#(the postman just didn't feel like it i assume)
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mishkakagehishka · 10 months ago
Only in Croatia can the national post delivery company not deliver your post and then go and say "well ackshually our job is just to handle post, not deliver it to your doorstep☝️🤓"
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dullgecko · 3 months ago
At this point the bad kids are such well know adventures that they get mail from random people who somehow found out where they live (it’s not hard to guess that the crazy adventures live in the haunted mansion) asking for help with random quests. The first time this happened they all thought one of them was pranking them.
"I think it's legit..." Riz shucked his coat near the door, shaking his head to get some of the snow off of his thick woolen cap since he'd had to walk to Mordred all the way from school. It wasn't particularly far, certainly not worth the cost of a bus ticket, but it was snowing pretty hard outside and he got a few disapproving looks from Adaine as she crouched in order to prestidigitate his clothes dry.
"You shouldn't have walked in this weather. We don't want to fish your hibernating butt out of a snow-bank." "No it's fine my heartrate was up from walking and I had a big lunch... ANYWAY, the letter is legit. Did a little digging after school in the library and the sender is a real person-" He shivered as the feeling of the spell washed over him, wet pant cuffs and a days worth of grime disappearing as Adaine placed a hand on his head to cast the spell before ruffling his hair. "-AND there's an outbreak of sand centipedes happening near where they've asked us to come help. I'd still be cautious if it's a trap in some OTHER way but like... They've asked for us specifically, I think we should help."
"I still want to know how they knew to send it here." Adaine squished his cheeks with her palms, earning an annoyed but playful his from the goblin as he shook himself free and started to head for the kitchen. Riz fully intent on consuming his weekly caffeine limit in one cup of extra strong coffee after a walk in the cold like that. "I mean, we've done some pretty wild stuff. I'm sure word has gotten around." He hauled himself up onto the counter, using the extra height to reach up and grab the instant coffee mix they kept well out of his arms reach before jumping back down. "And they'd be aware we live in Elmville. Add that to the fact that the letter straight up didn't have a address written on it, just 'To The Bad Kids - Elmville' I think it's safe to assume Bud the Postman just delivered it straight here based on that."
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majorproblems77 · 1 year ago
You know what that means! It means a long post by me! :D
Cant wait to be excited about my blorbo for like 30 minutes, so sit get some popcorn and like some earplugs cause i will try to contain my screaming but I've been waiting for more Sky stuff and I'm so excited!!!!
For point, and because I keep forgetting, all the panels I'll be talking about belong to JoJo and @linkeduniverse
Let's do this!
Alright lets get this out of the way first, I love some parallels right, So as per usual, if I need a panel from anything prior I'll let you know where it's from!
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So what do you think he asked him.
Hey sir! Have you seen a guy with a big flag on his back going way to fast come through there?
Man is just like, oh yeah he went that way past the forge that your other weird fellows were at earlier.
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He run, Then he hero stop. Power pose activated, target acquired. Then he run some more
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Run my blorbo run!
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Genuinely interested in what exactly this is, Is it a map? Is it a list of places? Is it a paper with time shift shenanigans in it?
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I'm not versed in the postman, Is this normal, or did he do this cause he heard Sky and wanted him to think he was waiting?
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This face has be dead. (/pos) I love him so much my dear blorbo its been too long since we saw you last.
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Putting this together for 1 reason
Postman is a dick, Sky was so close, That can't be more than 10 or so metres at most. Poor man ran across Town out of town to catch up to you for you to go sprinting off into the woods, and my man is full on Olympic sprinting to deliver this mail geesus.
Also, the compulsory return of the king 🧍, Sky is the king of this pose and will not be beaten. Although Legend comes pretty close.
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God the expressions in this update are top tier, Sky is just so expressive. Right now, Man is thinking why he does this to himself.
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I'm fucking cackling, this art is amazing and Jojo's sister did an amazing job. Like I feel like I can hear this picture with that teasing tone that my siblings would use on me when we were younger. God I love it.
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So even though Sky is looking towards Legend here, so I'm totally under the impression that Legend said Wahhhh, and Hyrule said I cant run. As Hyrule was with wars When they got split up initally. Poor Sky, man has become the butt of jokes. Im glad Four is giving them a look, He doesn't look impressed. Its okay Sky, you've got a friend in Four behind you. :D
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War's is the real MVP of this arc in my opinion, Man has been in charge of the ragtag chain while Time has been out of action looking over Twilight. He's at the end of his tether.
Part of me wonders if this is going to impact his fighting going forward? Maybe he'll slip up because he's so stressed. He knows not all of them are knighted. These heroes he is with are NOT soldiers and he can't treat them as such.
And this sentence. Don't Interrupt! sounds like he is scolding rowdy recruits, rather than fellow heroes.
Which if you think about it, Sky is giving essentially a scouting report here, He scouted ahead and has returned to speak about his findings. War's is a captain, in his era he's a commanding officer. He's taken reports of this kind before.
Having a panel with Time, Wild and Twilight in Gives me more life than i think i give it credit for. (I am in the crowd that there's a family connection between these three.)
It's also nice to see Wild, like genuinely smiling.
Moving on
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Hero pose again! :D
I love this man
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These panels are very important to me so give me a moment while I explain.
Sky probably has her words engrained in his mind. You can see the questioning look, and thinking. "Is this going to work?"
That eternal dream That he's talking about, he knows her power is faded, but he's going to try anyway. I just didn't think he would use it to track what I can only assume is the postman.
It's really nice to have Sky's relationship with the master sword put on display. It means a lot to me and has brought me great Joy through this update.
He cares about her. And even if she can't talk to him anymore. He still trusts her to lead him true.
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And this panel breaks my heart! Something inside of him probably really hoped Fi would speak to him or give him more of an indication. Sky looks so sad.
I just wanna hug him, and tell him it'll be alright. He's probably thinking about turning around at this point. Maybe he's thinking about how some members of the chain perceive Fi.
A soulless weapon.
(Or maybe im thinking too much into this)
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The way his faith is restored!
Fi did lead him! She did! She's still there somewhere, and his shock! Oh my boy. My sweet blorbo,
And having used like super zoom on that last panel, MY BOY IS SMILING! :D
(Also appreciation for the full body shot's we've got of Sky from this update, I love it so much I love him so much.)
Did I go hunting for the references, Yes I Did.
I think the following area is the area where they pull Twilight too, rather than the battle field and he then moved on from here to get to the battle field.
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From sunset pt4
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The pillar behind Sky has the only slant I can think of. It looks to be the same angle, but that could just be me.
If it is that location, it might be closer to that battlefield than we originally (Or at least I originally) assumed.
(If you've got any other places let me know!)
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God i love him
Blorbo beloved! Is about as shocked as i am with the whole Mailman thing.
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The confidence of this man is unreal. He's ready, he's moving he's going. He's going and ain't going to stop.
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Me absolutely yelling at how this portal looks, it so ANGRY, But we know the Shadow is pissed right now. And if the shadow is making these portals and he's angry. I think the chain might be in for a surprise as they move on to the next location.
Which if I have to be honest. I think is going to be Skyloft. I think we are moving into a Sky arch, having had a Twilight Arc. (I also really want to see Skyloft in this universe, and there's an opportunity here. We've had more master sword things. We've had Sky content. who knows where Jojo will take this next, but I'm excited either way.)
Finally back to the chain! :D
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The gremlins return :D
Wind's little 3:< face as he's thinking is giving the energy of an upcoming detective arch, He is thinking and he is thinking HARD okay.
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Poor Sky. Man has been running around doing all the hard work while the rest of them just enjoy themselves. Hyrule especially is kinda like 'Ohhh... our bad...'
It's actually a kinda guilty look, maybe he feels a little bad about the teasing from earlier?
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Now i gotta mention the potion thing, cause its just so damn funny not too. Sky my blorbo slow down you are gonna choke on the stamina potion.
I want to focus on War's here.
And Wild too.
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These two. These two are important.
Wild has gone from happy and chill vibes to Oh shit real quick.
After everything he put into the Shadow, while the shadow was injured and watched as the thing exploded. It just decided to come back or something. And Wild, here I imagine is thinking, "How was that not enough..."
Now Wars.
War's is Stood not looking at anything, In fact, I think he's looking past Time. The last thing he said was a two word scolding but apart from that he's been awfully quiet. Now he looks like he's thinking. He's closed off, protective.
The only time I can see where he does this is when he's in what I'm going to call, 'Captain mode.' So, When he's flicked something in his head that tells him he has to be a knight.
He dosent do it often, in fact from what I can see he does it 4 other times.
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In order
Devine dark reflections pt 8 - when he's talking about knighthood with Sky and Hyrule
Sunset pt11 - When talking about Wild, and the fact that he's left
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Sunset pt13 - When speaking to Twilight about pulling his own weight
Dawn pt 2 - when Twilight is talking about the team they are.
And now here in Dawn 7 - Where they are discussing the fact that an enemy they fought escaped or survived.
All conversations I would assume a captain would have to have with his men at one point or another. I wonder what He's thinking here. It's got me thinking.
Woah, So this took me longer than I thought. I am on the 4-hour mark now. Lmaoooo
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening to me ramble for like 20 minutes.
And just remember
Sky is the sweet bestest blorbo beloved and I love him. :D
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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catreginae · 8 months ago
Thou Shalt Not Fall: Elena's Letter
Warriors receives a letter from his vampire mentor with some advice. He doesn't understand why it's so hard for everybody else to accept the advice. I was going to wait a little longer and let this chapter sit in the oven for a little longer but it's @majorproblems77 birthday and she's always been super support of this fic, so here we go! It's too bad Sky is isn't in it though.
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View the Master Post here!
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They were taking a break when the postman came with the letters. Warriors was lying on the ground, using his bag as an uncomfortable pillow.
Warriors didn't often get letters, though he tended to get a bunch at once when he did get them so he didn’t bother to move when the postman came. It was one of the ‘perks’ of being in the army – somebody read the vast majority of his letters before he did to make sure sensitive information stayed sensitive. He got whatever bunch they finish reading when they felt like sending them to him, assuming they weren’t too sensitive to leave the base. The only ones they didn’t open were from Athena.
So he was shocked that Time handed him a letter and he didn't immediately recognize the seal or the elegant writing on the front. However, he could tell it was for him and not the others because it was addressed to a 'Link Alexander' on the front and it was in his Hylian. It didn’t look like it was previously opened either, which was even stranger.
He sat up and cautiously opened it to start reading it, dread settling in his stomach when he realized who it was from.
Link, We will need to talk in person, as I don’t know how this letter will reach you. I don’t trust that it’ll just be your eyes who see it. I’m aware of your little incident and we’re all lucky nobody is the wiser from it. I’m not angry because I should have taught you more, even though you made your choice at the time. Until we are able to meet again and discuss the implications of changing your mind, I will leave you with some advice. Young ones – like you – are a lot more emotional than they were previously. You may be different than most young ones but this one area where you are no different. Now more than ever, you will need to be aware of what you are feeling. It’ll be up to you to figure out how to temper your emotions when they become too much. It’s for the safety of you and everyone around you. However, should your temper get the best of you, falling asleep or getting knocked out would bring you back once you’re awake. Zelda has updated me about your new travelling companions. I think it’s helpful that you have some of people who know and are willing to help you. I believe they can be a big help when it comes to helping you with your emotions. In the very least, they can figure out how to knock you out. I can’t wait to talk in person and see how you’ve grown. Until then, please be safe. - Elena
More emotional, huh? He knew he hadn’t been as cool and collected as he used to be, otherwise that conversation with Four and Wild in the dungeon wouldn’t have needed to happen. He didn’t know it was a notable trait in young vampires though! He was a very young vampire at that – he was cursed around three years ago. He was practically a baby compared to the ones who lived in Hyrule and there were probably even older ones outside of Hyrule!
At least Elena gave him a solution. Maybe the others would have a way of making him fall asleep or do what Elena suggested and just knock him out. It’s not like they can give him permanent brain damage if they had use some force or accidentally cracked his skull.
“Warriors, you okay? You’ve been staring at your letter for a while,” Wind mumbled.
How was he supposed to share this? He couldn’t not share it, not when he travelled with people like the vet who had all sorts things that could help him or Wild, who was equally as resourceful.
“It’s from my... vampire mentor, we’ll say. I sent her a letter about how I kept losing control and she said that if it happens again, making me fall asleep or just knocking me out would do the trick. I would wake up normal! I mean, the knocking me out part is obvious but if anyone has a nice, easy way to make me fall asleep, that would be nice. Of course, if you have to knock me out, you don’t have to be gentle.”
Legend rolled eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’re hard to kill. It doesn’t mean we like to do things like that even if you’d be okay after.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier than trying to restrain me? Who knows if that will keep working? What if something happens and there aren’t enough of you to restrain me?” He knew that was the current method just based on the fact that he was being pushed into the ground whenever he regained his senses but he couldn’t imagine it was easy.
“Easier? Sure,” Legend answered. “But I’m not interested in hurting you, even if it’s stop you.”
“You should focus on stopping me before I do something I can’t take back again. Who cares if it hurts me for a bit? Isn’t it better than one of you getting killed or permanently injured?”
“We care if you’re hurt!” Legend growled, his voice raising in volume.
“Well, stop. I’ve already killed somebody in a way I didn’t mean to because I lost control. It could very well happen again and you guys never take that seriously. Can’t you guys think of yourselves for a change and just agree to knock me out if I lose it again?” Warriors hissed.
“Hey, let’s just calm down for a moment,” Twilight said, putting a hand on Warriors’ shoulder. “You can put the fangs away.”
“I don’t- Fine.” He didn’t realize that that the fangs came out at some point so he willed them away. He used to be so conscious of whether or not his fangs were out. When did he get to the point where he couldn’t notice them anymore? It was a good thing they were still on this adventure, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to keep his vampirism a secret and then one of the vampires at the estate would actually kill him.
“We’ll cross this bridge if we get there, Warriors. At least we know it’s an option,” Twilight continued, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He swatted the hand away.
“Did the letter say anything about losing control?” Wind asked suddenly. “Can we help you stay in control?”
“Nothing new,” he mumbled, pulling his knees up to his chest. “She said the same thing we already figured out – I have to do a better job at managing my emotions. Apparently, young vampires are just more emotional so I’m actually like other vampires for once.”
At the moment, he was doing a shit job of managing his emotions. He didn’t think he was wrong in his little spat with Legend but he was upset enough for his fangs to come out. He knew he had to mind his emotions but why was it so hard?
“The letter also said we can make you fall asleep, right? We can start focusing there. Knocking you out will be a last resort,” Four said.
Warriors sighed. That was probably the best he’s going to get.
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“Here,” Legend mumbled, pointing his sword at him. They were settling for the night and Warriors caught himself staring into the fire until Legend decided to start pointing his sword at him. It took him a second to realize that there was something on the end of the sword and Legend wasn’t just swinging his sword everywhere. A piece of raw meat.
“You’re using a version of the Master Sword to give me meat?” he asked with a smirk. Good use of a holy blade, Legend.
“I don’t like touching it. Take it.”
He did. Warriors almost expected the middle to be cooked since Legend’s sword resembled molten metal but no, the whole thing was raw.
“What’s the offering for?” he asked once he ate it all.
Legend took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to dismiss your feelings earlier. I’m sorry about that. I don’t like them but I do understand where you’re coming from.”
Warriors took a deep breath. He wished he could say the same, that he knew where Legend was coming from but he couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for them to just knock him out.
“Look,” Legend started, rolling his eyes. “You have the worst self-esteem out of anybody I’ve met. You don’t care about yourself or what happens to you. That’s not okay! So I’ve taken it upon myself to care about you since you won’t or can’t care about yourself. We all care about you. It’s not easy for us to hurt you because again, we care about you. Got it?”
“In theory... It’s just... It doesn’t always sink in. It’s not anything you or anyone else did. It just feels like it’s too good to be true and even if it is as good as it seems, this is all temporary. One day, I will have to go back home and hide my vampirism again like none of this ever happened.”
Legend frowned at him and sat down beside him. “I don’t know what the right words would be in the situation. It sucks that this will end one day and we’ll probably never see each other again. I think we should still enjoy it while we’re here together though, and that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to not be bitter about how often I get roped into world-saving adventures and focus on the fact that this time, I have a lot of friends. I don’t know what that looks for you but I think you have some time to figure that out.”
Warriors simply nodded. He couldn’t argue against his point. It was something he would have to work on but Legend provided some good advice that he would keep in his mind.
“And... I will consider all options if you aren’t in control. I’m not just going to let you run around and let you do something you’ll regret. I just wanted to make sure you knew that,” Legend said as he stood up and grabbed his sword.
Legend nodded and then walked off to the other side of the camp. Warriors watched him join Four and Hyrule before his eyes landed on the raw meat Wild was still prepping for dinner. Maybe Wild could spare some more of it.
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shadofiredragon · 2 years ago
Legends Never Die
{ I would like to award @000marie198 for excellent performance as beta reader and editorial supporter. Another wonderful chapter because of your great work friend. }
Part 1 ~ Immortal Escape
Chapter 4 - Hacked~
( Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 )
Kit strolled through the dark halls, his ears flicking back and forth on high alert for any sounds of approaching footsteps.
He'd already passed by three scientists, two guards and a postman. None of which payed him any mind. It was too early for anyone else to be up, and even Kit was finding it hard to keep his eyelids from drooping.
"How much longer?" a voice whined in his ear, instantly kicking his mind back into wakefulness.
"Not much longer," Kit whispered, glancing down an adjoining hall before turning left, "Quit your whining."
A tiny huff and a hardly audible mumbling could be heard from the communication device tucked inside his ear. The voice apparently not willing to argue at the moment.
Kit was glad for the silence, his senses scanning his surroundings for any possible dangers.
Eventually he came across a hall, lined on each side by windows embedded with a chain link mesh; a cheap way out of buying legitimate bullet proof glass. Though, Kit would admit, the glass would at least stop anyone physically trying to brute force their way into the rooms beyond.
Behind the glass, were dark rooms, completely unoccupied at the moment. Tall, whirring machinery sat idling against the walls, their lights blinking on and off as the processors spun to life. The box-like machines were protected by a heavy duty plastic, and long desks stood in rows in front of them. Black wires attached the machines to ports propped on the desks, leading to computer like devices with curving black screens.
No one was there.
Kit turned to one of the doors, turning its handle with a resounding click. The door opened silently, and Kit glanced up and down the empty hall before stepping inside, closing the door behind him with yet another jarring click.
His eyes scanned the rows of desks and lifeless screens before picking one farther back to the right. Relatively out of sight from the doorway, and a place he assumed would be least conspicuous.
Hurrying his way to the port, he sat himself down in the swivel chair, the wheels rumbling as he slid up to the desk in one smooth motion. With a flourish he clicked the power button, a green light at the top of the screen blinking on.
He waited for the screen to light up, bathing his face in blue hues.
A code bar popped up, requiring a password. Kit typed it in, almost rolling his eyes at how easy it was.
"You'd think they'd at least make me hack it," he muttered.
"What was that?" The voice over the intercom asked teasingly, "Don't tell me you're bored out there playing undercover cop!"
Kit didn't respond, watching as the screen notified him to several different running programs as well as a tab requesting him to wait patiently while it fully connected to G.U.P database.
"Because that's certainly not how I would feel. But hey! You could stay back here if that'd help!"
"We both know that's not an option."
Silence. Then a suspicious,
"Do we...?"
"Well I do. And I've tried to tell you. So it's not my fault if you haven't been listening."
"Yeesh... Someone needs their coffee..."
Kit didn't respond, but an amused smile tempted the corner of his muzzle.
A long sigh in his ear. "Will it be much longer now?”
"Be patient, I'm connecting to the main server."
"Can't you just plug 'Mega in right now and get it started?"
"This incessant speech is causing unnecessary distraction. Requesting permission to mute him." Omega's voice came over the comm now.
Kit snickered at the indignant sputtering from the other voice.
"That's alright, Omega. I think I've lived with him long enough now that I've built an immunity to his nonstop talking."
"Very well."
A huff. "So... Why can't you just plug Omega in and let him get a head start.?"
Kit released a breath, "Because for as amazingly unprotected these computers are, they're terribly finicky. If I plug the drive in, and Omega tries to access the computer before it's fully connected, the whole thing will shut down."
A thoughtful, "Oh."
The screen whirred. Finally the connection had completed and Kit grinned giddily, folding his hands together and stretching them out, the joints of his fingers letting out muted pops.
"I'm in."
"About time..." The voice muttered.
Kit decided to ignore him, reaching into his uniform's chest pocket and pulling out the uniquely marked device.
Pressing a tiny button on the side, a tiny antennae flipped up, and with a quick swipe he plugged the device into the computer port.
"Okay, 'Mega. Let's get cracking."
"Affirmative. Initiating download."
Dead silence could be heard over the comm. Omega's computer consciousness busy navigating the G.U.P database, and Tails busy breaking through as many coded files as possible.
"...Well, as fascinating as it is to sit here and listen to you both wordlessly hack into the most pretentious government agency on Mobius- I think I'm going to make some breakfast. I'm famished."
Kit chuckled, "No one's stopping you."
"Stopping who?"
Kit nearly lifted three inches off the chair, his whole body jerking to face the voice that had suddenly materialized beside him.
A grey wolf stood next to him, his posture relaxed with one hand shoved in his uniform pocket and another holding a mug with the words 'Computer Nerd #1' scrawled across the side. Despite the heaviness in his eyes his ears were pointed forward, curiosity dragging his hazel gaze between the fox and the glowing screen.
"Oh, uuuhh," Kit glanced at the screen, grateful that the words were small and the open windows stacked haphazardly on top of each other, "N-no one."
He laughed awkwardly, leaning forward and propping his elbow onto the desk, which in turn propped up his head.
"It's just early. And with no one else here, it's hard not to strike up a conversation with the equipment."
The wolf took a loud sip from his coffee. Looking perfectly comfortable where he was.
"Tails? You good? Did someone catch you?! You need me to bail you out?! Blink twice if you need me to bail you out! I'll be there in five seconds!"
Kit tried not to react to the incessant voice in his ear, which was sounding way more excited than it should have.
Kit patted the desk with his free hand, leaning back so his head wasn't resting on his hand.
"Ya know how it is right? Sometimes these girls just need a bit of encouragement in the morning." He gestured to the computer.
The wolf's eyes seemed to lighten a bit.
"Oh yeah. I talk to my girl all the time. Got the fastest processor in this Bestia tech-center. I upgraded her myself."
Kit found himself relaxing, until a flash of suspicion crossed the wolf's hazel stare.
"But what are you doing here? I don't recognize you. And usually the interns or volunteers arrive later in the day."
"Oh, well, you see..."
"I just realized I can't actually see if you've blinked twice, so you'll have to tell me. Now tell me the truth-! Have you blinked twice?!"
Kit resisted the urge to grind his teeth.
"I've- actually been here for a while now. I'm mostly just moved around to inspect the bases and such. Ya know, make sure the training programs are up to current protocol, updating software systems, double checking sanitation standards."
Kit shrugged.
"And, ya know. Make sure things run smoothly."
The wolf's eyes had widened in awe and surprise.
"Dang," he whistled. "Sounds like a rough job."
Kit exhaled, relieved that his cover story was still working.
"They make you work insane hours too?" The wolf slowly began to amble away, though his face was still respectfully turned to face the fox.
Kit nodded, purposefully turning his gaze back to the screen, and tapping on the keyboard.
"Actually, I'm headed somewhere else later today. But I haven't been able to check the computer systems yet, so I wanted to get that done before I left."
"Absolutely understandable. My station's over here."
Kit only stole a side glance, noting with satisfaction that the station was ahead and to the far left, across the room from him.
"If you need anything, just let me know!"
"Thanks," Kit replied, his voice nearly a mutter.
"You still haven't answered me-!" A small gasp. "Are they keeping you from talking?! Don't worry, I'll be right there-"
"Don't even think about it," Kit hissed, keeping his voice low and ears erect. He wasn't too keen on being caught unawares a second time.
A low mutter he couldn't quite make out was mumbled with much chagrin. Kit promptly ignored it.
"Omega, what's your progress.?"
A beat of silence.
"I have thoroughly scanned and reviewed all available documents."
"No beneficial data has been detected."
Kit felt himself deflate.
"What about, like, the high security stuff?" The voice in his ear offered uncertainly, "Aren't there usually some top secret files or something?"
Kit shook his head, "None that we haven't been able to hack into," he breathed, ear twitching in irritation.
"I cannot help but question how much G.U.N actually trusts this inferior organization. All of the information I have collected from our multiple infiltrations have been vastly disappointing."
"Trust..." Kit muttered, Omega's words tickling a thought in his brain. "Inferior..."
His head jerked up with a gasp, which he quickly tried to stifle before the wolf noticed, his hand clapping over his muzzle.
His eyes darted over to the wolf's station, but the Mobian hadn't seemed to notice. Relief pooled in his chest as he pulled his transmitting device out of its slot, wiping the computer's log of activity and powering it down.
He stood up, pushing the chair away from the desk and tucking the drive back into his vest pocket.
Glancing around once, he stretched and nonchalantly headed out the door.
"All good here!"
"Sweet!" The wolf swiveled around in his chair, giving Kit a thumbs up, "Hey, put in a good word for me to the big guys?"
Kit hesitated, hand on the handle. "Uh, yeah. Sure."
He stepped back out into the hallway, the door clicking closed behind him.
"Soooooo you got a plan?"
Kit grimaced, striding through the maze of a base.
"If you want to call it that."
"Will it involve taking the offensive?"
"Not in the way you mean."
"What're you thinking.?"
"Remember my theory about the government slowly disassociating Mobians from Humans?"
A long groan.
"Come on. That's just a conspiracy!"
"A well calculated one, if my resources are accurately documented."
"Conspiracy or not, I wouldn't put it past G.U.N to back it up. And based on the way they've specifically separated Mobians and Humans in their G.U.P bases, it wouldn't surprise me at all."
Kit turned down another hall, noting the gradual growth of activity as more Mobians began to roam the halls.
"Okay, so what? Even if any of that stuff were true, which I think is ridiculous, how is that gonna help us?"
Kit nodded respectfully to two female operatives passing him.
"It's all about trust. If G.U.N is really starting to lean toward discrimination against Mobians, it makes sense that they'd limit Mobian access to their database."
"So you're gonna break into the Human's half, and hope their database has what we're looking for."
Kit found the hall opening up into a sort of lobby. Elevators lined one wall, and he eyed the ceiling, his sharp eyes searching for cameras. There were several.
"Yup. That's the plan," his eyes probed the shadows, "Omega? Can you hack the cameras at the elevators?"
"I am capable of completing the request. Five seconds."
Kit started the clock in his head.
"And what if G.U.N simply doesn't like sharing its top secret information with its much smaller organization?"
Kit bit his lip.
"Then, we'll have to figure that out..." Which meant they'd probably have to break into G.U.N directly.
"Cameras no longer pose a threat. I suggest you proceed quickly."
"I call getting to bust into G.U.N HQ first!"
Kit's snout wrinkled, the voice, besides rudely overlapping Omega's, sounded way too cheerful. He strode forward, hoping no one would see him.
You belong here. You have authority. There's no reason to question you, repeated inside his mind as he straightened his posture and headed toward the wall of elevators.
"I'm not going over this again," he muttered, jabbing the button with his thumb.
"Why not? You seem to be able to go over it every other time I want to have fun."
"Then you know why my answer stays 'no'."
There was a defeated sigh, and Kit almost felt bad as he heard the spark of excitement die out of the voice.
"Okay okay. So, how are you planning to get through the human section?"
A chime sounded and the doors opened smoothly to the sides. Kit stepped in, the warm yellow light greeting him as he jammed the button to close the doors.
"Do you require assistance in locating the computer facility for the human sector?"
Kit exhaled. "Actually- yeah. That would be nice."
"Acknowledged. Pulling up base blueprints."
The elevator doors slid closed and Kit exhaled a breath of relief before unbuckling his belt and slipping his pants down.
"I'm gonna have to disguise myself."
He fiddled with the pant legs, trying to gauge whether one was larger than the other. Dubbing that neither were more favorable than the other, he decided that his left leg would better handle the discomfort he was about to place himself in.
"Disguise? What are you… No. No way. You can't be serious!”
Kit grimaced, twisting around and pulling his soft fox tail into his hands, smoothing the fur down as the elevator smoothly ascended.
"Serious as the last turkey on thanksgiving."
"But- how are you- what about-!"
The panic was overly evident. And it only made Kit more frustrated as he gently pushed his tail into his left pant leg, trying to wrap the appendage around his leg and smooth it down so it was as small as possible.
"Yes I'm fully aware. I'm already working on it."
"Working on it?! What does that even mean?!"
"I am also curious as to the nature of your solution to this problem."
Kit sighed, patting down some of the fur turned backwards in an attempt to make himself as close to comfortable as possible.
"I'm stuffing it in my pant leg."
"And how do you know that'll work?”
Kit tediously began to pull the pants back up, guiding it over the additional appendage.
"I don't. But I don't really have many other ideas."
"Tails,” the voice was dead serious, "If someone notices-“
"They won't."
Kit refastened the pants securely around his waist, straightening and smoothing out the uniform. He took a deep breath, letting it out slow. He didn't have a mirror. The shiny interior of the elevator would have to do.
The elevator slowed to a gentle stop.
Now or never.
He focused on his appearance, imagining a short man. Freckles. Dusty blonde hair with a strawberry tint.
The doors slid open and Kit stiffened. Humans. Walking casually past him. Not giving him a second thought. As their chattering figures retreated down the adjoining hall, Kit poked his head out of the elevator.
"'Mega, you're in the system still?"
"Affirmative. Though I only have limited access."
"Can you see me in the cameras?"
"If you can, pull the feed up here will you 'Mega?"
"Request acknowledged. Processing. Visual connection established."
"Okay, I'm at the elevator. I'm going to step out- you need to tell me if I'm all good to go. Okay?"
"Got it."
Kit glanced both ways one last time before timidly stepping out of the safe confines of the metal elevator.
"Well..?" he whispered.
"Well. You did it."
Kit felt a weight slide off his shoulders.
"Perfect." He strode forward more confidently. He belonged here. "Omega? I'll be needing those directions if you don't mind."
"Affirmative. At the next hall take a left."
Kit obeyed.
"You look weird as a human…”
"No criticizing my disguise, I couldn't see myself clearly in the elevator," he turned left, noticing another branching hallway ahead of him, "Turn here?"
"Negative. At the next juncture you will need to take a right."
"Got it."
If the Mobian section of the base was a maze, the human section was a labyrinth. It was frustrating that G.U.P seemed to refuse to use a similar floor plan, making each base uniquely confusing. Even Omega would get him turned around, the blueprints going against what was actually constructed. A couple of times Kit had to nervously pardon himself from suspicious glances, laughing at how confusing the place was for someone so new. Thankfully no one pressed him any further. Content to ignore the idiotic new recruit in favor of getting back to their jobs.
As he walked, Kit kept adding more increments to his height. Slowly growing from a little-more-than-waist-high-midget, to just-a-little-shorter-than-shoulders-average. It was weird seeing the world from a higher height. He could have easily looked over a crowd of average mobians.
Was this how Vector felt..?
"The computer lab is located directly ahead to the left."
It wasn't two seconds after Omega made the comment, that Kit spotted his objective.
Long windows lined the wall giving passersby a clear view into the large room packed full of desks, monitors and humming machinery. There was a station for phone calls, the humans behind those desks outfitted with their own headsets as they clacked away at their computers.
Others sat at their monitors while a human would shuffle papers back and forth, seemingly at random.
Kit knew there had to be a reason so many people were in there at once, he just wished he knew what it was.
He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and gripped the handle.
"Omega? Can you unlock the door.?"
"I am fully capable. However, doing so may alert security, considering the amount of tampering I have already partaken in."
"And using my Mobian clearance badge would almost definitely alert security. Probably a lot faster than hacking it."
"Just do it Omega."
"…Unlocking computer room door momentarily."
The light turned green and the handle clicked with the sound of the lock disengaging. Taking a sharp inhale, Kit opened the door and stepped inside. A chorus of tapping keys and mumbling voices enveloped him.
"Careful in there.."
When was he not.?
Kit pushed back the irritation, forcing himself to keep a bored expression.
He belonged here. He'd done this before. There was nothing special or memorable about him.
He slid into an empty space, not daring to look at the human two seats to his right. More humans slid into the room and if Kit had fur it would've bristled and a strange chill skittered down his spine when his ears didn't twitch towards the noise.
His fingers flew across the keyboard. The fur on his tail scraped and poked at his bare, human skin, making his seated position even more itchy and uncomfortable. A bead of nervous sweat dripped down the side of his face as he hacked past G.U.P's firewalls, praying that past at all he would find a mutual server, linking both networks together.
The computer screen lit up, and Kit had to bite back a cheer of victory as relief lifted his heart in a flood of emotion.
"This is it.! I'm in!" He whispered, glancing to his left and right cautiously while he reached into his uniform pocket and pulled out the device from before. Half a second was all he needed to find a port, and the device was plugged in.
He and Omega raced against the clock, checking file after file, folder after folder, digging deeper and deeper into G.U.N.'s database.
Every second that passed felt like a step closer to finding what they were looking for- but for every file they broke into, Kit felt a terrible sense of dread. Every moment he sat there, was a moment more for someone to catch on. For someone in G.U.P defense to realize that a malfunction occurred in the tech lab's door lock. That an unknown AI was surging through their network. That an imposter was surfing their most private, top secret files.
Even worse, Kit was worried that G.U.N would notice someone hacking into their system from within their own child organization. That they'd cut him off. That they'd figure out what he wanted. And then everything would be for naught.
He gnawed his lower lip, fighting back the urge to twist his tail nervously.
He broke into another file, hacking past the protection protocols and 'top secret' failsafes like a technological lumberjack.
The file burst open. A slew of detailed records, journal entries, photos, even clipped videos.
Kit's eyes widened, and he immediately hurried to download the file onto the drive.
Stress crashed against excitement, and he wasn't aware of his foot tapping hurriedly against the floor as he watched the percentage slowly tick upwards.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the computer let out a happy ding. The download bar read 100% and as quickly as it was in, Kit took it out.
His heart pounded in his ears while he wiped the computer, erasing any evidence of his hack, and powered it off. He desperately hoped that he didn't look as panicked as he felt, pushing away from the desk and walking towards the door.
Even striding through the corridors with the drive pressed in his palm was enough to make him feel dizzy.
They did it. Finally, after all these years, they'd found him.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years ago
Have any fun headcanons on how Entrapta runs her Kimgdom pre and post war?
Like does trying to be more social make her try to interact with her subjects
I did a story once of post war series of Dryl hosting a science fair and Entrapta is the judge
Having her be a normal responsible ruler is the most boring thing to think about in the world actually. It's just... absolutely not in her nature, nor should it be ever. The idea of Glimmer settling down is already dull enough.
For your question - Pre-war, i have a longstanding oneshot idea for that. At least the early years. But imo Entrapta was not ready, and the position her kingdom was in when it was handed over was absolute hot trash. So she just buried her head in the sand and let it fall apart, building robots for herself and to replace lost staff.
"Your Highness, sorry about your family, we really need you to leave the workshop though, your dad lost his trade deals with Brightmoon when the Horde attacked so there is a shortage of food and wood, we haven't sold any steel in months so the miners have no work, castle staff are leaving in droves especially now, and your coronation ceremony is supposed to be in six minutes. Surely you want to finally take control of the situation and not repeat the mistakes of the late Prince-- Wait, Princess, where are you going--"
So that's why Dryl is a deadzone at the start of the show and Entrapta only has 3 castle staff who don't like her very much, as well as absolutely NOBODY responding to her distress beacon. The cooks were probably recent hires too because they seem so young, two of them could be younger than Entrapta herself. And she had NO qualms handing over her kingdom to the Horde. Catra said "Dryl's forces have fled". I think this is funnier if the only people who lived there were the 3 castle cooks, some daring squatters like the goblin dude, a postman, and a random elderly couple who keep complaining about the large noisy Horde vehicles. Otherwise she let a kingdom full of people get taken over by the Horde, which is a little fucked up even for Entrapta, but not out of her range.
Post-show I think this is where the question really comes in, who is she now? Entrapta has spent the series on a ridiculous and dangerous adventure moving from place to place, things being chaotic for her moreso than anyone else. She hasn't even BEEN to Dryl since she was left in the Fright Zone!! And she clearly didn't miss it much. The last time Entrapta was in Dryl was in the Portal episode and I thought that scene was quite sad, sure there are her robot friends, but it came across as a safe kind of prison (though ofc it's not safe with what she gets up to) where there are no exciting social interactions to get hurt by or enjoy.
When you've moved to the Fright Zone, survived Beast Island, ran from place to place surviving Prime's attack, spent months on a dangerous space mission, and then come back to find your camp has to move again because all your buddies got chipped, the idea of STOPPING that adventure and "settling down" back into that shitty castle labyrinth you locked yourself in years ago, taking on the responsibilities you long abandoned, it must be terrifying!!!
Personally what I see happening is Entrapta just assuming she can instantly get settled in back home since, duh, it's HOME, and when she gets there and the place is completely falling apart because the Horde struggled to survive against the Prime invasion, the outer areas of the castle are overrun with growth, but the inside is as dark and confusing and empty as she left it, there are no people, there's no sound, how can that possibly feel like home??? Where do you even begin to make this town feel like a home to anyone?
But she does have more support now from all her friends, and there are a lot of new people that NEED a stable place to live, and while I think Entrapta's instinct would be to stay wherever her friends are (most of them may be in Brightmoon), she'd probably decide to head home, demolish the castle walls to let some light in, and set up a sanctuary in Dryl for some of the clones. There's lots of room, and if Hordak and Wrong Hordak are there, together everyone can build a pretty cool town. Maybe even a school, and a spaceport!!! Wouldn't that be awesome! What a bunch of nerds.
Doing princessy things like Glimmer and leading dull ceremonies and stuff like that? Never. Entrapta would sooner abdicate. Maybe she does. Or maybe she delegates all the most boring responsibilities to other people and finds a way to do the bare minimum princess work to keep everyone together with the most efficiency. Does anyone see it as princess work or just healthy leadership? I bet Entrapta disappears a lot on science adventures. There is always going to be an edge of chaos in Dryl. People don't like authority in that town, especially not the ruler.
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distracted-and-diffused · 3 months ago
My version would definitely feature some unusual holiday decorations, and each of the main four reminiscing about traditions and people they miss (or don't miss!). And since it's all in my head, I don't have to worry about the budget or the double-length runtime!
❄️ Crystal used to love holiday parties in the wintertime, and she'd host them while her parents were away and busy. But now things are awkward with a lot of her old friends, and her parents haven't changed at all. She's disappointed and relieved when her parents go off on a trip without even thinking about her. (They do call her when they get there — they just didn't tell her they were going.) At least she doesn't have to think too much about all of that, since things are busy at the agency.
❄️ Niko has an idea for the gang to decorate the office so they can have their own agency party at Christmas. She's particularly enthusiastic about it, but it turns out that it's partly because she wants to keep herself busy — she's really missing her dad around this time of year, and it's been almost a year since he died.
❄️ It really is a busy time of year for the agency, though, and so they're all putting up decorations while talking through potential cases. Ghosts keep popping in throughout the day, some with potential cases (most of which are relatively easy to solve), others just to send holiday wishes and deliver gifts.
❄️ The Ghost Postman makes several trips. There is more than one delivery from Port Townsend, and Jenny — who has traveled back to Washington to see her extended family — sends a letter with an update about what everyone is up to, so we get to see little peeks into what Mick and the Cat King are doing now.
❄️ The Night Nurse is increasingly annoyed with Edwin, because he keeps disappearing for some reason, even though he pops back into the office with incredible timing when they receive each new visitor.
❄️ Charles is mostly happy to be busy; he has some nice holiday memories from when he was very little, but most of them are about tastes and smells and holiday cooking, which he can't appreciate in the same way now. When he was older he stayed at school for the holidays and it was lonely, so he likes being busy and having a lot of people about.
❄️ Charles looks in on his parents a couple of times this episode, and shows Edwin for the first time. He's nervous about it, since Edwin doesn't have that kind of opportunity, but Edwin is glad that Charles has the chance to look in on his family, even though he's aware that Charles has complicated feelings about them.
❄️ It turns out that Edwin has living relatives, but has never met any of them — distant cousins, nephews and nieces once or twice removed — and thinking about them is just another reminder that the world moved on when he… didn't. So he knows they're out there, but he doesn't check in. Not much, anyways.
❄️ Edwin has been very happy about the Christmas party and associated decorating project, although he hasn't joined in too much with the decorating this year. Charles asks about it, because Edwin always decorates for Christmas — he's always assumed that Edwin's family always went all-out every year without fail, and that Edwin was keeping up that tradition. But that's not the case at all — Edwin's family kept a very quiet Christmas. But Edwin has always loved reading Christmas stories that featured trees and garlands and candles and a warm fire, and so when he got the chance, he went all-out, and he's enjoyed it ever since.
❄️ By the end, they finally have their party, but it gets delayed a bit by the case. (I have no idea what the main case is; only that there is one. Is there a frost demon? Do they have to help a lost child? Maybe… but yeah, I really have no idea.)
❄️ Crystal finds that she's glad that she's spending Christmas at the agency; this is exactly where she wants to be.
❄️ Niko is still missing her dad, but she knows it's okay to be missing him, and it's okay to be happy to be with her friends.
❄️ Charles is thinking about how he keeps learning new things about Edwin, more and more now, even when they've been friends for nearly thirty-five years.
❄️ We find out that Edwin has been disappearing because he has been working on his gifts until the very last minute; he's made scarves for everyone.
🧣Crystal's is a fine knit in a soft purple and is subtly sparkly. It suits her down to the ground and she adores it.
🧣Niko's is green and has a dandelion pin on it (for courage). She gives Edwin a big hug — he remembered.
🧣Charles's is red (of course) and has a tiny heart stitched in one end. (For courage, and for protection, of course.)
🧣There's even a scarf for the Night Nurse, in a lovely coppery orange, which she receives while wiping a suspiciously-timed bit of dust out of her eyes.
Another day, another Dead Boy Detectives question! ✨
In the hopes of getting the fandom tag trending and getting more eyes on Dead Boy Detectives, please use the tag "dead boy detectives" when you reblog to reply.
Today's question:
If you could write a holiday episode for season 2, what would be in it?
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seidenbros · 3 years ago
I'm Lost I'm Found in You Ch. 4
Pairing: Geraskier (Geralt x Jaskier)
Summary: Jaskier is greeted by an 8-year-old Ciri in front of his door, who's looking for Geralt, so he assumes, she is his daughter. He soon finds out why she ran away and came here. Because she was seeking help from the one person she trusted.
Warnings: mentions of loss/death, PTSD, anxiety, hurt and fluffffffff, mentioned child abuse
Word Count: 2373
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
The post that started it all | idea collection | First picspam | playlist
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That night, Jaskier wasn't able to sleep. He tossed and turned, but there was no sleep to be found anywhere, because he couldn't turn off his brain, couldn't turn of the thoughts running through it, that tried to process the afternoon, the way Geralt had looked at him, smiled, the way he'd hugged Jaskier. Just the thought of that moment made his heart start beating faster again. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't he just look at Geralt as the person living here, maybe even someone who could be a friend? Why did he have to fall for that man? WHY did everything have to be so difficult? Jaskier hadn't been lucky with the men he'd let into his life so far, but the last one had absolutely broken his heart, and he'd thought he'd never recover from that. His heart seemed to think differently, though, because it was beating for Geralt already, who was the last person, Jaskier wanted to get close to his heart. Not because he thought that Geralt would break it in two – after all, he had tried his best to not think about Geralt in that regard at all – but because Geralt lived here with him and that would make things rather awkward. In addition, Geralt had his own demons to face, and he'd already told Jaskier a little bit about that, so Jaskier really wanted the veteran to get better, to feel good with where he was in his life, to sleep through the night. Geralt didn't have to deal with a musician crushing on him in addition to everything else.
This morning, he'd waited until Geralt had left the house to get up. On the one hand, he'd tried to finally get some sleep, on the other, he'd wanted to stay out of his way looking like that. He felt better after a shower and breakfast, though he probably still had huge dark circles beneath his eyes. Coffee wasn't always his choice, but today, that would have to do the trick to get him through the day.
It was past twelve and he was on his second cup of coffee, when the doorbell rang. The postman had already delivered Jaskier's letters, so it couldn't be him. Maybe Yen, or Geralt had forgotten his key, but it was neither of those two. In front of the door stood a little blonde girl, looking a bit lost, when she raised her head to stare at him.
“Hello there... Can I help you? Are you lost?” Jaskier immediately crouched down to be on eye-level with her and not tower over her, maybe even scaring her like that.
“I'm...” she started, but then she bit her bottom lip, looking a little confused.
“It's okay, take your time.” Jaskier smiled at her reassuringly. His first thought was, that she was really lost, because he hadn't seen her around before. He knew the kids in the neighbourhood, because there weren't that many. This little one wasn't one of them, but maybe she was here to visit someone and couldn't find the house again. “I'm Jaskier.” That seemed to make her loosen up a little, because she smiled up at him.
“Ciri,” the little girl managed to say. How old was she? Seven? Eight maybe? Somewhere around the age of Yen's nieces if he was not mistaken. “Is Geralt here?”
Oh... Ohhhh...His daughter? But he'd never said anything about a daughter before – then again Jaskier hadn't asked him about that, and he had no right to know everything about the person living in his house, right? There was still so much he didn't know about Geralt, but there was also a whole lot that Geralt didn't know about him.
“No, he's not here right now, but he will be home in a bit.” Normally, he'd say that he'd call Geralt to get him to come back soon, but he didn't like mobile phones, and the one he had had died a couple of days ago. Geralt refused to get one of the new phones, and instead had sent his old one in to get repaired. Ridiculous, and in situations like these a terrible decision. “You can wait here for him if you want?”
The quick nod that followed his words made Jaskier smile. He gently put a hand on her shoulder to lead her inside, but she winced upon the touch, which made Jaskier pull his hand right back again.
“Sorry!” he said quickly, not knowing what he'd done wrong, but Ciri shook her head upon seeing the horror in Jaskier's eyes.
“It's... hurt,” she ventured, gesturing to her shoulder. She didn't want him to feel guilty for something he didn't do, which was really nice of her, and it reassured Jaskier that he hadn't done anything wrong. “But it's not bad.”
“Well, I'm glad to hear that it's not bad.” Jaskier smiled at her, leading her towards the kitchen, where he pulled some juice from the fridge to give her something to drink. “Do your parents know that you are here?” Since he hadn't seen any adults around, he had to ask that question, and that way, he may be able to find out whether Geralt was her father or not.
“They are dead.” Ciri tried to sound detached, say these words without emotion, but Jaskier could hear the little break at the end of these words, which in turn broke his heart.
“Yeah... mine too.” Gently, he brushed a few locks of hair from her forehead. “I was your age when I lost them. My Grandma took care of me then.” Ciri took the juice from him carefully guiding the glass to her lips do take a big sip, emptying half of the glass in one go. “Who is taking care of you now? Do they know where you are?” He was pretty sure that no responsible adult would let a child just wander off in search of... well, whoever Geralt was to her. In addition, he didn't want to open the door to the police if they started looking for her. In the end, someone would accuse him of kidnapping or whatnot. Nope, he didn't want that.
“They... are not nice people.” He could hear the pain in her voice, when she avoided looking at him. Once she'd put the glass aside again, her fingers started rubbing along her wrists, which made Jaskier follow that movement. “They don't know.” Her movements made the sleeves of her shirt slide up a little bit, revealing to Jaskier what he'd already feared. Bruises along her wrists, some dark, some already faded, which made his heart sink.
“Ciri, look at me, please!” Jaskier pleaded, carefully, slowly putting his hands on top of hers. “You're safe here,” he said as soon as she looked into his eyes. “Nobody will harm you here, okay? I'll make sure of that.” Ever so slowly, Ciri nodded at his words, there was even a hint of a smile. “Come on, let's watch some TV until Geralt comes home, okay?”
He could have read her some stories, he could have sung to her, but right now, Jaskier wasn't really able to do so, because his mind was racing. This little girl needed their help, she couldn't go back to that family, that much was clear. Whatever Geralt said in the end, Jaskier would make sure that nobody would lay a hand on her again.
When Geralt returned home, he was exhausted. It had been a long day for him, because he'd needed the distraction. Distraction from the previous day, from his actions, from being so close to Jaskier, because he'd hugged the musician. Whatever had gotten into him that moment, but he'd enjoyed it, had enjoyed being close to the other man, to feel his body so close to his own. There was already so much going on in his life, so many problems with his health – mentally and physically – that he didn't want to draw Jaskier into this drama, so he tried to put the singer out off his mind, which was difficult considering that they were living in the same house. That was something he didn't want to give up, though, because he felt more at ease here than he'd felt anywhere else ever since returning from Afghanistan. He'd manage... somehow.
He'd actually just wanted to sneak a peek into Jaskier's living room, where he heard the TV playing, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the girl lying next to Jaskier, her head in his lap. What was Ciri doing here? Jaskier looked up and saw Geralt, immediately pressing a finger to his lips, to tell him to be quiet, though he'd already seen that the girl was fast asleep. As carefully as possible, Jaskier got up and placed a pillow beneath Ciri's head. She stirred a little, but stayed asleep.
“What is Ciri doing here?” Geralt asked visibly concerned once they were in the kitchen.
“She was looking for you. I couldn't call you, because... well!” Jaskier shrugged his shoulders, because he didn't need to elaborate on the topic. “She'd tried to call you a couple of times, she said, but since your phone is out of order, she couldn't reach you. So, she came all the way here by herself.”
“What?” There was a look of bewilderment in Geralt's eyes when he ran both hands through his hair. Her foster family didn't know where she was, as it seemed, and they hadn't realised that she was missing as well. That was what really made Geralt angry, because they had to watch over her, take care of her, but apparently, they didn't. Otherwise they would already be here. After he'd moved, he'd told the people who needed to know immediately, which included Ciri and her foster parents. She didn't have grandparents anymore who were able to take her in, and after losing her father who'd been killed right by Geralt's side, she didn't have any family left.
“We can't let her go back there Geralt.” Jaskier's voice was urgent, which was nothing Geralt had witnessed so far. When the singer put his hand on Geralt's forearm, the veteran could feel the hairs starting to stand up from where Jaskier was touching him all the way up his arm. This was not the time to indulge in whatever he was feeling right now, because he had to find out what was going on. Jaskier licked his lips, trying to figure out how to say what he needed to say, how to word it, but it drew Geralt's attention to his lips, making him think all kinds of things, but not what he should be focussing on right now. He wasn't used to that, no, he usually had a clear mind so that he could focus, but Jaskier... he seemed to fog his mind somehow. “Her shoulder is hurt and there are bruises on her wrists. Old and new ones. We both know what that indicates.”
“For fuck's sake!” Geralt burst out, making Jaskier tighten the grip on his arm to make him focus, to make him realize that Ciri was sleeping in the next room, and that he had to keep his voice down. “I just... I had no idea. I should have been there for her. I should have protected her.”
“Geralt, look at me!” Jaskier waited until the veteran complied, before he gave him a gentle smile. “This is not your fault, okay? You had a lot of things to work through already, and how could you have known? There are other people who need to check on these families and visit her to make sure she'd alright. She probably didn't talk about it.” He wouldn't have if he'd been in her shoes, only if there had been someone he trusted. Someone like Geralt as it seemed, because she'd come all the way here to talk to him, to be safe in his presence. “But you can be there for her now. And... I kind of already told her that she could stay here.”
“You did?”
“Of course. She needs a safe place to stay, and that is here with you. We just need to figure everything out, talk to the police and tell them what we know before they find out she's missing.”
“I'll take care of that.” He had friends with the police, whom he could talk to, who would listen to him, who were good with kids and wouldn't scare Ciri away.
“Geralt?” they heard her quiet voice from the door and both turned to look at her. She was adorable with her slightly dishevelled hair, rubbing her eyes, because she had just woken up.
“I'm right here, princess!” Geralt walked up to her and immediately picked her up. Her arms wrapped around Geralt's neck and she closed her eyes again, feeling incredibly safe in his presence, in this house, and with Jaskier. “Come on, you can sleep in my bed and cuddle with Roach, okay? Does that sound good?”
“Mhhm,” she mumbled in agreement, holding on tighter to the veteran, burying her face against the crook of his neck.
“I've got you,” he whispered into her ear, pressing a kiss to her hairline, before he looked at Jaskier again. “Thank you... for all of this.”
“No need to thank me. Now get her to bed,” Jaskier said with a smile putting his hand on Geralt's free shoulder to turn him around and direct him towards the stairs. He watched the veteran for a moment before he turned around. The way his face had lit up upon seeing Ciri had torn at Jaskier's own heartstrings. The love Geralt had for this little girl was almost palpable. So, he wasn't only good-looking, had a good taste in music and was good with animals, he was also great with children. So, what was not to love about him? Jaskier had to find that out sooner rather than later or he would be completely lost.
Taglist: @bards-den @thededleadragoria @fingons-rad-harp
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steviesmarigold · 4 years ago
Stevebucky Fic Recs: Modern AUs
A Higher Epsilon: 91k words
Bucky has always wanted a dog. Now finally he has one and it’s everything he wanted and more. It opens up his life in ways he never expected. He especially didn’t expect to meet Steve at the dog park. He didn’t expect they’d become friends. He really didn’t expect that they’d be dating. Unfortunately nobody’s clued Bucky in to that last part.
He feels frozen in panic. It’s their second day together and he’s lost her. He’s lost his dog.
He’s spiralling until suddenly there’s a little yip noise and Bucky snaps his head up to see his dog in front of him, in the arms of someone else.
“Ohmygod,” he hisses out in pure relief, breathing hard. He doesn’t think he’s ever been so relieved in all his life.“
Is this your dog?” the owner of the arms asks.
Dear Mr. Postman: 52k words
“I’m um—your mailman,” Bucky says, lamely. He mentally kicks himself. He’d—sort of—practiced this! I’m your old pal Bucky, good to see you again!
The corner of Steve’s mouth quirks up as he glances down at the envelope on top, absently, then back up at Bucky, eyes crinkling.
“I had a suspicion that might be the case, Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky lets out a surprised breath in a rush. “Oh! You—you remember me?”
Steve’s half-smile turns into a real one and he tilts his head at Bucky. “Of course I remember you Buck. Wasn’t sure you recognized me though—it’s been a long time.”
Or—Steve and Bucky revive an old friendship, get married (but totally just as friends, for reasons), and navigate a few of the many trials of the heart that come with falling in love with your best friend.
Thirty-Eight Days and Counting: 40k words
It didn’t escape him that Steve shared his assumed last name. “Are you gonna be my cousin?” Bucky asked dully.
Steve frowned. “Husband, actually,” he said easily, holding up his left hand to show a typical golden band.
Bucky scowled and closed the door.
An AU in which Bucky is put in the witness protection program and Steve is the agent hired to protect him/pretend to be his husband.
Introduction to Fake Dating Your Best Friend 101: 24k words
Bucky stares at his best friend as though he’s absolutely lost what’s left of his dumbass mind.
“Excuse me?” he asks dumbly.
Steve sighs and sags back onto the couch, covering his face dramatically with one large, well-manicured hand.
“Dean Coulson thinks we’re dating. And gay. But like, for each other. And now I need you to fake date me so I can convince the Chancellor to fund my research.”
Steve and Bucky are a pair of professors who have to fake date for academic purposes and are real dumb along the way. It's not so much a forest of pine as a whole landscape of it. It turns out fine, probably.
out west: 42k words
Something prickles in Bucky's memory, soft and sharp all at once. He turns, and spots the blond man he’d seen from the window yesterday—only this man is no stranger to him.
Steve Rogers smiles at him from beneath the brim of an honest-to-God cowboy hat. At least he has the sense to look sheepish when he says, “Hey, Bucky. Been a while, huh?”
Crooked Little House: 60k words
Steve Rogers bought a beautiful old fixer-upper from its oddly hasty owners, eager to make it his new home, only to discover it came with a feral cat and an angry ghost who wanted him gone. But Steve had never met a challenge he didn't like, and he wasn't going anywhere.
Bucky Barnes, the only domovoi in New York, could not believe those idiot kids sold their ancestral home and left him useless in its hearth. Now he had some tiny asshole invading it and tearing it apart—but even weakened, he had a few tricks that would surely scare any human off. Any human, that was, except Steve.
A story of the magic in the restoration of heart(h) and home, a very grumpy and very adorable Bucky, and the tiny stubborn man he couldn't help but fall in love with.
A Christmas Waif: 19k words
While driving in a middle of a snow storm, Steve Rogers ends up stranded at a small-town diner in New Sokovia, two hours away from his destination of Ithaca, New York.
The diner's owner, Freddie Barnes, and her son, Bucky, rescue Steve and take him home to wait until the storm passes. Giving lost travelers a safe place to stay is a Barnes' family tradition. They even have a name for these people: Christmas waifs.
The Barnes family are open, warm and inviting, and Steve quickly falls in love with Freddie, George, Rebecca and Rachael, and especially Bucky, who was once a Christmas Waif himself.
But Steve has a secret grief that won't let him stay with Bucky or his family, no matter how close it is to Christmas, or how much he doesn't want to leave. Or how badly his leaving will break Bucky's heart...
Portrait of a Man in Chrome: 20k words
Dear Mr Rogers,
Right from the beginning I’d like to apologize for the suddenness of this message – your address has been given to me by a mutual acquaintance who greatly praised your work and suggested contacting you if we find it suiting our needs. Having familiarized our eyes with your art (Brooklyn Museum’s most recent temporary exhibition has been truly brilliant, please accept our congratulations on it), I believe your style and talent would be perfect to meet our desires and we’d be more than happy to discuss in detail a commission for a series of paintings. As we need someone willing to dedicate quite a lot of time to the task and work in the field (which would be our humble house), please do think over whether you’re available and willing to make the commitment, and let me know whether you’d like to know more about the proposition.
Thank you for your time, Winifred Barnes
In which Steve, a rising freelance artist, is commissioned for a one-of-a-kind portrait and Bucky becomes his involuntary muse.
(Inspired by a 2019 movie, "Portrait of a Lady on Fire".)
What lies they told us: 42k words
Steve spins around and has to put a hand out to the bar to steady himself at what he finds. The voice belongs to a guy that shouldn't be real. A guy with long dark hair falling across his shoulders in waves. Eyes that catch the light and flash through shades of steel and blue. And cheekbones that shouldn't exist outside of a magazine. A guy that is staring at Steve and smiling. 'Um, hi,' Steve says, breathless and fumbling to sit back on the stool behind him, 'Uhh...' He's trying to speak but his brain won't cooperate.
'Oh, he's shy,' the guys says, stepping into Steve's space. He makes an elegant hand gesture to the bartender and then leans his body into the bar, 'Must be my lucky day.'
An AU where Steve and Bucky have a forgotten history, an undeniable attraction, and are about to lose everything except each other.
For my Bucky Barnes Bingo square: C1/ AU: Mobsters
Where the Heart is: 12k words
“Couples are more than welcome to room together.”
Steve freezes up, feels his eyes go a little wide before he can help himself. He stumbles over his words, “Oh, I—No, we’re not—”
“We’re not going to give you any trouble about that,” Fury presses, turning to squint at them head on. “Stark likes to say we’re opened minded and close-knit. Your private life is your business, but you don’t need to hide here, understand?”
Steve goes to reiterate that they’re not a couple, but startles when Bucky’s hand settles on the small of his back. He looks at him like he’s lost his mind, but Bucky’s just smiling at him. “Never can be too careful these days,” he says.
(Steve and Bucky pretend to be a couple when they move in, but at some point, it stops feeling like pretend.)
if only you could see me (for the pie that i am): 35k words
In which Steve is the proud owner of Frost; a semi famous local bakery in D.C. And despite the overwhelming insistence that it’s about time he start dating, Steve swears up and down he isn’t ready for that.
Or as of recently, just doesn’t have the time because of Mr. Barnes. The highly demanding wedding planner on the phone who keeps asking for nearly impossible deliveries and maybe Steve would like to personally strangle him. Maybe.
(There is pie. And misunderstandings. But a lot more desserts and eye rolls.)
He's All That: 88k words
“That one,” Tony says gleefully. “I pick him.”
“Him?” Bucky hisses. “Steve Rogers?”
“Bet’s a bet,” Tony says smugly. “Make Steve Rogers the class president by the end of the year.”
“Motherfucker,” Bucky curses. Then he takes a fortifying breath. He can do this. He’s Bucky Son of A Senator Barnes. He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up in the front just the way he knows men and women like it.
“Fine,” he says. “Okay. By the end of the year. Easy.”
When Bucky Barnes--son of a state Senator, future president of his fraternity, and co-captain of his college’s soccer team--gets unceremoniously and very publicly dumped at a party, his entire reputation hangs on by the thinnest thread. Drunk and humiliated, he does the only thing that makes sense--he makes a bet with Tony Stark.
Now Bucky has the length of the school year to take Steve Rogers--small, asthmatic, environmentally-conscious art nerd, political activist, and complete social disaster--and turn him into the student body president. How many misunderstandings, shenanigans, and college tropes will abound before Bucky realizes that Steve Rogers, well, he’s all that?
The Proposal: 112k words
Steve Rogers works as an executive assistant for his demon of a boss James Barnes, at Pierce Publishing. Everyone HATES working with James Barnes, the epitome of Satan himself in every way possible. But when his Visa for immigration is denied, James quickly hatches a plan and drags Steve into a plot to thwart the United States Government into thinking they are engaged to avoid deportation. Thus follows the weekend from your wildest imagination as boss and employee learn about themselves and what it means to be truly happy.
Pas de Deux: 56k words
“You might wanna stand a bit farther from me,” Bucky said. Those words made Steve’s smile falter for the very first time.
Bucky tilted his head at the group. “I don’t really have friends.”
Steve shrugged. “You’re better company,” he said, as if that explained everything.
OR Ballet prodigy Bucky Barnes is a bit of a loner. He never really saw the point of having friends. Not when all his time and energy was focused on becoming better at ballet.
Enter Steve Rogers, the new student and Bucky's roommate.
Paradise Lost (& Found): 121k words
Meeting at a tropical resort AU where Steve is there on a 2-week honeymoon package after his fiancee left him at the altar, and Bucky is there for his sister’s destination wedding but doesn’t have a room because there was a mix up with the reservations in the system.
My Stevebucky Fic Rec Collection
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laladelrey69 · 2 years ago
"Open when: You're bored".Hi Duke, this is the private story I wrote during all the September. The story is obviously fake and I had so much fun writing it. I hope You will not be offended by any line I wrote. I wrote this as a gift for Your 22nd birthday & then I changed my mind & replaced it with my podcast. The story is really mindblowing so that's the little TW. Please understand that English is not my first language so if You're gonna spot some mistakes, ignore them please:) Take a note that I placed myself as one of the main characters because I always wanted to be the Princess okay💔🥲 None of Your supporters found this story! But if You're not Duke and You found it somehow You are more than welcome to replace my name with Yours or just read it as I am the fictional character as well. ~ Lali💗
If You're gonna only look at the surface, You will not notice it.
He will not let You to do so.
It can seem to You, that You are observing Him, but He...
He is observing YOU.
You have to think diagonally.
And surprise Him.
Don't trust the first sight feeling.
Listen. Carefully.
More carefully.
Are You hearing that?
2022 will sound like... 1918.
Chapter 1: Destiny
▪Year 2139
Willy cries. He regrets everything. He just killed his family in laboratory, he regrets everything he did in life. He was a bad person, the bad blood was circulating in his veins. His siblings & their spouses & kids - all of them were killed by his crazy experiment. It was a vision.
▪Year 2111
Duke is seeing it through the sky portal.
"What is this? Is that me?" - he asked.
"Yes, this you. And unfortunately you cannot change your future." - Tyrone said.
Tyrone was an angel, he was about to be Duke but in the last minute, when Duke's mom changed her mind, he transformed into a separate persona. He is helping Duke in alternative world.
"Well, there is a solution." - Tyrone assumed.
It was so cloudy, pandemic world. Duke was on the LAX airport ready to go to Liverpool with a special mission. He didn't want to transform into Willy but even if he knew his future, destiny is destiny & You cannot change that. Unless You are a time traveller... Duke became a lincesed time traveller, because Tyrone gave him the certificate. So he knew what's gonna happen next.
- Bold Street -
Duke hit the spot. Bold Street in Liverpool is the place where the time slips everytime someone crosses the street. It happened all in a purpose. Duke closed his eyes.
Chapter 2: The Ampersand Hotel
▪Year 1918
London. The Ampersand Hotel. It's already a late night, but warm. Duke saw a completely different world, than his own one. Here, he could see no pandemic, he could see people. So many girls.
"Wow, I actually can date a real girl now." - Duke thought.
He was born in 2089 and he was the last boy on Earth. He was so excited to see so many people, girls especially. He knew he will not be here forever, but he can change his destiny and maybe live in a different time, if Tyrone considers that Duke makes good moves.
"Anyway, it's a late night, I need to make a reservation finally" - Duke thought.
He grabbed the phone, it didn't work, no Wi-Fi and no data. It's 1918. He needs to go to the hotel as a walk-in. He threw his phone to the rubbish bin next to the Ampersand Hotel. He went there and booked a double room, since he always loved to have double bed. It is more comfortable right? He did that.
"Your clothes are so bizzare." - Maddie said.
She was a receptionist. She ordered him totally different clothes, they should be delivered in a 3 days, so he needs to wait for the postman on the horse. He will not leave the hotel dressed up like that.
"What the actual fuck. I will be extremely bored during these 3 days. I cannot even order a doordash my fav long term delivery." - He thought.
"So is it something fun to do?" - He asked Maddie.
"What do You mean, sir?" - Maddie asked in disbelief.
"What can I do, what kind of activity is interesting to do inside this hotel?" - Duke repeated the question.
"Actually, nothing much, only 1 event per night. On the first night there is a politician discussion between the Empress of the European Union and the soldiers about upcoming war, the second night is a politician debate, well on the third night the Empress is singing the Polish and American songs and after that there is a ball". - Maddie said.
"Well, all of that seems to be pretty boring but thank You for the information." - Duke answered.
"No problem." - Maddie said.
Duke came back to his room in disgrace, it will be such a boring night.
Chapter 3: The Empress
Duke was 6 ft, which gives around 182 cm, his hair was dark blond colour and his eyes were hazel, but in the sun they were changing the colour slowly to blue, they were green in a front of a fire flame. He had freckles on his nose and very small nails. He seemed to be relaxed thay night. He fell asleep quickly.
Around 3 am Duke woke up. The noise woke him up. It was the rain and voices.
"Rain seems to be light, why it woke me up?" - Duke thought, looking at the street lamps and bright pavements between the trees and cute small coffee shops. The voices were louder and louder.
Duke decided he wants to go to the event which held place at this exact time. He found a weird suit in the wardrobe and he went down to the reception. He was looking for Maddie but she finished her shift. He spotted the old man. It was a receptionst.
"May I join the event? The night is pretty boring and I wanted..." - Duke asked.
"Sure, the event is not private, today is politician panel". - The old receptionst answered.
Duke was in shock. It was Blake, the timeline crossed the ways and Blake was transported way long to the past. Tyrone on Duke's radar didn't reply. But Duke subcontiously knew, that it was Willy's fault, who transported Blake to another timeline when he was mad at him one time in the laboratory. In a fact, Willy was Duke so to avoid to be a bad Willy, Duke needs to finish this mission. He knew that.
"I have to save more than I thought". - Duke considered.
Blake had amnesia and had no idea who Duke was. So Duke just thanked him and went to the event.
Duke joined the crowd. He sat down and started to listen. The Empress was sitting in the middle of famous Politicians. She was sitting next to Józef Piłsudski. The topic of the panel was "The Polish-Soviet war".
"Lenin saw the newly independent Poland which was formed in October to November 1918, as the bridge which his Red Army would have to cross to assist other communist movements and to bring about more European revolutions!" Empress shouted.
"This is insanely interesting!" - Duke almost had a fever.
The Empress' name was Eulalia. She was 5'2 ft which is around 159 cm. She had long blond hair and her eyes were dark brown. That night, she had long white dress on. Full of Diamonds. She had very small hands so the microphone barely fit in. The stage was huge. English was her second language since she originally was Polish and half German, which was a scandal on the German-Polish politician stage, but the crowd loved her, especially mothers with small babies. After that night, Duke instantly fell in love with her, although he had lots of doubts. That night, he couldn't fall asleep calmly.
"She is not my type. I prefer natural blond girls with preferably blue eyes, skinny maybe? I remember this actress Jennifer Aniston, if she only would be the same age as me... But this Empress is not even similar to her so why I still think of her? She seems to be so conservative and I cannot accept that. Also she wouldn't even look at me, I am only a time traveller, time to sleep." - His was fighting with his thoughts. He fell asleep so easily. The rain helped him to do so.
Chapter 4: Flowers
Duke woke up at 4 pm, because he stayed on the panel all night. He spent the day walking around the Empress' balcony with dragonsnaps and petunias. These were Duke's favourite flowers. Petunia reminded him of his grandma. He cutted them in the garden nearby, he included a small card inside and he wrote on it:
"For the Empress.
~ Duke."
"I would write beautiful but she will think I fell in love or something or I am just a sick stalker I will just write like this." - He thought.
Duke was a man who didn't open up very easily, especially with feelings. He couldn't even flirt very well. But he thought he could. It was very visible when he was falling for someone tho.
"Sorry, You cannot walk here." - The soldier said.
"What?" - Duke was surprised.
"You cannot walk here. Are You a family of our Empress? If yes so You need to prove it." - The soldier continued.
"Ah no. I'm sorry I will go back to the hotel. But could You pass her those flowers please?" - Duke pointed at the flowers.
Soldier agreed.
"Who is it?" - The Empress asked.
"Dear Empress, You got the flowers from one of Your fans." - The Soldier said.
The Empress took the flowers, read small text on the card and said:
"Well, nice, but it is highly inapproriate for married man to give flowers to another woman don't You think so?" - The Empress said.
"How do You know he is married?" - asked Soldier.
"Duke. So he is married to the Duchess. As it simple, it would be a scandal if I would have such a hot romance with a Duke from another land." - Empress said.
"Poland." - Soldier was joking.
"Hahahaha You got the wrong point. But currently we live in England sir." - Empress laughed. She was very friendly towards all her Soldiers.
Chapter 5: Polonaise
Duke sat down this night at the debate in the first front row, he wanted to see his Empress near that time, he was so in feels and emotions during all the speech.
"I never knew I will be so into news of her country, I must getting old or falling in love." - He assumed.
The Empress still was thinking of those flowers from Duke. Actually she used to receive plenty of those, but the handwriting was the same as her own. It was super interesting.
The singing night has just begun. Duke got the place just in a front of the stage. He took the same dragonsnaps and petunias to be recognised. The Empress started to sing the Lana's song - Born to die.
As soon as she finished, the second song, Black Beauty started.
When she finished the second song, she noticed Duke. She recognised him from the first glance. The hint were flowers.
"It's him, this is Duke." - She thought and decided to finish the concert. She was a bit afraid he might be a paid killer because it was very unusual for fans to do the kind of face reveal at the same night. She went off the stage.
"I'm sorry I cannot continue the concert, I just got an anxiety attack". - She said to the person who was in charge of all the event.
"Let's start the ball already." - She added.
The ball just started. The diamonds and golden light were dancing on the ceiling. The tradition of every ball says that every important woman on politician stage in the beginning of the ball needs to pair up with a soldier, dance the special dance - polonaise. It would be the Empress' first polonaise ever. She always wanted to dance it with someone special, or just with someone. She couldn't do this on her prom since she was rejected and now, designated soldier for this dance with her got the polio and stayed in hospital.
"There is no soldier left to dance with You, Dear Empress." - said old Blake.
Another soldier cought Duke, who was leaving the hall as the ball was only for important or famous people, unlike the concert which was for everyone.
"Hey You, You have to get dressed in this special soldier's suit and dance the polonaise, now." - Soldier said to him.
"I don't even know what the fuck is polonaise." - Duke was angry.
"Watch Your mouth young uneducated man! You are talking to an old man! Well, so I will find someone else." - Solider said.
"Listen man, take the horse and go to my friend he knows the polonaise well so he will be able to dance with the Empress." - Soldier said to old Blake.
"I was about to dance with the Empress?" - Duke came back as he heard the conversation.
"Yes, but You didn't want to." - Soldier said.
"I didn't know I was about to dance with the Empress! I am all ready, how much time I have to learn?" - Duke asked.
"About 25 minutes till the polonaise starts, the dance teacher will show You how to." - Soldier said.
"It will be easy, I got tiktok dances also fast." - Duke was happy.
"What dances? Tiktok is the sound of the clock You mean?" - Soldier said.
"No, Tiktok is the platform, where..."- Duke wanted to explain, but the dance teacher took him saying that:
"25 minutes is not that much and he just got the fever because there is no such thing as tiktok."
No one understood him and again, it reminded him that he is not in his timeline. He needed to fake his birthdate otherwise people will think he is crazy.
He learned the polonaise successfully. It was the time. He was ready in a soldiers' suit.
A few couples already paired up ready to dance and then finally, he paired up with the Empress. As soon as he did that, he also gave her the branch of a cherry blossom flower mixed with forget me not flowers. The same as the Empress had tattoed on her left wrist. She grabbed his arm and suddenly, he turned his body to her, showed her the cherry blossom flower and said:
"Now, the priest will come and we will get married."
It was an inside joke about the flower and very unusual speech for the first meeting, she didn't say nothing, she just looked at him so curious and they calmly, went to dance the polonaise.
Chapter 6: Baby, You're the beginning of December
After the Polonaise, all the other dances took place. The Empress spent all the dances and all the ball evening with Duke without saying a single word. Even in silence it was so good to be in a presence of each other's company. Finally, Duke asked:
"May I ask about The Empress name?"
"My name is Eulalia, but everybody calls me Lali".
It was not much to talk about, since they didn't even know each other, but felt so good even just sitting together. Everyone around them was drinking wine.
"Will You drink some wine too soon?" - The Empress asked.
"I am definitely not a drinker. I was drunk twice in my life and I will not make this mistake again, I just don't enjoy it." - Duke laughed, he already felt like with a good friend.
"Same, even now, I am 27 but my stomach is too sensitive for alcohol so I don't drink. I was born on 8th of January in 1891 and You? How old are You?"
"I am 21. But it doesn't matter because in December I will be 22."
"But when? I want to know Your accurate birthdate, maybe I will be able to surprise You one day." - She continued.
"12th of December."
"Baby, You're the beginning of December!" - She laughed.
"Luckily, she didn't ask about the year I was born in, I am not even born yet, in a fact." - Duke thought.
Chapter 7: Coca cola
"Do you like pumkin hot chocolate?" - Eulalia asked.
"I have no idea, I've never tried it yet". - Duke answered.
"In my favourite coffee shop they serve big hot chocolate with 5 pumps of pumpkin. You will love it! Let's meet at a teatime tomorrow next to the lobby. I will go with You there." - She said.
"Seems like a great idea for a hangout tomorrow." - Duke happily answered.
"This is a date, sir." - The Empress said with a cold serious face.
"Date? Actually?" - Duke's hands were shaking.
"Bye." - Eulalia left because she doesn't like stupid questions and immature undecided men. She recognised that she needs to be fast with Duke. She was slowly falling for him and because he was new in the city, she didn't want any girl to steal him from her. Even if she was the Empress she still had doubts.
"This is a date, sir" - For one thousand times this sentence was in Duke's mind. He couldn't sleep this night.
"Rain again." - He thought and fell asleep for 3 hours.
Teatime. Duke is usually 30 minutes earlier than he should, but the Empress... She is always one hour late. Duke eventually thought she ghosted him or the "date" thing was a joke. So he asks the other receptionist next to the front desk:
"The Empress will come?"
"Yes. She is usually one hour late, sir, seems like You need to wait a lot." - He got this answer.
"What will I do?" - Duke thought.
"I'm sorry sir, I'm late."
It was her. Duke's heart suddenly started to beat so fast, he gave the Empress his arm. She continued:
"I think You should kiss..."
Duke's face turned white.
"My hand for good afternoon!" - She finished.
"Ah yes, sure, I'm sorry." - Duke answered and kissed the Empress' hand very gently.
The rain stopped falling down from the sky in the morning, now the sun was shining but very lightly, as it was the beginning of Autumn, the end of September, the coffeeshops were next to each other in the shadows of yellow leaves of the trees.
"Sir, yellow is my favourite colour and autumn is my favourite season." - Eulalia said.
"Oh. My grandma loved yellow. I was very close to my grandma. She always wanted to have walls painted yellow and she had also a yellow bowl and..."
"Sir, what's Your favourite colour?" - The Empress asked.
"Black and blue. But mostly black." - Duke answered.
"You're very classic. How sad today the sun is shining! It would be so nice to have a date in the rain doesn't Duke think so?"
"I heard from Your soldiers that rain is Your lovely weather isn't it? I am a sunshine person. Tell me about all Your favourite things, I want to talk and listen." - Duke was curious.
"I already told You, sir. I love yellow, rain, autumn, soy and almond iced coffee, tea, PB&JS, spicy food and classical music. These are my favourite spiritual things." - Eulalia answered.
"Spiritual... And physical, what is Your favourite physical thing?" - Duke asked.
"You, sir. I also like You."
Duke was numb. She straight flirted with him. So he answered:
"Are You flirting with me?"
"You wish, sir. And we are not per "You" yet." - The Empress answered and Duke already knew, he was kind of rude at this point. He started to try to find a way to be per "You" with her.
"Oh is Duke seeing that? This is the coffeeshop, let's go!"
She grabbed his hand and they sat down. The waitress already knew what to bring, pumpkin hot chocolate was the Empress usual order only in this coffeeshop.
Duke took her hand as they were sitting together.
"Can I... Can I call You by Your name?" - He asked.
"Sure, why are You surprised? Just ask me. I also ordered bunch of different cups of teas so You will be able to try some, no pressure if You don't like them." - She said.
They were sitting and talking happily. She gave him an umbrella for the sun as a gift. Duke fell in love with the taste of pumpkin hot chocolate. They already knew each other so well. They were also in love, but too shy to say it out loud, still holding hands. Duke enjoyed all the teas but the pumkin hot chocolate stole his heart forever.
"I will pay. Please let me pay. This is what I do always." - Duke said.
"You cannot pay with this plastic. And also I don't have to pay for that. My people from the castle will do it. Let's go." - She said.
"Shit. This is 1918 year I cannot pay with card." - Duke thought.
"I loved the date, how about You?" - She asked.
"Yeah, me too. Can I hug the Empress?" - Duke asked.
"Sure You can hug me!" - She was so happy, this is the first time she fell for someone for real.
Duke hugged her for a long minute gently. He smelled something amazing. The smell was very addictive.
"Lali, You smell amazing, what is it?" - He asked for the first time calling her by the nickname.
"Oh, that's my perfume, You just smelled coca cola."
"Is it a drink or...?" - Duke asked.
"On our second date, You will find out." - The Empress said and disappeared in the castle's door.
Duke was so amused by the smell of coca cola and coming back to the hotel, he heard the song Cola by Lana Del Rey playing from one of the coffee shops. It started to be a bit chilly.
Chapter 8: The Royal Court
As soon as Duke arrived back to his hotel room, pumpkin pancakes together with tacos and his favourite guacamole sauce were waiting for him. With the small piece of paper.
"Thank You for the best first date ever. See You tomorrow next to my castle. In love, L."
Duke was so in feels that he was almost unable to eat at this moment.
"In love? Is it a mistake? She should write "with love" I have to forgive her, English is not her first language." - He thought.
Actually, she wrote this in a purpose playing with his mind. It was supposed to be in love. As soon as he finished eating he fell asleep. At 5 am, he sent her a huge giftbox with full of yellow small playing music boxes with Chopin's songs and rainsounds. All in a vanilla smell with sunflower's petals inside. He included the short letter:
"Before our second date today, I would like You to ask, if You would be able to wear the blue dress for me. In love, D."
In love is a good mind gamer actually. They met next to the castle.
"I will take You to my royal court." - She said.
She took his hand. Not the arm. Hand.
"Are we official since You are holding my hand, my dear Empress?" - Duke asked with a full of confidence.
"No. Because You didn't kiss me yet." - She said.
Duke slowly was trying to kiss her lips, but she stopped him.
"Kiss my cheek." - She said.
So he kissed her cheek a bit disappointed.
"The dessert later." - She added.
Being sensual and sexuality was very important in Duke's life. Eulalia was holding his desire for so long. He didn't like it but he knew, that the patience will pay off.
The Royal Court was huge. People were having a giant party. On the left side the Empress had so many horses. All the people from Royal Service were eating well and having a good time. Duke told the Empress about his love to horses. She took him on a good ride. His love to them appeared even now.
Then, they went to painting lesson. Good lesson of painting flowers. They were carving pumpkins. The Royal Garden was like a dream to Duke. Here, he also learned how to take photos properly, one of the photography teachers gave him a huge camera.
"I want to be a photographer, at Your home I realised that I want to take photos of horses, nature and couples for living." - Duke said.
"You will be a great businessman. You are talented Duke. You will picture the love in a very special way." - She admired his talent.
Then, she took him to the orange garden. The oranges were growing on the trees and Duke could squeeze the fresh orange juice. He also learned how to do the vinegar from the scratch.
"On the other side of my castle, I have a tennis court. Have You ever played tennis?" - She asked.
"Well, all I saw and tried at Your place I instantly loved, I bet I will love playing tennis as well, yes actually I want to try!"
He played so well. He enjoyed tennis that much, that he forgot he is on the second date. But the Empress was happy to see him so happy. She built all his personality. Duke finished playing.
"Do You want to try?" - He asked.
So they started to play together. Duke was already great, but with his Empress he was gentle, he knew how terrible at playing she is, but he was pretending that he was losing. She knew he was pretending which made her happy and she told him that he can play tennis on her court without even asking with whoever he wants, and whenever he will not have a partner for playing, she will "play" with him just to make him happy. She already knew that she wants to spend the life with him. His happiness was her happiness.
Then she showed him another Corner, with the things she adored: The Corner with her favourite ramen spicy sesame
The Corner with nuts cashew and peanut butter making,
The corner with jams, not marmelade, real jams, blueberry jams,
Strawberries fields, the best after dinner, her
favourite apple juice with mango corner together,
Soy, almond oat milk making for the iced coffee,
Cinnamon for the tea,
Egg paste with the best baked freshly, bread,
Tuna and making a kimbap with the best kimchi, tea studying and all the types of teas, singing field and editing videos panel, with rainsounds and classical music.
Einaudi - Neffeli was her favourite classical song.
"Do you remember when I told You that dessert will come later?" - She asked.
"Yes. So?" - Duke was tired after playing, and because of it his libido jumped high.
"Close Your eyes." - The Empress said.
Duke closed his eyes waiting for a kiss. Instead, she's put the lindor chocolate to his mouth.
"Do you like it, Baby?"
"Yes, it is... Delicious I guess." - He said a bit disappointed.
"My dearest Duke, sometimes You need to learn, that the body pleasure is less valuable than heart & soul love feeling. My love is very strong, but what is the strongest in it is the fact, that it is not based on sex, in a first place. I love Your heart and soul, penis comes as a second ingredient. But take a note, it is totally up to You, if You can change that. I can be the greatest wife material and the dirtiest bitch in bed, You don't know me yet. I just have a class, I have the face for every situation."
The whole chocolate lindor plate came to them.
"I'm so in love with You." - Duke said, totally shocked.
They were eating chocolate as the sky became darker.
"Listen to the song, it is one of my favourites."
It was Lana Del Rey - Video Games
As soon as Duke heared first words, he said already so sleepy:
"Fortnite is my favourite video game."
"Go to sleep, Duke".
They fell asleep in a hug in the Royal Garden, under the orange tree.
Chapter 9: Reading novels
The Empress woke up.
"Duke, it's raining, wake up quickly."
"I'm cold, I want to go inside." - Duke said.
"You need to come back to the hotel, I cannot take You home."
"Why? I'm so cold." - Duke was in tears.
"Baby, come back to the hotel, my servant will take You."
"Is it our last date?" - Duke asked.
"You crazy? Tomorrow, tomorrow next to the library, be with Your suitcase at 3 PM." - She said.
"Don't be late, please". - Duke begged.
"No promises. Bye love." - The Empress said and went to the castle, as the servant took Duke to the hotel back. It was his last night there.
The next day Duke on time was waiting for the Empress next to the library. It was windy cloudy cold day. The Empress came on time.
"What we're gonna do in the library?" - Duke asked.
"We will taste coca cola."
"In the library?" - Duke was surprised.
Eulalia smiled.
"My servant will come and take Your suitcase to the castle, I prepared the room for You." - She said.
"I will have the separate room?" - Duke asked.
"Do You expect me to take You to my room?"
"Maybe, we're in love with each other." - He said.
"One conclusion, You are still the "sir" for me although we are per "You" You know."
"What do You mean?" - Duke asked.
"I fell in love with You, Duke. I wouldn't let the random man to come to my Royal Court in my beloved London. But other than my date, and my feelings for You, who are You for me? Duke please think, it doesn't hurt." - She explained.
"I am like... No one for You, in particular?" - He assumed.
"Well, exactly? So... You will have the separate room for the time being."
"The time being?" - He was so surprised.
"Everything depends on You, You are wearing the trousers." - She said a bit sad.
Meanwhile the servant came and took Duke's suitcase. Eulalia and Duke went to the library hand by hand together.
Suddenly, the sun started to look at the library's windows. The windows were huge, from head to toe.
"I have the surprise for You, sit here." - The Empress said.
Duke, a bit bored, sat on the chair in a front of big table. Eulalia disappeared behind the door on Duke's left side. After one minute, she came back, completely naked, with a small perfume bottle in hand.
"Stop, You cannot, get dressed back, people will see You." - Duke said so stressed.
"Calm down, boy. I paid for 24 hours for the library's owner. We are alone, I like adrenaline." - She said with a little smile.
She sat on Duke's lap. Duke was so red and was breathing so fast, it was concerning.
"Do You need a doctor? Haha" - She laughed.
"No. I'm pretty fine. I didn't expect You to..."
"I said I can be the dirtiest bitch but You didn't believe me. I just have a class. You thought I am conservative. Maybe Baby, but for the world. I can be really dirty but only for men who actually deserve it. You don't know me yet." - She said.
"Please understand me, I usually used to meet girls who were flirty in a sexy way very fast, now You made me so surprised." - He said still in shock as she was sitting naked still on his lap.
"Listen, there is a difference between a classic whore and a woman. You are talking to the woman now." - The Empress said and added:
"Stop this neverending stupid discussion, I know You like talking, so leave Your dry conclusions for taking a dukie or just do the podcast in the radio I don't know, but now just shut up finally and kiss me!" - She was decided.
He kissed her. For long. Her lips tasted amazing. He was so addicted to it.
"The taste is amazing." - He said.
"It's coca cola lipstick, only my lips taste like that." - She added quickly between the kisses.
Duke grabbed the perfume bottle and started to spray his Empress' body with coca cola especially the intimate parts and play with them. She let him freely.
When he wanted to get naked as well, Eulalia put her finger on his lips and asked:
"What the hell are YOU doing?"
"I thought..."
"You are thinking too much." - She cutted him.
She disappeared and after one minute she came back in her pink long dress again.
"It is not fair, I only pleasured You." - Duke said a bit angry.
"I didn't tell You to do so. I only told You to kiss me. But You are a coca cola addicted, and because my pussy tasted like pepsi cola..."
"Just like in the song!" - Duke got the point.
"Good boy. What happened in the library, stays in the library." - She added.
"And remember! We were reading novels!" - She continued.
They headed to the castle. One of the soldiers asked Duke:
"Oh sir, I heard You both were in the library, what You both were doing?!"
"We were reading!" - Duke shouted back.
"What interesting You both were reading?!" - Soldier asked with his small talk.
"Novels!" - Duke answered.
"Good boy." - The Empress told to Duke.
The Serial Killer by Lana Del Rey played downstairs the castle.
Chapter 10: The life and unexpected visit
Duke had the beautiful room. He went to the Empress' room and said:
"Oh my Miss, my room is so big and scary. Let me sleep with You."
"You must be joking. If You think I look for a friend with a benefit then You're wrong." - She said.
"But You already had the benefit..." - Duke smiled.
They both started to laugh. Duke cutted the laugh:
"But no for real. Take it."
He gave her the envelope. Inside was a note with a ring.
"My Dear Empress,
This is a couple ring. Would You like to be with me from now on?"
She stayed in silence and then said:
"This is exactly what I wanted You to do in order to our love. We are together, I trust You, I trust You like I don't trust nobody else. Oh wait I also have something for You, I was about to give You in the morning, but oh well."
She gave Duke several huge flowers.
"Flowers? For me? But Angel, You are a girl."
"It doesn't matter. I love You and I mean it."
They made love that night. And the fruit of this love was a son named Bruno. They lived together in the castle, they were happy. Bruno was very smart, insanely intelligent, calm boy. His eyes were dark brown, same with his hair. He didn't talk much, but when he said something, it was on point.
▪Year 1924
Bruno is already 6 years old. Duke never proposed to Eulalia. He didn't want to reveal his real name and real birthdate. But year after year she was concerned why he still didn't propose.
Bruno was very special. He had the special mission. Bruno could read in people's minds. But he also could keep secrets. Bruno didn't tell Lali that his father is a time traveller. But Lali knew that Bruno has the mission.
Duke bought a bungalow in Florida, so Bruno could experience the peace. He needed to work on himself and improve the special power. He also protected his mother.
Duke also was a professional photographer and had a tennis academy, he was making good money from it. He was also very much happy with his still, girlfriend.
One day, Duke received a letter:
"Hey! I work as an actress and recently my coworker had the photo session with You (Hailey she was engaged to Justin I don't know if You remember) I saw Your photos and I Ioved Your job!
Therefore, I have a very unusual question: Is it possible for You to make a session as 1:1? Please. Send the letter back to an address: The Silver Street 2/3, 00999 London. Emily Chamomile"
Duke replied:
"Not really, unless You are ready to doublepay. If yes, come to my studio at a teatime tomorrow."
Tomorrow, Emily came on time. It's a hot summer. When Emily appeared, Duke's jaw dropped. He was so attracted to her from the first sight.
She had everything he was dreaming of. She was 6'4 ft tall, skinny plantinum blonde with blue eyes, like an ocean. Her smile was perfect, she was so similar to his childhood crush, Jennifer Aniston. Duke remembered old Jeniffer's movies.
She smiled to him. Emily was just perfect. And her manners of talking, oh my God!
"If I'm gonna stay loyal to my girlfriend, it will be just a miracle." - In Duke's head the voice said.
"Daddy, I know what You thought. Please don't." - Bruno said.
"Baby can You just go home and stop bothering with my job?" - Duke was angry.
"Make sure it's only a job and be sure that I can hear Your thoughts even if we are separated." - Bruno said.
"Servant will come for You soon. Bye I love You." - Duke told him.
"I love You too. And remember that mommy loves You too, remember especially today and today..." - Bruno didn't finish, servant took him faster.
"Can we start?" - Emily asked.
"Uhm, well, sure, just what kind of photos are You interested in?" - Duke asked trying to be professional hiding his crushing feelings.
"On the field." - Emily pointed at the field behind the window of Duke's studio.
"Okay, easy, so that's the price..." - Duke discussed everything and after the work done successfully Emily asked:
"Maybe coffee one day?"
"I don't like coffee, but we can meet just for a talk on the hay tomorrow behind those trees behind the same field I took You photos on at 4pm, is that okay?" - He asked.
"Sure, bye!"
"What is wrong with me? Did I just catch feelings to... A client? I cannot believe it..." - Duke slowly forgot about the doubts and came back to the castle.
Chapter 11: Bruno
Eulalia in the castle was filming the flowers.
"Hi! I love You! I brought You my favourite lemonade!" - Duke felt a bit guilty.
"Did You have a good time at work?" - She asked.
"Always boring. How was Your work at a politician panel today?"
"Same boring. My friend is getting married we've got an invitation." - Eulalia said.
"All the Empress' friends are getting married we've been recently to bunch of parties!"
"Yes, what a season. Summer everyone is getting married. And us, summer after summer, 6 years already, we even have a son, but aren't You bored by girlfriend and boyfriend thing?" - She asked.
"Huh? What do You mean?" - Duke pretended to be shocked.
"I've never wanted to be pushy, but 6 years we didn't even move forward with our love..." - She continued.
"Do You really need a piece of paper and some dude in the church to tell You that I love You?" - He was angry.
"Yes, because if not You, at least the piece of paper and the dude in the church would tell me that You've put a commitment."
"Ah yes I live here with You for 6 years and I gave You the Bruno, but no I am not commited!" - Duke lost his mind.
"I need to propose to You or what do You expect?!" - She asked in almost tears.
"I'm saying no! I don't want to be the husband, maybe I am not seeing myself married, maybe I'm seeing myself in an open relationship or maybe as a single father! You never asked me what I think about my life?! You never gave me an air I dated only You in this city I didn't even have a comparison!" - Duke was furious.
"Okay go. I'm giving You an air. Go and date someone else."
"What?" - Duke started to cry.
"I will not stop You. If You would like to go, You will go anyway. I cannot force You to love me." - She said.
"Lali I'm sorry, I just need to find a good time for proposal, please forgive me." - Duke said and kissed her lips gently, like a butterfly.
"Look my love, this one is pretty. Bruno loves this flower, please never cut it." - Lali pointed at the rose blooming next to the sunny castle in the front of the forest.
"Listen my Empress, I love my Bruno so much, but I always wanted to have a daughter." - Duke said.
"Stop with this thought for now Duke, we have plenty of more important things now and as for now, thank You for giving me Bruno, he helps me to be calm." - The Empress explained.
"Bruno is special. Do You understand why? Bruno has a special mission. You will find out soon." - Duke said.
"If You would have a daughter, how would You name her?" - Eulalia asked.
"Cherry." - Duke said.
"There is this cute song by Lana, turn on the radio."
Duke turned on the radio and Cherry by Lana Del Rey started to play.
"Maybe in the future, the pregnancy of Bruno already gave me a big shock."
"I know." - Duke admitted, still remembering about the meeting with Emily which would take place the next day.
Chapter 12: Duke, leave
The next day, Emily was on time. On the hay, Duke and Emily talked and flirted. Emily was from the year 2088 so one year younger than Duke. The last girl on Earth. He couldn't believe it.
Suddenly, Duke kissed Emily.
As soon as he came back home, he spotted Eulalia in the garden on the swing. He felt that guilty that he couldn't take it anymore. He sat down next to her extremely sad.
She kissed his both cheeks and said:
"Hi my love! I am making a new shirt for Bruno, autumn is coming our favourite season, we need to prepare pumpkins for carving You know, so happy time! Actually, I am excited for the chocolate!"
"Lali..." - Duke cutted.
"Yes? You seem to be sad what happened?" - She was surprised.
"I was with another girl."
She sat down further away from him.
"What happened with her?" - She asked.
"We were kissing."
"Something more?"
"No." - Duke answered and his both tears fell down his cheeks.
Eulalia was ready to go. Duke cought her both wrists.
"Let me go." - She said.
"Tell me something." - He begged.
"Something, tell me just anything, how do You feel anything!" - He shouted in tears.
"Do You want me to cry and tell You anything You stupid time eater?! How do I feel are You blind?!" - She cried and left.
Duke went to Emily and told her what just happened between him and his now ex girlfriend. Emily confessed her feelings towards Duke, but he said he needs to think about it, as Eulalia's tears made him shattered. Emily said that she will wait for Duke, whatever he decides.
When he came back home, the Empress' servants already packed all Duke's things to the suitcase. He didn't have so many. The rest of his things were in Florida in Bruno's bungalow, in Los Angeles, in the photo studio and tennis academy also in London.
Duke wasn't stupid. He understood that she wants to break up, although it is not easy for her.
"Can we talk at least?" - Duke asked.
"Please leave my house. I wish You the best and I love You, but please leave now, sooner then better. Don't make the seconds last longer."
"Bruno will stay in his bungalow, but before You will decide anything, please think twice, I'm truly sorry..." - Duke's voice was at a breaking point.
"Leave the castle now." - She was unbreakable.
Duke turned around with his suitcase.
"Duke..." - Suddenly Eulalia said as he went out the castle.
He turned around.
"I love You." - She finished the servant closed the door.
"Only the Empress can break up in a sweet way like that." - Duke thought and heard the song on the street.
It was 13 beaches by Lana Del Rey.
"That's the worst song for now to listen. I might cry faster than ever. I have to go faster. I might take this horse."
He took the horse next to the street and rode fast to Emily's small apartment on the Silver Road.
Chapter 13: Regrets
After 2 days of relationship, Duke married Emily in New York City, where he moved together with her and Bruno. Eulalia was not ready to take care of the child and although Bruno was special, he was still a Baby.
Emily was a famous actress and the wedding was transmitted in the beggining steps of TV's history.
"Look, he married her after 2 days and he didn't even propose to You after 6 years. He was a red flag like from Europe to America. I told You, but You never listen." - Said Pati, the Empress' best friend.
"I miss him so much!" - Eulalia started to cry.
Duke seemed to be happy, but deep inside he missed the Empress and the deep conversations with her, painting together, long walks, cooking and filming the nature. Emily was beautiful but that's all. Despite that, he tried to figure out his life as a new with Emily and be happy with her.
Namjoon, as soon as he heard about the news, went to London and things went quickly. Handsome, smart, Korean man, 5'9 ft, so around 181 cm of height was a long term fan of the Empress and vice versa. She was a big fan of his music too. After a month of trying, Namjoon took Eulalia to South Korea.
"Forget about this nasty place. I will take You and Your politicians to Korea. Hannam dong is beautiful. I have a big mansion. Bruno will be able to come to You whenever he will wish to."
They got married secretly, without witnesses.
"How do You feel about the break up with Duke after 6 years?" - The reporter asked the Empress in the local television.
"I wish him all the best, and officially I am happy to announce that I am also in a new, happy relationship right now." - She answered.
The reporter was so surprised:
"But the Empress said previously that she went to Korea for a couple days of holidays."
"Well, almost. But with my future, now the current, husband. Namjoon?"
He appeared behind her back. He started to speak about the mansion he bought and the life behind the scenes.
Duke saw this on the TV. He was furious and angry at the same time. He understood his mistake. Emily was at work.
Duke decided to ask Bruno for an advice. He was almost 7 years old, but because he was special, he was also very smart.
Bruno said:
"Don't be creepy, Dad. In my opinion, You need to wait 6 months for her birthday. Prepare a special event, I will help You. But You need to get divorced with Emily first. I just knew You will regret this and attraction is not equal as romantic feeling but well, I am only a child who cares."
Chapter 14: I love You
Duke fullfilled the divorce papers and moved out to Florida to Bruno's bungalow. He was in shame, didn't want to look into Emily's eyes. He just took his son and escaped. Bruno controlled everything.
"Mom will know You might be in Florida, so the best way is to prepare the event in Los Angeles. I will ask mom's servants to help. So she will not find out it's You. Ask Namjoon to come also to not be suspicious." - Bruno assumed and together with his Dad prepared everything.
They went by boat. Namjoon and Eulalia. They got the message that Eulalia's servants have the big surprise for her in Los Angeles.
"Your ex boyfriend has the apartment there..." - Namjoon noticed.
"Not only him. Millions of people live there. Stop accusing him of being a creep. Duke is strange, but he is not on this level believe me. He is very much happy with his new woman. Also, this is likely impossible for him to contact my servants." - Eulalia said.
Little she knew, that mostly Bruno was in charge.
As soon as she arrived with Namjoon, servants made a huge party in the hall in Los Angeles. She was so happy. The hall was black, with shattered glass and lillies on the floor. Disco balls were hanging giving the mood.
Bruno came to his mom and said:
"Now, I have the real surprise for You."
Suddenly, the silence was in the hall. All the servants splitted themselves and the Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey started to play.
"This is my favourite song." - Eulalia said.
In the middle of the splitted way between the servants, 29th year old Duke already was stepping forward to her. He was wearing THE blue jeans and THE white shirt. He was holding the cherry blossom branch with forget me not flowers. And he said:
"Happy 34th birthday, my Dear Empress."
She started to cry:
"So, You organised this everything for me?"
"Yes. You can come back to Your husband, I bet he has some exciting gift for You." - Duke said and pointed at Namjoon who was holding a small box in his hands, smiling to her. It was a diamond necklace.
He's put the necklace on her neck and kissed her in a front of the crowd.
The crowd together with Duke were clapping their hands, Duke was smiling in a fake "happy" emotion.
Namjoon, after this night, had to come back for his world tour.
"My stomach is too sensitive, I cannot handle the constant travel." - Eulalia said.
"I will book the hotel for You here in LA for the time of my tour. Stay and wait here for me. Don't contact Your ex just in case." - Namjoon said and what he said, he did.
Eulalia went to Marriot hotel. Little Namjoon knew, the hotel was visible from Duke's windows in his apartment in LA.
Eulalia couldn't sleep that night. She was falling for Duke again hoping that he will come to her hotel trying to convince her to maybe come back to him. But Duke didn't come.
It was 4am, Eulalia decided to go to Duke's apartment on her own risking her life, Los Angeles always in this place was dangerous to walk especially at night.
She arrived. He opened the door.
"Is Bruno sleeping?" - She asked.
"No. Bruno is in Florida with Soldiers. He was tired he wanted to relax there in bungalow next to the lake tomorrow. He also needs to take several classes for improving his mental abilities anyway what happened that You came to me?" - Duke was surprised.
"Good. I didn't want Bruno to wake up. Actually, I have the reason why I came. Duke, I thought You will come."
"Lali, I have my honour. I divorced with Emily but if You want to be with Namjoon, like You said in the past, I will not force You to love me." - Duke answered quickly.
"Thank You for my birthday event." - She said.
"You're very welcome my love." - Duke whispered and kissed her.
They were kissing whispering "I love You" to each other constantly as they ended up making love.
Chapter 15: Too stunned
Namjoon and Eulalia finally took a divorce through the Korean government through the distance. It took only a week but she was tired of LA as well.
"Can we come back to my castle to London? I miss my home." - She said to her again boyfriend.
"This is Your home as well." - Duke said.
"I know but I kind of don't feel it."
"Whatever You wish, we can come back to London even tomorrow." - Duke was sure he misses the castle, people and animals there too. He misses his tennis academy and he is tired of moving with camera, he wants to come back to his stable photography studio in the back of the castle and live the peaceful life again.
The travel was hard to handle. Only Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey from the radio made Lali happy as the trip was exhausting enough.
"May I sit next to You?" - Nice man asked.
"I'm sorry, this is private..." - Duke wanted to say about the private seats but he stopped speaking as he saw Justin Bieber.
"In my time I always wanted to meet You oh my God, but You were dead. I am a big fan!" - He said.
"I know! Seems like Your woman is sleeping. Give it to her she might need it one day. Believe me." - Justin said and disappeared.
When Lali woke up, Duke gave her the ticket for organising special tea event.
"I talked to Justin Bieber he wanted me to give You this." - He said.
"Justin Bieber? My lovely artist Justin Bieber? Are You crazy or crazy? It was probably someone similar." - She said and took the ticket.
Duke smiled as he knew what he just experiened.
- London -
▪Year 1928
3 years later. Lali is 38 years old, Duke is 33 almost. The old servants are slowly retiring, and the time for the fresh new servants is coming.
So that was the new job for Amelia and Yongmin.
Amelia was an American girl who found a new home in the Empress' castle. Empress was happy to take her as she found her on the street. She had hazel hair and green eyes. She had the grace.
Yongmin was Amelia's step brother. He was originally Korean but Amelia's parents adopted him as he was an orphan. He had big lips and the model manners. He smoked a lot tho.
Amelia and Yongmin's parents were killed by soviets and they lost their house. The Empress took them both. Most of servants found the home in Eulalia's castle exactly this way. But, they were treated like a family. They all were very happy in the castle. They were earning more money than people outside the castle in casual jobs.
Meanwhile, Duke was busy writing a song. His singing skills were not good, but he was an excellent writer. He enjoyed singing just for fun.
"Bruno is already 10. Not counting the break between me and Duke, but we are together already a bit more than 10 years. I really want to marry him." - Eulalia was so annoyed from time to time.
So, she planned the funny game which would solve her problem.
She placed the small pieces of papers in certain places, with an extra surprise.
One of the servants came to Duke's office giving him the piece of paper.
"Look to the left. And take the hat." - It was written on the paper.
Duke took the hat which was on the bed. Under the hat there was another paper.
"Go to the garden and find the small dog chihuahua." - It was written.
Duke smiled as he knew that Eulalia wrote those notes.
He went to the garden and found the dog. The new note was sticked to dog's small shirt.
"Now You found Your dog Pepsi. This is a gift from me to You. Take the Pepsi and go to Bruno. Bruno is next to the fountain. He will give You the new note."
Duke went to Bruno, gave him the Pepsi and Bruno gave him the new note. Bruno smiled so Duke laughed. He started to read the note:
"Go to the centre of the court."
Duke went there. In the Centre of the Royal Court he found a new note.
"Look down."
Duke looked down. It was a glass and through the glass Eulalia was waving to him, smiling. He ran fast downstairs, to their secret love place.
"Lali! You are here! So many flowers! This everything is so freaking gorgeous!" - Duke was surprised.
"Come to me." - Eulalia said.
Duke came to her and she said:
"Close Your eyes."
Duke closed his eyes and she went down on her one knee, opening the ring holding Duke's hand and said:
"Open Your eyes."
Duke opened his eyes and looked down at her. She said:
"Duke it's been a bit more than 10 years. I love You so much, and I already decided that it doesn't matter who is doing that right? So... I want to propose. Will You become my husband?"
Duke opened his eyes very widely, completely in shock. Too stunned to speak. And said:
She got up and shouted:
"No?! What no?! How no You crazy?! What did I do wrong what kind of thing You don't like?! I prepared the flowers, this and candles and..."
"No Lali this is not about the decoration and not about the proposal, I mean the idea this is not good." - Duke cutted her speech.
"How?" - She asked.
"Close Your eyes." - He said.
She closed her eyes and he bended his knee. As he was on his knee he said:
"Open them."
She opened the eyes. Looked down. Duke continued:
"Eulalia... Will You marry me?"
"Hm... I don't have to answer." - She said, smiled and pulled Duke to herself and kissed him.
"I wrote the song for You." - Duke said.
"Sing it, even if You can't I think I will survive."
They laughed. Duke sang the song, which was Angel Baby. (Originally by Troye Sivan.)
Chapter 16: The truth
The day of the wedding was coming by fast.
The ceremony was in the purple colour, it was a beautiful field spring, all the London was informed. It was a big day indeed.
Just a few seconds before the final words, Eulalia saw the paper she was about sign in a front of the priest.
"Who is Tyson?" - She asked.
"This is my first name. Don't worry about it, just sign it and let's move on please don't create problems in a front of the whole London please?" - Duke was pushy in a hope she will not notice his real birthdate.
"Okay this is Your first name. Nevermind for me You will always be Duke right? Hang on for a second!" - She noticed.
Duke was born in 2089.
"This is a mistake, how funny! They need to change it then but it will be fast my lawyers will take care of it." - She laughed.
"They will not be able to change it." - Duke said.
"What? What are You even stating about my lawyers are the best take my head for them!" - She was surprised.
"I don't doubt they're the best, but they will not change it because this is my real birthdate." - Duke was so sweaty.
"Lali, I am the licensed time traveller. I came to Your time to fullfill the mission to not become Willy Wonka and change the future world." - Duke added.
"So, if You are a time traveller, and I was born in 1891, and You were born in 2089, then I am not older than You 5 years like we thought, but 198." - She calculated.
"Correct." - Duke said with almost mouth closed.
"So we were not even supposed to know each other! I will be dead for a long time when You will be born! You are not even born yet! Are You real?! So it means that Bruno doesn't even exist?! Bruno!" - She was in a shock.
Bruno came to her and she hugged him.
"Lali, I am here with You okay, Bruno is alive, is real. Please try to calm down, I will explain You my mission. This was the reason why I wanted to avoid marriage. Not because I didn't love You, but because I knew Your future reaction and I was right!" - Duke explained.
"I... I don't know." - Lali said quietly and left the field leaving Duke alone at the altar. The wedding was not finished.
Bruno started to run after his mom. She went to the horse farm. She sat on the hay inside and cried. Bruno found her. He explained her all the mission, and he told her that she is also chosen by Tyrone and she will have visions.
"... And then Willy is Duke. Do You understand? Willy can destroy the world. Duke cannot become Willy. That's why Duke came back in time. To change a few things. And as he is the last boy on Earth, he needs to experience love. He never experienced that in his normal timeline that's why he became bad." - Bruno continued.
"Actually, my vision yesterday was that me and Duke, we were in the forest while Amelia lost her baby. It was Willy's baby apparently. A bad blood, but as long as Duke is with us, Willy will not come right?" - She asked her son.
"Willy is still present around here. Axel, You know who, Your horse herder, started to behave in a strange way. Willy wants to come into him maybe, he can come into any of us. But in the end of the mission when Duke will accomplish the mission, he will be able to stay in Your time permanently or at least You both will change the time and in another time You will be able to meet again, I suppose." - Bruno said.
"Yeah, scary. Please go to Your dad, tell him that I say sorry?" - Eulalia asked her son.
"Sure I will, but I don't think so he is mad at You". - Bruno answered.
Chapter 17: Tennis
"I am actually mad at You. You left me at the altar in a front of TV, all the London like a dumbass. You could wait and then together with Bruno we would explain You. You are such a drama queen but listen, let's get over it. However I need to spend this night in my photo studio I need a time for breathing alone a bit." - Duke said to Eulalia.
"Okay if You really need a time then sure go for a night there if You need to. But... Are we still fiances, or at least... Together?" - She said.
"We are fiances, Sweetheart. See You tomorrow." - Duke was tired. He didn't even hug her, he just left.
Duke was alone in his photo studio when Amelia came to him.
"Hi, are You alone?" - She smiled.
"In my studio yes, in general sadly, taken by my drama queen."
"Do You need to talk?" - She asked.
"No, thanks. Wait no, actually I do need to." - He stopped Amelia who was ready to go.
The sunset was so visible as the golden hour stayed on Amelia's green eyes. Duke didn't notice before how beautiful they are.
Something cought his heart. It was not just an attraction like in Emily's case. It was something else.
Amelia's wavy hair were shining in the yellowish golden light.
"Sit next to me." - Duke said.
She sat and he held her hand.
"Did someone tell You before, how stunning You are?" - He asked spooning her face with his hand.
He kissed her. She was consuming his lips even more and then he asked:
"Can You stay with me here? We will sleep on the floor, but I have the blanket. I only want to cuddle."
Amelia slept with Duke that night on the floor cuddling only.
The next day, Duke came back to the castle. Eulalia kissed him quickly but he avoided her face even faster.
"I prepared tea. Let's talk." - Eulalia said.
"I don't have a time to talk and I don't even like tea. I have a tennis soon." - Duke said.
"Fantastic! But You are supposed to have a day off aren't You?" - She was surprised.
"I have a day off. I am not teaching today. I will just play."
"I'm happy You finally found a partner! Who is it?" - Lali asked.
"Amelia. She plays very well so I don't need You to volunteer for me anymore."
"Hm." - Eulalia was worried but said to herself it is only a play and she cannot tell her fiance to have only men as friends because it would be toxic. She added:
"Well, have fun then. I want to go on a date with You tonight, so at what time will You come back?"
"I will not come back at any time soon. I actually want to spend this day with Amelia, I will come back at night, don't wait for me, go somewhere with Bruno or I don't know. You have Your hobby right?" - He was in a rush.
"Uhm, yes? I have plenty of?" - Eulalia was so concerned.
"Okay Baby, bye I love You so much." - He said, kissed her cheek and left.
"At least he said he loved me." - Eulalia said to herself in an empty room.
She didn't leave the castle most of the time. Finally she went on a walk with Natalia, her friend. They were collecting apples for the juice later. They were passing by by the tennis court. Natalia said:
"Look, this is Your fiance or I am seeing things?"
Eulalia saw Duke carrying Amelia on his hands, hugging her and straight flirting with her. It was not a tennis game. It was just flirting on the court.
Eulalia went there and asked:
"Did You pay for the class with Duke teacher young lady?"
Amelia left a bit ashamed.
"You were about to play. Play tennis, not play games with my heart again." - Eulalia said to Duke.
"You are not the girl I fell for... Can I come back home? I'm tired." - Duke said.
"I would be tired too, Amelia seems to be heavy." - Eulalia was angry.
Duke came back home at 8pm and instantly fell asleep. Eulalia hugged him through the night. Something was off between them from his side.
Chapter 18: J'm in love
Duke woke up early and started to prepare breakfast. The kitchen was sunny, wooden, cozy with visible trees outside with their green leaves sunbathing.
Eulalia appeared in the kitchen. Duke said:
"Can You help me quickly?"
"But wait what are You doing? I don't drink milk. You neither. Bruno too. For what is this bottle?" - She pointed at a dairy milk.
"Amelia likes milk."
"What the actual fuck I never cuss?" - Eulalia said.
"Listen I know You are angry, but I invited not only Amelia but also her brother Yongmin for breakfast, they have hard time in family, Lali please." - Duke begged.
"Okay then..." - She said.
As the breakfast started, Amelia started to talk:
"Empress, can Your fiance go today with me? I am interested in photography and I want him to tell me some tips. It will not be long."
"Every reason is good hm?" - Eulalia was angry.
"Hm?" - Amelia was a bit scared.
"Actually I planned the apple day. Me and Duke we have a plan for today to gather apples to baskets. All day long. It's a hard work." - Eulalia said.
Then her and Yongmin's eyes crossed their way and stayed for longer.
"Is it okay to look at my almost wife like that?" - Duke noticed so he said to Yongmin.
"ALMOST makes a big difference!" - Eulalia said to Duke.
"Actually I can go with You Empress for gathering apples." - Yongmin said.
"See? Yongmin can go with You. Amelia let's go now is the perfect time for taking photos in the sunrise." - Duke said and left with Amelia together.
Eulalia went with Yongmin and as long as they were gathering apples on the field far away from the castle, Yongmin started to fall hard for Eulalia. He was attracted to her before but now his dreams were coming true.
The day was very nice to Eulalia as well, as she ended up kissing Yongmin. They decided to come to the river's fire place. Yongmin was singing the song from old, Korean drama. As the sky was still so blue, the summer's light rain started to fall down. Yongmin was hugging Eulalia treating her with pecks from time to time. It was more a couple time than servant with an Empress.
Duke was horseriding with Amelia and they stopped their horses as they saw Yongmin and Lali together next to the fireplaces under the one umbrella. Duke was in a complete shock.
At night Eulalia was first in the castle. Duke came back 10 minutes later.
"I was looking for You all the evening." - He said.
"At the castle's applefield." - He said.
"I was not at the castle's applefield." - She said. After a moment of silence, she added:
"Ehhh... Duke, I had the best dress ever this breakfast. So freaking crazy gorgeous, sexy dress! And You didn't even see me! Only Amelia likes milk, I will go with Amelia for photos, Amelia this and that!"
"Uh, can we go for a walk? Not a date, just walk and talk? Please. Just change Your dress for something more comfortable." - Duke said.
They went on a walk and they were walking around the river. They clarified things what they saw this day. Duke was almost broken, but Lali wanted to rescue things between them.
"Okay okay, so even if You maybe are in fake quote on quote love now with..."
"Amelia." - Duke whispered.
"And I am maybe in fake quote on quote love now with..."
"Yongmin." - Duke whispered again
"So it will not change things that haha, we are in love with each other for real!" - She showed her hand to Duke as waiting for the high 5. Duke didn't give her the high 5.
"And... What happened?" - Eulalia asked and smiled.
"I am already in love with Amelia. I'm sorry." - Duke said and looked down.
Eulalia was shocked and started to run away home as fast as she could. Duke started to cry.
Lali came back home. She turned on the radio and she knew... The Blackest Day by Lana Del Rey was on.
Chapter 19: Axel
As the song was finished, Eulalia was lying down on the kitchen floor when it was an eclipse of the moon, Duke came as What a Feeling by One Direction started to play. He put his body next to her on the floor and said:
"What an eclipse..."
"The eclipse of the moon." - She answered, sad in tears.
Bruno shouted from outside:
"Parents come quickly! The horse herder is possesed by Willy come!"
Lali went to the centre of Royal Court. In the centre were so many people, Amelia and Duke on the one side, Yongmin took Lali's hand.
"Where is Bruno?" - Duke asked Amelia.
"Yongmin took him don't worry." - Amelia answered.
Axel Webber, the horse herder was crazy going from side to side screaming such things about the end of the world. It was not him. It was Willy inside him.
Axel died in the middle of the Royal Court. His body was taken. Eulalia went to Duke and looked him in the eyes.
"Bruno told You. Willy can now come for any of us." - Duke said and left preparing the separate room in the castle, as they were no longer together. He was Amelia's boyfriend from now on.
"Lali did You see my pillow?" - Duke asked.
"I don't know Willy, ask Amelia." - She answered.
"This is too much, I want to leave this castle and sleep in my studio." - He said.
"Why are You surprised, as long as You are with Amelia You will become Willy, I had the vision that she lost Willy's baby in the forest as Duke in her blood had the 001 face, You know Vecna and these things. Oh man, You will be possesed more than You can imagine." - Lali said.
"What?!" - Duke asked so angry.
"Nothing, just do Your thing." - Lali said.
Duke made his bed and went to his separate bedroom. He sat down on the bed as the Empress came in. She sat down next to him starting to kiss his neck. He lied down so she was lying down on him continuing what she was doing.
"I cannot sleep without You." - She said hugging him.
"Get up." - He said as they were sitting down next to each other, looking into each other's eyes.
"I am not with You anymore, You cannot touch me." - Duke said and started to kiss her neck. When he finished, she said:
"You are touching me too."
"This is a habit and I'm sorry for that." - He answered.
"Leave my room." - He said.
"I will, but..." - She wanted to say something but he cutted her:
"I will have sex with You faster than You're gonna leave so really, leave!"
"So I will not leave then, I really want You, regardless You are with me or with her." - She answered and added:
"I'm sorry, I know I am with Yongmin now and as well..."
"Stop saying sorry the only one who should say sorry is me! I cheated on You twice and You still come back to sleep with me?! Think of it, be smart and leave!" - Duke answered in tears.
Eulalia eventually left his bedroom.
"I know You are with Yongmin just because I left You, I cannot expect from You to be single for the rest of Your life." - He added.
She heard that, but pretended that she didn't.
Chapter 20: Agressive kiss
Duke and Amelia were together same as Eulalia and Yongmin.
It was about a week and the tea event held place. The stage was standing there. Eulalia liked Yongmin, but the fact that Duke broke up with her that brutally hurted her. She still loved him. Duke was sitting and surprisingly, tasting teas. The day was very cloudy. Amelia wasn't there.
Shivers by Ed Sheeran finished playing when Amelia appeared on the tea event. The Empress was looking at Duke and Amelia having a good time.
Suddenly, Eulalia went on the stage, took the microphone and said:
It took Duke's attention.
She continued:
"We are all living in hard times now. And we are sad. Well, I am not doing well too, so I want to sing the song
... Angel Baby?"
And she sang it. Duke was touched. When the event was finished, Eulalia met Duke on the way back to the castle and he was approaching his studio.
She said:
"How's life with Amelia? You don't speak to me these days..."
"I don't want to speak to You maybe? We are lovers or enemies this is that simple. Life is good."
"You didn't even react to the song..." - Lali wanted to talk.
"You are stupid! So stupid! Are You blind?! Axel died because he was possesed by Willy! Willy can go into any of us! And You are busy by Your stupid heart problems and Your stupid song!" - Duke was furious.
"This is Your song! You wrote this song for me remember?! Where is our love Duke, I cannot believe it..." - Lali was near the tears.
"I saw when Yongmin was eating Your lips!" - Duke shouted.
"Well I ended up with Yongmin because You started to be with Amelia in the first place!" - She was angry.
"And what! Do You want to kiss me now or what!" - Duke shouted as Eulalia was so near him.
"Yes! I want to kiss You and what!" - Eulalia shouted and they started to kiss agressively and passionately.
Chapter 21: Shut up
Eulalia was sitting in the kitchen analysing what just happened. Natalia started to call on her first new big phone. Lali picked up the phone:
Natalia said:
"Hello? Lali I was about to come to You, but I have today a big apple day. But still I was thinking about Amelia's case.
Why don't You talk to Amelia about leaving Your love?"
Eulalia answered with a hard heart:
"This is not Amelia's fault, this is Duke's fault. You see, this is actually smart, never attack the woman who stole Your man, blame the man, if he would want to stay he would stay."
Suddenly one of the servants came to the kitchen giving her a small note on the paper, she read that:
"Please come downstairs to our past secret place. I need to talk.
~ D."
She went downstairs. It was a heavy storm. Duke was trying to play the guitar. When she came, he suddenly stopped.
"What are You doing?" - Eulalia asked.
"Just playing around." - Duke answered.
"Can You sit next to me?" - He added.
She sat next to him as he started to speak:
"I'm sorry that I kissed You today I actually shouldn't do that."
"No, I kissed You maybe..." - She cutted.
"Nevermind." - He said and continued:
"We shouldn't break up brutally like that."
"Yes we shouldn't at all." - Eulalia answered.
"What?" - Duke was surprised as he was speaking:
"No, I mean we should but the farwell between us was inappropriate. I mean, what about the night? Let's spend the night together making love. Only You and me. Tonight. And then, let's break up forever."
"Listen if You want to cheat on Amelia then poor her I don't care this is Your business, but Yongmin has me loyal to him and he is lucky because I will never sleep with You as long as I am with him" - Eulalia answered trying to be confident.
"As the kiss is not cheating..." - Duke said.
"Hm?" - She was confused.
Duke started to speak:
"Listen, if You really want to be loyal to Your Yongmin, You can go, bye, okay."
"Okay?" - She cutted.
"Okay." - Duke admitted.
Eulalia held his hand, so he started to speak:
"Listen girl, You and Yongmin, this is a fiction. I know it and You know it too. Maybe You like him, physically. But let's face it: My one word and You are mine again. You are still in love with me and the only one who really is free is me."
"So why do You still want to do this with me?" - Eulalia asked.
"You're hot and the way You're still in love with me really turns me on. By the way how funny is the fact that I fell for You first and now You are the one who is chasing me." - Duke at this point was a bit strange.
"Amelia is not hot enough?" - Eulalia asked him.
"She is not that good I would say. I am just tired of kissing her thinking about You." - He said.
"Explain, You freak who loves to manipulate me." - Eulalia didn't understand or didn't want to understand.
"Shut up and give me what I want." - Duke said and they ended up making love.
Chapter 22: Work in the park
The next day, Duke and Eulalia without speaking to each other came back to the castle as nothing happened this night. It was a sunny day.
- 3 months later -
Silence. Peace. Duke is living with Amelia the calm life, same like Eulalia and Yongmin. At this point, the life was stable. Stable and calm. This day, Duke was at his first job - the photography outdoors. Teaching tennis became his first job and passion. Today, he was taking photos in the park in central London, focusing on the nature and casual life of people. The park was full of trees and pigeons.
Suddenly, Duke saw a woman. It was a casual woman, in red dress but in Duke's eyes, she was stunning.
He started to take photos only of her, actively. And the woman turned around, Duke escaped behind the tree and saw her face.
"Jesus, Eulalia". - He thought.
It was her, he clearly didn't even recognise her, and that was the time when the obsession has begun.
Chapter 23: Jealousy
Duke couldn't sleep at night, he had severe headaches. In a row. He started to focus on photography more and... Stalking. Without a control. He started to follow the Empress' schedule giving white lies to Amelia. He was taking photos of Eulalia keeping them to himself.
This particular hot afternoon, she went to her own secret place. She usually loves to go there, when she is depressed or wants to relax. This is the waterfall inside the bush 3 km away from the castle.
Duke followed her carefully. He was sitting in the bush so she didn't see him.
She took her dress off and took a bath in the small lake next to waterfall, using the waterfall's shower. It was relaxing and helped her to relax. She cried afterwards.
Duke took photos of her naked and he stayed there while she was crying. She packed her own picnic back home. He saved the photos and left them on the desk in his photography studio.
Amelia noticed the photos and took them for herself with the thought of the eventual revenge in the future maybe.
- 3 days later -
Yongmin and Eulalia were after a long tiring day. They wanted to cuddle in bed. Duke was sitting in her room already.
"I'm sorry You cannot do that." - He said.
"I cannot sleep with my man?" - Eulalia asked him.
"With Your who?!" - Duke was angry.
"Hello! Leave my room! You don't even talk to me like 3 months, Amelia either." - Lali said.
"You fired her so I needed to hire her how she is able to talk to You ha!" - Duke said.
"You hired her as who?" - Lali asked.
Duke was speechless. He knew he just has Amelia at his room for fullfilling his relationship needs. He left Eulalia's room, ashamed.
Chapter 24: Bet?
Eulalia was sitting on the boat next to the lake, casual tea time with Yongmin. When he left, she wanted to spend a bit of time alone. Duke used this time as a chance for explanation.
"Hey..." - He said.
"Hi." - She replied quickly without emotions.
"Lali I'm sorry for today I shouldn't interrupt into the time with Your boyfriend." - He explained.
"Sit down with me." - She said and as he sat down next to her she added:
"I know that these past days You were stalking me, I felt Your presence and I even saw You. Even when I was naked next to the waterfall."
"Wait... Really? Why didn't You stop me?" - He was surprised.
"Why so? If You had fun, I had fun too." - She laughed.
"Okay let me explain again. I know we haven't spoken to each other for solid 3 months even as friends, and my actions were not okay. I wanted to talk..." - Duke said as she replied so fast:
"Do You remember when You said we are lovers or enemies nothing between? Well I prefered to stay neutral because the friends option was not an option for You. If I would turn into Your enemy I should kick You out of the castle, close Your photo studio and leave Amelia on the street unless You would take her because that's Your love now am I right?"
"So why didn't You do that?" - He asked.
"Hm... I appreciate Your mission. And I respect that. You are a protagonist. The mission does not include me, I will be dead anyway and since You don't love anymore I shouldn't be interested in changing the timeline for You. I would be dead anyway when the world would be destroyed by Willy but I am not an egoist." - She looked into his eyes.
"Oh... Life is hard isn't it." - Duke said and started to get closer to her face as it seemed like he wanted to kiss her, but she turned her face around.
"How about a hangout tomorrow? You down?" - Duke asked a bit ashamed of his action.
"As friends sure." - She responded.
"Totally, this is not a date we are not cheaters." - He answered and she said:
"We are not cheaters? Should I remind You how we got the closure for our past relationship?"
"This was not a closure. Sometimes we know that the book is finished. Not everytime You need a closure. But for me, it was just a chapter, I want to open another one. I want You as a best friend. Bet?" - Duke asked silently.
"Bet, can we go to an amusement park?" - She asked.
"Yes. Tomorrow teatime. Meet me next to this boat." - He said and the went to the castle.
Chapter 25: Best friends
The amusement park was great. Full of roller coasters and haunted houses. Eulalia loved the Christmas decor the most, Duke fell in love with haunted house.
But he had one problem, he knew he cought feelings again in the park, but he tried to keep his promise because he was afraid he might lose his Empress forever. He was a great actor this day.
"You like me the best from everyone." - She said after all the day when the sun was already in the sunset phase.
"Yes, always remember that." - He said and added:
"We're best friends."
She laughed and he repeated:
"We're best friends. If everyone else is friends we're best friends."
"Yes..." - She said and looked at him in a consideration. As if she had the vision of a flashback of a different timeline when he really said that then.
As soon as they came back to the castle, Amelia attacked him in his studio:
"Hi. Where were You all the day? I had plans."
"Imagine what a surprise. I also had plans. I was out all the day. And I'm not gonna hide it from You, I was with Eulalia and no I didn't cheat on You. We are best friends." - He responded a bit harshly.
"Best friends? Don't You think so that Your current woman should be Your girl best friend and not Your ex?" - She asked and added:
"So okay, if she's Your best friend, let's arrange the double date. Me and You plus her and my brother. You will be able to show Your best friend how much You love Your girlfriend."
"I'm not happy with the idea. I'd prefer to meet You both separarely." - Duke was not happy at all.
"Separately? For what?" - His not happy mood was reciprocated by Amelia.
"For You to have a question mistery." - He said.
"You are in love with her." - Amelia assumed.
"I'm not I swear!" - He was shocked.
"Okay so please inform her about the idea or I will do that." - She decided.
"Yes I will." - He said as the evening came quickly.
Chapter 26: Step back
Amelia was a bit unsure about all the things what happened between her and Duke. She took a ride on the horse alone. She cried so much during the ride and she fell down from the horse. Yes, she broke the leg. She was treated in hospital fast. Duke was helping her during all the treatment. He was an excellent partner that Amelia couldn't imagine the better one. He was 100% focused on her.
- 7 Days later -
Duke spotted Eulalia in the room and he had urge to talk to her.
"Let's talk." - He said and closed the room with a key.
"I don't want to talk to You. Let's end this toxic friendship, God knows what You want from me, pass me the key, Bruno is with the cook in the kitchen he wanted to talk to You now, bye step back." - Lali answered and opened and closed the door immidiately leaving Duke behind.
When she closed the door, Duke sat down leaning towards the door, he started to cry silently talking to himself:
"I'm sorry, for everything. When I was with You I was sad because I didn't have everything I wanted. I missed my car and stupid things from the future. But now I know that I actually had everything. I had You. Now when I don't have You, I have nothing, I love You my Empress I love You so much. I don't care, I love You. Do You remember when we had pumpkin hot chocolate for the first time, when we played tennis and when You sang for me, I want to carve pumpkin and paint flowers together. I love You, eh..."
Suddenly, he saw Amelia with her sick leg standing so sad.
On the other side of the door Eulalia was crying as she heard what he said.
Duke got up and helped Amelia with her leg leading her to the room. She didn't comment and he didn't explain his behaviour.
Chapter 27: Don't attack me
Yongmin, Eulalia, Amelia and Duke went on 3 double dates. Every single one of the dates were the same. On the boat and picking up the flowers for decorating the castle's hall. It was an early Autumn. Duke and Eulalia were staring at each other whenever they had a chance and Amelia didn't hide the fact that she didn't like it. She decided to talk to Eulalia afterwards. She picked the right time when Eulalia was alone in the kitchen.
"Hi, I don't have so much time due to my doctor's appoinment in a 5 minutes so I will be quick. Please leave my Duke alone. Don't talk to him, don't hang out with him and don't stare at him during the double dates. I will not let You to be near my boyfriend anymore." - Amelia stated clearly.
"And didn't You notice that he was my boyfriend, and he left me for You? Moreover, Your advices are useless, not because You think I'm planning to be near him and hurt You, but because they are really useless. Listen, me and Duke we were like one. We were always together, giving each other space and we were unbreakable even if he made mistakes, or I made mistakes sooner or later we were always coming back. It was never a big deal. And then You appeared Amelia. You broke us. But I don't blame You. Duke wanted to be with You so he is with You. You are not guilty. If he would want to come back to me do You think I would be guilty? Mind his actions. Same, if I would leave Your brother, do You think the new man I would leave Yongmin for would be guilty for that? Or me because I would decide to leave him? Don't attack me. Talk to Duke first. Come on, I will help You to the doctor." - Lali said and helped Amelia with going to the doctor.
Chapter 28: Important things
Amelia and Eulalia arrived to the hospital. They met Duke crying in the hall.
"What happened?" - Amelia asked him.
"Willy came into Bruno. We were that stupid taking care of ourselves that we forgot about our son he is not doing well." - Duke said to Eulalia still crying.
Amelia left for her appointment. Duke and Eulalia stayed alone so they started to talk.
"Thank You for assisting Amelia here." - Duke said.
"You're welcome. Any news about the Baby?" - Eulalia asked.
"He got the fever and he fainted in the kitchen. So I took him on the carriage here." - Duke said still crying.
"The boy will be healthy. We saved him, it will take about 2 weeks for the full recovery." - Doctor said to Duke.
"I need to carry Amelia home. Will You take Bruno? Tell him I love him please?" - Lali said to Duke.
"Sure." - He said a bit calmer and stood up starting to go to Bruno's room.
"Duke?" - Lali asked a bit shy.
"Can I hug You?" - She finished the question as he turned around.
Duke hugged her and when she started to go to Amelia's room Duke asked:
She turned around.
"Take care." - He said.
"You too." - She answered and took Amelia by the arm.
Chapter 29: Decisions
- 5 days later -
Bruno healed completely, but Duke constantly used Bruno's doctor fake meeting as an excuse to Amelia for meeting his ex on constant dates.
The first time, even the Empress thought that she is going to a doctor's appointment regarding to Bruno.
"Why we are on the field?" - She asked.
"It's a picnic date. I know what You mean. Don't worry Bruno knows." - He smiled and opened the picnic box.
He took pb&j, spicy ramen with kimchi, canned tuna with pickles and smoked salmon, iced coffee on soymilk and mango. He also prepared the black Earl Grey tea in a beautiful porcelain.
"These are my favourite things... Wait You hate them." - She noticed.
"It is all about You. Enjoy. I can finally look at You in a peace. You are all I can see. The field is insanely beautiful. I will pick the flowers for You, as many as I can. You can eat and enjoy." - He said.
This was a dream for her. She was eating under the conifer in a front of the green stream. Duke came back with bunch of flowers. He gathered almost all the field!
"There's no way I'm gonna kiss You after You ate the pickles. Take this." - He laughed passing the coke towards her. She drank and they started to kiss passionately and again, they ended up making love.
5 days straight Duke repeated the picnic with different surprises making love in the end of them. Finally Eulalia asked:
"When will say this to Amelia? I actually want to name our relation. You know when this is wrong? When I actually don't know what is this, when I actually do the wife service without being even a girlfriend again. Go tell Amelia so I will tell Yongmin."
"Listen, Amelia still has a sick leg and in general she is not doing very well. I actually don't want to break up with her, I mean, You understand..." - Duke said but się actually expected that.
"Ah yes? You are not planning to break up with her but You were happily wasting my time?" - Lali was angry.
"I mean, this is complicated..." - He said looking down.
"So, if You want to be with Amelia, fuck Amelia, literally and metaphorically. I'm leaving" - Eulalia said and left him. It was their last date.
Chapter 30: Phrases
Duke felt so gulity towards Amelia so he went to Eulalia's garden and cut almost all the flowers. It was illegal in the castle.
As soon as the soldiers cought him ready to put him in the prison, Eulalia's - The Empress' word was deciding.
"Should we put him in the prison for 4 days, without food?" - The soldier asked her.
"No. Set him free." - Eulalia said.
"But these were all the flowers You loved." - The Soldier said.
"But this is the man that I really love! And I don't care he is with Amelia or Emily or single or I don't know! He is the love of my life and I will never let him suffer. Set him free now." - She was angry at this point.
The Soldiers set Duke free.
"I don't understand. I destroyed all Your lovely garden." - Duke said so she answered:
"Listen. I can be mad at You, but it doesn't mean that I stopped loving You. I am mad I am extremely mad! But I still love You. You can go home, Amelia is worried about I am sure."
"Lali, within one hour, meet me in the main room in Your castle. I have to discuss something very important". - He said.
Within one hour, she went to the main room in her castle, Duke was waiting with the blackboard and the quote.
"Sit down." - He said.
As soon as she sat down he said:
"I actually have to tell You this important thing."
And he started to read what he wrote:
"I don't love You anymore
I lied when I said
I loved You all the time
I am sure that
You don't mean nothing to me
And I will never use the phrase
I love You so much."
"Aah thank You so much it is actually the next spike to my coffin after stating it crystal clear that You are the love of my life. I really don't know if I want to die or I still want to be alive!" - Eulalia was in tears and she continued:
"You and Your love with Amelia was growing in my castle without me even realising that. Then You broke up with me brutally. Then to confirm that we are not together we really needed to make love for You to cut all my flowers and give to Amelia to just confirm how much You hate me. Now, You are breaking up with me for the third time just because You have fun breaking my heart? Can You stop? I will gladly give You this castle and even Bruno, just stop hurting me oh my God please stop. Are You having fun?"
"Lali stop crying and read this again, but from the last line to the first one." - Duke said.
She started to read out loud:
"I love You so much
And I will never use the phrase
You don't mean nothing to me
I am sure that
I loved You all the time
I lied when I said
I don't love You anymore."
"So?" - She whispered.
"So, is it possible or is it too late to have You back?" - Duke silently asked and added:
"I will totally respect if You're gonna reject me after all these things I've done to You. I have no idea what happened to me. I know that "I'm sorry" will not fix Your heart but..."
"You gave me so much stress..." - She said.
Suddenly, Yongmin and Amelia came in with the cake, the Soldiers brought these flowers from Eulalia's garden.
"Listen, Duke is apologising You, and he needs to be with You." - Amelia said.
"Yes, and I also wish You so much of luck in life. We are not a match Lali." - Yongmin added and siblings left the room.
"How many break ups today?" - Duke smiled.
"I love You..." - Lali said quietly.
He proposed again, properly. After a nice late afternoon he said:
"I need to go to tell my friends."
"Tell Your boys You will come later." - She said and kissed him again and they ended up making love.
"I think before the second round we should watch some porn, for a better ride." - She added
She took him to the small cinema downstairs. They had a nice evening. They were very happy together, again.
Chapter 31: The forest
Duke and Eulalia finally were preparing to the proper wedding.
It was about to be a secret wedding. On the boat. Only them 2. They were approaching the forest. Eulalia in the simple white dress without ornaments and Duke in the black simple suit.
They were next to the forest and Eulalia said to Duke:
"The forest... I had the vision."
"Shhh... Let's ask this man about the marriage." - Duke said.
"Dear priest!" - Lali shouted.
The man turned around. It was Vecna, the 001.
"Vecna blood on Your face, Amelia was pregnant with Willy and lost it, Duke I had the vision! I don't want to stay here!" - Lali cried.
"Lali calm down, we already know the purpose okay? It will not happen, it will not happen." - Duke was calm.
They went on the boat. Luckily, the event didn't happen because they changed this destiny. As soon as they were in the middle of the lake, Duke said:
"Eulalia, You are the woman of my life and I am happy to be Your husband from now on. Finally, after so many sad events, we deserve the happiness. You deserve it."
He smiled and kissed her. They both made the confessions afterwards and put the rings on.
Suddenly, she gave him the envelope:
"Please read that."
Duke started to read what was written inside:
"22 things I really want to do with the love of my life...
1. Picnic next to the lake
2. Kissing in the rain
3. Rollercoaster together
4. Stripped poker
5. Bringing each others' flowers every Sunday
6. Loveletters every Friday
7. Cooking together often
8. French kissing everyday, at least once
9. Having sex way more than 2 times a week
10. Watching horrors together
11. Talking to each other openly about problems
12. Can You read me stories with Your voice?
13. Dates! I still want to go on dates my husband!
14. Roadtrips in May out of town, often
15. Taking a bath naked in the lake
16. No silent days, never
17. Cuddle every night
18. Watching rain together
19. Drinking tea at a teatime, often
20. Let's take care of each other, ride or die
21. Bestfriends forever, but in love
22. Please smile to me
These are not the rules or expectations, this is only my dream, just surprise me if You want to..."
He read and added:
"Let's get naked and swim."
"Now?" - She asked.
"You told me to surprise You." - He smiled.
They took a bath naked in the lake this night, happier than ever.
Chapter 32: The memory
Eulalia and Duke went to Italy for a honeymoon. He fell in love with its beauty.
When they were in Positano, they made the promise that they will live in Royal Castle in Warsaw, since they want to start happy new life in the new castle in new country, but the motherland of Eulalia.
"I will go to water." - Lali said and Duke stayed under the umbrella.
Suddenly, the giant Earthquake with volcano explosion shaked the ground.
"Lali!!!" - Duke shouted through his chest.
She turned around it was finished. This life was finished. Willy pressed the button. Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey was playing.
- New World -
Bruno survived and he was taken by Tyrone to his basement.
Willy took Duke and Eulalia to the laboratory and took their memories down.
From now on, they didn't remember anything, they were complete strangers and they were put in the ideal home in ideal clothes doing stupid ideal things.
▪Year 1929
One year later, Duke is almost 34 years old, Eulalia is 39. It is a big "New Era" party. Kind of Fashion Week.
Eulalia is standing talking to her friends and suddenly Duke approached her from the back, with again, cherry blossom flowers mixed with forget me not. He hided them behind his back with one hand.
"It will rain soon." - He said.
She turned around. She was quiet all of sudden. She fell in love with this man. Stunning. Beautiful smile.
He fell for her instantly in a split second. The song Under the influence by Chris Brown started to play on this party, all of sudden.
"No." - She smiled.
"It doesn't seem to rain now." - She smiled even more.
"Ah now maybe maybe... Very nice place tho. Your name, lady?" - Duke asked.
"Eulalia, but everybody calls me Lali. And Yours?" - She was about to give him the hand.
"Duke. The priest will come and we will get married?" - He said and showed her the hidden flowers from behind his back. He said the exact same text as for joking like when they first met before the Polonaise.
Duke had his memory back. Lali continued:
"Your name is Duke? How funny, I had the friend named Duccel or something like this, he was maybe husband of mine, God knows it hurts my brain to think."
"Lali I'm back! I am back I remember everything!" - Duke shouted in tears.
She still didn't remember. Duke worked hard on her memory. After several weeks, she had her memory back. It was a long journey. She hit him, cried, and refused. But finally, she remembered too and was ready to meet her lovely Bruno.
Willy was so angry that he took Duke to laboratory to steal his memories again and leave Eulalia suffer with Bruno alone.
Eulalia went to the bed where Duke was connected to "memory eating cabels." She cried and appeared in his mind.
In his mind, they were standing in the white cloud, all around them were small monitors with every moment of their life together. Lali cried:
"Duke, I'm sorry for everything I've said, for everything I've done bad to You during the time when You wanted to heal me. I promise to love You and protect You, but please come back to me..."
Duke opened his eyes. He remembers. He came back.
Chapter 33 - The Last: Mission complete
Duke and Eulalia moved to Warsaw to Royal Castle, where they had their daughter - Cherry.
▪Year 1933
Cherry is 4 years old, has dark blond hair with hazel eyes, Bruno is 15 and, Eulalia is 43 and Duke is almost 38.
"Am I special too? Will I travel in time, have visions or read people's minds?" - Cherry asked her parents.
"No Baby. You have another mission." - Duke said.
"What is my mission then?" - She asked.
"Just be happy, for us." - Eulalia said.
Eulalia usually used to take Duke on dates to botanical garden in Warsaw. One day, she said:
"Sometimes I think that the fact that You came to my time is just for playing games and live the happy life, or any life. You didn't love me."
"I came to Your time, BECAUSE I love You. You will understand one day." - Duke always used to answer usually in tears.
"Can we exchange the letters?" - She asked.
"Sure, the fountain makes the mood." - He answered.
The fountain was dancing as all the flowers in botanical garden were smiling to them. Duke read Eulalia's letter:
"Dear Duke,
Maybe I will never have blue or green eyes, natural blond hair or I will never be an American, but I will always love You that's for sure. Not because of what You have, but because of who You are. I am grateful for the day when You were born, and I love You because You were born. Read me stories and smile to me. Come to me without nothing, because You are everything I want.
~ L."
"Are Yoy crying?" - She asked.
"Yes because of all these years Your feeling is so fresh and the fact that I actually still date You, makes me cry." - He said and passed her his envelope.
She started to read:
"My dear Flower,
Can I call You like this sometimes? I know I will give You this letter in botanical garden, so the fact I wrote that is amazing in my opinion. I started to realize that only You loved me for real maybe too late. It hit me like a thunder. I promise You to bring the daises on the table often, if not from our forest then from the flowershop. I cannot imagine our table without daises and a good tea. And I cannot imagine my home without You and my heart without Your presence. I love You.
~ D."
This day, 5 hours later, all of sudden Bruno said:
"Parents, me and Cherry, we decided. Your mission is complete. Time to go back to Your time."
These were words that they never wanted to hear... MISSION COMPLETE.
Duke's pov:
▪Year 2139
Duke is standing in the park, from dark pandemic world, the world changed into green beautiful place. Duke is standing next to Tyrone. He started to cry in happy tears:
"Tyrone! I am not Willy! I am not Willy! Look how beautiful world is!"
Tyrone smiled. Duke continued:
"We finished our mission and we won! Lali will be so happy I have to show her by the way, where is she? Lali!! Lali!!"
Eulalia didn't come.
Tyrone turned around and showed Duke something saying:
"Lali will not come. You are in 2139. This is her grave. She died in her time long ago."
"So Bruno? Where is he?" - Duke asked.
Tyrone smiled:
"Nice to meet You, dad. My name is Bruno, I transformed into an Angel named Tyrone."
"Bruno Baby! Is there anything I can do to meet Your mom again?" - Asked Duke.
"Well, I will transport You to year 2000. It will be the alternative time You will be born in and eventually You will meet each other." - Tyrone answered.
Before transporting to the new time, Duke turned around to Lali's grave thanking her for the best memories... After that, Tyrone transported Duke to 2000.
Lali's pov:
▪Year 1918
"So, it never happened, but I know it happened. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, I know, I loved him." - Eulalia, the Empress in London knew... Holding Duke's photo.
"It doesn't need to end up like that." - Tyrone said.
"Hi Tyrone, is it anything You can do?" - She asked.
"I'm ready to transport You to the year 1995. Eventually You will meet Duke again. You will both find out about the history You had, You will be inspired out of nowhere one day and You will write this for him." - Tyrone answered.
And then, the Empress disappeared from 1918 year forever.
Meanwhile somewhere, Cherry grew up as a charming girl breaking multiple men's hearts.
And her mission was simple: she was about to be happy and she was very happy.
She set up her family's nest in Dublin, beautiful main city of Ireland.
The End.
Author: Lali.
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elpida · 8 months ago
When Eden answered the door it wasn't exactly the way she'd usually be seen, she just assumed it was the postman because other than parcels, people didn't really pop by her home, especially in the morning. She wore pajamas that were so typically her, shorts and a button down shirt, only these pajamas had little croissants over the pinstripe pattern, very cute for the bakers girl. Her hair whilst still waved, wasn't as perfectly in place now. "Morning Ed-" Eddy, her postman, who over the years she'd become friendly with, but the surprise was written all over her face. Not Eddy, not at all. Raphael.
Just like that Eden found it harder to meet his eyes, her own dipping down quickly, a slight hint of embarrassment tinting the apples of her cheeks. "Do you want to come in?" she asked, shuffling herself aside to make room for him. Bunny slippers. Of course she wore bunny slippers.
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"About last night.." she started once she could close her door, she felt like an idiot and.. her feel still hurt from those heels, heels that she'd worn to impress him. She didn't feel very impressive now, that much was clear in her mind. "I... oh, coffee? Tea? but yeah, I... well I made an idiot of myself." Eden stood near her kettle, fidgeting, doing anything with her hands and eyes, apart from turn and look directly at him. How could she? She'd made what she wanted so clearm, her lips had spoke a thousand things she couldn't say. "Was the catering all okay in the end? I know I left early but... but something came up. Sorry." Nothing came up, she just felt entirely stupid. "I shouldn't have kissed you." her voice was softer, more defeated if anything. "It wont happen again if that's.. a problem for you. Maybe all the excitement just got to my head!" she tried to play it off with a giggle but if she were truthful, it hurt her heart, tugged at the part of her that hoped that maybe, he saw her and chose to want her terribly too, against all better reason. "If you want someone else to take over your catering for those kind of things too, I'd understand completely."
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"Fuck." Raphael whispered under his breath. He felt guilty about the way things had turned out, guilty that he let it go that far in the first place. Eden was a nice girl, Raphael respected her. Hell, he liked her a lot too. But it was like divine intervention when Salvatore walked into that room, stopping things from going further. After what happened with her brother, Raphael was certain he didn't want her to be caught up in that very same web. Despite his feelings.
The night went on and Salvatore was not kidding when he said it was urgent. There had been a gang fight in one of their territories, and they had one family to suspect for it. The rest of the festivities was a blur of anger, frustration and alcohol for Raphael. "Raphael." Bianca's voice cut through the noise. Looking up, he saw his sister holding up a jacket. "She forgot her jacket." The woman simply stated, placing it over the chair. "What's with that look?" The older man quipped, noting the look of disapproval on his sister's face. Bianca was like their mother in many ways, she didn't need to use words for Raphael to understand what she meant. "I'll take it back to her tomorrow."
The next morning, Raphael dressed discreetly and drove a different car to Eden's apartment. He aimed to apologize for the night before, and to make it clear where they stand. The man knocked a short three times on the door, her jacket over his forearm and a bag of food in the other hand. He had to make it right. He had to.
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