#(the piece that I’m going to work on tonight is not suitable content for this account
mostly-natm · 4 days
To avoid rapidly approaching burnout, I’m going to relax tonight and just color lineart I did last night!
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delicatebarness · 4 months
cry baby | chapter seventeen
Summary: When Bucky met Peter...
Warning: Bucky Barnes.
Word Count: 1323
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A/N: Oh Bucky. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10 | @plasticbottleholder | @birdenthusiastez
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The soft, late afternoon light streamed into your apartment and cast a warm glow over your small but beloved art desk. Your sketchbook lay open on top as a myriad of pencils scattered around, a half-finished canvas propped up against the window. 
Drawing had been your escape, a channel for your thoughts and emotions to turn into something tangible. You had been working tirelessly on a series of pieces you hoped would secure your place in a local art show. A chance to showcase your work to a broader audience and take a step forward, closer to a artistic career.
You let your favorite playlist play softly in the background as you lose yourself in the rhythm of shading and detailing. Each piece told a different story, and the emotions and love you had experienced over your life here in the city. The one you were working on, in particular, was a portrayal of resilience. 
You barely noticed the time passing as you became engrossed in your work. It wasn’t until your phone buzzed with a message that you glanced away. It was a text from Peter, reminding you of the plans for the evening at the bar.
Peter: Hey, I’ll pick you up around 7 tonight. I’m looking forward to meeting your friends! 😄
You smiled at his message, he had been incredibly excited to meet your friends, especially after meeting Steve. You quickly send him a reply. “Sounds perfect! They’re going to love you! 🥰”
Turning back to your sketch, you added the final touches. You wanted to ensure you had made enough progress and were satisfied with the piece before calling it a day. Your thoughts began to drift as you worked, drifting to the evening ahead. You looked forward to your family meeting Peter, yet you were also apprehensive. 
After a while, you set your pencil down. Standing, you took a step back to admire your work. Not perfect, you thought, but it captured the essence of what you wanted. 
With a content sigh, you began cleaning up your workspace. Carefully put away your supplies and stop Alpine from jumping up. Glancing at the clock, brought you to the present as you realized it was time to get ready.
Rifling through your wardrobe, you tried to find something suitable to wear. After a few minutes of deliberation, you settled on one of your usual outfits. You knew you’d be comfortable the whole night. Pulling your dress from the hanger you noticed a familiar piece pushed to the side.
Bucky’s leather jacket.
For a moment, you stared at it, remembering the last time you borrowed it. He insisted you take it, not wanting you to feel left out. You had meant to return it but, you had not found the right moment. 
Sighing, you pushed the jacket aside and continued getting ready. 
Leaning against the bar, you waited for your drink. Peter was by your side, his hand gently finding its way to the small of your back, his touch sending a pleasant shiver up your spine. You smiled up at him, enjoying his presence. But, before you could fully appreciate the moment, you noticed a figure moving quickly over to you, pushing his way through the crowd. 
Bucky. He cut a path toward you with a look of determination. His eyes were locking onto Peter, a darkness flickered in them. Within seconds he reached you, and without hesitation, he shoved Peter away from you. 
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Bucky growled, squaring up to Peter, and looking down at him slightly. 
Peter stumbled back slightly, hands raising in a placating gesture. “Whoa, dude! I–”
“Stop!” you shouted toward Bucky, trying to step between them.
It was too late, Bucky was already gearing up for a fight. His protective instincts overring any sense of reason left in him. “Who the fuck do you think you are, putting your hands on her?” he demanded loud enough to draw the attention of Steve and the others that were scattered around the bar. 
“He’s my boyfriend, James!” you yelled, desperation laced your voice as you tried to break through his rage. “Peter’s my boyfriend!” 
At that moment, Steve, Sam, and Natasha surged forward, their voice rose in a chorus of shouts toward Bucky. 
“Buck! Back off!” Steve’s voice boomed over the bar, his demeanor, once calm replaced with a sense of urgency.
“She’s telling the truth, Bucky!” The sharp tone of Natasha’s voice cut through the tension, her eyes sent a warning for him to listen. 
“Bucky, chill out, man!” Carrying a note of understanding, Sam’s voice was firm. 
Bucky’s eyes darted between you, Peter, and the rest of your friends, flashes of confusion and anger warred on his face. Realization slowly dawned on him, his fists stayed clenched as he stepped back.
“Your… boyfriend?” he repeated, his eyes searching yours for confirmation, as his voice lowered to a whisper.
You nodded, stepping closer to Peter and taking his hand in yours– A silent declaration of your relationship. Your gaze meets Bucky’s with sincerity, pleading with him silently. 
Peter gave Bucky a nod, still dazed at the sudden confrontation. “I didn’t mean any harm, man,” he said, apologetic. 
Bucky’s jaw clenched, his eyes darkening again as he looked toward Peter. “Who even are you?” he demanded, his tone accusing.
“James,” you said firmly, addressing Bucky by his given name as you struggled to keep your emotions in check. 
The tension hung thick in the air as Bucky’s gaze remained fixed on Peter, his expression slowly became unreadable the longer he stared. 
“I’m Peter,” Peter replied, his voice steady as he offered Bucky his hand. 
Bucky’s gaze flickered down to his outstretched hand. For a moment, it seemed that he might refuse the gesture, but after a pause… he reluctantly accepted it. His grip was unyielding. 
As the night progressed, you settled comfortably on Peter’s lap, the warmth from his body enveloped you as his hand traced gentle patterns along your sides and back. His breath was warm against your ear as he whispered sweet nothings, filling you with a sense of belonging. 
Meanwhile, Bucky sat across from you. You felt his gaze fixed on the exchange between you and Peter. His jaw tightened with every touch, his eyes flickering with frustration and something else you couldn’t work out. He had shifted in his seat, trying to focus on the conversations around him, however, his attention drifted back to you. 
You decided to break the ice with Bucky, hoping to lighten the mood and ease the thickening tension. Turning to Bucky, you mustered a smile.
“So, James, where’s Leah tonight?” you asked, trying to engage in genuine conversation with him. 
His gaze shifted from Peter’s hand on your hip to the crowded bar, his expression didn’t subside. “Working,” he replied, before sipping his beer. His response was curt. You noticed the way his grip tightened around the bottle, it was clear the night's events weighed heavily on him, and despite your attempts, you couldn’t understand why.
“Ah, that’s a shame,” you remarked sympathetically. Bucky merely nodded in response, remaining impassive. 
As the conversation drifted, you turned your attention back to Peter. His eyes met yours, a reassuring warmth emanating from the deep brown color. With a soft smile, he tightened his hold around you. 
Alone in your dimly lit apartment, you couldn’t shake the unease that followed you from the ba: The memory of Bucky’s accusing gaze and the tension. You felt restless and unsettled.
Just as you were about to head to bed, a sharp knocking at your door shattered the silence. With a furrowed brow, you made your way to the door.
You were met with the sight of Bucky as you opened the door. His face was slightly more bruised than earlier in the evening. “Can we talk?” His voice was low, carrying a weight that matched the gravity of the situation.
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Is That My Bra? || Fred Weasley
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1.9k
Requested: No
Summary: Things get heated when Fred steals your favorite bra from your room
Warnings: Swearing
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever created it
A/N: This is my first piece of writing here, please let me know what you think! I hope y'all like it :)
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George walked back to the small circle of Lee and Fred, a triumphant look on his face. Proudly he lifted up his left pant leg, showing his now clean shaven leg.
“Done,” George declared, causing Lee and Fred to both fall back in laughter.
“Nice job Georgie,” Fred said, after composing himself. “You wait until Angelina sees that.”
George grinned. “They’re only going to make her fancy me more.”
Lee snorted at George’s comment, finding the shaven legs more horrifying than attractive. “Get on with it George, it’s your turn.”
George looked between the two of them, before he landed on Fred. “Freddie my boy, dare or dare?”
The three had originally been playing truth or dare, but after nobody picking truth for seven rounds, they had changed the name to dare or dare. For the last forty-five minutes, the three of them had been sent on a wide range of tasks, from streaking through the charms corridor (Lee got a weeks worth of detention for that) to making a dirty comment in the ear of an unsuspecting Hufflepuff.
Fred pretended to think. “Hmm, I think I’ll go with dare.”
George looked around the common room, trying to come with a suitable dare for his brother.
His eyes landed on you, who was just making your way down the stairs from the girls dormitories. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, were with you, and the three of you were laughing at a joke Alicia had said.
You turned, feeling someone’s eyes on you and sent George a look. He waved back wildly, and you raised an eyebrow, waving back to him.
You followed the girls out of the common room, heading towards the kitchens for an evening snack.
George turned back to the two boys with a wide grin on his face. “I dare you Fred to steal Y/N’s bra.”
Lee busted out laughing once more as Fred turned to George. “Easy,” he replied confidently, getting up from the circle.
A smirk played on his lips as he made his way towards the stairs up to the girls dormitories. He was only six steps up when the stairs flattened out, producing a slide that sent Fred tumbling back down into the common room.
George bent over laughing at his brother, who was now splayed across the floor and had attracted the attention of the few people present in the room.
“Jackass,” Fred muttered, picking himself up. “You knew that was going to happen.”
“I didn’t, I swear,” George defended between laughs.
Fred continued to glower, not buying it. “Give me a new dare, I can’t do this one.”
George’s laughter faded, his expression turning to one of thought as he tried to find a way around the stairs.
“We could go get your broom,” Lee suggested.
Fred nodded. “That could-” He let out a small yelp as he felt his feet leave the ground.
Looking down, he saw that he was now hovering six inches in the air and his brother was pointing his wand at home in concentration.
Lee let out a whoop of excitement as George lifted him up the steps.
Fred now stood at the top of the stairs, rubbing his head from where George had “accidently” bumped him into the wall.
“Go get the bra!” George yelled, causing a third year to fix the three with a horrified expression.
Fred walked down the narrow hallway, trying to locate your dormitory. After finding the right one, he pushed open the door, pausing for a moment to take in the sheer amount of clothes that littered the floor. He found your bed easily by the large Holyhead Harpies blanket that was stretched across the top. He himself had given it to you for your birthday last year.
Fred’s eyes landed on your trunk and a large smirk filled his face. Resting on top was a set of clothes, and beneath the shirt he could see the straps of a lacie red bra.
Fred slid down the stairs not three minutes later, sitting back down in the circle and triumphantly showing the boys your bra.
George applauded loudly, but immediately stopped when he caught sight of you coming back though the portrait hole with Alicia and Angelina, all three of you balancing numerous sweet treats in your arms.
“Shit,” George hissed, “it’s Y/N.”
Fred’s eyes widened and he quickly shoved your bra into his book bag that laid beside him, filled with the homework he had yet to do.
You walk past without a second glance though, heading up to your dorm.
The following morning you stood in your dorm, running late for breakfast as you hastily flipped through the clothes in your trunk.
“Are you okay?” Alicia asked, already dressed for the day.
“Yeah,” you replied absently, again rechecking all your clothes. “I just can’t seem to find my bra. Did one of you two take it? It’s the red one.”
Angelina snorted. “You know red’s not my color,” she stated, leaning over your shoulder to look in your trunk. “Just wear something else.”
You pursed your lips. “I picked this one out because it goes with my top for the party tonight, I have to find it!”
“You mean the top you’re going to wear for Fred?” Angelina asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes. “No you daft doxie!” You exclaimed, giving your best friend a playful shove. “You and I both know that’s a load of horse crap.”
Angelina only winked back, causing you to shove her again.
Annoyed at your bad luck, you glared at your clothes once more. You knew you had set it out just last night so you could find it the next morning. Now where had it gone?
After three more searches through your trunk, which only seemed to make it messier and more difficult to look through, you settled for a black sports bra instead, not your favorite but it would have to do.
After morning classes you found yourself running late to lunch after going back up to your dorm to grab the transfiguration essay you had forgotten to put in your bag that morning. Hustling down the stairs, your stomach grumbled, reminding you that you had missed breakfast.
Your pace quickened, rounding the corner into the charms corridor where you immediately crashed into an unsuspecting student.
“Shit,” you said, as you rather ungracefully stumbled back. Losing your footing, you landed on the floor painfully.
“Damn I’m sorry Y/N,” someone said, and you looked up to see Fred sprawled across the floor across from you, his twin not too far away, trying to hide his snickers.
You had barely started speaking when your eyes landed on Fred’s bag, which had slid across the floor in the impact. Your attention was drawn to the red lacie strap which was peeking out from inside.
The twins followed your gaze, Fred’s face turning into one of surprise as he had completely forgotten that he hadn’t taken your bra out of his bag last night, whilst George doubled over in a silent laughter.
“Is that my bra?” you asked bluntly, turning to stare at Fred.
“I best be going,” George said, giving you two a little waive, “have fun with that brother.”
You turned to Fred again. “Is that my bra?” you repeated.
Fred’s look of shock twisted into a smirk. “Quite possibly love.”
“How- What-” you struggled to find the right words. Finally you resorted to just saying. “You took that from my room.”
Fred nodded. “Yup, sounds about right.”
You turned to look at your bra once more, and Fred, sensing what you were going to do, dove for it just as you did. He was far closer, reaching it first though you landed on top of him just seconds later, your hand trying to grip the undergarment.
“Give it to me,” you hissed, as he held it behind his head and out of your reach.
Fred looked up at you, from where he was positioned underneath, his smirk only widening. “You know I hadn’t pegged you as a top, Y/N,” he said cheekily. “We might have some control issues later.”
You glared down at him, but he only winked back.
“Shut the hell up and give me the damn bra,” you snapped, lunging forward.
Fred firmly placed his free hand on your waist, holding you back.
“You’ll need to do better than that L/N,” he taunted.
You were now royally pissed off and desperately wanted to hex that smirk right off his face. You look back to where your bag had fallen several yards back, judging how fast you could reach your wand.
“Don’t bother love,” Fred said, reading your thoughts. “I won’t let you get that far.” He squeezed your hips for good measure.
“Now do tell me,” he asked lazily, his hand that was on your waist beginning to slide up your shirt. “Why is this particular bra so important?”
You slapped his hand, but that only seemed to provoke him more as his thumb was now beginning to trace circles on your stomach. Quickly, you glanced down the hall to make sure it was empty, thank Merlin it was lunch. You and Fred were still in a rather compromising position, something he seemed to indicate wouldn’t change anytime soon. Normally you would have been rather content with this too, but currently you were far too focused on retrieving your stolen bra and the redhead beneath you wasn’t doing anything to lessen your annoyance.
“I need it for the party tonight,” you finally grumbled.
Fred pretended to think. “That is a rather convincing argument, you should have started with that earlier. I as much as the next guy would be quite curious of this outfit.”
You flushed red, picturing the rather see through top in your head.
Fred smirked at your discomfort, his hand rising up your back. With no warning, he pulled you down, causing you to let out a gasp when your face reached a mere few inches from his.
“I am very curious of this outfit,” he repeated, his lips brushing yours as he spoke.
You felt your heart rate quicken. His warm breath hit your face and you struggled not to sigh. You’re still angry at him, you tried to remind yourself.
Fred’s hand that was slithering up your back had now reached your bra and he let out a huff of annoyance. “Damn, sports bra, you’re killing me L/N.”
This time you were the one who smirked. “I would have been wearing that bra if you hadn’t taken it.”
“Now where would we be if I had done that?” Fred asked quietly, before pressing his lips against yours.
Almost instantly you kissed him back, your mouths moving together in sync. You felt Fred smirk against your mouth before he flipped you, causing you to let out a small yelp as you found yourself now looking up at him.
“I’m always on top,” he whispered huskily, crashing his mouth against yours once more.
Your hands tangled themselves into his hair, pulling him closer to you. His landed on your body, dropping your now forgotten bra on the floor. They traced your skin, running up your stomach and, despite Fred’s complaints, still managing to get beneath your bra.
“Fred,” you muttered against his mouth. “Can I have my bra back?”
“Only if I get to be the one to take it off you tonight.”
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cheri-cheri · 2 years
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Charlie: It’s a wonderful weekday evening. Fiancée, what are you busy with?
MC: Me? I’m watching video clips of a pet bird. I’ve been scrolling through them for the past two hours...
Charlie: What type of a pet bird can captivate you that much?
MC: It’s a zebra finch called “Qiu Qiu” which has been really popular recently. It’s really adorable and looks like soft cotton candy. The comments mentioned that zebra finches love cleanliness and it even cleans itself. It’s really suitable for new pet owners!
Charlie: Hm? Are you thinking of rearing one?
MC: Fine, I’ll admit that I’m a little tempted... but I know that it isn’t the right time for it. If I don’t have sufficient time to keep my pets accompany, it’d be showing a lack of responsibility to their lives.
Charlie: Mm, it looks like my fiancée is pretty clear-headed and hasn’t been muddled by the adorableness of zebra finches.
MC: Of course. After all, I’ve had several interactions with little birds ever since knowing you.
Charlie: That’s right. As a bird expert, I think there’s a need to let everyone know that even though a majority of little birds don't have a high IQ, they feel happy when they’re cared for, and will feel sad when neglected. Before they can keep their owners company, they need their owner’s company too.
MC: Mm, I share the same view. That’s why I’m sometimes really envious of the relationship you have with Sherry.
Charlie: Is it because Sherry is free to visit and leave my house?
MC: That’s not all. You and Sherry are able to communicate with each other. That’s amazing!
Charlie: I understand what you mean. The healthiest relationship between humans and animals shouldn’t be one of caring and being taken cared of. More importantly, they should interact as friends who keep each other company.
MC: Agreed! It’d be great if I could own a little bird and communicate with it without any obstructions someday...
Charlie: Fiancée, you seem to have forgotten something... From a certain perspective, you already have such a relationship.
MC: Are you referring to...
Charlie: That’s right - me. Anything a zebra finch can do, I can do better. Whether it’s going over to your side voluntarily after you’re done with work, or bringing you surprises during holidays, these are my merits. Most importantly, I can communicate with you. Fiancée, is there a healthier and more suitable relationship than what we have?
MC: That’s true, you’re a hundred times more incredible than a zebra finch.
Charlie: So, fiancée, stop thinking about other birds. As your fiancé, I’m still a little selfish. After all, I don’t want another little bird to take up your time.
MC: Hey, Charlie, are you jealous?
Charlie: Yes, and it’s very serious. When I saw that you were thinking of rearing a zebra finch, my heart was about to shatter into pieces. As compensation, why don’t you come over to my place tomorrow night? Sherry was just telling me that she missed you earlier. She even prepared a mysterious present and is keeping its contents a secret from me.
MC: Mm, is that so? In that case, there’s no need to wait till tomorrow. I’m free tonight-
Charlie: I’ll pick you up after work tonight. Before that, you aren’t allowed to think of other birds.
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Masquerade (Prologue)
Summary: This is your third season and your aspirations on finding love are dwindling but news on Lady Whistledown’s society pages say that there is to be a foreign royal in attendance to the season. Could this royal dignitary be the one you’ve been waiting for, or could there be a mysterious stranger lurking in the shadows, waiting to pluck your heart for his?
Disclaimer: I do not own Bridgerton nor The Mandalorian- all rights go to the owners and creators of their separate stories.
Warnings: None just yet, enjoy my writing as I lead up to the story!!
|| Please do not repost or plagiarise my work ||
| Chapter 1 |
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“Dearest, have you read the newest Lady Whistledown?” Your mother burst into the drawing room with a flurry of her skirts, clutching the article in her fist as you, your brother and your father took in her frazzled form. 
Her eyes were alight with excitement and she was nearly vibrating with delight, “no, Mama. I haven’t.” You answered her, eyebrows pulling together gently and she barrelled forward, slapping the scandal sheet in your hand. 
You abandoned your needlepoint on your lap and opened the reports gingerly, perusing the freshly printed words with increasing distress:
‘In related news to this year’s promising season, my dearest reader- my sources say that a discreet candidate was called on by the Queen herself!
In a show of good faith and generosity to the newly signed trade agreements between the Crown and the elusive, yet breathtaking realm of Mandalore; it seems that this mysterious suitor has touched foot on our verdant lands in search of one of this season’s blossomed flowers to pluck for his own. 
I have heard that this particular aspirant is eager to secure an acceptable match, perhaps with the season’s named Incomparable? 
Or, perhaps there will be a sweet winter blossom that bloomed so richly as she was presented to Her Majesty, the Queen for her third season. Could the magnificent daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Wintere snatch such a lucrative title from Miss Daphne Bridgerton?
I so do adore a good rivalry between two influential families and as such, I would like to express my most exuberant notions of good fortunes to each family and may the best woman win.
This intrepid author would also like to disclose that there should be a number of severe competitors at the Danbury Ball this evening- and even worse, bloodthirsty mama’s charging forward with energetic hopes to secure the prospects of such an exceptional suitor.
After all, it is not everyday you are offered the chance to become a Queen.’
“She has named our dearest daughter a ‘winter blossom’, no doubt in reference to our family crest, darling!” Thomas’ eyebrows lifted at the high praise and yes, it was true. The family crest consisted of blooming hellebores and a snowy owl taking flight. “She also named our daughter to be a worthy adversary of the season’s Incomparable, Daphne Bridgerton!” Elaine gushed, taking a seat beside her husband and her skirts pooled with the air trapped but she seemed nonplussed as did Thomas who watched her with an adoring smile. “Isn’t that wonderful, darling?” 
“I’d consider that a high honour indeed!” Thomas boasted proudly, raising his teacup to you and a sigh left your lips, ever world-weary. 
“Looks more like a wilted weed to me.” Your brother teased and earned a reproachful stare from your parents, Ryder shrugged off the blistering glare from your mother before turning back to his book. 
“Mama,” you implored, the paper crinkling in your tight grip, “do not put any stock into Whistledown’s scribblings- she has a tendency to exaggerate and her words incite challenge when there is no need for it.” You scoffed, tossing the offending scrap on the plush cushion beside you, “she has surely just made Daphne and I targets for the 200 other girls for the entire season!” 
Ryder stood from his place across the room and moved closer, snatching the crinkled sheet from the pillow and plopped himself down, taking in its contents for himself, “Cressida Cowper is going to eat you alive, dearest sister.”
“Please do not remind me of Cressida Cowper, do I not appear distressed enough for you to cease your mistimed jibes, brother?” Your tone heightened, echoing somewhat in the drawing room.
Ryder’s smirk softened into a worried frown and took your hand in his in a soothing fashion, soft thumb massaging the space between your knuckles, “apologies, sweet sister. I only wished to make light of your situation for your own piece of mind.” 
Sighing, you whispered your own apology at your sudden snap and you hummed softly in thought before a mischievous grin curled against your lips, “if anyone should feel concerned about Cressida Cowper’s intentions, I would think you to be more perturbed than I, older brother. The heir to the Duke of Wintere, a monumental promise of success to any willing debutante, I’m certain.” Ryder shuddered at the thought of the ill-mannered girl setting gladiatorial eyes on him and the notion of the high prospects he would bring to the mart. Immediately abandoning your hand, he burrowed himself deeper into the seat beside you and flicked the sheet out dramatically.
It was an indiscreet attempt to occupy his mind elsewhere as he kept his eyes firmly on the black print, yet he took not one word of the information in.
“Darling, this is good.” Your mother’s voice gently eased you from you and your brother’s banter as she reached forward and took your hand in hers, “this means that suitors will now take notice of you, and if this king hears word of your beauty in Whistledown’s musings, then I believe we should all be thankful to the woman, do you not agree?”
Your fingers curled around hers but your eyes remained downcast at your half-sewn needlepoint and you sighed softly, “I don’t see the need for such articles to be published. There will be enough dramatics to satisfy the weak-minded all season.” 
“Your mother and I only want what is best for you, little owlet.” Your eyes raised to meet Thomas’, his gaze warm, tone loving as he levelled you with an adoring smile, “if it eases your mind, I have come across some news of this new ruler during my time at the club. I have heard he is just and fair. An honourable gentleman if somewhat mysterious as Lady Whistledown reports. You have nothing to lose by dazzling him with your grace and charm- but you have everything to gain if you succeed in wooing him. You have no need for tricks or deception to win the attention of any suitor, for you are perfect just the way you are.” Tears blurred your vision, threatening to slip down your cheeks. Your frown turned into a watery smile as your father placed his warm, large hand over you and your mothers, “and I shall be there to protect you and only agree to a match deserving of a jewel such as yourself.” 
You sniffled back the forming tears before smiling warmly, “thank you, Papa.” 
“There is no need for gratitude, dearest. This is a father’s duty; one I aim to fulfill to the highest regard-” Your father’s words were cut short as one of the servants walked into the drawing room.
“Your dresses have arrived, Your Grace, my Lady.”
“Ooh!” Elaine shot up from her seat, clapping in excitement before grabbing your hand and hauling you upstairs to your room, “we must find the perfect gown for tonight’s fete!” 
Your sputtering and half formed protests carried down the hallway as Thomas opened the newspaper that had been sitting untouched in his lap, chuckling indulgently, “ever the child, your mother.” 
Ryder shook his head in amusement, a smile curling his lips.
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"Have you read the newest Whistledown? Foreign royalty searching for a suitable bride? I suspect this season will turn out to be exemplary.” 
"I heard that this King's treasury is one to rival the Crown itself."
"I heard he has a son, yet there is no mother that has come forward to claim the child. A most scandalous affair, indeed!"
"I heard that their land is rich in minerals. Some type of iron that is nigh indestructible! I'd wager it'd fetch a high price."
"Daphne Bridgerton locked in a violent competition with the Duke and Duchess of Wintere’s daughter? How delicious."
"I have never heard of this Mandalore, is it near Scotland?"
You were barely able to contain your ire for the gossiping hounds polluting the air of the ballroom. 
Your jaw ticked imperceptibly and you fought the urge to roll your eyes so hard you would be able to see the back of your head.
Their whispers were anything but that as you walked past each intrusive mama and daughter as they revelled in the rumors etched in the latest scandal sheet authored by Lady Whistledown, containing information of a supposed king attending the ball. 
Your eyes scanned the ballroom and made contact with the youngest Featherington- carving a path for her, her rounded figure swathed in a bright, eye-catching yellow gown that suited her complexion and figure little, yellow beads and jewels glittering in the lights overhead.
You caught her eye and her shy demeanor slipped somewhat as she smiled, excited to see a familiar face and you curled your arm through hers and locked them together, “why have I not seen you on the dance floor, Miss Featherington?” You asked and Penelope sighed. 
“I am just admiring the view, Lady Dalton,” you raise one brow at the title and her tiny frown curled into an indulgent smile as she corrected herself and called you by your given name, “you seem to have taken the room by storm when you joined the dance floor, every bachelor here has his eyes on you and Daphne tonight. I would think many of the suitors here are bursting at the seams for your hand- and it is your third season as well.” 
“No doubt to Lady Whistledown’s meddling, I’d wager. I have already entertained enough male suitors tonight. I shall take my leave of them for the time being,” your tone changed to a slight whine which served to incite Penelope’s rich giggles, “have you taken your turn about the room?” 
“I’m afraid I am not as carefully provided for as you, my Lady. Father has decided to forego these events and my mama is not quite so attuned to my aspirations to ensure a well-rounded tour.” 
“Well, then, allow me, Miss Featherington.” You hummed politely, smiling brilliantly at the shy girl who returned the gesture just as brightly and you led the way about the hall. Nodding your head politely to every suitor that greeted you, you curled closer to Penelope, “I see your mother is surveying the hall with Lady Cowper and Lady Edgecomb.” Penelope’s world-weary exhale betrayed her true thoughts and you ran a soothing line along the back of her hand with your thumb, “the determination of rumormongers is indeed boundless, are they not? Perhaps, we shall next be blessed with the sight of them suspended from the rafters with ear trumpets to survey even the most meagre pieces of gossip.” Penelope giggled, covering her mouth with her hand daintily as she did so, bowing her head. 
“Ah,” Anthony Bridgerton exclaimed, his arm encircled with Daphne’s as they stepped in front of you, “Miss Featherington, Lady Dalton.” 
“Penelope,” Daphne spoke your names warmly, her bright smile widening as she curtseyed perfectly.
“Lord Bridgerton, Daphne.” You and Penelope greeted in unison, curtseying elegantly though you felt your arm tense as Penelope teetered on her feet in an attempt to keep her balance. You rose rather quickly to save her any embarrassment, “how fares the hunt, Daphne? Many of the most eligible suitors have presented themselves at this fete, don’t you agree?”
“Oh yes, my Lady.” Anthony spoke over his sister, answering for her. “Quite a well-rounded affair. Why, I can count every worthy bachelor on each finger of my left hand.” Daphne stared at her brother, aghast but your tinkling laughter could not be hidden with a well-placed hand over your mouth.
“I could only hope that you could spare a finger for my own brother, my Lord? Is he not worthy of your high praise? I would hate to inform my father of this scandalous news!” You teased slyly, a sparkle of mischief in your eyes as Anthony chuckled.
“Of course, my lady. Ryder Dalton, heir to the title Duke of Wintere is honest and true. A man worthy of the title he will one day inherit.” You bowed your head gracefully at the praise.
“Did you read the latest entry of Lady Whistledown’s scandal sheet?” Daphne asked, head inclined slightly in question and your lip curled in irritation, earlier humor forgotten.
“Unfortunately, dearest Daphne. What does this author hope to accomplish by sowing dissension among peers? It is only going to be harder for us if we are to be locked in this invented rivalry until the season ends. Not to mention that all other 200 fine young women will see us as common adversaries to quarrel for a desirable bachelor.” You shook your head and sighed wistfully.
“Perhaps, Lady Whistledown’s sources were incorrect in their counsel. I have yet to see a comely King from a foreign land in our midst.” Daphne teased and you chuckled, nodding as you looked about the room but gazed over no fanfare nor buzzing enthusiasm.
“Nor a royal guard. What do you think, Penelope?” You hummed and the young woman beside you almost wiggled with excitement to be counted.
“I believe that Lady Whistledown is breeding a development early in the season to incite challenge.” You voiced a wordless agreement and Penelope continued, her fingers still clinging to yours, “Her Majesty is one to be enthralled and I would think that the public invitation to this monarch of Mandalore is an attempt to bring about said excitement.” Penelope’s curls bounced around her rounded face as she spoke and you took her words in with great thought. 
“A compelling view, if I ever heard!” Anthony complimented and Penelope bowed at Anthony’s flattery, “if you ladies will excuse us, we still must take our view of the room.” 
“Ah, we shall keep you no longer! Happy hunting, my Lord. Good luck, Daphne.” You sympathised genuinely and Daphne huffed in agreement as her brother pulled her away. “That was excellent, Penelope. Sharp wit, indeed!” 
Your words were met with sweet giggles from your friend as you continued your turn about the room, dance cards dangling delicately from your gloved wrists in and quizzed Penelope on the memory of her miniatures, impressed with her skill to point out each suitor with ease.
Once Penelope tired of walking, she took her rest by the edge of the dance floor and you bid her luck before striding to the refreshments table in search of a beverage to quench your thirst.
Your eyes remained locked on the small glasses of lemonade, unbothered with taking care in your surroundings- you were shocked to feel someone knock into you rather forcefully. You stumbled, unable to right yourself and you could feel your traitorous feet tangle around each other. 
Time seemed to slow to a complete stop, though your mind ran freely and aware. A frisson of fear crackled down your spine at the premature embarrassment of the predicament you were just about to drop yourself in just as you felt strong hands slip against your back, righting you almost as quickly as your legs betrayed you. 
“Oh, goodness, please do excuse my-” your apology trailed off into stunned silence as you took in the unfamiliar man you could call your savior. This stranger that had his arms around you in a most improper fashion and you know you should untangle yourself from his touch immediately but the heat of his large, ungloved hands bled into the exquisite material of your gown, through your corset and seared directly into the flesh of your arched back.
His clothing was much the same of every suitor attending, nothing unique or flamboyant to stand out amongst the countless other candidates. The slight crinkles in his suit brought an air of indifference- as if he cared little for the state of his dress. What persuaded you to fully take in his form, was his sun kissed, bronze skin that shone deep in the synthetic light of the chandelier accompanied by the ornate lights mounted on the wall; so striking and different from the many men that boasted pale complexions and youth.
You could see the ruggedness in the etchings in his skin, the lines that betrayed his advanced age compared to the others in attendance. The hair atop his head was rich and dark with slight streaks of gray, airy soft curls that adorned his head like a crown, wild and untamed. The same dark hair that graced his head, also carved around his jawline and upper lip, small patches of hair scarce in some places- so unlike the pronounced fashions in high society and you found yourself preferring the unkemptness. His eyes were a harsh change from the softness of his hair, striking and bold. They glittered like dark gems in the gentle lights as he perused your features, intelligent yet curious as he took you in with a cool countenance and thick brows pulled together in an expression of concern.
A prominent nose curved down with a hooked slope, rather large but it suited him and you fought the urge to caress the curved bridge with your fingertip. Pink lips parted, thin but pillowy as the tip of a red tongue slipped between to hydrate the slightly chapped flesh. 
It set him apart from the rest, a beauty you so desperately wished to explore.
Just as you studied this unfamiliar man, he also took your form in. 
His gaze was not leering like many of the bachelors loitering about the room- nor a lecherous grin curved those sinfully soft lips as he drank in your appearance with ease, noting every detail and micro expression with rapid ease and forced himself to cease the ever growing notion to tighten his arms around you, drag you closer to his chest when he felt the way your body curled into his touch, seeking the warmth he provided on a subconscious level. 
Clearing his throat softly, he righted you on your feet and took a step back, bowing at the waist and a soft curl slipped in front of his handsome features, concealing his left eye, “forgive my impropriety, my Lady,” his voice was deep, rasped and foreign and those same lips curled around each word with an elegance none of the men here could hope to match, “my intentions were pure, I assure you. I did not mean-” 
“-t-the apologies are mine, my Lord. I did not see you.” You cut off his apology, your usual confidence abandoning you and curtseyed softly before you both straightened in tandem, “please accept my most sincere apologies.” 
“Only if you accept mine, my Lady, as I was the one to knock you.” This man raised his eyes to meet yours, a small smile playing on his lips at your stunned expression. 
Realising how unladylike you seemed, you quickly smoothed your expression into a serene smile and bowed your head gently, “well then, I accept your apology, my Lord.” 
“And now, I shall receive yours.” He bowed once again, though his eyes never once strayed from yours, his hand coming to brush back the curl that slipped in front of his face, freeing his eye from the obstacle. “Quite an affair, is it not?”
You turned to look upon the room and the dozens of bodies packed in the lavish ball and the bodies moving in rhythmic synchronisation as they flounced around the dancefloor, skirts billowing and waistcoats whipping. “Yes, my Lord. It is certainly a promising fete.” You ripped your gaze from the dancers and you looked back to the mysterious suitor that you know for a fact his profile has never graced your miniatures. “I do not believe I have had the pleasure, my Lord.” You introduced yourself and he bowed his head in a nod to your status. 
“Din Djarin, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my Lady.”
You did not miss the way he left out his title, not many men did. It was refreshing to meet someone unbothered by status and titles. You smiled brilliantly and for a moment, he had trouble remembering how to breathe. 
How did people do this?
“What brings you to London, Lord Djarin? I do not believe I have seen you here.” You certainly couldn’t recall seeing those mesmerizing, yet prominent features etched in your miniatures.
“I’m in town for business, mostly- but I thought I would attempt to join the fray of finding a beautiful woman to make my bride.” Din’s eyes found yours when his lips curved out the word ‘beautiful’. You could feel your cheeks heat and quickly brought the tiny glass to your lips and took a long draught- almost emptying the glass entirely. It was unseemly on your part but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care, you needed to soothe your drying throat and tame the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“And what better place to be than a cotillion for ambitious debutants who are searching for the perfect match?” Betraying your inner emotions, you struck up kind conversation, performing an air of confidence and strengthened your resolve. A wide smile stretched his lips, revealing perfect, straight teeth and the act of a simple smile brightened his features. Your heart slammed against your ribcage in response, your steely courage cracking in half with little to no effort.
He took a sip of his own lemonade just as a pair of gossiping mama’s walked past you both, talking loud enough for you to overhear their conversation with minimal exertion- if any, “and where, pray tell, is this so-called king?"
"Perhaps, Whistledown's sources were wrong. You can never trust a scandal sheet these days, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a charlatan." 
You swallowed the sigh you desperately craved to release and inwardly shook yourself free from the coils of irritation that started to constrict around you before turning your attention back to the mysterious lord, only to notice his eyes were following the rumormongers and you helped yourself to a portioned sip of lemonade in an endeavor to quell the heat burning within you. A certain dark fire heated his gaze, stoking a reaction in you. Something deep and primal you had never experienced before and you suppressed a shudder at the ferocity clearly displayed in those deep, dark eyes.
“What are your thoughts on this foreign monarch, my Lord?” You barely managed to choke out, Din’s eyes snapped back to you as your question hung in the air and you swallowed subtly as his piercing gaze burned through yours.
“My thoughts?” He rasped, shifting on his feet in a show of subtle anxiousness. His earlier fire dissipating and awkward trepidation took the forefront.
“What do you make of the rumors surrounding the arrival of a ruler of a distant land coming to London to participate in the season?” You tilted your head in innocent curiosity, “surely, you have heard of this mysterious King hailing from his distant realm?”
“Rumor articles and gossip do not interest me, but yes, I am familiar with the topic you wish to discuss.” His smile twisted his lips into a forced stretch- barely passing for genuine and you weren’t sure as to why he seemed so uncomfortable when just moments earlier he was quite at ease conversing with you.
“And what do you make of his scarcity when his arrival was rumored to be a most certain guarantee? I should think the King would be thankful for not attending. Overbearing mothers and their equally simpering daughters have proven to be nuisances at the best of times.”
“Is that so?” Din looked at you, surprise colouring his pleasing features at your unfiltered response, “are you not disappointed that you may not meet this ruler and further your prospects on the mart?” His hand gestured subtly at his side, the barely touched lemonade sloshing dangerously close to the rim, “it would be a high honour to catch the eye of a king, now would it not?”
You chuckled, ducking your head for a moment, reflecting on your answer before opening your lips, “as silly as it may sound, I wish to marry for love.” You raised your hand, noncommittal waving it about, “I realise it will never happen, you do not endure two seasons with silly notions of love intact. I must maintain a status beholden of my title and secure a proper, advantageous match. But I can operate under the illusion of hope, can I not?” Din’s eyes cast down in thought, your words were soft, spoken quietly as if you were afraid another may overhear- whether by accident or on purpose, he could not say.
But the sincerity in your eyes could not be overlooked, the innocent yearning for a future that could very well be out of your reach sparkled against the hues of your irises. 
“Perhaps your aspirations will be met, my Lady.” Din smiled kindly and you hummed in thought, but your brilliant smile was dim. Working up his courage, he set the small glass of his barely touched lemonade on the refreshment table and vaguely gestured to the dancefloor, anxiousness twisting his features almost comically, “w-would you care to dance?”
His hand was large, rough with thick fingers. They were working hands, familiar with hard labour and you shivered imperceptibly at the thought of those hands running down the expanse of your naked flesh. 
You took a few steps forward, maintaining a respectable distance for propriety’s sake. With a smooth movement, you gently leant around him- his eyes never left yours as you placed your glass on the refreshment table beside his.
A gentle scent curled into your nose, blessing your senses with the subtle hints of sweet spices, oak and . . . a touch of gunpowder.
A heady, peculiar scent and it suited its wearer perfectly.
You slid your gloved hand into his, fingers slipping against his palm. The gossamer material caught on the rough skin of his palm and his lips upturned into a grin. “It would be my pleasure, Lord Djarin.” He grinned and you helped him by pointing to the card around your wrist and he made a soft ‘oh’ sound before taking hold of it and let go of your hand to grip the tiny pencil- thick fingers swallowing the dainty stationary and you smiled as he filled the Canon Galop Quadrille with his name in sharp, messy strokes.
“Shall we?” He let the card and pencil drop as his fingers snaked up your wrist slowly, feeling every dip and hollow before clasping your hand gently and leading you to the dance floor. “I must confess, I’m not accustomed to dancing all that much. I pray you forgive me if I fumble.”
You chuckled softly as you joined the other couples on the dancefloor and took your places. You smiled at Din who shuffled in place subtly, waves of anxiety pouring out of him, “I will not judge you, Lord Djarin. You have my most sincere promise and if you have any issues with the steps, I shall guide you. Do not worry.” He looked at you, your soothing tone calming the raging storm of distress inside him and he reciprocated with a smile of his own. 
The music began to play as you curtseyed to the other couples and took your place in front of Din, your hand slipping into his and a strong muscular arm wrapped around your back, large hand splayed across the expanse of your skin and you suppressed another shudder at the addicting heat he emitted. With a gentle nod, the tempo in the set increased and you began to skip about the room with practiced ease.
You gently tilted in a different direction, silently alluding to the next movement and he carried you effortlessly through the throngs of couples, winding around the dancefloor perfectly.
Giggles erupted from your throat, this particular dance always brought out the child within you and Din smiled at the sound, finding that he wished to hear it more often. “I dare say, my Lord, that you move quite well for not being accustomed to this particular dance.”
“I’m rather accustomed to a life outdoors, perhaps it has aided me well.” Din murmured, tightening his hold against your back.
You twisted and twirled around the dancefloor, weaving around bodies and as you separated to complete the next act of the dance, your eyes never left his and the mysterious man seemed more than content to hold your gaze and then you were back in each other’s arms.
“Perhaps, we could discuss the matter of dancing etiquette further, at a more. . private venue?” You asked quietly, alluding for him to call on your home. 
Before he could open his mouth to reply, a loud thump hit the ground and the music paused abruptly and you both stopped, all the guests' gazes swivelled to the ballroom doors as they were thrust open violently.
Gasps and shrieks rippled across the room as two armoured warriors marched forward, spears in hand and their features concealed by unusual helmets, stark colours streaked across the material in a wash of deep reds, browns, yellows and teals along with similarly handprints. A dark- completely opaque visor stretched across their helmets before spanning down, splintering the armour in half.
The curve of their coloured breastplates indicated their feminine physiques, pieces of vibrant painted plates clung to the thick, almost tribal clothing they wore beneath- sharp hues of red and brown adorned their bodies, hems tied tight with pieces of dark leather around their wrists and calves. Fur lined the capes around their shoulders as the thick material flowed to their booted feet, the leather scuffed and worn- creased from years of dedication and physical labor. 
Yet your eyes remained trained on the pure silver spears they held at the sides, pointed ends lifted straight in the air as they slammed the butts of the weapons down against the polished floors in tandem. 
A loud metallic ringing filled the ballroom and harsh bootfalls began to echo. 
Din stiffened in your arms before gently extricating you from his hold, the both of you turning to face the open entrance.
You swallowed harshly as a hulking figure took the space of the doorway, silver armour gleamed in the lights above, clearly displaying the pure gold accents weaved through the chest plate and accompanying pieces- dark clothes thick and concealing any form of skin to be shown, brown gloves worn, flaxen tips stark against the deep colours.
Just like his guards, he was not unarmed. But unlike carrying a spear of his own- you did not miss the pure obsidian claymore sheathed around his back. The hilt was brilliant against the darkness of the blade- made up of what seemed to be the same material that adorned his body. 
His helmet was simple- unlike the tribal colourings of his people, his was silver- notes of gold bled through the seams of the visor, framing it with its simplistic beauty and fur lined his shoulders, gold chain clinking against the silver metal and the crimson cape billowed behind him as he continued with his heavy gait. 
“Is it him? Surely not!”
“I expected a fanfare- yet this is not what I had imagined.”
“Do they dress like this in Mandalore? Will I have to?!”
“Look at them, so primal!”
“Why do they carry weapons? So uncivilised.” 
Whispers filled the hall as the foreign stranger stopped, his helmet scanning the room.
“The twenty-fourth monarch of our sovereign land,” The guards called, demanding silence from all in attendance, “The First of Clan Mudhorn and sole ruler of Manda’yaim. We present our king, the Manda’lor.” Their fists beat against their breastplates as they turned and faced their leader and bent their knee to the floor, heads bowed in respect. “This is the Way.”
The dark visor continued to survey the hall until it stopped-
-directly onto you.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes caught your reflection staring back at you from across the room, you could no longer feel Din’s presence beside you. A quiet, rasping voice rang true from beneath the ornate silver helm, so familiar and yet completely unplaceable.
“This is the Way.”
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filterjeons · 4 years
only you | kth
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✦ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✦ summary: you didn’t like getting jealous but it was hard not to, especially since taehyung is the man of every girl’s dreams. luckily, he convinces you that he has his eyes for only you
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut
✦ word count: 10.4k
✦ warnings: hard dom!tae, dirty talk, rough sex, degradation, spanking w paddle, orgasm denial, usage of toys (vibrator and anal beads), oral (m and f receiving), handcuffs, daddy kink, sadism/masochism, cumplay??, hand kink, aftercare 🥰, poor y/n acting bratty 😔, slight slight angst (nearly non-existent), yeri and joy being my spirit animals, and cute ending <3 (tf was that warnings list….n e ways)
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You scoff at your boyfriend talking excitedly with your co-worker Irene about an art museum that opened up downtown. As you swirl your straw into the whipped cream of your strawberry milkshake, you mentally kick yourself at your look for a hang-out with your friends. The light blue dress was no match for Irene’s more mature pantsuit which suited her body well. What’s worse was you wore your iconic pigtails, instantly making you look like a child compared to everyone else’s more sophisticated clothes. Even Taehyung, who was just wearing a black T-shirt that fits his form well and beige pants, looked ten times better than you. 
You typically have a lot of self-confidence because after years of being bullied for looking like an elementary schooler, you didn’t have time to mope about yourself and you slowly started to not care anymore but today you feel it all goes down the drain.
“I think Van Gogh’s art is one of my favorites because…” you drown out their conversation and place your head on your hands with annoyance etched all over your face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N~?” Yeri teases, shaking you affectionately. You only grunt in response, which made your close friend giggle. “Is it that time of the month again?” You nod (although it was a lie) as you keep staring at Taehyung and Irene, feeling your stomach do somersaults whenever you see them laugh. Although Taehyung had an intimidating demeanor, he was very sweet and made friends easily. Good for him, since he could make friends with the entire town if he tried. Unfortunately for you, he was prone to many girls being drawn to him like a moth to light and constantly asking for his number, only to give you looks of disgust once they found out that you were his girlfriend. 
Why is he dating some girl who looks like a high school freshman?
Are you sure she’s 20? She looks like a 14 year old!
You absolutely hated that you were treated as a child. The looks you received whenever you walked down the street with Tae already made you feel uncomfortable. You knew you were never good enough and you were terrified that he’ll leave you for someone else, causing your jealous tendencies to kick in. There were plenty of fish in the sea and yet he chose you. You were surprised that he hasn’t broken up with you for your much hotter senior Irene.
Irene and you just strictly had a professional relationship, especially since she was above you in the workplace, and the only person she had a crush on is Kang Seulgi, the founder of a local dance studio near the building where you work. After your work shifts, you would sometimes stop by and watch kids train to be artists, reminding you of the dreams you once had when you were young.
Although you would give anything to be on a stage performing for millions of fans, you were content with your job as a fashion designer and be with your boyfriend who’s such a big flirt. 
“Did anyone tell you that you look like a 6th grader because you’re short and have no boobs?” your other friend Joy cackles, finding your annoyed reactions a source of comedy. Yeri chimes in with the harassment as they continuously made fun of your stature. You immediately throw French fries from Taehyung’s plate at them, embarrassment and anger bubbling inside you from the all-too-familiar teasing. It was different because you were close to Joy and Yeri but it still hurts as they were much more beautiful than you. You couldn’t compare to any of the sexier and mature girls and you didn’t like that way. 
“Aww, don’t say that! She’s still very gorgeous to me and trust me, her boobs are nice,” Taehyung smiled, placing your head on your shoulder. You relished in his praise before realizing that you were mad at him as you immediately pull your head up and look away from him. He looks back at you with confusion on why you were acting that way. Maybe something happened at work or you’re just having a bad day, but he wants to help you in the best way that he can. 
“TMI, man!” Yeri gagged dramatically, Joy following suit as they started to goof around. You would join them but you were still upset. Irene liked girls and Taehyung only had eyes for you so why were you so jealous? Despite your constant second-guessing, your heart was set that you were mad at him, even though the reason was extremely childish. Irene softly chuckled at you three before turning Taehyung’s attention back on her. 
“So, would you like to go to the museum with me sometime?” Irene asked calmly, somehow acting like nothing’s going on. Your insides were fuming, knowing that he’ll say yes because of how sweet he was. You grip Taehyung’s hand, trying to signal him to refuse but when his head bobbed up and down, you knew it was no use. 
“Yeah sure, let me know what time you’d like to go!” he smiled politely to which Irene returned the same
Oh no he didn’t. Not only will the town gossip think that your boyfriend dumped you for Irene but what if he starts to have feelings for her and throw you away? If there was one thing you loved the most in the world, it was Taehyung and you just weren’t ready to let him go.
You’re acting so stupid. It’s just a normal friendly hangout- Despite your head’s protest, you got up dramatically and glared at the two of them.
“Uh y’know what, I’m going to go home now. Irene, I’ll email you the designs for the future lineup and Taehyung, I hope you have fun hanging out at the museum or whatever. If you ever need me, I’ll be in my room by myself and I don’t want you near me,” you spat, immediately getting up and storming out of the diner. You knew you were acting extremely immature and some part of you regret it but how come he doesn’t like it when you interact with your guy friends but it doesn’t work the other way around? 
“Y/N sweetie-” he tried to go after you but you were already out of the door. He sighed with frustration, annoyed that he didn’t get to explain his side. 
“I think we should cancel since your girlfriend’s upset. I’m sorry, it was wrong for me to ask you to hang out and I know that we see each other as friends only. I just wanted to ask you because I was thinking about taking Seulgi there and she really likes art plus I figured Y/N would enjoy that kind of date,” Irene sighed, regret forming in her eyes.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I’ll talk to her, she’ll understand once she hears the full story.” Taehyung bids the girls farewell and runs after you. Irene gives him a nod as Joy and Yeri sit uncomfortably. 
“Well, who’s gonna pay the bill?” Yeri shrugged and all eyes were immediately on Irene, who only replied with an eye roll. 
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You refused to come out of your room for the rest of the day, still holding onto that grudge. Taehyung was getting annoyed at your lack of communication, he initially tried to get in by baking your favorite cookies but you didn't budge. You didn’t like ignoring Taehyung as well and you would rather be in his arms instead of sewing dresses for work but your petty heart didn’t want to let go.
You tried reasoning with yourself but once you’re set on something, you can’t get yourself to go the other way. As you stitch pieces of fabric together, the temptation grows even more.
Eventually, you couldn’t be cooped up in your room forever so as you sneakily made your way down to your kitchen to get some of Taehyung’s cookies (although he didn’t know how to put on an apron, he was an amazing baker), you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and his body behind yours. You gasped at the shock as his low chuckle vibrated against your back.
“Got you baby!” he grinned, hugging you tightly. You wanted to melt yourself into his embrace and beg for his forgiveness but a part of you wanted to prolong the chase and continue to be a brat because inside that sweetheart is a scary hard dom, and you wanted to see him turn aggressive. His duality always kills you and as much as you love being sweet and soft with him, his dominant aura is always your favorite. 
“Leave me alone,” you grumbled, trying to push him off but he still kept on, even when you’re trying to go back to your room. 
“I’m not going to let you go~,” he said in a sing-song voice, clinging onto your back like a koala. You debated to yourself if you wanted to do this and on a whim, you did what would be one of the scariest things in your life.
“Leave me the fuck alone! Go away, I-” you growled, using your force to push him out and that’s when you immediately knew you fucked up. 
“Go on, repeat those fucking words,” Taehyung’s voice suddenly dropped extremely low, thanks to him being a baritone as he turned your shoulders around to face him. His eyes were now filled with anger and lust and you felt sweat dripping down your back, you knew you were in trouble. 
“I-I-” you couldn’t find the courage to talk, your heart was pounding against your chest and you knew that you can’t make a comeback so you immediately got into your submissive position on your knees, fear evident in your face. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy! I-I didn’t mean it-” you blubbered, knowing that he’s not going to go easy on you tonight and you were terrified of what was to come. 
Taehyung only scoffed and pulled you up, dragging you into your shared bedroom by your hair and manhandling you onto your bed on all fours. You felt your heartbeat a billion times faster and you tried sticking your ass out to feel him but to your dismay, there wasn’t his familiar warmth. He was on the other side of the room, going through the black box in his closet that kept all of your toys. You tried decorating it to at least make the outside look cute but it still looks intimidating inside and out. 
“You’ve been such a brat today and it made Daddy so fucking angry. Now tell me baby girl, why am I mad at you?” 
“U-um, I was jealous towards Irene, I was overreacting, I didn’t talk to you about it, and I was a meanie bitch and ignoring you.” “Do you wanna know why Irene asked me out that time? She wanted to go because she was thinking about taking Seulgi on her first date there and she asked me to visit it with her to see if you might be interested in going with me sometime. I assume you already know that Irene liked girls but you were jealous for what? Do you not believe me when I say I love you everyday?” You felt your heart drop to your chest as you started to cry with embarrassment and shame on how you acted. You definitely shouldn’t have stormed out without an explanation and here you are paying the price for it. 
“I-I’m sor-” “I’m not accepting any apology from you tonight because it’s my turn to be mad. Don’t think you’re getting a break tonight because the only way to make up for what you did today is to take everything that I give you. Are you going to obey or be the naughty slut that you’re always are?” he suddenly appeared next to you and growled deep into your ear, nibbling your earlobe. You nodded quickly, your panties slowly becoming wet as butterflies started to fill your stomach. 
He felt your panties underneath your dress and scoffed at the slick coming out. “Stupid fuckslut likes that? Of course she does because she’ll do anything just to get a cock stuffed inside her. What a shame, I thought you were a good girl but I guess I was wrong. You’re just a dumb little baby.” You mewled quietly at his degradation, his voice was cold and cruel but it was such a turn on. 
“What’s the safe word, honey?” “S-star-” “Alright then, fifty slaps with no exceptions. Don’t think you can bargain with me baby because I’m not going any lower,” he snarled, tearing your flimsy panties off and massaging your ass cheeks to prepare you for what’s going to come, a small act of kindness in comparison to his terrifying aura. “Count bitch.” 
You braced yourself for the sharp hit but instead of his familiar calloused hand, your ass was met with a harder sting that immediately turned your flesh red. You widen your eyes as you piece together what’s happening. Although Taehyung bought a paddle long ago, he never had any reason to use it but today was the day because of your bratty behavior. 
After that slap, it was hard for you to talk due to how sudden the hit was. Tears were threatening to fall down your face as you tried to take in the spank. 
“Did I fucking stutter? I said count,” he said sternly, hitting you again and snapping you out of your daze. 
“O-oh, one!” you cried, your ass hurting from the force of the paddle. What’s worse is that it’s a wooden one, leaving your marks and bruises for the next day. Although it’s the weekend, you were sure that you’re not going to sit properly for a whole week. Then again, have you ever sat normally whenever Taehyung fucks you? Meanwhile, Taehyung is completely enjoying the red and purple bruises that are forming in your skin as he hits all of his frustration at your behavior to your ass. It sounds completely wrong but the way your body reacts to the paddle and your choked moans and whimpers of pain is just a turn on to him. He never knew he liked having you act like this until he put you in this position, giving him all of the control. His pants started to tighten as he thinks about you attempting to walk or sit down after he’s done with you. 
You stifle in sobs as you called out numbers following the hits you received. Despite the absolute pain you felt, you could feel even more slick coming down your thighs as he continues to smack the back of your thighs and your ass. Even though a part of you is chiding you for finding some pleasure in being hurt like this, you liked the pain nonetheless. 
Apparently, your arousal couldn’t be more obvious because as he reached the halfway point of his 50 spanks, he started to notice how wet your pussy was.
“Wow, you fucking slut, you seem to be enjoying this huh? Does it turn you on? Does being in pain get you off?” he mocked, your heart taking his words sensitively. You let out a shaky moan, nodding with pleasure flowing through your body. 
“Well lucky for you because I like this as well. Honestly, I like it too much if I’m being completely honest.” You were shocked at his confession, trying to consume the fact that your sweetheart boyfriend actually liked hurting you. It was definitely a surprise but for some sick reason, it was such a turn on. Hey, maybe you two were truly meant for each other because you liked the pain that he gave you. However, that statement was a distraction from your current situation at hand. He started to slam the paddle faster, the pain hurting 10 times more and you swore that there will be splinters by tomorrow. You let out screams and higher-pitched moans from the impact, covering your face with your pillow to somehow relieve you from his actions. 
“Did you want to piss me off? Were you that much of a horny bitch that you’ll do anything to have my big cock stuffed inside you? No, I don’t have to ask that because I know you do. You’re aching in that tight little pussy from my words, huh? Even though you’re lowkey scared of it, you’re getting wet from the spanking. Stupid little cockwhore.” You could nearly cum from his cruel words, his deep and raspy voice talking to you as if you’re inferior to him. You could barely form words now as you just drooled and babbled on the pillow. 
He landed the last two hits on the back of your thighs and the top of your ass respectively. Just for the fun and pleasure for him, he gave you an additional slap with his hand and giggled at your sobs from the surprise. 
“Jesus, that was so hot. I nearly jizzed in my pants thanks to you. Seeing you in pain is such a turn on,” Taehyung muttered, sitting next to you on the bed and facing you towards him. He mockingly pouted at your sniffling face, wiping away the tears that were splattered around your cheeks.
“Are you okay? Did I go too hard?” he asked with concern, a complete 180 from what he was before as he gave you small kisses on your face. You found it so sweet how as much as he likes punishing you, he still cares so much about your safety because he is your boyfriend after all. Although the spanking was intense, you weren’t in danger and everything was consented. 
“Daddy...I’m okay,” you croaked, trying to nuzzle your face in the crook of your neck and although his eyes showed some warmth, his face turned expressionless after a minute of checking up on you.
“Did you learn your lesson yet?” 
You knew that this was like child’s play to him and he can go longer. Even though you were kind of nervous, you wanted him to snap and show his scarier side. You shook your head in response to his question, starting to revert back to your bratty self. “Well, that was nothing. I don’t know if you can handle me but it didn’t work.” Taehyung obviously didn't believe you, judging from the look in your eyes and your quick movements that you were clearly affected by the spanking. He also knew that you were lying right out of your teeth and you want him to put you in your place. Obviously, it’s what he’s going to do. He’s going to make you learn your lesson no matter how much you’re going to act up because a fact that Kim Taehyung knows is that there’s no better brat-tamer than him. 
“Hmm, I don’t think I can forgive you yet because you’re still lying like dumb little girls do when they want something. How sad, I guess you’re going to need more punishments until I get that attitude out of you,” he says, feigning disappointment in his tone. 
You felt your heart dance at his words before realizing that he has more in mind than the spanking. You whimper at his words and he rolled his eyes at you, knowing how much you’re enjoying this. 
All of a sudden, he ripped off your dress like it was nothing, the now ruined fabric fluttering lifelessly towards the ground. How was he able to tear it apart like that? Has he been working out?, you thought, especially since you swore that the dress was hard to tear. You whined at what he did, especially since it was a staple part of your wardrobe and one of your favorites. However, he didn’t care about your reactions as he easily snapped your bra into two pieces, throwing the destroyed material in some corner of the room. 
A wave of embarrassment ran through your body at the fact that you were completely bare and he was still clothed. You tried to cover your chest but it was no use as he forcefully pulled your arms away, exposing your breasts to him. 
“Your body is so beautiful, don’t be shy,” he crooned, playing with your nipples and flicking the sensitive bud. Taehyung’s face went up to your neck, kissing your sensitive spots and sucking on it to make hickeys. “But they’d look more gorgeous with my marks, huh?” You let out a shaky moan, already turned on by his ministrations and the ache between your legs growing worse but to your dismay, he ended there and got off of the bed. Disappointed at his sudden stop, you started to whine and thrash among the sheets but a sharp glare from him had you obey instantly. 
“Stay there baby girl, you’re definitely not off the hook,” he sighed, walking back to the black box to retrieve some of the toys. You inhaled a shaky breath, nervous on what’s going to happen. You tried to peer behind his broad back to see what he picked up but you could only hear his sinister chuckle instead. 
“D-daddy, what are we gonna be using?” you squeaked, hating the obvious fear in your voice because he knows that you’re nervous about what he’s going to do and use it to your advantage. Your boyfriend comes back and throws a bunch of toys on the bed, each one somehow being more intense than the previous. The handcuffs and vibrator were easily familiar to you as you’ve used them before but the last toy was what caught your attention the most. 
Anal beads?! He’s absolutely insane!, you internally screamed, staring at him with wide eyes while he brought a bottle of strawberry lube on the nightstand. It wasn’t like you were scared of it or anything, it was just so surprising that he’s going to use it on you now. You’ve heard about them from Joy who said that although the feeling was strange at first, it felt good later on and you took her word in mind. Now that the toy was out in the open, it reminded you of when you saw it in the box while you were searching for your sewing kit and talked to Taehyung about it. While you both decided that you’ll wait a bit until there was a time where it’ll be used, you never thought it would happen now (but you sort of understand as you are getting punished now).
“Are you ready honey? Is this okay?” he asked gently, rubbing your back to calm you down. You nodded, slowly feeling your nerves go away after some reassurance. 
“What about you? Do you think you’re ready?” you sassed back, the all-too familiar bratty attitude showing. “Oh, you wanna play that game? I’m just worried because you can barely take my dick but since you’ve been too naughty, you’re gonna take it like a good girl,” he teased, a blush forming in your cheeks as he settled you down on all fours. Compared to your height and Taehyung’s, he was obviously huge under his pants and although you liked getting dicked down until the next day, the aftermath is definitely not that pleasurable. 
You instructed yourself to take deep breaths, bracing yourself for the toy. 
“You ready, kitten?” he called out from behind and you nodded rapidly, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. All of a sudden you felt the first bead ram inside you, making you feel sparks of pleasure. “That’s my good girl.”
Luckily, there were a total of three beads for a start since it was your first time but the first one already felt huge. Maybe it’s due to your inability to take big stuff well but you were terrified on the other two that are twice as big.
“O-oh my god...I-“ you gasped out, trying to accommodate the small sphere into your hole. 
“Why are you acting like it’s too much for you? Come on, I know you can take more than that,” he chided playfully, lubing the second bead to insert it inside you.
“I-I- don’t know if I can!”
“Shh, you want Daddy to forgive you right? You’re my big girl, it’ll be alright.”
You let out a whine as the second was inserted, making you feel full already. Taehyung thumbs at your hole soothingly to try to make you less worried and to make the bead more comfortable in you.
He observes your state right now: your face red from the stimulation and smothered on the plush pillows, your body was bent to display your gaping hole, and your walls fluttering around the pink bead to accommodate the intrusion. Your position was just enough to make his pants feel increasingly tight and uncomfortable.
“Damn, you look so sexy,” he murmured, his praise making you feel good and embarrassed at the same time.
“One more sweetie, one more.” That was the sentence that had you in fear. Surely two beads was enough for you, it’s gonna be hard for you to take the full thing!
“Daddy, i-it’s too much! I don’t think I can handle it!” you cried but the pillow muffled your words.
“You got this, you’ve been a good girl so far,” Taehyung coos, tapping the end of the bead that was currently in you to tease you. With his praise in mind, you decided to go through it as you tried to spread your legs and push your ass out even more to make the last bead more comfortable in you.
Luckily, he was kind enough to add a large amount of lube to make it less painful while toying with the end of the previous one inside you. 
You focused on relaxing yourself so that you’re not tense and reveled in his gentle motions against you. After one more, it’ll all be over, right?
“Good girl, you’ve been such a good girl for me. One more, okay?” 
He slowly inserted the last bead, watching your hole attempt to expand and take it in. You let out a squeal, trying to fit it inside. Your boyfriend watches your fluttering walls straining around the pink toy as it stretches to fit it in alongside the other beads. Eventually, you made it fit with the aftermath of being completely plugged up in your behind.
“Hah~ oh, s-so big,” you moaned, trying so hard to fit the beads inside you. Your nerves were on fire, the toy giving you new sensations you never knew you could feel. It didn’t hurt but you felt full despite only being three spheres.
“That’s my good girl,” Taehyung sighed with content, tapping the end of the last bead to slowly push it inside you by centimeter.
“Daddy, it’s too much! I-I-I don’t think I can do it, it’s too big-“
With one quick motion, Taehyung flipped you on your back and you felt the beads push deeper in your hole, hitting your spots.
“Aww, my little slut can’t take it? Is she too sensitive? Such a little baby, you look so cute in this position, especially since you’re so sensitive!” Taehyung cooed as you let out broken moans due to the overwhelming pleasure. “You’re lucky that I’m not that mad as I was before. Keep those beads in you until I decide when I want to take them out.”
You nodded blankly, his words barely registering in your hazy mind. You didn’t know how much longer you can to, especially since Taehyung sounds like he wants to fuck you stupid. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asked softly, waving a hand over your face. Quickly snapping out of your daze, you nodded and tried to snuggle up towards him. He laughed at the cute action, playing along with the simple moment until he brought out a pair of handcuffs in front of your face. Yup, you’re still in trouble, you sighed to yourself, forgetting about why he’s acting that way.
“It’s not the furry ones?” you pouted, blatantly swallowing at the hard metal.
“You’ve done too much to even think about getting the soft ones. It’s okay, you won’t feel the pain once I make you feel good.” Obediently, you brought out your wrists without him asking and he attached the cuffs within a second. Surprisingly, he gave you a kiss on the cheek and patted your head affectionately, your all-too familiar kind boyfriend emerging for a split-second.
“You’ve been a good girl so far, keep it up and maybe your punishment will end quickly,” he murmured, massaging your sides and spreading your legs apart. You felt him kiss the inside of your thighs and kitty-licking your slit, the teasing immediately turning you on even more.
“T-tae,” Although he was barely doing anything, you already felt even more sensitive especially with the anal beads inside you. You wanted to tug on his dark black locks, at least clutching onto a part of his body, but the handcuffs made it impossible to. It wasn’t even chained to the bed but it was no use fighting against it.
Taehyung could sense how impatient you were, your hips thrusting up uncontrollably to try to at least have some more movement inside your aching pussy. He chuckled to himself at how he made you instantly want him but since he’s in charge, he gets to decide whether or not to pleasure you.
“Shh, only patient little girls get what they want. What’s the magic word?”
Is he seriously doing this right now?, you thought but you immediately answered the question, desperate to at least have something. It must’ve been obvious how needy you’ve gotten because Taehyung’s long slender fingers were inserted in you with no warning.
You let out a shaky moan, your cunt immediately clenching around his fingers as he pushed them in and out at a quick pace. Your brain was completely fried as you couldn’t think or say anything except the feeling of euphoria you were in. Despite having his fingers inside you before, it felt more sensitive and pleasurable this time and you were ready to cum.
Unfortunately for you, he pulled his hand away from your needy pussy despite your attempts to trap it with your thighs. You started to whine and kick from the denial, upset that you didn’t get to finish.
“Calm down, we haven’t gotten to the real fun yet. You’ll be my good girl, right?” he said calmly, reaching over for the vibrator and inserting the batteries in. Normally, the pink toy didn’t have an effect on you because you used it numerous times while Tae was gone but for some reason, you felt nervous as if it was your first time using toys. You absolutely knew he was going to edge the hell out of you and although it was not that pleasurable for you, the build-up to your orgasm only for it to be cut away is a source of entertainment for him. 
But since you’ve been consistently good ever since he put in the anal beads, you were hoping that he’d let you come this time. 
You felt the head of the vibrator rub against your folds, the moisture slowly gathering onto the tip and the sheets. It was currently at the lowest speed and you were aching for it to be filled inside you. The buzzing of the toy was the only sound that rang out in the room and Taehyung didn’t say a word but his expression told you about what he’s going to do. 
All of a sudden, he suddenly inserted the vibrator inside you, the sudden intrusion igniting a small fire inside your body as it tries to take in the sensation. Even though the feeling shouldn’t be completely new to you, you felt overly sensitive like it was your first time. 
“T-tae, oh my god. I-i, oh...” you moaned lightly, wanting to feel a part of him but he prevented that from happening. Knowing the effect that he had on you, Taehyung slowly started to peel off his shirt due to the increasing temperature in the bedroom. With his tanned skin and toned stomach on display, the temptation of wanting to break free from the handcuffs was just too much. 
“Yeah? Does it feel good? Are you glad you finally had something in that slutty cunt?” he taunted, turning the vibration up to the highest. The switch in level made you clench around the toy tightly, slick coming out of your system rapidly. He aimed the head to your clit, making the sensation feeling even better and getting you near your orgasm. 
Your body felt like it was on fire as you didn’t know where to focus yourself on. Since Taehyung restricted you from grabbing onto something to settle yourself, it just felt like you were in a different headspace. The amount of pullings you did onto the handcuffs are going to leave marks on your wrists but honestly, it was the least of your concerns at this point. 
He suddenly removes the wand from your clenching pussy, hovering it around your folds as you leave more slick from the slight movement the vibrator had on you despite not completely being inside you. Your juices were drenching onto the bedsheets and his hand and a part of you felt embarrassed but if Taehyung had no shame, neither then you. 
“Do you want something inside you? Does your cute little pussy want to be filled up?” he said darkly, waving his long and slender fingers in front of your face. He absolutely knows how much you love his fingers, at least 3 of them filling you up well. 
“Y-yes daddy, mmph, p-please fill me up with your long, oh god, fingers…” you purred, your eyes drooping from how much pleasure you’re receiving. 
“Keep your eyes up babygirl, I want you to stare at me while I make you feel good.” Taehyung aligns the head against your clit again as he inserted one of his fingers inside. The action caused you to let out a small scream, your body starting to shake on how much he’s doing to you. 
“T-Taehyung-” “Is that my name?” “I’m sorry, D-daddy! I-i-it’s so much, I don’t know if I can take it!” you whimpered, your juices coming out of you at an increasingly fast rate and your hands pathetically thrashing onto the restrains. 
“Yeah? My little baby can take it, this is nothing isn’t it?” he smirks, adding two more fingers to completely stretch your walls out. You felt yourself jolt from the increased action, tears starting to form at the corner of your eyes. 
“Da..daddy, shit, shit, oh, it’s so much, I, I,” you mewled, your body in cloud nine as you try to form sentences in your brain. Although you didn’t talk much, your moans and whimpers were music to his ears as Taehyung was satisfied with himself that he got you in this way. 
“Aww, it’s too much? Too bad, you know you want more than a vibrator. I know you’re dying for me to pound this tiny little pussy with my big fat cock. You want to feel my dick deep inside your stomach and try to keep my cum inside you, huh? Do you want that, you little fucktoy?” 
You didn’t know how he could read you like a book but it was what you wanted nonetheless. A flash of pink flew across the room before hitting against the wall, the identity being the vibrator that Taehyung was using on you a few minutes ago. Although you could still feel his fingers pump inside you, your clit was instead covered by his mouth. 
“Ahh! Oh my god, oh my god! Daddy!” you shrieked, your attention being directed on him. He swirls the bud with the flat of his tongue and occasionally flicked it to help send you off. Surprisingly, his fingers were still moving as well and you felt them hit the spongy texture of your g-spot, your body reacting to the sensation sensitively. 
You felt the all-too familiar knot in your stomach, signalling your orgasm. With the insane amount of pleasure, he would be too cruel to deny it. With your mind becoming absolutely hazy, the last thought you had was to finally release. 
Unfortunately, your thoughts weren’t answered because after a few more pumps, he immediately pulled his fingers out and his mouth was nowhere to be found on your clit. 
“Do you think I’m gonna let you cum? I don’t think so,” he mocked, sucking off the liquids and watching your body thrash against the bed from the denial. 
“Wh-what? Why? Why?” you whined loudly, the build-up fading away and your mind was back to the present. Of course he wasn’t going to let you cum right away despite how good you were because it was still a punishment. 
“Because I said so,” he stated in a matter-of-fact way, mesmerized at your body’s reactions. 
“But I’ve been good! I obeyed when you put in the anal beads-” “That’s not enough though.” 
“What the actual hell? You’re such a dick!” you muttered angrily, trying to catch yourself from the denial. Although it was pretty quiet, Taehyung’s ears picked it up and he was definitely not happy with what you said. 
“What the fuck did you say?” he growled, placing himself next to you and choking your throat with just enough force that was typical whenever you were acting up. You gasped at the lack of oxygen as you tried to form an excuse. 
“I-I’m sorry-” “Shut up. I thought I fucked the attitude out of you but I guess you still need to be taught a lesson. You’ve been using your bratty mouth too much, perhaps you’ll learn how to silence yourself with my cock inside it,” he snarled, standing up to remove his pants and boxers, the outline of his dick already making you hot and bothered. 
Although you’ve been living with your boyfriend for a long time now, his dick size never fails to impress you. Unfortunately, it means that he’s not going to have mercy on you, especially since you pissed him off. 
“I thought you were going to be a good girl but you just love acting up, do you? Do you like being a stupid slut? Did my little girl grow up to be a dumb brat?” he scoffed, pulling down his undergarments to reveal his huge cock, the tip hitting his belly button area before standing up proudly. You felt your mouth water at his size, wanting to take the whole thing inside you. 
“Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to obey like a good baby or are you going to keep on talking with that bratty little voice?” he snapped, taking you out of your gazing. You nodded obediently, not saying a word otherwise you would get in even more trouble. Taehyung stroked his cock for a bit, the pre-cum acting as lube to make it easier for you to swallow. 
Once his tip was placed in front of your lips, you immediately opened and took his length inside you, trying to fit as much as you can. Normally, you could suck a good half but since you’re on thin ice from your behavior, he’s definitely going to make you take the whole thing. Hearing his low husky moans made you feel better, knowing that you’re at least doing it right. 
You could feel him inch deeper inside you until you were nose deep between his balls. Taehyung’s head was thrown back and sweat was dripping down his face as his tip went past your gag reflex, the warm and wet sensation making the feeling extremely sensational. 
“D-addy, do you want me to-” you garbled, trying to form words but they came out as mostly gibberish due to the amount in your throat. 
“Choke on it, slut.” He starts to thrust forwards and backwards at a fast pace, one that you’re not accustomed to. Due to his length being too much for you to handle, you felt a long stream of tears flow down your cheeks as you try to hollow your throat to accommodate him.
“God, that feels so good. Finally my little baby is using her mouth for something good,” he grunts, placing his hands on your shoulders to thrust quicker. The low moans and growls he makes while you suck his dick turns you on, the all-too familiar ache between your legs building up again. “Do you like gagging on my cock baby girl?” You let out a nod which only made your breathing harder so you instructed yourself to breathe through your nose. Taehyung wasn’t looking empathetic for now as he smiled sadistically while chasing his own high. 
With your face being near the base of his cock and your jaw slacked to attempt to take him and make it easier for you, you truly thought he was cruel for making you take him whole. Hearing your little gags and garbles starts to make him go faster as he thrusts in and out of your mouth at an inhuman-like pace while you try to suck on him better to get more of his reactions. 
“God, you look so fucking hot like this. Your mouth feels so so good, I’m gonna cum,” he gasps, your little whimpers vibrating against the underside of his shaft. You felt a line of saliva flow down the corner of your mouth as your throat starts to close around his dick. 
“Gonna cum, yeah fuck baby, I’m gonna cum,” he chants, his thrusts slowing down and after a loud moan of your name, his hot and sticky liquid spurted down your throat. You decided to take it down your throat, slowly sucking on it to clean his seed from his dick as he gently took it out from your mouth. With the length removed, you let out a deep gasp of breath as you struggled to breathe properly. 
“Whoa, baby, are you okay?” he asked, patting your back gently in an attempt to help you breathe. After a few minutes of clearing your throat, you nodded while wincing from the ache from the back of your throat. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be okay,” you gasped, slowly breathing in and out. 
“Good,” he beamed before turning back into his dominant self. However, instead of the coldness that he showed you before, his eyes are more playful and loving. “Did you learn your lesson?” You nodded weakly, cuddling your face against his chest. “I did, I’m extremely sorry Daddy! I didn’t mean to say that.” He pretended to think deeply as if he wanted to accept your apology or not. You prayed that he does because you’ve already been punished enough. 
“It’s okay baby, I forgive you,” he smiled, his iconic box smile popping up on his sunshine-like face. “But know that I’ll always be yours, no matter what and I hope the same for you.” “Duh, now shut up and kiss me,” you snarked and although he rolled his eyes at your abrasive personality, he complied anyways.
“Hold on, let me take your toys off,” he sighed, unlocking the handcuffs and bending you over to remove the anal beads. You moan from the movement as you’ve gotten accustomed to the toy inside you. You watch intently as he carefully places them on the nightstand to disinfect later and carries you to the bed. “You ready for my dick, baby girl?” His tip was placed against your folds, teasing you slowly. You let out a shaky moan, wanting this just as much as he does. Taehyung took it as a yes as he slowly entered inside you, grunting from the inclusion. “Damn, you’ve gotten so much tighter, huh?” You just let out shaky moans and whimpers in response as you feel him completely enter you and fill you up. Your walls were fluttering around his length as you tried to take as much as him in, causing him to let out a low groan. 
“Jesus fuck…” he grunted, as he immediately took his cock out, hovered it above your cunt, and slammed it inside you with such force. You let out a scream from the action, catching you off guard as you try to match up with his quick pace. 
Like it was nothing, Taehyung snapped his hips quickly like it was child’s play as he fucks you deeper and harder, more intense than all of your previous rounds. He touches his bulge that’s deep inside your stomach, causing you to let out a whimper from his smirking face upon you. 
“Yeah, does my little baby like being filled up and having my cock be deep inside her?” he asks while fucking you like no tomorrow. 
“O-oh my god, yea, yes Daddy,” you purred, your half-droopy eyes interlocking with his, a simple but cherished action he likes during sex. It can be intense and a bit awkward at times, especially since he has a look that could make anyone fall on their knees on a normal day, but his dark starry eyes were to die for. After a minute, you look away with embarrassment but Taehyung cups your cheek and continues to stare for a moment longer. 
“Don’t look away from me baby, I wish you can see how much your cute face looks while you’re getting your pussy pounded.” You were getting close to your orgasm again, your pussy clenching and fluttering around his dick. He could sense it too as he starts to pick up the pace and hit against your g-spot more often. “Shit, kitten, are you going to cum now? F-fuck yeah, cum for me now. I wanna see your cute face while you cream around my big dick.” His words were like the tipping point for you to orgasm as the knot that was building up finally lets out. You let out a scream as you felt your liquids gush around him, your mind having no thoughts in the world other than the feeling you have right now and your body is shaking violently from the pleasure. But instead of your usual intensity of an orgasm, you felt yourself squirt everywhere. Not only were your juices splattered onto your boyfriend’s cock but you felt the area around you feel drenched and some of them got onto Taehyung’s stomach and arms. 
He stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth as he started to thrust sloppily, chasing after his high as well due to the sight. “Fucking shit, you squirted all over me baby. Damn that was so hot.” You whimpered from the sensitivity as he continued, his grunts and moans increasing in volume. “Jesus fuck, holy shit, the things you do to me baby girl.” After letting out a guttural grunt, his dick started to inflate and shoot out thick loads of his seed into your battered cunt. Taehyung slowly exited himself out of you and flopped down on the bed next to you while pushing his long fingers inside to keep his cum in there. You let out a squeal from the intrusion as he slowly brought some of his load in front of your face and tapped on your lips, slightly coating them.
“Can I have them Daddy?” you whispered and he gave you a nod in response. Like there was no tomorrow, you immediately inserted his fingers into your mouth and wantonly sucked on them, savoring the salty taste of his cum. He raised an eyebrow at your behavior and pushed them deeper, the flat of his fingers feeling the back of your mouth. This caused you to gag, the action reminding you when you were sucking on his dick a while ago. 
“O-okay baby that’s enough unless you want to go for another round, but I assume you’re too tired from that,” Taehyung laughed softly, slowly pulling them out to which you whined from the loss. “Are you okay, did I go too far? You did so well.” “Y-yeah, I’m okay,” you mumbled but he still wasn’t completely convinced. His duality always kills you but you were here for it anyways. 
“No, I must’ve gone too far. At any moment, did you feel like you wanted to use the safe word? Remember that if-” “Taehyungie, you were okay! I’m okay and I didn’t want to use it. Besides, you were really hot dominating me like that,” you tried to assure him, rubbing his arms (which have gotten buffer) gently. “You took care of me well too.” “I’m glad to hear that! Hold on babe, I’m going to clean you up and get you some clothes.” He already left to go to the bathroom and during that, it gave you some time to think over your thoughts. Taehyung was truly a marvelous person: his looks were to die for, his personality was sweeter than honey but he can truly dominate someone the next second. You truly were thankful that he appeared in your life but a part of you didn’t understand why. 
He comes out dressed in his old vintage T-shirts and shorts with another oversized T-shirt and a damp towel in his hands. 
“Alright honey, can you lay down on your back for me? I must’ve made a mess.” “Dude, I literally squirted on not only you but the bed as well,” you dead-panned, causing him to laugh. He gently wiped the excess seed that laid on your inner thighs and the top of your private area before slipping a pair of your comfortable panties onto you. You quickly pulled on the shirt, the hem reaching the middle of your thighs and shyly gave him a hug (which was considerably rare for you to start them but with Taehyung, you would do it no matter what). He returned the hug back and laid you down on the bed with him cuddling you, being the big spoon within your relationship. 
You like how his bigger body can easily make you feel warm and you could hear the sound of his heartbeat, the soft feeling making you drowsy. 
“Do you want to sleep now, baby?” he rasps, rubbing the back of your neck and finding the particular spot where it was relieving for you. You nodded back in return as you turned over to face him, completely relishing his warm embrace. 
“Can I ask you something, Y/N? I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable,” he asked slowly, breaking the silence that lingered around the room. 
You nodded, slowly breaking out of his cuddle to face him with wide eyes. Although he didn’t want to break the hug either, he sat up to look at you as well. 
“Y/N, you know that I’m dating you and when I date someone, my attention is on them and because I’m with you, I only see you. My eyes will always be looking at you, I breathe and bathe in your presence daily, and I’ll even shout out to the world that I love you if you ever asked me. I’m completely yours honey and I’m curious on why do you get so jealous whenever a woman talks to me? It might sound insensitive but today you acted different when I talked to Irene. Why is that?” You let out a ragged sigh, unsure if you truly want to tell Taehyung. Of course you knew that Taehyung loved you until the end of time and you obviously feel the same way, but that was the problem. You would completely drop everything just to be with him forever but is it possible for a man like him to agree to that? Taehyung was an obvious romantic and if he had to choose between the world and you, he would choose you but why? Why were you so special that he’s dating you? There were plenty of other fish in the sea but his eyes were set on you. 
You were just another girl who’s trying to survive in the cutthroat fashion world, constantly thinking to yourself on how much of a disappointment you were. Being an idol was a dream you were dead-set on ever since you were a child but you were too chicken to go to an actual audition and spent the early stages of your adult life fighting with your mom to go on a fashion major: a second choice you didn’t really care for but it was a second choice nonetheless. 
Taehyung was a successful photographer with many deals and collaborations from multiple people, some even for famous magazines. His visuals were good enough to even be a Gucci model! He’s good with children and elderly people, he’s an amazing baker, he can play the saxophone, and he could even sing! He shouldn’t be dating some girl who acts like a little kid and has a personality that is absolutely intolerable to most people. 
“Taehyung, why are you dating me? If Irene asked you out on a date, would you go on it while you’re in a relationship with me?” “Of course not, I only have-” “But Irene’s ten times more gorgeous than me, it’s like comparing a swan to a baby duck! What kind of man would turn down a sexier woman for a toddler look alike?” you cried, your emotions showing out as you sobbed onto the comforter. He looked at you with sad eyes, rubbing your arms in an attempt to soothe you but your tears didn’t stop running. 
“Taehyung, you’re literally every girl’s dream boyfriend! Yet you chose me out of all of those girls who I can’t compare to! Why?! I’m literally nothing compared to them; all of my life I’ve been bullied by my stature, my dreams didn’t come true, everyone thinks I’m annoying, and it fucking hurts to hear gossip from the people in this town on why I’m dating you! I’m just not good enough and I’ll never be-” Your ranting was stopped by a kiss, a romantic and passionate one. You started to whimper inside his mouth as he didn’t break away. His lips were quickly detached from yours to kiss away the tears that were slowly dripping down your face. 
“Don’t say another word. I don’t understand why you don’t see yourself the same way I see you,” he said sternly, cupping your face gently. 
“Wh-what? I’m not-” “Never say you’re not something because you’re such a beautiful, smart, funny, creative, and witty person. I know it’s hard to not compare yourself to other women but out of all of them, I only see you. Even though you hate that you’re short and you look young, I promise you it’s one of the things I love the most about you. You’re so cute and it makes me so happy whenever I’m cuddling you and I love taking care of you. And it’s okay if your dreams didn’t come true, everything happens for a reason and if you were an idol, would you’ve met me?” “Not really-” “Exactly, it’s like fate did something and we were always meant to be with each other! Besides, I have some friends who are idols and they absolutely hate it.” “Wow, Taehyung, way to make me feel better,” you said sarcastically, a low chuckle vibrating against you. 
“Plus, I don’t find your personality annoying. It highlights you really well and I think it’s okay to have that kind of humor but if you act too bratty, I’m always there to punish you-” “God, you’re so perverted and this was supposed to be wholesome!” you barked, pushing him off while watching him with disgust as he tries to catch his breath from laughing too hard. 
“Sorry, sorry, the main point is that I love you no matter what and I’ll always think, dream, and bathe in you. You’re my girl and it’s always going to be that way,” he said, giving you another kiss before pulling you back down on the bed and cuddling you again. 
“Th-thank you Taehyung,” you said softly, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling yourself closer to his chest. It’s so warm and familiar, just the way you like it. You shift around until you’re more comfortable as you melt yourself into him. It was hard to not feel jealous of other girls but you felt better after talking it out and hearing his words. 
“I love you,” he mumbled softly, slowly starting to fall asleep. 
“I love you too.” You moved around for a bit but a sudden pain in your lower area stopped you from wiggling too much. Of course you forgot that you were getting railed a while ago and it’s now the aftermath. 
“Yo Taehyung, why the fuck did you go hard on me? Now it hurts and I don’t think I can walk normally. Hell, I don’t think I can sit down because you spanked me as well!” you snapped, the all too familiar tsundere personality coming out. 
He only had a smirk etched out on his face, pulling you close to stuff your face within his chest. “Sorry, I guess,” he replied sarcastically, chuckling on how you grumbled and complained in response. 
“What does that mean, ‘I guess’? It’s always the doms with the biggest dicks.”
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Your ringtone blasted across the room, waking you up from your comfortable and warm sleep with Taehyung. You grumbled to yourself as you groggily stared at the caller ID. Sure enough, it was Irene. Your heart dropped to your stomach as there was no other reason why she was calling you unless to fire you for your behavior at the diner yesterday. 
“Hello?” you answer timidly, praying that you won’t get kicked out today. 
“Hello, Y/N. I hope you’re having a lovely morning today.” “You too. Listen Irene, I’m really sorry on how I acted during the diner that time. It was extremely immature of me to have that attitude and not listen to your side of the story, I guess jealousy got the better of me. I-I promise there won’t be any more instances like this and I’m sorry for causing such inconvenience,” you rambled, sweat dripping down your back as your fate was determined on the other line. 
Silence filled the room and you waited impatiently, tapping your fingers along the headboard of your bed. Suddenly, laughter rang out from Irene’s side and you sighed in a breath of relief that you’re off the hook. 
“It’s okay, I completely understand why you acted that way and I apologize if it may seem like I’m making moves on your boyfriend. Although I would like it if you listened to my side, I’m hoping he did at least.” You stared at his sleeping figure and softly rubbed his bread-like cheeks with affection. “Y-yeah, he did. So, what did you want to call me about?” “Oh, do you know the dress designs that you submitted to me a few months ago?” Your mind went back to you staying overnight at the studio, scrapping pages and pages of different designs to find the perfect one to turn in. Although you were extremely proud, at that time Irene didn’t spend a second to even look at them which lowered your spirits. 
“Yeah, what about them? Did I do something wrong?” “No, you didn’t. In fact they were really lovely and I’m sorry it took me a long time to review them. Actually, I really liked it so much that I turned it into some big name fashion companies and they are deciding to feature them in their latest runway for a fashion week.” Your eyes widened, shock filling your brain as you tried to comprehend what was going on. There was no way, the design that you spent hours perfecting was able to go on the runway?! You let out a high-pitched shriek, instantly waking up Taehyung as he slowly opened his eyes. 
“Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you! I-I can’t believe this is happening!” you squealed, your excitement radiating the room like sunshine on a bright morning. 
“You’re welcome honey, I hope you’re coming up with more designs to possibly submit in the future.” “Of course! Thank you so much, have a great day!” you grinned as the call ended. You started babbling to yourself while Taehyung watched you with admiration surrounding his face. 
“Congratulations baby,” he grinned, giving you a kiss on your lips. 
“Hey, how did you know?” “I heard you screaming ever since the phone rang.” “I mean, I guess you would’ve found out that way. Anyways I’m so excited and happy since this is such a huge opportunity for me! Also, thank you for the support and love you gave me last night,” you said, pecking his cheeks. 
“Anytime baby girl. How about I make some of those fluffy pancakes you like for celebration,” he smiled, walking out of the bed and into the brown slippers you got him for his birthday once. 
“Alright, I’ll be-” Unfortunately for you, your legs stopped working and you tumbled out of the bed. Taehyung only laughed at your fall before carrying you bridal style, much to your embarrassment. 
“Thanks a lot Tae, you really ruined me last night,” you pouted as you made yourself comfortable in his arms. 
“You know you love me right,” he cooed, flicking your cheeks which turned into an embarrassingly bright red. As much as you don’t show it that much, you’re definitely in love with him no matter what. 
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Just as Taehyung was about to head off for his photoshoot consisting of a beauty model, he slipped his hand underneath his drawer and beneath the ties hides a velvet red box. And inside the box was a wedding ring that was passed onto from generations of his family. 
You have been dating him for a few years now and although you never admitted it, you were hoping that one day he’ll propose to you. 
Taehyung smiled at the box before closing the drawer to head out his way. There was a legend throughout the Kim family that the ring fits the person who's the perfect wife for the son. The ring was quite small which meant most girls couldn’t fit it but since you have small hands, he checked the size of your fingers and it fit perfectly. 
Many people would ask him why he would choose a short abrasive girl like you as his girlfriend and some may judge but frankly, he didn’t care about what everyone else thought. 
Because he was lucky that destiny allowed him to be with you and the person that he set his mind and future on was only you. 
a/n: this was initially a drabble but i liked the idea sm that i decided to write a whole ff on it lol. thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! <3
taglist: @cherrykocho​, @knjkitten​
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
alphys and flowey, with 22!
I'm so sorry for taking so long. Here we go. 22: books (from this prompt list)
This is for Alphys week! -> Day 6: Flowers
(who said it had to be several flowers?)
Crumpled Paper
Words: 1300
Read on AO3:
The first time he met the royal scientist, it had been during a visit she made to the castle, a day after he had emerged in his fath- Asgore's garden, crying out for help for the first time. She carried a bag, which she dropped the moment the king informed her of his finding. She examined him, checking on his magic levels, and as she worked, her face could barely hide her worries. Through stuttering words Dr. Alphys gave her report: she said he had no SOUL, but besides the fact, he seemed fine. She came by every few days to check his stats, apologizing profusely every time. What for? She couldn't explain herself without stumbling on her words, but he got something about an experiment. But it would be fine, she assured him!
He wasn't fine, he couldn't feel, no matter how much he tried. He was not the same and it wasn't worth it to keep trying.
But then he discovered the real power behind determination. Curiosity led him to various places, and soon he found himself outside of the scientist's laboratory. She hid something, and he was determined to find out.
* * *
Alphys was startled by the sudden voice. She was back from a trip to the dump, holding a bag full of cans and metallic wastes. At this time of the day, she didn't expect to find anyone outside the lab.
A flower stood by the door, giving her a toothy smile.
"Howdy, doctor! Have we met before?" The flower snickered and winked, as if there was an inside joke she didn't get.
She recognized the kind of flower on sight, after all, she had worked with them during the last weeks. But just like her other experiments, it seemed determination didn't have the expected effects. She rememebered taking the vessels back to the garden and...
Oh no.
Not THIS too.
She tried forming a sentence. But what could she say? She felt herself start sweating, her breathing getting faster. She swallowed and managed to say "We do not know each o- but you said that we do..." She decided to set for a question. "Do you want to... come in?"
The flower's expression was blank for a moment as if considering his options, then he smiled. "Sure! Get me inside!" Alphys sighed in relief. This shouldn't be difficult, right? They could just... take their time to talk.
After some arrangements, she managed to fit the flower in her bag to carry him and set him in her workbench. His small black eyes examined the room, eagerly looking for something. What it was, Alphys couldn't tell.
She was filled with questions of her own. Dozens of theories were running in her head, but she feared the flower wouldnt be able to answer them. She watched him as he tried to pick up one of the books resting on her desk. They were too heavy to lift.
"Do you... want my help?" She held the book for him, which had a winged hero on the cover. She opened it on a random page, so they could both look at the drawings.
"What does it say?" He pointed at one of the speech bubbles.
"What?" Alphys was distracted looking at the pose one of the main characters, a human with human ears, was making.
"On the book. The handwriting's weird."
"Oh that... I'm not sure. It seems it's a human language, but it's not like the one we speak. I think it's called Japanese. It comes from the land where they make cool things like anime and..." She started going through the list of every little fact she learnt about the land through her TV shows, but the flower interrupted her.
"Why do you have a book you can't read?"
"It's called manga." She was quick to correct. "I'm learning how to read and write! I've been looking for books in the dump that can teach you how."
"Is that what you do as a sicentist?" He raised an eyebrow, which was as white as the rest of his face.
"N-no, but it's something... I do sometimes, when I have the time."
"Cool! Can you teach me?"
"To read Japanese?"
"No, I'll pass, it sounds complicated. My sibling would have liked it. They are such a nerd, always saying weird words."
Would that mean...? Oh no, one animated flower is a thing but more? Alphys would be screwed.
The flower opened his eyes wide at his words and he stuck his tongue out in thoguht, as if he was solving a mental puzzle. Alphys waited, was it the right move to ask questions? Would it scare the flower?
"Ah, my tongue slipped. I guess I'll have to tell you. But later, OK?" A part of Alphys wanted to turn to dust right there, a different part wanted to spit out every question that crossed her mind, but the saner part of her decided it was best to play along. Anything to make this less awkward.
The flower found a solution sooner than her. "Why don't you... teach me how to write? I don't know if I can." He looked down at his vines.
"Yeah, sure. let me grab some paper and pencils." Alphys felt the tension dissipate as they changed topics.
"Do you have color pencils too?"
"Uhm, we'll see what I can get."
Alphys found a box of pencils next to her computer, on top of a pile of paper detailing her blueprint ideas, a few scratched projects and a personal story she was working on. Her handwriting made her the least suitable for the job, but the flower was content with her lessons. They chatted about mundane topics, forgetting their situation for a moment. He was reluctant to tell her his name, and never mentioned the "sibling" again, but both of them seemed at ease.
"Do you wanna... stay here tonight? Or do you need to go to the garden?" He considered his options, then shook his head. Alphys leaned to look at the paper, it seemed her friend grew tired of writing and made a drawing. "What's that?"
"It's me! Well, not me me, but my cooler form!" It showed a winged godlike creature, shooting stars out of his hands. He was surrounded by a rainbow cloud.
"Oh! You drew inspiration from the manga I showed you?"
"Maybe? But this is way better!" He was grinning, proud of his successful creation. It took him some time to get used to grabbing pencils with his vines. Even though he couldn't make small things, his grasp was good enough to make a rough sketch.
"I like it! Give it a name!"
"What would they name it... " He whispered, barely audible. "Ah! I know what."
He took a black marker, and with a strange kind of handwriting and in all uppercase he wrote:
For the rest of the timeline, the drawing was put on the fridge with a magnet. He didn't get much information about the scientist that night, and saw less of her with every passing day
When he found out why, he reset. Many timelines went by. The ghost of the drawing was forgotten, but his ability to grab things stayed.
* * *
Alphys walked into the lab, putting on her labcoat over her dress. Her day was eventful, and her confession marked the start of a new time. She was feeling... better? Sure, her confidence had a long way to go, but she could handle it one thing at a time. Her smile dropped when she found a crumpled piece of paper, with a message scribbled with a black marker. It was a strange kind of handwriting, in all uppercase.
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witchiswriting · 4 years
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Summary: Dearest @thewalkingdead-imagines​ requested a fic with prompts  “You’re just a softie.” and “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.” So it’s basically a piece of fluff. Hope you enjoy!
Pairings: Negan x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, slight touching, Negan being Negan
Recently it’s been very busy for you and Negan. After taking over a new place with your boyfriend your quality time starts to get lessen. Forming a new authority was hard and keeping people in line was harder.
The Sanctuary had ruled by a horrible excuse of a man for a long time. When you and your boyfriend Negan came across the place you two thought maybe you finally found your permanent home. All of your old groups had been slaughtered but you two managed to survive.
At first, everything seemed okay with your new home. Negan was working right under the leader. He charmed the douche in such a short time. After all Negan was a born-ready leader and sharp.
But things started getting weird after a month or so. Several disgusting incidents as rape and physical abuse took place and that shit excuse of a leader just gave the people who’s been abused a pep talk about how they must protect themselves.
Not too long after the events, you and Negan started to spend long nights over discussing how you can discard the leader and take charge. No one deserved this bad treatment even if it’s apocalypse.
So, that was how you had taken over the position as leaders. Negan was proud to lead with you along his side. Things were getting better, but the leadership also brought long working hours and frequent runs to turn this place into a proper and safe one.
Negan has been gone for two days with a few men, they were looking for supplies and trustworthy people to bring back. The Sanctuary had its resident but with the new changes Negan found himself in need of more people.
You huffed as you finished your work at the inventory. You took the job of finding people, especially women, a job. That misogynistic asshole considered women nothing but a doormat. So, you paid extreme attention to give everyone a fair and suitable job.
Feeling tired and hungry you took faster steps to your room, smiling and having a small talk with people on the way. You were content with the things.
There was one thing which bothers you. After becoming the leader, Negan became the new attraction of some single women. They tried to threw themselves at him repeatedly, but he brushed them off instantly, though it did nothing to lessen your jealousy.
Just as you reached the door one of your assistants came next to you, she seemed out of breath.
‘Y/N, they’re back.’ She said with a cheerful tone.
Knowing Jane, you knew what she was talking about. Her husband was Negan’s right hand man Simon, so it was no surprise that she looks over the moon.
Despite all of your exhaustion, you immediately started toward downstairs. You and Negan has been together for a year now, but the time did nothing to appease your love and respect for each other.
Just as you stepped out of the gates, you met with a pair of familiar hazel eyes. Without giving a thought you just jumped into your lover’s arms.
Negan let out an amused chuckle. His deep voice rumbled through your ears. This man made you nothing but crazy for himself.
‘Fuck! Somebody’s missed me.’ Negan kissed your jaw, starting his way down to your neck.
‘Shut up. As you wouldn’t miss me if I go away for days.’ You nudged your nose along his.
‘Bold of you to assume that I’d leave you alone babe. You know me, I would get so lonely; especially at night.’ He smirked mischievously.
‘You horny bastard. Here I thought my boyfriend would be too sad staying without me.’ You feigned a hurt expression.
‘Sweetheart, you know what I mean. Also, you fucking know well that me and my dick don’t do fine without your smoking hot body.’ He grabbed your ass, making a scene for everyone without giving a damn.
‘Negan!’ you tried pushing him but ending up bursting into giggles.
After some more dallying with each other you finally decided to go back to your room so you can have some rest.
Along the way you came across Sherry, she was one of the women who tried getting into your boyfriend’s pants.
‘Oh, Negan. You’re back safe and sound. Thank God.’ She said with a sickeningly sweet tone.
‘Fuck yeah, I mean I’m invincible and my girl knows how strong I am.’ He bit his bottom lip teasingly. You know Negan was just fucking with her. He was well aware of the fact that his recent position piqued interest of some women and he made it his mission to mock them, repeatedly.
Although Negan was handling himself well you couldn’t help your jealousy. Negan’s been always a handsome man and now with being in charge his admirers started to increase. They weren’t getting the fact that he’s taken. No matter how hard he tries.
Putting an annoying smile on your face you cleared your throat before speaking. ‘Babe, do you mind reminding me how strong you are?’ You stood on your toes and bit his earlobe. ‘I might be forgetting it. You being gone and me being lonely…’ You put your hand on his chest, slightly fisting his white t-shirt to feel his toned body.
Negan didn’t even try to hold his growl back. ‘As you can fucking see I’m busy as shit right now, need to take care of my girl. So, have a nice day Shirley.’ Negan walked away nonchalantly but you failed at holding your laugh as you saw Sherry’s face when Negan called her Shirley.
When you reached to your room Negan let himself down on the bed. He was clearly exhausted and sleepy as fuck.
‘Doll, as much as I’d like to fuck your brains out for hours daddy needs his fucking beauty sleep. So, take of your clothes and lie down with me.’ He looked at you with his pleading puppy eyes.
Honestly, you were in no state to decline his offer since you too were exhausted as fuck, but his puppy eyes also made your heart flutter. ‘I lay with you if you take your shirt off.’
‘Dirty girl, never failing to amaze me.’ He bit his lower lip while chuckling. Started getting out of his shirt slowly, giving you a funny show.
You giggled loudly. ‘You know what Negan? You’d suck as a stripper.’ You straddled his hips.
‘Now why would you fucking say that and hurt my feelings baby doll?’ He faked a pout.
‘C’mon big boy, I need sleep as much as you. I’ve been working off my ass for all day.’ You hit him back to bed and put your head on his chest, playing with short curls on his chest.
‘Mmh. I’m gonna fucking remind you how talented I am with my dick and moves, after I fucking sleep.’ He mumbled sleepily and drifted off to sleep shortly after.
You felt a movement behind you and stirred. Your body was protesting for you to go back to sleep.
‘Fuck!’ you let out a yawn and turned around. You found yourself sprawled out on Negan.
‘What the hell Negan?’ you whined sleepily.
‘Doll, I don’t know if you fucking notice, but you’re using me as your own pillow.’ He huffed.
You raised your head with an annoying expression on your face. ‘Oh, pardon me mister. You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.’ You stated as a matter of fact.
‘You’re lucky you’re fucking cute, lie down baby.’ He muttered in a loving voice.
‘Did you seriously wake me up for that and now you’re telling me to continue using you as my fucking personal pillow?’ You hissed, getting interrupted while sleeping is one of the things you despised the most.
‘Babe, c’mon let’s go back to sleep and after that we can make sweet love.’ He begged with his eyes closed.
‘What? You, Negan, are going to make love to me? You’re just a softie.’ You let out a laugh.
‘Don’t tempt me little girl.’ He tried to sound stern as possible, but the exhaustion was clear in his deep tone.
‘Oh, what would you fucking do, daddy?’
In an instant he flipped you over and now standing between your legs, thrusting into your pelvis slowly.
You couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan.
‘What were you saying baby girl?’ He chuckled with an erotic undertone in his voice.
‘Fuck! Negan, stop teasing and get into it!’ You started grinding yourself on him.
You aren’t getting any sleep tonight.
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digital-corruption · 3 years
I. Think. I'm. Finally. Done. Editing! It didn't help that this week has been very strenuous at work and I've been falling asleep right after dinner. Thank you for your patience.
⚠️ The following content contains bucket tons of smut. It is not suitable for people under the age of 18 so if you are under the age of 18, GET LOST. There is no plot here so by skipping this you will miss nothing.
Haunted by the Past Part 77.5
As soon as the hotel room door shut behind Jake, even before turning on the rest of the lights, he was grabbing and pulling at my clothes frenziedly. I had to help him to keep him from ripping them off my body. He came so damned closed to ripping my panties. Since all of my effort was spent keeping him controlled, I now found myself naked and pinned against the wall by a still fully clothed Jake. One hand held my hands about my head while his other hand went between my legs all the while he sucked and nipped at my neck. He inserted one finger, then a second, and rubbed furiously at my insides.
“Mmm, Jake, slow down, we have the room for the entire night,” I moaned.
“I don’t think you understand,” he whispered in my ear. “Tonight you are mine.”
Jake withdrew his fingers before I reached my climax. He clumsily unzipped his pants and pulled them down to reveal his hard, throbbing penis. He released my hands to lift my legs up and around him as he pushed his cock into me. Relentlessly he pounded into me against the wall. Desperately I tried to control my screams of pleasure.
“Don’t hold back. I want everyone to know. I want them to wish they were us,” he grunted.
I moaned at the top of my lungs, which drove Jake in frenzy. His fingers dug into my thighs as he pounded even heavier into me. My eyes rolled back as he pushed me over my edge and I came all around him. Jake pulled out and let me gently back down. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the far side of the room. With one move he pulled back the curtains to the night cityscape. With the next move he pressed my face and chest into the window, having bent me over so he could take me from behind. His fingers ran down my back, lightly grazing his nails like he was fighting the urge to leave deep scratches. His fingers stopped at my hips where he grabbed them roughly and slammed back into me.
Within no time, Jake was back to pounding into me, but my legs were getting weaker. My knees started to shake. I pushed back against the glass and arched my back a bit. Jack grabbed my head by the roots of my hair and arched me further. I was at his mercy and I accepted it. I didn’t just accept it, I loved it. I craved it. When he stopped suddenly all I could do was whimper.
“Let me hear you ask for it,” he ordered with a slap on the ass. “Let me hear you beg for it.”
“Jake please,” I moaned.
He slapped me again, “Jake please what?”
“Jake please fuck me,” I continued.
Another slap, “I’m already doing that.”
“Jake please cum inside me. I'm yours,” I groaned.
Jake snickered, “You are.”
He pulled harder on my hair, forcing me to arch more and pulling my head further away from the glass as he rammed ruthlessly into me. We both moaned loudly, uncontrollably. I came heavily again and he shortly after. Our mutual messes dripped down my thighs while I was kept there, presented in front of the window while Jake twitched inside me.
There was a knock on the door and the soft call of “Room service.” I had completely forgotten that we had ordered it downstairs in the lobby. Jake pulled away and moved to the door, grabbing his pants as he went. I weakly sat down on the bed still in a complete daze. After swiftly pulling his pants back up, Jake opened the door and pulled the room service trolley into the room. The door closed and Jake decided it was time to turn on the rest of the lights for the room. As he pushed the trolley towards the bed he grabbed the bathrobe from the closet and tossed it to me to put on.
“I can’t help but feel that things are a bit uneven between us,” I commented as I put the robe on.
“What are you talking about?” Jake looked at me confused as he sat down on the bed next to me.
“You’re fully dressed and I’m not,” I frowned.
Jake smirked devilishly, “No sense wasting time putting your clothes back on when I'm just going to tear them off again as soon as you finish eating.”
Jake removed the two covers from our dishes. He ordered a simple spaghetti with meatballs while I had a roast meal. While I leaned forwards to dig in, Jake leaned back and watched me eat.
“You’re not going to eat yours?” I looked at him puzzled.
“Mine's too hot,” he replied.
I shrugged and went back to eating mine. While I ate, he barely touched his, only eating small amounts of it. By the time I declared myself full, he had barely made a dent in his.
“You’re done?” asked Jake as I eagerly drank the water.
“Mmhmm,” while swallowing. “You still barely touched yours. It should be a good temperature now.”
“It is,” he responded darkly.
He leant over and kissed me tenderly while pushing me back on the bed. Once he had me lying down, he pushed aside the robe and knelt up between my legs to pull off his hoodie.
“Your dinner's going to get cold,” I laughed.
“No it’s not, you'll keep it warm,” Jake reached over and moved his plate beside me on the bed.
“What are you-" I was interrupted by Jake dribbling his spaghetti onto my abdomen. “Jake!”
“It’s a good temperature now?” he teased. “We both agreed that you’re mine. Therefore, I'll eat off you if I want to.”
With that Jake leant down keeping his eyes locked on mine as he slurped an entire noodle from one end slowly, causing it to slowly drag across my abdomen. As soon as he had slurped the entire thing he licked the sauce off my skin. I squirmed under him, but he held me still as he moved to the next. He had so much spaghetti left and he intended to take his sweet time eating one piece at a time off of me. The next time he dribbled the spaghetti across my breasts, sneaking nipple licks and sucks in. It was absolute torture. I wanted nothing more than for him to be finished and give me release from the heat he was building. However he had a very large bowl and he was making it last. I closed my eyes tight as the sensation of his mouth and tongue running all over was driving me insane. It was endless.
After a while I realized it was only him, he had long stopped eating his pasta and he was now just playing with me. He looked up and made eye contact with me again. He smirked and moaned as he licked from the base of my abdomen all the way between my breasts, up my neck to my chin. He repositioned his body over me, then began kissing below my ear. His fingers drifted down between my legs and rubbed gentle circles around my clit. I moaned uncontrollably as he left wet kisses down my neck. Jake’s breathing became heavier, raspier. He dragged his bottom lip back up my neck and nibbled on my earlobe. I ran my hand up the back of his head then raked my nails back down.
Jake pulled away and removed all of his clothes. He then pushed my legs up and spread them wide apart, giving himself full access to push in. He groaned loudly at the feeling of being inside again then leant forwards to kiss me while he started rutting into me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him to keep him close. We looked deeply into each other’s eyes. I was so lost in his I didn’t notice his hand drifting to my neck until he started squeezing gently. His face twisted as I gasped. He leant forwards and kissed my lips sensually as his hand gripped a bit tighter. There was so many mixed signals from him, like he couldn’t make up his mind how he wanted to handle me.
“I don’t think you understand how crazy you make me,” he whispered, releasing his grip on my neck.
“I have an inkling,” I smirked.
“Because of you I am now free,” he spoke softly. “And yet all I want to do is tear into you. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Does it have to make sense?” I questioned.
“You'll stop me from hurting you, won’t you?” he pleaded.
“Yes,” I muttered before crushing my lips onto his.
He moaned against my lips and slid his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues tangled as his hand shifted from my throat down to my hip. His fingers clawed up my skin. I groaned with pleasure against him. He grinded more passionately into me. My hands clawed at the back of his shoulders. He grunted deeply and pulled away. He turned me over forcefully. His hands grabbed my hips, pulling them up into the air as he slammed back into me. I screamed out in pleasure as I nearly orgasmed on the spot. With the second thrust hitting into my cervix, I did.
“Oh, fuck!” Jake cried out as I came around him.
He reached for my arms. Gripping one in each hand he lifted me up and fucked me in a frenzy. I was no more than a ragdoll in his control. My body started to go limp as my mind emptied. I could not form any thoughts other than how much I loved being used by him. He let go, letting me collapse into the bed as his hands gripped my hips roughly. His fingers dug into my skin. I pushed myself up on my arms so I could push back against him. One of his hands ran nails down my back possessively, then slapped my ass. He grunted and growled like a feral beast. His pure lust kept flooding into me, overwhelming everything else. The next orgasm would be it, it would be my end. I would not be able to function after. I moaned louder and louder as it built up until I was screaming in ecstasy as it washed over me. Jake rammed heavily into me before flooding me with his cum, crying out as he did.
I slumped onto the bed, my body quickly shutting down to sleep. Jake twisted me around to my side so he could spoon me. My eyes were so heavy that I couldn’t keep them open. His entire body wrapped around me and held me close to him. As I drifted off to sleep, he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.
I woke up the next morning still in Jake’s tight, loving embrace. I glanced at the clock in front of me and frowned.
“Go back to sleep,” Jake grumbled.
“It’s already 9,” I pointed out. “Check out is at 10.”
Jake groaned, “That’s not even enough time for one more round.”
“You've had enough rounds,” I laughed. “We live together, remember?”
“Yes, but then I have to care about the messes we make,” he reasoned. “Come on, I’ll help you to the shower.” Jake rolled out of bed groggily and walked over to my side.
“I can get myself to the shower,” I frowned. I went to stand up, but my legs nearly gave out so I sat back down.
Jake chuckled as he helped me stand, “Will you accept my help now?”
Jake walked with me to the bathroom. He filled a glass with water for me to drink while he got the shower temperature ready. Like an absolute gentleman he helped me into the shower. The shower ended up taking most of the hour as we could hardly keep our hands and mouths off each other, but we did eventually make it out of the room by 10.
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
Girl Crush
Summary: This time, Sylvie does not laugh at the bluntness of Kim’s words, instead blushing a fierce shade of pink. She was only half looking at Kim when she said those words, but now Sylvie looks at the other woman more directly. She is greeted by Kim looking at her—although, maybe staring would be more accurate. It’s an intense look, a look her friend has never given her before, a look that says that maybe Kim doesn’t want to be just her friend tonight.
Or; at the end of 3x23, Sylvie doesn't go home with Roman-- but instead with Kim. And gets the fucking she deserves.
Warnings: Smut, smut, smut. This is just my excuse to give Sylvie the orgasm she deserves and the one she clearly did not get with Ratman. And so there's also Roman bashing bc Roman is trash.
Word Count: 4.5k
Read on AO3
Notes: For @gilbxrt-blythe bc Abby started™ something in my mind on Sunday, thus leading me to writing this all yesterday bc,,, our girls deserve so much better than Sean Roman and this fandom needs more wlw content. Let's save our darling girls!!
Someone’s hooking up tonight.
Chili’s words go around in Sylvie’s head all night. Largely, she ignores them—or rather, tries to—just focusing on the beer she’s sipping faster than usual and the joyous atmosphere in the bar but there’s those moments it creeps into her thoughts.
Her PIC is right about one thing, the thing she said about volcanoes. The firehouse has been so tense of late and she can tell that a weight has been lifted off them, and Sylvie thinks that’s quite like a volcano. But she—perhaps, stubbornly—refuses to admit Chili might be right about the hooking up part.
If anyone was to know Sylvie’s thoughts, know that she’s trying, more vehemently that she should, to deny that, they question why. To which Sylvie would just claim that it’s because she hates gossiping about her co-workers, people who are her friends are family, and that she doesn’t like speculating on their sex lives.
Sylvie even tried to insist this to herself, not that it works. How can it when she can feel her toes curl slightly at the thought of just... Throwing everything to the wind and just enjoying some pure, unadulterated primal ecstasy. That she finds herself subconsciously looking around the bar, as if she’s trying to find a suitable candidate.
She has always felt the weight of her friends’ turmoil so heavily. Empathetic to the core, her father said, when he grinned at her becoming a paramedic, telling her it’s what she was born to do. She likes it, she does. She likes caring about those important to her, to care about anyone who’s a decent human—and even those who aren’t—but it gets tiring, feeling the weight of their unhappiness on her shoulders.
It’s not even like she was directly wrapped up in the drama going around in the house, but it was so intense—a volcano getting ready to burst. And something tells her that she won’t be able to shake it off with just getting drunk amongst her friends.
“Hey, Brett,” Sylvie looks to her left, seeing Sean Roman slip into the seat beside her. The paramedic smiles at him, ever polite, turning so she’s more face on to him. He was close to her before she shifted, and she thought that would be annoying, if he wanted to converse.
Only, Sylvie quickly gets that he doesn’t have talking on mind.
The patrol officer is quick to close the space between them again, shifting himself and resting a hand on the back edge of her seat. She could get away if she wanted, but it gives off a certain trapped vibe, a vibe that shows exactly the kind of intentions Roman has.
There’s a twist of uncomfortableness in her stomach. Roman is sort of attractive, she guesses, although she doesn’t know if she’d fully trust her taste in men yet; there being too many wrongly stacked choices compared to the right. But even if he was the hottest specimen she had ever seen, there’s something off putting about his approach, leaving her with the impression he doesn’t want her to move away from him.
But there’s that volcano inside her, wanting to explode, and the alcohol is already coursing through her veins, so despite the sober parts of her brain metaphorically screwing up its nose at the officer, Sylvie doesn’t attempt to move again, instead leaning on her arm, interested in whatever he has to say.
“I’ve got a few more interesting stories like that, if you want to hear more?” Roman smiles hungrily at her, his eyes making her feel like a piece of meat. He had just finished telling her an amusing story from patrol and she gets the impression that’s his hook, and that now he’s trying to reel her in.
“The bar’s a bit loud, though. So we should go back to mine,” There it is, the beginning of the reel. He’s looking hopeful at her, and there’s an attempt to look appealing, sexy. It doesn’t work, but Sylvie finds herself shrugging, thinking that she could do a lot worse that Sean Roman.
“Hey, Sylvie. Roman.” Before she can agree, Kim appears, seemingly out of nowhere.
The brunette is on the other side of her, her arm lightly touching her as she greets them. In a way, Kim is affectively penning Sylvie in like her partner did, but it doesn’t make her stomach twist in that same uncomfortable way. There’s some meaning to that, she knows, but she doesn’t bother to reflect on what.
“Hey, Burgess.” Roman seems irked. He’s looking at her rather rudely, and Sylvie doesn’t like that. She cares about her friends and Kim is one of her first Chicago friends who doesn’t work with her. So she grins at her a little wider then she already would, wrapping her arms around the other officer.
“Hey, Kim!” If Roman picks up on the pointedness in Sylvie’s tone, he doesn’t let on.
“Hi,” Kim smiles at her again, repeating a greeting before continuing and Sylvie must be a little more tipsy than she thought because her mind is immediately drawn to how pretty Kim looks when she smiles. “Chili had to leave early and asked me if I could drive you home instead. She said sorry, but there was a cute guy who she needed to know a bit better,”
Sylvie knows instantly that Kim is lying. Chili asked no such thing, considering she wanted to get absolutely wasted tonight and had no intention of driving herself home, let alone Sylvie. This lie is an anchor, a get out of jail card, a bailout. For who, she doesn’t know—doesn’t think that she’s too drunk to need it, but she takes it anyway.
“Oh, she promised she wouldn’t!” Sylvie goes along with the lie Kim has spun. “I’m sorry for inconveniencing you,”
“Eh. It’s no problem.” Kim shrugs her off with a wave of a hand.
“I was actually about to leave myself. I can take Brett, you can just relax. That way I can continue telling her some patrol stories,” Roman inserts himself back in the conversation but Kim has no patience for him.
“We’re partners, I can tell her the stories. C’mon, Sylvie, let’s go.” Kim gently encourages Sylvie up. There’s a disappointment at not being able to expend all this tension away, but girl code is more important, and girl code is telling her to go with Kim.
“We have to walk around the block—I don’t actually have my car, so we’ll have to call a taxi.” Kim tells her when they leave Molly’s, arms linked. Neither of them are anything more than tipsy, but Sylvie finds herself giggling at her words.
“Then why did you drag me out? Was a guy bothering you?” She asks.
“Oh, trust me, I did that for you. You’d regret that so much tomorrow. The guy’s my partner and all, but he... I was on patrol with his ex. Going there—that wouldn’t give you any sort of satisfaction.” Kim explains, and Sylvie widens her eyes, giggling again.
“Really?” The irony of Sylvie spending the evening denying that she cares about gossip saying this, leaning in with intrigue, is not lost on her.
“Jenn didn’t say anything outright but... I asked why she got engaged so quickly and she expressed that he—her fiancé—is very talented with his tongue, if you get what I mean. I inferred the rest. A man who won’t eat out his girl is not a man worth your time.” Kim says very manner of fact, and Sylvie laughs at it, the brunette joining in shortly after.
“It’s the truth!” Kim insists through her laughter. They’ve walked around the corner, now, Kim quickly dialling for a taxi through her laughs.
“My ex fiancé never did.” Sylvie confesses when their laughter died down. Kim lifts an eyebrow.
“Never. He said it was disgusting. Didn’t stop him wanting me to suck him, though.” Sylvie can’t help the bitter edge to her words, thinking about Harrison and thinking about how she could waste her time on him. Kim, evidently, thinks the same.
“Life is too short for those kinds of men.” Kim says. Her words are assured, confident, just a statement and Sylvie just hums in response, thinking that Kim probably never wasted years like she did.
“Hey, Sylvie. I don’t mean that like... You deserve so much better.” Kim picks up on her sudden drop of mood. “I don’t know why we lower ourselves for arses like that, but you deserve so much better. Better than people like Harrison and Roman.”
“So do you—if your exes never..?” Sylvie quickly adds on and Kim lets out a snort.
“Oh yeah. I’ve dated my fair share of arseholes.” She nods. “I don’t know why they’re like this. You’re so pretty, I don’t know how anyone could want to fuck you and not completely worship you.”
This time, Sylvie does not laugh at the bluntness of Kim’s words, instead blushing a fierce shade of pink. She was only half looking at Kim when she said those words, but now Sylvie looks at the other woman more directly. She is greeted by Kim looking at her—although, maybe staring would be more accurate. It’s an intense look, a look her friend has never given her before, a look that says that maybe Kim doesn’t want to be just her friend tonight.
It deepens Sylvie’s blush.
The air between them immediately shifts, and it feels almost so natural, Sylvie finds herself questioning whether the air always felt this thick and charged. The air is heavy, and there’s this certain kind of electricity between them; an electric energy of sorts that reminds her of when she was eighteen and her friends and her caught a ride into the nearest big town and snuck into the club—and of Sylvie waiting outside for her friends after and sharing her first—and only—kiss with a girl.
“That’s cos we’re women, though? We know what we want.” Sylvie tries to push all those thoughts aside.
Tries to ignore what she feels building in the air—because surely, it’s just in her mind? Just because she was thinking about throwing caution to the wind and having a night of passionate, explosive sex—and tries to not focus on how pretty Kim looks, how she looks like she’s the best and worst decision she could ever make wrapped up in one.
On how Kim is looking at her with such intense eyes, almost hungry eyes, eyes that says she wants to be one of those men.
“That’s not just why. I wouldn’t just eat you out until you come screaming because I’m a woman, I’d do it because I want to make you come undone at my doing—like you deserve.” Kim’s words sends pulsating throbs through her body, and she can feel herself getting turned on, her body feeling like Kim has just found the secret code to her with just her words. Sylvie stares at Kim, with shock.
“You... I... What?” Sylvie splutters, unsure of what exactly Kim is saying.
“I’m just saying. You’re hot, Brett. I can see why Roman tried.” There’s a pause. “I’m not trying to ruin our friendship. Tell me if I’m wrong, that I’m not picking up on some things and I’ll shut up and just get you home. But if I’m right, I’ll fuck you right.”
“I...” Sylvie is facing Kim dead on, now, the space between them feeling like too much, electric and heavy. It’s dark, the only light being the street lamp. But it catches the side of Kim’s face, lighting it up in such a pretty way and it stirs something deep and primal inside her.
The dark, positively hungry eyes Kim is looking at her with doesn’t help, either. It’s not like earlier, with Roman, it doesn’t make her feel like a piece of meat. It makes her feel like she’s the world’s most precious delicacy and that Kim would give her left arm just to get a taste.
“You’re right.” The words are barely out of her mouth when Kim is closing the space between them. One of her arms slips around the blonde’s waist, pulling her flush to her, the other gently resting on the bend of Sylvie’s neck as she kisses her.
Kim’s lips are soft, her touch gentle. The kiss starts off slow, although Sylvie wouldn’t have thought it with the way her body immediately responds, aching and her heart beating. But then Kim deepens the kiss, encouraging her mouth to open wider, slipping in her tongue. Sylvie responds eagerly, her arms wrapping around Kim, practically grabbing hold of her so she can return the kiss more fiercely.
If this was a preview into the abilities of Kim’s tongue, Sylvie doesn’t think that she’ll have to work her long before—to use Kim’s words—Sylvie’s coming undone at her doing.
When the taxi arrives, honking it’s horn on the two, busy kissing each other like they’re the only people in the world, the alcohol running through their veins and their and respective tiring days edging them on, making them so filled with want for this, they pull apart, out of breath, chest heaving.
They share smiles, little light-hearted giggles as they pull apart, climbing into the taxi. Kim opens the door, grabbing at Sylvie’s hand as she does so before moving swiftly out the way so she can climb in first.
They don’t make out in the taxi. They’re not even jammed up too close together, their bodies just turned towards each other. They are close enough for them to still have their hands interlocked, although it’s more like their arms at places and for their feet to lightly tap at the other’s, playing a footsy kind of game but they’re friends, they shared a taxi before, they’ve even had this ease of physical contact before.
Sylvie would almost wouldn’t be able to tell that the line between friends and lovers had been blurred for tonight, if it wasn’t for the electric energy between them, from how Sylvie’s just waiting until they can get back to hers, and how whenever Kim moves her fingers up and down her arm, gently running against her skin, it feels like little shocks.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been to yours,” Kim says as Sylvie leads her up the stairs. They’re deviating between holding hands and not, joking around as they make their way. Sometimes Kim’s spinning ahead of her, their hands dropping from their grip, and sometimes Sylvie is.
“We have only known each other a year and we have busy jobs.” Sylvie points out. Kim sticks out her tongue playfully and Sylvie has to stop herself from capturing it, and kissing Kim again. “This is me.”
Sylvie goes in first, opening her front door and placing her keys in her pot. Kim follows, and Sylvie watches as the brunette kicks off her shoes immediately, shrugging off her coat. For someone who’s never been here before, Kim fills the air with a confidence and it only fuels Sylvie’s need, her own confidence as the volcano erupts.
With a swift kick, Sylvie shuts her door and then her hands are on Kim, pulling her close. She grabs her hand, stopping her from moving further away from her, pulling her to her and capturing her lips in a kiss.
“Hm,” Kim moans against her, kissing her with a casual, yet urgent force. The melodic hum is tinted in amusement, and she pulls away briefly, to Sylvie’s disappointment. “So, we’re going straight to this? Aren’t even going to ask if I want a beer?”
Her words are said in an amused tone, but Sylvie still finds herself blushing, cursing herself slightly.
“Oh. Right. Sorry. Do you—” She’s interrupted by Kim kissing her.
“You’re so easy to tease. Don’t worry, I don’t want anything to drink. Eat, maybe.” Sylvie goes to panic again but then she sees the glint sparkling away in her eye and she blushes, getting the play on words.
“Hm, well there’s only one thing on the menu if you’re,” she pauses, “Hungry,”
Sylvie could swear that Kim licks her lips but then the brunette is kissing her again and all thoughts go out of her head, the only thing on her mind being the taste of Kim and getting her to her bedroom as soon as she can.
Neither of them are determined to disconnect from one another for long, not even in the interest in getting to her bed unscathed from injuries. Kim hits into the sofa and Sylvie nearly trips over something she left on the floor, but the two stay touching, kissing each other hungrily and needily.
Sylvie would love to say that she savoured the moment Kim took off her top, but any clothes removed is done hastily, urgently, the clothes feeling too much, too intrusive. All Sylvie can do is give Kim a quick, appreciative look over after she tosses off her top.
Although, she thinks, that could do more with that Kim then helps her get her top off, and rewards her with her lips on her neck immediately after.
“There,” Sylvie manages to gasp out, pointing at which door is her bedroom’s, as Kim pushes her up against her wall, attacking her neck, nipping and sucking at the flesh. She’s going to have a mark there tomorrow, but tonight, tonight she doesn’t care, just tilting her head aside for her to have more access, her hands just grabbing at Kim as she does so.
Despite the urgency to get this far into her apartment, Kim has apparently decided they don’t need to finish the stretch right now, focusing on kissing along her collarbone, back up along her neck and jawline, stealing kisses from her lips before heading back down. She doesn’t go too far down with her kisses, but it’s enough to send Sylvie’s mind haywire, especially when she brushes along with her teeth.
All Sylvie can do is grab at Kim’s hair, the other hand resting on her waist, running up and down her back with her nails and moan at the kisses, grasping at her. One of Sylvie’s legs loops around Kim’s in a kind of way, pulling her lower body closer to her own, in the perfect place for Sylvie to grind against, needing to alleviate some tension.
It’s only when Kim’s hand snakes away from it’s current position and runs along the waistband of her jeans, deftly undoing her button and slipping inside does Sylvie gasp, pushing at Kim slightly. Kim’s hand is still cold from the cool Chicago night air, and Sylvie can feel the cold as Kim runs her hand against the cotton of her panties, lightly brushing over her throbbing clit.
“Bedroom. Kim, bedroom,” Sylvie gasps.
“Hm. Impatient, are we?” Kim grins at her, and Sylvie can’t help comparing it to a wolf looking at it’s prey. The brunette is so sweet and kind, Sylvie never would’ve guessed that she was like this—so confident and devious—in the bedroom. Or, rather, the hallway. But Sylvie wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kim steps away from Sylvie then, and she immediately misses the warmth of her body, and her hand's presence from where it was so close to where she wants—no, needs—her. She’s going into Sylvie’s bedroom, beckoning the blonde to follow.
Sylvie is starting to rather feel like putty in Kim’s hands, and she’s never been a passive participant in her sex life—well, except when she lets men (Harrison) rule how she should be—and she’s not about to start.
She follows Kim on through, and she already has an advantage knowing the layout of her bedroom. Sylvie’s hands are on Kim again, and she’s leading, practically pushing, Kim to her bed, the brunette having no choice but to lie down on it, Sylvie immediately straddling her.
“Not a very good cop, are you?” Sylvie teases her, and when Kim goes to protest, she grinds down slightly, knowing exactly where it’ll cause friction. It has the desired effect, Kim moaning, her eyes fluttering shut slightly. Her hands are resting of Sylvie’s hips, and they go up then, stroking at the soft skin of her stomach.
“Bra, off. Now,” Kim says, running a hand along the edge of the bra. Sylvie grins wickedly at her, wondering why Kim ever thought she still had the upper hand, to doll out an order.
“Yes. That’s a good idea.” Sylvie shifts down Kim slightly, resting more weight on her own kneeled legs, allowing for Kim to sit up. The brunette clearly thinks it’s so she can help Sylvie with the bra, but Sylvie catches her hands, stopping her, and instead undoes Kim’s bra.
Sylvie’s never been intimate with a woman like this. There’s been those dreams—day dreams and actual dreams—that she spent a while trying to ignore, and thinking she’ll never act upon. But she’s never, physically, been with one and whereas her confidence has gotten her this far, she falters as Kim takes off her bra.
There’s that hesitation, that hesitation that she wants Kim—needs Kim—that this is exactly how she wants to explode tonight, but there’s that knowledge that she’s inexperienced in this, hitting her as she’s confronted with Kim’s naked chest.
“Is this too much?” Kim picks up straight away that Sylvie is having a moment, her eyebrows furrowing, turning concerned. “We can stop or just make out. Whatever you want—consent still applies with two women, y’know, and I won’t mind.”
Sylvie looks at her, Kim’s voice so gentle and caring, her big, brown eyes only filled with concerned, and something inside her throbs and Sylvie’s hesitation wears off as she realises that there’s nothing to be intimidated by, and Kim won’t mind if she has to guide her a little.
“Nah, I’m just taking your beauty in.” Sylvie jokes, before adding more seriously, “This is exactly what I want, Kim.”
“Good.” Kim smiles. “Because I’m feeling that we should even things here.”
Sylvie should’ve know that Kim would take off her bra as soon as she could, the brunette raking her eyes greedily over her body. She grabs at Sylvie’s thighs, positioning her in a way that she can sit on her and they can kiss with ease.
Kim doesn’t spend long kissing her lips before she’s travelling again, her fingers gently tracing patterns on her back as she kisses down her neck, collarbone, going between kisses and nips. Sylvie tries to adjust herself so that she can kiss the dip of Kim’s shoulder as she does so, but Kim tries her hardest to stop any attempts, not wanting to be restricted in her own explorations.
When Kim’s mouth gets to her chest, she pauses. Sylvie has barely any time to wonder what will happen next when Kim’s hand is palming one breast, making her gasp in surprise. The brunette lifts her mouth from her body, instead taking advantage of her agape mouth, kissing her deep. And then she’s moving them, laying Sylvie down, shifting who’s winning this lustful game of cat and mouse they’re playing.
Kim doesn’t straddle her like Sylvie did earlier, just making them vertical, Kim between her legs. She’s squeezing her breast again, and then her mouth is around the other’s nipple, rolling her tongue around it, and Sylvie lets out a loud moan she’d almost be embarrassed about if it didn’t feel so good. Kim works her like this for god knows how long before switching.
And then Kim is once again pulling away and Sylvie pouts, to Kim’s amusement.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Kim coos at her. “I’m just taking off your jeans so I can fuck you with my mouth.”
Sylvie never knew hearing Kim swear could sound so hot.
“Your jeans too. I was you as naked as I am,” She doesn’t know how she still has brain power to compose thoughts, focused so much on the needy ache in her body.
Kim steps off the bed so that she can shimmy off her jeans. Her panties match the bra she was wearing and Sylvie couldn’t even describe how much that made her desire spike. She wonders if Kim was working today and if she changed before going to Molly’s—curious to know if Kim wore such lacy stuff to work.
Surely not? Sylvie sure as hell doesn’t, let alone wearing a matching set.
“Like what you see?” Kim flirts before climbing back onto the bed, immediately getting to work on helping Sylvie get off her own jeans. There’s a moment when they’re off that Sylvie gets momentarily self conscious of her near-naked body, but then Kim’s running a finger along her panties again, pressing down on her clit through the fabric.
The sound it elicits from her is a mix between a gasp, moan and whine.
“Kim,” Sylvie practically begs as she releases the pressure, resuming to gentle barely there strokes as she returns her mouth to her breasts, collarbone and neck. Kim seems to get the message because then she’s—with skill that makes Sylvie wonder just how many times Kim has done this—hooking her fingers around her panties and taking them off.
She doesn’t hesitate to resume her actions, now without the fabric in the way. Kim dips a finger inside her, her thumb brushing against her clit with differentiating levels of pressure and Sylvie can’t help but shut her eyes and moan at the sensation, Kim working her with her talented fingers.
“You’re so wet,” Kim whispers into her ear, nibbling against her jawline before adding another finger. She laughs hotly against her as Sylvie tightens, squeezing Kim’s fingers. She’s just about used to the feeling, and the motions, a pressure inside her building, but then Kim’s pulling them out and she’s whining.
And then Kim’s pulling away from her, and Sylvie just about opens her eyes, lifting up her head, in time to see down her body, looking devilishly. And then Kim’s licking her and it’s everything she’s wanted, needed, and her head is falling back down. Kim works her with her mouth, and all Sylvie can think is about how indeed, Kim is mightily skilled with her tongue.
The tension in Sylvie builds quickly, fast approaching her orgasm, Kim lapping at her and using her fingers to add that extra sensation, rubbing and pinching, alternating between making she’s in place and fondling her breasts and Sylvie’s gripping at her covers, gasping and whining as she writhes, overwhelmed at the sensations.
All thoughts have left her mind, and all Sylvie can focus on is the quick approaching climax, not caring about how lost in it she must be—not caring how loud she’s being, how unfiltered and uncontrolled she is, just focused on how good Kim is making her feel.
And then she reaches her climax, Kim is taking her over and she gets her wish—it’s everything Sylvie has needed, and she screams, full of ecstasy, her body overcome with sensation, toes curling as she comes around Kim’s tongue, the brunette continuing to lap at her, guiding her through her orgasm.
“That...” Sylvie pants as soon as she can. “That—exactly what I needed.”
It’s not perfect grammar, but she thinks Kim gets it, if how she smiles and moves so she’s cuddling against Sylvie, is any indication.
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Poe Dameron x Sex Worker Female Reader
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Summary: Poe’s found himself in a tight spot after a run in with the first order. Reader helps him out by lending him some clothes, though they aren’t exactly the proper attire.
A/N: Day 2 of 7 for my 500 follower celebration! This is my first Poe smut so I’m a bit nervous, I’ve only posted an angst piece for him before. I saw this post recently again and my head like ran wild with possibilities. Thanks to @reidlusts for helping fuel my thoughts! The premise is a bit ridiculous but I love it anyway! Requests are open!
Warnings: Leia’s infamous gold bikini but owned by someone else, Cross dressing, Reader is a stripper, Sub Poe, Begging, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Sex with a stranger
Masterlist Word count: 2.65k
The streets of Corellia were not a place I should have been in the dead of night but it's not like I had any choice in the matter. All the money I earned from work was invested in my savings so I could buy a ship to find a way off this wretched planet.
Speaking of work, it had been especially grueling today, the patrons had been more sleazy than normal (which was saying something) and my back was tense from the constant stress I had been put under by the manager. Normally, I’d be grateful for the job I had, stripping was not the most noble profession to have according to some people. But, it was the job that paid the most on this skughole planet plus it was a great boost for my confidence. However, the tension screaming in my body as I walked home that night dashed away any gratitude I had for the job at the moment.
If most of Corellia’s people had not been scum of the earth I would’ve found someone to warm my bed for the night. I’d have to be content with my own hand tonight I guess, I’d rather not get some disease by sleeping with a mildly attractive smuggler.
A noise from the back alley behind me caused me to swivel my head around. If one didn’t pay enough attention here you’d be robbed blind before you could even blink, so just for extra protection I pulled out my small blaster I had only for emergencies and set it to stun.
“Who’s there!” I shouted out with all the conviction I could muster, even though I had lived on Corellia for my entire life every time something like this happened I shook with a bit of fear.
I didn’t get a sentence out of whoever the stranger in the alley was, more of a rough grunt that sounded like whoever it was was in a struggle. Not wanting anyone to fall into harm's way I broached the entrance of the alleyway only to find something I wasn’t expecting. Instead of a man in a fight with another like I was expecting there was a singular man who was trying to put out a small fire that had erupted and had spread to the jacket he’d been wearing. Once I had gotten over the odd sight I moved forward to try and help him by pulling the jacket off of him, the stranger jumped at first not expecting the sudden touch of my hands. Pulling the leather jacket off swiftly I threw it on the ground, stomping it with my boots to get the flames to die. I got the fire to cease eventually though I was almost positive the jacket was ruined by the flames anyway.
“Thank you.” The mysterious stranger said gruffly sounding just as tense as I was. I turned to face him expecting a rougher man then I was met with. He looked like he had been through Mustafar and back, especially his clothes which were as destroyed as his jacket. Though he did have an air of familiarity to him.
“Aren’t you the flyboy that’s on those resistance posters?” He looked a little frightened at my words, probably afraid I’d turn him into whoever had been chasing him on this planet. I had recognized him specifically from the ones that were plastered outside the walls the club I worked at filled with the same shot of what I presumed to be the man in front of me. I put my gun away into my bag to reassure him slightly and made sure to put the safety back on.
“Yeah Poe- Poe Dameron” He supplied to me after a long pause of him gazing over me, no doubt trying to find out how much trust he could place in a stranger walking home from a strip club. I then gave him my name, a small token of good faith to him even though it was not nearly as important or valuable as his. “Do you happen to have anything I could change into in that bag of yours? I’d be eternally grateful.” I hesitated heavily before answering his question. Normally, I would help anyone in any sort of trouble even though I had little to spare myself. But, the options that I held in my bag seemed far more inadequate to me compared to the burnt clothing he was wearing.
“Ummm, the only thing I really have is this…” I pulled out what I had been wearing during my show earlier in the day, my cheeks blushing hard at the thought of the handsome pilot wearing my undergarments. The set I had been wearing was gold and maroon in color, it was rather expensive though it was worth buying for the extra tips I got just from wearing it. The gold wound around the bra in elegant detailing that paired perfectly with the bottoms that were made of a heavy gold chain that had a barely there flowing maroon skirt.
“No it’s fine I’ll just stay in this” He immediately remarked with a flushed face as soon as he had gotten a good look at what I had pulled out of my bag. I would have dropped the subject then and there if it wasn’t for the fact that one of his pant legs was almost completely shredded leaving less to the imagination then even my skimpy set and his shirt looked like it was hanging on his back by a thread.
“The walk to my apartment isn’t far, I’ve got more suitable clothes there, you wouldn’t have to wear it for long.” I hesitantly said not wanting to push him too far and push him away from someone who could partially insure his safety for the night.“Plus, I have a communicator you could use to get word back to the resistance.” He still hesitated at my offer, I didn’t know if it was still because of the outfit he’d have to wear or whether he was trying to contemplate if he could trust me fully or not. He’d already given me his name, which in these parts would be worth precious credits to most. Still, he must have weighed his options in his head, realizing that the random stranger in the streets was the only road ahead. He nodded his head in confirmation and hesitantly took the pile from me, then I turned around to give him some privacy.
Really the only thing he needed to put on was the bottoms so I was surprised to see that he put the top on at all, but maybe it just helped him feel more covered. The top fit much different on him compared to how it looked on me, I dare say he looked better than I ever did.
The bikini bottoms were the most scandalous part of the ensemble on Poe to say the least. It hid very little from the imagination- and it was only hidden by the long strip of maroon fabric that came down the middle. If he shifted in the slightly wrong direction I’d end up getting an eyeful I’m sure.
I couldn’t stop staring at the almost ethereal sight before me of the resistance poster boy being dressed in my lingerie, the only thing ruining the perfect image was the fact that we were still on the dirty streets of Corellia. Shaking my head I tried to get the image of his tan body in my clothes, though that didn’t really work too well the image of him was still burned into my eyes. Instead of dwelling on how much I wanted to jump his bones any longer I grabbed his hand guiding him quickly through the streets to get home fast and hopefully avoid any prying eyes that I’m sure Poe didn’t want gazing on his half naked body.
When we got to my rundown apartment I paused a little before leading him to my bedroom, even though my intentions were completely innocent, I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. I was surprised when he quietly sat on my bed not moving to remove the undergarments immediately or asking to get me some other clothes. Did he want me as much as I wanted him? I contemplated to myself in disbelief- there was no way he would do everything I wanted to do to him.
However, when I looked back up his eyes were blown wide in lust and I could see that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I commanded dominance over him as I straddled his thigh, then pulled him into a kiss full of teeth and tongue that gave away just how desperate he already was for me.
“You ok with me being in charge?” I asked after reluctantly pulling away from his lips, I wanted to make sure that he really did truly want this as much as I did. I didn’t have to wait for a response to this question I asked as he confirmed it to me with a breathless yes. So I then stripped off the rest of my clothes and moved to restraddle his thigh.
His muscled thigh flexed underneath me as I started to rock my hips over it to bring myself to pleasure, the barely there skirt was then bunched up into my hands to get a better look at him even though he was practically naked already. As I continued to undulate my hips on his thigh Poe became restless, his hands fisting the sheets underneath him until they looked as though they could break from the pressure. Even though I hadn’t explicitly told him he could not touch me without permission he seemed to understand that only I was able to give him what he wanted, he couldn’t just take it for himself. He had to ask politely- and maybe beg a little.
“Please.” Brokenly came from his lips while his head tipped back in frustration. I used the hand that wasn’t bunched up in the skirt to wrap around his jaw and tug his face back forward to look at me.
“Please what? What do you want?” His eyes went glassy almost like he was going to cry from my words alone.
“Please let me touch you!” The cry of his words from his lips was beautifully desperate and it was almost enough for me to give in. Instead I moved both of my hands to his, taking them in mine and pinning them above his head while leaning forward.
“No.” I whispered tauntingly into his ear, biting a little on the shell of his ear a little before continuing,“You don’t sound desperate enough.”
The high-pitched whine that came up from his throat made my clit throb, loving the way desperation looked on him. His whole body now glistening with sweat as well as his jet black curls that were falling down around his face, ruining the perfect image of the poster boy ruined just for me. I pulled off of him just before reaching my release, the only thing I wanted to be orgasming on was what was teasing me beneath the skirt and chain.
Slipping my hand underneath the gold chain of the bottoms I wrapped my hand around his hard cock, I bit my lip in anticipation of what I was going to do next- thinking about how big he’d feel inside me. I wanted to keep the outfit on him while fucking him so I pulled the panties down just enough so his cock sprung free. I started jerking him a bit making sure to spit into my palm to get my hand nice and slick for him. I didn’t do it to get him hard as he was already definitely there, I just liked to hear his incoherent pleads.
Finally I obliged the man who was now well past desperate after all the teasing from me, his eyes glistened with tears that threatened to spill over. I moved to fully straddle him lining up his cock to my wet hole. When I sunk down I made sure to go slowly to feel every part of him with the added plus of his choked sounds every time I took him a little deeper.
‘“Please can I touch you now?!” He almost growled out once I settled all the way down on him, though it changed into a dragged out high pitched whine,“I’ve been so good for you..”
“Yes you have been really good.” I pretended to contemplate his words for a second while starting to roll my hips in a steady rhythm, before pulling his hands from above his head to rest on my hips, giving silent permission for him to touch me to his heart’s content.
He took my permission immediately and ran with it, he lifted his torso up so he was now sitting up chest to chest with me then dipping his head down to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. He then started to meet my thrusts harshly pulling us both towards our respective releases at vigorous speed.
My release hit me after a blissful buildup, it was the longest most devastating orgasm I had had in forever, so powerful that it was borderline painful. After my high satiated I went back to rocking my hips fiercely to try and give Poe as good a release as I had just had. As soon as I wrapped my hand back around his jaw, pulling him into a filthy kiss then whispering “Cum for me” into his lips his release broke over him. I pulled out just in time, wrapping my hand around him to milk his high, he met the twists of my wrist with his own shallow thrusts to prolong his release. After a few more thrusts into my hand he came down, though he was still panting heavily. We sat together in content for a few minutes, Poe was cuddling into my chest while I ran my fingers through his inky black locks.
The communicator beeped, bursting the little bubble we had created just for ourselves, his general right on the other line ready to confirm his location and bring him home. He fiddled with the edge of the silken material of the skirt looking contemplative after he’d confirmed his location with the rescue team. I hoped he’d at least take my comm code with him when he left- Maybe that’s what he was worried about, I still was a relative stranger after all. I hoped he felt the immediate connection that I felt, that this wasn’t just sex. I floundered in the awkward silence cracking my knuckles a bit while he continued to fiddle with the edges of the fabric.
“Keep it… As a souvenir.” It may have been an expensive purchase and it would be a pain to give away but I knew I could never wear it again around my workplace without thinking about the man that was about to leave me.
“Could I take you as a souvenir as well?” His words shocked me- He wanted me to come with? I hadn’t shown him any skills that would be valuable to the resistance (I was a pretty damn good pilot but everyone on Corellia was)- The only explanation is that he wanted me to come back with him because he liked me, enough at least to want to continue being in my presence.
“You want me to come with you?” He nodded and looked at me with melancholy eyes, almost like he thought I was going to say no. I was taken aback by his sudden care for a person he’d just met, there was no way in Mustafar that I was going to say no, I’d gladly be his souvenir any day.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis Shanghai Special
Finally! My Shanghai special is done!! Whoop!! I hope you guys like it because this was pretty fun to adapt. So chronically speaking, this is set after the NY special and before Truth. Also due to the recent episodes, I had work in some good lukanette/adrigami content so enjoy :D
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ néng wéi nín fúwù ma? - Hello, how may I help you?
Móshù zhīzǐ- Son of Magic
Miraculous World: Legend of Lady Dragon
Luka...  Luka gasped as he tossed and turned in his bed, making Tikki look over at him in worry. Ever since the Blackout incidents, he had started to have terrible nightmares. The akumas certainly didn't help but this seemed like his worst one yet. Normally, he didn't toss too much in his sleep but tonight seemed to be different. She floated over and gently placed her paw on his forehead, frowning as he felt extremely hot.
 "Luka?" She whispered as he gasped and flinched. She frowned deeply as he mumbled something that didn't make much sense to her. She flew out of his room and to the kitchen. She searched through the cupboard and found a little bowl that she could carry. She filled it up with some water from the tap and flew back over to Luka's room, placing it on the bedside table next to him before flying back into the kitchen and ripping a small piece of cloth from the dish cloth. She flew back over and dipped it into the water before ringing it out and gently dabbing Luka's forehead as he took short breathes, similar to how he was when he got possessed by the akuma. She frowned to herself and glanced over at his phone, thinking about phoning Master Fu if he got worst. However before she could, he suddenly gasped and sat up, making her jump. "Luka?"
 He ignored her and got up, walking over to his draw before opening it and taking out the notebook that he used for his ideas as Anatis. She flew over and watched as he wrote it in before gasping as she realized he was writing something in a different language. She couldn't quite read it but it looked like it could be Chinese. She looked up at him and blinked as she saw his eyes weren't his usual blue but silver. She frowned deeply as he continued to write.
 "Luka?" She asked as he suddenly stopped before he dropped the pencil and jolted, blinking as he did. He frowned and looked over confused before looking at Tikki. She frowned as she saw his eyes were now back to been blue. "Luka? Are you ok?"
 "I... what happened?" He asked, confused as she frowned before pointing to the notepad. He picked it up and looked at it before frowning. "Did I write this?"
 "Yeah," Tikki replied as he looked at it in confusion. "I think it's Chinese,"
 "But I can't writing in Chinese," Luka gasped, looking at her. "I can only say very basic phases that Master Fu has taught me,"
 "Then we should see Master Fu," Tikki gasped, making Luka look at the note. "He can speak Chinese so maybe he could translate it,"
 "That's a good idea," He replied, placing the note down. "We should go there now. Tikki! Spots on!!"
 He transformed into Anatis and picked up the notepad, frowning a little as he looked at it before closing it and placing it into his yoyo. He placed a couple of cookies in his yoyo for Tikki as well before opening the porthole and climbing out. He threw his yoyo up and wrapped it around a lamp post before pulling himself upwards and landing on it. He dived off it and threw his yoyo, swinging through the city before landing on in the alleyway, dropping his transformation. He caught Tikki and placed her in the pocket where the cookie was before walking into the building. He carefully made his way to Master Fu's apartment before lightly knocking on the door and opening it.
 "Master?" He asked, hearing a snoring noise. He glanced over and saw Master Fu asleep on the massage mat. He let out a sigh and came inside, closing the door behind him. He knelt down and gently shook him. "Master, wake up,"
 "Huh?" Master Fu asked as he woke up before blinking and sitting up. "Luka? What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"
 "Everything is fine, Master. There's no akumas or sentimonster," He replied as Tikki flew out of his pocket, making Master Fu frown. "And I'm sorry to wake you like this but..."
 He reached into his pocket and took out the notepad before opening it to the page he wrote on before handing it to Master Fu.
 "Can you translate this?" He asked, making him frown a little more before Master Fu took it and glanced at it. "Tikki think it's Chinese..."
 "She is quite correct," Master Fu replied as he read over it. "Interesting thing about Kwamis. They can speak any language in the world but they find it very difficult to read them,"
 "Really?" Luka asked, looking at Tikki who nodded. "Oh... can you read what it said, Master?"
 "Yes, I can. It appears to be some kind of riddle and instructions," He replied, making Luka and Tikki frown. "It reads as follows. Find the red dragon and locate it's pearl. Hidden deep within the Dragon's cave, there lies the secrets of the Phoenix,"
 "What does that mean?" Luka asked, confused as he looked at Tikki, who shrugged. Master Fu pulled a face.
 "Well, the red dragon happens to be a nickname for China," He explained, making Luka look at him in surprise. "I think it's telling you to go to China,"
 "But what about Hawkmoth? And what does the rest of it mean?" Luka gasped, moving near to him. "What does it mean locate the pearl? The pearl of what? Does China even have a pearl?"
 "Actually, it does," Master Fu replied, making Luka look at him with surprise. "If the red dragon is china, the pearl you must locate is Shanghai. You see it is known as the Pearl of the Orient but I do not know what the Dragon's cave is or what the secrets of the Phoenix is but maybe it has something to do with Master Feng. Did you have one of your dreams before you wrote this?"
 "Yeah..." Luka replied, frowning. "But I don't remember writing it. Do you really think it's linked to him?"
 "Yes. Master Feng took the name Hao Feng because of what it means," Tikki explained, making Luka look at her. "He thought it was suitable for him,"
 "Why?" He asked, frowning a little. "What does it mean?"
 "It means Good Phoenix," Master Fu explained as Tikki nodded.
 "Wait so the secrets of the Phoenix could mean Feng's secrets?!" Luka gasped, looking at them. "We have to find them! It could explain how I'm connected to him,"
 "But I do not know what the dragon's cave is," Master Fu sighed. "And we still need to worry about Hawkmoth,"
"Oh right..." Luka sighed, looking down. Part of him wanted to go to Shanghai and locate the dragon's cave but he also had to be here at the same time and it's not like he could be in two places at once. He let out a sigh, unsure what to do. Master Fu, however, smiled at him as he passed him a cup of tea. "What do I do?"
 "I think you should go there," Master Fu answered as he took a sip of his own tea, making Luka look at him with surprise. "But ultimately the choice is up to you,"
 "I think I should talk to Lady Noir," Luka muttered, finishing his drink and standing up. Tikki flew over to him and settled on his shoulder as Luka put the notepad into his pocket before he looked up at Master Fu. "Thank you for the help, Master Fu. Sorry for waking you up so late,"
 "It is quite ok, Luka," He replied, nodding. "If you experience anything else or come to a decision then please come by again and let me know,"
 "I will do," Luka replied, walking over to the door and opening it as Fu began to tidy up. "Good night, Master Fu,"
 "Good night, Luka," He replied as Luka left. He exited the building and re-transformed before swinging through the city. He decided not to go home straight away and made his way to the Eiffel Tower, setting on the top of it as he sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair before taking out the notepad and looked at the note he wrote. He traced his fingers over it as he frowned. It really was in Chinese but he barely knew it. He could say a number of phases that Master Fu taught him but that was as far as it went and he knew he definitely couldn't write it.
 "What is happening to me?" He muttered as he frowned. He put the notepad back into his yoyo before looking out to the city as the sun began to rise. Taking a deep breathe, he stood up and leaped from the tower, free falling as he did before he threw out his yoyo and swung through the city. He landed on the Liberty and flipped down before sliding through the porthole into his room. "Tikki, spots off,"
 His transformation dropped as Tikki reappeared, causing him to catch her before he gave her the other cookie. She grinned and took it as he gently placed her on his desk before heading outside. He carefully made his way past Juleka's room and climbed up onto the deck before scaling the mast and hooking his legs over part of it before letting himself fall backwards so he was hanging upside down before he began to start his workout as he thought about things. He really needed to get to the bottom of this. It was bad enough that Hawkmoth had been trying to target him and he didn't want to think about what happened with the press. He was just glad that today was the last day of school. He had a lot of plans for the summer holidays, both as Luka and as Anatis. He would be hanging out with everyone when they got a chance and he was going to try and track Hawkmoth as Anatis. Since Hawkmoth had made an appearance in New York, Luka had been trying to work out his identity more then he already had. He had investigated a couple of his suspects but so far nothing had turned up. Apparently, Hawkmoth had been taking precautions himself. Probably because if he didn't, the government would arrest him for war crimes and terrorism. As Anatis, he had also kept in touch with Jess and asked her to locate any clues that Hawkmoth may have left in New York. She was due to video call him and Lady Noir tonight. She had also informed him of the appearance of a native guardian whom she had began to work with to create a new generation of heroes. Luka had advised her to be careful in case of anything but he had yet to meet any of the new guardians himself. Gradually, he lowered himself back to his original position and took a deep breathe as he hung upside down with his eyes closed. The sound of the door opened, causing him to open his eyes as Juleka walked over to him.
 "What are you doing?" She asked, looking up at him. He smiled and grabbed on the beam, freeing his legs before sliding down the mast. Juleka rose an eyebrow as she looked at him. "You're getting weirder and weirder,"
 "I'm just working out," He replied, making her frown. "What? It helps with my flexibility,"
 "Right..." She asked, rising an eyebrow. "Are you trying to impress Marinette? Cause trust me when I say she's already impressed,"
 "Really? I mean... I'm not trying to impress her," He gasped, going a little red before sighing. "I'm just trying to make sure I can actually escape if akumas continue to come after me,"
 "Oh, right... that makes sense," Juleka nodded, frowning before looking down at the floor. "You know I'd protect you right?"
 "I know," He smiled, ruffling her hair as he walked by. Juleka gasped and shouted at him as he laughed and headed downstairs. He headed to his room and grabbed some fresh clothes and a towel before heading to the bathroom. He took a quick shower before getting changed. Once that was done, he headed back to his room and dried his hair before putting on his shoes and socks then packed his bag for the day. He opened his jacket for Tikki, who flew into his jacket before he headed into the kitchenette and made some breakfast for himself as Juleka sat down. "You ok?"
 "I just want today to hurry up and pass," She replied, looking up at him. "I'm so ready for the holidays!!"
 "Same here, Jewel,"
 ~Later That Night~
 "Dragon's Cave?" Anatis sighed as he tapped the pen against his chin. He was sat at on top of the Arc de Triomphe, trying to work out the last part of the riddle. He sighed and looked up as he saw Lady Noir land on the building and walk over to him. "Hey, Kitten,"
 "Hey, Annie," She grinned, sitting down. "So I checked the south side and west side. No akumas over there. What about you?"
 "North side and east side is clear as well," He replied, looking up and putting his pen away. Lady Noir rose an eyebrow as he closed the note book. "I'm trying to solve a riddle,"
 "Anything I can help with?" She asked, moving a little closer to him as he reopened the book and showed her. "Find the red dragon and locate it's pearl. Hidden deep within the Dragon's cave, there lies the secrets of the Phoenix... hmm so you've solved some of it I see,"
 "Yeah. Master Fu helped me with it but I don't get what the Dragon's Cave is," He sighed, making Lady Noir think.
 "Maybe it's a nickname for a place?" She asked, making him look at her. "I mean... Red Dragon is a nickname for China and the Pearl is a nick name for Shanghai so maybe the Dragon's Cave is also a nickname,"
 "That's a really good suggestion," He smiled, writing down 'nickname?' on the paper before putting it away. "I'll research it later,"
 "Ok," She grinned, looking up to the sky. "Think we're gonna get an akuma tonight?"
 "Probably not," He replied, lying down and placing his hands behind his head. "It's been pretty quiet for the past couple of days,"
 "Think Hawkmoth is planning something?" She asked, lying next to him.
 "Possibly," He replied before looking at her. "Do you ever have weird dreams?"
 "Like what?" 
 "Like of the past,"
 "You mean like when you dreamt about Bunnyx?" She asked, glancing over at him. He sighed and nodded. "Well.. sometimes I have dreams about past cat holders but they're very few and far between. Though I did once have a dream about been a princess in Ancient China once but I think that might have been my imagination. Why? Are your dreams getting worst? Do I need to be worried?"
 "No need, Kitten. I was just curious," He replied, making her let out a sigh of relief before he looked back at the sky. "For the record, I think you would be an amazing princess,"
 "Nah... too formal for me," She grinned, making him laugh. "I'd be like Hua Mulan. A totally badass!"
 "I see it," He chuckled before stretching and yawning, making Lady Noir laugh before he stood up and offered her a hand. She took and he pulled her to her feet, causing her to grin and stretch. "I'm thinking one more check around the city then home,"
 "Sounds good to me, Annie," She grinned before running over the edge of the building and diving off it. He chuckled as he saw her jump across to the other building before heading the other way and jumping. He threw out his yoyo and swung through the city but nothing seemed to be happening at all. Once he was satisfied, he headed back to the Seine and landed quietly on top of the Liberty before slipping through the porthole and dropping his transformation. He caught Tikki and gently placed her in her little bed as she stretched before handing her a cookie. She muttered a thanks and began to eat it as he got changed into his PJs before getting into bed. Tikki looked over as he sighed a little.
 "You ok, Luka?" She asked as he moved his hands behind his head.
 "Yeah," He replied, glancing up to a ceiling as he thought about what Lady Noir suggested. "A nickname huh?"
 "What was that?"
 "Something Lady Noir said," He replied, turning on his side so he could see Tikki a bit better. "She said that Dragon's cave might be a nickname for an actual location in Shanghai,"
 "That's a good idea," She replied, yawning. "But maybe google it in the morning,"
 "Yeah," Luka agreed, yawning as well. He leaned over and turned off his lamp. "Good night, Tikki,"
 "Good night, Luka,"
 ~Fuzanglong Waterfall, approximately 4000 Years Ago~
 "Hello?" The man shouted as he walked into the cave hidden behind a waterfall. He wasn't a young man but neither was he old. He had dark hair but it had began to turn silver and he had a few winkles across his face. His clothes were simple but well made and he had a blade at his side. He glanced around before noticing another man said in the middle of the room. His legs were crossed and his eyes were closed. He had his hands resting on his knees and appeared to be asleep. He was dressed in a dark gray hanfu with matching pants but had no shoes on. He was sat in the middle of the cave surrounded by a lot of colorful quarts crystals. The man gasped before getting down on his knees and bowing to the mediating man as he opened his eyes, revealing them to be silver in color. "Master Feng, it is a honor to see you again,"
 "No need for formality, Bao," He replied, getting up as Bao stood up. Feng smiled and hugged him, causing the man to gasp in surprise before returning the hug. The two men pulled part as Feng smiled. "It is very good to see you,"
 "And you," He replied, looking at him. "I see time has been kind to you. You barely look any older then the day we met,"
 "I have good genetics," Feng laughed, making Bao chuckle as well. "How is your school going?"
 "Very well thank you," He replied, nodding and smiling as he thought of his students. They were all full of honor and respect but he shook his head before turning to Feng. "But I have to ask... why are you here?"
 "I have a favor to ask you," Feng sighed, making Bao frown a little as he reached into the side bag he had one and took out a small wooden box. He placed it on the ground before taking out another box and something wrapped in cloth. Bao rose an eyebrow. "I need you to guard these two items,"
 "For how long?" He asked, making Feng sigh.
 "For as long as necessarily," He replied, making Bao frown a little. "I know it is a lot but I can't trust anyone else with this,"
 "Not even Piao and Hēi?" He asked, making Feng's eyes fill with sadness. "Feng?"
 "They are gone," He replied, frowning before blinking away tears. He sighed and gave Bao a smile as he looked at him. "I'm fine... anyway, this is more important. Will you look after them?"
 "Of course," He nodded, making Feng smile before he walked over to one of the walls and traced his hand around it. "But can I ask what it is?"
 "Something that could be very dangerous in the wrong hands," He replied before moving his hand back, causing the wall to crack as a small cave was created. Bao watched in amusement before Feng stepped inside. He opened the little box and touched the amulet inside it, causing kwami like creatures to appear but only he could see them. He looked at them as they looked back at him. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
 "This is for the best," The Dragon, Long Long, declared. "Mei Shi can test any human who seeks the Prodigious to see if they are worthy,"
 "As long as you are happy to stay here," Feng replied, causing Bao to give him a confused look before he removed his fingers from the amulet and closed the box, causing the creatures to disappear. He moved his hand again, creating a pedal of stone. He sighed and placed the box on the pedal before walking out of the cave. He glanced up over at an opening off the cave before moving his hand. The rocks began to move, creating a closing so a single of beam of moonlight was pointing towards the thing before Feng closed his eyes and held up his hands, muttering in a different language. The cave closed and a green seal appeared of it before  a flat circular stone rolled in the way of it before Feng walked back over to Bao, who was looking impressed. He had always found Feng's gift for magic amazing. He shook his head and looked at him as he held out a box. "This is the key to unlocking the seal. You can only use it on a full lunar eclipse. If you do, it will summon a dragon spirit called Mei Shi. Only he can open the cave and he'll want to test any who wishes to wield the Prodigious,"
 "I see," Bao nodded, putting the bracelet on. "I will guard it with my life,"
 "Thank you," He replied, picking up the item covered in a cloth. "I need you to watch over this as well,"
 "What is it?" He asked, making Feng look at it but he didn't answer. Instead, he just walked over to the other side of the cave and moved his hands again, creating a second cave. He stepped inside as rocks formed a second pedal. He placed it on it before walking over of the cave and lifting his hands, once again speaking in a different language, causing it to close. He finished his incarnation before taking off his glove and reached into his bag again. This time he took out a blade and slid it down the palm of his hand, making Bao gasp. "What are you doing?"
 "Blood magic," He replied, placing his bloodied hand  onto the wall before muttering the language again. This time, the blood moved and took the shape of a bird before glowing gold then disappearing. Feng sighed and held his good hand over his injured one, healing it as he walked back over to Bao. "It's a special seal,"
 "Are you sure sealing that is a good idea?" He asked, frowning. "What if you need it?"
 "The seal can be broken by the one who bears the soul of a phoenix," He replied, making Bao frown. "But it is safer here then anywhere else,"
 "Feng... are you in trouble?" Bao asked, making Feng look at him and smile a little.
 "I'm fine, Bao," He replied, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I'm just taking precautions that's all," 
 "You can tell me you know,"
 "I know," Feng nodded, placing the dagger back in his bag and placing his glove back on. "But now I must take my leave. It was good to see you, Bao,"
 "Are you sure you need to go?" He asked as they turned to walk away. Feng stopped and glanced over at the corner, smiling as if he could see someone there before leaving with Bao...
 Luka gasped as he jolted awake. He sucked in a breathe and let it out before getting up and heading over to the bathroom. He ran the tap and splashed his face with water before grabbing a towel and drying in face before looking in the mirror. He jumped as he saw Feng stood behind him before quickly looking over his shoulder. He frowned as he saw no one there before glancing back in the mirror. However, Feng was gone. He shook his head before walking back into his room and glanced at the time. 4am. He groaned and crawled back into bed, curling up on the side as he tried to get back to sleep. However, his mind kept drifting back to the cave so he got up and turned on his lamp before grabbing his notepad and wrote down his dream before going onto his computer and researching Dragon's cave in Shanghai but nothing came up. He groaned and shut down his laptop before getting back into bed and curling up again. This time he managed to fall back asleep but it was pretty restless sleep. Soon, his alarm went off and he got up, stretching out before getting ready for his day and the summer holidays. He had set up plans for it both as Anatis and as Luka. He would patrol a couple of times a day but also spending time with his friends. Since he wasn't at school for the next six weeks, he could work some extra shifts at his job. The summer holidays would be great. 
 ~One Week Later~
 "You want me to go with you to Shanghai?" Luka asked as Jagged played his guitar. He looked up and nodded. "Why?"
 "Because it will be rock and roll!" Jagged declared, standing up. "I'm doing a couple of shows there so I'll be there for a week and I figured we could use the chance to spend some father and son time together!! What do you think?"
 "I don't know, Dad," He replied, making Jagged frown as he put down the violin and flopped on the sofa. Fang crawled up onto his lap, causing Luka to pat his head. "Won't you be busy with set up on the show?"
 "A little bit yeah but since I'm only playing two days, we'll have like five days to do whatever we like," Jagged explained as Luka scratched Fang's chin. "I get it if you don't want to spend some time with your old man,"
 "It's not that, Dad," He replied, sighing. "I doubt even with my job I could afford a plane ticket plus I have commitments here,"
 "I'd pay for your ticket, expensive and we'll be staying in the best hotel in Shanghai!" Jagged declared with flair. "Fang will becoming with us and it's ok to get away from responsibilities from time to time you know,"
 "Alright... I'll think about it," Luka replied as his phone vibrated. He checked it and smiled, getting up before putting his jacket on as Fang moved over to Jagged. "I gotta get going. I need to meet up with Marinette,"
 "Tell the little lady I say hi!!" Jagged sung, making Luka shake his head before he rushed out and began to walk to the party where he would be meeting her. He thought about Jagged's suggestion. Feng's riddle pointed to Shanghai and now he's given the opportunity to actually go... but who would look after Paris while he was gone? Sure, he could trust Lady Noir but part of him wouldn't want to leave the burden all on her. He could talk to her on their patrol tonight and see what she thinks. Entering the park, he felt his worries melt away as he saw Marinette. She was stood by a tree, glancing in the opposite direction. Her hair was loose and she was wearing a pink summer dress with matching sandals and her signature purse. He walked over to her and cleared his throat, causing her to look at him and smile brightly.
 "Hey," She smiled, pushing a stand of hair behind her ear. "Ready to go?"
 "Whenever you are," He smiled, offering her his arm. She giggled and took before the two of them walked off, heading to the summer fair that the school was hosting. "I like your hair by the way. It looks beautiful like that,"
 "R-Really?" She gasped, blushing as he linked their hands together, making her giggle. "How was your time with Jagged?"
 "It was ok," He replied as she waved to her parents from their stall. Sabine waved back but Tom looked like he was about to burst into flames with how excited he looked. "He wants me to go with him to Shanghai for a week,"
 "Really?!" She gasped, making him look at her. "You should go!! We could arrange to meet up there!!"
 "You're going to Shanghai?" He asked, making her nod excitedly.
 "I was gonna tell you when we had finished looking around here," She replied, sheepishly as he smiled. "Uncle Cheng invited the family. Mama and Papa can't make it as it was too short notice so I'll be going on my own... which I'm a little bit nervous about but maybe we could arrange it so you and Uncle Jagged are on the same flight? If that's not too weird... actually forget it... it's too weird and I'm sure you probably have other things-"
 "Hey, it's not weird at all," He smiled, making her smile as well. "I wasn't really sure if I should go but... it would be nice to see a different city with you... I mean... um..."
 "You're adorable," She grinned, making him blush. "I'll be staying with Uncle Cheng so you and Jagged can come by. Oh we could visit his restaurant!"
 "Y-Yeah, that would be great," Luka smiled, making her grin. "Jagged's doing two shows so I could ask for some VIP tickets if you want..."
 "You don't have to," She replied, smiling again. "I'd just be happy to spend some time with you. Of course, if you want to that is. I mean Shanghai is a very beautiful city and I'm sure you'll want to do some sight seeing yourself..."
 "I'd be happy to spend some of my time with you," He smiled, making her blush before they heard their names been called. Marinette looked over and waved as Kagami and Adrien walked over to them. "Hey,"
 "How's it going?" Adrien smiled as Kagami said hi to Marinette. They were both dressed really nice. Kagami was wearing a black shirt with black tights and a red vest with a white jacket over it, causing Marinette to gush at how cute she looked where Adrien was wearing blue jeans and a green shirt that had a tiny little snake on it. One of Marinette's hero inspired tops. This one was clearly inspired by Aspik. Luka clapped his hand against Adrien with a smile as Marinette continued to gush over Kagami, making the girl blush a little.
 "It's good," He smiled as Marinette hugged Kagami. "How's everything with you?"
 "Same old, same old," Adrien sighed. "Father is going out of town for a week. He wanted me to go with him but Kagami and her mother convinced him to let me stay,"
 "That's good," Luka smiled, glancing over as Marinette took Kagami's hand and lead her over towards one of the stands. He smiled before Adrien grinned at him, making him look at him. "What?"
 "So you and Marinette huh?" He grinned, making Luka go red and nervously rub the back of his neck. "You a couple then?"
 "W-We're just see how it goes," He mumbled, going redder. "Like we're not like dating dating... but I guess you could say we're testing the waters?"
 "I see," Adrien grinned as Kagami came back over and took his hand. "Well, we'll leave you to it. Have fun,"
 "You too," Luka smiled as they walked off before he walked over to Marinette, who was still looking at the stall. "Everything ok?"
 "Oh, yes... sorry, I didn't mean to run off," She gasped, making him chuckle. "I just saw that,"
 She pointed to a bracelet made from silver and dark leather. It definitely wasn't her style and was more something he would wear. She looked up at him.
 "Do you like it?" She asked, surprising him but he slowly nodded. "Then I'll get it for you,"
 "You don't have to," He replied as she turned to the merchant. He nodded and gave it to her before she gave him a note. He turned his back and grabbed her change, giving it to her. She thanked him before turning to Luka. "Melody?"
 "I know," She replied as she took his arm and fixed it on. "But I want to,"
 "Thank you," He smiled, gently leaning down and kissing her cheek lightly. She blushed and smiled shyly as he looked at it. "I love it,"
 "L-Let's go on the carousel," She gasped, gently grabbing his hand and leading him to it as she continued to blush. Luka smiled softly as he followed her, glancing at his new bracelet with a happy expression.
 ~Later That Night~
 "So if we're both going away for a week, what do we do?" Lady Noir asked as she looked up at Anatis. She had her head on his knee and he was gently stroking her hair. "I mean I know Hawkmoth has been super quiet but still..."
 "We could test out some of the others," He replied, making her look up at him. "Culpeo would be a good idea since she can create an illusion of us and Abeille's ability would be extremely useful. I could take the Horse miraculous with me so I could teleport back to Paris as soon as there's an akuma alert,"
 "Oh and I could fly back here as Lady Cosmic!" She gasped, making him nod. "That's a good idea but will Master Fu let us do it?"
 "I think so," He replied, making her nod. "Plus it would be good practice for them,"
 "So it's settled then," She grinned, making him nod as he continued to stroke her hair. She closed her eyes and began to purr a little, making Anatis chuckle. "Do you think it's been weird how quiet Hawkmoth has been?"
 "Yeah, it is odd," Anatis sighed, frowning. "The last time he was this quiet, he attacked New York,"
 "I messaged Falcone," Lady Noir stated, looking up at him. "Apparently, everything is ok there but she said she would keep an eye out and let us know if Hawkmoth shows up again,"
 "That's good," Anatis nodded before stretching, causing Lady Noir to sit up and poke his cheek, making him look at her. "What?"
 "You looked tired," She stated, making him frown. "Bad sleep?"
 "Feng keeps on turning up in my dreams," He admitted, sighing. "I feel like he's trying to show me something but I don't understand what,"
 "Well, what are your dreams?" She asked, making him look at her.
 "I keep seeing this cave and Feng talking to a man called Bao," He explained, making her nod. "Feng is asking him to guard something but I can't remember what it is exactly. Like I've wrote down the dream but some of the details are hard to remember,"
 "What do you remember?" She asked as he sighed and thought about it.
 "The moon was red," He muttered, making her nod. "And there was a lot of colorful crystals in the cave..."
 "Anything else?"
 "He talked to something that looked like a kwami but wasn't a kwami," Anatis continued, making her nod. "And he loss someone... no, two people... he seemed sad about it. I think they died but that's all I remember,"
 "Well, it's better then nothing," She mumbled, making him nod before she looked at him. "Maybe you'll get some clarity from this journey?"
 "Yeah," He muttered, glancing down to the side. "I hope so,"
 "Speaking of journeys, we should go and talk to Master Fu," She replied, getting a nod of him and standing up. He stood up as well before the two of them dived off the building and made their way to Master Fu's apartment. They landed on his window seal and knocked, causing him to get up and invite them in.
 "Ah, Anatis, Lady Noir," He smiled, opening the window. "Come in,"
 "Thank you, Master," Anatis replied, helping Lady Noir inside. "Master, we have something to talk to you about,"
 "Go ahead," He replied, making them tea. Lady Noir looked at Anatis, who took a deep breathe.
 "Me and Lady Noir are going away for a week..." He stated, making Master Fu look at him with surprise.
 "Which is why we came here," Lady Noir gasped. "We have a plan to make people think we're still here,"
 "We want to give Culpeo and Abeille their miraculous for the week so Paris is defended," Anatis explained, making Master Fu frown a little. "I know you're not comfortable with other miraculous been out and about but this is something that can't be avoided for us. Our families are insisting we go with them but if we use Culpeo, she can create an illusion of us which will make it look like we've never left. I also would like to request the horse miraculous so I can travel back instantly if there is an akuma,"
 "This is risky..." Master Fu replied, frowning. 
 "Please!!" They both begged, surprising him. 
 "Hawkmoth and Mayura have been super quiet all week," Lady Noir gasped.
 "All the more reason to be careful," Master Fu replied, frowning. "Is there no way for you to say no to your families?"
 "I can't," Lady Noir sighed, frowning. "My parents are insisting I go and spend time with my other family so I can learn about my culture,"
 "I see," Master Fu sighed before glancing over to Anatis. "And you?"
 "My family is insisting I go as well," He replied. "Plus I think this trip might help me with those dreams I'm having,"
 "Oh... I see," Master Fu nodded, turning around and walking over to phonograph. He took out the miracle box and placed it in front of them. "In that case, I will allow Culpeo and Abeille to use their miraculous on a full time basis for this week and I grant you permission to use the horse miraculous, Anatis but you both must get back to Paris as soon as you can if there is an akuma alert,"
 "We will, Master," Anatis gasped, taking the horse miraculous and placed it in his yoyo before he took out the fox and the bee miraculous. "I don't leave just yet so I'll have Abeille and Culpeo shadow me for a couple of patrols. Lady Noir, if you can make it that would be great,"
 "I'll see what I can do," She replied, nodding. "I don't think we're leaving just yet though,"
 "Ok we can get them to shadow us for a couple of days then," Anatis replied, nodding as Master Fu closed the box and put it away. "Thank you, Master. We owe you one,"
 ~The Next Night~
 Anatis landed on the lamp post near where Juleka and Rose were. They had gotten themselves some ice cream from Andre's and were sat on a bench by the Seine. The sun was going down and they were bringing a romantic date to an end. Anatis whistled, getting their attention before he jumped down and walked over to them.
 "Sorry for interrupting but I require Culpeo and Abeille," He replied, holding out the box. Rose grinned and took her box as Juleka did the same. The two of them transformed into Culpeo and Abeille. "Follow me. We're meeting Lady Noir at the Arc de Triomphe,"
 "Ok!" Abeille declared as she and Culpeo followed him across the rooftops as he informed them of the plan. It was a very clever plan but they were a little surprised that he trusted them enough to trust them with this. However, it was also really nice that he trusted them as well. When they got to the Arc de Triomphe, Lady Noir was sat by the edge with her leg swinging down as she waited for them. She looked up and smiled as they landed on the building and walked over to her. "Hey, Lady Noir!!"
 "Hey, Bee. Hey, Kit," She smiled, jumping and walking over before looking at Anatis. "You informed them?"
 "Yeah," He nodded, turning to the two girls. "You two ok with doing this?"
 "I'm good with it!!" Abeille grinned before looking at Culpeo, who was holding onto her flute and looking panicked. Anatis gently placed his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. 
 "You ok?" He asked, making her shake her head.
 "I d-don't know if I can do this," She gasped, looking at him. "I me-mean what if I mess up?"
 "Then we'll fix it but you won't mess up because you can do this," He replied, making her look at him in surprise. "You were made for this, Kit. I know you were,"
 "R-Right," She nodded, feeling a bit more confident. "I can do this,"
 "Sure, you can sweetie," Abeille grinned, hugging her. "And I'll be here so you won't be alone,"
 "R-right," She nodded again before looking at Lady Noir and Anatis. "A-Are you leave tonight?"
 "Not tonight," Anatis explained, making them nod. "We actually don't leave for another two days so we plan to use these two days to help you get use to the patrol thing,"
 "So tonight, Culpeo will be with me while I take the north and east side of the city while Abeille goes with Annie in the south and west of the city," Lady Noir explained, making the girls nod. "Once we've completely that, we'll meet back here then one more round of the city then home,"
 "Tomorrow night, Culpeo will be with me and Abeille, you'll go with Lady Noir," Anatis explained, making them nod again. "Any questions?"
 "How long does patrol normally take?"
 "Usually about an hour," Anatis answered, making them nod. "But we also use the time to discuss akumas and potential suspects for Hawkmoth and Mayura,"
 "Ooh do you have any suspects?" Abeille asked, making the two of them look at each other.
 "The list is really long," Lady Noir replied, rubbing the back of her neck as the two girls nodded. "Alright, let's getting go then! See you soon, Annie,"
 "Alright, Kitten," He smiled as she and Culpeo ran off before he turned to Abeille. "Shall we?"
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "This is gonna be rock and roll!" Jagged grinned, hugging Penny as they drove to Marinette's to pick her up. They had already picked up Luka so it was just Marinette they needed to pick up. She was gonna be staying with her uncle during the actual week where Luka would be staying with Jagged and Penny at a hotel. However, they both agreed with was perfect. They would be able to do their own exploring as well as meet up in the city later on. Jagged had also insisted on giving them tickets and VIP passes to his shows. The limo pulled outside of the bakery, causing Luka to undo his seat belt and get out, helping Marinette put her suitcase in the trunk next to his. She smiled shyly as she thanked him before the two of them got into the limo. "Mari!! Isn't this gonna be rock and roll?!"
 "Hi, uncle Jagged," She smiled as he grinned, causing Luka to shake his head as they begin to drive off. Marinette moved so she was leaning against his arm, making Luka look at her and smile a little. The drive to the airport didn't take too long and soon enough they were in the sky on Jagged's plane, watching a film together. Luka couldn't help but yawn as Marinette leaned against him. "You should sleep if you're tired,"
 "You sure?" He asked, yawning again before nodding. She smiled as he moved his arm around her and rested his head against her, closing his eyes. When he next opened his eyes, Marinette was curled up next to him and was also asleep. Someone had put a blanket over them as well. He smiled a little before glancing over at Jagged. Penny had fallen asleep next to him, along with Fang. He smiled before closing his eyes again. He was quite happy to sleep a bit more. He moved his arm around Marinette and closed his eyes again drifting into sleep again.
 Luka frowned as he looked around the little hut that he recognized as Feng's home. He had a few dreams like this since the first time but they were few and far between. He glanced around before walking over to the door and tried to open it. As usual, it was locked. He frowned and turned back round. He jumped a little when he saw Feng sat cross-legged on the bed in the corner of the hut. Luka frowned and walked over to him.
 "Why am I here?" He asked, not expecting an answer. He never answered. He waited but Feng didn't moved. "Can you even hear me?!"
 Nothing as usual. Luka sighed and walked over to the door again, trying to open it.
 "It's locked..." Feng's voice made him stop and turn around. The man was still sat on the bed in the way as before, making Luka frown before he opened his eyes and looked at him. "You haven't got the key yet,"
 "Key?" He gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "What key? What are you trying to tell me?! Why am I having these dreams? Let me guess! You're not gonna answer me?!"
 "Would anything I say make you understand right now?" Feng asked, surprising him before he shook his head. "No, I know it won't. You must come to the truth by yourself,"
 "Or you could just tell me," Luka sighed. "I want to know. I'm afraid and I don't understand what is happening to me so please just tell me,"
 "I can't," He replied, looking over at him. "I'm sorry, Luka but this is the only way. You must learnt the truth slowly,"
 "Why?" Luka sighed but he already knew the answer. It would be too much for him to find out straight away. He let out a small sigh before looking at Feng. "I know... but can you at least give me a clue?"
 "I already have," He replied, making Luka frown. "Find the red dragon and locate it's pearl. Hidden deep within the Dragon's cave, there lies the secrets of the Phoenix,"
 "Ok but seriously a riddle?!" Luka sighed, shaking his head. "I'm terrible at those,"
 "I find them entertaining,"
 "You would," Luka sighed, sitting down on the bed."So how do I get out of here?"
 "Wake up," Feng replied as if it was simple. Luka gave him a look, making him smile before he closed his eyes. "You should know that this isn't a dream by the way,"
 "If it isn't a dream then what is it?" Luka asked as Feng began to mediate again. "Feng?"
 He ignored him.
 Luka jolted awake again, blinking as the plane shook a little before he stretched and looked over. Marinette was sat talking to a now awake Jagged but Penny was still asleep. She looked over and smiled at him, making Luka smile back before he moved the blanket and undid his seat belt. He stood up and stretched, yawning a little.
 "We have some good food over here," Jagged grinned, making Luka nod before he wandered over to the bathroom. Once done, he washed his hands and came back out, sitting next to Marinette. 
 "How long until we're there?" He asked, sleepily before reaching for some of the food and eating it.
 "About another 2 hours," Jagged replied, surprisingly calm but Luka figured he hadn't been awake long either. He stretched and grinned. "So what you two plan to do in Shanghai then?"
 "Well, my uncle Cheng has his own restaurant so I was hoping you guys would like to join us for a meal there at some point," Marinette smiled, making Jagged grin. "But in general, I'll be doing some sight seeing,"
 "I'll be doing my own sight seeing as well but we plan to meet up at some point during the week," Luka replied. "Not to mention your gig, Dad,"
 "Ooh yeah!!" Marinette grinned, making Jagged smile. "That will be so much fun,"
 "I'm looking forward to it as well," Luka smiled, making Jagged grin.
 "Young love is so cute!!!" He grinned, making them both go red. "I should write a song about it!"
 ~At the Airport~
 "Uncle Cheng!!" Marinette grinned as she ran over to him and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged her back. "It's great to see you,"
 "Likewise, Marinette," He replied, making her grin as his french had improved a lot since they last spoke. He looked over as Luka and Jagged walked through with Penny. They had all changed into something a little more inconspicuous. Jagged was wearing a hat over his hair and sunglasses over his eyes while dressed in normal jeans, t-shirt and denim jacket. Penny was still in a suit but it wasn't her usual style. She also had sunglasses on. Luka had just switched his usual blue hoodie for a dark gray and was wearing a matching beanie hat, making Marinette giggle as he brought over her suitcase to her. Cheng frowned before he clicked his fingers. "I remember you. Mr Stone right?"
 "Ah, Chef Cheng, the world's greatest chef," Jagged grinned, shaking his hand before grabbing Luka and pulling him next to him. "This is my son, Luka,"
 "We've met before," Cheng smiled, turning to him. "I recall you were on the set of the world's greatest chef with Marinette,"
 "Yeah, I was sir," Luka nodded, making Cheng nod. "I was really honored to try your signature soup. It was amazing,"
 "Thank you," Cheng smiled as Marinette yawned. "We should head home?"
 "Yeah, it's been a long flight," Marinette nodded before turning to Luka and gently kissing him on the cheek, making him blush a little. "See you later kay?"
 "Right," He nodded, smiling a little as Cheng placed her suitcase in the boot before closing it and getting into the driver's seat. Marinette got into the passenger seat before doing up her seat belt and waving to Luka. He smiled and waved back as another car pulled up. Penny walked over to the driver and talked to them as Cheng drove off, causing Jagged wrap his arm around Luka's shoulders and grin. 
 "You two are so cute together!!" He grinned, making Luka blush as Penny walked over.
 "Leave the poor boy alone, Jagged," She ordered, making him grin before the three of them got into the car, along with Fang. Luckily, Penny had already explained to the driver about Fang.
 ~On the way to Cheng's Home~
 "I'm so glad you were about to come by," Cheng smiled as he drove them through the city. Marinette smiled and glanced outside. "I do wish your parents could have come by as well,"
 "They do too but they just can't afford to close the bakery for a week," She replied, making him nod in understanding. "Mama was worried you wouldn't get your present in time so I'm glad I was able to bring it with me,"
 "Ah, you're the best gift I could ask for," He smiled, making her smile as well. "Your mother mentioned you wanted to connect with your roots and learn more about your culture,"
 "Yes, I really do,"
 "It makes me really happy that you want to," Cheng smiled, making Marinette smile as well. "I have a lot of reservations at my restaurant this week but I cancelled them all so I could spend time with you. Thanks to you, I'm on holiday for the first time since... your mother left for France,"
 "You did all that for me?" She gasped, completely surprised.
 "Of course," He replied, nodding. "Family is sacred after all,"
 "You've made really good progress with your french since I last saw you," She smiled, making him smile back.
 "I have worked really hard and practiced often so I can communicate with you," He smiled, making her smile even more.
 "I've been trying to learn Chinese as well," She replied, making him smile. "I'm not very good at it but I can say a few more things then before,"
 "I'm sure you're doing well," He smiled before looking ahead. "I can tell you all the stories about our ancestors and we can visit Shanghai. Oh, I can teach all the traditional songs of our family!"
 "We have traditional songs?"
 "Yes!" He grinned, excitedly. "Oh and you can bring your boyfriend along,"
 "O-oh me and Luka aren't quite there yet," She blushed, looking to the side as Cheng looked at her. "We just kind of testing the water with our relationship and enjoying each other's company. Luka is very respectful and sweet,"
 "He seems like a kind and gentle boy," Cheng smiled before frowning. "I hope I didn't hurt you or him when I was Kung Food,"
 "Oh no! You didn't," She gasped, holding up her hands as they pulled into a parking space. "Luka actually went to look for you during that time as we were worried about you. Anatis ended up telling him to hide while he and Lady Noir tried to save you,"
 "Anatis? That's the ladybug boy, isn't it?" He asked as he killed the engine and got out. Marinette followed and got out as well before they opened the boot and took out her suitcase and the present for Cheng. "He seemed like a nice boy too,"
 "He is," She nodded as they walked over to a door. "Could you tell me more about our family?"
 "Of course," He smiled, unlocking the door and letting her inside. "Your great great grandfather would draw for Pekin's opera artists,"
 "Really?" She gasped, amazed. "I do fashion myself!!"
 "Yes, your mother has told me all about it," He smiled, putting the box down as a gray parrot flew over to her and flapped in front of her.
 "Marinette!! Marinette! Marinette!!" It cawed, making her jump before it flew over to Cheng and landed on his shoulder, making him laugh.
 "This is Bastille," He smiled, gesturing to the bird. "Bastille, I'm really proud to introduce you to my niece, Marinette,"
 "Delighted to meet you, Bastille," She replied, walking over to him and Cheng before noticing the pictures on the wall. She stopped in front of them and looked at them.
 "Bastille has been in the family for a long time," Cheng explained, pointing to the picture. "Look, he was already there for your Grandpa Yen and Grandma Chun and he was there for your mama, Xia Ping,"
 "Xia Ping?" Marinette asked, making Cheng nod.
 "Yes, she only named her Sabine when she moved to Paris," He explained, making her frown a little. It was sad that she felt like that she had to change her name to something that was more accepted. She looked back at the picture.
 "I've never seen this picture of Mama before," She stated, smiling a little in. "She looks so happy and beautiful,"
 "She was," Cheng replied, nodding before Marinette yawned.
 "Sorry," She gasped, holding up her hands but he chuckled.
 "Why don't we have some dinner then you can get some rest?" He suggested as Bastille said 'magic ingredient' repeatedly, making Cheng smile. "I already have one for today. You remember my style of cooking, don't you Marinette?"
 "Yes," She smiled. "You always improvise with something destiny sends your way,"
 "And today, destiny placed you in my path,"
 "But I didn't bring an ingredient," She replied as her phone vibrated. She took it out and saw Luka had texted her. She smiled softly before sending a text back then looking up at her uncle. "Should I find one?"
 "No need," He replied, smiling. "Sometimes improvising isn't about the ingredients but the chef themselves,"
 "You mean... I can help you cook?" She gasped, looking excited. He chuckled and nodded before picking up her suitcase and taking it to her room. Once that was done, the two of them headed to the kitchen and began to work on dinner. Once they had finished, they sat down for a meal before Marinette helped Cheng clear up then retired for the night. As she settled into her bed, she smiled to herself. Tomorrow she would go and explore Shanghai for a little bit.
 ~The Next Day~
 Marinette gasped as she looked around the city in amazement. Despite that he had booked the week off, Cheng had to go into his restaurant to fix something but promised to spend the rest of the day with her as soon as he had sorted out the issue. Since she was free for the rest of the day, she decided to explore the city center and had texted Luka. They had arranged to meet for lunch since Jagged and Penny were busy setting up Jagged's shows. She walked over to the traffic light as she headed to the shopping center but a girl knocked into her, causing Marinette to gasp.
 "I am so sorry!" She gasped, making the girl look at her in surprise. She realized that she probably didn't realize what she said so she just gave her a weak smile and when on her way. She stopped at the traffic lights and looked around as she waited. The girl who had bumped into her stopped nearly by and opened her purse, causing Plagg to go still. She frowned to herself when she only found her phone, a block of cheese, a weird cat plushie and Marinette's id. She turned back and looked at her before moving closer to her. The traffic was still going and the Marinette seemed lost in a day dream so the girl lifted her necklace from her, her earrings and her ring before turning to walk away but three boys gasped and began to shout at her. She backed away and ran from them, knocking into Marinette who frowned as the boys moved past her. "Oh no. That girl seems in trouble,"
 She ran across the road and followed them down into an alleyway before slipping into an alleyway herself.
 "Plagg, claws out!!" She shouted, punching the air but nothing happened, making her gasp. "Plagg?!"
 She glanced down and realized her purse was gone, making her gasp before she touched her ears and realized her earrings were missing as well. She quickly searched herself discovering all of her valuables were missing, including her phone. She gasped before shaking looking down at her hand and covering her mouth when she saw her miraculous was missing.
 "Plagg!!" She screamed, falling to her knees as tears filled her. She had somehow lost Plagg. 
 Fei, the girl who had pick-pocketed Marinette, ran as fast as she could before suddenly tripping over. She frowned and quickly got up before disappearing into the crowd, away from the boys chasing her. She switched her hat for a new wig and looked at her before noticing a boy stood in the crowd. Like the girl who she robbed, he stood out and was clearly a tourist. She walked over and knocked into him, slipping her hand in his pocket but to her surprise, he suddenly grabbed her arm. She gasped and looked up at him.
 "What are you doing?" He asked as his clearly silver eyes bored int her eyes. It actually scared her and she quickly snatched her hand from his, stepping away before running off. Luka frowned as his eyes turned back to blue. He wasn't sure why he sensed that she was trying to pickpocket her but he did and something wasn't right either. He was suppose to be meeting Marinette for lunch but he had this nagging feeling that he needed to follow this girl. Deciding to follow it, he turned around and headed in the direction she had gone. He stopped at a stall and brought a baseball hat. He tore off the label and put it on before taking off his blue jacket and put it inside his rucksack. Tikki looked up at him from the hoodie with a confused look. "I'm following a feeling, Tikki,"
 "Ok," She nodded as he followed the girl. She didn't seem to notice him and seemed to be pretty clumsy for a pick-pocket. She walked into a number of things, tripped up a few times and even knocked into a lamp post. Luka frowned as she cursed at it before heading down some stairs, which she proceed to fall down.
 "Seriously!?" She gasped, getting up and dusting herself down before a phone began to ring. She took it out of a familiar phone and disconnected it, causing Luka to narrow his eyes.
 "That's Marinette's," He whispered, frowning before he gasped, causing Tikki to look at him. "If she robbed Marinette, she has no way to contact anyone or navigate her way around Shanghai. We need to find her,"
 "If that girl robbed Marinette then maybe she can't be far too away," Tikki replied, making Luka nod. "I also wouldn't transform just yet. If you find Marinette as Anatis, she might get suspicious,"
 "Good point," He replied, frowning as the girl came out of the shop, looking disappointed. "We could get Marinette's things back though,"
 "Is that a good idea?" She asked, making him frown. "That place seems bad,"
 "You're right but Marinette might not get her things back this way," He replied, moving from his hiding place. He walked into the shop and walked over to the desk as the man was trying to get something to work. It appeared that his till had broken down and a light was flickering in the back. He looked up at him, causing Luka to get a very deep shiver. Every part of his being was telling that this man was bad news. He took a step back but noticed Marinette's purse and phone to the table. The man moved his hand and gave him a dark smirk. 
 "Nǐ hǎo, wǒ néng wéi nín fúwù ma?" He asked, making Luka frown. "Oh, are you a tourist? I speak French and English if that helps,"
 "Y-Yeah..." Luka replied before pointing to the purse. "That purse and phone... how much for them?"
 "5000 yuan," He replied, making Luka frown. He knew that was over priced and he certainly didn't have that kind of cash at all. He frowned and sighed. "Ah you don't have that kind of money, do you? I'll tell you what. You give me those ear plugs and I'll knock the price down to 3000 Yuan,"
 "No," Luka gasped, glaring at him and causing the man to frown. "I'll leave it,"
 "Very well," The man smiled as Luka turned on his heel and walked out. The man smiled and clicked his fingers, causing a couple of his men appear. "Go and get what you can from that boy,"
 "Yes, sir," They exited the shop and caught up to Luka, causing him to frown as he noticed them.
 "Tikki, stay close," He whispered, turning down an alleyway. The men turned down it as well, making him frown even more. He was certain that they were following him now. He broke into a run and climbed onto a dumpster before scaling a building, pulling himself on a roof, causing the men to growl as he ran across it before jumping onto another one, running across it until he lost them. He jumped across another roof and leaned down before seeing Marinette arrive with the girl who tried to rob him. He frowned and knelt down. He wanted to get down and warn her but something was holding him back and he couldn't explain what. He just knew things would work out worst if he did.
 "Fei, look, I found my ring!" Marinette gasped, making the girl... Fei... move over to her. 
 "Oh, that is lucky," She gasped, making Luka narrow his eyes before the two of them grabbed the ring and disappeared into the shop. Luka narrowed his eyes. He was about to climb down when Fei and Marinette suddenly rushed out of the shop. He stopped and watched them as Marinette looked upset. She shouted something about getting her ring back but Fei suddenly put something in her hand.
 "My ring?!" She gasped, looking up at the girl. "You stole it back?"
 "Didn't you want it back?" Fei asked, making Marinette frown.
 "Yes but not like that," She gasped but Fei shook her head. "Stealing is very wrong!"
 "Cash was trying to con you," She gasped, looking down to the side. "He is not a good man,"
 "But-" She gasped but three men ran out of the shop, causing them to gasp. Fei grabbed Marinette's hand and ran off with her, causing the men to follow. Luka frowned but decided not to follow. Despite wanting to help Marinette, he had a feeling that staying here and waiting would lead him to her quicker then if he chased them. A few minutes later, the owner of the shop... Cash... came out and frowned before turning in the other way and walking. Luka narrowed his eyes and lowered himself down before shadowing him. 
 ~Back To Marinette and Fei~
 Marinette ran as fast as she could from the men that were chasing her and Fei. They seemed really annoyed but she had gotten her ring back. She glanced at it as a black blur appeared, making her gasp and smile.
 "Plagg," She gasped, opening her jacket and letting him fly in before she ducked into an alleyway and slipped her ring on her finger. "Plag-"
 "What are you doing?!" Fei gasped as she grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her away from the Alleyway. "Those men are really dangerous and we need to keep running!!"
 "But those other guys who were chasing us were really dangerous as well?" She gasped, making Fei frown before she pulled her arm from her. "Fei, what is going on?!"
 "Cash was trying to rob you blind because he knew that ring was precious to you ok?!" She gasped as they looked around. However they had reached a dead end. To make matters worst, the men who Cash had sent after them turned up. Fei stood in front of her and took a pose. "Stay behind me, Marinette,"
 "Fei," Marinette gasped. "Let me help you,"
 "Marinette, these men will hurt you," She gasped as they moved closer. "At least, I know how to defend myself,"
 The men went to charge at them but before they could, the three boys that had chased Marinette came down the alleyway and gasped. 
 "What is going on?!" Marinette gasped, clearly panicked. However, the guys seemed to see the bigger guys as more of a threat and declared themselves as some sort of neighborhood watch. Fei told them to go home but they said something about not taking an order from a thief. Marinette looked between them but Fei shook her head and told her to ignore them. Cash's guys smirked to themselves and walked over to the young boys, causing Fei to grab Marinette's hand and run. They briefly saw Cash's guys trying to chase after them but the other set of boys jumped on them, allowing Fei and Marinette to run as fast as they could through the alleyways. Gradually they came to a stop as Marinette caught her breathe. "Where are we going?"
 "Somewhere safe," Fei replied as they began to move. Marinette nodded before following her to a burnt down school. She frowned as Fei entered it. "Where are we?"
 "It's my father's old school," Fei replied, looking down as Marinette glanced around. She noticed a bed and a small altar with a photo of a man. "I'm sorry it isn't much but it's home. I live here and now..."
 She walked over to a small little table and poured a drink before handing it to Marinette.
 "Sorry, I don't have much else to offer you," She muttered, making Marinette nod as she took the drink. 
 "It's fine, Fei," She smiled, taking a sip before looking around. "But why did you bring us here?"
 "I have to protect my father's heritage," She sighed, looking sad. 
 "But... your father..." Marinette glanced over to the picture of the man as Fei nodded.
 "He's dead..." She mumbled, frowning. "He died when this place went up in flames..."
 "Oh," Marinette replied, frowning. "I'm so sorry,"
 "They did everything to make us leave," Fei gasped, looking down as tears threatened to spill. "I mean everything. Intimidation, robbery... they took everything from us. Even the bracelet my father had entrusted me with. The jewel I told you about. I was as attached to it in the same way that you are to your ring but this jewel was something else. It had a sort of power,"
 "Oh," Marinette gasped, surprised. Did this girl have a miraculous? "These people you are talking about... who are they?"
 "That's the problem," Fei sighed, frowning. "I don't know. It was my quest to find them that put me in your path. I... I have something important to tell you... It was-"
 "Did you really think I wouldn't find you here, Fei?!"
 ~Back to Luka~
 Luka frowned as he followed Cash through the alleyways. Occasionally, he would stop and turn around but he never noticed Luka following him. Of course, he didn't think to look at the rooftops. Luka frowned as he came to a burnt down building and walked inside. Luka frowned and jumped downside, moving over to the window and glanced inside. Marinette and Fei were inside, making him frown deeply.
 "Did you really think I wouldn't find you here, Fei?!" Cash growled, making both girls step back in fear. Marinette looked between the two of them.
 "You know each other?" She asked, confused.
 "Of course, I know her," He laughed, making Luka frown as he stalked over to them. "How do you think I ended up with your ring, Little girl? She stole it from you then she stole it from me,"
 "Y-you... stole from me?" Marinette gasped with tears in her eyes as she dropped her cup. Fei gasped and held out her hand.
 "I was just about to tell you I swear," She gasped but Cash laughed as Marinette's eyes watered.
 "Y-You saw how much it meant to me!!" She cried, making Luka's heart ache. "And you knew I would pay any price!!"
 "I'm sorry!!" She gasped, making Luka frown. "He said he would tell me who murdered my father but he was asking for a huge amount of money in return,"
 "There is always a price to pay," Cash grinned, making Luka grit his teeth. This guy was awful. While he didn't agree with Fei's actions, he could understand why she did it now that he knew she was trying to find who killed her father. "You can't get anything for free in this world, baby,"
 He turned and stalked over to Marinette, making Luka growl.
 "You are going to phone your uncle now!" He demanded, making Marinette step back as he shoved a phone at her. "And ask him for the money he owes me!"
 "I won't let you!" Fei cried out, knocking his phone out of his hand and moving in front of Marinette. "Marinette! Run!!"
 "I want my money!!" Cash shouted as Fei kept her pose. Luka narrowed his eyes. He had been trying to avoid transforming as he didn't have an excuse as to why Anatis would be in Shanghai but if this guy keeps threatening them, he would interfere without hesitation. "And you're gonna give it to me or you'll never get your answers!!"
 "Do you even know who killed him?!" Fei shouted back, making both Luka and Marinette frown.
 "The truth is if this girl doesn't get my money, you'll both meet the same fate as your father!!" He shouted, causing Luka to transform into Anatis without a second thought. He was about to jump in when Fei kicked Cash across the room before he heard shouting between the two girls. Marinette ran out a few seconds later, causing him to frown as she wiped her eyes. She looked over and gasp.
 "Anatis?" She asked, making him sigh. "What are you doing here?"
 "I've been tracking down Hawkmoth," He replied, making her gasp.
 "I just saw an akuma in there!" She gasped, pointing to the building. Anatis frowned and looked inside, just as Fei ran after something. He frowned and turned to Marinette.
 "Wait here while I go and deal with this," He ordered, making her nod before he walked inside. He took out his yoyo and ran out into the garden. However, he came to a stop as his eyes widen. He recognized the place but he didn't know why. He just knew he had seen it before. He snapped out of his surprise when he saw Fei flying towards him. She landed in a well, making him frown before he rushed over and lowered his yoyo, causing her to look at him as she tried to climb up. "Grab on to this,"
 She nodded and took hold of it, causing him to pull her up and out of the well.
 "Thank you," She muttered before looking at him."Who are you?"
 "I'm Anatis,"
 "I'm Fei," She replied, looking down a little before she looked back at him. "Are-Are you one of the good guys?"
 "Yes, I am," He replied, taking his yoyo and sliding it open as it vibrated. He answered it. "Perfect timing, Kitten. I was just about to phone you,"
 "Lucky me," Lady Noir purred as he chuckled. "So I was just checking in like I said we would,"
 "As I said perfect timing," He chuckled before going seriously. "I just found Hawkmoth, which is concerning. Can you get here quickly?"
 "I'll be there in a flash," She replied before they hung up as Fei hugged herself. Anatis turned to her. 
 "Did you see where a man in a purple suit went?"
 "He broke into the cave," She gasped before going to run towards it. Anatis, however, grabbed her arm, causing her to look at him. "I need to protect it!"
 "Rushing in isn't gonna help," He replied, making her blink before he smiled at her and ran across to the water fall with her. She blinked in surprise as he walked inside with her. "Hawkmoth is after something here. Do you know what it is?"
 "It's a bracelet," She gasped, making him look at her as they walked into the cave. "Is he... bad?”
 "Yes." Anatis asked, making her nod. "He’s called Hawkmoth and is very dangerous. We need to defeat him,"
 "We?" Fei asked but she jumped as another person joined them, landing next to them. This time it was a girl dressed as a black cat. "Who are you?"
 "This is my partner, Lady Noir," He replied before holding up his hand and pointing to the colorful quarts. The three of them hid behind a rock as Hawkmoth walked over to one of the walls. His akuma was stood nearby, making Anatis frown before he glanced up at the sky. The moon turned fully red, making the beam disappear and causing the circular stone to move, revealing a seal. Anatis frowned as Hawkmoth walked over and placed the bracelet against the seal, causing Fei to gasp. 
 "That's my bracelet," She gasped, looking at him. "H-He was the one... who took it,"
 "Does it have any special features?" Lady Noir asked, making Fei shake her head.
 "I don't know," She replied, frowning. "I was just suppose to protect the cave and the bracelet... but I failed..."
 Lady Noir frowned as Fei went to move but Anatis grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back down.
 "Stay down," He ordered as a green light came from it. It began to take a form, transforming it into a statue. Anatis' eyes widen as he looked at it. "Meishi?"
 "You know that thing?" Fei asked as it began to talk. Anatis frowned and shook his head, making both girls look at him with confusion.
 "It's complicated," He hissed as Meishi turned to Hawkmoth.
 "Human, are you ready to face the judgement of Meishi, the protector of the Prodigious," It stated, making both girls look at Anatis with surprise. He shrugged before continued to watch as Meishi moved aside, letting Hawkmoth walk into the cave and retrieve the Prodigious. Anatis narrowed his eyes as he walked out. "Put the the Prodigious around your neck, human, and prepare to face my judgement,"
 "I can't let him take it," Anatis gasped, moving away as the two girls looked at him. He glanced over at them as they went to follow him but he shook his head. "Stay here,"
 He slipped past the rocks as Hawkmoth walked out of the cave.
 "What makes you think I have the slightest intention of confronting you, Guardian," He replied, walking over to his akuma as Meishi looked take back. "Silver King, it is time for me to keep my end of our deal. Use your power on him and turn him into a gold statue that will be yours to do as you wish,"
 Silver King smirked and lifted his fan as Meishi gasped.
 "What?!" He declared, looking at Hawkmoth as he walked away. "You can't do that! I forbid you!! You don't respect the rules!"
 "Rules are for the weak," Hawkmoth replied, walking away. Anatis narrowed his eyes before throwing his yoyo towards Hawkmoth. It wrapped around his feet, causing him to yell out as Anatis jumped through a large hole in the rocks. Using his weight, he lifted Hawkmoth in the air, causing him to yell out and drop the Prodigious. "No! You!!"
 "Nice to see you too, Hawkmoth," Anatis grinned as Fei ran out and grabbed the necklace. "What are you doing?!"
 "I am going to complete my father's mission!" She declared, looking to Meishi.
 "So you shall face my judgement," He replied, sitting down as Hawkmoth growled.
 "Silver King!" He yelled, making Fei and Anatis look at him. "Get me that amulet!"
 Silver King smirked and charged at her, making Fei gasped 
 "Fei!" Lady Noir shouted, rushing out. She pushed Fie out of the way but Silver King knocked her into a wall with a lot of force before he grabbed her and threw her into Anatis. He let go of Hawkmoth and tried to catch her as best as he could. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," He replied as the two of them jumped out of the way of Silver King's attack. Anatis jumped over him and threw his yoyo at Hawkmoth, wrapping it around his cane as he stalked over to Fei. He growled and yanked his cane free before swinging at Anatis. He blocked it but Hawkmoth came in with a blow with his cane before grabbing Anatis by the neck and slamming his head into his, causing Anatis to drop to the ground. Hawkmoth lifted his cane as if to stab Anatis but he slammed his foot into his stomach, causing Hawkmoth to gasp before he jumped up. Hawkmoth growled and threw his fists again as Lady Noir blocked Silver King's attack, causing Fei to frown. She looked down at the Prodigious before narrowing her eyes and putting on the Prodigious. One by one, it's dots lit up with symbols before a glow that resembled embers came from it. She gasped in surprise as she felt an energy surge through her before slamming her right fist into her left hand. The glow moved across her body, changing her clothes in a red and orange suit with gold detail. She moved her hands upwards and over her face, creating a red mask with a golden trim and turning her eyes to gold. Her hair changed color to a pinkish red and began longer as well. She moved her arms in kung fu moves as extra detail appeared on her suit before striking a pose. Once her transformation was completely, she blinked as the Prodigious glowed and a number of small creatures appeared.
 "Greetings to our new Renren!" They yelled in union as Anatis jumped out of the way of Silver King's attack. Lady Noir jumped over him and landed a kick to Silver King but he blocked with his fan. Hawkmoth charged at Anatis, causing him to jump out the way.
 "New what?!" Fei gasped in surprise, causing the other two heroes to look at her.
 "Renren," The Dragon like one stated, making her blink. "The person who wears the Prodigious,"
 "Who are you talking to?!" Anatis asked as he wrapped his yoyo around a rock and threw it towards Hawkmoth before jumping over to her, blocking Silver King's attack.
 "Only Renren can see us," One of them explained, making her nod.
 "It has a species of magical bugs but only I can see them,"
 "Useful!" Lady Noir shouted as she jumped and wrapped her baton around Silver King's neck, causing him to try and throw her off. "I guess these magical bugs are like Kwamis!"
 "They're Renlings!" Anatis replied, blocking Hawkmoth's cane before kicking him back as Fei rose an eyebrow and when to ask how he knew that. "Don't ask because I don't know but whatever they tell you, listen!"
 "What?!" She gasped as Silver King threw off Lady Noir and charged at her, under Hawkmoth's order. She jumped away as he went to swipe at her but Lady Noir jumped up and dived at him. He blocked her with his fan again before grabbing her leg and throwing her into a wall as Anatis went head to head with Hawkmoth. Silver King swiped his fan, causing gold spikes to come towards her. 
 "Your friend is right about our name," The Praying Mantis one stated, making her blink in surprise. "We are the Renlings and represent human values,"
 "Anyone of us can transform into a wild animal," The Snake one explained, making her nod as she listened. "Provided that you are worthy of the values we represent,"
 She jumped out of the way of Silver King as he tried to attack her again before slamming her foot down. He blocked and she jumped back as Lady Noir dived in front of her and began to engage with him as the Renlings reappeared.
 "For example if you want me, Tang-Tang the Renling of Patience, to transform you into a preying mantis, you have to be patient," Tang-Tang explained, making Fei sigh.
 "Thank you but I don't have time for patience right now!" She gasped as Silver King threw Lady Noir in Anatis before trying to hit her. She jumped out of the way and landed on the ground as the bear one moved in front of her. "Huh?"
 "Xung-Xung, Renling of Calm," They stated, making her look at them like they were crazy.
 "Of calm?!" She gasped. "How can I be calm?!"
 "Calm like a bear," Xung-Xung declared, moving their paws downwards. "Big and Strong like a bear,"
 Anatis threw his yoyo towards Silver King as he charged towards her but Hawkmoth intercepted it, grabbing it. He yanked it and kicked Anatis to the ground before placing his foot on his neck as Lady Noir went to jump at him. He grabbed her and threw her down, pointing his cane at her neck. She growled and when to summon her power but before pressed on Anatis' neck.
 "Don't even think about it, Cat," He stated, pressing on Anatis' neck even more, causing him to gasp for breathe and try to get Hawkmoth off him. "You summon your power and I'll break his neck. Silver King, get me that necklace!"
 Silver King grinned and charged at Fei but she took a deep breathe and calmed herself down.
 "Xung!" She declared, causing her eyes to turn purple as one of the symbols lit up before she glowed and turned into a bear, causing Silver King to look surprised before she swiped at him, sending him flying into Hawkmoth and knocking them both into a wall. Lady Noir rushed over to Anatis as he coughed, helping him up.
 "I'm ok," He muttered before Fei came over to them in her bear form. "Thanks... um...?"
 "Lady Bear I guess," She replied, making them both nod. "What's the plan?"
 "We need to get his fan off him and destroy it," Anatis replied, taking out his yoyo and throwing it up in the air. "Lucky Charm!!"
 A ball appeared out of thin air, causing Anatis to catch it as Fei rose an eyebrow.
 "What are you gonna do with that?" She asked as Hawkmoth and Silver King got up.
 "No idea. Mind distract them while I work out how to use this?" He asked, causing both Fei and Lady Noir to nod. Lady Noir charged at Hawkmoth as Fei took on Silver King, switching forms as she did. However, she failed to transform into the dragon, making Anatis frown. "What happened?!"
 "Normally, if I can turn into a dragon, I can use all of the elements," She gasped, slithering away in her snake form. "I'd like to hit his armor with some lightening but I can't use it!"
 "The power of the dragon is the most powerful of them all," Meishi explained as Anatis dived out of the way of an attack. Lady Noir jumped at Hawkmoth, kicking before he returned the attack as Anatis looked around. He frowned as nothing lit up yet. "Your intentions need to be just and noble for you to earn the right,"
 "My intentions are noble!" She declared as she dodged Silver King. Hawkmoth grabbed Lady Noir and threw her up onto a rock before hitting it with his cane, causing it to fall on her leg and trap her. "I want revenge on the man who ruined my life!!"
 "Revenge is against the dragon's value," Meishi replied, glancing over at Fei as Hawkmoth charged at Anatis, causing him to throw the ball straight at his face before using his yoyo as a shield. "Your intentions and your judgement are troubled,"
 "Isn't revenge and justice the same thing?!" She asked as Lady Noir tried to get the rock of her leg.
 "No, it isn't," Meishi answered as Anatis tried to get to Lady Noir but Hawkmoth hit him with his cane, causing him to fall on the ground before he dived at him. Anatis rolled out of the way and jumped up.
 "Then we'll find another way to defeat him!" She shouted before turning into a monkey. She jumped at him, repeatedly hitting him and biting his armor but he grabbed her and threw her into a deep puddle before slicing one of the pillars, causing it to land on her.
 "No!" Anatis shouted as it landed, apparently crushing her. Hawkmoth laughed and turned to him as Lady Noir continued to try and free her leg. Anatis took a step back as Hawkmoth and Silver King stalked towards him.
 "Your partner is trapped and your new ally has fallen," Hawkmoth smirked as Anatis' back hit a wall. "Who thought today would be the day I get your miraculous and the prodigious? Silver King, you know what to do,"
 Silver King smirked as Anatis felt something hit his foot. He glanced down and noticed his lucky charm, causing it to light up before looking up as Lady Noir freed her foot with her baton before getting up and giving him a thumbs up. She lit up as Silver King charged at him. He lifted his fan above his head, causing it to light up before Anatis grabbed his lucky charm with his foot, kicking it up and causing it to knock Silver King's fan out of his hand. Lady Noir dived down towards it, wrapping her hand around it.
 "Cataclysm!" She shouted, causing it to turn to dust before she landed in front of Anatis as he kicked the ball up and caught it before catching the akuma in his yoyo and releasing the purified one. Silver King stumbled back and turned back into Cash as Fei slithered from beneath the pillar, moving over to them as Anatis swung his yoyo around. Lady Noir took out her baton as Hawkmoth looked down. "You're alone against the three of us, Hawkmoth,"
 "It's over," Fei declared, turning into a bear but Anatis frowned.
 "Something isn't right,"
 "Always so prospective, Anatis," Hawkmoth declared as he lifted his hand. A second akuma landed on his finger, making the three of them frown. "I think it is over for you,"
 He suddenly threw the akuma away from him. Anatis threw his yoyo but just missed as it entered Meishi's orb, making them gasp.
 "Meishi!" He shouted, causing Hawkmoth to laugh.
 "Not anymore," He replied as the butterfly mask appeared on them. "Yan Woshi, I am Hawkmoth. You're certainly not going to let this little girl who thinks vengeance is the same thing as justice, be the holder of your prodigious, are you?"
 "Hawkmoth, no!" Anatis shouted, stepping forward before looking to Meishi. "Meishi, don't listen to him!!"
 "I will give you the power to reclaim the Prodigious," He declared, ignoring Anatis. "In return, all I ask is for you to help me squash this annoying bug and his friends,"
 "Meishi! Don't!!" Anatis gasped but his cries went unheard.
 "As the infernal demon Yan Woshi, I will sow carnage and destruction until she gives me back the Prodigious!" He declared, transforming into a hulking, red creature as the three of them stepped back in horror. The four of them ran out of the cave as it burst through it, causing Anatis to grab Cash and throw his yoyo up as Yan Woshi lifted himself up and swallowed the ball that contained his akuma, making them frown. He yanked on it and pulled them up to safety as Lady Noir and Fei landed next to him before rolling on the ground as Hawkmoth jumped over to Yan Woshi. Anatis jumped up and threw his yoyo, hitting Hawkmoth and making him look at him. "Tremble, humans!"
 "You idiot!" He shouted, causing Hawkmoth to look at him in surprise. "You don't know what you've done!"
 "Give me your miraculous and I-" He started before noticing Yan Woshi was heading towards the city. "Yan Woshi! I order you to destroy Anatis, not the city!!"
 Yan Woshi ignored him, causing Hawkmoth to growl.
 "Yan Woshi! Stop or I'll take back your powers!" He declared, causing Yan Woshi to turn towards him. He smirked and turned to Anatis, pointing at him as Anatis took a step back, gesturing for the girls to do the same. "Now, attack-"
 "I take orders from no one!" He shouted, firing at Hawkmoth with his red eye beam. Hawkmoth shielded himself but it was too late. He turned to Anatis as he gasped.
 "Anatis! Help me!" He shouted before screaming as he turned to red dust, causing the three of them to blink as Yan Woshi headed towards the city. 
 "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Lady Noir asked as their miraculous beeped, causing Anatis to frown.
 "We need to recharge and then we need to stop him. We have to find a way to get that ball," He declared before running off. He hid behind a rock as he detransformed and gave Tikki a cookie. He saw a blink of green light from a rock nearby before sighing and turning to Tikki, handing her a cookie before taking one for himself. He would need the energy. "How do we fight a dragon spirit that has been akumatized?"
 "You're gonna need help," She gasped as she ate a cookie, making him nod.
 "Fei will have to help us," He muttered, frowning. "Is this why Feng locked up the Prodigious?"
 "I don't know," Tikki frowned as he finished his cookie. "But it's a good job we came here. Imagine if Hawkmoth had gotten to Prodigious or unleashed that thing on the city,"
 "I don't want to," He replied as she finished her cookie. "Charged up?"
 "Ready when you are," She smiled as he swiped his earrings and transformed before jumping back over to Fei, who was looking down.
 "You ok?" He asked, making her jump as she looked at him before nodding as Lady Noir jumped over. Anatis frowned as her song was one of guilt and sorrow before turning to the two of them. "Ok, we're gonna need all three of us to defeat him,"
 "Right!" Lady Noir grinned, spinning her baton. "We need to get to the city fast,"
 "Space power ups," Anatis replied, reaching into his yoyo and retrieving a purple macaron. "We can fly there,"
 "Good idea," Lady Noir nodded, taking a chunk of purple cheese before the two of them ate them, transforming into Asteroid and Lady Cosmic. "Fei, you got a way to fly or do you need a lift?"
 "Oh," She muttered, frowning. "I can fly. Ying!"
 She turned into a bird before the three of them flew towards the city. Anatis frowned as Yan Woshi continued to destroy the city before pointing to one of the buildings. Lady Noir nodded and the three of them flew over before landing on the building.
 "Spots off," He declared as Lady Noir said Claws in, turning them back to their normal selves as Fei landed next to them. Anatis threw his yoyo, wrapping it around Yan Woshi before Lady Noir dived at him. However, he grabbed her and threw her into the floor before yanking Anatis towards him. Anatis yelled as he flew by before landing in a tree as Fei jumped off the building and turned back in her bird form. She flew over to Yan Woshi and transformed into a tiger. She landed on his nose and tried to scratch him but he grabbed her and threw her to the ground before firing his beam at her. She managed to turn into a horse and run from it before hiding behind a newspaper stand. She looked behind it before gasping and looking away.
 "This is all my fault," She gasped with tears in her eyes.
 "Give me back the Prodigious!" Yan Woshi declared, walking towards her as Anatis climbed down from the tree. He swiped back the stand, making her gasp as she stepped away. "You're not worthy of wearing it!"
 His eyes charged up but before he could hit her, Anatis grabbed a piece of metal and threw it at him, causing Yan Woshi to turn to him and fire his beam at him. Anatis jumped back but Yan Woshi slammed his fist down on the ground, sending a shock wave that knocked Anatis onto the ground before firing at him.
 "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped as she ran and pushed him out of the way, taking the hit.
 "Lady Noir!!" Anatis screamed as he tried to grab her as she screamed, turning to dust. He felt to his knees as tears filled his eyes before letting out a scream, his eyes turning silver as he did. Yan Woshi turned his attention back to Fei as his eyes charged up and fired at her but Anatis suddenly slammed his feet into his face, making him stumble and causing the beam to narrow miss her. She gasped and turned back into the bird, flying off as Anatis landed on the ground, looking up at Yan Woshi with glowing silver eyes. He jumped out of the way of the beam and threw his yoyo, pulling himself onto a building as Yan Woshi went back to destroying the city. He punched a wall before hearing a bird. He looked up and noticed Fei landed on the balcony below him before turning back into herself and curling up as she began to cry. 
 Talk to her.... He nodded and jumped down, de-transforming as she hugged her knees. She looked up and wiped her eyes before gasping as she looked at him.
 "Y-You," She gasped in surprise as he walked over. "Who are you?!"
 "But what are you doing here?!" She gasped. "You should try and find safety,"
 "Your song called to me," He replied, making her blink before he looked at the Renlings too. He was a little surprised he could see them but he would worry about that later. "And so did theirs,"
 "Y-You can see them?" She gasped as he nodded. "B-But how?"
 "It doesn't matter," He replied, sitting next to her. "You know this isn't the first time I've seen destruction like this. Back at home, we face things like this every day,"
 "Re-Really?" She asked, making him nod. "I caused this..."
 "How?" He asked, making her look at him.
 "I was selfish and took this to take vengeance on the man who ruined my life," She answered, showing him the Prodigious. "Instead, I messed up. I tried to rob you, I robbed a really sweet girl, I lied to her and everything that is happened is my fault. I can't do anything right. I can't even use the dragon's power right and it's what we need to get the ball but... Yan Woshi is right...I'm not worthy of it..."
 "I disagree," He replied, making her look at him in surprise. "Besides, he's an akumatized villain. He isn't in his right mind,"
 "It doesn't change that I'm not worthy," She replied, frowning. "My father would be so ashamed. I wanted vengeance on the man who took my father from me and destroyed my life, despite the fact that my father wouldn't want me to. He would have wanted me to do good but instead I've brought ruin onto Shanghai because I couldn't move on! How can I ever come back from that,"
 "By trying to do the right thing," Luka replied, making her look at him again. "People make mistakes but that isn't what defines us. What defines us is how we try to fix them. Yes, you messed up but you have a chance to change that. You can help save this city. You just have to accept that you made a mistake and try to fix it,"
 "You really think I can do that?" She asked, wiping her eyes as he placed her hand on her shoulder. She looked at him as he gave her a smile before nodding. "Thank you,"
 She smiled before looking at the Renlings but before they say anything, Yan Woshi walked towards them and glared at them.
 "My Prodigious," He growled, making them jump. Fei transformed back into her super form as Yan Woshi growled and fired his beam at the building, causing it to break. Luka jolted forward as the brickwork gave way and began to plummet towards the ground as Fei fell after him. 
 "Luka!" She screamed as she tried to reach him. She wanted to save him. She had to save him. Despite her trying to steal from him and barely knowing her, he believed in her. He believed she can fix her mistake. A complete stranger who had no reason to believe in her yet did. She would not let him die. "Long!!"
 She transformed into the dragon and flew towards him, weaving wind around him and stopping him from falling. She directed the wind to a building, causing him to land on there before she flew over to Yan Woshi. 
 Well done, Luka... Luka nodded as he watched Fei try to reason with Meishi and redirected water towards him while she flew around. He fired at her but she pushed it back with lightening breathe, making Luka step back. He hid behind a building and transformed back into Anatis before throwing up his yoyo.
 "Lucky Charm!!" He shouted, summoning a mink vase. He gasped and caught it before placing it down. "Really?"
 He shook his head before looking back over to the scene. Fei lit up then the water and finally the vase. He smirked and moved over to the edge, just as Yan Hoshi overpowered Fei. She flew away from him and used her power to wrap him in water.
 "Calm down, Meishi," She gasped. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm not here to destroy you or to satisfy my revenge. I only want to save you and bring you back to your senses!"
 "I am no longer Meishi!" He declared, breaking free from the water and running towards her. "I am Yan Woshi!!"
 He went to punch her but she flew out of the way. However, he turned around and punched her out of the sky, sending her fly as she scream. Anatis threw his yoyo and wrapped it around her, pulling him towards him before catching her and putting her down.
 "Anatis?!" She gasped. "You're alive?!"
 "Of course, I am," He smiled but she noticed his eyes were silver, just like Luka's. She frowned but decided not to say anything about it as he leaned onto the vase. "And I have a gift for Yan Woshi,"
 "Red with black spots?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Funny design for a vase,"
 "That's because it isn't a normal vase," He replied, making her tilt her head, "It is our solution,"
 He suddenly jumped into it, surprising her.
 "As I said it's a gift for Yan Woshi," He smirked, pulling himself up as she gave him a questioning look. "Think of it as one big pill that requires a lot of water to swallow if you get my drift,"
 "Oooh... that's insane," She replied, making him laugh. "You're insane,"
 "Of course I am. How else would I get my crazy plans to work," He replied, making her laugh before he grinned at her. "Mind getting me to the river?"
 "No problemo," She grinned as her eyes glowed. "Long!"
 She transformed into the dragon before using the wind to move the vase into the river as Yan Woshi continued to destroy stuff.
 "Are you sure this will work?" She asked as she flew towards him.
 "I'm sure," He replied, disappearing into the vase as she called for Yan Woshi's attention. Once he was facing her, she flew around the vase at a high speed, causing the water to lift it up before directing the stream toward Yan Woshi, forcing it into his mouth and down into his stomach. Once in there, Anatis threw out his yoyo, hitting the ball and causing it to crack before the butterfly flew up and Yan Woshi threw up the water, along with the vase. Anatis stepped out of it and smirked. "Ta da! Now where's that akuma?"
 He took out his yoyo and opened it before catching the akuma with it. He freed it once purified as Yan Woshi turned back into Meishi before Fei flew back over and landed in front of him.
 "What happened?" Meishi asked before looking at her. "You mastered the powers of the dragon?"
 "Yes..." She replied, smiling before gesturing to Anatis. "With some help,"
 Meishi smiled a little before looking up and gasping as he saw the destruction of the city.
 "I did that?" He asked, causing Anatis to step forward. "I have failed my mission,"
 "No, you haven't," Anatis stated, making him look at him. "Hawkmoth took advantage of you but that's what he does.... and fixing this is what I do..."
 "Fixing it?" Fei asked as she looked at him. "You can do that?"
 "Of course," He smiled, lifting the vase as Fei watched. He smiled and nodded to it, causing her to help him throw it up into the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 The vase burst into the cure and flew around Shanghai, fixing the damage and bringing back the dead. It swarmed around one area before moving away and leaving Lady Noir in it's place. Anatis rushed over, tackling into a hug before she could even blink.
 "Annie!" She gasped, hugging him back.
 "Kitten," He gasped, looking at her as his eyes turned back to his normal color. "I thought I lose you,"
 "Nah, you can't get rid of me that easily," She grinned but he hugged her again, causing her to hug him back before they walked over to Fei. "Aww, Meishi's back,"
 "You overcame your mistakes and renounced your vengeance," Meishi stated, looking at Fei. "You have all the human values required. The Prodigious is in good hands with you, Renren,"
 "Thank you, Meishi," She smiled before he turned to Anatis.
 "And you," He stated, making Anatis to look at him. "The answers you seek are in Fuzanglong Waterfall, where the Prodigious rested..."
 "Oh! That's why it was called Dragon's Cave!" He gasped, making both girls look at him as Meishi bowed to them and disappeared into green dust. "It's a long story but we should head back to the cave regardless. Hawkmoth has probably gone by now but Cash is still there,"
 ~Fuzanglong Waterfall~
 "It is time for justice," Fei stated as she stalked over to him. Lady Noir and Anatis just stood there, waiting for her to do her thing.
 "W-Wait we can forget the past?!" Cash gasped as she glared at him. "Just tell me what you want? I'll give you anything!"
 Fei walked over causing him to panic.
 "Wait!" He gasped, flinching. "I swear I'll do whatever you want!"
 "You destroyed my father's school, made me an orphan then forced me to steal for you!" She growled as he looked at her with surprise before she stood up and turned back into her normal self. "Because of you, I renounced what my father had taught me to find the man who took him from me but it was you all along! You are the source of all my misfortune and for what?! Money! There is no words that describe what you are but today I have decided..."
 She turned around before directing a kick at him, making him gasp and hold up his fan. Not that it did any good. It broke from the impact of her kick, despite that it never touched him.
 "To let justice take it's course," She replied, lowering her leg as the two heroes grinned at her. She took a deep breathe as the Renlings appeared to her, congratulating her on been wise enough to let justice take it's course. She transformed back into Lady Dragon as she had taken to calling herself before taking the bracelet from the wall and putting it back on with a smile before it began to glow green before a small lion like creature appeared. It was dark blue with a light blue mane and red eyes.
 "It's not too late!" It declared, making the heroes gasp. "I was wondering if you would put it back on,"
 "Meishi!" The three of them gasped, causing him to smile.
 "You thought my mission was over?" He asked before shaking his head. "No, it's just begun,"
 "Anatis, Lady Noir," Lady Dragon smiled as she turned to them. "Thank you for everything... but Anatis... I'm not sure what you're looking for but Meishi said it was in here?"
 She turned back to him as he nodded before flying over to Anatis. 
 "Can you show me?" Anatis asked, holding up his hands so Meishi could sit in them. 
 "It's over there but only the one who has the soul of the phoenix can unlock it," He replied, making Anatis look over at wall. He turned towards it and walked over before placing his hand on it. At first nothing happened but then golden lines came from Anatis' hand and spread across the wall, forming the image of a bird before the wall cracked and opened. Anatis walked inside and picked up the item before unfolding the cloth, revealing a book with a phoenix drawn on it. He stepped outside before the wall closed as Meishi flew over to him. "So it was you I sensed,"
 "Me?" Anatis asked, frowning. "Wait sensed?"
 "I felt it as soon as you entered this cave," Meishi replied, making him frown. "You are something else, Anatis,"
 "I'd say," Lady Noir grinned, walking over and leading on his shoulder. "But I wouldn't change him for the world,"
 "Thank you," He smiled before turning to Meishi. "This... am I ok to keep it?"
 "It is yours, Móshù zhīzǐ," He replied, bowing to him. "Come, Renren. We have much to do,"
 "Right," She grinned, transforming into her bird form before she grabbed Cash and flew out, making him scream out before Anatis put the book in his yoyo.
 "Sorry for dropping in your holiday," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
 "It's fine," She giggled. "I'm glad you were here...but I should get back to my holiday. See you later, Annie,"
 "Bye," He smiled as he waved to her as she ran out of the cave. "Well, time to get back to Marinette,"
 ~Uncle Chen's Home, A Couple of Days later~
 "Ah, Marinette, could you get the door?" Cheng asked as the door rang. Fei was helping set up the table and Bastille was helping Cheng. Marinette nodded and opened the door, gasping as she did.
 "Luka!" She gasped, hugging him before letting go. "Oh no! I didn't turn up to lunch!! I'm so sorry!!"
 "It's fine," He smiled before taking out her purse and things including her Kwagatama, causing her eyes to water a little. She took her purse and put it back on before putting the necklace back on.
 "I can't believe you got them back," She gasped, hugging him again. "Me and Fei thought they were gone forever! Oh, you haven't met her, have you?! Fei!!"
 She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. 
 "Fei! This is my bo- I mean friend... This is my... Luka! This is Luka," She gasped, blushing as Fei looked at him in surprise. "Luka, this is my new friend Fei. We got off on the wrong foot but she's really cool. Thought you already know that cause it's you,"
 "She has a nice song," He smiled, making Marinette grin as Fei stared. "It's nice to meet you, Fei. I'm Luka Couffaine,"
 "L-Likewise," She nodded before Cheng came over.
 "Luka, it's good to see you," He gasped, hugging him.
 "Thank you, Mr Cheng," He gasped, smiling before turning to Marinette. "Dad said gave me an extra ticket so if you want we could bring Fei?"
 "Oh yes!!" She gasped, turning to Fei, who looked at her with surprise. "We've got VIP tickets to Jagged Stone's show. Want to come with us?!"
 "Really?" She gasped as they nodded. "Sure,"
 "Oh, I got this for you," Luka stated, handing Cheng a small gift. "Marinette told me it was your birthday yesterday so I hope you don't mind. It's not much,"
 "Not at all," He smiled, opening it. It wasn't much but it was a bar of rich dark chocolate, making Cheng smile. "Thank you, Luka. I can use this for one of my dishes. Will you join us for dinner? Marinette made most of it,"
 "I would love to if you don't mind," He smiled, making Cheng laugh.
 "Have a seat,"
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In the Club .2
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Abuse, manipulation, gore,
*Part 1* *Part 2* 
A/N: I actually really enjoyed writing the first one so i thought why not make a little series. I don’t know how long it’s actually going to be but we’ll see how it goes!
You sit in the clean bedroom that your oh so loving boyfriend put you in. The room smelled of disinfectant and was pristine clean.
The smell was disgusting. It made bile rise up in your throat. You held you hand over your mouth as you felt the bile creep into your mouth.you quickly swallowed it before you threw up all over the room. 
The fear of Kai was more then convincing enough to not throw up. You knew that if Kai even smelled vomit it was your ass on the line. Anything that pissed him off? You were the punching bag. As much as it sucked, there wasn’t much you could do.
You laid down on the clean bed as you looked up at the ceiling. Your body shook violently with frustration with your situation. You couldn’t tell pops. Kai would just erase his memory again, then you would be in a whirlwind of trouble that really wasn’t worth it at this point.
‘Why me? Am I that so desperate for love that he decided i was and easy target? It’s always the pretty ones that are the assholes!’ 
Your nails dug into the bed sheets as tears of frustration run down your face. Your eyes squeezed shut as you bang on the mattress. You open your blurry eyes while you sit up ad swing your feet over the bed so they hit the floor.
Anger coursed through you veins as you looked around the clean room. Your hands gripped the bed sheets as you ripped it off the bed. Bedding flies all over the room covering up the carpet. Pillows, sheets, blankets, everything was thrown in random directions of the room. No place was safe.
The small bathroom was no safer then the bed was as you open the door roughly making it hit the wall, causing to make a tiny dent in it. You fly open the medicine cabinet and threw out every vitamin and pill bottle out. The bottles hit the floor with a thunk making pills fly out of the bottle as the lids broke off.
Pills cover the once clean floor, breaking into pieces and dust as you step on them on your way to the tub. You grab the conditioner and shampoo bottles squeezing them with all your might. Opening the lid as you squeezed all the contents of the bottle down the drain along with Kai’s hand sanitizer and more watching as the water takes it all down the drain.
Trashed. That’s how bad the room was. Your eyes widen once you realized the damage you had caused to the room. Your fit of rage was over and as everything came back to you like a train. You try to get your composure as you quickly try to clean the whole room before Kai got back, trying to fix everything you destroyed. The shampoo, conditioner and all the other products that went down the drain was a no go. But you could still make the bed and clean all the destroyed pills on the floor.
Your hand worked at the speed of light as you put the sheets around the corners of the bed, putting the blankets neatly on the bed, trying to make it look as clean as possible. Pillows were put in a symmetric pattern trying to give it that perfect look Kai so desperately craved. The bathroom was a horror to work with as you picked up all the pills that were still intact and put them back in the bottle, shoving them into the cabinet. Your hands made quick work of scrubbing the powder of the pills away. making it look clean enough to see your reflection in it. Maybe if you did that, your punishment wouldn’t be as harsh.
You let out a sigh as the bathroom looked spotless except for the empty bottles and that god forsaken dent in the wall. Your body shook as your ‘lover’ made his way to the door, unlocking it.You knew it would be better to tell the truth then lie about it. If you told the truth your punishment would be less harsh hopefully, but you didn’t get your hopes up knowing Kai.
“Are you ready to act like an adult now?”His voice rang in your head as you let out a gasp.
“No.” Your voice was shaky as you gather up the courage to tell him the truth.
“Why not?” You could sense his aggravated tone right away, belittling your confidence in telling him.
“I lost my temper.” You say looking down. Trying to hide away from his liquid gold eyes. Tears streamed down your face as you heard the door that was once unlocked, locked. You saw his feet in your field of vision getting closer to you.
“Excuse me?! What did you do?!” his voice sent shivers down your spine as your squeezed your fists so tight your knuckles turned white.
“I trashed the room, I cleaned all up after I was done to the best of my ability but-” A gloved hand made contact with your cheek at high force. A hand print sketched into your face, stinging and throbbing.
‘What else have you done?!”
“I...I poured all the shampoo and conditioner out, along with your hand sanitizer. I opened the bathroom door to hard and caused a little dent in the wall.” Before you knew it a hand grabbed your wrist squeezing hard.
“Your lucky I have a meeting to go to with Pops. You unfortunately have to come with as well which means your punishment will be postponed until later tonight. Come on we need to find you a suitable dress.” His hand squeezed harder on your wrist making you wince but keep your mouth shut. He was angry enough, its best to just stay quiet for awhile.
Your mouth hurt from all the fake smiling you were doing during the meeting. You sat right next to Kai, trying to keep the girlfriend act up. You had to hold hands with this asshole which felt like a sin in itself. His gloved hand was a unwelcomed feeling of cold despite your hatred for him, you felt a bit safe next to him. Safe from the hungry stares the old men in the meeting were giving you.
Kai was trying to get this sit over with and fast. He hated how you scooted closer to him, he hated you and you hated him, go away. He didn’t want your filth near him. He looked at you questioning why you were so close to him when he saw you shifting uncomfortably at the hungry stares from the older men around the table. Gears clicked in his head as soon as he realized the situation.
“So pretty lady, hows it like living with a germophobe as a boyfriend.” the old man chuckled as did many other men around the table. He looked you up and down. Even though he despised your entire existence, a spark of possessiveness kicked into his body. Fuck off, I need her for my plans.
“Um does it really matter?” You say nervously. Kai’s eyebrow arched at you when he heard you talk back to the man. He tried to move a bit away but couldn’t when he felt your fingers intertwine with his even more as you squeezed his gloved hand tighter. He would never admit it but the warmth of your hand felt a bit nice, compared to his freezing ones.
“I’m just saying it’s pretty funny seeing him get a girlfriend, a pretty one at that.” The man purred at you. You shifted not liking the way it was going down this road. You hoped that Kai would get some sort of message and allow you to leave.
“This meeting is done.” Kai stood up and shot every man a dirty look before stomping out of the room. Making a note to kill the man who wolf whistled at you when you both left the room.
Kai swing your bedroom door up. He practically threw you into the room. You try to catch your balance as your heels where not helping you on the carpet. Before you could fall though a hand grabbed your upper arm and pulled you up.
You were about to say something before a metal clinking caught your attention. Your eyes go wide and felt the cold metal hit your exposed shoulder blades, dragging it around the exposed flesh.
A rush of pain surged through your entire being as you felt the tip of the metal blade pierce through your skin. It felt like every single second was a eternity in hell. The slow movements of the blade ripping through your fresh skin felt like you were being killed by him over and over again.
Kai seemed to drag it out longer then needed. You felt the blood trickle down your back as your entire being shook in pain and fear.
Kai watched as your body shook feeling a sense of power as he realized the amount of control he has over you. It felt like a sick arousal that he couldn’t get enough of. Watching you cry out in pain and fear felt like he was the king. He could end you right now and you would never tell anyone.
And he hated you for it.
How dare you fill his mind with sick fantasies? He has a job to do. Your disgusting, oh how he wished he could kill you, but he still needed you. His plan was almost in fruition and once it was he could finally get rid of your disgusting presence.
The pain finally ended making you let out a sigh of relief. the throbbing pain was still there but the worse of it was over.
“There, now no one will want you. I still need your filthy life in order for my plan to succeed. People will know that your my bitch. And i do whatever i want to you. But they don’t need to know on how much I can’t wait to kill you. To see your blood splatter all over the floor will be my dream come true.” He let you go making you fall to your knees.
“Belong to you? Be careful Kai, your starting to sound like you actually need me.” You growl as you look up as him over your shoulder.
Your chin was grabbed harshly by Kai as you were brought face to face with him.
“We both know that once this is over, you will no longer be needed, then i can finally get rid of your disgusting life.”
“Then why did you carve your initials into my shoulder? What? Did you feel threatened?” You snicker at him with a smirk carved into your face with him glaring at you.
You stare at him for another second or two before grabbing his arm and taking him down onto the ground with you. You try to hop up onto the floor and run but he caught your leg tripping you, making you crash to the floor.
He dragged you back to him while you were kicking and clawing your way away from him. Trying to escape only to have him hold you tightly as you try and wiggle your way out of his clutches.
You throw your head back hitting him in the face. He let go for a split second, but that was all you needed for you to book it.
You dig your nails into the carpet as you push yourself up and open the door, flying out of the room and out into the compound halls.
Fear courses through your veins when you crash into someone’s chest. Your prayed it was pops only for the familiar scent of vanilla to hit your nose. You look up to see Hari Kurono, Kai’s right hand man.
‘He’d probably be a better boyfriend then Kai ever would.’ Your hands were grabbed as you were spun around and walked towards your prison you just escaped from.
“Do what he says and you won’t get hurt understand?” Hari said into your ear. His voice sent shivers down your spine as your remembered how dangerous both of these men were. Curse you and your shit taste in men.
Once you stop at the room and Kai stepped out you knew you were in for a ride. Your finger felt like fire as you were left with Kai as Hari let go of you and walked away.
‘Shit no come back asshole. If your around Kai might be a bit nicer fuck.’
“I was gonna make our punishment a little easier since I WAS in a good mood but you just had to ruin it didn’t you? Jesus can’t you do anything right?” He grabbed your arm and threw you into the room. But he didn’t come in You turn to face him only to have the door shut in your face and the door locked.
“Hwy let me out dickweed!” You banged on the door but no one heard you and no one came to your rescue.
3 days later
Your mouth felt dry like a desert. Your stomach growling in demand for food. You held your stomach as you whine in pain, the hunger pain started to creep up on you. Sure you had water in your bathroom but food was your main priority right now.
The sound of shoes stopping in front of you door had your weary eyes looking in that direction, looking for his eyes. Your energy was gone as you barely had the strength to get up.
“Have you learned your lesson yet (Y/N)?” To tired to care about anything you said yes.
He closed the door and walked over to your tired body laying on the bed.
The power trip he got from seeing your submissiveness to him, you couldn’t fight and didn’t talk back. You didn’t have the energy to do either.
Why didn’t he think of this sooner? You’re doing whatever he says and all he had to do was keep food from you? Take away your source of energy? How long could he do this? If you went another 3 days without food would you give up and do whatever he says in fear of not getting food? Would you finally not make a fit about everything?
“You know what? I think I’m gonna extend your punishment by another 3 days. Maybe then you would learn your place brat.”
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padme-parker · 4 years
Keep On Loving You [AU!Anakin Skywalker x Reader]
Summary: After breaking up with Anakin nearly 5 years ago, you see him again.
Word Count: 6.1k+
Warnings: um angst, mentions of pregnancy and abortion, Anakin is an asshole in this one, fluff if you squint
A/N: This is a song fic, so listen to the cover of “Keep On Loving You” by Cigarettes After Sex while reading this! 
Also, I was never gonna post this but I wanna supply ya’ll with content while I try (and horribly fail) to write ch 3 of Collide. Fun Fact: This was actually THE first fic I ever wrote and completed (so don’t have high expectations lmaooo)
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Walking into the grocery store, you noticed it was more crowded than usual. It was odd, you thought, no one ever really comes to your local grocer. You brushed it off, continuing your shopping. Although you shopped here often, the workers rarely changed where the items were located. You had already familiarized yourself with the baking aisle, so imagine your surprise when you realized the flour was now on the top shelf. You tried to grab it by hopping, but that didn’t work out. As you started to climb the shelves, a hand reached out and grabbed it for you.
“Thank you!” You replied cheerfully. You hadn’t even had the chance to turn around before you heard a quiet, “No problem.” Your body had tensed up. You could recognize that voice anywhere, it didn’t matter that five years had already gone by.
“Ani?” You turned slowly, hoping your ears weren’t deceiving you.
“Y/N?” The warmth had left your face, you tried to blink back the tears. The air had left your body, suddenly you couldn’t remember how to breathe. “Hey, Anakin.” You said with a faint smile
“My god! It is you Y/N. How are you?” You were surprised he had even remembered you.
“I’m good, just buying some stuff for myself.” you replied.
“Flour? I don’t recall you being into baking when we were together..”
“Oh, yeah. It’s something I..uh.. Picked up on after you left. I was just actually getting some ingredients for some cookies. What about you, how are you doing?” You told him, you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes, so you chose to admire the floor instead.
“I’m doing pretty good, I would go into full details but I don’t want to disturb you.” He said, “Actually, how about we go grab a cup of coffee?” After he said that, you lifted your head to look at him. He must’ve thought the face you made was funny because the corner of his lips started to quirk up.
“Yeah, okay. Let me just pay for this and we can go. Same place?” Anakin simply nodded his head, and with that you were off.
You let out a loud laugh, amused by one of Anakin’s stories. It felt like everything was right. As if the two of you never broke up, just like the old times. You wrapped your hands around the warm drink, trying to warm up your hands.
“So why are you back in New York, Anakin? I thought you were in Los Angeles for your acting career.” You paused, unsure what to say next.. “Congrats by the way, I know how much it means to you.” Although it hurt to say it, you were truly proud of his accomplishments. You turned to look at him and for the first time, you admired his appearance. His hair had gotten longer and his eyes were brighter now.
“About that, I’m here for my wedding!” For the second time today, the air left your body. You felt as though the world around you was now crumbling to pieces. It might’ve been five years, but you could never be able to stop loving Anakin.
“W-wow, really? Who’s the lucky lady?” You asked, you tried to keep your emotions in check. Now was not the time to cry.
“Her name is Padme, she’s an actress, just like me. It’s funny, we were both working on the same movie, our characters were in love with each other but I could’ve sworn she hated me. Well one thing led to another and now we’re going to get married.” A grin made its way onto Anakin’s face, “What about you Y/N, find anyone special?”
You hesitated before speaking, “No not really, I’ve been busy with work, taking care of my dogs and-” The shrill tone of Anakin’s phone cut you off, “Hold on, Padme’s calling..” He then proceeded to answer, giving you a sheepish look. You could faintly hear her on the phone, she had been panicking which caused Anakin to swiftly tidy up, “Okay, okay Padme, calm down, I’ll be there soon.” He gave you an apologetic look before getting up. “Do you.. Um… perhaps wanna go? To the wedding?” He asked you.
“Me? Ani, you want me to go?” You were curious, the two of you hadn’t spoken for almost five years, why in the world would Anakin want you there?
“Of course I do Y/N/N, how could I not?” You swallowed the lump in your throat before nodding. In return, a bright smile was given. “Great, I’ll send an invitation to your address” you quickly corrected him, “Actually, Anakin, I don’t live there anymore.” He let out a quick oh in response. Getting out a pen from your purse, you wrote down your address on a napkin before handing it to him.
He took a brief glance at it before shoving it in his pocket, “See you tonight?” You were caught off guard, “W-what?” you asked.
“To give you the invitation I mean.” He replied
You let out the breath you were holding, “Oh yeah, I guess I’ll see you tonight.” He gave you a swift nod accompanied by a smirk, and then he was gone.
By the time night came, you had completely forgotten that Anakin was going to stop by, too engrossed with the cookies you were baking. You were just about to take out the cookies when the bell rang. With a curse, you threw down the rag and ran to the door. Hastily opening the door, you were greeted by Anakin.
“Hey, thanks for coming by. It really means a lot to me, Anakin” You told him
“It really is no big deal y/n, and it would mean a lot to me if you came to my wedding.” Anakin then pulled an invitation out, “The wedding is on Saturday, the ceremony starts at 3pm.” Given that it was Tuesday, you had three days to find a suitable outfit. Or just rummage through your closet and find whatever was good enough.
“Look, I would invite you in Anakin, but I’m currently busy. Sorry” Your eyebrows were raised and gave him a shrug, “Gotta go, my cookies are gonna burn!” You shut the door on him before he could respond. You pressed your back against the door and took a deep breath to compose yourself before going back to your cookies. Seeing that your cookies were about to be burned, you quickly took them out.
“Who was at the door?” Asked your roommate
“HOLY SHIT! What the hell, Steve. Are you a ninja now?” You whisper screamed, taking a quick glance at him only to realize he was nearly naked, “And why in the world are you almost naked Steve?”
“It doesn’t matter. Oooh, are those cookies?” Before you could reply he grabbed one and shoved the hot cookie in his mouth. “So are you gonna tell me who that was?”
“No one, just a-- it was nobody.” you say, trying to sound convincing. Steve then gave you a pointed look, indicating that he would wait all night for the truth if he had to. Giving in, you told him who he was. “That was..he’s..” your eyes begin to tear up, “Anakin, it was him. He was just inviting me to his wedding.” It seems like all you did now was cry. You didn’t understand why you were crying, it’s been five years. You should be over him by now.
“Anakin, as in Anakin Skywalker the-” you cut him off, “Yes, that’s him.” The tears were coming out of you like a river now. He let out a soft sigh before taking you in his embrace, he knew what had happened between you and Anakin.
You had been waiting all night for Anakin to come home. You knew that he was close to landing a lead role, so you had wanted to prepare a nice dinner for his efforts along with sharing some good news of your own. Just as you pulled the chicken out of the oven, the front door opened. Anakin set down his stuff with a sigh, coming up behind you to wrap his arms around you.
For a moment, you let yourself get lost in his embrace. You enjoyed the warmth he emitted, snuggling closer to him. Anakin was the first person you had ever truly loved. No one could ever compare to him.
“So, how’d it go Ani?” Expecting another rejection, you turned to cup his face. However you were proved wrong when a smile lit up the room. “I got it baby! I did it!” He screamed, lifting you up and placing kisses on your face. You screamed along with him, you were happy that he was finally being recognized for his talent.
“Anakin, that’s amazing!” You were jumping with joy, “I made roast chicken, let's discuss over dinner.” You began to plate the chicken along with the honey roasted carrots and potatoes. Anakin set up the plates and cutlery, getting two wine glasses and your favorite bottle of wine. Once you saw that he finished setting up, you put the chicken and sides down on the table. Taking out a knife, you cut out a piece of breast meat for him. You were quite excited for this meal, you tried a new recipe, resulting in the chicken looking juicy and flavorful. You then served yourself before sitting down. Anakin reached for the bottle of wine, pouring himself a glass first before reaching over to grab yours.
“Actually, Ani, I think I’ll stick with water tonight.” He gave you a questioning look, “I’m quite parched, and although I’d love a glass right now, water seems like the only thing that can quench my thirst. Thank you though.” He got up to get you a glass of water before returning to his seat.
“So, tell me about it Ani.” You started the conversation
“Well y/n/n, everything about it was great. After auditioning I was sure I wasn’t going to get a call back, but they did baby! They called me and wanted to discuss the role with me.” He continued, “We have to start filming soon but..” He paused
“But what, Ani?” you implored
“I’m going to be gone for a long time y/n, in Los Angeles…” that surprised you, he was supposed to be gone in LA while you were in NYC, “How long Anakin?” you asked, afraid of his answer.
“Almost a year, my flight leaves tomorrow at 4:35pm” you froze, how were you supposed… what if… you couldn’t think, so many thoughts and questions were running through your mind.
“Ani, you’re going to spend a whole year in Los Angeles..away from me.”
“Y/n, it doesn’t have to be that way.” He reassured you, “You can come with me, we can still be together.” He must have been joking, there was no way you were going to leave. “Anakin, you know I can’t! Everything that I’ve built for my career is here!”
“If you come with me, we can rebuild our future together. Nothing will stop us, we won’t have anything to worry about. Imagine it, you and I, walking down the red carpet together. Hand in hand.” You were appalled, was that all he really cared about? The fame and fortune?
“You can’t be serious right now, Anakin! Is that all you care about? The money and fame that comes with being an actor? We both know that the world doesn’t give two shits about people like us!” You screamed, your chest was heaving now.
“People like us? What do you even mean by that? Are you insinuating that I’ll never be successful?” By now his eyes were wide open, gone was the supposed celebratory night.
“No- Anakin you’re putting words into my mouth, I-” “THEN WHAT Y/N? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY MEAN?” You took a deep breath before opening your mouth, “Ani, all I’m saying is that the people don’t care about nobodies, and they never will.”
“But that’s the thing y/n, everyone starts as a nobody, yet the only person who can change that is yourself. I’m sorry but I can’t be with someone who doesn’t believe in me.” His eyes glistened with tears, he sniffled quietly, “I’ll come back for my stuff tomorrow before I leave, but I can’t stay here tonight.” The awkward squeaking of his chair broke you out of your trance, you watched as he put on his jacket and collected his keys. Just as he was walking out the door he paused, “You know y/n, I would’ve gone anywhere in the world for you. I just wished you’d done the same for me.” He said before softly closing the door.
You got up from your seat and walked towards your bedroom. Sitting down on the bed, you let out a defeated sigh. You scanned the room, only now noticing how much of it was filled with Anakin’s things. His scent still lingered in the air. You didn’t realise you were crying until you felt a tear drop onto your hands. You wiped away the tears before reaching under your side of the bed and taking out a box. Gently grasping the picture, you took it out of the box before starting to cry again, “It was supposed to be us together, forever.”
“So what’re going to do y/n? Are you actually going to his wedding?” Steve questioned you. In response you gave him a shrug. You knew it was wrong of you to go, but Anakin had personally invited you himself. Even though the two of you hadn’t talked to each other for half of a decade, he was still someone you cared about. Hell, you and Anakin grew up together as best friends, you had to be there for him. It was the least you could do. “Yeah, I’m going, Steve.”
The day of the wedding, you woke up nervous. Who wouldn't be, the ex you’re still madly and deeply in love with was going to get married to someone that wasn’t you. You called out for Steve but got no reply. You let out a sigh before getting up to get your phone to text him.
You: Hey, wya?
Steve: Good Morning y/n, I’m currently out. I won’t be home until later today, sorry bug :((
You: What! I was relying on you to watch my kids
Steve: I know, I know, sowwy. Maybe you can text the babysitter?
You left Steve on read to quickly text your babysitter.
JJ: Yo, wassup. What can I do for you today? 
You: Can you take care of my precious children today? Pretty please!!!
JJ: Of course I can, I’d love to.
You: Great thanks JJ! Please be here before 2:05pm :)
You were grateful that you had Jar Jar on days like this, while you hadn’t spent much time with him, you trusted him enough with your kids. Hopping into the shower, you washed your hair and body, letting the warm water and steam unwind you a little. By the time you were done showering it had been 11:35am, leaving a couple hours to get ready and maybe have a little snack.
Walking over to your closet, you pulled out a satin champagne dress. It had a low cut, showing a little cleavage. The fabric on the left side of your hip wrapped around your body, coming back up to where it started, giving you a slight slit. Then you moved onto makeup, deciding on going for a simple look. After applying your foundation, concealer, and contour, you moved onto the upper half of your face. You carefully filled in your brows, making sure each swipe was precise. Taking a spoolie, you blended the brow product ensuring that your brows weren’t so harsh looking. Next, you took your favorite mascara and applied it to your lashes. While there was some volume, you decided to put on some eyelashes so your eyes didn’t look so naked compared to the rest of your face. You moved onto blush and highlight, deciding on whatever complimented your skin. For the finishing touch, you chose a mauve-nude lipstick along with a glittery lipgloss. As for hair, you slicked it back, putting it into a nice tight low bun. By the time you were finished, the clock was at 1:25pm. It took you nearly two hours to get ready, but you still had time to accessorize and grab a snack.
You grabbed the first gold necklace you could find and put it on, along with a pair of dangly earrings. The house was quiet, so you assumed that the dogs were still asleep or taking a nap. Creeping into the kitchen, you settled on having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a cup of yogurt for breakfast. Something quick and easy, it would keep you sustained until the eating portion of the wedding. If you had to be real, that was the one thing you were looking forward to. I mean who doesn’t love free food? After cleaning up, you went back to your room taking a quick second to check up on the sleeping beast on your bed. Seeing as it was still asleep, you went to the closet and pulled out a jacket along with strappy gold heels. It was nearing 2pm so you picked up your purse and made sure you had everything you needed. Makeup? Check. Phone? Check. Keys? Check. Invitation? Check. You walked into the bathroom and checked yourself out one last time. As you were heading towards the door, the doorbell rang, signaling Jar Jar’s arrival. You went to open it and invited him in.
“Alright Jar Jar, I’ve gotta run. You know where the food is if they get hungry, they’ve been napping for a while now so they might wake up soon, you know the drill.” You told him
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve got this under control. I’ve done this like a hundred times, duh.” He announced, you smiled at him. He never failed to lift your mood with his sarcastic and goofy attitude. You gave him one last nod before grabbing your keys out of your purse to lock the door.
Hopping into your car, you typed the address into your phone and started the journey to the venue. It took about 25 minutes to get there, you arrived at 2:30, giving you some time to find parking and a seat at the ceremony. The event was pretty big, given that both Anakin and Padme were famous, there had been many guests. You chose a seat in the middle of all the chairs, not too close yet not too far. You looked around, trying to spot anyone you knew but you couldn’t find anyone. Just as you were about to go on your phone to pass the time you felt someone sit awfully close to you. You looked up realizing who it was.
“Anakin!” You were surprised, shouldn’t he be up at the front? “Why’re sitting next to me? Aren’t you supposed to be at the front?” You took a glance at him, noticing how well his tux fit him.
“Well yeah, but I’m nervous y/n/n..” he replied. “What, why? Isn’t this supposed to be the happiest day of your life..?” you asked, you were starting to have second thoughts, maybe you shouldn’t have come after all. “I guess… listen I gotta go now, but you’ll be at the reception yeah?” you nodded, then he got up and walked away.
Before you knew it, music was starting to play but no one walked in yet, signalling that they were going to begin shortly. You took the time to admire the venue, there was a light lace fabric spanning from wall to wall, acting as a backdrop. The venue itself was a beautiful, dark brick building. Strewn around the room were fairy lights, making the atmosphere warmer. At the ends of every row were lanterns, containing light pink rocks and a burning candle. Across the aisle laid a white runway, each side having flower petals scattered, but left a clear path for the bridal party to walk down.
The doors swiftly opened and the music changed pace, one by one the bridal party began to walk down the aisle until the only person left was the bride. Each bridesmaid wore a different style of dress that complimented their style, but the color remained the same. Noticing that everyone was standing up, you stood up too, straightening out your dress. The orchestra played Canon in D, a wedding classic. Turning to Padme, you first took in her beauty. Her hair was curled to perfection, tied back only leaving a few hairs to frame her face. Her features were soft and angelic looking, you really couldn’t tell if she was wearing makeup or not. Your eyes drifted to her dress, it was truly magnificent. It was white with ivory detailing, her flowy sleeves made of lace. It was as if she was an angel sent from the heavens. You continued to admire her, then your eyes fell to her swollen belly, one hand clasped over it while the other was holding her bouquet. You were shocked to the core, Anakin really didn’t love you anymore, did he? Of course, you weren’t a silly girl, you knew that he was going to move on from you, but you hadn’t expected this.
Just as Padme took Anakin’s hand, you flopped down into your chair. The remainder of the guests sat down too, commencing the ceremony.
“Friends and family, we are joined here today to celebrate the wedding of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker.” Hold on, wait a second. Was that Obi Wan? Your whole body perked up, looking for the strawberry blonde. You were surprised that they chose Obi Wan to be their officiant. Given the fact that they’re both famous, you’d assume they’d have an actual priest at their wedding. To ya’know, keep up their reputation and appeal to their audience. 
You should've seen by the look in my eyes, that there was something missing.
“Marriage is a pathway to a promise between two beings. That they will always love and trust each other. Creating a bond that can never be broken. So I’ll ask this now before we continue. If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.” For a minute, the world around you stopped. All you could see was him, your Anakin. His eyes met your gaze, as if it was a silent plea.
Tearing your eyes away from him, you sunk into your seat. Oh gods, why did you just have to go to the store while Anakin was in town. All of this could’ve been avoided if you had just gone shopping on Monday, but who the hell goes grocery shopping on a Monday?
“Alright, now that we have that out of the way, let's allow the bride and groom to share a few words.” Obi Wan handed the microphone to Anakin.
You should've known by the tone of my voice, but you didn't listen.
“You know Padme, never in a million years did I think I’d be getting married.” ouch, “Let alone to the girl of my dreams.” wow, it seems like Anakin was trying to make you more miserable than you already were. “So it’s so amazing that I’m standing here today, with you. Within the five years I’ve known you, three of them consisting of us being together, I’ve come to know what type of person you are. Padme is selfless, loving, and strong-willed. After our first movie together, I just knew that I had to have her. Every time I’d ask you out on a date, you’d laugh and say ‘Ask me tomorrow, Anakin’” cue the laughing, “so that’s what I did. Finally when you said yes, I felt like I was going to explode with excitement. After our first date, I just knew that I would love you forever, Padme.”
‘Cause it was us baby way before them.
The sun was softly shining through your curtains, you felt a hand brushing through your hair. Letting out a soft groan, the hand stopped, “Oh, please don’t stop on my account, Ani.” You looked up at him, a smile forming on his lips, “Good morning, angel.” You gave him a quick peck before saying good morning back, getting up to get ready for the day.
“So what’s the plan for today, Anakin?” You asked from the bathroom, picking up your toothbrush you applied tooth paste then proceeded to brush your teeth. Anakin’s arms suddenly wrapped around your torso, his chin resting on your head. “How about you go treat yourself, go shopping, maybe hang out with some friends, and when you come home, I’ll have dinner ready. How does that sound?” You pondered for a minute before nodding your head.
By the time you had arrived home, it was already 6:50pm. Unlocking the door, a delicious smell wafted from the kitchen. First you took off your shoes, leaving them by the door. Next came your jacket, hanging it on the coat rack. You snuck up behind Anakin, wrapping your arms around his neck. You could say sneaky snuggles were a daily thing in your relationship. “Whatcha cookin good lookin?” Anakin let out a snort, “Only the best for my girlfriend. How about you go sit down while I bring the food to the table.” You turned to the table, noticing everything was already set up. You took your seat just as Anakin laid down the meal. Chicken parmesan with homemade lasagna.
“Oh Ani, my favorite! You didn’t have to, what’s the occasion?” You squealed
“No reason, like I said, only the best for my girl.” He smiled, lifting up his wine glass, you mirrored his actions, “I’d like to make a toast dedicated to you, my lovely, beautiful, amazing girlfriend. I love you, forever.” 
And I meant every word I said, when I said that I love you, I meant that I love you forever.
You were full on blushing now, “I love you too, Ani. A toast, to forever.” The two of you joined glasses, a clink echoed in the near quiet apartment.
You were awoken from your flashback by loud applause, did you just daydream during the remainder of the wedding? You turned to the old lady next to you, “Is it over?” She turned to look at you, appalled by your appearance but nodded nonetheless. “Oh am I crying,” awkward laugh, “I always cry at weddings..” You turned to look away and instead focused on the bride and groom newly wedded husband and wife making their way down the aisle. Both adorning smiles on their faces.
The guests were ushered outside near an open bar area. You were encouraged to take pictures but chose to watch the workers as they changed the venue from ceremony mode to reception mode. You noticed they kept most of the decorations, only adding circular tables and necessities. The lanterns now became centerpieces while the flowers scattered down the aisle were now randomly placed across the room. There was a long, rectangular table arranged in front of the white backdrop. Obviously for Padme and Anakin, along with their bridal party and family. You looked around quickly before leaving to go to the bathroom. Once there you took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. A gasp left your mouth, your looks were beyond atrocious. You closed your mouth before you could catch any flies and touched up your makeup.
Walking out of the bathroom you had nearly made it to the bar before you stumbled into somebody, “Hello there.” Seems like you couldn’t run away from your past, “Hello, Obi Wan. How are you?” After asking him, the two of you had spent the next fifteen minutes catching up on eachothers lives. Finally, the staff had announced that the tables were ready. Obi Wan promptly excused himself, now by yourself you went to go find your seat. To make your life easier, you went to the table where they had a list of names and where you could find your seat. You were sat at table three, pretty close to the front for someone who R.S.V.P.ed at the last second.
When you got to your table, you noticed there were already some people seated, none that you knew though. Sitting down, you began to mingle with your peers. Making small talk until the buffet was ready.
It took a while, but dinner was finally ready to start. You’d waited all day for this moment and you couldn’t wait. Once your table was dismissed, you got in line with a plate in your hand. The first thing you noticed was the variety, which was a good thing for you because you could eat to your heart's content. After making yourself a plate, you went back to your table to eat. You shoveled the delicious food into your mouth, hoping to get a second plate but you were interrupted by the clinking of glass. Toast time you thought to yourself, a frown upon your face. Darn, you were really keen on getting that second plate.
You zoned out during the toasts and eventually their first dance, all you could think about was getting out of this damn dress. You couldn’t wait to go home and take a hot shower while crying your eyes out. Coming back to the real world, you noted how everyone was standing up, crowding around Padme and Anakin as a cake was placed in front of them. Great, I really need to stop zoning out.
“Okay, before we continue with the cake cutting, I’d just like to say that not only is this cake to celebrate our marriage, but it’s also our gender reveal cake!” fuck, Fuck, FUCK..you really shouldn’t have come. God you’re so stupid, I mean why the fuck would would anyone think going to your exs wedding is a good idea. The room fell silent, anticipating the color of the cake. Gasps were let out when the piece of cake was shown. Pink and blue? Are they having- “Twins! We’re having twins!” Anakin shouted. You couldn’t breathe, you needed fresh air. You hurriedly stepped outside, choosing to sit down on a bench to try and collect your breath.
You must’ve been outside for a while because before you knew it, Anakin was sitting next to you. “What’re doing out here, Anakin? Shouldn’t you be inside dancing with your wife?” You asked.
“I wish..” Anakin scoffed, his eyebrows were furrowed deep in thought. “What do you mean? This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You just married the woman you love for crying out loud!” You protested.
Anakin let out a sigh, “Yeah, that’s just the thing. Padme was never supposed to get pregnant. We were never supposed to get married. The only reason why I proposed was because our agencies thought it would be good for our reputation.” This was some shocking news, you thought they truly loved each other. Well Anakin at least, you couldn’t speak for Padme.
“You know, the day after we broke up when I came to collect my belongings, I waited for you. I knew you were gone, waiting for me to finally leave. But I waited for you. For as long as I could.” You had no idea why Anakin was telling you this. Why would he bring something like this up… unless… no, it wasn’t possible.
When Anakin entered his your apartment, the first thing he noticed was how quiet it was. Sure, it was still morning, but you weren’t someone to sleep past 10 am. You had always enjoyed getting up early. It was before noon, so Anakin had just assumed you were out for brunch. He began to collect some of his belongings, only taking what was necessary. He didn’t want to take any of the pictures, just in case you missed him enough and wanted to longingly stare at them. So instead he took out his phone and took a photo of every picture he liked. The good, the bad, and the ugly; Anakin wanted to remember all of it. Entering your room, Anakin was quick to take what he needed. He almost left before he remembered the most important thing to him, his mother's ring. Anakin knew he couldn’t leave without so he went to find it. He searched high and low until he came across a box under the bed. Although the two of you were together, he never went through your things without permission. But Anakin was desperate, so he opened the box.
At first he was unsure of what he was looking at. Sure, the picture was simply black and white but he just couldn’t figure out what it was. Until his eyes drifted to the upper left hand corner, containing your full name, medical information, and the date. Was this what he thought it was? Were you pregnant? He took the ultrasound into his hands, forgetting about the ring.
He swore that at that very moment, he could’ve cried, and he did. What was he going to do now? He didn’t know if he should’ve waited for you to return or leave. On one hand he would be starting a family with you while on the other he would be following his dreams.
“So, you knew? That I was pregnant?” Anakin nodded his head, “..and you still chose to leave?” The words felt heavy on your tongue. “Believe me, I wanted to stay. For god's sake, y/n, I waited there for you. For HOURS! By the time I had to leave you still weren’t back. I had to choose between my passion and you. It wasn’t easy to make the decision, but you weren’t there and my future was awaiting me.” Anakin’s voice was quivering, it hurt him to think about this.
“Anakin, can I ask you a question?” Anakin nodded his head, motioning for you to go on. “The night we broke up, if I had told you that I was pregnant; would you have stayed?” His mouth opened as if he was going to answer, only for it to snap shut. Tears welled up in your eyes, you had your answer, “You know what, it doesn’t matter, it’s not like I kept the baby.” You shook your head, not wanting to cry in front of Anakin. You stood up, gathering your things and left without uttering another word to him. Everything he said to you was a lie, because if he had really loved you, he would’ve stayed.
And I'm gonna keep on loving you, because it's the only thing I wanna do.
By the time you had gotten home, you had much time to think. You’d spent the past five years dreaming of that exact moment. You would’ve told him you were pregnant, and in return he would’ve chosen to be with you. The two of you would get married and live a happy life with your children. But those dreams were shattered by the harsh reality. Anakin wouldn’t have stayed and he wouldn’t have married you.
Moving into the bathroom, you removed your makeup, seeing as it was ruined by your tears, again. Taking off your clothes, you hopped into the hot shower. You were going to cry but decided to give your eyes a rest since you had basically cried all the way home. After changing into your pajamas you creeped into your room.. Slowing making your way to bed, you got under the covers. Once you had almost fallen asleep, you felt something lay on your chest. You gently started stroking her hair, “Sorry, did I wake you, Shani?” you asked softly, a quiver in your voice.
“No, it’s okay momma. I was waiting for you to get home.” Her voice was quiet and delicate. “Are you okay momma?” Although she was barely five, she was a smart girl. She looked up, noticing your eyes were swollen. She must’ve heard the falter in your voice.
“Of course I am Ani, I’ve got my little angel with me.” She gently laid her head back down, her small arms doing their best to wrap around you. You continued stroking her hair until her breathing evened out, signalling she was asleep.
Soon after, you found yourself dozing off to the thought of what could’ve been.
I don't wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on loving you.
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 5.4}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.1k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
Robin left the great hall to head back to her room even before dinner would officially be over, and seeing as Snape was still there when she made her exit, she should have some time before their usual meeting. With a content sigh, she dropped her backpack onto her bed, and then went to change out of her school uniform into something more comfortable instead. Just as she'd grabbed her backpack to head out again, her roommates almost threw the door into her face as they returned from dinner.
"Oh, hey Robin!" Cas grinned as she threw herself onto her bed with a racing speed. "First!"
"In case you didn't notice, I didn't even try." Jorien replied flatly as she walked towards her own bed and sat down more orderly.
"What are you two up to tonight?" Robin asked as she stood in the doorway, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she eyed the girls with risen eyebrows.
"NOTHING!" Cas groaned exaggeratedly and dropped onto her back with a bounce.
"Studying." Jorien shrugged in return and rolled her eyes at her friend one bed over.
"Ah, the same old then." Robin chuckled, but didn't want to straight out laugh at them, even though they were rather amusing in their antics. "Well, I'm off now. I'll be back late as always."
"Are you meeting someone special tonight?" Cas asked as she sat up again with lightning speed and with a very much ridiculous grin accompanied by wiggling eyebrows.
"What? No!" Robin snorted a little too bemusedly to be sincere and frowned at the girl in return. "I'm meeting Snape for studies. As always."
"Oh, right." Cas sighed and dropped back down onto her back. "Boring. How could I forget."
"Why did you think I was doing anything different tonight than what I've been doing for two months now?"
"It's probably just the shirt." Jorien pointed out before Cas could. "You've never worn one like this before, and it looks nice on you."
"It does?" Robin's eyebrows lifted even higher than before. It was just a shirt, really, she hadn't put much thought into what she'd put on, other than that it had to be comfortable. "Thank you, I guess… I bought it just this summer, and I haven't gotten to wear it at school yet. But there really isn't anything special about it."
"Jorien's right, it definitely is the shirt! Henley shirts make your collarbones stand out nicely, but you should consider wearing something other than black, grey or green for once. It makes you look pale." Cas commented with an expertise Robin hadn't known the possessed, and that also left her short of any suitable reply.
"I… wasn't aware you're so knowledgeable in fashion questions." She finally brought out though, with a small laugh.
"I really got into it over summer!" Cas grinned in return. "If you ever need a shopping guide, you know who to ask."
"I'll remember that." Robin chuckled and offered both girls one last smile. "But I better get going now, birthday or not, Snape doesn't like lateness. Despite being usually late himself. Anyway, if you want to do yourselves a favor, study for transfigurations. McGonagall likes to have her classes write surprise tests somewhere around the end of October."
With that, Robin finally made her way through the soothingly dark hallway and towards the potions classroom. It was no distance, but she wasn't in a haste either. She'd finished her paperwork for today already, and that left her with quite a bit of time at hand before Snape himself would likely be ready to start on the potion. The door wasn't locked, and thus she let herself in even without knocking. All the way back in his office, Snape was just gathering some papers and notebooks as Robin made her way to her usual seat at the side table.
"Hey." She sighed, once he finally stepped out into the class as well and moved to sit behind his desk.
"You're early." He replied as he set up his work for the evening, while Robin merely watched.
"Yeah, I was kind of trying to escape a conversation about my t-shirt." Robin sighed even louder, but then couldn't help chuckling as he frowned at her words and inspected the mentioned piece of clothing for two seconds before turning back to his work.
"What, pray tell, would be worth discussing about it?" He asked, surprising Robin only mildly by actually showing interest in something as pathetic as her choice of outfit.
"Do you really care to know?" Robin smiled in amusement, raising an eyebrow at him which he probably couldn't see though, as intently focused on his paperwork as he was.
"You started the topic, now you ought to finish it."
"Well, Jorien said it looks nice on me, and Cas believes that the style of shirt makes my collarbones stand out, while the dark colors however make me look too pale. You might be able to imagine that this wasn't a conversation I wanted to indulge in." Robin still couldn't hide her amusement. This wasn't a conversation he would want to be having either, and she knew it even without any reaction. But he'd wanted her to tell, and thus she had.
"I disagree."
"What?" Now her own brows furrowed as well, and she couldn't quite tell what exactly he was disagreeing with.
"Dark colors do suit you."
"Oh…" Robin could hear her own heartbeat in her ears, along with the rushing of her blood. It was drowning out almost anything else. "Thank you."
"Will you ever start doing your paperwork tonight? Or do you no longer wish to get started with the healing potion experiment?" The change of topic was intentional, and that was rather obvious in his tone indeed. Snape had gotten better at accepting Robin's words of thankfulness when they concerned their work or studies, but they still weren't near a place where he was fine with accidentally saying something nice.
"Of course I want to get started with the potion!" Robin replied immediately, in mild protest only. "That's why I finished all my paperwork already."
"Didn't you have anything better to do on your birthday than studying?"
"No." Robin replied with a new smirk. "There's hardly ever anything better to do than studying. But I did spend some time receiving gifts and congratulations, if that's what you mean."
"Did you receive anything worth mentioning?"
"It all is worth mentioning! I was given three gorgeous bracelets, a black hippogriff's feather and a lovely breakfast by myself." She smiled down at her hands, folded on the top of her table, and let the memory of receiving each brighten up her smile a little bit more.
"A hippogriff's feather?"
"Yes. Hagrid gave it to me, he thought it might be of more use to me than it is to him."
"Those are very valuable."
"I know… I told him that much, but he insisted that I have it." Robin said and then looked up at Snape with an almost inquiring expression. "However I couldn't help wondering how half of the staff came to know that it was my birthday today."
"How curious indeed."
"Someone obviously must've told them…" She half mused, half prompted, and observed the potions professor with a curious expression in return.
"It certainly wasn't me." He scoffed with badly feigned scorn, and kept pretending to focus on the papers on the desk. Well, if he wanted to have this conversation like that, Robin would go along with it.
"I'm kind of led to doubt your honesty in this." She replied easily. "You're the only person who even knows when my birthday is, and Dumbledore mentioned that-..."
"He did?"
"He did."
"That old fool will hear from me about this." He grumbled, but still didn't spare Robin a single glance. "Would you believe me if I told you it had absolutely nothing to do with you?"
"In that case, I merely tried to win an argument."
"How so?"
"In proving to you that being cared for extends beyond materialism. Your peers and even the staff seem to actually care for you if they sought to make your day enjoyable."
"Yeah, that seems to be the case." Robin smiled warmly, and smirked as she noticed how he wasn't even reading anymore. "I will consider myself successfully proven wrong, then."
"How gracious of you. Will you let this issue go now?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Well, you shouldn't be surprised if I don't do something you want me to." Robin couldn't help herself, and especially couldn't keep the tease to herself.
"And you shouldn't be surprised if I give you detention one of these days for repeatedly sassing me."
"And what's that gonna do? I spent all of my time down here anyway, it's hardly a punishment for me."
"I could assign you every and any dreadful task I please."
"Don't you do that already though?"
"Stop. Sassing. Me."
"Or what?" The smirk was in Robin's voice now as well as on her lips, and she leaned back in her chair with raised eyebrows. She wouldn't even mind getting detention for this, honestly. It was too much fun messing with him.
"Or I will distract you from your work with snarky comments in return."
"Don't you do that already though?"
"You are insufferable." Snape scoffed in half real, and half feigned annoyance, rolling his eyes at the parchment beneath his fingertips. "I have no idea why I even bother with you."
"Because as much as you pretend to despise me, you still like me better than all of the other dunderheads." Robin smirked, and only felt very subtly uncomfortable for making such a bold assumption. But he had to like her better than most other students in some way, or he wouldn't bother with her indeed.
"I most certainly do not." He protested, but it didn't sound convincing at all. In fact, he had rarely seemed so entirely unconvinced of his own statement.
"Alright." Robin sighed easily in return, rose to her feet, and made for the door without further ado.
"Where are you going?" His eyes finally lifted to stare at her in an instant, and she halted in front of the door to turn back around. The frown on his face very much gave away his irritation, while his tone betrayed him equally to reveal just a subtle hint of panic.
"To a place where you won't have to bother with me anymore." She replied with a small but honest smile, and his frown only deepened at the juxtaposition of her positive expression and the words she had said.
"You know I did not mean that." Snape said in a scolding tone, but Robin guessed that he likely just didn't know how to approach the situation any other way without giving away what he actually thought. She felt a little bad for messing with him… maybe she would apologise for it later. But she had something else to do now.
"Of course I know. But someone's got to go and get the Plangentine, and I intentionally finished my paperwork early so I could do just that now." She said calmly, kindly, in the hope that it would convey the change from joke to seriousness. "I believe I saw some down in the forest by the lake, and since they only can be gathered at night, I was hoping you would let me do that right now while you still have work to do anyway."
"Are you certain you want to go out there by yourself? The forest is a dangerous place at night, and saving a few galleons on flowers is hardly worth taking a risk for."
"I'm very certain. As I said, I will merely go into the part of the forest by the lake, not the forbidden one. I'll be back even before you finish grading those papers." She gave him her best reassuring expression, feeling only glad that he was back to neutral now instead of irritated and mildly panicked or grumbling and scowling. Maybe she would have to be more careful in her sassing in the future… the last thing she wanted was to push him too far.
"It would indeed be useful to have the Plangentine tonight already, I do admit that. Be careful, yes?"
"Of course." Robin gave him another small smile, then slipped out the door into the hallway. As she made her way up the spiral staircase, she let her fingers brush over her wand that was safely hidden in her sleeve, just to be sure that she really was prepared for any instance. She didn't want a repetition of the helplessness she'd experienced a year ago, especially since she'd left her backpack in the classroom with Snape.
With quick steps, Robin made her way through the silent castle and finally out into the night. It was fairly cold, and she rolled her eyes when she realized that she should've brought a jacket, but then again she wouldn't be out here for long anyway. Going back now would take longer than going ahead, so she took the first few steps away from the castle and sighed instinctively when she was wrapped into the distant sound of rustling leaves and the earthy smell of wet soil. The night really was an eternal paradise for the troubled mind.
After a few minutes of following the path towards the forest however, darkness constantly wrapping Robin into a thicker blanket that robbed her senses, the calm made way for an eerie feeling, the kind of tension one experiences when being watched. In an instant she had her wand tightly clasped in her hand, wasting but a thinking second on blaming it for turning clammy with the pace of her nerves, and her eyes scanned the darkness around her. Nothing. Only the unlit castle towering on top of the hill behind, and the black wall of equally towering trees ahead. With a frown and a significant increase in her heartbeat, Robin pushed the unease away and skipped further down the unevenly graveled path. The faster she got those flowers, the sooner she would be back in the safety of the dungeons. It was ridiculous how the hairs in her neck refused not to stand on high alert, how her mind was spooked by the shadows she was part of. She'd never been afraid of the darkness, especially not the calm of nature wrapped in layers of it! But something was undeniably bugging her subconsciousness right now, something she couldn't put her finger to. As she reached the point where the path split to lead into the forbidden part of the forest on one end and further down towards the lake on the other, she finally had enough. In an instant she stopped in her track and stood perfectly still for a moment to simply listen. Rustling leaves, the icy blow of the wind… a subtle scratch of stone against stone. Without a word, she turned into the direction of the latter and sent a repelling spell at whoever or whatever had dared to sneak up on her.
A yelp, a thud, and a groan followed right after her spell had hit its target with an accuracy Robin was only lucky to have had, and her breath caught in her through for a broken second. Then however, her wand still raised, she skidded down the hill off her chosen path, making for the direction her ominous opponent had been catapulted into, and inevitably coming closer to the wall of trees that marked the line between forbidden forest and open hillside. The very moment her eyes fell upon the heap on the ground that slowly sorted itself out to rise back to their feet, she wanted to groan her annoyance out into the night. Expensive looking but undeniably cheap robes glistened in the moonlight, and Robin tugged her wand back into the sleeve of her shirt before it could be taken from her.
"How dare you!" The breathless voice of none other than Damion Morgan reached Robin's ears even before she could see his faces. "HOW DARE YOU attacking me!"
"Well, you shouldn't sneak up on me like that in the middle of the night, professor." Robin replied casually, with a small shrug. She honestly couldn't even bring herself to feel guilty about it; he really was rather lucky that she'd only used a repelling spell on him and not something actually harmful.
"Don't you dare talking back to me now!" He spat, and even in the darkness Robin could see the rage on his face. "I followed you out here, because I finally caught you in the very act! You were sneaking out into the forest, it's undeniable at this point! Probably to… to work who knows which horrors!"
Robin rolled her eyes at his exaggeration, and at his prevailing desperation to get her into trouble over any possible thing at all. He'd been trying ever since the thing with the occlumency, but after the thunderstorm of terror Snape must've unleashed upon him after the incident with the self-made curses last year, Morgan's attempts had gotten more subtle yet also more desperate. Only that he'd never actually caught her doing something wrong. Neither would he tonight.
"I'm sure this looks like a true felony to you, but that unfortunately isn't the case." She replied almost too sweetly, in the most disgusting innocence she could forge her voice into. "I am merely going down to the lake to gather samples of a nocturnal plant. With the very permission of Professor Snape, of course. You can ask him, if you please. He is grading essays in the potions classroom."
Without another word, Robin turned on her heel to head back towards the path that would lead her down to the lake where she was supposed to be now, but she didn't get further than a single step. Then the same strong grasp that had already bruised her wrist once before clasped her shoulder in a grip so tight that she let out an unintentional sound of pain.
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere!" He hissed, and tightened his hold on Robin's shoulder even though she didn't struggle in the slightest. It wouldn't be of use anyway, unless she planned to engage in a full blown fight, which this would definitely escalate into if one of them didn't start acting like an adult at last. And since Morgan obviously refused to do so, Robin rose to the part.
"We can return to the castle and speak to Professor Snape together, if you would prefer that. Sir." She stated as calmly as she could, and without the previous sass or mockery. It wouldn't lead them anywhere, and she couldn't see any advantage for herself should she anger him even more now. This wasn't defeat though, only being better than him.
"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Morgan scoffed, and forcefully turned Robin around by her shoulders so she faced the forest a mere couple steps ahead. "So that he can cover up for you yet again and put all blame for your mistakes on me? No, I don't think so. No one will speak to him tonight, neither you nor I. He clearly is biased when it comes to students of his own house, and as a loyal servant of this school and the headmaster himself, I see it as my duty to rectify this issue before it gets out of hand."
"You might want to reconsider that…" Robin replied, but she had absolutely no idea where this was going. The dark trees towered above her, they were all she could see, and the blackness of the forest as a whole. It drowned out even the whitest moonlight, leaving behind only a black wall indeed. And she stood facing it, held in place by a dimwit with an authority complex. What was it about her that pissed him off so much?! And what was it about the way he spoke now that finally sufficed to scare her?
"Bloody nonsense!" He snapped in return, and Robin didn't need to see his face to feel the anger radiating off him. "I've known students like you before, you won't learn until the right measures are taken. So that's what I'm finally going to do now."
"Could we perhaps discuss this inside the castle if you already insist on discussing it at all? It's too cold out here, and the forbidden forest certainly is no place for yelling, professor." She tried to reason with him, tried to keep her voice steady, tried to keep her teeth from chattering now that she grew increasingly cold from not moving anymore.
"Oh, we're not discussing this. You won't learn from a discussion; you won't learn from anything inside the castle’s walls at all. Wasn't it you the staff room gossip claims to have said that the only way for a student to learn is by showing them just what it is they have done wrong?"
"Where are you going with this?" Robin couldn't keep the shudder hidden from her voice, just as she couldn't keep her skin from being covered in goosebumps of both cold and alert. He must've felt it, his fingers were still digging into her shoulder.
"I will help you learn." He stated in a dangerously quiet tone, then his hold on her disappeared at once. But he spoke on before Robin even had the chance to move. "Petrificus Glacialis."
Robin's heart skipped a beat in an implosion of surprise and terror, but the cry that burnt in her throat upon the sudden liquid cold in her veins died right where it was born. Her lips wouldn't open to release a single sound, just as her body wouldn't move even a single hair's width. But she could move her eyes, and she could hear.
"Since you obviously intended to venture into the forbidden forest, I see this to be the only appropriate punishment to prove to you how scary such a venture would have been. How… defenseless a young student is against the horrors that dwell within this place. How frightened you should have been from the start." Morgan sighed, but his voice grew more distant as his steps faded into the distance as well. "The spell should undo itself after an hour. Approximately…"
And just like that, Robin was alone, his steps soon too far in the distance to be heard anymore. For a moment she expected him to come back, to scare her maybe, to release her and tell her she should have learned her lesson. But after almost fifteen minutes, Robin finally had to admit that Morgan wasn't coming back, that he really had left her alone out here. Unable to defend herself, standing petrified at the edge of one of the most dangerous places in this part of the country. How could he?! Why?! No matter how much she tried to wrap her mind around it, she just couldn't understand. And it left her equally angry and desperate. Morgan was a bloody idiot! A stupid, irresponsible, despicable pillock!!!
Another ten minutes passed and she still couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't even think properly. While the first was an actual result of Morgan's spell, the latter two were mere results of her own blind panic. This wasn't… this surely wasn't as bad as it seemed right now. Robin tried to take deep breaths, to count to six and back down to one, over and over again, and it did calm her nerves enough to drown out the panic after a while. But the underlying fear was still there, with every moment she couldn't look anywhere but into the lurking darkness, as was the bone deep chill that was just as numbing and burning at once as she remembered it. Why did she always end up in trouble when she left the castle after hours?! Why did she always end up facing a darkness deeper than night, be it on the inside or the outside, and why on earth did it always have to be Morgan who was the very core of the problem? Gods, she would go mad if she couldn't move again soon! She could feel, she could think and see and hear, and yet her body didn't obey her at all. Hopefully this longest hour would be over soon… hopefully she wouldn't be frozen into oblivion when it was. And hopefully, HOPEFULLY nothing in this darn forest would try to eat her before then.
@ayamenimthiriel @chibi-lioness @t-sunnyside @alex4555 @purpledragonturtles @istrugglewithphilosophy
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New Perspective: Chapter 2
Hello again! It’s me again, back with another chapter for y’all. Demand is definitely a lot higher than I thought it was going to be, and I’m so grateful for how much love this has been getting! I hope y’all continue to enjoy. See the end for additional notes as well as the tag list.
Tom Nook x Reader
Slow Burn
Warnings: Spoilers for Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Words: 2.6K
Links: Prologue  -  Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2 (You are here!)  -  Chapter 3
Any photos or gifs do not belong to me, so if you like them then go give love to the original creator!
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Chapter 2
           Sleep lifted off you slowly and you groaned, turning over in your cot. You had slept like a rock for the first time in months and you would be damned if you had to get up now. “_____? Are you in there?” a familiar voice filtered in from outside. “Oh, I hope I haven’t woken you abruptly. Ah, but I do wish to discuss something with you. Yes, yes! I’ll be here when you’re ready.” You could hear footsteps walking away and you sighed, resigning yourself to the fact that getting up was inevitable. Opening your eyes was a chore, and you had to squint for a few seconds due to the blinding sunlight that made its way in through the cracks. You could hear birds chirping outside, a melodious chirping that reminded you of home. Standing and stretching, you could hear a few joints pop.
           Unzipping the door to the tent, you climbed out and were greeted with the smiling face of Tom. “Ah, there you are. I hope you had a pleasant nap. Or, well… I suppose it was a bit more than a nap, wasn’t it? It’s a brand-new day!” You choked mid-yawn. “I slept that long?!” Tom burst out laughing.
           “Oh ho ho! Yes, it’s quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip – and a major life event! Speaking of which, I have some things for you! Rummaging in his pockets for a few seconds, he brought out a cell phone. You had had one before you departed but left it behind. Purposely of course, for reasons best left unspoken. “Oh, Mr. Nook- “ “Tom.” He reminded you, smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Tom. I can’t accept this. Besides, I didn’t think there was actual cell service out here...?” Nook chuckled, “Yes, yes, that’s what one would think! But these are special Nook phones! I had them made specifically for island residents. We have our own special cell network out here that only our island-goers can access. It’s very secure.” A part of your anxiety was eased with this reassurance and you took the phone from him.
           After a somewhat lengthy process of Nook going through and explaining the apps and their capabilities, you pocketed the phone. “Now you’ll notice that the contact list is rather empty,” Nook began. “So, would you do me the honor of letting me give you my number?” he asked, giving you a wink. Cue an immediate blush on your part. “Oh, sure! That’d be great actually.” You said, totally not fumbling with getting your phone back out of your pocket. You handed it over to him and watched as he typed on the phone. When he handed it back to you, you noticed that he had saved his number under the name of Tom N, but he had added a leaf emoji along with one that had a smiling face. You chuckled.
           “Unfortunately, we are to the part that everyone seems to dislike.” Hearing him say that, you look up from the phone to see him holding a piece of paper. “Your itemized bill.” He hands you the paper with a few various fees on it. A few listed are the air fare, accommodations, labor fees, and the price of the Nook Phone, all totaling at $49,800 bells. You paled, not at the price, well, yes, at the price. You had spent the last of your bells on the air ticket, leaving you with nothing extra. You had been in such a hurry to leave, the thought of bringing extra to live on didn’t even occur to you. “I um…” you began hesitantly, your mouth suddenly very dry. Nook cocked his head at you questioningly. “I don’t have any bells. I spent the last of them on the travel ticket.” You looked back down at the paper, not wanting Nook to see the fearful expression on your face.
           A paw landed on your shoulder. “My dear ____, there’s no need to fret! There are other ways you can pay besides bells!” Your head snapped up, locking eyes with his. “Tom! If you’re implying what I think you’re implying then-!” He cuts you off quickly, rushing to explain. “No no no! I don’t mean that in the slightest! I meant paying with the Nook Mileage Program!” You giggle, “I was just teasing Tom, no need to get all worked up.” He blushes, his furry face heating up and tail bushing up. “I’ll admit that didn’t exactly come out the way I meant.” You wink at him, silently preening at the fact that you could fluster him. “So, Nook Mileage?” you ask, changing the subject.
           “Ah, yes, with the program, you earn miles by simply living and doing things around the island. Think of it like scout awards, but miles! Ill just have to register you in the program.’ You hand over your phone and he fiddles with it, soon handing it back to you. “There! You’re all registered.” You thank him and pocket it. “Now then, I do have some things I have to take care of in the Resident Services tent, so you are free to explore and do anything to your heart’s content. This is your home now after all.” He gives a farewell wave and leaves in the direction of the main area.
           Now left to your own devices, you look around, seeing a lot of trees and natural growth. Weeds litter the area, so you take some time and pick them. In no time at all, you cleaned up your little spot, and most of the surrounding area. Everything is just so green and fresh; you can’t help but smile. You brush all the picked weeds together in a pile and stand, wiping your hands onto already grass-stained pants. A splashing sound alerts you to the stream and you walk over to it. Some small fish swim under the water, occasionally jumping out and back in. Following the stream seems like a good thing, so you follow it, and it leads to a sandy beach area. The airport is in the distance, but other than that the waves lapping against the sand are unobstructed. You follow the beach, picking up shells that you run across and just enjoying the sunshine. After walking for a little bit, cliffs come up in your field of vision with flowers atop them. If you had a ladder, you could probably appreciate them more up close, but oh well. The beach continues a bit, so you keep walking.
           “Oh!” You exclaim out loud. A small private beach had been revealed, sandwiched between the cliff and the sea, hidden behind a wall of rocks that you had to climb over to access. Rather small, but cozy and private, being at the very corner of the island. Perhaps this could be somewhere to come to relax by yourself.
           The sun was starting to set, so you stopped in your exploring and began to head back to the main area. You had had a full day, exploring and having a few conversations with your new neighbors had set you in a rather good mood. All the things you had done throughout the day had you feeling rather hungry, so you stopped at a fruit tree and shook some of the peaches off. You grabbed one for yourself, but upon remembering that you needed to stop by the Resident Services tent, you grabbed a few more for Tom and the kids.
           It didn’t take you long to reach the main area, and with peaches in hand, you entered the tent. All three of the tanukis were inside, and they looked up to see you. “_____!” Timmy cried, running up to hug you with Tommy close behind. They crashed into you and you staggered, trying to keep a hand on the peaches while still leaning down to catch the boys in a hug. “Hello, you two!” you laughed, steadying yourself and them. They released you from their surprisingly strong grips and started to bombard you with questions about your day and where all you went in your exploration. They were babbling so much though that you couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “Alright Timmy, Tommy, that’s enough. I think poor _____ would like to talk sometime as well.” Nook speaks up, and the boys’ voices quiet. You laugh and hand the boys their peaches. “My day was fine; I talked to the neighbors and had a lot of fun exploring the island.” They seemed to accept your short explanation and focused on eating their treats. You walked over to Nook and handed him his as well. “Oh! Thank you ____!” Nook smiled at you, placing it on the table beside him. “I shall have it as a snack later. Now that it is dark out, will you allow me to walk you back to your tent tonight as well?” Timmy looked up when he heard this and nudged his brother, the both of them watching you and Nook curiously.
           ‘I’d like that.” You smiled at him, and took his outstretched paw, him leading you out of the tent. A few seconds after the door zipped shut, Tommy turned to his brother. ‘Do you think they like each other?” Timmy shrugged, taking a thoughtful bit of his peach. ‘I mean, _____ brought us peaches, so if Uncle Nook got one too… I guess so.” Tommy rolled his eyes.
“No Timmy, I mean like-like him.”
“Oooohh… Well, probably. They were holding hands after all.”
             The night air refreshed you from the cramped interior of the tent and you let out a happy sigh. The moonlight here was strong, so everything was illuminated rather well. “So, you had a good day exploring, hm?” Nook asks, glancing at you. “Oh yeah, there was tons to explore and I found a really cool spot by the beach.” Nook looks at you in wonder. “Is that so? I had explored the island when I had first arrived here to deem it suitable to live on, but I hadn’t explored the beach in its entirety. I would love to see it if you don’t mind showing me.” He looks at you with pleading eyes, and you’re too weak to say no.
           “Alright! Just quit looking at me like that!” You groan. He chuckles, “Too mesmerized by me to say no, hm?” He squeezes your hand slightly, making you blush but laugh as well. Walking in silence for a while, you finally come to the rock wall that the beach was hidden behind. Nook whistles lowly, “No wonder I didn’t see this before, it’s rather far away from everything else, and hidden on top of that!” Humming in agreement, you clamber on top of the rocks. Perching on top of the wall, you lean down to see Nook looking up at you. “It’s a bit of a climb, think you can handle it old man?” you tease, swinging your legs back and forth. “Old man?! He squawks in indignation, “I’ll show you who’s old!” He climbs up the wall and sets himself beside you, a look of smug victory on his face before hopping down to the other side. “I beat you,” he says smugly, paws on his hips. Punching yourself for forgetting his feat of strength in carrying you yesterday, you roll you eyes at him. “I never said it was a race,” You stick your tongue out at him. “Well if it was, I would have won,” He replies. Holding his arms out, he adds, “Come on now, jump down and I’ll catch you.” “I can get down on my own thanks,” You say, and he starts to lower his arms but before he can, you continue. “But I will accept your gracious offer.” He looks up at you to see your teasing face and he chuckles. Shimmying yourself a bit, you let yourself off the wall and fall into his waiting arms.
           After setting you down, he turns to observe the small area. “Isn’t it beautiful?” you ask, settling yourself down onto the sand just out of reach of the lapping waves. The moonlight beams softly down, illuminating the sand and bouncing off the moving waves, causing sparkling reflections to be thrown around. Your attention captured by the water, you don’t see Nooks gaze looking at you when he utters, “Yes, beautiful…”
           He settles down beside you, leaning back to see the full moon sitting high in the sky. “I think we might be the only two to know about this spot,” you say, lifting some sand into your hand and letting it filter through your fingers. “There were no footprints here earlier in the day, and only mine when we got here.” Nook hums in response.
           “I truly admire all you’ve done on the island so far.” Nook begins after a while, breaking the quiet of the night. “Your interaction with the residents definitely deems you worthy of the title of Resident Representative. But because of that title, I wish to apologize. It has come to my attention that I may have pressured you into the position, and I wish to apologize if I made you uncomfortable in any way.” “Tom,” You interrupt, placing your hand on his paw to stop him. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable. Far from it actually…” If Nook notices your blush at that, he chooses not to comment. “And I’m happy with the position. I’m glad you gave it to me.” Nook smiles at that, and you smile back at him. You gaze into each other’s eyes, transfixed. His eyes flick down momentarily to your lips then back up. He leans forward slightly, and time seems to slow. His paw reaches up and cradles your face, and you lean into his touch. “May I… kiss you?” he whispers. Not trusting yourself to speak without saying something stupid, you nod, and Nook closes the distance between you, pressing your lips together. The kiss is chaste and gentle, his paw still cradling your face with the sounds of the ocean surrounding you. He pulls back and you follow subconsciously. You look at each other, unsure of what to say after that event. “So, do I get miles for kissing you?” you ask, and you both burst into laughter.
             “So, now you know about that spot on the island,” You say in front of the entrance to your tent. Nook nods, “Indeed! It was an interesting find, and I thank you for showing me. Though I promise not to let the secret out.” He winks and you giggle. “I think it might be time for me to retire for the night though,” You yawn. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, yes. In fact, thanks to your wildlife contributions today, and old friend of mine will be coming to the island tomorrow in hopes to set up a museum here.” Nook mentions.
You smile at him, shaking your head fondly. “Tom, I have to go to sleep now.” He sighs, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Yes, yes. I understand. Sleep is important. Very much so. Did I mention that my old friend is an owl?”
You lean forward to kiss him, and swiftly enter your tent, zipping it behind you, leaving Nook in a shocked silence. “Goodnight!” You call out, laughter in your voice. A small squeak is all that reaches your ears before you hear him turn and walk away unsteadily.
           Settling into your cot is a great comfort and you snuggle down into your blanket. Rest reaches you for a few seconds before the full weight of the evening’s events decide to replay in your mind. A blush resides heavily on your face and your mind begins to race. “Wait, we kissed. Twice…”
And so ends chapter 2! Sorry that the Nooklings didn’t get much time in this chapter, but don’t worry, they’ll appear a lot more in the upcoming chapters!
Thanks everyone so much for reading! If you’d like, go check out my other works on my page. My uploading schedule is a little inconsistent, but thanks to summer break coming up, I’m hoping to post maybe every other day.
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