#(which isnt many but it's strange it's happened twice)
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bugzyyybabes · 6 months ago
omg..Spider-Man, Deadpool and wolverine All in tutus..
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chatdae · 10 months ago
The Great Gatsby (1974) au where Gatsby doesn't die and instead Nick takes on the no-paying job of trying to get Jay to move on from Daisy.
Bad ending is Gatsby never does & he and the Buchanans become a never-ending shitshow. Good ending is Jay moves on. Super special bonus ending is Jay and Nick fall in love (toxicity optional)
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bondsmagii · 4 years ago
when i was maybe... 14 or 15, at my first high school, one day i had this horrible, horrible feeling that something was wrong. i went to the nurse saying i was having a panic attack, thats how severe it was, but half of me was completely calm and collected and just KNEW something was horribly wrong. it felt like... when youre positive that someone is keeping something heartbreaking from you. so the nurse called my mom to pick me up because i REFUSED to go back to class, and when my mom picked me up i told her about the feeling, and she was silent until we got home. when we got home she sat me down in my room and hugged me and told me that her mom, my grandma, who we were both the closest to, had passed away in her sleep that morning. i hadnt seen my mom at all that day, she was sleeping as usual when i left for school, so theres no way i picked up that something was off from her behavior. i hadnt felt that way since, until april 4th this year. just a few days ago, i got the same exact feeling, and i wrote about it in my diary. i have my diary in front of me, i wrote the words 'i feel like something big is going to happen soon but i dont know what. i dont think itll be a good thing. something just feels off. the last time i felt this way was the day grandma died.' and then i found out that that day my mom had taken my brother to the hospital in secret, saying they were running errands. i didnt talk to my mom all day that day, so i couldnt have picked anything up from her behavior, because she was out of the house with my brother by the time i woke up, which isnt unusual, my brother prefers to shop in the morning when there arent many people about. but back to the main thing: just today my mom finally told me that my brother has extremely severe organ damage, and if he doesnt drastically change his life immediately, he will either die or need a transplant. so yeah. twice in my life ive just Known.
I’ve heard of this happening a lot, and it really does make me wonder on what levels we’re all linked on that we have no idea about. there has to be some kind of connection, because I’ve seen things like this reported so many times. I’ve just Known every time something like this has happened, as has my mother. I have a distinct memory of the morning my great-grandmother died -- while she was sick it wasn’t expected that she would die imminently, but I remember getting dressed that morning and thinking that my limbs felt so heavy, and I felt so unsettled. I caught sight of my mam in the hallway and she also looked very strange, distant and almost jumpy, and we caught one another’s eye and realised we both Knew. ten minutes later I heard my parents talking in their room (this great-grandmother was my father’s grandmother) and my mam was saying gently to my dad, “you know it’s going to be today, right?”. we got the call an hour later.
I’m kind of the unofficial bearer of bad news in that respect: I just Know, and several times people have been too scared to look at me or ask. apparently I have a certain way of looking at a phone when it’s ringing with bad news, so every time I give it The Look, anyone who knows will be looking at me with dread on their face. it would probably be a little depressing if I was more bothered by such things, but I don’t know. I kind of like being the buffer; giving people a bit of a warning. it’s also very easy to break such news to me because I already know, and people don’t have to worry about me being shocked or upset. I’m always very calm, because chances are I’ve known for hours. with my mam I cut out the middle man completely -- last time she called to report a death to me, I picked up and just said “so, [name]’s dead, then?”. there’s absolutely something to this, and it’s truly fascinating.
I hope it doesn’t cause you too much distress. it’s a natural part of being connected to people, and we don’t always understand the things that bind us together. I wish the best for your brother. I don’t pretend to know what’s going on, but certain things seem familiar to some of my own life experience, and I wish him the strength he needs to make those changes.
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praisethepizzagods · 4 years ago
WandaVision Theory
Okay so this contains some spoilers (mostly specculation really) from wanda vision so... spoilers below cut.
We have all seen the casting for Spiderman 3 & Doctor strange 2.... It includes people like: Andrew Garfield (spiderman) Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez) Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) Tom Hiddleston (Loki) Among others.... lots of universes being mixed here guys. So I have a theory... Blame my friend for this thing being birthed she had to listen to this as it came out. Peter/Pietro (since xmen pietro is called peter, but wanda knows his as pietro) maximoff is Loki, last we saw loki he had the tesseract and was fleeing, loki is trying to find out the state of the awvengers post end game, and yeah loki likes to fuck with thor & in the comics he lovveeesss just winding people up (God of mischief ffs), so he is trying to find out what the fuck is going on, he is curious about wanda's level of powers (like she is one of the most powerful mcu characters, hes gunna be curious), wanda as we know has a town hostage and is controlling everything, this is similar to avenegrs where loki wanted to rule earth, so hes seeing if she could be of use to him/try figure out a way to get his end goal. End of wanda vision season 1 - wanda looses complete control, she snaps. She breaks the multi verse because she has been believing this pietro is her pietro but with a different face... she finds out it is loki in pietros body which causes her to loose total control and snap a rift in the multi verse OR sword cause her so much stress, vision is questionign everything/realises what wanda did (Sees the footage maybe?) or she has to watch him die again and wanda is so torn over by emotion that she looses control, pietro/loki then realises that oh fuck this is about to go down and wanda uses her powers to try control more and either knocks pietro loki back into loki for or loki shifts just before to do a reveal, he may even try and fix this and help wanda because he knows intense powers and notice she is going insane????? But this ends in her bringing in all the spidermen into the MCU. Bringing deadpool with em. Bringing america chavez with them (She lives in a paralel universe and thats where she got her powers so wanda drags her into MCU because hey, she snapped). Doc strange 2 happens which is about the multi verse. Strange appears at end of wanda vision kinda like "Oh no...." like he's seeing what is about to happen and sees wanda is about to cause he doesnt see this coming,  So doc strange 2 is now begining wanda has lost control and merged all theses universes into one - sony,fox,the new characters universe etc etc etc are now all in the MCU universe there is many spider men now (Like into the spider verse) kidna like that level of how it happens they just got ripped into this reality. In spider man 3 this is also playing a part because all the spidermen are still here (Showing this could be a long winded issue/they cant get back to their universe because wanda doesnt know how she did it, doesnt want to do it/cant do it again) Back to doc strange 3 - this movie will be directly dealing with the immediate backlash of this, the many spidermen, deadpool, america chavez all appearing, strange realising what has happened, trying to fix this, loki also there because he doesnt even know whats happened but DAMN is he interested because THIS level of power.... thats interesting to him. Loki's disney+ series happens after the multi verse of madness/during it (like loki's show is bought up in it like "lokis fucking president?!?!?!" like thats another thing thats gone wrong from wanda's melt down and destroying the multi verse, and another thing for strange to to and do damage control on. wanda cant fix this, shes now gone fully off rails, if she watches vision die twice she wont be coming back from that we know. so strange is also trying to help her on how to use her powers as she never reallllly has had training, strange might know people who can help her deal with this insane amount of power. Strange cant fix this alone he needs wanda to try and fix this, and the issue could be a permenant one ( i recon it will be permenant and all wwhat phase 4 & 5 will be about) Doctor strange 2 sees them going between thesee multi verse's they have discovered (maybe strqange & wanda, maybe strange & wong, maybe wanda and someone else who knows... but they are trying to find out how far this damage has gone End of doctor strange is them realising this isnt a quick fix, the world has gone insane as there is all these new ones, ("WHY ARE THERE 3 SPIDER MEN!" - JJJ shouts (cause hey he was in the tobey mcguire spidermen ffs we get him with this package too) spider man 3 then happens & tom holland (The spider men will be refered to by their actors names) see's that um theres another spider man??? what the??? he finds him and they all find out they are the same spider man. This movie plays out similary to into the spiderverse but they dont all go at the end of it because this is a long winded issue. But... now we have america chavez, shes just been bumbling round the MCU being a hero cause she's here.... Monica as you rememebr from wanda vision has her internal sequencing rewritten each time she goes through the hex, this gives her powers cause she has gone through the hex so much at this stage in wanda vision.... So Monica = Photon America Chavez Cassie = Stature Kate bishop = Hawkeye Tom holland = Spiderman How did kate get here and Cassie? KATE So clint stepped down, hawkeye disney+ seems to be like fractions, clints training kate (maybe his family left after end game because jfc clint is probs a wreck, or clint didnt stop so hsi wife left.... maybe they live in iowa happily who knows) Clint was going solo for a while in newyork, when he met this other hawkeye (Hey maybe kate got dragged through the multi verse or maybe she was just a great archer rich kid in newyork who saw hawkeye had fucked off after the blip (maybe she was working during the blip, but towards the end? in comics she took hawkeye mantle while clint was off beign a depressed noodle and he then found out there was 2 hawkeyes and confronted ehr and agreed to train her so maybe somehting simialr to this is what happens in hawkeye) But anyway Clints training kate in new york and yeah shes good. CASSIE Scott after end game & Hope continue being antman and the wasp, but cassie eventually takes over the suit from them (Maybe something happens in antman 3 quantamania that means neither scott or hope can use the suits any more because it will tear them apart, like hank cant use the suits because it takes too much of a toll on his body now and he wouldnt surive it really...) so cassie has taken over the suits and is now operating under the code name stature. This then begins the next arc for the avengers now they have got people powered up, and atleast 1 person from this destruction of the multi verse (America chavez) but we may have more that are discovered over the course of phase 4 that were bought through with the multi verse. So, where does this go??? The young avengers is the next big arc.... Maybe wanda (&peter maximoff? not sure how that would work as young piettro (evan peters one) was from the 80s or something in xmen so is an adult not a kid like he is in wanda vision, which adds to my this isnt pietro but loki thing) But maybe wanda is leading them, maybe not. But the multi verse cant be fixed so they have these heroes now and the avengers kinda died after end game cause tony died and steve fucked off. Sam helps train but hes off with bucky alot too doing a buddy up thing together, but as sam is the new cap he also heads up this young avengers kinda as a mentor for them. Now... right now your pronbs thinking "Morgan stark though" Morgan has a suit... but morgan is still even in 2030 (hawkeye is 2025...) morgan would only be 7..... so she isnt really old enough.... But who else had an iron man suit in the comics? who may of got dragged through the multi verse? Enter riri williams aka iron heart. That takes us up to about end of phase 5 with the rise of the young avengers & champions maybe??? Hi and thanks for coming to my ted talk
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ninjakitty15 · 4 years ago
Chapter 11: Tell Tale Hearts (Loki X OFC Pairing)
"You've been holding out on me," Loki noted later.
"We've not known each other long and there's just some things you don't need to know, besides, I'm sure there's lots I don't know about the trickster god." We were currently taking a stroll through the nearest park to get some fresh air and out of Tony's hair.
"Not if Thor has anything to say about it," Loki muttered. "If I won't tell you, he probably will, especially after you introduced him to moosetracks, he probably believes he's in debt to you for allowing him the last bit."
"Yeah but like he's never around so I'll still get nothing on you."
"What I don't get is why you don't seem to use those skills you used on me in the battlefield?"
I snorted. "What? Bo staff fighting? It's a pacifist weapon unless you're really motivated and skilled and aint nobody got time for that."
"I mean close range combat."
"Why do something yourself when you can get an army to do that for less?"
He scowled at me but couldn't come up with anything to rebuke that. "I hate your logic."
"But you love me so it all works out in the end." I stopped walking and kicked off my shoes to expose bare feet despite it behind in the 50's, feeling for the dead beneath the earth as well as just enjoying the feeling of nature against my flesh.
"Is that so?" he challenged, studying my actions as I stood still, eyes slightly closed to block out distractions aside from him.
"Typically people, gods or not, don't go through measures to protect their live-in booty call, not to mention you pretty much swearing yourself to me a few days ago. Just because I was on a warpath, doesn't mean I'm gonna forget what you said once I calmed down."
"And you have experience in this area, do you?"
I opened my eyes to meet his, turning to him out of curiosity and while his tone was light and teasing I could tell from his expression he genuinely wanted to know my history there. "Does it matter?"
"I just want to know if there's another man out there that death comes for?"
"What if I told you it was a woman?" I teased, cackling when his eyes widened at my response. "Many women actually at one point, since you asked. I told you, I'm all about ultimate pleasures, they're all that's keeping me from going numb and truly dead. Much like Tony before he decided to stick to the one under his nose the entire time."
"What changed?"
"Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Sorry, couldn't resist. Many things changed but long story short, things got complicated and I couldn't keep burying myself in boobs to stay alive when I wasn't really alive at all and that much closer to the grave. At the moment though, there is only you. Nothing compares to you. Is that why green is such a good color on you, because you're always jealous of something...or someone?"
He scoffed at my attempt to throw shade at him. "No other color does me justice aside from gold and while I am royalty, I'm not nearly that pretentious like my adoptive father wearing just gold."
I tried to imagine him in just gold attire and wrinkled my nose at the mental image. "Valid point there, I wouldn't fall for you in just that either, not that much of a golddigger."
"Though something tells me you have a soft spot for immortals of sorts."
I smirked and shrugged. "Something like that."
"You don't have what you midgardians call 'a crush' on Thor, do you?"
"I'm not overly fond of the facial fuzz among other things."
"What other immortals besides me then?"
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it."
Loki scowled at me. "Stop teasing me, woman."
"Nah, where's the fun in that?" I walked to the pond in the park and stepped into the water, not bothered by the coldness of it as my feet sunk into the earth more. So much death and decay underneath the life on the surface, the dead would always outnumber the living, it was such a waste without necromancers recycling the bodies. And we were fast becoming an endangered species which meant even more bodies left to rot away. And there were still so many souls with unfinished business that deserved to rest but couldn't till they got their last fight in. I shut my eyes, listening to them, watching them, offering them a chance when I could, they needed peace but to do that, they had to join another war. Strange how you needed the opposite of something to achieve something sometimes. "There's so many of you, take care who you choose to follow, I'd hate to have to send you back without getting what you need from them."
"Nell," Loki spoke softly with uncertainty.
"The dead," I responded. "This planet is full of them and I don't want them in the wrong hands."
"You worry about the dead like normal midgardians worry about the living, regardless of their current status you can't protect them all."
"And that's the side effects of being what I am, there's always a catch isnt there? Sure they no longer feel pain in their rotting meat suits but they're souls, beautiful burning souls that need peace at the end of the day."
"What happens to the soul in the wrong hands?"
"They're collected, contained and used as a weapon against others. I told you, souls are nuclear reactors, a dangerous power source that can be super destructive to others and itself."
"Is it difficult for others like yourself to get a hold on them?"
"Depends on how strong they are and how powerful their powers have become." I opened my eyes and turned around to face him, walking out of the water and placing a hand on his chest, for some reason I always got a bit excited feeling his heartbeat. I didn't take my eyes off his. "You have to be quick and careful, reaching in to grab something that could potentially kill you just by touching it. You're also a bit exposed yourself being in such close range to your prey and while simply holding it is the worst form of pain imaginable to the person you're grabbing, they usually survive simply being held so if you want the job done, you gotta rip it right out of them but that exposes its raw power as a soul. Not many necromancers can hold onto an exposed soul without side effects that may include their own death."
"Have you ever done it yourself?"
"Once or twice ages back, I won't be making a habit of it though."
"What were the side effects then?"
"Took too long disposing the damned thing and sorta kinda leveled the building we were in as well as nearly blowing myself up in the process. Worth it though, that was one bad egg I won't lose sleep over destroying without peace. May have lost a bit of myself in the process too."
"In what way?"
"You'll find out if I can get to the other bad eggs of necromancy before the Avengers do, easier to show you than tell you. I'll give you a hint though." I stepped back, dropping my hand from his chest to take his and put it on mine. "What do you feel?"
He was quiet for a second, his eyes not leaving mine. "There's no heartbeat, I knew that already. But there's something there, isn't there? You told me the magic keeps you moving, is it that?"
"It's more than magic. What is it you told me at one point? Someone that can survive something likely to kill most virtually unscathed is the definition of immortal. Very few necromancers can survive handling an exposed soul that's bursting but no one should be able to survive that plus a crumbling building and no escape routes and I did both."
He was quiet, almost mesmerized by what he was feeling beneath the undead flesh. "It's ancient. But it can't be-"
"Not an infinity stone," I assured him. "We have no need for those, we have our own stones of power to use how we please."
He stared deep into my eyes once he realized what I hinted at. "It's in there, isn't it?"
"It's part of me, yes. Fused to my soul so no one can rip it out of me, wasn't my idea initially, I opted for having it broken into shards and then have them implanted throughout my body but apparently I had no say in the matter."
"What about that necromancer you got to before? Where was his jewel?"
"The dagger, pretty common tactic for the lesser ones like him, keep the tools together like that. I absorbed it when I first picked it up, it's why it would've eaten away at you if you got to it first, only necromancers can handle their own tools."
"But they can't get yours?"
"Two highly destructive almost unlimited power sources fused together, no one on this planet could even touch it without instantly blowing themselves up, let alone ripping it out."
"If it wasn't your idea to do that, then whose was it?"
"Uh uh, spoilers."
He frowned and his hand moved from my chest to cup the side of my face. "Troublesome woman."
"You love it."
A smirk tugged at his lips as his tilted my head up and dipped his head to snag a kiss from me. "So what if I do?"
"Then someone went to Oz and got themselves a heart," I teased.
He pulled me against him and shut me up with a hotter, longer kiss. Away from the Avengers, away from Hydra and everything that was causing me a massive headache, and as close to nature and what I love as I was allowed while still under house arrest more or less. This was my tiny slice of paradise and peace before it would most likely all go to shit.
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katsukiboom · 5 years ago
Hello!! Hope you have been taking care and resting!! If it’s ok, could I ask a scenario with Sero (male reader if possible or gn!). Reader and Sero works together as pro heroes, and one day Sero isnt feeling his best and collapse in the middle of a fight, reader goes apeshit because he is seriously injured. All the drama, all the stress, all the laughs when sero and reader realize he just have the flu, maybe a love confession at the end?? Thank you so much for sharing your write with us!
Thank you so much for reading my dude! It took me longer than I thought since I went back and forth between writing, discarding then writing again lol but here it is! I hope you enjoy it my dude! I kept the reader gn but if something slipped pls let me know!
Ko-Fi || Commissions
ThatWednesday morning the streets were quite busy, everyone going side to side toget their Easter decorations and presents in due time for the upcoming weekend.With a little bit of struggling, you made your way through the crowd as youwaved hello to some of the civilians that recognized you and even took somepictures of you in your new outfit. You were beyond excited to live your lifeas one of Japan’s most popular heroes, and being with your best friend only madethings even more interesting.
Sero hadbeen with you ever since high school and quickly became your metaphorical otherhalf; you did everything together to the point where people were alwaysconfused when you were without the other, and whenever you brought up the factthat it could do so much as annoy your friend, he was quick to shot thosethoughts down to remind you how much he enjoyed your company. You figured youhad fallen for him somewhere between graduation and landing your first job as asidekick, as he had never let go of your hand throughout the tough times and alwaysmade you feel like there was a positive side to every little bad thing.
But thatday something was off – Sero was always the one to keep his trademark smilewhen faced with stress, fear or any other emotion people could describe as‘negative’, so you wondered why he was looking so gloomy as he joined yourpatrol, the bags under his eyes almost reaching his cheekbones. He lookedterrible yet he always managed to awaken a spark within you, and that day thatsame spark told you to keep an eye on him in case things happened to get dirtyquickly.
- So, Cellophane, - you teased after greetinghim; he only nodded in response. Taking note of the slight red that tinted hischeeks, you assumed he was not up for joking around. – You look like a trainran you over twice, is everything okay?
- Yeah,don’t worry about me, - Sero’s voice was more like a whisper and you almost hadto lean in and ask him to repeat himself, but he made sure to give you alittle, weak smile after that to let you know that everything was… sort of okay, but you knew better thanto believe it. Before you could even reply to that, he cut you off, his bodymoving faster than anything else. – Has anyone given you the daily report forthis part of the city? – He asked, and you could see his hands tremble just alittle bit.
You had towalk faster than usual whenever you went out patrolling with him, but that dayit felt more like you needed to. –They’ll be sending it shortly from the office, - you replied with littleenthusiasm. – Are you sure you’re okay? We can go back if you want, I’ll comeback later. You don’t look so bright today.
- Yeah, youtold me, - he retorted, his smile disappearing only for a moment.
And beforeyou could say something else, a strange smell appeared in the air, one that youwere all too familiar with – ashes and smoke. You looked at your partner with aworried look and gave him a simple nod before running off, activating yourjumping quirk to be able to get there much faster. You managed to get to thetop of a building and got to see a big black cloud covering half of a block afew streets away, and you texted Sero the location, not before hesitating asyou pressed the ‘send’ button. Whatever it was he was dealing with would haveto wait, although you hoped he wouldn’t overexert himself if it came down to afight.
You gotthere just a minute after him and witnessed a bunch of police officers on thefront lines trying to control the crowd of civilians gathered around theentrance of a building, murmurs and whispers going around about some fewhostages that had been taken by the villain. The flames engulfed threedifferent places yet they seemed like they were dying out, and you took just alittle second to assess the situation and figure out what the best course ofaction would be.
Your planswere cut off however by an explosion coming from the farthest building, amuscular body walking out of it with smoke covering his form and keeping ithidden from everyone’s view – some people didn’t doubt to scream and run forcover yet most stayed in place, frightened looks on their faces as the villaincalmly made his way towards the crowd.
- Finally aworthy opponent, - the deep voice spoke through the smoke. You recognized it immediately;it was Cinder, the one new villain that had been threatening most of that partof the city. Clenching your fists, you gave Sero a side glance and saw hiseyelids closing just for a second. – I was waiting for some goddamn heroes tofinally show up. Didn’t imagine it would be… you two, - he added with disdain,and it only worked to anger you further, even if you knew that was the idea.
You werethe first one to attack, using your quirk to jump at him and kick his chest,although his strength greatly bested yours – you barely managed to make himtake back a few steps before he grabbed one of your ankles and threw you away,but just as your back was about to crash against a tall column something wrapped around our body andpulled you back. Strong arms caught you midair and you looked up to see aflustered Sero above you, holding you close to him until he realized yourposition. He gently placed you down before confronting the villain himself,shooting tape at him yet it was easily deflected. – We have to work togetherfor this, - he mumbled to you, and you understood what he meant.
You jumpedback and forth between the buildings as Cinder threw balls of ash and smoke yourway, your quirk barely helping you to avoid them as you distracted him enoughfor Sero to make his move. The first few tries were unsuccessful to say theleast, but the fourth time was the charm; Sero got a hold on his right arm andyou took the chance to activate your best ability, Jumping Jax, to kick thevillain right on the jaw and then once more on the sternum.
You thoughtyou had him that time, you really did – but when he gained his composure and lookedat you with rage-filled eyes, you knew you had jinxed it. Cinder let out ascream as his body started emanating more and more smoke, turning thetemperature up before he let out an explosion much like the one from earlier. Thewave caused by it threw you back to the crowd, who managed to move away just intime to avoid you hitting them and causing someone else to get hurt.
- S-Sero, -you grumbled as you shakily got on your knees, but as you scanned he area allyou could see was the debris and small flames. – Where are you? – You couldhear the crowd get louder and louder as heels clicked beside you, and youlooked up to see a woman with long blue hair and a cheery smile with a red,small whip on her right hand and her left clenched in a fist. – Midnight, - youwhispered, and she only looked at you and smile.
- Long timeno see, kiddo, - she said before walking forward. – Are you working on thisalone?
You didn’t havethe time to reply as Cinder let out a loud roar and charged towards thecivilians, but the more experienced pro-hero was able to meet him halfway andblow her aroma right on the villain’s face. It took little over three secondsfor it to have the desired effect but even in his dazed state he kept onrunning, and you put yourself in front of the crowd ready to jump on him again.
What you didn’texpect were the many tape strands wrapping around his body and holding him backuntil the substance in him finally made him surrender.
Following thedirection the tapes came from, you were able to finally locate Sero inside oneof the buildings across the street – it seemed as if he had hit a shop window,which explained his current state: his forehead was bleeding as well as hisleft arm, his uniform torn apart on the chest area and stained red as well. He lookedeven redder than before and, as soon as your gaze fell on him, he gave you aweak smile before completely collapsing down inside the store while all youcould do was watch in anger and sadness.
Screaming hisname, you ran to him without thinking twice.
The soundof beeping filled the room and the smell of medicine was strong, even forsomeone in his state. Sero wasn’t really sure what woke him up but it certainly wasn’tbecause he was feeling better already – his body felt heavy and his eyelidswere still droopy, the blinding white lights above him preventing him fromfully understanding where he was. It hurt to look sideways but he tried anywaysuntil he saw a figure to his left, a black blur that became clearer and cleareras he focused his sight.
It was you sitting on one of the twoarmchairs next to the big window, your head slightly to the side as you slept seamlesslyeven in that position. He was confused for a moment until he tried to reach outto you and noticed his bandaged arm and the many tubes connected to him, andwhat had happened came back to him as he let out a pained sigh. Had you takenthe villain on alone? No, he remembered seeing Midnight there as well. Were youhurt from the attacks? You didn’t seem like it, although there were a fewscratches on your skin but those were only superficial.
He’d never speak about his feelings withanyone, as it made him feel a bit weird to say he was in love with his bestfriend. Your face looked peaceful and he wondered what could be going throughyour mind; he couldn’t help but feel guilty for all he put on you. Sero regrettednot informing you about his condition and making you worry, but above all heregretted not being able to comfort you and tell you that everything would beokay. His heartbeat started picking up at the blurry memory of you running tohim before he passed out due to the high fever he had been suffering that day,and the beeping of the machines rose as well, making you open your eyes in theprocess.
- W-what is going… - you mumbled, stilllooking sleepy, but as soon as he looked at you with a small grin you openedyour eyes wide and jumped off the chair, going to his side faster than he could’veimagined. – You’re awake! You’re finally awake, you asshole! – You exclaimed asyour hands cupped his face carefully. Your eyes were red and he wondered if youhad been crying. – You could’ve told me you weren’t feeling well! I would’ve sentyour ass home without a single doubt, you put yourself in danger!
- (Y/N)…
- Don’t get me started on what happened toyou! Do you think it’s nice to see you all covered in blood and with brokenbones? The doctors told me you had two broken ribs, your left arm wasfractured and you got the nastiest concussion on your head that luckily barelygrazed your skull so don’t give me that crap and tell me to ‘be calm’ – hey saidyou’d need at least four weeks to recover. How do you think I felt? How doyou think I’d feel if something worse had happened?
- (Y/N)!
- No, shut it! – He tried talking but everytime you cut him off and raised your voice a little more, to the point whereyou were almost screaming. Every word you spoke felt like a knife going intohis body, stinging like salt on a wound, and he knew it was all because of hisown stupid decision. He deserved it. – I’m always going around worried aboutyou, trying to get you to be okay, and you pull this shit off! You’d be just asmad as I am right now if it were me. Had you thought about it? Had you thoughtabout me being in your position? – Sero noticed your eyes had started to water,and before he knew it your whole expression went from furious to sad. – I just…I can’t afford to lose you.
The sudden confession was the last straw asyou broke down crying, carefully placing your face on top of his chest andletting everything out. For a moment he was frozen, your words sinking inslowly, but once he understood what you meant he smiled and softly raised onehand until he was able to put it on top of your head, caressing your hair asyou cried. He dared not to say anything that could break the mood anddefinitely didn’t want you to feel he’d be mocking you in any way, so all hedid was hold you the best he could until you finally rose up, wiping your faceand wincing a little bit.
- Does anything hurt? – He asked, worriedthat you might have some hidden injuries. You just shook your head as you satnext to him on the bed but kept your sight away, instead looking out the windowto the afternoon sun. – I understand what you’re saying, and I won’t deny it. Ideserve all of it; I didn’t think I was also putting you at risk here. Had yougone to get me and had Midnight not been there… - he shuddered at the thoughtand decided it would be better not to finish that line. Instead, he reached outand took your hand as tightly as he could, your warmth making him feel betteralready. – I’m just glad it was all over and that you’re here with me. I… can’tafford to lose you either, I can’t think of anyone better to look at when Iwake up.
Giving you his usual smile, he witnessedthe most incredulous look appear on your face as you turned around, your facealready flushed. – W-what did you say? – You asked with a small voice, and hecould tell he was about to cross a line that couldn’t be rebuilt if broken, buthe decided to take the chance anyway.
- I think you heard me right the firsttime, - he added without hesitating. He moved a little to look at you better,supressing the pain his sides felt whenever his body did anything. – I’m gladyou’re always here for me and I’m here, just being a mess. Am I a bad personfor wishing you always to be with me? Am I selfish if I want you all to myself?– No response came from you but he saw your eyes watering again, the exactopposite thing he had expected. – I’m sorry, I’m speaking nonsense now, - helet out a sigh and tried to pull his hand away from yours but you stopped himby holding onto it.
It was his turn to look dumbfounded. – Do…do you mean it? – You whispered, another few tears slowly falling down yourcheeks.
- Have I ever lied to you?
You looked down at your feet, then at thewindow and then back at him, this time with a big smile on your lips to mirror his.– If you’re selfish for wanting that, then I guess we’re both selfish, - youreplied, removing your hand from his and placing it on his face. – I just neverthought we’d be doing this… especially in a hospital room. - You both laughedas the whole situation dawned on you, but there were still things runningaround his mind to ask you, things he wanted to know before anything else. –The doctors told me you had the flu that day, and it’s been two days and you’resupposed to still be recovering; if I also get sick, you’ll have to take careof me.
- I’d gladly do so any day, - he retortedwith a teasing tone, although it was cut short by his body already feeling nearits limits for the time being. Letting out a groan, he leaned back onto thepillows and closed his eyes, hoping that would help with the headache that wasbuilding up.
- You’d better get to rest, love, - you said,and it was enough for him to turn red again with the new nickname you used forhim; he had waited a long time to confess to you, and it had all happened soquickly he still hadn’t had the time to even realize it. His heartrate monitorwent up just enough to make you giggle, and you placed a soft kiss against histemple. – Don’t you worry now; I’ll be right here when you wake up.
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subidol · 6 years ago
Jaemin NSFW A-Z
A- Aftercare
Na Jaemin is amazing at giving aftercare. Firstly, he’d just cuddle with you for a few minutes, stroking your hair peacefully. If you didn’t fall asleep already, he’d definitely get up and make you a hot drink. He might run a bath for the two of you, where he’d already decorated the bathroom with petals and candles. It’d be so cheesy but thats Nana for you. Then to settle you back to sleep after a long round, he’ll sing you to sleep quietly, kissing your forehead every once in a while.
B- Body (Your favourite part of his body and his favourite part of yours)
Well, i can’t exactly guess your favourite part of Jaemin’s body, but i sure as hell love his arms.
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Like...how dare he attack you like this?? They may not be the most muscled arms in NCT, but they are nicely toned and you just adore laying your head on them, and giving his shoulders and biceps kisses. His favourite body part of yours is most likely your cheeks (face cheeks lmao); he loves squishing them and kissing them, pinching them, you name it. But he also loves your breasts, whether they’re big or small, because he wants to reassure you that he loves them. Also uses them as pillows ehehe.
C- Cum
When you’re comfortable, and on the pill, he prefers coming inside of you since he feels it is very intimate. However, he knows how risky it is so he will only do this every once in a while. He’d be really tidy though. His pullout game is strong lol. 
D- Dirty Secret
Secretly up for having a threesome/foursome with either Jeno or Jeno and Renjun. But we all knew that, didn’t we? Only if you were up for it though.
E- Experience (how experienced they are)
Obviously, Jaemin is an experienced flirter, but hasn’t has much experience with sex, since he’s only just legal. My belief is that he’s probably had blowjobs, fingered a girl, etc but never gone too far. However, i believe he’d be a natural in bed. Freaking perfect at eating you out, cockwarming, and doing all the right things to turn you on. Thrusts like a god. 
F- Favourite Position
It depends on the mood, but he likes it when you ride him, since he gets a nice view of your face and breasts bouncing up and down. He does enjoy missionary though, since Jaemin likes to take control over the situation so you don’t have to worry about anything. He will never try positions you weren’t comfortable with. If you were up for it, he’d try anything new if that’s what you wanted cause he’ll literally do anything for you.
G- Goofy
Jaemin is like a lightswitch; one moment hes all giggly and cute, but as soon as you get into bed he’s as serious and sexy as ever. He doesn’t want to ruin the hot mood. He’ll be really romantic though- constantly asking you if you’re okay or if you want him to go slower or faster. 
H- Hair
He keeps it messy, but not too uneven. His hair tends to stick to his neck when he sweats, so just like he would practice a choreography,his hair would be all over the place when you’d get intimate, too, which you didn’t mind.
I- Intimacy
Jaemin loves being romantic and sees sexual acts as a way to bond passionately as well as expressing how much he trusts and wants you. He’s the type to lay rose petals on the bed or in the bath. Might even leave you cute little notes leading to the bed, where he’d be laying, waiting for you.
J- Jack Off
Nana probably masturbates quite a lot, since he’s a hormonal teenager, what else can i say. Honestly, he’ll just think of you as the one who is feeling him up, as he touches himself. Probably does it after fan meets, performances and practice, which makes him feel really turned on after hours of hard work.
K- Kink
Hmm...Nana seems like the type to have a thing to be dominant (not that he wouldn’t like being submissive) but not to the level of bondage, daddy kink, etc. Idk, he just seems too sweet and caring to ever tie you up or degrade you, even if its what you really wanted. He seems like the type to adore body worship and leaving hickies/scratches. He’d love leaving hickies on your neck, but would make sure not to go too rough unless you said so. No matter what, Nana lives for scratches on his back. Gripping his hair and raking your nails down his backis HIS THING OKAY. HE FUCKING LOVES IT COME @ ME.
L- Location (Favourite place to have sex)
The bed- it’s the most comfy, and all Nana cares about is your comfort, what a sweetie. I think he’d never have sex in public, but might finger you underneath the table or something. Loves bath sex too, since the water’s warm and has a nice aroma, which hightens the mood. 
M- Motivation (Turn Ons)
Seeing you in frilly clothes. I feel like he’d be attracted to lighter coloured clothes on you, like white and pink? Definitely gets him hard. Will like it when you play a  little hard to get, since he adores teasing you. Plus, if you rake your hands through his hair, squeeze his thigh and biting his ear, etc...you’re getting him worked up with those dangerous fingertips. When he really needs you, he ends up sexting you. A lot. Especially in class so be prepared lmao.
N- No (Turn Offs)
Strange kinks. They aren’t romantic. Things like foot fetish. Erm..yeah he isnt into it. He doesn’t like degrading, whether receiving or giving. He wouldn’t understand why you’d want to call each other such horrible names.
O- Oral
Jaemin, when receiving, is a whole hot mess. With his head thrown back, sweat covering his body, and his arm over his eyes, he looks fucking delicious.When hes giving oral, he literally will do anything to hear your cute moans, which often leads to him making you feel extreme pleasure. This boy is perfect at giving and putting on a show when receiving.
P- Pace
If you’re not the one setting the pace, then he prefers to keep it steady. Not slow exactly, but not speedy either. He wants to make sure you feel him, and he stretches you in all the right places. He loves slowly kissing you as he thrusts, but will end up bucking his hips and going faster when he’s building up to his climax. It’s not hard to tell when Jaemin’s close to an orgasm. He’ll mutter out things like ‘I love you, Princess.’ or just will simply let out a string of moans and pull you closer.
Q- Quickies
Jaemin’s the type to really crave quickies. Anytime really. However, if you’re not a fan of them, he’ll give himself major sexual frustration, and will eventually beg you to suck his cock later when the two of you are alone. But they’ve happened in recording studios MANY times before. 
R- Risk (His comfort zone)
He does enjoy doing it in front of other members, but doing it secretly, like underneath the blankets or something. Anything like knife or blood play is a big NO. He will NEVER take the risk. As i’ve said before, Jaemin likes cumming inside of you. He won’t ever do it without your permission though.
S- Stamina (How many rounds)
Jaemin thinks that one round is enough, but he’ll do other stuff with you after. Make out, spoon, give you hickies and will then give you a bath or watch tv you you. He likes to make the first round last, and for it to be as perfect as possible, which wouldn’t be a problem since hes amazing at sex.
T- Toy (His favourite sex toys)
Doesn’t mind vibrators being used on him, but finds it addicting when they’re used to torment you. Especially when you’re studying. He’d turn it on ad off repeatedly, getting you hot and bothered while in your lessons.
U- Unfair (How they tease you)
Nana is a whole tease. He’s a brat, okay? He’s a playful, teasing bratty switch who most of the time gets challenged for dominance because you plan on giving him a hard time for all of his flirting and relentless teasing. He does shit like wear sleeveless shirts on purpose, and biting his lip waaay too many times. Winks often and generally gives you the ‘I know you want to fuck me’ look. Also, Jaemin has a habit of getting you jealous by flirting with fans- you fucking hate that.
V- Volume (How vocal they are)
He struggles to be quiet sometimes, especially when you kiss and suck his body, near his arousal. Whines like hell when you scratch down his back and kiss his jawline. He tries to make his moans pretty and loud, since he knows its a turn on for you. Nana isn’t afraid about letting you know how good you make him feel. Always breathes heavily after his release, which is even hotter.
W- Wild Card (Author’s Choice)
Jaemin wouldnt be nervous having sex at all. The only time he might slightly panic is when it’s your first time. He wants the experience to be as pleasurable as possible, but then again, he is very confident, so there’d be no need to worry. He’d be extremely honoured if he was your first, and would prepare the entire thing leading up to it. He’s so sweet and gentle.
X- X-ray (Their Package)
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You’re fucking welcome. I don’t own the vid.
Y- Yearning (Sex Drive)
Jaemin has a high sex drive, what can i say? He craves for your touch 24/7, and constantly thinks of fucking you at the most random of times. Touches himself twice a day when you’re not around, watches porn like any other boy, and looks at pictures of you. It takes a lot of courage for him to NOT fuck you in the dorm rooms.
Z- ZZZ (How fast they fall asleep after)
Nana falls asleep so fast. He has such energy before and during sex but as soon as he reaches his climax, hes exhausted from all the stimulation. All he’d want to do is cuddle with you after. Make sure you get him up at the right time though...or another member will. Eek.
Hope you enjoyed!
fuck this took ages
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aspoonofsugar · 6 years ago
How well do you think Kurapika's storyline is handled so far?I am personally not as emotionally invested as I would like to. I got this feeling after reading Kurapika special. Before I always felt something was lacking and I finally understood what. We don't really know anything about Kurapika's relationship with his clan members, not even Pairo(in main story, specials are just an addition after all).We see that he's hurting and has become selfdestructive.I get Togashi doesn't use flashback much
but without seeing Kurapika's relationship with his people and just vagualy knowing the troupe brutally killed this many people isnt really enough in my opinion. Pairo is only alluded to twice but not once Kurapika's parents, or elder, or other people in his clan(we are only shown his deep connection with Pairo even in special).Kurapika's current condition is portrayted very well I think,but because of this reason I don't really feel the severity of what he lost,whiIe I feel what Chrollo's losin 
in current arc because I saw hisandtroupe dynamic.I understandKurta were dead before story and what I mentioned has the chance of being shown. But wouldnt it feel out of place at this point? Few people and relationships briefly mentioned at best in main story suddenlypopping up in Kurapika's memory while in past he wastalking about his clan as whole(generally,not specific people).I also hope atthesametime Togashinwont relyon special to provide context and shows everything crucial in main story. 
Hello anon!
I think you bring up many interesting points.
1) I personally don’t have a problem with how Kurapika’s story is handled, but I too would like more flashbacks to be used and this is true in general and not only for his character.
For example, I appreciated the flashback on Alluka during the election arc even if it was mostly a flashback born out of the necessity to show Nanika’s powers rather than to explore the characters. That said, it is still used to show Alluka and Killua’s strong relationship, so I appreciate it also for that.
However, I think that Alluka’s strong relationship with Killua could have been built up better throughout the narrative and this could have happened using flashbacks or in some other way.
All in all, I would say that I would appreciate more meaningful flashbacks for characters whose backstory is especially complex and important such as Kurapika and Killua.
2) When it comes to Kurapika specifically I think you might be right that he would have benefitted more than others from a flashback and I personally think that just changing the contents of the special into one would have been better.
However, I think that my opinion is born from a different standpoint than yours. I don’t think we need more information to relate to how Kurapika is feeling (more on it later on), but I think that if Pairo is going to be important for Kurapika’s arc he should have been introduced more clearly into the main story. It is something which could still be made and I don’t think it would be that much out of place. After all, he is mentioned and even appears in very short flashbacks, so an event (like for example Kurapika seeing his head) triggering a flashback about it would make sense. However, I am not sure that it is something which will happen simply because it would repeat what is said in the special and I am not sure Togashi wants to do this.
In other words, I think that Togashi might simply use the special to convey what we need to know about Kurapika’s past.
3) Finally, as I wrote above, I don’t think we need more information about Kurapika’s story to relate to him (even if it would be nice to have it).
All in all, Kurapika’s backstory is pretty clear. He lost all the people he cared for and he knew about in one devastating tragedy, so his behaviour makes perfect sense.
I don’t think we need his relationship with his parents or the elders to be explored more since the pivotal tie in Kurapika’s backstory is the one he shared with Pairo for whom he felt both guilt and a sense of responsibility.
You compared him with the Phantom Troupe in terms of how they are fleshed out, but personally I think their story needs to be explored more as well and I think it will when we go to Meteor City. All we know about them after all, is that they lived in an extremely poor environment and that Chrollo decided to create the Troupe as a reaction to that. I think this premise makes sense (and I love it!), but it is as vague as the one behind Kurapika’s backstory.
In conclusion, I would also like to highlight how it is possible both the PT and Kurapika’s past will be explored more:
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Meteor City’s motto appearing is strange especially because the PT did not use it at all when attacking the mafia. However, it is mentioned that Meteor City’s inhabitants used it to avenge one of them in the past. Because of this, I wonder if something happened between the PT and the Kurta even if it seems strange considering the Kurta’s isolation policy.
All in all, I think there is still much to be said about these characters.
If you can relate more to Chrollo rather than Kurapika I think that it might simply be because you ended up preferring the former rather than the latter and I think it is fine.
Thank you very much for the ask!
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drkoestersmithrpg · 5 years ago
Iron Man And The Avengers
To say Peter had spent some time finding out what Tony Stark would be like in bed, well…
…that would be like comparing the Avengers breaking up to the breaking up of the Beatles.
Peter had gone about researching Tony Stark’s sex life the way he had gone about researching sex. (Well, to be fair, he spent a lot of time researching the latter by having actual sex with other boys, whereas he researched the former by asking questions.  Let’s just say Peter researched each with a great deal of enthusiasm.)
Natasha was, by far, the best source of information.  
Which is how Peter learned that Tony giggled during sex.
Now he lay on his back looking up at Tony’s magnificent ceiling, remembering that particular piece of information and comparing it to the actual event.  Tony was lying beside him on the bed.  Sometimes moving his hand to touch Peter’s hand, sometimes stroking a shoulder.  They spoke quietly about many random things.  They had been talking for almost an hour.  It was very calm and peaceful (also the most amount of time Peter had spent naked with another man, and he was enjoying it.)
Tony had answered multiple questions that night, questions about sex and porn and the odd things a person could learn on A03 when Peter blurted out the question.    
Tony gave him a strange look.  
“Remember how I said I had spent a lot of time researching sex?  Well I….might have spent a lot of time….researching you.”
Tony looked perturbed.
“Kid….that was a long time ago.  I was a different person back then – I mean I literally had an internal organ removed inbetween….”
“Was this, like, the ‘all 12 cover models of Maxim’ days?”  Peter asked gently, referring to an earlier topic of conversation.
Tony groaned and covered his face.  “Kid, that was a rumor.  That I planted.  I’m not saying I didn’t try, I got about 3 models in, I mean I was literally that guy.  You know…I don’t know, do you still have over-achievers in high school?  I was the overachiever of Straight White Guy. Emphasis on Straight.  
“I can’t – I can’t even explain to you what it was like.  My whole life was pretending – looking good for the cameras and posing for the covers of magazines.  Magazines with articles I never read, I just wanted to know I looked good on the cover. I mean I knew about the weapons we were making; I knew that well.  But the rest – I pretended I didn’t care about the business because I was too busy caring about cars and girls and – but shit, I didn’t care about anything.  And that was frightening.  Terrifying.  And those girls I did take home…
“Hey….what’s that word you have for the art or the science project or the podcast you make in high school that you have to live with after, the ones that make you cringe?”
“Yeah, that.  That’s a good word.  I banged some beautiful women in my time, Peter, and I can’t begin to tell you how cringy it was.  I ran from them, I hid from them, I literally had employees send them home so I didn’t have to talk to them afterward.  So, cringy?  Giggling was the least cringy thing I did back then. Back before.”
“Before Iron Man?”
“No, Iron Man happened in a cave in the Middle East.  I would say, back before Obadiah.”
“Obadiah….I don’t remember this part.”
“Obadiah was my backup. I was happy to look good for the camera, to be the face that sold the magazine cover, as long as Obadiah actually ran things.  I could look intelligent and actually be a complete screwup.  He was like a surrogate father, one that really didn’t care if I fucked everything up.  I mean I don’t think he would have even cared if I took men to bed – hell he might have known – he was my rock.  He was my hiding place.  And then he tried to kill me.”
Tony spoke for a while as Peter tried to picture it, tried to picture a man that wasn’t, yet, the man that was lying beside him.  
“And that was a slap in the face because, I mean literally dying was a slap in the face too but, you have to understand I didn’t care about anything.  I mean taking - things apart was good, and inventing things was good, but after you take something apart, it’s done.  And after you invent something, it’s done.  There’s nothing on the other side of that.  And then one day I woke up and I really did care about something – I wanted to stop making weapons.  I thought I had done it, I had finally found something I cared about, and my surrogate father, naturally, had to stop me.  I’m not saying it didn’t break my heart when he tried to murder me, it did, but you can’t fault his logic.
“Maybe you’re right, maybe I did mean ‘Before Iron Man.’  Because Iron Man was really the first thing I had ever cared about.
“And then there was Pepper,” he was saying (but Peter had heard this part before.)  “And I wanted to be with her, but I had to be an actual human being for her, and that was a huge challenge.  More complicated than any suit I ever tried to design.  It took up that 90% of my brain I wasn’t using - she made me a better person, I mean you could say she made me a man.  She made me grow up.  
“But, of course, that is the job for a mother, not a wife.  So when I was grown, and her job was done, we agreed she deserved something better.  So we moved on.”
“Ok, so you were a giggler in the  ‘all 12 cover models of Maxim’ days?”   days, but it wasn’t just with women, you did it with men too….”
“Says who?”
“Um……Bruce?”  Peter suggested guiltily, and winced under Tony’s irritated glance.
“What can I say?  I’ve been researching this for a long time.”
“Bruce….narced on me? We’ll that’s disappointing.  And inaccurate – I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
“I believe his exact words were ‘Don’t ask me kid, we were mostly punch-drunk.  We had been working 22 hours non-stop, and there was a bed in his lab and he said it would help us sleep.  Only he didn’t sleep afterward.’”
Tony seemed to find that amusing.  “This is all true.  But he got to sleep, so I saw that as a win.  And I most certainly wasn’t giggling with him.  I have a lot of respect for Bruce.  We had a real connection.  But …he sort of had this thing with Nat and then he ghosted both of us so that was the end of that.  But if you need proof ask Rhodey…”
Peter’s eyes opened wide and he sat up suddenly.
“Wait….War Machine?!?”
Tony looked up at Peter, confused.  “I thought that was common knowledge.”
“Wait….Tony…..how many Avengers have you hooked up with?”
“Excuse me?  Rhodey and I go back – way back.  And for the record we did not join up with the Avengers, they joined up with us.   What are you….what?”  
Peter was sitting up now, looking more than a little alarmed.  It was ridiculous, of course, knowing that the number in reality was one number higher than the one in his head, but something had occurred to him very suddenly.  Something he didn’t like.
“Tony, how many Avengers have you hooked up with?”
He didn’t look irritated now.  He looked angry.  Slowly he held up a finger.
“That’s not what you just told me.”
“That’s exactly what I just told you.  I hooked up with Bruce.  Rhodey and I were together long before the Avengers were even heard of – don’t insult us by calling us ‘And Avenger Hookup.’  And what the fuck does it matter to you what happened before you were born?  And four? What is four?” he said angrily, looking at Peter’s fingers.
“The Hulk.  War Machine.  And Black Widow,” Peter counted off.
“Nat?!”  Tony sat up sputtering.  “Are you seri – are you kidding me with this?  Where the fuck did you get that idea?”
“If you didn’t hook up then why does she know so much about what you’re like in bed?”
“And it was her job to know – she was sent by SHIELD to infiltrate Stark Industries and getting me into bed was one of her missions.  Which she failed, the way.”  Tony lay his back down to the bed with a angry smirk.  “And she’s not much of a super-spy if she really believed the ‘all 12 cover models of Maxim’ story.  That means I got the best of her twice.  I’m going to remind her of that next time I…”
He stopped and looked up at Peter, irritated again.  He covered well.
“You thought I hooked up with Nat and Bruce?  Well that would be quite an accomplishment and I would have bragged about it had I pulled it off.   But that’s just 3.  Who’s number 4?”
“Me,” Peter said in a quiet voice.
Tony looked up at him as if he had been punched.
He was laying on his back, looking up into the ceiling as if he had never seen it before.  Peter was sitting, naked, beside him but only at this moment did he feel vulnerable.  Tony’s face was contorting so much Peter looked down at his body in alarm to see if he was hurt somewhere.  When he spoke he sounded like a man with no air.
“This….isn’t a hookup, Kid. Christ I thought you knew that.  I thought…”
His voice broke and he covered his face with one hand.
“I thought I made that clear.”
“Oh God Tony…”
Peter reached down and grabbed Tony so suddenly the man fought him off instinctively.  Peter’s reflexes were faster, of course, and he shrugged off Tony’s hands as if he were a child, pulling him into an embrace, putting his face to Tony’s scared chest and holding them in that position.  Tony found himself flailing, then finding purchase, then awkwardly stroking Peter’s hair.
“Tony I didn’t please don’t be mad please don’t be mad I didn’t….I don’t have…I didn’t make any plans for….I don’t know what comes next!”
“Shhhhh….baby it’s ok…..” Tony found himself saying, absurdly trying to comfort the man in his arms that had, just seconds before, make his heart skip a beat.  
[Peter says he planed it up until this point but has no idea what comes next because it never occurred to him that otny would want him to stay
Tony tell shim is going to be alright (isnt’ really sure it is going to be alright)
Petr has no word for this feeling – the feeling of hainv NO plan – and knowing its ok because Tony is there with him.]
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arken-xavier · 5 years ago
My Maid isnt from this world...She's A Dragon
He was gonna be late, he hadn’t meant to sleep in so late especially not on a school day but he still hadn’t adjusted well to his new home life and the train ride didn’t help him with his headache from yesterday. It was so weird he couldn’t make any sense of what happened yesterday he didn’t mean to intrude on a dragon from another world. Especially one that wanted to burn down the entirety of the human race but at least his life wouldn’t be boring at home anyway. 
Bam!! A explosion ocurred with it knocking the train off its tracks careening straight  into a building, the air filled with screams and then it all went black.
The waxing moon had lit up his path up that lead him up a very shrouded precarious-looking trail which had left the city behind,he had been forced to use the last of his money to buy things for his friends, if friends beat you into the ground every day of the week and had you as a servent running around for them for small errands they almost always had for him. So he couldn’t afford to buy dinner today or tomorrow for that matter so here he was all alone just him the moon and a dragon with a sword through its back, the usual mountain scenery. He glanced back for a quick second to reaffirm what he had seen just a split second before and what he saw scared him pantsless there was a three-story tall Dragon…? He must’ve been hallucinating, maybe the hunger and the lack of sleep was finally getting to him. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t going delusional but sure enough, the massive dragon was still there after a quick second of thinking he finally came to a conclusion that she happened to have a transformation quirk like ‘Ryukyu The Dragon Hero’ which had immediately sparked his interest in the green-scaled behemoth. 
“Maybe if I just ask them they might tell me a thing a or two about themselves, and why they sleep on a mountain” he mumbled out, which had been a bad habit he developed over the years of constant bullying and belittlement from his classmates. Izuku at this moment still hadn’t fully registered everything so he missed the gigantic sword that had been impaled in the giant thing’s side. If he had seen it he might’ve thought twice about approaching a dragon on the top of a mountain shrouded by the forest with nobody around especially. 
When she woke up the first two things of many that came to her mind were ‘What is this place, where am I?’ she didn’t recognize this place nor did she even know what had happened, so she looked over the surrounding area what she saw was beautiful, there were so many lights in the distance as bright and shimmering as…as bright as what she pondered? Then suddenly it all came to her the fight with the liberation army  she had fought with them previously but this time they had brought out a great number of forces just for her and they shot flaming arrows there were so many of them in the last battle she had been in she had been able to make a gateway but the man he had wielded god-tier magic and used it against her she had only been able to see it fly towards her at an incredible speed. She couldn’t recall anything after it hit her, but here she was with the sword still lodged in her with a small human boy pacing around and talking to himself. 
‘Wait what is the human doing?’  she hadn’t recognized him as a threat so until now she didn’t even notice him until he had started talking to himself which she had to admit was a little humorous but a little odd he didn’t wear village clothes so he must not have been from the other world. 
‘So where was she, well it’s not like it mattered anyway’ she couldn’t do anything even if she knew where she was and that wasn’t gonna happen while the sword was lodged in its new home which happened to be right inside her ribcage this didn’t sit well with her, at least she could toy with the human, maybe that would produce some form of entertainment. 
Izuku had crept closer to the dragon as to be able to talk to it and introduced himself it wouldn’t serve to be rude he thought. “Hi, are you awake miss-s...or mister dragon” he stuttered out while quickly catching and correcting his mistake.
“I’m Midoriya. I wanted to ask what you're doing out here?” he finally felt his nervousness and intimidation hit a peak, because while he had gotten closer to the green pile of scales that he was sure could soundly hear him he only finally managed to take in and realize the magnitude of the dragon they could just about swallow him whole if they wanted to.
It’s teeth almost the size of people he only slowly started to dawn on the fact that he could be in some serious danger with it it being confirmed only seconds after the thought crossed his mind.
“Human what are you doing, and where am I, answer me this or I shall make sure to burn your pitiful human body to a crisp” she roared at him combined with a glare that would have instilled fear in any trained soldier. While she did this at the same time she had attempted to charge at him but collapsed due to the magic from the sword. Izuku tried not to think about the words that had come out of her mouth but had taken a quick note of the sword that was hurting her and did not even attempt to register her attempt at intimidating him and instead gathered that when she was trying to stand the blade that was buried in her dragon form was the problem so without thinking about it immediately tried to ask if she needed help with the sword.
She did not think this was the way it was gonna turn out the human had noticed the magical sword that been wedged in her side and asked if she needed assistance with dislodging it. Not only that but when she noticed his reaction to her terrifying roar she was confused he wasn’t even bending over in a show of mercy nor was he groveling at her feet like other pathetic humans he merely stood  with a bright twinkle in his eyes and exuberated confidence not unlike the muttering boy that had just moments ago tried to talk to her with little success in doing so. She shook herself from her stupor and glared at the human he must’ve been a strong warrior sent to defeat her when I appeared maybe he was faking cowardice to try and lure me in. What a pathetic plan that was she could easily take on any arrogant adventurer that thought could take her head-on. Her current train of thought on how to kill the human had been put to a stop when he tried to talk to her.
“Hi dragon I’m sorry that I woke you up I just wanted to know what you're doing up he-here” he stuttered out he was nervous the thing could have clawed him in half and he knew that it showed but he tried not to let that stop him from talking.
“And i-it also looks like your hu-hur-hurt could I help you get rid of tha-that sword... it looks like it hurts.” Izuku knew that the dragon could not move because, for whatever reason the dragon had, it had a very dim glowing sword that was a growing darker and darker the longer he saw it. 
“Human you think you can even touch a holy sword without even having immense magical energy I can’t decide if you're either brave or stupid,” she sighed “but carry on try it if you want but you won’t be able to” he wouldn't be able to pull it out a regular mortal with evil intentions would be killed when in contact with it that’s why it made so powerful she’s lucky she hadn’t committed seriously evil acts or else the sword would’ve killed her on contact she grew tired of the mindless chatter with her subconscious and she pulled herself out of her thoughts and eyed the human with curiosity he had begun to climb up her scales and was nearing the sword, what she saw next surprised her he had begun to pull on the ginormous handle and it was coming out slowly but it was she couldn’t her eyes he was a pulling out a magic sword one of the most powerful 
Swords if not the most powerful, the strongest of wizards could not even hope to wield and even with the magical power, they are only able to summon it against an opponent and cast it at them. 
Izuku was not having a good time trying to climb the back of a dragon the scales were hard and made climbing also exponentially harder but he managed to reach the sword and he had begun to pull it out which didn’t seem super hard it because well it wasn’t super heavy nor did it try and kill him but he did feel a strange tingling feeling going down his back an throughout his body and then with a flash of light the sword popped out and was somehow immediately absorbed by his skin which left a small tattoo of a sword. 
“Dragon I don't think you’ve told me your name yet?” she looked at quizically I just rather call you by your name then just dragon,” he said after the spectacle that they just witnessed. The dragon just looked at him irritatedly before saying their name apparently it was Tohru and she didn’t have a surname and she was a female. 
“Well, what just happened?” He really didn’t know what to expect from that and he certainly did not expect the sword to explode much less for some type of energy burst to come out with it and then all of a sudden get sucked up into his arm.
“You… you just absorbed god-tier magic” she couldn’t believe the boy Izuku, at least that what he said his name was didn’t know what god’s sword was it’s been a universally known spell but only a few worlds even believed such thing existed. But he managed to hold one of the most single-handedly powerful spells ever cast but could also absorb the magic that it carried with it.
Izuku's head was confused and jumbled as his body was, Magic? She was talking about magic like it was real, maybe she was a cultist and was trying to recruit him for her plan. 
“Miss Tohru, what do you mean by magic?” Izuku looked at her skeptically the dragon lady was talking about it like it existed he needed to help her out so he kept asking questions
 “...that’s not possible, magic isn’t real it doesn't make any sort of sense, and how did that thing with the glowing happen how about that try to explain that” she continued and tried to convince him that the sword was magic but that didn’t make any progress because magic didn’t exist therefore that thing couldn’t have been magic it must have a quirk that was the only possible explanation he said and apparently everyone in this world had one. Tohru had tried to convince the green head to show him his superpower but he wouldn’t open up about it so they came back to square one except both more knowledgeable about each other's circumstance in this situation apparently he had come for a stroll and ended up here.
And she had been shot out of the air with magic, she refused to give up on the fight about magic if it was real or not.
She was going to transform to shoot a bolt of lightning out of her palm without a quirk because that was the only way he would be convinced. 
“Okay, Izuku I’m gonna have to transform into a human to do this so i can do this” She didn’t know why she had such a strong urge to show him she could do it it wasn’t anything special to her but it felt different this like she was seeking his approval. 
“Yeah I'm ready, start when your ready” he still felt weird when she called him by his first name it was the first time in forever so he felt a slight bit embarrassed and with that he had begun to back away to avoid being hit with lightning.
It started first with an ancient-sounding language he couldn’t understand and then his vision was filled with black and then as quick as it came it left leaving behind a bolt of lightning going straight into the sky. He couldn’t detect a quirk being used, it was real, Magic it was there before his very own eyes it existed he had a chance,
He could be a Hero…
Look for the continuation of this book on
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lizartgurl · 6 years ago
Lizzzzzz I'm having court and Virgil feels can you pleaseeeeeeeee write a fic for them? Anything you think fits, maybe first meeting? THANK YOU ILU 💕💕
I apologize to both you and Clark if I mischaracterize Courtney, I’ve really only ever seen her in the ten seconds she was on YJ, so that’s where I set this fic.
“If you guys wanna wait right here, the makeup crew will be here in a second,” Gar grinned at them, “I gotta take this call.”
“A call that wouldn’t happen to be from a certain royalty, would it?” Bart asked, lounging across his chair and kicking his legs up in the air so that he kicked the script out of Traci’s hands and into Jaime’s face.
Virgil shook his head staring hopelessly at the sets of makeup set in front of them on a vanity prepped for ten. Yes, there were several different makeup kits for several different people, but one set alone had to be twice as big as what his sister used. Cassie was already swatching out blushes and eyeshadows like she’d seen the MUAs on youtube do (though Cassie was self-proclaimed to hate makeup, she and Virgil both found makeup tutorials strangely addicting), but Virgil decided it best to not touch the makeup at all, leave it to the experts and all that.
“Hello! You must be Mister Logan’s friends!” said a bright woman with a clipboard and headset.
Jaime took charge, the responsible oldest child on the team (seriously, they were lost without M’gann). “Yeah, I’m Jaime, and we’ve got Bart, Traci, Cassie, and Virgil.”
“I see you’ve all got your scripts, so before we can get you into costume for rehearsals, we have to do makeup!”
“Doesn’t makeup go on after you change?” Virgil asked as a fleet of assistants burst in the door behind Clipboard Lady, draping them all with black tarps and turning them to face the mirror.
“Oh no! With the full-body makeup we do here, we don’t want it to get on your costumes,” Clipboard Lady frittered. By the time Virgil looked up again, Clipboard Lady was gone, but it seemed that the Makeup Assistants had things well in hand. Cassie’s character was being dyed blue, apparently she was going to play one of Lieutenant Turk’s many cousins. Bart was getting a mohawk and bright yellow eyelids, and Traci was getting purple hair extensions for a futuristic look.
“Of course, the Asian character always has to have hair dye,” She sighed. Virgil chuckled.
His and Jaime’s characters were both humans, so they didn’t need too long in the chair. Neither did Garfield, really, after he finished his conversation of sweet nothings with Queen Perdita. The Assistants had them sit on a couch in the greenroom, with strict instructions to keep their hands off their faces, and hurried back to help paint up Cassie.
“Race for Lightspeed!” Virgil jumped up at the sound of a familiar voice. There was Courtney Whitmore, Stargirl herself, standing in the doorway.
“Hey, Court!” Gar stood up and shook her hand.
“Good to see you again, Gar. Are these your guest-star friends?” She asked.
“A couple of them. Jaime, Virgil,” Gar grinned, “Meet Stargirl.”
“Sup,” Jaime waved.
“H- hi,” Virgil said as Courtney shook his hand.
“I was hoping to get another interview for Stargirl. Would either of you be interested?” Courtney’s smile was bright and coy, and it could just be his mind playing tricks on him, but Virgil was certain that she was looking at him when she asked. Courtney Whitmore was looking at him.
“Well, Virgil certainly looks interested.” Jaime muttered over his Entertainment Magazine, Gar and Space Trek 3016 splayed across the front.
“Huh?” Virgil jumped up, and Courtney grabbed his hand.
“Great! Follow me!” She dragged him out of the green room and onto the half-built set, where cameras and crew were still wandering around. They sat in the two chairs that Virgil had seen on all of her celebrity interviews, but he wasn’t a celebrity, what was he doing, thinking he could be on the Stargirl Vlog?
“Okay, Virgil, right?” His name called him back to reality.
“This isn’t live, so we can edit it all later, but I’m going to ask you a few questions about you and about the show, so don’t be afraid to be silly about it. Just let me know if you’re uncomfortable with a question, or aren’t sure how to answer. Okay?”
“O-Okay,” Virgil sat up straight, brushing off his clothes in an effort to look more presentable. He went to wipe his forehead from the sweat of the spotlight, and quickly sat on his hands in an effort to not ruin his makeup.
“Okay!” Courtney signaled her cameraman, and held up her list of questions with a flourish.
“Okay, so what we’ve been told from the producers, and from Garfield Logan himself, you, Jaime, and your other friends go way back with Gar.”
“Well, yeah. Jaime and Cassie probably know him longest, we were all on a team together.”
“What kind of team?” Courtney leaned forward intently. Virgil cursed his loose lips.
“Ah- Soccer.” That would work. Cassie was a good blocker, Bart ran really fast, and Traci was good with distractions. That covered it, right?
“Co-ed little league, right after he lost his mom. His big sister and her friends coached it.”
“Interesting. So you were there for him after Marie Logan died?”
“Well, not really. Traci and I joined a little later, but it was fun. Nothing too big, but we won, a lot.”
“That’s awesome! I have to ask, what did you guys think of him? The green skin and all.”
“Believe me, it wasn’t the weirdest thing we saw,” Virgil chuckled, “But his meta-powers- “ and everyone else’s “-really brought us together. He was like our legit mascot. And when you learn how to work as a team the way we did…that’s a kind of bond that doesn’t break.”
“That’s so sweet!” Courtney gushed. She was so sincere, it was so cute. “Speaking of Gar’s meta-powers, there isn’t any chance any of you having any meta-powers of your own, is there?”
Virgil froze for a moment, then shrugged. “Well, Traci’s ridiculously unlucky, if you’d call that a superpower.”
Courtney laughed, and he laughed with her. It just felt so easy, so natural.
“Bart was our fastest runner, but he’s super late for everything, which I’ll never understand. Jaime talks to himself, and Cassie works out all the time, because she looks up to Wonder Woman.”
“And Verge, here is always super-staticy-” Gar snuck up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Okay, I’ll admit it.”Courtney laughed again. “Well, thank you for putting up with my questions, Virgil. It’s been great to hear from you. I look forward to seeing the episode you guys put out.” She held out his hand, and Virgil shook it, the energy he put into looking good during the interview had left him in a daze.
“Here’s my number. Will you call me and tell me what you thought of the Vlog when it airs?”
Courtney handed Virgil a piece of paper, and all he did was nod like a dumbarse and smile like Dopey. As she followed her cameraman out of the stage, Courtney smiled at him, almost hidden behind her hair as she glanced back over her shoulder.
“Dude,” Gar elbowed Virgil, “She gave you her number.”
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed, still watching in the way Courtney had left, “Yeah she did.”
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8147 · 7 years ago
reading hamlet for the first time (act 5: the finale)
none of you told me it was going to be this painful . none of you.
“Ophelia’s dead.” “Enter CLOWNS!”
Like im sure this has a different meaning in EMA but im gonna make fun of it because it’s fucking hilarious. (future (present? (now past once more (?))) antares coming back to say i did look at nfs and yeah theyre gravediggers)
“First Clown: What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter? Second Clown: The gallows-maker; for that frame outlives a thousand tenants.” damn not even just this one quote but these are some depressing clowns
hamlet and horatio!
okay there’s something about all of hamlet’s skull talk that makes me uneasy. like, not even the topic, just something in the words and how earnestly and (pardon my pun) gravely hamlet’s speaking about this. and it’s almost a mournful tune, too. it’s a huge difference from his “we’ll all be eaten by the same worms” speech to the point that it’s almost haunting.
“HAMLET: I will speak to this fellow.” C O N F R O N T
“HAMLET: I think it be thine, indeed; for thou liest in't.” (incomprehensible scribbling)
HAMLET, NOT IN ENGLAND: oh yeah lol he was sent to england huh u know why lmao
wait. did the. did the pirate situation get resolved. before act V.
I mean i think hamlet mentioned something about three years but the pirates are so fucking glossed over like what the fuck
“First Clown: 'Twill, a not be seen in him there; there the men are as mad as he.” HOLY SHIT ROAST THEM JFC
“HAMLET: Let me see. (Takes the skull)” THIS IS THE SKULL SCENE! I fucking KNEW it was bullshit that holding the skull was in the to be/not to be speech. I saw it being presented as such like once or twice while reading and I KNEW IT
hm okay so hamlet picks up this guys skull, of someone he used to know, and sure maybe i could ignore the “those lips i have kissed” but then he goes on to mention alexander the great and i mean come on
but jesus like i feel like im not doing justice to the stuff hamlet’s saying. just, the gravity of it all. Its kinda hitting home a bit hard bc like ive had a crippling fear of what happens after death and being forgotten etc since i was like in fourth grade and this is @ing that phobia
like, with that julius ceasar thing. “O that that earth which kept the world in awe / should patch a wall to expel the winter flaw,” it’s so strange. like, every fucking human who has lived, whether they be emperors, murderers, inventors, peasants, or philanthropists- as long as they weren’t blind, they’ve all looked at the same sky. like. It doesnt matter what the fuck you did or didn’t. It’s wild.
“First Priest: No more be done: We should profane the service of the dead To sing a requiem and such rest to her As to peace-parted souls.” hey i get that there are cultural taboos around suicide but like this guy’s a dick it isnt even clear if it was suicide, like, she was so fucking crazy she might not have even known she was, y’know, in a lake or w/e
laertes, dude, my guy. maybe jumping into a grave is cosmic foreshadowing for something you don’t want to happen to you. js.
“HAMLET: [Advancing] What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wandering stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane. (Leaps into the grave)” hamlet is NOT one to be out-extra’d (posting-antares here to say, wait, ‘whose phrase of sorrow conjures the stars? is this my aesthetic-speeches-summon-ghosts theory? probably not, but i havent mentioned it for a while)
“LAERTES: The devil take thy soul! (Grappling with him)” IN A FUCKING GRAVE. THEY ARE FIGHTING. IN A GRAVE.
all because hamlet doesn’t want to be out-extra’d. my god.
“QUEEN GERTRUDE: This is mere madness: And thus awhile the fit will work on him; Anon, as patient as the female dove, When that her golden couplets are disclosed, His silence will sit drooping.” Ah yes gertie just talk about the distraught and angry madman as if he isn’t there. that’ll diffuse the situation.
You know what? We still haven’t discussed the pirates.
“HAMLET: So much for this, sir: now shall you see the other; You do remember all the circumstance?” If this isn’t gonna be about the pirates im gonna. scream.
“HAMLET: My fears forgetting manners, to unseal Their grand commission; where I found, Horatio,-- O royal knavery!--an exact command, Larded with many several sorts of reasons Importing Denmark's health and England's too, With, ho! such bugs and goblins in my life, That, on the supervise, no leisure bated, No, not to stay the grinding of the axe, My head should be struck off.” god, though. imagine that. being exiled to another country by the person who killed your father, only to find out that they were going to have you killed, anyways. that’s fucking terrifying. jesus christ.
Damn this idea that pretty handwriting is ~beneath~ nobles confuses me so fucking much. I got called haughty once just because my main handwriting is cursive. I mean, they were right, but their evidence was circumstantial at best.
“HAMLET: That, on the view and knowing of these contents, Without debatement further, more or less, He should the bearers put to sudden death, Not shriving-time allow'd.” Hamlet’s Revenge. 
but also, what the fuck, dude. two wrongs dont make a right.
damn i kinda lost myself while reading but it really doesn’t sound like hamlet’s insane anymore. Like he’s… tempered himself. he doesn’t feel insane, just solemn.
“OSRIC: Your lordship is right welcome back to Denmark. HAMLET: I humbly thank you, sir. Dost know this water-fly?” goddamn ROAST HIM HAMLET (also what a fucking mood)
Osric put on your fucking ha--
The wind is
The wind is northerly
“HAMLET: No, believe me, 'tis very cold; the wind is northerly.” I remember someone saying that this is important
Okay here: “HAMLET: I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.”
oh no
Osric just wear ur fucking hat u doof
“OSRIC: Exceedingly, my lord; it is very sultry,--as 'twere,--I cannot tell how. But, my lord, his majesty bade me signify to you that he has laid a great wager on your head: sir, this is the matter,-- HAMLET: I beseech you, remember-- (HAMLET moves him to put on his hat)” excuse me a WAGER
but alas all hamlet cares about is osric’s fucking hat
“HAMLET: What's his weapon? OSRIC: Rapier and dagger. HAMLET: That's two of his weapons: but, well.” hamlet u sarcastic little shit i love you
I mean so is horatio. I love him too.
This stuff with the competition is. not gonna end well. not at well.
“HAMLET: I do not think so: since he went into France, I have been in continual practise: I shall win at the odds. But thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart: but it is no matter.”
hamlet no. listen to your heart or whatever. jesus christ don’t do it.
Ohhh hamlet
okay reading what laertes said, you know what? i’m giving laertes one last chance. please do not prove me a fool, laertes. 
everything is giving me mad anxiety. e v e r y t h i n g.
claud’s speech is insanely sketchy
“KING CLAUDIUS: [Aside] It is the poison'd cup: it is too late.” One, so that’s why it was sketchy. Two, the POISONED CUP?
Gertie’s. Dead.
Shit, shit, shit
“LAERTES: [Aside] And yet 'tis almost 'gainst my conscience.” YES! SO PLEASE! STOP FIGHTING!
“LAERTES wounds HAMLET; then in scuffling, they change rapiers, and HAMLET wounds LAERTES.” Oh no oh no oh jeez eheu they’re hurting each other, shit, fuck,
“LAERTES: ...woodcock…”
“KING CLAUDIUS: She swounds to see them bleed. QUEEN GERTRUDE: No, no, the drink, the drink,--O my dear Hamlet,-- The drink, the drink! I am poison'd. (Dies)” one, i love how claud is desperatley trying to stick to the plan, its almost adorable in a childish sort of way. two, oh god. ohhh god. gertie. 
Oh no. 
this is the bloodbath. THIS IS THE BLOODBATH.
“HAMLET: The point!--envenom'd too! Then, venom, to thy work. (Stabs KING CLAUDIUS)” ...
wait and hamlet’s on death row, as with laertes. Oh no.
“LAERTES: He is justly served; It is a poison temper'd by himself. Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet: Mine and my father's death come not upon thee, Nor thine on me. (Dies)’ oh my god already??? I haven’t even really accepted king claud’s death?? jesus christ??
My friend just sorta nudged me and asked if i was alright and i. I’m not. i’m in shock. goddamn. what?
goodness thats three in like less than thirty seconds JESUS CHRIST
“HAMLET: Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee.I am dead, Horatio.” that’s chilling. just, the poignancy. that’s so fucking spectral. i’m not okay.
“HORATIO: Never believe it: I am more an antique Roman than a Dane: Here's yet some liquor left.” No no no on no nononon NO NO oh my god are you going to-
“HAMLET: As thou'rt a man, Give me the cup: let go; by heaven, I'll have't. … If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart Absent thee from felicity awhile, And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story.” hey i’m crying in study hall. i’m actually crying. what the fuck. I don’t cry unless i’m thinking about that one pair of 18th century shoes with the really good photo quality (transcribing-antares here. I fucking love those shoes. I’m looking at them right now and they’re so fucking beautiful. they look how velvet feels, which is odd, bc they're apparently silk. I don’t care they’re just so fucking lovely)
F O R T I N B R A S?
“HAMLET: O, I die, Horatio; The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit.” I’ve identified my emotion. Dread. pure, unadulterated Dread.
for all of you that’ve listened to the penumbra podcast: do you remember the concierge, right before final resting place, saying “you do realize you can just like, leave, and everything will be hunky dory and you won’t have to deal with the emotional consequences this episode will bring you” because i’m seriously considering doing that right now.
“HAMLET: The rest is silence. (Dies)” shit. (posting-antares here to say that i forgot to do the body count but honestly im crying while formating because of this goddamn fucking 400 year old play)
“HORATIO: Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince…” oh god. horatio.
“Good night sweet prince…”
(yet again tis transcribing-antares here to say that im fucking sobbing right now, the shoes are no match for this, and ‘goodnight sweet prince’ is actually never going to leave my head.) (editing-antares here to say im fucking crying again god fucking damn it) (posting-antares back again saying that this fucking line. this line. my god.)
“HORATIO: What is it ye would see? If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search.” oh, horatio. god. that isn’t something said without tears staining your skin and a bitter tone hard-won, not that its possession is a victory.
oh my god. this can’t. no. this can’t end like this. What. no. people must have rioted. No. no!!
i typically hate it but i would GLADLY accept a deus ex machina right about now!!
okay my friend just took my phone away from me and shut it off because i kept on trying to scroll past the end
jesus christ
okay so i’m not going to be okay for like, several eternities, so im going to play the sims until i. until i die, probably. my god.
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silverwing2522 · 7 years ago
Silverwing: The Red Thread (7)
OMG im so happy!! This is the first time finishing a fanfic story! I mean theres many in this series lol but writing is hard for me. I had adhd and autism, so for me it can be quite difficult. I'm really proud of this one and i hope y'all like it :D
“So, we’re all in agreement. This is what we’re going to do.” Danny stands with his arms folded in the drawing room of the x mansion.
Me, victor and danny had been discussing about what we were going to do about my pregnancy.
“Absolutely!” Victor stepped up, head held high.
What we had concluded was that we would jointly live for the next 9 months in the apartment danny owned in new york city, all three of us. Which meant that danny and i would be separate from K’un Lun during that time. He was not happy about it, but he still understood and reluctantly accepted the conditions.
Later while Victor was sleeping i slipped into dannys room. He was awake, thinking the same thoughts i was.
How were we going to explain this when we returned home?
As much as we had been getting along better recently, this would be more than a stretch to be believed. There was no way anyone could believe that this was really ours.
“This isnt going to be easy..” I sit down on the edge of the bed in my silk long nightgown, facing away from him.
“I know, but theres not much that can be done about it. Youve made up your mind youre keeping it, so...we just gotta hope everyone believes that its mine. On the plus side though, at least Victor is blonde…” He said, lightheartedly. Typical danny, always seeing the positive in things.
“Yeh.” I gave a small light chuckle in reply. “I just really want this danny. I wanted it a long time ago, but then….things happened and i thought it was all over. But now...now i-i might finally get it. I cant let that go. And i know how much this means to Victor too. This is OUR kid. Mine and his.”
“Sess, you dont need to explain it to me. I know, its okay. I can already see you really want it. So have it. We’ll work out the details later. We’ve got plenty of time to prepare.” He smiles at me warmly.
I touch his hand and thank him. “Okay, so whats got you all pensive then?” I ask, confused. I was certain it was about the pregnancy, but clearly it was something else.
“I was thinking of my future. I mean...you’re married-” “Twice.” “-twice, yeh! And i’m...i dont have anyone. I had misty, but that didnt really work.” He sighs and flops his head back onto the pillow. “I guess i’m feeling lonely. Here you are, expecting. All glowing and happy. And… i guess a part of me wishes i had that.” He looked at me so forlornly. I didnt really know to say. The chances of the right girl coming along and being okay with me being tied to him were slim to none.
“You do. In a way. You have me, in a very unconventional sense. We’re stuck together, which means you’re part of this new family thats being founded as we speak. You’re a part of this dan.” I smirk as i think of my next response. “Someones got to be a good god parent! Get some morals into them! Goodness knows it aint gonna come from me or Vic” I laugh.
He chuckles in response and sighs wearily. “I guess” and gives a small smile.
I know its not quite what he wants, but its the best i can give. Its all i can give.
A thought strikes me, but i quickly ignore it. Can danny be having feelings for me? No, my mind rejects the very notion. He cant!
I start to trudge back to bed, burdened with uncomfortable thoughts.
“Sessa…” he calls me back.
“Yeah?” I turn to face him from the doorway, hesitant about what he might say next.
“What you gonna do about logan?” I sigh with mixed relief. This topic was slightly easier in comparison, which said a lot!
“Nothing. Theres nothing i can do, because of the baby. The only thing i can think of is to help him back to his homeworld, so he can find peace there somehow. Be buried with his family at least. If it gets to that.”
Saying out loud was horrible. I was essentially letting a man die. But i wasnt going to let go of this baby to help him. And nothing else seemed like it was going to work, so sending him back seemed like the best option. Part of me wanted to do that, just so that i didnt have to watch him die, or hear about it.
“Is that all?” Danny was unimpressed, but understood the situation and the circumstances surrounding it. Yet he still found it necessary to ask. As much as we had been getting along better lately, it was still fraught with conflict between us. He still said and did thoughtless things that angered me.
I stamped my foot a little on the bare wood floor and huffed at him. “What do you want me to give him?! A parade?! Yes danny! Thats all!”
He motions for me to calm down. “Its just...i...i feel like...i dont know.”
“Well thats just great! Goodnight!” And then just like that i was out of the door, heading back to my room. I knew how he felt and what he was trying to say. I felt it too. I felt that there must be something to be done. Some fix. Some other answer. And maybe there could be during the next several months. Some secret revealed. Some device discovered. Something that didnt hinge on me!
But there wasnt. And after five months Logan had gotten worse. It wasnt just his healing factor failing him now, his overall health as at an all time critical low. He struggled to move around, and when he did he would soon stop from being breathless.
He understood my decision and accepted it. But standing here, it was hard to witness it.
He laid a shaky hand on my bump and whispered low and hoarsely to me. “If its a boy, make sure you name it James.” and he winks a cheeky smile at me.
I smile and laugh back. “I’ll see what i can do.” I hold both in hands in mine. “I have something for you, just in case.”
We stood below the city of K’un Lun where the jewel of tabentha was kept. Using the machinery used to create portals to realms and dimensions, we managed to find a doorway to his homeworld. It stood there in front of us, blazing a hot mid days sun through it onto us. Sand swept through the portal and landed at our feet.
“Looks like a good day”. He laughs and holds my hands tighter in his.
I say nothing but move my hands to lay on top of his. Nestled in his palm is a small vile of blood and bone marrow. Mine.
He looks down and frowns in confusion.
I bow my head nearer to his, face to face. “Just in case you find a way.”
In the five months i had been trying to help hank and jean find a way to synthesize my unique adapting gene, so it could be used as part of a therapy regime for logan. But unfortunately we had no luck with that avenue.
So this was my last ditch attempt, that maybe he could find something or someone there that could use it to help him.
My last gift. My only gift for him.
He cups my cheek and grounds it in his palm roughly. He sniffs deeply, scrunching up his face keeping the tears at bay. His head held high he exhales and walks away into the light.
And like that, he is gone. The portal shuts off and we, me and danny are left alone in the dim light of the temple’s basement. We dont say anything. But he moves to put his arms around me. And i start to cry for the first time in eighty years.
Its strange to think that five months ago i looked at logan and felt nothing. No affection, no connection, nothing but a stranger. An annoyance. But now, i felt like something important had just stepped out of my life. Its funny how life does that sometimes.
But i am comforted in knowing what i felt before he left. Not a man who was afraid of what was to come, but of one who was hopeful what what still might be.
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stillwooozy · 4 years ago
tw rape ig but no one reads this diary blog
But does anyone else.... FORGET they were raped? Like not repressed trauma/memories (i... really dont believe that to say the least.....) but just..... i push it so far away that something ovious needs to push the knowledge forward
ive been in some shitty sitautions jfc. the only reason i can type this rn is cuz im numb cuz if drugs
Anyways i was raped twice and almost raped once. well once i dont remmeber cuz i was drugged but ik i was raped. and like ... it sucks man. It really does. i acknowledge those experiences probably fucked me up more than i give them credit. A part of me does blme myself tho, which ofc isnt “right” but i cant help it. I put myself into dangerous situations knowing the full possibilties. I liked the thrill. It added excitement and made me feel imporant when i felt if everyone hated me
Like no one knows. I feel like no one understands. My choices led to my experiences, and its just humiliating. Idk why im thinking of this now
No i know. Its cuz im hypersexual and asexual at the same time. And i have no more close friends. Im lonely. And i cant keep relationships.
I feel like my experience/life is normal. And the sad part is i think it is.
I hold 0 spite towards # me-too to clarify. I dont even want ppl to address men rape cuz gay men are villianized like taht. Countless times gay men, gay fucking boys, are “canceled” for bullshit they never did cuz straight ppl are so afraid of gay guys. But its not being gay that is the problem. Its just so many men. Its a society taht treats mentally ill like trash& has a toddlers understanding of consent. Cuz to truly value consent... u have to go against a lot of the status quo
Im just angry at my younger self. Why did i purposefully put myself in danger? I know why. Its just gonna hurt for a while. Been years now .
No.. it doesnt hurt it just negatively impacts me.
And i cant fcking speak about
Or tecnically i can but come on. I am surrounded by emough shame and humilitation around me. Im mentally fucked and king of bad decisions. Even therapists get weirded out. Even good ones. Not weirded out, just.... unable to address it.
I can understand genocide more than rape. Like actual rape. Like i was held at knife point. Wish i was making up some fun story. Who tf gets pleasure from that?????? Just sign up on fetlife and find a partner and roleplay. U dont need to ruin a 16 yr old boy and take away his dignity. I hate it. There are si many other power games to play???
I like.. just push the mmeory away. I walk by the gay bar where i happened in the bathroom for the first time and i barely flinch. I pretend it was a dream ya know, like hahah so pathetic of me. Having my drink spiked was better. it was just so horrible waking up the next day in a strange apartment and the man was like... nonchallent. He didnt say ANYTGHING and it delt like i was in a horror movie cuz he coukd if killed me, he could of done snuthing, i hate jo idea what haooened ro my body and i just left. Snd somethimes i think i see him but ik its not i just can barely remmeber his face and who the FUCK does that ????? But mayeb i flirted too kuch: but why did he do that? I orobably wouldnof rucked him if he just asked. Idk. The last time i was like 17 Or 18? Idk actually i dont think younger but not odler thna 19, but i actually fought back and then just fcking ran. He had a knife tho and now i had one too and thats the moral why i alwYs have a swiss army knife in my backoack.
Its jdut fucked io, right? I mean ppl have it worse. I couldnt imagine getting abused or raped by like.... ur uncle as a CHILD. Idk.
Im sad rn. How can i be sad on so many happy pills? For some reason i feel extra disgusting cuz its been so long since anyone could use me. I dont like being used and at this point i am DONE with sex i just like attention. And letting someone fuck me is great attenrion. And man, fuck fetish jate, i love ppl w:l/ fetishes becasue its way more rhan shoving their musty dick in me. I dont have a foot fetish in the slightest - but u wany to massga emy feet and suck my toes? Go to town boy
I miss my ex. We didnt talk about this much hut thats my oroblem. She had no sinilar experience but she is very emoathetic and i trust her. Like she didnt make me feel weak or pathetic when i disclosed it ya know. I just said “i have had some unconseual sex experiences and they rly never come into play but i’ll lyk if they do” and shes was just like “omg lets talk about it when ur ready, no pressure, idk why u didnt tell me earlier but im so sorry” and it made me nut just feeling ~validated~ like that.
Well im gling to sleep. Enjoy ky tangenr. I cant type jfc thays a bad sign but hey!!!! If i dont remember writinh this, it will still exist, and i can read it weeks later and go “damn. I rly was numb yhay night if i was able to so chillly talk about some of the worst events if my life”
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the-jade-cross · 4 years ago
Journey to Middle Earth - Chapter 4
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Summary – What if JRR Tolkien never gave Thorin a love story… because the person that was meant to be Thorin’s was not yet born when he wrote the Hobbit? Sara journeys from her world to Middle Earth after an accident, with a mission. To change something about the Hobbit story… but she is not sure what. What she does not know is that while trying to prevent something from happening, something new might arise between her and the dwarf prince….even if it is not on the agenda!
Warnings – None, no explicit scenes, some kissing, violence, frightening creatures, mentions of abuse.
Pairings – Thorin Oakenshield x OC
When Sara roused the next morning, she discovered that she wasn't the first one up. Most of the dwarves were already up and packing up silently. She hadn't woken to their noise because they were doing it quietly. Surprisingly, though true. Adjusting her cloak which had shifted in her sleep, she got to her feet and felt her head. Her hair had stayed in rather well so she saw no need to change it.
She quickly located her knapsack, ensured that everything was in there before swinging it on her back. She soon discovered that there was no one in the kitchen except Mason and Gandalf who were stoking the fire.
Mason perked up at the sight of his owner and scurried over to her. Sara bent down and scooped the pup up in her arms while smiling at Gandalf.
"How did you sleep?" he inquired
Sara shrugged, "Okay I guess."
"Lot on your mind?" the wizard inquired, sensing her discomfort.
Sara nodded, "It's just so strange.... before coming here I would have died to be on this journey.... meeting the dwarves, Bilbo, THorin....but now.... I never dreamt that actually being in the story wouldn't be a piece of cake."
Gandalf smiled, "Life has that affect on us. When we think we know what is going to happen... it sometimes doesn't go that way."
Sara nodded in agreement and the wizard sensed that she was frustrated, "Thorin isnt what you thought he would be is he?"
Sara shook her head firmly, "Before I came here...I had a whole perspective up about him just from hearing the stories and knowing what happens....He was stubborn and hard at first yes but never almost....dark and foreboding."
"What was your first perspective of him before you met him in person?" Gandalf asked.
Sara shrugged, "A good leader, thoughtful, stubborn, quiet but accepting....He's not that at all."
Gandalf smiled, "Well. He is still what you thought him to be, its just different because you're experiencing the journey for yourself, not just hearing about it."
"I suppose so," Sara sighed, "But... it's weird. As a teenager I was a huge fan of his! Like.... maybe a little over the top. My brothers even thought it would be amazing to be part of the journey and now that I am... it's like I met a whole different person that who was in the stories back home."
The wizard chuckled and reaching over, he patted the girl on her shoulder, "Just remember, don't judge a book by it's cover."
Sara nodded and snuggled Mason to her chest. The wizard left her there a moment while she pondered his words. Little did she know that a pair of piercing blue eyes were watching her from the shadows. Sara turned and headed through the doorway, off to the front door. She completely missed seeing THorin standing in the shadows.
THorin furrowed his brow in concentration. What were they talking about? Sara spoke as if she had met him before.... or seen him before.... and what Gandalf said about the stories....it was like Sara knew something....she had a secret and he was determined to find out what it was.
Fili and Kili glanced over their ponies' backs as Sara began to saddle her pony. There was a wisp of hair in her face that she kept pushing away but it kept falling over one eye, aggravating her. She finished saddling the pony and gathered the reins at the saddle.
Kili stole around his pony and approached the girl, "Need a hand?"
Sara looked at him and smiled. he probably thought that she had no idea how to ride, "Thank you Kili, but I got it."
Kili nodded, a little disappointed. Sara seemed to sense his discouragement so she smiled, "Actually.... sure Kili."
Kili's face lit up. Sara sensed that the boy wasn't used to being around girls other than relatives so he was probably trying to get used to it. Sara wasn't one to discourage boys trying to get used to being around girls since she went through that at one point with Pierce.... and then shortly with Axel.
The boy reached over and cupped his hands low enough for the girl. Sara placed her knee in his hand and he gave her a strong push upwards, surprised at her lightweight. The push he gave her was one meant for someone twice her weight and she would have gone flying over the other side if she hadn't been so balanced and she managed to slip her foot in the other stirrup before she ended up on the ground.
Kili cringed but Sara smiled at him, "Thanks."
Kili nodded as Sara leant over to whisper in his ear, "Remember, girls are usually lighter. Good first try though."
The young dwarf beamed at her and Sara couldn't help but smile at his relief. She watched the young dwarf hurry over to his brother. As he helped Fili into the saddle, Sara smiled and hid a chuckle at how the boy cringed at the weight of his brother after lifting a rather light Sara not moments before.
Sara ducked her head to hide her grin which went unnoticed by everyone... but the dark haired dwarf who had been mounted on his pony for a while. He had watched the exchange between his youngest nephew and Sara with interest. He had noted Sara's quick reflexes and balance and how she managed to not embarrass the boy by leveling out her weight. He also noticed how her eyes had flickered with fondness at the boy and realization at Kili's attempt at being a gentleman.
"Move out!" He called.
As they began to ride out of the still sleeping shire, Thorin glanced back to make sure they had everyone. His eyes at once fell on his two nephews who were riding on either side of Sara. The girl was cradling a still sleeping Mason in one arm while holding the reins expertly in her free hand. Kili and Fili were taking turns leaning over and petting the sleeping pup while smiling, laughing and chatting with Sara freely.
Thorin paused at a corner once to let the others pass him for he wished to make sure that they had everyone and also to ride with Dwalin for a short time. As the ponies trotted past, Thorin kept his eyes on his two nephews and Sara.
As they approached, a wind blew about them and brushed Sara's hair away from her neck, revealing the scar behind her ear that Thorin had noticed before. He furrowed his brow as the girl brushed her hair back over the scar. he noticed with interest that a faraway, pained look crossed her face but it quickly erased to one of joy as she continued to converse with his nephews.
'What are you hiding?' he thought to himself.
He didn't realize he had spoken aloud (luckily going unnoticed by everyone) until Gandalf pulled up beside him.
"Everyone has their secrets of their past THorin," The wizard remarked.
Thorin snapped his head up at him, surprised he had spoken that aloud, "Too many secrets isnt what I call okay."
Gandalf nodded, "I agree, but it is up to the secret holder to reveal the secrets on his or her own time."
THorin sighed and nodded, having given up on the subject and they continued on.
Thorin growled to himself. What was it about that girl that wouldn't let his mind rest anywhere else for long? She seemed so content in the saddle, unlike all the dwarves who wouldn't stop urging their horses faster or slower to chat to the others and lay bets on whether or not Bilbo would turn up.
She was riding calmly near the back of the group, her knees pressing into the pony's side just enough to keep her balance without needing to hold the reins. The reins were wound around the horn of the saddle just tight enough to keep the horse from having too much freedom but enough freedom for the horse to be comfortable. Thorin was surprised at how the pony kept an even walk to keep up with everyone and never straying more than an inch from the ponies.
The girl's long red hair was pulled back but the braid had begun to come out and her long curls were beginning to flop about her perfectly framed face as she looked down at her sketch book. She had been sketching in it for almost thirty minutes now and Thorin had to admit, he was curious as to what she was drawing that was making her smile. It was a soft, calm smile with a faraway but content look.
Even with the distance between them and the chattering of the other dwarves, Thorin could faintly hear her humming to herself ever so softly. The puppy was lying on the saddle in front of her, happily snoozing while she rested the sketchbook on his back. Why couldn't he get his mind off of her?
"You don't need to worry about Sara, Thorin," Gandalf's steady voice remarked. "She is a reliable person. She's gone through a lot yes but it hasn't altered her in the slightest."
Thorin shrugged, "It's not that. She just seems so secretive and I don't trust someone that I know nothing about."
Gandalf smiled knowingly, "Well I can hardly say you're alone."
Thorin raised his eyebrow and glared, "What is that supposed to mean? If you're talking about Balin, Fili or Kili then you're wrong. They already adore her. They pity her."
"And rightly so," Gandalf remarked, "That girl never got a chance to mourn her brothers before she was thrown into this world. But I was talking about her."
When THorin gave him a puzzled look, Gandalf smirked, "She doesn't trust you either Thorin. Even though she was incredibly excited to meet you, it's safe to say she doesn't really like you now."
Thorin's head snapped in his direction but before Gandalf had a chance to even notice, Thorin's keen hearing caught the sound of his nephews calling Sara's name.
"What ya drawing?" Kili asked, slowing his pony to ride beside Sara.
Fili tried to get a look but they couldn't wedge the ponies closer and Sara's curls was concealing the picture. The girl looked up and her eyes danced playfully.
"Just a sec."
A moment later she put her pencil away and held up the book to Kili who took it in his hands. Fili slowed his pony so as to ride beside his brother and both their eyes widened. (Picture above)
"Is that us?" Kili asked, "Is my nose that pointy?"
Fili considered his brother a moment before grinning, "Kinda. I like the colors.... didn't think my hair was that blond."
Sara smirked and ruffled the young dwarf's hair, "Yeah it's like honey."
Fili let out a yelp and set about fixing his hair, earning a snicker from the others.
Little did they know that a pair of bright blue eyes was watching them from the front. Thorin couldn't help but feel a hard pain hit his heart. Since Fili and Kili's father died he had taken it upon himself to be a father figure to them. What else could he do with his own brother dead? However, seeing them smiling and laughing with Sara suddenly pointed out to him that maybe he wasn't giving them a chance to be free... to have fun for they never smiled or laughed like that in his presence.
"So Sara, do you think the hobbit will be joining us?" Bombur called, "Gandalf and Oin are the only ones who think so."
Thorin caught a fleeting faraway look in the girls eyes before she smirked, "Count me in! He'll come."
Thorin frowned. there was something about how Sara talked...about how she responded which told him there was something going on. it was like she knew what was going to happen.... she was confident....too confident.
Almost the moment this began to pass through his mind, there was a loud shout from behind.
There were continuous sounds as the dwarves pulled their ponies to a stop. Thorin turned his pony towards the hobbit who was running in their direction, neither surprised nor unsurprised. In fact, he was baffled and intrigued at the same time. There were things going on that he wasn't aware of and it annoyed him, but surprised him.
"I signed it," Bilbo said triumphantly, holding the contract in the air.
He handed it off to Balin who began inspecting it. Thorin noticed with interest that Sara was watching the hobbit the whole time with a fond smile on her face. He also noticed that she smirked for a moment when Bilbo made eye contact with Balin's pony and stared at it unsurely.
"Everything seems to be in order," Balin remarked, "Welcome Master Baggins to the company of Thorin oakenshield."
There was a small gathering of soft agreement mostly from those who had bet in Bilbo's favor before Balin gave the hobbit a wink.
"Give him a pony," Thorin remarked, turning back towards the front.
"no no no that wont be necessary," Bilbo replied, "I'm sure I can keep up on foot...."
"Bilbo, don't argue," Sara whispered as she passed him.
Right then and there Fili and Kili grabbed him by the shoulders and hauled him onto a pony.
After a while and after Bilbo made a rather pathetic plead for a handkerchief, the company began to travel at a more steady pace with not much talking. it was Oin who spoke up after a long hour of silence.
"Well we're not a very cheery lot. Bofur, give us a tune!"
Bofur began to hum a bit but stopped, "Nothing sounds right. I don't usually sing while traveling..."
"Me neither," Bombur admitted, "What about you lads?"
Fili and KIli all shook their heads. They had to admit, every song they could think of was either too slow and dreary or too bright and fast.
THorin was about to think that they would forget it and return to the silence he was enjoying when Balin spoke up.
"Do you know any songs lass?"
Thorin felt himself groan. Of all things, Balin had to bring the girl to the center of attention. Not that she enjoyed it. Rather, the girl preferred to not be the center of attention but there was something about her that just made everyone want to get to know her and Thorin didn't know why but it aggravated him.
"A few.... what kind of song are you looking for?" the girl asked softly.
"Something about home," Kili spoke up, a faraway look in his eyes, "About wanting to return home."
A soft smile appeared on the girl's face and she pressed her hand against Kili's shoulder in a gesture of comfort which obviously worked for Kili's face perked up.
"I know one..." the girl said.
"Where did you learn it?" Fili inquired, interested.
Sara smiled but it soon faded to one of sadness, "It was my brother's favorite....he always sang it no matter the weather. When our father went on a long trip from home....he would always sing it and it would remind me of my father."
With a few urging nods from the other dwarves, Sara's voice softly rose and soon, the company was swallowed into silence. Thorin had to admit, she was incredibly good for a girl... and the words were spot on... and her voice mixing with the wind and blowing through the countryside.... it almost caused tears to appear to Thorin's eyes.
When she finished, there was a long silence. The silence was so long that THorin looked over his shoulder and what he saw made his throat catch for some reason. Sara was riding silently between Fili and Kili who were smiling, Kili stroking Mason who had planted himself on his saddle and Fili was dreamily looking ahead.... but what neither of them saw were the tears slowly creeping down Sara's face.....
It seemed like centuries that they rode. Sara began to get lightheaded sketching while riding so she took a break and just spoke with Fili and Kili for most of the rest of the ride. The last half they rode in silence and twice she almost dozed off in the saddle. If Fili hadn't poked her awake, she would have fallen off.
Just when she was about to doze off a third time, Thorin took notice of his nephew poking the girl to keep her awake. Thorin didn't know where it came from but he suddenly pulled his pony to a stop and called everyone to make camp. He had been driving them hard the first day, only stopping to water the horses and to let the dwarves use the toilet.
Thorin dismounted and began to unsaddle his pony when he spied Fili and Kili practically launch off their ponies. Both began to fight over who would help Sara unsaddle her pony but by the time they looked, the girl had already done it herself and had let the pony go with the others. THorin smiled to himself, amused at his nephews.
His pony trotted off to join his companions while Thorin set the saddle down with the other saddles. Gloin had already started a fire while the others were rolling out their bed mats. THorin noticed that Bilbo and Sara were nowhere to be seen. Bilbo had already laid out his mat but Sara had just left her pack and mat unrolled, nearer to the edge of the camp. Mason was curled up next to her pack, exhausted from the journey and snoring.
Thorin was just about to lay out his own things when he saw the two return, both carrying firewood and talking. The dwarf prince noted how Bilbo looked completely exhausted, bags under his eyes and stumbling over his feet. Sara had her arm looped through his and keeping him supported. Otherwise, he would fall down. Thorin also noticed how exhausted Sara looked but she braved it and ignored it to help the tired hobbit Carry the firewood.
"Ah thank you lass," Gloin remarked as Sara handed him the firewood before helping Bilbo to his mat. "How is the halfling?"
"Don't ask!" Bilbo declared, falling asleep almost instantly.
Sara chuckled and sat down near the fire, laying her head on her knees.
"Hey Sara," Kili spoke up after a while, "who's that?"
Thorin looked up from where he had been cleaning his pipe to see that Kili was sitting across from Sara who was tiredly looking through her sketchbook. From that distance he couldnt really see the drawing but it looked like a young boy.
"Its....my brother....Axel..."
Instantly the camp went silent and all eyes turned to Sara. Her eyes had begun to pool with tears but she was holding them back.
"He...he loved to draw....he got it from our father."
This was followed by more silence. Fili reached over to touch her shoulder but Sara shied away and closing the book, she shoved it under her mat and laid down, rolling herself up in her cloak and burying her face underneath the hood os that no one could see her face.
"What did I say?" Fili whispered.
He was about to lay down when a hand shot out and gently took his. The young dwarf turned to see that Sara was lying on her back, not covered by the blanket, staring at the sky. Her eyes were pooling with tears but she had a strangely calm look on her face.
"He died... in the same accident as me," she whispered. "He and Omar and Ryder were with me....there was no way they could have survived...."
Kili clapped a hand over his mouth, "Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry Sara! I had no idea!"
Sara shook her head, "It's okay...it's just....I came here...not knowing what was happening...and having no idea if my brothers were alright or not...but now....knowing that they're in a better place puts me at ease but it also...brings back memories."
When the girl didn't continue, all the dwarves leant forward as if trying to entice her to continue. Sara sighed and reached up, brushing her hair over her shoulder. It revealed her scar to everyone and they all jolted in surprise.
"Who did this to you lass?" Oin asked, touching her shoulder gently.
Sara ducked her head and let her hair fall back over her neck, "It's kind of a long story."
"I'm up for a story," Bombur pointed out, leaning against a tree trunk.
Sara looked around at the dwarves and sighed, "Very well...."
She pulled her legs to her chin and began to rock back and forth.
"It was when I was about sixteen years old," Sara began, "I was waiting for my brothers to finish school so that I could take them home. I was standing outside...it was a lovely day and I didn't think anything was going to happen...When... a stranger came up and asked me where he could find the head teacher. I was about to show him...and then he pushed me against the wall and...."
The girl didn't finish. All the dwarves however knew where that was going except Kili who seemed puzzled.
Sara touched her neck, "He gave me this because I refused to let him.... take anything else."
Kili cocked his head to the side and was about to ask what she meant when he felt someone clobber him over the head. He turned to see Thorin standing behind him, giving him a warning look. Kili shut his mouth while rubbing the back of his head.
Balin at once sat down next to Sara and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "I'm sorry lass. I'm sorry you had to experience that at such a young age."
"But why would someone do something like that?" FIli insisted, "It's disgraceful!"
Sara shook her head, "To some people in my world...they didn't think it was..."
"WHAT!?" the dwarves cried.
THorin lowered his eyebrows and frowned, not at Sara but at the thought of a man thinking that raping a girl wasn't a disgrace.
"They...." Sara stammered, "Some people in my world....think it's normal....to....do that...before you're married...."
"What about you?" Ori asked.
Dori at once kicked him as a warning, "What kind of question is that?"
Sara shook her head, "It's alright Dori....my family and I believe in keeping ourselves pure and chaste till after marriage."
Balin smiled warmly at her and patted the girl's red curls, "You're a brave lass to protect yourself like that."
Sara smiled weakly but the dwarves sensed that there was something that was still troubling her but they didn't push it. After soft goodnights, the dwarves all headed to bed. Soon the camp was full of snoring dwarves.
Sara still sat awake, staring at the flames with her knees drawn to her chest. She didn't notice Thorin standing in the shadows. He watched the girl with a thoughtful look on his face. There was something about her eyes that told him that there was something else troubling her... but he didn't know why.
Finally he laid down to rest and rolled over so that his back was to the others. He fell asleep with a firm frown on his face, thinking about who could be so terrible as to try and rape an innocent young girl. He felt a deep anger light inside of his gut but he didn't know where it came from...but he couldn't help but fall asleep remembering Sara's eyes shimmering in the firelight from the unshed tears.
Sara was running down the sidewalk in front of her house, running after Axel who was barely five at the time.
"Axel! Come back! We need to go inside for dinner!"
Axel just let out a joyful chuckle before sprinting up the drive of their close friends: the Deuchers. He pounded on the garage door and soon the five-year-old Deucher boy, Aiden opened it and seeing Axel who was trying to escape his sister, pulled the boy into the garage and closed the door.
"AXEL! AIDEN!" Sara yelled, "That is no fair!"
Just when she was about to ring the doorbell and alert Mr. and Mrs. Deucher to Axel's intrusion, a familiar face poked out the door. It belonged to sixteen-year-old David Deucher.
"Hey Sara! What's up?"
Sara quickly swallowed and tried to not appear nervous in front of the handsome boy, "Oh...hi David...nothing...Axel just disappeared into the garage with Aiden."
"Again?" David asked. "He should just permanently live there!"
Sara crossed her arms, "Then which of you do we get in return? I vote Hannah."
Hannah was the fourteen-year-old Deucher girl who was close friends with Sara and had been since they were babies.
David smirked, "Nah, I vote me. That way I can spend more time with you!"
Sara didn't quite realize what the boy had said, "We live just two houses away from you guys!"
"I know," David replied. "But it always lights up the place to see you."
Sara's face at once went bright crimson which David didn't fail to notice and he grinned, "Hey, Hannah and I were just watching the Hobbit. Want to come in for a bit till Axel and Aiden emerge?"
"Sure," Sara muttered, still bright red from David's earlier words.
She followed him into the living room to find Hannah sitting on the couch, watching the third hobbit.
"Hey Sara!" Hannah greeted, "Come join us! It's the best part!"
Sara plopped down on the couch next to Hannah just as the girl turned the volume up to max. Usually the sound wouldn't have affected Sara...except the sound was one she never wanted to hear ever again...the sound of sword meeting flesh.... Azog's blade striking home in Thorin's chest.
"NO!" Sara screamed.
The girl shot out of her sleep, panting and sweating horribly. Her hair was drenched in sweat, her chest rising and falling in gasps. Her heart was racing. She looked around and found that she was lying on the edge of the camp...the dwarves all asleep. She jumped from her spot silently and treaded silently over to where Fili and Kili lay. She smiled when she saw them sleeping with their backs to each other, both snoring softly.
Turning, she tiptoed over to the black sleeping figure of Thorin. She peered down in the dim morning light and saw his finely etched features relaxed in sleep. His blue eyes closed...his chest still rising and falling while he breathed.
The girl let out a relieved sigh and sank to her knees in relief, "I'm sorry Thorin," she whispered just quiet enough for it not to wake him. "But I will try everything I can to make sure that never happens...ever."
With that, she rose to her feet and walked off to clear her head, walking to the spring to wash herself of her sweat. Little did she know that a pair of blue eyes opened when she left. Thorin furrowed his brow in puzzlement...what was she talking about? And why did her voice shake with concern and worry?
When Sara returned to the camp, everyone was up, and their bags all packed. They were saddling the ponies and dousing the campfire. Sara had turned up her cloak to use as a bag to carry the herbs and other plants she had located while near the river. She knew they would be handy with colds and wounds coming up.
All eyes looked up when Fili and Kili greeted the girl. She froze in her tracks, still holding the armful of herbs as all eyes fell on her. She quickly ducked her head shyly and headed to her bag which still lay on the ground. She found that someone had already rolled up her things and had placed them in her bag. Placing the herbs on the ground, she picked up a small piece of paper that lay on the top of her bag. It was a piece from her sketchbook, having been torn...and neatly on it was written something in Dwarvish.
Sara frowned. She had no idea how to read Dwarvish and the little dwarvish she knew were sentences and phrases she heard in the Hobbit. She folded up the piece of paper and placed it in her pocket. She would have to ask Gandalf about it later. She placed the herbs in her bag before swinging it onto her back.
She headed over to her pony and was just finishing saddling the pony when her eyes fell on Fili and Kili who were already mounted and poking fun at each other. Sara felt a cold hand clutch her heart...would she fail at saving them? Was it her destiny to change the story and save Fili and Kili? Or would they die like in the book and the movies....and leave their mother alone...the company mourning them...everyone who loved them in pain.
Thorin had just grabbed his reins to mount his pony when he spied Sara nearby. She was sitting atop her pony watching his nephews with a forlorn, faraway sorrowful look in her eyes. For a moment he thought she felt left out...but something about her face...the tears glistening in her eyes...unshed...told him that it was more serious than that.
"MOVE OUT!" he yelled.
Sara jolted in shock at his loud voice and at once Thorin felt guilty about startling the girl but he shook it off and mounted, turning so that he didn't have to look at her. However as they began to ride out, Thorin glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Sara wipe off the concern look on her face when his two nephews trotted their horses over to hers.
What was the deal with that girl?
To say the least, Sara wasn’t at all surprised when the rain began to gently pelt the next day. She smirked to herself, knowing full well what was going to come soon.
“Here! Mr. Gandalf! Can’t you do something about this deluge!?” Dori called.
This brought a smirk to Sara’s face and she tried to hide it behind her hair but her curls were drenched now and having lacked a hood, she couldn’t protect her head from the rain so she just hoped no one saw her grinning.
“It is raining Master Dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done,” Gandalf replied. “If you wish to change the weather of the world you must find yourself another wizard.”
Sara smirked and soon found herself distracted from the conversation by Mason. The puppy had refused to walk once the road had gotten soaked and muddy, so she had placed the drippy puppy in front of her on the saddle where he was huddling against her abdomen, trying to shield himself from the rain.
Sara smiled and ran her fingers through his wet black fur, “You little wet mongrel. What am I going to do with you?”
She glanced up and spied Kili who was distressed at how the water had drenched his cloak and ruined his hair. Smirking to herself, she urged her pony towards Kili so that she was riding beside him.
“Rainy huh?” she asked, smiling.
Kili nodded, “Tell me about it.”
“I know a cure for it,” Sara remarked.
Reaching down she picked up Mason and held out the drippy, furry puppy towards Kili’s face. On any other occasion Kili wouldn’t have minded but Mason was soaking wet and smelly. The dwarf let out a yelp and waved his hands in his face to keep the puppy away from him.
Sara let out a laugh and soon most of the dwarves were laughing with her especially when Kili got all flustered from embarrassment. It got even funnier when Mason managed to lick Kili’s face and whack him in the face with his wet and furry tail.
“Wet pet!” Kili cried, pulling his pony away.
Deciding that was enough, Sara placed the puppy back into his lap and smiled, “Well that is something you two have in common.”
“Well you’re twice as wet as any of us,” Fili pointed out. “You’ll catch a cold.”
Sara smiled, “Oh it’s fine. Unless the temperature out here is below mild, no one will catch a cold and just as long as everyone gets into dry clothes.”
“Hey look at this!” Ori called from behind.
All eyes turned to look over their shoulders at the young dwarf who had stopped his pony and had dismounted. Stumbling through the mud, he had approached a small bush and was touching the petals of a huge white flower. The tips were tinted red. Sara frowned. She didn’t know much about Middle Earth plants but there was a vibe that she got from looking at the plant that told her to be careful.
“Ah!” Oin called from the front, “That’s hoisin. It’s a rare plant.”
Sara’s head snapped in Oin’s direction, “Um… Oin… what does that mean in the common tongue?”
Oin looked at her in confusion before looking to the sky, “Now that I think of it… it means coniine. Don’t know what that really is but…”
The words were barely out of Oin’s mouth before Sara’s face went sheet white. Flying off her horse she sprinted through the mud, not caring that the mud was soiling her pants. She rushed to Ori and quickly grabbed his hand before he managed to grab the plant’s leaves.
“DON’T TOUCH IT!” she yelled.
Ori jumped at the seriousness in her voice while all eyes were on her.
“Sara, what’s up?” Fili asked, urging his horse towards them.
“Coniine is a poison,” Sara explained. “It’s found in a plant back in my world…. It is strong enough to kill you!”
The silence that enveloped the company was so thick that all one could hear was the steady pants from Sara and the rain that still fell.
“Ori you nitwit!” Dori called. “What were you thinking?” “I didn’t know!” Ori whined.
Sara shook her head and sighed, getting to her feet, “It’s alright. I’m just glad he didn’t touch the leaves or the stem. I don’t know what part of this plant secretes the poison.”
The dwarves all sighed before Nori and Dori pulled their brother onto his pony. Sara slumped with relief in the mud before a hand was thrust in her direction. Glancing up to the owner of the hand, Sara found herself staring in shock into the pale blue eyes of Thorin.
“You’ll catch cold sitting in the mud,” He remarked with a serious, placid expression.
Sara took his and at once felt her cheeks go pink. His hand was huge compared to hers and even though the whole of him was drenched, it was warm.
With a swift motion, Thorin pulled her up out of the mud and onto the back of his pony. Sara let out a slight squeal at the motion before gripping his shoulders. She feared that gripping his waist would be too forward and honestly, she was already flustered. Thorin urged his pony over towards Sara’s pony before making sure that his pony was right alongside hers. Sara gripped his shoulders and climbed off his saddle and jumped into hers. When she was settled on the saddle again, she pulled Mason close to her chest to protect him from the rain.
“Thank you,” a soft voice whispered.
Sara’s head snapped up to realize that Thorin hadn’t ridden off and he was still sitting on his pony right next to her, “Thank you for stepping in. If you hadn’t, Ori might have died.” Sara smiled, “Don’t worry about it!”
Thorin stared at the girl as she grinned at him sweetly, her eyes closed. Even drenched to the skin, she was… honestly…. Thorin didn’t know what but for some reason he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
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iambabydollrp · 7 years ago
About the mun!
//Hello peoples! A while back I was getting tagged in quite a lot of those ‘get to know the mun’ memes (which I loved^^) But sometimes I felt like the questions didnt really reveal a lot about me. So I’m putting together a little list of facts about me (if you’re interested) which I think really tell you something about me. So here we go.
1. I live in the UK, there are a lot of things I appreciate about the place I live, I understand how incredibly lucky I am in many ways. But I am not at all patriotic. I dislike nationalism. I’ve probably felt truly patriotic once in my life; nearly four years ago my dad got cancer, and on the day he was discharged from intensive care I wanted to hug every nurse and doctor I could get my hands on - they had saved my father with months of complex, expensive treatment and not so much as a penny ever changed hands at the point of care.
2. I am a cisgender, bisexual, biromantic female. I am a supporter of LBGTQ rights all over the world, and I firmly believe that if you cant cope with other people’s sexuality to the point you have to put them down or try and deny them basic rights then you are an asshat.
3. I believe that women should have access to birth control and abortion when needed, without being scrutinised. If you cant deal with this, please see above.
4. I am an atheist, insofar as I do not believe in any monotheistic God. I have mixed feelings about religion as a whole. There are times I find it hard to believe it is a force for good when I look at what’s happening in the world. That being said, I would fight for anyone’s right to worship whatever God they choose, like any other basic human right. Overall I think personal spirituality is probably more healthy and helpful than the ideals of organised religion.
5. I’m Caucasian, and I’m well aware how simply being white makes many aspects of my life easier than that of those who arent. I abhor racism, I dont understand it. I challenge it whenever I come across it. 
6. I have a mental illness, and a personality disorder, and I take medication for the aforementioned. I’ve suffered with OCD, panic attacks and a mild form of psychosis for most of my life, and throughout my life I’ve dealt with it anywhere from fantastically to catastrophically. I’m currently more toward the ‘good’ end of the scale though. Luckily I’ve only ever spent one night in a psychiatric hospital. I believe that even now mental illness isnt recognised enough, and not enough money or resources go into treating it.
7. I dont believe in the death penalty. As a humanist, this goes without saying. Killing a human being who has killed somebody else and calling it justice is an insane logic - to my mind anyway. ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’. 
8. I dont get why people want guns. I’m so glad I live somewhere with strict gun laws and largely unarmed police. When I look at the statistics for the US I just feel so sad that so many people die pointlessly - many at the hands of law enforcement officials. I get the whole right to bear arms thing but...in a choice between the two I’d pick ‘right to not be summarily shot’ by police or someone a bit unhinged every time.
9. I’m essentially a pacifist and I hate violence. That might raise a few eyebrows if you’ve read some of my threads, but in the end I dont think you can solve anything with war, even with the best intentions. We have a charity here in the UK called Help For Heroes which makes me really angry - its almost like if we call everybody who dies or gets horribly injured in our wars ‘heroes’ then we make what happened to them ok. Its not ok. Once a month I go to our local cemetery and place a stone on each of the two, white military headstones - both teenage boys, just so their mothers knew somebody was there. These people are undeniably brave, but they were also victims.
10. Immigration is not the problem. In the current climate in the UK, immigrants are being increasingly scapegoated. Many of these people are refugees. They are human beings and deserve a full, safe life the same as everybody else.
11. I believe in the legalisation of most drugs (some I would think twice about). This would make them a lot safer, and would be better for the economy. I feel a similar way about prostitution - if it was legalised and regulated it would be safer for the women who do it.
12. I Dont believe in ghosts BUT, I do believe that people really do experience strange phenomena, and see things. I think this is more due to psychological or cultural facts and the given stimulus of a place/room which causes similar perceptions in different people.
Anyway, I hope that makes me a bit more real ^^ if there’s anything else you wanna know just ask!
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