#* chat. | narae.
bitchnojutsu · 4 months
you know ino and shikamaru get so embarrassed every time they have to interact with neji. constant flashbacks to that time they were twelve and thought he was gonna kill them and decided their legitimate best chances of survival were asking for an autograph and flirting with him
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x-emeraldsky-x · 1 year
Temari: Alright... what movie do you want to see?
Shikamaru: Barbie.
Temari: ... what?
Shikamaru: Barbie?
Temari: Shikamaru... I don't want to watch a movie about a childrens toy...
Shikamaru: You watched Mario with your brothers, that was targetted for kids!
Temari: I grew up with Mario, that was different!
Shikamaru: Pleeease?
Temari: No!
*in the movie theatre*
Temari: *crossing her arms* You're lucky I love you.
Shikamaru: I know I am. Thank you, Tema~
Temari: *grumbling* you're welcome.
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theproperweirdo · 2 days
Aaaaand they made Sonja into the "arbiter of justice" who "punished" her "father" for his "sins." -.- And the whole saying with roses has been replaced with flowers and said by the old man. Great. Why have a badass corrupt mafia leader character when you can have a perfectly morally correct poor victim girl...
This is fucked dawg
Hello?? She was an amazing morally grey person with incredible writing… She was ruthless and did what she needed to survive after Nara died.
No yeah actually her dad made this organization and he’s the evil leader and she’s the hero who over throws him to pursue a better future!!!! This is unfathomable I loved the corrupt foundation the Whispers were built on and that both Nara and Sonja were products of their environment. Naw we can just rewrite it cheaply into an easily digestible version
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gros-chat-fait · 11 months
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Konoha's three-headed beast.
I realized recently that this blog had its 5th birthday back in August. So this is sort of a celebratory redraw of maybe the first drawing I posted, aptly titled: Naruto's harem. It exists in an alternative universe in my brain where Neji is alive and thriving and is being an awesome uncle to Naruto and Hinata's kids; Shikamaru/Temari are nomadic diplomats neither of which have to give up their homeland nor their day jobs for the other; and Sasuke is still a wandering deep-state agent, presumably (can you tell I haven't read the sequel?); and they all help run the village behind the scene.
Now have I improved? The more I draw the more I realize how limited my abilities are, but it's fun nonetheless to create and share the worms in my head <3 Thank you all for looking at my stuff and liking/reblogging and yelling about them in the tags/comments and decided that I'm worth following; I do see them all and appreciate all of them so much. I'm just not good with words <33333
For comparison:
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
*sigh* i’m imagining a world where there’s a boruto subplot where it’s revealed that the kunoichi we know and love are only pretending to be housewives/borderline civilian by day, and by night they cloak up and go fuck up some really dangerous bad guys.
i just know hinata and temari are behind it all. they overhear all kinds of talk, being who they are, including talk of threats (of varying degrees) popping up in and around the village. and maybe they’re in no position to go take on the otsutsuki by themselves, but some little ring of bandits right outside the village? that’s child’s play for them, and it would be one less thing for the village to worry about (see: maybe get their husbands home on time for dinner).
and as they get more comfortable with doing this, they slowly start to loop more of the girls in so they can take on bigger threats. they have to keep a small number so they can remain stealthy, so the cutoff is six— hinata, temari, ino, sakura, karui, tenten— and they take turns going out so they don’t draw too much attention, unless there’s a rare occasion calling for all six of their diverse talents and abilities.
and they stagger home at four in the morning and quietly tend to their wounds in the bathroom, gritting their teeth and breathing deeply and doing anything but waking up their families too soon. and they still have breakfast hot and ready two and a half hours later. (except tenten. she sleeps until nine thirty and orders take out for breakfast. her shop opens at ten a.m. for a valid reason.)
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jacscorner · 2 years
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It’s funny to me how Kishimoto could never top the Sasuke Recovery Arc-at least, to me, he couldn’t. This, in my opinion, is peak Naruto. Not because Naruto or the others are at their peak, but because it combines all I love about the series:
Strategic planning and subterfuge.
Moments of relationship dynamics between the squad.
And the epic 1v1 battles where much weaker characters have to fight older, more experienced ninja with crazier powers and have to survive with a mix of wit, surprise, and sheer determination.
Even though the mission ended in failure, I love this so much. I love the moments where we see the boys (minus Neji) were troublemakers at school, planting this small friendship already (and I love how Naruto and Neji, who were once rivals with different points of view have to come together for the sake of the mission). 
I kinda wish Naruto moving forward, Naruto went more in this direction, with Naruto going in Five-Man Squads with the other members of Konoha 11 (or 12 if we live in the bizarro fanfic universe where the mission was a success, lol) and we got to show off the other members of Naruto's age group. Maybe would've given them a few more moments to shine. Could've even given Sasuke a redemption arc and given him and Sakura some ACTUAL chemistry.
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ofvirgcs · 2 years
୭  ✧ ˚. * open starter !! @nostrumstart​​
location: waves grill & bar
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                  narae wasn’t one to sulk or grovel in public, especially given her family history. ( her mother wasn’t allowed to make a scene or else it would be all over the news so she grew up with that mindset, even if she herself wasn’t a celebrity. ) but she’d overheard something at the bar that triggered one terrible memory of her ex, and she finally snapped. it was about time. “i’m alone at this bar on a cruise for people who are also as miserable as i am. isn’t this kinda pathetic?” though it was said to no one in particular, her voice was so loud, she was sure everyone else around would hear her.
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lizarddiary · 2 years
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Hello! I finally (for real this time!) made an NA alt! I made her on Balmung, Crystal, since I was told is the best place to rp in FFXIV
If anyone is arround let me know! I'd love to meet and play with some of y'all!
Her name is the same as my OC, Nara Sadu.
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thervnaways · 1 year
( ready, set, @suchaehwas! )
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"i'm a little confused, sir. why exactly would we need to reschedule when we're already talking now?" the interview seemed to be going well and yet, she knew she was far from getting enough details for her story.
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awlumii · 2 years
"nara varuna" and it's aether with a bunch of little aranaras with a flower crown on 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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rebirthgarments · 6 months
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TW: Chemical w-rfare, Ab-rtion
Urgent Ask to evacuate Nara, a 🍉 disabled woman with MS who also has pancreatic cancer due to chemical w-rfare.
Support by financially contributing to her @FedUp4Palestine vetted funhnd-raizer (that I personally vetted): givebutter.com/NaraMedicalAid
+ resharing/ reposting this post!
I, Sky Cubacub- a Fed up 4 Palestine team member, have been in direct contact with Nara to get to know her and her story more over the past few days. We have become fast friends due to so many overlapping symptoms of our disabilities. Nara’s story caught my eye because I have post-viral ME/CFS which many times is a precursor to MS. I really want my disability community to show up for her to get this campaign funded that is so close to my heart so that she can continue medical treatment.
We have chatted extensively! During our chats, I found out from Nara that she had not previously had health issues until she was exposed in the white phosphorus attack in 2008. The long lasting damage and effects of phosphorus continue to compound and become more and more disabling to this day, even after 16 years.
Here is her story in her own words (edited for clarity):
“Hi I'm Nara,
I'm a cancer and multiple sclerosis patient. I need treatment, examinations, and follow-up on a regular basis, but the hospitals in which I used to follow up were bombed and the other one was turned into military barracks. All I need now is to leave Gaza for treatment, preserve my life, and live with my family in peace.
We're a family of 4, including my 12 and 7 year old children.
I had been diagnosed with a tumor in the pancreas as a result of inhaling phosphorus in a previous war. A couple years after being exposed to phosphorus, I became pregnant, and the fetus was pressing on the tumor, which drew the doctor’s attention to the cancer. My fetus was emergency aborted, and the spleen, 80% of the pancreas, and part of the small intestine were removed. I complained every now and then of a lot of pain as a result of the removal of part of the pancreas. I was having follow up care in the Turkish Friendship Hospital for hematology and tumors. But since the beginning of October, I have not been able to follow up because the hospital has turned into a military barracks.
The remaining part is talking about multiple sclerosis:
In 2018, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I had many complications, such as inflammation of the seventh nerve in the eye, the inability to walk with balance, movement with difficulty, and many symptoms. I was then required to take 12 injections every month and many medications and vitamins. I was following up at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis, but unfortunately the hospital was out of service due to the war. So for a long time I have not received any injections. MS is truly difficult and it controls my life completely, and the attacks occur in many and varied ways.”
A note about her breathing apparatus:
Because people in displacement have to wait in long queues and pay to use the bathroom, Nara had started to restrict her water intake because of a UTI she never has been able to heal from. This has created a problem with raised levels of potassium, so doctors have placed her on oxygen for fear of the potassium affecting her heart.
she needs at least $15,000 to evacuate
2 adults at $5,000 each
2 children at $2,500 each
this price is subject to increase due to the cost of registration for evacuation continuing to go up
The other money will go to the cost of treatment and living costs.
Nara chooses to stay anonymous because she has had to mask her disabilities so much that only her family knows about her MS and Cancer, so we have not linked her instagram, but we are in direct contact with her and can verify that she is who she says she is! Because of this, she cannot promote her own fundraiser, so it is our job to collectively do it for her!
[Image Description: a digital illustration by @k8deciccio of Nara, a Pal-eh-stienian woman wearing a black hijab/outfit with purple highlights. She has a breathing apparatus that is bulbous that goes in her nose. Text Reads: Help Narawith Cancer and MS Treatment, She Must Evacuate with her family of 4. $30k goal givebutter.com/NaraMedicalAid . There is a QR code in the bottom right corner that goes to her support link. The @FedUp4Palestine logo is in the top left corner.]
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bitchnojutsu · 6 months
in regards to the shikanejitematen fic potentially involving some d&d: i’m very open to ideas about who’s playing which class, but i do want to specify, i’m not thinking of which classes these characters would be in naruto, i’m thinking about which classes they would want to play.
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amoreisms · 2 years
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"stay the night. please." it's almost desperate; how nara rises from her seated position onto her knees to crawl across the duvet, her shoulders slumping once she reaches the edge of the bed. "i know you have to work tomorrow, but..." she wracks her brain for any excuse she can find, even after spending all day with yunseo she still wanted to keep him around. "there's been a murder! just two days ago someone was drowned in the lake! yeah, mhm it's too dangerous for you to go alone at night so stay."
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theproperweirdo · 2 days
So the old man is Sonja's father. Because forget how the Whispers were specifically an orphan organization. Because we need Sonja's "cool" takeover instead of just having her be the boss like she's supposed to. Also, he's the one who killed Nara. Yeah. That makes total sense. And THEN he sold out the Whispers to Nara anyway for... some reason. How can anyone say Journey is respecting/helping out the lore at this point, I have no idea.
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Chat why the fuck would they do this
They basically changed the entire story of the whispers… they should’ve just made a new story with different characters because it’s not the same at all anymore 😢😢
Why would they give Sonja a dad and have him be… boss of the whispers… the Whispers. An organization built from the ground by orphans trying to survive. LITERALLLYYYYYY Sonja was caring and compassionate because she was alone her whole childhood and only became cold and ruthless after Nara died 🤦🤦
The story of Rustport isn’t even Rustport anymore 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 they completely ruined their backstories
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astropookie · 9 months
Sun houses and fathers 🌞
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Yoshitomi Nara
✨first post of 2024✨
take what resonates, leave what don’t 🎀 you don’t have to necessarily identify with it.
*I use whole sign system -house system- for more certainty
9H: you’re learning constantly from your dad. he teaches you what he’ve learned through his life. he’s teaching you about his mindset, the origin of his beliefs, why he stands for them. he could be someone very religious or faithful, and through that faith he could have teach you things he know now. also, he could be really philosophical and probably has a fixation with politics, investing. he could seem very patient or is constantly worried trying to understand how he can help you.
10H: your dad could be someone really hardworking, who you could have seen work really hard through all this years, making sure you’re satisfied in the economic and study aspect. he could have not been present too much when you were growing up and when he showed up he was too strict, he probably wasn’t conscious or didn’t know how to approach you -could be bc they thought him to bottle up his emotions-. you could end up studying/working on the same career/field your dad’s in.
11H: your dad it’s okay with who you are, or what side you show to them🧐. you’re their fav or they left you. you could feel like the only child/you are. he could seem too disperse, take it how you want to. idk why but mostly of dads of sun 11H are younger than what’s expected. he’s permissive. you were a spoiled kid, that has to do with your dad. “dreams” that word is important, he had a lot of influence and power over yours, he could have destroyed them or making sure you have all the resources -depending on the aspects-.
12H: your dad won’t judge your decisions or you. he’ll be a support. he could have difficulties to put limits in a father-son relationship, you could have felt stressed when you’re seeing how your dad is being bullied by your siblings bc of that attitude. you could have being the one who is protecting them or you’re the more serious/introverted one in the dynamic. or the total opposite: he’s too strict and you had to be careful on how to act. there’s something that happened there… you two could share something obvious, an interest, physical appearance, an adjective, etc. something everyone can point out. also, you could feel a strong or subconscious connection with your dad’s sight of the family.
5H: idk why I have the feeling you didn’t saw your dad for a long time and then you saw him, I’m trying to express that your relationship with him it’s not constant. he could be explosive or impulsive. he could contradict himself so much. he could have had you without planning it/unexpected -you were a surprise for him 🤩-. could be that your parents were young when they had you and etc. that’s why you’re like an experiment 😭 your dad doesn’t know how to approach you and he has a temperament. emotions here are fiery, when each other express their emotions they don’t take a seat and have a chat with a cup of tea, they’ll say how they feel crying and screaming.
6H: your dad could have OCD, no, I’m lying, but he could be really fucked up about order. “thinks have to be like this, why you didn’t let me this at this time?” Or the total opposite, not in the middle. he could get sticker in his routine and if things are not how he planned he get stressed. a perfectionist. he could be strict or conservative. he’s sarcastic, that’s why you could be sarcastic too. he’s hardworking and also could help on campaigns and etc. at some point you could have helped him on working on his health. and you could be the one who end up taking care of him/being the sibling who spends more time with him.
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♡ Based on personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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chaosnojutsu · 10 months
“shikamaru is the weakest hokage” fools. you forget the most essential part of shikamaru’s character: bro doesn’t wanna be there.
this dude was almost a casualty of war but his dying thoughts were “wait a minute, naruto wants to be the hokage. someone has to keep him on the right path and help him out. i’m that person.” and willed himself back to life. to be that person. not the hokage.
you know good and damn well shikamaru is putting in just enough effort to keep the village in shape until naruto comes back.
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