lakecountylibrary · 2 months
We don’t have a uniform, why do you ask?
Inspired by our friends at Rapid City Public Library (link goes to TikTok). Music only - sound not needed.
[Video Description: A librarian with glasses wearing a polo shirt and shelving books answers an unheard question from someone offscreen. His words are inaudible but the caption reads "The librarian wearing the cardigan and glasses will be able to help you." Video cuts to an information desk where four librarians wearing cardigans and glasses are working. They all turn and wave as four more librarians wearing cardigans and glasses pop out from behind the desk and wave. The librarian from the beginning walks on screen and puts on his own cardigan. And waves.]
Music credit: George Street Shuffle Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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nando161mando · 10 months
oops! it seems i tripped and dropped several million free books, papers, and other resources
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booksinmythorax · 1 year
"Don't use Libby because it costs libraries too much, pirate instead" is such a weird, anti-patron, anti-author take that somehow manages to also be anti-library, in my professional librarian-ass opinion.
It's well documented that pirating books negatively affects authors directly* in a way that pirating movies or TV shows doesn't affect actors or writers, so I will likely always be anti-book piracy unless there's absolutely, positively no other option (i.e. the book simply doesn't exist outside of online archives at all, or in a particular language).
Also, yeah, Libby and Hoopla licenses are really expensive, but libraries buy them SO THAT PATRONS CAN USE THEM. If you're gonna be pissed at anybody about this shitty state of affairs, be pissed at publishing companies and continue to use Libby or Hoopla at your library so we can continue to justify having it to our funding bodies.
One of the best ways to support your library having services you like is to USE THOSE SERVICES. Yes, even if they are expensive.
*Yes, this is a blog post, but it's a blog post filled with links to news articles. If you can click one link, you can click another.
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sometiktoksarevalid · 2 months
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myjetpack · 17 days
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My latest cartoon for Guardian Books
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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shiftythrifting · 11 months
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fangtastic-vampyra · 1 year
buying books & reading books..two different hobbies.
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always-coffee · 7 months
WV Libraries Are Under Attack: How to Help
News came out yesterday that West Virginia House passed House Bill 4654. This would remove “bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to a minor of obscene matter. …”
Potentially criminalizing librarians is bad, and it’s straight out of the fascist playbook. “Opponents of the bill said that while the bill does not ban books, the bill would have unintended consequences for public and school libraries, resulting in increases in challenges to even classic books and attempts to criminally charge librarians over books not pornographic in nature, but books that include descriptions of sex. They also said it could result in improper criminal charges against library staff,” Steven Allen Adams writes.
So, the question is: now what? What do we do? Where do we go from here?
If you live in West Virginia, call you state senate reps. You can find them listed here.
It’s okay to keep your message short:
“Hi, I’m [full name] calling from [ZIP code], and I’m a constituent of [Senator Name]. I am calling to voice my opposition to Bill 4654, because this is a dangerous step toward book banning. It could potentially harm librarians and libraries, which is incredibly wrong. Do not back this dangerous bill.
You can also ask how many people have called to voice their opposition to this bill. This may annoy the person on the phone, but they technically have to answer you. They may be evasive anyway. But you can either give them your contact information and tell them you’d like a call back or you can call back again later and ask for the tally.
The thing is, people rarely call in. A handful of calls is considered a lot, and the best thing you can do right now is make yourself a nuisance. Good trouble, etc.
Only call if you live in West Virginia, because they do not count calls from those outside their constituency. I am obviously not an expert, but if you have additional questions, ask them and I’ll try to help. I learned way more about how politics work during the last presidency than I thought humanly possible.
Additional resources:
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jstor · 10 months
Searching best practices on JSTOR
Hi Tumblr researchers,
As promised, we're going to dive into some best practices for searching on JSTOR. This'll be a long one!
The first thing to note is that JSTOR is not Google, so searches should not be conducted in the same way.
More on that in this video:
Basic Search on JSTOR
To search for exact phrases, enclose the words within quotation marks, like "to be or not to be".
To construct a more effective search, utilize Boolean operators, such as "tea trade" AND china.
Advanced Searching on JSTOR
Utilize the drop-down menus to refine your search parameters, limiting them to the title, author, abstract, or caption text.
Combine search terms using Boolean operators like AND/OR/NOT and NEAR 5/10/25. The NEAR operator finds keyword combinations within 5, 10, or 25 words of each other. It applies only when searching for single keyword combinations, such as "cat NEAR 5 dog," but not for phrases like "domesticated cat" NEAR 5 dog.
Utilize the "Narrow by" options to search for articles exclusively, include/exclude book reviews, narrow your search to a specific time frame or language.
To focus your article search on specific disciplines and titles, select the appropriate checkboxes. Please note that discipline searching is currently limited to journal content, excluding ebooks from the search.
Finding Content You Have Access To
To discover downloadable articles, chapters, and pamphlets for reading, you have the option to narrow down your search to accessible content. Simply navigate to the Advanced Search page and locate the "Select an access type" feature, which offers the following choices:
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All Content will show you all of the relevant search results on JSTOR, regardless of whether or not you can access it.
Content I can access will show you content you can download or read online. This will include Early Journal Content and journals/books publishers have made freely available.
Once you've refined your search, simply select an option that aligns with your needs and discover the most relevant items. Additionally, you have the option to further narrow down your search results after conducting an initial search. Look for this option located below the "access type" checkbox, situated at the bottom left-hand side of the page.
Additional resources
For more search recommendations, feel free to explore this page on JSTOR searching. There, you will find information on truncation, wildcards, and proximity, using fields, and metadata hyperlinks.
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brandyschillace · 6 months
Librarians Unite for Representation
Public Library Association slogan this year ‘Free People Read Freely.’ Together we unite against book bans and promote representation.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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via the Arkansas Advocate
it’s official: in Arkansas, library staff may now be charged with a Class D felony for providing books to their communities that are deemed “obscene”.
in Florida, school librarians and teachers can be criminally charged for checking out books to kids that dare to touch on LGBTQ topics & gender identity, thanks to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
book censorship in the US is at such an all-time high, book sanctuaries are popping up all over the country.
library staff aren’t physically safe, either. just over the past couple months, threats against libraries and their staff resulted in the temporary closure of “five public library systems due to bomb and shooting threats," ALA. active shooter trainings have become the new norm for me.
the censorship myself and my colleagues have been watching unfold over the last several years has felt like watching a slow-motion car crash.
but this bill? this feels like a death knell for my profession.
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via Teen Vogue
when I was a confused queer kid growing up in an ultra-religious household, the library was my refuge. when I asked hard questions, librarians listened and gave me the tools I needed to answer them. in many ways, libraries saved my life. it's why I became a librarian.
I can't believe I'm living in times where future generations of kids may not have access to the same refuge I did, but it's happening.
if you live in the US and you care about protecting open, equitable access to information, please check out the American Library Association for anti-censorship resources in your state, info on contacting your representatives, etc.
you can also report censorship you see in your community and ALA will investigate (1-800-545-2433, ext. 4266; [email protected]).
I know this isn't my usual content, but libraries are standing on the edge of a horrifying precipice- one we can't escape on our own.
libraries are free society's canary in the coal mine, and all the alarms are singing. when libraries fall, nations usually aren't far behind.
this matters- and we need help.
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booksinmythorax · 5 months
My dear friends: When a librarian or teacher says "Audiobooks count as reading", we do not literally mean that audiobooks are the same as decoding visual meaning via symbols representing sounds. We mean, among other things:
Audiobooks can expose listeners to new vocabulary and forms of syntax.
Audiobooks can present listeners with long-form fictional narratives with engaging characters, interesting literary devices, and poetic turns of phrase.
Audiobooks can teach listeners new information in a long-form manner that goes into depth or wide breadth on a particular subject or subjects.
Audiobooks can help listeners' verbal comprehension skills.
Audiobooks can do all these things without presenting the same difficulties to blind, low vision, partially sighted, visually impaired, or dyslexic listeners; listeners with ADHD; listeners who experience physical difficulty with holding a book or e-reader; or listeners who are disabled in a host of other ways that a physical book or e-reader might present.
The written word is not specially imbued with magical noble worth above the spoken word, and if you think it is, you may have some ableism and/or racism to deconstruct.
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This partial spine repair, done by our wonderful Preservation department, is so soothing to watch! The book is wrapped in a bandage at the end to further distribute the PVA glue and to apply gentle, even pressure as the glue dries.
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emwheezie · 9 months
In 2013, my mom made all these Doctor Who props for a library party. I know her effort would be appreciated if this post reaches the right side of Tumblr!
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