#anyway lloyd looks like he just got out of bed
yasur-sketches · 1 year
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Every few months when I feel my art has upgraded I get the aggressive urge to redo my reference for the ninja
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
I've had this one-shot in my docs for a while, I decided to post it here. It's villain au, specifically a moment in Cole's time in the temple with Yang. You can find more info on this au here. The tag for this au is 'villains.au'.
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CW: graphic violence, abuse, blood (in the form of ectoplasma), eye injury.
Fic is under cut:
The door to the bunks slams shut with a deafening bang. 
Cole stares at it from down the hall. Behind him, Lloyd and Nya are crowding but also hiding in a way. They don’t move past his shoulders. Distantly, Cole wonders where Zane is before coming to the conclusion that he’s in the Bridge, staring at a wall or—or something. 
“What’s his problem,” Lloyd hisses, voice suspiciously wet. Cole looks down at him and finds Lloyd’s eyes shining and lip curled up in a scowl, clearly hiding a hurt expression. His cheeks are all red and Cole finds his hand is reaching out to rest on Lloyd’s head.
For a moment Lloyd looks conflicted, face going through a series of expressions—confusion, anger, sadness and then it’s all wiped away. He leans into the touch anyways, though without looking Cole in the eyes.
Cole runs his fingers through his hair softly, thumbling along Lloyd’s forehead. It seems to calm Lloyd some, his shoulders slumping a bit. He looks up at Cole with tired eyes, bags under them, and glances at the bunks.
“Just go sit down, alright?” Cole says, “I’ll talk to Jay.”
Lloyd is quiet for a moment before nodding and walking off.
Not before he mutters ‘what an asshole’ under his breath. Cole almost wants to snort. 
Of course, Nya doesn’t budge.
“Nya—” he starts but she interrupts, hands flying out in an angry motion. 
“No! You can’t—can’t tell me to go sit down!” she yells, her face is all screwed up. She tries to move forward but Cole steps in front of her. She glowers at him.
“I wasn’t going to say that, just…just let me handle him alright?” he explains, hands in a placating manner. 
“I can handle him.”
“I know.”
“He needs to get his head out of his ass,” she says quietly but with a viciousness, “he’s not the...the only one who’s hurt right now. Kai left all of us but he—he’s so—” she breaks off into an angry, growly sound.
“Trust me, I know. It’s just—Nya, he cares about you so much. I don’t want him to say anything to you that the—the both of you would regret, y’know?” Cole says, reaching out to gently squeeze her shoulders.
“I don’t love him.” she says back.
“I didn’t say that,” Cole squeezes again. Nya huffs.
“Yeah, yeah you didn’t,” she mumbles, “don’t you worry about it? What he’d say to you?”
“Nah, I got tough skin,” he grins and then hurries to continue before she gets mad, “not that you don’t! I’m just used to Jay, he’s my best friend and all.”
Nya raises an eyebrow, her expression is still pulled taunt and face flushed miserably but it’s—something. “Best friend, right, right, sure.”
She turns around, shrugging out of hands and begins to walk away.
“Hey now, I don’t like you’re implying there.”
Nya throws her hands up in a shrugging motion and turns the corner, exiting Cole’s line of sight.
He lets his shoulders slump. A weary, shaky sigh leaves him, expelling…some sort of feeling into the air. He waves it away. He brings his hand up to his face and just—rubs it. Presses into the crease between his eyebrows with an exhausted sort of energy.
Then he takes a deep breath and squares out his shoulders again. He glances at the bunk door and for good measure, takes another breath. He doesn’t really need to breathe but it makes Cole feel better. More steady.
He walks down the hall, his feet making no sound and grabs the doorknob. He goes still for a moment before turning it and opening the door. The room is dark and cold, they haven’t spent too much time in it as of late. It feels like too much of a reminder, he guesses. Kai’s bed is always empty.
Jay is curled up on—Cole’s bed actually. Cole’s eyes go soft. Jay is laying on his side, knees up to his chest and arms haphazardly thrown in between. Cole can’t see his face, it's covered up by the dark and also Jay’s stupid, curly bangs.
“Is there a reason you’re in my bed?” Cole asks.
Jay takes a moment to answer, “...it’s bigger.”
“It’s not,” Cole says as he sits down. The bed creaks a bit under his weight.
They sit in silence for a few minutes. Cole is trying to gather his words but he can’t seem to find them. His tongue is all heavy. He doesn’t know…how to help really. Ever since Kai left there’s been an open wound in the team. He’s done his best but he has the equivalent of duct tape and a dream when what he needs is cement.
Jay’s foot brushes against Cole’s arm. For a second, he thinks it’s an accident but then it happens again. Cole reaches out to brush his fingertips along Jay’s ankle. He’s got a little scar there, he realizes. Just a small nick on the back of his heel. Jay twitches a bit and Cole smiles faintly. He’s always been ticklish.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Cole asks quietly, letting the words reverberate into this quiet, vibrating silence they’ve made.
“No,” Jay says back, muffled, “what’s there to talk about.”
“Oh,” Cole’s voice goes deep and soft, “I don’t know, maybe why you’ve been so angry at everyone?”
“I’m not angry.”
“You were just yelling at Lloyd,” Cole recalls, resting his hand on Jay’s ankle, “what’d Lloyd do to you?”
“He—he…” Jay trails off, “...nothing.”
Cole hums, “you can’t keep doing that Jay, they’re getting mad.”
“I’m not,” Cole says.
Jay scoffs, bitter and resentful, “yeah, well, who isn’t mad at me?”
“Shouldn’t you be?”
“I think I got all my ‘mad-at-Jay’ out of my system already,” Cole says, “I don’t know if you remember but we kinda fought. A lot.”
Jay scoffs again but it sounds just a little bit more like a laugh.
Cole squeeze’s his ankle, “come on, Bluebell. Talk to me, it’s what I’m here for.”
Jay goes quiet and Cole resigns himself to waiting again. After a few minutes, Jay finally sits up, he does so slowly, pushing on his arms. Then he flops into a slouched over criss-cross position. He’s still not looking Cole in the eyes but he’ll take what he can.
Jay’s hands begin to mindlessly draw out patterns in the bed sheet. It's an anxious tic, Cole has noticed. He does it when he doesn’t know what to say.
That’s okay, he can start, “Jay, I know you’re mad but what happened with Kai isn’t your faul—”
“It’s not that!” Jay interrupts, then he deflates a little more, “Okay, maybe it’s a little that.”
“But it’s just—just…how could he just leave like that?” Jay says. Cole’s been thinking the same thing, logically he knows it was that—damned staff. Twisted Kai’s mind. Kai loves them, he has to have faith in that, it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though. “I can’t be him.”
Jay continues, gesturing desperately like he really wants Cole to understand, “I’m not—good at what he does. The on the spot plans and—and Nya. Lloyd. Hell, I don’t even know how you’re so good with them.”
“Listen, I get it dude. I’m out of my depth too,” he says, squeezing Jay’s knee, “but we just have to hang on.”
“So…” Cole starts, “you’re lashing out at them because you’re…not sure how to help?”
“I—I mean, when you put it like that,” Jay mumbles. Cole pats his knee.
“How long will we have to hang on?” Jay says miserably.
“I…I don’t know, Jay,” Cole says quietly. Jay sighs and then tips sideways onto his shoulder. He rests his head there, staring out forward. Cole slips an arm around his back. Jay leans into it. 
“I’m sorry,” Jay mutters, his voice is shaky, “for being mean. I really am trying but—but I’m probably going to be mean again.” Cole rubs his back.
“I know,” he says back, “but it’s alright, I’ll be there to rein you in.”
“That’s not your job,” Jay turns his head to bury his face into Cole’s shoulder.
“Sure it is.”
Jay goes quiet for a minute or so. He’s all wiry, all bony and thin muscles. Cole wouldn’t call him anything like small or delicate, Cole’s seen him take way too many hits that have sent him into a wall before and his shoulders are too broad but he feels so small sometimes.
Jay shifts, “I miss how warm you were.”
Cole’s hand pauses on his back before continuing to rub. He looks down at his hands, trying to swallow everything down.
“Yeah I—uh,” he takes a very quiet breath, “me too, buddy.”
“It’s not fair, y’know? You and Kai were always so warm but Kai’s gone and now you’re a ghost,” Jay mumbles,”’s not fair.”
“I know,” Cole closes his eyes, “I know.”
Jay opens his mouth to reply but the only thing that comes out of it is the sound of wood smashing against the floor.
Cole startles awake, stumbles and dragging himself away from where he thinks the impact came from. His eyes can’t focus and he’s—he’s still half asleep. He tries to sit up fully but the end of a staff stabs him dead center in the chest and slams him into the ground. His head bounces against the floor and he lets out a pained, shocked noise. 
“Cole, don’t you think it’s time to wake up?”
A staff member hit him in the face, shoving his head to the side. 
“Get up.”
Cole stumbles up finally, frantically backing away. His eyes—eye finally focus enough to be able to see what’s going on. Yang is standing in front of him, staff clenched in his hand and looking down on him with a vitriol. Cole breathes heavily. His—his eye hurts. It’s not fair that the one type of person who can hurt him without water—another ghost—is the one he’s trapped with.
“Yang,” he whispers. He covers his eye and yanks it back when it comes away—wet? No—No, not wet, just…slimy. His hand is bright green, it sort of looks like blood.
“Ectoplasma,” Yang comments. 
“Ecto—ectoplasma?” he stutters back, his hands shake.
“It’s how a ghost bleeds, child,” Yang says.
Cole backs away but Yang starts to advance. A ghost's steps are supposed to be—quiet, unheard but Yang’s are loud and heavy. Like a beat to a drum that hurts Cole’s ears. 
“Y–Yang,” he stutters, “Yang! Stop!” 
His voice is raw and shakes, his hands twitch out in front of him. He can fight, he’s trained to fight but he’s so—so scared—
Yang strikes out and Cole screams, ducking lower and stumbling back under the staff that flies over where his head was. He can’t breathe—he can’t think! His feet are tripping over themselves. Yang slams his staff into Cole’s side, sending him sprawling onto the floor.
Cole chokes and grabs at his sides. He screams again when Yang’s staff slams into the ground besides his head. He pushes himself back by his feet, clutching at his side and eye bleeding. He throws his arm up just in time to block another hit to the face. Still it catches his chin and sends a shock wave of pain down his arm.
“Sloppy, weak,” Yang spits, “scared.”
“Yang—” Cole sobs. 
“Did you forget everything Wu taught you?” Yang says, spinning his staff and Cole flinches, sobbing, “or did he not teach you anything at all?”
“Why—why’re you—why’re you do–doing—” Cole’s voice cracks and he flinches again when Yang lifts his staff. He covers his face.
He tries to think—how to stop Yang and punch him in the face and so many other things but he can’t think. His brain’s all muddled up and his eyes bleeding and—and—
He sobs, voice cracking and hitching, crying without any tears. Yang steps forward, until his shadow covers Cole. He forces the end of his staff under Cole’s chin and forces his head to tilt up. He stares Cole dead in his eyes. 
“You need to be trained,” he says lowly.
“I’m not your student!” Cole yells back.
Yang lifts his staff again and Cole—Cole kicks his knees in. Yang flies back with a shout, slamming into the wall. He groans and Cole stumbles up, running away. He runs down the hall, turning the corners so fast he nearly slips. After a moment, he can hear Yang start to follow him.
Cole makes it to the stairs and stumbles up them. Yang catches up and grabs the collar of his shirt. Cole yells, throwing the both of them into the wall, pin–balling between them until Yang lets go with a grunt and a battered body. The walls creak but Cole flies up the stairs. Once he gets to the top, he turns around and kicks Yang down.
Then he continues to run. He’s on the second floor so now he just needs—needs to find somewhere to hide. He turns the corner and finds a series of doors, he freezes, panicking before he hears the sound of Yang stumbling up the stairs.
“F–Fuck,” he sobs and runs to one of the door—he doens’t even know which, just one of them and throws the door open. He runs inside and slams the door shut, his fingers are shaking badly but he manages to lock it. He looks around frantically.
He’s in a—closet? There’s a couple of dusty boxes and chests and Cole hits his knees. He shoves them in front of the door, leaving one behind. He curls behind it, shoving his face between his knees. 
He hears Yang start walking down the hall, his staff tapping ominously. Cole shutters, heaving a breath and struggling to muffle his cries. He slams his hands over his ears but it doesn't drown out the tapping.
He shakily extends his fingers to feel around his eye and flinches when they make contact. It’s—puffy and sticky with ectoplasma. He needs a mirror or something. His hand pats around where he’s curled up blindly. He jolts when he feels something. He runs his fingers over it and its—glass?
He grabs and brings to his face. It’s a glass shard, about as long as his hand and half as wide. The edges are sharp but it shouldn’t hurt him.
He positions it over his eye and sucks in a breath. It’s all swollen, puffed up and bright green. The skin around it is completely black. Ectoplasma is leaking—no longer dripping—out of the socket. Cole bites back a sob and lightly probs it, trying not to flinch.
It—it should heal. 
He hopes so, anyways.
Yang slams his staff into the floor outside his door.
“Cole!” he yells, loud and angry, “come out!”
Cole swallows a sob and presses his hands harder over his ears.
“Stop—stop,” he whispers wetly, biting onto his knuckles to muffle himself. He curls into a tight, painful ball.
“Cole!” Yang screams, voice ragged and vicious, “this is childish! Come out!” 
“Jay—” Cole sobs.
It takes a long time for the tapping of Yang’s staff to fade away. Cole remains curled up behind the box. 
“They’ll come for me…they’ll come for me…” Cole mumbles into his knees.
“I just have to…wait…”
Jay shoves him down and lays directly onto his chest. He shoves his head under Cole’s chin.
“Oh-ho, sleepy?”
“Just shut up and sleep.”
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colesluvr · 1 year
hey! i saw u were taking reqs and was very excited because the ninjago x reader fandom is so small and nobody weites for it that isn’t like 9😭
so i hope you wouldn’t mind writing lloyd garmadon x gn/fem reader who is a normal civilian who befriended him and they had an oblivious best friends to lovers trope headcanons or scenario? sorry if thats way too specific lmao
anyways have a good day, xoxo <3
The Boy Dressed In Green | Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
(Part One)
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HI ANON!! tysm for requesting, I really hope this is somewhat of what you wanted. I decided to make this into two parts where in part two Lloyd will confess to Y/N. It's just there's so many words here already, I don't want to bored anybody half way, lmao. ENJOY READING! COMMENTS AN REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED! 🫶
M/N = mothers name
F/N = fathers name
This wasn't like you at all.
Ok. That's a lie.
This is you.
The early morning sunlight shines though your closed window curtains, a line of light reflected itself on the floor. Soft snores escaped your lips as you were fast asleep on the bed in your small, roomy bedroom. Blankets and pillows were everywhere and your mouth was gaped open as you snored.
Very slowly your body turned to the side by the edge of the bed. You're fingers twitched as you slowly rolled off. A sudden force of adreniline forced you to wake up as you fell to the floor, a "AH!" escaped your lips as you stood up in a fighting position.
You blew your bang sout of your eyes as you tried to find your alarm clock. It was on your dresser beside your bed, but you know morning eyes?
You're more blinder then a drunk driver at night.
Your eyes soon met the alarm clock and you read the numbers. "6:45..." You whispered to yourself, rubbing your eyes until you paused to think.
"6: 45?!" You cried out, now fully awake as you climbed over your bed and rumaged through your dressers. You grabbed a basic t-shirt and a pair of denium jeans before throwing your top off and struggled to take your pants off as you were trying to take off and put on different clothes at the same time.
Your mother smiled to herself hearing you scream her name from upstairs as she sat on the couch in the living room of your small apartment/house you managed to call home for 16 years.
Your mum, M/N, placed her cup of coffee/tea/water on the coffee table and swtiched on the teleivision, scrolling through various of channels to choose.
You ran from your bedroom to the bathroom as your yelled at your mother, who still had a smile on her face as she replied over your cry as you fell to the floor, but quickly got up and ran around upstairs in a panicked state.
"You told me you'll be waking yourself today, hun."
Suddenly, your father stepped out of his bedroom he and your mum shared wearing his suit and tie with black dress pants, ready to drive to work. You were caught off guard by this and yelped as you almost ran into him, but he reacted quickly by lifting you off the ground and twirled around, placing your feet back on the ground as you ran back into the bathroom with your toothbrush in mouth and toothpaste in hand with a cup.
"Watch where your going, sweetheart. Almost made me mess up my beautiful tie work." He pouts, but chuckles hearing your muffled 'SORRY' from the other side of the door.
"My reflexes were so quick, I could be one of those 'Ninja's' you keep talking on and on about, Y/N." Your dad joked and laughed hearing your groan from the bathroom.
His wife's laughter caused him to look down the staircase to see M/N by the end of the railing looking up at her husband. "Believe me, F/N. If you were ever to become a Ninja you'll be in a hospital bed because someone threw your back out."
"It was that one time, M/N. And those kids were ruthless!" Your dad argued as your mum chuckled softly. You finally ran out of the bathroom with a new clothes on, brushed hair, and a pair of fresh clean teeth.
You pushed past your father as he walked down the stairs to give your mum a quick 'good morning' kiss on the lips before going to the kitchen.
You ran back into your room. Grabbed your backpack, stuffed it with your laptop, binders, notebooks, notes and your pencil case. You grabbed your phone charger and phone, running out of your room not even bothering to close the door, make your bed, or turn off your TV/lights.
You ran down the stairs, well more like slid down the railing, and ran into the kitchen to try and find some food. Meanwhile your father was waiting for the water to boil to make his morning coffee. "This is the 3rd time, Y/N." He teased as you grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge and threw it microwave for 1 min. You bounced your leg as you replied and waited for the food.
"Yeah, I know. I asked mum to wake me up in time but apparently he believes me when I say I'll wake myself up. HAVE EITHER OF YOU MET ME?"
The beeping of the microwave didn't even have time to stop as you opened the door and grabbed the pizza. You kissed your dad on the cheek, and ran to your mum to kiss her cheek as you ran to the front,
With the pizza in your mouth you put on your shoes and unlocked the door. "Uh, hun. I could drive you if you'd like-" "Nope. To much traffic. I'll run. Love you both, cya later! MWAH!"
And in less then two seconds the door was closed and both your parents looked at eahc other. "What are we going to do with them." Your mum joked as your dad shrugged, pouring his water in his cup. "Listen to them when they say they'll wake themselves on time for school?"
M/N looked at her husband with an unamused face before going to wash her plate.
The summer breezed hits your face like a train as you raced the streets to get to school. Normally it takes you 15 mins to get to school on wheels, but on foot? Takes you 25 mins at the lastes. Maybe you should have taken your mum's offer driving you. School starts at 7 and it was 6: 58. Not really the best time to leave for school.
You were already out of breath when you made it to the main street of your neighborhood. You passed many other's walking and staring at you with confusion, but some didn't pay much attention.
Your backpack was barely on your shoulder, hell it was only supported on one as you ran. You had to keep pulling it back up as you ran.
The main street was long, so it took you around 10 min's to reach the end where the traffic lights were. The light was green so you had to wait in order to continue running to school. You jogged on the spot, ready to start running once more.
When the light turned red you started to run down the road. You reached the middle and that's when many things for you changed.
A noodle truck not to far down the road was driving at full speed. The only time you saw it was when a horn honked. You looked to the sound to see the truck race it way towards you, not planning on stopping for you.
You felt your stomach drop.
Your legs froze.
Why the fuck am I not moving?! You mentally swore to yourself as the truck got closer.
You felt like a deer in headlights.
Suddenly you heard a voice, possibly telling you to watch out but to you it was incoherent. You felt someone's arm wrap around your waist as you were dragged to the ground on the sidewalk.
It was all a blur. Who the heck- What just happened?
You watched as the truck drove off, two figures on the top of it that wore blue and red outfits, and then another vechile zoomed by leaving a dust trail. An aircraft flew above, following the run-a-way truck.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
You composed yourself long enough to look up at your savor. Your eyes made eye contact with green eyes. Bright, neon green eyes. The rest of the person's face was covered by a green mask.
Wait a second-
"Lloyd? Lloyd, are you there?" A voice was heard but it was only loud enough for the two to hear.
"Kai? Yeah, yeah. I'm here."
Kai? You thought as the boy dressed in green stood up.
"Are you alright?" He asked again, ignoring his teammates shouting over his com, and this time you answered hesitantly. "I-uh. Yeah, yeah. I'm good." You stood to your feet, wiping the dirt off your clothes. To th best of your ability.
"You're-You're the Green Ninja....I was just saved by the Green fucking Ninja!" You were astonhised. You'd never thought in forever you would meet your favorite Ninja of the team.
"Omg- I- This is not how I- I mean you just saved my life- I thought I would like meet you in a different way- I don't mean that in a weird way- I mean I don't know- I'm not weird- You're weird. Fuck-"
"Hey." The Ninja placed a hand on your shouler, and your eyes once again met his green eyes that stared deep into your's. "As long as your alright, I'm always glad to meet a fan."
You smiled to yourself, 'no fucking way this is actually happening right now' Your thoughts were interuppted by another voice. "Lloyd! We gotta split. Police are here to pick up the Mechanic and once again the Commisioner want's to congratulate us personally. I mean seriously, he does this all the tiem. I mean thank you for the praise, but I just want to go hooome. My feet are sore. I chased after a a truck going full speed, and I'm so tired I could just-"
"Don't worry, Jay. I'll be there in a sec'."
The Blue Ninja, which made you want to squeal your entire lungs out, groaned as he walked back to the Ninja group. The Green Ninja, Lloyd, looked back at you. "What's your name?" He smiled under the mask, but the way he sounded made you think he was smiling. "Y/N." You felt your stomach flutter with butterfiles as he pulled his hood down.
Ever since that day, you occasionally run into Lloyd every now and then during school lunches at after school. At first you found it out of the ordinary, but now you kinda got used to it. Of course there were some days where he isn't there but that never bothered you too much.
You've know Lloyd for 2 months now and your life has been getting secreter by the second. Your parents asked where you've been after school and why you come home later then usual but you just say you were studying with friends.....of course one of your friends being the legendary Green Ninja, but lets not go into any detail about who's friends with who.
It wasn't only your family questioning you, Lloyd had his own problems with the Ninja about you. They didn't know anything about you and because Lloyd's hanging out with you alot they're worried he'll get you hurt or himself hurt. Who know's what you will do to him, you could be a villain. Or worse, you could just be using him to get what you want.
No one can be for sure.
He told his friends you seem like a nice person, and if he catches you doing something sketchy he'll say something right away. Even Master Wu questioned Lloyd's actions but know's he knows what Lloyd is doing when making new friends.
You never actually met any of the other Ninja, other then hearing facts from your other friends who are fans of them, but Lloyd told you stories nobody but he knows about and it leaves you both laughing your asses off for days.
You never knew your savor's of Ninjago could be this funny, They all seem so focused and serious under their masks but once you take the mask off, it's like there entierly new people. Espicially Lloyd.
He was most childish of the group, matching Jay's energy, but you notice he's been acting more himself when he's around you. He talks more, laughs more, shares things with you. You liked it.
5 months now went by, and over the months you were finally able to meet the Ninja team. They grew closer to you over time, but it did take some time for them to fully earn your trust, But they still talked and asked how your day's been going.
Master Wu once time assumed you and Lloyd were both dating, causing you both to blush a deep shade of red and the others to snicker. He aplogized for the miscommunication and no body spoke of that again.
That was now weeks ago.
You and Lloyd have know each other for 8 months now, and have also gotten much closer.
Until one evening, when Lloyd and Kai had a chance to talk. At first it was a normal bro to bro conversation until it went quiet, and Lloyd was unsure if this was the great time to bring this up.
Kai noticed, and seriously couldn't help but know the deets. He knows it's about you and him, he can see it by the way Lloyd reacts when the others talk about you.
"How's Y/N been, Lloyd? Haven't seen them in a while." Cole asked and Lloyd began to stummer, "I-uh. They-They're okay. I-I saw them couple days ago, yeah, the seem fine." Lloyd replied and ran, causing Cole to ask the others if they know if something happened between Lloyd and you.
They all said they didn't know, but Kai had a gut feeling something deeper was going down then just 'something happened'. He's been in this situation with other people before, so he's pretty skilled with the 'relationship' slopes. Even if he does get rejected or does the rejecting.
"This is about Y/N, ain't it?" Kai whispered over to Lloyd as the Green Ninja fiddled with his thumbs while the TV was playing. Kai had a grin on his face as he ate his snack while Lloyd started to blush softly and stummer. "I-uh- Is-Is what about Y-Y/N?"
"This, dude!" Kai laughed, motioning Lloyd's actions. "You're nervousness, shyness, this 'blushyness?' and the way you act when people even mention their name!"
Lloyd blushed a deeper shade of red as he tired to his hismelf under his mask and the pillows on the couch. "Ah, younge love. WHo hasn't been through it before...besides Lloyd." Kai spoke aloud to nobody, but still it caused Lloyd to grumble as he pulled his knees to his chest.
"I just..I feel...more happy when I'm around them. I mean, of course you guys makes me happy, but Y/N just makes me feel...happy?" Lloyd paused to think before groaning in embarrassment, "GAH! This is too confusing!"
Kai sighed, putting his feet down from the table, turned the TV off, put his snack to the side and stood to his feet. He stood in front of Lloyd and stayed like that for a couple of seconds.
"What?" Lloyd muffled voice was heard from under his mask and Kai pulled him up, still sitting on the couch, and pulled his mask down.
"I'm about to teach you a few things about asking somebody to be with them!"
Lloyd stared at him with a confused look...Moments of silence went by and Kai spoke embarrassingly,
"Okay. Yeah, there was a better way to phrase that but you know what I mean. When we're done, you'll be The Master of Flirting instead of Of The Master of Energy-"
"Okay. Stop talking. This is embarrassing enough already, let's just get this over with." Lloyd's face showed annoyance but on the inside he was bouncing all over the place.
This will end horribly. Lloyd told himself as Kai followed him to the courtyard with his hands behind his head.
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justtwotired · 3 months
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Part 1 - previous - next
Took a while but it’s pretty long
Warning: spicy content (no smut)
Y/n pov:
I laid in my bed, feeling like death was coming for me. I was in pain and suffering, I didn’t even have the energy to get up and change into something more comfortable.
I had just come back from school, where I had found out I had started my period. I skipped my last lesson and headed straight home, my bag was on the ground besides my bed and I felt like I was going to die.
“Sweetheart?” A voice came from my window and I looked up to see Lloyd giving me an amused grin. “Are you alright?” He asked with a soft chuckle.
I groaned and let my head fall down on my pillow again. “I’m in paaaiiinn,” I whined and closed my eyes.
Suddenly his amused grin changed to a worried scowl. “What happened? Are you alright?” He fully stepped into the room, closing the window behind him and then he froze. “What happened? I smell blood,” he rushed over to me and examined me for any injury while I just stared at him, absolutely horrified.
“You can smell it?” I asked, absolutely mortified at the revelation, he just gave me a confused look. I turned away from him and cuddled into my blanket. “No, that’s it, get out,” I pointed at the window and he frowned in confusion, stopping me from turning away, making me look at his face.
“No, no, what wrong, love?” He asked, god did he look sad that I had told him to get out.
“I’m on my period, Lloyd- oh my god, you can smell it!?” The mortification sunk in even further and I crawled under the blankets, hiding myself.
“Oh thank god,” he breathed and I threw the blanket away and gave him a deadly look, making him stammer, “n-no not like that, not like that- I mean- well you know… I thought you where hurt,” he tried to explained and I just looked unamused.
“Yeah, alright,” I said before turning away again, “now get out, it must smell awful,” I said and he blinked for a second before shaking his head.
“If you really want me to leave I will, but if you want I can stay and take care of you,” he suggested and I froze for a second, turning back to him.
“You’d do that?” I asked and he nodded a bit confused.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my girlfriend, I should be taking care of you, shouldn’t I?” He smiled innocently and I swear I could’ve melted right then and there.
“You’re so sweet,” tears pooled into my eyes and his spect expression suddenly looked worried and stressed.
“H-hey don’t cry, what’s wrong?” He asked, cupping my face in his hands, wiping the tear rolling down my face away with his thumb.
“It’s nothing- you’re just too sweet for this world,” I giggled and wiped my tears away. “God, I love you so much,” I whispered giddily and he smiled at me.
“I love you to,” he said before looking at me and what I was wearing. “Shouldn’t you change into something more comfortable?” He suggested and I shrugged.
“Hm, I’m tired, I don’t wanna,” I rolled onto my back and he chuckled, brushing the hair on my face away with his fingers.
“Come on, love,” he took my hand. “You’ll get yourself something more comfortable to wear and I’ll get you a glass of water and some painkillers, hm?” He suggested and I sighed but let him drag me out of bed anyway.
“I’ll be right back,” he kissed my forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
I dragged my self to my closet and grabbed some sweatpants and one of my oversized t-shirts that might be of one of the boys in my friend group? I don’t know, our wardrobes kind of got mixed up at this point, I’m pretty sure Charlie was wearing my hoodie the other day…
I clambered out of my jeans and put on the sweats, I then threw of my shirt and moved my arms to unhook my bra, but it didn’t come off.
I fought with it but it just wouldn’t budge, and I did have this now and then, but I really did not need this right now.
I let out a shaky breath, at the verge of tears as I tried unhooking the bra with all my effort. I finally got the first hook, but then had another two and they just wouldn’t go.
Tears started streaming down my face and I started to sniffle, my hands leaving my bra to wipe away the tears on my face as I sobbed.
There was a knock on the door and then Lloyd’s voice, “can I come in- are you crying?” He then suddenly realised and I just sniffed loudly.
“Come in,” I said trough sobs and he entered, at first looking at me in concern before his face started to glow red, but I didn’t really notice it. He put down the water and asprines on the table next to him and made his way over to me.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, kneeling down next to me where I sat on the ground.
“The bra is not coming of and I already had a bad day and this- it’s just- too much,” I cried and threw my hands into the air.
“Hey, hey,” he pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. “It’s alright,” he whispered and I sobbed as I held him, I was probably soaking his shirt with tears but he didn’t seem to care.
After a few minutes, my sobs died down and I pulled away, wiping the last tears and then taking a deep breath.
“Better?” He asked and I nodded meekly. He stood up and offered me a hand, I took it and he pulled me to my feet.
With irritation, I realised I still had the bra, of course and I grumbled and turned around. “Take it off,” I commanded Lloyd who paused and I turned around to see him with his mouth slightly agape and a blush on his face.
“I- what?” He asked and I rolled my eyes at him and his flustered face.
“I am not kidding, Lloyd, take of my bra or I might start crying again,” I said, turning back around. “Don’t be so flustered,” I added and he let out a small huff of laughter before finally agreeing.
“Alright, alright,” he said and suddenly his hands were on the strap of my bra, unhooking it. His hands on my skin made chills run down my spine and blush rush to my cheeks. I might have overestimated myself here.
I heard him laugh behind me, but he didn’t say anything, even though he definitely noticed my reaction, not forgetting he could hear my heartbeat.
He unhooked the bra and I threw it off, my back still turned to him. I grabbed the shirt and pulled it over my head.
I immediately dove back into bed and Lloyd handed me the glass of water and the painkillers and I took two.
After, I laid down and crawled under the covers. After he had changed by putting on one of the hoodies I had stolen from him, he joined me and pulled my into him, his hand resting on my lowers stomach.
“Much better, right?” He asked and I hummed contently before drifting off to sleep.
I woke up and judging by the light outside my window, it was almost time for dinner. I turned around in Lloyd’s arms and studied his sleeping face.
His eyebrows were slightly creased and he looked troubled. Was something wrong? Was he having a nightmare or something?
I softly stroked his hair, hoping it could be of some sort of comfort but all it did was wake him up. He smiled at me when he woke and leaned in, kissing my nose.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he said smuggly making me chuckle lightly, before remembering the look on his face.
“Where you having a nightmare? You seemed rather troubled,” my brows slightly creased and he smiled softly at me.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” he said and kissed my temple before sitting up, “I think it’s time for me to go, I have to go on patrol soon,” he changed the subject and I gave him a concerned look, which he pretended not to see, avoiding eye contact.
“Well be careful,” I muttered, letting it slide, “and call me when you’re back, alright?” I rested my hand on his cheek and he smiled.
“Of course,” he ducked down to catch my lips for a second before kissing my forehead and wandering to the window. “Text me if you need anything, in that case I’ll stop by after,” he jumped out of the window and i sighed, closing my eyes and letting myself fall onto the bed.
I’d wish he opened up to me more. I’ve realised I tell him tons about me, but I’m yet to get a full story of him. Of course, he’s told me about a lot of things in his life, even the difficult parts and I’m so proud of him for that, but in these moments I just feel like he doesn’t trust me enough.
Of course, it’s alright if there are some issues with his trust, but when I see it happening in front of my eyes and he denies it to me, I feel like he’s shutting my out.
Maybe I’m thinking too much of it, he’ll tell me when he’s ready, maybe even somewhere this week?
Lloyd POV:
I landed on a roof and went to sit at the edge. I saw Kai’s red gi jump over a few buildings and huffed when I saw where he was going.
“You’re on patrol, Kai, you can get time with your girlfriend after,” I said trough the communication and he groaned.
“Why do you see everything?” He asked in annoyed disbelief, causing the others to quickly mock him.
I couldn’t blame him for wanting to see his girlfriend, I mean, I was much off the same. I looked in the direction her house was and pursed my lips.
I’d lied to her, just before I left. I’d had a nightmare about my dad and of course she noticed, I wish she hadn’t.
I don’t want her to worry about me, I just want her to be happy and not saddle her up with my problems, besides is not such a big deal, right?
She probably already forgot.
I swallowed thickly and opened my phone to see if she’d texted me at all. She had, but only to wish me goodnight and that she was going to sleep, I smiled at the heart she had put at the end and send a message back, wishing her a goodnight with a green heart behind it.
“Lloyd!” I jumped at the sound of my name being yelled in my ear.
“Sorry, Nya, did you say anything?” I asked, my ear still humming from her yell.
“I was asking if you’d cleared you’re area,” she repeated for the third time already, I could hear the annoyance in her voice… great.
“Oh- right, yeah, I have,” I quickly said and I could hear Jay chuckle.
“Seems like Kai is not the only one to caught up with his girlfriend,” he teased, making both me and Kai complain before Cole joined the conversation.
“Jay, you are literally clinging to Nya right now, you cannot speak,” he said and I heard Jays gasp from the other side.
“Cole! Stop spying!” He accused making Cole retort immediately that Nya had asked them all to meet up there.
This made me stand up and search Nya’s location to also join the others.
When we where back home, I texted Y/n that I was safe, not wanting to wake her by calling. Next I took a quick shower before heading to the kitchen to make myself a quick snack.
While waiting for the pizza I had put in the oven, my phone rang and when I picked it up, I saw it was Y/n calling. I picked up without hesitation and put it too my ear.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping, love?” I asked softly and I heard a tired groan from the other side.
“Hmm… briefly woke up and saw your text,” she yawned, making her words incoherent, but I still understood. “I asked you to call me,” she scolded tiredly, making me chuckle.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” I confessed. “You said you where going to sleep, doesn’t a text suffice?” I asked jokingly.
“Hmno,” she mumbled, “I want you to call me, then-” she was cut of by a yawn, “I can hear your voice and know for certain you are alright,” she breathed deeply in and out.
“Well, I am quite alright, do not worry,” I reassured, “now get some sleep, I’m sure you have a long day at school tomorrow,” I said with a small grin, and I’m pretty sure she nodded, by the sound of it.
“Yeah, yeah, and Uhm, yea uh, after James is taking me and Luna to get ice cream,” she sounded like she was slowly falling asleep. “So long day,” she muttered and I pursed my lips.
“I am sure, so catch some sleep, now,” I told her, yet didn’t get an answer. “Y/n?” I asked confused, but all I heard where her soft breaths, making me chuckle and hang up.
I still couldn’t get those text messages out of my head. It’d been almost a month, I hadn’t really acted on them, I even doubted if all he said was true.
I absentmindedly tapped the kitchen counter as thought about the messages. He was drunk for sure, making me wonder if he even remembers sending them.
Did Y/n know he sent them? If she did she would’ve brought it up… right? I could understand why she wouldn’t.
“What are you thinking so deeply about?” Kai entered the kitchen and I looked up at him. “Girlfriend issues?” He asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes.
“No… well not really,” I contemplated for a moment, “kind off?” I tried and Kai gave me a look.
“What is it?” He asked, “you know you can always come to me, I’m the professional, of course,” he reassured, patting my shoulder and I gave him a look. “Dude, just tell me,”
“Tell you what? What are we talking about?” Jay asked as both he and Nya entered the kitchen.
“Oh, are you having issues with Y/n?” Nya asked and I threw my hands up in the air. “Why does everyone think that?” I asked and she halted and stared at me.
“Are you?” She raised her brows and I groaned.
“No!” I exclaimed before considering for a second, “well- yes, but no,” I tried and the others just frowned at me.
“Lloyd’s having problems with N/n?” Cole entered the kitchen aswel and I swear I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.
“Tell us, Lloyd, what seems to be the problem,” Kai put an arm around me and Nya shoved him off, making her older brother complain, though he knew he wouldn’t win so he just sat on the counter.
“Don’t mind him, talk to me,” she insisted, “if you want advice about Y/n, why not ask a girl who probably has more insight,” she suggested and I opened my mouth and closed it again.
“Uhm,” I swallowed and bit the inside of my cheek, not really knowing how to begin.
“Wait- dude!” Kai suddenly jumped up from the kitchen counter and pointed at the green ninja. “Did you get laid?” He asked and my eyes widened while the others circled around him in excitement.
“What? No!” If I could back away I would, “we didn’t do anything!” My face was probably the colour of Kai’s gi and I could feel butterflies in my stomach at the thought.
“What is it then?” Cole groaned impatiently, “come on, tell us, we just want to help,” he said and I sighed.
“Fine,” I agreed, “at new years, when we went to sleep, I got a text from her best friend,” I started and the others exchanged glances and looked at me expectantly when I didn’t continue.
“Well?” Jay asked, “what did he say?” He narrowed his eyes and me and I bit my lip before letting a breath escape me and grabbing my phone from my pocket. I unlocked it and went back to the messages before handing the phone to Nya.
The others read along over her shoulders and their eyes grew wider but the second.
“Well you heard the man!” Kai exclaimed loudly. “Act on it!” He encouraged.
“No!” Nya slapped her brothers arm. “James was clearly drunk here, even if he is right, maybe talk to her about it,” she suggested and Cole nodded along in encouragement.
“Talk to her about it?” My face heated up and my mouth went dry, “Nya, I couldn’t even talk about my nightmare a few hours ago, how do you expect me to talk about- well that,” I pointed at the phone, but that was no longer an interest to them.
They’re eyes went from excitement to worry as the looked at me, and then I realised my slip up.
“It was nothing,” I insisted, I hated it when they looked at me like that.
I hated it even more when she looked at me like that earlier today.
“Lloyd-” Cole started but I cut him off.
“Im fine,” I said trough clenched teeth.
Kai reached out a hand to lay on my shoulder, “hey, if you nee-” but I slapped his hand away in anger.
“I said I’m fine!” I snapped, making Kai take a quick step backwards and he started into my eyes with even more worry, they’d probably turned red at this point, making me close them and look away.
“It was nothing,” insisted, my fists where clenched and I took short, quick breaths before storming past Nya and Cole, out of the kitchen.
I left my pizza in the oven, I wasn’t even hungry anymore. I just wanted to lay down for a second.
I entered the room and refrained from slamming the door, knowing it’d wake up mom and sensei Wu. Besides, I’d already broken it once before.
I crawled under the covers and laid down, staring up at the ceiling.
I felt my eyelids grow heavy but I blinked to keep them open, trying to refrain from letting sleep overtake me.
I didn’t feel like sleeping… I didn’t want to.
The door creaked open and I looked up to see Kai, I let my head fall back in the pillow while he closed the door behind him.
“So” he started but I cut him off.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I mumbled, not looking at him at all and he huffed.
“You don’t wanna talk about your girlfriend’s best friend telling you to lay her?” He asked and I shot up with my face bright red.
“Kai!” I exclaimed and he laughed at my red face. “I didn’t even talk to her about it yet,” I said and and then awkwardly looked to the side. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do when- well you know,” I pursed my lips and he snorted.
He sat down at the edge of the bed with a smirk, “you never had biology?” He asked and I glared at him.
“Of course I did!” I rolled my eyes, “they don’t go into detail about all of it!” I crossed my arms and he huffed a laugh.
“Well, Lloyd, you’ve come to the right guy,” he said proudly, putting a hand over his heart. “I know all about it,” he stated before going to sit comfortably.
“Hey- hey!” I said horrified, “I didn’t ask you to explain it!” I insisted and he raised his eyebrows.
“But you want to know, right?” He asked matter of factly and I avoided his eyes.
“I- well yeah,” I said awkwardly and he grinned again.
“Well then, stop whining,” he told me before starting his whole explanation.
After ten minutes, the door creaked opened again, “how’s it going here?” Nya asked softly, probably expecting a whole different conversation.
“I’m explaining Lloyd how he should lay his girlfriend,” Kai said shamelessly and Nya paused before barging into the room, not even bothering to close the door.
“Don’t let Kai tell you all about it, he doesn’t know shit about women,” she stated before taking a seat on the floor, Kai told her where he left off and she filled in, they even argued about some things… I trust Nya more.
“Am- am I hearing this conversation right?” Jay stood in the door opening and I hid my face in my hands, this was so embarrassing!
The siblings invited Jay in aswel (without my permission might I add) and soon Cole and Zane joined aswel… how fun.
(Though I do have to admit, I learned a lot… if I would ever act on it is another thing)
Y/n POV:
I smiled when I saw my friends hanging around our lockers. Flora saw me first and pointed at me, letting the others know I was there.
James excitedly waved at me and I chuckled, letting myself fall in his open arms when I arrived.
“Happy to see me?” I asked, a bit confused as to why he was so excited.
“He’s been all bubbly the whole morning, it’s suffocating,” Arthur rolled his eyes and James shot him an angry look.
“Can’t I be happy to be around my friends?” He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, looking at Arty challengingly.
“No,” he simply said and we laughed while James looked rather offended, he pouted and shook his head, sadly.
“I already see that I am not wanted here, I’ll go,” he dramatically said and walked away. He was stopped by Millie grabbing his arm and pulling him back while calling him a ‘dramatic cry baby.’
“James, if you’re acting like this the whole day, I am not going to get ice cream with you after school,” Luna threatened him and he immediately composed himself.
“Act like what? I don’t remember acting like anything,” he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.
After school, James took both me and Lu to get ice cream. He even insisted on driving in Luna’s car because ‘he was supposed to be taking us.’ Me and Lu just smiled at each other and got in the car.
“So, N/n,” James started while we where waiting at a red light. “Got laid yet?” He turned around to look at me and Luna did the same, being the one who got shot gun.
She did go rather fast and her head knocked against James’ making them clutch at their heads in pain. My flustered state from a few seconds ago changed as I burst out laughing.
“James go! The light is green,” Luna pointed up at the light and James hit the gas. Luna turned around again, her hand still on her head. “But did you?” She asked excitedly.
“No, I didn’t,” I said rather horrified and she groaned, falling back in her chair.
“Still not?” James complained, “even after I send those messages,” he shook his head in disappointment and I froze.
“What?” I asked, looking up in horror, he froze in his seat aswel. “James, what messages?” I demanded to know and he stuttered.
“Well- well, yo- you know, I- I just wanted to help you out really,” he said nervously, “but it was late at night on New Year’s Eve- I was kind of drunk and I just decided to be a wing man,” he shrugged and my mouth fell open.
“No, nononononono,” I clasped a hand over my mouth, “what did you tell him? How did you even get his number?” I bend forwards to look at him and he was avoiding looking at me.
“I kind of stole it from your phone,” he said sheepishly. He took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me, “here,” he said, “just look up his name, you’ll find it,”
I searched Lloyd’s name and indeed found the messages. I continued whispering ‘no’ to myself, oh I wanted to die, did he really say that?
“Wait, let me see,” Luna held out her hand and I gave her the phone. She read the messages and then burst out laughing. “Oh my god, James!” She howled, “you are priceless!” She laughed while I sat in the backseat in misery.
“You really never got laid?” James asked, “you never sucked his dick? He never fi-” I cut him off immediately.
“No, James,” I stated, “nothing ever happened, god I didn’t even ever see him naked or anything, we’ve never done something like that,” I stated while he was parking the car.
When we got out he looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. “But he’s seen you naked?” He asked smugly.
Was that really what he took out of that sentence.
“Well… not really? I mean, yesterday he did take of my bra but that was because I couldn’t and I had been crying because of it,” I stated and Luna put her arm around me.
“So real, I get you girl,” she nodded.
“So he took of your bra but it wasn’t anything suggestive?” James asked and I rolled my eyes.
“No, he’d stopped by and I told him I was on my period so he stayed to take care of me,” I explained and Luna’s mouth fell slightly open before she squealed.
“That is so sweet! Tell me everything!” She demanded and I chuckled as I started to explain what happened the day before.
A few days had passed and I laid in bed at night, my period having finally blown over, I scrolled trough twitter on my laptop.
I had started to follow some ninja stan accounts a while back when greenie and I became closer and I started looking at them even more when I found out Greenie was Lloyd.
It turns out the ninja have tons off fangirls, especially Lloyd and Kai. Lloyd because he is the leader and the strongest, and Kai because he flirts a lot with the lady’s.
The comments on some of the picture with Lloyd, or well, greenie made me giggle.
‘The things I’d let this man do to me’
‘Idc if he’s older, my mom might be disappointed but LOOK AT HIM’
‘Weird way to propose, but yes’
‘I can take him (I don’t mean in a fight)’
I snorted, they had no idea of his actual age, but in all honesty… same girls, same. Maybe I should be jealous, but I really wasn’t, it were only twitter comments after all.
I scrolled further on and paused for a second as I read the words.
‘Guys! I just updated my fanfiction of the green ninja x reader, find it with this link and please enjoy!’
I let out a disbelieving laugh, there were actual fanfics? Why am I even surprised. I contemplated for a second before clicking on the link, judge me all you want, but everyone would do the same, right?
The fanfic was called ‘green love’ and in all honesty, the author sounded like a vibe, the first chapter was an authors note and I couldn’t help but smile as I read it.
‘Alright guys, I know the chance that the green ninja is actually just some twenty year old is zero, but come on, let my delulu ass dream! Besides, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t dreaming the same thing, so please, enjoy the story and get lost in delulu land!’
I clicked to the next chapter where the story actually started and pursed my lips for a second, was I actually doing this? Yes, yes I was.
I continued reading, the writing was alright, not the best and some grammer mistakes here and there, but I could read over it. Though, she did get Lloyd’s character all wrong!
In this fiction, greenie was harsh and mean in the beginning and when he got close to the reader, the only thing he did with her was flirt with her and kiss.
Sure, Lloyd flirts with me a lot, but he is mostly sweet and funny, wanting to cuddle and watch movies together, be around each other, even if it were just in silence. We didn’t just have to kiss to realise we’re in a relationship.
Oh, and this guy is named Anthony and he has brown hair? Not even close.
I continued reading and paused when it started to get… suggestive.
I cautiously continued reading and it was going further, clothes were coming off and I was actually getting invested when ‘greenie’ said something that gave me the ick.
“Ugh, they aren’t even getting his character right,’ I whispered in exasperation.
“I know, right?”
I screamed and closed my laptop loudly, turning around to see Lloyd with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
“Oh my god,” I covered my mouth with my hand and blush was creeping into my cheeks. “How along have you been here?” I cried out.
“Long enough! Was that fanfiction of me?” He howled with laughter and I shook my head.
“Shut up! Everyone is sleeping! I hissed and he tried muffling his laughter, even thought my parents and brothers bedroom where on the other side of the house, I didn’t want them to wake up right now.
“I found it on twitter!” I was ready to defend myself and I was going to die on this hill, “I thought it was funny and clicked the link, I had no idea that was in there!” I insisted standing up from my bed, oh I was going to die with shame.
“Oh, no it’s alright, I get it princess,” he winked at me and I covered my face with my hands while he laughed and embraced me while I still stood there, wanting the earth to swallow me whole.
“Stop,” I whined and he only laughed more at that. “They didn’t even get your character right,” I mumbled and he put me at arms length and I removed my hands from my face.
“Did they at least get yours right?” He asked and I frowned at him in confusion, not getting what he was on about. “I mean, technically you are the love interest right?” He asked with a goofy grin and I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“No, not at all, but I was invested,” I stated, “the idea the author had was really good, but if I say so myself, you’re character was more Kai than you,” I explained and he gave me an amused look making my face heat up again, “no, stop!” I whined and hit his arm while he laughed.
“Oh no, I am getting the message, sweetheart,” he said and pulled me closer again, I gave him a look that said ‘have mercy’ he grinned and dipped down, catching my lips in a kiss.
My eyes fluttered closed and I tangled my hands in his blonde locks. He rested his hands on my hips which made my knees grow absolutely weak.
He deepened the kiss and I couldn’t hold back the noice that I made when he did. I could just die from embarrassment but he didn’t seem to mind at all.
We parted and I opened my eyes again, looking into his deep green ones, oh how I could just stare at them forever.
He rested his forehead against mine and seemed to take in my face for a second before smiling.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and I felt my heart start to beat faster, a small smile appearing on his lips when he heard.
I moved my hands to his chest and took two steps forward making him take two backwards, allowing him to sit down on my bed.
He didn’t break eye contact and waited for my next move with patient eyes. I sat down to straddle him and then kissed him again. His hands slipped under my hoodie and his hands rested on my waist, they were slightly cold making a shiver run down my spine.
We parted for a second again to breathe but I held my eyes closed.
“I love you,” I whispered against his lips and he answered by catching me in a kiss again.
I was caught off guard when he suddenly turned and I laid with my back on the mattress while he leaned over me. My legs were hooked around his waist and I sucked in a sharp breath.
His lips moved to my jaw and left trails of soft kisses down my neck. He placed an opened mouthed kiss on my neck and I let out a soft moan when he sucked at my skin.
I placed a hand on the back of his head and let out a a shaky breath.
“My parents are going to see that,” I whispered and he let out a low chuckle.
“Love, you have the power of illusion, you can take care of it,” he said before shamelessly placing a second one on my neck. I let my head fall back and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on my neck while I tried to ignore the feeling of myself growing- well horny.
To my utter disappointment, Lloyd’s hands left my waist and I really tried to cover my dissapointmetn by softly smiling at him. He smiled back at me and tugged and the bottom of my hoodie.
“Can this come off?” He whispered softly and my eyebrows raised in surprise and then my smile grew and I moved to sit up slightly.
“If yours can come of too,” I whispered back with a wink and he grinned before he slowly pulled it over my head before moving down to kiss me again and I laid back onto the bed.
His hands moved to his own shirt and we broke the kiss so he could pull it over his head. He sat there, on top of me, straddling me. He took me in for a second and then rested a hand on my cheek.
“If you don’t want it to move any further, we can stop and just cuddle,” he suggested in a whisper and I put my hand on his as it rested on my cheek.
“You’re such a sweetie,” I whispered back, “but I would not mind at all for this to go further,” I grinned and before I knew it, his lips where on mine again.
The next morning I woke up because of my alarm, knowing I’d have to go to school, I groaned. There was an arm around my waist and I realised all I was wearing was Lloyd’s t shirt.
“Turn that off,” his tired voice complained next to me. I did what he asked and my heart raised at the memories of last night.
Lloyd sloppily kissed my cheek and groaned, slowly blinking. I turned around to face him and he smiled at me, “Good morning,” he grinned at me and I softly smiled back.
“Morning,” I said, he wasn’t wearing his shirt, obviously, because I was, but I did remember him putting on his boxers last night after he helped my put on his shirt.
My fingers traced patterns over his arms and he closed his eyes in satisfaction. He pouted at me when I stopped and put my arm back under the warm covers.
We looked at each other in silence before I started to giggle. “What?” He asked with a small laugh and I looked back at him.
“Nothing,” I insisted, “it’s just- I did not expect my night to go that way,” I explained and he grinned.
“Might wanna thank James,” he said and my face heated up and I groaned, hiding my face against his chest.
“Oh, I still need to kill him for that,” I said, “he only told me a few days ago,” I told Lloyd before thinking for a second, “he did get me laid though,” I said thoughtfully and Lloyd gave me a look.
“Maybe thank yourself for being so incredibly beautiful,” he cupped my cheek and I blushed as he looked into my eyes. “I did not come here for this, but when you looked at me like that yesterday,” he shook his head, “I just love you so much,” he whispered and I bit my lip, looking at him in adoration.
“I love you too,” I told him and pecked his nose, cupping his cheeks with my hands. At first he smiled but then it fell and he looked at my wrists in concern.
“Did I do that?” He gently took them into his hands as he stared in worry. I looked down at my wrists and there were blue shapes in the form of handprints on them, making me giggle.
“I guess you did,” I said amused but his worried look didn’t leave his face and I softly smiled. “Love it’s fine, it doesn’t even hurt,” I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “I mean, I’m kind of into it,”
When she looked back at him his face was completely red making her giggle and place a kiss on his nose before leaving the bed.
“I need to get ready for school,” she said and he groaned, rolling onto his back.
“Do you have to? Can’t we just stay in bed all day?” He asked and she looked back, making eye contact with him to see him pouting. I gave him a look and turned back to the mirror.
“You know I can’t,” I said as I took all my hair in one hand, glancing her my hickey covered neck. “Jesus Lloyd, you did not hold back,” I grumbled and she heard a proud chuckle from the bed.
“What, you don’t like it?” He asked smugly and I let out a small huff of laughter.
“It’s not that I don’t like it, now I just have to cover them with illusions so my parents won’t ask questions,” I said and he sat up in bed, giving me a goofy grin. “Also not to start about the growing ache in my legs,” I complained.
“Hmm, I hear you loud and clear, not to be repeated then?” He asked smugly and my head snapped towards him.
“I didn’t say that!” I quickly said and flushed red when he wiggled his eyebrows. “You’re a moron,” I accused.
“But you love me,” he made kissy faces at me making me roll my eyes.
“That I do,”
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greenunoreversecard · 5 months
Hi! ^^ Can you do lloyd garmadon x reader? Like literally anything. Im so starved for fics it isn’t even funny 😭
A/N: this came to me in a dream
This is a drabble.
Each line break to Hamilton means new memory/setting btw
Wait for it
Theodosia writes me a letter every day
The hardest thing about being in love with a huge political and slightly governmental figure is the fact their always gone.
But there was a simple fix; writting each other.
Normally we text, but because he's always in such high altitudes and other dangerous areas, it's been easier to write letters.
I'm keeping his bed warm while he's away
And it's worked well enough. When I do get to see him, we both joke about how our relationship is just 'victorian style'.
Luckily, the other ninja have let me live in the monestary, so I get to see as much time with Lloyd when he's back. The only condition is that I do upkeep- the chores and all that.
Love doesn't discriminate, Between the sinners and the saints
"How did you and Lloyd even meet?" I hear Jay ask from behind me, slurping the last of his drunk from his straw. "I don't think you guys ever really told us"
I feel a hand slide onto my waist, and I startled lightly before realising Lloyd's finally woken up. He hugs me from behind figure encasing me in his post-nap warmth and his head lolls into my shoulder.
"We met at Doomsday. They were a new employee" Lloyd turns his head to the right to look at Jay as he speaks.
"Typically nerd stuff. Should've expected it" Jay replies rolling his eyes.
I can sense Lloyd's eye roll, but don't see it as I'm busy cooking. I do feel his head turn back into my neck, and his soft press of kisses.
It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep loving anyway
The last time I spoke to Lloyd in person there we got into a... Disagreement, of sorts.
I never meant to stir up anything.
I had asked why every ninja needed to go on every mission, instead of just sending 2 at a time.
I mean, all of them are exhausted, and could use the time to themselves, switching out shifts with each other or something.
That was the wrong thing to bring up apparently.
One thing led to another and the debate got heated, to the point I left the monistary and went to go live with my friend for the time being.
I couldn't handle it at that moment.
its been about 3 weeks since then.
We talked over phone but decided it's best to live separately because the close quarters was giving him anxiety, due to the fact their already at risk of being attacked and he didn't wanna drag me into it.
I understand that. It just hurts because he let all of it out onto me, all because of a suggestion. I can understand how worn thin he is, maybe it wasn't the best time. He had, after all, just gotten back.
He told me we would talk in person about everything, we'd lay it all on the table after he got back.
From another mission.
I didn't know its be his last.
Death doesn't Discriminate, Between the sinners and the saints.
Its kind of ironic, it ends where it began.
Doomsday comic.
It has been a normal day, until that point, I'd gone into a shift.
It wasn't until 8 hours into my 10 I heard the screaming.
Our glass windows shattered. Some sort of- monster thing breaks in through the window.
It looks decrepit and I can see the dark red dripping from its mouth, the once blue shirt sticking out of its jaw.
The smell is putrid now, and gets worse as it's ink black body creeps closer. I duck down underneath my counter and press the emergency button.
Im covering my mouth, trying to hold down the vomit from the sheer smell of the eyeless creature, and I hear it's wet patters against the floor. It looked like it was made of tar.
I don't get another moment to think before I hear a crash. It's towering over me now.
"Don't FUCKING touch them!" I hear a voice call from behind me and the creature.
A flash of green.
The monster teeters where it stands from Lloyd's attack, and I make a dash for it.
"N/n stay cl-"
I don't hear the rest of Kai's warning before I turn around.
I wasn't smelling decay, I was smelling acid.
Beams falls. I scream.
A flash of green.
A gush of red.
Lloyd's arms are caged around me, and his scent would be comforting if we weren't stuck in a pile of rubble.
"Hey, baby. Are you alright?" He asks, eyes gentle and searching.
I nod.
"Ok, just uh- I'm sorry I've dragged you into this. And uh, don't look down, k?"
"Dove, I knew what I was getting myself into by dating you and wha-"
I look down.
There's at least 1, maybe 2 beams sticking out. Of his torso, one lighly impaling my leg.
I feel my bile rise again.
My eyes water. I knew what was gunna happen.
"I- I said dont-"
"No. No. No. No-"
My breath picks up.
"I- this isn't real- I cant- this-"
"hey hey hey, look in my eyes baby? Mkay?"
I look at him through my tears, his figure slightly blurry.
"its-...." he pauses, wincing and forcing another breath to enter him. "don't forget what I say next ok?"
I nod quickly.
"Y/N M/N L/N, I love you more than anything. You are my yin, you are my life. You are my everything. And I need you to know, I will always love you."
"Don't- don't speak like your gunna die, Lloyd, please."
I hear the others calling us.
"it's-" he forces another breath. Can I kiss you, one last time?"
"your not gunna-"
"we both know its give or take a few minutes, baby."
I kiss him, like it's the last time I every will.
Because it is.
Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes
I don't remember anything after that.
I miss him.
I miss my Lloyd.
It's been 6 months since then. The ninja disbanded. And I'm at the tallest tower in ninjago city, debating if I should take a leap.
Life doesn't discriminate
My left foot dangles precariously.
I jump.
Wait for it
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goldenavenger02 · 4 months
how about "trying to wake them up" with lloyd after he kinda died in march of the oni?
Just a thought tho you dont have to do it if you dont like the point
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"I'm tired, Kai."
Kai knew that he wasn't just talking about the concussion-induced exhaustion; he was all too familiar with the weary feeling in his bones that had been lingering for years, the way it wormed under his skin at the first sign of pulling in one, peace-filled breath and begged him to sleep.
For @badthingshappenbingo. Prompt: trying to wake them up
Kai's hands trembled as he helped lift Lloyd's body out of the rubble; his all too still body, not making a single noise or movement even when they laid him onto the stone floor.
His mind repeated 'not again, not again' as he desperately looked for signs of life and came back empty-handed.
He hadn't been able to contain himself when he watched Cole fall, but as he found himself pleading with Lloyd to wake up, his heart felt still in his own chest.
'Come on, Lloyd…'
He backed away when Master Wu rushed over and wrapped his hand around Lloyd's wrist, hoping for an answer when Jay asked, "you can do something, right?" only for his entire mouth to dry out as he was met with a look of defeat despite their overarching victory.
"There is nothing to be done."
Kai's hand drifted to Master Wu's shoulder as his own breathing hitched; he couldn't bring himself to look at Lloyd's face, his mind would just insist on him shaking him and trying to prove to him that he was just asleep.
Until he heard a gasp that had him looking right at Lloyd's face, unable to stop his mind from saying 'come on, Lloyd.'
Then Lloyd pulled in deep breaths interspersed with coughs that sent Kai to his knees as he set one of his hands on Lloyd's leg, unable to stop his eyes from watering as he sent a 'thank you' into the sky with the hope that for the first time, The First Spinjitzu Master had listened to him.
"Hey. Can you move him?"
Kai looked up at Jay from the couch, the left half of his body occupied with being a cushion for Lloyd, "why?"
"The new episode of Twisted Hearts came out yesterday-"
"You have a tv in your room and I'm on concussion duty," he sat up straighter to get a better look at Jay in the dim light, "do you know how hard it is to move him when he's asleep?"
"Do you want your sister in my bedroom?"
Kai huffed, rubbed a hand over his face and pointed as he spoke, "you're a jerk, you know that?" He got a smug smile in return that had him gently resting a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "greenie, time to go to your own bed."
He got a groan in response as he curled closer to him, forcing Kai to gently shake the shoulder his hand was on, "come on, you need Tylenol anyway. Up."
At least this time he got a defiant "no" as his eyes stayed firmly closed.
"Lloyd, as much as you enjoy using me as a pillow, you really need to sleep in your own bed, it's…" he paused, looking back up at Jay, "time?"
There was a pause as Jay pulled his phone out of his pocket before saying, "eleven thirty."
Kai thought it was nine, time hadn't passed right since he thought he felt his own heart stop in the court- 'don't think about it.'
"It is way past your bedtime, kid. Last chance before I let Jay take over." He warned, knowing that he wouldn't be pulled off the couch legs first with a concussion, but the threat was enough to finally get him blinking himself awake, green eyes squinted with the first few minutes of waking up.
"Fine, 'm up," he groaned, rubbing his eyes, "mean."
"Well, Jay and Nya want to watch their dumb TV show-"
"It's not dumb! If you actually watched Twisted Hearts, then you'd understand the complexity of-"
"And," Kai started, cutting off Jay's yelling which was probably for the best with how Lloyd had winced at the volume, "you're still on a screen ban which means you need to lay down in your own bed."
Lloyd blinked. Once, twice and then an exhausted sounding "okay" as he used the couch arm to shakingly pull himself to his feet.
Kai rested his hand on his shoulder to guide him to his bedroom, trying not to think about how Lloyd looked like he was about to fall over with every step 'not breathing, not moving, not respond- don't think about it.'
He guided Lloyd to his bed, waiting until he sat and pulled his legs up before turning away to grab the Tylenol bottle from the nightstand and shake out two of the white pills into his hand.
"Sit up for a sec," Kai pressed, waiting until Lloyd propped himself on his elbows to press the pills into his hand, "I'll be right back with some water, don't fall asleep."
"I'm tired, Kai."
Kai knew that he wasn't just talking about the concussion-induced exhaustion; he was all too familiar with the weary feeling in his bones that had been lingering for years, the way it wormed under his skin at the first sign of pulling in one, peace-filled breath and begged him to sleep.
Not rest, but sleep. There was a large difference in Kai's head; rest was productive, sleep was forever.
'Lloyd's all too still body, not making a single noise or movement even when they laid him onto the stone floor.'
"I know, Lloyd." he said, finally forcing himself to twist the doorknob and go to the kitchen in search of a glass of water.
As he held the cup under the flow in the sink, he tried his best to shake the weight from his shoulders; this wasn't the first time he forced himself to get past it by avoiding it, and he also knew that it wouldn't be the last.
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arrieebooks · 1 year
Precious Weapon drabble after home theater.
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Pairing : Sierra Six (Court Gentry) x F!OC x Mentions of Lloyd Hansen but he's a big part in this.
Summary : Her and Six's sleep routine almost every night. He talks to her about Lloyd while having his cock buried deep inside her.
Warnings : Comfort. Cockwarming. Anal. Fingering. Teasing. Dirty talk. Implied smut. Fluff.
Word count : 3k words. 
Author's note : This is a follow-up after the home theater drabble and it takes place the next night after. I love this so much because the way they could just carry out a casual, sweet conversation during a heated moment and it fits for them.
It's almost the same routine every night.
She gets ready for bed, changes into her favorite pajamas, turns on her TV and snuggles into her bed with Six.
But, sometimes, he fucks her to sleep. It's only for her comfort, though. Some nights, she can't sleep so he gladly helps her. He always gives her what she needs.
It's not every night. He's often too tired and she's usually already sleepy once she's comfortably tugged in his arms.
Tonight though, it was very different. He just came back from a late night mission with Lloyd and immediately showered in his own room so he could go to sleep in her bedroom.
Then, he quietly snuck into her bed only to find her already quietly asleep. She was sleeping peacefully, laying down flat with her hands resting on top of her stomach. She wasn't in her usual position since he wasn't here. She was too beautiful for his own good. It wasn't fair. He couldn't resist her. How could someone look so naturally perfect even when asleep? She's alluring to his eyes.
She stirs in her sleep, her head turning to the side while Six lays down beside her, spreading the blanket on him too. He doesn't want to wake her. But, he kind-of wants to, selfishly. He's been thinking of her the whole mission and all day. Especially after last night. When he saw her with Lloyd in the home theater. None of them said anything about it. He'd rather not either, but he can't deny that it was extremely hot and he couldn't stop thinking about it until now.
She rolls over to the other side of the bed and lays on her side, her back facing him. This was her usual sleeping position when he's with her. It's her comfiest. Her comfort position. His hands gently wrap around her torso as he shifts to press his body against hers from behind.
Subconsciously, her ass leans back on his crotch and she stirs in her sleep again. She whines softly, knitting her eyebrows as she realizes that he's finally home and he's right here, with her again. She could feel his hands on her body and hear his stable heartbeat.
She faintly smiles. "You're back." Elle whispers very softly but he could still hear her anyway.
Six looks down at her. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." he whispers soothingly.
"Did you want to, though?" she slowly asks.
"What?" Six softly asks, trying to figure out what she's saying.
"I can feel that you're hard, Court." she sleepily murmurs, mentioning his real name by accident.
Court frowns before looking down at his hard erection against her ass. "Sorry. Been thinking about you all day." he mutters in a low voice.
She hums in response. "I'm not wearing any panties. You can put it in now." she plainly whispers.
His jaw almost drops. "Were you waiting for me, baby?" Six sweetly asks her and he's already carefully removing her pajamas short, leaving her completely bare down there. She has never felt too vulnerable and weak with him because she trusts him a lot. She also feels safe and comfortable whenever she's with him.
She gasps softly when his large hand brushes against her bare thigh, getting close to her cunt but he doesn't touch her there. She manages to nod a little. "Mhm. But I got sleepy and fell asleep waiting for you." she answers.
He sighs, dropping his head to kiss her shoulder. "You shouldn't have to wait like that." Court mutters before stepping away from her to take his sweatpants and briefs out.
His cock springs out of it and he carefully slides his hard length inside of her hole from behind. He returns to her, sticking his body onto hers like glue. He stays quiet, biting back a grunt because it's how he is. He doesn't make that much sound. Not even when he's in pain.
She lets out a breathy moan, still very much sleepy. "Tell me how your day was. The mission," she murmurs.
He doesn't move, he just keeps it inside of her like usual. "It was eventful but shitty. Lloyd kind-of saved my life." he casually tells her.
And at the mention of his name, she subtly shifts her ass against his dick. He felt that and slightly frowned, knowing exactly why she did that. She's still thinking about that heated moment with Lloyd in their home theater. Weirdly enough, she hasn't even mentioned it to them yet even though she loves movies and they know it.
"Are you guys okay? No injuries?" Elle softly asks him, concerned.
Six quietly smiles at her. "We're good. Completely clean of any scars." he assures her.
She hums in response. "That's good."
His eyes slowly look down at her, his mind drifting to Lloyd again. "Are you thinking of him right now? It's okay if you are." Court gently whispers. His voice is soothing and affectionate but it also sparks something between her legs. She likes it when he's slightly in control. She lets him do it.
She chuckles through her nose. "I think I'm always somehow thinking of him." she admits truthfully.
Court hums softly, his fingers brushing along her hips and then down to her lower stomach, almost reaching her clit but he doesn't touch it. Instead, he takes her hand and guides it to her cunt.
"Touch yourself, baby." Six tenderly murmurs, still being sweet. He said the same thing Lloyd had said. Even though he didn't even hear him say exactly this.
She widens her eyes at his words, and last night's flashbacks with Lloyd start to play on her mind again. And she remembers every single detail. She has a strong memory. She doesn't know that Six knows what happened but it is still weird. Or does he? But how? He was calmly asleep when she got back into bed, all cleaned up. Or was he? He wasn't exactly in the same sleeping position when she came back.
She connected the dots way too quickly for someone who's half awake and cock drunk. "You know." she breathes out.
Six sighs in defeat. "Sorry. I thought it'd be awkward if I said anything." he apologizes.
She chuckles quietly. "It's not. It turns me on that you're talking about it right now. When you're inside me." she shamelessly admits.
He hums softly. "We can talk about him more if you like." he offers, his hand leaving hers to rest on her cunt herself. He still wants her to touch herself. He wants to see her come apart just by the touch of her own hand. He wants to watch. Every second of it. Just like what he watched last night.
She nods slowly. "What'd you feel last night?" she asks him.
Court breaks into a light chuckle and he smiles against her shoulder. "Hard as a rock, Elle." he immediately answers.
She smiled and he could hear it. "You could've joined us." she says.
"No, I wanted you guys to have a one-on-one for once. You guys deserve it. After everything that happened." Six tells her, honestly and she hums, agreeing with him.
She leans back against his chest. "We didn't do a lot, though. The whole thing was a little weird. He couldn't sleep so he watched porn on our newly discovered home theater. I walked into him when I overheard weird noises. I thought it was an intruder." she explains, calmly.
"I thought so too that's why I woke up and went looking for the source of the noise." Six adds, his hand coming back to her hand that's still on her cunt but she hasn't touched herself yet. "Please, baby, touch yourself." he begs softly, she almost didn't hear him. He has never begged before. It's turning her on even more.
She quickly nods, her fingers prodding her clit with his hand still on top of hers, following her every movement. He can't see anything in the dark but he could still hear and feel everything. "Did you like it, though?" he asks her.
She moans softly. "Yeah, it was hot. We've never done anything like that before. I mean, we did a few kinky things but not like that. It was different." she admits.
His hand guides hers to insert one of her own fingers inside of her core. "How are things with him usually?" Court asks.
She sighs softly, his hand brushing around her clit. "He's rough with me only when I tell him to. He's mostly in charge but he always listens to me all the time. Never pushed my limits before. We try a lot of new things together." she answers.
His hand stops what he was doing. Suddenly, she could feel his dick growing harder inside of her and she moaned again. "Do you want us… to try something different? I only want what you want the most, Elle. I want you to feel good." Six seriously offered her.
She frowns, turning her head around to face him and their eyes finally meet, even in the darkness. Her free hand cups his jaw as he's still focused gazing at her pretty, dark eyes. "Hey, Court, you're enough for me. Way more than enough, actually. You don't have to do the exact same thing he does with me. I like you for who you are already." she assures him, softly.
Court nods, giving her forehead a kiss. "I know, baby. We could always try it, though." he mutters.
She cocks her head to the side before breaking into a soft smile and realizing something. "Oh. You want to do it because of him. He gets you hard, too, doesn't he?" she whispers and she can't stop smiling at him.
Six is speechless. He knew she didn't read his mind but there was never a point of hiding anything from her because they know each other too well. He's an unreadable man, but she can crack him and figure him out in a second. And, he allowed her to. He willingly opened himself up for her to crack. He trusts her so much with his life. She's the only one who really knows him and is still alive.
"I—don't know what to say about that." Court barely says to her, staring down at her gleaming eyes through the darkness.
She smiles again and he wishes he could capture her smile to keep with him forever. He enjoys these little moments with her and it's the only purest thing in his life. He wants to savor her and never let her go from his arms because he truly needs her. He never needed anything so badly before — never even knew it was possible to need something so strongly like this.
She's also right about Lloyd. He'd never been this intimate and close with anybody. This whole thing with her had made them closer. They have a rare bond. He slowly learned to grow fond of him. Six admired Lloyd, simply because they had gone through almost the same thing in their life and still survived. He found himself liking his stupid jokes. He's damn good at his job like he is. He always knows how to calm Lloyd, somehow. He got to know him — the real him, the one he doesn't show to anyone else but them. He's not as tough and scary as he thinks he is. He can be soft and vulnerable.
She cups his jaw as her thumb strokes his skin. "It's okay, you can tell me. Tell what really makes you hard, Court." she sweetly tells him.
Court tucks her hair under her ear and kisses her nose. "You. Everything that you do. Last night, seeing you with him, jerking off to each other was really hot to watch. And I thought watching was more of Lloyd's thing." he bluntly confesses.
She nods. "Me too. At first, I only watched him jerk off but then I offered to touch myself for encouragement. So, we ended up doing it together." she explains softly.
With that, something in him switched. Six pushes another finger of hers to go inside of her cunt and she moans louder as his cock goes deeper in her ass. This was different for them. They usually just put it in, have a conversation and eventually fall asleep together. Lloyd is the reason their sex life is getting a little bit spicier than usual.
"He came all over you, right? I saw that too, Elle. He made quite a mess on you." Six gently remarks as she buries her head against the pillow, overwhelmed by all of it. She's not used to him being like this but she's not complaining either. She is enjoying every second of this.
She exhales before lifting her head to talk. "Yeah, he did. Fuck, you really should've just joined us. It would've been really fucking amazing. You could've jerked off beside me and came all over me, too." she breathlessly says, telling him what she actually wants.
Court breaks into a chuckle from behind her. "We could try it next time. But, for now, I want you to keep touching yourself and don't stop, okay? We can stop anytime if you want, though. Just let me know, baby." he whispers directly into her ears.
She nods into her pillow, two of her fingers slowly pumping in and out of each other as his hand follows her every movement. She has muscle memory now because of last night. If every night is going to be just like this, then she doesn't even want to leave the penthouse anymore. This is her home already now, their home. They wished they could just stay here forever and live inside tiny moments like this one. It's exclusive. Private. Special. And they wouldn't trade anything else in the world for this.
After a few minutes, her eyes start to feel heavy and her hands pull out of her soaking core. She is turned on by this, but she's more relaxed than ever so now she's gotten sleepy. Because usually, they do this before bed to make her fall asleep. She lets out a tired sigh, "Fuck, I'm sorry, I'm so sleepy and—"
Six cuts her off before she starts apologizing too much. "Hey, Elle, it's okay. You can stop. Go back to sleep, okay? We still have tomorrow and the other tomorrow." he assures her sweetly, his free hand turning her chin around to make her look at him.
Her eyes meet his blue ones again and she faintly smiles. "I love that you're so understanding and caring for me." she barely says.
He chuckles softly, looking down at her eyes. "Yeah, I wasn't like that before. Before you." he truthfully admits.
Her smile widens, her hand reaching out to cup his jaw. "Aw, you're so fucking poetic. Come and kiss me," she playfully says and he immediately leans down to kiss her lips tenderly.
Court laughs softly at her remark, pulling his lips away from her. "It is true, you know. I've never done most of the things we do with anyone else before. You're very fucking precious to me, Elle. I need you to know that." he whispers to her, holding her soft face between both of his large hands.
She snorts, giving his lips a quick peck. "I know. I mean, now I know. Okay, I'm slurring my words, I'm gonna go back to sleep." she announces, slumping her head back against her pillow and she's turned away from him again. But they both don't mind it because they can feel each other really close, can hear each other's heartbeat and he has still a part of him inside of her.
"Do you still want to keep it in or do you want me to pull it out now?" Six asks her about his cock still buried deep inside of her hole. He always puts her needs before himself. He could care less about anything else in the world but her. He could take a little pain for her, it's not a big deal for him. She's the only one that matters.
She whimpers softly, shaking her head against the pillow. "No, keep it in, it's okay. We can pull it out in the morning. If that's okay with you." she softly answers.
Court nods, planting a kiss on her shoulder. "More than okay, Elle. We can do that." he gently replies.
She hums in response, adjusting her head to get more comfortable. "Good night, Court. Dream of me." she sleepily whispers.
He smiles softly. "I definitely will, don't worry. Good night, baby. Wake me up if you have another nightmare, okay? I don't mind it at all." Court sweetly murmurs to her, kissing her cheek from behind. He's the only one who can calm her after a horrible nightmare.
She simply nods, grabbing his large arm to pull him closer as he rests it on her stomach and her hands hold his, as usual. He leans his body against hers to settle in better before leaning his head back on her pillows, smelling the familiar scent of her. Her long hair brushes against his nose and he inhales her smell. He's been addicted to it since day one.
They both close their eyes together, slowly relaxing at each other's touch. Within a few seconds, they're already drifting to sleep at the same time. Dreaming of clouds and sunshine. Their heartbeats almost matches. Calm and tranquil.
At times like this and in peaceful moments like these, nothing else matters but them. It feels like the world froze and they're the only ones alive. Just them. And, Lloyd.
They're never leaving him out of the equation. He's stuck with them now. For good.
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knwatchesninjago · 8 months
S1E10 The Green Ninja
THIS EP WAASS SOOO CCRINGE!?!?!?? (and here i thought ep7 wass cringe)
OK!!! Imma leave #CringeyKai to the end, so bear with me...
first of, we finallyyy got some scenes where Lloyd
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My poor baby!!
Also we got some scenes where::
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Honestly... this warlord is such a hilarious character!! I mean look at his face!!
Also!! SOme really adorable...
#Father-Son Bonding
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Honestly... the way their expressions fell at the same time was soo sadddd 😭
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Kai... baby. Zane is cringey... why are you as well?
Y'all... I dunno if it's actually cringe or if it's second-hand embarrassment-- BUT I COULDN'T watch this ep in one sitting.
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Y'all know this part? When Kai fights Garm to prove that he's the Green Ninja? I COULDN'T WATCH IT!!! I felt so embarrassed for Kai that I had to take a break from this ep.
What did I do in that break?
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I watched Barbie edits to help me prepare for the cringe... |
It's not my fault. Anyways, that edit soon became me just wasting hrs watching more edits and animatics.
But FINALLYYYYY after like 2 hours, I decided to resume the vid.
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In all honesty... I think I mayyy have overreacted. This scene wasn't that cringey.
Anyways!! I'm coming close to the 30-pic-limit so I'll just frantically show y'all some more snapshots.
#Pythor's weird face
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In all honesty... I was like HUH!?!?!?! When Jay was all like "WIND!!!"
Did a quick Google search and found this pretty intersting vid
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So I really recommend y'all to check it out, lol!!
So I leave y'all with some
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Y'all.... it is now officially confirmed!! The Green Ninja is our little gremlin. :')
Poor Lloyd... his life is gonna get so hard in the near future...
Anyways, Byeeeeee y'alll!!! See y'all in ep11!!! Imma go to bed now!! Good night!!
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
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Ultimate Vacation Home: Kemp
Steve's favorite place to abscond with you is in Belize.
After Lloyd, he's your richest daddy, and like Lloyd, you aren't sure how he makes his money. He's a surgeon, that you know, but he's rich enough to make you suspect there's something else. Maybe he inherited money, maybe he does secret plastic surgery for the mob, who knows.
Because he's so rich, he also owns the property in the rainforest in Belize. It's isolated, luxurious, dreamy, and slightly spooky (but in a very aesthetically pleasing way). It's otherworldly.
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One of the two bedrooms looks out on a natural waterfall, and the other looks out into a literal cenote! With sunlight streaming in from above the cave and lush green plants hanging down, it's gorgeous. You can't decide which bedroom you like better, and you regularly switch between the two.
To see a house built in such an unbelievable location is baffling. You at first assume it's a custom build, much like Steve's unique Portland house is.
But when you ask where he got the idea for the house, he informs you that the house was a payment from a grateful - and wealthy - client. Jeez, you think. Maybe he gave a facelift to a Belizean drug lord.
The bathrooms in this place are unbelievable, too. There's water all around, and they're designed to feel integrated into the rainforest landscape itself.
You and Steve regularly go skinny dipping in the various natural pools and springs around the property - especially the waterfall swimming hole just outside the one bedroom.
You've long wanted to take pictures of it all and post to your Instagram, but Steve is a very private person and does not allow you to take pictures of his houses. You hate the rule, but it's his property so you respect it.
Much like at his Portland house, this house has a basement you've never seen. Steve keeps it locked and says there's nothing down there anyways, so you don't need to worry about it.
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Steve is all about ensuring your comfort on vacation. He'll fly you in when he's already on business in Central America. He'll pick you up in his jeep and the two of you drive off for your jungle getaway.
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He cooks you romantic dinners and takes you out for kayaking and horseback riding in the rainforest. He's the total package, which is why you can't really understand why his wife isn't gaga about him.
You've met her, once. She's cold and odd, and would rather he spend all his time with you rather than with her. They don't even live in the same house, back in Portland!
Along with Andy, Steve is unhappily married with kids, and you often feel like he's longing to confide something to you, but you don't know what. At least he hasn't asked you to run away with him yet. You're not in the business of replacing wives - just filling spaces in cold beds.
Whether his home away from home is funded by the drug trade or some other shady business, you don't know. Whatever it is Steve does, you just reap the benefits.
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Five Daddies masterlist
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whosesta · 1 year
a random fic I thought of, not a request or anything, anyway enjoy these 4 lil cuties!
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Zane saw how Kai got tickled by Cole and Jay. The red ninja squirming and laughing around, Zane thought that he was never gonna get an experience like that. But that changed fast.
"JAHAHAY! NOHOT THEHERE!" Kai screamed and laughed out loud after Jay scribbled behind his knees. Making it even worse when Cole decided to scribble Kai's underarms.
"Look how flustered he is!" Jay teased. Still not changing the spot. Cole saw Zane looking at Kai, he looked ,,, upset? He also wanted the attention, tickle attention.
"Zane? You alright bud?" Cole asked, not stopping with tickling Kai. "I'm fine." Zane got up and walked away to the kitchen, looking around if there's anything to clean, just to clear his mind.
Jay, Kai and Cole knew there was something off, The blue and black ninja stopped to tickle the red ninja. Kai was threatening to get revenge on both of them.
Later on that moment, they went to check on Zane, cleaning stuff what was already clean. "Zane.. that's already clean, you did the dishes, remember?" Kai said, looking at Jay and Cole. "Oh. Right."
Zane walked away, again. To his bedroom , the four Ninjas followed him. Zane sat on his bed and sighed, the ninjas outside the door, Whispering about how they need to wreck Zane. They walked in, Cole sat next to him and patted his back.
"Hey Zane, there's a spot on the floor that doesn't really look clean, can you clean it for us?" "Sure." Zane said as he looked around, not seeing any spot but he did it anyway, he stood up, and that is where the boys got the chance.
Kai tackled Zane on the ground, holding his arms above his head, Jay sitting on his hips, Cole by his ankles and Lloyd sitting next to Kai.
"Wh- what is this?" Zane asked and looked around to see everyone's faces, all of them with a smirk.
"Zane, did you really think that we would not notice that you got jealous because Kai got tickled by Cole?" Jay said, chuckling a bit. "Fine, I was jealous. Because I never got to be in any tickle fights with you guys because im.. different than you guys.." Zane said with a frown on his face.
Cole started to trace his finger over his foot to see if any interesting happens, Zane started to giggle! And then everyone got to their job.
"Zane, I am so confused how we have not tickled you before. Your laugh is so sweet!" Lloyd said with a smile on his face, poking and scribbling on his ribs. "GUHUYAHAS! PLEHEHeaSE!" Zane squirmed and laughed around, even though he knows he can't go anywhere.
After minutes of laughter and chuckling, they stopped, they all got off Zane, making sure he's okay. In the meantime, Jay grabbed some water for him. Zane chuckled the water down.
"Sorry if we were a bit too harsh!" Kai said. Later on that day, everyone got tickled. What a tickle day.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyway” for the prompt thing!! (-patheticgirlsteve)
OKAY SO this prompt is from a prompt list I rb'd in December (wowza!) and I found the writing for this prompt half finished in my WIPs folder today and decided to finish it!
This ficlet is also a look into the in-progress When Harry Met Sally-inspired AU/canon divergence fic. I've been sitting on both that fic and this snippet for far too long and have been itching to share something. So, here's the something!
(something set in the late summer of '98, in a city that doesn't bode well during heat waves)
It’s an unusually hot night in Steve’s apartment. 
It's going to be an unusually hot week in the city, actually.
Steve has gotten used to the temperate San Francisco weather in the 11 years he's been a resident. But after 11 years, he's still surprised at the random bursts of heat that creep in during these last few weeks of August. Just in time for him and his students to sit inside the toaster oven that is his classroom during the first week of school.
Thankfully, it's not a school night. The last week of his summer vacation, and he's spent most of the daylight hours dangling half of his body out of the screen-less street-facing window in his apartment, praying a breeze would whip past him. (It didn't).
After an hour of tossing and turning in bed, in nothing but a pair of boxers, the open window providing no relief, the air stale and hot and a bit sticky, he decided to move to the living room, where he will still be suffering, but at least there's a TV out there.
A movie he remembers seeing with Robin in the theater during their Oakland days is playing as soon as he flicks on the TV, reminding him of how long it's been since they've lived together, let alone in that first apartment in Oakland. Freshly 20 and 21, figuring out how to live on their own, thousands of miles from everyone and everything they knew. Figuring out how to deal with the calmness of it all.
Remembers talking about the movie again in '92, and being annoyed with all of his friends (Eddie and Nancy) who thought that Lloyd and Diane broke up in London. Wonders if they're still as cynical about love today as they were back then.
As he's counting the years back in his head, the phone rings, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Hel-lo?” He answers, remembering that it is 2am in the middle of the word, dragging it into two syllables to make it seem like he's shocked that someone is calling him.
“What the hell are you doing awake at this hour?” Eddie quips, Steve reflexively rolls his eyes, at both the tone of his voice and the question itself.
“How do you know that you didn’t just interrupt my much needed beauty sleep?” He scoffs, flicking his head like he would if Eddie were sitting right here on the couch with him. Eddie must pick up on it, chuckling over the phone, a similar sound to the one he made when he was sitting on this couch hours ago, suffering with Steve in his apartment.
Now there's something twenty-one year old Steve would be shocked to learn. That him and Eddie became friends, at all.
“I can hear the TV.” Steve hums in response, turns the volume down a notch or two. “But, here’s a courtesy ‘I’m sorry’ for the late night call.”  
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Steve sighs as the slightest breeze rolls through the open window. He's a much better sleeper than twenty-one year old Steve, but due to recent life-changing events and this damn heat-wave, a late-night phone call with Eddie is almost routine at this point
“I miss Evie’s apartment. She had AC.” Eddie says, casually. Steve still doesn't get how he can talk about her so casually. How he can just bring her up like it's nothing. If he even thinks about -
“I still can’t believe you got your heartbroken by a trust fund baby.” He says, cutting off his own thought.
“I’m more heartbroken about that AC unit right now,” still casual, as if he is actually heartbroken about an AC and not a person.
“What’re you watching?” He asks.
“Say Anything.” 
The scene where Lloyd is talking to Diane’s father on the prison yard. It makes him think of Eddie on the other line, sitting in his unintentional bachelor pad a few blocks away from his own. The thought must’ve made Eddie’s ears burn. 
“That’s not what visitation is actually like, ya know?” His voice is soft.
“Oh yeah?” Steve says, wanting to encourage but not pry.
“Yeah. It’s indoors, at tables, cold and gray. Feels dirty and sterile at the same time.” Eddie says.
“I always thought it happened between a plane of glass, with a telephone on either side of the glass.” Steve offers, giving him an out, a chance to change the subject if he wants to bow out.
“That’s what it’s like in county jail. Prison’s different.” Steve hums again, knows there’s no need to respond with anything else. Steve doesn’t need to ask him how he knows all of this. He knows that Eddie doesn’t expect him to ask. That’s the thing, about old friends, about them, about their whole gang. There are certain things they’ll always know about each other. 
His mind drifts to a little Eddie and a younger Wayne, walking into a room just like Eddie had described, going through the motions. It pulls at his chest a little. 
“Do you still think they broke up in London?” Steve tests.
“I don’t think they broke up in London?” Eddie says, a tad defensive. 
“Yes you do, or you did.” He remembers the conversation, he knows Eddie must remember the conversation.
“When did I say that?” 
“In San Diego, we had a whole thing about it, the five of us.” The drunk and loud debate was held stuffed into a diner booth in San Diego. Before you left.
Eddie pauses.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” 
“You sure did.” 
“Well, to answer your question, no. I don't think so. I think that they’re two weirdos who were meant for each other.” Eddie says, Steve sinks further into the couch, holds the phone up with his shoulder.
“That's exactly what I said then.” 
"Well, I think it now."
"Me too." It comes out softer than he expected. Suddenly thankful that this conversation is happening over the phone, so he can scrunch the feeling away from his face, take a deep breath and shake the feeling that just washed over his body.
“I know a thing or two about weirdos who’re meant for each other.” Eddie says playfully, that tone he uses when he's half-joking, but half-serious. Steve feels something bubble in the very depths of his stomach. 
“Oh yeah? Who?” 
“You and Robin.” Pop. He lets out a deep breath.
“Ha ha.” Steve says, toning up the sarcasm.
“Max and Lucas, Joyce and Jim, the entire gang who’s bonded by the terrors of the 80s and government NDA’s.” Steve’s laugh barks out of him, he can’t hide how surprised he is at these words coming out of Eddie’s mouth. 
“What? What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing, it’s just…” He trails off, trying to choose his next words carefully. “Not used to you talking about the past. Hasn’t really been your thing.” His mind drifts momentarily to San Diego again. Watching him hail that cab. Running away. 
“There's a lotta things that I used to do, or not do.” There’s a pause. Either of them could say something, there’s something dangling in the air between them, between their two phone lines, filling the space between their two apartments. Just as Steve opens his mouth to say something, cut the tension, snatch the feeling out of the air, Eddie beats him to it.
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angelicdemons337 · 10 months
Crack ninjago au inspired by @enavstars lilo and stitch au.
First off, almost everyone is aged up. Kai 19, Jay 17, Zane 18?, Cole 18. Second, Krux appears a few years later to kidnap Mya and Ray.
Now the Au.
Nya and Kai were born about 12 years apart, so at the start of the show, she is about 7.
Lloyd is about 6, but when he was 3, he got lost in the woods, and his dormant dragoni DNA activated to keep him alive, as a result it is easier for him to talk in roars, cheps, and citters, but he can speak "English" with some effort but can understand it perfectly (for a 6 year old) and he is short do to the early activation of his dragoni genes and being malnourished in the woods.
Nya and Kai have some dormant dragon and merlopian DNA that makes it easier for them to understand Lloyd.
Nya finds him, brings him home, and adopts him as her brother.
Nya is on the autistic spectrum.
Nya, despite being 7, has the IQ of Tony Stark. (This will be important later)
Now, some sceans of the pilot.
"You four are the chosen ones to protect the weapons of spinjitzu from Lord garmadon." Says Wu. "But" Kai asks, "What about my sister a..." "ooo were saving a girl. Is she hot." Jay says, interrupting. Kai glares at Jay. "Jay," Cole says warningly. "I just want to know what we are getting ourselves into..." Jay says, defending himself. "Dose she like blue?" "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER," Kai shouts at the top of his lungs. "I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow"
Later at the volcano, Lloyd was able to talk the fire dragon down, and Kai left to camp to get some water but before he did that
Now Nya ,Lloyd, I'm going to go to get some water. I need you two to stay here with flame. Now, some... acquaintances of mine might come by while I'm gone. There is zane he wears white, and I think he is on the far side of the spectrum, so be nice. There is Cole he wears black and is afraid of dragons, so don't be upset if he runs away when he sees flame. And finally, there is Jay he wears blue and talks a lot. Don't talk to him until I return.
Later, while kai is gone, the other three enter the temple to find Lloyd and Nya making rock towers.
What are two kids doing here? They all collectively thought.
Nya noticed them. "Who are you?" "My name is Cole. These are my teammates' Zane and Jay.
"Hello Zane and Cole, my name is Nya, and this is Lloyd"
Jay wheezes and asks why she didn't say hi to him, and zane translates.
"Big brother said we can't talk to him," Nya explains while Lloyd is still playing with the rocks.
"Why not?" said Zane
"Well, considering our first conversation, can you blame me." Said Kai appearing from behind jay and causing him to scream or as close to a scream as he can manage with his voice.
"Kai, where have you been?" exclames Cole. "Well, I went back to camp to get some water and fill you guys in only to find it ransacked, and by the looks of it, the shulken got the other three weapons," Kai explains while giving Nya a water bottle.
"Now I was only able to get one, so share it with your little brother, ok?" "Got it"
"OK, but who are the kids?" asked Cole? "And why do they hate me?" complained, Jay.
"Cole, Zane, and Jay. Meet Lloyd and Nya Smith. My little siblings" says Kai, gesturing the the kids who are trying to get the other the drink from the bottle.
"Kai" Nya wines. "Lloyd won't drink his half of the bottle." "Nya need it more," Lloyd explains.
"Lloyd, drink your half. I don't care if you're tougher than Nya. You need water too."
"Ahh," said Zane, putting the pieces together. "That explains your hostility towards Jay" "What dose" Askes Jay.
"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Complains Kai "not only do you interrupt me after I tell you that my sister is kidnapped. But instead of and encouraging 'we will get her back' or even I pittying 'I'm sorry', instead you ask if she is 'hot' and when I make it clear that I don't want you asking those kinds of questions, you ask them anyway. Do you really think I want that kind of person around my younger siblings who aren't even a decade old."
"That sounds like a pedo," Nya says, interrupting.
And that all I have
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justtwotired · 9 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Get ready guys, this is a long one :)
Your POV
Two weeks passed and in those weeks I had not seen Lloyd once, the only moments I texted him were in the night when I laid in bed.
I missed him so much and had demanded he sent me a picture of himself so I could see his face, making him comply and sent a picture of himself laying down on his bed.
I found it rather cute but was to embarrassed to voice this to him, so I had just sent a smiley face.
He promised we could go on the second date soon but days slowly passed and I felt a pit growing everyday.
I missed him a lot and couldn’t stand not seeing him or hearing his voice.
A few days ago, he had sent me a chocolate bar that was delivered by Nya, who I had spoken to for about an hour by the front door before she had to go.
This amazing man even remembered my favourite chocolate.
I had demanded Greenie to take me to the park, even though he didn’t really want to because we ran into a lot of fangirls there, but it was my favourite place.
“It’s your job to follow me around, if I say park, we go to the park,” I had said and he had grumbled but complied anyway.
So now we where set in the grass, backs against each other and I leaned my head back on his shoulder.
“I thought I’d see your boyfriend pop up sometime, but you don’t seem to be talking to him,” he said and I sighed.
“We talk,” I said pausing for a moment. “Through texts,” I said and he let out a dry chuckle. “He’s just been busy, alright!” I said and he fell silent.
“Alright, alright, I won’t make a comment,” he said and I smiled. “Thank you,” I grinned. “I do miss him though, it feels like I can barely remember his voice,” I announced and greenie was silent for a moment.
“Can’t you call him?” He asked and I shook my head. “He barely had time to text, let alone call, he needs sleep to, greenie,” I said and he chuckled for a moment.
“Alright, alright, busy boyfriend, I get it,” he said and I elbowed him. “How many times, we went on one date” I said and he chuckled.
“Alright, fine,” he said and I stood up. “Wanna get some coffee?” I asked and he stood up aswel. “Sure,” he said and I helped him to his feet.
I looked into his eyes and realisation washed over me. His eyes, they were the exact same colour green as Lloyd’s, and like- those eyes are very green it’s almost unnatural.
How do I only notice that now? Is that just a weird coincidence? Yeah probably, it couldn’t mean anything else, right?
“You may let go of my hand, Princess,” I quickly pulled my hand back and blushed. “Sorry,” I said quickly and he let out an amused laugh, “it’s alright,” he said before we headed to a coffee shop just outside the park.
When I laid in bed that night, I texted Lloyd again and I was surprised when a voice message came trough, making a smile appear on my face.
“Are you sick of being followed around yet? I know I’d be. Also, don’t mind the voice message, I’m just way to tired to type,” he said and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the goofiness.
I texted him back immediately and was happy to hear his voice again.
A few days later, I was in the living room of the house when I got a text from him.
Hey, I’m free later tonight, you think your ninja will allow you to hang out?
A smile spread across my face immediately and I started typing away.
Have to discuss that with my parents first
But Greenie is free tonight, Malcolm will be there but if we go to a restaurant or something he will wait in the car
Go ask
I want to see you :(
I’ll go ask now
I jumped up and headed towards the reading room where I knew my mother would be.
“Mom,” I entered the room, making her lay down her book. “Yes, sweetie?” She smiled. Threats had laid low and it made the stress slowly leave my mother’s body.
“So, Lloyd is finally free tonight and suggested we go out to eat, is that alright?” I asked and a smile spread across her face. “Alright, but Malcolm will go with you to stay in the car, alright?” She asked and I nodded eagerly.
I walked around the table and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before giddily leaving the room.
I suppose this means you may go?
I can’t wait!!
Okay, so there is this noodle place and I’ve gone there a few times and it’s amazing, you probably know it, once it was called Chens but it changed to Skylors!
I definitely know that place, I go there all the time
Skylor is Kai’s girlfriend
Awe that’s so cuteee
Makes sense if you think about it, they are a good fit together
I’m so sorry, but I really have to go, I’ll see you at Skylors at 7?
Yes see you then<3
I turned my phone off and pursed my lips in happiness of finaly going to see Lloyd again.
“You look happy,” Greenie walked in and I smiled up at him. “Lloyd just texted, he’s free so we can go on a date tonight!” I said and he raised his eyebrows.
“On my free night? Now I can’t see him,” he said and I rolled my eyes lightly. “Don’t you act like that,” I said and he chuckled, making me throw a pillow at him.
That night, Malcolm dropped me off by the door and I walked inside and looked around. He wasn’t here yet.
I stood to the side a bit and noticed Skylor by the counter. She smiled at me and I gave her a kind smile back.
She was great friends with Luna, so we knew each other a bit trough her, and I went here sometimes with my friends to eat, of course.
The door opened again and in walked Lloyd, who smiled when he saw me.
My hands itched as I saw him and my smile grew. He quickly walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and I enveloped my arms around me.
I had been aching for this hug ever since our last date and it felt great to be in his arms.
He took a step back and we headed to a table by the window.
He told me all about what he had been up to while I did the same, telling him about greenie, making him joke about being jealous.
It did remind me about how Greenie did the exact same thing in the same way. I didn’t say it though and just playfully rolled my eyes and made a snarky comment back.
I shook the thought off of me and we continued our date. I actually had so much fun and we joked around and ate the amazing noodles.
When we left, I paid as promise and we talked with Skylor a bit, before heading outside. “I could ask Malcolm to take us to the park, we can take a walk,” I said and he thought for a moment, before smiling.
“I’d actually really like that,” he said. I looked up at him, realising how tall he was… he was way taller than I was and I couldn’t help but blush at this thought.
He gave me a teasing grin and winked, making me stick out my tongue. He chuckled and we walked towards the car where I smiled at my bodyguard.
“Malcolm, can you drive us to the park?” I asked and he smiled lightly at us. “Of course, but I’ll be at the gates and you have to check in with a text every ten minutes.” He said and I gave him a look.
“Every ten minutes?” I asked and he gave me a look. “I can also follow you around?” He suggested and the corners of my mouth fell.
“Texts are fine,” I said before getting in.
When we arrived at the park, all three of us left the car and Malcolm stayed at the gate. “Every ten minutes!” He called after us, making me yell a “yeah, I know!” Back.
“You are pretty close with him, huh?” Lloyd asked and I nodded. “He’s like an uncle to me,” I admitted and he smiled down at me.
I suddenly felt his hand slip into mine and a blush spread across my cheeks as I held his hand and squeezed it slightly.
We walked for a while, of course, texting Malcolm every ten minutes.
“The park really looks beautiful in the night,” I looked around me at the street lantern lit park and stopped walking. “Meh,” Lloyd shrugged and I turned to him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I looked at him and he turned to me.
“That means that I think that there are way more beautiful things around here,” he said with a small smirk. “Like you,” he added making my cheeks heat up to my ears.
I looked up to meet his gaze and found my face incredibly close to his. My eyes couldn’t help but dart down to his lips for a moment and he then did the same, taking a small step towards me.
He laid a hand on my cheek, brushing it lightly with his thumb.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and butterflies took over my stomach as I nodded.
I stood on my toes as he leant down. I met his lips and god, they were so soft, even softer than I had imagined and yes, I had actually been imagining what it’d be like kissing Lloyd.
We pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine, giving me a VIP spot to look into his eyes.
I was surprised to see he actually has small golden spots hidden in his green eyes.
“Lloyd,” I said and he hummed. “I like you, like a lot,” I said and he chuckled, that familiar chuckle that was his but also greenies somehow.
“I like you a lot too,” he said, kissing my forehead. Before we could say anything else, my phone rang and I saw it was Malcom, making me quickly pick up.
“Yes, I’m alive, sorry for not texting,” I said and he let out a sigh of relief. “You little shit, you scared me,” he said, making me giggle lightly.
“Sorry, we’ll head back now,” I said and he agreed.
I took Lloyds hand in mine and we walked back to the park entrance, I didn’t know how he was feeling, but I couldn’t be happier.
When I got home that night, I immediately texted our group chat who bombardent me with questions which I happily answered for them.
Soon enough I went to sleep and when I woke up the next morning, it was because of a knock on my door.
I sat up and yawned. “Come in,” I called and the door opened, revealing greenie who chuckled at my bed head.
That damned chuckle. “Morning beautiful,” he said jokingly making me give him a glare.
“Don’t act like you woke up with perfect hair,” I said and he shrugged. “Well you wouldn’t know, you don’t even know what colour it is,” he said and I turned to him.
“What colour is it?” I asked as I started to pick my outfit for the day in my walk-in closet. He followed me and leaned against the doorframe. “Guess,” he said and I didn’t even think about it.
“Blonde?” I asked and he let out an amused huff. “Good guesser you are,” he said making me smile up at him. “Such a smart person, am I not?” I said and he grinned slightly, or well that’s what his eyes told me.
“Isn’t it easier to just take your mask off? I mean- I won’t tell anyone, I promise,” I said and he shrugged as he watched me pull out a hoodie.
“Standard procedure,” he answered. “Don’t worry, darling, you’ll see my face one day,” he said with a small wink, making me throw a t-shirt at his face.
“Get out, moron,” I said with a grin, making him laugh and walk out of my room. I quickly got dressed and then headed out of my room aswel.
“So, what are we doing today?” He asked as we walked down the stairs with me.
“I’m grabbing some breakfast with James and Luna, and after that I’m going to the store because my leather jacket needs replacing seeing it’s become to small,” I explained.
He hummed along and I chuckled at him. “And we’ll stop at the candy store for you,” I said making him cheer slightly.
I entered the café I had promised to meet James and Luna to see that both of them where already there.
Luna excitedly waved when she saw me and I chuckled and joined them at the table.
“No greenie today?” Luna asked and I shook my head. “He’s outside in the car, I invited him to eat with us but then he’d have to take of his mask,” I explained.
“Damn it, I have a list of questions for him,” James said and we looked at him weirdly. “Alright it’s like two questions, but still,” he said and we both laughed.
After breakfast, we paid and headed outside, deciding on asking the others if they where up for a hang out upcoming weekend.
I waved at them as they both got onto James bike, as he was bringing her to her aunt for her birthday.
I closed the car door and looked at Greenie next to me.
“Already decided on the sweets you’re getting?” I asked with a smirk and he gave me a look. “Are you ever going to stop teasing me about my love for sweets?” He asked and I ‘thought’ for a moment.
“Nope,” I eventually said, making him roll his eyes, though definitely smiling.
When we got back home it was already dusk, we had also decided on a stop at the ice cream shop and many other stores.
“Awe, now we only have an hour left,” I whined and he chuckled. “Not like you’ll miss me,” he said and I looked at him with raised brows.
“What’s that’s supposed to mean?” I asked and he stopped in his tracks. “I mean, you’re boyfriends coming over, I don’t think you have much time to miss me,” he teased and I hit his shoulder.
“Don’t you imply such things,” I scolded and he laughed, putting one of the bags he was holding down.
“Don’t you want to atleast make out with him?” He asked in a pouty voice and I chuckled, making my way towards the staircase to head towards my room, him following me.
“I don’t know maybe I do?” I said and he seemed surprised for a moment. “Really?” He asked amused and I blushed slightly.
“Stop, you are bullying me for wanting to make out with the boy I like?” I went to whack his arm and he quickly dodged it with a laugh.
We headed into my room, I dropped my bags and took out the new dress I had bought.
“Alright, greenie, I’m going to put on this dress, and you are going to tell me if I should wear it for the evening or no, okay?” I said and he let out a small chuckle.
“Yeah, sure,” he complied. I giddily headed towards my walk in closet en changed into the new outfit.
I looked in the mirror and turned around for a moment. I loved the dress… but me wearing it? I wasn’t sure…
I hesitantly walked out into my room and greenie looked up. He was silent for a moment, making me shift in my place.
“It looks good,” he said and I looked up at him a bit surprised. “Are you sure?” I asked, walking towards my mirror, him following me.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked and I shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just- I’m not sure if this really… fits me, you know what I mean?” I asked and he sighed.
“Y/n,” he said and I turned to him. “Yeah?” I asked and he seemed to be smiling. “You look beautiful,” he reassured me and I sighed.
“Alright, alright, fine,” I gave in and then looked at him with a smirk. “Thank you,”
Eventually he left and when I closed the door behind him, I took a deep breath.
I really, really liked Lloyd, but every time greenie made me laugh, or started teasing me again, all that kind of stuff, I couldn’t help but feel attracted to him…
Of course, Lloyd still held the number one place, I knew him way better, and he was just so… Lloyd, he was everything I dreamed of as a kid, only the white horse was missing.
An hour later, after dinner, the doorbell rang, making me bold downstairs before either my brother or my parents could open the door.
“Hey,” I said a bit out of breath when I saw Lloyd, who smiled at me. “Hi there,” he said and I opened the door further, inviting him in.
He stepped inside and hung his jacket on the coat rack.
We walked out of the hall and my mother just came walking down the stairs. She smiled when she saw us and came over.
She extended her hand for Lloyd to take, which he did. “Hi there, Lorain L/n, nice to finally meet you,” she introduced and he politely smiled.
“Lloyd Garmadon, it’s great to meet you to,” he said and my mom gave me a suggestive smile, making me narrow my eyes at her.
My father came from the living room with a bright smile. “You must be Lloyd,” he said and shook Lloyd’s hand firmly. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said.
Lloyd nodded. “That would be me, it’s nice to meet you to, mister L/n,” he said and my father laughed. “Oh, it’s just William, boy,” he said.
I smiled at Lloyd interacting with my parents, happy that they already seemed to like him.
“Well, mom, dad, we are going upstairs now, if that’s alright with you,” I said, before an awkward silence could ensue.
“Yes, of course, call if you need anything,” my mother said, mainly to Lloyd.
I chuckled and took his hand, pulling him up the stairs. We entered my room and he looked around for a moment.
“Jezus, your room is huge,” he said and I sighed. “Why does everyone always say that?” I asked and he gave me a look.
“Hmm, let me think- maybe because it’s true?” He said and I huffed out a laugh. “Alright, alright, fine,” I admitted.
We both sat down and I happily told him about my day, complaining about greenie who kept bullying me and excitingly telling him about the new book I had gotten.
“What’s the green ninja like?” He asked and i frowned for a moment. “Have you never met him?” I asked and he shook his head.
“Yeah uh, my dad and him didn’t really keep in touch after all that, you know?” He said and I huffed a laugh but it did make sense.
“Right, makes sense, sorry,” I chuckled. “But besides the constant teasing and bullying, he’s actually really nice, and he’s a bit like you , you know?” I said and Lloyds eyes widened slightly.
“He is? Why is that?” He asked and I shrugged. “Well, he has one heck of a sweet tooth, to start off, he also had green eyes and blonde hair, hes really sweet, and also, he’s a huge flirt,” I summed up and Lloyd frowned.
“He flirts with you?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I constantly tell him to stop, not to begin with the nicknames, but it’s all just jokes,” I reassure him.
He smiled at me and I could’ve melted on the spot. This man was to pure for this world.
It was silent for a moment and I took the time to shoot a glance at the mirror to see if the outfit still looked good.
I flattened it a bit, also combing my fingers trough my hair.
“N/n,” I looked at Lloyd who gave me a look. “I already told you, you look beautiful.” He reassured me and I let out an airy chuckle.
“Sorry,” I said and he got up, taking my hand in his. “Don’t apologise, darling,” he said and I felt my knees grow weak, I was thankful I was sitting on my bed because otherwise I might’ve fallen over.
Lloyds hand left mine and he rested it on my cheek instead. I looked into his eyes, too far away to see the golden specks.
I stood up, leaning against him ever so slightly, finally spotting the small golden specks hidden in his green eyes.
They shot down for a moment to look at my lips, before looking back at me again. I did the same, taking a quick glance at lips, his damn, way to kissable, smiling, lips.
I looked back at him again, he winked at me and I chuckled. His eyes shot down again, lingering a bit longer this time.
I moved one of my hands to the side of his neck, so slowly bring him closer. He leaned in and I stood on my toes.
Our lips met and I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss I’d been longing for for a while now.
My remaining hand searched for his and I held it tightly, making him smile into the kiss, causing me to aswel.
We parted and he leaned his forehead against mine, I caught my breath and giggled a bit as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
He kissed me again, it felt way more passionate than before, making me more relaxed, I hadn’t even realised I had been tense.
We parted again for breath, but it didn’t take long for our lips to connect again.
We slowly turned until Lloyd could sit on my bed. I stood between his legs, leaning down slightly as now I was taller as him.
Slowly we pulled apart a bit and I looked into his eyes again.
“Now I know how you feel,” I whispered, making him let out a throaty chuckle. “Doesn’t your neck ever ache?” I asked and he shook his head.
“It’s worth it,” he said before kissing me again, I was caught slightly of guard but leaned in immediately after.
I felt his tongue lick my lips, silently asking permissions to enter my mouth, which I granted without hesitation.
I allowed him to explore my mouth and moved my legs to sit on his lap, now straddling him, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.
God I was down bad for this boy…
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fiddler-sticks · 9 months
Jay's Weird Dream
Ninjago Secret Santa gift for @finn-m-corvex :))
Jay loosened his tie and collapsed into bed. The staff meeting had not gone the way he wanted it to. Yes, he spends half his shifts playing Prime Empire, but c'mon! It's a Milton Dyer classic! Besides, he's got all the employees under him doing most of the work anyway. But if things don't improve soon, he might become demoted from manager, and then he's really screwed. Looks like he'll actually have to start overseeing things more instead of working on Level 7.
Jay sighed, and threw the tie across the room. This was all a problem for tomorrow. For now, he wanted to get some sweet, sweet sleep. Not bothering to take off the rest of his suit, he fell asleep.
When Jay woke up, he was in a different bed than the one he fell asleep in. Slightly confused, he sat up and looked around. He was in a room that had 4 other beds in it, all color-coded. It felt familiar to him somehow, but he couldn't quite put a finger on where he had seen it before.
Deciding he wasn't in any immediate danger, he wandered out of the room's door, and ran straight into a kid dressed in all green. Jay jumped slightly, ready to fight if needed, but the kid didn't seen like he posed any threat.
"Woah there, Jay! Didn't mean to scare you. I was just wondering if you wanted to play Prime Empire with me? Cole and Kai are too busy, and I don't want to play against Zane, since he wins every time," said the kid.
Cole? Kai? Zane? The names sounded familiar to him, but again, he couldn't really remember where. Jay didn't know how the kid knew his name, but he hardly looked dangerous, and Jay needed some extra video game time now that he was supposed to be putting in more effort at work, so he said, "Sure kid, I'll play with you."
"Jayyyy," the kid whined. "I'm not a kid anymore! I haven't been a kid since… Well, you know," he trailed off.
"Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about, kid. Now where's the TV?"
"You sure are acting weird."
"Like you know me at all," Jay muttered under his breath so the kid couldn't hear.
"Anyway, I'm on Level 7. I know you've completed all 13, but just cut me some slack! I'm not as good as you yet," the kid was saying.
He finished all the levels? But he was only on Level 7. Jay supposed it was fine that the kid overestimated his skills as they were at the same level, but the misinformation still weirded him out.
"Whatever. Just get ready for me to absolutely crush you."
"Oh, you're on!" the kid said, and ran off somewhere, probably to the TV. Jay quickly followed him.
"Wanna race in the Speedway Five-Billion?" the kid asked.
"Sure, kid. I'm gonna beat you though," said Jay.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that, I've been practicing against Cole."
"Who's Cole?"
"Ha, funny. As much as you hate to admit it, Cole is the only one who can give you a run for your money!"
"Okay, let's just play the game now."
"Fine. I'm still gonna beat you though," the kid said, now unwrapping a green lollipop and sticking it in his mouth.
"No way. I'm gonna be the one winning!"
The kid ended up winning the race, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Oh, come on! I demand a rematch!" Jay exclaimed.
"Nuh uh, I'm taking my win and running with it! I'm not gonna let you taint the good name of Lloyd Garmadon."
So that was what the kid was called. Lloyd seemed like a weird name for a teenager, but who was Jay to question name choices. He was named after a petty crime, after all.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Lloyd asked.
Jay looked at his watch, and winced at the time. "Sorry kid, but I gotta get back to work. My shift starts soon."
"Work? What do you mean work, you just woke up from a nap and it's our day off."
"Day off from what?"
"Ninja stuff, what else?"
Jay's brain malfunctioned for a second. "I'm sorry, ninja stuff?!"
"Uh, yeah? We're ninja. Have been since you guys were teenagers. Are you feeling okay, Jay? You've been acting really weird."
"I think I need a nap…"
Lloyd looked confused. "But you just woke up from a nap?"
"Yeah, and I obviously need another one. Look, kid, I'm not a ninja. Never have been, never will be. I'm Manager of Realm Reassignment for The Administration, and if I don't get back to work, I could lose my position. I'd love to stay here and keep playing Prime Empire with you, but the world stinks, so I can't, alright?"
Lloyd looked confused, and a little sad. "Yeah, maybe you do need another nap," he said softly, and turned to leave.
Jay felt bad for ranting at the kid and almost went after him, but thought he better leave him alone. This was all too much and too confusing for him, and on top of everything he had a wicked headache, so with that clouding his better judgment, he strode back into the room he woke up in, laid down on the blue bed, and went to sleep.
When Jay woke up, he was back in his own bed, alarm clock beeping loudly beside him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Some dream," he mumbled to himself. "A ninja. I think I need to be getting more sleep, if this is what my brain is coming up with now."
In another realm, a man clad all in green was also waking up. A small smile and a look of determination found its way to his face as he remembered the dream.
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expirisims · 24 days
Another Move
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As promised, I used the proceeds from Jess and Alyson's works to move the household into a larger home. Right next door to Clark and Edith, these Sims just can't get away from each other LOL! Is it just me or does Jerrod look a little anxious?
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I packed inventory as I did with the Gale's so there is plenty of money to hold them over. Looks like everyone is settling in. I wonder if Alyson is happy to be back in her old neighborhood or if living next door to the house she formerly shared with Terrell is bringing back any bad memories?
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Hey! Another of the Jones's kids has aged up!
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Alyson was wide awake and it wasn't too late for a Love Day date with her current boyfriend (Reggie...again the dynamics of this particular group of sims), but he turned her down and I soon found out why...
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Real nice Reggie! You threw a Love Day Party which doesn't surprise me, but your actual girlfriend wasn't even invited! I didn't know anything about this party! Well that's okay, I really don't like these two as a couple anyway, maybe they'll split up soon.
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Hannah Marks has aged up!
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Well it's getting late finally, time to round up the kids. Jerrod has his own makeshift room in the office, but it's better than sharing a room with his mom and Jess. Hmm... where is Jess anyway, I haven't seen her in a bit.
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ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?? AGAIN??? By this point in time who HASN'T been abducted by aliens!!??
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Oh, poor girl! She came home crying!
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It's the wee hours of the morning, just taking stock of everyone, got to make sure no one else gets abducted or anything before I send them all to bed again.
For reference we have:
Alyson and her two kids with Terrell--Jerrod and Lloyd.
Jess and her three kids--Zachery with Clark, and Yvonne and Javon with Reggie.
So that's two adults, one kid, three toddlers and one infant--yep looks like everyone is here!
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arrieebooks · 2 years
Precious Weapon (3)
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Pairing : Lloyd Hansen x F!OC (Elle) x Sierra Six
Summary : Six follows her into her normal life. Things go a little wrong, people are still after her as the weapon. They're all forced to stay in her quaint house. One bed trope.
Warnings : Mentions of smut and her painkiller addiction but very vague. Elle being in Lloyd's mind 24/7. Gunshots. Injury. Blood. Gory details. Murder (self defense). Unrealistic healing.
Word count : 21.4k words.
Author's note : So sorry that this took me long. I wasn't really aiming to make this chapter really long, it just happened. But yeah, hope you enjoy it!
The smell of french toast and chamomile tea spreads all over the penthouse along with the sound of the sizzling raw bacon in the pan. 
She's making breakfast, carefully and quietly. 
It's extremely early. Around 7am.
After last night, she did sleep well but only for a few hours. 
She's awake now so she figured she'd make a nice breakfast for everyone after going to the traditional market to buy some ingredients earlier. 
She knows Six is still asleep and so is Lloyd. She can hear their calm heartbeats, still very much deep in their dreams. 
Six really helped her last night. And she wants to make up for it. He has no idea how much that meant for her. 
He practically got rid of her addiction, just like that. He had made her promise him to stop. And she immediately did. It meant a lot to her that he cared about her and wanted to help her. 
No one has ever treated her like that. 
She's selfless and caring towards everyone in her life — she always notices if something's wrong with them but no one has ever noticed if something was wrong with her. 
Because frankly, she has a lot of issues. Even before the incident. She has had trauma for years that she chooses to ignore instead of trying to heal it. 
She can physically heal quickly but never mentally. She's damaged. Fucked up. But she's good at hiding it well, that's why no one has ever noticed. She's so well kept together. Always lighting up the room, too.
"Shit," she curses out loud as her hand touches the hot pan to check if the bacon's cooked already. "Idiot." she mutters to herself, rubbing her burned hand on her shirt before it quickly heals back again. 
Elle gently scoffs at that. It gets annoying sometimes, because it's a reminder of what she is. She's never asked for this. But yet she has had to learn to live with it, carry it for the rest of her life. All she ever wanted was a normal life with loving parents and a house that's filled with happy memories in it. 
But she knows that she's never going to get that. Or even a normal future with a husband and kids in it. Technically, she can never get pregnant due to the experiment as well. It altered her entire body along with all of her cells. 
Her future and her life was all ruined by science. 
Lloyd steps out of his bedroom and she doesn't even hear his heavy footsteps because she's lost in her thoughts as he yawns loudly while walking in the hallway.
He stalks to the kitchen where he smelled food. "Morning. What are you cooking?" he asks her, not looking at her yet instead his eyes are focused on the pan. 
Her eyes darted to him. He's wearing a black, loose shirt with grey sweatpants. His hair is messy and all ruffled up from sleep, this is the first time she's seeing it like that. He's usually so neat. 
What's with men and grey sweatpants?
Elle smiles widely. "Morning. Bacons, french toast and eggs. How'd you like your eggs?" she asks. 
Lloyd frowns confusedly. "Thought you didn't want to cook for us. You said that you weren't a housewife, last night " he reminds her. 
She snorts. "Last night was a different me. I'm feeling…happier this morning." 
He finally meets her eyes and squints his. "Hm. Why? No one just gets happy overnight." 
Elle casually shrugs her shoulders. "I just am. Anyway, how'd you like your eggs or do you not want my cooking?" she asks again.
"Well, is there a restaurant nearby that serves American breakfast?" he asks.
Elle shakes her head. "Nope. Probably in the center of Jakarta, though. But that's like two hours from here. Plus, you wouldn't be able to enjoy your food peacefully with the local girls staring at you like a piece of meat." she remarks.
Lloyd lets out a soft chuckle. "Agreeable." he says. "Well, I prefer my eggs scrambled, Sunshine." 
Her lips tug into a smile. "Coming right up." 
He nods, stepping away from her to give her space as he walks to kitchen island, hopping on one of the chairs while he watches her crack some eggs into the pan. 
"You don't have to cook us breakfast every morning, you know. This isn't a…" Lloyd tries to find the right words but couldn't find them. "This is just a work partnership, we're not a big happy family." 
Elle sighs. "If you wanted this to be more professional, then I could've just stayed in my house and not live here with the both of you." she says, scrambling the eggs on the pan carefully. 
He scoffs softly. "Yeah, I think Six would beg to differ. He seems to like you. And that's saying a lot for the infamous Sierra Six." Lloyd remarks.
She shakes her head. "We're just a lot alike. We're close but not too close to interfere on missions. He and I would still be focused on the main priority. In fact, I think we'd work well together on missions." 
"You haven't seen how he…fights." He grimaces a little while saying it. He remembers seeing one of his works a while ago.
He wanted to use the word kill. But he doesn't want to scare her, yet. Not the time yet. She doesn't even know what she's getting herself into. Lloyd doesn't even know where to begin. He needs to go slow on her and he knows that but he has a feeling that she could take it. 
She could take it. Or not. 
"I'm not scared, Lloyd. By either of you. I'm all in." she states, in a forced tone. 
Lloyd scoffs loudly, making her turn around to him. 
"You've seen nothing yet, sweetheart." 
She rolls her eyes, turning off the stove behind her with her mind. "Then, test me." 
He frowns. "What, like a fake mission?" 
"No, a real one. But I'll be just behind you. Both of you. I won't flinch." she responds.
"No. You need training first. At least a week of it. We need to see how fast your reflexes are and other shit. Run a few tests on you." Lloyd says, dryly.
Elle nods. "Right. Then, after that?" 
"We don't have time for fake missions or whatever you want. It's not how this works." he sternly says.
She steps closer until she softly hits the counter and his gaze catches up to hers. They'd be closer if it wasn't for the kitchen island between them.
"Teach me. I'll be a good student." she softly says with her eyes pleading at him. 
That shouldn't make him feel some sort of way but somehow, it does. It's just the way she says it so innocently. She's so naive. A small part of him wants to ruin her and her innocence. He'll take her and accept how she is — innocent or ruined. 
Lloyd hums casually in response, completely ignoring the bulge in his pants that is starting to grow. "I need to shower."
Elle tilts her head to the side in confusion. "What about your breakfast? It's all ready." 
He hops off the chair, avoiding eye contact. "I think it's better if we wait for Six to wake up first."
"You just said you don't want us to be a big happy family and having breakfast all together is the complete opposite." she remarks. 
"No. I just don't want us to eat breakfast alone." Lloyd flatly says, walking away as she scoffs.
"Right. Because it'd be so unprofessional." 
"Yeah. You're right, Sunshine." He flashes her a smug grin, his teeth all white and shiny as the morning sun spilling from the window highlights his blue eyes and she has to stop herself from starting to find him just a little attractive. 
Stop. He's not. 
It was in vain to keep telling herself that he wasn't when two days ago, they were all over each other in that bar. He had his fingers inside her. His mouth was on hers. She let him do all that because he was really that fucking sexy. She couldn't deny it earlier and especially now.
She scoffs again before he walks away from her and she hears his footsteps slowly retreat from the hallway to his bedroom and then the sound of his door closed gently. 
Elle continues on cooking, focusing on Six's sounds in his room instead. She hears him getting up from the bed and then his heavy footsteps walking toward somewhere. 
She smiles at that. She's been waiting for him to be awake but didn't want to wake him up either. 
She heard his shower turn on and then she had to busy herself making herself eggs, trying to not visualize him getting naked even though she could clearly hear the noises of him taking off his clothes.
It was dark last night. She didn't exactly see anything clearly but she could hear and feel everything in detail. She has heightened senses, of course she could feel anything without even having to see.
Which makes her good for combat. Though, she could sense that Lloyd was a little skeptical of her. He must think that she's not powerful or strong enough to do this shit or maybe it's because of her age. Not that he even knows her age yet anyway but he has assumed at least how old she is. 
The problem is she looks too young for her real age. She looks 19 or 20 at best. She looks ten years younger than she really is. No one has ever guessed her age right. 
Everyone in her town knows her as twenty four years old. And her birth certificate says it too. All of her friends who went to the same school as her are the same age. 
She spent five years of her childhood inside that lab, being a test subject. And for those five years, she didn't exist to the world. She was just a number. When she came out, she looked the exact same when she left. She barely remembers what happened there, which she's thankful for. 
I was a fucking lab rat. 
"Morning. Looks like someone slept well last night." Six appears in the kitchen, examining her. 
She's wearing pink cotton shorts and a chill white tee shirt with pink printed writing on it. It's her house clothes. Lloyd's people brought literally all of her clothes last night. 
Elle startles, turning to him. "Hey, uh, that was a quick shower." She smiles shyly. 
He looks at her confused and a light chuckle leaves his lips. "You heard me." 
She's blushing now. Her cheeks are red. Her lips are stretching into a smile that shows her cute little dimples. "No, I was making eggs. But yeah, kind of." she admits. 
Six's lips curve into a genuine, soft smile and steps closer, pulling her by the waist as she giggles softly while he watches her, amused and their bodies pressed against each other. Their eyes stare into each other as he's communicating to her with his eyes and she doesn't even have to read his mind to know what he's saying to her. 
I don't mind. You could hear me shower anytime you want. I mean it. 
"You're cute when you're flustered." Six quietly remarks.
"I can't be flustered all the time." she replies almost immediately.
"We're not on a mission, Elle," he reminds her. 
She nods. "I know. But it's just that, soon enough, we will be. Lloyd just told me I'd need a week of training and then after that, missions." 
"Does the training start today?" he asks.
"This afternoon, maybe. It's a Monday today and I've got a few errands to run. I need to go back to my house, feed my dogs, clean the house and go meet my best friend for lunch. Oh also, we need to get some groceries for the fridge." Elle tells him in detail. 
Six frowns and then nods. "Sorry. I forgot that you had a…" he trails off, not wanting to say the wrong words. 
She raises her brows. "A life? Yeah, but I know I have to ditch it somehow when we'll be on missions. But I'll figure it out." she says. 
He tucks a hair under her ear. "You don't have to ditch it, Elle. It's good that you have a life here and I don't want you to throw it all away just because of us." 
"I wanted this. You know I did." she says.
"Yeah, but—" Six gets cut off as they hear Lloyd's door open and she immediately retreats from him, going back to cooking.
Six steps away from her and walks to the kitchen island, taking a seat there. 
Lloyd walks to them and sees Six. "Hey, finally you're awake. Now we could all have breakfast and then talk about our plans. First, I need to renovate that gym. It's old and fucking dusty. I'm going to buy some new equipment for it. Actually, a lot of them. We're going to use that room for training." he says while taking a seat beside him.
Elle nods, turning to them with three empty plates in her hands as she places them down on the counter. "So, where's the gym? Downstairs?" she questions.
He frowns. "No, of course not. Why would I ever share a gym with anyone? It's right here. Back there, behind us. There's a narrow hallway and those are all the extra rooms we got." Lloyd answers. 
She nods again, taking two pans of the breakfast as she pours it on each of their plates. Scrambled eggs, bacon and french toast all in one huge plate. It's all so greasy and oily but it's a classic American breakfast. It's authentic. Her father taught her how to make this when she turned 14 and when she learnt how to cook for the first time. 
"This is a classic, Elle. Americans love their greasy fuckin' breakfast." Her dad tells her with his thick American accent while sitting in front of the food they both just made together as she smiles and giggles happily, nodding her head at him.
She brushes off the flashback in her head. She hates him. She never hated him back then because he was her loving dad. The same loving dad who would cook her good food in the morning and then proceed to do experiments on her body at night with her mom. She was never their daughter. She was just a science experiment for them.
"Elle? You okay?" Lloyd asks, furrowing his brows as he sees her blanked out and Six glances at her too.
Her eyes are looking down on the floor with both of the pans still in her hands, her mind clearly being somewhere else but here.
She looks back at him. "Yeah. I'm good. So, you're gonna do some shopping, then? I have a few errands to run today too." She quickly places the pans down back on the stove and walks to them. 
He frowns. "What errands?"
"Some errands." she responds, taking a seat next to Six on the kitchen island.
"Elle. What kind of errands?" Lloyd asks again in a warning tone. 
She rolls her eyes. "I need to go to my house and meet my best friend. I usually meet her every day for lunch in the hospital she's working in. Plus, I had my phone on silent yesterday and today so she must've been worried about me now. I don't want her to go and file a missing persons case or something. Not that it'd work in this country."
Six chuckles quietly. Lloyd snorts. She is right. They know how fucked up the system is here.
"Fine. But go with Six. Can't let anything happen to our weapon." Lloyd orders sternly.
Elle nods, taking a bite of her french toast as she hums in approval. "Yeah, okay." she mumbles softly.
Six nods too, slightly content that he's going to be spending the day with her and not shopping with Lloyd all day. He already knows it's going to be a nightmare with him. He's going to complain about every single inch of the store when things don't go his way and it usually doesn't. He'd rather not deal with that today. 
She smiles, excited to show him her normal, boring life. She knows he's not used to normal or mundane. That's why she wants to show him that it's still possible to have one, outside of everything — the CIA, all the murder, torture and pain in his life. 
"Well today's going to be eventful. Update me if anything goes wrong." Lloyd declares and both of them nod in sync again. 
"Sure thing." she casually says, taking a bite of her bacon. 
Nothing's going to go wrong. 
The auto door slides open as Six and Elle enter the building of the hospital, walking side-by-side each other through the lobby.
It's around lunchtime. They're dressed decent already. People are staring like crazy. The hot weather is sweating Six but she's used to it already. 
She's wearing denim jeans and a pink top with packed food in her hands that she stopped by for earlier. It's her best friend's favorite food. 
"You know, it was probably not a good idea to bring you here. They're all staring." Elle casually points out, bitterly. 
She has always hated the fact that the locals in this city have always treated white people like they're famous people. They tend to glorify them a lot to the point where she's just annoyed by it because they bother them a lot. 
And especially, she hates the girls here who hunt white guys like they're a fucking animal to be preyed on. They're just normal human beings. 
Six chuckles. "It's fine. I'm fine with it. It's normal to stare." he says, leaning to her ear.
Elle scoffs. "No, it's not. Not when they're literally gawking at you like you're fucking Ryan Gosling or something. You're just a white dude, minding your own business. They act like it's such a big deal or something." she remarks. 
Six quietly snorts, following her steps as she turns left to the elevators and presses a button to go upstairs and they stand in front of it, waiting for it to open. 
"It sounds like you're sick of it." he noticed.
Elle glances at him and nods. "I am. I've had to deal with it my whole life. With my dad and me." 
He frowns. "What about others? Did you have other white people in your life? I mean, Americans or others. I don't know, I've seen a lot back in that bar." Six comments.
She shakes her head. "No, I've never met anyone American or like me. I was surprised when I saw that many foreigners in one place, in that bar. I guess because that was just a different part of Jakarta. And we're in the West now, where not a lot of them hang out here." Elle tells him, as a matter of fact. 
He nods. "So, Lloyd and I are like what, the first white guys you've ever been with?" Six tries to make a joke.
She snickers. "Yeah, I guess. I've always wished to be with someone like me or at least be friends with them. There was no one like you around my town." she replies.
"So, you have a type? For white guys?" Six asks. He's pushing his luck now. 
Elle shakes her head, chuckling. "No. Well, yeah, maybe. I mean, my whole life, I've always been with local guys. And they're so nice and polite but sometimes too nice and too polite. If you know what I mean." 
He looks at her and she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively as he starts to realize what she means by that. 
His lips twitch, trying to hide a smile. "Right. I do now. So, they're not too rough enough for you?" he asks, forwardly and plainly in a serious tone that's laced with a teasing one. 
She widens her eyes and smiles, slapping his arm lightly. Don't want to be too rough on him. 
"Hey! We're in a hospital, for fuck's sakes." Elle reminds him, looking around at other people staring at them but not because they overheard, they're still staring because of him. 
Six laughs quietly. "Okay, okay. I was just, you know, curious. I want to know what you like. What you prefer." he admits.
She frowns. "You know what I like already, Six." she teases, his name rolls out in her tongue in a playful tone and he has to contain himself from blushing too hard. 
One of the elevators finally opens and other people step out of it as Six and Elle wait for them to all get out until they enter together.
It closes and it's just them. She presses a button to go to the third floor and a silence rests between them. 
After a few seconds of the elevator going up, it finally dings and opens itself to the third floor.��
"Okay, maybe you should just wait in the seats first. I don't want her to think that I'm…" Elle trails off as they step out of the elevator together.
It's a floor of laboratories and personal rooms for the medical scientists and the biologists in this hospital and her best friend is one of the best and youngest biologists here. She wants to help people just like Elle and she's just as smart as her. That's probably why they quickly became best friends in the first grade. They bonded through science and all the other stuff that people their age didn't understand yet or didn't want to learn yet at that time. 
Six frowns, stopping as she turns to him and they're now standing in front of the elevators. "That you're what?" he asks.
She sighs. "Well, she saw your face in church yesterday and she knew that I was going to show you around the city. And if she saw you here today, she would think that I came home with you and slept with you since I wasn't answering her texts from yesterday." Elle explains. 
He frowns confusedly. "Why does it matter what she thinks? What I mean is, if she does think we did sleep together, so what?" Six asks, cautiously.
Elle shakes her head, lowering her head to talk to him quieter. "Because it's not normal. We don't do that here, in this country. It's taboo. Even when I fuck someone local here, I never tell her. Except if it's a long term boyfriend, then she's fine with it. But this would look like a one night stand. You and I." She waves her hand between them. 
Six pulls his eyebrows together. "Is this about your religion, too? You guys go to the same church together so…" he questions.
She nods, biting her lips anxiously as she looks him in the eyes. "Sort of. It's a sin to have sex before marriage but I'm not even planning to marry, like ever, so it shouldn't even apply to me. Right?" 
He breaks into a chuckle, nodding his head. "Why not? I would think that a girl like you would want to marry someday." 
Elle chuckles, shaking her head playfully. "A girl like me? What's that supposed to mean?" she asks, teasingly.
"You know what I mean. You live in a small town, have friends everywhere, go to church every Sunday—what I mean is you live a normal life. You're a normal girl. So I just assumed that you'd want something normal in your future." Six explains.
She snorts. "I'm anything but normal. I committed mass—well yeah, that was an accident. But it doesn't matter. I can't have that kind of future anymore. I can't even…have kids. And I doubt that any guy here would want to marry me knowing that I can't give them what they want. It's just like that in this country. The husband wants kids and so do their parents and grandparents. And if I can't give that to them, I'm a horrible wife and a failure." 
Six steps closer to her, crowding her space as she looks around her and there's no one else here except for securities in front of the laboratories but they're all busy on their phones. It's quiet here. It's all white. There's a TV playing in the lobby where there's rows of empty seats. It's lunchtime. Everyone's out for lunch, not here. It's just them. 
He frowns, his hands resting on her arms as her eyes look up at him. "Fuck that, Elle. You don't deserve that. You do deserve a normal future that you want. You just haven't found the right person yet but it's definitely none of the local guys." he snaps. 
This city doesn't deserve her. 
"Then who deserves me, Six?" Elle softly asks in a weak tone. 
Six's eyes darted to her brown ones and then down to her lips. Those lips. He remembered how soft her lips were last night. She was being rough and aggressive in kissing him but he's looking forward to seeing her more relaxed and gentle. Just not the time yet. He knows that. He wants her — craves for her lips, her touch, all of her. But he can't have her now. He has to wait. He's fine with that.
He swallows and blinks at her. He doesn't have an answer for her. He knows that it's definitely not him. Or even Lloyd. They both do not deserve her. They know that. 
A door opens from somewhere behind them that's far away, breaking the silence in the floor but they're still looking at each other to even bother to look behind them.
"Elle! Oh my gosh! You're alive!" Amelia's voice is heard from behind them as the girl exclaims out loud while running towards them.
Elle looks behind her and smiles. "Amelia. Hey, I'm so sorry. I brought you lunch. It's your favorite. From that Indonesian restaurant that you like so much." 
Amelia stands in front of her and looks at Six, frowning at Elle. "Oh hi, Elle's friend, Jack. Did you kidnap her yesterday? I didn't hear from her all day yesterday. I was worried that—" 
Elle cuts her off. "I'm fine, Amelia. I just forgot to bring a charger yesterday. I haven't been to the house yet." she tells her, calmly.
She looks back at her. "What? You haven't been to your house? Then where did you sleep last night?" Amelia asks.
"Uh, I stayed with them. We got carried away, being around the city all day and then it got dark, it was too late to go home anyway so I stayed in with them. They have this cool penthouse nearby." Elle explains and she gives her a skeptical and judgmental look.
She hates that look.
Elle chuckles. "Relax, we had separate bedrooms! I told you it was a penthouse, it's really big. Very big. And it was my idea to stay in. I was just grateful that they let me stay in." she adds. 
Amelia squints her eyes at her. "Hm. So where's the other one? The Lloyd one. The fancy looking one." 
Six looks at her. "He's gone out to go shopping. For supplies and equipment. We're moving here. To this city." he simply responds with a thin line on his lips.
He usually doesn't talk to other people a lot except for Lloyd and Elle since they're the only closest to him now. And that's still a new thing for him. He only responds to orders and asks questions about missions only when necessary. Sometimes he talks to Fitzroy, the guy who recruited him and treats him like a son. But they rarely talk because they're both busy, travelling across the world for work. They only talk when they have free time or if it's for a favor. 
He knew that Elle would want him to at least say something to her best friend. He could sense it from her. At this point, they just say things through their mind and they both already understood what the other wants. 
Amelia nods at him. "Oh, you're moving here? For work?" she asks him, moving past Elle to get closer to him, to inspect him closer. 
Six nods. "Yes. Work." he answers and she squints her eyes at him again, trying to investigate him more. 
Elle sensed that as she went to stand in front of him, blocking him out of her view. "Amelia, you must be starving. It's lunchtime, right? Let's go have lunch as usual. In your lab. Come on, I brought you your favorite lunch." She lifts the packed food up to show Amelia.
She sighs, looking back at her. "Yeah, I heard you, the first time. Alright, let's go. But he can wait out here. Right?" 
Six's lips form a thin line, glancing at Elle with an "it's okay" look and giving her an assuring nod as he steps back. "Yes. I'll wait here." he says, walking to the row of seats and he takes a seat there, watching the news on the TV.
Amelia gives him another skeptical look before darting her eyes to Elle again. "Do you have somewhere else to be after this?" she asks her.
Elle nods. "Yeah. We're going to my house. Actually, there's something I want to tell you. Let's go." she says, dragging her best friend to her lab right in the corner.
Amelia's lab is pretty capacious. It's all white, too. There's tons of her science tools hanging everywhere. On the table, on her chair, and even some on the floor.
Amelia likes to work messy. Elle prefers to work neatly. That's their only difference.
Elle sighs. "It's messy again. I thought you cleaned it last Friday." 
Amelia walks over to one of her not-that-messy work tables that has her laptop and notebooks as she scoots them over to make the table spacious enough for them to eat lunch. 
"Well, I have a deadline tonight. I need to submit my latest research about the stem cell treatment I told you about. And I'm nowhere to be done." Amelia rambles as they both take a seat next to each other.
Elle unpacks the packed food and hands it to her. "I can help you. I know about that. I learned it last week." she casually says.
She nods, taking a bite of her own food. "Yeah, in that lab that burned down. Those scientists taught you a lot of things, Elle. But they were also very bad people and not to be trusted."
She gulps, remembering how close she was to "those scientists" in that lab, how they taught her things that she's always wanted to learn about science. "That didn't mean they were stupid scientists." Elle defends, quietly.
You killed them and you're defending them now? Hypocrite, Elle. 
Amelia looks over to her with a weird look and rolls her eyes. "Whatever, it's fine. I don't need your help, Elle. This is my job that I was paid to do. You've helped me so many times already. I almost feel like I'm not doing my job sometimes." she rants.
Elle shakes her head. "No, that's not true. You do your job well, Amelia. You're a genius biologist. But you're underpaid and overworked in this hospital." she reminds her.
She shrugs. "This is the best private hospital in this town. I'm just grateful to be here. Not all of us could have rich parents, you know." Amelia didn't mean it as an insult but sometimes Elle forgets that she's privileged. She doesn't need to work a day in her life, everything has been provided for her. 
But, all that she has now came with a price that she had to pay with childhood trauma and PTSD and fucked-up parents. 
Elle frowns at her. "What? My parents aren't rich. They just got enough money because of my experiment that they agreed on in exchange for a huge sum of money that's still lasting until now. Amelia, you know I didn't mean it that way. I just think that you should probably find another hospital to work in." 
Amelia shakes her head. "There are no other hospitals, Elle. I like this one, okay? Now, let's just change the topic."
She nods, brushing it off. "I agree. Okay, I had something to tell you earlier. I'm going to be moving to an apartment. I got a new job." Elle breaks the news. 
She'd been thinking about it the whole trip here earlier. She had to make an excuse when she'll be living in the penthouse with Lloyd and Six and then there's the missions that she has to do later. 
Amelia widens her eyes. "Oh. Well that was completely insensitive of me to tell you that you're privileged when—wait. What kind of job?" she stops herself to ask.
"There's this American organization that knows about my abilities and they need my expertise to help the city. But I'm not supposed to tell anyone about it. It's classified and confidential. But don't worry, I'll be nearby. The apartment is close." Elle replies.
That's it. She doesn't need to say a lot of lies anymore. Just this. She hates lying. But this is for Amelia's own good. She can't know about the CIA or even be involved in it. 
Amelia frowns. "American? Why are they interested in Jakarta's problems then? How does it benefit them and—wait a minute. Is Jack and Lloyd somehow in this organization as well? Did they rope you in? Or tried to force you to work—"
Elle cuts her off. "Woah, relax. No one forced me. I wanted it. I want to help people in this city, I mean it." Now that's the truth. "But yeah, they're with me now."
She stands up from her seat abruptly. "I knew it! Did you sleep with them, Elle? Is that how they convinced you to take the job? You're better than this, you don't have one night stands." Amelia lectures her.
Elle looks up at her and scowls as she rises from her seat too. "Absolutely not. I want this job because I want to help people. They didn't convince me to do anything. Also, even if I did sleep with them, so what? It's my life, my sex life."
"Because that's not you. You're not that kind of girl to just sleep with whoever she sees and have meaningless sex." Amelia assumes. She's wrong.
She crosses her arms against her chest, her eyebrows creasing. "And how exactly would you know what kind of girl I am? I never tell you about my sex life, Amelia. I hide some things that I know it's better to keep hidden." 
Amelia frowns deeper. "What does that mean? You kept things from me? What kind of things?" she questions.
Elle exhales. "Just some things that I know you'd judge me for if I told you." 
"What things, Elle?" she repeats again.
"I fuck, Amelia. More than you know. But don't worry, none of it is interesting enough to tell you about it. It's all just plain vanilla sex. Guys here are very gentle. Too gentle." Elle tells her in a casual tone.
Amelia grimaces. "Oh my god. You've been lying to me this whole time."
Elle rolls her eyes. "Oh, don't be so dramatic. It's just sex." 
"It's a sin." she says, still grimacing.
That provoked anger inside of her. She doesn't know shit and she just judges however she wants. She is a saint, but she always expects everyone to be the same and Elle is anything but a saint. 
"And what about the sins that were done to me? It was all just a coping mechanism, Amelia. My trauma. I had to deal with it all by myself, my whole life. When I was eighteen, my parents immediately left me to move to fucking Bali and live peacefully, unburdened of their sins towards their own daughter." Elle snaps. She's had enough.
Amelia has no idea about her childhood trauma, like at all. Her parents strictly told her not to tell anyone and it'll just become complicated for her too.
Her face turns shocked. "I—I didn't know that. You never told me…" 
"Yeah, I never told anyone." Elle lowers her voice.
Amelia steps closer without saying anything, her face still in shock as she pulls Elle into a hug. Her arms tightly embrace her and she hugs her best friend back. 
"I'm so sorry. I've been your best friend for more than a decade and I didn't even know that…" Amelia whispers against her shoulder, shaking her head.
Elle pats her hair, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine now." she murmurs softly. She comforts people a lot. It's her specialty.
Their hug is cut short with a phone buzzing loudly on Amelia's table as she immediately grabs her phone and checks who it is. 
"Oh, shit. I need to take this. It's my boss. She's probably going to ask me to get my job done faster than the deadline." Amelia tells her, anxiously. 
Elle gives her an assuring nod, taking her purse from the chair. "Okay, good luck. I'm gonna go have lunch with Si—Jack. With Jack." she says with a nod as she begins to turn around and walk to the door. 
Amelia chuckles. "See you later. I'll call you." she tells her, putting the phone onto her ear before Elle exits her lab. 
She closes the door behind her with a sigh. She feels relieved that she could finally tell her best friend about what happened throughout her whole childhood. That she doesn't have to smile and lie anymore. She could just tell the truth, what she always wanted to do since she was little. 
Her eyes immediately searched for Six. She needs him. More than she thought she did. He's my comfort. 
He's still sitting still on one of the seats, his eyes focused on the TV hanging on the wall, showing the news about what's happening in the city today. He's taking notes in his head. He needs to get to know this city if he'll be living here for months.
"Six? Can we go?" Elle softly asks from behind and he quickly turns around in a blink of an eye, standing up from his seat immediately and walks over to her.
He sees her face frowning slightly first and walks even faster towards her as he gently holds her face between his hands.
"Hey, what happened there?" Six asks.
She shakes her head. "I just told her the truth. About my childhood trauma that I've  been trying to hide my whole life. And now it's all out." 
He slowly nods, fully understanding what she means by that and not going to ask any further questions because they're not there yet — they haven't gotten to the stage where she's confessing her past to him yet and he has a lot to say for his own past too since they've both been through the same childhood abuse.
"Do you wanna get out of here now?" Six softly asks.
Elle nods immediately. "Yeah. I'd like that. Let's have lunch. There's a nice restaurant near my house. If you want?" 
His lips tug into a small smile, his hands leaving her face. "Sure. Lead the way," 
She smiles at him, taking his hand in hers as they walk to the elevator.
Lloyd's day was fucking tiring and it's only been half a day. 
He'd been through a huge mall and scoured all the stores here just to find the right stuff he wanted. 
Apparently, malls are enormous in this city and almost everything you need is inside there. There are no separate stores in the streets, just malls and malls everywhere.
And not to mention, the local girls have been staring at him wherever he went. Even the workers in the malls. He was so sick of it. It wasn't fun anymore, it was getting annoying.
He should've asked or dragged Elle to go with him. She would know what to do and at least, she could calm him. She knew the language and getting anything would've been easier. And, he could've avoided the girls trying to flirt with him if she was with him because they would just assume that they're a couple and they wouldn't even try to bother him.
Now he regrets letting her go with Six. They're probably having lunch together now because it's lunchtime. He's being a little bitter about it.
Lloyd got all the stuff he needed and is now sitting in an outdoor restaurant of the mall with his bodyguards sitting at another table, keeping a safe distance. They're not his actual bodyguards, they're the CIA field agents but they answer to Lloyd now. He's their boss. So they follow him wherever he goes now. 
He had his lunch already. He's full. But his fingers are itching to call Elle or Six to ask them where they are now. He wants to see them. He needs to see her, most importantly. He needs to see if she's safe, as usual. It's his damn job now, apparently.
And after a tiring day, he needs something to relieve it. Not her, of course. Definitely not her. He needs to blow off some steam. Fuck something or someone. But Elle is off limits for him. He can't touch her that way anymore. He made a promise to himself. 
After seeing so many girls thirsting over him today while he was just walking around the mall, it made him realize how easy the girls are in this city. Once they see a white man, they immediately fold. It's funny to him, actually. They're all so fucking desperate for his dick, it almost turns him off a little bit. 
While he doesn't like girls playing too hard to get and prefers the easy ones that would give in easily — he likes the forbidden fruit type more. Like Elle. Something he knows he can't touch but it's so tempting, which turns him on even more. She turns him on every fucking time and he can't even help it. Can't even control his dick to not feel that way. Just like this morning, he had to take care of his own business by himself in the shower earlier.
I can't have her. 
He keeps saying the same thing over and over again until he wants to bang his head against the wall to stop his own thoughts. And that's why he needs to fuck, to bury his dick in someone and not think about Elle for a while. He needs her out of his head. 
Finally, Lloyd decides to get out of this ample chair as he places more than enough cash on the table and begins to walk away from the restaurant while his agents follow him from behind, carrying his shopping bags as well. 
There are three agents that he brought from the penthouse. And they gladly listened to Lloyd without any complaints because they know who he is and what he's capable of. 
They're in a mall where there's a park outside of it and he's walking through it now. It's filled with kids running around, people bringing their dogs and puppies, elderly people walking around really slowly. There's a small pond with big fishes inside it. Elle would love it here, he thinks.
She likes people's places, where it's not quiet but also not too crowded, just with the right amount of people. She likes seeing little kids, too. She loves to imagine things she knows she can't have. She likes to see them laugh and play around, being so happy because she never had that happy childhood. 
He's thinking about her now, how he's going to have to live with her for the next few months without trying to kill her or fuck her. That's going to be a hard task for him.
As he's thinking of her, his phone rings in his pocket and he already knows who it is. He knows it's not Denny or any important work people. It's her. 
His face slightly relaxes and he stops in the middle to pick up the phone and answer her call as he places his phone on his ear and smirks while the call connects.
"Hey, Lloyd! How are you doing there? Wait, are you in Central Park? I recognized those sounds anywhere, the sound of the park. It's the only mall with a park in Jakarta." Elle tells him while she's sitting in a restaurant with Six.
They're eating chicken shawarma and cheese samosas. It's a small restaurant near her house and the only one who sells this kind of good food. It's quiet here. Six is still eating and so is she. They're sitting across from each other but still close.
She was curious to know where Lloyd was and how he was doing because she knows how chaotic malls in Jakarta could be. So she called him. 
Lloyd half grins. "You could hear fucking everything, can't you?" he retorts.
Elle giggles. "Yes! I can. Anyway, how's it going there?" she asks him, shoving a samosa into her mouth as she closes her mouth to chew.
He looks around him and it's so fucking crowded, he could suffocate and die here. He lets out an exhale. "About to go home. I mean, to the penthouse. You?" Lloyd replies. 
She nods, even though he can't see her as Six looks at her curiously, wanting to know what Lloyd is saying. "Well, we're still eating lunch and then we're going to visit my house." she answers. 
Lloyd frowns. "You're not going to go to your house everyday, are you?" he asks her, skeptically.
"No, of course not. But besides, it's only ten minutes away from the penthouse. Anyway, no. Not everyday." Elle responds. 
"Good. Because I need you in the penthouse everyday. It's easier if you lived there with us." Lloyd formally says.
"Most of my stuff is already there. And yes, I am moving in there. It's just that, um, I have dogs…so I need to feed them—" she tells him casually.
He cuts her off. "You have dogs!? You didn't bother to tell me, leaving out a huge fucking detail?" he yells through the phone, not giving a shit about people around him hearing him.
She huffs. "It's not a big detail, Lloyd. It's just a small one. I have neighbors so they could help me feed them every morning. Why don't you like dogs, anyway? Are you more of a cat person?" Elle teases him instead and Six chuckles quietly.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. "I'm neither. Pets are too messy. Anyhow, I'm hanging up, I'm about to leave this mall and go back. When are you coming back?" he asks as he starts to walk through the crowd.
She hums confusedly. "I don't know. Probably in the afternoon? I want to hang around here for a bit before I have to fully move to the penthouse. It's my childhood home, Lloyd." Elle says, genuinely.
"Right. Well, get home soon. Don't want anything to happen to my weapon." Lloyd tells her in an uptight tone.
Elle grimaces. "I'm not your weapon. I'm the CIA's weapon." she whispers on the phone. 
Lloyd smirks and chuckles, which slightly intimidates her. "Sure you are, sweetheart. But I was wrong. You're our weapon. Mine and Six's. Alright, be safe. I'm going." he says before ending the call as he gets in his personal car that he rented.
She frowns from the phone call with Lloyd earlier as she puts her phone back to her purse. 
Six is casually chewing his chicken shawarma roll as he looks at Elle with concern, noticing her frown. He always notices everything about her. 
And she caught his look.
"I'm fine. Lloyd was just being an asshole as usual. He told me that I was his and your weapon. I feel like I'm an object, just a personal weapon to use whenever he wants." she says, involuntarily pouting her lower lips. She does that a lot when she's upset.
He shakes his head. "That's not true. You're a human being, Elle. And I don't think you're our weapon. You're their asset, just like me and Lloyd but just more important and valuable." Six tells her, honestly.
Her lips slowly grow into a smile. "Thanks, Six. You always know how to say the right things." she sweetly says.
Six snorts softly. "Not all the time. I don't usually talk a lot, like this." he admits.
Elle cocks her head to the side. "Really?"
He nods, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, just simple answers. Like 'copy, Six.' or 'got it, target on sight', just the usual words I say through my earpiece to my superiors. That's it. This is new for me, Elle, talking to you a lot like this. And to Lloyd, I guess."
Her smile grows wider, reaching out to his hand on the table as his thick fingers hold her tiny ones. "This is new for all of us, Six. I've never lived together with someone other than my parents. Now I have to move in with two hot guys." she tells him.
Six blushes as he tries to hide a smile escaping from his lips and he lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "You think we're hot, huh?" He teases her. 
She giggles. "Whatever. You know the answer already." Elle retorts.
He does. 
He quietly chuckles. "Finish your food. We can't go back to the penthouse late. He'll lose his mind." Six makes a point as she nods, eating her food quicker.
The walk from the restaurant to her house was really short. 
They went inside her quiet neighborhood as he watched her greet literally everyone there and they all knew her too. They all asked who the white guy was walking beside her and she just casually said he was a friend visiting. 
People are very nosy here. But still polite.
Elle opens the small gate to her house, stepping aside to let Six in first. "Make yourself at home. You're my honored guest." she says with a playful smile on her lips before getting in too, closing the gate behind her.
Her house is quaint. Wide but not huge. It's a little messy. It has a spacious terrace that's surrounded by a small swing and a lot of trees. It's cool and chilly here.
Her dogs immediately bust out from inside the house and come jumping at her as they bark at Six. She has four dogs. Two old ones and two puppies who are twins.
Elle giggles at her dogs, managing to pet all of them as she looks at Six who's smiling quietly. He likes this. It's normal. He can't recall when's the last time his life was ever normal. 
She points at one of her two old dogs, the blonde one. "This is Luna. She's thirteen years old. She's quite big. I adopted her when she was only two months old. She loves to run a lot." she tells him.
Six nods, pointing at her other old dog, who's a little bit fatter than Luna and its hair is a mix of brown and white. "And this one?" he asks.
Elle smiles wider. "This is Mack. He's thirteen as well. He likes to eat all the time, that's why he's so fat. But he's still healthy. And I also adopted him when he was two months old." she responds, before pointing her finger at the twins who are both full white.
"And these are Poppy and Penny. They're twins, as you can tell. They're only a year old. I found them abandoned in the trash. Anywho, let's get in. They'll warm up to you, by the way." She grabs his hand, guiding him inside her house. 
They step inside her house through the wide opened wooden door as her dogs stay outside, to guard the house as usual.
Her living room is basically empty. There's only a few chairs and an old TV that's probably from the 1990s. It's a narrow and wide house, just straight through here, they can see everything and the whole house from here. There's three rooms. One was her parent's bedroom but she changed it into a guest bedroom and it's right behind the living room.
The second room, that's in the middle with a large window to see inside the room, is a storage room, where she keeps most of her stuff, old clothes, new ones and suitcases. It's a really small room. It used to be her childhood playroom. The wall is pink and filled with stickers. Almost like the one in the penthouse. 
As she leads further into the house, there's a room in the corner and it's hers. But at the far side of it, there's the kitchen and dining room. The table is all messy, filled with all of her stuff. She never eats there anymore. She prefers to eat in her room.
"Is this your room?" Six asks, pointing to the wooden door in the corner. 
Elle nods. "Yeap. Fair warning, it's messier than anything in this house."
He chuckles. "I'm fine with that." 
She looks at him for assurance and it's all there. He doesn't mind. What matters is that it's her room. He doesn't even have a place to call home. He wants to see what it's like to have one. Because maybe, just maybe, he could find a home in her. A place doesn't define home, but a person does. And she might just be the right person for that.
Her lips curve into a soft smile before leading him to her room as she opens the door with her mind and he's already starting to get used to that by now.
She's fucking amazing. 
"So, this is me!" Elle exclaims, walking into her room with him behind her as he observes her room, every inch of it.
It's smaller than any rooms in the penthouse and her room there. There's small colorful paintings attached onto the white wall. There's at least ten or more of them. A desk beside him, where it's all messy as well — papers, empty canvases, snacks and paint brushes are splayed all over the table. And on the right side of the room, there's a huge black closet that's really old, even older than her and it's definitely haunted.
His eyes dart to the middle of the room, and there's her bed. It's huge. It's king-sized. Even though she lives alone, she still wanted a really big bed to lay on. The sheets are white. There's one plushy doll that she still keeps until now and a long, cute pink blanket folded neatly on it. 
Her bathroom is on the other side of her room, the left side. It's beside her TV that's not so old, at least. She only keeps it on when she wants to block out all the noises she hears from everyone and everything outside this room.  
"I didn't know you paint." Six quietly remarks, still standing in her door frame as she sits on her bed. 
Elle looks at him. "Yeah. Used to." she replies, "Hey, come here." She pats her bed, gesturing for him.
He does what he's told, stepping inside her room fully and sits awkwardly on the edge of her bed. He doesn't even know why he's being so nervous when they've literally slept together in his bed last night. 
"So, what do you want to do now?" Six asks and she turns to him with a smile.
"We could go for an afternoon walk later. But for now, let's just stay here. It's still too hot for a walk. We could watch some TV and just chill here." she suggests but realizes she's been rambling. "Or if that's too boring we could—" 
Six cuts her off, his palm resting on the other side of her head. "No, that sounds good. I just want to chill and relax. But it is a bit hot." he points out. He's wearing a blazer, of course it's too hot for him.
Elle giggles. "Yeah, I'll turn on the AC." she says, her eyes darting to it as she turns it on with her mind and then darts to the opened door before closing it with her mind too.
He laughs quietly. "I'm still getting used to that." he murmurs, scotting closer to her.
She grabs the remote from the bed and turns it on. "You know, this reminds me of yesterday. Just a different setting." 
Six hums in response, taking off his blazer as she stares at his muscular arms and huge biceps, discreetly before retreating her eyes to the TV, that's showing a local channel and she quickly changes it into an international channel, something English.
"I need to start learning the language. Can you teach me?" Six asks her and she turns to him with a smile, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Of course! Indonesian is pretty easy, I've fluently spoken it since the second grade. Basically, what you read is what you speak. Unlike other languages where you need certain pronunciations that are totally different from what's written. Like French." Elle says, wrinkling her nose. 
He nods, agreeing. "Yeah, French is pretty hard. How many languages do you speak?" he asks.
Elle raises her fingers and counts nine of them, unsurely. "Nine? Ten? I don't know. English, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Latin, Russian, Italian and…Hindi. Oh, also, Chinese. My mom's family is Chinese. I learned it in school."
Six's lips twitch, seeing her so cute like this makes him want to kiss the shit out of her. "So, eleven. How'd you learn all of them?"
Her eyes stare into his blue eyes and she sighs, her lips tugging into a soft smile. "My parents did. They, uh, wanted me to be super smart. I learned all of those languages and got fluent in them in a few months. They would buy me tons of books and then make me watch all these foreign movies. It was easy for me because the experiment made my brain…smart." she explains, "What about you?" 
He strokes her hair slowly. "Most of them. I don't count. But I was trained to learn the basics." Six simply responds. He can't tell her what he'd been through during his extreme training. Not yet, at least. He doesn't want to scare her. 
Elle nods, leaning her head on his shoulder as her hands rest on his thigh. "I don't want to think about the world right now. Even if it's just for a while." she murmurs, weakly.
She's very touchy feely. She likes to be touched and vice versa. It gives her comfort and assurance. And it feels more affectionate. She loves affectionate things.
Six chuckles softly, tilting his head down to see her. "That'd be kinda hard when we're both valuable assets for the CIA." he reminds her. He's not relaxed yet.
She shakes her head. "Forget that. Just for a few hours. We're not needed now." she whispers as she slowly releases her feet from her shoes and lifts them on the bed, crossing her legs comfortably.
He brushes her hair away to look at her face clearly. "I can do that." he whispers before placing his arm around her, tightly.
He could do this. He could enjoy this. Because for once in his life, he can be at ease and not so alert all the time. He can trust her.
The gym is finally fucking perfect. Almost.
Lloyd spent hours bossing people around and yelling at them just to make it how he wants it to look like.
He even forgot to eat or drink. He had some…plans. He was going to go to some other bar, somewhere nearby here and find someone pretty enough to fuck.
He's seen the ladies here. They're pretty and all but he has very high standards. He needs to make sure they're not too stupid or too shallow or too clingy. He usually picks up girls from bars and clubs all around the world. But in some countries where he's been on missions, like France or Italy or Germany, the girls there fit his standards at the very least. This country is the first third world country he's ever been to.
That's why when he met Elle, he knew she was different and better. Because he saw each and every girl in that bar (even in the airport as well) but they didn't look even a little bit interesting enough for him and they all looked the same to him. Sometimes he doesn't just want a simple fuck, he likes a challenge every now and then — it gets his dick even harder.
Elle offers him a challenge. A really hard one where he can't even touch her at all. At this point, it's not a fun challenge anymore. It's serious.
It's afternoon now. He could clearly see it from the afternoon sun in the large window of the living room. Could see the whole city and the whole skies from here. He's still weighing on his decisions — he still doesn't know if it's a good idea to go to a bar and fuck a girl or bring her home with Elle around. He doesn't want her to see or hear him balls deep, pounding some other chick. He knows she probably won't like that very much, she could get quite uncomfortable by it.
He walks to the kitchen, opening the fridge as he takes out a cold water bottle with a ridiculously expensive brand. Lloyd likes expensive things, expensive everything. He has a few things to say about Elle's choice of outfits. He wants to change her style, get her into designer outfits and dress her classy and chic.
But he can't even do that either. She's not for him to play around like a pretty little doll — even though he really wants to do exactly that. Toy her around. Dress her around. Fuck her around.
Lloyd blinks, shaking his head to brush off those dirty and sadistic thoughts inside of his mind. She's his teammate now, technically. They're working together. It would be so much harder to focus on missions if she was his.
He reaches his phone from his back pocket and checks the time. It's 4.32pm. He's recalling Elle's words earlier from their call. She said they'd be home by the afternoon but they're probably still there and not even close to getting back. And he can't let them get back late. Or maybe even stay the night there. She has to be in his sight and in his reach or else something could happen to her.
I need to see her. Now.
Lloyd frowns at his own thoughts. He hates himself for caring so much for her. But again, he's trying to convince himself he's not. It's for the mission. It's his mission to make sure the precious weapon is safe and sound and the only way to do that is to keep her with him at all times, not letting her out of his sight for too long. He knows Six's got her and he trusts the man enough to protect her but still. He needs to see her because he's worried for her.
He's never going to admit that, though.
He storms out of the kitchen as he immediately walks towards the foyer and the elevator to go downstairs, to the car.
He's coming to get her.
Elle and Six are walking side-by-side each other in her neighborhood park with each twin puppy's leash in their hands as the older dogs run freely.
He's got Poppy. She's got Penny.
They're great paw parents. They're both happy and content. A rare feeling for them.
Six can't recall when was the last time he ever had a normal walk like this. Especially with dogs. He had one childhood dog growing up, but then he never saw it again after what happened.
He's just glad to be here. With her.
Six quietly smiles at her as he watches her enjoy this peaceful and quiet walk as much as he does.
He doesn't even bother to observe and analyze the area anymore. There are people around them, walking and running and talking loudly but he completely ignores them. He usually has to examine each and every person in the room and determine if the place is safe or not — that's how he was trained. But she said it's safe here, then it's safe here. He trusts her.
Instead, he's focusing on her only. Not on the dogs barking or on the puppy's leash he's holding that keeps on pulling his hand or on the neighbors greeting her every time, but at her. She's really fucking beautiful that he couldn't even keep his eyes off of her this whole time and she's not even trying.
She's just wearing a casual pink top from earlier and she recently changed into some denim shorts at home. She tied her brunette hair into a high ponytail and let out a few loose strands resting on the side of her face. She looks incredibly gorgeous to him. He can't even understand how anyone could look this effortlessly pretty naturally and not even notice it.
"Where are we going, Elle?" Six asks as she leads them into a secluded neighborhood now, where no one else is here anymore. Just quiet houses, the dogs and them.
"Around." Elle smirks, turning to him.
He shakes his head, reaching out for her hand as he holds her small hand in his huge ones. She's distracted and trying to be oblivious now. She has blocked out all the noises she hears from afar thanks to a small spell she casted earlier at home before leaving. Now, all she can hear is her dogs walking, their footsteps and him.
She's hearing like normal now. Though, the spell doesn't last for long. It only lasts for a few minutes. She only uses it when she really wants to relax. And she even had to create this spell herself using her own blood. It's a mix of science and magic.
Six moves to walk even closer to her and stops his walking as she does too. She giggles. "What? What is it?" she asks, smiling at him.
He exhales, slowly catching his breath. "Why don't we take a break? We've been at it for half an hour now. I'm not that young anymore, Elle." he reminds her.
Elle laughs softly, knowing he's joking. "Oh, right. I forgot that you're an old man already. I guess we should've brought some stamina pills or something." she jokes, tilting her head to the side with a fake pout.
Six lets out a hearty laugh, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm joking. I just wanted to stop and kiss you." he admits, pulling her by her hand on his as their bodies bump into each other and she giggles again.
She gasps, shaking her head. "Fuck, not here. Definitely not here. Anyone could pass by right now. Anyone that knows me here. Wait till we get home." She's being paranoid, as always.
He sighs, "Fine. But it's a long way home."
Her smile widens. "Yeap. We should probably get going if we need to get back to the penthouse before dinner." Elle says.
Six chuckles. "Don't tell me you're actually going to cook dinner for us. You don't need to, Elle." he tells her in a serious tone.
She nods. "I am. And I want to." she stubbornly says.
He dips his head and laughs. "You're impossible." Six remarks.
Elle grins and giggles, humming teasingly. "Yeah, and you love it." she retorts.
He subtly nods, his palm resting on a side of her face and she leans into his touch. Both of their other hands are occupied with the twins' leashes and they keep on pulling their hand, urging them to keep walking but they're too lost in each other's eyes as their smile lingers and they're spaced out in each other, like the world just froze and it's only them now. Only them that matters.
Six knows this isn't a vacation for him or a chance for him to finally relax. This is a mission. A real one. One that he has to take seriously just like with his other missions. Just because he met someone, it doesn't mean he gets to forget his job and what he was trained for. He's just trying to enjoy one day of his life without any death or pain. Just one normal day, with her.
Elle has had normal days in her life after her parents left her. This one seems just as normal and the only difference is she's with someone now, someone she actually wants. She could keep living like this. Just like this with him.
But then again, when has anything ever been just perfect in both of their lives?
It all happens too fast. They hear the gunshots first. And then the people's screams. Elle panics. Six is a bit startled because he let his guard down and now they're in danger. He needs to protect her. She's his first priority. That's his mission.
A shady pickup truck approaches them at a fast speed and he immediately shoves her behind him along with the puppies as the older dogs bark directly at the moving vehicle. Elle's scared shitless that they're going to hurt or kill her dogs or hurt him.
They get a clear view of the shooters standing behind the truck with their cheap guns in their hands and a mask over their face. There's three men and another one driving the truck.
"Ayo, ambil dia!" The driver says in Indonesian before the truck stops in front of them abruptly and the men get off the truck, walking to them from a far distance as Elle flinches behind him.
(Translation : Come on, take her!)
"What's he saying?" Six asks her quickly.
"They want to take me." Elle quickly replies with her eyes terrified.
"Shit. Okay, stay here." he tells her before walking to them calmly, ready to fight them all off but as soon as they saw the look on his face, they immediately got intimidated and alarmed by him as two of them point their guns at him and shoot him aimlessly, the two bullets penetrating his left arm and his shoulder.
He doesn't even wince in pain or flinch anymore, he's used to pain. He could walk this off and still take all three of them down and go back home just in time for dinner.
Elle widens her eyes at the sight of Six shot as she grimaces. "No!" she screams out loud, "Six, back off. Now." she tells him. They got guns and he's shot.
He ignores her, not even looking her way, still stepping forward to the men as one of them runs away to her direction and that's when he finally turns around to look at her.
She's confused and scared as the man approaches her and she hides her puppies behind her so he doesn't hurt them. She's got strong hands but she doesn't even know how to punch a face or kick someone. She's only got powers. A hell of a bunch of it.
She raises her hand and slowly clenches it into a fist as she gives the man in front of her a brain aneurysm while he screams in pain and gets all bloody in his nose and eyes before dropping unconscious to the ground. He'll be dead in a matter of minutes.
Six sees that and turns around to the men as he clenches his fist, about to punch them but Elle gets ahead of him, walking towards the two men, angrily with her hand still raised and they quickly retreat, running to their car as they just saw what she did to their friend.
"Idiots." Six comments, casually standing up normally beside her as if he didn't just get shot and still has two bullets inside of him.
As they're running to the car, she follows them with anger seeping inside her. They ruined their nice afternoon walk, hurted a few civilians and they hurt Six. No one ever hurts the people she cares about and walks away with it. And this was different, she feels different. More angry and powerful. She's never felt like this before except for last week. She felt the same rage last week, too.
The two men running look behind them to see her following them as they quickly grab their guns, pulling the trigger at her twice and the bullets land on both sides of her arms. She winces in pain, stopping in her tracks as Six immediately runs towards her and the men make it to their car.
The pain doesn't hurt much for her. She's got an actual high tolerance for pain because of the experiment, so everytime she gets hurt, it won't hurt as much as if a normal human gets hurt. It'll hurt ten times less than it actually should be. But this is the first time she's ever gotten shot ever since the experiment that was conducted by her parents when she was about ten years old. They shot her in her hand, to make sure if she was immune to it. She forgot how painful it was getting shot and this is two bullets at the same time. She's still not used to the pain yet.
Six looks down at her wounded arms, filled with blood all over and gently places his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, come on. It's over now. Let's just go home." he tells her.
Elle looks away from him to the direction of the car. "It's not over. They hurt us." she grits out, brushing away from him. She's even more angry now. She needs to finish this.
The car starts to move away from them as she stands still in her position and focuses her mind and powers on the car with her very strong emotions as well. She raises one hand towards the direction of the car and chants one single fire spell in Latin that no one ever uses because they're not powerful enough to do it. But she is.
And then the car blows up. To pieces. On fire. Along with the men inside of it. She could super-hear their screams of agony as they burn to death and she doesn't even blink her eyes or flinch.
Six widens his eyes, quickly glancing back at her who's still looking at the car with no emotions on her face and almost smiling with her eyes at the sight of it. She looks different. He doesn't even recognize her here. But he's not scared of her or weirded out, he just didn't know that this side of her existed. He'd embraced every side of her no matter what.
"Elle, let's go. Now." he harshly says, hoping to snap her out of it.
She finally turns to look at him and her entire facial expressions change as her face slowly relaxes at him. "Are you okay?" she asks in a shaky breath.
He nods. "We need to go. Can you walk?"
Elle nods, looking over to her puppies and dogs who're hiding behind a tree together, safely. "Yeah, I can. I know a short alley to get home quicker." she tells him, still grimacing a little from the pain in her arms.
Six attempts to take a step but stumbles a little before she catches him with both of her strong arms as she sneaks her arm behind his waist and grabs his hand to rest on her shoulders.
"Elle, I'm fine. You're also hurt." he says.
"It doesn't hurt as much as yours. I have an extremely high pain tolerance. Now, let me help you so we can get home and I can heal both of us there." Elle sternly says.
Six simply nods and obeys her, letting himself lean his weight on her as they proceed to walk away from the crime scene.
Lloyd's been waiting inside her empty house for almost an hour now.
He'd assumed that they were just taking an afternoon walk.
But this was way longer than a walk. He's worried now, somehow. For both of them.
Anything could happen out there. And he's not there to make sure they're safe.
He's just been sitting inside her living room, in a small and uncomfortable chair with all of his agents guarding her house outside, just in case.
Suddenly, an agent walks up to him with a nervous and anxious look on his face.
Lloyd frowns. "Why is your face like that?" he asks.
"There's been a shooting not far from here. Civilians are shot and the shooter's car has been blown up. We think that Elle and Six were there. Some neighbors said that they saw them walking there minutes before it happened." His agent reports to him.
He rises up from his chair. "What? Where are they now?" Lloyd asks in a loud tone.
The agent shrugs. "We don't know. We've searched the area. No sign of them yet. But we'll keep searching." he responds.
Lloyd shakes his head. "No. Don't. I have a feeling that they've already fled the crime scene and are on the way here. I know them. Just guard the house. Make sure no one but them enters here." he orders him.
His agent nods and leaves him to his thoughts.
He's contemplating on whether to just stay here and wait for them to come home or search for them. He knows that they're both capable enough to fight back and he's even got a stronger feeling that she's the one who blew up that car. It's her style. It's like her to do that. He knows that. He knows her.
But now he's even more worried for her. He knows Six is fine. He always is, no matter what.
What if she's badly hurt? It was his damn job to protect her.
When Six and Elle finally get home, Lloyd immediately rushes to get to them.
It's only been five minutes since he got the news but it's been consuming him as he waited. It felt like decades of waiting.
"Lloyd? What are you doing here?" Elle asks as the agents open the gate of her house for them while her dogs run inside.
His eyes immediately searched both of their bodies and saw blood. A lot of it. Six is still clinging onto her as they walk into their house and they stand on the terrace with Lloyd in front of them, examining them. She looks fine. He looks worse.
"You're bleeding. We need to get you both a doctor. Now." Lloyd orders.
She shakes her head. "There's no need. I can heal myself and heal Six. I just need a little help." Elle says, weakly.
Lloyd lunges forward to her, gently taking her off of Six as two other agents try to help him but he raises a hand at them.
"No. I can walk by myself." Six tells them as Lloyd puts an arm around her to help her walk.
Her bullet wounds aren't as painful as Six's wounds and she knows that. But she's just tired. She just used her powers to kill a man and explode a car today while being shot. And then she practically had to half-carry Six's heavy body on their walk home. And now, she has to use her powers again to heal both of them.
Even with her enhanced strength and stamina and strong powers, she's still human. She'll always be too tired at the end of the day. And she doesn't have enough experience or training to be used to all of it. She's only human. Sometimes she has to remind herself of that every now and then.
Elle leans all of her weight on Lloyd as he guides them to walk inside the house while Six casually walks beside them with a hand pressing on his bleeding shoulder.
Once they're all inside the house, the agents close the door, locking it and closing the curtains of the window too as all of them guard outside the house.
She gestures to Lloyd to let her sit on a chair in her living room as he takes her there, helping her sit down on it and she winces again while leaning onto the chair as she throws her head back and grunts a little in pain.
"Fuck, that hurts. I never knew that it'd hurt this bad." Elle breathes out as Six takes a seat across from her, the same seat that Lloyd sat on earlier.
She's not about to tell them that she's been shot before by her parents when she was a child. Now is not the time for a trauma dump.
"You've never gotten shot before?" Lloyd seriously asks, sitting on a small chair beside her.
She shakes her head. "Nope." she replies, rolling her shirt up, looking down at her wounds for the first time. "Alright, this is going to look extremely disgusting and gory so I suggest both of you to look away or close your eyes or something."
Lloyd scoffs. "Yeah, right. You think we haven't seen our fair share of blood and gore in our life?" he retorts.
Elle casually shrugs. "I just thought I'd warn you. But fine." she says, looking at Six for his answer.
Six nods at her. "I won't look away." he simply says.
"Okay." she mutters before resting her left arm on the armrest and she bits her lips hard to stifle a scream as her strong fingers dig into the bullet wound and she grunts in pain, trying to find the bullet in there and after a few seconds, she finds it but getting it out is going to be the hard task since her blood is making everything so slippery.
Lloyd grimaces at the sight of it. Six does, too. They didn't know that her healing herself would be like this. She was right. This was gory and disgusting. They've seen a handful of gory shit in their life, Lloyd was right, but this was nothing like anything they've ever seen. Especially seeing their precious Elle in so much pain like this. It makes them a little bit…vulnerable.
Six doesn't say anything. He knows he just has to let her do her thing. He trusts her to heal herself even though the process is painful to watch.
"Elle, are you sure that this process should be this barbaric? I think the doctor was a better idea." Lloyd remarks.
She groans out loud as her fingers finally take out the bullet and she hands it to Lloyd with two of her bloody fingers pinching it.
He scowls, leaning back from her. "I don't want the fucking bullet. Throw it."
Elle chuckles in a shaky breath. "Yeah, could you throw it for me?" she innocently asks just to tease him.
"Absolutely not. Throw it yourself." he quickly says.
She rolls her eyes. "Fine." she says, throwing the bullet onto the floor with her blood all over it.
Lloyd grimaces at that before his eyes dart to her again. "You need stitches after that fucking manual surgery you just had." he comments.
She scoffs, lifting her left arm to him as her wound slowly closes up and heals completely with a lot of her blood still around it but she's healed already. Just like that. Six sees it too, and he's relieved. He was a little bit worried for her during their walk home but he just kept it to himself, as usual.
"Oh. So you just need to take the bullet out and then it'll heal automatically? What about a stab wound?" Lloyd asks.
"If there's nothing on the knife that's inside of me, then it should heal itself." she replies.
"What if someone shot you in the head?" he asks.
"Then maybe I'll die. I don't know. Or I could still have the time to take it out. What I know is, I don't feel pain as much as other humans do. I feel it ten times less." Elle explains.
Lloyd nods. "Alright. Get on with that barbaric process of yours. I need to make a report with Denny. Wait, I haven't asked. What the fuck happened out there?" he finally asks.
She softly chuckles. "Took you long enough. Yeah, four local men tried to kidnap me but two of them shot Six and then I killed one of them with a brain aneurysm. After that, I chased the two who shot Six to their car but they shot me and then I blew up their car. And then they died. Obviously." Elle explains in her own way.
He frowns. "Fucking hell. You could've at least called. I got here an hour before this all happened. Why did they even try to kidnap you?" Lloyd asks.
Elle frowns. "Wait. You got here before everything? Why?" she questions him.
He shrugs. "Just wanted to check up on you. Both of you. Something could've happened and I was right." he pauses, "So, why did they do it?" he repeats his question.
She looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Seriously? I'm the fucking weapon, Lloyd. Clearly, people are still after me to use me as their weapon here, in this city. I just didn't know that it would happen in my own neighborhood where it should've been safe. Now innocent civilians are shot because of me. Because they were after me." Elle blames herself as usual.
"No. Don't blame yourself again, Elle. That wasn't your fault." Six tells her, slowly straightening up in his seat.
Lloyd nods. "Yeah, we could've never predicted it. I guess I should've had some of our agents with you earlier."
Elle squints his eyes at him. "This isn't about me. I don't give a fuck about what happens to me but the civilians—"
He cuts her off. "But I do. I give a fuck. You're my first priority in this mission, Elle. Not the civilians or the missions assigned from the agency. But you are. You have to know that." Lloyd makes it clear for her. He's using a harsh tone but he's not raising his voice.
He needs her to know that he could care less about anyone else but her because he takes his missions seriously. He could quite literally let someone die just to save her or keep her safe. And it's strictly for the mission only — at least that's what he's saying to convince himself and her.
She slowly nods at him, her eyes darting back and forth to Six and Lloyd as a small silence rests between them.
"I know. I know that." Elle softly says.
"Good. You should keep that in mind whenever you start talking about someone else's life above yours. Yours matter the most because you're valuable." he tells her.
"Right. So everyone else is just worthless and deserves to die?" she harshly retorts.
Lloyd rolls his eyes, his eyes bore into hers as he leans closer to her. "That's not what I meant." he grits out before realizing, "No, you know what I meant. You always do. You're too smart sometimes. It gets annoying." he comments.
"Yeah, I'm more valuable than everyone else because my abilities could help a lot of people so therefore I can't die because then who would save everyone else? Who would become the hero they all so desperately need?" Elle retorts.
He scoffs. "It's impossible to be a hero. You know that already. And it's not just that. The CIA wants your abilities for a lot of things that don't involve you being the hero. I don't know what exactly that is but you should know that they're…twisted. So that's why you're so valuable. There's no one else like you. Literally." Lloyd tells her.
She gulps. Is what he's saying true? Or is he just trying to scare her? Deep down inside of her knows that he is telling the truth. But she wants to deny it. Even if it's just for a while. To keep her calm and not jump into conclusions.
Six winces a little, starting to cough up a little blood from his mouth. "Shit," he mutters under his breath but this living room is too quiet and too small so everyone heard that.
Lloyd and Elle have been bickering too much that they forgot that Six is still bleeding out from two bullet wounds.
Elle immediately gets up from her seat and walks to him. She doesn't feel as much pain anymore with her other arm healed already even though the arm that still has a bullet inside is still bleeding out.
She stands beside him, placing a hand on his. "Okay, I'm going to heal you now. It's going to be a much simpler process than mine. And not barbaric. I promise."
Six frowns. "You haven't healed your other arm yet." he mutters.
She casually shakes her head. "It doesn't hurt that much now that the other arm has healed. I heal differently than you, Six. I also feel pain differently. You can actually die from a gunshot but I can't. I never can. So, let me heal you now so we could get this over with and I could take a long, cold shower in my own bathroom."
He slowly nods his head before she hovers her hand on the bullet wound on his shoulder and her other hand on the bullet wound on his arm while focusing her powers on it as she chants a healing spell that she made herself under her breath and for him, it feels a little hot for his skin but not exactly painful.
And after a few seconds, he could slowly feel his wounds closing up and healing as the pain went away while the bullets bounce away, landing on her palms.
"Wow," Six mutters under his breath as her hands leave his shoulder and arm while her lips curve into a smile, seeing him better and healed. His eyes look up at hers and his lips slowly tug into a small smile as Lloyd sees it and he didn't even know the man could smile like that. Because it's genuine. It's not a polite or a formal smile but it's a real one. He wants to actually smile because of her.
Elle turns around to Lloyd. "Hey, maybe we should stay the night here just for tonight. If someone's coming after me again, we could finish it. They know I'd be here. But just for safety reasons, I'll be putting up a barrier spell for this house so anyone except for all of us can't enter the house."
He frowns. "The penthouse is way safer."
She huffs. "I can't put up a barrier spell for the penthouse."
"Why not?" Lloyd asks, pulling his eyebrows together.
"Because it's a whole goddamn building, Hansen. I'm not that powerful. Besides, if we're just going to be hiding in the penthouse, this would never be over. I just want to make sure. If they're not after me anymore, then that's good. We can come back to the penthouse tomorrow morning." Elle makes a plan.
He eventually nods, agreeing with her plan as he stands up from his seat and looks down at her with his gaze almost softened.
"I'll find who did this. And then I'll chop their fucking head off, okay?" Lloyd softly tells her in a genuine tone as if he's not talking about murder.
It's not necessarily his job to kill anyone that hurt her but he wants to. Lloyd's frustrated that someone dared to hurt his precious weapon and he sure as hell won't let them get away with it — he's going to do much worse than just chop their head off, he's going to think of thousands of ways to torture a human until they're begging him to kill them.
Plus, if anything worse had happened to her, Denny's going to want his head for it. But this is so much more than just the mission. It's her. He didn't like seeing her hurt like that. He can't explain why but he just didn't like it.
She hums in response. "Yeah. Okay. So, there's only two rooms in this house. The guest bedroom and my room. The guest bedroom should be for the agents so they could rest for a while and exchange shifts to guard the house. And, well…I guess we could all sleep in my room? It's a big enough bed and there's no other choice." she explains to them while looking at both of them.
Six quietly chuckles. Lloyd frowns, wanting to protest but he knows it is the only choice. He's not going to just sleep in the penthouse and leave her alone, out of his sight again.
"Fine. But you're sleeping in the middle." Lloyd finally agrees.
Elle snickers. "Where else would I be?" she jokes instead, making the situation a little bit lighter and less awkward as Six quietly smiles at them.
Sleeping all together would definitely be extremely awkward, though.
Lloyd moves to walk towards the entrance of the door before turning to them while gripping the door handle. "I'm going to inform the agents. Oh, and you two need a shower. You both stink of a lot of blood and it's disgusting. But, shower separately, of course." he tells them.
Six and Elle both chuckle in sync as he proceeds to open the door and leave them.
She turns to him with a smile. "You should go shower first. I need to heal my other arm. Oh, and there's some extra clothes your size in a small bottom drawer in my room. It's my dad's clothes that he left but don't worry, I washed all of it. I still keep it in case someone needs it, you know. They're pretty nice clothes so it's a waste if I just threw it all away." Elle tells him.
Six nods, the corner of his lips twitching. "It is a little weird that I'd be wearing your dad's clothes." he remarks.
She giggles. "Well, you kinda have no more choice. There's no stores here."
He nods again, getting up from his seat. "Alright, then. I'll go shower. Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you while you heal yourself?" Six softly offers.
Elle shakes her head, tapping his arm. "I'll be fine. It's gory, remember?"
"I know. But I'd still watch you no matter how gory or disgusting it is, Elle." he tells her, his hands brushing her hair out of her face as he cups her face and she slowly smiles up at him.
She sighs softly. "Six, thank you, for protecting me earlier. I know it was your job but it felt a little more than that, you know. It felt…affectionate in some way. No one's ever made me feel like that before. No one was ever there to protect me."
"But I failed. That man was about to kidnap you and I just stood there—" he blames himself but she cuts him off.
"You still tried to. It matters to me, at least. It matters a lot. You were distracted and that's okay." She tries to reassure him.
Six gently scoffs. "Yeah, for the first time ever. But it won't happen again. I swear."
She slowly nods, putting her hand above his. "I know. I know, Six." she whispers.
Another silence rests between them as they stare into each other's eyes again, trying to remind themselves of what it was like to have a peaceful moment with just them, before all the chaos and bloodshed interrupted them.
Six was compromised. He wasn't just distracted. If this was a real mission, he would've failed for the first time ever. The infamous Sierra Six failed one simple mission because of a girl. Even the CIA would've laughed at that. Out of all the other agents or assets, he's the only one who's never failed one single mission throughout all these years. Sure, there were obstacles and problems but in the end, he always figured it out and finished his job right, no matter what.
Lloyd's failed a few missions before. But those were extremely hard missions or even impossible ones that took weeks and extra planning and extra budget, as well. And that was okay that he failed. It was reasonable. He wasn't trained as hardcore as Six was. He wasn't trained to survive for days or think critically in every kind of scenario or work under pressure.
So if Six had failed one of these missions, he'd probably get fired or get killed. At least that's what he thinks. It isn't so bad if he failed once — a lot of agents or assets have failed and they were fine. But he doesn't want to. Not even once. He has to make sure he doesn't fail now. He needs to be himself again, before meeting Elle.
Cold. Uncompromised. Focused. Uncaring. Nonchalant. That is what he was and still is.
He's not going to act like that towards her or even Lloyd. Just that he needs to start acting like that again during missions, which will be next week. So he's going to be completely unbothered even if he sees her hurt or in danger — he'll still help her if she needs it but if she says she's got it then he won't help her because he trusts her enough to protect herself. But most importantly, he won't feel anything when he sees her hurt so he won't get distracted.
Because if he feels, that's when shit could go sideways.
Elle cocks her head to the side. "Six? Go take a shower before I change my mind for you to go first." she snaps him out of his thoughts.
Six softly chuckles. "Okay, okay. Fine. I'll go. You gonna stay right here?" he asks, his hands leaving her face.
She nods. "Yeap. Actually, I think I need to do a few more things before I can finally shower and relax." she informs him.
He nods. "Alright." Six simply says before walking past her to go towards her bedroom that's right in the far corner.
Elle sits back down in his seat and sighs, leaning her arms against the armrests as she looks down on her other bloody arm that still has a bullet inside it while she hears Lloyd order his agents around outside, being all bossy and stubborn like he usually is.
She can't believe that she has to share a bed with him.
Elle hasn't had the time to even rest yet.
She's been too busy with handling everything here.
From calming her dogs down, cleaning her blood with a bunch of meds, securing the house and the perimeter with a barrier spell, telling the agents to remain hidden and discreet from all her neighbours to avoid questions and getting groceries for the night at her local grocery store.
Six and Lloyd have been holed up in her room for the whole afternoon and night now. It's about 8pm now. Six is quietly watching television on her bed. Lloyd is scrolling through his phone on a chair beside her bed. They're both bored.
They're waiting for her as she's cooking dinner in her kitchen. Lloyd already insisted on getting takeouts earlier but she refused.
She's extremely stubborn.
Lloyd finally puts his phone down and glances at Six, whose eyes are still focused on some movie on the TV as he rests his head on the white wall, laying his entire body on the bed. He's tired. He wishes Elle is right beside him right now but she's been busy.
"Six." Lloyd calls out and his eyes immediately dart to his icy blue ones.
"Yeah?" Six replies.
"How old is she?" he asks, quietly and it almost comes out as a whisper.
Six frowns. "Why do you suddenly ask?"
Lloyd shrugs. "I don't know. I'm bored. And the question has been itching my head. I guess I should've asked back at the bar."
Six nods. "Yeah, you should've. Alright, okay, she's 29. Technically."
He frowns. "Are you sure? Was she drunk when she told you that? Oh wait, she can't get drunk. No. That's not possible, she looks way younger than fucking 29 years old."
He quietly chuckles, shaking his head. "She told me that she ages slower."
Lloyd nods. "Okay, how slow? Ten years slower? Five?"
Six casually shrugs. "I don't know, Lloyd. Maybe? What does she look like to you?"
He furrows his brows, cocking his head to the side. "Like, 21 or 23?" he guesses.
He chuckles again. "Jesus, Lloyd. That's way too young."
"Well, I don't know. She looks like it."
Six frowns again. "Why do you want to know, anyway?" he asks again.
Lloyd sputters. "Curiosity. I don't know. Boredom. Not that I'd have to know if it's legal or not to fuck her. Of course it is since she let us f—"
He cuts her off. "Let's not objectify her like that. Sure, she's a weapon. But she's still a human being. Treat her like one."
"I am. She means more than just a weapon to me. Somehow." Lloyd says, creasing his eyebrows as he gives him a suspicious look. "Wait. Why are you always defending her? Are you…are you fucking her, Six?" he accuses.
Six rolls his eyes. "If I am, what does it matter?" he snaps.
Lloyd frowns at his attitude. It's not very him. "Why have you been so different ever since we landed in Jakarta? It's like you're a whole different person. You usually don't talk much or even give an attitude. Is it her? Did she manage to change the infamous Sierra Six? That's bad, Six." he confronts him.
He frowns. "I didn't change, Hansen. I just chose to keep everything to myself before her. She's…good at listening to me. She's a good person. Despite the circumstances."
He scoffs. "Yeah, or she's also good at something else." Lloyd smirks at his own words as he immediately gets what he's saying.
Six shakes his head. "No. We're not—no. But I could ask you the same thing. Do you want to, you know, fuck her? I saw the way you talk to her and how you look at her. I'm an observer." he confronts him.
"More like an over-observer." He retorts, clicking his tongue before rolling his eyes and letting out an exasperated exhale. "Whatever, fine. If I wanted to, so what? Not like it fucking matters anymore. I can't have her." Lloyd finally admits and it hangs between them. They're both quiet again.
He usually wouldn't admit anything to anyone especially Six of all people but right at this moment, he doesn't really have anyone else but him and he understands Lloyd. He doesn't judge, that he knows. He wouldn't make snarky comments, either. He just listens. That's all he needs.
Six nods. "Why not?" he asks in the middle of their silence.
"Didn't think you'd ask anything." he mumbles before contemplating on whether to tell him or not but it's useless anyway keeping it hidden in his head. "Well, you know why. She's our weapon. The CIA's weapon, too. We're working with her. Our teammate, technically."
He gently scoffs. "That's not why."
Lloyd sighs. "Yeah, it's not. Well, because I don't do that shit. Commitment. Even if we're just fucking and nothing else. I can only fuck her, I'm stuck with her."
"You want to fuck other people too?" he asks.
"Maybe. I just get bored so easily. I get so obsessed with one person and then after I'm done using them, I just forget why I was even obsessed with them in the first place and then I leave them. But in this case, as I said earlier, we're teammates. We work together. I can't just ignore her or even leave her." he bluntly confesses.
Six nods. "That's called sociopathic tendencies, Hansen. It's your nature. But it's still salvageable. You could change it yourself. Only you could do it."
Lloyd scoffs. "What are you, a motivator now? I don't need the pep-talk, Six. Or any sort of advice you have in your mind. I'm good, thanks." he harshly says.
"I was just saying." he mumbles quietly.
He sighs again, getting up from his seat as he moves to sit beside Six and he frowns confusedly at his action.
"Are you willing to share? Serious question." Lloyd asks, really quietly so she can't hear them from outside.
Six lifts his eyebrows in surprise, realizing that he's talking about sharing her. "I can. But can you? And we need her consent first. We need to make sure it's really what she wants."
His eyes darted away from him to think clearly. "I don't even know if it's what I want. Whatever, forget it. It's not going to work."
He sighs softly, about to say something but the door opens by none other than Elle.
"What's not going to work?" She walks in with a smile on her face and a question about something distinct she overheard from Lloyd.
Lloyd turns around to her. "Nothing. Is dinner ready?" he asks.
Elle cocks her head to the side, leaning on her door frame as she crosses her arms against her chest and stares at both of them. "Yeah. Looks like you guys are getting cozy with each other." she remarks.
Six's lips form into a small smile. "What'd you cook?" he asks her.
Her eyes move to his. "Boxed mac and cheese. Sorry guys, I'm too tired to cook a full meal. And I'm guessing that I'm probably not going to have a good night's sleep tonight with both of you sandwiching me." Elle complains.
Lloyd chuckles loudly. "Aw, sweetheart. Don't act like you're not going to enjoy being in bed with the both of us." he taunts her, as usual.
She rolls her eyes at him. "Not with you. You're probably going to take up the whole space or kick me in your sleep or something." she accuses. Possibly accurate.
He scoffs. "I won't do that. I'm not even going to hurt you in your sleep. Even my subconscious knows that you're way too precious for that." Lloyd retorts.
"Again with the precious shit. I'm only okay with it if Six says it. He says it better." Elle comments with a small smirk on her lips.
He frowns, rolling his eyes as Six chuckles quietly and he stands up from the bed, walking to her.
"Let's all have dinner, shall we?" Lloyd declares, with a fake smile at her as Six gets off of her bed and walks to them.
She nods, humming in approval, looking at both of them standing beside each other in sweatpants and a tight shirt because apparently her dad's shirts are too small for them, it's quite literally stretching on their chests, their muscular arms, their biceps and something crosses her mind before snapping out of it quickly.
They're so fucking hot. Both of them. Together. I need them. Both.
She blinks, shaking her head to brush off those nasty thoughts. "Yeap. Let's." Elle declares too, smiling at both of them with that charming and innocent smile of hers.
Dinner was fast. Too fast.
They were starving. Elle, especially.
Everytime she uses her powers for huge stuff, she gets really hungry. Because food is fuel after all. It's her version of recharge.
Not that she ever needs to recharge her powers, anyway. Her powers are basically unlimited and too powerful for a limitation.
They're all at her small, long dining table.
Elle and Lloyd are across from each other and Six is sitting in the middle, but closer to her.
They haven't said a word to each other at all. They're too busy chomping on their food. This is quiet and peaceful for her.
She can only hear their steady heartbeats, her dogs sleeping and snoring on the floor, the agents barely moving or talking and the cricket noises of the night.
She hasn't given today much thought. She usually overthinks and analyzes everything that happens in her life. She knows that it was an act of anger earlier today. Just like what happened in that lab. Her emotions got the best of her and she reacted with her powers. But this felt more personal than the incident last week. She saw Six hurt, someone close to her, hurt by them. So she killed them all without hesitating.
Though truth be told, she didn't have to kill them. It wasn't exactly a life or death situation with the other three men. They weren't going to hurt them anymore, they were about to leave. But she didn't want to let them go. She just didn't. Something in her urged her to do it.
She just wanted to send a message to whoever sent them. To not fuck with her or she'll blow them up to pieces. It worked, since no one has tried to come after her tonight.
Lloyd suddenly clears his throat. "I wasn't going to talk about it but I kind of have to. Elle, were there any witnesses earlier? Did you make sure no one saw you? You have to learn how to be clean in these sorts of situations. Six should've killed them. I think he'd be more discreet." he states, rudely.
She scoffs. "Discreet? Nothing about both of you says discreet. If Six had killed them, they'd make too much noise since they'd be beaten up by them. And no, no one saw us. We were in a secluded neighborhood before and that's where it all happened. We were sort-of distracted."
He frowns, leaning forward onto the table with his arms leaned on it. "Doing what?"
Six looks at him. "Walking." he interjects.
"Then how were you distracted?" he asks again.
Elle shrugs casually. "We just were. Anyway, if you're done with all the interrogation, I'm going to have dessert." she announces, rising up from her chair as she grabs her dirty plate.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. "It wasn't an interrogation. Just a simple question. That's it." he clarifies.
She walks to her kitchen, placing down the plate on the kitchen sink before walking to her small fridge and opens it to find sweet snacks. "I don't know, Lloyd. It sure sounded like one." she mutters softly.
"Fine. Maybe it was, but I needed to know why you were distracted. You both can't be distracted. You're on a goddamn mission." He states.
Elle frowns, turning to him with a small mango yogurt pack in her hands. "We weren't on a mission earlier. It was just a walk. For fuck's sakes, have you never had a single fucking normal walk in your life, Hansen? Why's it gotta be a mission with you all the damn time?" she snaps while opening her yoghurt and taking out the small plastic spoon inside of it.
"Because it's what we're here for." Lloyd says as a matter-of-factly.
She rolls her eyes. "Please. Spare me the bullshit of you actually taking this mission seriously when you didn't even want to be here in the first place." Elle retorts, taking a spoonful of the yogurt and tasting it.
"But I'm here now, aren't I? That's all that matters." he tells her, in a serious but soft tone.
She's speechless as she stands behind the fridge with her eyes glued to his. She has nothing else to say or to talk back. He is right. He hasn't tried to flee away from this country or rent a chopper or book a plane ticket to Paris or anywhere — because under any different circumstance, he would've done all that in a blink of an eye. But he is trying to take this mission seriously. He needs to. He still can't figure out why but he does. He needs this mission to work and to keep her safe.
She slowly nods. "Yeah, you're right." she softly mumbles, walking to her chair.
Lloyd's lips curve into a small, satisfied smirk. "Sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you, sweetheart." he teases her as Six tries to hold in a soft laugh.
She huffs frustratedly. "You heard me, Lloyd. I know you did. Anyhow, want a mango yoghurt?" she offers him, lifting her yoghurt.
He shakes his head. "No thanks, I prefer a sweeter dessert." he teases her again, his smirk growing wider.
She rolls her eyes, shaking her head as her lips try to hide a smile. "Whatever. More to myself, I guess. After this, I'm going to get ready for bed. So, see you there." she tells both of them.
"We're going back to the penthouse first thing in the morning." Lloyd sternly tells them.
Elle nods. Six nods, too.
She sits back on her chair, turning to him with a tired smile on her lips while she shoves a spoonful of yoghurt into her mouth, carefully. Six stares down at her lips and there's nothing more he wants right now than to kiss those soft lips of hers, not giving a shit that Lloyd is right here with them. But of course, he can't. He's controlled. He has too much self control sometimes. More than he wants.
Kiss me.
His eyes are telling her something as she responds back with her eyes lighting up at his and her smile widening. She got his message. They're communicating with their eyes again. They don't know how exactly they're doing it but it's definitely not because of a spell she casted or one of her abilities. It's just their connection. It's weird, though. They've only known each other for two days and it already feels like their souls are attached together. But it's not that complicated. Their bond is simple. They both went through the same thing and want the same thing.
Comfort. And a little love, too.
They both could offer each other that.
Elle clears her throat. "I'm going to bed." she declares.
And do something before that.
The cold water from the shower hits her bare skin and she closes her eyes to let herself enjoy the nice sensation as she moves her face closer to the water while the world suddenly froze and went silent.
At least for her.
She can't hear anything now. Just the sound of water drowning her face, making everything around her sound muffled.
Six is outside, strolling around the area of her house to check for any unwanted intruders with one of the agents before letting himself sleep and relax.
Lloyd is outside too, but he's alone. He's getting some drinks before the local store closes. The store doesn't really sell a lot of choices for alcohol, especially for the specific expensive brands he wants. But at least he has something to get him through the night. He bought a bottle of whiskey and a few bottles of beers that he knows she likes. He's almost home now.
Elle retreats from the shower to grab her shampoo and body wash from the soap rack attached to the wall. Her bathroom is dark. She likes it that way when she's at home. Her room is already way too bright so it's enough light since she lets the bathroom door open wide.
She's not even aware that any of the guys could walk in right now and see her naked bare ass as her back is turned, even get a clear view of it too despite the darkness here. It's not that she's completely oblivious of their presence, it's that she just wants to forget about everything now by relaxing herself with a cold shower. She's still thinking about how easy she just killed four men today. And she doesn't even feel an ounce of guilt in her. Which is good. She was getting tired of guilt.
But now it makes her question herself. If she doesn't feel guilty of what she's done, then does she feel…satisfied with what she did? She knows that this wasn't exactly something that she would do for absolutely no reason. She did it for a completely reasonable reason. It had a purpose for what she did. It sent a message. It wasn't just revenge.
And it's not like anyone's judging her actions or punishing her for it. It's only her. She's the problem here. Her own problem.
As she pours the shampoo in her hand and scrubs it through her hair, she could hear the distinct sounds of her house door open and she could only guess if it's Six or Lloyd. She hopes it's Six so he could catch her like this. She'd been dying to touch him or at least kiss him properly but this could turn out better than that. Way better.
She gets closer to the shower again, letting the water wash the soap off of her hair and drowning her face against the water as she closes her eyes again, blocking out all the noises and trying to ignore the tingles in her stomach of waiting for Six to come in and see her naked like this.
The door opens and it's not Six.
It's Lloyd. Coming with the drinks. He didn't realize she was showering yet until he came in and closed the door casually.
He certainly did not expect the view he's seeing right now from the door. Perhaps, he should've knocked first. It is her room. Not his. Or theirs. Plus, he should've known better that she'd be showering. She did say that she was going to get ready for bed and obviously, she was going to shower. But it's not like he knew that she was going to shower right at this moment.
He's frozen in his tracks as his eyes slowly examine her back and bare ass while she showers. Her ass looks fucking amazing from this angle. It's perfect. Her jeans and cotton shorts aren't doing much justice showing the curves of her actual ass. Her back is completely clean. No scars or old wounds. She heals too quickly to keep them long enough. He could see the soap washing off from her hair. He doesn't even know why he's still staying here. He knows it's so fucking wrong to watch her like this. He shouldn't. But his entire body is betraying himself. It's refusing to move and walk away right now or pretend to not see her.
Fuck. Why does she torture me like this?
This is really testing him. The whole day, he's been restraining himself from his desire for her. The temptation of her. She's fucking irresistible. He wishes that she isn't but then that would make this entire mission boring and he'd probably flee this city right away if it was like that. Truth be told, he likes that he can't touch her or fuck her even though he so badly wants to. And he usually gets what he wants all the time.
But this time, he doesn't.
She hums a random song as she discards her face from the water and slightly smirks at the sound of a fast beating heartbeat in this room.
"Six? Is that you?" Elle asks.
Lloyd immediately turns away and walks to her desk, placing the drinks there.
"Nope. It's Lloyd. I got us drinks." he tries to keep his voice casual as if he didn't just see her bare naked ass just now.
She immediately frowns. She was expecting Six. Not fucking Lloyd. He's no fun for her. She's okay with him but she doesn't have the desire to kiss him or fuck him anymore. He was right when he told her that the fun's over after the night at the bar. He's too uptight for her.
And she doesn't think that he wants anything to do with her like that. She perceives Lloyd as a man who's disciplined in his job — even though his methods are rather messy and brutal but again, he still does his damn job no matter what. So, she thinks that fucking her would ruin his focus on the mission.
Six can compartmentalize well and differentiate between work and her and sex. That's why he's allowed himself to be with her now and she knows that.
"That's great. I'll be out in a minute!" she tells him before continuing to shower and to attempt to literally drown her frustration of not getting to have a little shower sex with Six tonight.
Lloyd clears his throat, opening a bottle of the whiskey he brought as he proceeds to gulp the drink as fast as he can while it burns his throat and drips on his stache.
He's going to need to drink this whole bottle if he's going to sleep in a bed next to someone he's got a hard-on for.
Sleep. Get through the night. That's all they have to do here.
Yet, none of them are even close to sleep now.
Elle is laying down between Lloyd and Six on her bed with them laying on their side.
They're all wide awake. Can't sleep at all.
The TV's on to help her sleep. The lights are switched off already. Even half of the agents are asleep in the guest bedroom and her dogs, too.
Everyone is asleep except for them.
Six is backed onto the wall, his hands tugging on her stomach as their legs are kind-of tangled together while they all share a thick blanket so Lloyd can't see that they're both too close.
"Go to sleep." she mumbles in the middle of their silence in this room.
Lloyd glares at her. "Are you talking to yourself? Because you're definitely not asleep either." he retorts.
"I do have a hard time sleeping. It's not because of this." Elle admits, not wanting to get into details of her pills.
Six leans closer to her ear. "Just try to sleep. Like last night." he whispers softly in her ears and she hums in response, laying on her side facing Lloyd because this is her comfortable sleep position.
Lloyd squints his eyes at both of them, skeptically. They're way too close and he could see that now. They're definitely fucking.
He gently scoffs. "You guys are fucking. I knew it." he accuses in a less harsh tone he usually uses.
Her head turns to him immediately with a scowl on her face. "Fuck off, Lloyd."
"I wish I could. But I'm stuck here, Elle." He says her name in a harsh way as she rolls her eyes at him.
Six says nothing. They've kind-of discussed this already and even though he was real subtle and vague about it, he should've connected the dots already. Lloyd asked him if he was willing to share earlier. He knows. He's just trying to make her confess it herself. But before he's going to force a confession out of her, Six needs to stop that.
He tiredly sighs, lazily moving his hand up from her stomach to her chest as he tugs her closer to him until their bodies are pressed against each other and she gasps softly at his sudden action. Lloyd can clearly see his hand outside of the blanket and he's doing this on purpose. She caught him staring at them as she quickly looked away from his eyes pining hers.
"You got a problem with it?" Six asks, glaring at him, curiously.
He breaks into a short chuckle. "No, as long as you don't fuck during missions." Lloyd retorts.
She laughs softly. "Well I can't promise you that especially when I have a spell that could literally cloak us, make us invisible. But I'm joking. Obviously." Elle jokes with an easy smile on her lips for both of them.
Six chuckles quietly, burying his face against her hair. She smells of her fresh shampoo and her body wash as her hair is still a little wet from her shower. She smells like lavender and something fruity. She smells sweet, just like how he likes it. He's addicted to her smell, ever since that night in the bar.
"Wouldn't mind if you weren't." he murmurs into her ears as quietly as possible and thanks to the sound of the TV, Lloyd can't hear it at all.
That's a sweet lie. He would never fuck up missions like that. It's not very him. Missions are extremely important to him — even if it's the easiest one. Though, that's something Lloyd would probably do if the mission is too easy and too boring for him. He did it once or twice without anyone knowing, somewhere in Finland, a few months ago.
Lloyd huffs softly. "Can we all agree that we should sleep, like now?"
Elle nods at him. "Yes. Absolutely. We have training tomorrow, right?" she asks.
"Yeah. I'll be training you. Six can watch." he replies in a not-so uptight tone as if he's almost...teasing.
She giggles quietly. Six chuckles through his nose. It's a silly moment. But a pleasant one. Because after this, after they start working on missions, it won't be so nice and peaceful and loose and chill anymore. It'll be serious and tense. Maybe it'll even change things between them. Elle won't change, though. She's not used to changes. She likes to be consistent and stay on the same track no matter what and she's determined on it, too.
Six is used to change. Lloyd, too. Their life is always changing, moving from another country to another. But they both don't want any of this to change. It's nice, it's normal. And it's probably the only nice and normal thing that they have in their life right now. It's closest to it, at least.
Her. Elle. She's their normal.
"I'm sleeping." she declares before she moves her body closer to Six even though they're already stuck like glue together as she finally closes her eyes, her head relaxing into her pillow and she lets out a soft sigh and he looks down at her with a small and relaxed smile on his lips.
Lloyd's tired eyes stare at her for a while to appreciate this despite all of his grumbles and complaints earlier, he gets to see her for the last time of the day and tomorrow morning, she'll be the first for him to see. He's never slept with anyone — actually sleeping with them, tangled in a bed with them and waking up next to them. He's never done that. He doesn't like that.
But he makes an exception for this. Not like he had a choice. He wasn't going to sleep on the floor or the chair.
Six likes her because he gets to enjoy the little and normal things in life with her. Like sleeping next to someone for nights just for comfort and not because they've just fucked and it's a one-night stand — he's always had one-night stands, it was easier for him because of his life, no, his work. His own life revolves around his work so he can't really call it his life — he doesn't have one.
Lloyd and Six catch each other staring at her at the same time. They say nothing because they do not want to wake her and disrupt her precious sleep. They care about her too much to do that.
"You two, sleep. I can still hear your heartbeats that are very much awake." she tells them with her eyes still closed and both of them glare down at her in sync.
"Your super senses are starting to get annoying." Lloyd barely says as he is already tired but he's forcing his eyes to open and she could tell.
"Go to sleep, Lloyd." she says and he grunts in response.
Six plants a soft kiss on her hair before shutting his eyes and letting sleep take over him. Lloyd takes after him, closing his eyes and allowing his whole body to relax and finally sleep, right next to her.
They're finally asleep. At ease. Calm. Tranquil. Quiet.
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