karlcain-123 · 1 year
When. I look at a humans physical body males or females all different kinds of races all over the earth in all different countries , it is like looking in a catalogue what can I or what shall I wear for summer or wear for winter RIGHT 👍😊💕. ITS LIKE. LOOKING IN A CATALOGUE. I like being A MAN I ENJOY MY SELF MORE WHEN I DIE IN MY NEXT LIFE ON EARTH I WANT TO BE A MAN AGAIN WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PREFERENCES AND WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE , I CAN LOOK AT A MAN OR A WOMAN AND THINK OR SAY SHE IS BEAUTIFUL OR PRETTY OR I COULD SAY HE IS HANDSOME OR A BONNIE BLOKE GOOD LOOKING BUT NO PHYSICAL CONTACT YOU CAN LOVE AND CARE FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMAN PUT BOTH HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK NO PHYSICAL BODY CONTACT THE LOVE OF GOD THROUGH YOUR WORDS DEEDS ACTIONS THE OF GOD IS AWESOME I don't smoke cigarettes I don't use drugs and I don't want any alcohol. I don't sleep screw around I am 100%. Faithfulness. God says one partner for life full faithfulness full commitment or do not participate do not get involved , in this world it shouldn't matter who you choose to love ,. I AM A MAN I AM NOT LOOKING FOR NO MALES OR FEMALES PARTNERS I AM. ASEXUAL 100%. CELIBACY A VOW OF CHASTITY FOR MY FAITH WHICH I POSSESS WHICH I COULD NOT EARN , IN THE NAME OF THE LORD MY GOD MY CREATOR , I WILL NEVER TURN ON MY GOD I HAVE RESPECT FOR MY CREATOR WITHOUT HIM I WOULD NOT EVEN EXZIST HE BREATHED HIS BREATH OF LIFE IN TO US AND WE BECAME A LIVING CONSCIOUSNESS A LIVING SOUL A SPIRIT ALL LIFE ON EARTH. ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL ALL LIFE COMES FROM THE LORD OUR GOD OUR CREATOR AMEN HOLY BIBLE AMEN. . KCAIN . JESUS said isn't your physical body much more valuable than clothes clothing .If you don't look after your physical body then where are you going to live .AMEN
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explicit-tae · 4 months
Little Doe
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An alternate world in which Predator Hybrids are the top of the Hybrid hierarchy. It’s Valentine’s Day and you, a Prey Hybrid, decide to help a Predator Hybrid through their heat. @whipwhoops @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @darkuni63 @babycandy111
Word Count: 5.161
Warning: smut, hybrid/shifter universe, wolf hoseok, doe/deer reader, heat/rut sex, dirty talk, licking, oral sex, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, knotting, biting, impregnation/breeding kink,
Valentine’s Day Masterlist | Alternate Universe
“Jung Hoseok.” the man says, arm spread out to offer his hand to you. You take it with a smile, shaking it. His grip is firm, but polite.
“Y/L Y/N.” you introduce yourself before sitting down behind your desk. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jung-ssi.”
“Hoseok is fine.” the man smiles, flashing you a pair of perfect teeth. 
Your body flushes and you nod. “Yes, Hoseok.” you murmur, slightly embarrassed by your sudden change of attitude. “I-I got your paperwork. It appears to me that you are a Predator Shifter…?”
You were what was called a “heat partner”. In a world where Shifters walk freely alongside humans, predator Shifters and prey Shifters such as yourself, it was important for Shifters to have something for themselves. Such as a heat partner when they aren’t “mated” to anyone.
Heat partners are exactly what they are described, perfectly designed to assist a person through their heat - male or female. You had made the business proposal back in college and the business has since grown national - even as the CEO, you participated (only when top dollars were made to be earned).
Such as now, with Jung Hoseok.
The man is charming, you’d admit. Tall with broad shoulders and a sculptured face. Smooth skin with soft eyes and a pair of heart-shaped lips. In order to afford your services, the man was obviously wealthy - having stated in his application that whatever price you listed was what he was willing to pay. 
The kicker was - he was a predator Shifter. Your agency does strictly prey. That didn’t mean that you didn’t open another separate business for Predators - you had! You, however, were not running said business.
“Yes, I am.” Hoseok nods his head after your question. “I take suppressants to…mask my scent.”
No wonder, you think; There wasn’t any scent on him and that meant that he was dousing himself with suppressants on the daily. The thought frightened you a bit - just what type of Predator was he?
“As you know, Jung - Hoseok,” you begin. “We typically serve Prey Shifters here. Is there a certain-”
“Excuse me.” Hoseok suddenly interrupts. “I’m well aware of what agency I applied with. You are the person I’m looking for, after all.” Hoseok is direct when he speaks, never faltering and not a stutter in sight.
A predator indeed.
“Y-Yes.” you nod your head. “I’m aware, but-”
“Money is no issue.” Hoseok speaks. He was pleading, his eyes staring right into your own. He swallows. “I…I prefer not to have predator Shifters for my heats.”
You didn’t realize your hands were gripping his paper work in your hand until it began to crinkle beneath your fingers. 
“As you know we do not ask our customers certain questions due to confidentiality. However, you being a Predator Shifter, I must.”
Hoseok nods. “You’re asking what Shifter I am?”
You nod hesitantly. “I’m a deer.” you tell him, watching and waiting for his reaction.
Hoseok nods. “I can smell you.” he murmurs, voice low that it causes goosebumps to litter your skin - thank god you wore a long-sleeve shirt. Your head was ringing with alarm bells to get as far away from this man as possible.
“I-I can't smell you.” you try to smile but it appears more as a grimace. “If I may ask…”
Hoseok is hesitant, but he answers nonetheless. “A wolf.”
Hoseok can hear your heart increase by the second, pounding so loudly out your chest that he has to suppress a growl - something he does on instant rather than anything personal.
“You’re frightened.”
Terrified. “N-No-” he stuttered, shaking your head. You were lying to comfort him, but your sudden demeanor change told him everything he needed to know.
“Please.” Hoseok sighs out, utterly desperate. “I cannot handle other wolves or predators. They’re…” his nose curls. “...too dominant for me. They fight me.” he speaks, tone low. “You Prey are soft and sweet. Submissive.”
Now he looks like a creep, Hoseok thinks. Your eyes are wide and you want to run as far away as you can, but you’re a deer caught in headlights - literally. 
“I-I-” you’re unsure what to tell Hoseok. You’re frightened, yes, but overall, you wanted to help him. He had come to you specifically - the reason you’re unsure - but he wanted help. It’s an unusual request. Not very many Predators come here and pay for Prey, but it isn’t uncommon for them to hookup outside of their heat cycles. 
“I have a set price an hour…”
Hoseok licks his lips with anticipation. “Yes.” he nods hastily. “I would like to pay you more if you’d like.”
“That won’t be-”
“I want you to stay with me the entire week.”
Hoseok hears it again, your heartbeat racing. 
“I’m not going to eat you, Y.N.” Hoseok says, his eyes flickering with something different, however. “It’s just…I…I need you there with me all the time.” he doesn’t elaborate further and you’re far too afraid that if he does, you’ll back out of the deal. 
“I’ll need to see the place before your heat starts.” you slowly nod your head, placing his paperwork down. “Does tomorrow work for you? It’s for my safety.”
“Of course!” Hoseok nods. “Anything you need.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Well, for now we can sign paperwork.” you open a draw to your desk and grasp a black pen to sign your name on said documents. “If you’d like to take it home with you and read through it, you can.”
Hoseok nods his head and takes the documents in his hands. “Thank you.” he grins your way. “I’ll have them signed tomorrow.” he begins to stand, as do you. “Thank you for your time, Y/L-ssi.” he gives you his hand once more and you return the smile shyly.
“Y/N is fine, Hoseok.” you tell him, grabbing his hand to shake once more. You yelp when Hoseok lifts your hand to his lips and kisses it. His lips are soft, his dark eyes flickering up to look at you.
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The drive to Hoseok home was a long one - understandably. He, after all, was a wolf shifter and like yourself, preferred to reside in a forestry area. The trees are high into the sky and the scent is natural. The area is quiet as you park your car, eyes roaming the large cabin in front of you. It’s at least four stories built with the finest wood with high ceilings windows. There’s multiple lights shining onto the porch that wraps around the entire cabin. 
You can smell them - not Hoseok, but more wolves. The smell is intoxicating, filling your senses and having you stiff in your spot. You swallow, your deer screaming to run away - far, far away from here. 
Your eyes widen when the door of the cabin opens suddenly and behind it is a tall man. His eyes are on you in an instant and you’re unable to move or look away. 
“You must be…Y/N?” the man says, strolling towards you. His footsteps creek above the wooden stairs as he makes his way towards you. “You’re a doe…” the man sniffs the air, an obvious attempt to smell you.
“You're scaring her.”
Oh no.
Another wolf emerges from behind the door. He’s a little shorter and behind him, yet another one, as tall as the first one. They all surround you, tall and dominant. 
“Your heart's beating so fast, little doe. We’re not going to eat you.” the second one laughs heartily. “My name is Jimin. Hobi told us a Prey was coming.”
“I’m Jungkook.” the third one says, circling around you for a better view. “You’re very brave. We don’t get a lot of doe’s around here.”
There’s a growl that has you cowering - as do the other three wolves. You’re now visibly trembling, arms wrapped around you. You knew that the three meant no harm - they appeared younger than you and overall playful. As a deer shifter, you were just naturally terrified of any predator and being on their territory didn’t make it easier for you.
“Go somewhere else.”
That was Hoseok’s voice speaking now and your eyes glance upwards from the ground to see him towering behind the three wolves. 
“I am so sorry.” Hoseok’s voice lowers when the three men scurry off, both apologizing and snickering. “They mean no harm. They’re just…playful.” he sighs. If you turned him down now he wouldn’t be upset with you.
“I-It’s okay.” you curse at the stutter in your voice. “D-Do they live here?”
“Somewhat.” Hoseok nods. “This,” he mentions to the large cabin behind him. “is my home. They come and go. They have their own homes on the land we’re on now.”
Hoseok picks up on your unease - it was natural. You were in a wolf's den surrounded by them. As a prey, you were like a shiny new toy to them.
“Please come in.” Hoseok offers you his hand to take. “It’s completely safe. They would not be here when I’m in heat.” 
You allow Hoseok to show you inside the large cabin. The scent is heavy of wolves and it causes you to stick besides Hoseok as he was the only familiar person you knew.
“I want to show you something.” Hoseok squeezes your hand encouragingly. “It’s where we’d be staying next week.”
You nod your head.
Hoseok ventures deeper into the cabin. It’s warm and would be inviting if you weren’t a Prey.
“I’ve been using suppressants to mask my scent but here,” Hoseok stops before a wooden door. “is where I can be myself. The scent will be…powerful.”
Powerful indeed. Upon opening the door, you’re hit with a scent so prudent. You’re stunned for a second, eyes widening. 
“That’s…your scent?” you whisper out.
Hoseok lightly tugs you inside the room. It’s large and appears to be like a bedroom, a large bed in the middle of the room. Behind it, a large ceiling window showcasing beautiful scenery outside. To the right is a door slightly cracked, you assumed a bathroom. On the far left is a bookcase with a desk.
“This is my den.” Hoseok speaks, releasing your hand but remaining close. “Similar to a nest.”
Hoseok watches the way your eyes scan the room. He senses that his scent is overbearing to you, dominant. For the last few weeks he’s been scenting it to assure that it smelt like him; that he’d be comfortable in the room for his rut.
“I hope it isn’t too much.” Hoseok speaks after five minutes of you calming yourself down. 
“No!” you shake your head, turning to him. “I know nesting is important to those in heat or ruts.” you tell him truthfully, having done so yourself. 
Hoseok grins at your statement. “Yes.” he nods. “I was wondering…if I could have something of yours. To remain here.” he swallows, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. 
You lick your lips as your body heats. 
“If it’s too much-”
“No!” you interrupt. “I-I don’t mind.” you assure. You were here to help Hoseok soon and if this is what he wanted, then so be it. After all, he was a client paying top dollar for your services. “Is my jacket alright?”
Hoseok nods his head with a shrug. “Y-yeah.” his cheeks reddened. 
You remove your jacket and hand it to Hoseok, body heated. 
“I…” you lick your lips. “...can scent some more things in here. If it would make it better?”
Hoseok’s eyes widen a bit but he nods hastily. “Y-Yeah! You can.” he responds all too quickly. “Would you like something of mine? So you can become accustomed to it?” he offers.
You nod your head as well, encouraging grin on your lips. “Yes, that’ll be nice.”
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For the last week you made sure to leave Hoseok’s scent on yours - and it caused stress amongst the other Prey’s at the office. Your assistant was the first to cower, not walking into your office due to fear - she was a rabbit shifter - and instead, called you from her own office opposite of yours. “The scent is that powerful? You recall asking her, surprised. “It’s only his shirt…”
Your own scent was covered in Hoseok’s and by the time it was for you to go to his home - coincidentally starting on Valentine’s Day - your scent was the acute one. However, it calmed you, as crazy as it sounded, because now you were accustomed to Hoseok’s scent. You’re thankful that you were able to ease your way into it instead of being overwhelmed like you were the week prior.
Like promised, you sensed no other wolves shifter in the area and you were thankful for that. Being around Hoseok was enough for you - you’re not sure if you could handle a whole pack of wolves sniffing around you.
Hoseok had sent you a message a few hours earlier telling you that the door was unlocked when you arrived, along with more messages. You’re appreciative that he offered to supply your food, stating that he has already filled his home with various fruits and vegetables to satiate your diet.
You clench your bag in your hand as you enter Hoseok’s home. It’s eerily silent and you wonder just what the man was doing. You don’t dwell, however, and instead make your way down the long, wooden hall to where his den was at.
You open the door to the den and find Hoseok inside. He’s asleep, sweat lining his forehead and he’s shirtless, the comforter only covering the bottom half of his body. You close the door behind you and exhale, placing your bag on the ground and making your way towards Hoseok.
You tilt your head to the side and snort. “You are kinda cute.” you murmur, placing a hand onto his forehead to wipe the sweat away. 
It was the early stages of Hoseok’s head and he was only experiencing light chills and normal arousal - as the days led up, he would be utterly needy. 
You dip down into the bed beside Hoseok, slowly to not wake him. You lay on your side and close your eyes. You’ll be here when Hoseok wakes up.
You’re unsure when you fell asleep and for how long, but the large window that once shined with natural light now only displays a full moon.
You moan sleepily when the sensation runs through you. Your hips are being gripped, sharp fingernails digging into your skin.
“You smell so good, little doe.”
Goosebumps gather onto your skin at the voice - deep, raspy and full of needy lust. Hoseok was awake, grinding into you from behind. His lips are pressing wet kisses to the skin behind your ear, a low growl mewling from his lips.
“Y-You’re awake.”
“I smelled you from my sleep.” Hoseok’s lips are now on your neck, inhaling your scent. His mouth is salivating. “‘wanna taste you,  little doe. You’d let me, right?”
“Yes.” you nod weakly, whimpering. 
“So good, little doe. So submissive like how I’d known you’d be.” Hoseok flips you onto your back and cages you beneath him. Your eyes meet the obvious bulge in his shorts. His hands tug at your clothing harshly, tearing the fabric apart without a care in the world.
You don’t respond, only gasp at the action - and it drives Hoseok’s wolf crazy. This is what he needed during a time like this; someone who wasn’t going to put up a fight against him. Someone who was going to submit to him like his wolf wanted; someone like you.
“Such soft, pretty skin.” Hoseok mewls, his tongue poking out and dragging along your bare skin. His tongue is so warm and slimy, but you’re overly aroused. “Scent so amazing and tempting, little doe.”
A strangled moan releases from your lips when Hoseok’s tongue dips down between your breast and slides past your stomach. He pries your legs open and growls, eyes completely dark with lust. He inhales your arousal and doesn’t hesitate to dive right in. His tongue laps between your folds hungrily, nails digging into your soft thighs.
Your back arches, legs widening. This was your first time with a Predator, with someone so dominant. Prey’s weren’t quite vanilla as one thought, sure, but a wolf was different.
“H-Hoseok, please.” your hand tugs at his hair, unable to take anymore pleasure. Your eyes flutter open to look between your legs - a mistake. Hoseok was already looking at you, dark eyes zoning into your own. It causes you to freeze, unable to look away from him. Your arousal leaks over his tongue and his lips and like a man starved, he licks it all up.
“Little doe,” Hoseok growls, a trail of saliva dropping right onto your clit. “so sweet and all for me.”
You don’t get to talk, Hoseok is faster than you. Two, long fingers enter you swiftly - deeply. He pumps with vigor, determined to coat himself completely in your sweet arousal. Your pussy is tight around his fingers, squeezing and squelching for more.
“Does it feel good, little doe?��� Hoseok questions rhetorically. You’re a moaning mess who’s coating his fingers with sweet honey, of course it felt good.
But, Hoseok was a wolf. He was dominant and confident - he wanted to hear you say it.
Hoseom bites your inner thigh, teeth sinking into your skin. 
“Y-Yes!” you screech, jerking. Your hands find your naked breast, eyes continuing to flutter with pure pleasure.
Hoseok’s fingers were scraping against your walls, hitting your sweet spot with each pump. His teeth grazes past your skin, lips pressing a firm kiss to your clit. His stamina is immaculate but what did you truly expect from a wolf?
Hoseok likes to watch your face as he pleasures you - his tongue flickering against the swollen bud as his fingers ram so deep inside of you that you’re screeching out in ecstasy. He loves to watch the way your eyebrows would scrunch together and the way you would gasp so loudly. His lips and chin are coated in your essence but he does nothing but savor the sweet, submissive taste that he has desperately longed for all week.
Hoseok’s calloused hand slams against your thigh harshly just as he feels it begin to close in on him. His eyes are furious at the audacity that you’d attempt to stop him from devouring you. He forces you against his tongue, two fingers never ceasing their movement. The noises he made we just as lewd as yours; slurping as if it’s a five course meal; and to him, it is.
“So ready to be full of me.” Hoseok groans against your clit, his eyes zoning in on the way your pussy squeezes his fingers, juices sliding down the palms of his hand and hitting his wrist. “Need to prep you first, little doe, before I take what’s mine.”
You weren’t sure you could handle Hoseok fucking you - you were overstimulated now. Tears brim your eyes with the amount of pleasure, and now with the way he spoke to you with such a sultry voice - you weren’t going to leave here alone, surely.
Talking was a bit difficult, but it was evident Hoseok wanted you to speak to him - to show him just how submissive you were. You nod your head and murmur a soft “please” and it’s all Hoseok needs to truly make you cum. Your thighs shake in his grasp and your moans grow higher and higher. They bounce off of the walls of his den and your body begins to shake rapidly beneath him. 
Hoseok encourages you to grind against his tongue, to take him just as much as he was taking you, but as of right now you couldn’t - and that was alright with him. You were going through your own high, your senses clouded in Hoseok; his scent looming over you dominantly and all you could do was lay against the soft bed as you cum the hardest you’ve ever had.
Hoseok wish he could have a picture of you like this - maybe even a painting in his den. Just for his eyes only to witness the beauty that was you, naked and covered in your own arousal and sweat and fully submitted to him. It’s a sight he would forever keep in his thoughts.
You’re panting, slightly trembling with overstimulation.
You bring out something in Hoseok - similar to a hunger that could never be satiated. If he could have you on his tongue for hours, he would. The bulge in his underwear is tight and screaming at him to let it be free. 
“Little doe,” you hear Hoseok call you, calloused fingers grasping your jaw to look at him. “even as you lay here trembling, your pussy longs to be filled, doesn’t it? I see you clenching around nothing, wishing it was me.”
You moan faintly, nodding your head. Even if you came as hard as you did, you in fact did want Hoseok to fuck you. The idea frightened your deer - you never had wolf and you’re sure he’s never had deer either. But the thought excites you just as you know it excites him.
You, weakly, sit up, eyes blinking innocently at Hoseok. He watches you, unmoving, as your hands settle at his own hips. “Wanna taste you now.” you murmur at him, lashes blinking upwards at him.
Hoseok growls, a deep rumble coming from his chest that startles you. You watch him with wide eyes and wait for him to speak. 
“I want to see your sweet lips around me, little doe.” Hoseok allows your hands to dip beneath his shorts. For a moment you’re stuck when you in fact tough his clothed cock. It twitches when it comes in contact with you, an obvious need to be touched. 
You gulp when you actually do see it in front of you. It’s large and veiny, the tip leaking with pre-cum and even if it does appear threatening at it’s large size (larger due to the rut and the need to breed), you’re mouth salivates to suck it.
Hoseok stiffens with your tongue licks up his slit, coating your warm tongue with the precum. Your hand wraps around the base and you waste no time in circling your tongue around the tip.
Such warmth and pleasure drives Hoseok crazy and he doesn’t hide his moans or grunts. He’s unmoving, unblinking as he watches you take him into your mouth, deeper and deeper.
You’re positive that you’d come to regret doing this - but you were full of arousal and lust for the man and needed everything he had to offer. You begin to suck onto his cock as if your life depended on it. The tip hits the back of your throat and your eyes water, but it would be a lie to say that you weren’t aroused. 
“Such a slutty doe you are.” Hoseok hisses, the filthy sight of you makes him want more. “So frightened by me but still want to be stuff full.”
Hoseok yanks your hair roughly and instantly, you submit - just how he wanted. He begins to thrust inside of you, taking your mouth as his own. He hits the back of your throat with each thrust, a strangle moan meeting him when he gets there. Your thighs clenched together for friction and your pussy does the same, wishing it was this very cock ramming inside of you. 
Hoseok's throat growls once more - so beautiful, he thinks. Tears streaming down your eyes and coating your puffy cheeks as he buries his cock deep in your throat. “When I look at you, I can see a sweet little doe in those eyes…” Hoseok was going to cum, never truly meaning to last long. But during his rut, he could cum so many times and still be hard within seconds, so did it truly matter? “...but then I look deeper into these eyes, and I see that devilious side to you.”
You moan, vibrating against his shaft. Hoseok thrusts deeper and deeper until you feel the salty substance reach your tongue. It’s warm and overpowering, but you’re forced to take it all - and never once do you complain or protest.
Hoseok yanks you off of his cock with a pop, saliva and cum dripping down the sides of your lips. Hoseok forces his own lips - so soft, you think - against yours in a needy, dominant kiss.
“Your pussy is calling for me, little doe. Begging to be stuffed with my knot.”
“P-Please…” you murmur weakly, full of need.
Hoseok snarls and within seconds, he flips you onto your front. He forces your legs apart and once more, snarls at just the visual in front of him; a wolf’s dream.
You yelp when you feel a harsh slap onto your ass, stinging. One hand slams against your back to remain firmly against the bed while the other digs its nails onto your waist. 
“Gonna fuck you full of my pups, little doe. Breed you just nice.” Hoseok grumbles, speaking more to himself, but you hear every word and damn did it sound nice.
Hoseok centers himself at your entrance, a grunt releasing from his throat. He rubs the tip between your sweet folds and then sighs shakily at how heavenly you feel.
“My sweet little doe…such a slutty body you have.” Hoseok begins to enter you, your walls completely heavenly; so tight, wet and serene.
Hoseok gasps fully when he’s inside of you completely. You do the same, a small sense of discomfort at the size of Hoseok, but you felt amazingly stuff as you had been wanting to.
Hoseok isn’t able to control himself and you’re glad that you prepared for such. He begins to pound into you with such need; deep and fast. His abdomen slams against your ass as he tries to go deeper with each thrust.
You cry out in pleasure and discomfort - it was going to take getting used to getting fucked by someone as dominant as him. But even your moans were that of pure desire, legs widening a bit more just to have in you deeper.
Your pussy is pulsating, Hoseok notes, and it drips all over his bed. He doesn’t stop his assault, unable to. Your moans give him the fuel to continue on, such sweet and submissive moans and wolf needs to hear when claiming what was theirs.
By the time Hoseok was done with you, you were going to be bruised with finger and hand marks. Hoseok grips onto your skin so tightly, but there’s no complaints your way. “Such a sweet pussy taking a wolf so well. A prey could never satisfy you like this, little doe.”
Hoseok wants to hear you say it. A hand claws at your throat and he pushes you back against his bare chest. Your breast bounces in the rhythm of his powerful thrusts. “Say it, little doe. After I’m done here with you, your pussy would only ever want a predator.”
Your hands find his thigh, muscle flexing when you do. It’s a small sign of resistance and that’s something Hoseok didn’t like.
“Stop trying to run, doe. I already got my hands on you, you aren’t going anywhere.”
You came at the words, so hard that you began to shake. Your arousal leaks down your thighs, but Hoseok was nowhere near done with you. He now has the desire to see your face as he fucks you and turns you around fully before him like a ragdoll. Both hands snake beneath your thighs as he enters you, thrusting just as powerful as before.
Your face contorts with pleasure, eyes widening just to snap shut and moans pooling out your sweet lips. 
“Pretty little thing,” Hoseok presses open mouth kisses against your face. His bed rocks and shakes vigorously, hitting against the tall window. “all mine to breed. You’d want that, wouldn’t you? To be bred by a wolf.” Hoseok spits, teeth clasping down at delicate skin.
“Y-Yes!” you cry, arms wrapping around his shoulders to bring him close. Your lips find his, both tongues devouring the other. You’ve dealt with many ruts and heats, but this one was far more intimate. Hoseok was a talkative person and it was difficult to not submit to the man.
Hoseok snarls. “Gonna give you all my pups, little doe. Get you nice and round just for me and me only.”
There was something about being predators and their need to breed that now has you wishing he’d do just that. It was the sex speaking to you - and his rut speaking to him - but all you could think about was being so full of his cum that breeding a few of his pups didn’t scare you. 
Jung Hoseok was a dangerous man.
“Want your knot.” you screech, your fingernails clawing at his back for him to give you what you wanted. “Want your pups.”
Hoseok was going crazy - his wolf was screaming at him to take you fully, bite that spot on your neck and take you as his; then you’d truly would be having his pups like your fucked out self wanted. But his sane part manages to hold himself back from his wolf claiming you.
“Gonna cum in you.” Hoseok grumbles, pushing you back against the bed and fucking right into you. His cock is so enlarged due to his rut and the knot in his system. A small bulge is seen in your stomach with each thrust and Hoseok had one goal in mind. 
You’re unable to speak as Hoseok presses your knees to your shoulders and pounds sloppily in you. His eyes are watching you, unmoving and not blinking. There’s a growl that reaches your ears when Hoseok comes closer. He’s dangerously close to your neck, teeth blaring. Your heart skips a beat, frightened with the sounds his  wolf is making and your deer wants to run for its life from the predator. 
“Gonna make you mine, little doe.” Hoseok’s voice is deeper than before, his breath tickling your skin. “Only mine to fuck pups into.”
You’re far too consumed in cumming for a third time that you don’t notice the meaning of his words until his teeth are biting the soft, delicate skin of your neck. You scream out in pain, pussy clenching around his cock just as he’s cumming. His cock swells inside of you, his knot pooling deep inside to do what it’s intending on doing.
You remain completely still and silent, your high and submissive nature not allowing you to protest, even if the pressure was becoming unbearable. Hoseok holds you close, his throat growling lowly, tongue twirling on the mark he has left freshly on your skin. When his high dies down, he’s positive he’s going to be in a world of trouble for marking you as his own - and the pain his wolf is going to feel if you reject him.
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 months
Azriel NSFW alphabet
Literally just Azriel brain rot. Buckle in
NSFW below the cut (18+ minors don’t interact)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I’m a firm believer that this man is the biggest cuddler after sex. He will fully wrap you in his arms and wings and just hold you close to him. He’ll give you sweet kisses on your forehead and the top of your head, humming as he does.
If anything is particularly rough (Which I am a firm believer in dom Azriel) he’ll draw you a bath and smooth out any sore muscles with his hands.
Basically this dude knows what it’s like to be left alone and would rather die than make you feel like that after being intimate
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On him, like any good Iilyrian baby, it’s his wings. Besides the normal ego the wings normally come with, he’s able to look at them and see all the good they’ve done. Proof of how far he’s come in life. He’d learn how to fly, become one of the top Iilyrian warriors and had an amazing family. Looking at his wings, the same wings he shares with his brothers, he can’t help but feel his pride stir.
On you, everyone always goes back and forth on boobs or ass but are missing the best option. Thighs. Azriel adores your thighs. Something about the soft feeling of them under his hands instantly comforts him. And not only in a sexual way (although he has pushed your thighs tighter around his head on multiple occasions) but comforting like a cat kneading on a blanket. He loves using them as a pillow, you playing with his hair as you talk about your different days or you both reading a book. He loves your thighs no matter the size, the stretch marks, he loves every inch of them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I feel like all the fae males cum a ton. Probably left over from centuries of breeding being the most important thing, but Azriel takes the cake. For sake of not having to find something to clean up the sheer amount, he’s almost always coming inside of you. And even then it’s still enough that it runs out of you, something that normally is enough to make you both want round two.
I also feel like if he’s in one of his more dominant moods that once he does cum inside you he’ll use his finger to push it back in, mouth parted as he sees just the sheer amount that pools onto the sheets
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I feel like you and Azriel would be pretty open with each other. He doesn’t want to hide things from you and he wouldn’t want you too either
That being said, I do think he likes you being dominant more than he would ever let you know. The way the tone of your voice drops slightly, the way you tease him is enough to drive him crazy. You always seem to know when he needs it too. There's not one particular thing he could point out to say he loved but you doming him is something he enjoys a lot when it happens.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
This man is quiet but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had plenty of experience. I mean, look at this man. Tell me you wouldn’t have to fight off both males and females when the mating bond first snapped. This man fully knows what he’s doing and I firmly believe his spymaster skills make him perfect at learning exactly what you need to make you into a complete whining mess.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves when you ride him. Something about feeling your thighs spread out on top of him and having full access to your chest and throat just does something for him.
I also live and die by Azriel having a breeding kink so I think he would love having you in a mating press. Your legs perched up on his shoulders as he presses so deep into you you can’t do anything but scream his name. He would still be free to pepper kisses all over your neck and face and he can feel how deep his cum is pumped into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He is pretty serious overall. It’s that dom persona but sometimes when you try a new position or play and something twists the way it's not supposed to or your bodies just make the noises bodies do, you’re both laughing and giggling. On slower nights you two can make jokes but overall it’s pretty serious because the love you two have for each other runs so deeply.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think he keeps it trimmed. He defo has a happy trail that you love to kiss down. But he doesn’t really care about what’s going on down there, especially when it comes to you. As long as he can get between your legs, he doesn’t care how much or how little hair you have. And I think his hair is a little lighter but not by much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Azriel can be tooth rotting sweet when he wants to be. I’m talking rose petals and candles, full body massage. He would pull out all the stops when it comes to spoiling you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he’s away on missions he would try. Some errant thought of you would cross his mind and since he has a hard time sleeping on missions, he would try to rub one out but it never feels the same so he doesn’t really bother with it. He has you and you’re more than happy to help him whenever he has one of his random moments of need rushing through him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Restrains- He loves holding your wrists down, whether it’s with his own hands wrapped around your wrists pinned above you heads, or his shadows holding down all of your limbs as he absolutely worships your body, something about seeing you desperately trying to reach out and touch him makes him go feral.
Wing Play- At first you both were very tentative for you to touch his wings. He’s so proud of them and despite the fact that you’re mates, it felt too intimate. But after much begging on his part, you finally did and gods. His usual perfect timing was fully broken the first time. He came in his pants like a teenager and spent the rest of the night absolutely worshiping you. From then on, if you ever wanted to have him on his knees, you would just run a nail softly along the membranes and he would be a whimpering mess for you.
Brat Tamer- This male would love it when you talk back to him. The way you would puff up your chest, staring up at him trying your best to be intimidating. He would just coo at you and whisper something about keeping up that attitude later in the bedroom. And of course the moment the door closed to your shared bedroom, you would be apologizing for your words. Maybe if he’s feeling nice, he’ll let you off but if he’s not. You would definitely be limping around the next day.
Breeding kink- He would love to fill you up. As much as he adores seeing his cum on various parts of your body. Theres nothing he loves more than seeing it drip out of you, fucking it back into you with his fingers or his tongue.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers your bedroom truthfully. The two of you have made it so comfortable, bits and pieces of the both of you filled the space. The way your smell mixed with his lingers around puts him instantly at ease.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
For real, you could just look at this man and he would be hard as a rock. Seeing you sparing with Cassian would also be a sure fire way to get him going. Or if you are trying to get him really riled up, placing your hand on someones arm as you’re talking to them would have him literally picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder to remind you exactly who you belong to.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No temperature play of any kind, no ice or fire. Fire/wax for obvious reasons but cold/ ice because it reminds him of the winters at the war camp and those memories are not something he wants to imagine when he’s having sex.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man will eat you out like he has been stranded in the desert for a hundred years. He cannot get enough of you. He’ll hold down your hips, shadows holding your arms down. Absolute filthy noises would be spilling out of his mouth as he lapped you up. You would literally have to pull him away by his hair and his face would be covered in your arousal. He could go down on you for hours if you would let him and he would still probably whine as you pulled him away.
That being said, this man does love a good blow job. I think he would have two moods. One where he’s just letting you explore, tongue lapping at him and he’d let you set your own pace. Just taking everything you would give him. Now. On nights where you have done nothing but tease him. Strap in because this man will (consensually) push you down to your knees with your hands tied behind you back and use your throat like it was a damn fleshlight. He would keep going until spit was trailing down your chin, eyes glassy with tears. When he finally did cum he would make you hold it on your tongue before telling you to swallow, sticking out your tongue afterwards to show him that you were a good girl and listened to him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This man is the best of both worlds. Depending on both of your moods it can be soft and slow or wall shakingly rough. Sometimes he’ll being going slow and you’ll push his hips to make him pound into you and the little bit of control he’ll have snaps and before you know it, he’s flipping you over and fucking you hard enough to have you seeing stars. But on nights when both of you need to show your love to each other, he’s simply just grinding into you. Hitting that perfect spot inside of you and I love you’s are spilling past both of your lips unhurried.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not totally against them. When the mating bond first snapped all you had to do was look at him the right way and he was taking you against the nearest surface. More than once during trips to the court of nightmares you two were found tucked away into corners, both in various states of undress. His shadows were particularly helpful during these moments because he could wrap you in them and make sure no one saw that the front of your dress was pulled down or how your skirt was hiked up to your waist. But for the most part, he likes taking his time with you. He wants the time to take you apart piece by piece and have you screaming and shaking beneath him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
SJM told us this man was a freak and I firmly believe it. There’s very few things that he isn’t willing to try at least once. If he thinks it will make you happy then he’s game.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man could go all night if you would let him. Your stamina would give out long before he would. And he’s almost always making sure that you get off at least once but we all know there would be many many more before he would even think about his own release.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I have no idea what toys exist in this world but lets pretend the ones that exist in Crescent City are available. I think he would for sure have a vibrator. More than once he has had you tied up in your bed, vibrator strapped to your thigh and just stood at the other end of the room. You would be half delirious with the amount of orgasms the toy had pulled from you before he turned it off with a smirk at how totally fucked out you were.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man is the biggest tease. He knows how much you love his muscles so he would just walk around the house shirtless. Commenting on how your eyes followed him like he was a snack you wanted to devour. He would tease you for that glazed look in your eyes and how your pupils would dilate. If anyone was ever around when this happened you would blush as he slowly raised a hand to shut your slightly open jaw. Laughing softly as everyone else started to slowly leave the room because they knew what was about to happen.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Listen. For how quiet this man is around the inner circle, he would be moaning and panting into your ear. His dirty talk alone is enough to reduce you to a shaking mess. But when he’s pounding into you he’ll be cursing and roaring against you. More than once you’ve had someone pounding on the door because of how loud the two of you were being. He would only make it a point to be even louder when that did happen and when the two of you finally crawled out of your bedroom, the house would be empty.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Azriel was terrified the first time you two had sex. It’s no secret that he’s insecure when it comes to his hands and he was afraid that you would be wary to have him finger you but that fear was quickly dismissed when you begged for his fingers. Now whenever he seems to get too far into his head, all you have to do is slip one of his giant fingers into your mouth and he would snap out whatever funk he was in and he would go absolutely feral. You made the mistake of doing it at dinner with the rest of the inner circle once and everyone just stared at you two with wide eyes as Azriel just sat back further into his chair, legs spreading as he smirked with pure male satisfaction.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Our shadowslinger is hung. I think he’s at least 8 inches but he’s also thick. Like if you wrap your hand around him, your fingers just barely touch. The illyrian joke about wings is definitely true and he’s the biggest of the three males. The rest of the girls nearly fell out of their chairs when they held their hands out trying to get you to spill just how big he was. All three sisters and Mor are just sitting there like 🫸 🫷“What do you mean , keep going??? Girl are you okay???”
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Mother. This man’s sex drive is ridiculous. Despite having many partners over the years, there was a lot of time between then and he never let them be truly intimate, opting for quick fucks that were satisfying on the surface level for sure but he desperately yearned for real intimacy. So once he found you he couldn’t get enough of you and you him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll always wait for you to fall asleep. And you normally fall asleep pretty quickly after he’s rung orgasm after orgasm out of you. Some nights we would just stare at you as you slept soundly besides him, wondering how he got so lucky to have you next to him.
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ariossarts · 9 months
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Man, I'm so tired of seeing the Sexuality discourse under the BG3 or Astarion tags. The amount of people posting that it's "Irritating" or "Disgusting" to see him with a female partner is rediculous, and straight up bi/pan-phobic.
It doesn't matter if Astarion has had more male partners in the past, and it doesn't matter if he's more flamboyant than the other male companions/characters. That does not make a person 'gay-coded.' To say he is strictly gay is to erase his canonical sexuality.
Astarion is Pansexual, as said by his writer and Niel, the actor that portrayed him. Pansexuality by definition, "Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people might refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others."
As a Pansexual person, it's been great representation to see that all of the companions are Bi/Pan, because not often is that given to us in media. I am in a "Hetero" relationship, but that does not erase the fact I am a proud Queer person, and it doesn't negate my same-sex relationships in the past. That doesn't remove my sexuality in anyway -- I am who I am.
Astarion isn't Gay. Astarion isn't Hetero. Astarion is Astarion, he likes what he likes, and people need to stop erasing his sexuality and/or trauma to fit what they want him to be.
Do some research on Pansexuality and Bisexuality, and stop the discourse of erasing Bi/Pan people from our communities. We are unapologetically ourselves, and if Astarion existed for #realzies, he would be to. Astarion has no limits to who he falls for, because that's the beauty of Pansexuality. Pans people fall in love with who you are at your core, not what's between your legs, and that to me is Astarions whole story in a nutshell. You saved him, you helped him, you made him realize he was worth more than his body.
In the great words of the Pale Elf himself; "Oh Come off. You're Wonderful. I don't care what you look like. What you cannot do, is make my decisions for me. I've had more than enough of that in my life"
Sincerely, a Pans Astarion enjoyer.
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natailiatulls07 · 3 months
Could you please do part two of first impressions, some other drivers reactions?
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Formula one grid x female!driver!reader Male!OC x female!driver!reader
Summary - Being youngest on the grid meant that Y/n was heavily protected by many other drivers so when she gets a partner it's mixed emotions all around
Warning - Pushing someone into a wall??
Reader drives for Mercedes
Part one
Climbing up the stairs on the parade truck, Y/n heard someone just behind her calling out her name. Instantly recongising the voice, she turned to Charles with a smile.
Only to be met with a awkward smile in return. "Uh Y/n, so I heard from Carlos" Her eyes went wide, realisation evident on my face. "Noah huh?"
Nodding my head excitedly, suddenly feel really happy. "Yeah, he's my new boyfriend" The younger of the two blushing softly, only now feeling giddy and shy about the topic of the conversation.
Charles bursted into laughter, finding Y/n's giddiness hilarious. "Oh I have to meet him, Carlos said that he scared the poor thing" Laughter broke out between the two when they heard shout from down the stairs, it was the spaniard with a guilty smile.
"I'm sorry about that!"
The mercedes driver just waved him off, before replying to Charles. "Yeah he met Max after that so he was eager to prove himself" There was a pause where the two driver started to waved in to the fan in the crowds before Y/n spoke again. "But yeah of course, I'd love for you to meet him! He's a real gentleman!"
With a playfully shocked look on his face, the Monégasque turning to face his friend. "A real gentleman? I'll be the judge of that" A smirk on his face. "We only want the best for the sassiest and pickiest driver on the grid!"
They had finished the race just over a hour ago and most of the drivers were hanging around the paddock, most being told to stay back for media purposes.
Y/n was sat at the front of the Mercedes hospitality waiting and eating with Adam. The race was hard for her and hadn't been her best one yet. Leaving her disappointed that this was Adams first race.
"I'm sorry I wasn't the best today..." She took a pause to pick at her plate of food, avoiding any eye contact. "I wanted to be better for you"
The man sat across from her sighed before reaching forward gently grasping her chin. Forcing her to look into his eyes, the eyes that looked at her lovingly.
"Baby...you have to understand that coming seventh is great! And also I came here this weekend to see you do your passionate, I didn't come here particularly to see you stand on the top of the podium"
He brought their lips together in a sweet and delicate kiss. It was a sweet moment, there weren't many in the hospitality and it felt somewhat private. Until-
"Oh merde! I'm so sorry!" A familiar accent once again interupted. Charles, again.
The couple separated quickly, blush coating their cheeks after being caught in an intimate moment. Almost like two awkward teenagers being caught giggling together by a parent. "Am I interupting something?"
Laughter broke through Y/n and Adam, leaving the Ferrari driver scared and confused. It was only when she shook her head that he relaxed.
"No don't worry Charlie" They calmed themselves down before she introduced the two. "Adam meet Charlie and Charlie meet Adam, my new partner..."
Shaking hands, Charles decided to tease the younger man a little bit. "I heard you've been eager to prove yourself and been a gentleman to our little Y/n!" He paused as he smirked cheekily. "What's your intentions Adam? What's your five year plan? And how do you feel about classical music?"
"Charlie, stop it! You're just like Carlos!"
Charles was sat in the media centre waiting for his turn when Oscar approached him. The two had a media session together.
"Everyone saw you go to the Mercedes hospitality the other weekend, the press think you might be moving to Mercedes when Lewis leaves..." Oscar starts up a conversation
Turning to face the Australian boy, Charles almost gave himself wiplash. "What?! Really?" He was shocked by the assumption of a move from Ferrari. Shaking his head, he started to laugh as he realized how they came to that conspiracy.
"No! Gosh no, I was just meeting Adam" But only then did he notice how the Mclaren driver was now the one confused. Had he not known about Adam?
Oscars eyebrows frowned, genuine confusion on his face. "Adam? Who's Adam?" That's when Charles started to smirk, making him scared. "Charles, why are you smirking?"
"Adam is Y/n's new partner..." It was as if they were middle school again, and they were all very giddy and immature when it came to the topic of romance.
"Oh, she's finally found someone to handle her sarcasm and sassiness? I'll honestly say that I am surprised" Oscar know smirking, much like the Ferrari driver.
Once again, Charles nodded his head. Agreeing with the Australian. "Yep, I think we were all very surprised"
"Surprised? About what?"
The two drivers turned to see a confused Lando Norris approaching them. They were both unsure if they should tell the Brit but knew he wouldn't stop until he get the gossip.
After taking a deep breath, Charles told him. Soon the confused look on his face turned to one of fierce protectiveness. "Where are they?" Not wanting to get on his teammates bad side, Oscar pointed to the Mercedes hospitality and within seconds Lando was gone.
"This is your fault, I'm so fucking tired!" Y/n complained, resting her head on Adams shoulder whilst he had his hand gently resting on his thigh. "Totally your fault..."
He just laughed and playfully rolled his eyes, casting his mind back to the night before. "You wanted to try out those chocolate and you knew the consequences darling..." Paused thinking through his next words. "I'm glad we ate them, I had fun..."
Y/n gasped before lightly smacking his chest. "Adam! Shh we in the middle of my work place!"
She was about say something when Adam was ripped from her and he was pushed into the wall. Only then did she notice an angry looking Lando Norris staring him down.
"So you want to date her huh? What is it that you really want? To get into her pants? Her money? Fame? Gossip huh? What's your real intentions?" Everyone in hospitality were stood watching on in shock.
Continuing on, Lando kept shouting at him when he felt two people pull him back from Adam. Charles and Oscar were pulling him away and restraining him.
Rushing over to her partner, Y/n was quick to check if he was okay. And once she felt like he was okay, only then did she realise her anger towards Lando.
"What the hell? Lando! What was that?" She felt Adam rubbing up and down her arms, trying to calm her down. "And I thought Carlos was harsh, you fucking pushed him into a wall before he could even make a proper impression!"
After hearing how angry she was at him, Lando had realised what he had done. He was too focused on protecting Y/n that he didn't even give her partner a chance to prove himself.
So when he slumped softly, Charles and Oscar knew it was okay to let go of his arm. He brush a hand through his messed hair, sighing shamefully. "I'm so sorry, I just don't trust many new people. I've seen Y/n and other driver get hurt and used before"
Adam stepped forward towards the Mclaren driver, he had a small sympathic smile on his face. "Don't worry about it, I just want you to know that I love Y/n so much and I will continue to treat her the why she deserves to be treated" Sticking his hand, hoping that Lando will shake it and believe his words. "I promise"
A proud smile replaced the frown on Landos face as he started to shake the other hand. "You still have to prove yourself mate, but I'm sure you'll get there in no time"
Quietly behind Lando, Oscar turned to Charles whispering to him. "He's the one for her, I know it."
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miss-daisy04 · 3 months
skz - jealous!hyung-line
hello guys!! sorry i have been so absent lately, i've been busy with school and work, but i am back to post this! i finally got off time (today and tomorrow) so hopefully i can post more things after this :) hope you enjoy! NSFW IN CHANGBIN'S HEADCANNON.
warnings: mentions of sex (binnie), manhandling, mean skz, insecure skz, jealous!skz, disrespectful to others, looking through someone else's property, big/small ego/esteem, scolding, mentions of fights, drama, helicopter partner, and more!
please tell me if i missed any!
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JEALOUS!CHAN who steals your phone at night while you're showering to check if you're secretly messaging or talking to other men, other than your siblings and parents. he trusts you enough to know that he won't find anything, but his gut feeling always has a reoccurring feeling, often too customarily.
JEALOUS!CHAN who won't let you see most of the other boys since he doesn't want you falling out of love with him. the rest of the stray kids know not to do anything bad, hitting on you, cat-calling, etc., because they KNOW not to mess with chan, especially something he's so preventive over. most of them have learned from their past, even if they weren't flirtatious, but in chan's eyes, in that instant, a majority of stray kids were his adversaries. 
JEALOUS!CHAN who checks your instagram updates/photos and reports any comments that are from males, saying "hotty" or "will you be mine?", since he understands most of your female friends will be saying it too, or he'll make you turn off the comments if there too many to report. you've been accustomed to it so much that it is almost frequent after you're most recent post.
JEALOUS!MINHO who would like to tell you to shut up when you bring up a male coworker or friend. he keeps calm when these situations are broached, but he covertly switches the conversation, which you have gotten used to. he thinks you haven't noticed yet, though you have. sometimes it's a subtle shift to the rest of your day, and on the other hand, he'll talk about himself.
JEALOUS!MINHO who gets insecure when you would rather hang out with that distinct male friend instead of him. he knows it's just anxiety talking, however, his ego and self-esteem are through the floor. he tries not to take it to heart, yet it's involuntary for minho.
JEALOUS!MINHO who clenches his teeth and flares his nostrils when you're roaming and a male flirts with you while minho is away dealing with something else. "y'know she's MY girlfriend buddy..." he says to the man. but when you both get home he utters, "you're mine, not his". since that day, he's toned it down slightly, yet continues to disrespect men who are neighboring you.
JEALOUS!CHANGBIN who searches up the signs for infidelity, screenshots them, and runs through the list every single day to guarantee that you aren't a two-timing bitch. changbin will put it as his background and substitute it out while you are near him. one time, he left it out accidentally, and you asked about it only to be left with a scolding.
JEALOUS!CHANGBIN who has beaten up a dude at the bar while binnie was drunk. obviously, changbin won with one sharp blow to the side of the other man's face (one slap from changbin and i'm already out of the world). police officers nearly came, but he escaped with you before the party became "too lit". that night was full of screaming, contemptuous words thrown at each other.
JEALOUS!CHANGBIN who has rough and manhandling sex with you, since he says it's one of the few discretions you can use to requite after multiple incidents. he'll throw you around, smack your ass, and degrade you (with consent), just to make himself feel better.
JEALOUS!HYUNJIN who is a drama queen the minute you aren't standing next to him at parties/events/etc.. he forces himself to be drunk so that he won't remember it later. it damages his humongous drunk ego to see you with another person. and you ought to be prepared for the discourteous words that will come from jinnies mouth that night.
JEALOUS!HYUNJIN who wants to be the dominant (yes, i hate that word too) one in the relationship so he can inarguably take control. he envies any and everyone who gets too close to you. sometimes he will feel guilt and shame for his actions, then again when he'll throw a tantrum if he can't domineer.
JEALOUS!HYUNJIN who is the one making decisions, planning dates so someone unknown to him will not show up, hosting parties and inviting the people, and most importantly setting up your phone. just like a helicopter parent, he doesn't accept using your phone past a certain time and you can't get apps without it having to send permission to hyunjin.
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i hope you enjoyed this! if you did, please support my work to show if you liked it! (like, comment, reblog, or you can pass on but i wanna know how i'm doing!) love you all ♡
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Quick authors note- It feels a little ironic to be using Rhys and Feyre for this kink since one of my favorite Eris lines comes from when he's chasing Feyre and Lucien.
“Right. Rumor has it you two have run off together, cuckolding Tamlin.” His grin widened. “I didn’t think you had it in you, little brother.”
Anyways! Traditionally, a cuckold is a husband or boyfriend of a person who has sex with other people (be it cheating, sex work, separated). In modern kink terms, cuckold, or a cuck for short, is when a man gets sexual arousal through watching his partner have sex with someone else. There is a female equivalent, cuckquean, but I made the choice to focus on poor Rhysie being left out.
This type of play falls into the voyeurism and exhibitionist category but has become a type of play that is having an increase in popularity (and hurt feelings from insecure partners). Part of the appeal of cucking is mental degradation and humiliation, another is competitive drive.
This type of play requires security on both ends and understanding from the third party involved. This typically isn't a type of play you'd want to engage in with a stranger you do not trust, nor someone who is too close to the couple. While all parties are consenting, the first time around this kink can be interesting and cause some potentially bad results if not handled with tack. Open communication and safe words are a must in this type of play regardless of if restraints or anything else gets brought in. The last thing anyone would ever want is a relationship ending over something that was supposed to be fun 💜
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
💙 Peep Bound by Fate if you haven't since Kaylee makes a brief appearance 💙
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Feysand x Helion
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Warnings - voyeurism, dirty talk, unprotected sex, surprise third party, Helion's thighs mentioned, post pregnancy body insecurities, restraints
A/N - There's a brief Kaylee appearance. Nesta would have been too jealous, Elain would have gotten shy, Kaylee is just confused on why she's getting to see Helion's thighs on a random Tuesday.
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“I would have never taken you for this kind of male, Rhysand.” Helion glanced out the window, overlooking the beautiful snow capped valley Rhysand had hidden for years.
Rhys sighed. “She needs it and I am not against it. She has not felt as confident as she once was in her body, and having not one but two high lords worshiping her may be the answer.”
A single perfect brow went up as Helion shot Rhysand a questioning look. “Did the little heir?”
“Stretch mark scarring, she's a little less toned. I think she looks twice as delicious as before, but she does not believe me.”
Helion nodded, eyes sympathetic and soft. “Motherhood is hard. She's exhausted, she's losing her sense of self, her hands probably do not even feel like her own anymore. It is understandable she feels less appealing to you lately.”
A soft knock on the door had Rhys standing, moving to it with a smile. “Hi, honeybee.”
“Rhysie!” Kaylee paused, eyes locked on Helion. “What are Helion and his thighs doing here?” Helion snorted, looking to the youngest sister with a smirk as she crossed the room.
“Mother above, Kaylee.” Azriel entered behind her. Kaylee had already gone to the bassinet, picking up her cooing nephew. “How long are we taking him for?”
Rhys and Helion shrugged, causing Azriel to pause before grabbing Kaylee. “What's wrong, shadowsinger? Don't want her to get ideas?”
“From you? Absolutely not. Let's go, baby.” Azriel took her and Nyx away before Kaylee could question the impromptu date night and the appearance of the Day Lord. “She's still adorably innocent,” Helion looked to Rhys. “You must convince her to play next.”
Rhys shook his head, eyes wide in fear. “Not Kaylee you'd have to convince.”
Surprising Feyre had been easy. She arrived home to Helion sitting in Rhysand's spot at the table. “Hello beautiful.”
The smile that graced her face was capable of moving mountains. “Helion! What are you doing here?”
He motioned towards the table. “Your mate got a little tied up, asked me to come have dinner with you.”
“Let me go grab Nyx-”
“No need to do that, Feyre. He's with that sweet little sister and her brooding mate.”
Feyre paused, “What is Rhys tied up with then?”
“Currently?” Helion set down his glass of wine, shifting in his seat and uncrossing his legs. “Spidersilk based ropes. We can change that if you would like, though.” It was then that soft tug came, calming her and letting her know that everything was okay. “He's quite pretty when he's bound up. Would you like to see?”
The answer she gave was breathless, eyes fluttered shut. “Yes.”
He stood, taking her hand in his and leading her to her own bedroom. Rhysand glared at Helion from the chair he was tied down to before smirking at his wife. “Hello, Feyre Darling.” He tried to pull at the ropes again before rolling his eyes. “When you told me to ask Azriel to tie me down, I had imagined other places, Helion.”
The lord of day shrugged, hands lingering on Feyre's upper arms as he stood behind her. “You said you watched to watch me fuck your wife,” those hands slid down bringing one of her own to his lips. “You also said you did not know if you could handle it. Restraints seemed to be the perfect solution.”
Rhys leaned his head back, smiling towards the ceiling. “Go ahead then,” he motioned between them the best he could. “Fuck her if she'll have you.”
Soft lips came to Feyre's ear as she stared at Rhys with a questioning look. “You have control, beautiful. If you want me to leave, I will leave. If you want me in your bed, I will be in your bed.”
Feyre released a breath, all thoughts leaving her mind. “My body-”
“Is wonderful, magic, and stunning,” Helion kissed the tip of her pointed ear, relishing in the way she shivered. “You created life, selflessly for the male sitting in that chair.”
Rhysand's eyes had darkened, the scent of his arousal already filling the air as he watched Helion's hands move to the bed of Feyre's dress and soft kisses continued on her ear. “I know you want to, darling.”
“My body-” Helion looked to Rhys and put a hand to Feyre's mouth silencing her before forcing her to walk to the mirror in their room.
“Look at you. Look at every beautiful blessed inch of you.” The command went straight through her, settling in her core as it did. His hands found the ties of her dress. He searched her face for any sign of true resistance and hesitation before pulling and watching the fabric fall. “You are sensational, Feyre. Your new curves fit so beautifully.” Her eyes fluttered shut, body leaning against his for the heat. “Let me show you, exactly how beautiful I find you?”
She nodded, turning in his arms. The first kiss was testing, slow and gentle to see if there'd be more than a soft groan coming from her mate. She pulled apart in time for Helion to lift her, carrying her to the bed and laying her down so her head would hang over the edge, staring directly at Rhysand as he squirmed against the restraints.
He wasted no time, kissing down her neck, smirking at the soft noises he so easily was pulling from her. “So sensitive,” he nipped gently at her pulse point, eyes looking to where Rhys was already struggling. “I'd love to worship you, Feyre, but your mate is already struggling from how badly he'd like to join.”
“Fuck him,” she whispered softly.
Helion couldn't help the feline like smirk gracing his face as Rhys glared. “We will. Later.” He flipped her below him, fingers going to the waist of her panties before bringing them down her muscled legs.
His skilled fingers found her core, running up and down before pushing in. Feyre whined loudly, eyes rolling before snuggling into the bed and pushing her hips back. Helion set a rhythm, pumping those digits into her to open her up , curling them as he needed to and saw fit to turn her into a mess.
He heard Rhys whimper, eyes rolling as his head went back and he knew. He knew Feyre was sending every drop of pleasure she felt down the bond, ensuring Rhysand felt it to. Her own moans began to increase as her hips met every movement of his fingers. “Look at your mate,” Helion commanded. “Look at your mate as you cum on my fingers.”
She fell apart easily, body and mind so ready and wanting for attention. She screamed his name, whimpering softly as she rode a wave of bliss. He worked her through the high through every second of her walls clenching around those fingers. When he finally pulled them out, he brought them to her lips, cock twitching as he got the smallest preview of what the High Lady could do.
Rhysand hadn't taken his eyes off of them. His cock was aching and leaking as he watched Helion remove his pleaded clothing before forcing Feyre onto her hands and knees. She sent him every single second of pleasure as Helion's cock pushed into her, stretching her wider than his did. “Fuck,” Rhys muttered under his breath, pulling and moving to try to free himself and at least work his cock.
She looked so pretty, mouth hung open as she moaned loudly, eyes squeezed shut in bliss. Helion's eyes met his and Rhys nodded, hoping the desperation of needing to watch Feyre be fucked and cum for another male wasn't etched into his beautiful features.
Helion gave her a teasing thrust, cock twitching at the whine that came back from it. “How do you want it?”
“Hard.” The need in her tone made his hands grip the plush skin of her hips tighter.
“As the High lady commands.”
Lightning shot through Feyre and Rhys as soon as Helion began that punishing pace. He was hitting every single one of her nerves, heavy cock stretching her wider than she'd ever been. She looked down, lost in enjoying her pleasure only to have him tangle a large hand into her hair, pulling her head back up. “Look at him. Look at how much power you have over him, at how damn desperate he is.”
Rhys was moving constantly in the chair now, growling occasionally with Feyre's moans of Helion's name. He longed to be under her, licking and sucking her clit as Helion rode her, fucking her into a mindless state of bliss.
As if sensing what Rhysand wanted, Heliha's free hand moved to her core, circling her bundle of nerves with gentle fingers. “Oh gods, yes!” Feyre was so close already all three of them could taste it. Her orgasm was humming in the air, crackling like electricity and fire. “Fuck! Keep going, please!”
Helion looked to Rhys again, seeing the male squirm, back arching off the chair as his jaw arched. A damp spot stained his dark slacks, growing by the second as he watched, as he felt. He began pounding into Feyre harder, feeling her walls begin twitching more and more.
It was as if time slowed when they both came. Mountains shaking, the sky switching from a sunset to full blown night. She was screaming his name while Rhys roared hers.
Helion fell over the ledge seconds later, pulling Feyre close to him as he did so Rhys had to watch as he made a mess of her. He allowed Feyre to lower down to the bed as his high closed.
He allowed her a few moments to breathe before pulling both arms behind her back and forcing her up. He walked her to Rhys before putting her on her knees. “Take his pants off and clean your mate. It's time we cash in on that threesome he said we could have.”
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Rhys taglist:
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Can I request headcanons for Raphael, Haarlep, and Zevlor being jealous of some guy is flirting with their female s/o although she's oblivious that he's flirting with her? He's so possessive that he even took her back home to have a heated make-out while holding her close & his tail wrapped around her leg!
I love a Possessive man. I'm not even going to lie. I always get asked if I met a guy in the books or fics I read how I would handle them. In theory, I would love it; in practice, I am a sassy beach and would probably not last.
HEADCANON~~~~~~Haarlep, Zevlor, Raphael
He couldn't believe the fact he was so irate at this moment. Like he has never felt more than real lust since that was what he was incarnated for. Right now, though, it was as if he was a Demon of Wrath instead of a Demon of Lust.
How could you be so damn oblivious? You just sat there smiling with that stupid, adorable, cute smile.
You were perfect inside and out, something he didn't see in many people. You were the woman of his dreams. That wasn't an easy feat for a demon that could literally bed anyone.
You were his and his alone, so why was another demon standing so close to his woman.
(Haarlep would literally be the iconic TV trope of a partner breaking a champagne or wine glass in hand out of anger. Man is one for theatrics. Come on.)
It was all over after the demon talking to you touched your face to move some hair behind your ear. Before you could even process what was happening, Harrlep was on top of the other demon, practically torturing him.
Once Raphael dismissed and sent him on his way, he grabbed you and took you to his room.
Mans is a pacer when he fears his emotions are too big to handle right then.
Once calmed down, especially by your words, he just turned to you and, with no hesitation, kissed you passionately.
Let's be honest: Haarlep is a man of business. He doesn't play around.
As extra reassurance, you wouldn't leave him for three weeks straight; his tail was wrapped positively around your thigh or waist, constantly teasing you and testing others.
I'm not going to lie. In my first playthrough, I punched Zevlor, so I can confidently say Mans is a big baby. He plays it off cool, but once his ego is hurt, he tanks Man, and it's so cute.
Watching the male tiefling flirt with you was literally hell on earth. Might as well have Avernus burning around him as you laugh at that stupid demon's jokes.
This party to celebrate your victory was supposed to be a night for you and him to sneak off and consummate your relationship before the long journey through the shadowlands. (If you know, you know, and I cry every time)
Man is more of a self-deprecating jealous than a wrathful jealous. So, unlike Haarlep, who just waits to explode, Zevlor is coming up with 1000 reasons why the other demon is so much better for you.
Zevlor becomes withdrawn and makes his way to his maps and equipment for the expedition, no longer interested in the party.
If he can't see his heart get broken, how can his heart get broken, you know?
However, what this man loved about you most was that you picked up on so many subtle clues. So, with little time between his self-deprecating and abandonment of the party, you were at his side.
The man couldn't even look you in the eyes. He was so sure he would fuck something up.
After some gentle coaxing, he finally listens to you and holds you so gently, kissing you fiercely and passionately.
(He may leave a few hickies or ten to really make sure everyone knew you were taken)
While on the road to Baldur's Gate, he never took his tail from around your waist. He kept you close and secure next to him.
God forbid the tiefling from the party even remotely gets too close to you. That tail might go to other places to prove a point.
He is far too prideful and egotistical to physically show anyone or anything in general how upset he is that another man is talking to you.
He would rather burn in hell under his father's thumb than admit he is jealous.
He knows at the end of the day, you are his. I mean, he had your soul. The first night you two consummated, he took it from you.
That didn't stop the nagging feeling he had watching you laugh, smile, and, in his eyes, flaunt what was his.
Being prideful, Raphael's approach to removing the threat was simple. He simply reminded everyone how powerful he really was.
All it took was a quick interjection into the conversation and not so-subtly informing the lingering demon about how his father was a king of hell.
Once the threat was taken care of, he turned to you. Oddly enough, with a simple, commanding look, you knew it was time to retreat to your shared quarters.
Before you could make it through the door fully, you were slammed against a wall, mouth covered by his.
By the end of the night, you had more marks covering your body than you cared to admit, but damn, at least everyone knew who owned you.
After that incident, at every gala or event he held, you were to sit on his lap with his tail wrapped firmly around your body.
If you behaved well, he would use his tail elsewhere, too.
I had a lot of fun writing this; when I first joined Tumblr many moons ago, this wasn't a huge thing, so this is my first time writing one of these. I really hope I didn't disappoint. Thank you so much to everyone from Annons to other blogs for the help and support in beginning my journey to writing! I appreciate all of you!
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acourtofthought · 4 months
Genuine question, but why do you want Elucien together if they aren’t in love? They aren’t currently attracted to each other right now. They can’t even be in the same room.
Is it just the potential? Or promise of the mating bond or something?
Because I shipped Elucien too when they were declared mates. But by ACOFAS, I didn’t understand why suddenly SJM decided to have them not even interact. If they ever have a conversation I might jump back over to elucien, but so far-there’s nothing between them.
And we know there can be mates that aren’t good romantic pairings. Like Rhys’s parents. All signs are currently pointing to the fact that Elucien is also one of the incompatible pairs.
Idk I just don’t understand why I should keep rooting for them if there hasn’t been any development on the page? Am I missing something??
Genuine question: Why would I want to read a love story that starts with the couple already being in love? Were Claire and Jamie from Outlander in love at the start or was she in love with and married to another man? Where she married Jamie and STILL wasn't in love with him? Were Daphne and Simon in love at the start of Bridgerton? Was he not FORCED to marry her even when he didn't want to ever marry or have children? Were Elizabeth and Darcy infatuated with one another at the start of their book? You have no canon evidence that Elain isn't attracted to Lucien. The only canon evidence we have of anything is that Elain didn't want a male or a mate. Just like Nesta didn't want a mate in her book. But guess what? Those things change. Those are just hurdles for a character to overcome. By the end of her book Nesta proudly called Cassian her mate but she got into a fight with him over it at first. Yes Elain "shrinks back" from Lucien but why are you defaulting to one possible answer "she's not attracted to him"? When you look at SJMs style of writing, isn't it more likely that Elain withdraws from Lucien because he sees her too clearly and that scares her? When Feyre tells us that Elain has even Az beat for secret keeping, isn't it possible that Lucien is the one person who can see through the secrets Elain hides and it's intimidating? Because he might see that she's not as fine and content as she'd have the others believe? Something she wants them to keep believing as she's possibly worried about disappointing them? (Rhys's words). You're right, there are couples who might not be right for one another, evidenced by the example you provided with Rhys's parents. Rhys's father was cold and vicious. Does that sound like Lucien? Rhys's father immediately stole Rhys's mother away the second the bond snapped and married her that night. Does that sound like what Lucien did with Elain? Rhys's mother pleaded with his father to ban wing clipping but he refused. Has Elain asked anything of Lucien that he was unwilling to give her? I like Elucien because neither has to be anyone different if they end up together. Elain doesn't have to struggle with cruelty bothering her as she would if she ended up with a torturer. She doesn't have to hide in the shadows as she would if she ended up with Az. She would get to enjoy balls and party and socializing in a way she wouldn't if her partner was Az who prefers his alone time. She'd get to share her love of nature with someone who the author also confirms is happiest in nature. I like the thought of Elucien because it's so clearly written on the wall that they are right for one another though it's normal that Elain isn't ready to face that yet as she's still processing trauma and figuring out who she is as a fae female. Or maybe she does realize it and it's what scares her, she already suffered rejection and a broken heart from Graysen, I don't imagine she's prepared to run into someone else's arms who has the power to hurt her. My guess is SJM hasn't had them interact because the second Elain and Lucien have a real conversation, it's over for both of them. Their hearts will be gone, flying into the palms of the other. It's more exciting to read about all that in their own POVs rather than someone else's. You don't have to root for anyone you don't like. Hell, Elucien could be endgame and you still don't need to root for them. But I grow a little tired of people acting clueless as to why Elucien's still love the idea of them together and why it's really not a problem that they aren't talking right now.
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thechaoticdruid · 6 months
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] (2)
Astarion(s) x Tav
Plot: Tav has been kidnapped by The Vampire Ascendant. The Spawn rushes back to regroup with the rest of their band of weirdos in order to plan a rescue!
Content Warning: 18+, Ascended Astarion, sexual content, toxic relationships, violence, blood, physical abuse, death, AA is a bit of a yandere, but I mean you probably already knew that, characters may be ooc, grammar/spelling mistakes are possible, threats of harm, 2 Tavs, Male and female.
Part 1: Right here
Part 2: We're here
Part 3: This waaay!
[Savegame 2: About a month after the defeat of the Elderbrain.]
Tav walked into the brothel, hugging himself with his arms as his ruby colored eyes flicked back and forth around the room nervously. The robe he wore while indeed quite useful revealed far too much of his thighs for the young man’s liking. 
“Something troubling you, little love?” His partner smiled, looping his arm around the shorter male’s waist.  
“I’m fine…I just….feel a bit exposed…” Tav shivered a bit. Though it was his own idea to put on this accursed robe to delight his partner for their night out he was now realizing he maybe had been in over his head. 
“Don’t you worry, my treasure. If anyone lays a hand on you without my permission I'll rip out their throat.” Astarion tugged the spawn against his form before planting a slightly aggressive kiss upon Tav’s cheek. Tav gave a small smile and leaned into Astarion's embrace before the two of them headed upstairs. 
“Well aren't you a beautiful little lady.~” A tall and  slightly drunk sounding half-orc stumbled across the room as he looked Tav over with a lustful gaze.
“LADY!?” All of Tav's bashfulness faded away as his expression turned to anger. His fangs were bared and his fists were clenched.  “I'm a boy- er..man! I'm a man!” Tav huffed out with a wolf-like growl.
The half-orc blinked a bit, looking Tav over. Tav's androgynous looking appearance was confusing the brothel goer.  His soft facial features and long eyelashes did make him look rather feminine. That along with his short stature and current attire definitely did not help.  
“But you're so pretty," the half-orc said, his words slurring as he took a step closer towards the short vampire spawn. "You look like a woman to me.”
Astarion watched as his little spawn shook with rage. 
“Oh dear.” He sighed, looking down at his nails for a moment as his pet proceeded to stomp towards the much larger male. Astarion's little love did have quite the vicious temper at times. 
 He raised one clawed finger after another counting.
One. Two. Three. 
The sound of a scuffle could be heard, followed by crashing and wolf growls all the while the vampire lord started looking over his nails. A slightly off key hum leaving his lips as a few screams from the half-orc were heard. 
After a few moments there was a thudd before Tav walked back over towards his lover. 
“Sorry, I may have got a little distracted.” Tav rubbed the back of his head. An unconscious and severely bruised body laid behind him. 
“I'm a little disappointed you left him alive, but I am eager to get on with tonight's main event so let's not waste anymore time.” Astarion held out his hand allowing his lover to take it before the two of them continued up another set of stairs. Tav's little scene had caused a few heads to turn though no one dared to get involved.  
They entered a dark room on the top floor. The sweet scent of lavender hit Tav's senses as he and Astarion entered the room.
“Back again already?” A seductive voice rang out. 
A female drow stepped out and wrapped her arms around Tav just as a second male drow moved in and did the same to Astarion. “Did you miss us that badly?” The male purred. Tav's shivered a bit before he looked down at his feet. 
“How could we not? The service last time was….mouthwatering.~” Astarion turned to face the drow behind him, “wasn't it my treasure?” 
“Ah….y-yes….it was really nice..” Tav stuttered, if he could still blush his face would be on fire right now. He bit his lip, his left fang drawing blood.
“Perhaps we should continue on from last time then?” The female drow said, lips dangerously close to Tav's ear. 
Nearly thirty minutes had passed. Lustful cries and groans echoed throughout the room. Once everyone was spent, Tav found himself snuggled up in his master's lap, his head pressed against his chest as he listened to Astarion's heartbeat. 
It was strange to think that not too long ago these roles had been reversed. The sound was comforting even if the person it came from became less and less so these days. 
“Pet.” Astarion spoke quietly as he noticed the two courtesans had drifted off into a slumber. 
“Yes?” Tav glanced upwards.  
“You haven't fed in three days.” 
“I'm not hungry…” Tav lied, he could feel the gaping maw deep inside him crying out as they spoke, but he did his damndest to ignore it. He'd only ever really allowed himself to feed from Astarion since his turning, which did not happen often. ‘Too much may drive you mad.’ 
His master would say. Perhaps that was possible, but he knew it was more likely that Astarion didn't want to risk giving him his freedom back.  
“What have I said about lying to me?” Astarion gripped his spawn’s face, pinching Tav's cheeks between two fingers and making him return his gaze.
“I'm sorry.” Tav replied.
Astarion thought for a moment before glancing over at the sleeping bodies besides. Tav's eyes widened in surprise. “No, Astarion, please don't make me-” 
“Feed,” was all his master said, glowing red eyes bore into his soul before his body began to react on its own. He moved over to the male drow slowly, his teeth grit together and deep inside feelings of utter disgust and pure delight waged war against one another.  Shakily Tav placed a clawed hand over the male and turned him so that his neck was exposed.  His eyes grew wide at the sight of the grey skinned male’s jugular, his tongue instinctively flicked over his fangs. 
Finally he bit down, sinking his fangs into the mortal’s flesh. Warm blood dripped onto his tongue, sending a feeling of euphoria coursing through his body.  Tav moaned barely even noticing his master petting his head before Astarion sank his own fangs into the female drow, not wasting a second to begin feasting upon her life force.  It only took a few moments before both courtesans were sucked dry. Tav breathed out heavily, blood dripped down his chin, his hands shook as he looked down at the lifeless body in front of him. They didn't need to die. They had never done anything wrong to him. This was sickening.
“That's a good boy.” Astarion's voice rang out, breaking Tav from his trance. “Now come here.~”
The Vampire Lord pulled his spawn back into his lap, possessively draping his arms around him before locking their lips. Tav hesitantly returns the kiss allowing his master's tongue inside to claim and dominate his mouth. “Mmm…” Tav moaned, feeling Astarion pull him flush against his bare body, leaving no space between them as blood and saliva mixed. The spawn wrapped his arms around his master's neck feeling Astarion's nails dig into his back slightly. The vampire lord pulled back a bit, taking in a breath of air before forcing his tongue back into Tav's mouth, his hands gripping his ass as he began to grind against him.
Feelings of guilt and shame were forgotten for now as Tav allowed himself to become lost in his master. 
[Savegame 1: Act 3, lower city.]
The silver haired vampire spawn jerked out of the way as his companion’s undead counterpart lunged at him quickly with her spear.  Halsin dropped to all fours, quickly wild-shaping into a bear with glowing red eyes. 
“Shit.” The high elf cursed. His arm was still bleeding badly so using his bow likely wouldn't do him any favors. He needed to get away and find his companions.  Quickly he reached into his pack and tossed out a vial of acid onto the ground in front of the spawn versions of his friends before he turned and made a dash for it. 
He needed to get back to the others, have Shadowheart heal his arm and then force Gale to come up with a plan on how to rescue Tav.  Astarion didn't want to think about what his counterpart might do to her. It still made him sick thinking about what that other version of himself had become. Treating Tav like she was just some object he could take!  And what had happened to the others. Turning them into tools to be used it all hit far too close to home for him.  It reminded him too much of Cazador…
Astarion wasn't really sure when he stepped through the Elfsong’s doors, or if he had been able to successfully shake off the other spawn.
Everything had just kind of faded away for a while, leaving only his fears of what could possibly happen to Tav. He knew she was strong, but this was different. She'd be up against a foe with the power of seven thousand souls, all on her own.  
“Astarion? Hells, what happened to you!?” Wyll’s voice brought him back to reality as he stumbled into the room where the others had been. Most of them were relaxing or fast asleep.
 The blood from his wound dripped down onto the floor, building into a small puddle at his feet.
“Tav's gone!” Was all he needed to say to get everyone’s attention. Shadowheart swiftly healed his wound as Astarion began to catch everyone up on the current situation. He attempted to explain what had transpired to the best of his abilities, making sure not to leave out any important details.
“So you're saying Tav has been kidnapped by an another version of yourself from an alternate reality, who apparently went through the rite of profane ascension. Fascinating, but if what you say is true he must have immeasurable power. The ability to traverse time and space itself is no small feat.” Gale exclaimed, his face full of intrigue. “This is truly astonishing.”
Astarion glared at him slightly, a little annoyed the wizard seemed more concerned with how his counterpart got here than the fact that he fucking kidnapped Tav!
“Need I remind you that our leader has been taken!?” The vampire growled. 
“How am I not surprised there's an evil version of you who turned us all into slaves.” Shadowheart sighed and crossed her arms. 
“I think you mean eviler version.” Gale added.
“Arghh! Why are we sitting around talking!? We need to get out of here and go save Tav, damnit!!” Karlach shouted. 
“Patience Karlach. We need to think of a plan first.” Wyll stepped in as he noticed the Tiefling was starting to heat up, steam coming off her body.
“If I remember my studies, true vampires can become alarmingly possessive of their paramours. He’ll likely be prepared to slaughter us all in order to keep Tav. That being said, it's also very likely he won't harm her.” Gale said, glancing over at Astarion who bore a very grim expression.
“You don't know that.” The silver haired elf replied with a fearful look in his eyes. An intense worry was practically eating him alive from the inside. It's like fear was gnawing and tearing at his innards.
“We will get her back, Astarion. I promise you.” Karlach said in an attempt to comfort him.
“Worry not my fanged friend. If we're lucky Tav will likely have rescued herself by the time we find her. She's very resourceful.” Wyll said, placing his hand on the elf's shoulder.
“Yes, our Tav does have a way of giving arrogant foes a run for their money. Still it would be best that we're there to back her up and to do that we need to find her.” Gale thought for a moment before looking back at the vampire spawn.
“Astarion, it's your counterpart we'll be looking for. Think carefully, where would you have taken Tav?”
[Savegame 1: Act 3, Crimson Palace]
The Vampire Ascendant looked down at the human female as she twiddled her finger and stared at her hands. He was looking at her with what she could assume was admiration? Lust? Hunger? Hard to tell honestly. This ‘living vampire’ somehow seemed even less alive than her undead partner. 
“So uh…. What the hells is up with the collar? This some kind of kink?” Tav asked, tugging on the neck piece around her throat.
“How naughty,” Astarion chuckled. “No, my dear, this is simply a precaution. To keep you from hurting yourself.” A far too perfect smile spread across the Ascendant's face as he reached out to caress Tav's cheek with a clawed finger. She shivered though she wasn't sure if it was in disgust or not. 
“More like keep me from hurting you…” Tav growled under her breath. 
“Careful love,” Astarion gripped her chin and made her look up at him,”while I may adore you, I certainly have no qualms with punishing my precious pet.” Tav opened her mouth for a moment before soon closing it. He had this look in his eyes that frightened her. With this damn silencing collar she had barely any way of defending herself. So for now she had to be careful.
Satisfied with her submission the vampire lord placed a rough kiss on her forehead. 
“Good girl.You'll come to love your place at my side in time, I'm sure.” Astarion ruffled her hair, petting her head as if she were a dog. 
“Are you going to make me a spawn then?” Tav asked, glaring up at his hand as she contemplated biting off his fingers.
“In time…We are going to do things a little differently than before. For now I still have a few obstacles to handle. Disposing of any rivals and taking care of that pesky brain.” Astarion said, continuing to pet her head.  
“Wait a minute. You're not going to take me back to your own timeline?” Tav asked in confusion. Astarion’s hand retreated from her hair, his face hardened a bit.
“There's nothing else left for us there now. Trust me.” He turned away before suddenly looking up and noticing a figure walk inside. Tav’s eyes quickly scanned the person recognizing them as her wizard companion Gale, but like Lae'zel his eyes were a bright glowing red. 
Gods. Has he turned all of them?
Tav thought to herself, clenching her fists. It was hard to believe in another time, another life he'd done this. Enslaving the very people who helped him achieve his freedom. She wondered exactly what happened to her own counterpart. From how Astarion spoke about him it was quite clear to her that he was no longer alive.  Possibly killed judging from how the vampire lord had mentioned that he was taken from him.
“My lord, Halsin and Shadowheart have returned. The sunrise drove them back to the palace.” Gale announced, quickly walking over and kneeling before the Ascendant.
“And what about my spawn self?” 
“He escaped.” As Gale said that, a heavy weight left Tav’s chest. Her lover was alive at least. He'd likely have gone back to the others to plan a rescue. Hopefully they'd be able to find her location.
“Send them in here.” Astarion said coldly.
The room went silent as the wizard walked out. Tav glancing back and forth, her mind telling to run, sprint out of here and grab anything she could use as a weapon, but she knew either Astarion or Lae'zel would corner her in an instant and without her magic, without her blades, without her beastly form she was no match for them. She was helpless and absolutely despised it. Falling into the role of a captured damsel in distress made her blood boil.  
The large doors to the ballroom swung open, Halsin and Shadowheart slowly walked, looking a little singed from the morning sun. 
“Why the hells did you let him escape!?” 
Both of them knelt down before him.
 “Forgive us. We underestimated him, master.” Shadowheart said. 
“You were supposed to finish him off then and there! Now he's likely to bring the others with him.” 
“Let us wait it out until sunset. If you send the four of us next time we can dispatch all of them.”
“They could very well be here before then, you idiot!” Astarion took hold of Shadowheart’s throat, lifting his spawn off the ground and tightening his hand around her neck. Tav's face went pale, a look of utter shock and horror was in her eyes. The fact that this wasn't the same Shadowheart she'd been traveling with didn't even register. All she knew at this moment was that her friend was being choked to death. 
“Shadowheart!”She shouted.
“Master please!” Halsin begged. 
“Honestly I should just throw you both back outside to burn in the sun, but perhaps spending a few weeks impaled may be better motivation not to fail me next time.” Astarion spoke through gritted teeth, his claws now digging into the half-elf’s flesh, drawing blood.
“Astarion stop!” Tav suddenly ran over and grabbed his arm. The vampire lord almost immediately snapped his head around to look at her, brows furrowed and fangs bared. He looked absolutely feral, like he was ready to bite her head off. Literally. But before he had the chance to snarl out a response Tav dropped to her knees, clutching his shirt as she began to beg.
“Please. Don't hurt them. Please! I'll….I'll do whatever you want….” Tears slowly formed in the corners of her eyes as she stared up at him. 
Slowly his eyes softened as he looked back at her. He released the cleric, dropping her to the ground. Shadowheart fell to her knees, hands immediately moving up to sooth her bruised and bleeding throat as she began coughing up a little blood.
Astarion sighed, “looks like I'll have to call some wolves to make up for your failure. In the meantime… Gale! Make sure all the entrances are magically barred. I don't want anyone interrupting me and my pet! We have some catching up to do.” Tav then felt herself be pulled up off the ground, immediately being wrapped up in the Ascendant's embrace.  
He was rather unpredictable, this Vampire Ascendant. Tav felt as if she was walking on eggshells while she was within his presence.
However on the brightside he seemed carelessly arrogant. He'd summoned some wolves to patrol and guard his palace instead of simply going after the threat himself. Maybe deep down he didn't think he'd be able to defeat them alone? Or maybe he saw them as not worth his time? He’d most likely claim the job was beneath him anyway. Regardless, Tav's escape was still a priority.  She needed to find some way to get this collar or arm herself with a weapon. 
Tav sat beside him on a fine silk sofa. The study was warmed cozily by the flames of a fireplace. There were no windows, but plenty of candles were set to keep the room illuminated. Astarion’s arm was draped around her as his eyes trailed over her face. She couldn't help but squirm and recoil from his touch. This was not her lover, no matter how much he looked, sounded or even behaved like him at times.
“You don't need to be afraid of me, my treasure. I only want to keep you safe.” His tone was soft, gentle even, but Tav knew better. Most of what left his mouth had to be complete and utter horseshit! 
Oh so that's why you kidnapped me, threatened me, and left me completely powerless? Yes! That makes soooo much sense! 
Abigail walked into the room, carrying a large tray in her arms. She set it down on a table in front of them before slowly stepping away and exiting. 
“Here, I made sure to get your favorite.” Astarion ran a hand over her shoulder affectionately as Tav looked over noticing a large bottle of port and and plate of fine cheeses. 
Damnit. He knows my weakness.
Tav stared down at the tray, biting down on her lip as her mouth watered a bit.  Tav grabbed hold of a piece of cheese and slowly nibbled away on it before downing it with some of the port.
Her eyes were still shooting daggers at the vampire. She then sighed before calming down a little.
“What do you plan on doing with me after all this is over, my lord?” She said, taking another swing of port. 
“Hmm…While I do think that you would make a beautiful little spawn I intend to savor this…Warm body for a while yet.” He purred, running a hand over her thigh. Tav shivered, then something caught her eye. On an end table beside the sofa laid a peculiar looking comb. It appeared to be wooden with a rather sharp pointy end.  An idea began to form in her mind, but she needed to be careful and wait for the right moment.
“Why wait on turning me? You have me right here…Right where you want me after all.” Tav took another drink. Perhaps if he were to believe she were a bit more careless due to drink this could work.  
“Lets just say I have my reasons and leave it at that dear.” He said before taking the bottle from her hand and drinking some himself. Tav swung a leg over his lap, trying to appear a bit more relaxed. “You're still going to become my consort however, once we destroy the brain everything will be as it was. We'll be together for good this time. Forever.” Astarion smiled softly before placing a hand on Tav's cheek staring into her eyes longingly.
Star…..Please forgive me….
  Tav leaned in slowly, placing her hands on his chest before closing the gap between him, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. His arms almost immediately wrapped around her caressing her form as his tongue snuck it's way into her mouth.
Tav fell back against the couch, allowing him to pin her down. His knee parted her legs as he slowly began to grind himself into her. 
Tav pulled back a bit for air, immediately seeing the dazed look in his eyes. 
“It's been far too long since I've tasted you.” He panted, a lustful grin on his face. Tav tilted her head baring her neck before him. Astarion didn't even hesitate before biting down into it.
“A-Ah….” Tav gasped, fingers clawing at his clothes as she felt the pain of his bite. She waited till he began to suckle on her neck, allowing him to be intoxicated by her blood before she made her move. Her hand quickly reached out for the wooden comb....
Note from ChaoticDruid:  PART TWO LETS GO!!!
Because part one did so well I decided to continue it. As of right now I can only see this going to maybe five parts max.  Also sorry for the cliff hanger but I thought it would be a good spot to end on. I'm totally surprised some of y'all were actually feeling bad for AA last chapter, but I guess somehow I made him actually sympathetic. 
I plan to dive more into AA and M!Tav’s past in the next chapter and also give a little insight to my original character Abigail. 
Oh and in case anyone was wondering Savegame 2 Wyll and Karlach are not Vampire Spawns. They left to go to Hells and avoided it all together. Karlach canonly cannot be turned into a vampire so yeah….
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feministdragon · 8 days
every once in a while a discussion flares up on tumblr:  separatism vs activism reading through the various arguments I find myself agreeing with both sides in a lot of places.   the activism side argues that without it, we wouldn’t have the right to vote, bank accounts, property ownership, financial independence, sexual harassment and abortion laws, a lot of practical structures that free women in concrete ways.  i completely agree with this. the separatism side argues that women need a space away from men to experience themselves as human beings, to experience freedom and to experience female solidarity, and to develop networks of mutual aid.  I also completely agree with this. and then everyone starts fighting, which i really don’t understand.   We need both!  Both is good!   There are more than enough women in the world to do all the projects!  We can have some women creating separatist spaces for women to take shelter in, and we can have some women banding together to create practical change that free women in the short term.   What is there to argue about? I mean, maybe the background of this is the whole lesbian vs straight women thing?   Which tbh i also don’t understand why we have to fight about this.  I’m a lesbian, and the majority of my friends and feminist collaborators are straight women.  just by looking at the women around me I’m very very aware of how being partnered with a woman saves me an incredible amount of bullshit in my life, and yet I’m equally aware of why women choose to be het-partnered. for example in our organization there’s one women whose job title includes the word ‘responsible’.  Her husband began a campaign to undermine her participation by telling her that because her job title said ‘responsible’ that when our organization ‘inevitably bankrupted’ she would be left holding the legal debt which then (his main point) would impact him.  So she was scared by him into wanting to leave her position, when we really don’t have anyone else who can fill that right now, and so it would have caused a huge strain on us, but also, she’s perfect for this position, it’s very good for her, and she likes the work.  We were able to show her that he was just fucking with her, that the legal responsiblity for the money actually lay with a different role in the org, but it was yet another example of how men could reach into our private business and stir us about, because of how women are so financialy and emotionaly bound up with their legal male partners. so, do I cut off my friendship with this woman just because her husband is a danger to us?  Obviously not, because her husband is even more of a danger to her, and I’m trying to support her until her children are old enough that she can safely choose to leave him.   Is it irritating that her husband can just reach through her and fuck with us like that?  Absolutely.  Am I angry that women are constantly misled into marriage and find out too late that they are trapped?  Of fucking course.   Do I then conclude that all straight women are bullshit?   Also of course not.   But am I going to be cautious about who joins the group in future, and only let in lesbians?   Also of course not.  Because every set of hands is valuable and necessary, and we do other things to protect ourselves (like not let any man have a position of power in the org).  so what I want to ask is,  what is the separatism/activism divide about? why are people making it a choice between the two things?  is the foundational problem just either-or thinking?    if you are separatist why do you side-eye male-involved women?   if you are a male-involved woman, why do you side-eye separatists?
(crossposted on the Cloven Hooves forum if you want to comment on it there)
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userlando · 1 year
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✧・゚ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
steve murphy x female!reader [11.4k] summary ⤍ you’d dealt with men worse than him in the academy and through your entire life really, but steve… he was something. warnings ⤍ enemies to lovers, reader gets hurt & nursed back to health, mentions of concussion, injuries and (brief) vomiting. a/n ⤍ i am, indeed, obsessed with steve at the moment so hope you aren’t tired of him yet. I had fun writing this so feedback would be appreciated!! also fun fact: I took a big fall and got a concussion last week so that’s what inspired me to write this lmao. anyway enjoy!! <3
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Growing up, you aspired to be whatever bullshit stereotypical career society pushed you to be. Your mother was adamant to pump that belief into you as soon as you popped out, dressing you in princess clothes and gently scolding you when you expressed your desire to play with anything that wasn’t deemed feminine and shaped as a doll. The disappointments kept rolling through when you one day announced that you were going to become a cop, and your poor parents nearly lost their minds at the thought of their sweet daughter chasing criminals with a gun holstered at your side.
You couldn’t really blame them, but nothing had felt as right in your life as the day you became a DEA agent. It was a tough career because not only was it mentally exhausting and physically challenging, but the misogyny deeply rooted in that department really made your teeth grind.
There wasn’t a day that didn’t go by where you did your best to prove yourself, and it felt a little like a reward when you were asked to join the team down in Colombia to fight the narcos.
It was hard, you couldn’t deny that. Not only was it a male dominant space, but your two partners really did nothing to make your life easier at the start. Javier had softened considerably after a few weeks, and it felt a little like a reward when you realised one day that he’d stopped seeing you as a person with tits and an ass and started seeing you as an equal. It was fucked up, but it was a relief.
Steve though. Steve Murphy. The two of you butted heads right from the start. The man was a ticking bomb just waiting to go off; Anger issues and short, stubborn tempers wrapped up in a messy bow. There had been some comments coming from his mouth at the beginning, but you were strong enough to ignore them, smart enough to realise that the man’s words were coming from a place of inferiority and insecurity rather than hatred.
You only had so much patience to dish out though. A few months down the line in sweaty and crime riddled Colombia, and a handful of failed attempts to catch Escobar in the act, and you were fed up. You weren’t proud of the day where you finally snapped, but you were definitely in the right and that was something you’d stand by until the end of time.
It was just the icing on the cake, wasn’t it? When you’d followed up on a tip and ended up tailing one of Pablo’s sicarios through the town. You’d lost him and it had been inevitable, really. Those assholes were like snakes, and they sure slithered away from your grip like one. You’d gone back to the office, sweaty and angry and Steve had mumbled something about how you’d fucked it all up. It wasn’t your fault really, but that one passive aggressive comment had irked you so much so that you had turned around and socked him before Javier could predict the consequences and stop it. There had been a stunned silence, followed by Steve’s exclamation of “what the fuck is wrong with you” and you probably should’ve felt embarrassed by the way everyone had stopped and stared at you. But you’d been shaking with anger and you’d turned and walked out before anyone got another word in. The next day had been mellow, no one bringing up the fact that your knuckles were a little bruised or how Steve looked a little too red around the nose.
It didn’t put you and Steve in a better position, you weren’t friends and the usual stakeouts usually happened between you and Javier or the latter and Steve. Desk duty usually consisted of an Oscar worthy performance in the art of ignoring each other with the occasional snide comments and bickering. Javier was quick to shut them down though, before they turned into something uglier.
You were better than that. But you couldn’t help it, there was something that just really didn’t sit well with you when it came to Steve. He really knew how to dance on your nerves just by giving you a look, a noise from his mouth, anything. You’d dealt with men worse than him in the academy and through your entire life really, but Steve… He was something.
It was a Friday and another day in the office, consisting of working tirelessly with translating radio and phone calls. There was nothing you hated more than paperwork so sitting beside Trujillo and listening in on calls was something you were happy to do. It was gruelling work, but it paid off when you caught the voice of someone about a shipment coming in with a hefty amount of coke.
Carrillo had sent you all out on the hunt, ordering you to only get back if you had something to show off. You all were determined, and things had gone well up until the point where one of Escobar’s sicarios had caught sight of you sitting in your car. He bolted like a rat, and you weren’t far behind as you scrambled to chase him down alleyways and into apartments.
Shit had gone sideways though. It came with the job, really. One second you were jumping over railings, hot on the tail of one of the two men and you’d decided in the midst of chaos that you’d had enough. A bullet in the asshole’s kneecap would surely stop him from getting away. You’d reached for your gun and then… Nothing.
There was a moment where you didn’t know where you were or what had transpired, mind going scarily blank as you found yourself on your back and eyes blinking up at a painfully bright and blue sky. You frowned, wondering why everything felt so hazy right before your awareness crept up; Mind working overtime to make sense of how you’d gotten here. Your lips parted in a groan, scrunching your nose at the incessant ringing in your ear because what the fuck was that?
Panic shot through your body when your thoughts slowly started to piece things together, thinking that surely you’d been shot. But you weren’t bleeding, and there was no pain in your body that resembled the feeling of a gunshot wound.
You weren’t sure whether you were imagining a voice shouting your name, but it sounded panicked enough for you to twist where you laid on the rubble of rotten planks and god knows what. The zip of pain shooting through your entire body took you by surprise, and you let out a pained shout when you felt your head ache in a way you hadn’t felt in a while.
“Hey, hey, hey.” The voice was soothing, out of breath and you struggled to push yourself up into a sitting position to locate the voice among the general noise of cars and pedestrians of Bogotá. “Easy.”
It was like magic, how Steve appeared in your field of view out of nowhere and you realised a little belatedly that he’d been the one to shout your name. He got down on his knees and eased you back by the shoulders when you tried to sit up. Panic climbed in your throat at the fire hot pain blazing in your back and you tried to seek comfort in something familiar. Like Steve’s wide eyes or his moving lips when he talked.
“No, hey, stay there. You might have broken something.” He said, a little sternly, a little exasperated.
The tone of his voice brought a familiar comfort of it amidst the confusion swirling in your mind and it was enough to kick it into high gear. The natural response of going against everything Steve Murphy advised.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, swatting his hand away when he felt your arms and ribs up in search of anything broken. “I’m okay, Murphy. Can you stop feeling me up?”
Steve glared at you and you tried to ignore how the world was spinning, trying to focus on the blue of his squinty eyes.
“Only you’d try to play off a fall like that .” He shook his head, glancing up before settling his gaze on you again.
You followed his eyes, something in your mind clicking of what exactly had happened. The roof was way further up than you’d realised and you must’ve somehow miscalculated the length of the roof building and ran right into thin air in the midst of chaos.
“You okay?” He asked and you looked at him before attempting yet again to haul yourself up.
He didn’t protest this time, silently helping you to sit up without rattling your injured head too much. The world was still spinning though, and nausea settled deep into your stomach.
“Where’s Javi?” You asked instead, and Steve’s eyebrows jumped a little like he knew you were trying to dodge his question.
“He’s still chasing the fucker, but I don’t doubt he’ll come back empty handed.” The man replied, tilting his head to get eye contact with you when your head started to dip a little.
It was becoming slightly difficult to keep your head up, with the way it was pounding like someone had taken a bat to it. You barely registered the gentle hand Steve was sliding over your cheek, fingers spanning over the sensitive skin of the side of your neck under your ear. He slowly tipped your head back upright and sighed.
“I think you’ve got a concussion.” He noted and you hummed in what you hoped sounded like a sarcastic laugh.
“Thank you, captain obvious.” You murmured, bringing a hand up to the other side of your head where it was hurting the most. “It fucking hurts.”
Steve tried not to show it on his face but that one confession had surprised him. You weren’t one to admit when you were feeling discomfort, too proud to show any type of weakness. He remembered how you’d once sprained your wrist early on and you’d still went through with chasing down one of Pablo’s sicarios until you had him in handcuffs. Steve hadn’t realised you’d been injured, he’d only found out when he walked into a back room at the office and accidentally found you wrapping your wrist up like it was a walk in the park.
He would never admit it out loud, but that was the first time he’d felt respect for you.
You winced when he felt the side of your head, looking for blood or any type of trauma and he heaved a little sigh of relief when he found nothing other than a small bump.
“You’ll be okay, let’s get you up.” He said. “I’ll take you to the doctors and they’ll have a look at your head.”
You groaned in annoyance as he stood up, bending at the knees to help you up on your feet.
“I’m fine, I don’t need a doctor.” You insisted, but the spinning in your head said otherwise. Steve grunted when you stumbled into him, catching you before you both fell over.
You blinked up at him, trying not to glare too hard at the amused arch of his eyebrows.
“You sure about that?”
Your pride took a small hit when you realised that you had to lean on Steve way more than expected, letting him guide you out of the alleyway and out onto the streets. The noise of the rumbling cars and chatter of the people made your head hurt, and you squinted at the brightness of the sun. Whatever you did made your head hurt, and you suddenly longed for a long hot shower and your bed.
“Hey, there you are.” Javier’s voice said from somewhere and you didn’t bother to turn, stumbling a little when Steve halted his walking. “The fucker got away— What happened to her?”
“She fell off the roof, banged her head pretty hard.” Steve jostled you a little and you let out a small pained sound. “I think she has a concussion so I’m taking her to the doctor.”
“Fuck, okay, I’ll bring the car around.” Javier’s voice sounded frustrated and a little worried, and you found that the expression on his face matched his voice when he appeared in front of you. He reached a hand out and touched your chin. “You okay?”
Any other guy would’ve gotten their fingers twisted if they’d touched you like that, but Javier was Javier and you’d come to grow very fond of him. And he did seem genuinely concerned.
“I’m fine.” You said for the fifteenth time and Steve made a noise of annoyance at your stubbornness.
“Yeah, that’s what you keep saying.” His voice dripped in sarcasm and you shoved him weakly in the side.
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”
Javier shot you both an amused stare, shoving a hand into his pocket to fish his keys out.
“Good to know you haven’t lost your fight.”
You flashed him the finger and watched him walk away with a laugh.
“Hey, whoa!”
You hadn’t felt how the world had tilted on its axis, losing your footing and crashing into Steve. He was quick to grab you and you made a noise in your throat when your head started pounding even more intently, pressing your forehead against the damp fabric of his shirt; Right against his right pec to ground yourself. You’d never so much as touched the man before, so you blamed it on you being concussed and too sickly to stand on your own.
Steve didn’t say anything, thankfully, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to hold you up while the two of you waited for Javi to bring the car around. You didn’t know how long you had run for, but it had been enough for you to work up a sweat so you guessed it was a distance back to the car. Which is why it was a surprise when the familiar Jeep pulled up so quickly, Steve ushering you into the backseat and you tried to make yourself comfortable for the long ride.
You didn’t know why you’d expected Steve to close the door and take his place in the passenger seat, a small scrunch forming in your brow when he got in right behind you and shut the door. He glanced at you, halting his movements when he noticed you staring a little too hard.
“What?” He asked, defensive.
“Nothing.” You rolled your eyes, turning your head just in time to hide the grimace at the ache that one small gesture induced.
It was a distance to get back to the part of the town where you all resided, the doctors emergency room not too far away from your apartment building. It was a blessing in disguise.
The ride back was long, or maybe it felt that way because your brain was too fried to keep up with the conversation your two partners were having. The sun beating down through the windows didn’t make it better, making you shift in your seat to avoid the beaming sun on your left side. That also meant that you’d shifted closer to Steve’s side, making you both awkwardly glance at each other and you to scoot back.
“You doing okay, mija?” Javier asked, glancing at you in the front mirror when he noticed your dragged out silence and you hummed.
Normally he’d be fighting to get you to shut up whenever you rode in the same car as Steve. Which happened a lot. He didn’t wanna voice it, but your lack of bickering and talking worried him a little. Steve was being unusually quiet too. Javier glanced at the blond man to your right, making a mental note to ask about the way he was sneaking looks at you whenever you weren’t looking.
“Head hurts.” You murmured in reply, leaning your head back against the headrest and closing your eyes to shield them from the brightness of the environment.
The movement of the car and the streets passing by you so quickly was starting to make you nauseous, and you willed yourself to not throw up. Although, doing it in Steve’s lap would surely bring some comedic relief on your part.
“Hey, no. No falling asleep.” Javi’s urgent voice made you blink your eyes open and you shot him a glare. “Yeah, give me that look all you want but you shouldn’t fall asleep until you’ve gotten your head checked. You know that.” He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and shot Steve a glance. “Make sure she stays awake.”
The snort you let out was both unattractive and made your head hurt, making Steve roll his eyes and shoot you a look.
“How am I supposed to do that? She’s usually the one who can’t shut the fuck up.” He said and you gritted your teeth at the small jab.
“Maybe I would if you weren’t so fucking annoying.” You shot back at him.
“Me? Annoying?” Steve turned in his seat and you tried not to stare at the way the tightness of his jeans were making his thighs look huge. “You wanna talk about annoying, sweetheart? How about not falling of a god damn roof when we’re trying to catch those motherfuckers out there. You’re the reason he —“
“Steve!” Javier barked, a poor effort to shut him up because Steve continued.
“No, Jav. She fucked this up and you know it! We almost had him.”
“You’re making this my problem?” There was no hiding the sheer disbelief and anger in your voice. “You could’ve gone after him, I didn’t need you to come and save me like you’re some kind of fucked up white knight.”
Steve huffed out a laugh that sounded anything but joyful, positive, and it made your blood boil.
“Of course you’d say that, because when has ‘thank you’ ever been in your fucking vocabulary!” Steve was seething, looking on the verge of a meltdown but so were you. “You’re always too fucking proud.”
His accusing yelling and your anger was starting to get to you. It made the car feel entirely too tiny, like someone was compressing it and you knew that if you didn’t get your ass out of there then you’d do or say something you’d regret. Thankfully, Javier had just pulled up onto a familiar street, and it took you a second to recognise that you were just across the street from the hospital. Javier put the car in park and you scrambled to yank the handle of the door open, frustration and anger climbing in your throat when you couldn’t get the door open fast enough.
Everything was spinning and hurting, but you’d be damned if you spent another second in this car.
“You’re a real asshole, you know that?” Were your departing words and you didn’t spare any of them a glance as you climbed out.
It was difficult to make sense of direction with the way your head was pounding and spinning like you were on a merry-go-round, but you mustered all your strength into slamming the door of the Jeep closed.
You started walking across the road without looking both ways, thinking that the day couldn’t get worse even if you got hit by a car. Javier called your name a few times, giving up when he realised that it was futile and you hoped that no one would follow you because you definitely needed to cool off. They knew that.
A few painkillers and a bandaged upper arm was what you got after your impromptu doctors visit. Apparently, you’d cut your arm and it had bled without you knowing but it made sense with the way it had been hurting. But then again, your whole body hurt.
The doctor had looked at you sternly and advised you to be on bed rest for the next three days and you’d kept the scowl off your face, thinking that as long as Escobar and his men were running around causing mayhem, you’d be on your feet.
You walked out of the hospital slowly, a little more steady on your feet than when you’d walked in an hour ago. There was a slight pause when you realised that you would need to either walk home or call Javier for a ride, settling on the latter just as you looked up and spotted his Jeep parked across the street.
You started walking towards it, squinting to make out who was sitting in the car and steeling yourself for the agonising conversation you surely would have with Javier. He’d find a way to bring up what had happened an hour prior in his own evading way and you weren’t really in the mood for that. All you wanted was to go home and sleep the rest of the day. Surely, you’d earned that?
The window was rolled down on the passengers side and you walked around to peek in it, coming to a short stop when you came face to face with blond hair and blond mustache, rather than the black. Steve was sitting behind the wheel, one forearm resting on the wheel and he tilted his head to look out the window.
“Hey.” Was all he said.
But it was all you needed from him to turn around and start walking because there was no way you’d endure the short trip back to your complex with him.
“Wait, stop.” The urgency in his voice made you halt and you turned your head to stare at him wordlessly. “Get in the car.”
You arched your brow.
“Just…” he blew out a frustrated breath. “Get in the damn car.”
You didn’t know what possessed you to comply, but you found yourself climbing into the Jeep without a word being said. Steve cleared his throat and reached for the ignition, the engine of the beat up car rumbling to life. The sound filled the tense air and you didn’t even try to hide the way you were looking at the man’s side profile, trying to gauge his mood.
“Quit lookin’ at me.” He grumbled, stealing a glance at you when you didn’t avert your gaze. “Javier refused to come back for you, said I should do it.”
“Nice to know that you did it out of the goodness of your own heart.” You looked out the window, not feeling particularly sad about it.
You could hear your partner suck in a breath, like he was trying to keep himself calm.
“Can you just…” He paused, steeling himself. “Never mind.”
There were no more words exchanged between the two of you as he drove you back home. You didn’t know why, but there was some type of guilt festering inside you for treating him like shit after he clearly tried to help you when you’d taken that fall. You were quick to shove those feelings to the side though, convincing yourself that you had nothing to feel guilty about.
Steve parked outside the building where you all lived, shutting the engine off and you looked at him when you sensed him looking at you.
“Was everything… Okay?” He asked and you would’ve laughed in his face at his inability to act civil with you, but you didn’t have the energy for it.
“Yeah, just a concussion. Said I needed to rest.” You replied, leaving out the part where the doctor had said to have someone beside you for the first night.
Being woken up every two hours felt like a lot, and you didn’t have anyone to ask. Javier would’ve probably done it, but you doubted he’d be able to keep himself awake the whole night and would probably crash within five hours.
You clambered out of the car, taking in a deep breath to get rid of the sudden dizziness that came with being in a moving car and getting out. The door on the other side shut and Steve came around the corner, shooting you a weary look.
“You alright?” He asked and you hummed.
“No need to be carried if that’s what you’re asking me.” You said, opting to make your voice sound a little lighter rather than hostile.
Steve laughed through his nose, holding his hands up in surrender as he started walking to the door. You followed him silently, not pointing out how he stepped to the side when you reached the stairs and had you walking up in front of him.
You did, however, arch a questioning eyebrow when you unlocked your door and stepped inside; Noticing that he was following you in.
“What are you—?”
Steve stepped further inside, forcing you back until he had enough room to shut the front door behind the two of you.
“I’m staying with you.” He said simply.
“The hell you are!” The thought of him in your apartment felt a little bizarre, he’d probably never been here out of his own volition and knowing that he was the one that was gonna take care of you made you a little nervous.
Not that he was a bad caretaker or anything of the sort, but you didn’t have that kind of relationship with him. And you could take care of yourself fine.
“Look, I don’t want this as much as you do but you and I both know it’s either me or some other idiot from work who’s gonna be staying here.” He said and you scrunched your face up in a grimace at that thought. “Yeah, exactly.”
“Why not Javier?” You asked, toeing your shoes off.
“He’s… Working.”
Working. If that’s what you would call fucking sex workers for intel on Pablo. The thought made you raise your eyebrows in amusement.
Steve draped his jacket over your armchair and you made great effort to not point out how you had perfectly fine and working hooks to hang up his clothes, making your way to the little space of your kitchen instead.
It wasn’t a particularly big apartment, one of the smaller ones in the building but you had come to love it. Javier had gotten the bigger one, and you’d never been in Steve’s but you knew that it was on the more bigger side. Bigger than yours at least.
You switched the tiny fan on, watching it spin on the kitchen counter until it made you dizzy before looking away to find Steve standing awkwardly in the space between the kitchen and living area.
“Why don’t you go take a shower?” He suggested and it, for once, sounded like the best idea he’d ever had.
Nothing sounded better than a shower, and you nodded gently. You collected your clothes from your small bedroom and huddled into your bathroom, making sure to keep the door unlocked but firmly closed. There was no way of knowing if you’d end up passing out in the shower cubicle or not, and you weren’t too eager to find out.
The water felt like the gates of heaven had opened up and swallowed you whole, cold shower pelting your sore skin and no doubt soaking your newly bandaged up arm. There were little thoughts swirling in your mind, face tipped up towards the stream as you enjoyed the moment of reprieve.
You didn’t know how long you were in there for, but you emerged a moment later in freshly washed clothes and your hair wrapped up in a towel. There was still some soreness lingering in your body, your head having taking the worst brunt of it, and you could only imagine how you would feel tomorrow morning.
Steve was puttering around in the kitchen and you silently walked up behind and slipped up to sit on the barstool. He still hadn’t noticed you sneaking up on him and you took it as a chance to regard him in his natural habitat.
You had never seen him so… domestic. Office Steve was a different person, always had his grumpy game face on and a tension to his shoulder that never really went away. The only times you had seen him even remotely relaxed were the rare occasions where you’d all go out to a nearby bar and celebrate the small wins when something good happened, or drink yourselves to oblivion when shit went south.
Here, though? He looked almost content. You didn’t really know why, but the sight of him in your kitchen felt almost too normal. Like it was a usual occurrence for him to be standing in his socks, making grilled sandwiches in your kitchen.
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you almost jumped when he turned around, freezing his movement for a second before he registered that it was you sitting there and not some kind of intruder.
“Fuck, didn’t hear you come back.” He said, a little wide eyed.
He placed a plate of one grilled cheese sandwich in front of you and you stared. Your stomach rumbled at the sight of it and you vaguely remembered the last time you’d eaten was hours ago.
“You made me grilled cheese?” You asked, voice smaller than you would’ve liked it to be. Because… huh?
Steve gave you a look that screamed obviously, why would I not? Like it was a given that he’d make you food. Like you were crazy for thinking that he’d do anything else but take care of you. It felt like you had somehow struck your head harder on the rubble and dropped down to an alternate reality where Steve was actually being nice to you.
“Yeah, hope you don’t mind…” He trailed off, looking a little out of place all of a sudden. He swirled around and located a mug that was steaming, placing it in front of you. “I made you tea.”
It smelled like camomile and it made you stare into the mug like it was an alien. You looked up at Steve and narrowed your eyes a little in contemplation.
This was the same man that would take every opportunity given to fight with you. Who would push when you pulled and who’d spent the last year making your life a living hell. Not to say that you hadn’t returned the sentiment, you were just as much of an asshole as he was and it was a wonder that Javier ever tolerated the two of you in the same room. Which was every day.
“Thank you.” You said, and you really meant it.
Steve gave you a look and turned around again. You didn’t realise what that look meant until he’d brought a chair around to sit opposite side of you by the counter with his own mug of coffee and sandwich.
Of course you’d say that, because when has ‘thank you’ ever been in your fucking vocabulary. That’s what he had said earlier today in the car. It made you feel a little ashamed when you recalled just how many times Steve’d had your back without you stopping to realise it or worse: Thanking him for it. All you had ever done was repay him with your snark.
That’s why you both worked so well together out on the streets. You both had each others backs no matter what.
“Hey, um.” You paused and averted your eyes to look at the steam wafting up from the mug. Steve was looking at you, you could see it from your peripheral vision and it made you nervous. “I’m sorry. About today.”
And every other time. Maybe you were too fucking proud.
“You don’t have to do that.” Steve said, voice low and you pulled your gaze up to meet his. “There’s no need.”
You huffed out a frustrated breath, “Yes I do. Look, I was an asshole and you know it. I fucked everything up and you did nothing but help me.”
“You didn’t fuck anything up.” He said, knitting his eyebrows.
You tried not to let the blues of his eyes distract you, averting your eyes yet again to pick your sandwich up just so your hands would stop seeking each other out in that annoying wringing motion you always did as a nervous habit.
“Hey, if anything, I should apologise for saying that. The snake bastard was gonna slip away from our hands whether you had fallen or not. So don’t… don’t dwell on it. What’s done is done.”
What’s done is done. Wasn’t that the truth.
“Now eat your sandwich, gotta re-dress that thing after.” He nodded at your upper arm where the sad excuse of a bandage was holding on for dear life after absorbing so much water from the shower.
You both finished your meal rather quickly, and Steve urged you to finish drinking your tea because it helps with the headache, I swear it. You weren’t too sure about that, but he sounded convincing enough.
After downing some painkillers, you settled on the couch after going on a hunt for your trusty old first aid kit. Steve grabbed it from your hands and ignored your half-assed protests when you saw him pull it open to dig through it.
You insisted that you could do it on your own, but quickly shut up when Steve glared at you. You didn’t have the energy to fight him.
There was a silence as he redressed your cut, cleaning it up and murmuring sorries when you flinched at the sting. He was patient though, a concentrated look on his face as he worked meticulously. There was a gentleness to him, hands soft and face relaxed.
You knew that he could probably tell that you were staring at him, but if he knew then he didn’t show it. He was kind enough to let you ogle him without calling you out on it, but there was a small quirk of the corner of his lip that told you that he found it amusing.
“Quit squirmin’.” He admonished you softly, glancing up at you and you blew out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding in.
The fall must’ve really messed with your head because what the hell was wrong with you? This was Steve.
“There, all done.” He straightened his back and you didn’t think too hard on why you felt disappointed when he moved back from your close proximity.
“Thank you.” You said again, and once more, Steve looked surprised. It was a fleeting, subtle look but you caught it. And fuck was it starting to embarrass you. “What? I’m showing my gratitude.”
You expected him to shoot back with something that would start up an argument, like it always did. What you didn’t expect was for him to crack a smile, aimed at you. It was so rare to have it right in your face, crinkles by the eyes and lips pulled up prettily. It startled you.
“Whatever.” You said around a smile that you couldn’t keep from your face. “I’m going to bed so you can see yourself out. I have a spare key by the door that you can use to lock up.”
You stood up and tried to ignore the way Steve shot a hand out to grab at your hip in a way to steady your wobbling. It wasn’t so much a grab as a gentle whisper of a touch, but it was unexpected enough to turn your stomach around.
“You keep your spare by the d —?” He stopped himself from chewing you out by the sheer stupidity of it, shaking his head gently. “I’m staying here, nice try, sweetheart. You need someone to monitor you.”
You could’ve put up a fight, scold him for being so stubborn and push him out the door with whatever strength you had left in your body. But the gears in your sore head were turning, blood rushing to your head because Steve had called you sweetheart. It had always been some unpleasant nicknames and your last name coming out of his mouth when he addressed you. He’d only ever called you sweetheart once, way back in an argument and you’d given him hell for being so condescending.
What you’d felt then and what you felt now were complete opposite feelings and it caused a turmoil in your body.
“Fine.” You bit out, a delayed response and it made Steve narrow his eyes a little curiously.
You took a few short steps to your bedroom, not quite feeling like you wanted to leave Steve alone. Not that he’d do something, but it was a new feeling to want to be around him rather than in a different room than him.
He sat back on the couch and looked at you with his legs a little splayed out. It took everything you had not to squirm where you were standing outside your bedroom door. Where the fuck did these weird feelings come from?
“Want me to come tuck you in?” He asked when you lingered a little too long by the door, amusement lacing his voice.
“Who knew there was a sense of humour beneath all that grump?” You feigned shock.
Steve flipped you off lazily and you let out a laugh.
“See you in two hours.” You wiggled your fingers in goodbye and slipped into your bedroom, heart pounding a little harder than you’d like to admit.
You welcomed the softness of your bed with open arms, splaying yourself out on your stomach and pushing your arms beneath your pillow. There was no mistaking the sleepiness creeping up your body, making your eyelids heavy.
There was no telling how long you were out for, but it didn’t feel like enough when you were woken up from your dead sleep by something touching your arm. You blinked your eyes blearily and turned your head to find your partner hovering over you.
It took a few seconds for your brain to catch up because your first thought was what the fuck is Steve Murphy in my bedroom? but then the pounding of your head made itself known and you croaked out an ow.
Your entire body felt like it was on fire when you turned on your back, pulling your covers up to your chin in a poor effort to hold onto your sleep.
Steve tsked with a growing smile on his face and pulled at the covers a little when he realised that you were trying to go back to sleep.
“None of that.” He scolded you, handing you something and you squinted in the dimmed room. Water and your medicine.
“Nurse Murphy.” You joked, heaving yourself up slowly with your back against the headboard. You let out a pained moan when the room suddenly started spinning, an ache making itself very known on the back of your head.
“You alright?” Steve’s voice was cautious, worried when he saw how your facial expression changed from pained to alert in barely a second.
You opened your mouth to speak and was hit by a wave of nausea, throwing your covers off your body and pushing Steve out of the way because fuck, you were on a mission to not vomit all over your bed and the poor man.
The slam of the door rattled your brain but you were too focused on bending over the toilet seat, heaving until your stomach twisted in discomfort.
“Fuck,” you groaned out loud when you’d caught your breath, reaching shakily for the handle and flushing.
You vaguely heard Steve knock on the door, asking if you were okay and you made a noise in your throat that you hoped said yeah give me a minute. A quick brush of the teeth, a deep rinse and a gurgle of mouthwash and you felt a little bit better. Good enough to open the door and walk out.
Steve was sitting on the foot of your bed, looking a little troubled. You observed him for a second, and took in the room now that you were more alert and awake.
The curtains were drawn shut and you realised that it must’ve been Steve being considerate before he woke you up, because you didn’t remember drawing them shut. You didn’t know how to feel about that, so you set that thought aside to mull over for another day.
“Did you go home?” You asked, noticing his damp hair and clothing change.
He must’ve slipped out to clean himself up when you were out cold, and he confirmed your assumption by a nod of the head. Whereas before he had his jeans, blue t-shirt and signature brown leather jacket, he’d gone for something much comfortable. He was still in his jeans, a pair of blue ones and he’d changed his shirt to one with a collar and the top buttons unbuttoned. He looked good.
You silently walked over and sat on the bed, hearing it creak.
“Y’need me to a call a doctor?” He asked, eyes roaming your face for any sign of discomfort. “Or Javier?”
That got a smile out of you.
“No, I’m alright.” You held yourself back from rolling your eyes when he raised his eyebrows a little. “I’m not being too proud, I really am okay. Doc said this would happen, but it’s nothing to worry about.”
Steve blew out a breath through his mouth and nodded.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” He gestured with a limp hand toward your nightstand. “Take your medicine, and then back to bed.”
You obliged him, still feeling a little sluggish when you crawled back under the covers. There were no words exchanged and you didn’t say anything when he helped you draw the covers over you, but he saw your poorly hidden smile.
“Shut up.” He murmured, with no real heat behind it.
“You’re a good nurse.” You said earnestly, with only a little laughter in your voice. “Seems like you chose the wrong career, Murphy.”
Steve’s eyebrows jumped in playful disbelief, still hovering over you.
“You calling me a shit agent?”
You smiled, “If the shoe fits.”
You watched him shake his head, like he was holding back from something that you couldn’t put your finger on.
“You’re insufferable.” He laughed and you nodded.
“So I’ve been told.” You sighed a little, wiggling further into the mattress.
The next time you were woken up, it had gone dark and it took a second for you to adjust to the light when Steve clicked the bedside lamp on. You blinked rapidly and pulled the covers over your head. There was no telling if the man laughed at that, the covers rustled too much but you were pretty sure that you could hear his chuckling.
“You feeling alright?” He asked and you sighed.
“How many times are you gonna ask me that, Steve?” You sounded exasperated, not giving him your face to look at as you continued to hide beneath the covers.
There was a silence that stretched for a little too long and you suddenly worried that you might’ve sounded a little too mean. A little shame pierced your heart all of a sudden and you pulled the fabric back to reveal your eyes to him. He was still standing there but he didn’t look angry or like he was gearing up for a fight. He looked a little shocked. Baffled maybe.
“What?” You asked, suddenly worried.
“You called me Steve.” He replied and you raised your brows.
That was his name, wasn’t it? You frowned.
“I always call you Steve.”
“You absolutely do not.” He suddenly gave an amused huff of laughter. “Always Murphy. Or fuckwad. Or asshole. Or—“
Your over the top groan cut him off and you stuck a leg out to kick him in the thigh. He jumped back with a laugh and you tried not to feel too wounded at that. His reflexes had always been better than yours. But you were the better shot so you had that going, at the very least.
“You’re an asshole.” You muttered lowly and Steve nodded.
“That’s more like it.”
You bit back a shut up, and placed the palm of your hand on the mattress to help you sit up in bed.
It was very dark outside, and you guessed that it must’ve been past midnight. Steve must’ve let you sleep in for longer, not waking you every two hours like planned. You didn’t ask about it, but if you did then he definitely would’ve lied. He would’ve spun a lie about how you probably needed the sleep.
Truth was, he had been dozing on your couch and watching shit TV, checking the clock obsessively and cracking your door open to make sure you were okay every hour. He didn’t want to wake you, but there was a slight worry that just wouldn’t let him rest when you’d fallen off the roof and that worry had only reached new heights when you got sick in the toilet.
He sat down on the edge of your bed and nodded at the steaming mug on the bedside table.
“Javi came by and dropped this,” he said, tracking your move when you picked the mug up. He averted his eyes when you pursed your lips and put them to the edge of the mug, dragging the palms of his sweaty hands against his sweatpant clad thighs. “Some miracle Colombian tea that’s supposedly good for concussions.”
Your lips stretched into a smile.
“Who knew Javier Peña could be so superstitious?”
Steve blew out a breath of laughter from his nose and shook his head at the thought. You took a careful sip and regarded him from the rim of the mug. He looked exhausted and tense, eyes a little puffy from the lack of sleep and he only made it more evident when he hung his head a little and brought his fingers to press them to his eyes. Like he was trying to rub some life into them.
You knew that gesture, had seen it a million times when you pulled late nights at the office. The embassy had been on your ass lately, and things had taken an insane and intense turn when Search Bloc got thrown into the mix. Carrillo was no joke, but you were all determined.
“Hey, you should get some sleep.” You said gently.
It was late and it had been a long day. You didn’t want to inconvenience him any further than you had.
“It’s fine.” He waved you off. “I’ll just sleep on the couch.”
That made you frown deeper because you knew that couch was a couch from hell. It was springy, and could take your back from feeling amazing to sore in an hour. Your armchair was a little better, but a man as tall and wide as Steve would never find a comfortable position in it.
You knew that realistically, you could’ve sent him on his way and let him sleep in his own bed. That’s probably what you should’ve done considering everything.
What you did instead was probably a bit out of line, but you tried not to think too hard about it when you placed the mug down on the side table and reached back to push the covers back a little.
Steve followed your movements silently and gave you a questioning glance.
“You can sleep here.” You said, a slight shake in your voice.
Steve opened his mouth at that but quickly shut it when he didn’t seem to find the right words. You could see the cogs turning as he regarded you silently, probably wondering exactly how hard you’d hit your head. It wasn’t something you could blame him for. If someone had told you that you’d offer Steve to sleep in your bed with you earlier today, you’d have punched them square in the nose for even bringing such an outrageous imagery to your mind.
Maybe you were tired, maybe it had been a little too long since you���d had another human being in the same bed as yours. Someone who could provide comfort and warmth and make you feel like you weren’t sleeping with one eye open.
“You sure?” He asked gently, just in case you’d managed to change your mind in the span of a few seconds.
Don’t fucking read into it, was what you probably would’ve said if it was the old you. The one who’d fight him on everything.
What you did say, was something you hoped was reassuring enough for him to get into bed and to stop him from looking at you with those fucking blue eyes of his. “I’m sure.”
There was a drawn out silence as he navigated around the bed, gingerly sitting down on the other side and you carefully averted your eyes to avoid his when he laid down beside you. It was clear that he didn’t want to push any boundaries by yanking the bedding over him as well, content with laying on his back and giving you the covers but it felt… wrong. So you covered his legs and sighed like it wasn’t a weird thing to do.
Because it was weird, wasn’t it?
“This is…” Steve trailed off, but you knew he was mirroring your thoughts and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you.
He gave a smile of his own when you turned to nod at him.
“It is.” You agreed. “I hope this doesn’t mean you’re going soft on me, Murphy.”
He let out an unattractive snort that made you smile, sinking down into the bed so you were on your back.
“And here I thought we were finally becoming friends.” He turned on his side and gave you a half smile.
You didn’t know why that tilt of his lips jarred you, but it reached deep into your bones and you found yourself unable to look away from his lips.
A sigh escaped your lips and you tugged the covers up a bit more in a poor attempt to eradicate the sudden butterflies in your stomach.
“Friends.” You muttered with a ghost of a smile on your lips. “Is that what we are?”
Steve hummed, causing you to glance at him from the corner of your eye. He looked to be contemplating it and you suddenly wished that you could reach into his mind and pull out every thought that was going through it.
It was a new feeling. Never had you ever felt like even hearing what was going through his head because you didn’t have an interest for it. Whatever you needed to know, you could read it in his body language and in his eyes. The man wore his heart on his sleeve and he probably didn’t know about it. There was so much you could get just by observing him.
“I’d say we’re on the right track.” He finally replied. “We’re not fighting, haven’t been for the last… Six hours.”
That got a startled laugh out of you and it seemed to please Steve because he grinned as he settled back in bed again, eyes up on the ceiling.
It was outrageous, but true. The two of you could hardly go an hour without arguing. Javier had once pointed out that it wasn’t malice but rather sexual tension and you’d punched his arm so hard that he’d yelped. He never brought it up again.
The thought of it being sexual attraction rather than anything else between you made you panic a little.
“I’m sorry.” Steve said, breaking the comfortable silence and that caused you to turn your head to look at him.
He mirrored your movement.
“For what?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“For being a dick.” He squinted his eyes in the dim light, like he was struggling to find the exact words he wanted to say. “I haven’t gone easy on you, from the moment we met until today. And you were being nothing but nice to me that first day.”
You had been. Polite rather. But Steve hadn’t given you the time of day and you weren’t perfect; You held grudges and could be kind of petty when there was no need. With Steve and his short temper, and your own issues? It was only natural for the two of you to clash.
“I haven’t been nice either, you know.” You pointed out and Steve placed an elbow on the mattress and rested his head on the open palm of his hand.
“I guess we both have been pretty shit.” He said and you nodded, because yeah. You had been. “I think you intimidate me.”
That got a laugh out of you. The thought of Steve Murphy being intimidated of you was so absurd. But the man wasn’t looking like he was kidding and you raised your brows.
“You’re kidding.” You smiled. “Why would you be intimidated by me?”
“Because.” He said like it was obvious, huffing out a laugh when you frowned; Feeling completely lost. “Fucking look at you. You came walking in with your head held high and you’re headstrong, ready for anything and anyone. There’s not a single soul in that office who’d dream of going against you.”
You groaned in disbelief, bringing your hands up to cover your face because you were starting to feel warm all of a sudden. Receiving so many compliments from the same man who’d given you nothing but grief the past year was overwhelming.
“No, really.” He insisted. “You’re so confident in everything you do. And you’re gorgeous and so fucking stubborn.”
That had you separating your fingers over your face, just enough to look at him through the gaps. Gorgeous? Surely you were dreaming. This wasn’t real.
But he was looking at you like he meant every word he had said and you weren’t sure how to feel. It made it all so confusing and odd, but it also made a warmth settle in the pit of your stomach; A feeling you hadn’t felt in years. It was simultaneously both terrifying and thrilling.
“Thank you.” You said softly, muffled into your hands and that had Steve smiling from where you could see him.
“You need to stop thanking me or it’ll get to my head.” He joked, probably to break the forming tension and you felt a pang of gratitude at that gesture.
“We wouldn’t want that.” You said, ignoring the small hitch in your voice when he reached out with his free hand to pry your hands off your face. He didn’t let go, stretching one hand out between you two and sliding his fingers between yours in a strangely intimate manner. “Your head is already too big. Won’t fit through the door.”
He laughed and it prompted a giggle out of you.
The conversation that took place for the next hour was gentle, intimate and it felt so natural that you never wanted it to stop. You talked about the little things that you probably would’ve known about each other way earlier if you’d skipped the animosity and became friends instead. Your respective families back home, your childhood, hobbies and everything in between.
It still felt strange but it also made you see him in an entirely new light. He looked relaxed and even happy, eyes tired from the long day and late night, hand still playing idly with your fingers where it laid between you. It was… pillow talk, minus the sex.
Your conversation drifted to a stop when your eyes were starting to droop, yawns interrupting your sentences until Steve eventually took pity. He scooted closer to you and you regarded him silently, wondering what he was about to do. There was a slight disappointment settling in your chest when you realised that he was, in fact, reaching for the lamp on your side of the bed and not reaching to kiss you.
It was an odd thought to have, but you would be a liar if you said that you hadn’t thought of it through the night.
Him reaching for the lamp put him in close proximity of you though, and a zip of heat shot down your spine when you realised that he’d reached over you and put himself half on top of you in the process.
You blinked up at his face, close to yours, feeling rather awake all of a sudden and you only had a few seconds to take in every little fleck and scar on his face, the blue of his eyes, before he turned the light off and plunged the room into relative darkness.
The moon was providing enough light through your small window for you to make out the shape of his face, and your lips parted of their own volition when his eyes suddenly flicked down and looked right at you. He’d finally realised the position he’d put you both in, a breath away from each others faces and torsos awkwardly pressed together and you watched his eyes flick from one of your own eyes to the other.
You tried to suck in a breath, not even realising that you had been holding it in, but it was stolen right out of you when Steve suddenly closed the minimal distance between the two of you.
The press of his lips was soft, but you felt it all the way down to your toes. It took you by surprise, but you collected your thoughts and pulled yourself together quickly enough to reach up with your hand to grab at his hair when you felt like he was about to pull away at your lack of reaction.
It was like that one movement of your hands was the trigger, because he fell into you and pried your lips open with his; A breathy moan being exhaled into your mouth and you gasped at the hotness of it.
He kissed you until you felt like your lips were starting to chap, pulling away to catch his breath and allowing you to catch yours. Your head was spinning, the intensity of it all surprising but not unwelcome.
You brought a hand around to span over his jaw and neck, thumb stroking the plump bottom lip of his.
“You okay?” You asked, a little breathless.
The question seemed to catch him off guard, and he pulled back his head far enough to look you in the eyes. As if he was searching for the answer in them.
“Yeah,” he nodded slightly, running his fingers through the strands at the top of your head. The feel of it made you shiver slightly. “Are you?”
You nodded mutely, beckoning him closer by the use of your hands and you couldn’t help but notice how easily he fell into you without hesitation. It made you smile against his lips, your hands drifting lower to his back and grabbing at the material of his shirt. The sound he made against your mouth had you clutching desperately at him, seeking out his hand to guide it under your sleep shirt.
“Oh fuck,” he cursed quietly when his palm closed over the flesh of your breast. He squeezed until you moaned, arching your back into his hand. “You’re gonna be the death of me, sweetheart.”
You let out a breathy laugh, pulling back long enough to look at him but that didn’t last long, eyes fluttering shut of their own volition when his thumb brushed over your perky nipple.
“Oh, Steve.” You whimpered and it was like music to his ears.
That one small sound out of your mouth paired with his name had him going lightheaded in a second, all the blood rushing south and he had to remind himself that it couldn’t go further than this. Not tonight at least. You were still recovering from your concussion and he didn’t want to push it.
So, he mustered up all the strength in his body to pull himself up, heart squeezing in his chest when your lips followed him. Like you weren't ready to let him go, and you really weren't.
“You need sleep, sweetheart.” He said gently, hoping that you wouldn’t take it as rejection.
You pouted at him, aware that you probably looked a bit childish doing it but you couldn’t help it. He stroked the pad of his thumb over your cheek softly and you sighed, nodding in understanding.
“I know.” You agreed finally, heart nudging up your throat when he leaned down to press a kiss to your mouth.
Steve laid back down, but he was closer than before and it made something warm settle in your chest. He didn’t protest when you rolled over to cuddle into his side, preening a little at the comfort of his chest and the feel of his arm around you.
It was the safest you’d felt since you moved here.
And that’s probably why you fell into oblivious sleep faster than you ever had.
Monday rolled around and that meant real life was back in order, forcing you out of your little bubble of bliss you’d managed to create during the weekend with Steve. He’d been oddly domestic and sweet, not pushing for anything and settling with the odd kiss here and there as he made you dinner and ran you baths. He’d remain respectful through those too, opting to sit on the tiled floor and very pointedly not look at your naked body as the two of you carried pleasant conversations and gentle kisses.
Javier stopped by on both Saturday and Sunday, both times when Steve had gone out to get food or a change of clothes. It was weirdly lucky timing, but you were happy to avoid the inevitable questions that would surely come along with Javier and his undying curiosity.
The office was just as you’d left it on Friday, everyone bustling around and working as they always did. Carrillo wasn’t in his office from what you could see as you walked past, but your two partners were sitting by their desks as you approached them.
Both of them glanced up, but only one of them spoke up.
“Hey, welcome back.” Javier gave you a nod.
“Thanks,” you dropped your bag under your desk and draped your jacket over your chair, trying very hard to remain natural. “Busy morning?”
You glanced around.
“Nah,” Javi grunted. “Should’ve just stayed home for another day.”
That made you break your resolve, stealing a glance at Steve who’d been sitting quietly on the other side of the desk. He was looking at you and you both shared a glance before you made a little noise in your throat and looked away.
“One more day at home and I’d go stir crazy.” You said, like you hadn’t been spending it with the very same man who everyone thought you loathed.
“Sure.” Javier murmured lowly, absentmindedly. His eyes were locked on a piece of paper in his hands and you took that as your chance to get out of the conversation.
You turned and started walking toward the small kitchenette where they kept the good coffee machines, suddenly craving caffeine because something told you that it was gonna be a long day. You revelled in the silence of the empty room when you walked in, hunting down a clean mug and locating the coffee beans.
The hum of your colleagues out in the office was a comforting sound, tapping your nails against the counter and watching the machine work to spit out piping hot coffee into your mug.
You had exactly two seconds to react to the hand that grabbed your waist, heart rate spiking dangerously before the familiar scent of cologne hit your nose. It was curious, how much that one detail calmed you down from your fight or flight response.
“Jesus, Steve.” You hissed out quietly, turning in his arms when he placed both hands on either side of you on the counter; Effectively caging you in. “Way to give me a heart attack.”
The man leaned closer to your face and smiled, nuzzling his nose against your cheek before pressing a kiss against the skin there. You bit back a smile.
“I like it when you call me Steve.” He said, voice low and intimate.
You brought both your hands up and placed them on his pecs, feeling the hard muscle beneath the layers of clothing he wore. It was probably your imagination or even wishful thinking, but you swore you could almost feel his heartbeat picking up speed.
“That’s your name, idiot.” You laughed, not meanly because there was a fondness to your smile that Steve had come to know and adore.
He pressed forward, brushing his lips against yours in a teasing manner until you had enough of it, chasing his lips when he pulled away with a laugh.
“Shut up.” You whispered, tilting your head and slotting your mouth against his.
The kiss definitely wasn’t the most passionate one out of all the ones you’d shared during the weekend. But it still made your knees weak all the same, heat pricking your scalp when he pushed forward and put the majority of his weight on you. The hard plane of his body made you feel feverish, and you let out a small moan into his mouth that made Steve’s skin pimple in goosebumps.
A distinct ringing of a telephone reminded you of where you were and you gently pushed him off, glancing over his shoulder and sighing in relief when you noted that you were still the only people in the room.
Steve wasn’t even looking, too busy taking in the plumpness of your lips and he had to stop himself from puffing his chest in pride at the sight of your smeared lipstick.
He brought a thumb up to clean it off and you blinked at him, feeling your insides go soft at the small gesture.
“You want some coffee?” You asked softly, turning in his arms and he pushed off the counter to stand beside you instead.
No, just you. But he didn’t say that, pushing his mug forward a bit on the counter instead.
He watched you pour the coffee into both mugs, studying your side profile quietly as you prepared the coffee. You looked adorable, and his fingers itched to grab at every part of you. But he knew that he had to contain himself. There was no way that he’d ever break the one rule you’d decided to set.
"Can we keep this on the downlow?" You'd asked on Sunday morning, hands crossed over each other where they laid on his chest, chin resting on them.
It had been quiet, serene and Steve had gotten only a little distracted by your lips and the way the light seemed to catch perfectly in your eyes. You'd looked downright angelic and it was only when your lips tugged in a small and shy smile that he realised you'd asked him a question.
"Sure." He'd agreed easily, letting the palms of his hands stroke up the sides of your body, as if he was trying to memorise every curve of your body.
"It's just that..." You trailed off, adjusting yourself where you laid between the long expanse of his legs. "I don't want people to talk, you know?"
He knew exactly what you meant. You'd worked hard to be where you were and there was no doubt that you'd start to get treated differently if they found out about the two of you. He respected you too much to do anything but agree with your boundaries.
"Hey," he murmured gently, bringing a hand up to smooth down your hair. "I'll do whatever you want me to."
Steve snapped out of his little daydream when you suddenly turned and gave him an award winning smile and he had time to think of how fucking lucky he was to see that directed at him, before you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. You wiped your thumb across his lip, most likely a poor attempt to wipe the evidence off him, and walked out with your coffee.
He collected his scattered thoughts, blinking down at his mug and he was surprised to find that you’d taken the time to make him his coffee exactly how he liked it. Fuck.
“Hey, Javi.” He heard you greet the man sweetly who’d most likely stepped into the kitchenette, hearing him grunt in response.
Steve had managed to collect himself when Javier appeared in his field of view, pouring hot coffee into his mug casually and shooting the blond man a strange look.
“What?” Steve asked defensively.
Javier looked to be biting back a smile, looking a little bit too smug for Steve’s hackles not to rise.
“Nice lipstick.” Javier complimented him. “What shade is that?”
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anxious-witch · 8 days
On the Cat King, and how he courted Edwin very reminiscent to an actual cat. I will also do Monty's version in another post.
Edit: here's Monty version
Props to @moriartea42 for this post because the way they described Cat King vs Monty's approach to Edwin made a lightbulb light up in my head.
Let's start with how the cats court one another. Because I think it's so funny sm of us have been saying "of course he trails after Edwin the way he does, cats are predators" and then we didn't think of mating habits of cats.
According to this website(and some others, but I really didn't wanna go back and link all of them, you can google and fact check some more if you are curious) cats courtship can last few days, due to the fact that female cats often play "hard to get" or if a male cat approaches them too early in the mating process.
Personally I think this is SO FUNNY in the context of Edwin and the Cat King's interactions. First of all, another thing that is very important to cat courtship is scent. And what is one of the first things the Cat King does when he is alone with Edwin? Literally smells him. 😭😂 Then he makes his offer and-Edwin is uncomfortable. So the Cat King pulls back. Like a cat would, if their partner gave a signal they courted them too early!
We see it again in episode 4 when he calls Edwin away from his friends. The Cat King prowls around him, shows off his tricks, plays into his desires, but when Edwin says "Stop it!" He pulls back. Of course, Edwin isn't a woman, but I think the analogy is pretty clear, given female cats are the one that have the power of chosing the partner-and to reject them until they find their courtship satisfactory.
Their meeting in the forest further highlights this. Cat King saw Monty flirting with Edwin and kissing him and while Edwin rejected him as well, he saw that Edwin did care for Monty. And what do Tomcats(hehe, see what I did there?) do in that situation? They make sure to defend their territory, but they are usually not very vengetful once they do, given most their attention is on the partner they wish to court.
Reminds you of something? Cat King exposing Monty's betrayal, kissing him as payback and then...letting him go. Because trying to flirt with Edwin again was his priority. Because he was trying to impress him. But he gets rejected, again at which point he lashes out. The first time I watched DBDA, I was slightly surprised by his reaction. Because what did he expect?
But if we look at it from cat's instinct perspective, it makes much more sense, doesn't it? He courted Edwin, he showed him why he should choose him, he scared off his rival. He did everything right, by cat standards.
Now, I am NOT saying Cat King is stupid or that he doesn't understand how humans work or that human boundaries are different. I think he does-to a degree. But I think we should also consider the fact that it's not unlikely some instinctual stuff is still there. Especially when a lot of it can and does align with the way people used to court each other! In modern times playing hard to get happens a lot less, but if we go back few centuries, it was quite common for women to feign disinterest first and make the man work for their affection. So is it truly so difficult to believe Cat King was under the impression such tactic would work on Edwin?
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da1e3e · 8 days
˗ˏˋ𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔 ´ˎ˗
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| ⋆ Sypnosis: As you were one of Enhypens main female back up dancers for “Bite me”, you were always Ni-ki’s partner. But being his partner wasn’t always easy… being as you knew he hated your guts… or so you thought..
| ⋆ Pairing: Idol!Ni-ki x Fem!reader
| ⋆ Genre(s) : Enemies 2 Lovers, angst, fluff
| ⋆ word count | 3.3k
ⓘ Warning ⓘ - Not proof read, Mild make!out session
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⋆ Out of breath, you fan your shirt releasing the hot air out. “Okay team, we got it down- just a few more times and we can leave” Jungwon announces with a panting smile. You smiled at the thought of dancing a couple more times, being as you loved dancing. Everyday you would eat,sleep, and breathe dance. But unfortunetely… your smile fades when you get back in your spot with Ni-ki. You couldn’t even begin to start with the way this man didn’t like you as his partner. He never spoke to you like the other members did, and he even went as far as to bully you sometimes. But of course, you don’t ever go for that shit.
As the music began to play, you got into your mood. Feeling the music and lyrics sway around in your head, your hips followed them prefusely. At this point in time, you didn’t acknowledge Ni-ki… until he grabbed your arm, snapping you out. “y/n- what are you doing?” the male growls, locking eyes with you. You did everything right- you didn’t see what the problem was… but if he wanted to start problems “I’m dancing- what do you mean what am I doing... the fuck” you furrow your brows at the male, snatching your arm back. Scoffing, He approaches you slowly, begining to tower over you. He looked down at you with the most deapan look on his face, almost as if he was ready to swing at any moment. “Who do the fuck do you think your talking too? hmm?” the male snarls back, gritting his teeth. Before you could even begin to answer that question, Jay comes from behind Ni-ki, wrapping his arm around him and pulling him away from you. As Heeseung did the same to you, you both didn’t unlock eyes, until one of you bent the corner. You didn’t know what his problem was- every time ya’ll practiced he had some shit to say… you wondered if he just wanted to assert his dominance or whatever- which was fine, but one thing he should know is… you we’re not a push over…
As Heeseung made you sit down at the island, he got you some juice from the fridge. He knew you we’re upset, so he didn’t want to do anything but be supportive. He knew just how fast Ni-ki could get angry, so he understood. “Here y/n, drink this love.” He speaks softly, passing you a glass of apple juice. “Thank you.” You coo, sighing as you took a sip of it. Once you set the cup down, you pause, and look at Sunoo. “Sunoo? .. Am I a bad partner?” You question, feeling like you were in the wrong. I mean it would make sense if you were— because Ni-ki only ever got mad at you first… “pfft- no. Ni-ki just doesn’t…” he paused before sighing. “Ni-ki just doesn’t like what he doesn’t trust, if you get what i’m saying.” He admits, looking at you with assertive eyes. He then sighs, looking over to your glass as well “And it doesn’t help that your fighting back with him either.” I mean that makes sense, but your just not someone who would take back lash for something you didn’t do wrong. But at the same time, you knew it would’ve been better to keep your mouth shut and just apologize. Maybe that’s why he hated you so much… “But I mean, I wouldn’t let Ni-ki scold me either so I understand.” he chuckles, rubbing small circles on your back. He gave you a warm smile assuring that everything was okay.
After that, Jungwon called it day so that everyone could calm down. You felt as if it were your fault, so vowed to give everyone an apology in the morning. Right now, all you could do was take a nice shower and get some rest for tomorrow’s dance practice.
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As the next day rolled over, you felt much better after sleeping. With a skip in steps, you make your way inside the dance practice room, meeting with all the members and other back up dancers. “Ah!- y/n, good morning.” Jungwon chimed, making his way over to you. You smiled, waving back. Now was the time to make amends. “Can I speak to you for a second Won?” You spoke, as the male came before you. He nodded, pulling you to the side. “What’s going on?” he inquires, starting to looked concerned. “I just wanted to apologize for yesterday… I didn’t mean for practice to end so—” As the male smiled, he interupted your sentence, giving you a slight hug. You melt in his vanilla scented arms, sighing with a smile. He then retracts, his arms still holding onto yours. “It’s okay y/n, I know how much of a hot head Ni-ki can be… so I decided to let you both cool off. It’s really nothing.” He finishes, letting your arms go. You nod, saying nothing else. Everyone else was making it seem like Ni-ki was the one that was the one with a temper, but you knew it wasn’t just him… it was you too.
As everyone got in their places, setting up, you went to yours- walking up to a irritated Ni-ki. You sigh, woosah-ing yourself before finally being the first and speaking to him. “Hey Ni-ki… I just wanted to say that I was—” You start, but couldn’t finish- as the male cut you off. “If you apologizing I don’t want to hear it.” He growls, shoo-ing you off. Your head bucks back, as shock comes over you. You were about to open mouth- when you realized you were supposed to be the bigger person today. For once you were actually trying to take the fault- and he didn’t even give a flying shit. Well, if it was gonna be like that- fine. You didn’t care either. You shake it off, knowing at least you tried.
As the music began, you tap in the zone. This time, you wanted everything to be perfected… just so Ni-ki wouldn’t say anything. With every move you did, you made sure you touched him without attitude even when you wanted to, as well as trying not to glare at him. As he placed his hand on your hip, swinging you around- he grips your hip with an almost paining force, making you almost wince. But you pulled through, completing the full dip. His hands were so so soft looking, yet so powerful- it was scaring you lowkey…
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Once that part of the practice was over, Won gave you guys a break. “Okay everyone take 10. you guys did really good! Great job y/n.” He looks over to you, as everyone did a small clap. You bowed towards the male, giving him heart hands and thanking him, along with everyone else. As soon as Won dismissed you, Ni-ki instantly let go if you, almost shoving you. He left off as if he was in… a hurry? You watched as the male basically stomped off, not saying a word. Damn, he didn’t like you that much?? What exactly did you do that was so bad… you just didn’t understand… and now… you needed answers. There was just absolutely no way you were gonna keep dancing with him if he had a problem almost everday.
Following the male, you shadow him hoping he wouldn’t notice. As he walked around the building, you notice his pattern behavior become a little wonky… it was like he was turning corners just because. Did he know you where following him? I mean if he did, Ni-ki defininetly would’ve said something by now. right? Eventually he enters a room, and before you followed him in, you peeked around the corner making sure it was clear. You see the male sitting down at couch, man spreading and leaning his head back begining to relax. You flip back embarrassed, feeling your cheeks heat up. The way he- and then- why- oh my goodness. For once in this life, he had an expression other than angerThis was definitely a bad idea. You begin to walk away, covering your freshly pinked face. Those answers were just gonna have to wait.
Just as you begin to walk away- you feel hands grab you from behind, pulling you. You try to scream, but nothing but air comes out. You panic, begining to struggle within their grasp. You kick and sway your arms, but nothing worked. Before you know it, you were inside the room Ni-ki was in, except this time he wasn’t on the couch and you heard the door close and lock behind you. The only thing on your mind right now was… what the fuck is happening?
With one swift motion, you were pinned to the back of the door. Ni-ki’s fearsome eyes locked on you, as yours also locked on him. From the way his lip was balled, you could tell he was already mad. “Were you following me?” the male inquired, his low voice sending shivers down his spine. Usually you’d buck back by now, but this time… you felt like if you did that would be the end of you. You both we’re alone, you we’re miles from the dance practice room, and the building was practically empty 24/7… everything needed for a murder to happen. To keep safe- you lie through your teeth. “n-no.. i got lost looking for the bathroom-” You look to the floor shamefully, fidgeting with your fingers- hoping he would take the lie. He scoffs, backing away. He then goes back to the sofa he was once spread out on, sitting back in the same spot. Before you began to leave, you stood their for a second. You think hard on the situation… wondering why he didn’t do anything to you while he had the chance. I mean it’s not like you were asking to get beat up or anything— but then you think, maybe he’s not even like that foreal. He may be agressive but he doesn’t seem like the type to actually fight women. For some reason, he started to intrigue you now. Now… you wanted more answers then before.
“Ni-ki. I have a question.” You blurt out, still standing in the place he left you. You grew back into your confidence, now knowing he wouldn’t be foul enough to fight or murder you. “I don’t care, leave.” the male’s low tone echoes through the large room. You become silent, wondering if you leave or not… but no. you didn’t back down to no one. “Why do you hate me so much? I mean all I do is dance with you… and you treat me like I’m Korea’s most wanted criminal…” You finally let out, letting your hands fall to your sides. You were no longer afraid, but now irritated because you so desperately wanted to solve this problem. As you lock your eyes on the male for answers, he sits up- placing both hands on his lap. A grin appears on his face, sending a second set of chills up your spine. You could the from the way the grin came slowly on his face, it was devious. “Your so annoying…” he sighs, pausing for a brief moment- then standing up. 
“But if you really want to know…” He began to make his way towards you, stopping his sentence once more. Your heart starts racing, making your nape pulsate. As he got closer, you backed more into the door than you already were, and before you knew it… he was hovering over you. You clenched your fist, ready to punch him whenever you needed to. You both had locked eyes, making your soul sink into the ground. What was he gonna do next?? Help?
His hand then grips your chin, lifting it up to face him. Your mind is telling you to swing at him, and launch a full blow to his face… but you don’t. You couldn’t. It was like he had you hypnotized.. which was even more alarming. Leaning in, you could feel his moist breathe faning your ear. Your lips began to tremble from the rush of anxiety, coming from how close the male was. Ignoring it all, he finally whispered in to your ear… “I hate you because… your always teasing me with those alluring hips of yours…”. Your eyes grow wide in shock, as he brushed his lip with his thumb, backing away. Your body became hot, as those words replayed in your head, over and over again in your head. What.the.fuck.was.that.- you think, going crazy in your head. You stood there frozen, trying to comprehend everything that just happened. What did he mean… “teasing me with those alluring hips”? …. A timer on his watch then goes off, signaling that the 10 minutes you guys had for a break was over. “Now move so we can go back…” his now cold tone demands, begining to open the door. You look at him, moving to the side, and with that he was gone. You were still shook- but you knew you had to go back.
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For the rest of practice, you tried not to think about what the male said, but it was truly hard. I mean, he went back to his old aggressive ways as if it never happened… so you wondered even more what his statement meant. You were so confused, but what was worse was… now you felt a little flustered everytime he would put just one finger on you. There was absolutely no fucking way…
Once practice was over, you gather your stuff- getting ready to head home. Before you left though, Heeseung stops you right in your tracks with his radient sunshine energy. “Hey! good job out there queen, you nailed it.” He cheers, giving your shoulder a little tap. “Thank you Heeseung, it means alot.” You smile back, rubbing your arm. Hee was the best, always encouraging you. “So, I was wondering…” he dragged with a sweet smile, making a brief pause before starting again— but only this time he was interupted by Ni-ki’s attitude. “Heeseung if you don’t mind, i’m trying to go home.” He spoke coldy, the most irritated expression on his face. It was way worse than earlier…
Heeseung then sighs, looking down, then back at you. “I'll see you later then y/n.” his smile faints a bit. You felt bad that Heeseung had to deal with Ni-ki, but you knew that it wouldn’t phase him. They were brothers after all. But anywho, it was really none of your concern. You pack the rest of your stuff up, and headed home.
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After that, the next few weeks began to become so busy. It was finally time to start recording for the music Video. Everything was going smooth, you had no injuries, and your dancing spirit was still intact. You hadn’t forgotten about the whole thing with Ni-ki… but you had no choice but to move past it. On the bright side though, You and Heeseung started hanging out on a regular. He became best friend material for you, making you smile and giving you encouragement every time you needed it. However, it seemed your happiness was the cost of Ni-ki’s… at least that’s what it felt like. He never smiled, he never spoke, his appearance even began to become… darker. Word around HYBE was that him and Heeseung had a huge fight one night, and they haven’t spoke ever since. You knew Ni-ki hated you… and at first you hated him too- maybe to the point you would’ve fought him foreal… but seeing his drastic change made you feel nothing but horrible… especially since he was your partner.
Before it was time to film, everyone was getting ready including yourself. You had on a nice slim red dress, with a red scarf covering your face, and a slicked back bun to top it off. It was truly a dream for you to be there and to be able to dress like this. You noticed how everyone was laughing and talking- having the set full of excitement, when you remembered Ni-ki. You knew it wasn’t in your favor to check on him… but you knew you had to.
After finding the dressing room he was in, you crossed your fingers- openening the door slowly. To your suprise, you see him sitting in front of his vanity mirror with his head down, and his arms laid limp by his sides. Your heart drops. You instantly think the worse, rushing over to him, shaking him to open his eyes. You snatch the scarf from your mouth, begin to breath heavily. “oh my god- Ni-ki!!!” you scream, as the male eyes shot open, jumping back from your sudden actions. “Yo! y/n- what the fuck!” he snaps, rising out of his chair. You back up, watching as his brows furrowed. You’ve never been so relieved to see those brows sitting in an upright position like that. “Oh my- thank you jesus—” you breath a sigh of relief, grabbing your heart. Before you could respond, Ni-ki grabs your arm, yanking you to him. “What the hell is wrong with you?! coming in here interupting my meditation—” As he scolded you, you yanked your arm back, getting mad as well. “Well i’m sorry if I fucking care enough about you to come check on you to make sure your alive!” the male then scoffs, throwing his hands in the air “Why the fuck would I not be alive y/n—” You interupt him, tears forming in your eyes. It was time to start expressing how you felt… how you’ve cared about Ni-ki for so long. “Because you’ve changed Ni-ki! When i seen how… I don’t fucking know- depressed you’ve gotten I got scared okay! people lose people to depression everyday- and I may not like you- but at the end of the day I still care asswhole!” You shout, as tears began to fall down your cheeks. You start to uncontrollably cry. You felt so stupid for being so vulnerable in front of him, but it had to come out. As he looked at your broken figure, he grits his teeth, snatching your arm back pulling you closer to him. He watched as your facial expression changed to a shocked one, looking at you one more time before…
He planted his lips right on yours, taking in your tongue in his mouth like he was waiting forever to do so. You want to resist- but before you can it was already to late. You had melted in his touch, not wanting to pull away. As you leaned back, Ni-ki followed you, until eventually you were bent over a dresser. Not pulling away, Ni-ki places you on the dresser, begining to make the kiss more devious. It was like he was starving for you… and now that he had you- he was not letting go. “Your so… annoying..you know that?” He mumbled in between kisses. “If being annoying means I care… then I’ll be annoying as fuck…” You mumbled back, wrapping your arms around him. You didn’t ever want to let go…ever.
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After that, eventually you both became unstuck to each other, as you did have a music video to film. After that, you and Ni-ki talked about everything, and even decided to be a couple. From start to present. Apparently, Him and Heeseung fought because Ni-ki demanded that Heeseung stay away from you, but Heeseung didn’t even see you like that… which made him very offended, thus why they only took a small break from each other. As to which, It made total sense. Ni-ki had always liked you… he just didn’t appreciate the fact that you were such a show off in dancing. He didn’t like the way everyone else was able to see those ‘alluring’ hips of yours… which made him go rogue. Everything was just so misunderstood foreal… but that didn’t even matter to you in the long run. What mattered was that, even when you knew you didn’t like him, you still believed that you could someday understand him… and who knew that, that day would be the day you decided to be understanding.
Now you both were a happy couple, and even though he was still mean, you always bucked back, as you’ve always did.
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
yeah, yeah, he's the guy who loves fat women and gmilfs. but he's not. fandom greatly overblows skwisgaar's "type" in women, and as the CEO of skwisgaar i won't stand for this anymore.
reminder before we get started, i'm not denying that skwisgaar is attracted to fat and elderly women, because he is. instead, this is a response to the way in which fandom acts like those are the only women he's attracted to.
because i have no life, i scrubbed through every episode and kept track of every woman who skwisgaar expresses interest in, whether with sexual comments, sexual encounters, making them his groupies, or giving them children. (no screencaps because i WILL go above tumblr's image limit). i might have missed some, but this is a large enough sample size to prove my point.
01x01 "The Curse of Dethklok": 1 (elderly/fat) 01x09 "Mordland": 1 (elderly/fat) 01x16 "Dethkids": 2 (1 elderly/fat) 01x18 "Girlfriendklok": 2 02x07 "Dethwedding": 2 02x10 "Dethgov": 3 (elderly/fat) 02x13 "Klokblocked": 4 (1 elderly/fat) 02x14 "Dethsources": 2 (elderly/fat) 03x05 "Fatherklok": 48 (8 elderly/fat) 03x06 "Fertilityklok": 54 (6 elderly/fat) 03x10 "Doublebookedklok": 18 (7 elderly/fat) 04x06 "Writersklok": 2 The Doomstar Requiem: 3 (1 elderly/fat)*
TOTALS: 142 young/thin women: 111 (78.17%) elderly/fat women: 31 (21.93%
*note: for DSR, since so many of the visuals are meant to be taken non-literally, i only focused on the ones that seemed to be direct representations of reality or of his genuine feelings. in this case, i focused on the beginning of Partyin' Around the World with the band at mordhaus and his fantasy in How Can I Be a Hero where he dreams about being married.
so. what does this tell us? more often than not, in canon, skwisgaar is depicted as having sex or sexual feelings towards thin women who are closer to his own age. despite this, even in canon, an emphasis is drawn to his attraction to gmilfs and fat women, most notably with him demanding to be put in charge of "dems old ladies" in florida.
i wanna draw attention to this interview, notably at timestamp 2:14
Dethklok Minute Host Graham Hartmann: What is it exactly that you love about the-the larger and more elderly ladies? Skwisgaar: I thinks beautiful womens—what peoples calls "beautifuls womens"—amn'ts, uh...gets uglies after a whiles, you gets sicks of them, like eatings the same meals everydays, and you starts to turns to more exotics things that ams nots on the mains menus. So, uh, that would explains that. [underlines added for emphasis]
he doesn't have a type for fat or elderly women. he just can get any woman he wants whenever he wants, and since he does see beauty in all women, he wants to appreciate all women lest he get tired of them.
so, why is there such this hyperfixation on the elderly and fat women as objects of skwisgaar's attraction? as evidenced by both canon and his own words, he doesn't have a preference for them, he simply enjoys them as he would any other woman.
i'm gonna put it bluntly, this is where my silly skwisgaar analysis goes into actual feminist critique: it's because people still find it unusual at best or fetishistic at worst to be genuinely attracted to older and/or fat women. that's the whole thing. everyone—from fandom to interviewers to even the show (by making his attraction to older and fat women an inherent joke aspect of his character)—focusing on this aspect of his attraction does so because, on some level, they cannot fathom a young(ish, depending on what age you headcanon him to be), thin, conventionally attractive man being attracted to women who don't fit that mold.
and, in some ways, there is some reality to this—women's beauty is still held up to an insanely high standard, and generally it's more accepted for average-looking men to have attractive female partners than for average-looking women to have attractive male partners. societal standards for women's beauty and expectations for what men should find attractive is what this joke hinges on, and honestly? it's really frustrating to see this reiterated so often in the fandom. because skwisgaar never really acts particularly fetishistic towards any of the women he's attracted to. you could argue the "exotic" comment was, but he was still talking in terms of his food metaphor, and he's not exactly the best at expressing himself in english.
he loves all women. he genuinely does, his attraction to them has no size, race, or age—any consenting adult woman is game. i don't know about you, but it's fucking refreshing to see any kind of character like that. lesbian skwisgaar rights who said that
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minigirl87 · 5 months
Damaged goods & no returns Chp.1
Steven Grant x Female reader
You're invited to an exclusive party that will change your life by your best friend. It turns out to be an auction for high society women to by sex slaves. While having a walk around, you find a shy and nervous man in the library. The man turns out to be Steven Grant. There are no mentions of Marc or Jake, but that they will appear in the future. I had this idea after reading a book about women's sexual fantasies as I just saw Steven in my mind.
I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Warnings:- ⚠️🔞
Do not interact if under 18. Mentions of sex. Talk of sex slavery. I wanted to explore something darker as I've got over 100 followers. No sex in this chapter.
Word Count:- 1460
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Everyone knows money runs the world, and money brings privileges. But old money is a different world entirely. it's a strange world of antiquum, eccentricity, and rules. Like a private members club where nothing is spoken about outside the members' walls.
Mrs Bradley is the epiphany of being an eccentric of New York society, an 84 year old woman who dresses and behaves like a 1960s southern belle with her favourite word if she liked you being “Darlin”. Very few times, it is an old and new mix, but between you and your friend Rebecca Mrs Bradleys, the great niece it has. Your Father had been a very successful with a transport company that had travelled all over the world now.
 You and Rebecca had a solid friendship of a few years, having met at a dinner party that your dad had held to celebrate a deal with Rebecca’s dad. You both clicked, and friendship blossomed from a dinner party conversation to crying on the phone at 2 am. About both your exes and everyone in between building love and trust leading to this moment.
Everyone knew about Mrs Bradleys eccentric parties that only women attended. Rumours were abound about what happened at these ladies parties, did she run a male brothel, or was it just a bunch of women getting drunk and loose without their partners. Women from ages  20 to 100 would be seen entering the Bradley mansion. So tonight you would see for yourself.
 Standing waiting, look out your lounge window for the car to collect you. Smoothing out your plum velvet cocktail dress, the scent of black opium filling the air as you do so. Your phone beeps with a message from Rebecca saying that they’d be their in 5 minutes. Putting your phone in your matching plum clutch you grab your silver grey faux fur coat and checking you have everything and head outside locking your front door and head to the car as the driver stands at the open door waiting for you to enter.
The car door clicks shut as your body melts into the buff leather of cars interior as the vehicle moves along the road. Rebecca sits smiling lips, matching her fuchsia silk evening dress
“Nervous about this evening” her voice brings you back to reality as you notice that you're fiddling with your fingers.
“A little bit, I’ve heard a lot about your Aunts parties. I don’t want to make a fool of myself” you reply softly. Rebecca giggles, taking your hand, giving it a little squeeze of assurance. “My aunt loves you, she thinks you’re the sweetest little thing and insisted you come tonight” you blush in response, you had only met Mrs Bradley a few times and you were surprised by the comments. Sitting back quietly, contemplating the evening ahead, it was as if Rebecca could read your mind.
“I must tell you about the party. It's a....well, it's a sex slave auction” she stares at you awaiting your reaction. You face drains, and your mouth hangs open a few seconds before recovering your composure “A what?” the anger and disgust evident in your voice. Rebecca stares, thinking on how to respond without this blowing up.
“Yes as I said, my aunt deals with male sex slave for women who can afford their own private little pet. She’s done it for years and is successful at it. The men are trained to do other things so no one gets suspicious” The nonchalant way Rebecca responds is horrid as though she’s talking about a piece of dirt, not a human.
 The car pulls to a halt in front of the mansion. The large oak and iron doors are illuminated by flaming torches and two men dressed in moss green and gold livery great the guests as they arrive. You and Rebecca leave the car and grace the steps to go inside. Your heart is thumping in your chest, and bile rises in your throat. A man in the same livery carries a sliver tray of champagne, lifting a sparkling crystal flute of the golden bubbles in a white gloved hand passing one to both you and Rebecca nodding as you said thank you.
 The entrance hall was extremely extravagant, and you now know you’ve entered a different world. As you look around, you see various men aged 20-40 dressed smartly and conversing with various female guests. You imagine they're doing this to get the best bids and get to the wealthiest woman there. Rebecca looks at you sipping her champagne
“Please understand this is how our world works. They are well looked after men” You only nod in response to her. Mrs Bradley comes over and embraces her great niece and you. Telling you to enjoy yourselves and hoping that someone catches your eye.
You smile in response before asking if you may go look around at the art. In a flamboyant manner, she agrees and walks, taking Rebecca to talk in private about something. You wander off along a oak panelled hall into the library your about to walk over to study the painting above the fireplace when you notice a nervous looking man slightly hunched over in the chair his chocolates curls bouncing as he fidgets with his fingers.
 “Hello” You speak softly so as not to scare him. He looks up at you with massive chocolate eyes his reply is barely audible as he sits curled into himself. “Is everything OK?” You slowly walk over to him. A fat tear runs down his cheek as he shakes his head as his curls swaying about.
Kneeling in front of him “Are you one of Mrs Bradleys slaves? All the man does is whimper in response. You want to cuddle him and protect him. He’s nothing like the other men who appear happy in this arrangement. You’re about to ask him his name when Mrs Bradley heels clacking along the floor into the room and angrily looking at the man.
“STEVEN” she says through gritted teeth “why are you in hear you should be out mingling try to find a forever home again” You raise your eyebrows at the word again as the man known as Steven grabs your arm. You finally hear him speak he has a London accent and sounds so soft.
“Yes mistress, I won’t be returned again”
“three times Steven you’ve been returned to me. I can’t keep you if you’re returned again” The venom in Mrs. Bradleys word makes Steven shake against you. You make a decision right there and then, and you’ll deal with everything later.
“Mrs Bradley. How much for Steven?”
Mrs Bradley looks taken aback “You want him out all the other handsome and more socially astute men you want him?” Steven shakes behind you his grip on your arm tightening. “yes. How much?” You felt disgusted talking like this, but you wanted to help Steven.
“Well he’s damaged goods, and I need rid of him. No returns, and he’s $20.000” Closing your eyes and shaking your head at Mrs Bradleys words. “Bank transfer, okay?” You reach into your clutch for your phone. Realising that you’re seriou, Mrs Bradley switches her southern charm back on.
“course Darlin” she walks over to the roll top desk in the library, sitting down her bangles jingling as she sorts paperwork and a tablet. You sign and transfer the money over to her, and she gives you a receipt. You look at the receipt and see it describes the painting that’s above the fireplace. You look shocked as she nods at Steven, and Steven shakily gets up and walks to the fireplace, lifting the painting off the wall and walking up to you.
You realise what Mrs Bradleys doing covering herself so that she can’t get into trouble. You look at her and force a smile.
“I think it’s best I leave now, Mrs Bradley. Have a good evening” You walk away with Steven behind you, clutching the painting or clutching his pain you can’t decide. Mrs Bradley nods with a smile, bidding good evening as she walks along the hall in front of both you and Steven as a car pulls up at the entrance to take you home. She says something about Stevens' belongings being brought to yours tomorrow. You only nod in response as you get in the car behind Steven.
 The chauffeur closes the door with a click before getting in and driving away from Bradley Manor. You look at Steven who’s sitting looking out the car window at the passing street lights. You feel nothing but pure love for Steven, and  you vow to help and protect him. Steven senses you, looking at him he turns to look at you with a gentle smile.
To be continued........
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