#- alec lightwood actually
helenofblackthorns · 1 year
Alec and Clary hating each other's guts in cob is iconic & funny but what makes it so much funnier is how quickly they get over it. by the epilogue they're both like "I feel so bad about all the mean & completely untrue things I said to you and for being really shitty/shoving you against a wall/nearly causing you to die :( im so sorry. anyway, let's never tell Jace any of this k?" and then proceeded to never acknowledge any of it again. by coa it's like it never happened at all. like it doesn't even get a mention in their inner monologues or anything. the one time it does come up is in tftsa due to Simon's incomplete memories & him being under the impression Alec doesn't like Clary. and when he brings it up to Alec his immediate response is this
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like I'm obsessed with their dynamic, nobody's doing it like them
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booksandmore · 6 days
i really would not change a single thing about the malec plotline (breakup and all) but sometimes i really do wish we got to see alec date at least one other person yk? and i dont mean that in a pre-cog focing himself to date a woman to hide his sexuality way, i mean in a post-breakup rebound/fling kinda way like i just know the drama would be legendary
#my favourite part is imagining how everyone would react like i do not think ANYONE would see it coming#i think magnus would be the most accepting of it actually. all he wants is alec to be happy and i think that at this point in the story some#part of him deep down doesn’t really think they were ever going to have that sort of demesticity anyway#imagining how robert would react is amusing me greatly#especially because i imagine no one told him abt the breat up(he thinks malec is still together)#bad ending is magnus leaves nyc forever and never goes back even after alec becomes counsul and legalizes gay/downworlder-shadowhunter#marrage. also alec never marries and dies at the tender age of 41 :((#good ending is they get their shit together and get married and adopt their kids!!#but what i really want to know is how alec would react to a new relationship#would he consider it serious? casual? when his partner is being cagy about their past would alec push or leave it be or would he think#it doesn’t matter? because it’s not magnus and let’s be real he’ll never he over magnus#would he let them call him alexander? in the early morning would he forget for one breif second that it wasn’t magnus with him?#would it be a nice respectable shadowhunter boy his age or would it be another powerful imortal downworlder older than literal countries?#i do think alec has a type. unfortunately#rafael sends magnus a gift basket when he founds out<3#i’ve speant a lot of time thinking about this actually#tsc#tmi#alec lightwood#the shadowhunter chronicles#the mortal instruments
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dayque · 2 months
*At the end of a meeting with the centurions and students of the scalomancer*
Ty: Alexander! I wanted to thank you for your work as Consul, having a person like me in such an important position, promoting laws that include us and showing the rest of the shadowhunters what we are capable of... It's something I never thought possible before you.
Alec: It's a pleasure to serve the Clave as someone who is gay, we are just as capable of do a good job as
Ty: I was talking about the autism... But being gay is also cool
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but daddy i love him by taylor swift but it’s alec lightwood throwing away the clave and his parents and everyone’s expectations for magnus
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spicyvampire · 2 years
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“Hello. Who is this?”
SHADOWHUNTERS 1.05 “Moo Shu to Go”
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lurafita · 8 months
I'm back on cracky demon!Magnus!!!
Let's say when first coming to earth, Magnus has a very literal understanding of the language. So when overhearing a conversation between two women about "catching a boyfriend", he makes an honest to god trap, involving a chocolate parfait and a net. Alec will never, ever, ever admit that his secret sweet tooth landed him with a demonic boyfriend.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023:
2.01 vs 3.10
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amrubrum · 10 months
if she kills off someone from the tmi gang then what
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faejilly · 1 year
so I wanted to riff off of @alexanderlightweight's response to the Alec/Bow/Quiver/summoning meta post by @ralfstrashcan that I reblogged recently, but also I didn't want it to get lost in an increasingly long reblog chain, so I'm gonna quote and start over here:
my headcanon is that it's alec's shadowhunter ability like clary's rune ability and apparently the herondale ghost talking ability(??)
if we really want to take it a step further. we can even talk about how izzy has specially made weapons that have to be super tricky to use which means weapons ability
but that's just my brain. which made that one scene where alec goes back to the institute make no sense, to retrieve his bow because literally every other time he doesn't need to (they just wanted to give clace the training moment and set up the whole hodge thing)
1: I also think Alec's 'have to go get a bow' is just an excuse, but he's using it to a) get away from Jace behaving incomprehensibly & Clary being So Very Clary, AND b) to cover their tracks now that he's realized just HOW comprehensively his siblings are going to go off the rails in the next day or so. (And on a narrative level I really like the scene with Hodge so I'm glad it exists. 😅)
2: I headcanon that part of the reason Alec (& to a lesser extent but still noticeably so, Izzy) can get away with pushing so many Clave/Nephilim boundaries without actually getting deruned despite their parents being on Thin Fucking Ice™️ with well, everyone, is that they have inherited both Family Traits and that's valuable enough (especially after all the losses during and after the Uprising) that the Clave really really doesn't want to get rid of them.
(Similarly, there's some hope that Jace and/or his expected children might show signs of the Wayland traits coming to life again as they've died out otherwise. Obviously that goes a bit sideways once they finally pick up on How Very Herondale he is, but luckily he's Herondale so that's still a benefit.)
Truebloods: very literally truth-tellers. Variations on their skills include the ability to recognize lies, off the charts charisma when they are invoking what they believe to be the truth, and an ability to make the most awkward truths palatable to audiences that normally wouldn't want to engage with them. They were traditionally the guardians of the Soul Sword whenever it left the City of Bones, but that honor faded away over the years as the Council with the Consul/Inquisitor as heads centralized power in their own hands.
Izzy can be seen doing this during her trial, because even when her personal behavior has included digs & microaggressions against Downworlders, she believes that they as a people can and should do better and her speech clearly works in-universe because of that resonance of truth.
(She even occasionally manages the sincere/heart-felt clunky dialogue that works despite being clunky that Alec's so good at, and poor Jace doesn't, despite his best attempts, because for all he's a Lightwood in every other way that matters, he's not actually part Trueblood.)
Maryse has several hints of Alec's same blunt (inexplicably successful) sincerity once she lets herself stop hiding behind Politics & Expectations. When she's upset with Izzy about spending time with the Seelie in s1, she has a line that always felt very self-recriminating to me; (I'm paraphrasing here since I'm too lazy to pull up the script or episode): 'never trust a people who can't lie, they'll find more imaginative ways to stab you in the back'. She knows this about the Seelie because it's what she's always done.
(Alec's shock at his parents being in the Circle can't be because it's against their politics as they've never really tried to behave better. Perhaps it's because it never occurred to him that they could lie that well. Especially his mother, since he has a much better relationship with her than Robert.)
This means that Maryse buying into Valentine's rhetoric was invaluable to him, because she could back him up and help make sure people would fall for it, because she was a Trueblood. Equally, when she turns, that is part of why the Clave lets them back in. Her vow to now toe the party line is completely believable, because she promised on her children... who are also Truebloods.
This also means that their bloodline is one that would not always be popular since they can call out power when it's behaving badly; thus the apparent decline of Trueblood standing in the way that the show refuses to ever really acknowledge it in the present day timeline, and instead talks about Lightwood honor.
(But countered in the way The Clave doesn't move directly against Alec Lightwood, HotI, despite gay and living with a Downworlder, despite how much clear disdain he has for so many of them and their policies. They aren't willing to risk what a Trueblood could do if pushed into active rebellion.)
Lightwoods have a much more palatable martial gift. Their affinity for the adamas in their weapons means they can bond with them, sometimes strongly enough to summon them, manipulate them in the field, adapt them and rune them and enhance them in ways most Shadowhunters can't. (We never see anyone doing anything resembling Alec runing his arrows in s1 after all. What if most of them can't?)
As shown by Izzy in s3 as Weapon's Master, in Alec's ability to beat his parabatai (the supposed best fighter of a generation) when they're sparring with weapons even if he loses once they get to hand-to-hand, Izzy's unique skill with a whip, Alec fighting with everything he gets his hands on, from seraph blades to his signature bow to actual arrows for stabbing. (As seen in everything in ralf's original meta post and delightful fic.)
There's even something in the fact that Izzy was interested in joining the Iron Sisters (which while prestigious also involves even more sacrifice from a people who have to sacrifice a lot already and are thus vital enough that they let Cleophas join despite her past because they needed her) and yet Izzy stayed active duty -- and presumably eventually marriageable.
(I frequently wonder if part of why she chose to make herself as unpalatable as possible for a traditional/political match was a lingering bit of awareness that that was what The Clave most wanted from her, regardless of who she wanted to be.)
ALSO! There has to be a reason that Robert Lightwood was valuable enough to keep even when they got rid of Maryse, a reason the show reiterates Lightwood honor over and over again, a reason he & Maryse got to be co-Heads of an Institute (even if the general fanon that they were more constrained than most Proper Heads does fit what little we see), and we never actually see Robert fighting or sparring, but we are repeatedly told that his children are the best of the best.
But it's seldom mentioned as a compliment, is it? More like an expectation. They're Lightwoods, they have to be the best with their weapons, or what is the point of them? It's just another weight added to Alec's so-called crown, another expectation Izzy has to both flaunt and fight against every day so she can have at least a little bit of herself left to hold onto.
(The one thing Jace is good at, the one bit of the monster his father built that helps; he's as good with a blade as a Lightwood. It's the only thing that gives him hope for redemption, the only thing that gives him enough conviction to ask Alec to be his parabatai and protect his soul from himself.)
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kameraadia · 1 month
i’m utterly obsessed with your header. yes alec lightwood is a yugoslav communist comrade. this is the book series we could have had if cassandra clare was just a little bit braver.
I hate hate hate hate HATE the reformist narrative pushed by the books (and to some extent the show.) Like no the clave is not reformable it is an inherently racist and oppressive institution. The idea that Alexander lightwood wold choose to uphold this structure and try to “reform” it while having the identities that he does, having the political/historical understanding that he has and having both platonic and romantic relationships with Downworlders is just such a cop out to me. It is a dishonesty to his character that he pursues reform over revolution.
And Magnus also agreeing with this ideology is absolutely detrimental to every other part of his character you have no idea how much I was to strangle CC over this.
Anyway Alec lightwood is 100% a member of the communist party of Idris in my head thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Comrade Alec Lightwood is the only Alec Lightwood I will accept. Canon is dead and I personally hid the body.
Also fun fact the flag is actually some random redditor’s attempt at a Dutch communist flag, my best friend who is Bosniak sent it to me because she thought it looked a lot like the Yugoslav flag, we found it hilarious for some reason and now it’s our matching profile pictures on most social media.
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Looking over my main characters/the arcs I tend to write/the characters I tend to be attracted to writing 200k+ words about, patterns start to emerge (most of which describe me pretty well, ngl). So I'm kinda curious.
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months
clace incest era obviously sucks but I do appreciate how literally all their friends are weirdly okay with it. like idk it's fun. anyone else would be raising multiple moral objections but not Simon, Alec, and Izzy! they're the og ride or die friends because this was somehow not a deal breaker. they at most joke about it after the fact, friendship goals ig
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booksandmore · 14 days
hot take alec lightwood listens to olivia rodrigo
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dayque · 9 months
Alec: I still can't believe I'm autistic.
Jace: The repetitive routines, your lack of ability to start new conversations, and the fact that you know by heart all the demonology books in the library don't seem like enough signs to me either...
Magnus: Don't forget his extensive and horrible collection of lance weapons..
Alec: Are you guys bean sarcastic?
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teaforthotxxx · 19 days
Sometimes I think Im ok but then I remembered that the characters I genuinely related to the most when I was 14 were:
Sirius Orion Black (2013/2014 edition but i still love the new version of him that the fandom has made)
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Lestat de Lioncourt (Vampire Lestat vibes also highkey relate to his midlife crisis in Tales of the Body theif)
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Alec Lightwood (book ver - sry to show ver but I can’t relate to being a top in anything)
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Like tell me I was a bi catholic girl that had severe religious trauma and gifted kid burnout in a convent school without telling me I was a bi catholic girl that had severe religious trauma and gifted kid burnout in a convent school.
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Hey! could you do something with autistic alec? cus i saw one of your fics with that tag and i love autistic Alec :) cus i feel seen and it makes me really happy ❤️❤️
so first things first anon, i have wonderful news! all of my alec's are autistic because i headcanon him as autistic and thats the only way i write him really <3
i'm autistic and thats just how I ended up writing him and i have for years, but i stopped tagging it because i got tired of dealing with people (this is not directed at you btw, i was so excited to see this prompt and that you liked them and felt seen by it!!! because thats what i originally wanted) who didn't feel i made alec 'autistic enough' which just annoyed and triggered me so i stopped tagging it. also some gross stereotypes and at one point someone told me to 'prove i was autistic'... but that was several years ago.
now i live with my bf who is more than happy to deal with ignorant people for me, so i'm happy to start tagging it again if it makes people feel seen? since that's the most important part. so this is autistic alec but it's more domestic than focusing on autistic? since like i mentioned, all my alecs are?
so i hope you enjoy that knowledge and this fic.
also, in pretty much all of my fics Magnus is Alec's main Special Interest. it's why he kind of just is happy doing things Magnus likes, because that's who he likes enjoying himself and that makes his day. Especially when he contributes to it in some way or just gets to bask in it.
Alec stares at the group of ichor-dripping shadowhunters in front of him and looks blankly at the sheepish faces of his hunters and the unrepentant, mulish expressions of Jace and Clary.
Already he knows exactly how this is about to go and he wants no part of it. In fact, he is activating his newest protocol.
“Mirai!” He yells out and in a flash of runic speed, his second is there and staring at the group with her own scowl. “These two teams seem to think that whatever mess they got into, that it required the Head of the Institute, do you agree?”
Mirai scoffs and gives the group a dark look, “Commander, the only thing they need is to be tossed into decontamination and put on ichor duty for a few shifts. Especially since one of them left a body shaped dent in an alley wall and mundane chatter picked it up.”
Jace winces suspiciously and Alec sends him a scolding look, because he really should know better.
“You didn’t punch the wall or something after? Make it less suspicious?” Alec asks, because they have protocols, and nothing tonight should have required such sloppy work.
“Clary saw something and—” Jace trails off and shrugs, as if realizing he’s only about to get himself and his little menace in more trouble.
“I’m leaving.” Alec finally says and he turns, walking out of the Institute itself instead of just going to his office.
“What’s wrong?” Magnus asks and Alexander melts into him, ignoring Magnus’ book and his cup and his greedy boy practically shoves them out of the way so he can collapse onto Magnus’ lap.
“People are wrong.” Alexander tells him and he makes a grumble against Magnus’ belly, “no more talking now.” Alexander tells him, which means that his boy is very close to overstimulation or is already there.
“Alright darling, I have you.” Magnus promises and the lights dim, and he hesitates before he touches Alexander, relieved when Alexander nuzzles into the touch.
Alexander mumbles an agreement but doesn’t say anything else and Magnus lets time pass as he gently plays with Alexander’s hair until his boy finally, slowly takes a deep breath and sits up. He’s avoiding Magnus’ gaze but in a relaxed way, so Magnus waits patiently. There are lips pressed to his cheek and Alexander leans against him, snuggling into his side and claiming Magnus’ hand to wrap around himself so he can kiss the knuckles.
“Shall I portal us away?” Magnus offers, because sometimes the rare occasion of being taken somewhere safe and protected by Magnus’ magic is appealing. Other times, like now, Alexander just shakes his head with a sigh and leans more firmly into him.
“No, I need to stay here and be on standby. Mirai is going to cover for me while I take a break though. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal, if they hadn’t brought in enough ichor to give every shadowhunter a headache. Sensory overload when I wasn’t expecting it and I was already pretty raw from my meeting with the clave.”
“You can relax here.” Magnus promises him, reminding Alexander that the loft is safe and will always be safe for him.
Anywhere Magnus is will always be a space that is safe for his boy.
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