#dk if i’ll regret this or not but i’m hoping that this helps rather than make things harder 😭
goldenhypen · 1 year
k so ngl i was looking at my doc to work on reqs and then suddenly i realized 20 mins had past and i was somehow on tiktok sjsjsj which means !! i’m stuck and my brain is too lazy to try and find a solution/generate ideas. so !! what does this mean you ask?? basically,,,, i’m thinking of opening reqs again 😃😃
0 notes
ladynonsense · 6 years
A Royal Disgrace (TRR/PM Crossover) : Epilogue
The end! Thanks for reading along, I had a lot of fun writing this series.
Catch up on my masterlist
Pairings: Liam x MC (Riley), Damien x MC (Kai)
Rating: T (pure, wholesome fluff with barely-there implications of sex stuff)
Summary: Fast-forwarding through the events of PM2 and TRR3, the gang has all moved on and manages to find some closure. Borrows dialogue from TRR3 chapter 22 and PM2 chapter 15.
Words: 3900ish
Tag List: @hustacks @hopefulmoonobject @brightpinkpeppercorn @choiceslife @perriewinklenerdie @pixieferry @nazariobae @zaffrenotes @ritachacha @h3llostrang3r @blackcoffee85 @wannabemc2 @sleepwalkingelite @debramcg1106 @furiousherringoperatortoad @bobasheebaby @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @jlouise88 
Riley woke up slowly to late-morning sun already streaming through the window of the unfamiliar hotel room. Her body ached, cuts and bruises from the fighting the day before now even more painful than they had been when she went to sleep.
But Liam’s arms were around her, his warm chest pressed against her bare back. She sighed, pressing herself firmly against him, reminding herself that it was over. It was all over.
“Good morning…” he purred drowsily, “...my queen.”
She turned to face him, finding herself inches from his handsome face, even sexier before he’d had a chance to shave and smooth back his hair. “Liam...isn’t this a nice sight.”
He was glowing with happiness, and for the hundredth time she could hardly believe her luck to be loved by somebody like him. “I was just thinking the same thing.”
She ran a gentle hand over his hair and down his stubbled cheek. “Now that we’re married, it’s always going to be like this, isn’t it?” She tucked her head against his chest with a sigh. “Last night was so freaking hot.”
He chuckled, and she felt it vibrate through his chest. “I know it seems impossible, but every time that we’re together is better than the last, my queen.” Liam drummed his fingers thoughtfully against her back. “Having you last night and knowing that finally, you were my wife...it was more than I’d dreamed.”
Liam pulled her close and kissed her as she closed her eyes and forgot the world around her. “I want a lifetime of nights like that with you,” she murmured against his lips.
“Then the queen shall have it. You have all of me now. Now and forever, my love.”
Riley couldn’t stop smiling, feeling giddy from his sappy doting. Her first day married to Liam...her first day as queen. “So what are the royal plans for the day? Planting trees? Kissing babies?”
“I’m not ready to share you with the kingdom yet. I want you to myself this morning.” He pulled her into another kiss, deeper, but unhurried. When he finally pulled away, she was breathless.
“Riley.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “I hate to bring this up, but I wanted to ask you something.”
“Your friend travelled here for the wedding. Daniel.”
“Oh, yes! My old coworker from New York.”
“Right.” He drummed his fingers against her back again, and she realized he was nervous.
“Liam? What is it?”
“Is he...trustworthy?”
She laughed. “Of course. Daniel and I go way back. He’s harmless.”
Liam nodded slowly. “Do you think...could I entrust him with some sensitive correspondence? Something I wouldn’t want to send through the mail.”
Riley studied his face, surprised by the vulnerability there. Her heart broke a little for him as she realized what he was asking. “You need to send a letter to New York.”
He nodded again. “I am fine with leaving him in the past. You know that you are everything to me now. But I owe it to him to say something, if I can, without endangering him by reaching out to him directly.”
She squeezed him tight, snuggling into his chest once again. “I trust you. Always. Say what you need to say, and I’ll ask Daniel to drop it in the mail only once he’s back home.”
He kissed the top of her head, relaxing into her. “Thank you.”
“Say it again, Kai. Please.”
Kai laughed, wiping at the tears forming in his eyes. “I love you, Damien.”
Damien threw his arms around him, kissing his temples, his nose, his cheeks, over and over until they were both laughing.
“Kiss me for real!”
Damien obliged, his lips warm and soft as he kissed Kai tenderly, pouring years of unspoken feeling into the moment. “Sometimes it just hits me all at once… that after everything we’ve been through, everything you’ve helped me to overcome… you still want me.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “Of course I still want you...I love you.”
Damien grinned, breathless, like he could hardly believe it. “You love me.”
“And only you, Damien. You’re the love of my life.”
He shuddered slightly, his smile positively glowing. “I’ve loved you every single day since the moment I met you, Kai Park. And I never intend to stop.”
Kai punched him in the arm. “You’re such a sap.”
Damien laughed him off and stretched, popping his shoulders with a groan.
“So now that my phone service has inexplicably cut off,” he glanced at the phone cord, lying unplugged on the ground, “work is done for the day...and you’re here…maybe we could spend the evening together?”
“Of course.” He tried to play it cool, but he was barely able to contain his enthusiasm. “I’m all yours.”
“So...is there anything you wanna do? We could go somewhere…”
He looked around the familiar office, smiling. “I don’t know… There’s plenty of things to do here.”
“Like what?”
“I’d love to do some serious snooping through all your old cases.” He gestured at the files littering Damien’s desk. “Maybe we can even get this place tidied up.”
Damien shook his head, chuckling. “Tidy up if you want, but I’m not paying you.”
“You can pay me in sexual favors, if you want.”
“Mmm…” he pressed up against his back, hands on his hips, nuzzling into his neck. “OK, that I can do.”
Kai started shuffling through the mostly-unlabelled file folders with a sigh. “I don’t know why you bother with actual paper records of everything, anyway.”
Damien let him go, picking up some folders himself to sort through. “You can’t accidentally control-alt-delete a sheet of paper away.”
“That statement causes me physical pain…” he tossed some loose napkins from deep within the heap of papers into a garbage can. “Also, you could just as easily spill coffee all over a paper file, ruining it forever.”
“You can’t spill coffee on an entire filing cabinet,” Damien grumbled. “But drop one burrito on your keyboard, and suddenly all your files have been wiped from existence.”
“That’s an awfully specific example…” Kai picked up a folder and glanced inside, recognizing the case immediately. “Oh! What’s this? We worked this one together!”
Damien reached to snatch the folder away from him, but Kai easily held it out of his reach. A handwritten letter floated out of the folder and landed on the desk, as Damien watched nervously, holding his breath.
“What’s this…” Kai picked it up, tracing his finger over the elegant script as he read it to himself.
Dear D,
I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve entrusted it with a friend of my wife’s in effort to contact you covertly. Thank you for respecting this need for discretion and not trying to contact me over the past months. Your loyalty in doing so did not go unnoticed.
I feel I owe you both an explanation and an apology. No doubt you’ve put together several of the pieces on your own, as is the nature of your profession. But perhaps I can give a clearer picture and hopefully put your mind at ease over this matter.
The morning after we last spoke, I woke to an upsetting phone call presenting evidence of our relationship that I’m told you were privy to as well. I was rather strongly advised to break off all communication at once in order to prevent any further evidence from being collected and to increase deniability. As cruel as I felt in doing so, I believed it to be the safest course of action for both of us.
The blackmailer’s motives remained a mystery until we found enough evidence corroborating your theory about DK’s guilt to make an arrest. Immediately, he attempted to use the recording to bargain his way out of prosecution. I made the hard decision to give in to his demands in order to protect both of us. In the end I stripped him of his title and banished him, but he continues to live his life as a free man. For that I am sorry.
The way things ended between us weighs on me often. You know that I’ve led a sheltered life with little room for passion or risk. In the months that I spent determining who I would spend my life with, I was surprised by emotions that stirred in me. I had always thought the prospect of marriage to be political and transactional. When I found myself capable of real love and desire, perhaps I became reckless.
I should not have been reckless with you. However, I cannot find it in myself to wholly regret it. I hope you know that I have nothing but respect and fondness for you. Maybe when enough time has passed that I no longer fear a scandal, we can meet again.
One more thing: a message from my wife. She hopes that you will tell your dear friend how you feel about him. I have no specific comment on the matter, but I will say that taking a chance on love has been the smartest thing I have ever done. I wish you the best wherever your heart may take you.
Kai looked up from the letter to see Damien staring at him, biting his lip. He laughed to break the tension. “This guy is so cheesy, Damien.”
Damien chuckled, taking the letter and folder from him and tucking them both into the filing cabinet. “He’s a king. He doesn’t know how to flirt like a normal person.”
“Was that flirting? It reads like Greek tragedy.”
Damien leaned against the edge of his desk, grabbing Kai’s hands to pull him close. “Can’t fault his advice, anyway.”
“Mmm…” Kai kissed him softly, releasing his hands to run them through his hair. “Is that why you finally made a move? Your king commanded you to?”
“He’s not my...ugh. No. This was waiting for me when we got back from the whole Eros debacle. I had already told you how I felt by then.”
“Whatever. I’m never going to stop teasing you for seducing a king just because he reminded you of me.”
“Kai...you literally hooked up with my robot clone.”
Kai backed away defensively. “That is not the same! I thought he was you!”
“Right. Because at no point, while a man half your size…”
“You’re at least 85% of my size…”
“...While he’s picking you up and holding you effortlessly in the freezing cold while he fucks you up against a wall…”
“...I told Hayden all of this in confidence, by the way…”
“...It never once occurred to you…huh, something seems a little different about Damien today. Almost like he’s a super strong robot instead of a human being.”
Kai crossed his arms over his chest. “I am not having this discussion again.”
“Just admit it: You have a robot fetish.”
“I have a ‘people who look and act exactly like Damien Nazario’ fetish.”
“Sounds filthy.”
He bit his lip teasingly, grabbing Damien by the belt and pulling him back against himself. “It is.”
“Damien! Oh my god!”
Damien sat at his desk in his new home office, patiently waiting for Kai to come running in to tell him whatever news had him so excited. Sure enough, he appeared in the doorway a moment later.
“They’re coming!”
“Great. Who?”
“The king and queen! They RSVPed!”
“More information please.”
Kai was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement, but managed to contain himself to the chair across Damien’s desk. “Right. I sent an invitation to King Liam and Queen Riley. I also sent one to the Queen of England and to President Thompson, you know, just to get the standard form letter congratulations for our scrapbook.”
“Right, of course you did.”
“Anyway, Liam and Riley actually said they’re coming!”
Damien pushed his reading glasses up on top of his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “They called you?”
“No...they filled out the form on the website like everyone else.”
“Oh. Well then.” Damien turned back to his work, unimpressed. “It was just a mistake, then. Or a prank.”
“You are such a drag, D. Why can’t you believe that your old friends would want to come to the wedding?”
“Oh, I don’t know...they’re royalty, they live overseas, they left on bad terms with me, they’re afraid to even contact me for fear of a scandal...should I go on?”
“You’ll see. They’re coming.” He stood back up and flounced out the door, calling back as he walked down the hallway, “I’m putting them on the list!”
Damien peeked out from the cabin, careful not to let the guests outside notice him. Folding chairs were set out in two tidy sections with a wide aisle down the middle. Leaves were falling gently off of the red and golden trees, swaying in the wind. He had been nervous about planning for an outdoor wedding in the fall when the weather could be so unpredictable, but the gamble had paid off beautifully. He closed the door again before he was spotted.
“Alright Dames, time for a final wardrobe check.” Hope cornered him with a lint roller, running it over every square inch of fabric on his body before fussing with the boutonniere on his lapel.
“Hope...I’m sure I look fine.”
“Yeah, well…” she smoothed his hair down with her hands, tucking it behind his ears. “You didn’t pay $4000 for a photographer to look ‘fine’ in pictures.”
His eyes went wide. “Hold up...we paid HOW much for a photographer?”
“Shhh. Don’t worry about it. Don’t tell Kai I said anything.”
Right on cue, Kai came barreling up the stairs from the basement. “Ok, that’s it! I can’t take it anymore, I want to see my… oh.” He stopped short when his eyes landed on Damien, dressed in his best plum suit, the one he’d worn to the gala way back when they worked together to save the president. Kai on the other hand was all black everything, from his shirt to his tie to his jacket to his shoes.
“You look amazing.”
“You do.”
Kai ran at him, almost knocking him over with the force of his hug. Damien wrapped his arms around Kai in return, holding his close, not wanting the simple, quiet moment to end. “I love you so much,” he murmured, his lips against Kai’s throat. “I love you so much it makes me crazy.”
Kai let out a happy sigh, kissing Damien’s forehead. “...Hard same.”
He pulled away laughing, shoving Kai gently back. “Moment ruined. Get out of here.”
“No! It’s time. We’re supposed to walk out there together.”
“We are? That doesn’t seem traditional.”
Kai smirked, linking their arms together. “When have I ever been traditional?”
Riley snuggled into Liam’s side, feeling more relaxed than she had in months. She felt a little silly that they were the only ones wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day -- did they do anything to obscure their identities, anyway? -- but Bastien and Mara had insisted they follow their security instructions to the letter, and that including goofy sunglasses. Oh well. Being anonymous felt good, anyway.
As they waited she snuck a granola bar out of her clutch and quickly scarfed it down, hoping not to attract any hungry birds. Liam chuckled warmly next to her. “Baby needs a snack?”
“Constantly,” she answered, tapping her open palm on her bump lightly. She surveyed the other guests as they all started to take their seats. “I don’t know anybody. Is it weird that we came?”
Liam shook his head confidently. “They invited us, right? I’m sure we’re not the only people here who don’t know the other guests.”
“I don’t know…” She looked around at the other guests all speaking to each other animatedly in rapid spanish, embracing and clumping together in large groups. “It seems like everyone here is related to Damien.”
“Hmm…” Liam scanned the crowd himself, looking for exceptions. “There. They look every bit as lost as we do.” He gestured subtly towards a couple in the back row, a beautiful but nervous woman in an elegant dress and thick glasses with a shorter man looking surprisingly dapper in a salmon pink suit and a man-bun. As they watched, a young boy came sprinting up to them, crashing into the man’s arms and squeezing him tight. All three of their faces lit up with unbridled joy, the woman’s obvious discomfort melting away as she reached out to ruffle the boy’s hair.
Liam’s grip on Riley’s hand tightened, and she looked up to see his warm smile still gazing at the little family. “Soon, love,” she whispered.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a family like this?” He gestured at the smiling, laughing group that had formed all around them, children and adults alike. “Just to be surrounded by love all the time.” A little girl in front of them shoved a boy to the ground over a struggle for a toy dump truck. The boy stood up and hit her in the face with the truck. A young woman, clearly not the mother, maybe just a teenaged cousin, got between them, shouting at them both until an older woman came and ushered them all off to the side, scolding them quietly.
“Wonderful, you say?” Riley smirked up at Liam, who still looked blissful.
“Wonderful,” he repeated, letting out a small sigh. “The memories of being tortured, teased, and tormented by my brother...they’re all warm and fuzzy now. The highlights of my childhood. The memories that hurt are the ones of absence. My mother’s death. My father being too busy governing to even eat meals with us or be there to say goodnight at the end of the day, much less play with us.”
“Will it be like that for you?”
He shook his head. “Never. My father feared the loss of power. I embrace it. The more people can share the responsibility of rule, the better. I know that we’ll need nannies and we don’t be with our children every hour of the day, but we will be the ones that raise them. You and I.”
She leaned in to kiss him, but something else caught her eye just as the music started to change. “Here they come,” she whispered.
The ceremony passed in a blur. Damien was nervous, shaking and shy. Kai was also nervous, talking too fast and too loud and laughing at everything, no matter how mundane. The little old lady who officiated just beamed at them, certainly having seen her share of awkward and slightly terrified couples in her day.
At the end they kissed and they thought it would be weird in front of their families and friends, but instead the world melted away and the whole thing immediately felt right.
It was in the receiving line after the ceremony that Damien first noticed them. He saw them coming, losing his focus on the beloved great-aunt in front of him as he started to mentally scramble for what to say.
In all Kai’s rushed etiquette lessons, staying up late every night reading him silly and dated advice for how to behave at one’s own wedding, there was nothing about how to face your two royal exes.
Thankfully, Liam had spent his whole life learning how to handle himself gracefully in social situations. “Damien.” His whole face lit up when he saw him, wrapping him in his arms before he could even register what was happening. “That was beautiful. I’m so happy for the two of you.”
Riley stepped in and did the same before Damien had even managed to speak. She stood on her toes to press a firm kiss to his cheek while she squeezed him enthusiastically. “I knew you two would figure it out someday. You’re perfect together.”
Damien finally snapped out of his surprised daze, taking in the warm and surprisingly friendly couple in front of him. “I can’t believe you came!”
Kai’s arm was around him suddenly, squeezing him into his side. “I told him you were coming! He had no faith in the online RSVP system. I’m Kai, by the way.” He shook Liam’s hand enthusiastically before turning to Riley for a quick hug.
“Yes, I remember you, Kai. You’re the guy my ex-boyfriend was transparently in love with the whole time we dated.” Riley punched him playfully in the arm, smirking.
“My apologies for being so distractingly hot. You seem to have done OK for yourself though.”
“Thank you for noticing!” Riley answered, squeezing Liam’s arm. “And I loved your online RSVP system. We had to travel the countryside and personally corner every potential guest and demand to know if they’d be coming, but nobody wants to hear that story.”
Liam nodded. “Yes, that was not one of our more interesting adventures.”
Damien’s great aunt was apparently a fan of Nadia’s art, and was holding up the line gushing over her. He looked back to Liam and Riley, glad to have an extra moment with them. “Wow. It’s been so long, and you two...you look so happy.”
It was true. Now past the stage of pregnancy where her face was blotched and purple from bursting blood vessels with the force of her vomiting, Riley was settling into a lovely glow. Liam was a little softer around the edges, a little grayer at the temples, but somehow only got more handsome with age. ‘Distinguished’ might be the word, but Liam had always been that, anyway. They were dressed down for the wedding, blending in as well as two extremely attractive people could, but still fashionable and put-together. For a moment, Damien wondered how he had ever really believed these two were his peers.
And then Riley belched, a foul-smelling, terrible thing, and both their eyes went wide with terror before they dissolved into laughter, Riley letting out a string of smaller burps as she struggled to pull herself together. “Oooh my god,” she croaked finally, “The acid reflux is killing me, guys.”
Liam rubbed her back lightly, still chuckling. “I suppose that’s as good a send-off as any. We unfortunately need to take off before the reception.”
Kai frowned, patting down his pockets. “Then you won’t be in any of our photos! One second…” He tapped Nadia on the shoulder, whispering frantically to her until she produced Kai’s phone from her clutch. “Here we go. Selfie?”
“Of course,” Liam answered, smoothly stepping behind them while Riley crouched slightly in front. He snapped several photos, giddy with excitement.
“Thank you so much!”
“Thank you for inviting us,” Riley responded, hugging both of them together. “And congratulations. It was beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Damien said again, a blush rising in his cheeks as he was crushed into a group hug. “If you can...I’d love it if you kept in touch.”
“Of course, D,” Riley assured him. “We’ll talk later, OK? I promise.”
“I’d like that.”
And with that they moved down the line, Sloane and Khaan following close behind and whispering dozens of questions about what they just witnessed, Hamza nearly falling asleep on his father’s shoulders from boredom as Nadia squealed and shrieked, realizing who Liam and Riley were. Damien tried his best not to look after them, but he kept stealing glances, tracking their progress down the line until he looked up one last time to find that they were gone.
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kyeommorning · 5 years
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SEVENTEEN’s DK Became King Arthur
Dokyeom's first
He is the first member of the boy group SEVENTEEN to do individual activities.
I am very worried and very nervous because I am only doing team activities and then doing individual activities. I'm anxious too. Still, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to do such individual activities. I always wanted to try the genre of musicals. I also like to sing a lot. However, I came across a good work called <Excalibur>.
I think being on a musical stage has a special meaning for singers .
I think musicals are attractive in that actors can analyze characters in the play and express them on stage. There are many ways to express your character because you not only sing, but also lead the story and even act. Watching the seniors perform, I was fascinated by their unique pose and stage control. I also thought, 'Can I show off that kind of energy on a musical stage rather than a Seventeen activity?'
Which work made you feel the real charm of a musical?
The last work I saw was <The Man Who Laughs>, featuring EXO's Suho senior. And I saw <King Arthur> because I wanted to get help in preparing this work  . The main character is King Arthur in common, but the feeling can be different depending on how the story is told. It is also a work that I used as a textbook to prepare this work. I tried a lot of different things while practicing.
When I practice, I think the atmosphere is very different from when I am with the Seventeen members.
I hide my face a lot. When I'm with the members,  I do n't have to worry because we're so close to each other  , but musical practice was unfamiliar because I had to do it with seniors I was meeting for the first time. It's okay if we get to know each other, but  I'm still very nervous. Still, thank you for encouraging Kai and Junsu sunbaenim a lot.
SEVENTEEN's stage has a musical feel with well-thought-out choreography and composition.
I think that's what you think when you see the stage of 'Pretty'. We used a sofa for the choreography, and we did a lot of facial expressions among the members. SEVENTEEN's stage like that didn't directly help the musical, but thanks to SEVENTEEN, I was able to do musical activities like this, so I'm grateful. Seventeen made me grow.
This is the first time I'm doing a lot of things. Do you tend to give a lot of meaning to ‘first time’?
Being the first time means a big challenge. It's scary and I'm nervous because I have to do something I've never done before. So I may not be confident, but I'm trying to be brave.
<Excalibur> opens on June 15th. What is Dokyeom most afraid of right now?
Every time I work as a team, I feel the pressure of how to make the fans like me every time. <Excalibur> is my first musical work. Likewise, I worry a lot about whether the audience will treat me well. I'm preparing hard, but I'm also worried about whether I'll be able to satisfy everyone.
What kind of character will 'Arthur' be created by Doc?
'Arthur' and I don't think there is much difference. Until 'Arthur' became king, it was normal, and he accidentally drew a sword called Excalibur and became king. I suddenly thought that the situation of becoming a king and not knowing what to do is similar to the way I am now. During that time, I also vaguely wanted to do a musical, but I didn't know that I would meet a big project like <Excalibur>, and I didn't know that I would work with such great and wonderful people. Like 'Arthur', I think I drew the Excalibur sword like fate. Just as ‘Arthur’ is thinking about becoming king, I’m also thinking about how I can show a better side of ‘Arthur’. And above all, I want to do well.
I don't think it's easy to practice musicals while promoting with Seventeen.
I didn't have much time to practice for musicals because I was promoting with Seventeen. I recorded the song I practiced and sang it over and over again while I was abroad. Fortunately, I'm not in bad shape... . I'm still young. haha.
Have you discovered anything new about yourself while doing musicals?
I'm not good at getting angry or yelling. haha. But due to the mood of the song, there is a scene where they sing while angry. I found out that I can do it.
Is there a song you want the audience to pay attention to?
All of the songs are good, but personally, I like the song 'A long time ago in a distant place'. When I listen to that song, I feel very comfortable. I think the audience will feel the same way as me.
You have to digest lines, songs, and choreography for three hours. In particular, memorizing lines doesn't seem easy, is there a method that your seniors have passed on to you?
It is said that the lines and choreography are much more memorable if we practice together than if we practice alone. So we got together today and practiced, and the difference was really big. When you do it together, you can even feel the breath of the other person.
What are Doc's strengths on stage?
It's not a huge ability, but when I go up on stage, I become arrogant. When I say “Let’s go crazy on stage!”, not only me but the other members are all immersed in it. Even if I make a mistake, I'm a little shy. haha.
What kind of work do you want <Excalibur> to leave behind?
I hope the audience and I also have no regrets. In particular, it is important for me not to make mistakes and to do well, but I hope that <Excalibur> will be a good experience and a good memory regardless of the outcome. I want to continue my long-term relationship with the people I met through this work.
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jejublr · 7 years
seventeen as your valentine
a/n: lmao, i deadass forgot it’s valentine’s day until someone mentioned it :^) beautiful people, i hope you’re having a great day! happy carat day, lovelies~
ps: i’m so late to this from school and cny! i’m so sorry!! i hope you’ll enjoy nonetheless! happy chinese new year to those celebrating!!!
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oh, man
we all can see it; seungcheol is that guy
the one who goes all in on valentine’s day
i’m talking about a bouquet of flowers, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a teddy teddy bear..
the whole shebang
he’s the one that makes the girls go “aww” and the other guys think valentine’s day is a competition lmao
sometimes you wonder if he’s more excited over it more than you are
he low-key just excited to show you some love
would probably bring you to his favorite family-owned restaurant that he frequents often for dinner
he knows the owner well so he’s like a son to them
you ended up having a blast there
and seungcheol would walk with you by the river after dinner, eyes drooping and stomach full, his arm around your shoulder
tucks your hair behind your ear as he thank you for being with him
and it may be cliche and cheesy with this guy at times but he does it so well
deadass forgot that it’s valentine’s day
only got reminded bc seungkwan sent everyone sweet text messages
but boy is smooth bc the moment he found out, he called a flower shop to deliver a bouquet to your work/school asap and make it seem like a surprise
but guess what
you knew he forgot 
disappointing but not surprising
but you forgive him because now your friends and/or co-workers are sending you jealous looks and it’s worth it
but let’s be real, jeonghan is a sweetheart
after work/school, he’d pick you up to go shopping with you
brings you to all the stores and buys you the things you’ve been eyeing for a while
spoils you
takes you on that café with the maple latte he’s grown to love
walks you home with your hand in his 
idk why but he comes across as a pretty simple and personal guy when it comes to celebrating valentine’s day
i don’t see him doing something over-the-top but he’ll definitely do something romantic for the two of you
i’m talking about a candle-lit room strewn with rose petals all over
you’d come home to his beautiful smile and the surprise
“welcome home, sweetheart.”
kisses your cheek as he produces a bouquet of flowers from his back
the dinner table is set up for two with home-cooked meal he made himself and you guys would talk over your meal
anime will probably come up in the conversation whether you want it or not
confirm he’s going to serenade you after dinner
sits with you on the couch, hands picking on his guitar as his soft voice sing to you
“falling for you.. falling for you...”
he’ll glance at you from the corner of his eyes as you get lulled on his shoulder by his honey voice
and you don’t know but he’d wonder how lucky he had ever ended up with someone like you
it may not everybody’s definition of romantic but i see jun bringing you to the amusement park?
idk i feel like he knows he’s a busy guy and he’d want to make good memories with you when he finally has time away from the business
he’ll buy matching headbands with you, take you on all of the rides, and (tries) to win you plush toys from the tents
accuses that the game is rigged when none of the balls hit the target
and had to be pulled away from the stall
take silly photobooth pictures with you
tried to secretly save one for his wallet but you found out
“jun! i don’t look nice in that one!”
“what are you talking about? you look adorable!”
tons of pda while queueing for the rides
y’all are that couple
eating all the food and regretting it because now y’all feel queasy after trying to hold in those corndogs after the roller coaster ride
so you guys just pick tamer rides
decided that he’s a romantic genius for suggesting to on the ferris wheel as the pinnacle of the day
good timing tho bc it’s sunset and it’s pretty to watch from above
you both didn’t say anything throughout the whole ride but he couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful you are with the sun on your face like that
barges into your room first thing in the morning
“y/nnnnnn, let’s go on a date!”
“what the frick soonyoung it’s seven.”
ends up lying down on your couch watching cartoons as he waits for you to get ready
brings you to the zoo 
couldn’t stop taking pictures of you with the animals bc you’re both cute
“that monkey looks like you.”
tries to coax you with ice cream when you give him the silent treatment
trying to stop him from feeding the animals
“soonyoung, for the fifth time, do not feed the lion potato chips. how many times do i have to tell you-”
you both play ispy as you sit on a bench overlooking all the animals
pulls you everywhere with him
“y/n, look! it’s a polar bear!”
“let’s go see the giraffe!”
“is that a real lion?”
“does it seem like a human to you.”
is he actually more excited about going to the zoo than you are???
why, yes. yes, he is.
buys you tiger ears from the gift shop
holds your hand throughout the whole date
ignores you the whole day so you went to school/work thinking that he forgot
you knew that it’s not a big deal but you couldn’t help but feel a little upset over the fact that he didn’t seem to care
your bosses ended up dismissing you early and all your girl friends have a date with their significant others so now you’re going home with a long face
was about to unlock your door when wonwoo came out in a rush
in a tux, holding a bouquet of flowers
“uhm, won, what are you doing?”
“what are you doing?”
turns out he purposely ignored you the whole morning so he could surprise you when he pick you up from school/work
so now you’re just confused on why is he wearing a pair of tux while you’re standing there in your jeans and t-shirt
“I thought this is what guys do on Valentine’s day? aren’t we supposed to wear a tux and give flowers?” he blushes
and you couldn’t help but coo at how clueless he seems
you both ended up playing video games the rest of the day
woozi is one of those special people who needs external push to actually do something cliche-ly romantic
Valentine’s day is one of those rare days when he would actually put effort to woe you
actually took the time and effort to write and produce a song dedicated to you
i’m thinkin about you
called you to the studio and you find him sitting in his seat with the usual sweatpants and t-shirt combo, looking as comfortable
except he’s not comfortable at all
because you’re standing there looking as beautiful as always and he’s been cooped up in his studio for who knows how long trying to finish the song he made for you
and he couldn’t help but feel his stomach churn with nerve as he makes you sit next to him 
he’d hand you a pair of headphones and say “what do you think of this?” as he tries to hide his furious blush
you thought it’s just another song he needed an input on like he’s always done
except that you realized it’s different this time bc the lyrics sounds a lot more personal
it sounded like you
it was a pleasant surprise when you leap up from your seat into him as you press a gentle peck on his cheek
boy didn’t know what to do and ended up without a gift a day until Valentine’s
came up to soonyoung terrified and panicked because it’s tomorrow! and he still has no idea what to give to you!!!
“just give her flowers, everyone likes flowers right” 
almost whacked him in the face because he couldn’t get anymore cliché than that
finally comes up to you with a box of chocolate the next day
didn’t bother to buy you flowers because flowers wilt and he wants you to last forever
plus you can share the chocolate together so it’s a win-win situation, amirite
actually prepared to sing for you from days ago but you could hear him try and sing quitely from the room next door since a week ago
his definition of singing quitely is not quite the same as everyone else
so now you’re sitting on the balcony overlooking the cityscape, not able to hold in your smile as he sing your song to you in the sweetest voice ever
and by the end of the performance kisses you on the temple as you overlook the city lights
ah, this pupper
would want the day to be special for you!
i see him bringing you on a picnic to a scenic place
holds your hand throughout the drive with his other hand on the steering wheel
cook and brings you all of your favorite food, from appetizers to desserts
would bring the classic chocolate-covered strawberries minus the chocolate bc he forgot to buy it and swapped it for nutella instead
which was a huge mistake bc now you’re trying to smear chocolate spread on each other’s faces
you end up having a little game of chase around the hills in which you had your picnic on
when you’re finally exhausted, you’d both lie cloud watching on the grass
“look! it’s aji!”
“no, that’s a rat!”
lets you sleep on the car ride home and wakes you up with kisses when you reach home
will definitely spoil you
after all, it’s a special day meant to be spent with a special person
would probably leave you a box of present with a dress he picked out for you himself at your door
which doesn’t seem bad bc have you seen this guy’s fashion sense? i’d trust him with my fashion
on a card, it says “hope you have a fantastic day! i’ll pick you up at 7.  i hope you’ll like the dress ;)”
picks you up on time in tux and brings you to a fancy restaurant
orders the best food because that’s what you deserve
doesn’t really do the bouquet of flowers thing and would rather buy you a necklace
because he gucci
which he did and put on for you himself 
after dinner, he’d take you to an art museum and explore the place with your hand clasped in his
he’d walk you back to your place with your hands tucked in the pocket of his coat
he’ll bring you coffee-shop hopping
it’s a thing, okay
you guys would go around the city from café to café hand in hand
you’ll both laugh at the back of the bus and in the subway as he whisper to you funny anecdotes and jokes
people would look at you both with fondness but you wouldn’t notice because he’s looking at you with fondness, too
every time you spot something delicious, he’d take your hand and pull you into the store to try it
“but seungkwan, i’m full!”
“there’s always room for dessert.”
at one point on your date, he’d shyly slide out a handwritten letter
couldn’t stop blushing when you read his letter
blushes even more when you jump at him and start showering his cheeks with kisses
dates with this guy will always be simple yet sweet
like, woozi, is not the type to be too hyped about this kind of stuff
i mean, sure, yeah, he’s still gonna try and do something for you if you’re into it but he’s pretty chill
he’d probably want you to spend the day at home with him, cuddling and watching movies you both have been wanting to watch together
at one point, you’d both get bored of watching so you resort to sharing earphones and you move to the couch for another cuddle sesh
what you didn’t realize is that he actually made you a cd playlist and hid it under one of the cushions
which was not his best idea because you ended up crushing it without realizing
you both laughed at how the cd case was kinda cracked in the middle was the moment he brought it out
“uh, happy valentine’s day, babe. i guess..”
you guys would get your favorite take-outs for dinner and have a mario kart match in your pajamas after that
and spending the special day with vernon may not be anything fancy but you wouldn’t have it any other way
i’m ready to fight anyone who thinks he’s inexperienced
100% sure he knows more than his hyungs does come on man
has more moves than them too
didn’t even ask for advice from his hyungs bc he knows they’re hopeless smh
but when i think about chan, i couldn’t help but think of a park date!!
he’s still gonna bring you flowers but I think he’d be more chill about Valentine’s day 
unlike someone *cough*Seungcheol*cough*
brings you to eat ice cream and you’ll both sit on the bench, people-watching and talking about everything
tries to steal your ice cream when you’re not looking and pinches your cheeks when you pout at him
you both basically turn into giant five-year-olds as you push each other around on the playground swing
will definitely pull you to go on those duck-boat ride around the river
him being the sly nugget he is tries to topple you over into the river
didn’t really work but it did on his favor because you stumble into him
will bring you to a diner nearby after a little stroll around the park
only ordered a milkshake so you guys ended up sharing
sneaks glances at you as he sips from his straw and couldn’t stop holding your hand from across the tabled
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
Kairos (DK x Reader)
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Admin: Mimi
Prompt/Ask: Can I request a smut/fluff scenario of Seokmin (Seventeen's DK). In wich he and y/n are firends, and the both of them decided to go out to drink something with their friends and, they end up doing drunk sex and realizing their feelings for each other the next morning? Sorry for my bag english lol - otaku-pass 
Genre: Smut, fluff
Pairings: DK x Reader
Warnings: Language, drunk sex (consensual)
Word Count: 5180
A/N: Wow, look, an actual fic! I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing/posting, college has taken up a lot of my time. And I’m even more sorry I kept you waiting for so long darling, so please accept this long enough fic as an apology, I hope you enjoy it! I hope to get back into the swing of things now, I enjoyed writing this one and my love for writing is slowly coming back to me. As always, happy reading!
The texture of the glass felt cool on your lips as you tilted your head back, the burning sensation of alcohol causing you to wince momentarily as you swallowed the strange shot Seokmin had insisted your group of friends try. The bitter taste in your mouth had you grimacing, your head already light from the previous drinks you had bought. You heard a satisfied sigh coming from your right, and looked over to see Seokmin placing his shot glass back onto the table, smacking his lips and looking over in your direction with a cheeky grin. Various colours from the strobe lights danced across his face as he levelled you with his familiar smile.
“What the hell did I just drink?” you asked, pushing the shot glass away from you and leaning back in your cushioned seat. Looking around, you observed your friend’s various stages of drunkenness – from near sober and still standing like Joshua (you still have no idea how he was convinced to come out), to almost black out drunk and completely incoherent like Seungkwan, who keeps attempting to sing some old 80’s song but is too drunk to form an actual word. Seokmin slung an arm around your shoulders and tucked you in close to his side, rubbing his cheek against the top of your head, his mindless humming sending vibrations from his chest to your body.
“A Pink Pussy,” he replied, sending himself into a fit of giggles and you had to do a double take after nearly choking on your own spit, your tipsy mind not processing things as fast as it usually does. Somewhere to your left, you could somehow make out Seungkwan’s mutterings over the boom of the music in the nightclub, but paid no attention as you kept your eyes on Seokmin, who was currently doubled over in hysterical laughter, clutching his stomach as he tried to formulate a sentence between his laughing fit.
“A what?” you asked incredulously, grinning back at Seokmin in shock, a brow raised in question when he deemed himself ready to answer you.
“Pink Pussy,” he reiterated, stopping for a second to giggle some more. “It’s made from budder-I mean butter, yeah, butterscotch Schnapps, and…strawberry liqueur,” he struggled to answer, but looked positively proud of himself when he did, eyebrows raised and eyes wandering around the group in search of praise, but pouting when he received none as everyone else was currently occupied, mainly at helping Vernon to stand up again and ultimately failing when he repeatedly falls straight on his ass from how hammered he is.
“Ah. Nice name,” you drawled, and he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing all over again. You chuckled at his childishness, the vibrations from the music moving through everyone and the hustle of the crowd on the dancefloor filling the club with a lively vibe. Checking the time on your phone – 2:26am – you reasoned that it was soon time to head home. You had deemed it your responsibility to get Seokmin home safely tonight. After all, he had stuff to do tomorrow, and asked you to sleep over at his to be his personal alarm. As if that would happen when you’re going to be horribly hungover. You’re not up for an all nighter like the gang usually pulls tonight, much preferring a bed right now. Well, you’d prefer if someone was with you in said bed, but you failed to get lucky tonight – it seems like every person in the club decided to stay away from you after seeing you arrive with a large group of guys. They could be both a blessing and a curse sometimes. “So, you get Pink Pussy a lot?” you joked, frowning when Seokmin tutted and pouted, and unusual display of annoyance for him.
“I used to, but I’ve been dry as hell lately,” he complained, lazily crossing his arms and training his eyes on them. “I haven’t met the right person, I guess,” he murmured, his eyes moving from their position to stare at you from the corners. You nodded your head sympathetically, frustration overcoming you as you ruminated on your own similar situation. Truthfully, you were up for anything, but ‘anything’ wasn’t good enough. ‘Anything’ wasn’t Seokmin. But it wasn’t like you could tell him that, that would just ruin your perfect and long friendship with him, and you’d rather have no sex for the rest of your life than lose someone like Seokmin.
“I’m the same,” you muttered bitterly, chewing at the side of your lip as you scowled at the table in front of you. Sighing through your nose, you looked over to find Seokmin staring at you intently. “I haven’t slept with anyone in forever, too. It’s been…a very long time, and, to be quite honest, with the stress of work and college and blah, blah, blah, I need a good fuck to relax me,” you said honestly, and Seokmin stared at you, mouth slightly agape and a hazed look upon his visage. You shook your head, the alcohol causing you to be uncommonly brutally honest, and began to collect your things. “I think we should head home, it’s getting late. Thank God I don’t have work tomorrow morning, I know I’ll be dead. You, however, are a busy man. C’mon, let’s go” you laughed, standing up from your seat and saying your goodbyes to the rest of the group. Seokmin frowned at you before standing up beside you, grabbing your jacket and slinging it around his arm. He patted his pockets, panic flashing across his face when he couldn’t feel his keys or phone before you held up your purse and rattled it with a laugh, the contents making a tinkling sound, indicating that you held onto his keys for him.
“Y/N!” you heard, and turned around to find Seungkwan making grabby hands at you, much like a baby would when it wanted its toy. Leaning down to hug him, he pulled you tightly to his chest and cried his goodbyes. “Be safe going hooooome! Seokminie better protect you!” he whined, and you giggled, promising him that Seokmin was perfectly capable of looking after you, even when you were both drunk as you were. “Ah, he’s such a good boy! I hope he makes his move tonight! Good luck, my love!” he drawled, promptly plonking back down onto the couch and belting out Poker Face for everyone to hear. You were about to ask him what he meant by that, but Seokmin had you by the hand, leading you out of the blazing night club and into the slightly frigid September air. He wrapped your jacket around your shoulders and you thanked him, leaning into his body when he wrapped his arm around you for the second time that night.
It was a surprisingly short walk back to his apartment, the stroll filled with broken pieces of chatter here and there. Seokmin was abnormally quiet on the walk back, a complete turnaround from his boisterous mood the entire night. It had you worried that something terrible had happened, that someone, maybe even yourself, had upset him somehow. You’ll ask him when you reach the apartment, for now, you were occupied with getting you both home safely.
Arriving at his door, you turned to face Seokmin, who’s face looked troubled, as if he was at war with himself. It was rare for Seokmin to be this quiet, and when you went to voice your concerns, Seokmin beat you to it with a rather…interesting proposition.
“I’ve been thinking, since we mentioned it at the club…uhm,” he stammered, losing his nerve the longer you stared at him in curiosity, but since he opened his mouth, he might as well get it out. He can blame it on his drunken mind tomorrow if needs be. “I…I trust you with my life, you know that, right? I can trust you with anything, and I know you’ll never judge me. You’ll always have my back, whenever and whatever.” What was he getting at?
You hummed in affirmation, albeit you were still highly confused. He took a deep breath, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. Looking you dead in the eye, he continued.
“Why don’t we sleep together?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to answer him, confusion etched across your mind. Sleep with him? His face slowly dropped the longer you stayed silent, his resolve crumbling to his feet. Shit, this was a mistake and he was probably too drunk to realise what he was sayin-
“Like, a sleepover? I thought that’s what we’re doing.”
There was a beat of silence before he burst out laughing, bent over and letting out a deep hearty laugh at your question. You smiled confusedly at him, chuckles escaping you as well. Laughter was contagious, after all.
“I’m serious! You want to sleep in bed with me like we do when we watch movies together?” He continued to laugh, out of disbelief, adoration and nervousness. This wasn’t working like he had originally planned. “I can’t think of any other reason you’d possibly have to sleep in bed with m-oh. Oh.”
His laughter died down, finally, his nerves coming back full force as you understood his intentions clearly. You simply stared at him in silent astonishment. The streetlights seemed to amplify his paling face, and he could almost feel the weight of his offer pushing down on his shoulders. He feels regretful for asking, this could ruin your friendship and he doesn’t ever want that to happen. Maybe it’s not too late, he can still use the ‘drunk rambles’ card.
“Look, just forget what I sa-“
“Let’s do it.”
He looked up from his shoes in bewilderment, thinking you to be joking, yet you looked sure of yourself, perhaps a little nervous. The way you saw it, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you could worry about your friendship when you’re horribly sober in the morning. Right now, you’re tipsy, giddy, and you have the chance to sleep with the one person you’ve been in love with for years. You weren’t about to turn it down, especially since he was the one doing the offering.
“It’s just sex, right? And we’re…we’re friends. It doesn’t have to be weird. And I trust you too. So, let’s do it. I’m ok with it,” you stated, swallowing the ball of anxiety down. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and he stood stock still as he comprehended your words.
“You…are you sure?” he settled for asking when he couldn’t think of anything else. You nodded firmly, and once again it was quiet as Seokmin debated on what to do. After a moment, he made his decision, and moved towards you, stepping slowly into your space. He leaned his face towards yours, brushing his nose against yours softly, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. After what feels like years, his lips finally touch yours; pillowy soft and perfect. They move tentatively on yours, testing the waters, giving you a chance to back out if you wish, but you press back, and it’s the unspoken yes he was looking for.
He starts to kiss you more passionately, devouring your mouth as if he were a man starved of something only you could give him. His tongue ran along the seam of your lips and you gasped in surprise, mouth opening enough for him to slip past the entrance and captivate you with his tongue. You let him take the lead, tongue dominating you and pressing your body against the door, too dizzy with lust to object. When his hips shifted to press to yours, you were brought back to reality with the painful digging of the door handle on your back. Completing the impossible task of pulling away from his saccharine lips, you placed a quick kiss to his confused, furrowed brows and then turned around, fumbling blindly with his keys in the lock until you cracked open the door.
Rushing in the door, Seokmin wasted no time in grabbing your hand, kicking the front door closed, and leading you to his bedroom, the route from the door through his hallways ingrained into his brain. Throwing open your bedroom door, he tears off his jacket and you do the same, flinging your shoes off as you go, wincing slightly at the loud thud when they hit off his dresser. That’s a problem for tomorrow, right now, as if a switch went off, your body was buzzing with desire. You needed Seokmin.
You took hold of his face between your hands and kissed him hard, lips moving frantically over his, a messy clash of tongues and teeth and need. His hands took hold of your waist, squeezing minutely and travelling further down to your backside, kneading the flesh over the fabric of your dress. You moaned into his mouth and he swallowed the delicious sound, eagerly matching the ferocity of your kisses with his own. He groaned when your hands slid up into his hair and tugged, subconsciously feeling your ass with more vigour, walking backwards to his bed.
When his knees hit the edge, he allowed himself to fall, hands latching onto your hips and pulling you down with him. You straddled his lap on instinct, thighs wrapping around his hips as his forearms wrapped around your lower back and pulled you closer to his chest, effectively placing your hips flush against his. You could feel his member beginning to strain in his trousers, and you grinded against it, pleasure shooting through your body at the friction against your core. He moaned aloud as you continued to gyrate your hips above his, breath caught in your chest, growing wetter at the feeling. He bit your lower lip in warning, if you kept doing that he wasn’t going to last long, because you looked so unbelievably gorgeous with your eyes fluttering in lust, panting into his mouth and little moans escaping your pretty kiss swollen lips.
Your fingers fumbled blindly with the hem of his shirt, moving it upwards and off his chest, revealing his toned and tanned chest. You revelled in the firmness of his chest and abs, fingers roaming the expanse of skin before looking up to see Seokmin’s cheeky grin. Rolling your eyes, you were about to make a comment on his vanity until you felt his hands move under your dress and begin to push the material off your body, returning the favour in kind. Leaning back to allow him to remove it, he made quick work of the fabric, hauling it somewhere across the room, lost to the floor. His eyes nearly fell out of his sockets when he found out you were without your bra tonight, and you silently thanked your lucky stars for having the idea to go without it for tonight.
You held onto his shoulders and moved your chest in his vision, and he was quick to latch his mouth onto a nipple, swirling the bud around and nibbling lightly on it, making you hiss out at the sensation. He kissed it in apology and moved onto the other one, hand coming up to lavish at your chest, squeezing the flesh in such a pleasing way, one that had you rearing your head back to let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He smirked against your chest and continued to mouth at your breasts, reaching a hand between your legs to rub at your soaked panties. You whined at the touch, hips following his fingers in need of more. That simple touch was enough to have you melting in his arms, and thankfully Seokmin decided he needed you now.
He struggled to unbutton his pants and push them down his legs but eventually he got it, kicking them off and moving his boxers down to his ankles. The position you were currently in was how he intended to take you – it allowed him to hold you close and fuck you into a mess, giving him the perfect view as you crumbled, so perfectly intimate. Scooting into a more secure position on the bed, he moved your panties to the side and ran his fingers along your dripping slit, getting even more aroused at how sopping wet your pussy was. He was proud of himself that he had half a mind to think about protection, even in his inebriated and lustful state, and when you mumbled against his mouth that you were on the pill, it was all he needed before he pushed his steel member into you.
Your walls clenched around him as you adjusted to the wonderful stretch, distracted by the butterfly kisses and nips on your neck. Threading your fingers through his hair, you lifted your hips once you were comfortable enough to move, and Seokmin sighed shakily, hands gripping onto your hips to help lift you up and down. Soon enough a steady pace was formed, a pace that had you bouncing on his dick as he held onto you, kissing you as furiously as his thrusts. Your mind was washing over in waves of pleasure, hitting every nerve in your body and sending you to a place so heavenly you were sure it wasn’t real. Seokmin was the only thing on your mind; how he looked, tasted, felt. And you allowed yourself to be greedy and yearn for more of him.
His voice dropped an octave lower when he spoke, so completely thick with desire and sex, and the deep rumble in his chest brushing with yours had you keening, eyes clenching shut in ecstasy, amazed at the simplicity of his voice sending you further down the hole of pleasure. “Fuck, baby,” he grunted, hot breath fanning across your chest between nips and kisses. “You look so good, riding me like that.” A bead of sweat formed on his forehead, stray hairs clinging to his skin, brows furrowed in concentration, making sure you were getting satisfied like him. And you certainly were. “Shit, I’ve waited so long for this,” he whispered out airily, hiding his flushed face in the crook of your neck and planting sloppy kisses along the skin. You didn’t quite catch what he had said, too lost in chasing your approaching high than to pay proper attention.
“I-I’m close,” you moaned, and Seokmin took the initiative to speed up his thrusts, the lewd sounds of skin on skin getting louder in the space of his room, and you bit your lip harshly, a failed attempt at containing the moans spilling from your lips. Fuck, this was so perfect. You knew it would be; long, lonely nights of dreaming how Seokmin would fuck you, how he’d feel inside of you instead of your fingers, how he’d sound – he was quite the singer, and they say singers are the loudest in bed. He doesn’t disappoint in any area – well built, sinful moans escaping into the heated air, and downright amazing at fucking – you almost wish you had done this sooner, friendship be damned.
He snaked a hand from your back to your throbbing clit, pressing his thumb firmly and swirling it in figure 8 motions, and you nearly collapsed at the feeling, your senses overloaded in every crevice of your body. “C’mon baby, cum for me,” he ordered, and you obeyed, unravelling at his deep command, staring deep into his obsidian eyes as your body went ram rod straight in his lap, a drawn out moan the only thing leaving your swollen lips apart from incoherent mumbles of his name. He continued to pound into you, desperate to finish with you, and when you kissed him hard and moaned ‘Seokmin’ into his mouth, it was enough to bring him to his end, hips snapping still as he released into your warmth, your walls milking him for all he’s worth.
He held your body close to him, sticky and flushed from your exertions, rocking you back and forth. The movement served to ease your exhausted body, lulling you into a sleep as you rested your head on his shoulder. Your eyes fluttered shut when his fingers began to brush through your hair, untangling the strands, and soon you were asleep, knocked into oblivion with Seokmin in your dreams and a small smile on your sleeping face.
Laying you both back onto his mattress, Seokmin threw the covers over your naked forms, too tired to do any cleaning up. That can be dealt with tomorrow, when morning came. Admittedly, a knot of anxiety formed in the pit of his stomach when he thought about the approaching topic of where your friendship stands in the morning. He reasons he should leave it as a one time thing – a friendly one night stand with no feelings attached, and that when you’re both awake along with the rest of the world, everything will go back to normal and you’ll be back to being the same friends you once were. Fool, his mind argues, that is not what you want and you know it.
He knows. He’s always known, from the moment he met you all those years ago, that that is something he wouldn’t want. He wants to be able to kiss you whenever he wants, hold you whenever he wishes, call you his and have you call him yours. Maybe it really is his tipsy mind, or maybe it’s the sex bliss doing the thinking, but Seokmin decides he’s going to be brave when you open your eyes. He’s going to be honest, and he’s going to lay his heart bare for you. That could be a mistake another part of his brain whispers, but Seokmin shuts it out like he shuts his eyes, his arm wrapping around your prone form and bringing you close to his chest, burying his face in your hair. It might be a mistake, but Seokmin loves you, and he doesn’t want to hide anymore.
Your first thought after waking up?
Shit, my head fucking hurts.
Inevitable, really, when you go out drinking the night before, but along with the pain in your head, new ones mark their arrival in the form of aches between your legs and your neck. Opening your eyes, your eyes immediately squinted at the sunlight streaming in the windows, the curtains drawn back instead of closed like they should be. You hissed at the throbbing in your skull, the sunlight adding to your misery as you groaned into the pillow. Gathering the courage to open them once more, you allowed your eyes to adjust to the light, and found you were not in your own apartment. Instead, it seemed you were at Seokmin’s – not a rare occurrence, but what was rare, was the lack of clothing on your part as you lay in his bed.
All at once, the memories of the night before came flooding back into your aching brain, and with it a sense of awful, gut wrenching dread, the kind that brought a sickness to your stomach and made your limbs feel heavy. Your breathing felt ragged, and you felt too afraid to turn around and find out if Seokmin was in the same state as you. However, the truth is better than simply lying prone in this bed and waiting for him to wake up, which could prove to be just as stressful as this situation. Confrontation was not something you wanted to deal with just yet. Slowly manoeuvring your body to face the opposite direction, you’re disappointed to see the bed empty. Your hand slides over the dark sheets, a faint trace of warmth lingering in the large mattress the only indication that you weren’t the only occupant of the bed.
Swallowing down the bitter taste disappointment in your mouth, your brain kickstarted and presented to you the opportunity to leave before Seokmin catches you. This way, you can have time to decide what you’re going to say to him when the topic inevitably arises. You certainly don’t want to see this as a mistake, so if you’ve a way of bullshitting your way out of ending the friendship, despite your heartbreak, you’re willing to take it. Sitting up, you ignore the blatant pounding in your head and search the room for your clothes, eye’s flitting around the space of his bedroom. Eying your dress hiding underneath his jeans, you make your way out of the comfort of the bed, groaning quietly at the slight pain in your backside and slipping the dress on haphazardly. Next, your shoes and purse were in your hands, and upon checking the contents, you reasoned that you’d have enough for a cab back to your apartment.
Pulling open his bedroom door slowly, you tiptoed your way through the halls of the apartment, wincing at every creak of the floorboards beneath your feet. Bypassing the kitchen, you were alerted to the sound of pans and plates clanging and scraping together, followed by a quiet curse. Before you could move fast enough, footsteps made their way towards your position, and suddenly the door was thrown open. You were met with Seokmin wearing a slightly frustrated expression, and the most ridiculous yet glorious bed head you’ve ever seen. His expression morphed from frustration to shock when his eyes met yours, and that, again, shifted to nervousness. He bit his lip and trained his eyes anywhere but yours, and similarly, you were doing the same thing, fear flooding your veins like ice. You couldn’t stand the pregnant silence between the both of you, and spoke up, attempting to steady the wobble in your voice.
“Morning,” you opted for saying, internally cringing at how stupid you sounded. Seokmin smiled, though you’d describe more as an awkward grimace, and gave a quick laugh.
“Morning. How are, uh, how are you feeling?” he mumbled, rubbing at the back of his neck and sighing through his nose. Not once in his life had a conversation with you been as painful and awkward as this one. But he supposes the elephant in the room was too big for you both to carry on as if nothing happened last night.
Because however drunk he may have been last night, he knows that last night, holding you in his arms, it was the best night he’s experienced, and he knows without a shadow of a doubt in his mind that’s he’d do it all over again if you’d let him.
You nearly balked at his question but collected yourself quickly, scratching at the skin of your arms lightly. “I-I’m fine,” you lied, keeping your focus on the wall beside his head. “My head kills though,” you tried to joke, but your chuckle sounded weak. Seokmin nodded, muttering that his own hurt as well, and you nodded in response. God, you just wanted to exit this conversation, it was physically paining you to stand here and pretend everything was ok, to stand the churning of your stomach getting worse with each passing second, anxiety balling up deep within your gut and tearing you apart.
“I-uh, made some food! If you…want to join me,” he offered weakly, his face dropping at your regretful expression. You felt absolutely horrible, he was probably trying to be nice to you before breaking the news that last night with you was a mistake. How pitiful you must seem.
“I’m actually going to go home, Min,” you explained, starting to back toward the direction of the front door as Seokmin followed you. “I have things to do, you know? I’m…busy. But thank you! For the offer, I mean! That’s really sweet of you, and I’m sorry to leave like this.”
Seokmin nodded numbly at you, a torn look upon his visage as he watched you turn and go, getting closer and closer to the door and out of his life. Just before your hand could reach the door handle, however, Seokmin caught it in his, his calloused hand holding yours so delicately, like glass that he wouldn’t want to break. You stared at him in apprehension, wanting nothing more than to leave and cry into your pillow at home. You did not want to hear the dreaded words of rejection leave his beautiful lips. You felt bile rising up your throat. You need to leave.
“Don’t,” he whispered, and you looked at him on confusion.
“Don’t go,” he answered, and you were stupefied. “Please don’t go. Please don’t regret last night, because I don’t. Don’t run away, because I can honestly say that last night was the best night of my life because of you. You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to kiss you, to touch you, to…” he shook his head, as if to shake away the rambling inside his head. His mouth was like a tap, words overflowing like water, and he was too weak to stop it. The more words that came out of his mouth, the lighter his shoulders felt. “And I know that things between us are weird now because of it, but please, don’t go. I love being your friend, but I’d prefer to be much more than that, I always have. It killed me to see you with other guys, guys who didn’t treat you as right as they should. I’ve only ever wanted you from the moment we met all those years ago, but I was too much of a coward to do anything. Figures drink is the only way I could ever make a move,” he muttered disdainfully, self-loathing seeping from his being as you stood in front of him. It was unpleasant to stand here and watch him like this, such a drastic change from his usual cheery disposition that you know him for. He met your eyes once again, looking you dead in the eye and staring straight through your soul as he spoke. “Please don’t leave me,” his voice wavered, as fickle as running water.
You shook your head no, stepped into his body, grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his precious lips. He was surprised for a moment before he reciprocated in kind, pulling you close to him and kissing you passionately, sighing in content into your mouth. This kiss was better than all of last night’s; you could feel the love emanating from him as his arms wrapped around you, the erratic beating of his heart in time with yours, his smile against your lips. Everything feels so much better now that you weren’t clouded with alcohol, now that the elephant in the room has finally left the building. Pulling back for air, you gazed into his brown orbs that were squinting from how hard he was smiling.
“I’m not leaving, Seokmin. Not for anything. I love you too much to do that,” you confessed, and if it was possible, his smile got even wider, ready to break his face. “Now, give me some of that delicious breakfast you cooked for me and we’ll eat it in bed, huh?”
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
Teamwork Makes The Meme Work
Summary: Kunikida and Dazai express their deep affection for one another the only way they know how: matching meme outfits.
Notes: This is my first kunikidazai fic and i wrote it specifically for my good comrade @thelampisaflashlight​! Happy early birthday emil! May u get plenty of hot beef and breakfast milky hallelujah amen 420 blaze it
“Good morning, Kunikida-kun! Rise and shine!”
Kunikida groaned and turned over on his side, squeezing his eyes shut. While he recognized the value in waking up early and never once stayed in bed past the ideal time, Kunikida had zero tolerance for Dazai’s abominable habit of examining the alarm clock each night and waking up precisely five minutes earlier. His only possible motivation was spite. “Go back to sleep, Dazai.”
Even with his eyes closed and covered, Kunikida could picture Dazai’s pouting face. “Oh, but Kunikida-kun, am I not a sight worth waking up for?”
Kunikida buried his face in his pillow, scowling. Of course, Dazai was rather handsome, with his rich chocolaty curls and deep, dark eyes, but Kunikida would’ve sooner torn every page out of his Ideal and eaten them than admit it out loud. “Nothing is worth waking up for at this hour.”
Long, slender fingers began working their way through Kunikida’s hair. “Not even—” Dazai kissed Kunikida’s neck. “—this?”
Kunikida jerked upright, batting Dazai’s hand away and hoping the flush he felt rising on his cheeks wasn’t visible. “Have you even brushed your teeth yet?” Kunikida grumbled, crossing his arms.
Dazai grinned. “Nope!” He pounced on Kunikida and began covering his face in kisses, then working his way down his neck. When Dazai tugged at Kunikida’s shirt and began sucking on his collarbone, Kunikida pushed him back.
“At least let me shower first before you start with the shenanigans!”
Dazai flashed his infamous smirk. “Are you sure you wouldnt’s shower after? I plan on making quite a mess.”
“You better plan on getting dressed, you bandaged buffoon,” Kunikida retorted, tossing off the covers and getting out of bed. “Or did you forget we have a mission today?”
Dazai moaned, but his eyes quickly lit up. “I almost forgot something far more important.”
Kunikida shuddered in apprehension. He had no idea what Dazai had forgotten, but he knew he didn’t want to find out. “Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes!” Dazai slipped off the bed and struck a seductive pose against the bedframe. He blew a kiss at Kunikida, then gestured toward his boxer shorts. “Do you like what you see, Kunikida-kun?”
Once Kunikida stopped wondering what he was supposed to find engaging about Dazai’s flat ass, he noticed the writing on the boxers.
“Absolutely not!” Kunikida cried. “You take those off right now!”
Dazai batted his eyelashes. “Oh, Kunikida-kun, how forward!” He hooked his fingers around the waistband of the boxers. “Well, if you insist-”
“No! Stop that!” Kunikida’s face burned. “I meant put on a different pair!”
“You’re no fun at all!” Dazai whined, putting his hands on his hips. “Don’t you want to stroll around town showing off our matching outfits?”
Kunikida covered his ears and headed for the bathroom. “You’re going to be showing off a broken jaw if you don’t shut up.”
As he prepared to get in the shower, Kunikida slid out of the t-shirt he had been sleeping in, turning it right side-out before placing it by the sink. It was an old shirt he had gotten with Katai as a joke a few years ago: plain white, worn by frequent use, ordinary in every way except for the lettering across the chest that spelled “Hot Beef”. Katai’s matching shirt read “Breakfast Milky”.
Kunikida didn’t know- and he hoped he wouldn’t find out- how in the world Dazai managed to find a pair of boxers that had “Hotter Beef” written across the rear.
Kunikida checked his watch as he and Dazai climbed the stairs to agency headquarters after their mission. Early afternoon light filtered through a lone window in the stairwell. “We’re a few minutes ahead of schedule,” Kunikida remarked, almost smiling. “Which will give us some time to get a headstart on that paperwo-”
Kunikida’s words were cut off by a kiss. Kunikida gave into the kiss for a moment, then forced himself to break away. “For crying out loud, Dazai, not out in the open like this,” he said, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone had witnessed their moment of indiscretion.
Dazai’s eyes sparkled, and Kunikida immediately regretted his choice of words. “Don’t worry,” Dazai whispered, tracing a hand along Kunikida’s cheek. “I know somewhere no one will see us.”
Approximately six stairs, two left turns, and one closed door later, Kunikida found himself in a dark, dingy supply closet. “Not here,” he protested, crossing his arms. “This would not be a proper use of agency space and property, and besides it’s too. . . cliche.”
Dazai chuckled and dug through one of the suppy bins until he found a permanent marker. “Speaking of cliche. . .”
Kunikida’s arm lashed out toward the marker, but Dazai was too slippery, too evasive, and by the time Kunikida was able to pry the marker out of his bony fingers, Dazai had already succeeded in drawing “D + K” surrounded by a childish cartoon heart.
Kunikida lectured Dazai about the evils of graffiti and the intricacies of human anatomy, on how the heart was far more complicated than it was often represented pictorally, replete with chambers and passageways neglected by such a simplistic representation, but the blush on his cheeks was unmistakable. The flow of condemnatory words was just beginning to peter out when Kunikida felt Dazai’s lips against his once again. Protected by the darkness, Kunikida allowed himself to savor the kiss this time, entwining his fingers in Dazai’s hair and melting beneath the warm, subtle pressure of his lips and hands.
“Finally,” Dazai panted, left breathless by passion. “Now, where did we leave off this morni-”
Kunikida’s watch started buzzing. “Dammit!” he exclaimed, brushing past Dazai and flinging the door open. “We should’ve been back at our desks by now! What were we doing?”
Dazai smirked. “Stuff.”
“Stuff.” Kunikida rolled his eyes. “Right. When Fukuzawa-san asks what we were doing I’ll just tell him we were doing-”
Yosano appeared in the hallway, cradling a knife in her arms like it was a newborn child. “Oh, hey, Kunikida-kun, Dazai-kun,” she said nodding. Upon taking in Kunikida’s undone tie and partially unbuttoned shirt and Dazai’s tousled hair, she raised an eyebrow. “What were you doing?”
“Stuff!” Kunikida blurted out. He coughed to clear his throat and averted his eyes. “I-I was doing. . . stuff.”
Yosano laughed, covering her mouth with a knife. “Oh, I’ll bet. See you later,” she called over her shoulder, continuing down the hallway toward her office.
Kunikida’s brow furrowed. “‘I’ll bet’,” he repeated, eyes narrowed. “What did she mean by that?” It was only then that he turned around and saw Dazai with an uncapped permanent marker in his hand and the word “Stuff” hastily scrawled on his collarbone.
As Dazai was leaving the office for the day, he heard the tail end of a conversation some younger members of the agency were having.
“-and I guess someone really likes playing Donkey Kong because when Ranpo-san sent me to get him some pens out of the supply closet, someone had written ‘DK’ in a heart,” Atsushi concluded.
“We didn’t have any donkeys back on the farm,” said Kenji a bit sadly. “But we had plenty of cows, and they’re way better than donkeys, anyhow,” he added with his usual cheer.
“We didn’t play video games in the mafia,” Kyouka murmured, eyes downcast.
“Thing’s must’ve really gone downhill since I was there,” Dazai thought to himself, reflecting on the many times- both innocuous and inopportune- he had spent playing video games while he was part of the Port Mafia. He made his way downstairs and found Kunikida already waiting for him in the car.
Dazai couldn’t help but smile at Kunikida’s expression. He was clearly planning something, and clearly trying to hide it. “Looking forward to heading home, are you, Kunikida-kun?” Dazai teased, leaning over the glove compartment to flick Kunikida’s cheek.
“Um, actually. . .” Kunikida scratched his head. “I have to stop at the store first.”
“The store?” Dazai widened his eyes in false innocence. “Why, do you need to pick something up for dinner?”
Kunikida stared out the window. “Yes.”
Dazai laughed, sticking the key in the ignition. “If you say so.”
After a rather uneventful trip to the store where Kunikida wouldn’t let Dazai out of the car and a dinner where Kunikida wouldn’t say a word, instead opting to shoot furitive glances at the shopping bag in his lap, Dazai had given up trying to pry anything more out of Kunikida. He read in silence for about an hour before Kunikida materialized and tossed a bag at him.
“Open it,” Kunikida demanded.
Dazai realized Kunikida was wearing a white t-shirt similar to the one he had worn to bed, but instead of reading “Hot Beef”, it said “I’m with stupid”, the words clearly written by Kunikida himself in permanent marker. A smile spread across Dazai’s face as he dug into the bag; he had a pretty good idea what was inside, but when he pulled out a shirt that said “I’m stupid”, he still couldn’t keep from laughing. “Thanks, Kunikida-kun. I’ll wear it every day,” he said, wrapping his arms around Kunikida.
Kunikida huffed as if annoyed, but Dazai knew he was pleased. “That’s hardly necessary. I’ll know you’re stupid with or without it.” Kunikida answered Dazai’s hug with a crushing embrance. “And I’ll always be with you, stupid.”
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inyournightmares97 · 7 years
Why We Need Friends (Ch.3)
In which Jeon Jungkook discovers what true friendship means, and how it's more important than anything else in the world. (Featuring Yugyeom, Bambam, DK, MIngyu, The8, Jimin Park, Lisa... and a bunch of other 97-liners)
Prologue,  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11 (Final)
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Jungkook spotted his group of friends as he arrived at snack-stalls inside the football stadium. Almost everyone had already turned up. They were just waiting on Mingyu and DK, who were not likely to show up before the match started. Those two were late to everything as a rule. They would run in at the last minute, breathless and blaming each other for the delay.
Bambam, nearby, was trying to convince Lisa to pay for his fries, because ‘noona, I forgot my wallet! I just left it in the car, can you spot me just this once?’ while Lisa looked unimpressed and seemed to be regretting having come. That was a dangerous place to be. Jungkook placed a hand over his wallet protectively and looked elsewhere.
A few stalls down, he spotted Yugyeom and Mirae. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the pair; Mirae had clearly acquired one of Yugyeom’s football jerseys and she was wearing it about as proudly as a wedding dress. They were giggling and standing so close to each other that their shoulders were brushing. The stand was selling cheap sunglasses and Mirae tried a too-large one on her face and stuck her tongue out slightly, making Yugyeom double over into laughter.
That guy was just too easy to please.
Jungkook decided that the group with Jaehyun, The8 and Jimin was the safest to join at the moment. He walked over to them and they greeted him happily, Jaehyun clapping him on the back.
“Hey! You’re here. Dude, keep away from Bambam, he ‘forgot’ his wallet again,” Jaehyun warned playfully.
Jungkook chuckled. “Yeah, I noticed. How much longer until the match starts?”
“We’ve got about ten minutes. Want something to eat?”
“Don’t have much of an appetite,” he replied.
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest with a slight roll of his eyes. His gaze had landed on the giggly Yugyeom and Mirae as well, mouth turned down into a frown. “Yeah? I lost my appetite too. Who’s idea was it to invite her here? I told Mingyu I didn’t want to see Mirae after she rejected me that time. It’s ruining the mood.”
Jimin rolled her eyes at him. “Get over it, Jaehyun. You can’t resent her for rejecting you forever.”
“But I swear she was flirting with me,” Jaehyun insisted, folding his arms across his chest. He sounded bitter. “I don’t ask girls out unless I’m sure they like me back. Mirae had been flirting and making eyes at me all week. Yugyeom should be careful. That girl is a serious tease. She’ll do the same to him.”
Jimin frowned. “Wow, way to be judgmental. Just because she rejected you-“
“Hey, look, they’re selling onion rings over there!” The8 cut in, trying to break the tension. Jaehyun was a little too used to getting all the girls he wanted. He had a tough time believing that every girl who talked to him wasn’t in love with him. Jimin, understandably, was starting to look annoyed. “Let’s go get some, huh? I’m dying for something salty.”
Jungkook followed them awkwardly. He hated the awkward tensions and clash of egos; this was why he preferred to hang out with Yugyeom over the rest of the guys. There was very little drama with Yugyeom and they could usually just sit and laugh together at other people’s stupidity. In contrast, Mirae brought drama with her wherever she went. There were always drunken antics and ex-boyfriends and secrets revolving around her.
“Guys! Let’s go get our seats!” Bambam yelled out, waving his hands at the group. He was holding the tickets in one hand and a large bag of fries in the other that Lisa had paid for. “If we keep waiting for DK and Mingyu, we’ll miss the beginning.”
“Agreed. Where did- yah! Yugyeom, Mirae! We’re going to our seats, hurry up!”
They all hurried over to their seats. Jungkook noticed how Mirae rather cleverly maneuvered herself into the seat beside Yugyeom. The taller boy didn’t seem to mind; he was grinning as he pointed at the huge screen and explained something to her about the football field. Jungkook cleared his throat as he sat on Yugyeom’s other side.
“Hey guys,” he greeted.  
Yugyeom turned and grinned at him, giving his friend a high-five. “Jungkook! Man, today’s going to be awesome. Park’s finally back on the field after his injury, I hope his condition is better now.”
Jungkook nodded eagerly. He’d just been thinking the same thing. “Yeah, man. I’ve been waiting for Park to get back onto-“
“Who’s Park again?” Mirae cut in innocently.
“Mid-fielder,” Yugyeom explained, smiling at her. “Remember, I was telling you before? These guys were almost on their way to the Championships last season but he injured himself before the semis and the whole team just went downhill from there. This is the first game he’s playing since his recovery.”
Which you would have known, Jungkook thought bitterly as he slumped back into his seat, if you were even remotely interested in football, which you’re not. You’re just here to flirt with Yugyeom.
“Sorry,” Mirae apologized to Yugyeom with a pout. “I keep getting these names confused. Tell me if I’m bothering you with all my questions, okay? You don’t have to answer them.”
Yugyeom smiled and shook his head. “I don’t mind. Oh yeah- weren’t you asking about the positions earlier? So there are mainly four positions. You have the goalkeeper, the defenders, the mid-fielders and the forwards. These guys usually play in fixed positions-“
Jungkook drifted off, folding his arms across his chest. He could tell from the slightly blank expression on Mirae’s face that she wasn’t actually interested in whatever Yugyeom was excitedly explaining to her. She was probably just taking the chance to stare at him as he spoke. Yugyeom was too stupid to notice. Scoffing, Jungkook turned the other way to realize that Lisa had occupied the seat on his other side.
Lisa smiled at him lightly. “Fries?” she asked Jungkook, holding out a bag.
Jungkook blinked and flushed. He didn’t know Lisa very well. She had joined their group rather recently and was only really close to Bambam and Mirae. He was awful at making conversation with girls he didn’t know. He merely shook his head silently, forcing a smile at her. “Uh-no thanks-“
“Are you sure?” Lisa pressed kindly. “Bambam made me  buy enough to feed the whole football team.”
“Yeah-I’m- I’m sure.”
“Okay,” she replied. She gave him a slightly weird look that seemed to read what is wrong with you? Jungkook let out a low breath once she had turned away and sank further into his seat. Yugyeom and Mirae were still talking and giggling on his other side and Lisa seemed unimpressed at his shyness.
It was going to be a long day.
By the end of the match, Jungkook was tired and irritable. Not only had their team lost, but he had been sitting alone and awkwardly for the whole length of the match. Lisa had given up trying to make conversation with him after the first few failed attempts. Yugyeom and Mirae were almost constantly talking and giggling. Yugyeom cheered with Jungkook for the first two goals but by the second half, he was so engrossed in whatever Mirae was saying that he forgot Jungkook existed.
Why did I even come here? Jungkook wondered bitterly. I could have just sat and watched this match at home. At least it wouldn’t have been this awkward.
“Well, that was a pity,” Mirae commented among the glum mood as they all filed out of the football stadium. She noticed the sour expression on Jungkook’s face and sighed. “Maybe I should have started supporting the other team, huh? It’s your fault, Yugyeom,” she joked, nudging him.
Yugyeom rolled his eyes as they descended the stairs. It was crowded and there were a lot of upset fans trying to get out of the stadium. “Please. This was just a preliminary game. You won’t regret supporting these guys when the actual Championship is closer,” he assured her.
Jungkook scoffed to himself. If her interest even lasts that long.
Mirae’s eyes brightened. “We should come for another game- ow! Excuse me! Can you watch where you’re going?” she snapped at a pair of bulky men walking next to her, one of whom had just elbowed her in the side. The man turned and glared at her irritably.
“Didn’t see you there. My bad,” the man replied, raising an eyebrow.
Mirae’s eyes flashed. “Why? Because we’re not all overweight baboons that take up space equivalent to about three regular people?“
Yugyeom’s eyes widened at her boldness. Why was she trying to pick a fight with these dangerous-looking men? What was she thinking? “Mirae…” he muttered urgently, tugging at her hand.
The man glared at her. “What did you just call me, little girl?”
Yugyeom pulled Mirae urgently away from the two men and steered himself in between them. He forced an awkward smile at the men and half-bowed. “I’m sorry, she didn’t mean that. Let’s all be more careful in such a crowded place, sir. We could get hurt.”
It might have been his polite tone, or maybe the men just noticed how tall Yugyeom really was. Either way, they merely scoffed and walked away. Mirae looked irritated when Yugyeom took her hand and they continued to follow the group out of the stadium. Part of her was a little pissed off that he had interrupted her, but she merely pouted up at Yugyeom and folded her arms across her chest.
“Did you have to pull me away?” she complained.
Yugyeom looked down at her, wide-eyed. “Yah! Those men were three times bigger than you, you said it yourself! Did you really want to fight with them?”
Mirae pouted. “But he elbowed me really hard! It hurts!”
“Come here. Walk on the inside, I’ll block the people from you, okay?” Yugyeom replied. He slid around Mirae so that she was walking in between him and the wall, and he was shielding her from the crowd of people. His arm was around her shoulders and Mirae found herself blushing in pleasure. “Besides. If you want to pick fights then pick fights with someone I can beat up, I couldn’t have taken on those men,” he muttered.  
Mirae giggled at him. “Have you ever beaten up anyone in your life, Kim Yugyeom?”
Yugyeom flushed. “Not really. But hey- I’m stronger than I look.”
“It’s okay. I can beat up guys myself. I took self-defense classes for two years before college,” she replied, lifting a fist up in a joking manner. She gestured towards his arm wrapped around her shoulder and winked at him. “Don’t get too handsy or you might find yourself on the wrong end of this.”
Yugyeom flushed and started to move his arm. “Oh, sorry-“
“I’m kidding, you idiot. It’s fine.”
Jungkook followed the flirting couple out, relieved when the group all stepped out into the parking lot and they could finally breathe in some fresh air. His arms were folded across his chest irritably. Part of him wanted to get out of there as quickly as he could. He’d had enough of socialization for the day. Jungkook wanted to go home and play some video games to relax himself.
“Hey guys! Let’s head back to my place for some beer!” Bambam called out cheerfully. “We can’t end the day on such a miserable note, we all deserve a pick-me-up, right?”
Everyone agreed, nodding and promising to meet in a few minutes as they headed off to their cars.
Jungkook opened his mouth to make some excuse and leave, but Yugyeom suddenly turned to him and gave him a big grin. “Come ride with us, Jungkook!” he insisted eagerly. “Dude, Bambam borrowed Jinyoung-hyung’s car, those interiors are daebak. He has seat warmers and everything, you should check it out.”
Jungkook cleared his throat. “Uh, actually-“
“And we have to make Bambam pay for the beer. He’s been mooching off the rest of us all day,” Yugyeom added.
“Yeah, okay,” Jungkook agreed finally. He couldn’t say no to Yugyeom’s beaming face. Besides, why should he stop hanging out with his friends just because Mirae was around? They were his friends. He couldn’t let her ruin his entire day. He folded his arms and followed Bambam, Yugyeom and Mirae to the car. Bambam slid into the driver’s sit and Yugyeom stole shotgun. Jungkook found himself in the backseat next to Mirae.
“We should stop and buy enough beer for everyone, right?” Bambam wondered.
Yugyeom rolled his eyes. “Don’t you mean you should stop and buy beer?”
“Very funny, Gyeommie.”
Bambam glanced back. “Hey, Mirae-“
“No, Bambam, I am not buying enough beer for ten people. You guys can drink all night and I get drunk on a can and a half. It’s not fair to make me pay,” she replied simply. She leaned forward and smirked. “Besides, didn’t you tell Lisa that you left your wallet in the car? Shouldn’t it be right here?”
Bambam hesitated. “Actually-“
“Found it!” Yugyeom declared suddenly, having taken advantage of his shotgun seat and found Bambam’s wallet lying in the cup-holder. He held it up victoriously, like it was a trophy. “Whoa. Dude, there’s plenty of cash in here! And is this your card? Is it debit or credit? How much do you have in your account?”
Bambam looked panicked. “Yah! Put that back.”
“Sorry, man. Pull over here, we need to buy beer.”
“Dude, you just invited eight people over to our apartment and our fridge is literally empty, we have to buy beer and snacks,” Yugyeom pressed, pointing at a convenience store a little ahead of them. Bambam reluctantly pulled into the parking lot. “I’ll go inside and grab the beer,” Yugyeom offered, unbuckling his seatbelt and shooting into the store before any of them could react.
“Shit; did he take my wallet inside?” Bambam wondered.
“Well, yeah, it was in his hand-“
Bambam shot out of his seat equally fast and rushed into the convenience store after Yugyeom.
Mirae laughed at their antics. There was a brief silence once both of them were gone and she yawned lightly, realizing how tired she was. Mirae stretched her arms out in front of her and turned to smile lightly at Jungkook. “Long day, huh? I had no idea football matches were so tiring. Or maybe it was the information overload Yugyeom kept giving me,” she giggled.
Jungkook stared out of the window at a small cat nibbling at the trash can outside the store. “Hmm.”
“You tired too?” Mirae asked.
“Kind of.”
Mirae blinked at him, frowning slightly. Jungkook often acted short and annoyed with her. She was used to it. But there was something a little more serious about his expression and she couldn’t help but wonder if something was bothering him. “Are you okay, Jungkook?” she asked. “You haven’t said much all day. I thought you would be more excited. Are you really so bummed that your team lost?”
“I’m fine. Jesus,” he snapped.
“Okay. Sorry,” Mirae said. She gave him a small smile. “Yugyeom is so amazing. I thought he was shy but once he gets comfortable, he’s really playful too! And honestly… I kind of liked how he didn’t let me fight with those guys when we were leaving the stadium.”
Jungkook closed his eyes. His head was aching, he did not want to hear Mirae gushing about Yugyeom again. He’d had enough of their giggling and cuteness all day. But Mirae didn’t notice, she kept ranting on. “I mean, there are plenty of guys who get provoked easily and try to act tough in public,” she explained thoughtfully. “You remember that guy I dated in high school? The basketball player? He once beat up some random guy on the street for staring at me. I had to half-carry him to the hospital afterwards. It was so annoying and unnecessary. It’s really refreshing to see a guy like Yugyeom who’s responsible enough to know when to get into a fight and when it’s better to back down.”
Jungkook leaned his head against the window. “Hmm.”
Mirae raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you seriously okay, Jungkook? Because-“
“I told you, I’m fine! Would you please just stop talking?”
Mirae blinked. “Okay,” she said softly. “Sorry.”
They sat in a slightly awkward silence until Yugyeom and Bambam returned. Yugyeom was carrying a bunch of six-packs and a bag full of snacks while Bambam looked defeated. He was grumbling as they started the car and headed back to their apartment.
“Today was a bust, huh?” Jungkook mused.
Yugyeom plopped down on the couch next to him, holding a car of beer. He blinked at his friend, slightly confused before he realized that Jungkook was talking about the football team’s loss. He suddenly realized that he hadn’t paid much attention to the game itself, he’d been too busy chatting with Mirae. Somehow, Yugyeom felt like he’d had a great day despite the football team losing.
“It was okay,” Yugyeom replied. “You want another beer?”
“I’m fine.” Jungkook took a sip from his can and then raised an eyebrow at his best friend. “I see you finally got Mirae to leave you alone. If she’s clinging to you, then you should just tell her to go away. She often doesn’t get the point unless you tell her straight.”
Yugyeom flushed. “I don’t mind. She’s a lot of fun.” He turned and glanced over at where Mirae was currently chatting with Lisa. The two girls were poking fun at DK and they seemed to be imitating him or something like that; it wasn’t clear over the laughter. “Besides, it’s nice to see a girl take an interest in football. I’ve never met one other than Jimin.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “She’s not as interested as she looks.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Nothing, forget it.”
“Are you okay, Jungkook?” Yugyeom wondered, blinking at his friend. He suddenly realized that Jungkook had been acting a little distant all day. He fiddled with his beer can. “You look kind of tired. You don’t have to hang around here, you know. You can head back home, I won’t let Bambam guilt trip you.”
“So now you want me gone?” Jungkook demanded.
Yugyeom frowned. “What? No way, man. I was just saying you looked tired. Besides, we all know you loved that team more than anyone. I just figured you’re not in the mood to celebrate considering they lost. If you want to stay, that’s great.”
Jungkook sighed, the confused and slightly hurt expression on Yugyeom’s face making him realize that he was acting like a bitch. True, Yugyeom had ignored him a little for a girl, but did that really matter? It was normal and he hadn’t done it on purpose. Jungkook blinked. “No, sorry man, you’re right. I guess the loss just had me in a crabby mood. A couple beers will set me right.”
Yugyeom looked relieved. “Okay.” He rubbed the back of his neck slightly and then cleared his throat. He blinked at Jungkook a couple of times before speaking quietly. “Actually, I wanted to ask you something. Maybe this isn’t a good time…”
“About what?”
“What about her?”
“It’s just-“
He was cut off by the sound of loud music suddenly playing. Somebody had set up the speakers and was playing the latest Bigbang song. There was the sound of laughter and squeals as DK and The8 got up and started doing some nonsensically sexy moves. Mirae and Lisa giggled and threw potato chips at them in distaste, while the other guys booed them playfully.
“Kim Yugyeom! Jeon Jungkook!” Bambam yelled out over the loud music. “These idiots are trying to outdo your sexy dance! You gonna set them right, or what?”
Yugyeom grinned at Jungkook. “You drunk enough to hump that floor, buddy?”
Jungkook tilted his beer can back and finished it in one shot, before giving his friend a lopsided smile.
“Hell, yeah.”
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Bts and Svt Written Ship
Hi! Can I have a ship with Seventeen and BTS, please?
I’m very carefree, open and happy in general. I talk a lot and can make friends easily. However, with those I know I’d meet for a few times, I’d get more reserved and quiet (at least I think so lol) I’m the type to say ok to anything with no regrets and am those who always plan beforehand but never stick to it. I tend to be easy to read. I don’t know but everyone knows 😂 I’m also a person with many ideas and interests but get distracted or bored easily. I can master something rather fast if I’m determined. I can get over lost and sadness faster than others. I’m appreciated and thankful with everything in my life, good or bad.
I rarely get stressed but once I do, my mouth will be zipped for a while, which can be kind of annoying, I know.. I’ll tell others eventually tho. I hate the feeling of being about to cry and I rarely cry in front of others, except when watching movies or dramas. I’m unorganized and very forgetful. I can be too laid-back sometimes and procrastinate things. I tend to neglect my negative feelings, too.
Friends said I was bubbly, funny and reliable. Also, others like to tell me I’m approachable and easy to talk to (rip my chicness) They find my stupid sarcasm funny and they usually come to me for exchanging ideas or advice.
I like people and observing them is one of my favorite. I enjoy listening to their stories. They’re my favorite books. They help me learn and see things in different perspective. I’m also into all kind of arts and languages. I like to draw and paint best and love to explore new languages. A long nice walk, hugs and linking arms will always be my things. Just no bugs! Having any small creatures on my body is no no😖 I get scared easily but horror movies are my fav!
Okay, it’s long. I must stop lol Thank you so much! If you want anything shorter, just message me. I’ll work on it. Thank you again!
I ship you with Dk!
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what a handsome man
-Honestly you and Dk being the same room is dangerous -You’re both blinding -Because you’re both sunshines -When you two are together people have to wear sunglasses -Will never get bored when you’re with him -Especially when you two are hanging out with Hoshi and Seungkwan -oh boy be carful -Just a warning, saying yes to everything will defiantly turn you into a meme real quick with them -Will worry about you recovering and getting over sadness quickly -Wants to make sure you’re healthy and not holding your feelings in -But also doesn’t want to annoy you -Ends up talking to you about it so you can calm him down and reassure him it’s just how you are -Can read you like a book when you’re about to cry -If you’re with others, he’ll make up an excuse and drag you out of the room -Kisses away your tears and tickles you -Then let’s you talk about it -Honestly your #1 cheerleader -You guys link arms and skip everywhere -It embarrasses some of the other members -OKAY BUT IMAGINE PAINTING ON THIS MANS BACK -Is totally down for a horror movie -But you guys just end up making fun of the characters and how dumb they -Then building a fort and throwing snacks at each other to see who can catch the most in their mouths
I ship you with Namjoon!
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-I was gonna ship you with J-Hope but then I imagined Joon with a hyper ball of fluff and I just -Daddy af -Anyway moving on -Imagine complaining to Namjoon about being bored -It could go one of three ways -he kinda gets a little shy -“I was reading about this conspiracy theory earlier, if you want to hear it.” -He can’t help but smile when he sees your face light up -You curl up next to him like you’re about to hear the most epic adventure in history -You guys keep talking for hours -All the sudden it’s 2am -Or scenario two -he’s like “oh” -*Smirk and eggplant emoji* -He likes to mix things up -Anyway you get it -Scenario Three -“I beat I can beat your ass at Uno” -but wow shy Namjoon makes me soft -Gives you space when you’re upset -Is pretty serious when your upset and lets your cry into his chest -Rubs circles on your back -Gives the best advice holy crap -He thinks you’re really smart and knows that you like study people -So he finds a ton a psychology facts to share with you -Motivates you to do what you love and never give up -Loooves long walks with long talks -You tend to draw on his hands and arm when you get bored -He finds it so adorable and can’t help but smile
I hope you like your ships thanks for requesting!
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snapcracklekp0p · 7 years
Hi! Can I have a ship with BTS and Seventeen, please?
I’m very carefree, open and happy in general. I talk a lot and can make friends easily. However, with those I know I’d meet for a few times, I’d get more reserved and quiet (at least I think so lol) I’m the type to say ok to anything with no regrets and am those who always plan beforehand but never stick to it. I tend to be easy to read. I don’t know but everyone knows 😂 I’m also a person with many ideas and interests but get distracted or bored easily. I can master something rather fast if I’m determined. I can get over lost and sadness faster than others. I’m appreciated and thankful with everything in my life, good or bad.
I rarely get stressed but once I do, my mouth will be zipped for a while, which can be kind of annoying, I know.. I’ll tell others eventually tho. I hate the feeling of being about to cry and I rarely cry in front of others, except when watching movies or dramas. I’m unorganized and very forgetful. I can be too laid-back sometimes and procrastinate things. I tend to neglect my negative feelings, too.
Friends said I was bubbly, funny and reliable. Also, others like to tell me I’m approachable and easy to talk to (rip my chicness) They find my stupid sarcasm funny and they usually come to me for exchanging ideas or advice.
I like people and observing them is one of my favorite. I enjoy listening to their stories. They’re my favorite books. They help me learn and see things in different perspective. I’m also into all kind of arts and languages. I like to draw and paint best and love to explore new languages. A long nice walk, hugs and linking arms will always be my things. Just no bugs! Having any small creatures on my body is no no😖 I get scared easily but horror movies are my fav!
Okay, it’s long. I must stop lol Thank you so much! If you want anything shorter, just message me. I’ll work on it. Thank you again!
Sure thing, love <3 We hope you enjoy your ships !
BTS : Taehyung
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You two would be such a bubbly couple – always seeing the good and appreciating what comes your way in life ! Your sarcasm and humor is life for Tae, and you’re always surprising him with how you can pick up on things about people by observing them. Both of you are very spontTAEneous (still sorrynotsorry). He would always do his best to make and keep you happy, but he’d also understand that sadness is a necessary part of life, and he’d remind you that the bad things make the good things ever greater. Overall you’re both sunny people who can shine even brighter together no matter how dark it gets. He’d be so supportive of your artistic interests and always compliment you on your work. Linking arms while walking and lots of hugs are always a thing too!
Seventeen : DK
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DK will need you in his life when he’s feeling low and having a bad day. Your bubbliness woah that’s a word and optimism is exactly what he needs to keep him going. If it’s one of those days where you feel down yourself, he’ll be that sun peaking through the clouds. He admires that determination in you and will shoot to do better in himself so he can be the perfect man. He loves those simple stay at home dates where you both curl up on the couch and watch movies all night. He might freak out a little the first time you get really stressed and become quiet, thinking he’s done something to upset you, but afterwards he’ll understand. He just asks you’ll rely on him as much as he will you.
Thank you for requesting <3
XOXO Admin Snap & Admin Crackle
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