#*yoinks for headcanons*
yasur-sketches · 1 year
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Every few months when I feel my art has upgraded I get the aggressive urge to redo my reference for the ninja
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gabbertrapmix · 5 months
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happy lesbian week of visibility
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theofficialuriel · 5 months
when “I’ll sneeze on you” is an actual threat bc you got your spleen yoinked
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creeky-cricket · 2 months
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I HEREBY BREAK MY SILENCE (IDK not for long, probably)
and in doing this, I will give you my first SFW alphabet, of MyStreet!Zane Ro'meave. cause the lack of content for this man is absolutely CRIMINAL.
Cw: talk of character death, very very brief talk about kinks, angst, fluff, hurt comfort, probably ooc idfk LMAO
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He probably wouldn't be the most affectionate in public, poor dude can't even bear the thought of people knowing his biggest interest cause he's worried he's gonna be made fun of </3. But, behind closed doors, he would 100% be the most gentle and cute lover, constantly asking if he was allowed to touch you, to hug you. It's the little things. As for verbal affection, I feel like he wouldn't be the biggest fan of pet names, maybe common ones like baby, or sweetheart occasionally but nothing BIG.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I have a few ideas for this one, but starting off with the most likely. You were probably a friend of Aphmaus or a friend of someone in the main group who's begun meeting everyone. I like to believe you two didn't click immediately, not fighting all the time or anything you just never really spoke. When it actually comes to being friends, you're the one to make the first move, even if it was just a subtly joke to him on the sidelines. Eventually, it just became a common occurrence to see you two together, enjoying each other's company. The two of you can barely even remember when you didn't talk, it just, suddenly happened.
(As for any others, I can think of a few tropes. Like, childhood best friends to lovers, the coffee shop aus, anything soft and sweet. BUT it has to have character development and plot.)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This man is a cuddler. Not in public, never in public. But if you two are sat in the same area together, he's leaning on you. Or pulling you into his chest. He likes the feeling of your weight on him, makes him feel grounded. I can also see something else that would happen quite often, like. You sat on the couch watching TV, and he comes in and sits on the floor in front of you or to the side of where you're sitting and just leans his head or body against your legs. (Don't be shy, play with his hair. >:3)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
This man is the most organised neat freak. Like, to the point it can get a bit tedious. He likes things to be in order and the way he likes it. However, he would be open to compromises. That being said, though, he would be totally fine with having most of the cleaning responsibilities. Like, as long as you’re not leaving him to clean up your stuff, and pick up after yourself, he doesn't expect you to go through and deep clean regularly. This doesn't mean your house is totally spotless tho. As for cooking, I feel like that would be more your responsibility- since all he can really do is bake LMAO. He can make like- bacon- I guess. He's not totally useless, but get him to make anything like stew or smth, he's gonna require a LOT of help. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he was the one breaking up with you, he would be very quiet leading up to it. Like, you would probably know because he's just- stopped wanting to be around you. Making excuses, being really mopey around you, and generally just not engaging with things that involve you. It's not like he's trying to be a dick or anything, he's just really worried about how you’re gonna take it. I feel like the reason he wants to break up isn't generally anything bad, he would have just lost feelings. Or felt as if it would just benefit the both of you if you were just friends. He doesn’t want to hurt you and is scared of you not wanting to be around him again. As for if you broke up with him, and how he would take it? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT BREAK UP WITH HIM OVER TEXT. Zane, the soggy wet cat that he is, will internalize this SO BAD. one-way ticket to Spiral City, ‘What did I do.’ ‘why couldn't I be better’ such and such. Obviously, this would still happen if you broke up with him in person, but at least he can have the immediate distraction of the outdoors or whatever environment you’re in. The first thing he does. Text. Aphmau. Or hell, maybe Garroth depending on the point of timeline. He will cry. Mans will sit and stew in his room just, laid in bed for however long he feels. Will only come out for food and water.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Well, this is a tricky one. Theoretically, yes. He would wanna get married, he's always liked the idea of that ‘picture perfect’ life, especially with you. But I guess it's just the actual act that would put him on edge. Not to mention the planning! It would stress him out so badly. God forbid the proposal too! He can barely plan a surprise birthday party, let alone a romantic moment that the two of you will look back on and treasure forever??? That being said, if somehow everything does go to plan, without Zane passing out or dying from cardiac arrest, I don't think it would change much for the two of you. Yes, you’re together by law now, but you were already living together before this, you were already settled before this. Honestly? I feel like he would be set with just staying engaged for the rest of your life. By this point, he knows you’ll never leave him. And god knows that he would never even begin to fathom a life without you in it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gosh, Zane would be so conscious of being too overbearing with you. So he is very gentle physically. If you have long hair, and you ask him to tie it up for you, he would be so careful with it. Apologising if your hair gets tangled on his fingers, barely even pulls the hair tie in case it would hurt you. While you’re cuddling, he holds you fairly loose too, just in case you want to pull away. Or if you felt uncomfortable. Bro, it would be like a year into your relationship and he would still have such shaky hands and soft touches cause he's so nervous around you. I also hc that his hands are like, constantly cold. No amount of warmth can do this man good, so it's common that he pulls his hands away very quickly if you were to flinch from the cold. (like man, it would be the middle of summer and he would fr feel like he's been locked in a freezer for the majority of his life) Emotionally? Well, he tries, he really tries to be open for you. And he is, you can talk to him any time you want! He would never get bored of hearing your voice, it's just. He's always going to be blunt. And he's never gonna be able to know the right things to say in any given situation, so please be patient with him. (AHJDBAWHJK WAIT MF you: ‘…do you think I'm ugly??’ Zane: ‘uh… sometimes. I guess? why?’)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are awkward in the beginning. Like, he's such a touch-starved dude he doesn’t know what to do when someone hugs him. Let alone someone he likes a lot. God forbid it’s in a context in which you need comfort too, it would be so awkward. It’s also awkward because he doesn’t know how to ask for them. In theory, he wants to touch you all of the time. Like, he wants to hug you and be near you every second of the day, so he just doesn't wanna come off weird for wanting to hug you all the time. After a while, you both develop your own non-verbal mannerisms and ways of asking for physical affection, so it does get better. But still, if he had the choice of being close to you forever he would accept that so fast.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He probably says it very fast into the relationship, but like, it would be a heat of the moment sort of thing. Probably when you first start dating, it's a very flustered, very rushed ‘ILOVEYOU-’. But then wouldn't really say it after that. He already feels as if it’s something he shouldn't have said at the time, so he's not gonna risk saying it again not until at least a month or two into your relationship, or you begin saying it too. Once it becomes a normalised thing, he says it quite often. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to him, he wants you to know that! Even if that includes random moments of him pouring his heart out to you. Bro, it would be so dead silent, you could be doing something like housework and he would just spawn out of nowhere and be like ‘I really, really love you. You better know that!’
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Ooohhh, he gets jelly. Very easy. Usually only over small things tho, and it's not entirely a big deal. But please don't just brush him off, poor baby just wants to make sure you’re not gonna leave him. He was in the shadow of pretty much everyone he's ever met: his brothers, his classmates, his friends. God, can you even blame him for being a little bit nervous about that? That being said, it's usually pretty easy to know when he's jealous. He gets very huffy and blushy and quiet, glaring at whatever’s making him jelly. Give him a few words of reassurance, hold his hands and give him eye contact while doing so and he’s a pile of mush lmao. However, there can be times that you can't tell that you’ve done something wrong, or well, what you have done wrong. If something makes him genuinely jealous, and makes him upset. He will wait until you’re in a more private setting before he explains, first of all, because he respects that that sort of stuff shouldn't be done in public. And secondly, because he just doesn't know how to phrase things, and probably feels as if he doesn't have the right to be feeling like that. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
You guys don’t have your first kiss until like, 4-5 months into your relationship. Depending on how close you are before you get together that is. It's possible you’d already had it before you started dating, but still. This is mainly because of the fact he wears the mask, which kinda obstructs things. But I feel like your first kiss would be so sweet, maybe during a moment where you’re comforting him. Specifically about his looks, he's sat telling you his insecurities and you persuade him to take his mask off. Cradling his cheeks and looking over his features, he gets a little flustered, so he begins to pull his mask up out of instinct but suddenly your lips are on his. He. Would. MELT. PILE OF GOOP. Putty in your hands. Probably goes really quiet for a while and you worry you made him uncomfy, and suddenly, after like 10-15 minutes, he asks if it would be ok if he kissed you again. >:3 He also likes to give you forehead and cheek kisses. Easiest to give through the mask. As for where he likes to be kissed, cheek, temple, lips. He's not entirely picky. Will get really flustered if you kiss his neck/jawline tho. Even if it’s in a completely innocent way, he just gets really red. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
You are not having kids. It's not like he doesn't like children, well- he doesn't but it’s more the anxiety that he gets around them if anything. Always feels like he’ll do something wrong and it would have lasting effects. Man worries too much, but at least you would know that if you did happen to have kids he would wanna be involved 24/7. He would technically be a good dad, but he would probably end up being a helicopter parent, especially if something was to happen to you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Zane would either be the type to be up at 7 am sharp even on weekends. I feel like he’d be the type of person to loathe mornings too, so it would be pretty funny if he was an early riser. 
‘ ‘Hey, baby.’ you coo as you walk into the kitchen in the morning, seeing your beloved boyfriend resting his forearms against the windowsill, watching those who walked past. ‘Whatcha doin’?’ You ask, curiously, walking up beside him to find the scowl etched onto his face, ‘..judging..’ ’ He gets out of bed carefully in the morning so as not to wake you, slowly making his way out of your shared room and down the stairs. He probably just sits and watches TV in the living room for a while until you wake up. Though, if you didn't work at home, he would get things ready for you. Like, make you a drink, make sure your clothes are out of the wash, would want to make your food but he probably leaves that to you. His service stops at breakfast in bed (most days). 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Being a night owl, Zane’s the most ‘active’ at night. 7 pm to 12 am is the best time frame for him socially and creatively. Granted he's not the most creative person, but I imagine he does like writing and doodling every once in a while. Nights are pretty unpredictable when it comes to him, sometimes he's busy at work getting things done, or busy with some project that he's working on. But then, there are nights when all he wants to do is snuggle with you on the couch and just watch TV. Or even just spend some type of time with you. 2 am baking is a common occurrence too. A big mess to clean up in the morning too. Usually consists of you and Zane, sleep-deprived and laughing as you try and bake something together. Music is on in the background as you’re busy at work. 9/10 ends up with you both covered in various powders and ingredients due to you both getting too competitive in your ‘competitions’. However, that 1/10 is usually that sweet type of baking, tiredly clinging to each other as you follow some recipe that KC sent you either that morning or sometime a week ago. Soft kisses shared while you wait for things to mix and kjbkjbfsd I love baking oneshot ideas...
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He's not a very open person, we know this. Only starts telling you really deep things once he knows he can trust you, which takes a long time, mind you. By this I mean like; his insecurities, how he’s been treated during his life, and his feelings. And when he does start talking to you about this, it comes out like a fucking waterfall. Especially if he's ranting after a high-stress situation. God, this poor guy, probably starts crying and beating himself up about it because he's embarrassed and feels like he's making a fool of himself in front of you. Ends with him in your arms, from an angry peak to a very sad low. There are situations like this every now and again with him, with the way he bottles pretty much everything, day in, day out it's hard not to. Everybody needs some kind of release every once in a while. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He gets grumpy easily, but that's it really. He never really gets ‘angry’ with you, and you guys never really argue, not really. Maybe silly disagreements here and there, but if you’re actually the one for him I feel like he would value you most because you can agree on almost everything. That being said, he is Zane Ro’meave, an easily irritated guy. Plus the fact he annoys people for the fuck of it and lacks the skill the care about who he upsets. If you do something that actually pisses him off you’ll know about it eventually. Similarly to how he gets when he's jealous, he just gets kinda quiet for a while, before giving himself to recollect his thoughts before sitting down and speaking about it with you. Working out solutions and ways to avoid it in the future. Do expect to be glared at a lot too, this man has the perfect stink eye, and will not be afraid to throw it at you if you’re being annoying. (though he doesn’t really care lmao, as long as you’re comfortable and having fun it's usually not a problem.)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He knows absolutely everything. Mainly because he will just sit there and listen to you rant, just like you would do for him. Like, at first you would be ranting, and he would be doing something. Like scrolling on his phone, or reading. And you would get mumbly and stop because you didn’t want to get annoying and were afraid of him getting irritated. Bro fr looks up from whatever he is doing and raises his brow. If you don’t continue, he will prompt you to. ‘I'm still listening,’ ‘continue,’ ‘and then what happened?’. Would probably be able to recite the whole thing back to you. Along with this, he remembers the other small things too, whether it's something you told him about yourself, or something somebody else told him about you. Like, your favourite drink, your favourite movie, hell, he would totally try and get into your special interest and learn certain things about it if he heard how much it means to you cause he wants you to feel heard and loved. :3
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
If you were to ask him, he'd probably say he couldn’t tell you, that he didn’t really know. But honestly? His favourite is probably from near to when you first started living together, not everything was in its right spot as of yet, and things were still unfamiliar. One night, there was a huge storm outside, thunder, lightning, wind, you name it. Just when you thought it couldn't get much worse, the power had been cut out due to it too, so no wifi, no TV, and most importantly, no light. The power cut out just as the sun began to set too, and wouldn't be fixed till late morning. Zane, being the guy that he was, didn't really care too much about the cut. Sure, it was inconvenient but it wasn’t a huge bother to him. But he noticed how on edge you seemed. How tense you were. And so, he asked you about it, and upon learning about your feelings towards storms, plus the added stress of lack of lights and distractions, he took it upon himself to ‘protect’ you. And so, for the rest of the night, you two poked around in unpacked boxes, looking for torches, games, anything you could use to pass the time. Though, through everything, it ends with the two of you cuddled under a blanket fort you made out of boxes, blankets (obv) and various other bits of furniture. Zane's arms wrapped around you, keeping you secure as the two of you either slipped into sleep or waited for the sun to rise once again.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
As I said before, very nervous about being too overprotective, he doesn't wanna seem controlling, cause he's heard that that’s a bad thing to be. Would barely even touch you for the first few weeks of your dating, cause he didn't want to make you uncomfy. It's the same reason he doesn’t like PDA, along with the fact it makes him uneasy. But, that doesn't mean he won't protect you. Like, if someone were to start being rude to you, he would be on the front lines. Verbally, of course. If it was one of the main group, and they had said something that had upset you. He would 100% chew them out for it, in public too. He does NOT fear confrontation. As for you with him, he would not like for you to do that. If somebody upsets him, he can and will stand up for himself and he wants you to be able to understand that. (But if someones talking behind his back and he wasn't there…. well.) I feel like the ‘protection’ that he would want from you, is to just be a safe haven for him. Someone he can talk to, be himself with and have no worries that you would tell anyone. It seems silly, but he would literally love you forever.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
NAWH HE WOULD TRY SO HARRRDD. One of the first dates you go on would probably be a really fancy thing, like a restaurant. BUT IT WOULD BE SO AWKWARD. The reason he invited you to that dinner is because that's what he thought you expected him to do, and obviously he has connections with money considering his family. But after that, he would probably talk to you about it, and upon learning that also wasn’t your setting, you would move on to more comfortable places. Like the movies! Or the arcade! As for gifts, and anniversaries, he would panic SO BAD. Your first anniversary, he had Aphmau and Aaron guiding him through it. Like, ‘What should I do?’, ‘Where should we go??’, ‘What do I get them???’. He just wants it to be perfect for you like you would do for him. Safe to say the key thing with him is communicating, no surprise dates. That would make him so uncomfy. OH, AND HE WOULD HELP YOU WITH TASKS TOO. Like, if he saw that you were stressing he would fr sit you down and be like, ‘ok, listen. This is stressing you out. What can I do to help you.’ would 100% do the silliest task you set for him as long as it makes you feel better </3
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He probably finds it really funny to annoy you. Like, most of the time it's harmless, but sometimes it gets to a point where you feel as if he’s just making fun of you. Which isn't his intention! And you know this, in the grand scheme of things. He just gets carried away, seeing you frustrated is cute and funny to him. It's also probably his way of flirting lmao. Bro will find pay so much close attention to you, find the ways that you tick and the small things that piss you off and push every fucking button he can LMAO. Can and has ended up with you being like ‘Dude, seriously? Cut it out.’. It would take him a while to fully apologise, especially at the beginning of your relationship. Back then he probably wouldn't even say it to your face, would send you a genuine text paragraph saying he was sorry and then act like it never happened. When you’re more comfortable with each other he will say he's sorry, but subtly. He does mean it, he just gets really awkward about it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
This dude. For a man who wants people to think he is tough, mysterious and intimidating, he dresses like an E-boy and covers 75% of his face simply because he doesn’t like how he looks. And he feels like people would think less of him because of it. It takes him a long time to feel comfortable enough to be completely maskless around you. He’s not as bothered with his eye as he is with his freckles, so that’s probably the thing you see first. To help with this, complement him. Complements are his weakness. Just a simple ‘you’re so pretty’ would have him REELING. (Bro has the biggest praise kink) 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh absolutely, this dude can barely sleep in a bed without you in it. Once he's gotten a taste of the love you gave him, he feels like he wouldn't be able to go on without it. This might be the angst-craving side of me talking, but imagine a world where you’re suddenly taken from him. Little to no warning. Whether you die, you go missing or whatever, the absolute disdain that he would feel. Would feel lost for so long if you remained gone, barely talked, barely went out, and probably moved out of your shared house and back in with Garroth for a while. He just doesn't know what to do with himself. Depending on how far into the relationship you are when this happens, idk if he would get with anyone again. If it was rather early, he would more than likely move on eventually. It would take a while but he would, for you. But if you were like, committed? Engaged and everything, there's no way. You were the one for him, and he would just not be happy with anyone else. Cause it wouldn't be you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's a very sleepy drunk and a lightweight. This man didn't have his first drink till like, his late twenties. And even then I don't think he would ever make a habit out of drinking, maybe a few at gatherings, doesn't really like to go out to an alcohol-centric setting (like a bar or anything). Plus the fact it's hard to drink through a mask so most of the time at these gatherings he was the designated driver. So if he ever does get drunk around you, (one of the rare times) expect to be fallen asleep on, and helping him to the car. Also a cuddly drunk. But only with like, you and Aph. Maybe Garroth depending on how far gone he is. Will just sit there silently, either with you on his lap or sitting to the side of you, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder / in your neck, sound asleep.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who won't / isn't able to communicate with him. Communication is key with Zane, after being pushed around and forced into awkward and unwelcoming environments for the vast majority of his life he just wants to be with someone who will listen to his point of view and not judge him for basically existing. He also wants to be with someone who can tell him when he's doing something they don’t like. He’s not good at reading between the lines, and will just continue doing something if you don’t tell him. He would also need you to tell him when he does something you do like as well. He wants to know what he can do as well as can't do. And he expects all the same from you too. He understands communication can be difficult for some people, but to be his partner you’ll need to have the ability to set boundaries, and clear ones at that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Bro pulls all-nighters like he doesn't need sleep to survive. And then he complains that he's tired all the time. Will say something like ‘I've got such bad eyebags’ and then argue the toss when it comes to you telling him to sleep more. Though not to be cliche, he does sleep better when you’re laid with him. It's just the grounding feeling of your weight against him, and the sound of your soft breaths. And the fact he physically can't move by law. Lmao, you have to coax him to actually go to bed though, like a toddler. He’ll be so tired, eyelids drooping and falling asleep on the couch or at a desk and he will fr be like ‘Noooo, I don't wanna’. And then as soon as he lays down he is out like a fucking light.
oh, hey!!
ty for reading!! :3
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xitsensunmoon · 8 months
I find media that got influenced by its fandom so funny. It's like a dnd session where a dm found your silly idea actually Genius and Better than it was originally planned and just snatched it to improve something that you already liked
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starshapedspider · 8 months
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did this so i can keep them consistent:9 and im probably gonna do this with the other smiths
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
so i can’t work on my twst x pokémon au (fittingly named a twisted pokémon au) atm since i’m absolutely overwhelmed with irl stuff but i want to share this little headcanon with the attentive ones of you that catch this post
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I still haven’t finalised giving each character a team but every now and then I think about it and I know a lot of people give Azul a tentacruel or octillery as a signature pokémon, and I definitely have them written down too, don’t get me wrong, but I had this stupid idea out of nowhere
Picture this: you’re fighting this super tough battle against this cunning opponent and he has all these intimidating water pokemon and you somehow get him down to his last but strongest pokémon. As you wait with bated breath for what kind of ace he will send out next, he throws his pokéball to release… quagsire, arguably one of the least nefarious water types there is (at least visually)
And basically the backstory is that Azul’s had the whooper since he was still a chubby little octopus and it was basically his first real friend who’d stick by his side and wouldn’t bully him, even trying to ‘protect’ Azul from his bullies despite being so small itself (the twins would totally find it hilarious yet strangely adorable), so Azul being the softie he is just can’t not have quagsire on his team, even if it ruins his whole reputation
Tl;dr emotional support quagsire for the business octopus
I mean quagsire isn’t a bad pokemon if you don’t put it in front of a plant (or the opponent has freeze dry), it just ruins the image Azul is trying to establish here. But I think Azul is low-key a softie and I want to believe that quagsire could be the worst mon ever and he’d find some kind of excuse to keep bringing it along (Jade and Floyd just trade knowing smirks as Azul clears his throat and pushes up his glasses)
Speaking of Jade and Floyd, they get to make fun of Azul/ quagsire but if anyone else does it, they’d better start praying to all higher powers they can think of
Imagine quagsire wearing Azul’s dorm uniform hat, being all happy and proud about it ㅠㅠ
(Also quagsire going from this stick thin little guy to a chubby bigger guy kind of parallels Azul’s insecurities if you want to read more into it than I initially considered)
Azul: Should we order dark purple or lilac decorations for Mostro Lounge… What do you think?
Quagsire: :]
Azul: You are so right, a deeper purple would compliment the tableware nicely
or maybe I’ll just give him a tentacruel anyway… though quagsire is also working his way into my heart
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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Twisted Wonderland: @savanaclaw1996 @honehbee42
A Twisted Pokémon AU: @witch-craft-works @voidlesslove @mochiclouds
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clowningaroundmars · 9 months
still suffering from bad motorcity brainrot so my brain conjured up a funny ass scenario where the gang finally learns more about texas' family.
well, more than just "texas has a real big family"
based off of chris p's confirmation that texas was going to have cerebral parents who are the exact opposite of him
Mike is of course the first one to interrupt the conversation and greet him, noticing all the screens his best friend had pulled up. Then, when a semi-preoccupied Chuck didnt immediately answer back, Mike sat up and leaned his elbows on his knees.
Chuck shuffles in on socked feet to the pile of Burners casually lounging in their main living room area and chatting.
"Hey, Chuckles. I said good morning!"
Chuck looked up suddenly, as if just realizing where he was.
"O-OH yeah hey guys, morning ahaha..." Chuck ran a nervous hand through his hair, revealing a furrowed brow that Mike immediately noticed.
"What's with all the screens so early in the day? You're usually halfway through breakfast before pulling one of those up," Mike chided jokingly.
"Uh so, like, late last night--"
"Morning. You mean early in the morning," Mike grinned, and then exclaimed when Chuck reached for a pillow to toss at his face.
"Last night..." Chuck continued, "I noticed something going on with the east gate. It's weird, the battery we found should have been full enough to last us 'til the end of the year but uh... yeah it's totally drained now, guys." By now, Chuck was taking a seat next to Mike and letting his friend lean into his space to study the screens. "And I was lookin' at the new motion sensors we installed recently and it seems like it drained fast right after someone... or something moved near it a couple nights ago."
Julie waggled her head, considering Chuck's words. "Could be a lot of things, honestly. That fusion battery wasn't really meant to last long anyways, it was only a temporary fix at the time."
"Yeah but if someone's trying to siphon off battery power from the gates, that could be a real big problem in the future," Dutch put in.
Texas kicked his legs in the air from where he laid on a beanbag at everyone's feet. "Wait, the eastern gate? Isn't that gate the one that was havin' problems that one time Kane busted in like about a year ago?" He crunched on some mystery substance in a plastic container.
Most likely something from Jacob's kitchen.
Mike laughed. "The very same, buddy."
"Tch'aaww that gate's lame. It keeps breakin' all the time! I wouldn't be surprised if it's just old and basically turning into total junk."
Julie turned to Mike and Dutch. "Y'know, he might be right--"
"Duh, Texas is always right!"
"...That gate really does have some history. It was the first offically maintained entrance into Motorcity years ago when Deluxe was first being built. I'm pretty sure Kane abandoned it on purpose after our crazy battle with those Ultra Golems."
Mike shook his head. "So he most likely cut the power from that gate then, huh. Makes sense why the battery's almost dead! That's a lot of heavy lifting for only one battery."
Chuck stopped typing on his screens for a second. "Why didn't we just scavenge for a newer battery after you beat that big robot Kane sent in? We secured that gate after, didnt we?"
Dutch and Julie smirked at each other.
"Someone might've gotten a bit distracted by an opportunity that ended up bein' a little too good to be true," Dutch elbowed Mike.
Mike guffawed and immediately tried to downplay the mistake. "Aw man, I mean yeah-- that, aaannd also we got that distress call from Doc Hudson not long after, too... so I mean--"
"Mmnn yeah, gotcha." Chuck deadpanned, returning back to triple-checking his maps and motion sensor logs.
"Anyways," Texas cuts in, "that gate's old an' dusty. It totally needs an overhaul, Texas-style. Hoo-WAH!!" He kicks his legs in the air in a flurry and uses the hand not holding his container to do a quick karate chop.
Everyone looks at him.
"Texas," Dutch starts patiently, "we're not construction workers, man. That's up to the Motorcity council to decide when the whole thing gets fixed now. I'm pretty sure they'd know about the power being cut off by now."
"Yeah, they should since I just pinged one of the council members about it too," Chuck piped up.
Texas shakes his head like a father explaining something to a child who isn't understanding what he's saying at all. "Yeah duh I know, guys, I'm not dumb!"
Dutch bites back a mean retort. Julie smirks again behind a carefully placed hand.
"I could just go to my mom and tell her everything! Then she can just send her construction worker dudes to tear down the thing and like, I dunno, hook it up to our own power supply or whatever. No effort on our part!" He flexes an arm casually.
A pause.
Mike was the first to speak up. "Wait, what? Your mom?"
"Uh, yeah, you guys didnt know my mom's head of the council?"
Dutch does a double take. "Head of the council?!"
"Yeah, Stretch. Head of the Motorcity council! She's been leadin' it since I was like a tiny Texas baby. She just keeps gettin' re-elected, heh. Makes sense since she's cleaned up and expanded a lot of stuff, I guess."
"...And she gave birth to you?!"
Mike elbowed Dutch back, hissing "dude!" under his breath. Chuck snorted.
Texas, as usual, lets the insult sail right over his head. "I know right? Both my parents are totally lame and boring. Not like Texas, hwa-CHAA!! They don't know anything about martial arts movies, sweet Muay Thai kicks or Texasifyin' stuff! They just wear boring suits and go to like a million meetings! My dad's not like in city council or whatever but he's a uh... a... what's-it-called. An archic-tech. He doesn't even build the stupid buildings and junk, he just designs 'em."
Everyone stares for a couple of seconds, Dutch rubbing his chin in disbelief.
"Wait, your dad's an architect?" Chuck asks incredulously.
Texas shrugs and stuffs his mouth with the mystery food. "Yeah? I thought I told you guys all about this!"
Mike leans forward and asks Texas directly, "does your dad only design buildings? Or does he help your mom with the city planning too?"
Texas munches for a few seconds before answering. "Mnnyeah, he's like... he plans and draws pretty much everything in Motorcity, like where the hotels and shops and stuff can go. He designed the whole downtown area I think. Obviously they're not done fixin' up the place, but the public bathhouse was his idea, so."
"He's an urban planner, Texas! Wow, not just an architect either, he does both!" Julie admires out loud.
Dutch leans back on the couch dramatically and sighs. "The bathhouse, oh damn."
Everyone took a quick second to reminisce about their trip to the bathhouse with fond smiles. It was a gorgeous Greek-inspired building as tall and beautiful as it was comforting, a recent addition to the bustle of downtown Motorcity. It had sleek marble walls, cozy alcoves for private meetups, grand staircases seemingly everywhere and polished golden accents gleaming in every corner.
The building was split into two sections with a giant-- and equally beautiful-- indoor garden separating the halves, and a courtyard with a net in the middle stationed out back for friendly games of volleyball or tennis. The bath itself sat like a reigning king in the front, right past the fancy lobby and locker rooms. In the back half, the indoor pool stayed open for swimming only in the summer. During the cold winter months the pool was frozen and turned into a makeshift ice skating rink.
Both pool and bath were massive and alive day after day with Motorcitizens relaxing after a hard day's work, meeting up with friends, or just taking the kids out to a fun day of swimming.
It was everyone's favorite spot to relax and hang out during chilly days thanks to the saunas as well.
Motorcity's gang members have officially sectioned the bathhouse and the immediate area off as a neutral zone, strictly banning violence and disputes from there. That decision was introduced by Julie and quickly adopted after everyone figured it'd be hard to tell which member was from which gang when they were all naked.
Knowing that Texas' father-- of all people-- was the man most likely responsible for that slice of heaven in an otherwise grimy and dark city was... well, it was weird.
"So," Chuck said, scratching his head, "your dad designs things and your mom orders the funds around. For, like, the whole city."
"Yyyup." Texas answers.
"Sooo... what does the rest of your family do?"
Texas takes a minute to think. "My grandma owns a shop downtown. All my sisters are out studying with people, doin' apprenticeships n' stuff. They mostly like to build and program stuff, one of them's over at the Cablers' right now. Oh yeah, my oldest sister is in a band! She's the lead guitarist and everything! She's badass, like Texas."
Dutch nods slowly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Uh huh. Mhm. This idiot's family is super smart and accomplished. Now I've seen everything."
Mike huffs out a laugh. "Wow, Tex. That's uhm... yeah, that's great! Think we can shoot your parents a quick message and maybe pass along some ideas?"
"I've got tons of ideas for a more efficient electrical wiring system!! With better security in place too! And a failsafe just in case!" Chuck blurts out. He then realizes his excitement and leans back self-consciously. "AHA-- ahem, that is if they're uh, if they're, y'know-- if it's not too much to impose on them, of course!"
Mike smiles warmly at Chuck and turns back to Texas. "No, I think they'd probably love the help, right Tex?"
Texas guffaws, spewing a few crumbs everywhere. "Tchyyyeaah!! Texas' parents are always so dang busy all the time like... ugh. Yeah, Skinny over here would probably be their favorite guy for a while just for takin' on some o' the work."
Chuck grins and opens up a new screen with some schematics, and gets right to work.
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wi11owbird · 1 year
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made a little comic <3 season of passage appreciation post, the evers
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
Dude your last 2 post have actually made me breathless from laughing so hard. Poor Gaz also, mans just got yoinked lol
LOL Well yeah I mean it's like 2 AM at my place and my blood pressure is on the low, but then that 5 second clip got my heart real good 🤣🤣
Gotta be funny seeing me stressed huh ✋😔/jk
Anyway yes #GiveGazABreak2023
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polydamnory · 18 days
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My Angel and Davey 😌
I’m not really sold on my David design, I’m not like in love with it yet and it doesn’t totally look how I imagine him to. I am also just not very good at drawing masc leaning people quite yet 🤔 but for the most part I’m pretty satisfied with how my Angel design and this drawing came out!
Side note: did not intend to post my first David drawing on this particular day 😳 but that’s just how it ended up! RIP Gabe you were a real one (I assume)
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fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months
Yoo thought of a headcanon scenario, where Scourge somehow dreams about his super form[s] one night. 
His interaction with if it was the good Super form the opportunity to at least make a compromise would be fumbled so hard due to their clashing mindsets. And they’re both stubborn as hell in changing their tune. Shit definitely goes out the window when Super looks at Scourge the same way Prime looked at him when he got tricked into powering down saying something along the lines of, “What fucking goals do you even have, Scourge? At least I want to help people be something bigger and better than just being mean.” You can imagine how well Scourge takes it hearing the all too familiar words. So tragically, nothing really gets solved between them, just strengthened feelings of resentment and the need to fight for control when they can. 
Evil Super would however, strike a deal. 
He finds Scourge and his friends very entertaining. Why ruin that? He’s also seen Super Sonic being contained/in his eyes, become a withered shell of his former self, so it might be partially for his own self-preservation as well. He is chaos but so are they. One frightful dream ass-beating later (wasn’t even pissed at Scourge, who despite tried throwing hands like the green bozo he is, he just did it because he can), he offers his hand the way Scourge did with Prime, promising not to kill them only if… honestly idfk something like this???
“The road goes both ways, y’know. You’re full of untapped potential. To keep things running around on this stupid little planet, how about you acknowledge me as my own person? Don’t you even think getting rid of me. Then everyone can continue to rock on this universe, doing as we please. What do you say?”
Just simple acknowledgement as their own person and leave him as he is i guess.
He takes the deal [?] but….Scourge, how are you going to explain to everyone else that you can’t get rid of this super form like Sonic has done? On top of that, better count your lucky stars that your super form never gets bored one day.
who knows maybe Scourge finds another way to stabilize things before that happens maybe- hey wait a second how about a deal for the fucking ankles—
Scourge and a good super form would throw hands. I mean Scourge is throwing hands either way but he would throw hands even faster, and then proceed to tell everyone about the dream bc that is Not Normal even for chaos energy. I think the idea of a super form gaining sentience without being split from Scourge first would freak Sonic out and he'd make it a priority to try and suppress that chaos energy or get it out of Scourge entirely. Here's to hoping they could get it out of Scourge without it coming to life like Super did, though, or it would probably view Scourge as a villain to be dealt with. And, by extension, would have to fight the rest of the freedom fighters, too
I could see an evil super form trying to make a deal, but I also don't know if Scourge would trust it?? His instinct is to distrust and assume people are lying to him or trying to manipulate him, so even if he did take a deal, I don't think he'd trust his super form to hold up his end of the deal. He probably wouldn't tell the freedom fighters or Sonic about it, and he'd brush off any attempts to get rid of his chaos energy so his super form doesn't have an excuse to try and backstab him, but I think he'd be prepared for betrayal anyway and put back-up plans of his own in place. Scourge doesn't always think things through, but he isn't stupid; he'd be well aware he'd be entirely reliant on his super form's mercy, and he'd hate that. So he'd come up with a plan, even if he didn't tell Sonic about it
Ahjdhjsdjh smh the super forms will never realise all they need to do to get in Scourge's good graces is fix his ankles
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th3archivisst · 10 months
So, do we think Jon learned simlish the second the game came out as a way to deal with Georgie breaking up with him or no
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jasmineshaven · 10 months
One of my Chestervelle headcanons is that Dean likes to cuddle Jo when they're sleeping, but Jo can't sleep when she's being held and will lie there for hours while Dean snores right next to her ear. After many sleepless nights, they both decided that Jo should be the one cuddling and Dean should be the pillow, since then she can just roll over if she feels trapped. This worked a little too well because now they sleep like this all the time:
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rottenresponse · 1 year
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More TNTduo and also crack ship shit because.. I'm cringe.. And I'm very tired of school sjbibsbus
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cxpperhead · 4 months
in battle your muse,
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters /prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential /
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill - set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged byStolen from: @belost-the-watcher and @galranrepard (♡) Tagging: @bruz3r, @elisethetraveller, @question-marked, @red-hemlock and anyone else who wants to do this?
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