todays-xkcd · 3 months
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We're right under the flight path for the scheduled orbital launch, but don't worry--it's too cold out for the rockets to operate safely, so I'm sure they'll postpone.
Situation [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[An airship flying, labeled:] Hydrogen-filled scout airship for iceberg spotting
[The airship is chained to a ship, going along a river, labeled:] Unsinkable ocean liner
[In the background on the coast a nuclear power plant, labeled:] Soviet-era nuclear reactor undergoing a turbine test
[The boat and airship are steering towards a bridge, labeled:] Bridge prone to aeroelastic flutter in high winds
[Two unlabeled icebergs are on the water on either side of the bridge.]
[Caption below the panel:] In retrospect, we should have noticed how nervous the situation was making the engineers.
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crittermayhem · 2 months
ok but who informed stanford about 9/11??? like
ford: I wanna go see the world trade center after all these years!
the rest of the gravity falls cast: 😨
stan: we cant
ford: why not-
dipper: the world trade center is gone
ford: WHAT.
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lady-mkl · 1 year
Manchmal ist ein Mensch nur erschöpft. Nicht sauer und nicht schlecht gelaunt. Einfach nur erschöpft.
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vladimir777sk · 3 months
. . упс . . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
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stardustemotions · 5 months
When you realize one situation
caused a whole personality switch.
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thepersonalquotes · 1 year
You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.
Tupac Shakur
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jokingluna · 4 months
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dumblr · 11 months
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agendercryptidlev · 7 months
Some folks online really need to get it into their heads that ableist bigotry is still ableist bigotry even when directed at a shitty person.
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vripo · 24 days
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funny photo)
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dougielombax · 2 months
Yeah that’s right.
They’re going to put the Man in a situation.
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noangeleither · 1 year
commented this on a recent sydcarmy fic but i just think it’s funny that if you think about it….
Sydney is Y/N.
Carmy is a celebrity (i think) chef who she has admired since he made the best meal she’s ever had. followed his career, actively defends him to Richie, possibly had a celeb crush (👀?).
She literally manifested working with him. Not only that but unbeknownst to her became the object of his affection by simply being herself?
this is like straight out of a corny wattpad boy band member fic. i love it
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fidjiefidjie · 9 months
😁 Humour du jour 🤣
Parlons de la situation ...👍 avec Raymond Devos
Source: INA
👋 Bel après-midi
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lady-mkl · 1 year
Ruhige Menschen sollte man nicht unterschätzen. Sie bemerken mehr als du glaubst, denken sich mehr als sie sagen und wissen viel mehr als sie preisgeben.
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averyy-rae · 1 year
Dear God,...
Yandere Story/Scenario
Part 1 (here) Part 2
Summary: The darling is trying to escape from their yandere boyfriend's and is currently being chased through the woods.
Warnings: Violence, chasing, escape attempt, obsessive behavior, toxic relationship, (sorta) yandere harem, wounds, mentions of emotional abuse.
Note: This is from the darlings perspective, let me know (if anyone reads/likes this) if you want a second part or the boyfriend's perspective. Please give me feedback, this is my first publish on here. :)
Have fun reading.
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Darlings POV:
I just ran.
I'm still running.
As I'm running, I'm already out of breath. Everything passes by me in a blur. I cant feel my legs. Hell. I cant feel anything.
My mind is too clouded with adrenaline and fear to care about all the scratches and wounds I've collected on my escape so far. I keep tripping, but I stand up on weak, wobbly legs, forcing myself to keep running. To keep going. My whole body is aching, as every fiber of my body is begging me to stop running and take rest. To just lay against the next tree, or even on the dirty floor.
I wish to just stop.
I wish to just collapse on floor and be swallowed whole by it. Not having to worry about anything..., not having to worry about th-
Suddenly my mind goes blank.
as I'm, what feels like being thrown to the floor- I got knocked off my feet mid run. The air gets knocked out of me. Everything happens in a blur and time seems to stop. The only thing I can feel for a moment is my heart stopping.
Only for a split second- I'm outside of my body.
Only for a split second- I'm not myself.
'How I wish that was true'.
The next thing I know is- I'm on the floor, trying to gather my senses. My adrenaline rush seems to wear off. I can hear again, but it's not pleasant, I can hear ragged- enraged breathing.
My heart beats faster, my fear growing as I realize...
He-.... I cut myself off. No... I know better.
They caught me. I feel dread starting to consume me at the thought. Too scared to confirm, I just lay there.
I can suddenly feel every single wound ; every single scratch on my body. All the hasty running and panicked tripping wore me out. As if that wasn't enough, my mind plagues me with horrid thoughts. 'I don't want to be proven right, not this time dear god. I beg you' My mind screams. I know.., the moment I open my eyes.
I will see those eyes. Those eyes I learned to fear. Those eyes I was supposed to obey.
Their eyes.
I can feel them on me. So many pairs of eyes. Roaming my face.. my body, longing to get a look into my deepest thoughts. I know they are waiting-
They want to search my eyes for regret, remorse, anything to stop them.I can feel their enraged stares, accompanied by their breathing. 'Danger' my subconsciousness screams.
I had learned to respect them. I crossed the line before, I tried to run. They've  never hurt me.. 'Physically' my subconsciousness reminds me. 'But this time...I've gone too far', even I realize that. But it's too late.
They want my regret, they want me to beg ; but I can't get myself to regret my decision right now. And my pride still stops me from begging for forgiveness. So I fear what will happen to me when I open my eyes. As much as I wished that I could, I can't lay here forever. I know their patience is growing thinner by the second. I fear I will anger them so much, they won't forgive me this time.
For the first time I fear for my well-being in their presence. I fear...
for my life.
So I take one last shaky breath, stopping my seemingly endless train of thoughts and open my eyes. I immediately wish I didn't. What I'm seeing... I wouldn't have been able to imagine.
My thoughts immediately get cut off as he raises his voice to speak. I think at this point, I'm as pale as a corpse. I can hear him trying to suppress the rage in his voice as he says ; a little too sweetly...
"Tag you're it, sweetheart.. "
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vladimir777sk · 4 months
💻 В рунете показали, как нужно реагировать на просьбу поработать удаленно во время отпуска 😑😉
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