honeyboyy · 2 years
how was your gristlemas boy
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honeyboyy · 2 years
I like the goth girl/dude duo but why her backstory gotta be ntr man
I mean it's just a dumb little idea, I might expand on it down the line but if people aren't interested in that type of story then it doesn't need to be made.
My reasoning with it is Claire isn't exactly the best person, sometimes people aren't happy in their current situation and they make bad decisions, I think it's a realistic scenario and it's something that happens a lot in the real world unfortunately. If anything I'll justify it by saying the guy she was with was a douchebag so it works out.
And of course you should self insert with Jaime. If you self insert with anything else then uhhhhh ... I don't know what to tell you but that's a serious problem haha.
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honeyboyy · 2 years
How is your Christmas?
It was nice! Very chill and some good things to look forward to in the New Year! Lots of exciting changes soon to come!
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honeyboyy · 2 years
When you draw do you usually listen to music, have something playing in the background, or does it really matter? Like what's your artistic process like; are larger projects like comics something that have more prep before you spend time on them?
with drawing anything I usually play some music, or put a video or movie in the background, can't watch anime because of subtitles but maybe some random movie for the season or a podcast or a video essay.
Comics are such a difficult thing to work on i've realized, my process with comics is first making the script/what happens/summary of story/plot/sequence. and then after that I spend time thumbnailing the pages and paneling out, after that is done, I work page by page doing lines, panel lines, flat colors, shading, and then background, like how I would with any other normal drawing.
I have a few scripts for some comics already that I'm planning on thumbnailing soon.
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honeyboyy · 2 years
right here baby
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honeyboyy · 2 years
What kind of equipment do you use for your artwork? How many years has it taken you to get to the level of skill you're at now, it's really impressive! Be safe! Sorry this is on Anon if you were looking to build real connections!!
I use a Wacom Cintiq 16 with Clip Studio Paint. Sometimes I also use my iPad Pro and Procreate, I switch between the two.
I've been drawing my whole life but I would say it's been about 8 or 9 years since I started taking drawing seriously again, I still have a long ways to go in getting better I believe.
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honeyboyy · 2 years
where has u been?
ive been posting on twitter mostly,
besides that its a lot of being unmotivated to draw, or busy with personal life stuff. All in all, art is a hobby for me, so I have to prioritize some other things in life. But I hope to continue always making art.
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honeyboyy · 2 years
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honeyboyy · 2 years
ghussy :)
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honeyboyy · 2 years
I think you did a great job with that comic. I too want a ghost girlfriend
Thank you!
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honeyboyy · 2 years
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I make the comic!
you can get it on gumroad here
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honeyboyy · 2 years
10 bucks
i made it 5
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honeyboyy · 2 years
Maybe just release the comic now?
how much would you guys pay for it (its 5 pages)
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honeyboyy · 2 years
any progress updates on the ghost comic you were talking about on twitter? what about the "???" comic link that disappeared from the tab here as well lol
haha that's amazing you caught that I'm glad someone did :)
I'll just say, Ghost comic is complete. I'm just thinking about whether to release it now or wait until next halloween? i'm a bit conflicted as to what to do.
The "???" comic i'm still working on, and taking all the time I can to do so. Also thinking about ideas as to how to further story, and admittedly I'm a bit stuck as to how draw the rest of it right now.
I've been fairly busy with important life stuff, and have sort of been putting art on a backburner for the bit admittedly, I need to first sort out some other projects I've set my priorities on currently, and then I plan to limit myself to a few projects at a time
I have this horrible habit of just starting new things all the time without focusing on finishing the prior ones, so I have this huge potential art works I wanna go back and work on again, and also pick up on some things I left off on like the automaton beat story line
If you have any other questions pleaes let me know!
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honeyboyy · 2 years
Oh okay if i tag you in the nsfw comm get i got from ya or prefer not to?
(This is dlog btw)
I don't think you'd be able to on tumblr lol but yeah sure
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honeyboyy · 2 years
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honeyboyy · 2 years
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