#(theyre so silly to me)
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I think this is a good example of Gamma's sogginess. ft. Razz
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kairamuwu · 11 months
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A familiar face
Aka,, stareater au Scott just likes to visit and torment jimmy
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bakawitch · 1 month
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Throwaway lilanette content for the Miss Mouser au
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tma-thoughts · 3 months
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phopollo · 3 months
I've been literally physically unable to work on anyrhing I needed to today, so I've kind of just been doodling the blorbos on my phone again
I'm about halfway into a comic and I can finally work on one of the things, so I probably won't be finishing the comic for awhile
But I'd like to leave you guys with The Older Sister Ever and The Silly Guy Ever before I do
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ciph3rrr · 7 months
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rue also loudly gets basic facts wrong about spellcasting to get gale to explain it to her (she likes listening to him talk)
brainworms are so bad im resorting to making bad comics of them
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pencildragons · 8 months
SQUIRE make a post that says 'schrödingers oakworthy'. no squire i have nothing else to add the masses will understand. yes squire that is all send post.
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arachnitech · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT one night Miles returned to the dorms injured from his night patrol so Ganke helped him to clean his wounds as he scolded him and when he was done he let his impulses win and he kissed Miles and thought he would reject him but Miles kissed him back and then they look at each other for a while until Ganke ask "Can I kiss you again ?" AGHHHHHHHHHH
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sankttealeaf · 2 months
thinking about modern au ruetash again... bear with me as i dump some silly headcanons about them while i try not to think too hard about canon timeline ruetash and how tragic they are
gortash has definitely dumped her belongings in the woods for her to collect after theyve had a massive fight because throwing them out of his apartment would "draw too much attention from the press" and he "cares about his image"
rue knows a little too much personal information about him after night long stalking sprees ("i know you had an unpaid internship under some guy named raphael that broke so many health code policies, its public info!" *its not at all)
there's a fanpage made for gortash that rue runs secretly. she sends him posts like "haha wow someones got an admirerer ;)" and he works out pretty quickly she's the one behind it
she posts pictures of them hanging out on her story and every time orin replies with the vomiting emoji and gives her a thumbs down
it gets leaked that they're "together" by rue doing a livestream and gortash, unaware of this, passes by and kisses her on the head. within minutes someones written an article and karlach is having the worst time of her life trying to scrub it from the internet
i will get back to writing this au one day... just finding the balance between silly and serious...
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jazzyjuno · 1 month
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im finally free from school obligations im so ready to draw more art🔥🔥
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pocket-goat · 10 months
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messy doodle of Drawn To The Light (design subject to change im very unsure about his outfit) and Trouble Abounds!
maybe robot yaoi CAN boom in the post apocalypse,,,,,
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estervanzie · 5 months
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lulamoon!! or lula for short
they love doing absolutely nothing with their time in the physical world
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spindlyspidercat · 8 months
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Nibbly art 😱😱
also posted to my Instagram @ artistic.__chaos
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twoathiestsinlust · 11 months
i love the amberpricefield dynamic because its just this cute dorky hipster and her two girlfriends who want to Eat Her Alive
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🎵 Be with you by your side You're the only one I want to protect Heal your heart by my love I'll be like the gentle breeze Be with you by your side🎵
"Naturally" by Wakana Sonozaki
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