners.
Jackalope: Three guilty verdicts.. means death penalty. Simple as that.
Miki: D-death penalty?!
Jackalope: Come on, you thought everyone is going to make it out alive?
Hinode: But.. How exactly are they going to be executed?
Jackalope: I'm just going to say that it's going to depend on their crime and how they acted while staying in Milgram.
Jackalope: Right now-
Jackalope: *sighs* Well, we have only this loser. 
Jackalope: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika. She got voted guilty twice.
Jackalope: She's cute, but.. She's been causing way too much trouble. 
Jackalope: So I won't judge you if you decide to vote her guilty again this time.
Miki: ".. Do I.. really want Maruyama-san to die?"
Jackalope: But what if our dear prisoner actually got lucky in the end?
Jackalope: What if they got voted guilty twice, but after the third trial, their sins finally were forgiven?
Jackalope: Well, they'll still have to stay in Milgram for some time. Three days, to be more exact.
Jackalope: And after that, they will be allowed to go home.. Unless..
Jackalope: .. If they do something that will leave us no other choice but to punish them again, they will get executed.
Jackalope: We shouldn't feel bad for them if they can't behave even for three days.
Jackalope: Oh, and obviously, they will still remember everything when they come back home. And so will the people around them.
Jackalope: They will still be a murderer. They will still be seen as one. They will still be punished as one, if they get caught.
Jackalope: .. This is the kind of fate that awaits Maruyama Yurika if you decide to forgive her.
Miki: "I wish I could forgive Maruyama-san, but.."
Miki: "After everything that happened, will she really be able to "behave"?"
Miki: "And also, if she just continues to do her job, she will most likely continue killing people as well."
Miki: ".. I guess I would forgive her if she did it only for the money, but.."
Miki: "I don't think that's the case."
Jackalope: So, what will happen to the prisoners who got voted guilty after the first or second trial and after the third trial, but still have one innocent verdict?
Jackalope: They will go home, sure. However..
Jackalope: When they come back, literally everyone will know they are a murderer.
Jackalope: So they will have no choice but to either let the outside world judge them or try to start a new life as a different person somehow.
Hinode: But.. How will everyone know that they were the one who did it? 
Hinode: And what if most people already knew about it, but still didn't do anything to stop them?
Jackalope: You really think we can't just tell the authorities about them? 
Hinode: But what if they won't believe you?
Jackalope: They will.
Jackalope: Right now, we have a lot of prisoners with at least one guilty verdict.
Jackalope: So, if Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio, Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi, Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei, Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko and Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku, get voted guilty this time..
Jackalope: This is what awaits them.
Miki: "Considering some of the crimes, I'm sure some prisoners would either get imprisoned for life.."
Miki: ".. or get a death penalty, just not in Milgram."
Jackalope: And.. Oh, I think that's all the combinations, actually.
Jackalope: So.. "All Innocent", "Trial 1 or Trial 2 Innocent and Trial 3 Innocent, but still one Guilty", "Trial 1 and Trial 2 Innocent and Trial 3 Guilty", "All Guilty", "Trial 1 and Trial 2 Guilty and Trial 3 Innocent", and "Trial 1 or Trial 2 Guilty and Trial 3 Guilty, but still one Innocent".
Jackalope: Choose wisely.. or don't. It's up to you.
Hinode and Miki: ...
Jackalope: Well, if you don't have any questions, I will be leaving-
Miki: Wait!
Miki: Will Eiji-san join us this time? Is he okay?
Jackalope: Ah, that guy..
Jackalope: Yes, he will. It's just that he won't interrogate the prisoners in person.
Jackalope: It's like him and Hinode have switched places, haha.
Miki: Thank God..
Jackalope: By the way, he already knows about the verdict system.
Miki: Huh?
Jackalope: I've told him earlier. I had to listen to him ramble about how his brother deserves to be executed in the most brutal way possible..
Jackalope: And to be honest, I'd love to see Prisoner 005's execution. I'm sure it would be a fun one..
Jackalope: Except that will never happen because he still got one innocent verdict. 
Jackalope: By the way, Miki..
Jackalope: .. Eiji wasn't happy to hear that you voted his brother innocent while he wasn't able to participate.
Hinode: Miki-san, are you okay?..
Miki: .. I..  
Miki: I forgot about that..
???: So, what did they think about the verdict system?
Jackalope: Well, they weren't exactly happy about it, but I'm sure they'll figure everything out.
???: I can't wait to see how the things will go when that guy returns.
???: But isn't his arm okay now? I'm sure he can interrogate them in person now.
Jackalope: Well, they can still touch him. 
Jackalope: And also.. It was Eiji's decision.
???: .. Interesting.
???: .. So he wants to show everyone how strong he is, but he's still too scared to even talk to them in person.
???: Haha.. Man, he really is pathetic.
Jackalope: He's still a murderer though, remember that.
???: Of course I remember. 
???: Seriously, the fact that we went and made murderers judge other murderers.. 
???: They even have all their memories intact. They know well that they are murderers, but they are still happy to judge people who are just like them.
???: Most likely because it makes them feel in control. It makes them feel like they're better than them. 
???: Sure, they are criminals, but they got this job. Not anyone else.
???: That must mean something, right?..
???: .. Haha. Well, let them enjoy this feeling while they can.
???: In the end, they will be judged as well.
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randoimago · 11 months
Day 24 - Coffee Shop AU
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Takuto Maruki
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): I love and miss Maruki so much
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"Shoot," Maruki mutters as the rain really picks up for the day. The forecast said maybe a light sprinkle so he didn't think his umbrella was necessary. He should've known better than to believe the weather report to be accurate.
And so he rushed through the rain to find a place to stay dry in. That led him to a small coffee shop. It was warm and smelled like baked goods and coffee beans. And the cute barista was staring at him as he got water everywhere.
"I am so sorry. I wasn't expecting the rain to pick up. I promise I'll be out as soon as it stops." Maruki is quick to apologize, before he hesitates and decides to add, "Of course, I can leave if I'm making too much of a mess."
Instead of being mad or scolding him for not having an umbrella, you just give a small smile as you go to grab a coffee cup. "What can I get you? It's on the house, I can't have you freezing on me." Maruki stares for a couple moments before giving a smile as he asks for a hot chocolate. As nice as coffee might be, he could use something a bit sweeter.
Maruki can't help but watch as you move. It seems a bit chaotic to him, but you look like you know what you're doing with preparing his drink. Maruki's gaze goes to the menu on the wall, wanting to buy something as if that'll make up for looking like a drowned rat. But he doesn't get to as you finish his hot chocolate and put a muffin on a little plate next to it.
"It's kind of you to make this for me, but I'm perfectly happy to pay you," Maruki tells you as he approaches the counter after making sure that he's not going to track too much water. He can't help but feel guilty at how sweet you're being.
"It's no worries. The weather forecast did say a light sprinkle. It's not your fault for getting caught in it," you reply and Maruki gives you another smile at your words. He takes a sip of his hot chocolate and winces. "Careful, it's hot," you tease and Maruki chuckles.
"It tastes delicious," Maruki tells you before giving a sheepish smile. "But my tongue is also a bit burnt so maybe I should give it a couple minutes before giving my verdict." As if he would say it tastes like anything else. Instead, Maruki picks up the muffin to take a bite of.
"I debated between that one and banana nut, but I didn't want to accidentally kill you because you had a nut allergy I didn't know about," you tell him and Maruki smiles.
"Well, blueberry is a classic and it's delicious." The smile on your face warms Maruki up, although maybe that's just the hot chocolate that he's sipping.
There's some silence between you two and Maruki feels guilt when he does see you get a mop to clean his mess. You're quick to remind him that it's okay. You two talk some more about this and that, Maruki has a few questions about the cafe that you seem happy to answer.
And before he knows it, the rain starts to clear up. It hasn't completely stopped, but it's gotten to a point where he can actually see outside the windows of the cafe.
"I guess I should get going now, thank you again for being so hospitable," Maruki says and he realizes that he doesn't really want to leave just yet. So instead, he takes another glance to the menu. "Actually, before I go, could I buy one of those banana nut muffins?" He makes sure to emphasis the word 'buy' and you laugh as you get him the muffin.
Maruki pays and makes sure to eye your name tag, giving you another smile and a 'thank you' before he exits. He makes it a goal to become a regular at this cafe.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
Chapter 16
this is byakuya's no good very bad worst shit ass day of his life (so far)
Some pre-chapter notes:
just a note that i probably won't be updating chapter 17 until two weeks out (doctor stuff next week). apologies in advance for the cliffhanger
byakuya is kind of a shit defendant ngl. like buddy you have to get the jury to believe in you? if you dont want the guilty verdict??
makoto is doing his best here
@digitaldollsworld sjdfkdsjflkd
Content warning tags: not sure. but byakuya spirals into anguish if that's something you're not into, slight suicide mention?
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Makoto’s voice echoes through the chamber, cracking through the air like a gunshot. It stuns Owada into silence; it draws all eyes to him.
Byakuya can’t even turn his own gaze away. Makoto has his fists clenched at his side, and stands tall and determined. Commanding the trial once more.
“Byakuya wouldn’t have killed Chihiro.” He says firmly. “And, Byakuya wouldn’t have been able to replicate Syo’s crime either.” He says it with such conviction that Byakuya can’t help to feel that irrational relief again, that comfort he could take in Makoto’s support.
“Can you explain?” Celeste asks, and Makoto nods stiffly.
“First…there’s the matter of location. It just doesn’t make sense, considering what we know.” He says his words steadily, carefully - laying out a careful foundation. “Me and Chihiro left the library at around noon, and went around the first floor, right? We found Hiro in the laundry room first.”
Hagakure nods, finger rasping along his chin. “Yeah, and we talked for…what, ten minutes? Maybe fifteen?”
“Right. And then we went looking for Mondo and Taka…we found them cleaning up in the trophy room.” Makoto's face turns to Owada and Ishimaru, seeking affirmation. “Chihiro wanted to talk to you guys one at a time, so Mondo, you came with us to the cafeteria, because you wanted to get something to eat.”
The only response that Owada gives is a grunt, but it’s not outright denial. So Makoto continues:
“I don’t remember exactly how long Chihiro spent there, but I know he left before one. We already knew where Taka was, and we knew that Chihiro wanted to go talk to him next. So there wouldn’t have been any reason for him to go to the second floor!”
“Ah, but.” Celeste cuts in. “What is the proof that Byakuya did not go downstairs? It’s hard to justify the library as the place of death, but is it not possible that Chihiro was killed on the first floor?”
“That would have been difficult. There were only so many places he could go where no one else would have noticed, or that he had access to.” Kyoko points out. “If Kiyotaka was in the trophy room, he would have had a direct line of sight of the stairs. Kiyotaka, did you notice Byakuya going downstairs at any time?”
She turns towards Ishimaru now. The Ultimate Moral Compass, their apparent de-facto leader and head of class, is dead silent. But his head turns in a slow shake-
“Don’t use my bro as an excuse!” Owada interrupts, again, and Byakuya finds himself with a mouthful of fresh blood, as he bites down on his inner cheek in frustration. “He’s injured, see? You expect him to give a testimony after he took a trophy to the head?”
Just how injured is he? Ishimaru seems to be standing steadily. In fact, other than his uncharacteristic silence and the bandage on his head, it was hard for Byakuya to discern if there was any difference in him at all. But there’s some slight awkward shuffling around him, as the others react with sympathy.
“...You okay, Taka?” Hagakure asks, gently. Ishimaru is still, before nodding once, jerkily. “Um. Okay, then…”
“E-even so!” Makoto’s stutters a bit, thrown off for a moment. “We can’t confirm that Byakuya did go downstairs at all!”
“But it’s not like we can confirm that he didn’t?” Yamada points out, adjusting his glasses. “I mean, I don’t mean any disrespect, Mister Togami - but I did take note of where everyone was around the time the body was discovered, and everyone else has alibis - so is there anyone who can vouch and say that you were in the library the whole time?”
Byakuya can only click his tongue sharply, turning away. Of all the people to want to get a dig at him, and suddenly try to be useful… ”Toko was with me. Twenty minutes before the body was found.”
He stares expectantly at Syo, who crosses her arms, tilts her head, and then shrugs. “Sorry, she’s really zonked out. Down for the count and all that, y’know?”
The one time he needed her! He scowls, but he can’t be bothered to waste time on her anymore. He turns back to Makoto. It’s hard to tell what he’s thinking from here, but Byakuya can hear a soft tapping, the slight bounce of his leg against the floor. 
“Putting location aside, we also have to consider motive, right?” Makoto says. The confident edge in his voice is almost gone. “The interaction he had with Chihiro isn’t necessarily enough to implicate him. If anything, that would have made it harder for him to get Chihiro alone…he wasn’t exactly, um, nice when he said all that stuff…”
Byakuya almost rolls his eyes. He had been plenty nice at that time; but that was not important at the moment.
“It’s true, Chihiro was…kind of a scaredy-cat, right? I mean, before today!” Hagakure says hurriedly. “And no offense Togami, you’re kinda the loner type…except for with Makoto.”
“Shut up and make your point.” He growls, and Hagakure throws his hands up in a gesture of surrender.
“I’m just saying you’re not the easiest guy to talk to, man!”
“I don’t try to be.” But Hagakure had brought up a good point. “I’m not interested in being friendly with any of you. That included Chihiro.” That wasn’t a lie, technically. Up until this point, his relations with Makoto and Chihiro were made out of necessity and mutual gain. “He did tell me his secret earlier, but Makoto was present during that time. Other than that, we have had no other interactions.” 
That was more of a lie. He was purposefully omitting mention of their conversation in the bathhouse the other night. But it was fine, since he doubted Makoto would betray him now, and the one person who was aware of it - Toko - was apparently too caught up in her own head to disprove it.
“And that was also when you told him to try confessing his secret to the rest of us?” Celeste asks.
Why was she doubting him? He scowls at her. He needs the rabble to leave him alone already. “Yes.”
“How interesting.” She has her hand pressed to her lips again, an action that reminds him oddly of a self-satisfied cat. “Pray tell, at what time did you speak with Chihiro today?”
By the sound of her voice alone, Byakuya has the distinct sense that he’s being toyed with. Being lured to a trap. Even without ever being able to see Celeste’s face, he had always been aware that she was someone to tread carefully around, simply by the way she used words alone. Like laying mines in a field.
But there’s no way for him to answer this question without drawing suspicion. Silence would be even more damning. “Why do you ask?” He replies, carefully. He can’t tell, but he thinks Celeste might be smiling.
“You said earlier that you and Chihiro had no other interactions,” She sounds almost amused, despite the gravity of the situation. “I have a confession of my own to make. Even though it violates our ten-PM rule, I sometimes like to take walks after hours. I quite like the ambiance of the reduced lighting, and the feeling of being entirely alone.”
The sudden tangent catches him off guard. Apparently, he’s not alone in that aspect. “Um…Celeste?” Makoto’s voice is hesitant, confused. “What does this have to do with the trial…?”
“Well, as it happens, there are certain things that get revealed in the night-time that are otherwise unseen during the day.” She tilts her head playfully, and he feels a sudden sense of foreboding. “And late last night, perhaps after midnight, I do happen to remember seeing Byakuya and Chihiro leave the bathhouse together.”
The reaction is instantaneous. All around him is a clamor of shock, but he can barely make out individual words. His own ears are ringing slightly, as he tries to parse what Celeste just said.
“T-t-t-together?!” Yamada gasps, almost comical in his surprise. “B-but, I thought, with Mister Naegi-!”
“Boy-on-boy?!” Syo shrieks, practically jumping at her stand. “How obscene!! And such an unexpected pairing-?!”
“Scandal? In my school?!” Monokuma wails, thumping at its head with its paws “Oh, I knew I should have pushed abstinence harder! Where did I go wrong?!”
“All of you, shut the fuck up!” Owada snaps. There’s a catch in his voice; he seems thrown-off too, his previous attitude shaken by the sudden reveal. “You bastard…you better have a good explanation!”
Byakuya stays silent. His head is a buzz of meaningless sound.
“Wait, wait! Stop!” Makoto is waving his arms, trying to settle the noise. “That - Celeste, do you have any proof to back this claim?”
And she, the Ultimate Gambler, hums in amusement. “What proof can I offer? I did not take a picture. And it’d be pointless to describe what they were wearing.”
The absurdity of that statement draws him out of his shock. “Then why mention it at all?!” He snaps, and she giggles, infuriatingly.
“The two of you seemed to be on friendly terms last night. Why do you assume that I am not trying to assist you?” There’s a soft clack as she sets her hand against the railing, her nails tapping against the wood. “I hope you will forgive me for accidentally eavesdropping, but I did hear you suggest to Chihiro some advice regarding strength, no? It was surprising at the time, but it’s reassuring to know that you have a heart of flesh.”
She sounds like she’s smiling at him. He can only glare. Queen of Liars, indeed - he’s underestimated her. It feels like he’d been misjudging many people recently.
“...When you say ‘advice’, do you mean that was when Byakuya told Chihiro to talk to us individually?” Ogami asks, and Celeste just nods.
“Then, he did that with the intention of killing Chihiro from the start!” Owada spits venomously. “When has that guy ever been nice? And why else would he lie about this to begin with!”
“Mondo, seriously! This is just circumstantial!” Makoto tries to say, but he’s lost his assertiveness. He’s overwhelmed quickly, as the others begin their own speculation.
“It’s…really hard to say it’s Syo, huh?” Asahina wonders aloud to herself, almost regretfully. “It’s also hard to say it’s Byakuya, but…”
Shut up. His head hurts. He needs to think. He presses the ball of his palm to his temple, and finds his hand slick with sweat.
“There’s no one else who seems suspicious,” Yamada agrees. “If we consider all the evidence, and the, ah, love triangle…maybe, it was a crime of desperation? To frame Miss Fukawa so she would leave him alone…?”
Shut up. It was loud. They were so loud. He needs to think, he can hardly hear himself, his own thoughts. He couldn’t rely on Makoto anymore, but without him he had nothing left but himself.
“Maybe we should just ask him directly!” Hagakure shouts with bravado, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “Hey, Byakuya-”
“Shut up!” He screams back.
The room falls silent. All he can hear is his own breathing, labored and harsh. His head is pounding, ringing in time to his beating pulse; he keeps his gaze fixed on the wooden beam beneath his hands, a flat strip of brown. He’s not sure what looks they’re staring at them with, but he doesn’t want to know.
A few pieces of weak, awkward, circumstantial evidence, and a reputation of being unsocial - was that really all it took? Had he fallen so far that this was all it took?
“It’s not me,” His voice is distant and unfamiliar, shrill with fury. “I wasn’t the only one aware of Syo’s murders. I wasn’t the only one on the second floor. All the evidence is weak at best, and clearly placed to frame me. Are you all stupid? Or just suicidal?” He casts his gaze around at each of their faces, as blank and empty as ever. “Isn’t there one other person here without an alibi? One other person who would know about Syo, other than me?”
“Byakuya-” Makoto says, but it’s so soft he ignores it. He points at Kyoko, who doesn’t even flinch. A statue of lilac marble.
“When the body was found. You were there.” He sounds insane, even to himself. The last, desperate floundering of a doomed man. “ ‘It’s reminiscent of that serial killer,’ but how would you have known that? Explain yourself, Kyoko Kirigiri!”
Kyoko doesn’t move. He can’t tell if she’s shaken at all, or if his words have had any effect. “I read the case file for it in the library a while ago,” is all she says, simply. “As for my whereabouts during the time of the murder, I was also on the second floor. I was investigating the bathrooms.”
“Alone, I’m presuming? And do you have any proof?
“I have no alibi that can be supported by another person.” She admits easily, as if he weren’t accusing her of murder. “As I said earlier, at the time of death, I was investigating in the boy’s bathroom. The only one who might be able to confirm that I had ever been in that room at all, is Toko-”
“And me!” Syo interrupts, sounding genuinely offended. “Gloomy might’ve been the one who collapsed on you, but I was the one who woke up to your mug staring me in the face!”
“-Furthermore, Makoto investigated the bathroom separately.” She continues. “I will let him describe what was found there himself.”
Byakuya turns to Makoto. This was a prime opportunity - surely, Makoto had found something, anything at all - 
“...The sinks and taps in the second-floor bathrooms were all dry.” He starts, slowly, hesitantly. “And- there wasn’t anything that could have been the murder weapon. There was also a lot of dust, so it wasn’t a place that was recently cleaned, and considering the time period in which Chihiro could have died…it’s just not likely.”
And that was it. Byakuya clutches the railing to keep himself upright.
There’s a sharp intake of breath from Owada’s direction. A breath of triumph, maybe, before he asks Monokuma to start the vote - or a gasp of surprise, at how easy it must have been. How defenseless Byakuya is, hardly amounting to anything.
The thought makes him lean a little more against the railing, his arms trembling. He thinks he might puke.
“But,” Makoto raises his voice again, and Byakuya clings to it, like a drowning man to a buoy. “There’s one more reason why it can’t be Byakuya. The way the word ‘bloodlust’ was written is…it’s too perfect. It matches up too much with Syo’s handwriting from previous cases.”
“It’s not that hard to copy someone’s handwriting?” Asahina starts to say, but Makoto shakes his head.
“It…it’s not something that Byakuya could have done.” He sounds…strained, somehow. Uneasy, hesitant - If Byakuya didn’t know better, he’d think that Makoto sounded guilty - “It’s impossible for him to have done this, because…he’s blind.”
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 8 months
Welcome back!!! It’s nice to see a post from you again :)
Something I’m very curious about: in your latest theory, you said “While I don’t think regret is necessary for forgiveness (I’m the “Local Amane Momose Apologist” for a reason), it is important for forgiveness that I can believe they won’t continue to do the same bad thing in the future, which is not the case with Kotoko.”
Do you believe that Amane wouldn’t kill someone again if released? If so, why?
Hey there! Nice to see you as well, I missed you all :D
Okay so the question:
CW Child abuse, cults and indoctrination, murder, psychological torment (Guilty verdict)
So, first, I want to say that the way I worded that was… not the greatest. I made it sound like there’s some sort of hard rules I go by to judge whether someone is forgivable or not, which is… obviously impossible. Forgiveness is a very subjective, inherently biased, complex thing, and trying to set any kind of guidelines for how it works is never going to go well.
With that stated, I would like to rephrase my original wording a bit to try to avoid further confusion. The new phrasing is:
“One of the more important things I take into consideration when deciding whether I can forgive someone for a bad deed or not, is whether or not I can reasonably believe they would not perform the same bad deed again without significant external pressure. Or at the very least, that they will attempt to not do it again”
(I added “without significant external pressure” because everyone is capable of doing really bad stuff out of desperation, so if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to forgive anyone ever lol.
You’ll notice, though, “significant external pressure” is extremely vague and subjective, which is by design. What counts as “significant external pressure” in my eyes varies greatly depending on the severity of the action, the person who committed it, among other things)
Now it makes a bit more sense to apply it to Amane, who was clearly under significant external pressure both when she killed her mother, as she was being downright tortured, and when she tried to kill Es in her second VD, as she was suffering from the psychological torment of a Guilty verdict.
But that’s not really what you asked, it’s just something I wanted to clarify. You asked if I believe that Amane wouldn’t kill again if released, and quite frankly, I think it’s unlikely (though not outright impossible). Barring extremes, of course. You could argue she would kill her father if he starts doing the same things her mother did, which, fair, but I’m sorta expecting Amane to get sent off somewhere else (and hopefully way better) if she returns from Milgram. She did murder her mother, I would imagine she’s not going to be allowed to live with her father after that (maybe? idk).
The main reason why is that Amane is only shown as openly hostile when she’s under pretty extreme psychological stress. She’s usually pretty patient, even with the people who annoy her:
[Timelines 13/6/20]
Shidou: If everything about MILGRAM is true… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad…
Amane: *sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. […] Please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead.
Not to mention her first VD, where Es constantly annoys her in one way or another and Amane doesn’t react negatively until the end, where Es forcefully grabs her. Basically, Amane is pretty good at keeping a level head when things aren’t going her way, especially for her age.
And even after the Guilty verdict, she’s only hostile towards those who’ve slighted her personally. Amane wouldn’t kill someone just for breaking doctrine.
Let me use Fuuta as an example. He’s someone who very explicitly went again Amane’s doctrine, having received medical attention and thus having “ran away from God’s trials.” He also enjoys frivolous things like social media, which Amane’s cult might consider “vulgar,” breaking Gozake’s ordainment. Not to mention he’s a murderer (though it’s unclear how much Amane knows about his situation), which obviously goes against Riyone’s ordainment.
And yet, despite him breaking doctrine so blatantly, Amane still wants to help him.
(T2) Q12: What do you think of Kajiyama Fuuta?
Amane: He is lost and in pain. I should help him.
Of course she does, she wants everyone to be happy. That’s one of her main motivations as a character, it’s why she covered Positive Parade (I made a post about that)
I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile
Yes, her methods are misguided and harmful, they can cause a lot of damage if left unchecked. But ultimately, pretty much everything she does, she does it because she thinks it will make people happy, either in this life or the next.
However, generally speaking, murdering someone is seen as somewhat counterproductive to their happiness. Which means Amane isn’t very keen on it, usually. Things have to go really wrong for her to really consider it, and even then she’d only consider it if someone offends her personally.
A Guilty verdict counts as “things going really wrong,” of course, and both Shidou and Es have offended her in different situations. But even when she’s subjected to constant psychological torture, she still has some patience. Not much patience, mind you, but it’s there.
[Timelines 24/10/22]
Amane: Kirisaki Shidou. How long do you plan on continuing this foolish behaviour?
Shidou: I wonder what you might be referring to there. I’m just doing what I need to do. If anything, I’d be happy if you would lend me a hand.
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand?
She warns Shidou instead of attacking him outright, which isn’t great… but it’s not murder! Yet.
A similar thing happens with Es. In Of Blessedness and Punishment, Amane begins relatively calm, and doesn’t get violent until Es denies the concept that they’re talking to anyone but Amane, which she (they?) see as an insult.
[Of Blessedness and Punishment]
Amane: But we are generous. For now, let us make some time for a conversation with you. After all, our history is one that is built on dialogue.
Keep in mind, this is with the T1 Guilty.
So let me put it this way. Everyone has a certain limit of “shit they can take” before they decide to murder someone. Everyone, no exceptions. We’ve seen Amane reach that limit in her home life (perfectly understandable imo) and in Milgram. The question is: were she to be released, would Amane face anything bad enough for her to reach her limit again?
Call me an optimist, but seeing how patient she usually is, I like to believe there’s a solid chance she doesn’t. I’m not sure what Amane’s future outside of Milgram holds (provided she’s not already dead or anything like that), but as long as it’s better than the Hell Prison Guilty Verdict, I’d say there’s a solid chance she doesn’t kill anyone again. Especially since she’s still very young and could potentially become better at regulating her more murderous tendencies with age. Better than she already is anyways.
(I don’t have any way of knowing whether or not that would happen, I just see it as a reasonable assumption)
Again, I do think it’s possible she would murder again if things get pretty bad, but there’s really no way to know how bad things have to get before that happens. After all, again, anyone would murder if things get bad enough.
That’s why ultimately (and quite ironically), a lot of it comes down to how much faith you have in Amane, how much faith you have that she will get through life without murdering again. We simply have no way of knowing for sure whether or not she will. But I like to assume the best in people, especially children for obvious reasons (yes I’m pulling the child card again you can’t stop me), so for now I’m assuming she won’t kill again.
I don’t know if that was perfectly coherent, but I hope that answers the question regardless! Take care!
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
PORTRAIT - Epilogue 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Akiomi, Makoto, Izumi, Arashi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"As I’ve always said, you’re always so beautiful and true, Yuuki-kun, I envy you."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Reception Room
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Akiomi: By the way. Have you seen your father since his release yet?
Makoto: No, my family’s been divorced for a long time. Yuuki is my mother’s maiden name… My father hasn’t contacted me either, so I guess it’s kind of an awkward situation.
I do hope he is well and happy, though.
Akiomi: I feel perhaps your father feels the same way about you.
Makoto: …?
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Makoto: Oh, I’m sorry! Are you in the middle of work, Kunugi-senpai?
It looks like you’re in the middle of an interview. Um, sorry for having bothered you.
👤: ……
Makoto: ? How come you’re… staring at me?
Umm. Have I met you somewhere before…?
👤: [—Excuse me, Kunugi-sensei. I do feel we have reached a conclusion, and it appears you have other business to attend to, so I’ll take my leave here.]
Akiomi: Alright. …You don’t wish to talk some more?
👤: [I’m not worthy of that. But, I am glad to know you are well and happy.]
Akiomi: If he hadn’t been happy, you’d go on another rampage in a costume, wouldn’t you?
Makoto: Costume…?
Akiomi: The people of the world think you are some unidentified monster, but…
The truth is, you wanted to be a hero.
You had believed the negative criticism C-kun’s parents spread around in it’s entirety and had tried to rescue your precious son from the “bad guys”—
You tried hard, and desperately. After all the misunderstandings and fruitless efforts, you were handed a guilty verdict from the judiciary, but I can’t say I think you are.
👤: […The only “bad guy”… is myself.]
[Despite having been released on parole at the time, I had gotten my sentence extended due to an incident at a department store—]
[And during that time, everything in the world had changed.]
Akiomi: That’s why you came to talk to me like this, isn’t it?
But, I don’t think you need to be so anxious.
I’m sure that no matter what happens, no matter how much time passes by, there are things that will never change. Isn’t that right, Yuuki-kun?
Makoto: Me? Umm, what are you talking about…?
Akiomi: As I’ve always said, you’re always so beautiful and true, Yuuki-kun, I envy you.
Makoto: Oh no no, not at all… I’m the one who's always thought of you as beautiful, ever since the day we first met. I felt it was a shame you quit working as a model.
Akiomi: Ahaha, I feel the rest of the world feels the very same way about you.
👤: […Now, if you’ll excuse me.]
Akiomi: Yes. You’re welcome to come again anytime.
Next time, you can just come and see me normally, okay? No need to go through the trouble of posing as a reporter and requesting an interview.
Let us talk, as a parent and as a teacher.
👤: [……]
*sound of a door clicking*
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Makoto: …? Who was that guy, again?
Hmm, I definitely remember seeing him somewhere. He was certainly beautiful, so maybe he was an actor in some movie or something…?
Akiomi: I don’t think he ever went into acting, unlike you. He had been denounced or something after being exposed for plastic surgery, though—Though I’m sure you’ll be beautiful even without having to touch up here and there, won’t you?
Makoto: Huh… It doesn’t matter whether I’m beautiful or not, though. But I guess people of the world certainly are particular about that, aren’t they?
Akiomi: Fufu, you say that because you’ve never not been beautiful yourself. Once you get older start getting wrinkles and gray hairs, I’m sure you’ll understand.
Once you’re an adult, right?
Makoto: …?
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Izumi: Yuu-kuuuuuun! ☆
What are you doing here by yourself with that feeder cricket bastard? Cheating? Are you cheating? Even though you have me…!
Makoto: How come you’ve lost your mind as quickly as you arrived? Did you hit your head, Izumi-san?
I swear you used to look a little cooler than that, you know…
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Arashi: Sorry~! ♪ I figured Kunugi-sense~ might’ve been cheating on me after seeing him go behind closed doors with a beautiful man, so I listened in from the room over!
Akiomi: There couldn’t have been any cheating between us in the first place, though.
Makoto: Seriously…
Arashi: Ufufu, that’s when Izumi-chan came upon me, and while I was making all sorts of excuses, Makoto-chan entered the room, you see—
That’s when Izumi-chan and I’s interests coincided, so we decided to bring down the hammers upon our cheating men! Make sense~?
Makoto: I’m totally lost, though.
Akiomi: Seriously… It’s boggling, no matter how much time passes us by, you guys remain to be troublesome children.
Arashi: Oh my, how cold! We’re growing up little by little, aren’t we? Right, Izumi-chan? Makoto-chan?
Izumi: That’s a given, isn’t it? I’m always becoming more beautiful than ever before!
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Akiomi: Indeed. I understand that, of course.
There are a lot of things we have gained, and fortunately, as idols, we are in a position to sell it all.
You guys, too. Don’t waste your time here, show the world what you’re made of—Best of luck with your work as usual.
…We were born for the sake of being loved.
We cannot stop time until we achieve “that” and are satisfied.
[ ☆ ]
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bbc2pastmidnight · 2 months
I’m replaying Rise from the Ashes and the first time I played and watched this obviously I got weirddddd vibes from Gant specifically in regard to edgeworth. Obviously, he and the judge have something weird going on but that seems more to point towards the thematic motif of judicial corruption and how police and prosecution feed into that etc. That’s not what this post is about tho I am going to make a wild reading of edgeworths childhood (based in real text, true, but which is maybe ~darker~ or whatever than the series intended to be overtly stated. Idk it’ll make sense if you read it but more below the cut.)
I have always assumed some level of abuse on manfred von karma’s part, though the extent of it depends on what kind of reading I’m engaging with, I guess. Clearly he wasn’t a great father in any reading.
The standard way I see it (though this can vary like I said), Von karma had something Weird going on with Gregory. The extent of This can also vary as i can see lots of degrees of valid readings but at its core the relationship was at least a bit obsessive, at Least on von karma’s side, and At Least from Gregory’s murder onward. Okay.
So then he has this guys Kid in his house who grows to be exactly like him but NOT. He has this little Gregory he can mould into a weird twisted version of the older man. A controllable version desperate enough for his approval that he’ll do whatever von karma wants him to do.
This is probably just how I was raised and my childhood and my projection etc. But I DEFINITELY see edgeworth as having been raped as a kid. Maybe by von karma when young so he was terrified mixed with reverent but didn’t know why, but also — and this is my big point here — very legibly by damon gant.
Gant and von karma are clearlyyyyyy old friends. Gant tells phoenix and ema in the second day of investigation that the prosecutors office has been in turmoil for the past two months because of phoenix’s having von karma indicted; he implies that phoenix “fixed it” so that von karma would be found guilty on some sort of illegitimate charge, and that phoenix did something very wrong in both backing edgeworth in that trial, and in going against the ‘old school’ so to speak, ie. against von karma — and due to their connected corrupted natures — through him, against gant himself.
Von Karma was always a prosecutor, and he never lost a case. You can’t do that if you’re also presenting the truth. In order to consistently get false evidence and to consistently get away with it, he would need to be closely tied to police higher ups. He and Gant probably rose through the ranks of their respective careers together, protecting one another (because of their mutually assured destruction, most likely).
Edgeworth was also shoe-horned into a cozy prosecuting job extremely young, and was given falsified evidence and almost entirely faked investigations so he could continue getting 100% guilty verdicts for gant and von karma. Though he may have felt like he was investigating and coming to conclusions on his own, as can be inferred from the end of RFtA, for the first 3.5 years of his prosecuting career, edgeworth was little more than a tool the police wielded to get high incarceration rates.
(As a side note, that is SO fucked. If you want to read generously or give him any benefit of the doubt, at least part of edgeworth was at Least Telling Himself that the system worked like this because the police were only arresting guilty people to begin with, and that’s why all evidence always pointed to guilty, and why the judge always judged them guilty, and why the criminals were always hanged accordingly. It was simple and effective and black and white and AWESOME if you’re miserable and have autism.)
The point is, Gant is the kind of figure who would have been over at the von karma household if they ever entertained. He’s someone edgeworth would have seen at the heads of tables when he was a little boy. Then they were probably encouraged to talk to each other as he got older and it became known and expected that he would become a prosecutor. This little plan for him would have been concocted by von karma and gant years before he was even old enough to really appreciate everything that was going on around him. And the way I read their interactions in court… it seems most likely that von karma would have “offered” the young edgeworth to gant. To, excuse the wording, use for whatever he wanted. As a show of good will between two old allies. I’m sure gant sent him a bottle of wine, a young employee of his, something.
And whatever this arrangement was, edgeworth definitely seems to remember it. At least, he clearly has an inkling. And the way gant takes pleasure humiliating him in court, idk. I get the sense that it started in like childhood maybe but continued sporadically throughout his teens and early career. Maybe it tapered off to something predatory and gropey and Off during his teen years but juuuust restrained enough that edgeworth would put up with it for the sake of pleasing everyone and doing a good job and not wanting to upset von karma and besides, who is he going to complain to ? He probably tried to repress any memory from his childhood and operate under the assumption that gant just made him nervous and a little uncomfortable, especially since he was someone he had feared and respected so much as a kid now treating him so casually. This assumption made it just bearable. It was fine. Everyone had to put up with unfortunate coworkers. Yeah, in investigation day two, he tells phoenix and ema that sl-9 was his “first case working with [gant]… I was nervous.”
Oh but the thing I really was just GOBSMACKED by playing through this again was that. With all this CRAZY dialogue in court and poor edgeworth’s emotional reaction having to see him again unprepared only two months after the whole thing with von karma (he’s probably been avoiding his associates like the plague) during dl-6, the craziest thing is that they retroactively, after seeing edgeworth’s type in the next two games, designed gant to be the prototype for that. That’s SO fucked up. Muscular / broad, probably hairy, pointy hair, weird-ass eyebrows. At least a little mean to him (excepting gumshoe. Some people wouldn’t say there’s like an Attraction there but there sure is Some sort of d/s going on).
Anyway. Dog. Oh my god man what the fuck
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