#- Bonjour mon garçon
lolochaponnay · 6 months
La grand mère de Toto lui dit: - Toto, pour que je ne paye pas ta place dans le bus, tu vas dire au chauffeur que tu as 9 ans et pas 10 ans d’accord ? - D’accord mamie, répondit Toto En montant dans le bus, le chauffeur demande à Toto : - Bonjour mon garçon, quel âge as-tu ? - J’ai 9 ans monsieur ! - Et quand auras tu 10 ans ? - Quand je serai descendu du bus, monsieur !
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sv5hive · 8 months
c'est toujours toi | cl16
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
content warning(s): mixture of my bad french and google translate bcos in 5 years of learning that language i didn't pick up anything useful (if anyone wants to suggest any improvements please do!!)
word count: 951
note: i had to rewrite this 3 times bcos i didn't like it and it's past midnight again. help.
darkness encapsulated the room before a video flickered onto the screen and the guests fell silent. a sense of familiarity filled you as you realised just what you were about to watch.
"maman, arrête! c'est bon!" (mum, stop! it's fine!)
the boy pushed his mothers hands away trying to adjust his clothes.
"d'accord! mais c'est ton mariage." (ok! but it's your wedding.)
as much as the woman wanted to take her son seriously, she couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
they were enjoying a picnic in the park as a family when their three sons decided to go wander off and give their parents some relief. it hadn't even been fifteen minutes when their middle child had come tumbling back towards them saying that he was going to get married.
they had almost laughed but the boy was showing no hint of amusement on his face. it was then that their two other children returned with a little girl wearing a pink dress in the middle of them. once they reached them, the boy introduced her.
"c'est ma petite amie!" (this is my girlfriend!) he proudly showed her off to his parents as if to prove a point that he wasn't just telling tales this time.
his parents simply stared at the pair in disbelief and shock.
a tiny, almost inaudible, "bonjour" came from the girl as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. they could barely hear her over the birds chirping.
"charles! tu ne peux pas faire ça. où sont ses parents?" (charles! you can't do that. where are her parents?) his mother wasted no time in scolding the three boys for taking the girl away from her family.
before anyone else could reply, the girl came to their defence.
"mes parents sont à la maison. désolé de vous inquiéter, madame leclerc, mais on peut se marier maintenant?" (my parents are at home. sorry to worry you, mrs. leclerc, but can we get married now?)
"tu es sûre que, chérie? charles est un garçon très désordonné!" (are you sure, darling? charles is a very messy boy!)
"papa!" the boy blushed at his father embarrassing him for fun.
"je vais lui apprendre à ranger, ne vous inquiètez pas!" (i'll teach him how to clean up, don't worry!)
the two adults went along with the plans to make them happy and began preparing for an impromptu wedding as best they could. his father would walk her down the aisle, his younger brother would be his best man while his older brother would be the officiant, and his mother would record the special occasion on their camera.
an imitation of 'here comes the bride' was attempted and although it was pretty much unrecognisable, you could take a well educated guess given the circumstances. the boy's father leaned down to hold the girl's hand as he walked her down the makeshift aisle with daisies and buttercups sprinkled over the grass. she whispered a quiet "merci" and soon enough the bride and groom were face to face with each other.
the older boy quickly stepped into his improvised role of the officiant with what little knowledge he had and introduced the few guests to the ceremony. after all the formalities, it was finally time for vows.
"je promets de toujours t'aimer comme ma maman et mon papa. je jouerai avec toi tous les jours et te donnerai tous mes jouets." (i promise to always love you like my mum and dad. i will play with you every day and give you all my toys.)
the boy reached out to hold the girl's hands and bumbled through his vows which only included everything that was important to him, of course.
the girl blushed and went ahead with her vows which were just as innocent and clumsy as his were.
"je promets de t'aider à nettoyer tes bêtises et de vous soutenir lorsque vous deviendrez pilote de course!" (i promise to help you clean your messes and support you when you become a racing driver)
despite only having met an hour beforehand, the two had clearly bonded and learnt much about each other.
"vous pouvez maintenant embrasser la mariée!" (you may now kiss the bride!)
cheers erupted as the boy took a brave step forward and pecked the girl's cheek to her pleasant surprise.
whistles and claps echoed through the room from your family and friends as the screen faded to black and the lights were switched back on. the reception was just starting and the guests had left their tables to eat, dance and mingle. the bittersweet nostalgia had brought tears to your eyes and you had to blink them back to be able to see clearly. you couldn't believe you had forgotten the day you two met.
you were brought back down to earth when you felt a hand squeeze yours.
"tu va bien, ma chérie?" (are you okay, darling?)
you turned to the man beside you and squeezed his hand back before replying.
"ouais, mon amour. je ne pourrais aller mieux. regarde comme on était petit!" (yes, my love. i couldn't be better. look how little we were!)
charles laughed and kissed your temple. sometimes he found it hard to believe how lucky he was to find you that day. he found it even harder to believe that you two were finally married now. after years of friendship and not so secretly pining for each other, he had finally been bold enough to make a move.
"dès que je t'ai vu, j'ai su que j'allais t'épouser. c'est toujours toi, mon trésor." (as soon as i saw you, i knew i was going to marry you. it's always you, my treasure.)
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starwarsmum · 3 months
Chapter three, up now on AO3
Chapter 3: Jon
Team Miraculous finds their way to the Watchtower, and Superboy is confused <3
There was a lot of bustle on the Watchtower that day, people whispering and looking around, hopeful to get a view of the Parisian hero team. Rumour was that Wonder Woman herself was going to be showing them around, partially because she could speak French but mostly because her mother had been a previous Ladybug heroine and she was, simply put, a fan.
Superboy was mostly indifferent to the hubbub, not wanting to get in the way, so he joined up with who he thought would be the least interested in getting to know the team - the remaining batboys and Kon. He was therefore surprised when he found both Nightwing and Red Hood talking about the French team with even more interest than anyone else he had heard.
“Sup batties,” he greeted, floating towards them. “Wow, I didn't think you knew how to get excited about visitors, aren't you all normally suspicious of anything new?” He joked, smiling at Red Robin who was scrolling through something on a tablet.
“Hey Superboy,” Nightwing greeted, bouncing up. Superboy did a double take because Nightwing had become famous for being almost as brooding as the big B ever since- he cut off the thought before it fully formed. “Isn't it great? I've hardly heard anything about the French super team, I can't wait to meet them. Do you think they're huggers?”
“God I hope not,” came Red Hood’s voice. “I told you we should've asked for more information, I hate going into these things blind. They'd better speak English or I swear, I'm gonna walk out.”
“Oh please, your French is way better than it used to be,” Dick snorted. “I mean, you get enough practice with-”
“Zip it ’Wing,” Hood growled, making Nightwing look down, abashed. Well that was interesting - did Red Hood get a girlfriend or something? Superboy tried to shut down the bubbling curiosity, as Hood would absolutely eviscerate anyone who tried to pry into his private life. “And just cos I can speak it doesn't mean I wanna practice in the suit, got it?”
“And these are some of our Gotham vigilantes and Metropolis heroes. They don't often interact outside of their bubble, but Nightwing and Superboy are the friendliest if you need to speak with them.” Wonder Woman had made her way over to their room, clearly hoping to impress the younger heroes. “Hello boys, this is Ladybug and her Miraculous Team.”
“ Bonjour, messieurs, I am sure we will get along fine. It is a pleasure to meet you, I have heard much about les garçons from Gotham and Metropolis. These are some of my team, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion and Honey Bee. Malheureusement, not everyone could, or wanted to, attend this meeting. I am sure you understand, we have been a team by ourselves for a long time, and not all of them wished to involve themselves internationally.”
“Of course, Madame Ladybug, I'm sure nobody is offended,” Wonder Woman interjected. “But this does conclude the tour of the Watchtower, is there anything else you wished to discuss before we have the meeting later this afternoon?”
“Non, merci. I would request that you take my team back to the lunch hall, I am sure they are hungry. I would like to speak with Superboy before I join them. It is a personal matter,” she said firmly, when it looked as though she would be interrupted. Reluctantly, her team and Wonder Woman left, glancing curiously at her as they did so. “Mon dieu, I knew it would be tiring when I agreed to adjoin myself to the Justice League but I did not expect everyone to be so…”
“Hah, yeah, sorry buggie, everyone's been curious about your team so there was no chance of you getting out of anything.” Red Hood shrugged but leaned forward to engage in the conversation. “I have to ask though, didn't you have a different teammate? A partner? What was his name, cat black?”
“Ah, you mean Chat Noir,” Ladybug said, nodding. “ Oui, Chat was my partner when I was younger, a best friend mais… we grew apart. I no longer have a superhero partner, as such. Someone close to me wears the Black Cat Miraculous so that balance remains, but he only transforms in extreme circumstances. Now, s’il vous plaît, I really must speak with Superboy, preferably alone.”
“Uh, sure thing.” There were several raised eyebrows but Ladybug ignored them as she let Superboy lead them away. “Uh, did you want a soundproof room or something? Just because the other Superboy would be able to hear everything, otherwise.”
“Uh, sure thing.” There were several raised eyebrows but Ladybug ignored them as she let Superboy lead them away. “Uh, did you want a soundproof room or something? Just because the other Superboy would be able to hear everything, otherwise.”
“ Oui , that would be appreciated, thank you.” He could hear the others grumbling but ignored them. He was definitely curious and didn't want the others to know what they talked about in real time. “Thank you, Superboy, for meeting with me. I must say, I have heard a lot about you.”
“Oh, really?” Superboy was surprised - he was much more accustomed to people having heard about his Dad than himself. Why would a French superheroine have heard about him more so than others? “So, is this like, a fan thing?”
“Oh, non, desolée, I have heard about you from a…mutual source. Un petit oiseau , as it were. I do not wish to use a name, whilst I am unsure whether we are being observed, but this little bird would very much like to see you if you are willing.”
“Uh, sure, the thing is, this seems kind of very sketchy, I'm sure you understand,” Superboy answered, feeling like he was missing a joke. She seemed unsurprised and nodded amiably smiling a little. “Right, so I don't really know how you expect me to meet with this ‘mutual source', I'm sorry.”
“D’accord, you are correct to be suspicious, but I will give you the coordinates as I promised him I would. We shall be at them every Saturday at 16 heures for the foreseeable future, starting tomorrow. One thing I can say is, if you are on the fence about meeting with us, Nightwing and Red Hood can vouch for us. They will likely be surprised but if you tell them that Penny has asked to meet you, they will understand. And now that I have shared this information with you, I must go and meet with my team.”
Superboy was even more confused as she walked away, wondering how on earth he was supposed to explain any of this to the others. He walked slowly back to the room, immediately bombarded with questions from Kon and Nightwing. He held his hands up to stop them and they quieted down immediately.
“I honestly have no idea what just happened. She said we had a mutual friend who wanted to see me? Something about a little birdie, honestly I am beyond confused. And it looks like you have no idea what she's talking about Nightwing, even though she said you would vouch for her,” he added, causing Nightwing to frown. “I didn't think you knew her but she said to say ‘Penny asked to see me’, and-”
“What?!” The shout came from both Nightwing and Red Hood, the latter shooting up from his seat and the former grabbing Superboy's wrist. “No seriously, she said…but that would mean…Jesus, how did we not see it?”
“No, no way, that's what she meant, freaking ‘birds of a feather’,” Red Hood ranted, ripping his helmet off to run his hand through his hair. “Are you shitting me, she's a superhero?!”
“Okay, I'm officially lost,” Red Robin said, looking back and forth between his two brothers. “Who's this Penny, and why would that make you two freak out like this?”
“She's -”
“It's complicated, Red,” Nightwing cut in, looking exhausted. “And it's not our secret to share, but if she approached you, Superboy, and told you to say that, it means she doesn't mind us knowing who she is. And I guarantee you, choosing not to meet with her would be a huge mistake.”
After that, Red Hood and Nightwing refused to answer any more questions, which only made the others more curious. They approached the meeting that afternoon in varying states of anticipation. Kon seemed to be bored of it, Red Robin was annoyed with his brothers for not sharing what they knew, and Nightwing and Red Hood practically bounced into the room. They made their way over to the French group and practically smothered Ladybug.
She seemed to take it well enough, smirking mischievously up at them as they complained about how she should have told them sooner, especially as they were ambushed with the information. The rest of her team looked nervous until Ladybug introduced the pair and said that they were ‘practically family', after which they nodded and made polite conversation. 
Superboy remained tense for the whole meeting, taking note of everything Ladybug did. He noticed that she was polite with almost everyone, she got along with them too. The only person she seemed not to tolerate was Batman . Which baffled Superboy, how could she not get on with Batman, but apparently knew Nightwing and Red Hood? But it was clear that she did not like the man, only giving him one-word answers and elaborating only when someone else followed up.
By the end of the meeting Batman was broodier than usual, which only seemed to make Ladybug smug. Nightwing and Red Hood seemed to find it hilarious and Red Robin took some pleasure in it too. When she bid them all farewell, promising to be reachable if and when they needed the team, she gave Superboy another unreadable look before vanishing into the Zeta tube to head back to Paris.
The following day, Superboy decided that his curiosity was too strong, and that he had to meet with the mysterious Ladybug and their ‘mutual friend', if only to put an end to his constant musing. He flew up to the top of the building matching the coordinates he had been given. He had arrived early, so as not to be taken by surprise, only to realise that Ladybug had arrived before him. She smiled and waved up at him before turning towards the roof access door.
“Uh, hey, sorry for getting here so early, time zones and all,” he said, wishing he could hear her heartbeat. It was very disconcerting as he could hear everyone else's heartbeats, just not Team Miraculous. For example, there were two other heartbeats very nearby, a young one and- the other was familiar, very familiar, though he couldn't quite place it. 
“Please, Monsieur Kent , you absolutely meant to be here early,” she said, smiling as he froze at the use of his alter ego’s name. “Désolée, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, but it feels dishonest not to tell you that I know your name. Mon amour was very clear that honesty is important to you.”
“Which is why I said that I should be the one to greet him, ma cherie, ” came an amused voice. Jon whirled towards it and saw a tall, broad shouldered man walking towards him. He was wearing a red shirt, a black hoodie and dark jeans. The lining of his jacket was yellow and the man was carrying a small child. The silence stretched as Jon stared at him and the man chuckled awkwardly. “Tt, Kent, you act as though nobody has ever discerned your identity before.”
“Damian?” He whispered, dropping to the roof. “Is it really you?"
“It is me,” Damian rumbled, watching as his wife dropped her transformation and took the child from him. He stood awkwardly, not sure how to proceed. “You know, this is the least I have been hugged by people from my previous life, which is saying something given that Todd was the first.”
In the blink of an eye, Jon had launched himself at Damian, squeezing him until he let out a choked breath. “Sorry, I'm sorry, I just can't believe it's you . I haven't heard from you since you said you were leaving! I knew if I gave you space you'd come back but it's been 5 years and then Dick and Jason and Tim hadn't heard about you, they couldn't find you anywhere and I -”
“Breathe, Kent,” Damian said, glancing towards Ladybug- or, well, the woman who was Ladybug a few moments ago. Now there was just a petite woman with dark hair and blue eyes, wearing a cheerful sun dress and holding a babbling baby who was reaching back for Damian. “Perhaps we should take this party inside, I would not like to have to explain to our neighbours that Superboy has taken an interest in us.”
Once they were settled in the apartment, Ladybug introduced her civilian identity and then excused herself to finish cooking dinner. Damian then introduced Penélope, AKA Penny, and they chatted about how the previous visits had gone. It helped that Damian had said goodbye before vanishing into thin air, there was no real bad blood between them.
“I still can't believe you have a kid. And Marinette? She's great! I mean, she freaked me out yesterday when she pulled up to the Watchtower and basically frosted your dad out at the meeting. But given how much we all hate your old man, it made her friends in the batfam. I'm pretty sure Tim is confused as hell though, when are you gonna tell him what's going on?”
“We are unsure when we will be able to reach out to Drake. But as you now know, it would be unreasonable to ask you to keep this from everyone."
“Hey, I can keep a secret! You trusted Dick and Jason to keep it secret,” he pouted, crossing his arms. “You know I wouldn't tell anyone else if you didn't want me to. I didn't tell them I dropped you off in Germany when you wanted to leave, did I?”
“It is not because we do not trust you, Kent. It is about not making you keep a secret from your family. I have a…different perspective than I did when I left the manor. If someone, even you, asked me to keep something from Marinette, I would be uncomfortable. I would do it, because you are my best friend, but I would be unhappy. I cannot imagine that you would be happy to keep a secret from your family.”
“Huh, that's a surprising amount of insight from you,” Jon said, blinking. “Tell you what, if they ask me, I'll tell them, otherwise my lips are sealed. Except for Bruce, he can jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned. But I'm glad you're happy Dames, it's nice to see.”
“Thank you, Kent. I have missed speaking with you, even if you were always…exuberant.” Jon laughed, beaming at his friend. They both turned as Marinette carried food through to the dining table. “Perhaps you should change, whilst you may be comfortable in your suit, I would like to have a family meal. Don't worry, Marinette has some extra clothes for you in the other room.”
Jon nodded before heading to the room Damian had indicated. Hanging on the wardrobe was a soft blue sweater, grey jeans and a bag to put them in. He changed at superspeed and was surprised by how comfortable they were. Stepping back out, he was confronted by Marinette who circled him, shifting his arms up and down.
“Um, is everything okay?” He asked nervously, glancing at Damian who only chuckled. “Did I wear them wrong or something?”
“ Non, I am just checking to see what adjustments I must make. I could only guess at your size when I met you yesterday. Damian is a good model but you are not quite the same size which means I could not perfect it.” She sighed before taking a seat and motioning for Jon to do the same. “Which reminds me, I have emailed Monsieur Drake about doing an in-person consultation. If he is available, I plan on setting it for Juin, just before mon anniversaire. Perhaps we could make a holiday of it?”
“Whatever you wish, mon coeur, ” Damian agreed. “Would you like to see if Jagged is free? Or perhaps Alya and Nino?”
“I might see if Adrien and Felix are available and wish to join us,” Marinette mused. “We could make it a longer, more adventurous trip. Would you be available to see us, Jon?”
“Uh, you’re gonna have a hard time keeping me away! I've missed too much of D’s life as it is, you'll be lucky to get a Saturday night without me.” Damian chuckled and Marinette beamed back at him. “But I don't know if Tim's going to be able to get away from work to get that in-person consult. He's been pretty swamped since Bruce started over doing it with his night job.”
“Tt, I am glad I never showed an inclination for the family business. Drake was always better suited for it and it would only have served to lock me into Gotham. But I think what Marinette is saying is that we shall be making a house call on Drake to have the consultation.”
“You would come back to Gotham?” Jon asked, wide-eyed. “But…I thought you didn't want everyone to know where you were.”
Damian sighed and ruffled his hair with one hand. Penélope burbled and smacked her spoon to the table, easing a smile onto his face. “When I was freshly 18 and did not know how to live away from my family, I wanted them to stay away so I could make my own life. But I am settled now, I know what and who I am. No matter who I come across, I will be able to return to my home.”
The conversation became easier, happy to relax and catch up. As it got later, Marinette excused herself to put Penélope to bed, leaving the two men to chat more. It got later and Jon started to yawn, which somehow made Marinette reappear, brandishing a pair of pyjamas and insisting he stay the night.
“Are you sure? I can just head on over to the Zeta tube and crash on the Watchtower, it won't be a problem.”
“Do not argue with me, Jon. I have already set up the spare bed and you did not get a chance to say au revoir to Penélope properly. I must insist, stay for tonight and then you can go after breakfast tomorrow.”
Jon settled into their spare bed, glancing around the room. There was a creative desk in the corner, completely overrun with fabrics, notebooks and various sewing equipment. In another there was a bookshelf full of old notebooks, photo albums, picture frames and knick-knacks. The apartment was clearly full of memories and love, it gave him a sense of peace to see so much. 
The next morning, Jon awoke to the sounds of someone cooking and singing along to a pop song. He aimed his head in the direction of the noise and squinted so that he could see the shapes of 2 people dancing around each other as they worked together. He grinned, turned around and stretched, before clambering out of the bed. 
When he joined them in the kitchen, Marinette was plating some fresh croissants and pouring coffee from a carafe into three mugs. She flashed him another blinding smile before inviting him to join them at the kitchen island. He slid onto a bar stool and accepted a plate and a mug of coffee.
“Wow, these look incredible! Thanks Marinette. I'm sorry I can't stay too much longer, but my family will be wondering where I went and I don't really want to let my dad know - he's good friends with Bruce and might feel the need, you know?”
“We know, but don't worry, I'm sure it will not be long before he knows anyway. It is très difficile to keep it secret when so many people need to know. It is a risk we are willing to take now."
“Regardless, we do not want you to lie to your family, Kent. Marinette has already received an email back from Drake so we shall be making the trip to Gotham in 2 months, after which it will be nigh impossible to keep the information from him.”
Jon looked unsure but they seemed calm and their heartbeats had not changed so he would have to take their word. It was with teary eyes that Jon said goodbye but Damian invited him to join the weekly video call that he did with Dick and Jason, which cheered him up considerably.
He flew back to Metropolis, clutching the bag Marinette had insisted he take, and marveling at how much Damian had grown. He was determined not to be the one to ruin that by telling anyone who didn't need to know where he was.
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lacesconfidences · 2 months
Inondations sous la couette…
Ce dimanche matin là, changement de programme🙂 Face à face et nus comme à notre habitude, nous nous sommes embrassés pour nous dire bonjour. Puis elle a entrepris mes couilles ce qui m'a immédiatement fait bander. Elle m'a glissé ''ce matin tu te laisses faire, j'ai envie de frotter mon clito sur ton gros clito. Mais attention ! Je t'interdit de me le mettre, même si je te le demande. Et tu attends que je te le dise et que je me recule pour cracher ton jus, je ne veux pas risquer d'attraper un môme !'' J'avais la queue raide et dure comme un os. Elle l'a prise, elle l'a forcée à l'horizontal, ce qui m'a fait un peu mal et elle l'a glissé entre ses cuisses puis elle a écarté ses lèvres, pour éviter, m'a t'elle dit que cela ne tire ses poils. Ensuite elle a plaqué son ventre contre le mien. La sensation sur ma bite était délicieuse. C'était chaud, doux et humide j'étais au paradis 🥰 Puis elle a commencé ses petits coups de reins comme elle faisait sur ma cuisse. J'avais envie de la prendre !!! A m'en mordre les lèvres ! Je savourais les merveilleuses caresses de sa chatte sur mon gland et sur ma queue. Je m'excitais du petit bruit humide que faisaient ses mouvements 🍆🍆🍆 c'était comme si nous faisions l'amour 😍😋❤️ Puis elle a accéléré, elle a émis de petits gémissements et j'ai senti ses cuisses serrer ma queue presque à l'écraser. Je ne sais pas si elle a lâché de la cyprine ou un petit pipi de plaisir mais ma bite était trempée. Et moi qui me suis retenu, retenu, retenu à me faire mal aux couilles, à ce moment là, dans attendre qu'elle se recule, j'ai lâché de grands jets de sperme qui n'en finissaient plus. C'est bien simple, j'avais l'impression de pisser 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Vu notre position et le fait que nous étions collés, je ne pense pas qu'elle en ai reçu dans la chatte. Mais … Elle avait les fesses dégoulinantes, les cuisses trempées ainsi que ma queue. Et surtout le lit ! Il avait pris cher ! Nous étions dans une petite flaque de nos sécrétions et j'avais craché du sperme plein les draps 🥴🥴🥴 Elle s'est tout de suite levée et s'est inspectée l'entrejambe pour voir si je ne l'avais pas arrosée. Cela avait l'air d'aller. Elle s'est essuyée avec sa culotte en frottant bien entre ses lèvres et elle est allée pisser dans notre seau de chambre. C'était la première fois que nous avions une telle inondation. Il fallait changer les draps et surtout le justifier… Alors je m'y suis collé. Je suis allé trouver notre mère discrètement et je lui ai dit ''maman je ne comprends pas, ce matin en me réveillant mon lit était tout trempé…'' Elle m'a répondu '' Ce n'est pas grave mon grand, tu sais a ton âge, tous les garçons ont des fois des fuites nocturnes. C'est normal, c'est parce que tu deviens un homme !'' La pauvre, si elle savait le nombre de giclées de sperme elle avait déjà passé en machine avec nos culottes !
Flooding under the duvet…
That Sunday morning, change of program 🙂 Face to face and naked as usual, we kissed to say hello. Then she started on my balls which immediately made me hard. She whispered to me "this morning you let yourself go, I want to rub my clit on your big clit. But be careful! I forbid you to put it in me, even if I ask you to. And you wait until I tell you and I move back to spit your juice, I don't want to risk catching a kid!" My cock was stiff and hard as a bone. She took it, she forced it horizontally, which hurt me a little and she slid it between her thighs then she spread her lips, to avoid, she told me, that it would pull her hair. Then she pressed her belly against mine. The feeling on my cock was delicious. It was hot, soft and wet I was in heaven 🥰 Then she started her little thrusts like she did on my thigh. I wanted to take her!!! To bite my lips! I savored the wonderful caresses of her pussy on my glans and on my cock. I was excited by the little wet noise her movements made 🍆🍆🍆 it was like we were making love 😍😋❤️ Then she accelerated, she emitted little moans and I felt her thighs squeeze my cock almost to crush it. I don't know if she released cyprine or a little pee of pleasure but my cock was soaked. And I who held back, held back, held back to hurt my balls, at that moment, without waiting for her to move back, I released big jets of sperm that never ended. It's quite simple, I felt like I was peeing 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Given our position and the fact that we were stuck together, I don't think she got any sperm in her pussy. But… Her butt was dripping, her thighs were soaking wet, as was my cock. And especially the bed! It had taken a beating! We were in a small puddle of our secretions and I had spat sperm all over the sheets 🥴🥴🥴 She immediately got up and inspected her crotch to see if I had seed her. It seemed okay. She wiped herself with her panties, rubbing it well between her lips, and she went to pee in our bedroom bucket. It was the first time we had such a flood. The sheets had to be changed and above all justified…
So I did it. I went to find our mother discreetly and I told her "Mom I don't understand, this morning when I woke up my bed was soaked…" She answered me "It's not serious my big boy, you know at your age, all boys sometimes have nocturnal leaks. It's normal, it's because you're becoming a man!" Poor thing, if she knew the number of spurts of sperm she would have already put it in the washing machine with our panties !
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esmerald-stuff · 7 months
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bonjour bonjour ♡ je poste ce petit message pour quelque chose que je ne fais que trop rarement, la publicité d'un pré-lien sur live by the sun, mais extrêmement attendue par la superbe @manderleystuff et moi-même. ♡
tw : prostitution, abandon forcé d'un enfant, famille dysfonctionnelle. (pl sombre, complexe mais beaucoup d'amour à la clef)
en quelques mots ;;
à mon plus beau marasme.
(f) dahlia - ce rouge sur mon corps
belle, belle, comme l'éternelle tristesse au regard de braise, l'envoutante fleur noire, dahlia (prénom au choix) attire les plus fous des marins. ils s'échouent près d'elle autant que sa vie à elle est un échec. le sang bafoué qui coule dans ses veines, dont seuls les abîmes se souviennent. les années défilent et se moquent, cruelles, de son imperfection désillusion. silhouette chancelante teinte la mélancolie, résilience faites de toutes les épreuves traversées. l'existence sous les coups de lucifer, bercée près des ombres et loin de la lumière. dahlia danseuse funeste, remonte sur la scène encore et encore pour jouer de ce tragique ballet. dix-huit années qui claquent, et un petit être vient déjà au monde. un bébé, saul, son premier garçon, mais elle manque de tout, dahlia. alors, lui aussi, manquera de tout. le corps beauté qu'elle échange contre les billets, juste assez pour se payer un loyer, se nourrir et nourrir son bébé. elle n'avait rien, dahlia, alors les années défilent et elle continue, la seule chose qu'elle sait faire, au fond. gamin grandit et encaisse difficilement, les passages de ces hommes aux regards lubriques. puis en vient un autre, un homme amour, un différent, relation de quelques temps, elle est la maitresse. et alors elle tombe enceinte, une seconde fois. petite poupée, cette fois, petite princesse, elsie. elle ne grandira pas dans ce foyer crasse, sous le joug des hommes de passage. bébé lui est arraché des bras à peine née, le père l'emmènera loin de dahlia, l'élèvera avec sa femme, bébé volé....
( son enfance et son passé sont libres d'interprétation, quant à son état d'esprit aujourd'hui et son futur, il en est de même ♡)
pour en savoir plus c'est par ici !
et pour toutes questions, nous sommes là aussi ♡ merci merci merci d'avoir pris le temps de le lire. ♡
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Nineteen: The Morning After
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: Valentina faces her actions of the previous evening
Warnings: you might need your tissues again
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
Valentina’s POV
Waking up in an unfamiliar bed wasn’t something new to me but something that I hadn’t woken up to for what felt like an eternity was the smell of Charles. The smell alone caused my heart rate to increase, the smell felt like home and made me feel safe, it was something that always helped me forget my worries.
Jolting upright I roughly rubbed my eyes with my palms, trying to get my brain to wake up. Memories of last night flooded my mind and I wasn’t sure what to do. The bed was empty meaning Charles was already up so I couldn’t exactly sneak out the hotel room. Running my hands over my face I let out a long sigh, I didn’t mean to fall asleep in Charles arms but here I was debating on what my next move was.
I found myself fiddling with the yarn bracelet, squeezing my eyes closed, there was nothing I could do other than facing the music. It wasn’t like I could embarrass myself even more than I did last night so I didn’t have much more to lose.
Rolling out of bed I ran my fingers through my hair, mustering up the courage to face the music. As I reached the bedroom door the smell of fresh coffee wafted under my nose causing me to pull the door open.
Scanning the room I spotted Charles leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug in his hands, keeping his gaze on his phone propped up against the wall. I couldn’t quite hear what he was saying but his smile was as bright as the morning sun that was cascading over the apartment.
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my phone on the opposite side of the kitchen, keeping my head down I moved silently across the room not wanting to disturb Charles as I quickly realised he was on a video call, I just hoped I could stay out of the camera not wanting to cause people to ask questions.
I thought I was being sneaky but obviously not.
“Mon garçon, c'est mon petit ange avec toi ? My boy, is that my little angel with you?” Pascale beamed through the phone.
“Shit.” I mumbled, under my breath as Charles spun around smiling at me.
“How you feeling this morning?” He hummed, moving over to the coffee machine, pouring me a drink.
“Like death warmed up,” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “Maybe the JD and flu meds weren’t the best thing to be mixing. But last night was the best night's sleep I’ve had recently so guess that’s a plus.”
Charles walked around the kitchen, standing in front of me before handing me the coffee, his fingers instantly brushed against my cheek as the smile grew that bit wider. “You have a bit more colour back in your cheeks.” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “You spoke to Pierre yet? He was pretty worried about you last night.”
“I left my phone out here last night,” I hummed, taking a sip of the coffee. “I will text him soon, I need a ride back to my hotel anyway.”
A brief silence fell over the two of us, both forgetting he was on the phone until Pascale started coughing, gaining our attention.
“Have fun explaining this one.” I chuckled, tapping his chest before squeezing past him with my phone and coffee in hand. “Bonjour maman, au revoir maman. Hello Mum, goodbye Mum.” I hollered as I walked past the camera.
“Charles Marc Herve Perceval Leclerc, you better give me some answers now.” I heard Pascale shout down the phone as I flopped on the sofa, there was no way I was missing this.
I honestly thought this morning was going to be extremely awkward but it was like the hands of time had rolled back and I wasn’t sure if that scared me or excited me. Unlocking my phone I checked the message from the last 24 hours.
05.04 - Huds
Spoke to Pierre and he said you went over to Charles?
Hope everything went okay
06.24 - VH
Nailed half a bottle of JD before coming here
06:24 - Huds
06:25 - VH
It’s a long story
Gonna head to the paddock today
06:25 - Huds
You feeling better?
06:26 - VH
A bit
I think being out of the hotel will help more.
You gonna be there?
06:26 - Huds
Of course, sweetheart
We need to keep the press off us
Once you are ready we will tell the world
06:27 - VH
Sounds good
Thanks for being such an amazing person
Meet me at my hotel in a couple of hours?
06:27 - Huds
See you soon trouble!
Letting out a sigh of relief, I was glad he would still be showing his face with me at the track. It meant I wouldn’t get hounded on why he wasn’t with me. Swiping onto Pierre’s conversation I shot him a text asking him to pick me up from Charles hotel, the moment I saw the three little dots dancing at the bottom of the screen I locked my phone not wanting to get into everything with him over text.
Leaning back on the sofa I tossed my phone onto the cushion next to me, grasping the mug with both hands as Charles took a seat next to me. Automatically I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Where do we go from here?” Charles whispered, placing his hand on my leg.
“I don’t know Char.” I hummed, keeping my gaze trained on the brown liquid in the mug. I honestly didn’t know where to turn from here all I knew was I didn’t want to jump straight into anything right now.
“I meant what I said last night, you know.” Charles whispered, taking my hand in his. “I want us to start over again, I don’t care how long it takes, I will wait as long as you need.” He paused for a second before carrying on. “I hate myself for what I did to you, and I would walk through hell and back for you.”
Pulling away from him, I tucked my legs under my thighs, placing the mug on the coffee table. As much as I needed to listen to my heart I wouldn’t just jump into something causing myself to get burned again.
“We just need to take each day as it comes.” I whispered, taking his hand in mine. “There is a lot of trust that needs to be rebuilt, I need to protect my heart, it can't take you walking out on me again.”
“I swear on my life I would never be stupid enough to walk out on you again babygirl.” he said softly, pressing a tender kiss to my knuckles. “I paid the price for that once already and if you give me a second chance I sure as hell don’t plan on making that mistake again. We will take baby steps, I just need you back in my life.”
“Okay, Bear, baby steps.” I hummed, feeling my phone buzz against the sofa. Picking my phone up I saw Pierre had text saying he was outside. “That’s my ride, see you on the paddock, Huds will be there so please just play nice and follow our lead, we haven’t announced the break up yet.”
“I always play nice, babe.” he grinned, winking at me before pulling me into a tight hug. “Now go before Pierre comes up here, dragging you out by your hair.” he laughed, pressing a kiss against the top of my head.
Pulling away from the hug, I pushed myself to my feet, shooting a text to Pierre saying I would be down in a second before tucking it into my hoodie pocket. As I walked across the room I was just about to leave the room when Charles called out.
“Don’t forget your hat and sunglasses.” he laughed, pointing to the items on the small table by the door.
Shaking my head I put the garments on, securing them in place before pulling my hood up. “Later, Leclerc.” I hollered, flashing him the peace sign over my shoulder.
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It was good to be back on the paddock, even though I wasn’t racing this place felt like home. Hudson had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we walked through the paddock.
“You doing okay?” He asked softly.
“Feel more hungover than ill.” I groaned, leaning into him.
“I meant more after you nailed half a bottle of Jack.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess.” I hummed, looking up at him. “Think it’s gonna take a bit of time to get used to you know.”
“That’s understandable, sweetheart.”
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Pierre and Charles talking, every so often they glanced over to me. They were definitely not being subtle about it.
Flashing them both a smile Hudson and I carried on walking through the paddock making our way to the Alpha Tauri garage.
Watching the race from the garage was killing me, all I wanted to do was get out on the track but that wasn’t possible right now.
Before this weekend I had a decent advantage for the World Driver Champion but apparently Charles was taking full advantage that I wasn’t on the track because the boy was flying out there and I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it as he made a start on closing the gap on the points.
Feeling Josh plant his hands down on my shoulders I tore my gaze away from screens I looked up at him.
“He is killing it out there.” I said with a proud smile on my face.
“Don’t worry kiddo, you will widen the gap next weekend in Japan.” Josh laughed.
“Yeah, Japan.” I sighed, it was the one track I was dreading racing on. The memories that the trake held were painful. “It’s gonna be a tough race for sure.”
“Jules will be watching down on you.” Josh whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “He is always watching down on you.”
He was right, next weekend's race would be an emotional one but with Uncle J watching down on me I knew I could get through the weekend.
But that was a hurdle further down the road, the main one I would have to accomplish would come in a couple of days when I fed myself to the wolves that was the world of social media.
I had no idea I had been zoned out for but I was rudely pulled from my thoughts when Charles was poking me in the side like an annoying toddler.
“How old are you again, Leclerc?” I laughed, rolling my eyes at the over excited Monégasque.
“Whatever.” He hummed, the smug smirk was present on his face. “Just know I’m taking WDC this year.”
“Yeah, yeah in your dreams.” I giggled, watching him walk off waving the trophy in the air.
“Can’t hear you over the trophy, Hendrix.”
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @formula1mount @inchidentwithmax @raaaaabzzz @teamspideyman @marvelousmendess @mehrmonga @sbgal @thattaylorswiftobsessedbitch @mloyer
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deathlesssaints · 7 months
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bonjour tout le monde (c'est encore moi) ! je viens faire honteusement ma pub pour deux de mes scénarios qui me tiennent à coeur pour faire vivre mon petit levi sur le forum bottom of the river (city-sombre ouest américain). je vous partage le lien ci-dessous ainsi que le lien du pré-lien si vous êtes curieu·x·se. LETHON fourbe à l’allure élancée, les sourires carnassiers échangés au blondinet quand celui-ci vient voir son frère. joue à un jeu dangereux, levi saute tête la première. quitte gene pour aller se prendre de quoi grignoter, tombe sur silhouette élancée et musclée dans le jardin, sortant de la piscine, dégoulinant. statue grecque prenant vie, gamin se joue des sensations et fait comme si de rien était. salaud aux intentions floues, l’invite à boire un verre, puis deux, alors que gene est endormi là-haut. finalement, c’est dans ses draps qu’il finira. polyphème qui savoure la peau et ses pigments, dévore muscle et ne laisse rien d’un levi pris au dépourvu. rejoint les enfers et fait un pacte avec charon. tu me laisseras me perdre dans ses bras sans m’emmener devant le tout grand, car levi craint pour son sort. ment à l’être aimé là-haut, prétend avoir discuté avec le grand-frère sans oser lui dire que c’est ses lèvres qu’il a dévorées. depuis ce soir-là, les menteurs s’échangent quelques mots, souvent des insultes, incapables de trouver un équilibre à cet excès de folie. levi cherche à l’oublier, le fourbe ne désire qu’une chose : pouvoir le retrouver. l’attirance pour les hommes tout juste dévoilée, levi pense à de la manipulation, sur ses gardes, incapable de lui donner un millième de sa confiance bafouée, pas quand il joue avec celle du cadet. l’eros aime se sentir désiré, trouve son paradis dans le regard paumé du blondinet, s’amuse de la situation alors que l’amant ne comprend pas, ne trouve pas de réponses aux interrogations. pourtant, ne perd pas le contrôle, prétend toujours l’avoir en disant charmer le garçon, quand le jeu se joue des deux côtés. préfère se dire qu’il a le contrôle sur ce qu’il se passe quand, en réalité, l’amant lui fait perdre tout ses moyens. bouffeur de cœur, semeur de troubles, levi est attiré par l’interdit qu’il représente.
merci de m'avoir lu snif!!
voici le lien du pré-lien
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leseffrontesfr · 1 year
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Bonjour Titiou, vous êtes oracle, poétesse lyrique et potinière au forum. Après avoir récité plusieurs harangues contre le mariage devant de nombreuses jeunes patriciennes, vous revenez avec un pamphlet intitulé Mon concubin et l’argent. Comment vous est venu ce réquisitoire ?
Dès l’enfance, les garçons reçoivent plus d’argent que les filles, auxquelles on offre plutôt des cadeaux : robes, bracelets, tuniques, esclaves… Par la suite, les hommes obtiennent des carrières rémunératrices : questeur, haruspice, consul, légionnaire, préfet, et cœtera. Leurs épouses sont obligées de se contenter des revenus du domaine, d’élever leurs enfants, filer la laine et se divertir. Il faut aussi compter tout le temps qu’elles doivent passer à superviser les serviteurs. On constate par ailleurs une tendance plus forte au concubinage, où l’homme reste libre de l’usage de son patrimoine. Ce système bénéficie toujours à celui qui a le plus.
Vous évoquez la « théorie du pot de yaourt » dans votre ouvrage. En quoi consiste-t-elle ?
Je prends souvent l’exemple d’Octavia et Marcus : Octavia n’a que la dot accordée par son père, elle en tire moins de rentes que Marcus ne touche de prébendes et, à l’arrivée du deuxième enfant, ils songent à changer de char. C’est Marcus qui achète le char et les chevaux ou les rembourse seul au prêteur. Pour compenser, Octavia lui prépare d’excellents yaourts au miel ou au garum. Au moment où ils se répudient, Marcus récupère le char qu’il a payé alors qu’Octavia n’a plus que les restes de sa dot, sa laine, ses domestiques et ses pots de lait caillé. Dans un couple, le plus petit revenu (la femme) est donc celui qui a le plus intérêt à s’assurer une sécurité économique : par exemple, pour l’achat d’un char, acheter les brides et les licols (quitte à moins faire de yaourts pour avoir le temps de choisir les bijoux équestres les plus luxueux possibles), afin de se constituer un petit patrimoine.
Selon vous, la nouvelle génération est-elle en train de casser les codes ?
À Rome, la situation des femmes va en s’aggravant parce qu’il y a un décalage entre la loi qui estime que les gens vivent selon les mos majorum, dans la communauté des biens, et la manière dont ils vivent réellement (en ne se mariant plus et en privilégiant le concubinage). L’écart entre les membres d’un couple continue de se faire au détriment des femmes. Les femmes font moins de tâches ménagères grâce aux esclaves mais ce sont toujours elles qui les prennent en charge. En revanche les mouvements comme #MeQuoque contribuent à une prise de conscience. Il faut déconstruire les stéréotypes virilistes !
Avez-vous constaté des contre-exemples à votre démonstration ?
En général, les concubines se reconnaissent beaucoup dans le théorème du pot de yaourt. Il y a évidemment des contre-exemples. Ma cousine Athenais m’a fait porter ce message : « Merci, je ne savais pas tout cela. Je vais hâter mon mariage. » Elle n’a pas compris... Je ne comprends pas.
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brianjaeger · 7 months
2024 Academy Award Best Picture Nominees Guide For Those Who Haven’t Actually Watched Them
In a year when the names of pretty much every movie are combinations of random, non-descript words, and with a lineup of films that few people did actually watch or even legitimately know what they’re about (except Barbenheimer) - the Academy really tested the flimsy premise of this now decade-old bit.
But tis the season! So sing along with me! My awards have a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R!
My awards have a second name, it’s C-O-R-P-O-R-A-T-E-H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D-W-I-L-L-S-O-O-N-B-R-E-A-K-I-T-S-P-R-O-M-I-S-E-T-O-T-H-E-U-N-I-O-N-S-A-N-D-C-R-E-A-T-E-A-L-L-O-F-T-H-E-S-E-M-O-V-I-E-S-W-I-T-H-A-I-I-N-T-H-E-F-U-T-U-R-E!
So, let’s dive in for this 10th rundown of the Best Picture nominees!
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American Fiction
What Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calls critical race theory.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
German Fiction is what those who planned to vote for DeSantis call Zone of Interest.
If this wins, Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty will announce it as La La Land.
Tracee Ellis Ross plays the role of Dr. Lisa Ellison. Other original names for characters were Myra Lucretia Taylor as Dr. Mary Lucretiason, Michael Cyril Creighton as Dr. Thomas Cyrilson and Sterling K. Brown as Dr. William K.-son.
Anatomy of a Fall
About 6-foot-2 and roughly 200 pounds at the time that he slapped Chris Rock at this awards show in 2022. 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? They call it Anatomie D'Une Cheese.
I thought it was a bit lazy that in order to play the half-blind son, director Justine Triet just put an eye-patch on Milo Machado-Graner and exclaimed, “Mon Dieu! Ze garçon is now half blind. Voir!
Eric Clapton’s least favorite Best Picture nominee.
A sharp and immensely profitable attack upon the patriarchy and a film that became a rallying cry for female empowerment in Hollywood that garnered no Best Director or Best Actress nominations but nabbed a nom for penis-owning actor Ryan Gosling.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Hi Barbie!
One day during childhood, I agreed to play Barbies with my two sisters and my brother. But we played Saved By The Bell with Ken as Zack Morris, an Aladdin doll as A.C. Slater and various Barbies as Kelly, Jessie and Lisa. It was civil until I got bored and used another Ken doll to be Screech and all of a sudden gave him the power (ironically…Screech's last name was Powers) to fly and then pretended he was flying over the Dream House and farting and pooping down (also ironically in light of Dustin Diamond’s later activities) on everyone causing my sisters to scream at me while I cackled with laughter. Not really a joke. Just a real crystalized childhood memory that I'm sadly still kind of proud of and also still think is very funny.
Next year, the Polly Pocket movie will be a tremendous hit, break down traditional gender norms, and Austin Butler will be the only one nominated for an Oscar for playing Paul E. Pocket.
The Holdovers
A story about a group that has nowhere to go after they are abandoned in New England…the 2020 Patriots.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
The lead role called for a “stubborn, curmudgeonly” character and Paul Giamatti just materialized on set.
To achieve Giamatti’s character Paul Hunham’s trademark lazy eye, Alexander Payne enlisted the help of Anatomy of a Fall director Justine Triet who came on set and addressed Giamatti’s right eye, saying, “Bonjour, eye! Do some work, s'il vous plaît. (Pauses for a beat.) Sacre bleu! Ze eye refuses to work. Zis is a lazy eye!”
This is the first collaboration between director Alexander Payne and actor Paul Giamatti since Sideways which now makes sense since there are various points in the film where a character, with absolutely no context or prompting, sips a glass of merlot and spits it on the ground screaming, “Merlot is the worst liquid in the universe!” But it was a bit much when the last scene of the movie was Paul Giamatti looking directly into the camera and saying, “Fuck you, merlot,” before the credits rolled.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Ernest in the Army. Ernest Scared Stupid. Ernest Goes to Jail.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Leonardo DiCaprio initially turned down the role when he learned that his romantic interest in the film, Mollie Kyle, was 137 years old, saying, "Maybe without the 7!"
IMDB lists this movie’s runtime in years.
Scorsese rejected composer Robbie Robertson’s first score for the film that included “‘Up on Cripple Creek��Is Where They Found Anna’s Body’”, “I Shall Be Released…Is What King Hale Tells Ernest While In Jail”, “The Weight…Of His Transgressions Caused Ernest to Testify Against His Uncle” and “Ophelia…Is Probably The Name of One of The Background Osage Women Characters, Oh Come On Marty, Just Put It In The Credits, People Love This Song”
Seasoned musician Leonard Bernstein (Bradley Cooper) discovers-and falls in love with-struggling actress Felicia Montealegre (Carey Mulligaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as an actress - until Leonard coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Felicia’s career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Leonard fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons. Then, he pisses his pants at the Grammys.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Early critical reviews of the trailer focused on the “Anatomy of a Face”.
Just like in “A Star Is Born”, Bradley Cooper took vocal lessons to actually perform Leonard Bernstein's classic “Hallelujah”. (What’s that? There are two Jewish Leonards?)
Cooper spent nearly 45% of the film’s budget on that epic final battle scene between Bernstein and Lydia Tár.
Julius Robert Oppenheimer Schmidt! That's my name too! Whenever I got out, the people always shout, “There goes Julius Robert Oppenheimer Schmidt!” Na-na na-na na-na-na!
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
In an alternate scene, it's revealed that the exchange between Oppenheimer and Edison by the pond that caused Albert to react so sadly when walking past Robert Downey Jr. is that Oppenheimer tried to sneak a fart but then said, “Oh no. I just Oppensharted.”
Nolan took some liberties with the true story. In reality, the U.S. killed between 110,000 and 210,000 Japanese citizens…with kindness.
Since ABC does not include the Academy’s Scientific and Technical Awards during the broadcast, we will not see Cillian Murphy’s acceptance speech for Best Seated Mangina.
Past Lives
This film follows the stories of the characters’ souls across time, and the stories are interwoven as they advance, showing how they all interact in their “past lives”. The film explores how people's “past lives” are connected with and influence each other and…wait a second. Nope. That’s Cloud Atlas. (Do not watch Cloud Atlas.)
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Due to scheduling conflicts with Poor Things, Emma Stone was unable to play the female Asian lead this time.
However, in the North Korean version of the film, Kim Jong Un played the role. And all the other roles. And won all of the Oscars. Ever.
This movie is a prequel to the movie Lives.
Poor Things
From Pixar comes the story of little Sally Sangiovese, a newly bottled red Italian wine who is separated from her Sangio-family and sent to the wine cellar. There, she’ll befriend Nelson Nebbiolo, a wizened red from the Piedmont region who is coming up on 30 years in the cellar but still hasn’t gotten over the loss of his Spanish love, Tia Tempranillo, who was pulled from the cellar for a quinceañera dinner the year prior. Together, the two will hatch a plan to release themselves from the cellar to reunite Sally with her family and Nelson con su amor. Along their adventurous aging process, audiences will discover that even when the bottle appears half-empty, you simply decant dampen the spirit of these…Pour Things!
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Max McCandles was actually the original name of Lumière from Beauty and the Beast.
Unfortunately this story of a British woman receiving a brain transplant isn’t about J.K. Rowling.
This is the first movie written by new AI trained only on Dr. Seuss books, Kanye West’s Twitter feed and the dreams of Gary Busey.
The Zone of Interest
Rudolf the conflicted Nazi! Had a garden full of rows! Of plants his wife liked to tend to! Horrifically juxtaposed! Then one sunny German day, Hitler came to say, “Rudolf of the triple Reich, won't you Holocaust tonight!” Then, how he wrestled with morality! As he puked and thought, “Why me?!” Rudolf the conflicted Nazi! This one’s really hard for comedy!
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert…All Word-for-Word What Was Generated by ChatGPT:
The popularity of the film has already led to a sequel, Höss Party 2.
Probably also the title of one of the Mission Impossible movies.
I actually did watch every other movie nominated for Best Picture this year, but The Zone of Interest is the only one I did Nazi!
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Bonjour à vous mes petites loutres, je vous écris aujourd'hui pour vous donner mon avis sur le nouvel épisode d'Eldarya A New Era avec la route de Lance.
J'ai beaucoup aimé la bataille qui s'est produite entre les rookhs et le groupe avec les vampires. Avec aussi le drame de Nevra qui est blessé à cause du rookhs. Durant toute la scène de la bataille, elle disait à qu'elle point elle ne voyait rien mais elle a su quand même dire que le sang des créatures était noir. Par contre c'est un peu stupide de dire: "j'espère qu'il n'a rien" alors qu'elle l'a vu craché du sang en se faisant planter les griffes par un des rookhs. Et en plus de ça, elle mentionne qu'en voyant le corps de Nevra elle ne peut pas faire la différence entre son sang et celui de la créature. Alors qu'elle dit que le sang du rookhs est noir et j'imagine que Nevra son sang n'est pas noir mais bien rouge comme les humains.
Ensuite j'ai trouvé Erika vachement horrible, lorsqu'elle dit que Lance n'a pas besoin de Chrome pour partir avec lui, mais par contre elle oui. Mais pas parce qu'elle veut aider Nevra à aller au Q.G sain et sauf, tout simplement parce qu'elle ne veut pas quitter Lance...C'est complètement égoïste. Heureusement que Karren reste sur sa décision. Puis lorsque Leiftan et Mathieu sont avec elle, Leiftan fait la remarque qu'elle semble plus s'inquiéter de Lance que de Nevra. Qu'elle ne peut pas attendre le lendemain, pour le revoir...Et qu'elle se fait du mouron pour lui, parce qu'il peut se faire attaquer. Mais encore une fois elle en oublie Nevra. Lance est quand même bien plus débrouillard que les autres.
Arrivés enfin au Q.G, il y a encore cette tension de savoir si les garçons sont arrivés. La désespérance de revoir Lance, et du baiser passionné. Mon dieu qu'elle est dépendante de lui.
Lorsque tout le monde se retrouve à la cantine, j'ai trouvé intéressant la discussion entre Karren et Lance. Car Lance n'a pas tort en rappelant que le but principal, était d'enquêter sur les problèmes liés au mana et les utilisations des portails. Il a eut raison de faire comprendre, que maintenant il s'agit de sauver tout le monde y compris eux.
Je comprends la colère de Karren à propos de son peuple que tout le monde semble réticent à les aider et leur laisser le soin d'être accueilli. Mais il ne faut pas oublier, le nombre de fois où le peuple de Yaqut a menacé la garde. Je veux bien que ça soit son peuple, mais elle ne sait pas vraiment de quoi ils sont capable. Elle a fui lorsqu'elle avait à peine 8 ans. Sachant que le chef n'est plus son père, mais un homme stupide qui ne sait pas gouverner c'est ce qui fait de lui le plus dangereux. Il peut très bien finir par changer d'avis et vouloir se rebeller.
Maintenant que j'y pense, durant la longue...TRES longue conversation entre Huang Hua, Feng Zifu et Erika, toutes les questions qu'elle lui pose elle en avait posé certaines dans TO. Pourquoi ne s'intéresser que maintenant à ce peuple et à leurs pouvoirs ? Après j'imagine que c'est parce qu'elle était trop occupée à faire des galipettes dans la chambre avec l'un des CDC ou je ne sais quoi.
Le débat et la conversation profonde de l'espérance ou du désespoir de l'avenir d'Eldarya m'a paru un peu inutile. Bien que je comprends qu'Erika se pose autant de questions, cela n'est pas la première fois qu'elle fait sa crise existentiel à savoir si elle est à la hauteur. Si tout ce qui s'est passé, va permettre de sauver Eldarya. Il y a quelque chose qui m'avait pas mal dérangé dans TO, c'est de tout ce qu'Erika a dû subir par les autres. Elle en a quand même bavé depuis tout ce temps, et même après 7 ans elle se reprend un danger mortel en pleine face qu'elle se doit de résoudre car il n'y a qu'elle pour avoir vu vraiment ce qui allait se passer.
Après les retrouvailles de Nevra et de la conversation avec la mère et Karen, arrive le moment avec Lance. Et au début, je me suis dis: "Chouette, elle semble juste lui dire bonjour et s'intéresser à ce qu'il fait. Nous allons peut-être avoir une discussion un peu plus concrète avec lui !" Et là...Il a fallu qu'il fasse le mec concentré et sérieux, pour que ses pensées aillent encore une fois du côté obscur. Et qu'elle ne fut pas ma surprise quand elle lui dit avec aucuns liens avec ce qui s'est passé jusque-là, "Lance, j'ai repensé à...Et puis nous sommes tout les deux seuls dans la bibliothèque." ET ALORS ???? Tu ne peux pas attendre qu'il ait fini ce qu'il avait commencé, pour je ne sais pas parler ou alors là d'accord faire des petits trucs excitants mais dans un endroit un peu plus propice ou alors bien au fond de la pièce à s'embrasser etc. Au bout d'un moment il va falloir arrêter là !! Depuis le début, c'est elle qui initie le rapport. Tout simplement parce que Lance bon j'avoue n'est pas vraiment aussi tactile et affectionné qu'elle. Mais aussi, parce qu'il est OCCUPE à faire quelque chose qui est nécessaire dans ses fonctions. Et puis la phrase: "A ma connaissance il n'est jamais allé sur internet." Bah bien sûr espèce d'idiote sans cervelle, il n'y a pas besoin d'internet pour savoir que quand une femme ou un homme se prosterne devant quelqu'un en commençant à se dénuder ça veut dire que ce n'est pas pour parler de la pluie et du beau temps. Et il a eu bien plus de rapports que toi, pour savoir ce que tu veux depuis le début IDIOTE !!! Et là...Et là enfin elle commence à avoir ce qu'elle veut, mais...OH MAIS BIEN SUUUUR ! Et si quelqu'un peut nous surprendre ??? Oh mais merde alors, je n'y avais pas pensé ! Mais bien sûr nous sommes dans un endroit accessible à tout le monde !! Qu'allons-nous faire finalement ???! Et là...Lance, dont j'avais espoir qu'il dise d'aller ailleurs ou peut-être de remettre à plus tard, se met à l'allonger sur le bureau pour commencer à la dénuder et dire: "Tu n'as qu'à trouver une excuse quelconque, je te fais confiance ???????!!!!
Comment tu veux trouver une excuse à quelqu'un qui voit Lance en train d'allonger Erika sur la table les jambes écartées et lui entre ??? COMMMENT ???! Et même si au final ils sont debout contre une étagère, et qu'elle lui ouvre son pantalon, et qu'elle commence à l'embrasser dans le cou et le br... Ce qui amène à la chose la plus ridicule que j'ai jamais lu de toute ma vie nulle part ailleurs qu'ici. Chrome arrive, il aperçoit déjà Erika dans son champ de vision, ce qui veut dire que Lance aussi. Il a le pantalon ouvert, et là tout ce qu'elle trouve à dire c'est... "Oh, le livre est tombé !" C'EST TA DIGNITE QUI EST TOMBEE ET S'EST FRACASSEE PAR TERRE OUI !!!
Pour finir, la fin d'épisode sur une note festive, malgré la menace qui plane sur le monde d'Eldarya Chrome et Karren vont se marier !!! Et ça j'ai hâte d'assister à l'épisode juste pour ça ! Mais j'aurai apprécié que ça soit Lance qui vienne voir Erika et pas Koori. Encore une fois, il y a que dalle comme moment avec lui. C'est très très décevant.
Voilà mon avis sur cet épisode, j'espère que ça vous a bien plu ! N'hésitez pas à me dire en commentaires si vous êtes d'accord avec moi ou pas, et partagez votre avis !
Je vous souhaite le meilleur et vous fais pleins de bisous ! See ya !
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lolochaponnay · 11 months
La grand mère de Toto lui dit: - Toto, pour que je ne paye pas ta place dans le bus, tu vas dire au chauffeur que tu as 9 ans et pas 10 ans d’accord ? - D’accord mamie, répondit Toto En montant dans le bus, le chauffeur demande à Toto : - Bonjour mon garçon, quel âge as-tu ? - J’ai 9 ans monsieur ! - Et quand auras tu 10 ans ? - Quand je serai descendu du bus, monsieur !
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NSBC • Chapitre 16
Victoria est passée nous voir, aujourd’hui. Elle a pu discuter un peu avec Gabriel…
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… et Raphaël.
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Gabriel n’est pas resté longtemps en compagnie de sa tante. Il a invité (avec mon autorisation) son copain de classe Tetsu. Ils ont l’air de vraiment bien s’entendre ces deux là, ça me fait plaisir !
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Tetsu est un garçon qui a l’air d’avoir toujours le sourire. J’espère que toutes les fréquentations de Gabriel sont du même acabit…
Vic’ est finalement entrée pour nous féliciter pour nos fiançailles. Enfin, c’est ce que m’a rapporté Edward, puisque j’étais dans la cave à faire des analyses, à ce moment-là…
« Félicitations petit frère !
— Merci Vic’, et t’es toujours pas plus âgée que moi ! »
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Elle est partie peu après, et Edward également, devant se rendre au travail. Je suis, quant à moi, remontée de mon petit laboratoire personnel car « femme enceinte » rime apparemment avec « vessie sur le point de craquer vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre ». Et en entrant dans le salon, j’ai entendu Tetsu et Gabriel discuter.
« On restera amis pour toujours, hein ? demande la voix de mon fils.
— Bien sûr, Gaby ! Quelle drôle de question ! »
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Alala, la jeunesse… Oups… Il faut que je me dépêche moi, pas envie de salir mon pantalon…
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Je marche bizarrement, non ? J’appelle ça la démarche de la baleine.
La principale différence que je note entre mes deux garçons, c’est qu’il y en a un qui est plutôt studieux, et l’autre qui préfère jouer dehors et sur l’ordinateur.
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Bon, Raphaël fait ses devoirs, mais pas de gaité de cœur, je peux vous l’assurer ! Mais j’espère que l’intérêt pour l’école n’est pas décroissant, parce que sinon je vais me battre avec le dernier bout de chou dans mon ventre pour qu’il travaille… !
D’ailleurs, on arrive au terme. Et je le sens bien, je suis tout le temps en train de faire des siestes… Vivement qu’il sorte, ce troisième petit monstre !
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Et c’est justement au milieu d’une de ces siestes que le dit monstre a décidé de montrer le bout de son nez.
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Edward étant au travail à ce moment-là, je me vois obligée de me rendre seule à l’hôpital. Je laisse des consignes de sécurité aux garçons qui me regardent avec de grands yeux inquiets, et je monte dans le taxi qui m’attend.
Edward s’est libéré de son travail à la dernière minute, et c’est en courant que je le vois me rejoindre dans le couloir de l’hôpital. Il n’a pas l’air très content…
« Mon patron a presque refusé de me laisser partir, j’y crois pas !
— Respire, chéri… Aouch… »
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On entre dans la salle d’accouchement, et alors que je m’installe, Edward s’exclame :
« Eh ! Mais vous êtes le médecin qui a failli la tuer lors de la naissance de Gabriel ! Vous savez ce que vous faites maintenant ?! »
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« Mais oui, monsieur. Laissez-moi me concentrer, je vous prie. »
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« Laisse, Ed. … Aïe. Tiens, tu es en uniforme de chef ? »
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« Ils étaient en sous-effectif en cuisine… Mais on s’en fiche de moi, courage mon amour… On va accueillir le dernier membre de notre famille ! »
Oui, c’est vrai… Mais qu’est-ce que j’ai mal… ! Oh… Ce sont des pleurs, n’est-ce pas… ?
« Félicitations, Madame Berry ! Voilà une belle petite fille ! »
Une… Une fille ? Une fille ! J’ai eu une fille !
Ni une, ni deux, je suis debout sur mes deux jambes en un rien de temps, et je prends dans mes bras ma petite princesse.
« Edward… C’est une fille…
— Je sais mon amour. Je suis heureux aussi.
— Comment l’appelle-t-on ?
— Choisis, tu la voulais tellement.
— … Gaëlle. Ça te va ?
— C’est parfait !
— Bonjour Gaëlle, bienvenue dans la vie. »
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Dans la foulée, quand nous sommes rentrés, j’ai soufflé mes bougies. Eh oui, la petite a choisi de naître le jour de mes quarante ans… !
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Et je dois avouer que je ne me sens pas très différente, malgré toutes mes appréhensions.
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aisakalegacy · 2 years
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Hiver 1898, quelque part au milieu de l’Atlantique (2/6)
Je vous ai écrit que ma femme tenait contre elle un petit être de quatre ans, une créature fragile et potelée, emmitouflée dans un gilet de laine, observant les environs de ses grands yeux noisette écarquillés, babillant avec enthousiasme à la vue d’un flocon de neige. Ma première réaction fut celle de l’hésitation. Je dus l’observer plusieurs secondes déjà, avant de  retrouver dans cette petite fille les cheveux auburns de ma mère - je reconnaissais dans ces traits juvéniles son appartenance à mon propre sang. Voyant mon émoi, ma femme me tendis tendrement la bambine et je tenais la petite fille dans mes bras. Je sais, Adelphe, que vous voyez ce dont je parle avec précision, et que vous avez dû faire l’expérience du même sentiment le jour où votre petit garçon vous a été tendu pour la première fois.
Jules Le Bris : Alors, on se décide à dire bonjour ? Sais-tu qui je suis, ma petite princesse ? Louise Le Bris : C’est Papa ! Jules Le Bris : C’est Papa, effectivement ! Louise Le Bris : Vous restez avec nous, maintenant ? Jules Le Bris : Oui, pour l’instant oui, je reste ici. Louise Le Bris : Et après, moi aussi je pourrai aller dans les pyramides ? Jules Le Bris : Oh, une aventurière, hum ? Eh bien, c’est un voyage périlleux pour une jeune fille… Il pourrait t’arriver des malheurs… Par exemple… Tu pourrais être capturée par la déesse Isis !! Louise Le Bris : Hiiiiiii !! Jules Le Bris : Prenant la forme d’un milan, elle capture les petites filles et les amène dans son royaume ! Louise Le Bris : Hahaha ! Eugénie Le Bris : Y neige pu… Jules, y faudrait rentrer avant que ça recommence… Y fa frette, vous allez être malade et Louise aussi. Jules Le Bris : Qu’en penses-tu, Louise ? Louise Le Bris : On rentre ! Jules Le Bris : Une sage décision.
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dreamer213 · 2 years
Broken Machines: Lights the Dark
Chapter 27: Solitas Fairytale
That night Penny and Pietro had a long talk over dinner, finally airing out the issue. And while Penny agreed that she needed to do something about her nightmares, she was still reluctant to tell Ironwood until the investigation was over. Pietro, while a little disheartened by this, agrees to wait a bit longer, but only if Penny promises to talk to him about it and work with him to help stop them. She promised and also asked her dad if he had any idea why the nightmares started in the first place.
That was when Penny was introduced to the concept of mental trauma responses. Much like physical trauma, mental trauma can be triggered by reminders of said trauma or being in the same mental state as when the trauma occurred. Most often, the nightmares happened after Penny was under a great deal of stress. Especially when that stress came from fighting, this would unconsciously trigger her and cause the response. At least, that’s what Pietro theorized.
That night Penny slept a little sounder, comforted by the fact she’d finally confronted this pain, had a tool to help cope with it and had people to rely on while she got better. Unbeknownst to her, however, up in the city of Altas, someone was making preparation that would upturn her heart yet again.
Over the weekend, things fell into a new routine with Penny taking moments to breathe when she could and venting her frustrations and worries to her dad instead of bottling them up when she got home. Though they were only baby steps in her treatment, Penny was still glad to be making some progress, even if it hadn't taken root yet.
When Monday came around, Penny had another new facet to her day when Whitley insisted on taking a few minutes to ask about her condition. How had she slept over the weekend? Had she slept for long periods? How was she feeling? Was she well enough to get through the lessons? These questions are more were asked of her before the actual lesson began. And even during their study time, Whitley would periodically remind her that they could take a break if she needed it. Penny refused, not wanting to make a fuss, but always thanked him for the offer. This went on for a few days until that Thursday afternoon.
They were in the library being monitored by Mary, studying ballroom etiquette and culture, when Whitley got an unexpected call. He takes out his scroll, looks at the caller id, and lets out a long sigh; it’s Edouard Beaufort, a multi-millionaire landowner, and Atlas’s most eccentric drama king. The man was a close friend of his father due to their shared love of showing off, which meant Whitley had tolerated the man’s presence more times than he’d ever would willing.
Whitley: Excuse me for a moment; I have to take this.
He states before getting up from the table and walking out in the hallway to take the call. Once outside, Whitley takes a deep breath before finally pressing the accept call button and putting the scroll to his ear. He summons up all the fake positivity he can muster as he greets his caller.
Whitley: Good afternoon, Monsieur Beaufort! It’s been so long since I last heard from you! How are you?
Beaufort: Bonjour, Mon, adorable garçon Whitley! Pardon moi for the sudden call, but I went to your last concert and wanted to thank you again for putting on such a fantastic show! It was absolutely transcendent!
Whitley: Why, thank you! Though I can’t take all the credit, the lovely members of Altas Prime Orchestra performed just as well as I did.
Beaufort: Oh, nonsense, ma chère, you were the star of the show! No need to be humble about it.
Whitley: I’m sorry, I seem I’ve forgotten how to take a compliment. Now, if that's all I must be on-
Beaufort: And it’s because of that lovely attitude of yours that I knew I had to invite you to my annual grand mystère ball personally!
Whitley pauses, both surprised and confused by the man’s statement. He does his best not to stammer as he asks for clarification.
Whitley: I’m sorry, I think I’ve misheard you. You’re inviting me to the grand mystère ball?
Beaufort: But of course! How could I not grace my guest list with a superb performer? And with you being named heir to SDC, it would be obscene of me, as a seasoned businessman and colleague of your father’s, not to!
Whitley: …I see
The Grand Mystère Ball was the annual themed party Beaufort held at his estate. It’s an over-the-top, unduly lavish event that was more a show of wealth than a social gathering. Grand decorations, absorb amounts of gourmet food, and world-class entertainment were only a few of the draws of The Grand Mystère. It was a different theme every year, and the date was unknown to the guest until invitations were sent out. And receiving that invitation was a high honor in itself, as most guests were chosen based on status, looks, and entertainment value. Everything about this party was set up to produce the most dramatic night of merriment any elite could imagine, the epitome of high-class frivolity.
This made it almost impossible to decline or skip once you were invited, especially if Beaufort asked you himself. The sheer amount of envy and disrespect one garners from choosing not to attend one of the biggest highlights of the social season could cripple their social standing for years. And with the way Beaufort gossiped, it would also spell death for many business connections as well. Knowing he has little way of escaping the invite, Whitley tries his best to dodge the issue with logic.
Whitley: Thank you, and while I’m very grateful for the invitation, I have to ask if it’s really in your best interests to have such a young guest at your grand mystère ball.
Beaufort: Pardon moi, what do you mean by that?
Whitley: Well, despite being a heir, I am still minor, and I won’t want to spoil any of the adult fun you might have been planning.
Beaufort: Aw, how thoughtful of you worrying about the other guests like this, but there's no need. I’ve decided to open my shindig up to the next generation! So there will be plenty of fun for the youths and adults.
Whitley: Oh really..that’s wonderful.
Beaufort: En effet, there will be a variety of delights and entertainment for everyone! Though it was a complete nightmare to put it all together this year, what with this embargo, I’m sure it will be my most extraordinaire ball yet!
From there Beaufort begins to prattle on about the specifics of his party while Whitley, knew full well Jacques will be being getting a similar call soon, begrudgingly listens. Meanwhile, Penny continues to read through her materials while Mary oversees her. She stares at her silently until Penny finishes the last page of her designated chapters and puts the book down. With no direction and nothing to do, Penny looks around the room. The labyrinthine library that was once so daunting had become cozy to her after spending so many hours within it. Though she didn’t know every inch of the shelves and bookcases, Penny had a good idea of where certain genres and collections were. And with nothing else to do, she decides to look for some new reading material to go over until Whitley comes back. As she scans the area, Mary notes her gaze and walks up to her.
Mary: Looking for something?
Mary inquiries; Penny quickly wipes her head around and turns her eyes to the maid. She’s a little taken aback by her sudden question but shakes it off and answers her calmly.
Penny: Oh, I was just thinking about picking a book to read until Whitley finishes his call.
Mary: I see; what kind of book were you thinking of? We have plenty to look through, art, history, philosophy, historical fiction, and even some fairy tales.
Penny: Fairytales? There are fairy tale books in this library?
Mary: Yes, there are at least three different collections from every kingdom and range. I believe they were bought as maternity gifts for Mistress Willow from her father, Nichols during each of her pregnancies. Some are more modern tellings of older tales, while others are collections of ancient fables only recently put to print.
Penny: Wow, that’s amazing!
Penny’s eyes glimmer at the idea of reading new fairy tales and discovering new fantasy worlds to explore. Mary smiles innocently at her excitement, though her eyes hold an ominous glint.
Mary: However-
Mary starts as she gets even closer to Penny, taking a seat right next to her.
Mary: I might know a fairytale that might be more suited to your taste than anything here.
Penny: Really, what is it?
Mary: Well, it’s not exactly a traditional storybook.
Mary states as she pulls out a large notebook from one of her apron pockets and holds it up. Penny looks at the book with surprise and intrigue as Mary continues on.
Mary: This is a fairy tale I've been writing for some time now. I just finished proofing the tenth chapter a few days ago and was looking for some test readers. And since you enjoy these types of stories, I thought you might enjoy it. Would you mind if I read it to you? I promise it won’t take too long.
Penny: Yes, please! I’d love to hear your story!
Penny squeaks out, full of excitement. Being the first to hear a brand-new fairytale sounded like an absolute dream to Penny, one too sweet to pass up. Mary smirks her gaze cold but focused as she opens the notebook.
Mary: Very well. “Once upon a time, there lived a miner from a cold, cold village.”
“The miner was a large man, tall and strong with a kind heart and strong mind. He worked hard day in and day out, gathering precious metals and powerful crystals to sell from morning to night. The miner was very good at his job; he knew the best spots to dig, the safest paths to mine, and the most promising place to sell his goods. Eventually, other miners noticed his talents and came to work with him. Thus he began a mining business, one that treated its employees with the utmost care and priced their crystal very fairly. Over the years, the company grew and grew until it became the biggest and most beloved in the nation. During this time, the miner became known for his kindness, strength, and wisdom, as his crystals brought prosperity and wealth across the land.”
“Soon he was named the King of Crystals and Generosity and was held up as a shining example of hard work and compassion prevailing over all odds.”
“But what is a king without a castle? He thought.”
“And so the new king used a part of his wealth to build a castle in the kingdom’s capital for himself, his family, and all his subjects. The castle was the grandest in the land, built high into the sky with a view that went on for miles, and the halls seemed almost endless. Inside he placed many wondrous rooms for his family and friends to enjoy. A ballroom for his gorgeous wife to dance in and hold parties, many guest rooms to house friends and family whenever they may visit, and a grand garden for his beloved daughter, who had always longed to be surrounded by flowers.”
Penny: A castle in the sky? That sounds like something that would be here in Atlas.
Penny says a loud as Mary comes to a pause in the story. Right after she says it, Penny realizes she accidentally interrupted her and gives her an apologetic look. But before she can say sorry, Mary hushes her, placing her pointer finger on her own lips and chiming out a soft “shhh” before picking up where she left off.
Mary: “the castle was beautiful, and everyone was welcome in its halls. Whether they be rich or poor, peasant or royal, all were equal in the King of Crystals’ eyes!”
“For years, the castle was filled with joy and happiness, and the mining business flourished. The King was happy to see his hard work benefit and inspire many people from all walks of life. And that he could provide his family with everything they needed or desired for as long as he lived. The proudest moments of his reign were not the applause and admiration he received from his people but the growth and happiness of his daughter, his lovely princess.”
“Known as the Princess of Flowers, the daughter was the fairest girl in the land and was loved by many. She had many suitors as she grew up, but only one could claim her heart. Her beloved was by no means a wealthy man, but he was kind, handsome, and very well-spoken. He would shower her with sweet words and comfort every chance he could and treated her parents with great respect and admiration. They were so in love that soon as they both came of age, they married. The wedding was the grandest affair the kingdom had ever seen, and soon after, they welcomed their first child into the world. A daughter, just as precious and fair as her mother.”
“Over the next decade, they had two more children, a second daughter with her grandfather’s smile, then a son with his mother's caring eyes. The children were all beautiful, kind, and clever, with a talent for music. They were the shining symbols of royalty and brilliance across the globe. Everywhere they went, people would stop and stare. At their flawless pale skin, bright crystal blue eyes, and soft snow-white hair.”
Penny: Snow white hair?
Penny asks, eyes full of suspension and a bit of confusion. The story had seemed a little familiar in an odd way that she couldn’t place, but with the description of the children, things were starting to come together. Mary ignores Penny’s question and continues the story.
Mary: “They were beautiful, the picture-perfect family. But alas, there is no tale without its hardships.”
“Before the princess was to be married her mother, the Careful Queen passed away from illness. The King, greatly saddened by her loss and weakened from years of hard work, could no longer continue his reign. The Princess was also disheartened by her mother’s death and had not the strength or the fortitude to take up her father’s throne. And so, with no other heirs, the King passed his crown to his son-in-law the day after he and the princess married. But even with the weight of his empire lifted from his shoulders, the King was not long for this world. He passed away before his second granddaughter was eight.”
“This, however, was only the beginning of the family’s downfall. As the old king’s health declined, the new king and queen’s love began to falter. The once kind gentleman grew cold and short-tempered; the words of love he once shared so easily became few and far between. It wasn’t until the second daughter’s ninth birthday that the perfect family finally shattered. During an agreement, the new king attempted that he had only courted the young queen to inherit her father’s throne and had not loved her for even a moment. This revelation destroyed the Queen’s heart and ripped her soul asunder. Unable to cope with this reality, the once exquisite Princess of Flowers began to wilt, drowning herself in wine to numb her pain and forget her foolishness. And the new king quickly took hold of the throne, turning it away from its humble roots and into a monopoly that drained the life of all under its rule. Soon the new king gained a new title among the people, the Lord of Greed.”
“And for the children, that day would mark the beginning of a very harsh life. All the leniency and consideration their father once held vanished entirely, and their lives became strict and routine. They were to do as they were told, speak only when asked, and bring glory to the family name matter what. Their days were filled with constant studies and practices as their father molded them into his ideal children. In truth, they became little more than hounds; trained wolves bred only to follow the orders of their master.”
“But can wolf truly be controlled? Can such a wild spirit be contained with force alone? No, not when it was born to withstand the coldest winters and darkest nights.
“The eldest daughter was first to rebel, choosing to take the path of knighthood and fled when she came of age. The second daughter was much the same, she looked up to her elder sister who taught her to fight in secret and began to fight for her freedom. She would argue and bicker with her father often, fulling the castle with strife. When she became old enough to enlist instead of running away, the second princess was offered a wager. Kill a beast of the Lord’s choosing, and he would let her go. The second daughter, ever proud and bold as she was, accepted the wager. And after a long grueling battle, the girl had best her father's monster. Though bloodied and bruised, the second princess stood tall; she had earned her freedom. Her once-perfect face was now marred with a scar, a reminder of all she had overcome. Once she had escaped the castle, the second princess could live as she pleased and regain contact with her beloved elder sister. The two princesses were finally free from the cruel oppression of their father and gained new family in the friends and allies they made during their training into knighthood.”
Penny: Wha-What about the son? What happened to him when his sisters left?
Penny inquires, fear creeping into her voice as she speaks. There was no doubt anymore; this story wasn’t anything but fiction. This was the tale of the Schnee family, and it was far worse than she could have imagined! How could a person be so cruel and trick someone into marrying, into having children with them just to steal their family’s legacy? And how could a father treat his children like objects he could control? And if Jacques had been so cruel that both his daughters ran away from home to get away from him, then how was he treating his son?
Penny’s mind races, and panic set in as she starts thinking over every interaction she’d had since she first came to the manor. Suddenly so much of the oddness and uncomfortably made sense. Willow’s coldness, the banned on Weiss and Winter’s names, and the dreadful aura around Jacques it was all so obvious! But this realization only exaggerated her worry along with her last question.
What had happened to Whitley during all of this?
Penny looks at Mary with pleading eyes, silently begging for an answer. Mary, however, does not meet her gaze, eyes trained on the notebook as she continues to read.
Mary: “But what of the youngest child, the young prince, and only son? Alas, his fate was far direr from his sisters.”
“The last born of the three, the prince lived blissfully with his family at the beginning of his formative years, unaware of the chaos browsing behind the scenes. He was a lovely child who showed care and love to everyone around him. He was always smiling, and the sound of his laughter filled anyone who heard it with joy. Unfortunately, this blissfulness did not last long, as the illusion of happiness he was born under would soon crumble before his very eyes.”
The day the Lord of Greed revealed his true self, the young prince and his sisters had heard the confrontation. And overnight, the world he knew was shattered completely. As the sisters grew closer through training, they grew distinct from the young prince, who was far too young to learn. Alongside their mother’s spiral into despair and the lord’s increasing cruelty, the prince was turned away by all he once held dear. Alone in the depths of a grand castle that grew colder and colder by the day.”
“Confused and afraid of being alone, the boy did the only thing he could do, behave. He would do his best to follow his father’s orders, comfort his hopeless mother when she cried, and reach out to his sisters whenever the chance arose. As the discourse continued, the prince watched the rest of the family carefully and learned their behavior patterns. Through this, he could sense when a fight was on the horizon and would seek to quell it before it could get out of hand. Oftentimes, this meant appeasing his father, regardless of how in the wrong he had been at the time, and to the prince accepting fault for things outside of his control.”
“It was a humiliating and heart-draining tactic, but the prince did not care. As long as he could keep things peaceful, he would withstand the pain. However, this method didn't yield the results he’d hoped for. The Lord had only grew crueler as the years went on; his mother had become completely docile, and his sisters, on dear heavens, his sisters. The eldest had not paid him much attention before she left, and the second had grown to dislike him. No, more than that, she was utterly disgusted by him. She hated that he wouldn’t fight as she did and thought of him as little more than the Lord's puppet! Going so far as to say it to his face when they disagreed”
“This cruel reality broke the prince from the inside; his kind heart could not withstand the pain anymore and shattered. He went numb as his soul grieved the life and family he’d lost. In that hollowed state, the prince contemplated what to do now that his only hope for a normal life had been lost. And he realized there was only one thing he could do…Survive.”
“He was trapped in this cruel palace by its master with no support, means of escape, or any way to defend himself, so the prince chose to co-exist with the evil around him. He took his shattered heart and made the pieces into a mirror. The mirror heart was unlike any other mirror as it could reflect want the viewer wanted to see but would also reveal their true nature to its wielder, the prince. “
“If the lord wished to see his obedience, the prince would show obedience. If the lord’s colleagues wished to see his charisma, the prince would show them charisma. And when the second princess wished to see trickery or mischief in him, the prince would show her exactly what she wanted to see. As he did, their true intentions echoed within him. With this, his ability to predict how they would behave and how to react grew stronger, allowing the prince to manipulate his situation to be a little more comfortable for himself and all those who served in the castle. He became the silent protecter to those in the castle and gained the Lord’s trust and approval. However, this process disillusioned his already ravaged soul, and the prince lost most faith in justice or innocence. The world was cold dark place where peace could never be found and the wicked abuse the kind and wind. That was how he viewed his life until the night of his coronation.”
Penny looks at Mary a bit confused as she tries to figure what event she could be talking about. Coronations had become obsolete along with the monarchies they were associated with. The word itself was barely used anywhere aside from some pageants or traditional fairs.
Penny: The closest thing to a coronation in the business world is a celebratory party for a promotion or-
Her eyes widen, and her gaze locks with Mary as the maid gives her a cold, knowing smile. She knew what this coronation was because she had been there. Mary notes her tension, and her gaze softens a bit. The girl had followed along with her game very well; even so, she needed to be sure there were no gray areas or misinterpretations of this part, else the whole plan would be for nothing. She takes a deep breath before starting on the next page.
Mary: “Surrounded by fake smiles and thinly veiled selfish ambition, the prince was named heir to the mining empire.”
“After hours of mingling with and entertaining the Lord of Greed’s guests, the prince retreated to the balcony farthest from the party. Stepping out into the cool night air, the prince leaned against the railing and looked up to the stars in contamination. The event had been particularly exhausting as it marked the beginning of a new, more difficult chapter in his life. Soon he’d have more responsibilities, more complex subjects to study, even more events to attend, and lose what little free time he had to work. Drained and solemn, the prince gazed up at the endless night sky, mind losing in the vastness of the star. In this state of serenity, the prince, unfortunately, loses his balance falling back off the balcony.”
“Feeling his body falling, the prince screamed and prayed that his death would be quick and clean. But instead of hitting the ground below him, he felt a hand grasp one of his wrists tightly, stopping his fall. Looking up, the prince met the gaze of a young girl in a green dress. Her eyes were spring green that seemed to glow lightly under the moonlight. Her skin was soft and pale, tiny freckles scattered across her body and dusting her rosy cheeks. Her hair, which flew carelessly against the wind, was a bright orange and fall just short of her waist, ending in tight curls that resembled a squirrel’s tail or a rolled baked sweet.”
“Sweet, that way to describe the girl. Regardless of the serious expression on her face and the oddly high amount of strength she had, she gave off a delicate and caring aura even in such a dangerous situation.”
“After she pulled him back up, the prince took a moment to collect himself and get a better look at the girl who had just saved. She looked to be his age but was utterly unfamiliar to him; he’d never seen her before, nor had he met anyone at the party who looked like her. Despite being such a prestigious event, the girl wore no makeup and seemed unsteady in her heels. Was this her first party in high society? The prince questioned to himself as they walked back inside.”
“The answer seemed to be yes because as soon as they returned, onlookers who had witnessed his rescue surrounded them. As they spouted fake concern, the prince noticed his savior had grown quiet under their gaze. Her brave attitude had melted into shyness and fear as she stood behind him and hid from the crowd. Having incurred a life debt to her and feeling pity for the poor girl, the prince guided her away from the crowd, asking her who he could return her to quietly as they walked away. She told him, yes, but they had been separated right after they arrived. Sympathizing with the girl’s plight, the prince decided to escort her back to the front of the ballroom.”
“They wandered through the grand hall dodging many nobles along the way. Eventually, they reached the dance floor, where the girl spotted her companion on the other side. Unfortunately for them, the bands had begun playing, and the party was in full swing, crowding the area so tightly there was no way to get around it. Running out of options prince took his young savior’s hands and led her into a waltz.”
“The girl, inexperienced and nervous, did her best to keep in rhythm while the prince led them across the floor. Her determination not to step on his feet was oddly endearing to the prince; he smiled as they danced from one side of the floor to the other. Once they reached the other side of the ballroom, the girl was finally reunited with her guardian, The captain of the kingdom’s empirical army. The prince was incredibly shocked by this revelation. The captain was a man known for his sense of duty and reluctance to engage in the social scene. So why was he here? With a young girl at his side, no less!”
“The prince inquired the Captain about this oddity only to discover the girl was no ordinary person but a knight. And not just any knight but one of the highest ranks, only a few tiers below him. The prince was astonished; this delicate little thing who was as shy as a mouse and looked as if she couldn’t hurt a fly was an elite knight.”
“How ridiculous!”
“He thought to himself, but rather than questioning it; the prince used the situation to his advantage. He thanked the young knight for saving his life and offered her etiquette lessons in exchange for the Captain’s support in one of the Lord’s endeavors. The Captain agreed, and just as the prince was about to leave, the young knight ran up to him and formally introduced herself.”
“With a smile and military salute, the sweet little knight, cheek bright in excitement and nervousness, finally gave her name and appreciation for his helpfulness.”
“This act warmed the prince’s heart in a way he’d never felt before. And once he returned to his quarters for the evening, the prince examined his mirrored heart as he slept. He was amazed to find that the girl's reflection held no difference from the way she presented herself. Her shyness, her fear, wonder, and kindness, they had all been real without even a hint of falsehood. No hidden motives or desires, just a genuinely kind heart acting of its own volition. This made the prince curious; how could something so strong be so gentle and lovely? The prince wondered as he dreamed; part of him hoped to find out more about the knight when they met again.”
Mary paused as she turned to the next page, stealing a glance at Penny as she looked up from the book. The poor redhead was a mix of worried and flustered by what she had just heard. She knew Whitley had a motive for helping her learn etiquette, but she hadn’t realized he had developed an interest in her that early on. Though now that she knew how he’d grown up, it made a lot of sense. Penny saved him because it was the right thing to do and was kind to him for no other reason than she liked him. It was nothing more than basic kindness and affection, yet the notion of such a thing was so foreign to him that her actions mystified him.
Penny: How cruel; he hadn't been treated well in so long that someone being genuinely kind to him seemed unnatural.
She thought sorrowfully; part of her wanting to run out into the hallway and go find Whitley. She wanted to ask him just how much he’d suffered all these years and what she could do to make it better. She wanted to tell him just how much she cared for him and that she’d never leave him. She wanted to let him cry on her shoulders, to let out all that pain, and feel safe. She wanted to protect him from this nightmare he’d been trapped in and free him of it! This desire to protect made her chest burn with sorrow and rage, so much so that she could feel her body heating up from the inside. As Penny tries to suppress her seething emotions, Mary picks up with the ending of the chapter.
Mary: “As for the little knight, she departed for home soon after the prince left them. Her heart a buzz with new memories and emotions.”
“She had never been to a party before and never could have imagined it turning out as it had. As she returned to her little home, sat in a village that lay right under the grand capital that floated in the sky, the knight was full of glee. She hopped through the house as she went to speak with her father and tell him about the wondrous evening she’d had. Her father, an elder weapon and puppet maker, was more than happy to hear his little girl’s story, and they sat down at the dining table and talked.”
Penny’s eyes widen in shock at the accuracy of Mary’s story, but this soon turns to worry as she realizes something isn’t right. But before she can question her on it, Mary's already moved on to the next paragraph.
Mary: “The knight spoke somberly of how cold and unkind the nobles had been to her when she first arrived.”
“Some had mocked her clothing and other’s eating habits, and many just seemed to dislike her at a glance. She felt so lost and had wandered away to the edge of the ballroom; that is where she heard the prince’s terrified scream. Without a second or even a first thought, she sprung into action and grabbed the prince’s arm before he could fall too far.”
“Aw, the prince, the moment the little knight looked down at the prince as she snatched him from near-certain death, she was stunned. He was so beautiful; his skin was flawless and so pale it almost looked porcelain. His hair was so white and soft that it resembled silk, and his beautiful blue eyes were as clear as the sky, deeper than the sea, and more brilliant than any gem she’d ever seen. And after he’d protected her from those terrible nobles and danced with her the little knight couldn’t help but be smitten with him. Though she kept most of these thoughts to herself, telling her father only a little of it before getting embarrassed and running off to her room.”
Penny buries her face in her hands as she tries to hide her blushing cheeks. Now this was just insane! How could she have known about all those things in such detail, right down to what she said?! She perks through her fingers to look at Mary, hoping to find clues in her expression as to how she knew all of this. Instead, Penny sees the same calm but knowing smile that Mary held throughout as she continued reading.
Mary: “The little knight washed up and got ready for bed, mind full of wistful thoughts. She changed into her nightgown, laid down on her bed, then pulled something curious from underneath it.”
“ It was a windup key used for music boxes and toys, but this key was far bigger than any other; it could barely fit the knight's hand as she held it. And as she took it out, a large toy hand reached over from across the room, the glove fingers reaching out for the key. The knight handed the gloved toy the key as she pulled up her nightgown. With the fabric out of the way, a hole appeared in the middle of her back. The hand guided the key into the hole, and as it clicked into place, the little knight’s eyes shut tight as she drifted off to sleep. And as she slumbered, the hand turned the key throughout the night.”
As she’s finishing the line, Mary reaches over and ghosts a hand on Penny’s back. Right, where her charger port and the hole for the knight’s wind-up key would be. Penny’s body tensed as she felt a chill run down her spine when Mary’s hand got close. Her fear begins to rise as she finally realizes her cover was in danger of being blown.
Penny: She couldn’t know that-but how? I didn’t-there’s no way she-
Mary: “Wind-
Her frightened thoughts are interrupted by Mary’s voice chiming out the word “wind” as her hand grasps an imaginary key and twists it once-
Mary: “Wind-
Mary: “Wind.”
And a third time before pulling her hand back and closing the book. She sets it down on the table then turns to look at Penny, whose face is full of terror. She was too confused and afraid to question her. So the blood-haired maid asks her a question instead.
Mary: So, what did you think of my story, little toy knight?
She stated in a cold matter-of-fact tone that told Penny everything she needed to know. She’d been made. Penny started to shake, so many questions and worries filling her mind at once. How? When? Why? Had she told anyone? Who had she told? How many people knew? Did any of the other staff know?.. Did Whitley know? All of these rushed through her read like raging bullets, hitting every one of her insecurities as they shot through her psyche. Only one managed to escape past her lips on her now shaky, fearful voice.
Penny: H-How long…How long have you known?
Mary: How long? That…doesn’t matter. What matters is I do.
She says with no emotion, not even a change in expression, as she peers down at her with an empty gaze. Penny’s breathing quickens as her anxiety skyrockets due to Mary’s blasé attitude towards this massive secret. Mary notes this and puts a hand on Penny's shoulder, her gaze softening into a more sympathetic and caring look. She takes a deep breath before speaking up.
Mary: Relax, dear; I haven’t told anyone of your true nature, nor do I intend to.
Penny: Then why did you-
Mary: Include it in the story? Dramatic flare honesty that and it made for good leverage. I needed to be sure you’d listen to what I had to say once our little story time was over. And I knew that would grab your attention.
Penny: So, you wrote that ending mainly to blackmail me?
Penny spits out, her fear transforming into anger as Mary’s causal attitude to putting her in this stressful situation irks her. It was clear this woman had some motive for doing this and could no longer be treated as an ordinary civilian. She had uncovered a military secret and was using it to intimidate a soldier; this could not stand. Mary doesn’t fold at her shift to sternness; in fact, she was hoping for it. A smile creeps onto her face as she explains her reasons.
Mary: Yes.
Penny: For what purpose? What information is so important that you’d risk military involvement?
Mary: Oh, Penny, this has nothing to do with the military. This is about your relationship with Young Master.
Penny: What about our relationship? What does my interest in him have to do with you?!
Mary: Oh, poor little knight, you really don't see it, do you? I know you care for him deeply, that you might even be in love with him. That’s why I had to tell you the truth.
Penny: And that truth is?
Mary: You can’t save him.
All the air leaves her body for a moment as Mary’s statement sets in. Her eyes are blank as she tries to process what she just heard.
Mary: From Jacques, from this manor, you can’t save him. You can’t save him from this life.
Penny: What? What are you talking about?!
Mary: Think back to the story, Penny; the man tricked many people and broken his own family to get what he wanted. Do you think you can stop him from shaping his son into the ideal heir he’s worked so hard to obtain?
Penny: If that shaping requires abusing him, then yes! Abusing a minor is an illegal act that all law enforcement is mandated to report!
Mary: If that’s true, why did the Schnee sisters have to run away and join the armed forces to escape him?
Mary’s logic stops Penny in her tracks; though flawed, this was a good question as Penny hadn’t heard about the abuse in Schnee's household until now. Winter nor Ironwood had said anything about it before or after she started visiting the manor, even though one of them had experienced it firsthand. So, why?
Mary: If a simple investigation into his actions could send someone like Jacques away, it would have happened years ago. But it hasn’t.
Penny: But how?
Mary: The man has only two skills outside of spending money, lying his way into power and using underhanded tactics to keep. I mean, he sent a dangerous Grimm after his own daughter, but outside of her words and a scar, there’s little to no evidence it ever happened.
Penny: Even so, I still-
Mary: And why else do you think General Ironwood took Winter in as soon as he could and advocates for Weiss to go to Beacon when he has such a strained business relationship with their father?
Penny: No, you don’t mean that-he wouldn’t-The general would never let this continue if he knew about it!
Mary: Not if he couldn’t do anything to stop it. With no proof, no witnesses, and complaining parties disappearing before anything meaningful could happen, not even the mighty General Ironwood could stop him.
Penny: No, that’s just not fair.
Penny hangs her head down, a wave of helplessness crashing into her spirit. It was true that Ironwood didn't like Jacques Schnee, but to think this was the reason and that he couldn’t stop it was heartbreaking. Such a depressing truth was like a weight dropping down on her, crushing her heart in a slow press.
Mary: As for your relationship with Whitley-
Penny pulls her head back and looks at Mary intensely. What more did she have to say after that devastating blow?
Mary: I understand that you have feelings for him, and your first instinct is to protect him from harm. But the truth of the matter is that Young Master has lived his life embroiled in betrayal and deceit; he was born from it. So how can you say you truly care for him when your identity to him is a lie? And if you do, are you still willing to act on your instincts when it will do more harm than good for both of you?
Penny: I-I-
Penny didn’t answer; she couldn't. All this time, her biggest insecurity about her relationship with Whitley was that she wasn't an ordinary human girl. No matter how close she was to real, there would always be a difference, no matter how slight. But even if she wasn’t human, she could still love and protect him better than anyone! At least, that’s what she thought. But now, in this moment, Penny was inadequate. She wasn't enough to give the person she loved what he deserved, no matter how much she wanted to be. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she began to sob quietly. Mary pats her back, allowing the girl a moment to get her feelings out before she continues.
Mary: I’m not asking you to stop loving him or even to distance yourself from him. I’m asking you to be aware of where you are and who you’re dealing with. If Jacques finds out what you are, he will use it against Ironwood, against you, and Young Master if he thinks he’ll gain something from it. So, for everyone’s sake, please be careful.
Penny doesn’t speak; instead, nodding in agreement with Mary. What else could she do in such an awful situation? She had to accept the reality of what she’d learned as she cried from the pain, misery, and frustration it caused.
While Penny weeps in the quiet library, Whitley is finally wrapping up his long phone conversation.
Beaufort: And that’s how I retrofitted my old diamond chandelier into the special party favors I put onto the invitations! They turned out sensationnel!
Whitley: That’s wonderful, and as excited as I am to go, I must be on my way so-
Beaufort: Speaking of the invitations, there was another reason I called you!
Whitley: And that is?
Beaufort: I was wondering if you knew the contact information for that delightful red-headed girl!
Whitley: Excuse me?
Beaufort: The red-haired girl! She had a red ribbon in her hair and guarded Hellobore’s daughter from that brute Beelzan!
Whitley’s eyes widen in shock; he keeps his voice even as he tries to pry for more details.
Whitley: Are you referring to the girl that gave me a bouquet after I had Beelzan removed?
Beaufort: Yes!
Whitley: I see; then yes I do know her. Her name is Penny, Penny Polendina.
Beaufort: Oh, magnifique! Please send me her details so I can send her an invitation out with the rest!
Whitley: Her invitation? You're inviting her to the grand mystère ball?
Beaufort: Oui! A cute little face, paired with such a fierce attitude, is just what I needed to add some special spice to the guest list!
Whitley: Of course, that’s why. Well as much as I’d like to give her address Penny’s a very private person and won’t appreciate the intrusion.
Beaufort: Fichu!
Whitley: But if you send hers along with mine and Father’s, I’ll be sure she receives it before the ball.
Beaufort: Really? Merci dear Whitley! I’ll call my delivery staff right now and update them, so they don't swing by twice in one day.
Whitley: Wait, twice in one day? Are you saying it’s-
Beaufort: Thanks for then talks and your assistance ma chère, I’ll see you at the party! Au revoir!
Beaufort chirps before hanging up, leaving Whitley staring at his scroll as he feels a headache on the horizon. This was going to be tough; preparing for this on his own was already going to be a hassle but prepping Penny as well was going to be exhausting. But with no chance to decline he’ll just have to make it.
Whitley: Hopefully, we’ll have enough time to pull this off.
He thinks to himself before letting out a short sigh and heading back into the library. Once he’s back in, the first thing Whitley as he gets close to their seating area is the bleak expression on Penny’s face. Immediately worried, he rushes towards them, the view of dried trails running from her eyes to her cheeks becoming more apparent as he gets close. He runs past Mary directly to Penny’s side; as she turns to face him, Whitley can see more tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Damn it! He knew she was still unstable after her breakdown, but still, he let her push past her limits again. As guilt begins to creep in, Whitley weeps away Penny’s tears, kneels down in front of her, and pulls her into his arms.
In his embrace, Penny falls under her own cloud of guilt. She was disgusted with herself for accepting his consoling touch while knowing how vulnerable he really was, but she couldn't bring herself to pull away. She just wanted to take him away, to run away somewhere far and safe where no one could hurt him or find them again. But she couldn’t. There were too many variables, consequences, and lies between them for that to happen. All she could do now was accept things as they were and wait. Wait and pray. Wait for permission to tell him the truth, the whole truth and pray he could love her as she is. And forgive her for being another falsehood in his life.
Once she’s calmed down, Whitley pulls away and caresses her cheeks. His eyes are full of sympathy and concern with a glint of desperation as he softly chastises her.
Whitley: I told you not to push yourself too hard, didn't I? But no, you choose to be stubborn as always.
He says jokingly before giving her a soft smile, clearly trying to turn her mood around. This garners a tiny smile from Penny, but before she can speak, Mary cuts in.
Mary: Apologies, Young Master, this was my fault. I decided to read Ms. Polendina, a story while we waited for you to return. It seems that that particular tale was a bit too dark and it overwhelmed her.
Whitley: is that so?
He states questioningly to Penny. Penny takes a moment to think of her response. She could say yes, and it would be accurate, but then Whitley would still be worried about her. But if she told the whole truth, it might lead to a much more complicated conversation; one Penny wasn’t ready to have. At least not yet. And so-
Penny: Yes, it was a really sad story, and I didn't handle it well.
Penny told her first truly self-serving half-truth. Whitley patted her head and let out a sigh of relief before getting back up on his feet.
Whitley: Well, we’ll certainly have to abstain from reading any more of those types of stories again. Now then, I have something important to tell-
Hannah: Young Master!
Suddenly Hannah burst through the library doors, shouting for Whitley. She runs towards them, almost entirely out of breath, stopping right in front of them to catch her breath. She tries to speak through labored breathing.
Hannah: There’s (huff, huff) a spec-(huff, huff) special delivery (huff, huff) at the door. (huff, huff) Carrier (huff, huff) needs (huff, huff) residents’ signature and (huff, huff) Master’s (huff, huff) busy.
She gets her message out before turning around and walking back toward the entrance, Whitley, Penny, and Mary following close behind. The four make their way to the main entrance, where a young man dressed as an o royal messenger, complete with gold horn under his arm, stands holding three gift boxes in his arms. Each box is a different size and beautifully decorated in different wrapping, one light pink, the other royal blue, and the last pure white. The man spots Whitley coming towards him and bows to him as soon as he’s close.
Messenger: Young Lord Whitley Nicholas Schnee?
Whitley: Yes?
The messenger steps back, puts the boxes under his arms, puts his horn to his lips, and plays a short tone before bowing.
Messenger: The house Beaufort would like to congratulate you, Lord Jaques Schnee, and Lady Penny Polendina. For you have been deemed worthy of attending the grand mystère ball!
He states with all the passion of a seasoned theater student. Placing his horn back under his arm, he pulls and cupboard out from underneath the gifts, then holds both out to Whitley, head bowed toward the floor. Whitley takes the pen chained to the board, which is decorated like a quill pen, signs the form, and takes the first box from the stack. It’s the smallest and covered in pink, so Whitley assumes it’s for Penny. He holds it out to her before grabbing the other two.
Whitley: Here, open yours first.
Penny: Are you sure?
Whitley: Yes, but be careful. I have no idea what’s in there.
Penny: Okay.
She says with caution before taking the box in her hands. It was rather cute, decorated in a plaid patterned baby pink wrapping and tied with a belle pink bowtie. Oddly the wrapping covers the lid and box separately, making the ribbon the only thing keeping the box close. As she runs her fingers across it, Penny feels slight movement from the inside. It was any too rough, just little light taps so soft most people wouldn’t notice. Even so Penny turns away from everyone and holds the box away from her body as she undoes the bowtie. Once the ribbons are off, Penny pulls the lid off, and several butterflies come flying out of the box and up to the ceiling. Penny watches them go in shock and wonder while Whitley gets annoyed.
Whitley: Great; now we’ll have to get the nets out again.
He quips. As the butterflies disperse, Penny looks back down into the gift box to find a pair of diamond earrings, a black gold-trimmed invitation card, and a masquerade mask. The mask was half silver and black with a butterfly motif with diamonds embedded in its ornate patterns. It’s truly gorgeous; as Penny gazes at it, Whitley reaches over and takes out the card. He opens it and skims past to find all the pleasantries to find the date for the ball. When his eyes finally lock onto the date, Whitley’s veins run cold. Next Sunday the Grand Mystère Ball was to be held next Sunday.
Whitley: Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
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jojobegood1 · 2 years
Donne Malinois Femelle 3 mois - Val de Marne à Vitry sur Seine
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yaumeuniverse · 5 days
Bonjour, fille ou garçon et de quelle région...Je sais que ces questions sont stupides, mais sans doute auras-tu la bonté de me répondre...Bien à toi...Je t'encourage, et merci pour ton blog...
Bonjour !
Alors je suis un gars assez jeune dans ma tête , mais beaucoup moins sur ma carte d identité .
Je suis né et j ai grandi dans le nord-est de la France .
De par mon taf , j ai vécu dans quelques régions françaises , sud-ouest, Ile de France, nord, nord-est, et maintenant je vis dans les Alpes .
Quant à mon blog j y partage , et j y mets des choses qui me plaisent , et je suis ravi que ça plaisent également à d autres personnes tout comme à toi .
Je te souhaite une agréable journée , et Merci pour ton encouragement .
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