#cant wait to post about em more
pocket-goat · 10 months
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messy doodle of Drawn To The Light (design subject to change im very unsure about his outfit) and Trouble Abounds!
maybe robot yaoi CAN boom in the post apocalypse,,,,,
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goldenhypen · 1 year
k so ngl i was looking at my doc to work on reqs and then suddenly i realized 20 mins had past and i was somehow on tiktok sjsjsj which means !! i’m stuck and my brain is too lazy to try and find a solution/generate ideas. so !! what does this mean you ask?? basically,,,, i’m thinking of opening reqs again 😃😃
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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ssprayberrythings · 6 months
no more shots | MV1, LN4
female!reader x max verstappen or lando norris, up to the reader 
pov: you’re good friends with the drivers on the grid and after a wild night of celebrating your birthday, you get to relive what happened through watching your stories on instagram. lets just say it was a birthday you’ll never forget. 
warnings: alcohol consumption, talk of being intoxicated, reader is completely conscious, mention of kissing/making out, small amount of swearing, i think thats it
yourusername posted on their story   
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caption: birthday festivities in full bloom @yourbestfriend, @yoursister, @friend2 
╰ lilymhe: girl i cant wait to celebrate tonight 
╰ landonorris: hope youre ready for my fire dj skills 
╰ yourbestfriend: girl the boys are gonna drool tonight ;) 
╰ carmenmmundt: i hope you liked the flowers from george and i !! 
landonorris posted on their story  
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caption: i went easy on her today cause its her birthday @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: & i still lost..it was worth a try 
yourusername posted on their story
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caption: only here for free drinks 🏌🏼‍♀️ 
╰ lilymhe: i hope you still won 
╰ yourusername: you know i didn’t but thank you for being optimistic 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: i have the best sister in the whole world 🥹
╰ danielricciardo: max and i helped too..
╰ yourusername: thank you danny, i appreciate you 
yourusername_private posted on their instagram 
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landonorris, yourbestfriend, yoursister, georgerussell63 & others liked 
my mood for today because im realizing how loved i am and its overwhelming 
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yourbestfriend: bestie WE only want the best for you 
yoursister: sis pull it together, you cant be crying once your makeups done 
yourbestfriend posted on their story  
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caption: let the drinking begin @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: ❤️
yourusername posted on their instagram  
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maxverstappen1, yoursister, lilymhe, yourbestfriend & others liked 
its my birthday if you didn’t know 🍸
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maxverstappen1: happy birthday, tonights gonna be something 🤪
╰ yourusername: you already know it 
lilymhe: no one else i want to celebrate more 
╰ yourusername: i love you 
landonorris: pretty sure the whole world knows 
╰ yourusername: and is that a bad thing ? 
╰ landonorris: not at all 😉
carmenmmundt posted on their story  
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caption: celebrating the sweetest soul 💗 @yourusername @yourbestfriend @yoursister @lilymhe 
╰ yourusername: says you..but thank you lovely 🥰 
danielricciardo posted on their story  
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caption: @yourusername first of many shots 😏
╰ yourusername: bring ‘em on 😏
yourusername_private posted a series of stories on instagram
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caption: yes we did this  
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caption: my lovers @yourbestfriend @friend2  
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caption: the papaya boys showed up @landonorris @oscarpiastri 
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caption: the shots continue..
You posted the last story on your private instagram and then locked your phone. Sliding it into your back pocket, you looked around at your apartment where all your friends were scattered about. 
You didn’t always love your birthday but ever since becoming friends with the f1 drivers and some of their girlfriends, you’ve adapted a new attitude towards the day as they make being alive more enjoyable and continue to show you how deeply they all care for you. 
You turned to your left when you felt someone come stand beside you with their hand resting on the wall next to you, it was Lando “Hey birthday girl, what are you doing over here on the side” he asked looking at you
“Just taking it all in” you smiled at him answering his question. You were close with Lando, you had been right from the minute the two of you met. You both had similar personalities and when the two of you were together it really showed. 
“Well let me know when you’re done doing that and we’ll go do another round of shots” he smirked knowing you were a shot type of girl and would almost always shoot back whatever liquid was in a shot glass given to you 
“You know me so well” you told him in response before taking his hand and leading him to the table where the alcohol was. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: let the night commence 
yoursister posted on their story  
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caption: tequila sodas in martini glasses >>> 😍
yourusername posted on their story
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caption: hey look its @maxverstappen1 
╰ maxverstappen1: where are you ? we ordered another round of shots 
╰ yourusername: near the washrooms 
Max read your reply to his question and then set out to find you. You had a bad habit of walking off when you had been drinking and most of the time it was with someone else but sometimes it was by yourself which was why Max was going to look for you now, not wanting anything to happen. 
He found you sure enough by the red bull sign near the women’s washroom “Maxieee” you called out once you spotted him “you found me” you smiled at the man 
“I sure did, thanks for not moving” he chuckled “Did you already use the washroom or are you waiting?” he asked, figuring that was the reason you were over here “I already went” you told him 
“Alright, let's get back to the others then, I believe there’s a round of shots waiting for you” he told you, you smiled wider, you loved your shots. 
As you started walking towards him, you slightly stumbled a bit as the floor was a bit uneven but luckily Max was there to make sure you didn’t fall and helped steady yourself. You didn’t even process that his hands were on you holding you in place to regain your balance. 
You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol in your system or the feeling of his hands on you but you could feel yourself getting hot. “You good?” Max asked when you didn’t say anything at first 
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would’ve been embarrassing if I had fallen” you joked, brushing off the feeling you experienced a few moments prior. Max still had his hands on you but once he realized, he retracted them and dropped them to his sides 
“Don’t worry, there wont be any falling on my watch” he joked back, you just let out a small laugh and then the two of you made your way back to the others. 
lilymhe posted on their story  
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caption: my favourite dance partner @yourusername 
╰ alex_albon: rude 
╰ lilymhe: too bad - y/n 
yourusername_private posted on their instagram   
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pierregasly, landonorris, yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc & others liked 
drunk night ft f1 drivers 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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landonorris: i look good 
charles_leclerc: i don’t even remember this happening 
pierregasly: i wasn’t even that drunk…
yourbestfriend: my favourite out of these is the dude cropped out of the pic of lando and max 
- yoursister posted on their story 
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caption: no f**ks given @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: oh my goodness 
yourusername_private posted on their story  
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caption: @yoursister does this make you a wag now ;0 
╰ yoursister: ur the worst 
╰ yoursister: but yes it does 
You laughed as you snapped the photo of your sister and Daniel and posted it on your story. You had suspicions that they were seeing each other but neither had confirmed anything until tonight when you caught them making out. 
“Hey lovebirds, we’re doing karaoke if you want to join” you said calling them taking them away from each other's lips “Go away” your sister said turning to you, glaring. You laughed and then walked back to the rest of your friends. 
Tonight felt like it was never ending, you had done so many shots and had a couple cocktails. You were feeling great even if yes you were drunk and would probably wake up with a massive hangover, you were making memories with the people you cared most about. 
yourusername_private posted on their story  
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caption: they keep coming 
lilymhe posted on their story  
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caption: she may be my dance partner but she’s alex’s karaoke partner @yourusername @alex_albon
╰ yourusername: we were singing to you 
╰ alex_albon: still butt hurt about the dance partner thing 
yourusername_private posted a series of stories on instagram 
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caption: @pierregasly embracing the wild night 
╰ pierregasly: if i wasn’t drunk before this, i definitely was after 
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caption: maxie 
╰ charles_leclerc: wow you actually got him to smile 
╰ yourusername_private: he always smiles around me, maybe its you 
╰ charles_leclerc: you can be mean 
╰ yourusername_private: 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
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caption: charlie
╰ charles_leclerc: convinced you hate me 
╰ yourusername_private: i swear i don’t 
yourbestfriend posted on their story 
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caption: he stole my best friend 😡 @landonorris @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: oh geez 
╰ landonorris: 🤪
It was now close to 3am and you definitely needed to call it a night. Everyone was beyond drunk, the most sober was probably Oscar and George which made you feel at ease knowing if someone needed to be sober one of them could step up. 
You were on the dance floor with Lando, the alcohol controlling your every move because sober you would’ve never danced that close to Lando or let him put his hands on your waist near your butt while your arms pulled him closer by placing them on his shoulders. 
Sure Lando was an attractive man and you could understand the appeal but he was one of your best friends, you could never cross that line, could you? You had all these thoughts running through your brain but for some reason you kept dancing like this, until your best friend called your names and when you turned to her she had her phone out taking a quick picture of you two, similar to what you had done earlier with your sister and Daniel. 
“We should probably get out of here” Lando suggested “Everyone’s pretty drunk, yourself included” he added as his hands remained on your waist. He was also just as drunk as you were and if he was being honest, he didn’t mind the closeness between the two of you. 
“Yeah youre probably right” you agreed with him. Neither of you made any movement though just stared into each others eyes, caught up in the moment of how close your bodies were, it was as if neither of you knew whether to make a move or step away from one another. 
“You’re really pretty” he told you. You weren’t sure how to respond, he was your best friend, this was the alcohol talking or was there something here that you had missed before now. 
To Lando, he wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol talking but all he could think about in this moment was kissing you. With how close you were, it would be so easy to just lean in and join your lips but he wasn’t sure if that was something you wanted. 
Neither of you were so caught up in your own thoughts about the other, you almost missed the phone vibrating in your pocket, it was Lily. 
You quickly picked up, “Hey, everyone’s outside, I think some of us are going to find food and some are ordering ubers to go home. If you and Lando want to join or stay here, its up to you two” she told you “We’ll be right out” you told her before quickly hanging up 
“Everyone’s either going home or getting food, we should go meet them” you passed the message onto Lando before taking a step back causing him to retract his hands. Neither of you said anything after that and he just simply nodded. From there you both made your way towards the exit to your friends. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: ending the night with my faves ♥️ @lilymhe @alex_albon 
( not pictured; max, charles & pierre ) 
╰ alex_albon: you couldn’t have waited till i was actually smiling 
╰ yourusername: nope 
more replies 
╰lilymhe: those fries hit the spot for sure 
After the six of you had finished eating, it was time for you to go your separate ways. You were ordering an uber and out of everyone you were still the most drunk, even with the food in your system so someone had to take an uber with you to be sure you got home safely 
“I live in that area, I’ll go with her” Max offered as everyone stood on the corner of the street outside the restaurant they were just in. You were sitting on the curb, just looking at your phone tracking the process of your uber. 
“Okay” Alex said “Text one of us when you’re both home safely” Lily added then the two of them started making their way towards their hotel. They had sobered up and wanted to walk home seeing as the hotel wasn’t far. That just left you, Max, Charles and Pierre. 
“Its 4 minutes away” you told Max looking up to him before looking back to your phone. “Do you want us to wait?” Charles asked as him and Pierre were going in the same direction and their uber had just arrived “No its fine, just text when youre home” Max said before the two drivers got in the uber leaving just you and Max. 
“Are you cold?” Max asked when he noticed you were slightly shivering “No I’m fine, the uber will be here soon” you told him as you stood up. Max just chuckled and noticed the way you indistinctly wrapped your arms around yourself. He shook his jacket off and laid it on your shoulders. 
“Thanks” you gave him a small smile, as you put the jacket on properly and instantly felt warmer. Within a few seconds your uber was here and Max was opening the door for you. “Oh why thank you” you joked to him earning a small nod from Max acting as a doorman and then closing the door before walking around the car to get in on the other side. 
It wasn’t a long drive from where you had been to your place but in your drunken state, it felt longer. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes starting to droop or the way your head rested on Max’s shoulder, being engulfed by the warmth of his jacket. 
By the time the uber pulled up to your place, you seemed to be sleeping. Max didn’t want to disturb you so he carefully got you out of the vehicle, holding you in his arms. He did a double take of the backseat making sure nothing was left behind before thanking the driver and making his way up to your front door. You slightly stirred slightly awake.
“Are you able to get your keys out?’ Max asked still carrying you but he could see you were sort of conscious “Yeah” you mumbled as you reached into your purse and pulled out your keys, turning slightly in Max’s arms to open your door. 
Once you were inside, you rested your head back on his shoulder and nuzzled into his warmth. He gently shut the door with his foot before making his way to your bedroom to put you down. 
He walked in, laying you peacefully on your bed “Will you stay?’ you asked ever so softly, Max almost didn’t hear your request. He couldn’t bare to say no so he gave you soft “sure” before going back into your living area and locking the front door. 
From there he made his way to your kitchen, noticing the mess from the earlier party, he made a mental note to clean up a bit for you. Right now he was focused on getting you some water and making sure you were okay. He filled up a glass he found along with some pills to help with the headache he was sure you’d have in the morning. 
When he walked back into your room, you had wrapped his jacket further around yourself and it was obvious you were knocked out. He admired how peaceful you looked before placing the water and pills on your side table and then carefully removed his jacket from you, replacing it with the fuzzy blanket that stayed at the foot of your bed. He also made sure to remove your shoes and plug your phone in before making his way back to the kitchen to clean up so that was one less thing you had to worry about tomorrow. 
When you awoke in the morning, you felt your head pounding and your throat was dry. Lucky for you, Max had put just exactly what you needed on your side table, however you didn’t remember asking Max to stay so when you walked out to your living room, you were shocked to see the Red Bull driver, sleeping on the couch, one of your couch pillows under his head and a blanket draped over him.
You smiled to yourself at the sight of him sleeping so peacefully and quietly made your way to your kitchen, wanting to refill your water. You felt your heart stop when you noticed there was a garbage bag full of the dirty plates, cans, decorations, shot glasses, along with all the dirtied dishes, washed and drying in your drying rack. 
There was only one person who could’ve done all of this and you could almost cry at the thought that Max took the time to do that even if he had been drunk himself and probably wanted to sleep. You refilled your water and walked back into your room, making a mental note to thank Max once he was awake.
You got back into bed and reached for your phone. You immediately went onto your socials and went through both your public and private instagrams seeing everything you had posted and the replies from everyone. You laughed, this was definitely a birthday you would never forget. 
yourusername posted on their instagram     
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yourbestfriend, yoursister, landonorris, maxverstappen1, pierregasly, lilymhe & others liked 
birthday film dump 🎞️
thanks to everyone that made it one to remember. you know who you are <3 
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yoursister: always a pleasure getting to celebrate my little sister 
╰ liked by yourusername 
landonorris: im never touching alcohol again..
╰ oscarpiastri: you know thats not true 
╰ landonorris: shhhh 🤫
maxverstappen1: do you remember everything that happened? 
╰ yourusername: bits and pieces..i remember the stuff that matters 
╰ maxverstappen1: 🙄
yourbestfriend: we have so much to discuss bestie 🤭
╰ liked by yourusername 
i hope you enjoyed this!! it was so fun to write and i hope it gets a good reaction!! i didn't know if reader should end up with lando or max so i left it up for interpretation but feel free to comment who you want her to end up with and maybe i can write an add-on with the driver who gets the most votes, just lmk ♥️
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lettersofgold · 2 days
-> all my love | jude bellingham
part three of legacy
genre: social media au / fic
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spotted 🔎: okay guys, stay calm! not only did real madrid win the champions league - we got a hard launch of the starboy and peoples princess. she was spotted alongside jude’s parents & brother. sources say that they shared a quiet moment alone after the match 🥺 we need those pics y/n!!
“jude fucking bellingham!” you yelled to the amused laughter of his family. your camera was in your hand and you’d been snapping photos of him all match long. tears were forming in your eyes out of pure joy - the team did it, your starboy, did it too. despite jude’s sweaty face, he still pressed a kiss to your forehead and you beamed up at him, rambling about how well he played. you told him that your uncle wanted to facetime soon to congratulate him. he nodded and promised he’d be back around later, wanting you to know he was going to celebrate but he would be back soon.
you stood with jobe and laughed sillily at your tears.
“why ya crying? you didn’t play.” he poked at your side and you shoved him softly. jobe wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a side hug.
“cannot believe he did it.” you said honestly, just as denise walked up.
“he’s worked so hard, ‘m so proud of him.” she said, “he’s so happy you’re here you know.”
“really?” you said in slight surprise.
“yeah,” jobe chimed in, “every word is ‘my girlfriend, my missus, my love this, my love that. it’s sick honestly.” he said with a scrunched up face.
“jobe!” denise chastised, “don’t be like that.”
“you’ll see, you’re going to end up just like him.” you said with a smirk. it was only a matter of time.
jude finally made it back around and then began the second more informal photography session. you got the most adorable ones of his family and of jude putting his medal on his mom. denise was able to get a photo with jose mourinho and jose wanted to talk to you about your uncle - which was a common theme whenever you were spoken to by older men. your uncle really did change the game. now, your boyfriend was too.
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yn.official: just a starboy who has the whole universe in his hands, lfg champ!! 🖤
judebellingham: my girl
jobebellingham: yuck
trentaa: winning on and off the pitch 🐺
yn.uncle: congrats young man, well deserved
comments on this post have been limited
“i’ve never seen water so clear,” you commented with your arms wrapped and legs around jude in the ocean water. he floated around, simply taking in the moment. when you looked back to him, he was staring at you.
“what?” you asked with a laugh.
“nothing just thinking.”
“you, us, life.”
“very deep of you mister bellingham.” you teased.
“ ‘m just happy you know. getting to share all of this with you…cause i love you.” he admitted quietly. his eyes were vulnerable and uncertain. as if you didn’t love him too, but this was the first time either of you said it.
“i love you too.” you admitted back and kissed him gently. with the sun on your shoulders and the water cool, you couldn’t imagine a better time than this to be alive. all you wanted was right now because you knew nothing was for sure but right now - your life was about to get hectic and if one thing was for sure, you wanted jude by your side.
“can we go eat or wha’?” jobe exclaimed from the beach with a flop of his arms against his legs. “it’s been hours.” you tilted your head back in laughter.
“my god, he’s annoyin’. he needs a girlfriend.” jude said as you unwrapped yourself from him, standing up as well as you could in the deep water.
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yn.official: miami we love you
judebellingham: and i love you
jobebellingham: thank god you got the picture you needed so bad
bestfriend: miss you so much, cant wait to see you in sunderland
yn.official: it’s going to be the best show ever !!! so proud of you baby
“it’s not going to work, i’m telling you.” jude said with his arms crossed and pursed lips. “he’s too stubborn, i mean look at em.” he gestured to his little, but much taller, brother who was sitting on the couch with an unimpressed look plastered on his face.
“it’ll be fun.” you argued. jobe’s eyes looked towards the two of your whispering ferociously and immediate narrowed.
“what are you on about?” he said with an annoyed expression. jobe was the most unimpressed person you knew. if he didn’t get along with your friend you weren’t sure if there was any hope for his romantic life at all - she was the sweetest person you knew, and job was well, jobe. you didn’t know how but you just knew it would all work out.
“nothing.” jude said quickly.
“we’re going to a concert.” you said as a matter of fact.
“wha - who’s concert?” he asked, “why didn’t you say anything before what if i wanted to go?”
“seeeeee,” you said nodding your head at jude who was a bit shocked. “don’t worry, you’re with me it’ll be fine.”
“where’s the concert?”
that’s how three of you arrived at sunderland’s home field secluded in the vip section. although you weren’t invisible, people were nice enough to respect your privacy as you supported your friend. she was an opener for a world tour and you couldn’t have been more proud. for an opener, she had everyone on their feet and ready to see the main artist. it was so easy to enjoy her performance because she was born to do this. as she walked through the middle of the stage’s runway, she squatted down to wave to you while continuing to sing. you sang back to her and for a moment, you could see the wheels turning in jobe’s head. when she waved and winked, he blushed and couldn’t help but break her stare. you and jude danced along to the covers of songs she performed while jobe stood with his hands in his pockets, nodding his head to the beat.
“sunderland,” she said after accepting a jersey and wearing it over her performance outfit. “i love you so much. you guys deserve the world!”
“my baby!” you said as you hugged your friend and swayed her side to side. “the show was so good, i can’t believe how long it’s been. i can’t believe this is the first time i’ve seen it.”
“is this the infamous boyfriend?” she smiled at jude and shook his hand, “are you two twins?” she said looking between jude and jobe. jude stuttered out a “no” while jobe actually laughed and wrapped his arms around his older brothers shoulder.
“i’m jobe.” he said with more smoothness than you were expecting. she took his hand and shook it, meeting his gaze with a smirk of a smile.
“nice to me you jobe…is that you on painted on the mural or are you really lying about having twin?” she joked, still never releasing his hand while she used her other hand to motion her thumb behind her.
“that’s him,” jude said proudly and jumped in to be a wing man - he was certain jobe would drop the ball so he tried to make sure he didn’t. “sunderland’s finest.”
“oh, i can definitely tell.” she said with another lingering gaze and you were proud of matchmaking skills already.
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yn.music: sunderland ilysm best stop of the tour so far
jobebellingham: 🙌🏽
yn.music replied: 🤗
judebellingham: call me if you need a back up dancer
yn.official: love you forever ♾️
“jobe bellingham.” you said swatting the boy’s arm. “are you hitting on my friend?” you asked as if you hadn’t been hoping to set them up.
“all i did was comment on her post…” jobe said in a non chalant tone. there was a tug of a smile on his lips and you knew that your plan worked.
“you know,” you said walking away from him, “she’s coming back to sunderland for a bit. she’s got family here.”
“really?” jobe’s head snapped towards you.
“really.” jude confirmed as he wrapped his arms around you. he was pleasantly surprised by your ability to set up his brother. jobe was so clearly interested in your friend much to jude’s surprise.
“you could invite her to a match, ya’ know.” jude instigated.
“that’s weird.” his little brother huffed. he was not looking to go out of his way for a girlfriend - until he saw her.
“jude invited me to a match. look at us.” you said with a laugh.
“last thing i want is to be like you lot.” jobe snarked and as much as he wanted to dislike the idea, everyone knew he couldn’t.
spotted🔎: oh you know, no biggie. just y/n and the bellingham brothers going to support y/n’s bestie on tour. the trio were spotted dancing and singing together before linking up with y/n’s bestie after the show - what’s brewing 👀 is there a new couple on the block
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sunnixsunshine · 7 months
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Saw someone on twitter draw their interpretation of the Brozone brothers’ parents so I tried my hand at it; meet Ivy Lovegrass and Billie Byrd Limelight :) Billie Byrd is a rock troll(first name(s) from the folk rock band The Byrds and Micheal Jackson song Billie Jean). Ivy is a pop troll. I’ll talk about em more in another post, just know they love their boys so so so SO much! And also have that ref sheet I made lol yeah it really did get out of hand…. I cant wait to make a SECOND ref sheet thatll showcase their heights and other headcanons 👀👀👀👀
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shoezuki · 3 months
Dya have any more headcanons for sampard?
Maybe ideas on how they fell for one another. Would you see it as an X fell first but Y fell harder or a flirting for fun but realising you've caught feelings?
Or have ya got an entirely different view on it! :D Oooooo. Do you perhaps have a timeline for how they traverse the "enemies" to friends to lovers stages.
Can you tell I love all your ideas and headcanons T-T
thankyou anon i am ghglg. im in love w u now. yes i have Many Ideas bout these two bastards like i have so many thoughts you cannot believe. like i have a post drafted where i write hcs when im bored and headin to class lkshglhg. heres some hcs
sampo falls in love first. very, very early in when he is new to the planet and is just drawing the attention of the silvermanes. It's not exactly some 'love at first sight' thing its more like the first time gep almost catches him sampo thinks 'oh he's cute' and a few times after that he's like 'wait im enjoying this. a lot.' and its downhill from there
whether sampo Realizes it is another thing tho. i can see him just enjoying the attention and thrill of evading the silvermanes and not realizing his disappointment when gepard isnt there is cuz hes infatuated w gepard.
but he Would realize it. at some point itd hit him like. why he enjoys the chase so much n lets himself Almost get caught. why hes memorized gep's schedule and where he patrols the most. and it hits him n hes like 'oh fuck. what the fuck. holy shit.... well anyways.'
(probably freaks out to seele over drinks but he's too incomprehensible through his tears n she has no clue what hes whining about)
Sampo flirts and teases gepard unabashedly, kisses grenades before throwing them into gep's arms, saying 'woah youre so strong geppie' while gep punches the wall behind him narrowly missing his face, leaves notes with lipstick marks on em at crime scenes, all that stuff.
but for sampo. it isnt supposed to actually Go anywhere. he knows he likes gepard more than he should and its kinda just to scratch that itch in his heart yknow.
sampo very much thinks that. gepard is the captain of the silvermanes, a wellknown and noble person in belobog, and sampo's a slimy secretive conman that just enjoys pushing the captains buttons. theres no hope for anything more so he might as well enjoy flustering the captain right?
gepard on the other hand. doesnt allow himself to really think of sampo as anything else but a criminal. it takes a long Long time for him to realize he even feels anythin for him
gepard does look forward to trying to bust sampo, though, in a sort of frustrated way. sometimes the front lines or patrols are so monotonous and sampo's tendency to appear whenever gep's bored out of his mind is impressive
he is insistant on arresting sampo and 'bringing him to justice' to an obsessive degree, though. he's not even typically assigned to investigating criminal cases but he has basically inserted himself into bein the lead investigator of any sampo related case now
(intelligence officers and detectives and other silvermane's are so used to it now. they could be investigating a house fire or a break in, find a note with lipstick marks on it and curly writing, and they all just sigh and call gepard.)
sometimes other worry that his insistence on arresting sampo and how dedicated to it is concerning. they ask why he hates sampo so much n he just says 'hes the most prolific criminal in belobog and needs to be apprehended'
(he cant say he hates him, though. for some reason. he cant figure out why he thinks about sampo so much. he just figures its to arrest him)
gep finds himself starting to relax when sampo sends him on wild goose chases n they both leave other guards in the dust. its probably not intentional, how sampo always seems to draw him away to somewhere quiet and secluded when his head is killing him or he's stressed or exhausted.
(its intentional)
sampo falls first, but gepard is absolutely the one who initiates.
i imagine it'd take... something for gepard to reconsider sampo and let himself think about sampo outside of his criminal record
during a chase out in the snow plains, just sampo laughing and taunting him as gep tries to hunt him down, they get bombarded by fragmentum monsters
sampo holds his own; he fights with a sort of viciousness gep has never seen from him. his bombs arent just smoke, but powerful explosives that shatter fragmentum. he's insanely fast and doesnt even break a sweat. but as soon as theyre all dead he pretends he's exhausted and that gep needs to carry him back to the city before giggling and vanishing.
gepard realizes that this whole time sampo has been holding back. he realizes that sampo could easily cut through the silvermanes, use his lethal bombs or easily outpace gepard and outrun him.
he starts thinking about other things sampo does; how natasha mentions he delivers medicine to him, how lynx sometimes talks about finding supplies and food in hidden ruins and obvious places around her camp, or the notes sampo leaves and how they sometimes give hidden hints about other criminal operations the silvermanes have been tryin to investigate.
he doesnt know what to make of it, what sampo wants or why he's doing this. the next time sampo sends him running through abandoned streets in belobog he slows down, realizes that sampo also slows to his pace so gepard keeps chasing him.
gepard asks point blank at some point, what in the hell sampo wants from him, why he's doing this. sampo doesnt know how to answer. just shrugs and says hes just trying to have some fun.
from then on gepard and sampo's 'chases' tend to... dissolve. sometimes gepard just sits down and takes a moment to forget about being the captain, to relax. Sampo acts like a skittish, stray cat who's ready to bolt until he eventually relaxes as sits by gepard too.
gepard collects all sampo's notes, all the fragments of his bombs with the hearts painted on metal shells, and keeps them as 'evidence' in his desk.
sampo pushes his luck constantly; as soon as gepard relaxes or gives him any room to get closer, he takes and takes as much as he can get.
gepard catches sampo, entirely on accident, when he's off duty. climbing out of a window or something. and sampo freezes but gepard just says 'hey i'm not working now, i can't arrest you.'
(they both know it's a lie. being out of uniform never stopped gepard before.)
sampo starts just appearing more and more around gepard when he's off duty, showing up walking alongside him like he's been there the whole time, or just 'passing by' when gep is in the florist's shop.
gepard leaves his window open. sampo takes the invitation and crawls in and strange hours when gepard cant sleep. he just sits on the couch or a chair or stands there like he is a foreign intruder. gepard just nods and makes him some tea.
when it would hit gepard, that he's in love with sampo and has been for a while, he'd just blurt it out. 'huh. i think ive fallen in love with you'. and sampo would erupt into flames and kiss him so hard his lips bruise
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saelestia · 6 months
brief mention, i dont interact with a good chunk of people on here, but I felt it was right to include you all nonetheless. have a great new years, as I hope 2024 is filled with a good change in your lives and a year of better things than the year before, I tried to include everyone who has work up, but on the off chance I did miss you, I love you nonetheless, and think your work is awesome !
if you want to be removed js lmk! in no particular order
starting with . . .
@eijirhoe - dani ; me n dani have been mutuals for forever, and i think its incredible that to this day, we remain interacting occasionally, and checking in on each other, happy new years dani ily n i hope u enjoy the following year, as i hope it could include us talking more asw !!
@slay0368 - sarah ; i doubt you and i have interacted, but you seem fun and I would love to start interacting with you more, one of the rare ones that still loves tokyo rev, and I'm glad that tr is still thriving :3 happy new years !
@milkistoshi - milki ; writes the yummmiest smau for bllk, im acc obsessed, and one of my few bllk mooties, however i will still interact the fuck outta the smau, bc its that good, happy new years milki ! &lt;3
@offbrandkyoya - tri ; you write such a good gi smau, im still trying to catchup on reading it because you're very on it, with posting and keeping it going which I admire n think is pretty awesome, happy new years, I hope its filled with lots of happiness, and more interactions between the both of us !
@katsukike - blake ; my baefy fr, my first collab, my first mutual i really interacted with on this account, I have such admiration for you, and I'm honestly glad you and I connected, you're really cool, and your energy is such a fun one, also we have a mutual dislike for toji, its a sign happy new years snookums! &lt;;3
@pupkashi - jess ; you have on of those pfps where you just know who it is whenever you show up in the notifs, cutest headcanons, n I love ur works so much, oh em gee n ur theme is so cute too guguhuhu ! have a wonderful new years jess !!
@httpshujii - ray ; okok so, another tokyo rev mutual, you seem so sweet, n i'd love to start talking to you more !! your works are so tooth rottingly good, they feel so much like rom-coms, n I like that ! happy new years !
@cursingtoji - sandy ; oh my god the theme is so brain scratching, and your nails oh my god are so freaking pretty n the cutest random thoughts about the characters n I live for it, happy happy new yearsssss !
@astruoise - nadeen ; okay so ur theme, i love the colors n it makes me happy cause its so like CRISPY? idk. its so yum, but u and I haven't interacted a whole bunch, but when we did it was definitely an interesting conversation, it felt good to know someone had the same views as me for a situation, so that's fun! your blog is so cute, and you seem rlly sweet, happy new years !
@httpghostface -bunny ; argues w me over whos more cunty between gojo n dazai, you're so funny n your energy is so inviting, you've always been sweet to me, n I rlly do appreciate u ! dazais still cuntier btw, maybe your opinion will change in 2024, speaking of which, happy new years !
@kittytoru - bon ; we barely interact which sucks so badd, but your smau short scenarios r so ngh like they're so good n I love them, your red theme is so iconic, and its actually so pretty, happy new years I hope to interact with you more !
@awniiie - awnie ; you have no works up, but I'm excited for when the day you start posting comes, imma be the first to hype it up, as i don't have much to go based on, can i just say your theme is so inviting uguguhuh on a new note, have a wonderful new year, awnie !
@kakujis - pibby ; everything about your blog scratches my brain the right way, your writing style is so engaging too and I cant wait to see what you bring into the new year, in which I say, happy new year !
@angelsinmystomach - kokoa ; cutest ever, silly billy who does silly billy things, but either way, you're so chill n silly n its so sos sososos nice talking to you, sometimes you catch me off guard with what you say, n its a good surprise every once in a while, best writings and always sends me the drabbles n ideas that pop into your head, its so cutie, lovely theme, and writing, you never fail to amaze me ! happy new year lovelyyy!
@s-cara - fae ; dedicated scara fan and im here for it, we've only recently become mutuals, but I hope that as time goes on we form some kind of connection aside from our mutual liking of scaramouche! happy new years fae !
@diviennelaw - div ; we recently became mutuals, and it was all because of how much I loved your theme colors, you write sukuna so deliciouslyiylyyk guugughghhh !! happy new years div !
@imissyuuji - mika ; lord, theres so much I could say about how much I genuinely like mika, your energy is just so inviting, and you're literally the sweetest n kindest person ever, I hope 2024 takes it easier on you, aswell as a new start for whatever it is that might need to be better for you. happy new years mika, you're so cool, your blog is so cool, n I love all the stuff you write ! &lt;33
@fxshigurosbae - kristen ; i audibly gasped when i saw your theme its so fucking gorgeous words don't describe how glorious it is, aswell as ur fics, so yum like ohmigod, as I don't have much to say, have an amazing new year !
@drak3n - sena ; obsessed w ur blog, its all such amazing content n I was acc surprised when we became mooties and oh em gee like ur blog is so cute, n mysterious but like you write so well ugguhu, so on that note, have a wonderful new years !
@tojipie - adah ; the way you write toji is like the only way i can read him and feel something, its something about the way you write him and I've been holding this innn ughhugug, happy new years !
@sugudollz - ash ; ur so cute n ur blog is so cute n omg everythins is just so cute, but shit u write everything so good n sexy like hello?!! anyways, happy happy happy new years !
. . .
if i continue with writing, my fingers are going to fall off, I hope everyone has an awesome new year to come, and I hope we all interact more during it ! <3
happy new years everyone, yours truly, rain.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
About language brainrot. Imagine writer creator reader who finally learns how to write in Teyvat's weird symbols and they want to publish their book. They decided to do it anonymously to avoid the "aaaaaah our creator wrote the holy scripture" sort of situation. Except it didn't work. The reader's style is too different from the rest of the world, so even if they tried to simulate the flowery speech it wasn't effective.
Another thing. Reader who decided to read some local books to practice their reading. They asked for something simple and similar to their speech. But the only books merely similar to it are 2000 and more years old. It's funny how the older text is the more you can understand it. On this note. If reader write something i feel like it would be hard to understand for Teyvat's people.
Imagine a reader who is autistic or has any other NDs imparing their communication skills. They practically trained themselves to say sertain phrases in sertain situation. But it doesn't work in Teyvat. And everything just stacks at each other. Difference in speech, being a God (so people react weirdly to you), bad communication skills, not understanding nonverbal cues and so on. There's gonna be a lot of misunderstanding. I imagine how followers would walk on the eggshells not to upset and angry their God and reader who does the same not to say something people will get wrong. Again.
Reader who regained all their memories of creating Teyvat, they're super powerful and stuff. But they still struggle with the modern language. Because all the memories are like millions years old.
GIF Akashi (black hair) is all the people who read the Sagau/Isekai Genshin tag and Bokuto (silver) is STILL ME RANTING ABOUT LANGUAGE IN TEYVAT LMAO
They cant escape me, sorry people who just wanted to read SAGAU normal things, im filling up the tag💀
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(^ lol biblically accurate deadaquarius)
Also, its getting kinda old now, so here is the blunt language v. Teyvat's flowery language post for reference! :)
Like,, imagine right now if i told you to write me 4 pages of an essay in entirely early 18th century vernacular.
(For reference: when the story Pride & Prejudice takes place)
... like??
Bitch aint no way u can do that and actually show that to a historian or an actual living person from that time period
and them actually say "wow! An excellently worded 18th century essay!"
So tying into that whole, "the only simple texts are like literal cunnieform clay tablets or sm shit"
Your writing to them just sounds like if a scribe just copied off what one of those tablets said just onto paper HAHA
And like, if u try and dress it up, it just ends up sounding like its from a slightly later time period
Like if ur casual writing sounds like 1 million years ago, u being flowery sounds like 8-7 thousand years ago u cant win LMAO
Omg ur trying to go to that-
wait whats it called,,fuck i dont know Sumeru good enough yet
Yeah so ur thinking "Oh what better way to learn a dialect?/vernacular than reading books by them!"
And u basically snatch Alhaitham at the soonest possible chance to take you there
(Bc when i went in, it was just random lore books everywhere so)
Needless to say you have no clue how this place is organized, so u convince him to direct you to books u can easily read first
Like as close to your speech as possible!! U tell him :)
It literally takes like 3 hours to get something readable LMAO
Bc when the poor feeble scribe initially brought you smth he thought was pretty old and close to ur speech, like just first thought,
... It sounded like it was from the middle of the 18th century to you lol
So, with a "hmm" and a squint at the dusty book you'd already given up on
Alhaitham slowly went around the library making a stack of books, dropped them off in front of you... not a single sentence.
...then he made a stack of scrolls...
...a stack of stone tablets...
.....getting closer?? it was really weird seeing Shakespearean language carved into stone....
...and then, with a conversation to a second library secretary deeper in the library, past a caged area of shelves to protect them...
...he escorts you behind the restricted section towards the back filled with glass display cases.
(Several of which contain the most ancient looking sets of artifacts you've ever seen)
...Finally, u arrive at a long glass case of several clay tablets.
Half of which sound like they're from the 1910s-20s, and the other, even older half, sounding straight out of the 2000s..
...Good god.
These crazy speaking bastard-previously-video-game-characters were right.
You are suddenly, viscerally hit with the image of Zhongli's idle, "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?" 💀
Alhaitham side eyes you,, (he looks,, very interested, yet also kinda concerned??? HIM, CONCERNED????!!!)
"Ahem, the texts before thy Greatest Lord art the eldest- well, perhaps, more appropriately, the eldest and most intact, pieces of written language known to our humankind."
....aYOO MAN 😭😭
...Ur just staring at these half cracked, baked clay tablet thingys, full of slang from like 2003-
Alhaitham coughs.
"Uh, thanks. ...Sorry about all the.. trouble with this..."
"This task assigned to mine own person was of no trouble to my mind or spirit, Greatest Lord, fret not about it any longer."
And with a sort of shell-shocked atmosphere surrounding both of you, Alhaitham walks off to check out some other restricted books, hovering nearby yet also trying to give u space LOL
Top 10 cursed images: Seeing "Chillax, bro, dude, and weeb" carved into ancient clay tablets that look like they would be part of the Egyptian exhibit back in ur world 💀
You eventually just kind of end up writing a couple pages after studying the writings, going younger and younger (nothing has ever made u feel more powerful...yet also more old..)
You stretch, just as Alhaitham finally has made his own little stack of creaky old books
He seems very curious to read what u wrote, peaking a glance over the top of his book every so often (lol nerd, cute nerd... but NERDDD)
You just offer the academic lunatic what he wants 🙄
"Haha, wanna take a look? Some drafts are... closer than others..."
The scribe immediately puts his book down, not even saving his page,
"I would be honored, Greatest Lord."
Is he excited?? 💀 omfg
U very slowly hand ur most recent practice pages over, he curls his hand under his chin "hmm" ing
...Alhaitham shakes his head
"My..deepest apologizes My Creator, but this still seems, at the earliest, from when papyrus was invented, and not yet even into scrolls..."
U let ur head plop on ur pile of papers, srry babe youll never be as fancy as Mr. Darcy 😕
And as ur resting there, contemplating just walking out and finding smth to eat instead- same
Alhaitham picks up another draft.
Except it's your first attempt.
As in, you didn't even try, first attempt.
You just made some bullet point notes or some Bs, in ur regular. modern. language.
Alhaitham knocks his chair over standing up so fast-
(HE GETS SHUSHED BY THE RESTRICTED LIBRARIAN LOL, also another person unafraid to scold God lol)
...he says its a perfect example of the oldest records they've found of writing on the continent, most of which they haven't even translated yet
He asks u to teach him how to read this/speak like this lol
(^^^not my best work but hope yall got smth outta it💀)
???¿¿?????!!! <- THEM ALL THE TIME
(ok ill tone it down before i also get shushed)
U used to be a player!!
Which would maybe mean u got rlly comfy playing Genshin all the time!
...like i know im kinda stimming when im gaming (and my natural stim is rocking so yeah no way they wouldnt notice that 💀)
So, since u may be still yknow unconsciously wanting to be comfy (esp around ur mains/team/favs)
U probably have stimmed a little around them, which, not that neurotypicals dont stim, but like
They would notice after awhile
And esp people like Alhaitham, Zhongli, Ningguang, Xiao, Ei, Aether/Lumine, Kaeya, Diluc, Kazuha, Heizou, Shenhe, Kokomi, Sara, Albedo, Dainsleif- !! GASP- !! <- my bbygirl omg i forgot abt u before now im so sorry </3
(once again i have not checked a character list, forgive my sins my readers)
^^^ Are like pretty focused on you/observant, so they'd eventually pick up on it first probably
....which allsssooo means they're like, collecting all ur neurodivergent thingys lol to compile as EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU AS TO WHY THEY KNOW UR THE CREATOR LMAO
Honestly the biggest factor against u is definitely social interaction,, srry love :/
(if it helps, its bc i know itd be my downfall too thats why thats there ^ 😔)
Mostly bc i have this idea/theory? obervation? that when I especially met Adepti for the first time
Esp ones that werent as close to human society for as long as some others (like think Xiao vs. Ganyu)
And for literally every other non-human people we've met so far in Genshin-
They kinda- they kinda, radiate neurodivergent energy??
Like, they're not adherring to social norms, and not in like a bad way,
But its still rlly obvious (i mean also its probably exaggerated for us as an audience) that theyre not human pretty quickly
oh geez wow excuse me, cold weather must be gettin to me- ahem hem-
Anyway, like what Nexy said in the ask,
...Yall are all just tiptoing around each other 😭😭
Bc these ppl arent from Earth countries,
All their behavior is weird to you 😭
U dont know how to mask with them yet 😭😭
Bc they cant even understand ur phrasing bc its so simple 😭😭😭
Tldr: "Being Neurodivergent means ur a god, confirmed." - says all of Teyvat's denizens
*rubs my little rat gremlin hands together*
"hmHmHMMMM BuT wHaT iF mAYbE yOU reMeMbeREd cReATinG TeyVAT, hmHMHMMMMM"
(one of my favs, if u cant tell)
I would (platonically) kiss you right now dude.
Instead I give this:
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♡ ily
PSPSPSPSsppspspspssss Last Time! CLOSES TOMORROW @1pm CST: VOTE on my 100+ followers celebration POLL :)
Tell me what u wanna see me write about! PSPSPSPSpspspspssss
(U can vote even if ur new! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza lol ur own ask im a menace sorry
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bibibi-tchx · 22 days
wait bc what if when dom has moments where he don’t wanna be on screen but tjd has to, truth stays and watches lil man keeping him happy and safe?
like, obviously there is a script that they know they have to follow, and there is a general consensus between the judgement day caregivers and adam pierce that if dominik has no influence on the scene, and hes ‘overwhelmed’ (which, sure, can be the case either way, but is often a way for them to lie about doms regression bcus no way in hell is pierce having that knowledge- nuhuh) he can stay backstage until hes absolutely needed
but, yes! dominik will always ask for truth to look after him -which, does include the miz- and truth will never ever say no, bcus dominik is adorable and theres no denying it
and, damian cant deny that he does love truth, like sure hes a bit annoying but he has helped em out so much
damian n the rest of em rushing out, having to explain that they r running late to be on stage, and how grateful they are, and that dominiks feeling small, and how small; meanwhile, doms just toddling his way about as fast as he can over to where truth and the miz are, arms out and more than ready for truth to scoop him up like he usually does
from there, so many hijinks ensue. sure, the miz is still a bit hesitant of how to act around a regressed dominik, but seeing r-truth act as though its the most natural thing in the world makes him feel a bit better
dominik absolutely demands for truth to chuck him in the air a little bit, bcus him and damian are the only ones who are capable of doing so without much trouble as they are taller than dominik, which truth gives in so easily
“higher, t’uth! high!” whilst hes giggling his head off, squealing as truth teases him
“higher? im sorry, domdom, but old man truth cant hear that well!” so he makes dominik repeat it, but then the moment dom goes to mimic it again, truths already (lightly) chucked him into the air, and dominik is an adorable and loud mess of a baby
pretend games as well, like hide and seek, or games that typically leave the miz dumbstruck as truth is pretending to be some sort of zoo animal whilst dominiks giggling away, cheering him on
miz deffo takes this time to try and engage with our little man too, asking him what animal he thinks truth is trying to be- hes a bit unsure of how this whole regression thing still works, but he does find it so funny and cute when dominik furrows his brows a bit before attempting the question
truth has deffo earned the star role as tio in doms eyes
ty anon <3
author update under keep readin!! <33
at the time this post should go out (all scheduled) im done with exams!!! present clove on the 15th is probably too hungover lmfao, but thank you all so much for the patience, and expect a fic soon and more frequent updates for the next 10 whole weeks!!
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xstarkillerx · 4 months
I got ur ask but imma read em first so I can give u a proper review!!! 😋 I'm so grateful for this meal and for the invitation to the brian train... can't wait to see where it takes me. I think I'll read em tomorrow cuz its 3 am rn but I CANT WAIT.
Also, gimme ur hc for Brian pls!!! I need him...
— annnnya prrrr 🪼
Omg literally zero pressure on reading them, they're just there for if you feel like it <3
In terms of hcs for Brian, you might get a kick outta this one.
Context: There's an old PW interview (0:00-0:46) where he gets asked why he thinks he's often paired with majority hispanic casts on films, and he talks about growing up in San Fernando Valley and how it feels like home so he likes it. Anyway, when the interviewer asks him if he can speak any spanish his response is that he can say "all sorts of dirty things," before lightheartedly changing the subject.
Anyway, Brian grew up in Cali too and I like to think he's picked up a little bit of Spanish conversationally from old girlfriends. So, his spectrum of knowledge pretty much consists of the absolute basics, and then the raunchy shit (because freaks obviously flock to him, and he likes when they would dirty talk to him in spanish while he makes them cum), no inbetween. He likes using spanish to flirt nowadays; he's a little sloppy with it, the individual phrases are well structured but he struggles to string together multiple sentence sometimes, regardless, it comes in handy both in Los Angeles and Miami. He comes across a lot more forward in spanish than english because of his limited lexicon and the close nature of his relationships with the people who taught it to him, it's filled with slang and colloquialisms, but sometimes being forward is what you need, especially in the car scene where a lot of the women can match that intense energy. His pretty face, confidence, and the fact that he wins every fucking race with that Skyline definitely helps too.
Also wrote this but decided it should be its own post. Thanks for dropping by Anya!
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vanana-r0tat3 · 2 years
some pre-game batim headcanons :>
Henry: - all he does is eat hot chip be bisexual and lie /j - has a preference for women so i think him realizing hes not straight is like hey wait a minute hey wait wait - joey was his gay awakening,,, real -gets burnout super easy, it probably frustrates him a lot when he cant draw - drawing is a big comfort for him - has pretty bad social anxiety, but has become pretty good at dealing with it!
Joey: - gay. this man is not into women at all sorry 💀 "i just dont have time for girls" yeah sure fruitcake - watch me project once again and give this man bpd. like im sorry his whole thing with henry?? im not even explaining it but if you get it you get it yea - also definitely has adhd - wheelchair user !! he is able to walk, but he still needs the wheelchair when flare ups get real bad. he is stubborn though and refuses to use it at work or when hes out of the house
more under the cut !!
Wally: - he has adhd, obviously - transgender !! i feel like hes a gnc binary trans man - hes straight to me, but his gf/wife is also trans >:D t4t win - i feel like he likes to gossip. the thought of him, norman, shawn, maybe even jack whispering to eachother in a corner about some random secrets theyve overheard is super funny to me
Sammy: - AUTISM... hes autistic - gets overwhelmed and overstimulated super easily, hence why hes always so irritable - yknow what im giving him bipolar. hes my comfort character and i get to project my mental illness !! - hes gay and demiromantic - honestly? transfem i see it. bc like im thinking about how he talks about susies singing like. i know what you are - bad with boundaries.. he is so bad at them and reading social cues - hates being touched, probably is only comfortable with jack for the most part - watch him crush on like half the men mentioned in this post at least once
Norman: - hes also autistic. his sense of humor is so??? 😭 - HES ALSO DEFINITELY AN OLDER GAY GUY. he just has that energy yknow like if you agree - probably would be agender too - him and sammy are that incompatible type of autism havers does this make sense?? like some autistic people i just cant stand because of my autism, our places on the spectrum make it so hard to like them yk? thats norman and sammy - this man definitely has insomnia
Susie: - lesbian. she doesnt know it yet but she is - her calling sammy handsome isnt her being attracted to him its just gender envy 😁 - shes just a feminine transmasc 👍 - rejection sensitive dysphoria out the ASS my poor girl - very insecure deep down, so she overcompensates for it by trying to be a people pleaser n stuff
Allison: - shes bisexual !! has a strong preference for women - shes a trans woman idc idc i love her - AUTISTIC AS HELL - i imagine she had a sibling like relationship with joey - probably one of the few people that could tell him off without like. getting fired lol
Buddy: - adhd and autism,, special intrest in art/drawing - AROACE. the stuff he says about his friendship with dot?? "i didnt know we could just be friends" and him not being too into his first assumption when she pulls him away to show him the bendyland model?? yea - honestly i think he has social anxiety hes doing his best - hes very sensitive over people bringing up him being jewish, he seems so ready to be made fun of or scorned for it :( - definitely some cultural detachment because of it (im projecting again) - i think dot would wanna learn about about it, buddy should teach her stuff!! like traditions and whatnot
Tom: - asexual 👍 - TRANSGENDER. probably would be nonbinary, heavily masc leaning though - he smokes a lot have you heard this man good lord. i dont think allison is a fan of it - anger issues,, mostly caused by stress and a lack of sleep, hes trying his best :( - he has arthritis. hes not old but god do his joints fee like it. he has crutches !! like joey though he only really uses em at home 💀
Jack: - wheelchair user jack my BELOVED idk where the hc came from but im all for it - he cant walk, but is able to get around just fine! watch him try and do wheelies to impress sammy only to almost fall over - 100% autistic as well. him and sammy are able to be autism together - unlabeled aromantic - hes such a loser /loving
Grant: - poor guy gets chronic headaches someone give him some painkillers - hes got generalized anxiety disorder this man cannot get a break - demisexual and demiromantic,, mans is double demi
Shawn: - adhdtism 😭 - LOVES to talk, he could go on for hours dude - i feel like he knows a lot of ridiculously obscure knowledge. for why? dont worry about it - he gives me genderfluid vibes - literally just some guy
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thewebcomicsreview · 8 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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knifvd · 6 months
quick , obligatory new year's eve post . thank you to everyone for always being so kind , accomodating , and amazing to me and welcoming me back from my third blog once again :pleading: . you guys make me so happy to write and i can't wait to continue to do so into the new year . i'm gonna b a little gay after this , but i want to give a special thanks 2 these people .
@killerhubby ori , my love . thank u for being one of the main reasons i continue to write and come back to tumblr . i've only known u for a couple months but it feels like years , and now we're married and i pocket sage you ? we're clearly 4lyfers and i ripped up the return reciept . you're mine ( and im urs ) forever n ever . icb i used to be afraid of u , but i'm so so blessed 2 have u in my life . here's to u moving in w me so i can finally pee on ur desk ( real ) i can't wait to continue to write and hang out with u more . thank u for helping me feel safe and loved nd welcome . love u lotsa .
@stamour god we need to get off this godforsaken app LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but somehow we always come back to each other . thank you for turning away whenever i bring aiko back from the dead for the 30th time and always always indulging with me and making fun of the rpc w me . i'm so glad to have made a friend like you and making this site bearable . okay lets go just send each other inboxes and never do threads threads are overrated <3
@solivcgant mochi . i love you . you've seen me through it all and i am so BLESSED to have met u and for you to always put up with my shit . i love writing and talking with you and you always follow me even though ive been through a billion blogs . you're always a pleasure to write with and talk to and i appreciate you not giving up on me when i take forever and a day to respond . xoxo ily
@daemonry god they've been friends for too long but hi we still need to sprint it on some LEAGUE together ( real ) but you're always super fun to talk to and write with , so thank you for putting up with me and all my stupid muses .
@valhiir em... my love ... my one connection to the league community ... you're an AMAZING writer i know i still owe you that soraka reply but ill give it to you soon . thank you for always checking up on me and messaging me even though you don't have to and ive been awol for thirteen years :sob: i cant wait to write more with you in this upcoming year and force u to adc for me ( mwahahahha ) ...
@galaxythixf NOVAAA aa i absolutely adore writing with you and talking with you ooc , thank you for letting me scream in your ear about any little thing whether it be something abt life , val , our muses , anything . heres to playing val and all the angst in the future for us !
and ofc , shouts out to @ferinehuntress , @florspinae , @puckish-rogue , @tealsteel , @dimensionalspades , @un1awful , @todestochter & @pinkminxed for putting up with me spamming u with silly questions , chatting with me ooc when i'm a scared little weenie and writing with me . here's to writing more in the future <3
and of course , last but not least , you , the person reading this . thank you for being here and supporting me while i attempt to be active and explore my muses . i cant wait to get to know all of you and write with you more . and with that being said .
pees on 2024's desk . thank you for coming to my ted talk .
♥ love , bunny
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my intro (sarah's version)
i changed my url!! prev: -> just-sarah-xx // 14/05/2024
☆ sarah, s, moon ☆ she/they ☆ bi ☆ sun: libra ♎︎ moon: libra ♎︎ rising: pisces ♓︎ ☆ australia !! ☆ infp<3 (pls talk to me im so introverted lmao) ☆ taylor swift, conan gray, phoebe bridgers, tv girl, olivia rodrigo, the neighbourhood, steve lacy, dominic fike<3 ☆ i love art, reading, astronomy, taking long walks, playing guitar, making playlists and aesthetics ☆ fav aesthetics: rockstar gf, downtown girl, chaotic academia, y2k grunge, etc.
☆ stuff you'll see me posting about: -> one direction -> genshin -> league/heartsteel -> random shitposts -> shifting -> rants about stuff -> drawing -> many different books -> obsessing over someone -> etc.
my socials<3 ☆ pinterest: justsarahxx ☆ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31nyeusuv342xa4h4thn3j7ujzoy?si=b8f0fc1b36864e52 ☆ insta: saracha_sauce.xo
my mooties<3: @niallermybabe - bells, probably will tag as bells💛 (im sorry i dont have a better name) @quackethh - tay, will tag as quack quack @antisocialgaycat - lele, will tag as bestieboowifeyforlifey @cc-horan - cc, will tag as cc or 🍍 @strawberry-lia - lia/laura, will tag as 🍓 @localrockstargf - my shifting bestie xe, tagged as 🎸 @sad-trash-pigeon - fernie, tagged as pigeon🌿 @shutup-andletme-go - jack, YOU ARE JACHARY IM SORRY U DONT HAVE A SAY IN THIS @thatsawesomedontyouthink - emma, i also havent given you a tag yet im very sorry @waitingforthesunrise - ari, will probably tag as ari☀️🌿 @5ducksinatrenchcoat - flora, will probably tag as duckies x5 @svnflowermoon - lucy, will probably tag as luc🪩<3 waaaaiiittt wait wait wait @sleepy-vix (im so so so sorry i am so sorry ur so special omg i cant believe i didnt add u) - vix, uhh ill tag u as vix (mitski's version) @elemelom OMG my irl, imma tag you as em :D melon (im sorry thats just what i associate your name with) @demigoddess-of-ghosts - tess, ill tag u as tessy :3 julie schwieters is my bae (she doesnt know i exist) so she deserves a tag too, which is #julie schwieters supremacy my asks tag is #i'm not introverted !! (my asks) i will do more im sorry if i missed u (i haven't fully added the moot tags so some might not show up)
so yeah thats my intro imma prolly edit it later have an amazing day<333
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radioroxx · 7 months
ahhaaaa was planning to post this sooner but things got a bit busy lol
HELLO SECRET SANTA PEOPLE!! this is your friendly reminder that posting starts in 3 DAYS!!
because ive had a few questions regarding posting- as well as i just wanna. clarify some things- i thought i would put it all together in a post :)
now that my account is back n everything, too… if youve got any questions, feel free to comment on this post or send me a dm! ill get back asap!
1. Posting dates
ive gone through this (unnecessarily jfkffn) like a billion times but i really really wanna make this part clear.
the posting dates have a two week period, meaning that you have anywhere between those days to get your gift done (i know holidays before the break can be busy- and during the break as well- so hopefully the extra time helps people to get things done).
and as a reminder, those dates areeee dec 23rd to jan 6th :)
2. Where/how to give gifts
ive had a couple questions regarding this so ill clear em up.
preferably, i would like all gifts to be, at the very least, accessible through tumblr. that could mean posting directly on tumblr, or providing a link through a tumblr post. it makes the gifts much easier for me to manage + keep track of.
HOWEVER if there is some sort of complication there, if you would prefer to not have to post publicly, please reach out to me and we can work it out! (for example, i understand if some people would rather share their gifts through dms- so long as i know and have proof that your person received their gift, thats the important part)
as for posts themselves, format etc, all up to you!! i only ask that you include the tag #radioroxx gift exchange and ofc to tag your person so that they can find it!
3. Etc?
l will add more to this post if i get any more questions about posting comin up, but other than that… GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. CANT WAIT TO SEE ‼️
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