#(with remy's reactions/support)
hithelleth · 2 years
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“Five years ago, you were trafficked into this country, rescued by the FBI when they raided a boat in Miami. You were one of six women found. [...] I was on that boat. [...] I had been working undercover in the FGN cartel inside for months – months away from my family, from my kids. I was there to put a stop to the trafficking of women like you. They took me down below, and that's where I stayed until my team located me. Until the FBI raided the boat. But the man who tortured me got away and I think that he's the same man who hurt you. Oscar Zamora. [...] I almost died on that boat. And I'm not gonna lie to you, there are times where I wished that he had killed me.”
ALEXA DAVALOS as Special Agent Kristin Gaines in FBI: Most Wanted 4x03 “Succession”
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Hiii!! I absolutely loved your post of where remy , Logan and Scott and rescue a mutant reader from the illegal mutant cage fighting scenario!! Could you do that one but with Kurt/Nightcralwer!! ❤️ thank you 😊
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) x Reader Headcanons: Discovering You Were in an Illegal Mutant Cage Fighting Ring
- Kurt’s first reaction would be one of shock and deep concern when he learns about your past in an illegal mutant cage fighting ring. His heart would ache at the thought of you being forced into such a violent and dangerous situation. The gentle and kind-hearted Kurt would find it hard to reconcile the idea of you, someone he cares about, having endured such brutality.
- His instinct would be to comfort you immediately. Kurt would wrap you in a protective embrace, his tail curling around you as well, as if trying to shield you from the memories. He would speak to you in soft, soothing tones, reassuring you that you are safe now, and that you never have to go through something like that again.
- Kurt has experienced his share of discrimination and cruelty due to his appearance and powers, so he would feel a deep empathy for you. He would understand how the world can be cruel to those who are different, and he would express how sorry he is that you had to suffer through such an ordeal. He’d want you to know that he sees your strength in surviving it.
- If and when you’re ready to talk about your experiences, Kurt would be an incredibly patient listener. He wouldn’t push you to share more than you’re comfortable with, but he’d be there to listen to every word if you chose to open up. He’d gently hold your hand, offering a supportive presence without judgment or pity, just understanding.
- In the aftermath of your revelation, Kurt would be more affectionate and gentle with you than ever. He would be mindful of your boundaries, but he’d always be there to offer a comforting touch or a reassuring smile. He’d be constantly aware of your emotional state, wanting to help you heal and feel safe in his presence.
- While Kurt is usually very peaceful, the thought of you being hurt would awaken a fiercely protective side of him. He might not show it outwardly all the time, but he’d make a silent vow to keep you safe from harm. If he ever encountered anyone involved in the ring, his usually forgiving nature might falter—he’d struggle with anger, knowing what they put you through.
- Kurt would be in awe of your strength and resilience. He would often remind you how strong you are for surviving such a harrowing experience and making it out the other side. He’d encourage you to see yourself not just as a survivor, but as someone with incredible inner strength.
- Kurt would want to help you heal, both physically and emotionally. He’d suggest spending time doing things that bring you peace and joy, whether it’s exploring nature together, practicing meditation, or even sparring in a safe, controlled environment if you wanted to regain your confidence in your abilities.
- Understanding that trust might be difficult after what you’ve been through, Kurt would be incredibly patient in building that trust between you. He’d never rush you into anything, always letting you set the pace for how your relationship develops. His kindness and gentle nature would make it easy for you to trust him, but he’d always be careful not to take that trust for granted.
- Given his strong faith, Kurt might offer spiritual support if it’s something you’re open to. He would never push his beliefs on you, but he’d offer prayers for your healing and peace, hoping to provide comfort in whatever way he can. He’d want you to know that he believes in redemption and healing, and that you deserve both.
- Kurt would want to celebrate your freedom from the cage fighting ring. He’d plan something special to mark the occasion—maybe a day trip somewhere beautiful or a small celebration with close friends. He’d want to create new, positive memories with you, to remind you that you’re no longer trapped, and that you have a whole life ahead of you filled with possibilities.
- Ultimately, Kurt would make sure you knew that he is always there for you, no matter what. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, or just quiet companionship, Kurt would be there. His love and support would be unwavering, helping you rebuild your sense of safety and trust in the world.
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new hellbreak this ones about some freaks again
Hellbreak is the working title for my Hades-inspired ttrpg, in which the PCs are residents (likely prisoners) of hell attempting to break out, and finding support from various gods in the setting's pantheon. While most of the gods that give you boons do so on their own, there's a pair that don't really have that option.
Remis, God of Rats + Salvo, Goddess of Plagues
Remis goes by it/they, Salvo goes by he/him
Remis & Salvo have two conflicting stories to how they became gods; Remis says that it became the god of rats just before the mortals blamed the species for starting a disease among their kind, and Salvo thus formed from one of its veins. Salvo says that he found Remis while he was between hosts, and infected them, thus becoming a god and causing the mortal plague. 
Remis is frenetic, almost constantly stressed about something, exuding a nervous energy that is unseen in every other member of the pantheon. Salvo does not help with their anxiety, constantly whispering things that could go wrong, presenting himself as getting a twisted joy from it, hiding the deep fear of everything he has as well.
Remis usually takes the form of a small, thin, vaguely humanoid creature with pale gray skin covered in thin patches of hair and beady eyes on their palms. They have a light, jittery tone of voice. Salvo often likes to change how he appears on the body, if at all, but his favorites include bright red spots, a writhing ring under the skin, blackened veins, or a golden halo. 
Remis and Salvo help runners because they were tasked with establishing a trade route with the 4th layer of hell, but both have been too scared to meet with the Lord Mistress, and instead ask the runners to relay information when they see her. 
Core Mechanics: Rats & Infection
Rats will help you do various actions better, like adding harm to attacks or dice to attribute rolls. 
Infected enemies take harm at the end of each round.
Boons of Remis & Salvo
Rabid: +2d6 to Wrath.
Scurry: +2d6 to Greed.
Protective: +2d6 to Pride.
Quick Reaction: You can use a cast to instead dodge the first attack on the GM turn.
Scurry: Gain +1 movement if at least 5 enemies are infected.
Rat's Weight: (requires weapon slot) Using your weapon action pushes you back 1 range
Rat-Toss: (requires cast slot) Your cast turns into a rat that will scurry towards any other enemies after being thrown, moving 1 range toward the nearest enemy and dealing 1 harm on each turn until the next round
Bloodborne: (requires weapon slot) Weapon attack infects target for 1 harm
Contagious: (requires move slot) When you move into Close range of an enemy, that enemy is infected for 1 harm
Bug: Your cast deals -2 harm, but inflicts infection for 2 harm
Spread: Infected enemies can infect other enemies if in Close range for 2 turns
Superspreader: For each rat boon you have, infection deals +1 harm
The rat boons do involve literal rats you just have to use your imagination ok
previous god
hey thanks. thank you for reading all that. would you like to read any more? i have plenty. no pressure though. okay. thank you. love you
prev update (Puppet Daggers)
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My honest reactions watching Horimiya, season 1. (2021):
Geez it’s so refreshing to have anime protagonists who just… Talk instead of standing around and wait for talking until the very last 2 minutes of the last episode.
Hori’s brother just immediately taking Miyamura in is so fucking sweet. 🩵
Wait? Are we in love?
ARE WE INTO GUYS MR. MIYAMURA?! That could be a cute concept! OMG NEVER MIND, WE ARE IN LOVE! Yay!
(I’m basically positive that this man is the bisexual menace if I’ve ever seen one.)
(The cannon of Miyamura being a bisexual edge lord is 100% confirmed by this exchange.)
Hori’s family obsessing over Miyamura is 100% legit, I support this.
The ending was so ✨heartwarming✨. It beautifully encapsulated the sweet time and all memories I hold dear in my heart regarding high school. Miyamura fighting his past selves and depression is something I could relate to to because I struggle with this as well. Him finding his place gives me… Hope. It makes me feel that I also have a future somewhere out there.
This anime has that little something special.
Bonus: I can’t seem to recall which episode it was, but Remi talking about loving Sengoku precisely because he’s not perfect made me almost cry. That was so beautiful.
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Okay- I'm sorry if I'm being annoying by sending another one of these (if I am being annoying you can just ignore this lmao) but I've had this idea in the back of my head ever since I started reading Jake x daughter!reader fics. It's basically a fic where y/n comes out to Jake as a lesbian (because I would literally die for supportive dad!jake) and here's my idea
So what if Y/n is a teenager and she's never been really one to have crushes and when she did they were short lived so when Y/n befriends a Na'vi boy her age her siblings tease her about having a 'crush' on him and as Y/n is still navigating her own feelings and what kind of reactions she could get if she told anyone so she pretends to like the boy until Jake finds about it and is a stereotypical overprotective dad. And when he goes to talk to Y/n about it he notices she's directly avoiding his gaze but won't tell him what's wrong and it just wrecks Jake with worry until eventually she spits it out
A/N: In this story let's pretend that Z-dog isn't a recom or a bad guy but instead the really cool bi aunt that y/n could go to about this stuff.
A/N: Also you aren't annoying, I love writing Dad!Jake
Girls: Dad!Jake Sully
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You made your way to the lab to find your aunt Z-dog in hopes that she could answer some of the questions that you had. See lately well more so since you started developing crushes you noticed that boys never seemed to do it for you, only girls seemed to spark your interest and that confused you a bit. 
"Hey, kiddo! What brings you by?" Your aunt asked as you stepped inside her room. 
"I have some questions that I was hoping you could answer for me if you don't mind." You said nervously.
"I'm sure your parents could answer them but what kind of questions?" She asked you as you regathered your thoughts. 
"Romantic ones....like how you knew you were bi-sexual?" You asked her as realization hit her as to why you were coming to her. 
"Okay, I know for me, that I felt an attraction to both males and females....but I also know that some people can just be lesbian as well where they are only attracted to females and feel nothing towards a man which is okay too, it's all about personal preference really." She said as you nodded taking in her words. 
"Is there a reason you are asking me this?" She asked concerned. 
"I think I may be lesbian. I'm not sure because I can develop a crush on a guy but it never lasts..." You said to her. 
"Sounds like you are confused....don't tell your dad this but you honestly need to kiss a girl to find out that's what did it for me. Have you ever kissed anyone before?" She asked you. 
"I have...it was a boy but I didn't like it too much." You said as she laughed. 
"Yeah kiss a girl and see how much that changes." She said as you looked at her. 
"What about my parents?" You asked her nervous about how they would react to you potentially being lesbian. 
"Let's figure out your feelings first and then we will deal with your parents...but I can already tell you that they are gonna love just the same if not more." She said squeezing your hand.
"Thank you Aunt Z-dog." You said hugging her. 
"No problem kiddo, figure out your feelings first and then worry about everything else...and just know I'm here for you." She said as you thanked her. 
A few days later you and your friend Peì'll were out relaxing in ya'lls pasture, you sat by a tree listening as she talked but all you could focus on was how pretty she was especially when the sun hit her skin.
"What's on your mind y/n?" She asked taking a seat in front of you snapping you out of your thoughts. 
"Nothing." You said giving her a small smile. 
"Well, there's something I've been wanting to try if you're okay with it." She said as you looked at her confused but still nodded her head. 
She slowly leaned her head towards you as her eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips as you did the same really hoping this wasn't some fever dream. You slowly felt her lips press against yours as you reminded yourself to kiss her back. 
"That was better than I imagined." You both said making each laugh.
"Y/n I'm lesbian...and I've always found you attractive..." She said lacing her hands with yours.
"Thank you for telling me that....but I need to be honest with you...I must tell you that I'm confused about what I am." You said looking down. 
"That's okay...we can take this slowly until you figure out your feelings." She said squeezing your hands. 
A few weeks later you two had fully moved into a semi-relationship that was pretty private while you figure out how you would tell your parents more specifically your dad who you worried you would let down by turning out this way.   Peì'll was sick today so you were spending the day hanging with her cousin Nau, which was nice and he told you that he wouldn't tell anyone about you and her as he walked you home. 
"Oooohhhh looks like sis has a new crush!" Lo'ak said as he watched you and Nau laugh about something. 
"Wonder how long this one will last this time." Neteyam said joining Lo'ak at the entrance of the hut so he could also spy on your Nau. 
"Boys leave your sister alone." Your mom said making them groan as they left the entrance of the hut just as you walked in. 
"Evening everyone." You said setting your stuff down and join your family at the dinner table. 
"So sis, whose the boy you were talking to?" Lo'ak asked you as Jake whipped his head towards you upon hearing those words. 
"Who Nau? That's Peì'll cousin, we just hung out today since she was sick." You said shrugging your shoulders. 
"Is he a new crush?" Lo'ak said as Jake angrily ate his food watching you for an answer. 
You panicked as your brother asked that question...you were in love with Peì'll but you weren't ready to tell your dad quiet yet so you did the one thing you could do and say you had a crush on Nau which was far from the truth. 
"Yes, I do." You said as you felt the daggers your dad was shooting you. 
The next few days Jake noticed that whenever Nau was brought up, you would sigh and seem irritated that they were talking about it and even he felt like you didn't actually have a crush on this boy if you did you had a weird way of showing it. 
"Hey baby girl, let's go for a walk." Your dad said that night after dinner. 
"Okay." You said following him out of yall's hut and you guys just talked about your days for a bit until he brought it up. 
"Does this Nau kid treat you well? Because you can tell me if he isn't." He said watching you. 
"Yeah, he does." You said. 
"Do you see a future with him? Because if you do, you need to have a very serious talk." He said watching as you looked at the ground. 
"No." You said quietly.
"No? Then why did you say you have a crush on him, angel?" Your dad asked kneeling so that he was at eye level with you.
"Because I like girls and I was afraid of your reaction by telling you how I really felt." You said quietly as awaited your dad's reaction. 
Jake was shocked but not really because now everything made sense... he felt dumb for not noticing sooner...you always had a distaste for boys growing up. 
"Oh, angel. Something like that couldn't stop me from loving you but thank you for telling me." He said wrapping his arms around you. 
"So you not mad at me or disappointed in me?" You asked quietly.
"No, I'm not..never could be for something like this...I love you no matter who you love as long as they treat you right." He said looking at you. 
"I love you to Dad, thank you." You said hugging him again as he smiled. 
"So is there a special girl you have your eye on?" He asked making you groan. 
"Well me and Peì'll are kinda seeing each other..." You said nervously as you two walked home. 
"Peì'll? Wait you two got her cousin to cover for you two?!" He said making you laugh. 
"Yeah, we did." You said laughing as he shook his head at you in disbelief. 
A few days later after coming out to your dad and finally telling Peì'll the good news, you decided to bring her over for dinner and properly introduce her to everyone. 
"Dad, Mom and annoying siblings this is my best friend and girlfriend Peì'll. You said re-introducing her to everyone watching with a laugh as your siblings looked shocked. 
"But I thought her and Nau?" Lo'ak said making you guys laugh. 
"No sorry Peì'll is the one for me." You said as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
"Ha! Looks like you are doing my chores for a month! I knew she didn't like Nau." Neteyam said as he walked over to where you two were. 
"Peì'll you hurt my sister and we have problems." Neteyam said not sure how he would get her back if she did end up hurting you since she was a girl. 
"Peì'll my child, welcome. And you my beautiful daughter thank you for finally introducing us to the real source of your happiness." Your mom said hugging you both. 
"You should be thanking dad, he was the one who gave me the courage to do it." you said as your dad squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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take2intotheshower · 8 months
Endless List of Why I Ship Jane & Kurt - Part 9 (by @kate-dammit-run)
(re-posting to preserve this list, which was originally created and posted by @kate-dammit-run, whose account was deactivated in 2023)
401. Because she can open up to him about her deepest and darkest thoughts and memories and feelings 402. And because he will still support her 100% no questions asked 403. Because when her past leaves her paralyzed and broken, he is there to help her in any way she needs 404. Because it’s nice to have her back 405. Because Kurt is willing to jeopardize an entire case if it means saving Jane’s life 406. Because he is useless as an agent when her life is on the line 407. Because goodbye phone calls and I love you’s 408. Because the only thing that kept her going is knowing they were looking for her  409. Because with only a few minutes left to live, she just needs to hear his voice 410. Because he will find her 411. Always 412. Because Kurt Weller is the biggest Bill Nye fanboy in the world and Jane Doe finds it the most endearing and adorable thing in the world 413. Because they get Tasha bagels in the morning 414. Because she shares the most intimate details from her past with him 415. Because she lets him read her angsty teenage poetry 416. … and because she laughs when he teases her 417. Because Remi doesn’t scare her anymore and he’s so proud of her 418. Because even though the past few months haven’t been easy, things are finally where they are supposed to be 419. Because Kurt loves getting to know everything about her– her past, her present, and her future 420. Because of the annoyed grumpy faces when Rich interrupts them 421. And the appalled reaction when he offers to film that which he just interrupted 422. And of course Kurt’s desperate attempts to stop Jane from opening the door 423. Because Jane immediately recognizes Linda from the sketch 424. Because she drove out to Philadelphia with him to see his mother 425. Because she urges him not to run from his problems– just like he would urge her 426. Because she wants them to face whatever that comes their way together 427. Because Jane is the mostly fiercely supportive wife ever 428. Because she knows exactly what he needs even when he doesn’t 429. Because she doesn’t want him to make decisions he will regret later 430. Because after a long exhausting day, just seeing her sitting there waiting for him puts a ridiculously big and bright smile on his face 431. Because who needs money when they have all of this 432. Because they invite all their friends over when Little Bee is visiting 433. Because Jane is now the friend who gives relationship advice 434. Because with everything that happened with Kurt, the hardest part for Jane was trying to deny how she felt 435. Because it was impossible to be around each other without acknowledging it 436. Because she knows how torn apart he is about missing time with Bethany and she’s there to make him feel better 437. Because at bedtime, she watched him read Bethany ten books, teach her the Johnny Cash song and then make her the Easter Bunny out of Play-Doh 438. and because he is so proud of that Easter Bunny 439. Because down the road, there’s gonna be so many more bunnies. They’re gonna take time off, vacation, move back to Colorado eventually and watch her grow up 440. But right now they’re  working to make sure that Bethany has a world to grow up in 441. Because of petting fluffy puppies on the way home, and feeding the duckies at the pond and trips to the zoo 442. Because even thought Kurt knows their job is important, he doesn’t want to just keep working for the future 443. Because he wants to grab as many moments as he can and spend them with his daughter and his wife 445. Because of Bethany’s drawing in Kurt’s locker 446. Because the weekend went by too fast 447. Because it was nice being a family again 448. Because of Bethany snuggling all night between them and karate kicking Kurt in the face 449. Because they are lucky– very lucky 450. Because they will always always protect each other no matter what 451. Because Kurt saying “my wife” will always be everything 452. Because even when they disagree, they talk about things and find a way to reach something they both agree on
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
They really did a great job of 3x16, if you discount that the women of the show don't get to collectively fly at Keaton and scratch his eyes out. All three of them would be justified in doing it. Making him an FBI ally was the worst thing this show ever did.
But there is SO much to love about this episode. The protective team rallying around their Patterson. Even Zapata, though she went about it in a screwed-up way. You could tell her reasons were well-intentioned. But that Room of Requirement scene was so sweet, and Kurt's guard-dog snarling at Borden.
(Side note: Rich was duelling with Brianna to bring her out of her crying corner, wasn't he? He totally was.)
And then they all protected Rich as well. ❤ That 'suck it' he signed Hirst's deal with went a loooong way. XD And it would have been justified for them to have all been so swept up in the Borden drama that they forgot about him, but they didn't. It was sweet. And I thought also quite fitting that he was sidelined for this one, because he was never a big part of the Shepherd arc like the others.
It does make me feel terrible for Zapata in this episode, even though she deserved it. No one is rallying around her until Reade at the end of the episode, and she opens her mouth and screws it right up. Tasha, you're just not very good at people. Let me get you some therapy and an emotional support animal. And you need to get awaaaaaay from Keaton forever.
At least we got the happy cake scene. 😭
And to see Roman moving one way, while Borden moves the opposite one - that was just masterfully done. Roman crying while Crawford shows him compassion and listens to his problems, and pays his medical bills... They really did turning him to Crawford's side well, and Jane's 'Remi is dead' in the next episode just cements it. All he ever wanted was a family that loved him, and it drove him to do a whole bunch of really screwed-up things. XD
Aaaand that woman who's investigating Hirst's decisions is just as creepy and annoying as Fischer. Must be a job requirement.
I guess there wasn't really room for Jane's feelings in this episode, which is a real shame. And another reason I think Avery is a waste of screen time. Not that she was in this episode, but they could have subplotted Jane's delayed reaction to having Cade and Borden pop up, in a later episode. (I always wanted to fic it, but there's so much that would need fixing that it would end up as long as TWY).
I probably repeated what was in some other people's posts, but I haven't done a dive into them yet. Sorry for any duplicate thoughts!
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
comforting (for remi)
send me    ‘ comforting ‘    for my muse’s reaction to yours gently wiping their tears away after they’ve been caught crying 
Remi had been getting better with the love and support he had from his friends and family, but that inky darkness that had plagued him since he could remember was always there.....always laughing at him. He could feel his brothers jeering at him, his mother and father staring down at him like he wasn't worth the soil he stood on.
That fear that he wasn't good enough was threatening to come back, and he couldn't stop the tears. He didn't want to.....especially with Lucy's gentle fingers brushing his tears away. She knew him better than anyone.....
And from where he was sitting, looking up to where she was standing, he gently hugging her torso close, pulling her carefully. He rested his cheek gently on her baby bump, determined to be the best he was and more for his daughters and their growing sibling.
This was his family...HIS. And he would fight the devil himself to make sure they never suffered his pain.
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elecalice · 11 months
How much of a daydreamy fangirl (loser) I am?
When I see Remy support on Birdsite, I imagine me watching a Capcom Showcase and seeing Remy being revealed as DLC, and ending up being SO HYPED that I connect to Discord and tell about it to my friends and others already telling me "Elec, you Won. Your husbando's back".
I imagined my reaction to a hypothetical Remy DLC reveal.
I'm taking massive daydreaming dosis to the point that I need psychological help.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
What would happen if Sayu crew died in the FRAU?
Depends on who dies, how many, and stuff like that.
Talks about suicide and like some mention/implications of physical abuse from family.
If they all die (some kind of accident where they were all together) then NSR would take over the behind the scenes of Sayu and keep her running until it wasn't lucrative anymore and slowly ween her out of the public eye. Then a new charter would be put in place.
In this scenario, Tila's family probably tries to milk their daughters death (probably happens in most scenarios honestly), Sofa and Dodo's families are actually sad (probably don't realize how terrible they were to their kids but they still mourn the loss of them), and Remi's family probably is the same as Sofa and Dodo except maybe this is a wake-up call for Eve and she kinda snaps out of her own self hatred for a bit (she doesn't care for her dad or his wife's pain, but now she at least has some kind of connection with them from a shared emotion).
If only one survives, doesn't matter who, but Sayu would be given to NSR with only some input from the survivor based on their talent. Tila would continue to be the voice of Sayu, Sofa would be the lead editor to keep the Sayu feel of videos the same, and Remi would still be the main artist behind Sayu. The only one I can see not even wanting to continue with Sayu would be Dodo if he was the only survivor, and it's easy enough to just get a new mo-cap person behind the scenes, so if Dodo is the only one alive then Sayu officially belongs entirely to NSR and he just goes to living with his parents and trying to restart his life over.
Then there's the possibility that only 2 survive and 2 die. I'm not gonna go into each combination, but most likely the 2 that survive stay and continue working on Sayu. As a way to cope, keep their friends memories alive, and to just escape reality some more, trying to hide from the pain they feel. NSR would find some people to fill in the roles of whoever ended up dying (so like a new artist and editor if Remi and Sofa died, or voice actor and mo-cap person if Tila and Dodo died).
All the deaths up to this point were accidents that caused 2 or more of the Sayu Crew to die. However, if only one of them die, it would be a different story.
Sofa dying would probably be an allergic reaction and not having their epipen on them. In that case I can kinda see Sayu almost falling apart since Sofa is one of the most important members of the team and the Crew would probably not want to immediately replace Sofa, only for them to realize they have no idea what the fuck they are doing and have to have Tatiana assign them a new editor.
Dodo's death is probably some kind of accident. Maybe a medical one because his parents want him to get another non-mandatory surgery for whatever reason (thinking it would help him in life) and he ends up dying from complications. I can see Tila taking over Dodo's position while also being the voice actor (a lot of people probably even see improvement with Sayu's movement and voice acting, making people praise the change in direction which makes the crew feel horrible, especially Tila).
Remi's death is... idk. At first I was gonna say his dad or mom might have done something to him, but honestly I want to move away from that storyline with Remi. He still feels like he can't come out because his parents aren't very supportive, but I'm seeing them now as more neglectful than abusive like I initially made them. So anyway, I can probably see Remi trying to run away from home, trying to find a place to be accepted but can't go to the rest of the Crew as their fams would probably make him go back to his family (Sofa's family probably would have taken Remi in). So Remi ends up getting hurt in the street or something and ends up passing away.
At that point I doubt Remi would have been working with the Crew for a bit, only letting them know he ran away and wouldn't be coming back. So Sayu at that point has been using premade art that Remi made before leaving but once his death was announced then the Crew were given a new artist (someone who could copy Remi's style pretty well so fans weren't hit with another dramatic shift in style). The Crew takes it hard and I can see Eve probably taking it hard too since Remi would have left a note saying why he ran away with not having support from family, especially Eve, as some of the main reasons for his departure. So this would be another way that might make Eve snap out of her pretty selfish mindset and try to think about her actions she had towards Remi all his life.
For Tila, I see her as either dying by her family's abuse or killing herself as the main ways she dies. Either way is a tragedy and no one knows "why" it happened since the family would have did their best to cover both ways up. Honestly if Tila is murdered they would make it look like a suicide, and if she killed herself then the family would hide any note or whatever she would have tried to leave behind. The public would just be given a story of how Tila killed herself because of her schizophrenia or something like that to make people unsympathetic to her (yes, her family is not above weaponizing their daughter's mental illness).
Tatiana probably thinks something more happened, but she doesn't go prying because the public and police believe the families story so there's no real reason to doubt the claims in possibly make NSR look like they are harassing a grieving family. She just gets a new voice actor for Sayu as quickly as possible (though honestly I think in this scenario the rest of the Crew would be willing to just give NSR all the rights to Sayu and quit because of what happened to Tila).
So yeah, that's basically what happened. I didn't really go into any other characters' reactions because they'd all basically be the same. Mama is sad for the death of all/some/one of the Crew, Yinu has very conflicted emotions, Neon J is devastated (probably the only one who tries to get any justice for the more shady deaths of the Crew), 1010 doesn't care because they are too worried about themselves now that possibly Sayu is going to be decomissioned (depending on who died), Eve is mainly neutral except with some of Remi's deaths but even then she is still pretty numb, Tatiana sees their loss as an awful tragedy but still has to continue looking to the future and having to either continue Sayu or get a new charter, and DJSS is probably really upset (especially in Sofa's death scenarios) since he was kinda close with some of the Crew before being fired.
I don't know, this is the best you're gonna be getting I guess. I'm kinda getting tired of talking about what would happen if a character dies and how people would react. Most of the answers are just gonna be the same. NSR tries to continue the charter (in Sayu and 1010's case) or just gets a new charter entirely. None of the cast are really close in this AU so a death of a co-worker (or even family in Eve's case) isn't really going to change how people feel, just make them a little sad for a bit before moving on with life.
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
"mebbe it not okay right now. mebbe it won' be f'a while. whichevah it is, ah won' leave you."
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She wanted to argue with him. She wanted to tell insist that he was saying things just to placate her, as if she knew his mind better than he did. It was a vile sort of reaction to have, but a learned response. It was easier, after all, to control her words and, by extension, the reactions other were liable to give her, than it was to control her emotions. She knew what to say to be a pain in the ass, to earn agitation or anger, to push people away, make them leave. She didn't want that with Remy, though. In fact, she'd been making a very good point of trying to curb that bad habit.
So she clenched her jaw a moment to bite back the unnecessary argument. Remy was being kind. He was being patient. He was being supportive. And those were all things that she needed of him right now she just... didn't know how to handle it. A sigh followed, the sound maybe seeming a bit more agitated than she intended it, that urge she felt to defend herself only just barely having passed. It still took her a couple more seconds before she found her voice again, though.
"A'right. If ya say so." She took a few steps forward, close enough that she could lean her head forward, pressing her forehead against his chest. Relenting. Trying to fight the urge to back away by being closer, instead. "I gotta stop doubtin' ya. Ya haven't left yet even though I sure as hell ain't been makin' it easy to stick 'round." She thought, though, that she was doing a pretty damn good job at the whole girlfriend thing... in comparison to when they'd started, at least. Her arms finally wrapped around him and she tucked herself close, settling into his warmth. "What'd I ever do t'deserve you, Remy LeBeau?"
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acinomthecat · 2 years
I’d like to believe that Remy’s dishes taste and smell very “homely”, since he first learned how to cook in the wild and in a grandma’s kitchen.
Which is why the customers at Gusteau really liked his dishes cuz they feel different from the flashy and glamorous rich food, and maybe give them a sense of nostalgia.
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secret-treasury · 3 years
little blurbs about sirius being the best dad ever. Also includes some sirius X reader, Marauders.
Atlas loves when Lily babysits them. He is just smitten with her and he especially likes her hair. She’ll hold him and he would just stare at her with awe. He would pull a little on her hair and would get pouty when told off for it, especially from James. He isn’t a fan of James' because he always takes Lily away from him at the end of the day and he doesn't like that, but eventually he’d grow to like him... a little.
Neo on the other hand enjoys hanging out with James. She follows him everywhere and wants to be with him when he does random things, she is like his little shadow. She gets pouty if she doesn’t get to play with his glasses and he always tells her to be careful with them so as to not break them. She has an attitude, she rolls her eyes at him. “Well… she's a pads kid alright!” he’d joke. To which she responds with an excited “Padtoot!” and laugh while running away with James' glasses to get her dog plushy.
Remus is however Neo's favorite babysitter and for one reason only. He has a beard and she loves beards and just wants to grab at them. Luckily both Sirius and Remus keep their beards trimmed short so there isn’t much for her to grab. Sirius did the prank on her where he hid the lower part of his face behind a towel, then when he revealed his clean shaven face, Neo was SO upset she wouldn’t stop crying. Whenever she saw him until his beard grew back she’d cry at the sight of him. When he finally had his beard back she had missed him so much. She’d have a similar reaction to remus shaving but milder. Neo loves hanging out with her uncles but daddy is still the best. Remus and Atlas get along great, atlas loves to sit in uncle Remy's lap while he reads, and most of the time he falls asleep, Atlas is a very cuddly and sleepy boy so it works out well.
Regulus is a decent babysitter but confuses the twins slightly when they are very young for the simple reason that he looks similar to their dad. Before they eventually learn the difference, he would be kind of an ‘imposter Sirius’ because they are aware that isn’t dad…. But he really looks like dad….
Bath time!
Both Neo and Atlas LOVE bath time, especially with their dad. They both just can’t stop laughing when Sirius makes himself a bubble beard and causes bubbles to fly everywhere when he talks. He’d create fun narratives with pirates and priateship and sea monsters.
The only thing Atlas doesn’t like about bath time is washing his hair, he cries so much because he doesn’t like getting shampoo in his eyes or when water runs down his face. Luckily Sirius is super gentle with him and makes sure he feels safe the whole time.
“Close your eyes” the little boy does as his father says and shuts his eyes really hard. Sirius puts some shampoo in his palm and rubs his hands together before massaging it into the boy’s hair. Atlas starts whining a little bit. “It’s alright buddy” sirius comforts. When it’s time to wash the shampoo out he gets pouty again. Sirius tells Atlas to lean his head back while he supports the little boy’s back with his hand.
“Are you keeping ‘em closed?”. Atlas nods and again focuses on keeping his eyes shut as hard as he can. “Here comes the water,” Sirius warns. He would never do anything to break his son’s trust, especially not for a laugh. All three of them sing a song together, usually some type of nursery rhyme, to help distract the little scared boy from the water.
Neo was easier to handle albeit a bit wild. She loved singing the song whilst water was running down her face and it sounded like she was underwater. She’d laugh a lot and then accidentally breath in some water. She’d be upset for a moment and cough a bit but in no time she’s singing happily again. Sirius often found himself singing nursery rhymes in the shower when he would wash his own hair, just a weird habit he had when the kids were little.
After bath time he would help them into their cute little bathrobes and then the two kids would run to their mama looking like little jawas. Sirius would join them moments later, clothes splashed with bathwater and bubbles still in his beard. He didn’t mind though.
Sirius would teach them to brush their teeth by themself as soon as possible. He would seat them on the bathroom counter, give them their little toothbrushes and portion out the tooth paste. Neo was the most troublesome in this area, she didn’t like brushing her teeth so he’d tell her an elaborate story of why she needs to brush her teeth. Unfortunately she didn’t believe him. Atlas did though and always pointed out that they need to brush their teeth every morning and evening like the sweet boy he is. Because of Neo's brother pestering her with the importance of brushing her teeth she’d do it. So it worked out for Sirius eventually… in a roundabout way.
After all the teeth had been brushed, including Sirius’, he set them back down on the floor and the twins rushed as fast as their little legs could carry them to their shared bedroom. Atlas would get his blankie and his deer plush that he got from auntie Lils when he was born. Neo would get a book and her very loved dog plushy also called padfoot or as she ‘padtoot’. They would wait for Sirius to join them and he would take a seat in the armchair they had in their little room, he would place the twins in his lap and they would get comfortable. Atlas would share his blankie and they would place their plushies in their laps getting ready for the bedtime story.
Sirius would read to them and also educate them on different topics, making the twins question what happened in the story and why. While also keeping it lighthearted and fun. He’d give the characters different voices, some were funny and some were silly. After they finished the story they would beg him to read another one and it would break his heart telling them no, but he knew they were exhausted and needed their sleep. “There will be another story tomorrow”
Puting Atlas to sleep was the easiest thing in the world. As soon as his head hit the pillow he would be asleep, holding onto his blankie and his plush. Sirius would pull the covers up and lovingly caress the boy’s cheek and place a kiss on his forehead wishing him goodnight.
Neo was more troublesome, she wanted Sirius to stay with her until she fell asleep. He’d tuck her in, kiss her forehead and also give ‘padtoot’ a goodnight kiss. Then he’d sit on the floor by her bed and caress her cheek til she fell asleep. Sometimes he’d fall asleep on the floor leaning onto the side of her bed.
Food habits
Atlas is a picky eater, veggies are his number one enemy and he’ll do anything to not eat them. Sirius understands this because he himself hated veggies when he was little although his punishments for not eating them was very uncalled for. It takes a lot of coaxing to get atlas to eat them and he is always the last one at the table. Sirius has tried everything but it's still a struggle.
“Just eat 3 more broccolis and a cauliflower, then you can go play” Sirius tried to convince the boy but he just shook his head and scrunched up his face in disgust. He couldn’t help but sigh at the cute but stubborn little boy. “Eat two and then we’ll go play afterwards, okay buddy?” Sirius tried to bargain. He saw a glimmer in the boy's eyes.
“You play too?” he asked hopefully and Sirius nodded. Atlas unwillingly picked up the fork and poked at the veggies. After a while he picked out the two smallest veggies and ate them one at a time. “Done!” he declared after forcing them down. Atlas slipped off the chair and rushed to join his siblings.
“Daddy will play with us” he cheered happily, veggies long forgotten. They spent most of the afternoon playing hide and seek. Atlas was the first to get tired and decided to hide under the covers in his parents bed. As he crawled under the covers Neo and Zagreus noticed his genius hiding spot and went to join him.
“Here I come!” Sirius called out as he began looking around the house. Not finding them in the usual hiding spots he began to feel worried even though they couldn’t possibly have left the house. When he passed the master bedroom he noticed 3 child sized lumps in his and his wife's bed. As he got closer he could hear some giggling. He carefully peeled up the covers to peek inside to see his pups. “I found you” he chuckled as he began scooping them up in his arms as they laughed and giggled happily.
When Y/N came home later that afternoon the house was quiet. The plates and cutlery, long forgotten on the kitchen table much to her annoyance. However, the sight she was greeted with in her bedroom of her husband and three little children sleeping together in a pile on the bed, tangled up in the covers and blankets. It was enough for her heart to swell with love.
Neo generally isn't a picky eater, she eats well and healthy meals. She does however love ice cream though. the strawberry, vanilla and chocolate mix also known as neapolitan ice cream. Neo is a tough girl to bargain with as she’s not as easily fooled as other children, but ice cream is her weakness and Sirius does occasionally use that to his advantage.
“Neo, sweetie. Please it’s time to sleep,” Sirius would almost beg as he was seated beside her bed on the floor, being as tired as he wished his daughter was.
“No.” Neo said stubbornly and crossed her arms over the covers. Sirius had tucked the children into bed almost half an hour ago and both boys were fast asleep and sailing off to dreamland. “I don’t want you to leave me daddy” she sniffled and her eyes were glossy with tears. Overwhelmed by emotions she suddenly sat up and threw her little arms around her fathers neck, holding him tight. His arm wrapped around her little body and he caressed the back of her little head with his free hand. He remembered feeling a similar feeling when he was very little. When his mother seemed to love him.
“Of course I won't leave you, puppy.” he said comfortingly as his heart ached in his chest. Neo pulled back to look at him, tears running down her chubby little cheeks. her hands still on his shoulders and her fingers played with his long dark hair.
“Promise me daddy” she demanded with another sniffle. Her words tore him apart within.
“I won’t leave you, ever.” he promised. He knew it was a lie, that one day he would have to leave her alone on this earth, even though it seemed far til then. He dried the tears from her cheeks and kissed her forehead. “Now go to sleep sweetie”
“Only if I get ice cream for breakfast” she argued back with a little giggle as he crawled back under the covers. Sirius tucked her into bed once again.
“Not for breakfast, but sometime tomorrow we can have ice cream, okay?” he said and poked her nose gently and giggled along with her. She lifted her little hand and held out her pinky.
“And strawberries” she said as Sirius wrapped his larger pinky around her little one. It wasn’t strawberry season, Neo knew that but she cleverly made him promise her to get her favourite fruit too. He couldn’t simply go back on a pinky swear.
“And strawberries,” Sirius sighed with a smile on his lips. His little girl was so clever, he knew he got it from her mother but the way she used it, that was all him.
Zagreus eats pretty much anything even if he doesn't like it. He accidentally took a bite of a bar of soap once. It was shaped as a cinnamon bun and the poor boy thought it was real.
“Dad?” he said as he pulled on his fathers sleeve. The potters were over for dinner and Sirius was out on the porch chatting with James over a cold beer.
“What is it boy?” he said and crouched down to the little boy's level. The boy looked puzzled and showed his father the cinnamon bun soap with a child sized bit in it.
“This bun tastes weird, dad.” James couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“Ah, oh it’s not a cinnamon bun, boy” sirius tried to explain but the boy looked at the bun soap and up at his father again convinced that his father was indeed mad. Sirius couldn’t hold back a chuckle “It’s soap.. In the shape of a bun”
“Oh…” Zagreus said finally trying to make sense of his odd food experience. Sirius ruffled the boy's hair. “Here” the boy said and gave Sirius the bun and then wandered off back into the house.
On Sundays it's always pancake or waffle Sunday at the Black’s house and the pups demand having their favorite fruit as a side. Atlas does a lot better with fruits and Sirius takes whatever wins he can get with the boy honestly. Blueberries are Atlas’ favourite fruit or well berry. However he doesn’t like fake fruit flavours in fact he hates them almost as much as he hates his sworn enemy... veggies.
Neo of course enjoys the sweet strawberries and often gets her way which means ice cream instead of whipped cream.
Zagreus loves pomegranates which doesn’t really go well with either pancakes or waffles but he is determined to have it anyway.
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okokokaythen · 3 years
NSR Headcanons
Aka NSR themed shower thoughts 
Bunkbed junction (Mayday + Zuke)
- Has a secret stash of 1010 merch hidden in the sewer that she hides from Zuke (He already knows and doesn’t tell May to entertain her)
- Sometimes call Zuke, ‘Zukie’ after the DK west encounter(s) 
- She is banned from babysitting Yinu (for obvious reasons)
- She sleeps on the top bunk 
- She memorizes small things about people and will sometimes give gifts as a token for forgiveness after the events of the story
- She sometimes hangs on the pipes in the sewer instead of sitting on the couch (much to Zukes annoyance)
- She occasionally wears Zuke’s clothes 
- Occasionally leaves the sewer alone to walk around or reflect on things
- Has a collection of books ranging from scientific journals to biographies, not exactly a fan of fiction
- Used to own a pair of glasses before he switched to contacts, after which they’ve gone missing
- Tries to organize and clean the sewer, but it being a sewer he hasn't gotten much done
- Occasionally visits eve to catch up and make amends
- Zuke is May’s primary impulse control
- He’s near the top of the list to babysit Yinu, behind Sayu/Tila
- They have seen each other naked at some point with opposite reactions. 
- They take turns cooking 
- They style each other’s hair in the morning
- They refer Ellie as their baby
- He is Yinu’s homeschool teacher
- Owns a cat named Mars 
- Has a mixed relationship with 1010
- Tolerates Green 1010 the most
- increase size whenever he’s mad
- Sayu often appears on his screens to annoy him or just hang out
- He tolerates Sayu more than 1010
- He’s 1010′s pseudo uncle
- Undefeated in basketball 
- Is Yinu’s primary babysitter 
- Sayu, when not piloted, has an A.I. But is limited to cyberspace. 
- Her reverse form was made as a joke by Remi
- She knows a lot more than she leads on, and has appeared even on Tatiana’s computer, but she's ultimately harmless. 
- She’s often tasked to work as a firewall for NSR’s servers 
- She is surprisingly useful to have around.  
- There’s several platforms where Sayu can ‘Appear’ physically, similar to Cortana from Halo.
Yinu / Mother
- Yinu is homeschooled
- DJSS is her Homeroom/Science teacher, Neon J is her Shop/P.E teacher. Eve is her Art and Literature teacher, Mother is her Math/History teacher. Tatiana occasionally is her Economics/Math teacher whenever she’s not too busy.
- Sayu’s pilots and 1010 are her ‘classmates’ 
- She, along with Mother, visits her father’s grave at least once a month. 
- She does not like being picked up by anyone other than her mother. so she carries around a step stool.
- She likes that she has multiple babysitters, but wont admit it.
- Tatiana is her god mother/ grandmother figure
1010 / Neon J
-  Yellow often gets stuck on Green’s hoop
- Each member of 1010′s “brain” is a chip that is inserted into their head
- They are referred to by their color’s (I know they got names but I’m terrible at remembering them)
- White often gets picked on for watching Danny Phantom
- They had small ‘baby’ forms and as they ‘aged’ their chips/minds into different ‘aged up’ forms 
- Blue was the first designed but last built, white was built first.
- Red’s mohawk used to snap off a lot so recently its been made of a more durable but heavier. this makes Red slower than the rest of 1010
- Whenever 1010 cause chaos, Green and Neon J are often the ones to apologizing for their actions. 
- Neon J often refers to 1010 as Teletubbies, which annoys them.
- Neon originally wanted 1010 to be fighter pilots rather than sailors but knew how marketable sailors are so swapped the design. 
- When ever Neon J is ‘off duty’ he turns into the socks with sandals dad. making dad jokes left and right. 
- She sometimes visits the sewer hideout and is always grossed out but keeps it to herself to not upset Mayday/Zuke
- She still acts cold towards May, but she is warming up and is in general nicer 
- She sleeps in a giant hand shaped bed 
- Her entire house’s furniture is just hands and other abstract shapes
- She has several outfits based in other art movements, like surrealism (my favorite movement) and cubism for example
- Mayday and Zuke have spent the night there several times, Mayday has trouble sleeping due to the furniture
- Eve still reminisces when she and Zuke were together, but is still supportive of Zuke and Mayday’s relationship (romantic or otherwise)
(I do ship Mayzuke/Bunkbed lovers but I’m trying to not make it center stage in this post)
- After spending time with Mayday, she realizes she has more in common with her and often joke in Zuke’s expense
- Tatiana is a mentor figure to Eve, and if/when Tatiana retires, Eve will be her successor. 
- She often quotes Yzma around her collogues, such as, “I know its called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.” to DK West
- She’s grown more laid back after the events of the story, but is still stern while working
- Sometimes she jams out with BBJ and even give pointers to Mayday
- If/When she retires she becomes more grandmotherly towards her collogues
- She often slows/stops time during meetings to take a breath/ get a drink or snack
DK West
- Whenever he is not working in his field, He often crashes at the sewer hideout 
- When he opens his eyes, his true power is revealed
- His Shadow bull (stand) sometimes appears and vibes with him
- He probably sleeps with his mouth opened 
- This man is vibes first 
- He radiates the same energy as the Giga-Chad meme
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Im currently going through kylar brainrot but like, what do you think kylar + the other LI’s if you wish would work as adults? my dude kylar wants “lots of babies” then he better provide for them financially istg 🤨🤨
I'll do the ones specifically described as the PC's age, so the school trio, Alex and I'll throw Wren in for shits and giggles.
A farm as a front for a breaking bad set up? Now that's fun.
Eventually you're gonna find out, and your reaction and the subsequent happenings are going to depend on a lot.
If they're low dominance and you disapprove there's a chance they'll stop, especially if Bailey is still sticking their nose in things.
High dominance? They'll insist that it'll all be well, no they won't get caught, you just focus on the fields, okay?
May let you join in if you're curious, but ultimately may keep you at an arms length about it. Just in case it does fuck up, you don't need to be caught in the crossfire.
Could end up in jail.
I think Alex might want a big family, if you're able.
You will meet more of his family and start realising what their mam/dad meant in their letter.
The family puts it on you to keep Alex safe.
Gives me motorcycle gang vibes, without the bikes.
Kylar might be forced to take on the family business, demanding you be their stay at home spouse.
The wedding is very quicky done, its an elopement.
Will do a big ceremony if you ask, just be aware that their vows are gonna as intense as their English Poems.
Probably away from home most of the day, exceedingly clingy when they get back.
Constantly wants you/them pregnant. I don't think they'd allow a sperm doner if needs be, but if the PC brings up how being an orphan was horrible, you could convince them to adopt.
Convincing Kylar that they're an adult, and that if an office job makes them sad then they can try to build up what they really want in their spare time, you'll support them.
Kylar as an artist/game streamer.
Streamer Kylar having a small but loyal fan base, cryptid status. Known for slipping up and letting out what their fetishes are.
Fanbase bullies them, but if you come on stream they start behaving, they think you're the sweetest.
The path if they don't get you? Incel. Pure, should be on a watch-list incel.
Also possible future felon.
Therapy. Lots and lots of years of therapy.
Gets out of town as soon as possible.
Also could see as a streamer, Crankgameplays vibes.
Gets a cute pet, loves them dearly. Probably a dog, a big fluffy one with floppy ears.
Could also see them stuck in retail for years, trying to get by in University.
Robin growing up to be a History Professor with a loving healthy relationship with the PC.
Professor Robin being very forgiving with their students, giving them drinks and snacks when they come to the office.
Thinks about having kids for a long time before/if they decide to have them. Is terrified something will happen to them and the kid will end up with Bailey.
I could picture Whitney just leaving as soon as school ends.
Packs a bag and fucks off, going to the nearest big city so they can start over.
Could end up homeless for a while.
Maybe getting an apprenticeship, working as a mechanic.
Or a hairdresser.
If they're with the PC then I could see them asking for you to run off with them.
Gets angry and has a huge argument with you if you say no, but won't kidnap you about it.
Storms off without saying bye, never stops thinking about you after and constantly thinks about going back for you.
If you go with them? Will protect the they'll out of you if you're on the streets.
If you try to prostitutes yourself for money they'll end up your pimp. You only fuck clients they say you can.
If they have kids it's an accident. Takes up the role, but its a learning curve.
Whitney is much smarter than they look. I think they'll end up pretty comfortable. Not rich, by any standards, but they'll calm down a lot and be far more respectful away from that shit town.
Might end up six feet under if Remy catches on to their shenanigans.
Or in jail.
Failing all that? Wren could get recruited by Alex.
Less chance of getting strapped up and tuned into a cow at Alex's. Could end up a drug smuggler for them.
Or Bailey. I think Bailey could see potential there and hire Wren to sabotage the orphans lives so Bailey can make more money off of them.
Wren is a little chaotic shit. I think they're too used to a life of crime to have a normal life by now, and would appreciate a ride or die s/o.
Wren playing the long game and finessing the ranch from Remy.
Kids with Wren is a bad idea. Don't do it.
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