kydv404 · 1 year
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Holographic wizard, my favorite! *pokes him with a fork*
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Whoa I’m totally not begging for Nexo content, whoa that’s crazy (please I need drawings and LORE, it’s been seventeen days since I’ve eaten anything)
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How about a younger Merlok witnessing a mass extinction?
Also check out my previous post if you want more lore 😏
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figs-oliomedley · 1 year
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Funky uncles :]
Chima is actually so out of place with its uncle character lol, Wu and Merlok would get along just fine but Lagravis would fit in much better than Lavertus
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knightly-bastard · 1 year
A bunch of NexoSwap Clay doodles (specifically S 3-4)
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Also this
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This is what happens when your hair is literally electricity now
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pink-gladioli · 1 month
merlok rant im sorry to subject y'all to this
I feel that the concept of Merlok being a magician isn't explored enough. like it would be so interesting if the last known wizard wasn't a scholar or anything but instead just some guy that specializes in magic tricks
maybe Merlok's Library wasn't his study but is instead a collection of every book that he's found that slightly relates to magic so he can try to teach himself what he didn't learn from his own magical mentors
what if merloks dream was to become an entertainer and thats why he became a magician only to be forced to be living history book after witnessing the death of all wizard kind
it also makes sense why he sucked ass at teaching jestro magic because he isn't a teacher or highly educated in magic, he focused his youth learning tricks about levitation, light, fireworks, and other show type spells
of course hes not going to know how to teach some random kid everything there is to know about magic, he thought all wizard kind was gone then poof jestro shows up and is able to use a wand. he spent what how many years after the death of the wizard council, 10?, trying to simply preserve what remains of his culture. a culture he himself wasn't completely versed in because he never imagined he would be the last wizard alive
like image your entire country gets killed while you were just planning on becoming an actor, would you be able to properly explain all parts of your country's culture and history to someone else? no of course not but that also doesn't mean you should give up
when merlok saw that jestro wasn't able to learn magic quickly despite showing the ability to wield it, he just pushed him off to becoming a royal jester. bro that is the only magic user youve seen in a while and youre giving up after one montage????
merlok is such an interesting character, he made a giant mistake with jestro in giving up in him so quickly but he's not a bad person. for fucks sake he went out of his way to find his sisters orphend child and take him to the capital for a better life.
the knights academy is selective and if you don't have the grades you can pay your way in. now tell me that this orphan boy had the grades or the money to get into the realms top school. it doesn't make sense SO I THINK MERLOK TOLD THE HEADMASTER TO SEND FLETCHER TO THE KNIGHTS ACADEMY SO HE COULD KEEP AN EYE ON HIM.
dude merlok is such an interesting character he clearly has flaws but he's also under stress 24/7, not even the ai version of him can escape the stress, so you get where hes coming from
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
dudes!?!?!? hear me out-
monstrox puts his one brain cell to work and instead of threatening clay in In His Majesty's Secret Service he zaps him into evilness sending him back to spy on the knights. robin knows but nobody believes him until ava catches him sabotaging the fortrex - then they have to work together to defeat him since merlock is offline. shenanigans ensure
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merloksdigitaltoes · 2 years
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(Credit to @knightly-bastard for these armor designs!!)
So i came up with a silly headcanon that the nexo knights could get cool glowing eyes when absorbing nexo powers. Ended up taking it a step further and making it where the color of said glow is dependent on the powers caller (basically whoever shouted "Merlok, nexooo knights!") Here are the various colors i did. For combo powers, the entire inside of the helmet gets to light up! Everyone say thank you axl for looking very cool :)
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stolaz-the-artist · 2 years
I’ve returned!
And I come with some fresh senior wizard trio content!
I apologize for my lack of art lately. I’ve had quite the busy week and I haven’t had time to make art, especially NK related art on that note
I have some art pieces I’m working on atm and that i’ll hopefully get up soon!
But either way: hope you enjoy!
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tootyrantlove · 1 year
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Мерлок знает толк в развлечениях
Not "Old Fart"
A "Vintage Gas Generator"
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tanya-shiza · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm so sorry for not post it yesterday. While working on these pictures i I was so tired that I had a headache and went to bed... And only woke up today 😭
Two postcards with Merlock and Monstrox (because it seemed obvious to me to use Jestro and Clay, 100% someone else will make postcards with them) and a personal greeting from Jestro! 💞
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(Damn, I'm so stupid. I left the post in drafts and forgot to publish it.)
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mellonyhater · 2 years
What if.. what if Wanda (Ruina) was the person from Merlok's memories who gave him the bracelet with Forbidden Powers?🤔
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That's why Merlock was so surprised - he just didn't expect Wanda to go up against Monstrox.
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Some more shots...
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knightly-bastard · 1 year
Is thethe the knights garye gay gay??
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Of course they are, these guys make a literal rainbow with their colors, why wouldn't they be?
Jestro also is a semi-rainbow, with all of his canon fits being every color EXCEPT green...which im guessing we would've got in the foreseen season 5 (Got tired so I didn't include him in this drawing, Sorry Jestro, I promise to make it up to you soon)
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pink-gladioli · 2 years
I need to write this because I need to get it out of my system and idk maybe after this ill stop lurking and start posting crap
this is a very rough draft of how i would re write the first ep of nexo knights prometed by @spicyicymeloncat s post talking about creating said re write. this is not a fully fleshed out story or even a good draft, it is simply me putting my ideas into text format. sorry in adanvance to anyone thinking this might be full fic or something of value, its just the keyboard smash of my thoughts.
So heres my shitty rendition of the first episode Okay first episode starts off following the main 5 including jestro in their 7th year at the academy (in this version there are 10 years of classes, and the first years are 10 yr olds) in the middle of a tournament battle. They end up losing cause jestro tripped or something and then Lance starts complaining about how this is their 3rd lost in a row and that jestro needs to start improving (in my mind he only really participates in the tournaments because his parents force him to, but it hurts his pride to lose). Clay of course starts defending jestro saying that he just needs more time to improve while jestro kinda just stands in the back looking embarrassed. Clay talks about how they have to better learn how to work as a team or something dumb like that and lance being the little bitch he is takes this personally. However, macy calms them both down before the situation escalates. then bells rings as lance and aarron are the first to leave and while axl follows them he gives jestro a pat on the back saying he did good and not to worry about it (I want axl to be more than just the one that eats a lot so hes very kind in my mind au). clay, macy, and jestro leave soon after and walk to some kind of ap class. On the way clay tries to comfort jestro after their loss (I want their friendship to be expaned upon more [it wont happen in the first episode, in my mind its mainly done by flashbacks. Think like zukos childhood is only talked about briefly or partly shown in flashbacks]) macy only butting in to mention that lance was being rude (macy for the most part is going to be similar to her show counterpart but im going to try to make her more mature because shes a bit whiny in the show imo). Once they make it class clay and macy say their goodbyes because jestro didn’t get the grades to make it into any type of ap classes so he kinda just roams the halls (the teachers don’t really like him, so they never took the time to properly fix his schedule). After a while he makes it to merloks library and merlok asks if he wants to practice some magic since he knows jestro doesn’t have classes. Jestro agrees and he start practicing a levitation spell on some pens with a wand merlok gave him. he struggles to control the pen, it either staying on the desk or flies up hirer then what he intended. Merlok doesn’t get mad though (mentor figure OoO more likely than you think) and just say that he should take a break and ask him about how his time as the royal jester is going. They talk for a bit before merlok has to leave to get something, but he says that he’ll be back. Jestro is just sitting there when he hears something (ya know who it is it’s your favorite necromancer) telling him to move closer to the book that is clearly sealed away before a magical barrier at the back of the room.
As soon as jestro gets to book, monstrox does the classic acting like hes not alive then going ‘boo’. This of course scares the crap out of jestro because imagen you start hearing a voice, thinking your going crazy, then this book behind a barrier fucking jumps scares you. Monstrox starts calming jestro saying some bs that hes one of merloks old friends before he and merlok got into a big fight and he cursed him to be a book filled with the worst kind of monsters for the rest of eternity. Jestro of course after hearing this is scared of monstrox (or the BOM or whatever you wanna call this man, book?) but mr necromancer over here starts telling his super sad 100% real backstory about how he was a screw up just like jestro and when he finally got good at something, that something being magic, he was shunned by the other wizards for not doing it the ‘right way’ (no it was because you were killing people ya crusty old textbook). Jestro despite sympathizing with him is still hesitant to listen to him so monstrox tells him that he can release him whenever he wants and that he’ll help him become respect and loved by his peer by taking over the kingdom. Monstrox then goes to ‘sleep’ as soon as merlok returns, jestro doesn’t say anything because a part of him is seriously considering siding with the BOM so he continues with his lessons with merlok. Do a montoage of the next couple of days of lance and some other students giving jestro shit until one day after lance was extra rude jestro is like ‘fine im going back to that crusty musty textbook and turning to the dark side’. Jestro, after merlok had finished his teaching and left the libary, manages to get monstrox out of his prison and into a bag (he also steals a staff idk how to incorporate that into this terrible story so far). On his way he ends up running into some 9th years that stars bullying him, this gets rid of his doubts that maybe he shouldn’t do this, and that he should just give people a second chance to learn the error of their ways and gives them some vague ass threat. Monstrox, who can hear everything, does that ‘oh ho ho now these mf are just re-enforing all the toxic ideas I placed in this boy’s head’ smirk and stays quiet for the rest of the walk.
Cue transition to an empty classroom as jestro takes out monstrox and places him on a desk, monstrox asks if hes ready to do this. Jestro gives a very ‘omg this moment is so emotional’ yes. While this is happening merlok returns to his library because his old ass forgot his pen or smt and realizes jestro (who usually stays in there until his next class starts) isn’t there and theres noting in the barrier prison thing monstrox was in. he of course goes running down the halls trying to find both of them, but before he can get far he gets stuck in a crowd of students as the bell rings. In the middle of the crowd theres clay and macy looking for jestro clay saying its odd that he wasn’t outside their classroom waiting for them like he usually is while Aaron, lance, and axl are just trying to get to their next class. Clay and macy run into merlok and ask him if hes jestro and merlok not wanting to say that ‘oh yeah know just looking for the wizard serial killer that has actually been alive for the last 100 years in my library that just so happen magically escaped’ just says that hes also looking for jestro and the form a small group while looking for jestro. on their way they pass aaron, axl, and lance looking confused af to why merlok is running like a track star followed by a confused clay and macy. Aaron looking for an excuse to skip class also follows them which prompts axl and lance to go off running trying to follow him.
Now theres a very scared and worried 300 something year old wizard being followed by five teenagers running down the halls of the one of the most prestige’s schools in the kingdom looking for a jester, and in merloks case a necromancer. Meanwhile jestro is opening up monstrox to the first page after the table of context and trying to figure out what hes supposed to do. Monstrox is like ‘have you never summoned the dead? Dam this is going to be more work than I thought’ and just tells him to read aloud the text at the top of the page and to wave his staff around. As soon as jestro reads out the ancient text with all the confidence of a mouse stuck in a piece of Rigatoni, the bookkeeper and either burny or sparks (it doesn’t matter which just one of them big guys) appears in front of him and causes jestro to scream in fear (the bookkeeper is harmless ik but he doesn’t know that). As soon as jestro realizes ‘oh taking over the kingdom mean pulling out monsters that could possibly kill every student in this school’ clay, macy and the gang (merlok is looking in a different classroom rn) burst in. Clay and macy thinking jestro is in danger immediately try attacking the monster but as you can imagen, they aren’t doing much damage, while lance runs out the room screaming for merlok to save them with his awesome wizard powers (aaron and axl also join the fight). Cue fight scene, jestro being like ‘oh no don’t hurt them they’re my friends’ and ‘I didn’t mean for this to happen’, the BOM being like ‘they aren’t your friends, they never did anything to help you’, blah blah.
Then right about when the monster is going to give the final blow to clay, lance comes rushing in with merlok and merlok does some wizard spell think sending a beam of gold flying out from his staff hitting everyone in that room and sending jestro and the BOM flying out of the window (this is the part when the main 5 get infused with some plot magic, hence why theyre the only who can use the nexo powers, shoutout to @spicyicymeloncat for mentioning this idea. They’re the ones that came up with most of the original ideas like the knights still being in school, them being hit with the magic rays, jestro being merloks appretince, and so many more cool headcaons that you need to check out like pls they’re amazing). Okay the screen goes black for a sec and then boom macy is the first to come out of the rubble (hc: her parents had fancy pants train her for any possible terrorist attacks, revolutions, or crimes against the crown) and immediately starts looking for clay. Hes mostly fine and the others start waking up as well but then clay starts looking for merlok and picking up pieces of rubble. Then after moving a very large piece of celling, he finds merlok laying there dead. 0o0 *gasp* this will totally not be fixed by the next episode and episode one ends there
is this crappy, yes i know
but this is just a very rough outline of how i would make the first ep, chapter, or part go and thats it, noting of substance
realisticly if i were to rewirte the whole story (which i might do in the same half-meme-half-writing style that this post was made in) i would make jestros turn to the darkside much longer, probaly taking in universe around half a year. that would also give me more time to expand upone each of the main 5 personalties and their reasons for becoming a knight. like just imagen instead of it being just a few seconds like described in the text, it would be months of jestros ecperince at the academy and finally taking up the BOM on his sugestion, not fully undertsanding the impact his actions could have on the kingdom until he gets his army of monsters.
again i wrote this because i wanted to get these ideas out of my mind and onto a word document and im sorry to this starved fandom that i wasn't able to provide a full story or even chapater of a show i know dam well could have been much more than just a ploy to sell legos.
again most of the actually good ideas come from @spicyicymeloncat and their post talking about a nexo knights re write. I guess this kinda my addtion to that post. if anyone that stubbles across this for some reason wants to use this a guide for a fanfic or any other type of fandom content be my guest! credit me ig?? idk how to do this ive never really posted anything before this
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
I don't hate nexo knights season 4
now, before you bring out the pitchforks and the torches, I have reasons.
one, not many shows do corruption arcs (his petrification isn't one, fight me), two, I can see aaron developing a guilt complex over the second destruction of merlock's library and clay's absence would have been almost tangible for him. he would have stepped up, trying to become what is essentially a second clay. it kinda works. it erases his whole personality and drowns him in stress but still. it works.
the whole season feels rushed but it has some highlights. ruina being the most ruthless and evil being on the whole show is one; clay being forced to confront his death and completely not doing so; hell axl and lance playing dnd!
should have macy been the step-in leader - yes. maybe aaron being the leader was a temporary thing so as not to force lance and macy into another argument - basically shocking them into compliance? maybe aaron is supposed to be the figurehead while in actuality he and macy would have been co-leaders?
anyway. I think season 4 is full of amazing fill-in and headcanons material. there are so many questions you could ask and world-build around!
What was going through Clay's head during his stint undercover?
How does Ruina's magic affect him?
Is Aaron running on fumes trying to emulate his dead friend? Is that why Macy stepped back from pestering him about his leadership position?
How did the rest of the knights deal with Clay's descent? How did they try to help him?
Is Ava an apprentice wizard if she can pinpoint the magical power needed for a spell?
and so many moree. it's a treasure cove and sure it's tacky and a bit on the nose but still! the only thing I will not let lie is the chronological shitshow that moorington family created. i mean seriously, three hundred year old my a–
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merloksdigitaltoes · 2 years
Are there any people who genuinely simp for roberto arnoldi do you guys exist and if so are you okay?
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