#*{ Hero or Villain? ~Main Verse~ }*
exvought · 3 months
i need more training.
alec narrows his gaze onto nina from across the training room, her determination cutting through her timbre and across the area. there's a tick within the line of his jaw as he studies her, his ears listening for the strum of her heartbeat to give leeway to what she is thinking, how she is feeling, and what this newfound mission to train stems from. the world of supes is a dangerous one, never knowing if they will appear and push their fist through the chest cavity of any innocences that they deem unworthy of criminal justice, and instead, their own brutal version of justice.
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alec crosses his arms over his chest, almost sizing her up as his gaze rakes over her. from an outsider's perspective, given alec's crude history, it may seem as though he is checking her out. but in actuality, he's seeing where her strengths and weaknesses may be just from a different point of view. "if you want to train with me, i'm not going to hold you hand. metaphorically, of course," he muses, a simper bleeding to the surface of his features, a usual appearance that he takes on. "think you can keep up?"
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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"Screw me if I'm wrong, but haven't we met before?" He doesn't realize that line doesn't work if you HAVE met. He's a little dumb.
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  There was amusement clear on her face when he said that, she knew that they had met before and it was clear that he didn’t think this line wouldn’t be applied to either of them。
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「So。。。」 Mukuro began, a smirk grows her lips, 「you want to fuck me~?」
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【 dirty pick up lines 】                            ♡                            【 accepting 】
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saiibeo · 2 years
// On a much brighter note casually kicks bad brain juice under carpet nothing to see here
new tag drop before I continue. some of them is just me ensuring they have the right symbols.
back to your regularly scheduled program.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 2 years
Tag Dump 2 -- RP Things
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variantia · 4 months
ELSA, what kind of death do you embody ?
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Pandora's Box.
in the modern age, knowledge is given to you no matter what. being ignorant to the ways of the world is a choice, and you feel so helpless, WATCHING, and it envelops you in fear and guilt. you let it paralyze you. knowledge is a burden if you let it be. but you must act when necessary. you are not responsible for the CRUELTY of the world. you are not the victim. ACT.
tagged by : no one, I picked it up off the ground like a lost penny
tagging : steal it I dare you <3
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ignitionxbomb · 2 years
Tag Dump 2 -- RP Things
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machine-saint · 8 months
Salman Rushdie, played by Afzaal Ahmad, is portrayed in the film as a sadistic criminal mastermind, working for an international conspiracy devoted to destroying Islam (as the Muslim faith is an obstacle to his wishes of building casinos, nightclubs and brothels around the world). He is depicted as hiding in the Philippines, guarded by a private army led by an Israeli general. Saeed Khan Rangeela stars as "Chief Batu Batu", Rushdie's main Jewish henchman. Rushdie lives a life of hedonism and other excesses and routinely amuses himself by torturing and killing the mujaheddins who regularly try to hunt him down. He also enjoys torturing Muslims by making them listen to readings of The Satanic Verses.[2] [...] The film ends with a gunfight opposing the four "International Guerrillas" and Rushdie's army of Israeli henchmen. The heroes defeat the villains and, as Rushdie attempts to flee the scene, three giant Qur'ans appear in the sky and fire lightning bolts at the writer, incinerating him.[2][3]
lmao what
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artemismoorea03 · 9 months
DP x DC Prompt: I Couldn't Just Let Him Die
So one thing I don't think is touched on enough is the fact that Danny never wanted to be a hero. Like, yeah, we all know he didn't want o be a hero and he makes a joke about it but when we actually think about it this was a life he choose because nobody else was there to help. The main reason?
He didn't want people to get hurt.
Something Batman would relate to.
Now, while I love the idea of Danny absolutely beating the shit out of Joker or any villain who absolutely deserves to have their shit rocked by a kid who is only 5'5" and weighs at most 120 pounds, when we actually think about Danny's character what's more likely? Again, no hate to any of the people who do those fics, keep it up, I love seeing Joker get his just deserts.
But hear me out.
Warnings for fighting, violence, and DC typical weapons.
There was a new meta in Gotham and he was driving Bruce crazy. This kid showed up out of the blue with absolutely no information on him anywhere online or otherwise with tech so outdated not even Oracle could hack it. The only thing Bruce knew about the kid was that he called himself 'Phantom' and that he was a teenager around 14 years old.
Other than that the kid had been a pain in the ass.
Muggings? Phantom took care of it by saving the person then lecturing the person until a Bat or police showed up then literally vanished.
Fires? Phantom would fly in and out of burning buildings repeatedly with no care for his own safety. No mask, no fire protection, nothing but the thin suit he wore.
Kidnappings? Don't worry, Phantom had it handled long before Batman could even get the call to help! EVEN WHEN IT WAS ONE OF HIS OWN KIDS WHO GOT KIDNAPPED!
Granted, Phantom never got in the way of a fight but the amount of evidence that was lost due to what he was doing and how he was doing it was inconvenient. Fingerprints got wiped, evidence of what started fires were covered in an unmeltable ice, kidnappers took off the second their captive was freed and were practically untraceable after that.
It wasn't until a massive Arkham breakout that he actually got to properly meet the kid. Every prisoner had broken out and the city plunged into madness as heroes ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. Villains against heroes, criminals verse vigilantes, villains verses criminals - it was a madhouse.
Batman could hardly keep track of it all but when one of Penguin's men threw a bomb into a crowd and it landed near Joker's feet there was a long silence. It was like the city had fallen silent all around him as Batman tried to get to the bomb.
Joker was a villain.
Joker had hurt his family, killed millions of innocents including his own son, but he was sick. He didn't deserve to die.
Apparently Phantom agreed because he flew faster than Batman could track him shoving Joker away from the bomb before encasing the bomb in ice.
"Hey! What's the big idea shovin' me, bub?!" Joker said, seemingly forgetting about the bomb that was still in the kids hand. Joker walked right up to Phantom, glaring down at the shorter male who just looked at him. "Think you're some kind of hero?!"
Phantom blinked, "I feel like answering that is a trap."
Joker grabbed Phantom by the front of his shirt, "A funny guy, huh? Think you can out joke the Joker?"
"Again. That feels like a trap. I'm not trying to do anything, Clowny. But I wasn't about to let you die."
Joker glared, "Why?"
Phantom slipped out of Joker's hands somehow, much to Joker's confusion. "Because that's not who I am. Criminal or not, I'm not going to let you die if I can protect you."
"Who says I need protection?"
Phantom held up the bomb again with a deadpan look. "Lucky guess." He said, then suddenly noticed something to his right. "Oh, gotta go. Later Clowny."
"IT'S JOKER!" Joker shouted after Phantom as he flew away. "Batman! Teach your baby bats some manners!"
"He's not mine, Joker." Batman said, marching over, grabbing Joker's wrists and cuffing them behind his back.
Not yet anyway. But with a mentality like that... maybe this pain in the ass could learn a thing or two from a Bat.
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luffyvace · 4 months
yandere hero & villain hxh au
to explain this is uhhh, idk how. But I’ll do my best!! Basically the main 4 & the hunter association are heroes and the villains are the phantom troupe!!
Request via dms by: @animerules898
I’m not sure if they wanted the whole hxh verse to argue over you or if they meant separately…. But I’m gonna do separately but the yandere feels like the heroes/villains wanna take you away 💃👍
Light! Yandere! Themes, nothing too crazy ofc!! (Part 2 here!!)
Gon 🎣 and Killua 🪀!!
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Yeah I’m just gonna lump these two together bc they’d definitely help each other out‼️
but the thing is by lumping them together idk if they’d be sharing or separate, and since this is from reader pov there’ll be a 3rd party I say they don’t share, so I think I’ll go with sharing anyway
alright now that that’s settled!
first off they’ll protect you with they’re life, even if your strong
like actually, they’ll give they’re life to make you keep living, and the other must take care of you
or if they both do then make sure you live in for them!
but onto a light topic- they’re really only yandere when they feel jealous or when your in danger, otherwise they’re really playful and friendly ofc, so you likely won’t be scared of them unless they kidnap you or smth-
if your not they’ll be especially protective of you and at least one of them is near you at all times
things don’t get any safer after you become hunters so they’ll either teach you nen or as a last resort send you to live with aunt mito
(cuz killua family ain’t a option 🗿)
as long as it’s not too dangerous they’ll let you choose which one
also they feel disappointed in themselves after getting kidnapped by the phantom troupe, because it proves they aren’t strong enough to protect you from villains!
they’d better not hurt you or adult gon gonna be activated early! >:(
joking! 😜 but they do prioritize getting you free before them
they’re protectiveness becomes heightened after that incident and you’d have to fight not to go stay with aunt mito if you wanna keep going on adventures
but for the chimera ant arc they definitely don’t let you go
at least not to the king’s castle
they’ll find a strong ally to keep you safe in a safe place and when they get back you better be safe or else whoever was supposed to keep you safe isn’t going to be safe
Kurapika ⚔️📚
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Kurapika would be one of the most protective ones seeing as though his half of the villains in this au are his enemies 😭
he won’t want you to go out a lot at all so I hope your not one for adventure, preferably an introvert too so you aren’t always super hype to see others and maybe a little skeptical like him
With your permission he’ll put a tracker on you just in case, he seems to be surrounded by kidnapping-🗿 so he can’t risk that happening to you
even more so if the troupe finds out about you, which he really really really hopes never happens even tho it just might
i don’t think it’ll be anyone’s fault if they do, unless Kurapika kidnapped you and you try to escape, then Shalnark likely just found out about you through research
And the chances of Chrollo not taking you hostage to use against Kurapika are almost 0%
if that does happen Kurapika will do whatever it take to get you back, even if it means telling the troupe they can have his life as long as they set you free (which Kurapika is smart so he’ll get his friends/Allies to help make sure they actually set you free in case it was a set up, he comes up with a very detailed plan and it’s success rate is pretty high since he’s managed to outsmart Chrollo before using the element of surprise. I’m not sure where he’ll send you but if Gon suggests Aunt Mito’s house he’ll likely take the opportunity seeing as though he has no family to send you to himself).
but if that doesn’t happen! (Thankfully) he will constantly move every few months and make to sure keep lots of locks and passcodes wherever you stay at the moment. He also has lots of security cameras, but don’t worry! He’s a good boyfriend aside from all the crazy stuff you have to go through from his wild life so he still gets you gifts and spends all his free time with you when he’s home! 💗
Leorio 🥼🩺
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Being with Leorio will probably give you the most peaceful life at our everyone here 😭😭
seriously tho this dude’s just a doctor!
If you met in college he likely fell in love with you with for your intelligence/appearance and as he discovered more about you he found himself going down a rabbit whole of newfound affection for you
even if you didn’t meet in college he still falls pretty darn fast for you
your one of the few couple who can have a normal life and regular dates
all thanks to the fact that he basically has no ops LOL
he’s aware of villains and is grateful they don’t even know he exists 😭😅
that way he can give you a peaceful life and he has time to get stronger before taking on any seriously dangerous foes to protect you
but yeah! You adventures with gon, killua and kurapika can get pretty wild but your really on the outside looking in since none of gon, killua of Kurapika’s ops really come for you 😂
enjoy your happy life!♡ Ging 📜
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this man has the power and disappearance abilities to protect you and hide you well from your enemies..
so your pretty much good!👌✅
Besides idk know many who has the guts to challenge this guy anyway
in fact idk anyone who even found this guy to be able to challenge him!
I mean besides gon but obviously he wasn’t looking for smoke 😭
when you meet gon you probably find him cute!
Ging probably told you about him but he seemed uncomfortable at the topic and didn’t wanna talk about it much cuz he isn’t exactly proud he up and left…
it doesn’t make him look good for you since your his s/o 😃
Ging will take you on any safer adventures he has but idk how often that’ll be
you probably have a pretty home tho! Somewhere safe too! Although I will say you probably have multiple houses with all the traveling he does, in fact you may own 3 in the most common places you go to but otherwise you just rent trusted, clean places to stay at.
It’s a plus that you don’t have to really worry about villains too!
ngl this is also a pretty peaceful life as long as you can deal with Ging’s antics (if he’s anything like Gon)
btw don’t worry he tells you when he’s going and where when he leaves, and always comes back, he cares about you a lot and doesn’t want you to stop loving him bc of a situation like his and Gon’s- 🗿😜
I have a feeling he didn’t kidnap, but courted you as well.
Go on, runaway (🤭) into the sunset together ☀️ I’m gonna make a part 2 for the phantom troupe as the villains bc I might run out of characters 😅💗
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Cute Spider Society Headcanons:
[a long post of random headcanons about the fun stuff at Spider Society HQ - all cool things for your Spidersona to do]
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There's absolutely regular talent shows and battles of the band every quarter or so.
Spider-people usually aren't the most popular back home on their Earth's, so Miguel permits having shows and activities like this so Spider-people can bond and relieve stress between Canon Events
Hobie has won multiple times - His and Gwen's band won last quarter, BUT they don't always win. MetroSpider is another past winner.
The rule is Spider-members only. But if your powers help your music, you can use them (ie, Hobie can play guitar without an amp-)
Training is a HUGE thing.
And it's mandatory even between missions. Time trails, Web strength testing, problem resolution training, weekly classes - It's a lot.
Your training schedule isn't always the same, and your classes are determined by your skill, specific powers, and universe
Money isn't used on campus. It's banned actually, and mostly useless when everyone is from a universe with a different exchange rate, political climate, tender etc.
Instead, The main currency is based on a points system connected to training/missions.
The more missions you do, or the more you train (therefore making you a better hero to your universe), the more points you earn
Things like the cafeteria and dorms are completely free. But points can be used to earn perks like suit upgrades, or things from the commissary
The Commissary is a store on campus where you can buy authorized items from other Earth's.
They have everything from training materials like mechanical webbing - with different properties/effects - to leisure things like cool video games from Margo's world or music from other time eras, vintage things from old universes, etc
Points can also be used for a number of other stuff such as:
Extra jumps on your watch. The more missions you do, the more jumps you can buy, allowing you to go to other universes on your off time (to hang with friends)
Suit Upgrades. Your suit is surveyed and upgraded for free at joining, and it gets upgraded with every class you gain (C Class -> B Class -> A Class -> etc.)
However, you can use points to upgrade or even just redesign your suit. There is a Suit Center where fashionable and genius Spider-people will help you design and adjust your suit based on your universe and villains
There's support groups, a lot centered around Canon Events.
For teens and young Spider-people there's an Educational Program
It can be done part-time with active mission work or full-time on campus
You train in multiversal research, Spider genetics, and other technology such as Doc Ock technology and Green Goblin biology
You can be offered a job on campus after completion - Margo is a graduate of this
If your participate in Educational Program, Lyla will be your mentor and you'll report to her
Educational students live in separate dorms, and the program is kinda intense, but VERY fun
There are different focuses in the program
Spider-Geneticists have a short residency after, they help take Spider vitals and oversee Training
You can also specialise in Spider-medicine - in which you work in the Infirmary
There are some CRAZY (secret) Parties all over the Spider-verse.
Disco-Spider loves a good party. Her and Pavi through insane ragers, a new one in a different universe everytime
Miguel has no idea
But partying on the walls and ceiling while Spider-people play super-human live shows in the world's craziest mosh-pit -
Spider-parties hit different.
It's one of the only time everyone is unmasked around each other
There's a really loose dress code
You DO NOT have to wear your suit 24/7. What is someone gonna do, rat you out in your universe?
Everyone is in their suit for ATSV cause Miguel asked them to be completely professional that day (as an intimidation tactic)
That's why Jess, Gwen, Peter, and Hobie are all fine showing their faces as soon as they get to campus.
If anything it's usually seen as weird to be wearing your mask all the time
Casual clothing is allowed. Skirts and dresses without anything underneath aren't allowed (you'll be upsidedown.)
You're expected to have two suits (one main, one spare - you get these at joining) for missions and a separate training outfit for your classes
There's super sports teams
Spidey Football (European not American) expands the rules to all four walls with a ball engineered to stick like Spidey-people do
Track & Swing Team - which Pavitr is a star member of
A small swim-and-dive team for the swimmers, and a small Roller Derby league for the skaters
Pavitr is also a star on the gymnastics team
There's also things like ballet groups, though Gwen doesn't take part
There's a REALLY GOOD Glee club. Spider-strength gives some crazy lung-capacity.
Disco is on the Glee club, and they take it very seriously
Living on campus doesn't threaten your home verse - you'll still be on call!
Lyla monitors all universes for anamolies - sending Anamoly Teams of 2-6
However if your universe experiences a non-anamoly, your watch will be pinged for a mandatory report, and you'll be sent to your universe to handle it
As such, your watch is like a doctor's pager. You can be called for anamolies or your universe at any time (If you're an active member in your universe, living on Society Campus, or have a contact negotiated for that. Class S members like Hobie can negotiate to be Selective Active members)
There's a little underground Spider-market
If you ask Hobie, he can definitely hack your watch for you.
If your Electro has been beating your ass, you can get your hands on electro-resistant webbing without spending points.
The Society has a small group of people willing to trade you for anything you've got, or even just help you out for the hell of it.
You just have to know where and who to ask
There's a couple Spideys that don't pay electric because someone hooked them up with a super clean Futuristic generator
MJ's, Black Cats, Osborns, and Deadpools are allowed on campus with clearance, a daypass, and a chaperone (their Spidey)
Only for short periods, or if they're super injured. An MJ might pop in when Peter forgets his lunch.
Aunt Mays are not.
It's considered very rude to call them by their 'base names' - ie. calling MJs 'Mary-Janes' or calling Black Cats 'Felicias'
Not all MJs are Mary-Janes
Though, using the term 'a Parker' is common on campus to refer to large Peter Parker population
Roughly 45-50% of the people on campus are named Peter.
There's other 'groups' - such as 'Not-Parkers' (Non-Peter iterations like Pavitr), and 'Duplicates' (Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, MJs, Felicia Hardy NightSpider etc)
Though calling them these things are way less common or accepted than calling someone a Parker ('Not-Parker'is neutral. 'Duplicate' is offensive)
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11 quick(ish) things I learned from my first read-through of the ATSV art book:
1) Jeff was promoted to police chief because of his “cordial relationship” with Spider-Man (which makes things so much worse)
2) the creative team from the movie were directly inspired by the spidersonas people made when Into the Spider-Verse came out (especially when creating new Spider Heroes)
3) the immediate colors of Gwen’s world are based on her mood “She’s kind of like a mood ring, and whatever she’s experiencing is expressed in the color of that scene” (I say immediate because it’s mentioned that anything she’s not directly focused on gets pushed to the back in terms of colors, so the backgrounds are more muted at times while the main part of the scenes are more vibrant)
4) idk if this was in the comics because I don't follow any of the comics, but Pavitir got his powers “from a mystical shaman” and was not bitten by a radioactive spider
5) the book refers to Earth-42 Miles as Miles G. Morales (like Peter B. Parker) & “We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality’s counterpart to Miles] are the only heroes”
6) Peter B. is “a stay at home dad” (besides the spider society stuff of course)
7) LYLA is an acronym for “Lyrate Lifeform Approximation” (and she is also “Miguel’s closest friend” and maybe even his only friend)
8) Miguel has a personal journal that LYLA helps record entries for
9) Kemp Powers (the director) describes Hobie as “much older” than Miles. I bring this up since there’s been some debate about his age in the film for a while but the art book doesn't give anything more specific than that
10) Spider-Byte “thinks Miles is kind of cute” (which is obvious from the film but I think it’s funny how it’s brought up in relation to the reasons why she helped Miles escape Miguel)
11) There’s a deleted scene from the film where Spot goes to The Bar With No Name and has some interactions with some familiar villains and the bartender (won’t say too much about it since I’m assuming the scene will show up in the blu ray)
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m3tr0n0m333 · 16 days
A fankid AU: Introduction
Circa 200 years into the future…
Past the death of the renowned, world famous hero: Sonic the Hedgehog, his immortal rival resides in a secluded location not many know about, or dare to stumble upon. He’s made himself a peaceful abode, isolated from the rest of the world— prying eyes or hands seeking his power or presence.
Shadow merely wishes to live without the stress of catastrophe weighing on his shoulders. And with the death of the biggest villain of the era- Doctor Robotnik, he succeeds for the most part- until a mysterious illness overcomes him, and he’s forced to reach out for help.
Upon wandering to the familiar-yet-changed Emerald Town, Shadow spots a recognizable logo on a building.
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With curiosity and intrigue, the ebony hedgehog makes his next exploration the inside of this tall establishment.
No, it will not stay this well formatted most of the time. Guess I just felt like putting effort into it.
This au focuses around Tails, Shadow, and my fankid, Sparks! (No ships between these three, although they do end up as a family of sorts.) (+ Silver, who exists around this time, gets to be the cool cousin of sorts)
Shadow, as described, had isolated himself for quite a few years. And got an illness. But it’s far from mysterious.
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His inhibitor rings have rusted and aren’t as effective as they were, well, 200 years ago, causing his chaos energy to run irregularly and make him fatigued/sick. Of course, it was a gradual process, so it was a little difficult to have spotted it right away. And when you’re sick, the obvious becomes… less obvious?
During this lengthy intermission between supposed canon and au, (I may go off canon quite a bit. I’m not professionally well versed in all the Sonic lore…) Miles Prower (formedly gone as “Tails” for his iconic two tailed ‘mutation’) had grown rather successful. A well-off entrepreneur of his own brand. He lives comfortably, although he does lack the bonds he once had.
As a kitsune, Miles’ life expectancy is lengthened, and gaining another tail every 100 years. He had existed much past his more mortal friends and allies, but pushed forwards to a brighter future, sort of. In this time, he has developed more of his kitsune oriented abilities, taking a favor to illusions.
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Shadow wanders upon the main building, the HQ erected at Emerald Town, where his house once was. As Shadow wanders, Miles is aware of the old friend bumbling through the building and decides to play a little prank with some illusions and the high tech security measures he has installed in the building. (Nothing harmful, promise)
Once Shadow reaches the top, Miles reveals himself with a bold act of bravado. As of which they have some reunion and reaccqeuaintence time. Shadow explains his problem to Miles, Miles points out the problem and offers to make Shadow new inhibitor rings (and fix his air shoes in the process). Afterwards, he offers a residence for Shadow with him, but the hedgehog refuses, intending to return to his reclusive life.
On his path of return, he comes across a kid, sitting alone in the rain.
He resembles someone.
Spiky blue quills colored like the wind and the sky, peachy fur on his chest and muzzle. Pointed ears, although a bit droopier.
He sat with his legs pressed against his chest, on the edge of the sidewalk. Alone, yet he wears an expression closer to irritation rather than fear or melancholy.
After some questioning, he discovers that the kid ran from an orphanage, one he describes as nasty and disrespectful to him, like gum sticking his shoe to the floor. He describes that he had ran, to find some freedom. He’s a fast runner, you know? Maybe if he can get faster and faster, he may actually break the barrier keeping him chained to the orphanage.
When the sky darkens, illuminating the moon and the stars, Shadow stands. To lead the kid back to where he should be encourages him to have hope, but without acting to give him it. Words are empty when actions don’t reflect it.
The kid begs to let him free. Lead him somewhere else, not back to his prison. No one will take him back in the orphanage. He deserves to be free. He can take care of himself out here- a string of reasons to grasp why he shouldn’t go back.
Shadow continues to walk in silence.
Perhaps it was pity. Shadow would like to believe it is, but it’s hard to describe the pull of his actions towards another decision. He felt this was right, despite denial weighing on this choice.
Shadow returned to the tall building, where Miles— although surprised to see his return— welcomed him back warmly. When asked for the reason of his return, Shadow provides a rather bashful explanation.
He doesn’t know how to take care of a child.
References + Character Design and Personality Rambles
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Eyyyy it’s the old man (quite literally at this point. He’s like 200+ years??). How did he survive all those years in isolation without going insane?? I have no idea. He probably talks to the animal inhabitants of the place he lived in I think. I like to think maybe he found himself an ancient library to make himself at home and spent most of his time reading books and doing house chores.
To be honest I tried to reference other Shadow redesigns because I also wanted to put some more Black Arms traits on him, but I honestly don’t know know much about the Black Arms so all he got was a longer tail <3
He’s a tiiiny bit pinker in this design. Like the red highlights on his quills are more pivoted towards the pink on the color wheel, and the white fur also has a tint of pink. No reason. He just gets to be slightly pinker. As a treat.
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^^ (Miles noticed. Shadow did not.)
Anyways, you may be wondering, why didn’t Shadow take the offer of staying with Miles the first time? After being alone without friends were so long, you would think he is drawn to the idea of having company again. Well, the thing is, I think that Shadow hates change, in a way. He’s drawn himself away from society, lived self sustained, without the pressures and all that. Suddenly, he gets the offer to reintegrate into a society he is not well versed in? Seems incredibly overwhelming. And Shadow believes he was perfectly content in his serene lifestyle.
He only reconsidered the second time because he doesn’t know how to take care of the kid he freshly adopted (and probably not correctly adopted either) and only thought of Tails for help. As far as he knows, Tails is the only other old friend that exists alongside him right now so…
This sets up the story of Shadow and Tails tries to take care of this kid and slowly forms into a type of found family that doesn’t quite fit into the boundaries of what a family would be like. They are not even close to traditional family roles, I think, other than a child-parent relationship between Shadow and Sparks (who I have yet to introduce)
During this story, Shadow gets back into the action of adventure again. He’s reminded of the exhilaration he felt in the past. Even little things such as banter and skating down hill. He missed it all, although he doesn’t admit it.
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Here is Miles!! He dropped the name “Tails” after a while, deeming it something he doesn’t identify as deeply with anymore. (Maybe because no one was around to call him that old nickname anymore)
So you know how I mentioned he’s become an entrepreneur of sorts? It was bound to happen, I think. Imagine living 200+ years and still not figuring out how to earn the most money and live comfortably.
Anyways, while coloring his design, I did realize that he vaguely reminds me of Eggman… it’s probably the red, gold and white colors. Fits him well though, yeah? He always did share some traits with Eggman, I think. He just turned out more benevolent, he still has the high tech tendencies that Eggman held, as well as other habits.
I think Miles had earned some of an ego over time. When most acquaintances leave(died), and you rise to the top, everyone feels so far. And Miles stop bothering to seek out meaningful relationships to save him some suffering. He can still have fun, he can still have friends- just not with the strong intimate bond he had with his initial family.
When Shadow returned, he felt a spark- the hope- the opportunity to have a semblance of the old life again. Nostalgia is a strong feeling. That is why he offered for Shadow to stay. He didn’t expect him to, but that didn’t stop his heart from swelling with joy when Shadow did return.
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Here is Sparks! The kid Shadow picked off the street yaknow yaknow… He is meant to resemble Sonic. Not uncannily resemble him though. Just enough that both Shadow and Tails can look at him and think… he kind of reminds me of his other blue hedgehog I had a deep connection with….
Part of why Shadow adopted Sparks is honestly because of his resemblance to Sonic. He would not like to acknowledge it, as it seems like such a cruel thing to give the hope of a new connection to someone that doesn’t know that that new connection did not start off new at all in the other side.
Of course, Sparks acts nothing like Sonic, despite similar appearances. Even though Sparks also shares the same sentiments— wanting freedom— as well as abilities— such as superspeed— Sparks acts more towards the pessimistic side. He’s not as charming as Sonic had been. (And although he does have superspeed, I believe it’s not to the extent that Sonic had.)
Additionally, when Shadow had been taking him back to the orphanage, he really wasn’t forced. Sparks intended to follow him back. Perhaps out of habit. And inevitable loop of escaping but returning once again. But also because if cowardice, knowing he wouldn’t be able to make it by himself. He’s immature, he’s inexperienced, Sparks is aware of that, yet still tries- only to the extent of what he knows he can succeed: aka running away, but never staying away. His cowardice is one of the traits he does not share with Sonic.
During his description of the orphanage to Shadow, he’s a bit of an unreliable narrator. The orphanage isn’t as miserable as Sparks describes it as. It’s a pretty normal orphanage, Sparks is just a troublemaker- and he hates the idea of being trapped in one place.
Anyways, Sparks resembles a star of sorts. He’s a little star themed. <3
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Webs and Masks
(I don't own image)
(Yandere spider verse platonic and romantic x Villain! Spider man reader!)
(Sorry it took so long! warning cursing!Sorry if it's bad!)
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A comic was slapped on the table the cover showing You a spider man jumping away from a crime scene. SO let explain shall we? You had been Spider man for a year and a half. Getting bit by a radioactive spider on the ankle when rescuing a scientist who sadly passed due to radiation from an experiment called InSpid mutation where they would mutate spiders but the spiders got loose. You did die legally speaking having to claw your way out of your grave is not recommended. *You look at Uncle Ben spider man 'how the fuck'* So you decided since you were dead technically you would run the under streets of New York. You expected a hero however he never came your fate had changed. You found out through the discovery of the multi verse and time lines. The spider who was supposed to create your rival had been brought to another universe. Due to this your canon event didn't happen meaning you weren't a true spider man just a villain who is spider man?
SO to sum it up you were bit by a radioactive clone spider became villain spider man and is working on creating a way to go into different universes.
Other than that you like visiting your neighbor every Sunday for game night. This family was the Morales family your universe is the only universe you're alive in all the other universes you go missing or you're found dead by spider man. You hoped this peace will stay for as long as it can.
Until a portal opens in your lab or a spot? A man with a plain white face and a spot in the middle popped his head out looking around. Thoughts run in your head but the main one is how the hell is he doing that. The man looked at you before asking "Hey do you want to fuck up this Spider guy's introduction? He's kinda attacking my rival Miles Morales and I need someone to be in the inside" You look at him wide eyes grabbing his face. "He's attacking my buddy? I'm gonna crush that man with my thighs" You jumped through the portal getting sent to this spider verse HQ
"So it hasn't happened yet but Miles Morales will show up in two months sorry" The portal closes behind you.
You look around realizing how fucked you are in this situation. He sent you a month ahead?! You got caught in an hour after glitching and was brought to Miguel o Hara. After finding who you were and why you were there you were given a day watch to stop the glitching. Miguel was curious about you and your time line theory.
You spent hours explaining it and showing it through spider webs. The Spider can choose different webs Some Spiders don't even have webs but the things that make them all alike is what defines them. Every Spider man has choices that change in different universes that is their time line however if it changed the time line collapse on itself. Sometimes these webs are built and can change however if they are already prone to change. For example you can say anything to a person in pompeii before the volcanic explosion but that doesn't damage the time line since it was coming to an end.
Miguel loved this theory since it went with his until you went on with time loops and got stuck in a loop for an hour.
However the reason why you came creeped onto him before he knew it. You became friends with the children of the Spider verse MayDay,Hobie,Paviter, and Gwen. Spotting you multiple times from a window seeing you jump across buildings just to make sure they weren't injured when they came back. Wolf spider he figured due to your attachments to younger spider people. The other got quite attached to you being there. Since Miguel wouldn't allow you to leave for an odd reason.
The day it finally happened before you knew it. Miles Morales came to HQ after fighting the spot. He seemed to recognize you from his universe hugging you. At first you returned it until he didn't let go.
Miles had known the reason why you disapeared in his universe seeing it for him self. You were close to him like another dad before you went missing. Seeing you alive squeezed his heart his reaction was holding onto you.
You had to get help from Peter B and Gwen to get him off.
"Going to introduce yourself, kid?" you asked the boy patting his shoulder. "I'm Miles Morales Spider man in my universe" Miles smiled showing his teeth. "I'm Doctor (your name) the evil version of spider man in my universe bit of advice pretty sure Miguel has Rabies don't let him bite you and being spider is not all of the swing shift your weight when you jump to where you want to swing the jump matters." You smile showing off your fangs. Miles looked shocked at your fangs you really were different here.
Jess called the two of you over saying Miguel wanted to see us. Hobie groaned before you dragged him along happily. Walking in pocketing the final things for your watch. Miguel kept you here only with a day pass so you started making your own.
You plopped into a seat ignoring what was about to happen. Miles spoke to Miguel while you were finishing your watch. Everything was in place when suddenly Miguel threw a desk down at Miles scaring you. Quickly grabbing Miles away from it. You looked up at Miguel worried "The hell man! You can't just hit a kid!" You yelled at him "He's an anomly!" Miguel yelled at you glaring down at Miles.
Seeing you were backing down he looked at Miles "Let me explain...follow me" He led them to a room filled with holograms. "This is the spider verse in every universe there is cannon" Miguel went on with his lecture when he brought out cannon events. "These things happen in every universe this is what makes spider man" there was a pause a thing you dreaded with Miguel in the two months you had known him. Those pauses is when something bad will happen "That included when a chief is close to spider man they die every single time" Some thought ran through your head....you didn't know any police chief's Mile's dad never got through the police acedemy so he was a security guard in your universe..So are you really spider man you have spider man dna but are you truelly spider man haha butt oh speaking of butts why is miguel cheeked up on a tuesday afternoon? Where did he get all that ass?
Your thoughts were cut off when Miguel mentioned your name. "Huh" "(Your name)...Run!" Peter b yelled at you. Looking for the danger you saw an approaching Miguel and a running Miles. You booked it sliding easily through the halls knowing the place for weeks. Miles was right behind before jumping on your back. You stumbled in shock before continuing to run. "Don't listen to them (Your name) come back" Miguel called for you.
Now you don't know true fear unless you had been chased by Miguel. Mother fuckers growling behind you clawing at walls going through them. There was a crowd in front of you so you did the first thing that came to your head. "Evacuate the building Miguel o Hara from universe 2099 have is chasing after me and I was listening!" People usually only hear the first part so they move quickly. You passed through quickly holding Miles close before jumping. Looking down you saw Miguel's claw almost catching you. He desperate look for you brought actual fear in your bones. "Miles why is he after me" You asked Miles landing on a random building "Miguel was saying stuff about canon events when he said me saving my dad would cause my universe to collapse and the reason why your universe had no other spider man was because you were supposed to be in his!" Miles yelled catching his breath.
"I knew something was up with him but i got a plan for us. I think I finished the watch I might be able to bring you home I just need to scan you" You pressed a few button before scanning him showing his universe. Opening the portal you saw Miguel claw his was up the building. The portal was unstable but it was fully open you threw Miles through. You turn around to see Miguel right behind you breathing down your neck. "Miguel...hey bud" you say nervously backing away from him. "You weren't planning on leaving right?" Miguel asked you his hand grabbing your coat sleeve. "Close the portal Mi Vida I can take you home now" Miguel said leaning down to your neck. After spending some time with this man you knew something was up but this was to far. "Miguel let go.."You asked him breathing quickly anxiety almost pouring through your ears as you heart pounded in your chest. "Are you scared of me" Miguel asked taking off his mask showing you his face. "We all want you back. What about those spider kids will you really leave them? Your soft to soft for your own good Mi vida" Miguel whispered in your ear.
Instinct was the last thing that came out of your body. Kicking your legs using Miguel as a boost sending yourself through the portal behind you ripped you jacket with his claw. Miguel landed on his ass looking at you launching himself at the portal luckily it closed before he could get through.
You looked around seeing you were on a tall building's roof. In front of you was a wall spray painted memorial of two people on it. You and Miles's dad. "Well damn-" you were knocked out quickly.
You woke up on a couch blinking seeing yourself in a familiar place. Looking up you saw Miles tyed up to a bean bag talking to another...Miles? Oh were in the wrong universe!
"Miles!" You yelled out both boys looking at you. Miles 42 gasping seeing you awake going over to you quickly. "Careful Uncle (your name) we just didn't want you running off like before...it's really mean yelling at your family because they wanted to keep you safe and when you went missing and was pronounced dead we knew it was fake! I knew you wouldn't be killed that easily! You were just sleeping!"
...."Huh" was the only thing you could get out before passing out again.
(part 2 coming up next sorry!)
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dopscratch · 1 year
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mugshot meme with the trio :) i love fishlegs which reminds me....
INCOMING BOOKS-MOVIES RAMBLE- even if you only know the movies please stick around, i cant make you but maybe you'll find the rest of this interesting
SO, so so so. i love the movies (well the first two...) but i will never forget their transgressions on the original plot
they took away hiccups Heroic Hair why would you do that he's nothing without his Heroic Hair
they swapped hiccup and fishlegs's personalities why would you do that why would you take away my nerd protagonist my nerd self is weeping
hiccup and fishlegs are no longer best friends why why would you do that to me i live for their loser friendship its just like me
they took away camacazi and made a mid love interest i dont care what you say astrid is mid tier never liked her much apologies i also dont like love interests so take my opinons with a grain of salt
in the movies toothless is actually Super Cool and hiccup also becomes Super Cool and earns massive respect and is not a laughingstock ever since the very first movie which hurt his appeal to me in the movies since, believe it or not, i am a Loser and hiccup also being a Loser and Becoming A Hero The Hard Way was very compelling to me
hiccup is the Absolute Main Character in the movies and the supporting characters don't get much spotlight while in the books it's a pretty well balanced group which i like
snotlout is no longer hiccups cousin and is just comic relief which is a HUGE missed opportunity for drama and depth that i loved in the books
villains in general are sort of mid tier throughout (except viggo viggo was cool. also i love dagur he's the best)
dragons are no longer complex. i loved their society of sorts and their unique morals (generally selfish, cruel creatures who have full knowledge of their actions and just don't care- though have the capacity for kindness) and their whole language and the fact hiccup knew that language because he is a Nerd
HOOOOLY CRAP the story is SO much darker i'll avoid huge spoilers but let's just say. war. slavery. torture. death. surprisingly generous amounts of blood.
more main-line content- technically yes the shows and other companion materials count for the movie-verse but some things are questionably canon and all that. meanwhile you have 12 whole books that are irrefutably canon and are incredibly well-connected especially through the end.
thats everything that my brain feels like spitting out now. there's obviously more (ESPECIALLY in regards to my uh... opinions about the third movie) but im too lazy to do anything about it at the moment
overall all two movies and the shows are still good and i cherish them so my smack talking is pretty lighthearted. still love the books more though
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ummmm duck grayson
this was the context on the FUCK. dick ask but anyway okayyy
sooo im not that well versed in nightwing comics (only just started looking for nightwing stuff) BUT that doesn’t mean i dont have THOUGHTS
to be clear generally im not a shipper anyway so i don’t actively ship him w anyone. i reblog cool art sometimes but im only an active shopper with yj
some of y’all (!!!! WAYNE FAMILY ADVENTURES AND ANYONE WHO TAKE THAT SHIT AS CANON !!!!!!!!!!!!) do not understand this man.
rule 1: THIS MAN IS ANGRY. stop uwuifying him he’s canonically got anger issues. he is, canonically, ANGRY. “batman: tas was the best batman” cool but did you see the episode where little twelve year old dickie tried to Kill A Man. okay. he’s angry!!!
rule 2: he is a master manipulator. YALL ARE FALLING FOR HIS PERSONA. OKAY. he could manipulate whoever he wanted. he could be a villain if he wanted!!! BUT
rule 3: HE IS A GOOD PERSON. he may be angry and a good manipulator but he does want to be A GOOD PERSON. this is IMPORTANT. okay.
ultimately my favorite dynamic here is him and damian. the brothers ever. maybeeeeee him and bruce too because God. they’re always fun if it’s written right. smth i wish we as a fandom would discuss more is the problems with oversexualizing him? esp reducing him to just The Pretty One when he’s also been raped. more than once. you have to be in specific spaces to even find people talking about this but it’s something that happened a few times and i wish we’d actually talk about it. if it had happened to a female character (or even if the perpetrators were men and not women) we would NOT be acting how we act with him.
it’s really fucked up to me to reduce his INCREDIBLY interesting and fun to explore character to “haha he’s got a nice ass”. it was a funny joke when it was a JOKE— he is appearance wise a generic attractive dc guy. but it’s not a joke anymore among the fandom and i HATE IT. he’s got depth, he HAS a lot of things going for him that are really interesting!! don’t reduce him to just that.
on a less “pissed with the fandom” and more “pet peeve with the writers” I HATE TOM TAYLOR’S NIGHTWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
i have read leaping into the light— and it fucking sucked. it’s not, as it’s own story, bad (although there’s very little depth or really anything to analyze imo, but not all media HAS to be deep. that’s not what everyone is there for) but as a nightwing story?
tom taylor is on the road to success. someone pull him over.
dick isn’t just a wisecracking, happy-go-lucky guy! he does not have to be a Generic Hero!!!! he can be angry and manipulative and still be good despite it!!!!!!
that’s my main point but to end on something more lighthearted… i actually like the discowing suit. it was silly and weird and so 80s. but it was fun!!!! did it age well??? no. but was it FUN!!! was it SILLY!!!! was he kind of serving? yes! this is a pro discowing blog!
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kneesheee · 9 months
50 Things to Know about the Disney-verse
1. Ursula and Maleficent are rivals so Uma and Mal being rivals also tracks.
2. The Evil Queen and Maleficent are rivals for Hades' affections and for the status of "The Evilest of Them All'.
3. The Evil Queen claims not to be Hades' girlfriend, but they just had "an interesting weekend" on Castaway Cay. And therefore, I headcanon that she is Hadie’s mom. Probably conceived sometime around Evie’s banishment.
4. In the Disney Villains: Top Secret Files, Maleficent is featured in her own section. According to the pieces of information provided, Maleficent's last name is Faery.
5. She was actually invited to Aurora's birth ceremony and that the invitation simply never got to her castle because she burnt the postman to death (believing him to be a trespasser) before he could deliver it.
6. Her dragon form also appeared in The Little Mermaid series episode "Heroes" as a sea dragon.
7. Captain Hook tried to charm her, only to be zapped away leaving behind his hook. Jafar also tried to woo her while they sat together, only to end up being literally burnt.
8. It was revealed in "A Christmas Cruella" that she did want a puppy before becoming her villainous self.
9. Cruella has a brother named Cecil and a niece named Ivy. However, Cecil is not Ivy's father, meaning that Cruella and Cecil must have another sibling (most likely a brother) who is Ivy's parent.
10. In 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue, Cruella has set up a toy factory next to DeVil Manor. She seems to have tried online dating, where she has supposedly wed herself to Professor Farzboom, a meek professor who helps her make her toys. So there’s Carlos’ dad.
11. In "Max's Embarrassing Date", she went on a date with the Beast and asked if he came in a medium, which the Beast became annoyed of. After the Beast gets soaked with soup he was eating, Cruella is unhappy as she would have to get him dry-cleaned.
12. Walt Disney's early vision for The Rescuers revolved around the kidnapping of a polar bear from a city zoo; writers considered reusing Cruella as the main antagonist (presumably driven by her desire for the bear's fur).
13. The concept art of the film shows Cruella wearing an outfit made out of crocodile leather. Because The Rescuers was set more than a decade after 101 Dalmatians, Cruella was given a period-appropriate update. Aside from her '70s alligator-chic outfit, Cruella is accessorized with Sly and the Family Stone-style sunglasses. In other sketches, De Vil is depicted in bell-bottom pants and a pair of platforms. Other concept art showed Cruella driving a water vehicle similar to the one Medusa uses in the final film.
14. The Prince is usually known as Prince Charming, though some source material shows that his name is Henri, or Henry. However, he was never referred to by name anywhere in the film. Not even mentioned as "Prince Charming".
15. The story takes place roughly in June. In the movie, the sun rises slightly before 6:00 AM (in France), as it would within a few weeks of the summer solstice. Also, by this time, a pumpkin would have grown to 20–40 pounds.
16. The debate of the setting of Cinderella has always been a problem, but most people can agree it is French; however, there is a small amount of people who think it is Spanish because the female names end in "A" but that does not really cut it so deeper research shows that the thing on Anastasia's head is a peineta or headdress used in Spain along with formal attire also the French furnishings and the Spanish furnishings within the same time period are very similar in style.
17. Cinderella is the “oldest” princess in the official franchise being 19 while Snow White is the youngest being 14. Also, Snow White’s prince was suppose to be 18 according to Disney’s records.
18. In the third movie, Cinderella’s shoe size is mentioned to be a size 4½ in women's. According to Disney's Villains' Revenge, Snow White has smaller feet than Cinderella.
19. Cinderella was actually rich at the beginning, even before she married the prince. This was exempted, however, as she was forced to work as a servant.
20. In some stories, Cinderella's real name was Ella (short for Eleanor), and because she would always lie in cinders, her stepfamily would call her CinderElla. However, in the Disney film, "Cinderella" is truly her name by birth.
21. Cinderella's last name would likely have been Tremaine since her stepmother's name was Lady Tremaine unless Lady Tremaine kept her maiden name.
22. According to Disneystrology, Cinderella’s birthday is September 6.
23. According to the Disneystrology book, Snow White’s birthday would be on March 6.
24. Cinderella is magical. She has a special ability to empathize with animals, perceive what they say and communicate with them.
25. Melody is the very first human-merperson hybrid in history, making her birth a significant historic moment in both human and Atlantican history.
26.She is also not considered a canon descendant’s character and considered to be from an AU, but apparently, Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and The Little Mermaid are considered to be happening roughly around the same time in the disney timeline.
26. Melody's bedroom is Ariel's guest room when she first took human form and stayed with Prince Eric, albeit recolored with brighter colors.
27. Contrary to popular belief, Jasmine's age has never been confirmed or even referenced in any of the Aladdin movies, television series, or other spinoff projects. In the original film, the Sultan declares that Jasmine must be married "by her next birthday", but never specifies how old she will become on said birthday.
28. An early story concept for the original film had the Sultan saying, "Jasmine, the law says you must be married by your sixteenth birthday.", which would have made her fifteen years old. This concept was scrapped when Jeffrey Katzenberg became worried about sending the wrong message regarding the idea that fifteen year old girls can get married. Thus, the line was changed to "married to a prince by your next birthday.", leaving Jasmine's canonical age unknown.
29. One of the Disney Princess magazines has a story about two of Jasmine's cousins named Farah and Nadine. Whether they are considered canon is unknown.
30. Although the exact date is not clear, Jasmine's birthday is in late January or early February. This is because when Aladdin and Jasmine fly on the magic carpet, Chinese New Year is being celebrated over in China. This holiday can fall anywhere from January 21 to February 20.
31. She also has another cousin named Sharma who teaches at The Royal Academy.
32. Nasira is the better sorcerer between her and her twin brother, Jafar.
33. According to Disneystrology, Tiana’s birthday would be on December 25, Christmas Day.
34. The trailer implies that Gaston may have been aware of the Beast's curse, and had ulterior motives besides wanting Belle as his wife for attempting to kill the Beast, as the trailer described him as being "one man who wants to keep the spell alive," although it is unconfirmed whether this was the case in the film itself.
35. Despite various concept materials, as listed above, give Gaston the surname of LeGume, the Bimbettes during the song of "Belle" refer to Gaston as "Monsieur Gaston" and Belle in the reprise twice sarcastically refers to herself as "Madame Gaston" suggesting that Gaston is his surname in the final version.
36. The Bimbettes (individual names Claudette, Laurette, and Paulette) are blonde identical triplets who fawn over Gaston. They are inspired by Belle's sisters from the original Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.
37. They are the first Disney characters to possess green eyes without being villains
38. These girls worked their asses off in the comics to get Gaston to notice them. 😩
39. Its implied in one comic that Belle and Gaston were friends when they were children.
40. Ironically, despite Belle being considered by the village to be the most beautiful woman in the village, Laurette once disguised herself as Belle flawlessly enough to fool Gaston initially, which conflicted with the claim that Belle's looks had no parallel.
41. Even though he is referred to as a prince in the opening, none of the characters directly refer to him by that title. In addition, the first draft for Woolverton's take of the film indicated that the Beast was intended to be a duke instead of a prince.
42. According to the first stained-glass window featured in the film's opening sequence, Adam’s family motto is "vincit qui se vincit" (meaning "The winner is who wins himself").
42. Though the Beast's official age is not mentioned in the movie, it is strongly indicated by the narrator's statement that the rose "would bloom until his 21st year." As the rose has already begun to wilt by the time Belle arrives at the castle, it is very likely that the Beast is 20 years (i.e. on their 21st year) of age by this point.
43. In authorized supplementary comics, most notably The New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast, the Prince is never shown as being older than a preteen when he's shown as a human; moreover, the palace staff all refer to his pre-curse self as "a young boy" or "child". Two individual comics show that the Prince was originally a few years older than Chip, who didn't age during the curse, and shows him as being a couple of years older than Belle herself. The comics also show that the Prince has had a few run-ins with the disguised Enchantress, meaning that he'd still be a preteen when he was cursed.
44. Despite her slim figure, Belle seems to have considerable strength. She may have lifted the Beast, as evidenced by the Beast being placed onto Philippe's back, although this was never shown on-screen. Later on, she was able to pull the Beast up onto a balcony.
45. Belle is currently the only official Disney Princess to have hazel eyes.
46. In the beginning of the original 1989 storyline, found on the Diamond Edition DVD, Belle's birthday is celebrated, and the cake reads "Happy 17th Birthday Belle", providing evidence that she is 17 in the movie, or at least that she was originally planned to be 17.
47. Contrary to popular belief, it's not made clear whether Belle was actually born a peasant, as she implies that she wasn't born in her home village in the opening song, but rather moved there. In addition, her owning books at her cottage implied that she is, or at least was, considerably wealthy (as back in the time period of the film, books were considerably expensive).
48. In the musical, specifically the song "No Matter What" one of the lyrics had Maurice stating "You are your mother's daughter; therefore you are class ... crème de la crème", implying that Belle was part of the social upper class. This was also supported by Belle having a portrait of her and her mom in the Enchanted Tales of Belle attraction.
49. In earlier drafts, Aladdin had three human friends named Babkak, Omar, and Kassim.
50. In the episode "Two to Tangle", it's revealed that Aladdin has unexplored magic powers hidden within his soul. This may possibly be a link to him being "The Diamond In The Rough".
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