#- too permissive. You can almost feel the next person coming up behind her and that's how net zero change is made
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 days ago
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Predation. [Patreon | Commissions]
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bleuside97 · 1 year ago
There is Only One Rule.
paring: toxichusband!jungkook x wife!reader
genre: yandere jungkook
summary: when y/n get home late and jungkook is waiting for her.
warnings: Jungkook is an asshole in this, abusive behavior, drunk and aggressive Jungkook, manipulative behavior, cussing, manhandling, bipolar jungkook, sadistic Jungkook, mentions of gagging, jealousy, degrading oc, oc is punished by jk.
This is purely fiction just for entertainment purposes. Do not condone or support behavior like this!
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Jungkook kisses his teeth, shaking his head. "Ah... What can she be doing out so late." He pressed his lips against the rim of the cold beer in his hand, closing his eyes letting the cold sensation trickle down his his throat. That was the last drop left of his drink. He rest the empty bottle on the coffee table that was in front of the chair. He leans back in the chair, kicking his feet on the coffee table in thought. Resting his tattooed arm above his head and the other arm scratching his chin. The cans and empty bottles of soju pile around the floor. Currently, it's early in the morning he awaits for your arrival, watching the minutes go by on the clock. His eyes turned to the front door as he heard the sound of keys unlocking it. You walked into your dark house, tired out of your mind. You just had the night of your life with a couple of friends and want nothing more to do than be in your loving husband's arms. You turned to lock the front door, taking off your shoes before the door.
His eyes narrowed at the sight of you. "Where the fuck were you?" He demanded, finally standing up from the couch. "Relax, I was just with a couple friends." Your voice is monotone. You pause in your steps, you stretch your arms above your head to yawn. You eyes land on the only other person in the room. You take in his appearance. He moved sloppy and slurred his words a bit. He's drunk. Nevertheless you go to kiss him on the cheek. He backs away slightly, he was clearly pissed off. Pushing you slightly away when you tried to kiss him. He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at you menacingly.
"You know what time it is? You were supposed to be home hours ago. What is my wife's explanation for coming home at almost the crack of dawn?" He stared down at you waiting for a response.
"What's up your crack?" You muttered under your breath, making sure Jungkook didn't hear you. "I didn't know you were my dad. Next time I'll make sure to ask for permission first." Y/n rolls her eyes and carries her tired legs to the kitchen to get herself a meal out of the fridge. He follows you to the kitchen, standing behind you as you fill up a cup from the fridge. He grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him.
"Don't you fucking dare disrespect me!" He growls, his eyes blazing with fury. He shoves you hard against the fridge, pressing his body against yours. The back of your head immediately hits the cold metal throbbing immediately.
"You will never talk to me like that again." His once dark brown eyes become dark. He looks down at you intensely. His hands remain at the side of your head locking you in. "Jungkook stop!" You whined pushing your husband off her with all your might, he only stumbled a bit before catching himself. He takes a minute to walk straight towards you. He chuckles eerily as his hands worked to unbutton his cuffs and roll the sleeves of his crisp black button up to the elbow, telling you he is not playing around. When your husband is drunk, there's only one rule don't make him mad.
"Yah! Where are your manners is that how a wife should treat her husband, huh?” His voice is so powerful it is laced with hostile, enough to make you feel small. You looked at him to digest the situation not knowing who it can turn out. Maybe you where fucked out of your mind too, not thinking straight. Because you were most definitely brave at this moment. "Jungkook, who do you think you are huh." You answered bravely before you could see something in the Jungkook switch. The look in his eyes was cold and ruthless, as if he was ready to hurt you. And that scared you the most.
You wanted to say that Jungkook had never acted so aggressive before but that would be a lie. "Look at me y/n." He commands you in his busan accent. You look into his dark eyes, you don't see the same doe eyed man you, you knew before. He narrows his eyes at you menacingly, if looks can kill you'd be dead by now. "Sweetheart, I should really fix that mouth of yours... Just how rude are you? One warning was already given to you, now you will get the apprehensions."
Your eyebrows furrowed, giving him a confused look. You hesitate to utter another word. "Honey, are you drunk?" You asked the new man standing in front of you. He ignores your question, nodding his head kidding his bottom lip out. "Do you think I want to be like this? Do you think I like being so aggressive? No! I can't help it, I can't control myself when I'm around you. You make me lose all control. So you should be more careful around me. This is your fault, y/n." Jungkook's tone is cold as ice as if he doesn't feel an inch to blame for his abusive behavior.
He stands beside the counter grabbing your hand pulling you to the sink of the kitchen. He forcefully pushes your head down the sink, hand reaching for the soap. You try your hardest to fight against him. Yelling and thrashing out, but he didn't listen to you. He positions his body behind you his big strong arms wrap around your smaller frame like a lock. "Y/n. You know how much I can't stand when I have to repeat myself.” Through brute force he is able to force your mouth wide open and shoved the bitter liquid. He watches you with a smile as you react by gagging your hand in your mouth. He enjoyed seeing the tears leave your eyes. When Jungkook feels as if you've had enough he with water helps you rinse the cleaning substance out of your mouth. Soon enough all over the soap leaves you a chocking and crying mess on the counter. You try to catch your own breathe. He steps away from you admiring is his work. But soon, enough he feels only a tad guilty.
He grabs your wrists again, squeezing them tight. He pulls them behind your back, pressing your body against his. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, his voice low and menacing. she turns her face away from him as he reeks of beer. He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes turned a shade lighter.
"Aigoo, I didn't mean to be so rough." he apologizes, seeming genuinely remorseful. He gives you a weak smile, hoping you will understand. He pouts his pink lips to you.
He reaches out and touches your cheek, caressing it gently. His eyes meet yours, filled with such warmth and affection. He looks at you with such devotion, as if you were the most important person in the world to him. He stops nuzzling your neck, his face just inches away from yours.
He gazes at you with such fondness and affection, his eyes filled with now love. You eyes now unsure if you can look at him the same. He seems completely smitten with you, as if all his anger has disappeared. "I'm sorry" he apologizes again, seeming genuinely remorseful. "I got carried away, I let my jealousy and possessiveness get the better of me. You have to understand, I'm afraid of losing you" he explains, "Y/n, let's go to bed now."
a/n edited: let me know if you like this one ... should i keep doing fics like this. I love writing yandere but maybe this is too abusive. But the real question is why am I writing fics like this so casually? and trust me i have many more yandere fics in mind. like idea wise and i basically have the whole brainstorming thing down. but it would really be amazing if I can collab with someone to write them with.
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Donatello's First Love—Splinter's Talk
mostly bayverse, could be 2003 if you squint hard enough. did it a little different with this one compared to the others :0 word count: 1.6k
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Spanning his messy corner of the Lair, Donnie's many monitors mounted to the wall were alight with a blue glow. The same few camera feeds rotated between the locations outside of their home and other places, monitoring, and allowing surveillance to take a backseat in his mind while he worked. At his desk, he gently squeezed a pipette into the mouth of a breaker, waiting for the reaction he was looking for to occur. 
"Interesting," he mumbled to himself, "I wonder what happens if I were to supercool the mixture." 
He placed the substance in a tray and prepared another batch, this time, much more concentrated. There wasn't much to do around the house besides experiment with the materials he'd salvaged. That was fine; he enjoyed the process, and filling notebooks—and his walls—to the brim with chemical equations, notes and mathematics that hardly anyone but he could read. 
Careful with his large fingers to not drop the pipette, he sucked a few drops up from the test tube, going in to add to the mixture. He squinted, almost there. And then the startling alarm pinged on the screen next to him, making him jump and squirt the chemical on his work surface. He quickly wiped up and looked over at the computer. "'Motion detected: [y/n]'s apartment complex'," the screen read, switching camera feeds to one of the multiple tiny cameras he had set up. He only put cameras where he thought it mattered; he was paranoid about an ambush, and even more so at her place than theirs, now that she was coming and going from the Lair. The likelihood of their enemies finding out her association with them was about a fifty-seven percent chance, fifty percent too much for Donnie.
He scanned the monitor for signs of anything suspicious, but it turned out to be only a friend dropping by with a key to put a package inside, with [y/n]'s permission. 
"Oh," he muttered, suddenly feeling silly. He made sure the person left her apartment—and locked it back—before quickly switching the feed. That was his one secret nobody had managed to catch him out on yet. Even so, he felt slick and a little guilty for spying. But, justifiably, they needed to know if she ever was in danger! He dismissed the notification and rotated the feeds manually. "Whoops. Sorry, [y/n]...yeah, I'll just switch that back." 
He shuffled around to resume his work titrating. Except Splinter stood curiously behind the desk, eyes trained close on the monitors, and then Donnie. Donnie flinched—Splinter usually didn't come in or near his lab. In fact, none of his family normally bothered him when he had his nose in his work, because none of them understood it. Not even Leo bothered to try to get the details. The details went over their heads. 
"So, Donatello, what is it you are working on?"
"Oh, Master Splinter," Donnie greeted him, glancing back to make sure the monitor was no longer on the door to her apartment. He picked up the pipette and test tube he'd knocked over before, "What is it?"
"Refer back to my last question," Splinter replied. He leaned calmly against his cane and looked all around the cluttered lab. Notes taped, tacked, even glued to walls. A whiteboard full of impossible equations, various pieces of technology in disrepair he'd picked up from trash and things going to recycling. Quite the mess, but Donnie knew where everything was. Splinter cocked his head slightly. "What disorganization," he commented.
"Disorganized to you," Donnie corrected with a smile, "but I can find anything I'm looking for—it's actually 'unorganized', implies that it never was organized. The definition of 'disorganized' suggests that something once was organized but now isn't, but I never once had this place in order," he rambled. 
"Donatello," Splinter interrupted. Once his son got talking, it was hard to stop him. He just had to interject to get a word in. "What is it you are doing? You have been very unfocused lately. This is strange for you."  
"Unfocused" was an understatement. With a mind already running miles per minute, he was getting caught up in his own head. Getting his work station back to a functional state, he set up his tube tray, answering, "Titrating these and writing out their chemical equations. The brain's like a muscle, gotta exercise it and stay sharp," he said. And with all that sharpness, he was only half-suspicious as to why Splinter was suddenly interested in what he was doing. 
Splinter nodded. "Then I must not have seen miss [y/n]'s apartment complex on your screen. Carry on." 
Donnie froze, watching Splinter out of the corner of his hazel eyes. His stomach dropped. So, it was one secret—they weren't going to understand, he was just as protective of their home, too! What if she couldn't call the police, or even them in time if someone broke in? Her apartment wasn't in a good area, Donatello already didn't like that. What if someone grabbed her? He couldn't put his mind at ease without knowing. 
"I—well, this was a recent development, you see," Donatello stuttered, fidgeting with the purple wraps around his hands. He realized then how weird it all looked and panicked. He'd never meant for it to go this far; his cautionary measures just kept escalating more and more with his feelings for her. "I swear, it's just outside of her place! I would never put a camera in her apartment, that would be creepy, and way overstepping," he explained. "I told her I'd always look out for her and that she can count on me."
"Oh, I suppose it's no problem, then, since she gave you such consent," Splinter said, looking away momentarily to scratch his chin. His eyes snapped back over to his anxious son and popped a hairy brow up as he knocked the end of his cane on the floor to grab his attention further. "Is that right, Donatello?" 
He wanted to go into his shell. I'm busted, this is not good. "Don't tell her! So, I, um…I didn't exactly…" The thought trailed off. He didn't need to finish that sentence for both of them to know. 
"Precisely my point. Now that we have made that clear, would you like to tell me what this is really about?" 
"No! I mean, I will, since you're asking, but—agh, I swear, I'm not a creep," he said. "I just wanted to make sure she'd be okay. That's it." 
Splinter crossed behind his desk, slipping an arm around his son's shell. Donnie wanted to pull away. "Come with me. Let's take a walk." 
He led them out of the Lair into the tunnels outside their home. They could loop around easily and end up back at the Lair, and Splinter knew Donnie was going to resist talking if the others could be around to hear. Sometimes, you must play on other people's terms, he thought, listening to the quiet drip echo as they ambled through the sewer. He figured it was time to do a little damage control, although he normally pledged not to interfere with his sons and them making their mistakes. However, he didn't want to see Donatello make a potentially hazardous one to himself. 
"Now, you must understand, my son, you cannot know everything at once," Splinter said, avoiding an accusatory tone. "You have a brilliant mind, but you certainly don't tend to see the obvious." 
"What do you mean, master?" Donnie questioned. The "obvious" being under any other circumstances, his actions would definitely be seen as "creepy". The notion flew right under his radar as something to worry about, as their circumstances were anything but normal. 
"Of course, you are a young man, you want to watch out for the one you love," Splinter pointed out. Donnie cringed, even though he hasn't made much of an attempt to hide that fact. He was excited to explore something new, why should he have hidden thos feelings? He didn't shout them to the world. But it was well-known among their family that he'd beaten his brothers to the punch when it came to her, and no going for it was an unwritten but understood boundary. Still, this wasn't a conversation he was prepared for have tonight; his mind was still back at his lab.
"About everyone but Michelangelo has noticed you've been retreating to your lab more often recently." He chuckled. "And your antics around her are obvious, again. Loosen your grip a little. You are annoying your brothers vying for her attention." 
Donnie felt a rush of embarrassment come over him. Yes, he was showy—expressive, maybe too quick to whisk her away to demonstrate his new inventions, the stuff he'd discovered. Donnie knew he could hyperfixate on and obsess over things; she was on his mind more than not. As for annoying his brother, he wasn't the strongest, but he was the smartest. He was much more eager with his staff and putting his siblings back in their lane when she was around. The electric component on his weapon came in handy for quick corrections, and goofing around. 
Through all of that, he remembered having a moment of clarity when she was inspecting his computer setup one night and the camera almost flickered to hers, to which he scrambled to shut it off. Conveniently, he brushed that aside. 
Donnie lifted his goggles, rubbing his face sheepishly. "I guess you're right," he admitted. 
"The things you do for love," Splinter shook his head. "Be sure you do not push her away by accident. You are fortunate I had the mind to come talk to you about this before you made a mistake and a fool of yourself. Consider it a fair warning," he said as he looked over at his son, who waited quietly for him to continue, "to not overstep." 
"I understand, loud and clear." 
Splinter nodded in agreement, "Good. I trust you will take this advice well. You have a good heart and good intentions, Donatello, do not be clouded by your mind. Your brain is not your only quality."
"Thanks, master Splinter. I'll let up on it," Donnie relented with a small smile. He was still uncomfortable, feeling a bit dumb. He always was so caught up on making predictions, keeping everything running smoothly and safely that he didn't always consider how that worked for other people. Just because it made sense to him, didn't mean it made sense to them. Note that for later, Donatello, he reminded himself. He turned around to head back to the Lair. 
Splinter stopped to take in a little sunlight from the grate above his head, stopping Donnie in his tracks. "Oh, and Donatello," he called. 
Splinter assumed parental status, and Donnie knew that scolding tone all too well. "Tell her about it, or turn that damned camera off." 
~wooOoOOOoooOooOooo partitionnnnnnn~
Side rant: I actually hate it when people portray Donnie (except for 2012 iterations) as shy and unconfident. He is literally the opposite in 2003 and Bayverse. Donatello is not "a little baby uwu" and I'm tired of people making him look so meek 😭
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 1 year ago
Let's Talk About That
Love of my life, would you lie? (8)
Psychiatrist!Avenger!fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: The team discusses what to do about Thanos
Word Count: 3.1K
Warning: Mostly angst, but some fluff too!
A/N: Writing through Infinity War has been a hell of a journey and I still have more to do!
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"Hello secretary." Steve said to the hologram of secretary Ross as we entered the compound. You held Natasha’s hand with Wanda and Vision behind you.
"You have some nerve coming here." Secretary Ross spoke.
"Looks like you could use some of that right about now." Natasha stated bluntly.
"The world's on fire and you think all's forgiven?" Ross asks Steve.
"I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender so we're here to fight and if you want to stand in our way then we can fight you too." Steve stated to Ross who turned his attention to Rhodey.
"Aresst them." Ross said.
"Will do." Rhodey pushed the holograms effectively ending the virtual call.
"That sounded like a court marshal." Rhodey stated flatly before smiling. "It's good to see you Cap." Holding out his hand which Cap shook. Then Natasha let go of your hand giving Rhodey a hug.
"Well you guys all look like crap." Rhodey jokes and you let out a chuckle.
"You should have seen the other guys. I got there and they ran with their tails between their legs." You told him a big smile on your face.
"Went all power stone on then didn't you?" You nodded, earning a hair ruffle from Rhodey.
"Of course they were hurting people I care about." You looked back at Wanda and Vision with a smile. "No one gets away with hurting the people I care about."
"I think you guys look great." You hear as you turn your head to the familiar voice of Bruce. Natasha doesn't move, but you do, running up to hug him.
"Missed you big guy. Both of you." You say as he picks you up.
"Missed you little lady."
"Hi Bruce." Natasha speaks and you let go looking back at her. The faintest smile in the corners of her lips.
"Nat." He does a nod of his head.
You run back over to Tasha. "Go." You whisper through your teeth. She shakes her head ever so slightly. "If I did it you can do it. Go." You move behind her and push her. Making her stumble forward, Bruce catching her as you move back next to Wanda and sigh. "Young love...or old...I'm not quite sure anymore with those two." You state to the now red head, last you had seen her Wanda still had brunette hair.
As you glanced back at Natasha and Bruce, a sense of hope flickered within you, a reminder that even amidst chaos and uncertainty, love and connection could endure, serving as a beacon of light in the darkness.
When Vision is taken by Bruce to be examined and Nat talks with Steve, Rhodey, and Sam, Wanda pulls you away into the compound. You trail behind her, relishing in the way her hand feels in yours. You had missed how it felt; almost forgot how it felt actually.
You don't realize it until she opens the door that she's taken you to your office. She looked back at you and gave a small smile as she sat on the couch like she always used to. You walk to your desk, seeing everything as you had left it. Your notebook for Wanda sitting there. You smile, picking it up along with the red pen you always used for her notes, testing the pen to make sure it still works.
You move back over sitting across from her, clicking your pen as you look at her over your glasses.
"Are you happier with her?" Wanda asks, making your throat dry up instantly. It felt hard to swallow, hard to breath.
"Don't make me answer that." You manage to say.
"Why? 'Cause it's true?"
"You know it's not. I love Natasha. Truly I do, but I'm not happier with her. The only thing that makes me happier is knowing she's made me a better person for you if you can ever give me a second chance and if not. I'll settle for her." You tell her flat out, putting your feelings out there. "My heart has always been yours."
"Does she know that?"
"Of course she does. She's not stupid." You respond with a slight bite to your words as you write in your note book.
Feeling a need to lay bare the depth of your feelings, you flipped through the pages of the notebook, searching for a particular entry. As you found the right page, you turned the notebook toward Wanda, revealing a love note you had penned after she returned from Lagos, a moment etched in my memory where she broke down, finding solace in your arms.
The emotions spilled across the page, a raw expression of love, hurt, and comfort. You saw the reflection of those sentiments in Wanda's eyes as tears glistened, capturing the spectrum of her feelings in a poignant dance of colors. The room held a heavy silence, interrupted only by the quiet sobs that reverberated between the two of you, bridging the gap between past and present.
"You took my hurt away...?" Wanda's voice was soft, laced with disbelief and a hint of wonder. You nodded solemnly, feeling the weight of your actions settle heavily on your shoulders.
"I know I said I'd never do it without your permission, but I had to take some of it. I could see it overtaking you. It was bitter and tasted like bile," You explained, a shiver coursing through you at the memory. "You know I don't like eating emotions, especially negative ones."
Wanda nodded in understanding before rising from her seat, crossing the space between you until your knees touched. Her touch was gentle as she cupped your cheek, coaxing you to meet her gaze. You hesitated, but her commanding tone compelled you to look into her deep green eyes, the same eyes you had always found solace in.
"Hey. Look at me," she urged softly, her voice carrying a mixture of warmth and familiarity. You met her gaze, feeling a sense of calm wash over you as your eyes locked.
"I missed the fuck out of you. I was upset with you about that jealous outburst, but you were just a kid still, and I forgot that along the way because you're you and so smart and mature," she confessed, her words washing over you like a soothing balm. You leaned into her touch, finally allowing yourself to relax in her presence.
"I'm sorry for what happened to us two years ago, Y/N," Wanda apologized, her voice laced with genuine remorse. You smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her hand in response.
"I'm sorry too, Wanda. If it hadn't been for those stupid accords..."
"We don't know what could have or would have happened, Y/N, and we shouldn't dwell on that. All we can do is move forward and see where that takes us," she reassured you, her words resonating deeply within you.
You nodded in agreement, pulling her into a tight hug, reveling in the familiar warmth of her embrace. As you buried your face in her neck, you breathed in her intoxicating scent of vanilla, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. Opening your eyes, you saw the telltale red aura surrounding her, a manifestation of love and passion that stirred something deep within you. With a smile, you allowed yourself to fully embrace the moment, knowing that your journey forward held endless possibilities.
"Vision and I have a connection through the mind stone, and I do love him just like how I know you love Nat. What you and I had, I will always hold close, but I can't just leave Vision," Wanda's words cut through you like a knife, each syllable piercing deeper into your heart.
You struggled to find a response, your mind reeling with a mix of emotions—heartache, disappointment, and a lingering sense of resignation. Before you could gather your thoughts to form a coherent reply, Tasha's voice interrupted the heavy silence, drawing your attention to the doorway where she stood.
"Figured I'd find you two here. Time for a meeting on what we're going to be doing," Tasha announced, her presence offering a temporary respite from the weight of the conversation.
You stood up at Tasha's words, leaving Wanda behind in the office. Tasha pulled you close, her kiss on your cheek a fleeting reassurance amidst the turmoil brewing inside you. Her whispered question echoed in your ear, and you offered only a small shrug in response as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"We'll talk later, okay?" You assured Tasha, and she simply nodded in understanding as Wanda joined you, her presence feeling like a heavy weight on your shoulders. You didn't pay much attention to her, but you noticed Tasha's subtle glance back at Wanda, a silent warning simmering beneath the surface of her gaze. If looks could kill, Wanda would be dead from whatever Tasha had conveyed in that single glance.
"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Bruce asks, his tone laced with concern as he scans the room for answers.
"And they can clearly find us," Wanda reminds the group, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency.
"We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce inquires, his gaze sweeping the room for any sign of the absent Avenger.
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest," Nat explains to Bruce, filling him in on the latest developments.
"Who's Scott?" Bruce's confusion is palpable as he seeks clarification.
"Ant-Man," Cap offers, providing the missing link.
"There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?" Bruce's incredulity is evident as he processes the information.
"Look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe... and he is not gonna stop until he gets..." Bruce's voice trails off, his gaze shifting between Vision and you, hesitating to voice his next words. "Till he gets those stones," he finally concludes, pointing at the two of you.
You feel a surge of anxiety grip you as Bruce's words sink in. Tasha, sensing your unease, moves closer to Bruce, her protective instincts kicking in.
"Well then, we have to protect them," Tasha declares firmly, her eyes darting between Bruce and you, a silent vow of defense.
"No, we have to destroy them," Vision interjects, his tone resolute and unwavering.
You can't help but chuckle at Vision's suggestion, though the humor quickly fades as the gravity of his words settles over you.
"Ha! No. Hell fucking no. I don't plan on dying, or did you forget I said that? I will die without the stone," You retort, your defiance clear to everyone in the room, especially Vision.
"I've given this a great deal of thought, Y/N. I do not say it lightly, but if he does get his hands on these stones... especially yours, he'll be unstoppable," Vision insists, meeting your gaze with a solemn intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
You struggle to catch my breath, the weight of Vision's words bearing down on you like a suffocating blanket. Your hand instinctively reaches for your chest, as if seeking reassurance from the stone that rests within you.
"I've thought about the nature of my stone, along with yours and some of the last words you said while we were allies. Knowing what your stone is capable of. We must destroy them and I think if they were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source," Vision explains, his voice tinged with determination as he approaches Wanda.
You rise from your spot, brushing off Tasha's attempt to stop you, and step closer, feeling Wanda's eyes flicker to you before returning to Vision, who gently places his hands on her arms. "Something very similar to their own signature perhaps," he continues, his touch reminiscent of the way you used to hold her, though his hands are much larger than your own. "Its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and both of you with it," Wanda responds, her gaze shifting between Vision and you. "We aren't having this discussion. It's too high a price to lose both of you," she declares firmly, trying to contain her frustration.
Vision's hands move to Wanda's cheeks, holding her gently, but she steps away from him, her resolve evident. You move closer to her, feeling the tension in the air thickening.
"Y/N, don't," You hear the tremor in her voice, the raw emotion threatening to spill over.
You bite the inside of my cheek, grappling with the gravity of the situation. "Wanda," You address her firmly, reaching out to grasp her shoulder. "If you refuse... I will take Vision's stone out of his head because I know I can, and I will personally crush it, and then my own if that is our last resort," You declare, your tone unyielding. "And I will do it in front of you," You add, squeezing her shoulder for emphasis. "I don't say this lightly because I'd rather not die. I personally think that between the three of us we can take him down, but if you won't do it, I will," You assert, speaking with a deadly seriousness before returning to your spot, your heart heavy with the weight of your words.
"I won't entertain the idea of trading lives," Cap asserts firmly.
"Seventy years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people?" Vision responds, his voice carrying a weight of history. You tune out their exchange, feeling a sense of unease settling over you. You lean forward, pulling Tasha back to you, seeking comfort in her presence. Wrapping your arms around her waist, you settle her between your legs, resting your chin on her shoulder as you gaze at Wanda. Regret and guilt weigh heavy on your heart, and you grip Tasha tighter until she makes a small noise of discomfort. Quickly, you release your hold, whispering an apology.
"Sorry..." You murmur softly, your voice barely audible.
Tasha responds with a gentle pat on your arm, understanding in her touch. "It's okay, Y/N," she whispers back.
As Bruce delves into an explanation about Vision's complex composition, your brows furrow in confusion. "What?" You whisper, turning to Bruce. "How did I not know there's parts of me in him?" You ask, bewildered by the revelation.
"Tony put everything of you that Jarvis collected over the years of your sessions," Bruce explains matter-of-factly.
"Good to know my sessions were private," You mutter sarcastically against Tasha's shoulder.
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda interjects, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there is still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts," Bruce elaborates, prompting a moment of contemplative silence.
"What about me?" You inquire, releasing Tasha and standing up once more, your emotions bubbling to the surface. "You told me years ago that this stone is attached. It's wrapped around my lungs and my heart. If we take it out of me..." Your voice cracks, tears spilling down your cheeks. "I will die," You confess, your vulnerability laid bare for all to see.
Bruce places his hands on your shoulders, offering reassurance as you struggle to maintain composure. "I've thought about it a lot over the years, and I was thinking maybe, similar to Tony, we could do an open-heart surgery. Open you up and basically cut away the tendrils that the stone has put around your heart and lungs. Take the stone out and put an arc reactor in its place to keep you going," he suggests, his words hanging heavy in the air.
"D-do you think we can do that?" Tasha's voice quivers with fear and concern.
"Not me. Not here," Bruce replies solemnly, withdrawing his hands as you retreat back to Tasha's embrace.
"Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast," Rhodes interjects, breaking the somber atmosphere with a practical reminder.
"I know somewhere," Cap offers, his voice cutting through the tension with a sense of urgency.
As you holed yourself away in the small room of the Quinjet, facing the wall to hide your tears, the weight of your emotions overwhelmed you. Sobs wracked your body, your throat burning with the effort to contain your grief. In moments like these, you longed for the ability to numb your own emotions, to escape the pain that threatened to consume you.
A knock at the door startled you, and you called out for whoever it was to go away. Despite your plea, the door opened, and you tensed, expecting Tasha's presence. Yet, as the cot beside you shifted, you realized it was someone else. you didn't dare look, even when I felt soft lips press against the back of your shoulder, and tears dampened your shirt.
"I can't lose you," came the whispered confession, confirming your suspicion that it was Wanda behind you.
"Why not? You have Vision," you replied, your voice strained and cracked from crying.
"I do, but I don't want to lose you. You're too important. I meant what I said," Wanda insisted, her arm tightening around you as she pulled you closer.
"It's too high a price," she added, sending a shiver down your spine. You reached out, placing your hand over hers, and then turned to face her, allowing her to pull you into her embrace.
"Come here," You whispered, giving in to the flood of emotions as you cried in her arms. "Wands, I don't want to die... I know we're Avengers, but I'm terrified of death," You confessed, your tears flowing freely as she rubbed your back in a comforting gesture, mirroring the care you had shown her countless times before.
"I won't let that happen. I promise," Wanda whispered soothingly. "Just rest for now. We'll be in Wakanda soon enough, and I don't want you thinking about it anymore."
Looking up at her, you found the courage to ask something you had never asked before, a desperate plea born out of fear and desperation. "Can you take it away? Can you make me forget it?"
Wanda cupped your cheek, her touch gentle yet determined as she searched through your thoughts, sensing the depth of your distress. With a nod, she moved her fingers to your temples, her crimson tendrils reaching out as you closed your eyes, surrendering to her power.
"Shhhh, don't worry anymore, Detka... rest now," were the last words you heard, and you swore you felt her lips brush against yours before sleep claimed you, offering temporary respite from the weight of your fears.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 6 months ago
The Explosive Mission part 1
part 2, last part
X Men Masterlist
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It’s a cold, overcast day as Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Y/N, Logan, and Wade Wilson embark on a joint mission. Somewhere deep in enemy territory, they are tasked with securing a dangerous prototype before it falls into the wrong hands. While the atmosphere is tense, Y/N’s inappropriate humor only heightens the tension, not just from the mission, but also within the team dynamics.
They move through a dense forest. Wade, as usual in his red suit, talks nonstop. Charles and Erik follow behind Y/N, and it couldn’t be better. Y/N smiles mischievously.
“You know, Charles,” Y/N begins as they carefully navigate through the underbrush, “I find it kind of unfair that you can read minds all the time. It feels like you’re just tapping into our hot thoughts.”
Erik turns slightly and raises an eyebrow, while Charles tries to remain serious. “I would never intrude into your thoughts without permission, Y/N. You know that.”
“Oh, but wouldn’t you?” Y/N replies, leaning a bit closer to Charles. “Maybe you want to know what I’m thinking about you. Or about Erik…” Y/N winks, and an amused smile plays on Charles' lips.
Erik stops, turns to Y/N, and looks at her. “Be careful, Y/N,” he says in a deep but playful voice. “I might try to stop your words. With some… metal.”
Y/N laughs and taps Erik on the chest. “Oh, Erik, you know I’m into your tricks. Do you really want to find out?”
Wade suddenly stops in the middle of a monologue about his favorite pancakes and stares at the three of them. “Wow, wow, wow! So, I knew you three had something going on, but this is better than any soap opera! Can I watch?”
“Wade,” Logan growls from the front without turning around. “Shut up.”
“Oh, come on, Logan! It’s a real love story. You, me, and this constant tension between us. Everyone notices! You want me. You know it.”
Logan stops, clenches his fists, and turns to Wade. “One more word, Wilson, and I’ll rip your head off.”
“Oh, don’t talk dirty to me, you know I’m into that,” Wade replies with a cheeky grin.
Y/N suppresses a laugh as she leans back and enjoys the spectacle. “Logan, I have to say, he’s kind of right. The tension between you two is almost tangible. Maybe you should sort it out after the mission.”
Logan growls as Wade steps in front of him. “Oh, yeah, big guy, let it out. You and me, a cage, no rules…”
“I’ll kill you, Wade,” Logan grumbles and turns back to continue walking.
“Yeah, they all say that,” Wade mutters before speaking into an invisible microphone to Y/N: “Wade Wilson, cheeky and irresistible. At least to Wolverine.”
Charles gives Y/N a gentle but warning look. “You really should stop stoking the fire.”
Y/N shrugs and grins. “It’s just too much fun. Besides, Charles, you know I love getting under your skin. Your patience fascinates me every time.”
Erik grins widely as he looks at Charles. “Maybe it’s time for him to show you that his patience has limits.”
Y/N pretends to think deeply. “Hmm, that would be interesting. But honestly, Erik, you’re the one who loses control the most.” She trails her finger over his metal belt buckle, looking innocently.
Erik raises an eyebrow and tilts his head slightly. “Are you sure you want to find out?”
Charles, usually the peacemaker, shakes his head slightly but can’t hide his smile. “Let’s finish the mission before we deal with personal matters.”
Wade, still focused on Logan, hops along beside him. “Personal matters? Charles, I have so many questions. How does it even work between you? Is there a plan, or more... free love? I mean, I once had a thing with an alien. No rules, just fun!”
Logan gives a deep growl. “Wade, if you don’t shut up soon, I’m going to slam you into the next tree.”
“Logan, my heart, that sounds like a date!”
Y/N can’t hold back any longer and laughs out loud. “Wade, you really drive him up the wall. I wonder how long it will take before he actually slams you into a tree.”
Erik shakes his head, but a slight smile plays on his lips. “Probably not long.”
“Enough,” Charles suddenly declares, his voice firm but still calm. “We’re almost at our destination, and we should focus.”
“Focus is really important,” Y/N agrees, moving closer to Charles. “But Charles, you know I’m really bad at it. Maybe you should help me focus…” She gives him a seductive smile.
Charles sighs quietly, his smile thin but his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I think we’ll save that for later.”
“Oh, definitely later,” Y/N says with a wink at Erik. “Maybe we can work on my… concentration together.”
Wade raises his hand. “I’m in. Concentration training! Logan, what do you say?”
“I’ll kill you, Wade,” Logan growls once more.
And so the team continues on their path, with Y/N continuing to stir up trouble and Wade doing his best to throw Logan off balance.
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cherryaire · 1 month ago
idk if you're still taking writing prompts,, but I would LOVE a fic with Angela and Damien getting snuggly- like in a embarrassed but too comfy to deny way? long shoot day or something and it's them hanging out on the new games couch all tired and warm
It’s the last shoot week of the year, and today is the last day of shooting in total for this year as well. It’s going to be a late one, but people tend to love the gas leak energy that appears when they film later into the day than normal.
By six in the evening, however, it’s less laughing gas and more anesthesia gas, and they’ve decided that they can do what they want. They’ve gathered around on the games stage, having dragged beanbags and poufs of varying sizes over in front of the huge new couch (“No, Angela, it is not named cousin!”) and a handful of people are sharing blankets as well. They’ve got some of the decks for Trivial Pursuit out and they’re just each tossing out questions and seeing who can end up answering more. It’s about as chill as when they do something like “No Wrong Answers”, but there’s an added coziness to it that is so indicative of the end of the year and the wrapping up of 2024’s filming.
Angela is running just a little bit late, having gotten sidetracked while she was working with Patrick on something between shoots, and when she arrives to the games stage, everyone is already all piled in and squashed together.
Typically she’d end up with Amanda, but Amanda has Tommy’s head on her lap and she’s playing with his hair.
Shayne and Court are (of course) snuggled together, and Spencer and Alex have decided to take one end of the couch rather than stay behind the scenes for this last one.
Damien is the only person without someone next to him, and he gives Angela a shy smile when he notices that she has noticed this. “There’s always room for you, Anguhllah,” he tells her, and that puts a smile on her face in return. She takes him up on his offer and she settles next to him, but she keeps a couple of inches between them since she knows Damien isn’t always the biggest on physical touch. There are a lot of people in this area right now, so she’s trying to give him his personal space.
They’ve got a couple of different decks of Trivial Pursuit cards from different editions, such as Silver Screen, Decades, and Family Edition, as well as the most recent version of just basic Trivial Pursuit so there’s something for everybody that’s there.
As they go around and read random questions, Angela is getting cozier and cozier in the couch. The pain reliever she took for her headache after lunch is finally starting to really kick in and the lack of pain is making her relax.
They make it a couple of more rounds before she realizes that she’s leaning into Damien from hip to shoulder on her left side. She has no idea how long she’s been sitting like this, but it seems that Damien… doesn’t care, since he’s never one to shy away from asking someone to please leave his personal space when he needs it. He hasn’t said anything at all, nor has he tried to move away from her. If anything, his arm has come to rest across her back, fully giving her permission to relax against him. She’s grateful that they have the lights kind of low in here compared to their average lighting set up because her cheeks have absolutely gone pink, as have her ears.
Close, personal touch with Damien like this is pretty few and far in between, and so any time she gets to experience it, it feels like something magical. It’s almost reminiscent of when a cat chooses you to snuggle with and you feel like you’re not allowed to breathe or get up to pee until the cat sets you free, because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, even though it literally isn’t.
Typically, Angela only ends up touching him a lot if he needs comfort for some reason, or if they’re celebrating a win in a really competitive game and everyone’s arms are wrapped around each other or shoulders are being squeezed. It’s never like this.
She could get used to this. She really could.
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detectivestucks2 · 5 months ago
Escape with the Cursed King IV
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Sukuna x F!Reader
Summary: Your arrival in the veil of Sukuna's home has him excited to finally have you to himself but it leaves your mind spiraling with questions. You make a new friend who puts your mind at ease before you join Sukuna for bed.
Warnings: NSFW, Rough Penetration, Creampie
Word Count: 3.3k
Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6 I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9 I Chapter 10 I Chapter 11 I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14
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Several minutes into the blissful moment with your King you hear quiet footsteps approach. Both of you raise your heads in simultaneously to look at who they belonged to. It was none other than Uraume.
“Good Evening Master.” They say with a bow, “May I interrupt?”
Sukuna gives you a look to which you nod. He perches your chin on his pointer and thumb before kissing your forehead. “Tonight. My chambers.”
You feel bashful and look down before mustering the strength to look him in the eye, “Yes, my King.”
You dismiss yourself to continue your exploration of the grounds but your mind, once calm and still by Sukuna’s presence, is now reeling. 
Could tonight be the night that…you know…it happens? 
He has been gentle and loving so far, keeping things slow but Yuji did say that he thinks ‘messed up’ things about you. Plus if what just happened in the hall is any indication, he’s definitely wanting to take the next step.
Are you ready though? It’s not like you’re a virgin or anything but this is a curse you’re talking about. A powerful curse at that. Would intimacy hurt you? Like how eating Sukuna’s finger would kill most, would allowing him inside of you do something similar? What if you fell pregnant? What would a half curse-half human baby be like? Furthermore, what about Yuji? It’s his body afterall. You can’t just do something like this without his permission. Thoughts swirl through your mind and the dizziness from it all causes you to stagger in the garden, almost falling into the Koi pond. 
You hear the voice from behind you as a strong pair of arms grab a hold of your waist.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I umm-I got a little overwhelmed is all”
He guides you over to a bench and has you sit down. “Overwhelmed?”
“It’s uh, it’s personal.” You say, feeling embarrassed and looking to the ground.
“Ah.” He says realizing this might be a conversation for a female counterpart.
“Girl stuff?”
“I, I can go get my wife if you need someone to talk to.”
You look up from your feet, “Would it be too much trouble?”
“Not at all.”
Kazuo gets up and walks off into the house. You’re left on the bench staring at the door through which he entered. A short while later he reemerges with a petite woman by his side. She has extremely long black hair all the way down to her behind and stood at just one and a half meters. 
Kazuo gives you a small wave as his wife glides forward, giving you a small bow before sitting down next to you.
“Nice to meet you m’lady”
You bow your head, “Nice to meet you.” You give her your name and ask for her’s.
“My name is Ainu”
“Hi Ainu. How long have you served here?”
“Since I was a child m’lady.”
“Since you were a child?”
“Yes, most of us grew up within the veil. Only some of us have come from the nearby town.”
“So you’ve known Kazuo your whole life?”
“That I have. We played together as kids”
“I can only imagine. Did you like growing up here?”
“I did. It’s peaceful here though I imagine things will be more lively now that our master is back. Neither of us ever thought we’d see him in the flesh.”
“Well, I guess he’s not completely in the flesh. He is inside his vessel, not his body.”
“True, but still.”
A comfortable silence exists between you two for a minute before she speaks again.
“So my husband says you are feeling overwhelmed.”
“I am. It’s just…this is a lot.”
“The whole, leaving my life behind and running away with a cursed spirit. A highly hunted and wanted cursed spirit.”
“I can only imagine what that must be like.”
“I’ve heard so much about Sukuna but I’ve never seen him be the man they’ve described him to be. Even his vessel is weary of him but I can’t imagine it.”
“Men, in my experience, can change when they find someone worth changing for.”
“Do you think he is as bad as they say?”
“Maybe he once was. When he was lost and drunk on power. But he has had a millenia to grow and mature.”
“What if I grow attached to him and he changes back?”
“Then you wouldn’t be doing your job as his partner.”
“What if he doesn’t want a partner.”
“I’ve never heard of a story where Sukuna has saved a life. I believe you to be an exception.”
You fall once more into silence before you push through your embarrassment. “I believe tonight he wants to…” you squeeze your eyes shut before opening one of them to look at her. “Be intimate?”
“Do you want to?”
“I do… but I feel conflicted.”
“How so?”
You explain to her your questions and she reminds you that Sukuna was once a man. You already knew this but it reassured you that a potential child would likely be viable. And him being in a vessel most likely meant your bodies would be compatible. You felt a lot better about the situation but you still didn’t like the idea of just ignoring Yuji.
“Maybe you could ask to speak with him.”
“I don’t know if he’d go for that.”
“But at least Yuji will know that you care for him and want to respect him.”
“True…I’ll try. I just hope Sukuna doesn’t get mad.”
She smiles at you and lightly places her hand on your knee. “Something tells me that if he does, he won’t be mad for long.”
You take a deep breath and look off into the bushes of the garden. “Okay. I feel ready. Would you mind staying with me till it’s time?”
“Of course. My cousin can take over my responsibilities.”
“Will she be mad?” You scrunch your face up in guilt realizing how selfish your request was.
“Not at all. Things are more lively than before but I do not do much in the evenings anyways.”
The two of you stand up and head inside with her to your right. You begin to chatter about childhood stories and young love, giggling about embarrassing memories and suddenly you felt at home.
Inside your room she helped you do your hair and you did your bedtime routine before standing up to go to Sukuna’s room. 
“Enjoy yourself tonight m’lady.”
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
“Cause this time it’s meaningful.”
“True. and it’s not like we’re talking about some ordinary guy.”
“No we are not.” She giggles, “I’ll stop by tomorrow before noon to see how it went.” she says with a wink.
You smile and push open the door. “Thanks. See you tomorrow.”
Ainu departs and heads towards the other end of the house while you gingerly knock on Sukuna’s door before opening it.
“My King?”
You look around the gigantic room before you spot his pink hair and tattooed body striding over to you. He grabs both of your hands to pull you close.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, my King”
He kisses your forehead before steering you towards the bed.
He stops in his tracks. “Yes?”
You bite your lip and stare at the ground. “Before we move forward, could I talk to Yuji?”
“What did you just say?” his voice became raspy and deep as he spoke the question.
You feel fear flood your veins and your body treacherously trembles as you explain yourself. 
“It’s just that this isn’t your body and it doesn’t feel right to do this without his consent.”
“That’s funny cause I don’t recall him asking for my consent when he ate my finger. I didn’t ask to be trapped in this body or be locked away inside a vessel.”
Your jitters increase but you stand your ground.
“Please? I can’t ignore the fact that he’s in there.”
You see the frustration build on his face as he barks at you.“Stop shaking.”
You try to get your nerves under control but you know you’ve ruined the mood and disappointed him. Your eyes begin to mist. 
“Look at me.” he says with a short temper.
Your eyes snap up to meet his and you mutter an apology. “I’m sorry.” 
Sukuna doesn’t understand your distress as you shrink before him and it frustrates him further. 
“I don’t mean to disappoint you but we’ve never gone this far and…”
“Fine, talk to the brat.” He doesn’t understand it but he hates to see you look at him with so much fear. 
Tears leak out of your eyes and your rapid breathing begins to turn to normal. “You mean it?”
“Make it quick.”
You swing your arms around him and squeeze before you notice a shift in his stance.
“Hey professor.”
You release your arms and step back. “Hey”
“So…you wanted to talk?”
“Yeah, I uh, Sukuna, well we, tonight, we want to be intima-”
“-have sex. Yes, I know. He’s been thinking about it all day.”
Your face turns bright red. “Well, how do you feel about it?”
He scratches the back of his head and looks over at a phantom speck of dust on the floor as he responds, “does it matter?”
“Of course it matters.”
“Look professor, I don’t mind. He cares for you and those feelings keep him under control. If it means he’s not gonna murder people, I’m not gonna stand in your way.”
“You sure?”
He blushes and you start to realize that maybe Yuji is starting to share Sukuna’s sentiments for you. “If that’s what you both want, then yes.”
“Yuji, thank you.” you smile ear to ear and feel relief wash over you.
“Talk to you later Professor.”
“Talk to you later Yuji”
As Yuji retreats and Sukuna reemerges, you notice how his features age slightly and his muscles expand all at the same time the ink bleeds onto his skin. Unlike Yuji, Sukuna stands taller and is more bulky. You take note of these slight differences while he strides closer.
You melt into his arms and fully relax, “Much better.”
“Do you always think about other men right before fucking?”
You snort. “No, only when they’re possessed by a curse.”
He scoffs as he tosses you onto the bed. “You’re lucky this is our first time cause later you will pay for your insolence.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows and rub your foot along the back of your shin. A playful smile graces your face, your gaze lifting up to look at him. “Oh? You’re going to make me pay?”
“Later, yes.” he says as he drops to his hands leaning over you and moving his face close to yours. “For now, I need my princess to take care of something.”
“You do, do you?”
“Yes” he breathes into the shell of your ear, making you hot all over. “And she better not keep me waiting.”
You place your slender fingers on his collarbone and gently push to signal for him to roll onto his back. As he settles his head against the silk covered pillow you crawl over him and remove your top. Bending forward, you place a gentle kiss to his lips before pressing harder. 
Strong hands run up your spine as your delicate digits cradle his face. He snaps his fingers against your bra clasp and you feel the band release. Slippng your arms out of the loops and tossing the item aside, you allow it to be forgotten in some unknown corner of the room. 
Bare chest against bare chest, you press against him feeling happiness wrap around you like a thick blanket. 
Your fingers slide from his face to the back of his neck, digging into his skin slightly as your greed for him grew. Your lids lower and your eyes drop to Sukuna’s lips. A  glance back up to his eyes, they’re already focused on your pillowy soft smile. You blink and give in, falling against him and inhaling as you move your lips with his. You can’t help the way your hands run down his arms and wander to his back where you feel his muscles tense as he begins pushing his pelvis up into you where you straddle him.
You feel him hardening between your legs and you can’t accept the amount of clothing between you and him. You break apart the kiss to rip off your pajama bottoms. However, as you bend over to pull your foot out of the hole, you feel pressure around your hips and hear the sound of stitches ripping.
“You can get new ones.” he says under his breath as he tosses the tattered fabric to the side and pulls you back on top of him.
Though you were slightly annoyed about him quite literally ripping off your underwear, you climb back over him and feel the satisfying friction of his manhood rubbing between your folds while his black robe falls open. 
You lay on top of him, grinding your hips against his as you litter his neck in kisses. It takes every ounce of restraint for Sukuna to not take you the way he wanted to. He needs to be kind to you tonight. He needs to be patient but patience is not what he is known for. It isn’t exactly his strongest quality. But for you he’ll try. 
Your lips find every crevice of his jaw and neck. You reach just behind his ear before you hear a change in his breathing. Knowing you found a sensitive patch, you focus your efforts on it. 
“Woman, you're asking for trouble.”
“Sorry, did I find a weak spot?” you taunt. 
“Ah, so you really are asking for trouble then.” he says as his hands harshly grip around your thighs and he pushes up into your center with his hips.
You exhale into his neck and he knows he’s driving you just as wild as you are him.
“Maybe” you whisper before returning to sucking on his neck. 
The man groans and tilts his hips in such a way that your sopping wet core is able to slide over his length and bury it deep within your walls. You gasp as you feel him enter you and Sukuna nearly loses his composure.
His hands run up your thighs to your hips and he pins you down as he grinds up into you. A high pitched gasp and a small moan slip out. “Ah, she likes that, huh.”
You refuse to answer and continue to work your mouth over the expanse of his chest to which he grabs a firm fistful of your fleshy hips and begins to guide you up and down along his length. 
You fall into him face first, feeling the pleasure steal away your power. You lift your hips in time with his hands and his pelvis matches the pace. But soon you are unable to keep up with him as he increases the rate at which he’s pumping up into you. 
You yield to his tempo and he flips you onto your back, driving into you relentlessly. He had waited for this moment since the day he saw you. To bring you here, to his bed, and have you under him moaning like one of his whores from a thousand years ago. 
“Su-sukuna, feels s’good” your eyes shoot open as he hits a squishy spot deep in your walls, causing your heels to dig into the mattress. A loud moan makes him pull his head away from your soft neck and stare at your cross eyed face. He smirks so handsomely and continues his blissful pounding with you screaming away under him. 
“K-kuna! Oh my gods!” a slurry of curse words fill the air as he snaps at an unrelenting pace. 
“Kuna?” he questions
“S-or-ry, my Ki-ing-g” you gasp between strokes. 
Your pathetic little noises humor him as he watches you unravel from beneath. If this is what he can do to you now, just what will you be like when he does what he really wants with you? His thoughts grew wild with lust and he drove you right up against the head of the bed, your body folding in half from his force. 
“Normally I don’t allow my toys to address me so informally. Lucky for you, I happen to think it’s cute.”
He punctuates the last word with a harsh thrust that makes you yelp, followed by a roll of your eyes. “You think you’re something special, don’t you. Tell me how much you love your king.”
“I lovem’ myking.” You slur, feeling the blood to your brain draining to between your legs.
“And how much do you love servicing your king?”
“S’much” you gasp, feeling your body crumple into a ball against the headboard. 
“Ah, my pretty girl having trouble speaking?”
You pathetically nod at him, eyes starting to close. 
“No need to talk, Love, just let me make you feel good.”
His hips continue to push you up into the headboard until he can no longer see your face. Upon seeing you disappear, he grabs your hair and pulls you up just to throw you back down on the mattress, facing away from the headboard. You try to catch your fall with your hands but you fail and land with your cheek and nose crashing into the covers. 
Sukuna props up your hips and kneels behind you, easily slipping in and grinding in. Drool is pooling on the sheets below your mouth which saturate further with each forceful stroke. 
At first it’s your face fucked into the mattress but slowly your entire body begins to be pushed down. Your knees slide out and give way to his enthusiasm and soon you’re suffocating on silk. 
“Kuna…k-kuna…” you find the strength to waive your hand behind you. 
“Not now Princess, I’m almost there.”
“I can’t…can’t…breathe.”
“Sorry baby.”
Sukuna lifts you up by a fistful of hair, yet again, and brings you to standing on your knees. He lets go and supports your upper body by cradling your chest as he leans you forward to keep ramming himself inside of you. 
You’re left speechless as he knocks the wind out of you with each thrust. Nothing but the sounds of impact filling the room. Sukuna grunts and changes his grip, threading his arms under your armpits and grabbing you by the tops of your shoulders, pulling you back into him with each stroke and watching you bounce off his cock upon every impact. 
“Fuckin’ perfect.” He moans, watching how the fat of your ass jiggles for him. 
His speed increases and you know he’s about to blow, you feel it too. You are already completely undone by what feels like a thirty minute long constant orgasm. You have no energy left to spend. As the hot ropes shoot into your hole you can barely make a sound. Your eyes simply cross before you pass out. 
Sukuna lets out a loud groan before he collapses on top of you, rolling onto his side and laughing at your lifeless body. 
“Can’t handle me, can she.”
Though this wouldn’t be the first time he’d fucked a girl lifeless. Some of his favorite concubines centuries ago were the same. 
Unlike back then though, he wiped the fluid between your legs and dressed you in your pajamas. He laid you down next to him and held you in his arms as he fell asleep. You are perfect to him. Everything he didn’t know he wanted. Staring at your soft and peaceful features, he stroked your cheek with the back of his finger before resting his head behind your own and drifting off to sleep, joining you in the land of dreams.
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Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6 I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9 I Chapter 10 I Chapter 11 I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14
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jumpywhumpywriter · 25 days ago
Beauty and the Freak part 19
Warnings: person being treated like an object, forced obedience/degrading talk
Her mother had figured out how to work with Silas's obedience conditioning. Figured out that he only responded directly to outright commands.
Silas tensed up next to Annabelle, lip curling up into a sneer as he leveled a dangerous glare at Sofia.
Sofia stopped a safe distance away.
Annabelle tugged Silas's hand urgently. "Silas, don't listen to--"
"Bring Annie here, Silas. Now." Sofia snapped her fingers in the air like a master summoning their dog.
...But Silas didn't budge.
"Silas, come," Sofia barked angrily, then huffed at the lack of response. "What is wrong with you?! You must obey orders – it's what you were trained to do!"
"Not. From. You." Silas's voice came out in a low, rumbling growl that made Annabelle shiver and shrink closer to him to hide in his shadow.
Sofia's whole face slackened with surprise. "But you can't--"
"Oh yes I can," Silas snarled viciously. "I obey on my own terms now – and I don't think I like you very much.”
He huffed out a dry laugh. “What kind of mother would attack her own child?”
“I'm trying to protect her,” Sofia snapped angrily, “from creatures like you!”
“And yet, I've taken better care of her than you ever will,” Silas answered smoothly. He didn't cower for once, didn't shrink away from Sofia's harsh gaze – he knew there wasn't a single thing she could do to hurt him. She wasn't a threat.
A short ways behind her, Theo stood -- utterly still, face pale as snow. He didn't say a word, too shocked to speak.
Silas seemed to quickly lose his burst of bravery, turning back around to face Annabelle with an anxious expression.
"Miss Annabelle... permission to leave the area?" He asked quietly. "I'm feeling overwhelmed."
Annabelle smiled weakly at him. "Yes. I would like that. We can retreat back to my room to rest."
With a final guilty look at her parents, she slowly spun around and walked off, her towering weapon following close on her heels.
Once they were in the safety of her bedroom Annabelle let herself fall apart completely, sniffling and fighting back tears.
"I can't believe I said all those awful things," she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. "I've never defied them like that before."
"Maybe it's good that you did," Silas said absent-mindedly. "Knowing you has taught me to make my own choices, like I did when I chose you over Sofia. Maybe it's time you do the same. Maybe this way, your parents will see how much their actions are actually affecting you and change their ways."
"Doubtful," Annabelle croaked. "They've been like this almost my whole life -- obsessive and overprotective. I had a sister once, and after she died... it got so much worse for me. I can't do anything fun when my parents are watching. They always say the world is 'too dangerous' for me or make up a different excuse to keep me in this house. When I went to the party I found you at, that was one of the only times I've ever left our property in over a year."
Silas cocked his head to one side like an owl. "They really don't give you any freedom?"
"Rarely. Going into the flower gardens is about as good as it gets for me."
"That sounds... miserable and lonely."
"It is."
Silas fell silent for several long beats, mulling over her words before speaking again.
"Is that the only reason you bought me? So you wouldn't be alone anymore?"
Annie didn't miss the shadow of hurt that briefly darkened his face when he said it, and she instinctively reached out to touch his arm reassuringly.
"Absolutely not. Don't even go there. The main reason I purchased you was to get you out of that awful place and away from your 'master', as you call him. I could see how you were suffering, and wanted to help. I didn't buy you with the intention of using you as a friend for the sake of it. Please don't think like that -- I promise I'm not trying to take advantage of you."
"I believe you," Silas whispered quietly. "I've long since learned not to trust those around me, but... I believe you. You're different, from the rest. No masks of deception, nothing but your true self showing. I know I can trust you."
⏪️ Back Next ⏩️
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magicshopaholic · 1 year ago
Touch (Yoongi x OC)
Summary: Much to Yoongi's surprise, he spends every waking moment worrying about you.
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Angst
Word count: 3.3 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: none (for this part; for the rest of the series, read individual warnings on each fic)
A/N: Set a couple of days after Flight Risk.
Tagging: @bbl32 @quarter-life-crisis2 @meirkive @faearchives @margopinkerton @dreaming-with-happiness @confessionsofamarshlily @purpleseoul7 @sumzysworld
Listen to: "space song" by beach house
yoongi masterlist | main masterlist
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Yoongi glances around his studio until he’s forced to accept that he’s misplaced his spare headphones. He checks his current pair one more time but when it doesn’t connect to the system, he tosses them on the table and heads out into the empty hallway.
It’s not surprising; it’s late on a Sunday afternoon and he expects that most of the occupants of this floor will have taken the day off, especially before the BTS concert later this evening. He can’t stay long either; he’s already going to be late to soundcheck but he needs to download some last minute music onto his laptop before the group flies out to Japan tomorrow morning.
There’s only one studio he can see that has a sliver of light appearing from under the door. Donghyuk, the only person other than himself who would be here on a Sunday afternoon, is Yoongi’s last hope. He knocks twice, right under the faded plaque reading Supreme Boi, and enters. The first thing he sees is Miso at the controls, the same moment that she looks up to see him, and her face goes momentarily slack.
Her face recovers instantly, however, but it’s a few seconds before she looks away. Yoongi stares at her; she doesn’t look any different from any other day in the studio, wearing a thin full-sleeved shirt and dark jeans, her ankles crossed under the chair. He stands motionless, frozen, as he hears a rushing sound, like the waves of the ocean crashing onto him and he exhales, realising vaguely that it feels as though he’s been holding his breath for the last three days.
“It’s still not working, damn it. Oh - Yoongi!”
Yoongi starts; he’d almost forgotten who he’d come here for. He looks up to see Donghyuk inside the recording booth, waving a hand vigorously at him. 
“Something’s wrong with the sound!” he exclaims, his voice slightly muffled from behind the glass. “I’m checking the mic - can you help Miso with the input?”
Yoongi nods but before stepping inside, he looks at Miso - what for, he’s not sure. Maybe it’s her permission, or maybe it’s any acknowledgement from her at all. But Miso continues looking ahead at the recording booth, not turning towards him at all until finally, she visibly sighs and drops her hand from the controls, sitting back in her chair.
Yoongi makes his way over to her but doesn’t sit in Donghyuk’s chair; instead, he stands next to Miso’s and examines the dashboard, leaning over slightly doing what he can to fix the screeching sound coming from the speaker while Donghyuk fiddles around with the mic and keeps up a spiel of commentary.
The entire time, he’s hyper aware of how close he is to her - and the last time he was this close to her. Both their hands are on the controls now, now that Donghyuk seems to be on the verge of losing it; despite the proximity, however, something in Yoongi is determined not to let himself touch her, even accidentally.
His fingers ghost over hers and her hair brushes his chest on occasion, but Yoongi keeps his distance. The more he thinks about it, though, the more he feels the overwhelming urge to hold her hand, to just give it a momentary squeeze and silently ask her if she’s alright, if she knows that he ran after her that night but was just too late.
After a moment, he places his hand on the top of her chair and when she doesn’t move away, he stays there.
“Okay, I’m going to try this again!” Donghyuk shakes his head and taps on the mic. “Play it from the bridge?”
Miso taps the button and they watch Donghyuk in silence as he bops his head to the beat before starting his background vocals. There’s a sudden screech of feedback from the mic again that makes them all wince and Donghyuk sighs and bends to examine something at the bottom of the mic, which makes it tip over and hit him in the nose when he stands up.
Outside, Yoongi can’t help but snort and glance immediately at Miso. She still isn’t looking at him, but the upward curve of her cheek tells him she’s smiling as well. Something seems to explode in his stomach at the sight of it and he grins to himself, every colour in the studio suddenly seeming brighter for a moment.
“Glad I gave you two something to laugh about,” grumbles Donghyuk, giving up on the mic and shuffling out of the booth. “We’re going to have to get a technician in here before we record anything else,” he says to Miso.
She nods. “I’ll call them.”
He nods back and looks up at Yoongi. “What’s up, man?” he asks with a half handshake, half high-five. “Wait - don’t you have a concert?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replies quickly. “I just came to…” He trails off, realising he’s forgotten why he stepped into this studio in the first place.
Donghyuk raises his eyebrows. “You forgot?”
Yoongi frowns, trying to remember, but he can’t recall anything before the sudden shock of seeing Miso calmly sitting inside a studio, two days after doing nothing but worrying about her.
She’s looking at him sceptically, too; it occurs to him that she probably thinks he came here just to see her and he automatically takes a step back, his cheeks heating up unexpectedly. 
“Um… yeah, I don’t - I don’t remember.” He clears his throat. “I should go,” he mutters, turning around to leave.
“Okay,” says Donghyuk. “Good luck with the concert, man. And the tour,” he adds.
“Thanks.” Yoongi turns around one last time before stepping out the door to look at Miso, but her attention is on the laptop now, her shoulders twisted away from him.
Yoongi knows he should head out. He’s already late for sound check, hair and make-up will take some time and Namjoon always likes to sit them down and give them a talk before a concert, especially one that will kick off their world tour. 
But his feet won’t let him. He stands outside Donghyuk’s studio, feeling like a stalker, but knowing that he will be absolutely useless to everyone if he leaves for his concert, possibly even Korea, without talking to Miso.
He’s there for nearly thirty minutes before the door opens and his heart skips a beat when she walks out. She looks taken aback for a fraction of a second before her face glazes over again and she continues down the hall.
“What’s up, Min Suga?”
Yoongi freezes for a second before going after her, taking two large steps before falling in sync with her. “Um, just came to… nothing. What’s - what’s up with you?” he asks quickly, cringing inwardly.
“You mean aside from ensuring Donghyuk doesn’t kill himself with his own equipment?” she asks dryly. “Not much.”
“Oh.” He follows her absently until she reaches the coffee station. “How’s that going?”
“Not well, as you can probably tell.” She reaches for a cup. “He seems to have a crazy knack for being uncoordinated.”
It sounds like an insult, but Yoongi knows her better than that by now. Moreover, something about how she drops a fact that indicates the amount of time she’s spending with another producer rankles.
“Right. No, that’s - that’s always been his thing. In fact, funny thing -” He chuckles “- when we were trainees, he and Kim Namjoon were famous for being the tallest and the most clumsy - I mean, they would knock everything over and everyone was sure they would never make -”
“Min Suga,” she interrupts, nonchalantly scanning the coffee sachets available, “you’re rambling.”
Yoongi stops abruptly. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. What’s up?”
He stares at her as she reads the ingredients off one of the sachets. He isn’t sure what he was expecting exactly, but something about how… normal she’s behaving is surreal.
“I, uh…” He supposes he ought to say the one thing he owes her no matter what. “I wanted to apologise. I - I had no idea you’d taken your name off the song. If I did, I would never have used it.”
She glances up at him, only mildly curious. “Really?”
“Yes, of course. Jung PD didn’t tell me until after… everything.” Yoongi takes a hesitant step closer, deathly careful to not invade her personal space. “It was your song. You didn’t have to do what you did. I would’ve… figured something out,” he finishes lamely.
“What would you have done?”
“I don’t know. I would’ve used one of my unreleased songs or - or I would’ve written a new one or -”
“Or you would’ve blamed me for the rest of your life.” Miso gives him a knowing look, shaking a packet of coffee powder with one hand.
“I -” Yoongi swallows uncomfortably. “That’s not true. I mean, I was angry, yes, but I didn’t… You - you didn’t have to do all this for me.”
“I didn’t. I did it for Hwan.”
He pushes his tongue into his cheek and nods, at a loss for how to respond to this. Her eyes are fixed on the coffee machine and she’s barely looking at him, but she’s not angry. He almost wishes she was.
“Okay. Well… thank you, anyway,” he murmurs humbly. “And I’m going to get your name back on the song,” he promises, straightening up a little. “It’ll take some time but I’ll get it done.”
“You can’t do that.”
“Yes, I can,” he insists, feeling the familiar annoyance at her constant argumentative nature. “You can get your name back on the song retroactively; we’ve done it before. We have to speak to Legal and PR and they will -“
“No, you can’t as in you… can’t.” Miso sighs and glances up at him briefly, rolling her eyes in a forced motion. “The reason the song is out there is because I took my name off it. I thought you pieced that together, Min Suga.”
“But -“
“Just let it go, will you?”
Yoongi falls silent. She’s still making her coffee, meticulously emptying the packet and examining all the valves on the machine. It’s strange, given that she’s usually the person on the floor who takes the shortest coffee breaks.
Suddenly encouraged, he exhales and changes the subject.
“Will you be at the concert tonight?”
She scoffs, not unkindly. “Will you be at the concert tonight? Doesn’t it start in, like, an hour?”
“Two,” he argues weakly. “And… isn’t everyone going? That was the point of the free tickets for the team,” he points out.
“Yeah, but I can’t. I gave mine to one of the interns and she almost fainted.”
Yoongi tries not to feel slighted by this. “So you’re not going?”
“We have a lot to get done tonight,” she answers simply.
He purses his lips as her words sink in. “We, as in…”
“Donghyuk and I, yes.” She shrugs innocently. “He is my boss now, technically.”
“So… you guys will just be working together? On a Sunday night?”
Miso frowns. “Yeah. You and I did that quite a bit, too, if you recall. Also, I’m hoping that if I stay late tonight, I might actually get credited on a song for once.”
His words die in his throat. “Oh, I - um -“
She notices and rolls her eyes. “Jesus, it’s a joke, Min Suga. Lighten up.”
Yoongi can’t think of anything he’s less likely to do right now, and he also can’t fathom how she’s joking at the moment. He half-wonders if he’d dreamed the events of the launch party when she presses the button for the hot water and slides her cup under it, her fingers still around it when the water begins flowing.
“Careful -“ He moves instinctively to shove her hand away from the steaming liquid but at the last moment remembers his determination to not touch her and swipes the cup away instead, only for his own fingers to intercept the hot water.
“What are you -“ Miso winces as he hisses in pain and snatches his hand back. There doesn’t seem to be any damage to it but the skin still smarts; Yoongi examines it uneasily when another pair of hands appear with paper towels in them and press them to the burning area.
“Oh -“ He stays frozen to the spot and lets her do what she’s doing, but it only lasts a moment before she drops her hands from his. His gaze remains on her sleeve and he wonders what he will see if he pushes it over her wrist.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks quietly, pressing the napkins to his own hand.
Miso exhales but doesn’t look up at him, busying herself with another cup. “This again?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Donghyuk?”
“Actually, you told me about Donghyuk,” she replies shortly. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
He shakes his head, knowing he’d set himself up for that response. “No,” he says honestly. “I know what I said, but… I didn’t mean it.”
For once, she doesn’t respond with a snarky remark. “Well,” she says after a moment, “it’s done now. Maybe it’ll be for the best.”
“Sure. Why didn’t you tell me, though?”
“It was the middle of the night.”
“So? I always pick up calls, any time of the day.”
“Would you have picked up my call?” She raises her eyebrows at him. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Yoongi sighs, knowing he can’t win here. “Glad it worked out for you, I guess.”
“It’s not bad so far,” she admits. “Plus, he and I actually get along pretty well so that’s a bonus.” 
She smirks innocently before snorting at his stony face. “You are so easy to piss off, you know that?” she mutters wryly.
“I’m glad I amuse you.”
She chuckles and it’s the first actual smile he’s seen from her all week. “Donghyuk’s going to your concert,” she assures him after a moment.
“Not you, though.”
“Nope. My dad’s hosting a dinner and the whole community will be there so I have to go,” she informs him, before pausing for a moment. “He’s just acquired a company, you see.”
Something creeps through Yoongi’s chest at her tone. “That guy, Jiho,” he says sharply, dropping all attempts at beating around the bush. “Will he be there, too?”
“I guess. He’s only the guest of honour.” Miso stares at the cup under the water valve for a moment before seemingly forcing her gaze up towards him. Something in his expression must tip her off, for her shoulders deflate and she shakes her head. “I don’t think we’ll have much to say to each other anymore,” she mutters in what he presumes is supposed to be a reassuring tone - although who she’s reassuring, he isn’t sure. 
Yoongi clenches his jaw. They’ve arrived at the topic he’s been thinking of non-stop for the last three days, except now that they’re actually here, he has no idea how to ask her about it without fully prying into his colleague’s personal life.
“Are you okay?” he asks finally in a small voice, swallowing and hoping that for once, she’ll give him a straight answer. Miso doesn’t look at him, and after a few seconds of silence, he begins to think she won’t answer him at all.
“I’ve been better,” she admits, equally quiet. She takes a moment before looking up at him, her face blank again. “Donghyuk’s not making it any easier.”
“Yoongi, whatever it is you’re blaming yourself for, you can stop. Okay? None of this is your fault,” she implores, giving him a slightly annoyed look before shaking her head. “This had nothing to do with you at all,” she mutters.
For the first time in a long time, Yoongi feels a prickling in his eyes. It’s the frustration, more than anything else, of not knowing, of not being able to find out because the wall that Miso has erected around her feels impenetrable. The few moments of real, human emotion that break through it have brought him here and it’s with a sinking realisation that he concedes to never being able to turn back.
“But I’m sorry anyway,” he says softly, his gaze not moving from her side profile.
Miso stares at the coffee machine without looking at anything. Her jaw hardens and Yoongi wonders if she’s ever heard these words from anyone before.
She takes a deep breath and finally turns to him, her eyes on the floor. “I know you came after me. After the car,” she amends quietly. “I heard you. And I just want to say…” She trails off and bites her lip before her eyes flicker up to look at him. 
“… don’t ever do that again.”
Yoongi’s heart hammers. “Don’t ever try to help you again?”
She shakes her head and looks away, as though he’s getting this completely muddled. “You know how when the release got cancelled, you felt guilty about Hwan, you got furious at me and you were helpless and it just ruined your whole day?” She waits for him to nod. “You should want that to be the biggest problem in your life. I want that to be the biggest problem in your life.”
He bristles, but he keeps his focus on her. “I can handle more than you think,” he states.
“But you shouldn’t have to. I don’t need that on my conscience,” she murmurs, her gaze falling again. She sighs and looks up at him. “You should get to your concert.”
Yoongi stares at her, hoping for her smooth expression to waver even for a moment, but it never does. She holds it together, even as she swallows.
“Okay,” he says at last. “See you around, Kang Miso.” He holds out a hand.
She hesitates but takes it, her pale, slender hand slipping into his. Her skin is cold but Yoongi grips it with a relief that surprises him. His thumb moves along the back of her hand before he stops himself, expecting her to take back her hand, but she doesn’t. 
He raises his left hand to her wrist and is about to raise the sleeve when he feels her stiffen. He freezes, before gently wrapping his hand around the wrist, encasing her hand in both of his. He thinks vaguely of his overseas schedule for the next few weeks and his heart clenches unexpectedly.
“I meant what I said,” he murmurs, watching as her eyes flicker slowly from their clasped hands to his face. “I always pick up calls. Any time of the day.”
It feels like forever, but after a moment she nods, retrieving her hand from between his. 
“Thanks,” she says, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear with the same hand. “I’ll, uh… I’ll keep you updated on Donghyuk’s many escapades. Unless he kills himself by tripping on a wire first.”
Yoongi nods, his chest feeling both heavy yet freer than before. “Can’t wait.”
There’s a hint of a smile on her face before she picks up her cup of coffee and takes a step back. “Have a good concert, Min Suga. And tour.” She turns to leave when he calls her name again, and she turns with a sigh. “Damn, do you even want to make it for your concert?”
He gives her a look and shakes his head. “Keep me updated on tonight as well?”
She squints, clearly seeing right through him. “Updated on what exactly?”
“You know…” He cringes inwardly. “Your, uh… your family. And - and friends.”
Miso tilts her head. “Will do,” she says sarcastically. “Now get out of here. And put some damn ointment on that burn.”
Yoongi frowns for a moment before remembering, and it’s at that moment that his hand seems to sting again. He glances down at it to see a white blister already forming and winces. He looks up to thank her, but she’s already gone.
Thanks for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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lilmissasap · 2 years ago
a little rant while im on break at my job
okay i know we're supposed to like ghostflower ships but i... i have some thoughts.
i see the love and lust between those two in into the spiderverse, miles is so giggly around gwen and gwen is slightly less unhinged (you ALL know what im getting at, love her but our good sis gwen is.... *hand motion*) etc. allat good stuff.
but i can't see that happening especially w the events of atsv, like there's definitely room for patching up the relationship but anything romantic between the two would feel forced as fuck i feel like. and maybe that's just me being an intensely passionate empath who likes to act like a nonchalant lil asshole, but still. i LOVE gwen, sony set her up beautifully for an amazing character arc that i'm so excited to see in the next one. HOWEVER, also this could just be me being an annoying little afro latina shit, she's not coming back from opening the collectible, going through miles' sketchbook w/o permission, and the shoes on the bed. that doesn't mean i HATE her i just can't look at her the same.
now a bitch is biased because black love is forever 🔛🔝, but also in the comics and video game miles has a black love interest. there was definitely also THE connection w/ miles and margo (however i'm also kinda in favor of prowlerbyte anyway--), and lil old me in the theatre was loosing it. i think that staying true to the aspect of black love interests is also going to be so important for the community, both comic/video game fans and black fans alike, mainly because of how black men interact with black women. speaking from experience i can't even count how many times i wanted to be the short lil white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair instead of the tall and awkward black girl with the wide nose and corkscrew curls. now here's where i think my personal bias kind of skews my opinion on this, but this franchise has been so important to SO many people. again speaking from experience, when i saw miles in atsv with the EXACT same hair texture as me i almost cried because no one in the history of ever has animated my kind of hair right and miles' hair was right. on top of this i saw so many little black boys practically tripping and falling in anticipation to see this movie in theatres. so i think i favor miles having a relationship with a black girl because this will reach such a new audience and possibly open doors for black men and boys to start treating black somebody and girls with respect. because if these little boys in the theatre see their like, idol for lack of a better word, treating black women and girls with respect i think then there's gonna be an aspect of healing within that.
i'm not really sure how well i'm communicating this, but i don't really think i can fully get behind the ghostflower ship. to me it feels really fucking forced in a way that kinda icks me out, however this is not to say i won't absolutely love the shit out of these two if it happens. in a way, this franchise feels like something the black community needs in several ways. like yeah this shit is pro black but FULLY pro black, not pro-black but anti gay, trans, or whatever the fuck. it shows blackness in a new way, artsy and nerdy but also really fucking cool at the same time and i never fucking got that as a little kid. like i kid you not the other black kids in school would call me a wanna be white girl. and to see someone with similar interests as me just sort of opens the world up??? like i visited my older sister at school in the dmv while wearing a spiderverse hoodie, and people actually wanted to talk to me about it!!! like not ina "oh i like ur sweatshirt ma" type thing like a "omg you like this movie too??" type thing and i just--
yeah i def strayed from the topic, but i hope our baby does get his lil black girl (or his lil gwen, from a big sisters perspective i don't hate her as a prospective partner i just think that there would need to be a clear breakdown in the difference of cultures. for example i was taught that anytime you meet anyone formally (like a parent or something) you shake their hand and or go in for a hug and kiss BOTH cheeks and talk about their home their clothes or whatever) but for like the sake of authenticity (sorry to be that asshole but come ON) but like.... flowerbyte 🥰🥰
did this make sense i feel like i word vomited like a bitch, idk maybe i'm projecting my personal shit into a franchise i really like
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onceuponapuffin · 10 months ago
Fanatic Intervention Part 11!!
Okay so I had Life being Life, then a bit of Writer's Block (sort of), then a bit of a hangover, BUT I GOT IT DONE. So here we go.
Beginning || Previous || Next
When you wake up the next morning, you once again find Anathema sitting at the large dining table surrounded by her books and tools. This time, though, Aziraphale and Crowley are with her. Aziraphale has his tiny glasses on and is flipping through a book, a cup of tea next to him, no doubt cold. Crowley is on his phone, and you can hear the sound effects of Candy Crush from here. He has a mug in front of him too, but it’s steaming and smells of coffee.
“Good morning,” Anathema says to you.
“Morning!” You respond, heading into the kitchen. Here, you can see that someone has bought a box of bagels, and you help yourself to one and make a coffee before returning to the dining room and having a seat across from Anathema.
“So,” You say, taking a bite out of your bagel (dear Reader, I personally am imagining just eating it like a donut because I can), “How are the readings coming?”
“Well,” Anathema starts, “I got some vague vibrations yesterday and I have a theory.”
“The vibrations were very faint, mind you, but I think they were coming from the southwest. So I’m going to try going to that edge of the city today and try again. With any luck I’ll have a better idea of where we’re traveling to by tomorrow.”
“Awesome!” You reply
“Thanks! Aziraphale is going to go with me.”
“And I am not,” Crowley says definitively. You smirk behind your coffee mug.
“Still sulking over yesterday, are we?” You ask him, trying your best to imitate his eyebrow.
“No. It just sounds boring.”
“Well we could hang out today,” You suggest brightly. Crowley makes a noise that is non-committal and mono-syllabic. “I’ll take that as a yes!”
“That sounds like a splendid idea,” Aziraphale offers in place of Crowley, “Perhaps you can find us a car to rent. I have a feeling that we will be leaving the city soon, and we won’t want to be walking will we?” He chuckles to himself, and you nod in agreement.
“Perfect,” You say with a smile as you finish off your breakfast.
“So!” You start casually as the pair of you wander down the street, “What mischief are we going to get up to? Are we gluing coins to the sidewalk? Are we going to find someplace busy and just walk REALLY slowly? Take up both sides of the escalator? Oh! We could ride the bus and request every stop without ever getting off!”
Crowley stops walking and looks at you. His eyebrow has practically merged with his hairline.
“Is that what you lot think I do?”
“Well, uh...basically yes,” You reply uncertainly. Just as you’re starting to wonder if you should be re-evaluating everything you know about how Crowley operates, he smirks with a satisfied hum.
“Good. Glad to know my finer talents are appreciated somewhere.”
Oh he has no idea. You decide not to inflate his ego too far. Yet.
“So what do you want to do?”
Crowley produces a bag of frozen peas from nowhere. A light bulb goes off in your brain.
“Oh! Ducks!”
And so you head for Central Park.
Finding the ducks doesn’t take too long. Neither does emptying the bag of frozen peas. In the end, you both find a bench and have a seat. It feels strangely like you’re filling in for Aziraphale.
“So what happened yesterday with Anathema?” You ask after a while.
“I have no idea what you mean,” he replies, shifting around on the bench. Alright, enough of this. You turn to stare at him.
“What do I mean, okay. I mean that you spent two days running around like an unsupervised kid, spend one afternoon with Anathema, and suddenly when I literally give you permission to be a mischievous shit, all you want to do is feed the ducks.”
It almost looks like he’s chewing on something. Words maybe, you figure. Maybe he feels that if he chews them enough, they’ll come out easier. He must realize it doesn’t work like that because after a few seconds he answers your question.
“She may have mentioned that my having too much fun might bring the Metatron back around. Back to Aziraphale. Especially since he didn’t seem to have much trouble finding you in Heathrow. He probably knows where we are.”
Oh. That’s actually a fair point. You take a minute and think about it.
“Yeah, he probably does, but I don’t think he’s going to try anything just yet. I mean, his tactics are straight out of the Fairytale Villain Playbook. So he’s probably going to hold back for a bit to see if I start to crack and then go back to him.”
“Book Girl still has a point, though. Don’t wanna bring him out before we have to.”
“Okay,” You pause for a minute, considering the obvious compromise that Crowley doesn’t seem to have touched on yet. But then again, sometimes you just need someone to give you permission – even if it’s something you already know. “So how about we don’t have too much fun, but we have just a little bit of fun. Like we go souvenir shopping and buy a t shirt with small change. Keep stuff in moderation, yeah?”
“Hm,” Crowley leans back farther if that’s even possible, considering your proposition. “I do somewhat fancy one of those I Heart NY shirts.”
“Same actually. Did you create those by any chance? Just curious.”
His smile is toothy and smug. Instead of answering, he lifts himself off the bench.
“Come on then, Reader,” he says, “Let’s buy some souvenirs.”
“Reader?” You answer, getting up and following him.
“Well what else am I gonna call you? You keep talking about how much you read and I already have Book Girl. Need to keep all you straight somehow don’t I?”
Not very long afterwards, you find yourself wandering around the city again, this time sporting I Heart NY merch and cheap star-shaped sunglasses. Crowley has swapped out his normal shades for a pair of shutter shades. A couple of times now you’ve had to grab his arm to keep him from walking into poles. And once, he nearly sauntered his way down a flight of stairs that he was certain had come out of nowhere. He still hasn’t switched back to his normal sunglasses.
“Okay what about Monopoly?” You ask him.
“Nope. That was an American who made that I think. No idea who it even was.”
“Mario Kart?”
Crowley snorts. “No.”
“What about fake pockets?”
“If anyone asks, yes. But otherwise, actually, no.”
“What about...multi-level marketing schemes?”
“I…what? No. But I definitely told Hell that I did.”
“Okay well then what did you actually invent?”
Crowley stops and looks at you through those ridiculous shutter shades. He smirks like the Cheshire Cat as he answers.
“As little as physically possible.”
“So you did basically nothing, and just took credit for everything?”
“YuP.” He pops the plosive at the end with a self-satisfied head-waggle.
“Thank you. It’s nice to talk to someone who gets it.”
“It really is, isn’t it?” You turn and give him a hug. Sometimes, you just need to hug your demon.
“Ngk. What’s this?” He’s clearly uncomfortable, so you let go. He doesn’t say anything else about the hug, but he buys you an ice cream.
And he pays with pennies.
The hotel room is quiet when you both return. After a quick search, you find that Aziraphale and Anathema aren’t back yet. That’s not...a great sign. But you’re determined not to panic.
“I’ll order some room service. You want anything?”
“Nah, I’ll wait.”
So he’s worried too. Alright. You place your order and turn on the tv. You try to care about the Big Bang Theory reruns, but you can’t relax just yet. Both of you sit in quiet tension until the door finally opens to Anathema and Aziraphale. Their moods are joyful, and you feel the dark cloud just lift away.
“Hey guys,” You say, “I just ordered some room service. I wasn’t sure when you two were coming back.”
“Oh!” Aziraphale practically sings, “I’ll get the menus. I’m certain they won’t mind adding on to the order.” He leaves the room. Anathema’s face is bright.
“I found out where we need to go. Did you find us a car?”
Oh. Whoops.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
Beginning || Previous || Next
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kittrrrr · 6 months ago
I started this yesterday, but didn't have time to finish it.
It didn't feel right to be standing here, in front of a crowd of grieving ritos, to preach rites. Medli was too young to be here. Her voice wobbled, and she glanced down too often at the book that was exposed to be decorative far too often. The only reason there was anything in it all was because she had needed to rpatice her writing. But who else was there to do it?
The only other person who could was lying dead, wing charm settled on her forehead, and arms tucked close. This funeral was for her- Medli's mentor, the person who should've been doing this instead. The person who knew eht they were doing. Death was a cruel thing to have stolen that knowledge from her. Medli, somewhere in the back of her mind, sheltered from the grief, was worried that her dragonspeaj wasn't good enough to learn from Valoo. The rest of her was busy trying not to cry.
It was improper to cry during the rites. The rites were meant as a celebration of the person's life. They could cry during the party, when they honored the dead rito in question- Queen Oredale. After the spirit had left and they were truly beyond contact. Rites were supposed to be happy. About the joy of life rather then the passing. But it was so much harder not to when the person who should've been giving them was gone.
Medli carefully wiped her eyes as she flipped the page. This page was blank. Luckily, she knew the last part of the rites by heart. They were the most important. She finished off the sweet mumbling. For a moment nothing happened. 'Why aren't the torch bears coming forward to burn the body?' Medli wondered. Then she nearly smacked herself. She had to give them permission to light the body and free Queen Oredale's soul. She motioned eith wings, and they stepped forward.
Bodies took an unfortunately long time to burn, but seeing as Queen Oredale was so important, most ritos only started filtering out after the body was almost completely burnt. Medli watched the fire carefully, occasionally throwing in herbs and oils. Some of them were spiritual, some practical, some a mix of both. She... didn't actually knew the reason behind half of the things she had to throw in, just that she did.
Medli stayed beside the ashes for a while, as the embers cooled. She didn't have to worry about collecting the ash- that was someone else's duty- but there was nothing in her to get up and move. When the ash cleaners came in, they shoed her away, mumbling excuses about damaging her garments. Medli went straight to her room, nit even bothering to say her prayers. She collapsed into her bed, and stayed there even long after she should've gotten up to go do mroning rites.
When the door opened, she rolled over and pulled her pillow over her head. She didn't want a lecture on how she should get over Queen Oredale's hidden death like it hadn't effected in the slightest because of moral. What about her? Didn't she matter? Or was it just the role she had to play?
"Medli? Can I come in...?" Medli sighed, but she couldn't refuse Komali of all people. She made some noise of agreement and she hear footsteps. The bed shifted as he sat at the edge of it. "I, um, I don't know if you want to hear this, but Grandma told me once that you were really skilled with a harp."
"Yeah." Medli pulled the pillow off of her head, looking up at Komali, who was now leaning over her. "She told me once that the was reason she thought I was going to be the next priestess of Valoo. She heard me playing about with a harp."
"Wouldn't she would've wanted you to have her harp, then?" Medli sat up, and Komali showed her the harp, a shining gold thing with the face of a strange fish person. She dropped her gaze. It hurt to look at, in more then the bright reflection.
"...I suppose... but... it feels wrong. It feels like I'm stealing what should be hers." Komali frowned, thinking. Medli hummed softly to fill the silence, and he joined her. They got through the entirety of an old lullaby before Komali gasped. He had an idea.
"If you don't want to take it from her, then how about you think of it as a gift from me?" Medli smiled, which was enough for Komali to shove the harp into her arms. A gift from the great beyond
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fairytalk · 1 year ago
Team Natsu
Natsu dragneel-The team leader and optimistic character of the group. Fire user
good qualities- Natsu Always tries to defend his family when he believes something is unjustified. And often times is there to be the uplifting presence when the people around him loose hope. His admirable trait is that his strength stems from his loyalty to his family and friends.
bad qualities-He goes into situations recklessly without thinking them through first. He is hare-brained about his emotional feelings towards the people he has become closest to and refuses to acknowledge that he may have caused distress. He breaks personal boundaries with his teammate Lucy heartfilia by breaking into her house and touching her body inappropriately without her permission. He has little mental character growth from what we have seen of him from the beginning of the series.
Happy- charismatic counterpart to Natsu and the group. Exceed
good qualities- He is thoughtful and makes good decision a decent amount of the time. He’s aesthetically pleasing to look at. bad qualities- lets be honest he’s a talking flying cat so the most bad he has done is stole some fish or break into lucys apartment with Natsu. besides that I almost didn’t want to add him because he is nearly irrelevant to the development of the series and mostly there as a companion to Natsu.
Erza scarlet-The mother figure / strong physical character of the group. Requip mage
Good qualities- Erza can be a really wise character when talking about her experiences, weather it be with friends or even enemies. She is able to quickly recognize what her next plan of action is. She is open about her feelings on matters during tense situations. She’s always there to offer comfort or advice.
bad qualities- To confident in the power of friendship always pulling through. When she apologizes it’s either too genuine or not genuine enough. I.e when Miliana was upset with her for forgiving Jellal so easily, she didn’t really take any of that to heart and has had a hard time showing her authentic understanding that she did something wrong that has effected her relationship with both people. This sort of happens again during the avatar arc when she offers Gray the position to go undercover in a cult. She tells him not to tell juvia, not thinking that it would screw up her state of emotions. It indeed did and when it was all over she apologized in a half insensitive tone as if she wasn’t all that guilty and would do it again if given the chance. She forgave Jellal to quickly because even though he was mind controlled by Ultear, it doesn’t change all the horrible things he has done to her and her friends. Some character growth but she has blatant issues that are not resolved.
Lucy heartfilia - The book smart / persistent main character of the group. Celestial mage
good qualities- Relatively known for being friendly and forgiving. She doesn’t back down in extensive situations even when her life is on the line. She cares a lot for her celestial spirits and if you come to her with an issue, she is open to talk about it. She’s useful in problem solving even if it falls through a little bit the first time, she masters it pretty quickly afterwards. She’s got extensive knowledge in literature and calligraphy. Power wise she has grown immensely, mentally, she is a wip but she definitely isn’t the same person from the beginning of the series. bad qualities-Thinks to little of her abilities as a mage but then contradicts herself by flaunting her powers to her enemy. Is a bit like erza in that she is ignorant to feelings sometimes i.e she was upset that natsu had left her behind with just a note, but she mostly thought about her losses and didn’t take into account that he had also lost his dad. In turn his runaway quest caused her to isolate herself from the rest of the guild. Keeping track of them only through letters, which she eventually stopped sending because everyone was doing different things. But her insecurities because of the note must of kept her from joining the rest, otherwise she wouldn’t be in a lonesome grieving state. Not that what Natsu did was right but she was definitely blaming him for all of there shared issues. Not to mention when she saw Juvia in a similar depression state she didn’t reflect on it as being similar to her own. When in reality they were both left behind in a different context but shared the same grief. I didn’t appreciate that Lucy didn’t defend Juvia during this time. It was brought back to just her and her friendship with Gray (she slapped him but it wasn’t for juvia.) She never mentioned Juvia at all In that situation even after she had seen the state she was in and knew Juvia had been sick because of it. Why couldn’t she have told him off just like natsu?. Infact she got all blushy when he apologized, it felt selfish. (Further proving that Mashimas statement about writing female characters bad was certainly true. It should also imply male characters as well.)
Wendy marvel - The young healing mage/ younger sister of the group. Air user
Good qualities- Wendy is really useful in dire situations and easily makes amends with a few of her past enemies. She is empathetic and has gained quite a bit of character growth unlike many of the other characters in fairy tail. Once she was timid and felt not useful but now she has some confidence from her experience in battle. She still has a little bit of doubts but she gets back her confidence with a little help from her friends.
bad qualities-She doesn’t really have bad qualities. But in a future post I will talk about her being a child and Mashima really being incredibly gross about it. (Yes she’s over 500 years old but he presents her still as if she is much much younger.)
Carla- The attentive counterpart to Wendy.Exceed
good qualities- she takes up for Wendy that’s it that’s the good qualities.
bad qualities-Grumpy and rude for what. Actually I get it a little bit. But she’s right in that category next to happy.
Gray fullbuster - The quick learning visual expressionist of the group. Ice make mage.
good qualities- Has strong relationships with a lot of people I.e Lyon, Erza, plus team natsu. Reliable, if you ask him to do something, he will try his hardest to get it done. Stays ‘cool’ in most situations. I need help with filling out the rest of his good traits, he’s got to have more*** help.
bad qualities-Back to being reliable, it’s a half and half trait being one of his best qualities and one of his worst. You see when he gets to being obsessed with something he will not stop going after it. It started with Deliora or however tf you spell his name, Gray wanted to be great (Gray-t) enough to surpass him for killing his family and also to surpass Ur his former master. Ok so spoiler alert Deliora is dead and melts away along with the iced shell of UR. Gray’s upset and Deliora still continues to haunt his mind until recently where he is forgotten and is comforted by Ur in an illusion state and his father acting as Deliora to get over his fear. This obsession with something new is created when Silver(his father) tells him to go after the book of E.n.d . Turns out Grays thirst for vengeance never went away, and so with his new devil slaying powers from Silver Gray starts obsessing over finding this book that produced Deliora. Of course Gray becomes a bit of a douche bag in this process, he tries to kill Natsu because he finds out his best friend is attached to the book that caused all his suffering that Natsu knew diddle about. He fiddles with Juvia saying he’ll treat her better or that he’ll give her an answer and runs off to try to get better but really is just holding off on his answer. Much like Natsu he was written with musty traits like, sexually harassing Lucy by asking her for her underwear or commenting on her outfits or her underwear. Stalking Lucy to her home, breaking into her house in an undressed state, trying to spy on women in the hot spring, groping an alchemy of Juvia without consent, putting Juvia in his mouth in her state of undress, this list is unnecessarily long. Next to zero character growth because he hasn’t changed any of his behavior. Please get them all therapy especially Gray.
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youareaperfectdarling · 1 year ago
Fuckboy Leon Kennedy au
I have been crazy about this for a while now, but with any story my mind gets much worst
He is so much smart that how him looks ... But it isn't smarter than you
Reader with hafephobia (phobia to be touched) and erotophobia (phobia of having sex)
Fuckboy Leon Kennedy x reader
... This is not how I thought my first day here was going to be
But here it is... my new roommate laying next to me while he is totally naked... nice view but
Why don't we remember how this happened?
After your first month in the University everything was ... Kinda new , you have been pretty away from your family but it's nice having those little calls or visit , really! , the University it's preparing you for the ✨ adult life ✨. . .
If you could say so because you have a shity roommate!, this bitch hase being a pain of ass!
During all those Three months . this bitch haven't done anything for the department... anything!
She didn't clean the dishes that she promised to or the floor, the table , her own clothes, your towels (you didn't even wave her permission to use they) , she ate all the food , stole your money, and you can't sleep because you can hear her having sex with random guys of the school
But it's just your roommate , she hasn't to do everything in the apartment, you get that ,
After a week of beg and beg finally the school hase give you permission to move to another room (just because another student wanted too)
Now someone could think that you just overreacted
But they don't know what happened last week
you just enter to your apartment, the clothes of your roommate are all over the place, the place stinks because the dirty clothes and the rotten food on the kitchen the plates are just disgusting one of them even have mold
You are just to tired of all the classes, homework and visits to you family
XxxXX~ xxXx~
"... Ugh..."
Now that!, wonderful! Another random guy... if it's one
You start to walk to your room, thinking wear your headphones and put some music while you do yor homework until
The door it's open , and with each step you can hear the moans and whimpers louder and louder
You start to feel your clothes touching your skin in the most disgusting way , don't close your eyes... it'll just do it worst
The air around you starts to be heavy while you move close to your room
Some tears fulling your eyes... breathe, at least try to!
Now the door it's in front of you , your body feels so heavy... so much heavy , a feeling of throwing up it's all you want to focus on, but now it's to late to try to forget this
Slowly your hand touches the knob
Stop shaking!, stop sha...
You open the door, And all you can see is your roommate sweating, her body it's laying on your blankets and pillows, staining all of it, another body behind her , holding her close and close
The vomit it's now on your throat
"h-hey!, I thought you weren't coming! , I was.. we was waiting for you" she says trying to not roll her eye for the pleasure
"..." You don't say anything, looking at the middle of her forehead
"so?, what do you say baby?~" she is moving closer to you
"are you interested? , c'mon baby" *her hand it's trying to touch your cheek*
"so , all it's done?" You asked softly
"yeah, here's your key , and this is the direction of your new apartment" a lady said happy
"thanks... is the... person on the apartment knows about the change?" You asked while you take your key and the paper with the direction
"of course, I sent him a message a few days ago, don't worry about it" she says while she looks at you almost with pity
"I hope that you can feel safe there" she says while she smile a little bit
"me to..., anyway thanks and have a good day...?" You said while you stand up , ready to go , even after a week of taking to her to find a new place where you could life... You don't remember her name
"Betty, and yeah, have a good day y/n" she says while she looks at you
You smile a little bit and start to walk to your apartment
A ver cómo es este nuevo día...
Part 2 . (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.)
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rene-hl-trashcan · 7 months ago
The gremlins quirks and habits. I wanna know them on a more personal level so I wanna see their cute lil quirks
The Gremlins' Quirks and Habits
I don't think they're particularly quirky people but they do have some habits. Most are normal but some are....eccentric. 🤣🤣
He likes flavoured milk/sweet fruit juice and would get absolutely whiny and annoying (poor Sylvia RIP girl) if he doesn't get his fill of sugary drinks for breakfast. He also has a habit of carrying sweets/food everywhere because he gets hungry so easily. Sylvan has a serious case of lack of boundaries since he tends to live by the rule 'give affection first, ask permission later'. Chaste kisses, bear hugs, head pats, handholding, arm-cling (yes, doesn't matter if you're like, half his size, if he feels like it, he will cling to your arm and put as much of his weight on you as he thinks you can handle) and hair ruffles are his way of greeting 99% of the time. He will only show restraint if his (typically ignored) internal social alarm alerts him that a person is aversed to touch. He has a horrible, terrible, and utterly shameless habit of biting anyone he thought cute. Cute aggression is real with this boy. You could have a totally normal conversation and accidentally do something he thinks is cute and if it's too much cuteness for his non-existent social restraint to stop him, he will just randomly...chomp. None of that bruising marking bite tho (he reserved that for private requests only), but just a light nom. This boy is so oral-oriented.
Tea, and later as they grow older, alcoholic beverages. Sylvia has a habit of casually conjuring a cup/glass and proceeds to pour a cup/glass of her beverage of choice if she feels exasperated but knows that she couldn't nope her way outta there (98% of the time it's because of Sylvan's shenanigans lol). The world could be burning around her but she will still prioritise her drinks first. She stress-workouts. She needs physical activity to cope with stress and anxiety, and this includes the thought of having to socialise. Sylvia is extremely introverted when it comes to socialising. She could command, present, and debate with intimidating charisma but the moment she is asked to socialise in a casual setting, this girl needs her push-ups/laps/any physical activities (and drinks) first. Even then, she will still hide behind Sylvan/Mildred/Riz and avoid interactions at all costs. Has an endearing habit of puffing up her cheeks and scrunching up her face if she couldn't figure out something. She never realised it but every time she is stuck and can't solve/figure out something, she will do it and the next thing she knows her arm just got nommed by her brother; or she will get a random forehead kiss from Riz; or have her puffed cheeks being smooshed and smooched by Mildred. 🤣
Riz is a creature of routine and habit, and it's all for a good reason. Since he doesn't feel hunger pain, he charmed his pocket watch to vibrate every time he is supposed to eat and drink so that he doesn't forget to do so. However, he does have a habit of needing to have his coffee in the morning, his black tea any time after 3pm, and his chamomile tea/warm milk with honey before attempting to sleep. Among the squad, he might be the best at self-care. Of course, there's the routine self-check for injuries and healing procedure he conducts every time he gets to a safe place after a fight or when he gets home after spending time outside, but he also has other self-care habits that he indulges in. He likes scented things and that transfers to his habit of lathering his hands in lotion almost hourly, adding fragrances to his daily evening bath, and his need for lighting scented candles before he attempts to sleep. Also, around the squad, Riz has an automated habit of giving forehead kisses if he thinks they're acting cute. Since the gremlins have established their boundaries with each other early on, Riz is comfortable approaching them, gently tilting their chin with his hand and giving them a forehead kiss (and a soft 'thank you' for making him smile).
Mildred needs her milk tea every morning. She also doesn't like breakfast because she feels the urge to throw up if she eats a full breakfast early in the morning, so she will pack her breakfast and snack on it at smaller time intervals throughout the morning. At Hogwarts, this is right in between classes, and for smaller food items, she would sneakily eat them in class. At home, she would spend at least 15 minutes before starting her day talking to her horse (Orion). While at Hogwarts, she does this with Hazel the Unicorn. If she's in any situation where she can't have Orion/Hazel to talk to, she will resort to her plushies to talk to. She also has the habit of conjuring her plushies and squeezing them whenever she gets nervous or needs a courage boost. Mildred is so attached to her plushies that she makes a plushie resembling everyone she has come to love in her life (yes, she has plushies of the squad.) Similar to Sylvan, she also has an outwardly affectionate habit she practices with everyone she likes. Mildred will smoosh and smooch. If she feels someone in this circle is acting cute, she will giggle and proceed to squish their cheeks in her palm before proceeding to kiss each of their smooshed cheeks (Permanent victim: Sylvan; Favourite victims: Sylvia and Ominis; 'Golden Pokemon victim': Riz 🤣)
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kasienda · 11 months ago
Celebrity Status: Ch 7 - Hiding
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Read on Ao3
Chapter 7: Hiding
I can’t believe Ladybug dropped someone! 
Omg! Ladybug dropped an actual person! 
Adrien wanted to reach through his screen and shake these people! They clearly weren’t watching the same video he was. She hadn’t dropped him. He had fought her, and when he won because she wasn’t actually trying to fight back, he fell. 
Not her fault. 
She probably wouldn’t see it that way though. 
He had tried to look for her after the akuma, but she had bolted without even their usual fist bump.
And now the internet was exploding in condemnation. 
He glanced towards his open window, but there was still no sign of her. 
He thought that she would come. She had for the other for every other PR mishap. 
But another hour went by and she didn’t show. 
He transformed and took to the rooftops. Once he was a few blocks away from the mansion he tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. He didn’t even know if she was transformed.
Just when he was about to give up, the little Ladybug showed up on his map. She wanted him to find her. 
He found her sitting alone, her legs curled into her chest behind a brick chimney. He sat next to her without saying anything. She leaned her head onto his shoulder. A second later she was shaking as she cried.
He wrapped his arms around her. “It wasn’t your fault,” he whispered.
She shook her head, trying to wipe away her own tears, but they just kept falling. 
“He didn’t trust me,” she sobs.
He was an idiot, but Chat Noir knew saying that wouldn’t help. 
“I thought it didn’t matter what anyone thought of me,” she says, her voice smaller than he had ever heard it. 
“We’ll fix it,” he promised. 
“How? Everything I say makes it worse.” 
That was more his fault than hers, though she didn’t know that. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.”
She nodded, but fell into silence once again. 
“How can I make you feel better?” he asked. 
“You’re doing just fine,” she said.
“No,” he disagreed. She might have stopped crying, but she had yet to smile. “What’s something dumb we could talk about?” 
Her chin jutted forward and to the side. “How about that billboard right there?” 
He followed her gaze, and found himself looking at his own photo-shopped image. 
He groaned. He hated that ad. 
Ladybug laughed, so mission successful he supposed. “Jealous, Chaton?” 
He blinked for a second. “Should I be?” 
“Oh, definitely. He’s like the whole deal.” 
He grinned. If only she knew. “Am I sensing a celebrity crush, M’lady?” he teased. 
He didn’t expect her to turn red. 
His heart took off without his permission. 
“Oh my god! You totally have a celebrity crush on Adrien Agreste!” 
How in hell had that happened?
“No! It’s not a celebrity crush!” 
He knew that it was probably more. They had hung out a few times after all.
"I mean, he's a celebrity, and you have a crush on him. Isn't that the definition of a celebrity crush?"
"But it makes it sound so superficial," she whined. "I do actually know him, you know."
"I've seen the pictures. Riposte, wasn't it?"
Adrien had obsessed over the pictures of Ladybug holding him in her arms princess style more than once.
She bit her lower lip. “Y-yeah. Riposte.” 
He almost laughed at her attempt to keep a straight face. “Aw man! You agreed too easily. Now, I’m gonna have to assume that you know him personally.” 
She had spent multiple evenings in his bedroom just in the last two weeks.
He still expected her to scoff. 
She did not. 
Could that would mean—
“You know Adrien Agreste, teenage supermodel? Like in person as yourself?"
 She laughed nervously. "Forget I said anything."
He couldn’t forget it. This was one fact too many. 
Because she didn’t deny it. 
"You should confess,” he blurted.
Was that good advice? Or was he just being self-serving here?
She shook her head. "Ha! Do you have any idea how many confessions Adrien gets in just a month?! He has a script for rejecting them.” 
He wished that was true. He never knew what to say when a stranger confessed to him. But if he knew her, it wasn’t the same thing. 
Not even close. 
"But didn't you say you were his friend?"
"Exactly! He gets a thousand love confessions, but only has a handful of friends. His friends are actually really important to him. Probably more important than anything else. I don't want to ruin something so rare and precious to him."
Adrien grew quiet. Ladybug saw him. Like, she truly saw him. And for the first time ever, it didn’t matter that he didn’t know who she was. 
She knew him. 
And he was more in love with her than ever. 
“I think he’d be lucky to have someone like you in his life,” he said. 
Her cheeks turned pink. “Oh my god. That’s so cheesy.”
“It’s also true.”
She shook her head, smiling.
He returned the expression.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“For what?”
“Making me feel like I have something to offer? Like my problems aren’t the end of the world? For making me feel better in general.”
He bumped her shoulder. “What are friends for?” 
Her arms wrapped around his neck. “I am so lucky that out of everyone in Paris, you were chosen as my partner.” 
He hugged her back. “Me too, bug. Me too.”
Marinette stayed out way too late with Chat Noir, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret it even as she trudged up the stairs to her front door. 
He just had this way of making everything feel possible. Like her problems weren’t so gargantuan. 
She took a deep breath and swung open the door. 
"Marinette! Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you all day!” her maman demanded. 
Marinette pulled out her phone. Sure enough, she had over dozen missed calls. 
“Sorry. I missed that. I didn’t mean to make you worry.” The words felt hollow even to her own ears. She had used them so many times they had lost all meaning. 
Her maman sighed, and yanked her into a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay. Will you please tell me where you were?” 
“I wasn’t anywhere in particular. I was just roaming the city. Trying to get out of my own head.” 
That much was true.
Her mother pulled away and searched her face. Marinette didn’t know what she was looking for.
“Will you please tell me what’s going on?” Sabine begged.
Marientte’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t… I don’t want to disappoint you.” 
Her mother’s hand stroked her arm from her shoulder to her wrist. 
“You could never!” her maman insisted. 
Marinette pulled away from her mother’s hold. It wasn’t true. She was already disappointing them. She wished she could tell them the truth. 
But at least now, she had a believable lie. Or at least she hoped it was believable.
Marinette stared at her hands. 
"Umm... I've been having panic attacks. They’ve— they’ve gotten really bad.” 
Sabine covered her mouth with her hands. 
Marinette made herself continue. “I try to go to class anyway, but sometimes, it's too much and I just have to hide. Especially during akuma attacks. I—I've been researching. I think I might have PTSD."
"Why didn't you tell us?" The question was barely louder than a whisper. 
"It's just… my anxiety had been so much better this year, and you were so proud. I didn't want to disappoint either of you."
“So I lied. And then later you were so upset and I wanted to take it back, but it seemed too late. So I just dug in.”
Sabine wrapped her in a hug. "Oh honey! We would never be disappointed in you over something like this. We want to know about these things, so that we can help you."
"You’re right,” Marientte mumbled into her mother’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.” 
Sabine kissed the top of her head, and pulled her into another hug. “Marinette, thank you for telling me. I’m so proud of you for telling me. We can look into getting you a psychiatrist.”
Marinette winced. That wouldn’t help her. She couldn’t talk about most of the things that she struggled with. All her secrets were off the table. And she definitely didn’t want to take meds for panic attacks that weren’t happening, but that was a problem for another day. For now, Marinette just let herself relax in her mother’s hold. 
“Please remember next time, you can’t hide from things that are hard. It only makes them worse.”
But her mother was right. She couldn’t keep hiding from things that were hard. 
And Chat Noir was right. Her PR problem didn’t have to be the end of the world. 
She just needed to be more proactive. Adrien would certainly have some ideas. 
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