#* lucius x open
hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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prompt: harry potter characters and their first “i love you”s in relationships
characters included: harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, draco malfoy, ginny weasley, seamus finnigan, fred weasley, george weasley
warnings: you and seamus smoking in seamus’ part, swearing, physical abuse in george’s part
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harry j. potter…
who said it: harry
when: 5th year
“cmon… just a little bit more..” harry cooed patiently, hands placed on your hips. “forget it, harry. i don’t think i’ll ever get it right.” you sighed, wanting to throw your wand down on the ground.
dumbledore’s army had just begun merely a few sessions ago, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get your patronous just right.
maybe it was because you upset professor dolores umbridge today and pushed her far beyond her limits (not even on purpose, for that matter). or maybe it’s because colin creevey was stuck way too far up your arsehole whenever you would do something wrong when it came to today’s D.A session.
“well, maybe i can give you a happy memory to think about.” harry suggested. “how on earth do you plan to do that?” you questioned, wary of what he may do.
“maybe…like this.”
and with that, harry began to scan your lips with his, feeling for all the fine details that no one else would get to see but himself.
harry felt you smile against his own lips before pulling away, with a lopsided grin smearing his cheeks.
“i love you.” harry smiled, sounding as if he’s been waiting a century to say those words to you.
“i love you too.”
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ron b. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 3rd year
“oh no!! oh no no no..!!” the ginger boy roared as he was being dragged by the foot by the black-furred dog (unbeknownst to him, which was sirius black), “i can’t die yet!! i haven’t told (y/n) how much i love her yet!!”
“you bloody moron, she’s right here!!” the shorter bushy haired girl replied, slightly jealous it was her best friends name and not her own.
“i love you, (y/n)! if i die, i promise my ghost will haunt you!!” ron shouted before being dragged away out of sight.
“i love you too!” you yelped, hoping he could still hear you.
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hermione j. granger…
who said it: you
when: 7th year
“i know this isn’t much… but i wanted to be able to do something for you for our anniversary.” hermione said, rubbing her neck in pure embarrassment.
you, hermione, harry, and ron were on a hunt to look for all of voldemort’s horcurxes, and because of that, you all were staying in a rubbish tent in the woods.
the tent was empty for the most part, other than the small radio player that had muggle romance music on it.
“harry and ron are out of our hair…well for now anyway. i told them to go look for anything that could be useful, i just wanted to have a nice 3 months you.”
“you kicked them out for me?” you asked, disbelief leaving your throat.
“well yes — and i know it’s not much but-” the brunette would’ve continued if you didn’t interrupt her, and she gives a slight pout because of it.
“but it is much, it is something ‘mione! it is because i love you.”
“i- uhm. repeat yourself, please?”
“i love you, hermione.”
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draco l. malfoy…
who said it: him
when: 6th year
“isn’t that right, ms. (y/n)?” the barely human wizard, voldemort, said, looking at you from the other side of table.
you gulped quietly, your shoulders stiffening. “yes, sir.” you murmured, glancing at the platinum blonde boy next to you before averting your gaze.
you and draco grew up together - as your mothers were very close in their teenage years, your fathers, not so much. but they got along okay.
when draco first became part of the death eaters, his mother decided it’d be easiest to have you there, to make it a little less hard on him.
“excuse me for a moment.” draco mumbled, somewhat abruptly, as lucius and the lord were in the middle of a conversation. draco stood up within the blink of an eye, and sped walked out of the room.
“would you be a dear and check on him for me, honey?” narcissa leaned over and whispered in your ear, as you were seated between draco and his mother.
you gave a small half-smile with a nod, as you politely excused yourself, afraid of what voldemort could do if you had done it in a way of which he didn’t like.
you went around the halls of malfoy manor, the walls of which most of your childhood memories took place, as sad as that is.
you saw a crack in the door of draco’s room, and you opened the door a tad more
draco said there, looking down at his folded hands, not saying anything.
“are you okay?” you asked, even though you already knew the answer.
“those meetings…get to me, sometimes.” the blonde mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.
“me too..” you answered, rubbing your hand up and down his back, as you sat next to him.
“thank you, for always being here. i’ve spent my whole life with you, i never want to let you go.” draco said, giving a small smile.
“i won’t ever leave you behind, okay?”
“this is exactly why i fell in love with you all those years ago.”
“wait…what?” you denied, your voice quiet.
“you heard me, i love you (y/n).”
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ginevera m. weasley…
who said it: her
when: 5th year (well 4th year for her)
“hey (y/n)!” a familiar, high, squeaky voice called out to you, sounding a bit distant.
“oh, hi, ginny.” you half smiled, looking down at the younger girl.
“i need to talk to you, now.” ginny asked — well demanded, but she meant to ask.
you’ve known ginny long enough at this point to know sometimes, when she wants to ask a question, it can accidentally turn into a demand. especially, when she’s nervous.
“okay, no problem.” you reported, knowing exactly what she was going to say.
she grabs your wrist with a firm grip — but not firm enough for your to be hurt. and walks you down to a more empty side of the hogwarts express.
“i love you. and quite frankly, i hate it when you spend more time with my brothers and less time with me because it’s not fair, i fancy you!” the smaller ginger insisted, with a small stomp of her foot to show she meant what she said.
“i love you too, don’t worry, gin.” you spoke, as you tucked a string of hair behind her ear, that was before in the middle of her face.
she gave a lopsided grin before happily skipping off and giving a sing-songy goodbye.
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seamus d. finnigan…
who said it: him
when: 4th year
the yule ball of the 1994 school year was slowly coming to a close, but you were unable to find where your date had ran off to, one moment he was with his best friend, dean thomas — and now you have no bloody clue where he is.
there was only one placed you hadn’t looked yet — the astronomy tower.
you begin your walk up the tower of many staircases and you hear some intense coughing the higher and higher you reach.
before your eyes, you see your boyfriend — or date, or technically boy friend, as the relationship between the two of you is a bit complicated, with a cigarette between his fingers.
“hey seamus.” you say, as you sit down next to him, leaning into his touch.
“hi doll.” he says, grinning as he puts an arm around your waist.
“can i smoke with you?”
“absolutely not, angel!” seamus gasps, shocked, putting a dramatized hand to his chest, his mouth open a gap.
“huh? why not?” you asked, now just confused.
“because! i love you! i’m not letting a gorgeous goddess inhale that shit!” seamus replied, now tossing his cigarette away into the distance.
“you love me?”
“with every inch my body stands.”
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fred g. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 5th year (3rd book/movie)
“i don’t know how you could even do this, i don’t know what half of this is supposed to to mean..” your ginger boyfriend said, cuddled up into your side, as the two of you studied for the following potions exams.
“well, to make it’s quite simple, it’s just seeing it on paper is the hard part.” you said, nudging him slightly, to make sure he wouldn’t fall asleep again.
“oh, how so?” he asked.
“well actually you take the-”
and before you could get any further, your boyfriend pecked you on the lips.
“sorry, at first i was interested and then i just didn’t care anymore.” fred said with a chuckle.
“fred gideon weasley!!”
“i’m sorry, i love you, does that make it better?”
“i… yes.”
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george g. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 7th year (5th book/movie)
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
the words on your arm continued to ring in your ear, like the tangy feeling on your tongue after eating spicy foods.
none of this would’ve happened if you didn’t snap at the new d.a.d.a teacher - dolores umbridge.
the torturous (literally), cruel woman put you through so much pain in one detention.
don’t get me wrong, you’ve gotten detention once in 2nd year, but this could never compare.
the words on your arm were the ones that made you cry terrifying sobs as you had to continue to write and write and write - thanks to your low physical pain tolerance and somewhat sensitive heart, you just couldn’t bare it.
sprinkles of raindrops began to form in your eyes, they ground onto the table you were sitting at, as you tried to rub your eyes before anyone happened to notice.
“hey, love, are you okay?” george weasley - your boyfriend asked, scurrying over to you.
your arm was angled in the correcting lighting and point of view to where the taller ginger could see your scars perfectly.
“blimey!” your boyfriend shouted, pointing, before madam prince gave him a stern shooshing.
“what happened?”
you clung onto him immediately, sobbing quietly,
“hey love — it’s okay, i love you, i’m here and i always will be.”
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hannisimp · 6 months
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“You cling to your papers and pens, waiting until you like me again”
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bath1lda · 2 years
i need good “she fell first but he fell harder” fanfics literally any fandom lol
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phantompanties · 14 days
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bp4545 · 11 months
His Duties (My Sunshine - Part 3)
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Word count: somewhere around 3000
Warnings: Swearing? if it bothers you. Nothing else much
Summary: You find out that about Draco's prefect duties and confront him...
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
Meeting Draco in the kitchens became a regular thing for you two. You would both get lost in discussion and talk about all sorts of things with each other. All in all, you were surprised by his actions, you thought that you'd never encounter him again, or that he would treat you like a complete stranger during the day or in class. But he treated you like a friend, you liked that. You liked adding a new friend to your list, and you were glad that you had gotten to know the boy better.
It had been just over a week, of your and Draco's little late night rendezvous in the kitchens. You were enjoying them, and you were starting to see a side of him that you weren't sure anyone else saw. You were sure falling for him, slowly. 
You were in potions class now, your favourite class, and professor Snape had just assigned a new task, we were to make the Veritaserum potion with a partner in class, as a practice for our upcoming OWLs. You were looking forward to it, you could get along with just about anyone in the class, including Draco now, so it meant that you didn't really care who you were partnered with.
You were sitting in a table of 4, you were next to Chris, with Hannah and Zach opposite you two. The four of you were laughing with each other and mucking around when Snape entered the classroom.
"Quiet all of you" He threatened, "Now, as you all know I will be picking your partners for the practice assessment." 
There were groans all around the classroom, mostly from the table of Slytherins at the back. 
"Professor Snape, surely you can pair me with Draco" You heard Pansy whine like a four year old. You watched Draco grimace at Pansy's comment, as well as Daphne give her a glare, then turn to smile at you. Professor Snape didn't answer her question but continued talking.
"Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall is here to have a talk with you during this period, about some important matters, so this lesson will be cut short. We will not have time for our practice assessment today, I will pick your partners tomorrow; be prepared" He chose to drag out the last phrase with deep emphasis, which sent shivers down you spine.
You wondered what Professor McGonagall was here to talk about. As if on cue, she strutted into the classroom. You heard a chair scrape against the floor at the back of the classroom, and footsteps walk to the front of the classroom. Draco
"Morning class" She started "I have to have a chat about the night time activity of students in your year group. There are far too many students wandering around the school grounds at night" Draco stood by the Professor's side and nodded, in agreement to what she was saying. Hypocrite. You thought. He's in the kitchens every night! 
"Mr. Malfoy here has informed me of the many students he has found wandering the halls at night during his prefect patrols, I am simply appalled by the amount of you who have been caught doing anything but sleeping in your dorms. I cannot stress this enough. Students must be in their dorm rooms by 12 am, no later. If any of the prefects inform me of any activity after 12 am, I will be quick to act on this" Professor McGonagall looked furious as she spoke, though you weren't really listening to anything she said after. You were still stunned by what she said in her first sentence. Draco is a prefect. 
It hit you like a load of bricks. He wasn't just meeting you every night in the kitchens, he was patrolling. But then what did all those conversations mean? Those late night walks? Him walking you back to your dorm? Was it all for him to show Professor McGonagall that he was keeping students in line... why had he not ratted you out?
You were beyond confused, and you longed for answers.
You decided that you would confront him in the kitchens tonight, you just hoped that he wouldn't put his duties over your late night cravings, and that he wouldn't hand you over to McGonagall.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you heard two people shouting your name.
"Y/N" you definitely recognised them "Y/N". It was Justin and Chris of course. What could they possibly want right now?
"Y/n, tell me, Chris over here thinks that the Gryffindor team is going to win the next quidditch game, what a load of bullshit. I'm here telling him that the Hufflepuff team is going to win. Can you tell him that for me?!" Justin ranted on to you as he eyed Chris, it made you giggle a little bit, and Chris shot you a warm smile. You blushed. Gosh what is wrong with me, first Draco then Chris?
You looked at Chris playfully once you had recovered from your blushing moment, and you smiled wickedly.
"Sorry bout this one Christian, but the Hufflepuff team is 100% going to win. If I was in Gryffindor I would tell you otherwise, but you came to the wrong person" You snickered at him as he smiled down at you. He had such a warm smile, he was so sweet too. Gosh y/n get yourself together, this year isn't about finding a love life. Or is it?
"Oh trust me" Chris started "The Gryffindor team is going to win, and when they do you will be running back to me for autographs" he chuckled, a bit full of himself as he was the seeker for the Gryffindor team. You fake pouted at him as he patted your head as if to say 'hush child'.
"Trust me, y/n and I will stay quite a distance from you, plus our team is definitely going to win, especially because I'm the seeker" Justin flexed
You couldn't help but giggle, you loved hanging around with Justin and Chris, they were best friends and you were left in the middle of their stupid arguments. You didn't mind though.
"I don't think I can stand around this dumb ass any longer y/n, you can have him I'm going to the library to find Hannah. "  Justin winked at you and left for the library. 
You sighed. You knew exactly what Justin was up to, everyone usually shipped you and Chris, and Justin was one of those people. You didn't really understand why, I mean you two were great friends, and sure you made flirty jokes here and there, and maybe you two spent a lot of one together and looked as if you were a couple... you sort of understood what people meant now. 
You never saw Chris as more than a friend though, but now you weren't sure. He was a great guy and now that you think of it, a lot of the stuff you two do together might come across as things a couple would do. Even if you thought you liked him though, you doubt he would like you back. He already told you a while ago that he fancies the girl from the year below you guys, Astoria Greengrass.
He could have picked anyone else and you would have supported his opinion, but there was no fucking way you would ever support his crush on Astoria. You wouldn't tell him that though, you hadn't told anyone about your hatred for that girl yet, only Hannah.
"So..." you snapped back to reality as Chris tried to start conversation. "Anything interesting happen for you lately?"
He started the conversation off a bit awkwardly for your liking. 
"Not really" You told him. There was no way that you would ever tell him about how you and Draco have been talking to each other after school hours, he would be furious. "What about you? And your little crush?" You nudged him playfully.
"Y/n I told you, its not a crush. Its just a half crush, she is pretty and she has a really pretty smile, but I know she has a shitty personality" He admitted, he didn't want you getting ideas, because he genuinely didn't like her in a romantic way, he just admired the way she looked, and her natural beauty. 
"Yeah, yeah. I totally believe that" you commented sarcastically. I mean he was a great guy, you definitely knew he deserved better than a bratty fourth year who slept with who knew how many guys. You started to imagine what kind of a boyfriend he would be, he would certainly be kind, and he would treat you like a princess. He would be there for you, you could confide in him, as you're wrapped in his strong arms, looking into his warm blue eyes, running your hands through his blonde locks, playing with the rings on his fingers. 
You weren't thinking about Chris anymore, you were thinking about the one and only Slytherin prince. Then you remembered that you were a bit upset at him, for not telling you about his prefect duties and leading you on. 
"What are you thinking about y/n?" You heard a voice chip in, and a hand on your forearm. "You always make that face if you're thinking about something important" You looked at Chris and sighed. Should you tell him?
"Nothing" you said. You hated keeping secrets from him, you told him practically everything. "Even if I did tell you, you wouldn't like it"
"Ridiculous" he scoffed "Y/n, if something is bothering you then you can tell me, even if I don't like it." he hugged you around your waist, he had strong grip. Your head was against his shoulders, face near his neck and hands against his chest. You two were in a position that definitely looked as if the two of you were anything but 'just friends'. You giggled to yourself at the thought, and Chris loosened his grip.
"Okay, I will tell you, but just not now, it's a bit complicated" you explained
"That's alright y/n. Just tell me whenever you're ready, no pressure." he reassured you. You hummed in reply as the Golden Trio started walking up to you two.
Harry and Ron went up to Chris and they started talking about the upcoming quidditch match, as they were all in Gryffindor. You started talking to Hermione, and you realised you never actually had the chance to have a fully fletched conversation with her this year. It was nice talking to her again, you ended up talking to her about the upcoming OWLs, her Christmas holidays with her family back at the muggle world, and your love lives.  Which weren't actually very exciting seeing as none of you showed particular interest in any guys yet. You were confused as to why you hadn't heard of any guys having crushes on Hermione, I mean she was perfect. She had beautiful hair, and lovely eyes, and the perfect body, the perfect smile, the confidence, the friendliness. You just didn't understand.
"I'm just waiting for the perfect guy you know, someone where I have something special with him" You nodded at her statement, you were looking for that one guy too. Hopefully he would come soon.
"I get what you mean, the guys here at Hogwarts really need to up their game" You laughed, she joined in with you.
The three boys all decided that they would go to the Three Broomsticks, to get a drink, so you and Hermione tagged along with them. It was nice and calming, you were glad you had a lot of friends that you could count on. When you came to Hogwarts, since first year you promised yourself that you wouldn't make enemies in your school years. So far you had lived up to that promise, you could get along with just about anyone, no wonder you were placed in Hufflepuff.
"So you're telling me that you have been meeting up with THE DRACO MALFOY every night after school hours?!"
You were sitting with Hannah, Daphne, and Hermione in your dorm, explaining the late night rendezvous you had with the slytherin prince. Hannah and Daphne were over the top dramatic about it. Hermione, well, she was silent the whole time, you weren't very sure what sort of reaction she was displaying.
"Yeah..." you said
"That boy is actually so damn fine, I can't believe you've been talking to him behind our backs girl" Daphne said.
"Yeah, I heard he fucked 12 girls in our year last year. I dunno how he managed to pull one every month" Hannah laughed as well as Daphne. You were quick to stay silent on that one. Something about discussing Draco's body count was uncomfortable to you. Maybe you wanted to be the 13th one.
"Hermione are you alright?" You asked, to break the awkward silence.
"Hm? Yeah I'm fine" She sounded distant, like the conversation to her was nonexistent. You shrugged it off and suggested that it was late and that all of your should go to sleep. 
You and Hannah were left alone in the dorm, you were closest with Hannah, you told her everything and so did she. It was 12am, and Hannah was already fast asleep. You wanted to go to the kitchens to meet up with Draco again, but it was all different after knowing that he was a prefect, and was only talking to you because of his duties. You sighed and got out of bed anyway, putting on your hoodie and heading out the door. Except you didn't go to the kitchens.
The breeze was soft, and the clouds blended in with the dark blue sky. You headed over to your favourite willow tree, that had lost its leaves over the winter. You could see a few new leaves sprouting, but other than that it was completely bare. You took a seat on the bench that was underneath it and let your hair down. Playing with the hair tie between your fingers, you thought about your conversation with Hermione, and how you two were talking about your love lives. Hermione seemed so confident in her love life she seemed so sure that everything was going to play out for her and that she would meet the perfect guy. 
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear footsteps approaching you from behind. The person came to sit next to you.
"I was looking for you, why weren't you at the kitchens like you normally are?" Draco asked, he was a bit concerned. You completely ignored his question as he shuffled a bit closer to you on the bench.
"Forgot to wear pants did we?" he chuckled as he looked at your bare legs, goosebumps were noticeable because of how chilly it was outside. You were wearing shorts, they were just not visible because of your ginormous hoodie.
You stifled a laugh, successfully. You didn't reply to him once more, you just wanted your questions answered.
"You're a prefect Draco" his eyes widened a bit, he didn't know why he felt weird when you said his first name. He was a bit confused by your question. What were you on about?
"What?" he replied.
"Why didn't you tell me you were a prefect Draco? And that you were here because of your duties?" You questioned him, your tone of voice was rushed, you were nervous for some reason.
"I-I thought you knew..." he trailed on.
"No Draco, I didn't." you sighed, disappointed in yourself for not knowing sooner. "It just makes me question a lot of things."
"Like what?" Draco said softly.
"It makes me question why you ever talked to me in the first place. You duties? Or actually getting to know me?"
"Well I mean it's a bit of both, I'm glad I got to know you and the prefect patrols just make it a heck of a lot easier to talk to you alone"
"Yes, but why Draco?" you were exasperated
"Why what?..."
"Why am I not in detention right now! Why am I still meeting you every night? I don't get why! Why have you not told on me? Gotten me into trouble for being out of my dorm past 12?" You let it all out.
He fell silent. He didn't really know why himself. He had snitched on practically everyone. The 3rd year Gryffindors he spotted in the corner of the common rooms making out, or the Ravenclaws up in the astronomy tower, or even the Slytherins from first year trying to hex each other in the Great Hall. But he chose not to for the Hufflepuff girl in his year, he did need you for something though. He didn't want to tell you, but he felt like he could trust you.
"I..." he started "I need you for something, I need help with it, I just need advice" he sighed, avoiding eye contact with you. "It's embarrassing, though"
"You can tell me Draco, I won't judge you. I'm the last person who would do that" you reassured him honestly.
"I know, I know. But it's nothing like me, nothing like how I used to be." he looked away shamefully. Was that... blush spread across his face? "I haven't told anyone, not even my friends"
"Am I not your friend?" You giggled
"No- no that's not what I meant I-"
"No it's okay I know what you meant" you laughed. He smiled at you. He knew you didn't like your smile or laugh, but he thought it was really contagious.
"You have a pretty smile" he pointed out blatantly. You grew self conscious and stopped laughing and stared at him wide eyed. 
"I didn't tell you to stop laughing" he chucked at you. You just looked away to hide your blush. Draco fucking Malfoy just told you that your smile was pretty.
He probably sensed that you weren't going to say much more because you were self conscious. He placed an arm around your shoulders, which didn't help with your blush. You swear you were falling for this boy each day, it just felt like he opened up to you in a way he hadn't done to anyone else. You thought back to what Hermione said, having something special with someone. Maybe he was your special someone. You regained your confidence and decided to play flirty.
"Draco" you said, leaning your head on his shoulder as his arm slunk over your shoulders, "What would you do if I fell asleep on you right now?" You tucked your legs under your hoodie and sunk your head deeper into his shoulder, you could smell his cologne, and the soft fabric of his sweater, as you playing with the drawstrings.
"I'd let you" He whispered.
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preciseshadow · 11 months
Loving that Lucius' instant response to the question "Where you been?" is "we got engaged," despite the fact that this doesn't actually answer the question. Like, you were engaged in something alright, but that's not the answer the crew needs to hear right now.
I think the logical explanation for why he had this answer ready so quickly is that he considers the 24 hour sex marathon as part of the process of getting engaged.
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dranna · 2 years
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Sketch commission for @/Vee from Kofi <33
~ Commissions open ~
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littlemiss-fanfic · 2 years
Draco Malfoy x Reader [General 💗!]
Pairing : Draco Lucious Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Genre : Fluff 💌🧸! + Rivals to lovers
Warning(s)⚠️ : None !
If someone had told the young prince of Slytherin that his academic rival who he shared most of his classes with would soon become the object of his affection , he wouldn't have believed them . After all , he hated you and wished nothing more than to see you fail ! But what if that wasn't the case ?
From the moment you two had met , you were two constantly clashing forces of nature . Two extremely different people with simillar academic ambitions ! And that led to a lot of conflict between you . From the corner of your eye , you could always see him giving you death stares during both classes and free time .
You were a very quiet person , a pacifist who avoided conflict like the plague . You were one of your house's greatest students and it showed in your performances academically . You didn't have many friends , and you spent a lot of your time quietly reading at the study halls library . However , unlike Malfoy you also didn't have many enemies .
So how did the prince of Slytherin realize that his feeling for you may not have been fueled by hatred ? The answer is quite simple ! As Mcgonagal was explaining the effects of the Amortensia potion to your class , carefully instructing each one of you to examine it closely while also telling you the history it has had with young couples everywhere . As Malfoy put the little glass bottle containing the pink liquid up to his face , he was shocked to find that his happened to smell like your perfume , which you wore everyday to school .
He was worried and flustered but even more so confused ! How could you possibly be his crush ? You hated him and he hated you too ! Except if ...
Malfoy's life turned upside down at that excact moment . He had sleepless nights wondering how he really felt about you , and no longer wished to compete against you . Was he losing his mind ? Or could it be that he never hated you at all , but was simply blinded by his own pride , something that caused his feelings for you to blur ? He had to find out .
And what was his mastermind ? Asking you out . However , he knew that you wouldn't just agree to go out with him if he asked you in person . He decided to be smart , so he wrote you a love letter which he left in front of your locker when no one was looking . The letter described in detail his request to meet you at a cozy little cafe close to the school grounds . And then he waited ...
He waited until you want to you locker to pick up some of your books and watched with bated breath as you picked up his letter and read it . He could feel a faint smile forming on his face as he watched your cheeks turn red . He could feel his heartbeat quickening as he saw you pick up your book and walk to your next class , with a pep in your step !
Malfoy immediately springs into action and starts to prepare . He takes a bath and makes sure to wear something nice and presentable , along with buying you a bouquet of flowers . He went to the cafe early to wait for you , bouquet in hand . And as he saw you walking towards the cafe , he felt his heart drop and his hands becoming shakey . However , he tried to keep his cool as he ushered you inside .
As a lover :
Malfoy (without a doubt) has taken after his father's beliefs on traditional romance . He will absolutely treatyou like a queen by showering you in expensive gifts and taking you out on dates almost daily . And when you tow are not together , he will send you love letters filled with words sweeter than honey and poems describing his burning desire to see you smile and lovingly hold you in his arms every minute you are away from him .
Don't get me wrong though , he is still the proud prince of Slytherin and he will waste no opportunity to brag about you and ramble about his success in "seducing you with his never-ending charm" , all while still playfully competing with you as his academic rival during classes and such !
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[Requests are open]
I hope you all enjoyed !
--Author <333
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m-malov · 8 months
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Me and who?
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emmie-tt · 1 year
Feel free to send requests love!!
Harry potter
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Tom Riddle
Severus Snape (PLATONIC ONLY)
Lucius Malfoy (PLATONIC ONLY)
Narcissa Malfoy (PLATONIC ONLY)
Bellatrix Lestrange (PLATONIC ONLY)
Sirius Black (PLATONIC ONLY)
Regulus Black (PLATONIC ONLY)
Molly Weasley (PLATONIC ONLY)
Arthur Weasley (PLATONIC ONLY)
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Max Mayfeild (PLATONIC ONLY)
Mike Wheeler (PLATONIC ONLY)
Dustin Henderson (PLATONIC ONLY)
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Chrissy Cuningham
Lucas Sinclair (PLATONIC ONLY)
Johnathan Byers
Erica Sinclair (PLATONIC ONLY)
Karen Wheeler (PLATONIC ONLY)
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen (PLATONIC ONLY)
Bella Swan
Emmet Cullen
Jacob Black
Rosalie Hale
Charlie Swan (PLATONIC ONLY)
Renesmee Cullen (PLATONIC ONLY)
Leah Clearwater
Sam Uley
Seth Clearwater
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Steve Rogers / Captain America 
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow 
Wanda Maximoff 
Clint Barton 
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge 
Rafe Cameron 
Sarah Cameron 
Kiara Carrera
Ward Cameron
Merideth Grey
Lexi Grey
Derek Shepherd 
Amelia Shepherd 
Mark Sloan
Addison Montgomery 
Callie Torrez
Arizona Robbins 
Alex Karev 
George O'malley
Isabella Stevans 
Jackson Avery
April Kepner
Owen Hunt 
Christina Yang  
Fiona Gallagher
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher (PLATONIC ONLY)
Debbie Gallagher
Jimmy Lishman
Mickey Milkovich (PLATONIC ONLY)
Svetlana Yevgenivna
Mandy Milkovich
Karen Jackson
Austin!Elvis Presley (Elvis - the movie) 
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
Olivia Pope (Scandal)
Fitzgerald Grant (Scandal) 
Elvis Presley 
Kylie Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Kendall Jenner
Megan Fox
Chris Evans 
Sebastian Stan 
Sam Worthington 
No Smut, this may change but for the moment/until i get comfortable i'm only writing fluffy, angsty and platonic relationships
I wont write about R@pe, Abu$e or ince$st
All my writing will be fem/GN!reader, I wont go into detail about skin color, body type or really any personal details unless asked to
I want to keep my stories fun so try and keep the requests non boring lol :))
If you have any questions please ask
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
Black Pete Hands-Spriggs
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Salt burns in my eyes, none of these streets feel right tonight
I wanna swim, swim deep into the dark night
I wanna melt you down into the stars
I wanna crumble, tumble like a landslide
I wanna live, die wherever you are
Just you and I
-Barns Courtney, You And I
"That's my little norseman," Spanish Jackie practically coos, and while she's distracted, Pete tugs on Izzy's sleeve, trying to pull him back from his suicidal actions. Izzy goes easier than Pete expected, as if made pliant by the knowledge that Lucius is alive.
Huh. Pete knew that Izzy cared about Lucius- of course he did, if Lucius was being honest when he told Pete about everything Izzy did when Blackbeard was in charge- but this is a depth that Pete hadn't realized was already there.
And as Izzy glances back at Pete, as if checking him, Pete realizes that maybe, that depth of care might extend to him, too. That Izzy might have listened to Pete's touch because he believes in him, too.
Lucius has believed in Pete for ages, has listened and laughed and enjoyed all of Pete's stories about Blackbeard long before the man himself entered their lives. But Izzy is a different story. Izzy, who is rough and grizzled and experienced in ways that Pete has always wished to be, was always an impossibility to convince.
Pete has Lucius' life, and Izzy's belief, and aren't those quite powerful things to hold?
-aletterinthenameofsanity, and my head told my heart (let love grow)
Y'all. Y'all! Pete is one of my favorite characters on the show but it is so hard to find fic that focuses on him, especially in the Izzy/Lucius/Pete dynamic. So I was so excited to find fic that kept him integral to his own relationships, as well as fleshing out his friendships and providing layers to his characterization with a trans lens. He is allowed to be the beautiful, supportive, loyal, complicated, open, fun character he is. (Also this is my second favorite fic in the entire series, I can't believe it took me so long to use a quote from it in one of these moodboards!)
@polikate @possumsmushroom @yuenity @bricksbloggyplace @angxlwiings
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iamnotthenewwriter · 23 days
Asks Open!
Just wanted to let you all know that my asks are open for suggestions/prompts/ideas!
If you do have some ideas for a prompt (or an already thought through prompt) please let me know!
A few things that would be really helpful to me when you submit a prompt(you can also do that anonymously) :
Which ship you’d like me to write
If you have a preference for whose POV it should be
One shot/Short story/long story
If you’d like me to include smut
If smut is included, any kinks or specific dynamics/topics you’d like me to add
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hannisimp · 7 months
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Sometimes I forgot i drew these😭😭😭
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stedefxckingbonnet · 11 months
by the way, everyone, i'll also write headcanons! just wanted to put that out there :) please keep the requests coming! i truly enjoy getting to write your ideas! i hope you all enjoy part two of 'eternity' ♡
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hotpinkboots · 11 months
I'm in a Harry Potter mood right now, loves 🤭 Send in some HP requests so I can write while I watch it :D
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bp4545 · 1 year
Fake smiles (Angst)
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Word count: 1.3k (This is part 1 of a two part series)
Warnings: Swearing, insecurities. Any house will do.
Summary: You and Draco have been dating for 6 months now and the relationship is going great. Until Daphne Greengrass introduced her younger sister Astoria. Draco and her seem to be getting friendly with each other, and you find that you have been fake smiling far too much. 
Part 2 here
You and Draco.
Fuck. You two were inseparable. Like two puzzle pieces had just fit together.
You and Draco's relationship had lasted about 6 months now. It was perfect, it was everything you imagined having a boyfriend would be like. You two went on regular dates, shared kisses, made love. He even got you a promise ring, that was how in love the two of you were. 
Now, you weren't so sure. 
You're sitting at the Slytherin tables with your boyfriend and his group of friends. Pansy, Blaise, Daphne, Theo, and Daphne's younger sister who decided to tag along. Astoria.
She was bloody perfect, had the most perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect smile, perfect body, gosh you couldn't compare to her. You stared at her, bubbling in your insecurities as she seemed to make friends with everyone instantly.
Unluckily for you, your boyfriend couldn't stop staring at her either. He looked at her so intently, it scared you, it made you feel like you didn't even exist. 
Suddenly uncomfortable with the amount of attention that Astoria was getting, you cleared your throat and stood up from your spot next to Draco, where he had his arm slung around your shoulder. 
"I'm hungry, I'm going to go to the kitchens and get something to eat..." you awkwardly said as everyone stared at you.
"You sure darling? You don't want to stay here?" Draco asked.
"No its okay" you said and started to leave. Draco stood up too, as if to go with you.
"Where are you going?" you asked him
"Well I'm coming with you of course" you looked at him sympathetically
"No it's okay, you're enjoying yourself here, just stay here" You said through clenched teeth as you stared at Astoria who was staring at your boyfriend with hearts in her eyes.
"Okay darling. I love you" He said and pecked your lips. You smiled at him, then you looked to his friends and smiled too, except it didn't feel like a real smile.
You really wished you hadn't told Draco to stay that day.
Next thing you knew he was standing you up on your dates to 'study' with Astoria. 
You were currently waiting outside the great hall entrance, waiting 20 minutes for the date that Draco had promised you. You fiddled with the promise ring he gave you on your left middle finger. You took it off and inspected the words engraved on the inside of it.
To my one and only
It read.
Oh please, what a lie. You hadn't been feeling like his girlfriend lately. heck, you barely saw him outside of class, you didn't even know where he was half the time. He would still come and give you a hug occasionally, or a small kiss, but that was the bare minimum. It's like he had forgotten you.
"You okay y/n?" You heard Pansy say to you, as she saw you looked alone.
"Yeah I'm waiting for Draco, do you know where he is?" she looked at you with sympathy
"He told me he was studying with Astoria, did you have something planned with him?"
"Yeah... I did" you stared down at the floor. She came to reassure you at placed a hand on your shoulder. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked softly.
"Yeah." You said and smiled at her, this time you were sure you weren't okay, and that your smile was fake, very fake.
You had sent Draco an owl earlier today, asking him to meet you at your dorm tonight. You wanted to talk things out with him, see if you two were still working.
You were surprised he even showed up and got your letter. 
"Hey darling what did you need me for" he asked as you let him into your dorm room. He leaned in to peck you on the cheek, but you just dodged his affection.
"Darling what's wrong?" he asked a bit worried now
"Draco did you remember yesterday?"
"What happened yesterday..."
"Our date Draco" you said sternly. He stared at you wide eyed.
"I-oh, Um, I forgot. Y/n I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about that please forgive me-"
"But you didn't forget to study with Astoria" you retorted with sourness in your voice
"Y/n it's for her grades, I won't forget our dates again I didn't mean to-"
"You didn't mean to forget our dates 6 fucking times?"
"No- I mean yes, no y/n, I'm so sorry"
"Draco I just don't know if we are working anymore" you said, tears threatening to drop from your eyes. 
"Y/n! No don't say that, please no-no, no" His world was crashing as you said those words, his heart tearing in two.
"Draco I don't feel like your girlfriend anymore! I'm waiting for you every week, for every date, and you're out there doing who knows what with that Greengrass girl! For all I know you're probably fucking her until she can't remember her own name! How am I supposed TO FEEL, WHEN MY OWN BOYFRIEND GHOSTS ME FOR A GIRL HE MET 2 FUCKING MONTHS AGO! " you yelled at him, you were crying now, he was crying too. He tried grabbing your waist in apology but you dodged it once again.
"Y/n, I promise you I wasn't doing anything like that with her" he sobbed, longing for your touch, aching for it. God he messed up, he messed up badly, how could he let someone as perfect as you slip through his fingers. Everything was spinning, he felt all sorts of overwhelmed at once.
"Draco, I hope you treat her well" you said, tears staining your face
"NO! Y/n please don't leave me, I- you can't. I can't live without you." he sounded desperate, he just wanted you back. "Y/n I promise I won't ever forget our dates again, I promise I won't ever make you feel hurt-"
"Just like you promised to love me?" you said quietly, slipping the promise ring off your finger and twirling it around.
"Just like you promised I'd be your one and only?" He stopped crying for a second, his heart shattering as he saw you removing the delicate silver ring off your fingers. The one he gave you.
"Y/n what is that supposed to mean. Of course I still love you!" he was desperate to get your back, he would do anything. "Y/n I still love you of course I do!" You looked at him with tears in your eyes.
"Well it certainly hasn't felt like you've loved me Draco" you said, as you dropped the ring into his hands.
You pushed him out of your dorm room as he rambled on, he looked at you with his mouth agape, as if he was at a loss for words. He held the ring tightly in his hand and looked into your eyes full of love. 
"You know I won't stop loving you y/n. I always will." he said in defeat.
"Then prove it to me Draco, because I don't believe you" you smiled at him before you shut the door.
Gosh that smile, that stupid excuse of a smile. He knew it was fake, he wished it was real.
a/n: there is part 2, have a look in my posts:) This was really sad to write and I felt emotional reading it, but I promise there is a happy ending.
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