#->ghostie asks!
ghostieeeee · 2 months
So uh... >~<
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iamrizaka · 1 month
Cecil: What would you do if Nico became a snake?
Will, knowing something is off: Why is he a snake?
Cecil: Let's say, Lou Ellen turned him.
Will: I will let him bite and poison both of you before praying to Hecate to turn him back.
Nico the Snake: *has a love-struck expression*
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beetlejuicexlydia · 12 days
“how are all my little juice-boxes today?” 🧃
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lesbicosmos · 3 months
the extent of my contributions to dbda fanart:
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harmlessghosty · 8 months
the Touchstarved LIs and the shenanigans they would commit at a pool/beach (nsfw or sfw whatever u wanna do, I'm just obsessed with the idea of them being sillies)
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Not me being from total beach-town and sitting here like, “Mm, yes, what does one do at the beach??”
Just a few little headcanons with a little spicy here and there. Nothing more vulgar than what’s implied in the game though!
- Very much conservatively dressed—total rash guard over his arms and legs and conscious of sunburns.
- In fact, he’s so cautious that he brings extra sunscreen and offers to reapply it for you every time you get out of the water or every couple of hours when it’s most washed away by sweat. Definitely takes extra time massaging it into your skin, using the excuse that he’s just being sure but really wants to touch you more.
- “I certainly don’t want to have to treat burns. I’ve seen more than my fair share of those.”
- Ties up his hair into a loose bun when he gets in the water. It just takes so long to dry that he doesn’t want to soak it down.
- Sneakily will dunk you beneath the water (assuming you haven’t told him firmly not to do it) by caressing your waist from behind before plunging your body under or throwing you away from him so that you go under. Gives a clever smile and swims toward you to lift you high enough that your shoulders are out of the water and he can nuzzle your nose. (He’s so tall……)
- “You’re soaked. Perhaps I should towel you off sooner rather than later.”
- Is secretly eyeing your body from behind a textbook he brought to read while sunbathing. If you catch him, he makes the excuse that he’s just looking for any signs of concerning spots or redness, but really his eyes are wandering.
- How little clothes is he required to wear at the beach or a public pool? Is a thong okay, or must you insist he covers his pride more than that?
- Sincerely forgets that other people are around and blares music or speaks so loudly that others will turn his way. He’s lucky he’s so attractive because, with little more than a grin and a flirty apology, no one cares. He’ll offer them a nice drink or a sandwich, and all is forgiven.
- Brings all the supplies you could possibly want. What should you do first? What if you play volleyball, or maybe you can build sandcastles, or bat a beach ball back and forth? Everyone around you can join in too, if they want!
- “The more the merrier! Oh, you’re not very good at this. Well, practice makes perfect. Don’t give up just yet!”
- Doesn’t want to reveal the scars across his chest, but doesn’t mind if it’s around strangers he won’t ever see again. If it’s with friends, he’ll wear a tank top to cover most of them, but overall, he won’t mind too much. If anyone dares to push asking about them, a little frown is all it takes to shut them up.
- Gets bored easily if he’s not moving around. If you just want to lie there and sunbathe, expect an arm around your waist or him plucking at the elastic of your suit.
- “It isn’t often we get to visit such nice water. We should swim while we get the chance. Besides, I wouldn’t want that pretty bathing suit to not get used.”
- Immediately flirts the moment he sees you in your bathing suit. Eyes narrow. Smirk widens. He saunters up to you and slips sharp nails around your waist as though threatening to rip it off of you, which he very well might do the moment you’re away from any prying eyes.
- “Why don’t you take a dip to cool off? I wouldn’t mind seeing you dripping wet.”
- Doesn’t like going in the water much, but will hang off your arm or lift you into his lap and carry you around if he does. As a Monster, he’s more than strong enough to carry you outside of the water, but this is much less effort on his part…and more slick too.
- “Nude beaches are more entertaining than this. Perhaps next time, I’ll be able to see all of you spread out before me. I can already imagine the sun glimmering off of your…delicate…skin…”
- Are you nervous to show off your body? Expect him to be a hype man, ready to shower you with compliments until you’re blushing from more than just the heat of the sun.
- Wears the most expensive bathing suit, and the most glamorous. After all, if he’s not swimming very much, then what does it matter if it’s got glitter, metal, or velvet? He looks handsome enough to eat, doesn’t he? Consider humoring him later.
- Is very cautious of keeping his tail and ears free of sand. It’s uncomfortable and hard to rinse off.
- Will absolutely lift and throw you into the pool or the waves. Sorry, but it’s cute to see you resurface all annoyed that he got you wet or that the water is cold.
- Watches others with suspicion if they happen to look at you. It’s not that he’s super overprotective, but he doesn’t want anyone to get the idea that you’re available. If someone starts making conversation, he makes it clear that they’re not welcome.
- “Sun’s pretty hot, but the breeze is cold. Should really get closer if you don’t want to freeze.”
- Spends more time in the water than anyone else. It feels like a second home to him, for several unusual reasons. Don’t ask.
- Carries you around in the water and burrows into your neck with hot breaths. Who cares if someone thinks he’s being too touchy? You’re his. That’s all there is to it.
- Will easily get mad if there are too many screaming kids around, but has a soft spot for ones that are playing quieter games, building sandcastles, or collecting shells. Thinks about finding hermit crabs to give those shells to.
- “Didn’t think there’d be so many people around. Guess I can’t convince you to show me any tan lines, huh?”
- Wears a loose t-shirt and shorts, not trying to cover themself much but being careful not to show off too much of their body.
- “Why is everyone so loud? It’s public. Have some respect for others.”
- Too proud to ask for help with sunscreen, but expects you to notice that they’re struggling to reach their back. When you do start to help them, they close their eyes and lean into it, then pout slightly when you’re done before offering to help with yours.
- Probably falls into a hole some jerk didn’t fill up and face-plants into the sand. It’s not that they’re uncoordinated, but sometimes they just aren’t that lucky. Curses way too loud about it and gets some glares, but they glare back just as hard.
- “Get in the shade. You’re sweating like a whore in church. Why don’t you try harder to protect yourself? Geez, here’s some water.”
- Sits beneath an umbrella most of the time, but eventually wanders into the water and swims around with you using a single pool noodle. It’s just nice to be next to you in the water, quietly enjoying floating around.
- Doesn’t bring their dagger, but keeps a close eye out for any creepy people who look like they’ll cause trouble. Quickly moves you and your stuff away from the crowds if they sense a weirdo around.
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st-hedge · 1 year
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Dark link and phantom Ganon but they are weird Pokémon trainers. Haunter and runerigus for dark link. Rookidee, lampent, and zorua (only the tiniest guys) for phantom Ganon. Don’t question my Pokémon vibe check, it simply fits. Also shiny Pokémon for shiny ganlink
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kerizaret · 9 days
HAIII (hoping you're asleep at this point) Could I request some Pierrot and Hina... Though, this time instead of bullying could we have some friendship <33 Just some fluff if that's okay from the angst queen
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HII as an apology that this took so long you get them in colour :D
Kintsugi close-up bc I did it differently and it's a bit hard to notice in colour 👍
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 8 months
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A coupla sketches for the ‘Free Baby Saga(s) Masterpost’ doodle I been working on,,
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ask-ctommy · 5 days
+ He stirred, waking up. He pulled @hayaletasksquestions closer to him in his half-asleep state.
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rozugold · 10 months
If your still doing request, I was thinking about your possessed Tommy doodles and was hoping you can do a doodle about someone trying to get dream out without hurting Tommy or try and talk to him while dream is still possessing him. I really like this idea and can't stop thinking about it ever since you posted about it.
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A hug always fixes everything!
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ghostieeeee · 1 month
Chat, is it okay to cry not even 4 minutes after having woken up
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monstersandmaw · 6 months
Monster romance lovers who like female monsters, I feel like you're hugely underrepresented in my writing. I know there's much less call for them, but still, I'd like to write a few more female monsters.
What kinds of monsters (orcs, fae, mermaids, aliens etc.) or characteristics (horns, wings, size, body type etc.) do you want when looking for a specifically female monster romance?
(reader's details/orientation not relevant for this - I'm currently only interested in what kinds of female monsters you want.)
Send asks or reply to this post! Whatever you're comfortable with.
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superkirbylover · 1 year
Love your pony interpretations on the Pizza Tower characters! It made me think of some headcanons, and this one had to be my favorite:
Fluttershy and Gustavo are totally good buddies, maybe not BEST friends, but they just really vibe because... Brick. I feel like Flutters would adore Brick right away, and then form more of a friendship with Gustavo later on, and Gustavo wouldn't mind bc he's a great guy :)
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i completely agree
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slashthrashandcrash · 5 months
all you have to do for Feminism(tm) is to balance it out with sexified male Ghostface too!
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You're so right.
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harmlessghosty · 7 months
Saw the vamp!touchstarved character braunrote and I offer my opinions:
Vampire Vere would be ruthless before he really falls in love with reader. He's greedy and wouldn't think twice about draining someone. But tbh I think when he gets close/serious with reader he'd still be greedy and messy and shit but he'd drink readers blood like it's fine wine. He gets his main fix from other victims but really savours reader. Expect it to be extremely bloody tho, he likes it to look like a crime scene xD
Leander for sure tries to kinda hide it. Not hardcore, bit he tries not to tell EVERYONE. He won't go our of his way but also you wouldn't know by just looking at him. I also think he'd be hesitant to drink from his SO and would make it way romantic, or at least he'd try
Mhin would go out of their way to hide that their a vampire. Would NEVER EVER dream of drinking from a person. They and up having to do it but they won't be happy. Also if their SO asked for them to drink their blood Mhin would refuse 100 times before agreeing. Feels very bad that they actually enjoyed it.... Might have gone a bit overboard too (vere did find out and tease them to hell and back fs)
I don't have much on Ais and Kuras rn cause... Brain empty
VAMPIRE TOUCHSTARVED BRAINROT, LET’S GOOOO! I love love LOVE all of your headcanons. Absolutely love them.
Vampire Vere would definitely not think twice about murder. MC would find him dabbing at his crimson lips with bloodstained, monogrammed handkerchiefs more often than not. And when he wants to feed from his beloved? It’s an entire show he puts on. They get a candlelit room, a nice hot meal, tons of fluffy pillows and blankets…the whole nine yards, before he leans so close, his breath runs across the nape of their neck. “You smell delightful,” he whispers, a firm kiss pressing to their skin. “I’m sure you don’t mind that I eat after all of this preparation I’ve done for you, hm?”
Leander DEFINITELY tries to hide it. There are rumors, of course, swirling around Eridia, but no one really knows what’s true and what’s not. Turns out, being a contracted killer really helps conceal his vampiric identity! He can easily do away with bodies and no one will ask questions. Why do criminals keep appearing with two holes in the same spot on their neck? Weird. Maybe someone should hire Leander to look into that and find the culprit…and of course, he’ll take MC along for the journey, which seems a bit more roundabout than it should be. If he needs to feed during the trip, then perhaps they’re a good source of sustenance. After all, does it matter if his beloved knows his secret? They won’t tell a soul unless they’re trying to get themselves mysteriously killed too…
Mhin would never drink from a person…unless they’re absolutely starving to death. Even then, I imagine it to be a moment of disgust with themself—retching and vomiting the first few times they feed, then admitting they need to drink blood for their survival and doing it as humanely as possible. They knock out their victims and only drink until the hunger has barely subsided. They choose spots beneath clothes where marks could be mistaken for bug bites. Mhin struggles to admit they like MC’s blood more than anyone else’s; they really wish they didn’t, but they can’t get enough of it, to the point that they find it difficult to sleep beside them at night without absentmindedly running their fangs along MC’s skin. They’re just so hungry around their partner. Maybe…just a little sip…
Ais is a voracious beast and doesn’t try to hide his vampiric nature even a little bit. Everyone knows he’s dangerous, and everyone avoids him like the plague. And naturally, Ais with Vere is…horrifying. There’s a lot of begging for him to give mercy and let them live, but he’s no fool. If he lets too many of his victims live, then surely people will find a way to gang up on him. While that’s an interesting proposition, he’s not sure he wants to fight a dozen weak-ass humans when he’d much rather fight someone of his own caliper; humans are just too pathetic. When he meets MC, he’s constantly teasing them with flashes of his long fangs. “Scared? Should be, little sparrow,” he says, scrubbing dried blood off of his knuckles. He even sneaks up to feed from them, thinking MC will just be another victim, but somehow becomes smitten with their taste instead. They should be savored. It’s much more satisfying tasting them on occasion than devouring them whole so quickly.
Kuras is meticulous. He’s very much prone to drawing blood through proper means and drinking it from simple testing tubes in shot-like doses. If a patient needs a transfusion or a blood test, he’ll simply take an extra vial or two as payment. Yes, he feels guilty at first, but he can’t allow himself to starve when he needs to help the people of Eridia as a consequence of his terrible past. When MC is discovered practically bled out and armless, he makes sure to put them back together and doesn’t take a sample, not even a little, but he strongly considers it. He even has to wipe drool from his lips because they simply smell so strongly of beautiful blood. When they get closer to him and realize his true nature, he offers little more than a calm smile. “Would you like to sustain me as well, or do you prefer our current partnership instead?”
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socialc1imb · 5 days
I’d love to hear your thoughts on Soul 2 if you are willing to share them :]
Ya! My version of Soul 2 is a nefarious bastard but I adore it so much. Basically, it's a ghost; a poltergeist to be more specific. Soul 2 started as a coping mechanism for soul that turned sour. He was a (physically) harmless manifestation of Soul's self doubt that Soul accidentally gave power to, allowing it to act as a poltergeist. Now it basically haunts the mindscape and wreaks havoc on the three. It's goal is to kill Soul, and if he happens to take down Heart and Mind, then that's cool too. It doesn't really care lol. That's what happens when Soul accidentally thinks too hard about himself and creates a separate entity made of his metal illness. whoops!
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