#whms au
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alitharas · 1 month ago
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disgruntledkittenface · 3 months ago
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When Harry Met Louis
by @disgruntledkittenface for @girldirectionfest
The first time Harry and Louis met, they hated each other. The second time they met, Louis didn’t even remember Harry. The third time they met, they became friends. They were friends for a long time. And then they weren’t.
Girl Direction | Mature | 45k
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A diamond, a prince, and feisty best friend
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tarotoro0 · 1 year ago
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For @VoidlivionBV and @YMizuhiki, thank you!
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gentleerzulie · 2 months ago
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swemtpotamtam · 2 months ago
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finally got my chance to roll on the figment weapon coffer yesterday! it took me a bit to figure out which weapon I want (I was torn between WHM, SGE and MCH) but I did end up going with the lil cake! + made a new glam for WHM to go with the weapon ;v;
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n3rd-qu33n-ffxiv · 5 months ago
Map Night: Gothic Fun
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It was a small map night, but it was a fun map night. Goth is one of my favorite styles, especially for Lalli.
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(These two probably wouldn't care about me showing off their names, but since I've never asked... lol)
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kroosluvr · 1 year ago
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join my pirate crew
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draginhikari · 7 months ago
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Kari Azuresol 100 Jobs Part 2: The Reserves Paladin Reaper Machinist White Mage Samurai
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frazzledhealer · 9 months ago
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pure happiness 🐇🎀☁️
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fragilecapric0rnn · 2 years ago
“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyway” for the prompt thing!! (-patheticgirlsteve)
OKAY SO this prompt is from a prompt list I rb'd in December (wowza!) and I found the writing for this prompt half finished in my WIPs folder today and decided to finish it!
This ficlet is also a look into the in-progress When Harry Met Sally-inspired AU/canon divergence fic. I've been sitting on both that fic and this snippet for far too long and have been itching to share something. So, here's the something!
(something set in the late summer of '98, in a city that doesn't bode well during heat waves)
It’s an unusually hot night in Steve’s apartment. 
It's going to be an unusually hot week in the city, actually.
Steve has gotten used to the temperate San Francisco weather in the 11 years he's been a resident. But after 11 years, he's still surprised at the random bursts of heat that creep in during these last few weeks of August. Just in time for him and his students to sit inside the toaster oven that is his classroom during the first week of school.
Thankfully, it's not a school night. The last week of his summer vacation, and he's spent most of the daylight hours dangling half of his body out of the screen-less street-facing window in his apartment, praying a breeze would whip past him. (It didn't).
After an hour of tossing and turning in bed, in nothing but a pair of boxers, the open window providing no relief, the air stale and hot and a bit sticky, he decided to move to the living room, where he will still be suffering, but at least there's a TV out there.
A movie he remembers seeing with Robin in the theater during their Oakland days is playing as soon as he flicks on the TV, reminding him of how long it's been since they've lived together, let alone in that first apartment in Oakland. Freshly 20 and 21, figuring out how to live on their own, thousands of miles from everyone and everything they knew. Figuring out how to deal with the calmness of it all.
Remembers talking about the movie again in '92, and being annoyed with all of his friends (Eddie and Nancy) who thought that Lloyd and Diane broke up in London. Wonders if they're still as cynical about love today as they were back then.
As he's counting the years back in his head, the phone rings, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Hel-lo?” He answers, remembering that it is 2am in the middle of the word, dragging it into two syllables to make it seem like he's shocked that someone is calling him.
“What the hell are you doing awake at this hour?” Eddie quips, Steve reflexively rolls his eyes, at both the tone of his voice and the question itself.
“How do you know that you didn’t just interrupt my much needed beauty sleep?” He scoffs, flicking his head like he would if Eddie were sitting right here on the couch with him. Eddie must pick up on it, chuckling over the phone, a similar sound to the one he made when he was sitting on this couch hours ago, suffering with Steve in his apartment.
Now there's something twenty-one year old Steve would be shocked to learn. That him and Eddie became friends, at all.
“I can hear the TV.” Steve hums in response, turns the volume down a notch or two. “But, here’s a courtesy ‘I’m sorry’ for the late night call.”  
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Steve sighs as the slightest breeze rolls through the open window. He's a much better sleeper than twenty-one year old Steve, but due to recent life-changing events and this damn heat-wave, a late-night phone call with Eddie is almost routine at this point
“I miss Evie’s apartment. She had AC.” Eddie says, casually. Steve still doesn't get how he can talk about her so casually. How he can just bring her up like it's nothing. If he even thinks about -
“I still can’t believe you got your heartbroken by a trust fund baby.” He says, cutting off his own thought.
“I’m more heartbroken about that AC unit right now,” still casual, as if he is actually heartbroken about an AC and not a person.
“What’re you watching?” He asks.
“Say Anything.” 
The scene where Lloyd is talking to Diane’s father on the prison yard. It makes him think of Eddie on the other line, sitting in his unintentional bachelor pad a few blocks away from his own. The thought must’ve made Eddie’s ears burn. 
“That’s not what visitation is actually like, ya know?” His voice is soft.
“Oh yeah?” Steve says, wanting to encourage but not pry.
“Yeah. It’s indoors, at tables, cold and gray. Feels dirty and sterile at the same time.” Eddie says.
“I always thought it happened between a plane of glass, with a telephone on either side of the glass.” Steve offers, giving him an out, a chance to change the subject if he wants to bow out.
“That’s what it’s like in county jail. Prison’s different.” Steve hums again, knows there’s no need to respond with anything else. Steve doesn’t need to ask him how he knows all of this. He knows that Eddie doesn’t expect him to ask. That’s the thing, about old friends, about them, about their whole gang. There are certain things they’ll always know about each other. 
His mind drifts to a little Eddie and a younger Wayne, walking into a room just like Eddie had described, going through the motions. It pulls at his chest a little. 
“Do you still think they broke up in London?” Steve tests.
“I don’t think they broke up in London?” Eddie says, a tad defensive. 
“Yes you do, or you did.” He remembers the conversation, he knows Eddie must remember the conversation.
“When did I say that?” 
“In San Diego, we had a whole thing about it, the five of us.” The drunk and loud debate was held stuffed into a diner booth in San Diego. Before you left.
Eddie pauses.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” 
“You sure did.” 
“Well, to answer your question, no. I don't think so. I think that they’re two weirdos who were meant for each other.” Eddie says, Steve sinks further into the couch, holds the phone up with his shoulder.
“That's exactly what I said then.” 
"Well, I think it now."
"Me too." It comes out softer than he expected. Suddenly thankful that this conversation is happening over the phone, so he can scrunch the feeling away from his face, take a deep breath and shake the feeling that just washed over his body.
“I know a thing or two about weirdos who’re meant for each other.” Eddie says playfully, that tone he uses when he's half-joking, but half-serious. Steve feels something bubble in the very depths of his stomach. 
“Oh yeah? Who?” 
“You and Robin.” Pop. He lets out a deep breath.
“Ha ha.” Steve says, toning up the sarcasm.
“Max and Lucas, Joyce and Jim, the entire gang who’s bonded by the terrors of the 80s and government NDA’s.” Steve’s laugh barks out of him, he can’t hide how surprised he is at these words coming out of Eddie’s mouth. 
“What? What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing, it’s just…” He trails off, trying to choose his next words carefully. “Not used to you talking about the past. Hasn’t really been your thing.” His mind drifts momentarily to San Diego again. Watching him hail that cab. Running away. 
“There's a lotta things that I used to do, or not do.” There’s a pause. Either of them could say something, there’s something dangling in the air between them, between their two phone lines, filling the space between their two apartments. Just as Steve opens his mouth to say something, cut the tension, snatch the feeling out of the air, Eddie beats him to it.
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alitharas · 2 days ago
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When you want spring season glams despite the cold weather 🧚‍♀️🌺~
◮ Glam details: - Head: Obsolete Android's Hairpin of Healing (Rose Pink) - Body: Auri Gown (Meadow Green | Rose Pink) - Hands: Nomad's Armlets of Healing - Legs: Antiquated Seventh Heaven Bottoms - Feet: Auri Buskins (Charcoal Grey | Rose Pink) - Weapon: Serenity (Rose Pink | Rose Pink) - Earrings: Porxie Earrings - Neck: Quetzalli Necklace of Healing - Right Ring: Heirloom Ring of Healing - Left Ring: Heirloom Ring of Healing - Fashion Accesory: Pixie Wings
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disgruntledkittenface · 2 months ago
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Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2024
Thank you @haztobegood for tagging me!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 8
2. Word count posted for the year: 62,372
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, British Royalty RPF, BBC Radio 1 RPF, When Harry Met Sally (1989)
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis, Zayn/Harry, Louis/Prince William, Nick/Harry/Louis
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: i’m going out tonight (139)
Bookmarks: i’m going out tonight (29)
Comments: When Harry Met Louis (41 comment threads)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): When Harry Met Louis. I came up with the idea to write this because I was just trying to think of a rom com that I could make really, really gay. It became a lot more along the way, and I’m proud of the way I was able to incorporate history and different attitudes toward marriage, while keeping it a rom com and rounding out the characterization and story. 
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): It’s not that I’m not proud of it, but I think I feel the least close to i’m going tonight. That one came about because I wanted to write for the Taylor Swift fest, so I found a song that I could come up with an idea for, as opposed to having an idea that just worked for it. 
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: Someone commented on When Harry Met Louis that it made them think about lesbian culture, which they didn’t expect, and I just loved that. Writing girl direction has been a journey for me, and that kind of felt like the culmination of it. 
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: I’ve had a really hard time writing in the last month. I’ve been having a hard time with this being the first holiday season without my mom, and then my mother-in-law fell when she was alone in her home and declined really fast after that, and I’ve just kind of given up for the moment.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: LISTEN. Everything about I regret you all the time surprised me. I was surprised that I was inspired in the first place, how quickly it came together and how it just worked. #louilliam forever, I guess.
More under the cut.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: Honestly, all of A Haunting in Doncaster. 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I kind of feel like I grew as a person while writing When Harry Met Louis, so maybe that translates into growing as a writer?
13. How do you hope to grow next year: Right now, I just hope to continue writing. I haven’t been around as much this year, everything has just been weird and off, and I kind of feel like I don’t go here anymore. I feel like because I haven’t been putting much into the community, I’m not getting as much out. But I really enjoy writing and the world building in this fandom. 
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): I feel like this year it was fest mods for giving me inspiration and a reason to think of an idea and follow through with it. 
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: When I was outlining When Harry Met Louis, I knew I wanted Harry’s family to be, like, lightly (or politely) homophonic. I struggled when I got to the point of writing the fic where I had to address it, and I realized that I was kind of working out how I felt about my own parents, who I never got the opportunity to come out to as bi. 
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: I’ve probably said this before, but one thing I love about writing is that the more specific it is, somehow the more universal it becomes. Like the most specific detail you can think of will be the thing that the most people relate to. (Is that even wisdom? I don’t know, be specific if you want to relate to people!)
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I would like to be able to write the Harry/Sutton (from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) fic that I tried to start for Harry Rare Pair Fest. Also, I’ve been rereading old Mary Higgins Clark novels and it made me want to write a witness protection program AU. 
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@uhoh-but-yeah-alright @louandhazaf @homosociallyyours @kingsofeverything @allwaswell16 @louisandtheaquarian
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deathandthesoul · 4 months ago
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Waugh he's cute
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scionshtola · 2 months ago
i’ve talked about island fic so much i feel kind of annoying about it i need to just channel all this into the next one
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sainsa-in-eorzea · 11 months ago
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Just hit level 70 on WHM so ofc that means I gotta have a new glam!
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