#*depending on the breed
makiswirl · 1 month
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in reference to my last reblog. what do you call this subgenre of 70s-80s manga protag
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an incan dragon!
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
Do your rules say what to do with a pea seed that first has its radicle emerge and grow downwards. And then um. Have another radicle emerge and grow upwards. (Idk if it was anatomically another radicle but it lacked cotyledons and chlorophyll.)
i hate to be a seed analyst on main but it could have been a secondary epicotyl? peas have a thing where if their terminal bud (area of the stem with the leaves) gets damaged, they can send up a second one, but in my experience it looks a bit wonky in comparison, like kind of stunted and stiff and not really as stem-like. according to the AOSA rules for peas (might be different depending on which rules youre going by), each seedling needs to have at least one strong epicotyl with good leaves to be considered normal, and a damaged primary with a good enough secondary epicotyl with those characteristics can pass as a normal seedling if they have leaves at the top and a nice root and looks...fine, but if its just a pale peg thing, it's not considered enough to make up for a missing stem. id call it abnormal (wont make it to adulthood or if it does, wont be a normal productive plant).
alternatively, if it genuinely was growing two roots, no epicotyl/damaged shoot would be my official reason for saying it's abnormal. unofficially i would say Damn Thats Crazy.
(also, a note on pea anatomy-- in the case of peas, the cotyledons are most of the seed itself that stays below the soil, and then the plant sends up a stem and just uses it as a food source. so the little guy DID have cotyledons, it just...was not putting out an actual stem + leaves. the no chlorophyll part doesnt surprise me, a lot of newly germinated seedlings take a minute to get their chlorophyll and look pale at first, then develop actual green coloration in their leaves and stems as they get to be around a few days old-- especially if theyre being grown in low/no light-- but if it stayed with no chlorophyll it would be albino, which is very possible and an abnormal condition in most rulebooks).
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inksandpensblog · 1 year
How I classify stickfigure types
Created: sticks that are made by a human creator (Victim, Chosen, Dark, Orange, presumably Ballista and the cave-painting merc).
Born: sticks that come into being through the combining of samples of the base code of two parent sticks, using methods that emulate biological reproduction [usually human*] (Purple, presumably Gold).
Cloned: sticks whose code is an exact copy of a preexisting stick…after it has already “come to life,” thus excluding sticks that are copies of the nonsentient template stick. [It should be noted that a sentient stick’s code can be copied from any point in their memory, meaning that clones of “previous versions” of the sentient stick are possible.]
Generated: sticks that are programmed into being** (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, presumably Hazard, maybe the glasses merc)
Footnotes under the cut
*: Some created sticks and generated sticks are capable of emulating biological reproductive processes, while others are not. All born sticks are capable of emulating human biological reproductive processes, barring some mutation or defect in their code.
**: this doesn’t just include human programmers; sticks generated by AI also fall into this category, as do sticks that are generated by videogame mechanics (if a stick living in/playing the game does whatever needs to happen for the game to give the player a baby), as do sticks that are made for stick parents who might not be able to/want to conceive children to birth.***
***: Generated sticks whose code is a copy of one parent, rather than a combination of code from multiple donors, are not considered “clones” since the age and memory of the donor don’t transfer; the generated stick is still a baby, rather than being an exact copy of the donor at the time that their code sample was taken (or from any other time in the donor’s life other than the moment their code first began to run). Generating a baby stick for a single parent who was not, themself, ever an infant obviously means that taking a sample from way back in the beginning of their existence isn’t all their is to it.
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sponsoredbyanxiety · 7 months
always found the allegations that Dune is sexist because the women have no power funny because it’s really that the women are extremely powerful in the most sexist way possible
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some Temverse dragon morphology headcanons
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karizipan · 1 year
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ermm scanned some stuff... some of the orv in my sketchbook + tidbits of my silly merfolk yjh au
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iftitah · 2 months
there was a buffalo that was about to die soon but we were not allowed to tell it to the owner
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the-chattering-tower · 7 months
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I promise I WIll put the accent in the shop tomorrow but until then please look at Newest Baby, hatched and touched up today, grandkiddo of my beloved's progens, future wearer of my brand new wool accent ("fiber fun")
I'm love them
Their name is Cighaya after the cigája sheep breed. I'll figure out lore for them tomorrow when I feel awake again
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moralomnivore · 2 years
You already know it's wrong to kill animals for pleasure.
If you can access, afford, and safely consume the equivalent nutrition in plant foods, any meat you eat is from an animal killed for your pleasure.
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midnightmah07 · 5 months
Azul fans sometimes scare me
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
Mhmmmmm gojo vs iud…he fills you up each night in hopes of winning the war
sigh don’t say this too loudly he’ll come around and start prostelyzing about how it needs to come out again 😔
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strawberrydracos · 2 years
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Bloodsong Witch (#2171728)
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doginprogress · 1 year
I think it’s really interesting when people who have had health issues in their Ibizan Hounds jump to importing European or COO dogs only. There’s this thought that dogs “closer to the origin” are somehow better, somehow healthier. And while it may be that COO dogs are closer to the original instinct and form of Ibizan needed for hunting, they’re certainly not necessarily “healthier”.
The United States has the most “required” health testing and the most access to testing. Despite how sharing health information can sometimes be like pulling teeth, I’ve had more experience with European breeders simply not testing or not sharing results than the current trend towards transparency in the U.S.
Because we tend to not hard cull puppies, so more health testing, and are more transparent about it, it’s going to seem like we have more health issues, when in reality there’s no magic wand keeping European dogs free of epilepsy or cataracts or allergies, it’s just not widely tested or talked about.
Idk man, but importing and breeding only COO dogs and only doing wire to wire or smooth to smooth dogs is not gonna be the preventative you’re thinking it is.
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coockie8 · 8 months
watched Lilo and Stitch the other day and a piece of my soul died at the 2$ adoption fee. Getting an animal from the SPCA where I live costs like $500 now :/
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