#*Kitty takes back her hand like lady bug*
letstalkaboutit100 · 9 months
Pt 20/pt 2 of Lizzie's episode (This is after way too wonderland)
Courtly's plan is to have all of Wonderland turn their backs on Lizzie and her family! She wants the throne! *Well she can't have it!* Lizzie thought. "Enough!" *everyone freezes and looks at her while Courtly tries to escape* "All of Wonderland listen! I do love you! I care about our home and our future! My destiny is to become your next Queen and I take great pride and honor in that! You are not all just friends or subjects but my family! I stood by you! I fought for and with you! You all know me! You all know that I'm still just a kid with dreams of my own! Wonderland will always be my home and its welfare is my first priority! You all know that I am WAY too young to become Queen now! My mother is still in excellent health! I have so many things I want to do before I become your Queen! Just because I don't want to now doesn't mean I don't want to ever! It's a lot of pressure but I promise just as I have just sworn *you know when someone is about to be crowned king or queen that makes an oath? that's what she means* to be loyal to my kingdom and all who live here!" "It is you!" *Points to Courtly who somehow still hasn't escaped lol* "Who doesn't care for Wonderland! Who doesn't care for it's people!" "You tired to force me into my destiny early thinking that I don't want to be Queen at all when in truth it's all that I think about! Sure I want to be a fashion designer, but you know what? Who says I can't do both!? I AM following my destiny but I'm following it my way! There may be detours along the way! There may be bumpy roads ahead! But it's all worth it in order to secure Wonderland's future!" *Points her scepter to the ceiling* *Every cheers and claps and wipes tears from their eyes* *Lizzie looks down and has a shy smile on her face* *She looks back up and says while pointing her scepter at Courtly* "Guards! Capture that trickster!" "And take her to the dungeon!" *Courtly tries to wiggle out of the guard's arms but fails* "W-WHAT?! NO! She's lying! I do care! I care for Wonderland as if it's my own kingdom! WHICH IT SHOULD BE! Lizzie hearts and her mother are-" Chase: *Takes off his helmet* "Oh give it a rest Courtly. You're not taking over Wonderland today." Lizzie: "Or ever!" *Courtly looks behind her to Chase with a shocked face* "C-CHASE?! D-did I say takeover the kingdom?" "Yeah, you did" "Oh! Well, I-I didn't mean it! I was just HELPING Lizzie! Yes! I was helping her to-" Kitty: "Oh shut up Courtly!" (I feel it would be funny if they were somehow cousins. Maybe friends but then became enemies or something.) "Stay out of it feline!" "Ok! Off you go!" (Got a bit protected of kitty lol!) *Chase still holding her hands behind her back ushes her to walk forward to the dungeon.* "NO! C-Chase baby! C-Can't we talk about this?! I'll make you a deal! You let me go and help me take over Wonderland and I'll make you my king!" *Everyone says EW! lol* "No way!" "OK! Ok! How about captain of the guard!" Lizzie: "That won't be necessary." "Oh? Really?! Why is that royal brat?" Chae: "OK! I've had just about enough of you-" *Lizzie holds out her hand to silence him* "That won't be necessary because when I'm Queen Chase will be my first choice to become captain. Now take her away!" *Chase bows down to Lizzie and gives her a silly wink* "Yes Your Majesty." LM: "And good riddance!" *everyone stops and looks back to the real Queen of Hearts forgetting that she was here* (She escaped at some point and went to the mad hatters when everyone else was planning on what to do and told them everything How Courtly snuck into the palace and kidnapped her and locked her and up in her own dungeon! And when Lizzie found her Courtly threatened her Mother's safety so she escaped with Chase's help. She also did a funny war cry when her and the other came through the doors lol. She feels like a badass warrior queen to me) *Lizzie runs to her mom* "Mom!" *they hug* "I am so proud of you!" *They have a mother-daughter moment and talk about what she said in her speech and stuff* They have a big feast, talk, and go home!
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but its also on sum miraculous lady bug type time and they like go to school tg n shit🙏🏽
i been trying to write this since i got the request but i got fucking croup and my voice is gone . 😐
hope u like pookie 🤭🫶🏽
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prowl miles x black cat reader! black reader if u squint. warnings: I CNAT WRITE DIALOUG LMAO, cursing, use of n word, suggestive joke. a/n: YURRRR WHEA THE HOESSS AT YEAYUHHH welcome back to my channel w another slammer!! yo hair white weather it b braids, locs, straight curly idgaf but it’s white ! IMAGINE MILES MASK IS LIKE CAT NOIRS MASK OKAY?? heavily unedited so don’t b tryna crack a funny yk what i be tryna say. i can’t write dialogue.
you’re standing on the glass roof looking in the window at the auction below you, eyeing the very expensive pair of emerald earrings your mother would appreciate for her birthday you see another figure walk up next to you, “hey kitty. what u see in there?” and u glance on your right to see your competition, who was also your partner in crime, who was also one of your school friends but you didn’t know that yet. “the diamonds, a lil sum nice for my moms birthday” you said signaling at the worker who was holding them under a silver platter, miles hummed in response. “what about you pretty boy? i didn’t think you were into jewelry” miles chuckled dryly “i’m not usually, only if it’s for somebody special” he glanced over to you as you smiled to yourself while looking down, not oblivious to his tone of voice, “dude over there?” he pointed to a man who was shaking as he walked to the back door. “mhm” “he’s got some oxy, gunna give it to the hospital.” you looked at man miles was talking about almost forgetting your own plans “damn, i lost her.” “naw, she went inna kitchen.” you scanned the area for her sighing in relief when you found her. “what would i do without pumpkin?” miles looked at you while you crawled over to the other side of the roof, following you. you used your clawed finger to crack a hole big enough to fit you through it on the glass tile. miles stared daggers into you. “you coming?” you asked carefully picking up the glass circle and putting it next to the hole. as you put your hood on so your hair dangling wouldn’t be noticeable you entered the hole crawling on top of the ceiling slowly but surely, miles was right behind you and you both crawled all the way to the back hallway where nobody was looking. you both dropped down on your feet and when you saw a server walk into the bathroom you realized your all black leather suit wasn’t for the occasion. “i’m gonna go change into something less noticeable, you should too” you said tugging on his collar and miles looked u up and down one more time and you parted ways.
“hey kitty. u ready?”miles said as he walked up to you with a suit that looked identical to yours but he still has his mask on, you put your hand on his neck and leaned into his ear, “depends on what you’re talking about pretty boy.” “oh you could never be ready for that kitty” “what you think i can’t take it” miles huffed and you both went to the kitchen to grab a plate or something, miles saw the man he was looking for and followed him and you went to the main room to find those diamonds . after people starting realizing the diamonds and medicine were gone the alarm system went off and people were chasing you and miles, you climbed onto the roof and miles grabbed your waist to carry you as he swung from building to building with his ropes. “you found what you were looking for?” miles as and you flashed him a smiling dangling the earrings in front of his face. “that’s my girl” he said smiling as you swung onto a building where they wouldn’t find y’all. he landed on the edge letting you go and you almost stumbled off of it, he caught you wrapping his arm around your waist and kissed you, after you broke it you still stayed like for a moment catching your breath. “didn’t know you were such a good kisser” ”it’s a lot you don’t know kitty.” the moment ruined by the sound of a police siren signaling it was your time to go. you swiftly stole one of his gadgets without him noticing to give him a reason to see you again and you kissed his cheek. “this was fun pumpkin, come see me soon yea? later mr prowler” “see you kitty.” he said as he swung off to wherever he was going and you went back home thinking about him the whole way there. the next morning you were in school, you had prowlers little silver hook in your backpack in case you saw him again that day. as you walked in to your 4th period you sat next to miles. you were in the same friend group but hardly ever talked. you always thought he was fine asfc tho. “hey miles” you smiled as were looking for any excuse to not look at had to not look at him because he made u fold by js being there, you bent down to grab a notebook out of your backpack. “hey (name), how yo morning goin?” he said his voice coated with the light syrup of his accent, the one that made your cheeks hurt with how much you were smiling . “good, u?” you and miles talked the whole class and as you were walking out the door pushing past people you tripped and miles caught you, just like how prowler did last night. could he..? no. that’s crazy he couldn’t be. you thought as you looked into his eyes and thanked him, as the both of you walked in the hall he spoke up breaking the slightly awkward silence . “you wanna get lunch together? off campus maybe” “yea!” you nodded vigorously jumping at the chance to hang out with miles. as you were sitting down outside eating lunch with miles there was suddenly a smoke bomb being set off in the bank across the street and everyone started yelling and running and chaos was everywhere. you got up and looked into the bank, you turned around and miles was gone. you took this as your chance to suit up and investigate, when you got back you saw ur prowler and strolled up to him fondling the hook you took from him in your hands.
“hey kitty, can i have that back?” “mmm only if you say pretty please” you said moving dangerously close to him almost forgetting why you were here in the first place, he grabbed the hand you were holding the hook in harshly as he looked deeply into your eyes, his gaze flickered down from your eyes to your lips before trying to picking the hook up with his free hand but you quickly moved your entire arm back, unintentionally pushing your body closer to his, y’all quickly back away from each other after what felt like a lifetime pressed against him, as he turned around to walk you realized you no longer had the hook and found it in his hand. you smirked to yourself as you followed him into the bank and picked up the smoke bomb before showing it to miles, “what u think this is made of? vibranium maybe?” miles shrugged as he looking around the empty bank, nothing was taken but the vault door was wide open. maybe they backed out he thought as he walked into the vault looking around it. you could tell something was on his mind, like he was rushing to get out of here.“you okay pooh?, you’re acting really weird, almost like you don’t wanna be here no mo” you asked with playful lilt trying to not make it seem to obvious how nervous you were that the latter was true, moving up behind him looking around the vault swiping one or 2 bands . he just hummed “yea i’m fine it’s just- yo whoever did this is weird asfc. they ain’t even take nun.” he laughed as he closed the vault hoping you didn’t detect the obvious avoiding of her questions and walked into the alleyway so he wouldn’t be seen by the public. “so you know i was wondering, will you ever show me who u are?” you said walking behind him messing with the things on the back of his suit. “maybe one day, only if you say pretty please” referencing the conversation you had earlier,you both smile at each other “i gotta go kitty cat, see you later” he turned the corner and left before you couldn’t even say bye “bye…” and the reason miles was he was rushing the whole ‘mission’ was so he could get back to you, but you didn’t know that.
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mostmagical · 1 year
Green & Red & Black
my mind has been inundated with misternette thanks to @spicysummer22's art (go LOOK) so I promised I'd write a fic
fits in canon somewhere between Passion and Elation
Lady Noire touched down to the street, the miraculous on her finger ringing only more desperate by the second. Hurriedly, she flung herself into the alleyway with only a single cursory glance to ensure she was alone.
“Claws in,” she huffed, her transformation melting over her shortly after.
Plagg groaned despondently as she caught him in her hands. The swap had been last minute and unexpected, being that their fight with Safari had only been a few days prior. She would have thought Monarch would have come up with a better half-baked plan after that defeat, knowing she and her kitty would always figure out a way to beat him.
“Sorry, Plagg,” Marinette sighed. “I only have a strawberry macaron. Is that okay?”
He opened one green crescent eye to look at her, remaining spread eagle in her palm. “I guess it’ll do,” he agreed.
Marinette smiled and fished the snack out of her purse.
“Eat up.”
She couldn’t believe her luck. Her cataclysm had missed early on, and the battle continued. The bad timing had forced her to duck away before Chat– er, Mister Bug could even call for his lucky charm. Hopefully, he was managing out there okay on his own.
She would never forgive herself if anything happened to his pretty face while she was gone.
Plagg was taking his sweet time biting into the macaron, all the while dribbling crumbs all over her hand. It was as though the little cat kwami had no sense of urgency anywhere in his tiny body. Marinette tapped her foot impatiently.
“Can you hurry?” she worriedly asked, peeking out of the alleyway and into the open street. It was too quiet.
“I’m going as fast as I can, Pigtails,” Plagg replied with a roll of his eyes. “I swear, you kids have no idea how to savor your food.”
“Time and place, Plagg.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
Marinette cast another distracted glance out into the street. “I’m just worried about him,” she said, chewing on her lip.
“I get it,” Plagg replied around a mouthful of macaron. He made a loud gulping sound as he swallowed. “But he’s smart, you know. He can take care of himself just like you can take care of yourself.”
“Sure, sure…” She waved at him with her free hand, no longer fully listening as the air became stiller.
“Actually,” Plagg continued, chewing thoughtfully, “why are you worried about him? Since when do you–” His eyes went wide, and his chewing halted. He groaned. “Tikki wasn’t joking. It’s you, too.”
Marinette wrenched her eyes away from the street, narrowing them instead at the little cat kwami in her hands. “Me too, what?” Her face wrinkled in confusion.
Plagg opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get anything out, a wave of ladybugs passed over them.
Oh. He did it…
Marinette felt a swell of pride fill her chest for her partner. He was getting better and better at wearing her earrings. Maybe they should plan to swap every once in a while. And not just because she wanted to see him in her colors more often.
(Okay, maybe it was a little of that.)
“See?” Plagg smiled, his tiny arms placed on his hips in pride. “I told you he was fine.”
Marinette giggled at his display. She reached out her pointer finger to give him a scratch between the ears, earning herself a quiet purr. “Yes, you did,” she said. “We better get back out there to swap miraculouses again. Claws–”
A tumble of red and black crashed into her, throwing her body hurtling towards the ground with a grunt. Marinette braced for impact, but there was none. Instead she found herself suspended in the air by two strong hands clasped around both her wrists. Slowly, she opened her screwed-shut eyes to green. 
Mister Bug stared down at her, his mouth dropped open in a gasp. 
“Ma-Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” he stuttered. (Since when does Chat Noir stutter…?)
Marinette tried to speak, but nothing came out. She could only vigorously nod her assent. Yes, that was her name, but she would have answered to anything he called her, surely. 
At her silence, Mister Bug took notice of her position, still hanging in the air by her arms. With a worried breath of air, he pulled her up, one of his hands landing on her waist and sending fire up her spine.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” he fussed. His green eyes roved over her body as if checking for any scratches, despite the fact that he had saved her from feeling even a brush of the pavement.
Marinette blinked up at him, still disoriented from her near-fall and the cosmic pull of his eyes. “Don’t worry about me. I only just fell for you,” she said.
Mister Bug’s eyes widened, blinking owlishly at her as red pooled his cheeks. 
Oh, she loved how much that mask allowed her to see more of his handsome face…
Stop that!
“I mean—! Um!” Marinette scrambled to halt the unintelligible mess threatening to pour out of her mouth, but all she succeeded in doing was tying her own tongue into knots. “Don’t worry about me! You saved me! From falling!” She laughed awkwardly, punching the air with a curled fist. 
He smiled, and it was so soft and endearing that she nearly whimpered at the sight. “Yeah, I saved you. Right after I crashed into you.”
“Yeah…” she sighed dreamily. “You can crash into me any day…” She followed that one with an airy giggle.
Mister Bug’s smile curved into something more mischievous—that same flirty smile he’d toss Ladybug’s way anytime he made a pass. “Oh? And would you… provide me a safe place to land?”
Marinette’s heart stuttered in her chest, her stomach bubbling with anticipation. “Of course I would,” she replied, breathy. “Anytime.”
He stepped just a bit closer and she was so, so aware of the hand still placed on her waist, burning her skin through her clothes. She couldn’t decide if she wanted him to move it away for her sanity, or keep it there forever and let her melt away into the embers.
“What are you doing all the way out here anyway?” her bug asked, a wrinkle in his mask between his eyes to match his frown.
She wished she could smooth that wrinkle out, but instead she settled for a gulp to try to clear her dry throat. “I, uh, akuma displacement,” she answered, the usual excuse rolling off her tongue. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“I was looking for Lady Noire, actually,” he explained. “You didn’t happen to see her pass by, did you?”
“Yes– I mean, no— Wait–” Marinette cut herself off. Her brain was already too scrambled to come up with more excuses. “I mean, yes. She, uh, passed by here. Said she needed to run home for something.”
Mister Bug tilted his head, and, god, he was so cute. She had to force herself not to whimper again.
“She said she’d meet you at the usual spot later,” she added, hoping her voice didn’t sound as shaky as she felt. For good measure, she flashed him a thumbs up.
He seemed to accept her answer. “Oh, okay.”
Marinette sighed in relief.
His smile returned. “In that case, it looks like I have some free time,” he said. “Why don’t you let this charming bug fly you home, huh?”
“I’d love to go home with you,” she responded without much thought. “I mean– I’d love for you to take me home– I, wait, uh. My house. Yes. Please.” Her whole body cringed. “Thank you.”
To her relief, Mister Bug appeared completely unbothered by her constant tumbling over words, instead just grinning wider at her. The hand on her waist moved to wrap fully around her body. Marinette only had a second to snake her arms around his neck before he had tossed his yoyo above their heads to hook on a chimney.
“Ready?” he asked, turning to look at her. Every detail in his summer green eyes glittered at her through his red and black-spotted mask, and she felt like she might melt. Oh, she loved those eyes. She loved him in that mask.
Face hot, all Marinette could do was nod at him, and then they were zipping through the air. It was impossible to tell if the swooping feeling deep in her stomach was from the flight or her proximity to the pilot. Either way, she loved the familiar safety of his arm around her back and the solid strength of his shoulders beneath her fingers.
Before she knew it—in fact, it felt like no time at all, really—they had reached her balcony, and he gently set her down on her feet.
“Well, ma cher, we’ve arrived.”
Marinette blinked up at Mister Bug, not quite ready to part from him. Nervously, she played with her still connected fingers behind his neck.
“You should stay,” she told him. “We can sit up here and chat, or you can come in. I’ll bring some chouquettes up from the bakery. It would be nice to talk to you.”
Wait… Was that too familiar? She had to remind herself that she was Marinette; she wasn’t his partner right now. Marinette couldn’t even remember if she was supposed to know that Chat Noir was Mister Bug, so what was she doing right now?
Luckily, he was seemingly totally nonplussed by her suggestion. Instead, he smiled warmly down at her, a rosy tint to his cheeks that she was sure must have mirrored her own. He opened his mouth, looking incredibly agreeable. To her displeasure, however, his earrings chose exactly that moment to protest, beeping angrily in a way that she could just imagine was Tikki’s voice chiding her.
His smile turned regretful. “I’m sorry, Marinette,” he said. “I’d love to, but I have to go.” Gloved hands gently grasped her wrists, pulling them away from his shoulders.
She mourned the loss.
Marinette’s lip stuck out in a pout. “Do you really have to go?”
“Yes, I really have to go,” he replied sadly. Then, brighter, “But if we’re going to make a date of it, at least give me time to buy you flowers first.”
Her heart skipped a beat, butterflies beating furiously inside her chest.
“Oh,” was all she could say.
Mister Bug’s grin returned at her quiet utterance. Somehow, without her noticing, one of his hands had traveled from her wrist to wind affectionately around her fingers, and he squeezed.
He bowed deeply, her hand still in his, the perfect image of a chevalier encased in red and black.
“Until next time, mademoiselle,” he purred. His lips burned like the sun as they pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. ��And when I see you again, I’ll be sure to remember your rose.”
Marinette remained silent and red as he straightened to his full height. Her mouth stubbornly refused to move, even as he waved at her in farewell and leapt from her balcony. She pressed her burning hand to her chest, dreamily watching her red bug become nothing more than a dot on the city skyline.
A whine sounded from her purse, and— Oops. She hadn’t even thought to worry about Plagg once that entire encounter.
“That was disgusting,” Plagg groaned, floating up into the air next to her. “I’m going to have to hear about that all night!”
Marinette sighed happily, sinking backwards into her lounge chair before her legs gave out on her. Plagg continued his grumpy buzzing around her head, but she remained lost in her thoughts and memories of bright green eyes in red masks.
She had no idea how she was going to face him later to return his miraculous to him.
Maybe they could stay swapped just a little while longer.
And if Lady Noire brought a bag full of chouquettes to their usual spot later to make up for the lost opportunity, well, that was her business.
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fragileizywriting · 5 months
mister bug's fear is a delight to all the senses, which, really, is absolutely the type of enrichment experience she needs when taking a bite of someone's skin.
he's not prey. not really. and yet her teeth will sink in all the same.
sinewy golden-brown muscle hides behind an inpenetrable wall of hexleather but the beautiful slopes of his neck are exposed to her teeth, and that's enough for her. she loves how he crawls backwards, trying to get away. he's looking for an escape. quick thinking has him peeking at her claws as she crawls forward— all hexsteel, glittering in the night sky like jewels— and he's right back to looking at her in the eyes as if it'll stop her from pouncing.
his heartbeat is roaring in her ears. pounding. drowning out her own breathing.
"don't," he warns, a little too wheezy for a man twice her size.
"or what?"
"i— just— just don't."
he's pleading for his life.
ah, but he emaciates when she's finally crawled into his lap. strong thighs wrap around his hips in a futile attempt to pin him down— just the man's finger is strong enough to pin her to a wall, her weight is no where close to keeping him on the metal roof of this building if he wanted to actually flee— and her hands are already in his hair. he likes it. his eyes keep closing in delight, lips parted as if he expects a kiss. once she's had her fun, claws find themselves at his adam's apple, tracing it as she stares and stares and stares.
"the bad thing about you being covered is that i can't bite you the way i need to."
she's not allowed to give hickeys. every night, they hope that there will be an akuma soon, so she can bruise the space from his ears to the collar of his suit that keeps him safe and protected, but that's not always a guarantee. even if he distracts her— keeps her busy with a few orgasms— the taste of his skin is always what she's more interested in. that, and what follows— the gush of his breath against her bangs as she sucks in a bruise so purple and so blue that it's almost deadly, with his hoarse voice crying in the night.
she kisses so hard that their teeth click, nipping at his bottom lip until she can taste copper. he's moaning like it's what he's wanted; lady noire, curling into his lap like she belongs, while he tries his best to hold on while she's kissing him. each slide of her tongue against his has mister bug leaning back more and more, until he's flat on his back and she's settled with her hands on his chest.
a lick to his neck has him squirming.
"kitty," he warns.
"just a little nip."
"you're not going to make me bleed, are you?"
"no," she whispers, in an attempt to soothe his nerves. each kiss she peppers onto his skin, a promise: she follows the freckles and sunspots dotted on his neck, going right back up to the adam's apple and giving him a lick yet again.
he squirms harder.
"you promise?"
"i'll do my best."
"okay," he whispers, dropping his shoulders like he's lost the battle. she knows the hardness of his cock, trapped between them both, signifies that he's more than excited himself. fear interlaces every movement he has, strong hands gripping her at the hips and squeezing until she can feel a creak. "go on."
she bites, point glass-like fangs into tan skin.
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friendfromdsmp · 1 year
Let’s get into my first thoughts, gang
So first thing’s first, I did check the leaks and knew roughly what to expect; Marinette would be fighting Gabriel alone, with Plagg’s help to unify the two main Miraculous and become Bug Noire, but loses, leaving Gabriel free to use his wish to sacrifice himself and be remembered as a hero, with Emile’s state of living being ambiguous but vaguely implied. Adrien never faces his father or learns the truth about his own identity either
So let’s pick apart these points one by one, starting with:
Bug Noire
Won’t lie, I don’t mind her design. Mari always looks cute in a long braid and I like how it linked back to her Lady Noire design while also acting as a cat tail. Not overly sure about the additional smaller braids but I guess they were aiming for referencing her usual pigtails? Idk I feel like one of the other could’ve worked just fine but both of them together does seem a bit much. Fortunately the little two were easy to ignore. I also kept getting distracted by the eye dots, I don’t know if I love them or hate them tbh, they just kept catching my attention
But the design isn’t the problem with Bug Noire; the problem is what her existence in a fight like this means. Yes, it’s super cool to see someone unify the two main Miraculous, but not when it sidelines Adrien, aka the person they’re both claiming to be fighting for, as well as Gabriel’s main victim. If anything, Adrien should have been given an immunity from the nightmares via son-of-the-villain privileges and then Gabriel should have gone to him and revealed his plans, meanwhile Marinette is horribly out-of-commission from the nightmares and asks Tikki to take the earrings to Chat Noir
Because, at the end of the day, this is more Adrien’s fight than Marinette’s. And I’m not saying that I want one of them out of the fight in order to merge the Miraculous. I’m just saying that if they had to do the merge, they should’ve let Adrien be the one to do it. Why not have them both fighting together, Ladybug gets incapacitated and hands over the earrings while saying “I trust you, kitty cat, it’s all on you” and then he unifies and they go nuts with all the “I’m doing this for you!” “No, you’re doing it for the illusion of me you created and marketed to the world!” and all that? There are plenty of ways to do it without literally hypnotising Adrien while he’s stuck in a padded cell
However, I will concede one point; this was maybe the fifth time off the top of my head that Chat has attempted to give up his Miraculous, and this one was the only satisfying/acceptable one. Usually when it happens it’s so he can avoid taking responsibility or because he isn’t the sole focus of Ladybug’s attention. But this time, he accepted that he was not in a suitable mental state to be fighting anyone, he explained his logic calmly to Plagg, he acknowledged that his identity would be at risk if he transformed here and now despite him having the ability to pull off an escape, and he even ensured that the ring was in good, safe hands before parting with Plagg. He did everything right in this situation, so props for that
Adrien Suffers More Than Gabriel
This is the thing most people are pointing out here; Adrien being removed from the whole situation, and then lied to afterwards, is not only incredibly problematic, but causes Adrien to suffer more than Gabriel did. Because where Gabriel knew all season long that he wasn’t going to survive, giving him time to come to accept the sacrifice he’d already made for his wish as early on as Destruction, Adrien didn’t have that time. To Adrien, Gabriel’s death was swift, sudden and unexpected. Out of nowhere, he just lost his father, right when things were finally looking up in some way in their relationship
Adrien never got closure. He never won the battle he was fighting since episode 1; the battle to be his own person and stand up to his father once and for all. He never got to confront Gabriel for the manipulation, for the lies, for the abuse. He never got to free himself from Gabriel looming over him and controlling him, even in death he’s still living inside the world Gabriel chose for him, playing his part in Gabriel’s conjured narrative. By not allowing Adrien to be part of the final fight in any way, they removed all opportunities for Adrien to fight for their relationship to be healthy if he so chose, to cut Gabriel out of his life if he so chose, to do anything at all on his own terms and not Gabriel’s. Gabriel never got comeuppance for years of abuse to Adrien, and Adrien never got his closure as a victim of such abuse - due to the wish, he’s arguably back to square one, once again completely oblivious to being a pawn in his father’s game after their last interaction featured Adrien finally realising just how little his father had his best interests at heart
And to make matters worse, Adrien isn’t even told the truth. He believes his abuser died a hero. Not only that, but the hero that Adrien was supposed to be, but couldn’t be due to circumstance. Surely Adrien feels some survivor’s guilt because of that, right? It was his duty to fight by Ladybug’s side and defeat Monarch, and physically speaking there was nothing stopping him. If he’d been willing to sacrifice his identity, he would have been there when his father needed him the most, and Gabriel would still be alive
Adrien wouldn’t feel that way if he were told the truth about Gabriel being Monarch. Or at least he’d be able to say logically that his father wasn’t a victim, but the cause of his own demise. He’d never be able to confront Gabriel, but at least he’d be able to have his own emotions and opinions of him rather than being told repeatedly that his abuser is a hero and having no way to argue. Adrien deserves the truth, and until he learns it, Gabriel died doing what he does best; lying to and manipulating his son in order to excuse or cover up his own horrific actions
And then the icing on the cake is that he also never learns that he’s a sentimonster. Marinette knows, and she gave him back his freedom in the final scene by sliding the rings onto his finger and outright telling him that his choices are his own. But Adrien never found out the truth about his own existence. Adrien never discovered why he struggles to stand his ground, why he found it physically impossible to go against Gabriel’s orders, and in the event of an emergency he doesn’t even know that his life is tied to the rings; Felix discovered his life was tied to his father’s ring when it got damaged and it seemed to hurt Felix in the process. If Adrien loses the rings, anyone could control him. If Adrien lets a friend have a look and they unintentionally discover they can control Adrien with the rings, he’s screwed. If Adrien accidentally breaks the rings, he could get seriously hurt or even cease to exist altogether. And what if an akuma enters the ring? Ladybug would have to break it to purify the akuma. Thank god she now knows not to purify the feather that would also appear, but would her Miraculous Ladybugs be capable of returning him to life?
Adrien is left in the dark about so many things that he has right and reason to know and it not only does him dirty, but it actively harms him and causes him to suffer more than Gabriel did
Gabriel’s ‘Comeuppance’
Except that’s a given, considering Gabriel didn’t end up suffering. Like I said before, Gabriel had time to process and accept his inevitable death. He’d already made his peace, gotten his affairs in order, ensured that Adrien was in a safe location and under watch from Tomoe after trying to create some final positive memories between father and son. The whole entire season was Gabriel preparing for this. The man was not only ready, but willing to die, and the first time he truly expected not to die regardless was mere moments before he won
So to have Gabriel willingly, happily, dying for Emile, after he already been dying for Emile’s sake this entire season? It doesn’t really feel like much of a sacrifice at all. And considering how it was willing, voluntary and prepared for over the course of an entire season, it doesn’t feel like comeuppance, either. If anything, all he did was put an end to his own pain. He gave himself mercy, not justice. The only difference is that he died right then and there rather than in a few hours. He did himself a favour, and that’s supposed to be our catharsis?
Ain’t Got No Satisfaction
Gabriel’s death wasn’t a real sacrifice. Gabriel didn’t really face any major comeuppance. Adrien wasn’t involved in the final fight. Adrien never got to confront Gabriel for his abuse and never got closure. Adrien and Gabriel never got to learn each others’ identities and deal with the consequences of those reveals. Adrien never learned he’s a sentimonster. Adrien never learned the truth about his father’s death and was lead to believe that his abuser was a hero that deserves to be praised by the whole city - a man Adrien worried he would never be able to live up to by the end. The heroes lost. The villain won, and is considered the true hero of Paris. The Butterfly Miraculous was never recovered. It’s not even clear whether or not Gabriel succeeded in reviving Emile or if Amelie is there with Nathalie and Felix
Thank god for the fact that the show isn’t over, because this is not a satisfying conclusion to an eight-year-long story. There’s little to no pay-off for all the plot lines that have been set into motion. There are no satisfactory conclusions to series-long arcs. The villain won, with their greatest wish coming to fruition. Only one person knows the truth, and now she’s living in a universe that forces her to remain silent on the fact that the world is worshipping a false idol, their hero was the villain they were fighting against all along. Marinette has been dealing with trauma about her love ending the world for several seasons now, and it happened once again
But hey, at least we got one of those without a retcon this time, right? Right?
Honourable Mentions
Kagami throwing her shoe at the TV was brilliant honestly
The Perfect Alliance plan was great, but I just wanna know how they did a mass hypnosis through it. Did they use Gift, since all the Miraculous powers were poured into the plan regardless? That’s the option that makes sense to me, especially since they showed it working on Adrien exceptionally quickly on a biological level. It looks like simple ASMR or very basic simple stuff yet the characters were all talking weird about it like it was genuinely hypnotising them, to the point where Mylene even announced that they were all hypnotised. But I can overlook this considering there is a genuine logical answer to it in the form of Gift, which is already primed to be used
Interesting how the transformation into the Miraculizers (was that what they were called?) happened with the same transformation sequence that akumas get, yet the Butterfly Miraculous was the only one Monarch had that wasn’t shared with the public
Okay I get that she wasn’t in the right headspace to to do hero work especially with her nightmare specifically involving her failing the heroes but we were still robbed of Black Cat!Alya
Lol why did Alya keep calling Mari on her regular ass phone girl you know she’ll be busy XD
We were robbed of an opportunity for the hero duo to call themselves the perfect alliance as a counter to the fake perfectionism Gabriel and Tomoe strive for from their kids. I know the fake hologram versions of Ladybug and Chat Noir kinda did this but it would still be good to have it. But y’know we can’t have Ladybug and Chat Noir fight Monarch apparently
Man Chat really only got like one opportunity to play about with his new unlimited Cataclysms
Lol Argos at the end posing with all the other heroes like wtf are those lot thinking is happening? Last they knew this guy stole all the Miraculous, handed them over to ShadowMoth and snapped them all out of existence, now he’s suddenly with them? Even Chat Noir should be confused af lol how much PR did Ryuko have to do to get everyone on his side?
Honestly the best outcome of this ending is that at least the fandom can go fucking wild with fics and one-shots to patch the holes in this barbed-wire fence of an end cover
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graff1980 · 10 months
Things That Go Bump In The Night
A grin with thin rimmed glasses, smiles with delight as she speaks to her sprites, whispering with hands wide, telling them to listen to her tale of things that go bump in the night.
“When I was very young there was a crooked old tree that sat savagely waving down the road from me, a mess of gnarled branches that looked like they could grab you up and take a bite.
One day I went out to play, saw a small squirrel, and chased it all the way. Until, it climbed up that wooden monstrosity.
Distracted, I did not notice how the grass reacted, shrinking under my foot falls. I failed to see how far I had actually gone, because to my little mind the distance from my yard to that tree was shorter, but in reality, it seemed to be approaching me rapidly as what was behind faded out of sight.
Daylight became night quicker than expected, and I suspected that I should go home, but when I turned around I found that I was lost, and all alone.
I heard a twig snap, then felt a limb smack me on my lower back. My body seemed to contract as I lost my breath, and a fog of coldness washed over my flesh.
The wind lifted a small pile of leaves revealing tiny black shiny beings, a nest of chittering beetles that started skittering ever closer.
I cried out. No sir, and tried to hoof it out of there, but I had lost my sense direction and didn’t know where my small house was.
A little bug that looked like a hairy brown spider leaped up on my dress. I quickly flicked it off, then flinched when I heard something purring.
I turned in time to see a small pair of glowing eyes focused directly on me.
The feline passed by rubbing gently against my thigh, and then strutted away.
I followed that kitty, and I thought we were heading back to my city.
We passed a stone fence, and a small wooden hut, a little gas station that didn’t have much, plus a tiny graveyard and a busted gray car.
I walked so far that my feet got blisters, saw a stranger, and cried out, hey mister, but he didn’t even turn around.
I kept going not knowing if I would ever get back. Nervously, I started to laugh. I had probably snapped, cause I was scared and starving.
It was dark and cold, and I couldn’t find anyone to help me. People didn’t even acknowledge my presence unless I bumped into them. I tried to speak, but no one would listen.
I never got home, just settled here in this little cottage for the last seventy plus years.
No one has stopped by, in such a long time so thanks for listening to this story of mine.
Now, come closer my little dears, because I am soooo hungry. I don’t want to be rude, but you look like food.
Why are you running?
You see when you heard me calling, you shouldn’t have listened, like me, you to are now missing, but I know where your new home will be. There’s a place in my stomach because it is so empty.”
The little old lady smiled, chasing the last small child, with a sharp tap on his neck she laid him to rest in a well-dressed bed of greens and liquid red.
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free-for-all-fics · 3 days
kitty cat anon here!! i am back and forever cursed with even more thoughts of our beloved fat fictional feline friend! these are more of loose little ideas but i have an even bigger and more coherent au on the backburner, so stay tuned!
onto my thoughts~
-you know how sometimes neighborhoods will have social media groups? basic comments about hoa regulations or random complaint or the odd advertising for lawn services? well, alex is a frequent guest on that page. some lady posts about how "there's a bear in her yard!" and that everyone should keep their kids inside. attached to the post is a grainy figure of your plump housemate, chowing down on the lady's picnic remnants. you had wondered why he smelt like charcoal and grass clippings when he came home...
another person posts about how there's a shadowy figure that keeps attacking their cart of snacks for delivery drivers! no matter how often they restock, there's always something missing and it's really bugging them! anyone have any ideas? you had found him waddling around with a snack wrapper stuck to his tail...silly cat.
-your neighbor keeps congratulating on your impending delivery! when you look at them oddly, they only coo at alex, who's glaring daggers at them at your feet when you try to keep him inside the house. they gush about what a good mother he'd be and you couldn't be quicker to try and explain that no, your darling little kitty is a male- but the old (perhaps senile) lady keeps fussing about how he must be close to birthing. you have to make an excuse of your oven being on fire to slam the door shut fast enough before he turns the old woman into curtains...
-speaking of neighbors, they're constantly wondering if you have children because why on earth would you need to be reprimanding something so often in your house?
"alex, no!" "put that down!" "out of your mouth, mister!" "what did i say, huh? now you're stuck." "don't you whine at me like that..." "i am not buying you more food."
-if you like kids, you can't have them at your place. it's too much of a liability off the bat. so, when you're babysitting children in your neighborhood or apartment complex, you're constantly back and forth looking between your fur-baby and the actual baby you're taking care of.
-there's a constant flood of pet shop advertisements in your mailbox (more than a few have suspiciously-shaped feline teeth marks on them...) and you constantly have the pleasure of getting them dropped in your lap when you're doing something. oh, a sale on treats? alex is insistent! you simply must go before they all run out! you don't want to deny him his basic human right!
-i'm stuck between the idea of you wanting him to be more social and taking him out, either on a leash or in a stroller or one of those pet backpack things or not wanting to take the risk of him lashing out or just being so stubborn that he won't move. you want him to WALK? what is wrong with you?! he's only coming with you if you hand-feed him a few treats (and the EXPENSIVE ones, not the generic ones!) every step of the way. eventually, you might get fed up enough to just carry him along the way (which was his goal, of course).
-you have to do all of the chores that require you standing while he's asleep. the second you sit down to sort laundry or something, bam. he's in your lap like a weighted blanket with his eyes boring into yours.
-this is going to sound so stupid but i love the idea. you know that trend of people showing their pets things where they've never seen before? like higher-up places or things they're not allowed to see. you're cooing and tutting like a mother hen as you lift him up to show him the top of shelves and inside the fridge and whatnot.
i guess these turned out to be more home-based than i thought but i just thought i'd share! :3 🫶
Kitty Nonnie!!! Good to hear from you! And omg I’m so excited to hear about this bigger AU you have cooking! 🐱💛
- Alex is an absolute glutton! You have to keep cords and random household items away from him because he’ll chew on anything and everything! “Alex why are you eating plaaaaaaastic??” And any time you say his name and ask what he has in his mouth in that tone and order him to spit it out, he just chews faster. He comes home with his stolen bounty in his mouth and politely sets it down in front of you and looks up at you like “well? Are you going to open it for me?” As if he did nothing wrong and finders keepers. He grumbles whenever the neighbors think he’s a pregnant female. Can’t they see he’s a handsome man??
- No matter how many times you call him chunky or try to get him on a new diet, he’s a firm believer that he’s not fat and doesn’t need to lose weight. He’s perfect the way he is! And then he proceeds to get stuck in the cat door like Winnie the Pooh and you’re like “Awww, so you need a little push?” And he meows in a way as if he’s saying, “You laugh, you die!”
- He doesn’t like kids. They’re too noisy and have no sense of boundaries or social etiquette. They keep wanting to pick him up and pet him and he’s doesn’t like anyone except you doing that. He scratched or bit a kid once as a warning and the crotch goblin started crying like a baby. He didn’t even scratch or bite them that hard! He didn’t even draw blood! Either way, he got in trouble so now he just hides away somewhere in the house they’ll never find him until they leave.
- He can’t read but he’s smart enough to recognize the advertisements by their bright and colorful visuals. He sees a fish, and that means food! You already have treats at home though, so you don’t always go to the pet store to get more. Only when you’re actually running low. That’s when you try to teach him he can’t always get what he wants. He doesn’t like this lesson very much.
- Alex doesn’t walk, he waddles. He’s a heckin Chonker. He can still jump though. The only time he’ll let you carry him like a baby is to get out of exercising. He’d rather be held or ride along in your backpack and look around. You can do all the work.
- Oh you’re sitting or laying down? That’s obviously an invite to sit in your lap and not move. He also loves anything warm so sometimes you’ll find him laying in the laundry basket and you’re like “Alex! Really? Get out of the laundry!” And have to pick him up to set him back down on the floor.
- He’d love to be tall! He’s too heavy to be a shoulder cat, but he likes seeing things from high up. It’s a whole new world up there! He loves bird watching, it’s his favorite show.
0 notes
youkaiyume · 3 years
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This morning at around 1 AM I unexpectedly had to say goodbye to my cat Kona. Original posts about it here. I spent a lot of today dwelling on the moments leading up her passing but I want to take this moment to remind myself of her life.
When I adopted Kona in 2012, she was already 9 years old and considered a senior cat. Her previous owner had died and I often wondered what kind of life she had before me. It was down to two cats at the pound, the other one looked exactly like her except she was five years younger, but Kona won out in the end because she let me pet her everywhere, and she bapped the other cat for spending too much time with me haha.
I remembered when I walked out with her in the carrier, some other lady thought I was doing something noble by adopting an older cat. I was mildly offended like she was this unadoptable thing which she wasn’t. Kona is a complete cuddle bug. She loves pets, and becomes a moist drooly monster if you just look at her, with purrs you can hear across the room. She loves to bunt, to the point where it’s like she’s a torpedo bonking her head into you where you thought it might be painful for a cat to hurl her head at your shin or hand. And she was never afraid of people, even if you were a strange repair man or having a wild party she was completely unfazed and just saw it as more people to give her pets.
For nearly 10 years she was a constant furnace on my seat, warming my butt or feet when I sat to work, and clambered into bed at night to purr loudly as she slept in my arms or more frequently my back. She was always so patient. I don’t think I appreciated her nearly as much as I should have. 
She lived to the ripe old age of 18, very suddenly, laying in front of my house’s Buddhist altar. I’m sure my religious mother would say something about her knowing that was the place to ask to be reborn into a happier life the next time around. I don’t really know about that, but I can only hope so, and just want to thank her so much for being a part of mine.
Even now as I type this, my other cat Tai came up to smush his himself into my face so I could cry into his fur. I still have two lovely kitties in this house to take care of. But Kona will be missed. 
I love you, I hope you knew. Onto your next adventure.
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Also I wanted to thank everyone who kindly offered condolences and shared stories about their own precious pets. It means a lot.
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chocoluckchipz · 3 years
Perhaps, It’s Time
“Why the long face, Mister?”
Mister Bug almost jumped out of his skin at her sudden touch. “Kitty? When did you get here?”
Her eyebrow arched as she settled beside him on the beam atop the Eiffel Tower. “What’s wrong?”
He forced a stiff smile. “Just got lost in thought.”
Her head tilted slightly to the side, as she watched him intently. “In all the years we’ve worked together, the only time you didn't sense me coming was when you unmasked Hawkmoth. What’s wrong, Bug?”
He should’ve known better than to pretend with her. For all her mischievousness and silliness, Lady Noire was weirdly attuned to his inner world, taking his happiness way too seriously. “Nothing. Just… thinking that I need to make some changes in my life.”
The glow of her eyes illuminated the space between them as she scooted closer, mischief playing on her lips. “Have you finally fallen in love with me and thinking of confessing?”
He would’ve chuckled if he could, but not on this subject. Not in their situation. “Kitty, we’ve talked about this.“
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” She pouted, looking away. “No relationship is viable between superheroes because we have to keep our identities a secret even from each other.”
“I’m sorry.”
She scoffed. “No, you’re not. If you were, you would’ve changed the rules. Master Fu isn’t the Guardian anymore. You are. Aren’t you at least a little bit curious who the magnificent creature behind the Lady Noire mask is?”
“Of course, I’m curious. But it’s dangerous—”
“We haven’t had a new enemy in years.”
He looked away. “That’s true… but Master Fu thought it’d be better this way, and he was a wise man.”
She turned away with a sigh. “Sometimes I wish you cared less about my safety and more about my happiness. I can take care of myself, you know.” 
Perhaps Lady Noire was right, but… she was his partner, his best friend, and he cared too much to risk putting her in any more danger than she already was. Keeping their identities a secret had worked until now. He shouldn't change that. She’d understand one day, but for now, he pulled a bakery box out of the shadow on his other side. “I do care for your happiness, Kitty.”
Lady Noire sniffed the air and jerked her head back to him, her eyes wide. She was practically drooling. “You’re a mean one, Mister Bug.”
He chuckled, passing her the box. “Enjoy.”
Pulling out a macaron, she immediately popped it in her mouth. “So, life changes? Care to elaborate?”
“There isn’t much to it. Just considering quitting my job.” 
She froze mid-chew. “Because of… her?”
“I didn’t say that.” 
“You didn't have to. I know you too well.”
“Kitty, it’s not…”
She sent a glare his way, shoving another pastry in her mouth.
“Okay, fine,” he relented. “I’m thinking of quitting my job so I can ask my boss out. Happy?”
“You shouldn’t have to do that. You love your job.”
“I love it only because I’m working with her. Otherwise, I would have quit already. I do have dreams beyond getting coffee and filling out paperwork, you know.”
“Why are you still there, then?”
“I didn’t want risk drifting apart if we were to go our separate ways.”
“But now you’re willing?”
Mister Bug took a breath and closed his eyes for a few moments to gather his thoughts. When he spoke, it was almost a whisper. “Sometimes it’s just too much… seeing my friends dating, getting married and starting families… all while I come home to no one every day. I want that, too. I want someone to love—someone to love me. Up until now, I could grin and bear it… but I’m not sure I can do that for much longer.”
She took a moment to respond. When she did, her voice was quiet, like a gentle wind blowing by. “You know I love you. Just say the word, and you will never be alone again.”
His heart clenched. He reached for her hand, squeezing it lightly. “I know, Kitty. I just…”
“You don’t feel that way about me,” she finished, watching him. Her lips twitched with a hint of a smile too weak to survive for long. It was genuine, even if her eyes were starting to glimmer with tears. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “You’re my best friend, and I love you very much, just not…” He turned away. What could he say? “I’m so sorry.”
The city below them buzzed with life—lights, cars, crowds of people. Above them, multitudes of stars and silence. Overwhelming, yet serene. They were stuck somewhere in the middle.
“You’re an amazing man, Mister Bug,” Lady Noire broke the quiet. “Any woman would be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, Kitty.” 
“I’m serious.” She turned to him, grabbing his hand. “You undervalue yourself so often. But you’re the strongest, kindest, most loyal, and most wonderful person I’ve ever met. I bet that mystery lady love of yours is just waiting for you to make a move, so stop hesitating and moping around. Don’t make me kick your butt, Mister. You’ve fought for Paris for years. It’s time you fought for yourself. For your happiness.”
His jaw slightly ajar, Mister Bug stared at his partner in awe. Something stirred in his chest, coiling tighter, threatening to spring free any moment. Perhaps, Lady Noire was right. Maybe, he should fight for himself for once, the same way he fought akumas. Without hesitation. Despite the fear. 
“There you go.” She grinned. “That’s what I like to see on your face, Mister: determination. And, as the best partner in the world, I shall even make you a deal to help you along.”
He raised an eyebrow. “A deal?” 
Lady Noire let him go, settling back beside him. “You ask your boss out, and I’ll give Adrien a chance.”
He almost choked on air. “A-Adrien?” 
She nodded, fishing for another treat in the pastry box. “My assistant. He’s your only rival for my affection.“ 
His heart fluttered, sending a shiver down his body. Lady Noire had an assistant named Adrien? “Kitty…”
“What?” She gave him a look, a lovely smirk on her lips. “Jealous already?”
He shook his head. “Too much personal information.”
She huffed. “There are plenty of women in Paris who have an assistant named Adrien.”
Perhaps there were, but this was a heck of a coincidence. His silly, mischievous partner couldn’t be his sweet, talented, kind, beautiful Marinette. Not that Lady Noire wasn’t all of those things, because she was. But in his wildest dreams, Mister Bug couldn’t imagine shy and clumsy Marinette fighting akumas in a skin-tight catsuit atop Paris’ rooftops. 
“My Adrien is really handsome,” Lady Noire continued with a silly grin on her face. “He’s sweet and funny and very kind.” A sudden frown creased her face as she fell silent. Her gaze lingered on the city for a moment before she continued. “And he’s wasting himself as my assistant. With his brains and education, he could be so much more.”
“Sounds like someone has a crush,” Mister Bug teased, not knowing better.
Her cheeks turning crimson, Lady Noire grinned, looking him straight in the eyes. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have asked him out a long time ago… despite him not feeling that way about me.” A cute little pout on her face, she looked away with a huff. “I must be cursed or something, to always be friend-zoned by the men I like.” 
Damn his curiosity! Weren’t it cats who were supposed to be curious, not ladybugs? But he had to know! “And how do you know he doesn’t feel the same about you?”
She gave him a look. “Some idiots at work keep teasing him about it. He makes it pretty clear every single time that I’m his boss and a friend at most. She’s just a friend, Kim. You’re ridiculous, Alix. I don’t have a crush on Mari… I mean, my boss.”
Mister Bug froze.
His silly Kitty was his precious Marinette all this time?! Marinette had been his superhero partner for almost a decade? He had been working for his Kitty for years, and she’d been crushing on him all this time? 
His blood ran cold. How many times had he rejected her already? 
“But since you’re confessing to your lady love—” His partner didn’t seem to have noticed his panic. “—I might as well try my luck with someone who hasn’t rejected me yet.” 
“He won’t,” Mister Bug spoke before he could think better of it. 
She quirked an eyebrow at him. “He won’t what?”
He cleared his throat, looking away. “Reject you. He won’t reject you.”
“Says the man who’s been rejecting me for years,” Lady Noire deadpanned. “Thanks, but not very reassuring.”
Mister Bug scooted closer. This was his partner, his best friend, and the only woman he had ever loved. He couldn’t leave her sad and worried. Not if he could help it. “Kitty, I promise you. Adrien will not reject you.”
“And how do you know?”
He dared to reach for her hand. It was only fair to let her know. “You’re an amazing woman, Kitty, and Adrien’s been in love with you for years. He’ll never reject you knowingly.”
Her gaze filled with confusion. “Bug?”
“You’re creative and kind and loyal,” he continued, looking at her. “You’re so strong. You never give up, and you inspire everyone around you. You’ve been Adrien’s inspiration ever since you two met. That’s part of the reason he’s stuck by your side all these years despite having opportunities to be something greater. Because… if Adrien wanted to survive discovering his father was Hawkmoth and remain sane, he had to be close to you. You kept him going. You are what tethered him to life. You are his hero, Marinette. His comfort, his love. You’re his home.”
Eyes wide as saucers, she gaped at him like a fish for a moment, then scrambled onto all fours and crawled closer. “How—how do you know all of this?!”
He almost laughed. Partly at the situation. Mostly at himself. But now that he knew, he couldn’t unsee it anymore. This was her. His Marinette. His Kitty. Two of the most amazing women he knew in one. 
And perhaps she was right. Times had changed, and so should the rules. Because truth be told, he had struggled to justify keeping their identities secret from each other for quite some time now. Maybe he should stop doing that and figure out a new way of doing things instead. Adrien wasn’t chosen to be the Guardian for nothing. He could adapt to changes and still keep everyone safe. He and Marinette could keep each other safe. They were a team, after all, weren’t they?
“Spots off.” 
Her jaw dropped, eyes widening to their limit, her slit pupils rounding into almost perfect circles. Hesitantly, she reached forward and ran her fingers along his cheek. “It’s you.”
She was in his arms a moment later, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Adrien rested his head against hers, pulling her closer. “I’m sorry I was rejecting you all this time. I didn’t know.”
“Claws in,” she murmured into his shirt, green lighting erasing the superhero and leaving Marinette against his chest. She raised her eyes, ones now glimmering with tears, to him, a trembling smile on her lips. “I love you, you silly Bug.”
Adrien leaned closer, lightly brushing his nose against hers. “I love you too, Kitty.”
Her eyes glowed even brighter. “And you’re fired. I’m not letting you waste yourself any longer. You’re clearing your desk tomorrow, and you’re following your dreams from now on. Got it? Don’t worry about me. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here beside you, every step of the way, as you become that someone great I know you can be.”
He couldn’t hold a smile back. She was so much more to him than he could ever hope to express. Adrien owed her his sanity—perhaps his very life. And now, she was pushing him towards something he had so desperately needed but had been too afraid to take the first step. Slowly, he leaned down, watching her eyes flutter closed. And just as their lips were about to touch, he whispered, “Sounds good to me.” 
Read it on A03
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playedcrowd5610 · 3 years
Danny Phantom Head Canons Part 3
This is part 3 of my Danny Phantom head canons!  I hope you enjoy! ^^
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
41. The ghosts call earth the Human Zone.
42. Ember and Kitty are best friends and often hang out together in the human world, going to a coffee shop or just to the park when they want to get away from the boys.  
43. All ghosts can eat if they want, but normal ghosts don’t need to eat anything at all, but if they are really drained of energy they can get a little boost from eating food.  
44. Ghosts absorb the ambient ectoplasm in the ghost zone, and if they are in the Human Zone they need to stick around an ectoplasm or portal rich area to keep their form intact for long periods of time.  But if they are far away from ectoplasm they will start to fade and become less powerful until they get back to the Ghost Zone.
45. Ghosts that have haunts in the human zone that are in low ectoplasm rich areas and can’t get back to the Ghost Zone will become really faded and almost transparent, able to do less and less stuff as time goes on.  That would explain the original ghost sightings of ghosts that would sometimes roam through houses floating and saying nothing while fading out of visibility.  Danny can sometimes catch these ghosts and bring them back to the Ghost Zone to recharge their core and get a more stable form.
46. Danny’s claws can wrip holes into the ghost zone, similar to Wulf.  But it does take a lot out of him when he does that.  
47. Danny has started to make ice Daggers using his core, he is learning from Kitty and she likes to show him the tips and tricks for knife fighting.  He has gotten a great hand on it.  And sometimes uses it to threaten people by holding it to their necks, which is something Kitty taught him.  But if he is low on time he will just create a sharp icicle to throw at someone, often landing above their head.
48. Princess Dorathea has much more control over her dragon form than someone else who would use the pendant as she has had way more practice with it.  She can have a conversation in her dragon form with someone and choose her decisions clearly.  But when she is in her dragon form she is also much more defensive and territorial.  She can also transform back into her core form at will if she is calm enough.
49. Sam often goes into the Ghost Zone to hang out with Princess Dora at her kingdom, they have become close friends and Dora refers to her as Lady Sam.  
50. Sam has been trying to get Dora to go goth, but the princess prefers her normal clothing, but she is willing to try time and again.  
51. After clockwork saved Danny and changed the timeline is is now tasked to being Danny’s guardian and is now incharge of his actions, if Danny does something wrong, either Clockwork gets in trouble or he has to destroy Danny.  Witch he always finds a way around. ;)
52. Youngblood’s guardian is his parrot Cyberious, he will always be around young blood and is tasked with taking care of him, even if he is less powerful than the young ghost. He is a great mentor.
53. Cujo and Pandora’s dog Cerberous play sometimes, even if Cerberus is much bigger.  When the three headed dog gets annoyed by Cujo's playing he will hold up Cujo in his puppy form and bring him back to Danny before going back to Pandora’s palace.
54. Danny as well as most of the other frequently seen ghosts were invited to Box Lunch’s baby shower.  There were no fights during the party. 
55. Box lunch and Youngblood play a lot, but Box lunch gets jealous of the fact that young blood gets to go to the human zone often.  When she can only go with her parents.  Danny often explains to her that Youngblood is technically 30 years older than her and she is only 4 months old, even if they look the same age.
56. Danny often likes to sit on Skulker’s shoulder just to annoy him, Skulker always threatens to kill Danny when he does that but never really does anything.
57. On Danny’s death day, Skulker gave him a hand crafted ecto dagger telling him that it would be unfair of him to fight an unarmed opponent, to which Phantom replied that he could beat him with one hand behind his back.  Skulker didn't say anything and flew away. Danny always keeps the Dagger on him.
58. Danny has a fear of electricity because of the way he died, and Technus is very careful to never use an electricity blast on Phantom, only ever energy beams or other weapons.  As he respects Phantom’s fear of his death, that all ghosts have.
59. To bug Sam, every time they see Aragon or mention him they always say, hey look Sam, it's your ex finance.
60. Sam likes to kick the boys in the shins with her steel toe boots when they are being especially annoying.  But Danny is in his phantom form, he will change his legs into a tail and say, you can kick me in the shin’s if I don't have any.  And in retaliation she will always kick tucker twice.
This was part 3 of some of my DP head cannons.  Please tell me if you want to see more, and what you thought of them. <3
And also, what are some of your own Danny phantom head canons?  I would love to hear about them!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
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pro-bee-sisters · 2 years
All my AUs
Link to mainpost
Hello to all my Bee Sisters, Muggle here with an update on each and every one of my AUs that I plan to have ASAP. 
Now I know you already know some such as The Queen Bee and the Vesperia or The Lost Miraculous, but I also plan to add a few more on the way that not just focus on Chloe and/or Zoe. 
For more AUs and Fanfics I plan to do, visit my main blog for more
Without further due, here are the list of all my AUs~!
The Queen Bee and the Vesperia:
Inspired by the Barbie adaptation, "The Princess and the Pauper," and the original Mark Twain story, Chloé and Zoé are two different, but similar looking girls and one day meet as they talk about their lives and how different they are. When Chloé, after being Queen Bee on a mission, is kidnapped and taken to Hawk Moth and Mayura, it’s now up to Zoé to use the bee miraculous and pretend to be Queen Bee until the real hero is found.  
The Undercover Tales of Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet:  
AU, Post Miraculer. Ladybug tells Chloe that she cannot be Queen Bee anymore due to her identity being exposed, but instead of taking back the miraculous, she decides that it would be better if Chloe went undercover instead. Then, when Alya is exposed as Rena Rouge, it’s now up to the two vicious enemies to put their differences aside and work together undercover as Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet.  
The Lost Miraculous:
Post Queen Banana/AU. Angry for being replaced, Chloé vows to never help Ladybug ever again and to destroy her once and for all. While on the run, the blonde stumbles upon a mysterious box with question marks all over it. Curiously, she takes it home and it’s revealed to be the Spider Miraculous! Bitter and vengeful at Ladybug and hating the new hero Vesperia, Chloé decides to use the miraculous for her advantage and decides to call herself a new hero. However, The Spider Kwami, Octod starts to see that maybe the young blonde girl is not evil or malicious, but someone who “is lost, just like him.”  
The Bee Sisters Duo!:
Chloe and Zoe are fraternal twin sisters in this AU. and they both called themselves “The Bee Sisters Duo.” Chloe, wielding the bee miraculous, is Queen Bee. Zoe, wielding a wasp miraculous, is Vesperia. When switched, Chloe is Lady Wasp and Zoe is Madame Bee.
A Fox and Her Cub:
Miracle Queen AU where Sabrina teams up with Lila and they join Hawk Moth. Sabrina becomes a villain after being tired of Chloe neglecting her because of her duties as Queen Bee. Zoe will get the dog miraculous and will be called Baroness Woof.
Bug and Wasp Game:
Kinda a dark and gritty AU; similar to Batman. Marinette is known as LadySteel (Based off of the steelblue ladybug) and Chloe is once again Queen Wasp. They’ll basically have a Batman and Catwoman dynamic.
The Anti Tales of Lady Dot and Ms. Kitty:
What happens if Chloe and Lila are the Ladybug and Cat wielders instead? Rather than be superheroes, they’re anti heroes known as Lady Dot (Chloe) and Ms. Kitty (Lila).
Queen Bee and Ladybug with Su-Han:
A bit inspired by Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, so this one’s a little raunchy. Chloe and Marinette are still heroes, but this time, they’re angels sent from Heaven to fight off akumatized victims in order to earn their places up there again. They’ll still use their power sources and Su-Han will be their guardian to help assign their missions.
His (Un)Loyal Student:
AU where Gabriel/Hawk Moth adopts Chloe as his foster daughter after Andre and Audrey die at his hands. He then trains her to be his personal fighter to fight off against Ladybug and Chat Noir. However, as time goes by, Chloe begins to question Hawk Moth’s motives and wonders if he’s the actual villain instead.
And that is all for now. As I’d mentioned before on my main blog, I will be very busy for the most part, so it will take time for me to all of these. However, when I do get started on one or update one, I will let you all know ASAP.
Please have a fantastic day.
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mlwritersguild · 3 years
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adrinette drabble collection
@alexseanchai, @queer-cosette, @valiantlyjollynightmare, @maggies-scribblings, @2manyfandoms2count
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oranges (for luck) by @alexseanchai
"Oranges! Oranges for everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! Live long and prosp—aaah!"
"Let me help with those, Marinette. Isn't your name pronounced 'chéng' exactly like 'orange' and 'success'? So we don't need oranges for success. Just you."
"Ah, heh heh, good thing I brought oranges! Not limes! I'm even worse at pick-up limes!"
"Ugh, Dupain-Cheng, nobody wants any of your fruit salad. Look, Adrikins, I brought—"
"Chloé, stop. If nobody else wants a lucky orange, I'll take as many as I can get. How long do they last, a few weeks? Marinette success oranges for breakfast through Valentine's. Sweet."
haircut (for safety) by @alexseanchai
"Friendly warning, kitty, if you go downstairs right now Maman will draft you to help with spring cleaning."
"Do you think if I tell her I'm hiding from overexcited fans with Valentine's dreams, she'll let me stay and help for several hours? At least that's honest work! —Why are kwamis cutting your hair?"
"It's annoyingly long, and Luka and Juleka have a gig tonight and dates tomorrow, and after that is Lunar New Year when it's unlucky."
"Yeah, let's not chance cutting off good fortune. I'm bigger than the scissors and I listen when the stylists talk—I could help?"
drop everything now (meet me in the pouring rain) by @queer-cosette
Valentine’s day has so far been a success:
- Pink carnations for Marinette (she loved them, thank you for the rec, Alya!)
- A wonderful meal at an ambient yet kitschy restaurant
- Conversation that had never paused or slowed
- And some excellent hand-holding action on the walk home.
Only one thing left on his Valentine’s to-do list…
He stops. She stops too.
He leans down.
Her lashes flutter.
Lips puckering…
The heavens open.
No! Everything was going so faultlessly…
But Marinette is grinning.
“I always wanted to kiss a handsome boy in the rain.”
And then she does so.
(It’s perfect.)
to show that you know me is the best gift of all by @queer-cosette
Removing her thimble and habitually sucking her finger, Marinette stands up and steps back to admire the finished quilt: a map of Paris done in pale pinks and soft greens, and here and there she’s embroidered tiny red pawprints - each one marking a location significant to their lives. She hopes Adrien likes it when he sees it on their bed.
He calls her from the kitchen at that moment; when she enters he’s grinning and holding a dish of her favourite homemade butternut squash risotto despite his lack of cooking experience, and she knows she can’t possibly love him more.
Nested boxes by @2manyfandoms2count
“Adriennnn, we agreed to do something small for Valentine's this year!” Marinette pouted as her boyfriend handed her a giant parcel, her fingers nonetheless itching to tear the wrapping.
"And I promise I respected that." Adrien's eyes sparkled
"What are you up to?" Marinette squinted, five nested boxes in.
Adrien chuckled at her impatience.
He leaned closer when Marinette finally reached the last small, velveteen ring box.
“See? Tiny." Adrien revealed its contents for her.
She looked up with tear-filled eyes. His smile wobbled with emotion.
"My Lady, will you do me the honour of officially making me Mr Bug?”
Sugar Sweet by @valiantlyjollynightmare
She miscalculated, she thinks, staring at the mess on the floor.
Adrien shifts beside her and she looks at him. His eyes sparkle with mirth and soon enough he's laughing. She joins in—it's all she can do, really.
He came home early.
"You scared me!"
He's giddy. "Are you making this for me?"
“Something sweet for my sweet husband.”
From behind, he wraps his arms around her middle, resting his chin on her shoulder. “You’re the sweetest, anyway.”
He presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“The sugar on the floor is even sweeter," she hums. "You clean that, though.”
Sweet tooth by @2manyfandoms2count
Hushed voices outside of her bedroom woke Marinette on a fine Saturday morning.
“I wonder what that’s about,” she chuckled as she rolled straight into her husband’s arms, who kissed her lazily.
“Let’s find out, shall we?” Adrien replied before calling the disturbance in.
“Joyeuse Saint Valentin, Maman!” The kids jumped on the bed, Emma handing her a heart-shaped box of chocolates.
“Thank you, my loves.” Marinette kissed each of her temporary bedmates, lingering for her permanent one.
Empty wrappings greeted her when she finally opened her gift.
“Kids!” Adrien exclaimed.
“What? You said we could eat them for breakfast!”
Paper (for Forgetfulness) by @maggies-scribblings
Marinette falls onto her bed, exhausted.
She wouldn’t trade her life for anything. Still…
Television’s a mindless distraction, until an ad reminds her.
Adrien comes to her, embraces her soothingly and kisses her tears away.
“Shh, my love.”
“I… forgot!” She always remembered.
“Happy Valentine's Day!” He whispers, offering an envelope.
“Plane tickets?” She looks up, then spots their packed bags. “What about the kids?”
“They’re with Sabine. You need a break.”
He provides another envelope, full of handmade coupons, and winks!
“Pay me back with these.”
They kiss, as lovingly as ever, and her worries disappear.
Flowers (to remember) by @maggies-scribblings
Adrien’s always been the earlybird – Marinette, the sleepyhead.
She drowsily returns his light kiss before he exits their cottage, uncharacteristically empty of grandchildren.
Leaving her hurts, but his destination’s worthwhile: ‘their’ brook, surrounded by wildflowers, to pick one for each year together.
Their first Valentine's, unwittingly sharing poems and a kiss.
The oranges, the haircut… kissing in the rain.
The quilt they still cuddle in… proposing, baking disasters, pilfered chocolates…
He smiles, tearing up.
The forgotten Valentine's Day, their well-deserved break.
Her memory’s fading. Maybe it's age, fatigue, or…
Whatever follows, he knows they’ll be together.
Against the world.
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multifandomwriter18 · 4 years
“Just one Kiss” Chatnoir x Reader
A/n: sorry for not posting again, I’ve been in a writers block for a while. I haven’t touched any of my fanfics for a while but since we are in 2021 I wanna change that and work more on my stories :)
Anyways here’s a short imagine, hope y’all like it! Also feel free to follow me on my wattpad @alexandracapone1 and @annalisathewriter
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I've been fighting along side with Lady Bug and Chat Noir for a while now..
But there is just one problem...
I'm in love with Chat and Adrien..
I sighed as I leaned against the light  post as Lady Bug takes out the akuma with her yo-yo.
I smiled as we all fist bumped. "Pound it!”
Chat Noir winked at me as I blushed furiously while rolling my (eye colour) eyes.
"Well that was fun see you all later!" Stated Lady Bug and ran off leaving Chat Noir and I.
"See ya later Kitty.."
Before I could run Chat grabbed my arm. "Please don't go.." I froze and looked at him.
His hand moved from my wrist to my waist and pulled me against him. "C-Chat, let me go, we got a few more minutes before-"
"I want to know who the girl under that mask is..the one I'm falling for.."
Heat flushed through my (skin colour) cheeks. "N-no we..wait what?!" I nearly shrieked.
My heart was racing. He has feelings for me?!
But I love Adrien too..how can I just..oh my god..
"H-how can you have feelings for someone who you hardly know and I-"
"-I know you feel that spark too My Lady..just tell me you feel the same."
His green eyes burned into my (eye colour) ones. "I.." I trailed off adverting my gaze to the ground.
His gloved hand touched my cheek as he put a strand of my (hair colour) hair behind my ear.
"My lady..look at me.."
I bite down on my lower lip. "Please..don't push me away.." He barely whispered.
"I..I..I don't..I mean I do but I-" suddenly I was cut off my his hand gripping my cheek.
My eyes widened as his lips crashed onto mine. Tears weld in my (eye colour) eyes. His lips were soft as silk, the kiss was soft but full of passion.
I wanted to push him away and run but my heart was screaming to stay. I warped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I kissed back.
His hands tangled in my (hair colour) hair as my finger tips brushed through his honey colour hair. I felt his teeth drag on my lower lip.
I gasped, as a shiver went down my spine. He pushed his tongue in my mouth dominated the kiss. His mouth tastes sweet, as a moan escapes my lips I felt a purr rumble in his chest making me get butterflies in my stomach.
His hand tighten around my waist. This felt like heaven. Our tongue tangled together. We kissed like it would've been our last.
His body fitted perfectly against mine, as if we're made for each other. Then there was a flash.
We both open our eyes and I gasped. Right in front of my eyes was Adrien..
"(Y-Y/N? Is it r-really y-you?" He stuttered and I felt tears slip down my flushed cheeks.
"A-Adrien? Y-your C-Chat N-Noir?" I barely managed to say. "It's really you.." I added on as he stared at me.
He stepped closer to me. His breath danced along my cheeks as I couldn't even stare at him. "Oh (Y/N).." My lower lip quivered.
"A-are you disappointed at the results?" I asked as I finally met his green eyes.
He smiles as he leaned down resting his forehead against mine. He took one of my shaking hands in his. "No..no..not all..I'm forever grateful.."
I froze. "What do you mean?"
He smiled and kissed my wet cheeks. "I'm happy cause I've always been in love with you..it was always you.."
His gaze dropped to mine. Without thinking I cupped his cheek and pushed my lips to his.
Our lips moved in sync. Hungry and passionate.
I don't know how long we kissed for. Seconds? Minutes?
By the time we pulled away we were both breathless. A perfect smile played on his lips.
"I love you (Y/N).."
His brushed his fingers through my (hair colour) hair and kissed my forehead.
A smiled played on the pink lips. "I love you too Adrien..or showed a say Chat Noir?"
He chuckled softly and went down on his knee. "My Lady, I want you to be my girlfriend."
I laughed and kneels down and kissed him. He kissed back and I pulled away with another smile.
"I'll take that as a yes?"
I laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend.."
He laughed and pulled me in our arms. Both of our Kwami's dances around us cheering making us giggle and kiss again.
He's just purrfect~
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
"i just need you to promise me," kagami tells her. hands high up in the air, the little packet bubble-wrapped between manicured nails, marinette barely pays attention to how she flattens her face. "do you promise not to tell anyone i gave you this, kitty?"
"why do you have this in the first place?" marinette blurts out.
"how'd you get this?" she asks again. jumping is futile; kagami has legs, long ones, slim and pale and optimized for fencing maneuvers. even someone like her, like marinette who's good with a staff, she seems to struggle to actually gain any push in this odd game of keep-away. "did you steal it?"
"that is not the question to ask at the moment," kagami says with a small smile. when marinette whines, the humor morphs into something similar to contempt. "do you promise?"
"i'm not good at direct questions."
"it's a simple yes or no."
"i just... want it. mimi, hurry up!"
she's been waiting for these pictures for months— no, years, practically, ever since she saw the first one in a magazine spread and realized she didn't recognize the pose. they'd been sponsored to do an active-wear line, lady noire, mister bug, and viperion, and there are never-released photos. things the public hasn't seen, hadn't kept known, with her along with it. suited up as lady noire, she had been wheeled off into another room for privacy and fittings, with a white backdrop that lit up her sports bra neon and black. viperion and misterbug had gone down the opposite cooridor, much to her disdain.
she's never seen some of these.
and that spread she'd seen had revealed... well. a lot, actually.
only kagami knows that she's been salivating over the viperion spread, and nothing else. kagami is the only one she trusts to take that to the grave.
"say 'please'."
"say 'thank you'."
"thank you," she huffs. with a jump, she tries futively to reach for her friend's hands. "come on—"
"say 'i promise not to tell anyone that you stole this from an undisclosed website and downloaded it for printing'."
"i promise not to—" marinette steps back. "wait a minute, you downloaded these?"
"kitty, i knew better than to just print one copy when it comes to you," kagami deadpans. she has a way of saying it often, this dry, quickwitted humor that makes marinette laugh. "do yourself a favor and don't dilate your eyes like that, you're not truly a cat, are you?"
"is it raunchy?"
"if you're interested in six packs."
"are they naked?"
"nearly. the line they sold included boxers." a scrunch of that delicate, princess-like nose that is so kagami whenever she disapproves of something. "'moisture-wicking', too. form-fitting..."
marinette shrieks. "oh god, i owe you big time!"
"promise you won't show anyone."
"these are for myself," she blurts out. "no one else. please oh please oh please, hand them over."
she tears into the bubble wrap like christmas, heart exploding and knees weak.
"can we go back to drinking our tea, now?"
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eggrestes · 3 years
ladrien fic recs!
there are SO MANY amazing ladrien fics i cant possibly cover them all but here are a few!
(all the ratings used are ao3 ratings)
((this is a very long post!))
Of Ivy and Sunlight by cyanise [ T, 1509 words, 1/1 ]
When Adrien takes to wandering the streets of Paris in ungodly hours, Ladybug has no choice but to keep an eye on him. Still, things are bound to get a little out of hand between two overloaded teenagers with a lot of love and not enough self-control. 
a lovely post-chat blanc fic :’) it has a great flow and is just soft and so sweet and it’s just perfect. gosh i cannot really say more other than read it!!! also almost all of their other stuff is also ladrien so do check it out!
This can't be happening by PlaPla [ T,  6,467 words, 1/2 ]
Ladybug is unsure whether accompanying Adrien to a gala as his not-date is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to her. But when their table mates turn out to be none other than her long time friends Alya and Nino and with Adrien acting weirder and weirder she finds herself with bigger worries than an unrequited crush.
a djwifi/ladrien double date? hit me up! i love identity shenanigans, ball dancing, ladrien, and djwifi and this is a perfect mix for me. i know it’s incomplete but it doesn’t end in a cliff-hanger really, the part 2 is just a promise of more so it doesn’t feel incomplete! PlaPla also has a short oneshot of ladrien going for a motorcycle ride.
Falling again by emsylcatac [ M,  4,506 words, 2 Works ]
They had been dancing around each other for a while now, and while fifteen year old Adrien would have been ecstatic at the idea of dating Ladybug in secret, twenty-two year old Adrien knew better. But Ladybug wasn’t making it easy. It was like… she, too, was falling for him. And that surprisingly enough, she didn’t mind.
* * *
Or Adrien trying (and failing) to keep things professional between him and Ladybug when the two of them partner up for a mission. Older AU
things are a little steamy~ here (don’t worry, it’s only implied it’s very mild and closer to a T rating than the M) but it’s a great mature take on their dynamics! emsy has more ladrien one-shots in her collection of one-shots!
i'd love to go on a date with you by sae_what  [ G,  6,480 words, 1/1 ]
Once it had been falsely announced throughout Paris that Adrien and Ladybug are in a relationship, Ladybug pays him a visit to turn him down gently.
Only, she doesn’t. And instead, she has a formal dinner date. With Adrien. At 8 pm. Tonight.
LADYBUG IN A SUIT!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. okay but for real it’s so sweet and also??? they are on a date!!! a rooftop date!! (too man exclamation marks oops)
Always Welcome by  chatonne-rousse [ T, 1,683 words, 1/1 ]
Ladybug knows that Adrien's window is always open for her to swing by and stop in, whether for video games or a chat or, like tonight, for soft kisses and sweet nothings.
He loves these visits. His girlfriend is always welcome. Always. (Especially for kisses.)
Written for Ladrien June, day 8: bluebell eyes.
established relationship, pre-reveal ladrien. there is something very home-y about this fic and it’s all about the comfort and quiet that i adore about it!
Five Times Gabriel Agreste Caught Ladybug in His Son’s Bedroom (and the One Time He Caught Chat Noir) by agrestenoir [ T,  1,923 words, 1/1]
Gabriel Agreste keeps finding Ladybug in his son's bedroom. As a super villain and father, this will not stand.
this crack fic is... honestly so hilarious. it’s all through gabrie-i-am-trying-to-parent-and-failing-a-lot-agreste’s POV so it is so much ridiculous! 
an uncurtain discovery by  Missnoodles [ T, 4,684 words, 1/1 ]
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Adrien is being a cat and gets tangled in the curtains on his window and it’s utterly ridiculous. all the bug and the cat tendencies make it funnier and adrien’s inner monologue is just a cherry on top!
secret valentine by a_miiraculer [ T,  12,245 words, 1/1 ]
this is the moment that we will come alive brace yourself for love sweet love, secret love
If Adrien had known that getting himself stuck in a tree would end like this, he would've gotten himself stuck sooner.
A drabble series.
i just,,,, don’t have words for how much i love it! it’s ridiculous, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s whole-some and just ladrien. the writer also has a M rated multi-chapter ladrien kissing (no the M is very much real here) and a heroic adrien and ladybug one-shot too! 
Those Benevolent Stars by peachcitt [ G,  23,696 words, 3/3 ]
“Will you come back?”
She looked up at the deep blue sky, as if she could somehow find the answer there. “I shouldn’t,” she said, shaking her head and looking back at him. But the stars were still there, caught in her eyes, and Adrien persisted.
“But will you?”
adrien meets his soulmate, a thief who calls herself ladybug. he falls for her, but she seems determined to maintain a space between them.
oh my god this au.... just no words!! it’s poetry and it’s tender and it’s about the yearning and just!!! perfect :’). Her current ongoing ladrien june fic is also akin to this (and the fic i linked before it) so do check it out too! (literally check out all of their works it’s so beautiful)
Flowers on the Window Sill by LNC [ G,  2,144 words, 1/1 ]
The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
this fic feels like poetry and it’s so lovely. LNC is always short and direct but it always hits right in the feels while also being hilarious. Her  other ladrien works are just as good and i highly recommend going through them because it fulfills all of the ladrien needs (along with Reiaji)
whatever a sun will always sing is you by komorebirei [ T,  32,980 words, 37/37 ]
“I didn't think you'd actually... do anything," Adrien admitted, cheeks prickling with warmth. "I-I mean, I never expected... I didn't know you watched my interviews.” That definitely wasn’t how he'd imagined confessing to Ladybug.
“Of course I do!” Ladybug squeaked. “Uhh, that is…” She looked down at her hands, nervously turning her yo-yo over, over and over. “Maybe you’re not the only one with a crush.”
(After an unexpected confession, Ladybug and Adrien start dating in secret. A progressive character- and relationship-study quilted from drabbles, with the intention of digging treasure out of the cove that is Ladrien. Written using kashimalin-fanfiction's kiss writing prompts from Tumblr.)
it does such an excellent job at exploring this dynamic along with the characters. it’s such a sweet fic, each chapter short and fun!
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by  Reiaji [ T,  105,000 words, 25/25 ]
Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.
As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.
Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
[Ladrien Cinderella AU]
Warnings: Child abuse, Graphic depiction of violence
this is absolutely gorgeous. it has so many troupes and so many amazing character arc and great build up and everything just flows so well. it left me in awe for weeks and i just. want to experience reading it for the first time again. look at this gorgeous art inspired by this! {and you have to read  leonard bernstein too because LETTERS and LADRIEN and YEARNING}
i would do it again (oh, a thousand times) by bugabisous [ T, 2,266 words, 1/1 ]
Knowing you can bring someone back doesn’t mean you’re free of the pain of seeing them disappear before your eyes. He can’t imagine he’ll be able to look at her directly without replaying every horrifying moment when he felt her slip away in a puff of smoke.
When it happens once again, he already knows he’ll be trying again. He just can’t give up.
it expands on adrien’s feelings in the episode desperada (my beloved <3) and it is just ouch. such great angst, such great potential. the kind of tragedy that it offers is unusual for ml (it gets only rivaled by chat blanc tbh). to rival this angst bugabisous also has a fluffy one-shot :)
when the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) by Taliax [ T, 4,720 words, 1/1 ]
Chat Noir isn't allowed to cry over his father. But even when he's just Adrien, Ladybug won't abandon him.
Hawkmoth reveal hurt/comfort + Ladrien
the plagg and adrien bond written is just perfect, and oh this hits right in the feels :’) it hurts all in the right way. tali also has so many other ladrien works in all genres too
By Your Side by omniousunflower [ T, 4,361 words, 1/1 ]
(Angry and alone, Adrien waits on top of the Eiffel Tower for his lady.)
“So, how did my kitty get stranded up here?” Ladybug asks.
Groaning, Adrien pulls his knees toward his chest and presses his face against them. “Because he’s stupid and impulsive.”
“Chasing pigeons, then?”
“No.” Shame burns in Adrien’s veins, white-hot now that Ladybug is here to witness his stupidity. “I threw my Miraculous, and Plagg wouldn’t get it for me.”
post-hawkmoth defeat, and adrien is not doing well at all. i am cheating because it is post reveal, pre relationship but it’s still ladrien. this fic is a roller coater of emotions, starting from a slightly crack scenario to a cute, awkward, hopeful ending.  More Than You Know is another of sunny’s angsty ladrien work!
Breaking The Rules (AKA The Ladrien Fistfight) by ThisKwamiNeeds_aNap [ T, 8,714 words, 1/1 ]
Marinette may or may not be dying, but she’s still going to do her best to fix every single problem in the world. She’s not expecting Adrien to be the one who tries to stop her. (Takes place immediately after Kwami Buster)
Warnings: panic attack, broken bones, PTSD. please read the tags!
*slaps this fic* this fic can fit in so much angst. it just?? left me in PAIN oof. it says ‘ladrien fistfight’ on the lid but nooo there is marinette is just having a freak out and it’s all so much??!! and it’s not just marinette there is adrien too and chloe and alya and- wow it’s amazing. love it so much it fills up my angst needs :’)
so that’s it for now! my personal commentary isn’t impressive nor does it do justice to the fic but i still hope you read a few of these!! happy reading!!
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san-fics · 3 years
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Responsible and silly
MLB fan fiction
MisterNoir/LadyNoir, Marichat, Adrianette
Part 3
Lady Noir was expecting her partner at the meeting point for the patrol next day.
She arrived in advance to buy another rose for him, and was now walking there and back on the roof. She was thinking about Mister Bug taking her rose and smiling back at her with forgiveness. For some reason her heart beat and breath increased on the image.
A whirred thought ran through her mind: was this the feeling Chat Noir had while waiting for her with a rose in his hand? Wait. What? No!
Chat had feelings. Feelings! And she was just trying to clean up the mess she’d created. Nothing else. Right?
Mister Bug arrived soon enough, landing behind her back.
“Hey, Kitty-Cat!” He called cheerfully.
Lady Noir turned around and saw his face darkened at the sight of a flower in her hand.
“You’re not gonna let it go, are you?” He asked, all the cheerful notes disappearing from his voice at once. “I get it now, ok?” He sounded frustrated. “You don’t like me! You don’t want me to bring you flowers. I’ve learned my lesson, you can let it go now!” He didn’t even try to hide how hurt his feelings were.
Lady Noir’s chest went cold. Could she hurt him even more with her stupid ideas?
“I just wanted to...” She swallowed. “To apologize to you,” She said uncertainly. “I messed up. I’m sorry. It was...” She made a few steps toward him and took his hand, shaking a little. “Would you accept it from me? Please?”
She looked at him with begging eyes, trying to stay somewhere in between being completely open and playful, so that some borders could still protect her heart, that started slowly burn... for this boy?
Mister Bug’s face softened. “You know I can’t be angry with you, when you look at me with those cat eyes, Kitty?” He raised his hand and moved the hair on her forehead, leaving his palm on her cheeck. “Even if I prefer your natural blue eyes.”
Wow. It was... wow. Her cheeks flushed from his touch and before she could stop herself from being too open, she blurted out “I like your eyes like this more!”
“You...” Mister Bug’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise, then he squinted peering into her face. “You like my eyes?”
There weren’t flirting notes in his voice, which would be easier for her to block. In fact, this whole situation was too... romantic. And with this new undefined attraction to her partner, Lady Noir didn’t know how to act.
“I... That’s not what I ment.” She said protectively.
“You... don’t like my eyes then?” He asked, and she couldn’t read his expression anymore.
“I... uh... Will you accept my rose or not?!” She moved the flower between them like the last external barrier, as her internal walls were falling too fast.
“I will.” Mister Bug said confidently and calmly. “When you will be ready to give it to me.” He lifted her chin gently and looked into her eyes with a long penetrating stare. “For real.”
Her heart exploded. Lady Noir looked at his eyes, then lips, then eyes again. He started to lean closer to her, as her lips parted, her eyes closing slowly. She felt his breath on her face, when he whispered: “I can wait until you are ready.” And then he made a step back.
“We should really start patrolling now,” Mister Bug said, throwing his yoyo. “See you in an hour.”
“What is happening with me, Plagg?” Marinette was whispering loudly in an alley. “What’s wrong with my feelings?!”
“This wasn’t a deal!” Plagg replied, hiding in her beg.
“Uh...” Marinette looked at him surprised. “What wasn’t a deal, Plagg?”
“When you swapped your miraculous, I should have gotten a week off from his romantic whining about you. But you're even worse! At least he is confident about his feelings. And now I have to deal with this I’m-in-love-but-I-can’t-even-admit-it-to-myself monologue! How does Tikki stand it any way?”
“I’m not... I...” Tears gushed from her eyes. “I’m in love with Adrien, Plagg. Chat Noir is just... I mean Mister Bug... It’s so confusing...”
“Sorry, kid.” Plagg flew out of the bed next to her face. “Maybe it really comes with a ring. I thought only that guy can whine so much.” He looked at her sobbing. “I don’t know why master Fu even had to chose two people so close to each other. Like, it is obviously confusing, when you cross path each other like that all the time.”
Marinette stoped sobbing and was watching at Plagg in shock.
“What do you mean, cross path each other?” She asked.
“Did I say that?” Plagg flew down and hit in her beg again.
“You did, Plagg. Two people so close to each other?”
“No, no, no!” Plagg was saying fast. “What I said was how good that master Fu had chosen two teenagers, so they can be close to one another, both whiny and all!”
“I heard what you said, Plagg!” Marinette ignored his destruction.
“Oh, no!” Plagg yelled. “Tikki is going to kill me!”
“Don’t worry, Plagg.” Marinette was speaking softer now. “I know how to keep a secret.” She smiled. “Let’s go back and finish the patrol. You have to stand my presence only for one more day.” She sighed. “Claws out.”
Mister Bug was already sitting on the roof, waiting for her at the meeting point, where they usually reported to each other before leaving home.
“How was your patrol, Kitty?” He said, still looking to the city, when Lady Noir sat next to him.
“It was... fine. All clear.” She said, nervously swinging her braided hair. “So, Mister Bug...” She started. “Do you think... uh... we could know each other in real life?”
Mister Bug turned his face to her, looking surprised and concerned.
“Why would you think so?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
“No reason.” She retreated quickly, losing her gaze on the city. “But... uh... if we did... Hypothetically... Then... Do you think we would recognize each other?”
He turned his face to the city again. “You know we can’t discuss that.” He said with serious tone. “Our identities must be kept a secret, m’lady.”
“Sure!” She exclaimed. “I know that.” Yeah. Right. I know.
[part 1] [part 2] ... [part 4]
[more MLB fanfic]
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