#(she was thinking some sort of butterfly or moth probably)
dramatic-dolphin · 4 months
it's really nice that i can go up to my mom with "i found someone in the bag of peas! :D" and hold up a caterpillar, and she immediately matches my energy with "wow who is that!! :O how adorable!" instead of being grossed out or something
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weebsinstash · 7 months
I didn't notice vals coat was his wings until you mentioned it, but side note, val and vox were literally frenching it in the last episode, vox literally had vals spit all over his mouth wdym they're not dating???
Oh yeah, the wing reveal was an entire thing!
In episode 4, Masquerade, Charlie decides to put her foot down and use her authority as Princess of Hell to try and visit Angel at the studio to talk to Valentino, but, um, she cannot read a room to save her life, massively fucks it up, starts a small fire (not entirely her fault, that surge protector was a mess), and Valentino actually uses his wings and his weird smoke/pheromone powers to put out the flames (so also I've thought of him rescuing Reader from fires now because of course)
I'm not sure how the logic of the coat wrapping around his arms to form sleeves works but it fucks severely. then I also think, what are alternatives for a moth Reader? Someone sent in an ask about Reader being a silk moth so that you have the moth powers but you're ultimately helpless because you either don't have wings or they're too small for you to actually fly and escape ( because domesticated silk moths were bred to not be able to fly) and I think that would be great. Maybe Reader just has a tattoo of moth wings across their back, OR you have just, magical poofing powers where you can retract that shit back in, like Anthony's second pair of arms, and when they're hidden away, you have a tattoo. It leaves potential for hiding who you are from Val. This whole mystery of him chasing down some cute moth he sees in blurry footage from your first night in the afterlife and he doesn't realize the mysterious moth with rumors of a special dust that knocks you on your ass and makes you see stars is right next to him
I just. I keep thinking of butterfly/moth Readers and different powers they can have, like a silk moth Reader who can create silk and lowkey be Spiderman (or... bondage powers? 👀) , or the pheromone powers we mentioned before, or just a Reader who has their own fuck huge wings. Most moth species have female moths be physically larger than the males and I can just see like, a luna moth Reader who's wings are big and elegant and can become an evening gown or whatever, just a moth Reader whose wings become something pretty 😍 (ughhhh callback to my "Reader becomes an incognito Overlord called Big Blue" poeer fantasy except now I'm thinking of a Reader who's tall like Val and you're a blue morpho butterfly.
Reader being in the midst of being Val's weird pet slash forced partner, waking up and Valentino is sleeping beside you and he's just got those big ass wings open and they're draped all over the bed and they're covering you like a blanket while he squeaks in his sleep... you wind up as the filling in a VoxVal sandwich and those big red bitches are huge enough to cover everybody... also... what if Valentino used his wings lowkey like a tripwire so if you try to get up out of bed, you can't move without touching the wings, and he wakes up the instant you leave the bed, I'm talking you're 5 feet away still tippy toeing and you hear "you better get the fuck back here before I have to get you" and you're instantly scrambling back to his bed and now he's wrapping his arms around you so you can't leave again
I feel like Vivienne saying Val and Vox aren't dating is.... I saw someone phrase it as "dating is a really heteronormative concept and you'll have people be in domestic partnerships who aren't married" which is a good point and i also saw someone say "you've got two men throwing nasty hissy fits and probably having the world's best hate sex afterwards, you know Valentino isn't taking this man to dinner"
I feel like staticmoth IS sort of canon but it's not, explicitly like, they would DIE for each other or anything, idk. Maybe Valentino is only truly capable of loving himself and he loves the attention Vox gives him, and Vox is toxic codependent but he truly loves Alastor, who fucking knows, I'm still over here writing them both as my favorite problematic horny queers. Now I can just see Val and Vox fighting for "custody" of their shared darling, arguing who gets them which days, stealing them from each other, sabotaging each other's dates, just being selfish nasty evil obsessive gross dudes 😩❤️
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pinkestmenace · 5 months
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Edit: Expanded reference sheet
WOOOO! Done just in time! @kirbyoctournament
Name: Olympea, the Pummeling Peacekeeper
Gender: She-himbo, She/Her
Age: Never ask a woman her age! (She's an adult.)
Occupation: Warrior/Hero of Yore
Species: Puffball/Starborn/Star Child/whatever the Kirby species is called.
Uh-oh, due to a temporal anomaly the Hero of Yore Olympea suddenly finds herself transported alive and well from Ancient Halcandra to the Kirby OC tournament! She doesn't know what's going on, but she'll roll with the punches and treat it like a fun dream vacation of sorts. She does like meeting all sorts of new people and trying new foods, weapons and technology. She'll have so many stories to tell her friends when she returns! It's probably for the best if she doesn't learn what disaster befell the four heroes in the regular timeline, though...
Some ground rules, just in case:
I would love seeing people's OC's interact with her! Asking Olympea questions is okay, but this is not an ask blog/rp blog and I'm not looking for extended roleplay. I may not answer your question. If I see potential for an interesting interaction I may draw it, but I can't promise anything. (Keep in mind if I don't respond right away -> 1: I'm timid and get anxious easily. 2: I may not have figured out that part of her story/the history of Ancient Halcandra yet. 3: The answer would have contained a spoiler for my fics. 4: I'm very slow at drawing.)
I'm joining this tournament for fun, so thank you for understanding!
Propaganda and Answered Asks:
Found cupcake!
Ask (Giant upcake): quanblovk
Ask (Kettlebell): graycoin
Ask (Pet rock): anonymous
Ask (Punching): anonymous
Bonus: Punch!
Ask (Green bean): maybeher0
Ask (Fic canonicity): anonymous
Propaganda/gift art for my competitor: zeros-witness and Rimuri
Ask (Unexpected cursed hands): morp
Off to the loser's bracket
'Tis pride month! Thou knowest what that meaneth.
Bonus: Rock Rider Olympea
Weatherproof outfits
Ask (The Gospel Of The Lamp™): the-chaos-axolotl
Bonus: So Moth It Be
Olympea's Space Gauntlet
Ask (Grip strength): cauli-flawa
Bonus: Wanya-fication
Bonus: Noddyfication
Ask game: Graycoin 💫🥘☀️🐛
Ask game: Anonymous ⚔️🧋⚙️
Ask game: Anonymous 🥀 (Asks about Soul forms so CW: discussion of body horror and death!)
Propaganda/gift art for my competitors: Inufaiya and Cauliarty
Bonus: Star Allies icon
Bonus: Keigo's P.E.T.R.O.C.K. interface
Bonus: Fake Dream Buffet Costume
While she's not very big, intellectual or attuned to magic, she is unbeatably chipper and physically strong. She loves fighting and gleefully uses a variety of lovely accessories/weapons like a giant club, enchanted glaive, magitech gauntlets, etc. Her left glove allows her to access a dimensional storage. Teases hard, punches even harder. Actually quite feminine when off the clock. Loves magitech gadgets a lot. Doesn't think science or magic is better, because their society needs both. She's definitely not insecure about her height. She'd also never conjure a giant squeaky hammer to bop you over the head if you call her short.
Likes: Vegetables, Nectar, Trying new foods, The colour green, Flowers, Butterflies and moths, Pretty/cool/badass women, Her club, Brass knuckles, Tinkering, New gadgets, Teasing her friends, Seeing a certain winged magenta knight open up and feel genuine joy
Dislikes: Being mistaken for a child, Being called stupid, Stuck-up people, Seeing her friends being hurt, Strangers flicking her antennae, How much dust and scales her wings leave behind
Abilities: Able to fly. Very physically strong. Innately has access to Suplex and Hammer, but mainly uses her trusty club. Her boots and gauntlets let her emulate elements of Hi-jump, Laser and Mecha. (The boosted jump, laser finger guns and palm blasts, respectively.)
Weaknesses: Can't fly quickly. Stubby little arms limit her great strength with little reach. Distractable and a little naive. Can't resist eating strange and exotic snacks no matter the source. Seeing cute girls (she HAS to show off).
Fighting Style:
Her gauntlets are good for punching and the palms can release blasts of energy as well. They're mainly so she can hold large weapons well, since her actual hands aren't very big.
Her moth wings aren't very big either, so while she can normally fly and can still break her fall when she's armoured, she prefers to zip around close to the ground. It's often faster and easier to run and jump when she's fighting. Especially when she's wielding her heavy club. Her boots help her boost and maneuver quickly.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that because she prefers close range combat and isn't proficient with magic she can't attack at a distance. Her gauntlets possess finger laser guns and she can use her left glove (which she also wears under her gauntlet) to access her weapon hoard at all times. Who knows what else she keeps in there?
Even her civilian outfit isn't harmless. She still has access to her innate Suplex and Hammer abilities, after all. And those shoes have steel toes! Of course, the platform heels are just to keep her delicate wings from scraping across the ground when folded. No other reasons. (Like being taller.)
Design Thoughts:
Olympea is the first of the Heroes of Yore who came to me. I was thinking about how to describe the Heroes of Yore and knew I wanted at least one to be a woman. Suddenly her name resounded through my head! Then I just started associating. Olympea sounds like Olympics, so she must be strong. Pea calls to mind small, round and green, so what if she's (mostly) the same species as Galacta Knight? Peas are famous for research on genetics and alleles, so what if she was born, not formed like him? Maybe she doesn't have a lot of magical affinity. Then she needs weapons. Pea, peace, pea shooters, peas in a pod, peacemaker, pea-smacker. Let's give her a hammer, no, a club! She's strong, so what if she packs a punch? How about some gauntlets for punching? She can have a gun, wait, let's put the gun (pea shooter!) in her gauntlet's finger! She needs storage for her weapon hoard (girl needs to accessorise!) so what if her enchanted gauntlets let her access dimensional storage (peas in a pod)? Hmmm, does she have wings? There's a bug called a pea moth, so she has moth wings now. Her ponytail is twisted like a dried pea pod and not-so-coincidentally looks a bit like a cocoon when down and a boxing glove while up in a bun.
I maaay have gone completely overboard with the whole pea thing, but such is life. Although there is a bit of Hammer Lord in there as well. She doesn't hate magic, she just doesn't have a lot of affinity for it. She does enjoy tinkering and building weapons. This is how she ended up relying mostly on technology instead of magic.
She's not a knight and has no mask, because while many people depict all adult puffballs as masked knights (probably influenced by the Star Warriors from the K:RBAY anime) I personally don't think this has to be universal for their kind. How sad it would be if all they were destined for was fighting! ...And then I made her a warrior anyway. Oh well.
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I have a lot to say about Husk for about 2-3 months now and I really don't know where to start. Que a lot of rambling that I hope comes out coherent.
I think the best unique thing about Husk that I love is the fact he can potential crossed paths to most of the sinner characters we were introduced, in their living life. He was born between Alastor and Angel birth years. I did the math on this once but I can't be bothered with it now. I think Angel and Alastor were about a decade-possibly 15 years apart, while Husk was in between. So they were from the same generation.
The thing that sets Husk apart from the other characters, was he actually grew to an old age. While the others died relatively young or midlife.
The fact that Husk was a world traveler means he wasn't stuck in the city/town/state he was born in like the others may have been. Increasing his odds to cross paths with the other sinners.
I like to imagine that Husk has some type of butterfly effect of the other characters lives that he unintentional and unaware he caused that lead the sinners lifes to what they are.
I lowkey headcanon (not seriously, just for funsies) as weird parody of an guardian angel. Here me out. He not a guardian angel tho. I love his avian cat design. But admit it, its freakin weird he has wings as a cat right?
The only ones we see with wings are the royalties of Hell (Can the Ars Goetia fly?) the sins...and angles.
Beside Valentino. But Val sort of makes sense...hes a moth. Moth has wings by default. Husk is a cat, yet he has wings? It also makes sense why Val is a moth. Granted I think a prostitute be more moth like...standing by a street lamp on a corner street at night. THAT makes sense. But given, Val a pimp...I guess it works for him too.
So Husk, a cat, has wings...makes me think why he has wings in his afterlife. Seems like a random thing to be given when it seem to be reserved mostly for royalty and wings seem like it be a huge advantage to have in Hell when most sinners don't get it. Must be some type of reason Husk has them. But alas I don't know or we probably never know beside cool character design.
Now, going on with this weird wing thought...and my lowkey non serious headcanon (Which im 100% isnt going to make canon), Husk is some unintentional weird type of opposite effect of an guardian angel.
Husk with his potential of crossing paths with a lot of the sinners we know, I think it be hilarious if he butterfly effect that he indirectly caused their path towards Hell or death. Like for example, he gave Nifty directions that started a weird Rube Goldberg machine situation of cause and effect that caused that directed her to find a man she became obsessed with and stalked then eventual murdered. Husk involvement is completely indirect but at the same time, the vent would never would happen if he wasn't involved.
Moving on from his living life to his afterlife.
Husk died in the 70s and the pilot 2019. Alastor was missing for 7 years (starting 2012), I vibe that Husk been under Alastor ownership for quite awhile before that. No later than 2000 but I'm fairly sure he was owned much before that. But I'm going with the minimal amount of time of Husk soul being sold. So Husk was able to fall, rise to overlord fairly quickly only to lose the status just as quick. His reign was very short lived. The rest of the time was serving under Alastor. That's quite a wild ride in a span of 30 (But I personally believe its much shorter) of unbounded soul years. Which seems a lot of years, but when you have eternity to live out the rest of your life, its very little.
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I don't question how Husk was able to become overlord so quick. He a master magician...so very good at sleight of hand/cheating as well as lifetime gambler. He able to keep a stoic expression to minimize his own tells, while being very perceptive and skilled at reading other people very well. He can easily win and work with and manipulate people desperations of gambling their souls to him without much risk to himself. He can easily play hand in his favor with his skills and the rare chance he can't, he can fold and cut his losses before it gets to deep.
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However, what had him lose it all. Because I doubt someone was better at cards then Husk. Especially in Husk own house. I don't doubt Alastors good at cards. But I don't think Alastor skill at cards is greater than Husk. To the point Husk lost everything to him including his own soul. I think they both cheat if they play a game together. In fact I think they have play a game, with intent of cheating and trying to catch each other in the act. Its their own game while playing a game, knowing each other enough that they will cheat and it brought a new level of fun trying to catch each other while not getting caught themselves. It probably became a own special drinking game, that one has to drink when they got caught. But I don't think Alastor the reason why Husk lost everything.
I think the reason Husk lost everything in Hell as quickly as he gained it...is by self destructive depression. Husk was the cause of his own downfall.
I only suggest this because...how else an extremely skilled card player who also skilled at sleight of hand, will lose hand after hand in his own gambling house?
My other clue is this:
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Along with his heavy drinking. I think Husk always been a heavy drinker but it hit a all new level when he lost his love and became extremely jaded by the event.
I think Husk had found a very special someone and something happen to them. Be it died during an extermination or been betrayed by them, etc. Or it may be someone in his living years and something reminded him of them and triggered a downwards spirals for him.
Mostly, I think he caused them to leave him or indirectly caused them permanent death, etc. and he filled with self loathing, regret and remorse. Because he did love and care for them...but he fucked it all up due his own self-centered, selfishness and greed at the time. The pain caused him to close off his heart to avoid feeling that loss again and drink himself stupid to avoid feeling anything or to quiet his self hatred thoughts.
I believe the lost of them sent him a destructive spirals of depression. He started drink insanely heavier, which impaired his judgment greatly and just grew apathetic.
Enter Alastor and the lost of Husk soul
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Alastor may have very well manipulated and cheated his way with the impaired Husk to gain his soul. Very possible. Especially the way it was pictured in the flashback. Alastor symbols and lit up eyes and extended antlers along with a sinister smile as well as Husk stunned expression of his loss of the game.
I don't think that how it went down. I can't remember the exact wording but it sounded like Husk turned to Alastor for help. It was a last resort, but Husk was desperate enough to go to it.
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They were both overlords at the same time at one point. Alastor and and Husk was good friends once. Maybe, not close like Alastor is with Rosie but still good friends. Alastor probably took a liking to Husk as he from the same generation. I also assume Husk appear around Vox falling out with Alastor as Husk and Val fell around the same time. So Vox probably started befriending Val and helping Val with his rise to overlord. I can see Alastor do the same with Husk just to spite Vox and cause him to be jealous. But even if it started as a ploy to upset Vox, Alastor probably end up liking and growing fond over the cat. Playing hands and having late drinking and jazz sessions and such. Alastor appreciate Husk blunt and often correct observations and insight.
So when Husk was clearly not doing well and smarten up enough to seek Alastor for help. I think Husk knew the rate he was self destructing he was going to lose it all, including his soul. So he went to Alastor and struck a deal before Husk truly got in a shitter situration with a shitter dealer that he would regret much more.
Because let's be honest. Husk knows what he was getting into when he offered his soul. Think about it. Even if Husk had an impossible high number of souls...say a billion. He lost a billion souls by suddenly being bad at gambling. Even if the pot is a billion souls that he want to regain back, its not worth the risk of betting your own soul. Even if your got an amazing hand...Is it worth the risk during a harsh losing streak playing against another overlords as an opponent?
Husk knew he was going to lose his soul with his spiral. He knew what he was getting into. He an overlords himself. He may have treated his own souls more poorly than Alastor himself. I don't think Husk was cruel... I'm sure he had his own moments like Alastor and had causes. I do think he was a apathetic/detached master. The souls he owned was just a commodity he use for gambling. When sharing his retelling to Angel about this. He sounded remorseful that he betted souls like they were just an object and not a precious thing. I think he only felt that way AFTER his own soul did not belong to him. That's when he realized what a shitty and dick move it was to prey on desperate souls and pass them around when it should been obvious.
Husk collected souls to use as a commodity. Husk preyed onto the sinners desperation and addiction to get them.
While Alastor, I don't think he really cares about hoarding souls. He powerful enough without them. BUT if an opportunity reveals itself, he take advantage. But he only does it with quality souls that has real potential and use. He a quality over quantity man.
Husk knows what it means to sell one's soul. Yet he still offered it to Alastor. Because despite the rep Alastor has being ruthless, Alastor is probably one of the "kinder" overlords to have as a master. But Husk only knew that by insider information by witnessing himself by hanging out with Alastor and possibly glimpsing how he treated his contracts. Which appears not to be much different than any other sinner.
I know Alastor performs horrendous acts. He goes on killing sprees, probably enjoys torturing people. But I don't think he does it to his own souls. Because, TBH, people who do that want to feel powerful and they do it with people who cant fight back. Alastor is already powerful. He doesn't need weak prey and why damage his own property when no one can stop him from breaking someone else's? Alastor is so powerful that its boring. Where's the fun and entertainment when everytime you "play", the game is stuck on easy mode and the opponent is knocked out of the ring within minutes. Heck, Alastor gets even less than that. He just looks in their directions and people forfeit. Alastor wants the thrill of a challenge and exchange wits and banter. So he seeks stronger opponents to fulfill is needs for carnage and havoc. Not some frighten, defenseless slave.
Alastor not a good man as he willing to commit terrible acts and enjoys it. But from what we seen, hes not a bad man's as it appears he doesn't attack without cause or reason. He appears he only acts monstrous when he defending. He has no interest in sex so he not going to force Husk into sexual acts. Alastor may have his contracts to demeaning things or just do things for shits and giggles and entertainment but overall, hes tamed to souls he own. (The souls he doesn't own that pledge their service and loyalty however...is another story) Alastor pretty much just let his contracts do what they please as long as they respect him and do what he commands as he needs them. Which, honestly isn't much. Alastor seem to summon his shadow minions over his soul contracts because it seems less of a bother to everyone while Alastor remains more in control of the situation. It's simply less chance of error if Alastor used his shadow minions that act on his will vs some contracted soul who most likely is performing half heartedly as they are forced to do something they don't want to do. He use the contracted soul for a long term project since it would take too much power and effort to maintain and sustain his shadow minions over a extended time. It seams Alastor only have souls as a resource an a backup reserve. More of a "better have it and not need it then need it and not have it." Alastor even gives them task that align with the skills they are good at. I think part of it is because Alastor is also on a leash so as much as he denies it, he has empathy. But he will still utilize the resource when needed but overall he self reliant and a lone wolf and rather no really on people if he can help it, even if he does own them. I also think he knows Overlords and soul ownerships sort of go hand and hand. But I think soul ownership leaves a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. Not because of his own soul but being a mixed man in the 30's....its very likely he had some heritage on his precious mother side of ancestral slaves. So, Alastor understand the necessity needs of ownership for survival and advancement in Hell, but still has a distaste to it.
Granted we don't see how Alastor (beside with Husk and Nifty)or anyone besides the Vees, interact with their contracts, and we know they treat their people poorly. But I think from what we seen is Alastor is very mild. Including the scene he threatened Husk.
Mind you, Alastor was giving clearly giving clues he was already agitated before that interaction. He was essential a growling dog warning he was going to bite if it interactions going to continue. His snapped his neck irritatedly along with a clearly exasperated "what is it" that didn't have a radio filter when he addressed Husk when Husk went to get his attention. Husk was trying to warn Alastor about Mimzy but it was clear to even someone who doesn't know Alastor...(and Husk knows Alastor well) that Alastor was already on edge. Yet Husk continued to push forward. Even then...Alastor kept composure. Laughing off and dismissing Husk concerns. It was when Husk muttered a jab about sensitive personal information (One that I'm sure Husk wasn't even originally meant to know )about Alastor that anyone could have overheard if they were near, and that same sensitive information promised to trigger Alastor...THAT'S when Alastor became terrifying and threatening. So granted, no one deserve what happened to Husk when he was threatened but at the same time...it was Husk own undoing at the moment. Husk muttered that jab to Alastor that antagonize Alastor to reacted harshly. Husk was lucky that Alastor restrained himself ONLY to threat....Alastor gave Husk mercy by warning him to watch himself because next time would be the last time.
So Alastor is rather mild with his demands with contracts for the majority of the time but when he isn't, he very brutal but he usually given a cause to turn.
So Husk offered his soul to Alastor knowing what it would mean to sell his soul. Specifically chosen Alastor because, it would surprise to anyone to hear, is the lesser form of evil in such a situation. He sold his soul while he was somewhat lucid and not completely impaired to work out a deal that doesn't completely screw over Husk. Place some terms and agreements. I do think they did play a hand and wager, either to finalize a clause they couldn't agree with and use the bet to finalized it or just have Husk go out a way he comfortable with. Alastor may also play some mild manipulation but I don't think Alastor preyed on Husk as its implied. Alastor was sought out for a reason, and on Alastor part, an overlord soul is too tempting to resist. Especially being handed on a silver platter. If Alastor wanted to decline the offer, for the unlikely name of friendship, knowing it would ruin it. It wouldn't have done any good in any scenario to decline. If Husk was worry about losing his soul due to his own destructive impairment, might as well gain something from it and offer some protection to a friend then lose out on a quality soul, instead of watch from afar the downfall of his friend which he probably won't see again afterwards. It also strategy. It either gain a quality and powerful soul to his collection, or lose out and someone else has it...that could be potential be used against Alastor, along with any possibly knowledge Husk had gathered on the Radio Demon. So even if it wasn't tempting or desirable, its about survival.
Naturally, their friendship has soured greatly since then. Because, how can it not? I don't think Husk hates Alastor. I know the fandom believe he wants him dead. But Husk is just being jaded and surly. Husk didn't treat Alastor more venomous than any other resident when he was introduced. Husk is also comfortable enough to voice his less than kind opinions about Alastor or to Alastor. Husk doesn't act like a terrified servent in Alastor presence. (Unless he knows that Alastor in bad mood and looking for a cause for someone to be his punching bag), The two act like longtime friends but one is grumpy because he there out of reluctant obligations and just frustrated, annoyed and just tired of this shit of Alastor antics that hes forced to endure. Alastor seem to treat Husk more friendly, which to be fair can be an act but I think it part genuine.
Out of the two of them, its Husk that reminds everyone that Husk is on the Alastor leash. Alastor not the one that usually "putting Husk in his place", Husk the one that normally does it. If anything, I think Husk hate and angry with himself that everything is is own undoing. Frustrated and annoyed by Alastor who amused by it. Alastor is also just a reminder how low Husk became. It's easy to blame Alastor for his problems and even understandable that he does. He does blame Alastor for his current predicament at times simply because its just easier to do so and feels better to blame someone else to be the cause of your problems but ultimately, Husk knows he brought it all on himself and I think that's what hurts and bothers him the most.
Husk wants his soul back, but I don't think he wants Alastor to be dead for it. Tho, I think Husk feels that's the only way to get it back at times. But despite it all, he cares about Alastor. Even if its begrudgingly. I think Husk also knows its better to have as Alastor as a great ally than an enemy, even a dead one to gain his soul back. Husk is wise, even is Husk gain his soul back, regain his full power and strength it still fails to compare to Alastors own power. Husk knows there are greater foes that Husk cant compete and defend for himself or his newfound family against, but Alastor can, even if Husk doesn't fully trust Alastor. But Husk trust his own experience and knowledge of Alastor to guess his motivations and intentions.
I think Alastor called upon Husk to the hotel to bartend, because A) He knew from their former late night hang outs that Husk can make great drinks. but B) Husk also has wisdom and experience that can fulfill Charlies needs and benefit for the hotel. Husk has skills on perception and reading people from gambling. Husk knows about losses, knows the woes of losing his soul, knows about addiction, lost of love etc. I think Alastor pulled Husk to the hotel not only because Husk has skills that can be utilized to help but I think Alastor knew Husk can benefit from the hotel to be the sinner Alastor remember he use to be. Not the "husk" he became. Alastor doesn't believe in redemption, at least one that send someone to Heavens gates. But Alastor can see the possibility of rehabilitation. Something Husk could benefit. He lowkey subtle hinted it at the pilot. "I thought you be perfect to man the front desk as the job seem to be made for him" (At a rehabilitation hotel) Husk is not going to work on himself because Alastor commanded him to be. So Alastor has Husk station there with the possibility and off chance of Husk getting help even if its through osmosis from the sidelines. May even warm up on the idea and want to better oneself. Guess what...its working. Alastor won't admit his underhanded method of helping. He has a reputation of being ruthless to maintain after all.
I think its also why he pulled Nifty. He using her skills but also figure a place like the hotel is one of the few place that accept Nifty the way she is and let Nifty develope friends and family that would embrace her. I think Nifty was a lonely soul and she just TOO much for most sinners to handle. But at the hotel, she can be welcomed and be herself. It also a place Nifty would enjoy to be in. She a simple girl. She likes to clean and kill bugs. A large building will grant her that.
Alastor even try buttering Husk up and get Husk more comfortable with the idea of working at the hotel by offering him cheap booze free of charge. Alastor didn't have to care at all and can just say "I own you so...tough shit." But he did try to get Husk to warm up to the idea despite Husk not having a choice in the matter, and wanted to at least ease his grumpy avian cat into the change.
If Alastor care so much why doesn't he release them? One might ask. Beside overlords being super possessive and Alastor being a control freak? I think for Nifty, She doesn't want to and she needs the protection.
Husk...I think Alastor fears with their soured friendship, there is nothing stopping Husk to reveal any or all his sensitive knowledge about Alastor if he not bound to Alastor and forced to be silent by it. Husk is probably the only one that knows about Alastor own sold soul beside the one he sold it to. Alastor confines to Rosie but I think he still restrained himself real intro personal stuff. Husk is probably Alastor other confident (Tho, probably not by choice by either, Husk being forced into now, and Alastor lips being loosen by Husk made drinks combined with the comfort and nostalgia he has with the cat while inebriated. Which he rarely indulges in because of that fact, but still does on really hard days and regrets the things that slip but at least Husk can't tell a soul on Alastor command.) Information can be such a powerful tool that can be weaponized. Husk knows things about Alastor that would just completely ruin, may even destroy him or actually bring Alastor to his final demise. Also, small part and Alastor won't admit it, he values Husk perceptive insight and Alastor trust him to be his eyes and ears.
I'm sure there's more I wanted to say. But I'm sure I ramble incoherently enough about my thoughts on Husk.
What do you all think?
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
Resident evil 8 Au where Mother Miranda kidnapped Mirabel when she was like 8 or so after watching her family from a distance for a while she infects Mirabel with the black mold instead of the cadou so she is more on power level with Mother Miranda and doesn't have an obvious mutation kinda like Karl. Like Karl she hates mother Miranda but does as she says because she isn't as powerful as her and won't be able to beat her. She doesn't see her family again until they are kidnapped by mother Miranda when she's around 15 maybe 16 they are a gift to her from mother Miranda for her "devotion and hard work". she is the kindest most benevolent of the Lords actually taking care of the people in her territory and trying her best not to be violent like the rest of them though she will kill anyone who tries to hurt her family.
I think that Mother Miranda using direct Cadou makes sense. She actually probably wanted to use her as a vessel. But much like Heisenberg, she despises Miranda. She's just better at not showing it. Unlike the others, like you said, she doesn't have any inheritly noticeable mutations (Lady D, too tall, Donna her eye, Moreau...yeah.)
I think Mother Miranda's favorite in this AU is Mirabel, rather than Karl. I mean obviously. Karl actually doesn't like Mirabel (he doesn't hate her tho), mostly because she's quiet about Mother Miranda and doesn't want to take her on. She knows better. Lady D actually sort of likes her, and treats her with some respect, because Mirabel treats her with respect. Moreau tries to manipulate Mirabel, but as she gets older, she stops falling for it. Donna and her are somewhat?? On a friendly basis, she makes new dresses for her dolls.
Mirabel is freaked out by the big ass baby in the basement. It literally terrifies her 😭😭
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I think Mirabel does have a mutation, she just hides it under clothes. I was thinking her power has something to do with bugs, mostly moths, though she likes butterflies and has a butterfly house. Ironically, she had wings, but they're folded under her dress, and they're sort of weak, so she can't fly for too long. Her clothes are supposed to sort of look like a beetle or a ladybugs wings. But she has dragonfly wings. The family dresses up similar to the bug Mirabel associates them with.
Many people in her part of village actually like her. They don't mind her among the lords. Other people from the other villages likes when she visits, and give her (somewhat crude and often disgusting,) gifts. Mirabel hides survivors in the deeper part of the village. She's not supposed to, but she helps them escape. Miranda knows, but doesn't really stop her because she's the favorite. Mirabel sometimes refers to her part of the village as "her own little Encanto". She hates the Black Mold and refuses to acknowledge it as any kind of "god", instead just out right calling it mold. A parasite.
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Mirabel deeply misses her family, but she never brings it up to Mother Miranda. Miranda knows, once again, but doesn't act on it. She wanted to keep it a surprise when the Madrigal family, absolutely terrified and traumatized, were brought to her doorstep. No one knows what happened to the (original) Encanto Village, but...you can guess. Mirabel house, which is pretty much a replica of Casita, is alive. Granted, it's a little twisted, and dark and...gloomy. But it's alive. Miranda does give her the candle (she swiped it, because magic), after learning that she has no use for it. Whether the Madrigals have their gifts is up to debate. Mirabel does infect them with black mold. Only a small amount. Like Ethan, they can keep regenerating, or at the very least don't take much damage and repair wounds easily. They essentially can't die, much like her/Ethan. Miranda let's her do it, because Lady D did the same thing with her "daughters", so why can't she? Though...it did sort of mess with their gifts. Biological black mold and magic surprisingly mixed and changed somethings.
Come Ethan (because Mirabel was likely taken in the 1940s), she does help him. The people in her territory don't really like Ethan, I mean they're brainwashed, but they don't attack him unless he attacks them. Ethan is very relieved to learn that Mirabel is kind enough to let him stay in her Casita as a safehouse of sorts. She also just outright gives him her piece of Rose (much to Miranda's dismay). Mirabel, though not have the torso, was give the heart of Rose.
After the events of the game, the BSAA finds out about Mirabel and her family. They are relocated back to Colombia, and out under a protection program like Rosemary.
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periwinklemoonlight · 10 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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cantheykillmacbeth · 1 year
how many of the amalgamates from undertale could kill macbeth, and under what clauses? like, does alphys count for birth mother clause?
Hm. I don't think that Alphys would be attributed to their creation; they were separate people beforehand, and clearly still hold some memories of their previous lives and even go back to live with their families in the True Pacifist ending, so we would be counting them based on whether or not their components could.
We don't get much information about the reproduction processes of any monster species in Undertale, though there are some that can be assumed based off of their real-world analogs. Mammalian monsters (such as Toriel, Nice Cream Guy, and Doggo) were most likely a live birth, while avian and reptilian monsters (such as Alphys, the Red Bird in Grillby's, and Snowdrake) were most likely hatched from eggs, though there are a few exceptions, so nothing is 100% certain.
Snowdrake's Mother: Most likely candidate. While she is made up of multiple monsters like the others, the one that was Snowy's mom seems to be the most prominent one. Gender Clause and presumably Unconventional Birth Clause (since she was a bird).
Lemon Bread: The only confirmed component is Shyren's sister, though there are clearly other monsters that seem to have an equal amount of control. We clearly have inspiration drawn from Aaron and Moldbygg, and concept art shows that the sprite was originally meant to incorporate Woshua as well. While any of these could have been considered 'men,' Lemon Bread is referred to with she/her pronouns, so Gender Clause is still probable. Shyren's species seems to be based off of Angler Fish, which are hatched from eggs (applying for the Unconventional Birth Clause), while Aaron is clearly based off of seahorses, which (as discussed previously) apply for the Birth Parent Clause due to the male giving birth instead of the female. It's unclear if either of these should be carried over to Lemon Bread herself or if they would cancel each other out.
Reaper Bird: Despite being called a bird, this one is made up of a Final Froggit, Whimsalot, and Astigmatism. While Astigmatism doesn't have a real-life analog, the other two resemble a frog and some sort of flying insect, like a butterfly or moth. Since most frogs and flying insects are not live births, we can assume that Reaper Bird at least applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause.
Endogeny: Unfortunately, I don't think Endogeny could kill Macbeth. They are an amalgam of dog-people; dogs are live births, ruling out UBC, and it's said in the True Pacifist ending that Endogeny includes the parents of multiple dog NPCs, implying that at least some parts of Endogeny identified as men, presumably ruling out GC and BPC as well.
Memoryhead: We have zero clue as to what monsters make up the Memoryheads, and their sprites seem to be completely unique. We don't have anything to go off of to confirm or deny; the same goes with the other miscellaneous overworld Amalgamates.
Thank you for your submission!
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hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
The Dandelion Wars, Chapter One
The child was found behind Jacey Likeel’s tavern, spitting and howling and clawing for dear life.
She was small, and young, probably only 12 years old, with a nest of hair and a strange wardrobe that consisted of rough belted trousers that didn’t even reach her knees and a massive roughly woven sweater that hung around her like a sack. She had a scar on her upper lip and a pair of sharp black eyes that seemed to assess the whole situation in a breath. And her conclusion? It was fighting time.
Of course, the onlookers got the head wizard, Laudine, as fast as they could manage, as soon as she left her meeting, and pulled her down to the docks to look at the child. She was, after all, in charge of the country’s defense, and while no one really viewed this child as a threat, it couldn’t really hurt to be sure.
“Is she hurt?” Laudine asked, as she floated down the street, her long blue silk dress flowing around her. “Can you tell?”
“She won’t let anyone get close enough to tell, M’Light,” One of the cobblers said, apologetically. “We’re really not sure what to do.
Her lips pressed together in a thin, sharp line.
She knew, of course, why she was the one fetched, and not her brothers. Jeynu would never in a million years take this seriously, no doubt making it some sort of joke, before brushing off the child and leaving it to fend for itself once more, while Delmonico would just scare the poor thing, but it still made her bitter to have been reduced to “responsible motherly one” for the hundredth time.
The child was huddled behind a pile of barrels, teeth bared at anyone in sight, and that didn’t change when she saw Laudine.
That was a first, the wizard had to admit- for her whole 32 years of life, never before had she ever been treated as a physical threat, without an ounce of respect.
“Hello, dear,” She said, trying to channel her absolute best kind leader voice. Around her, the crowd murmured in approval. “What’s the matter?”
“Fuck off,” The child muttered, and everyone balked. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
Laudine blinked, hard, before bursting into laughter. Uncomfortably, the crowd chuckled along.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I- oh,” The wizard took a second to wipe her eyes. “Do you know who I am?”
“I don’t know and I don’t give a damn,” The girl snapped. “You could be Neve Campbelle for all I care.”
“I’m Laudine,” Laudine said. “I’m the head wizard of the Triacrona.”
The girl paused in her snarling at that, blinking up at her. “The fucking what of the where?”
“Wizards aren’t real.”
At that, it was Laudine’s turn to be rendered speechless, blinking at the girl uselessly. “I’m sorry?”
“Wizards aren’t real, you stupid fuck,” She repeated, slower. “Just because you dress up like it’s Halloween doesn’t make you a wizard.”
Laudine frowned. “I think… I think you should come with me. Where are you from?”
“Nunya business.” The girl said, looking strangely proud of herself.
Laudine exhaled, trying very hard not to lose her temper. This was probably just a lost little girl with a very strange sense of humor. Once this was all resolved, she’d go home, and have a nice long bath, and read a book or two on moths or butterflies. And maybe blow something up.
“Come on, honey, let’s get you to the manor,” She said, trying very hard to smile. It seemed to work if the second wave of content murmurs to sweep the crowd meant anything. Yes, no one could say Laudine wasn’t good at her job, that was for sure. “Come on.”
“What if I don’t?”
Laudine sighed, pinching the ridge of her nose. “Then I’ll have the guards throw you into a dungeon. How about that?”
Of course, the guards wouldn’t really throw her into a dungeon- she was obviously under 20, the legal age to be considered an adult, and Laudine wasn’t sure the people would like that all that much, especially considering their reaction to that rather empty threat, but still, it seemed to work, as the girl only hesitated a moment longer before standing.
She was incredibly small, probably only coming up to Laudine’s hip. Maybe that was normal for a child her age. Maybe not. She was stick thin too, reminding the wizard a bit of herself as a child. Her nest of hair was a similar shiny black, as well, although Laudine wasn’t she’d ever had it quite that tangled in her life.
That’s where the similarities ended.
While Laudine had dark brown skin and a proud nose, the girl had pale skin and a flat bridge, little slanted eyes with nubby lashes. She vaguely, Laudine thought, reminded one of a cat, or perhaps a fae dog.
“What’s your name?” Laudine asked.
“I’m not supposed to give my name to strangers.”
Laudine snorted. “I’m very clearly not a Fae Friend, you have nothing to worry about.”
The girl squinted at her. “What?”
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Laudine,” Laudine said, thoroughly unable to remember if she’d already said that. “Head wizard.”
“This is so weird,” Millie muttered. “Wizard named Lardy, why not?”
“Laudine.” Laudine corrected.
“That’s what I said.”
She squinted. “Where are you from, Millie?”
“New York.”
“It’s in another time,” Millie waved a hand. “You wouldn’t know it.”
Laudine stared at her for a beat before turning and walking. After a second, she heard the girl’s shoes flap against the ground behind her.
“Hey, Lardy, where are we going?”
“The manor,” Laudine gritted out. She was really looking forward to blowing something up when she got home. “I’m taking you to meet the other two Crowns.”
“The what?”
“My brothers. The King and The Head of Architecture.”
“Oh,” Millie fell silent for a few glorious moments, before sniffing loudly. “If your brother is the King, why aren’t you princess?”
“Because I’m a wizard. You can’t be a wizard and a princess,” Laudine sighed. “That’s just not how it works.”
Laudine didn’t respond.
The walk wasn’t a particularly long one, but fortunately, the hills and scenery were enough to wear Millie into silence for the rest of the walk. Laudine was seriously starting to suspect this was a farm kid who’d never been to the capitol, if her shocked expression at the fire fruit trees was anything to go off of. She probably had never seen faelora.
By the time they’d reached the manor at the top of the hill the city was built on, Millie was breathing hard, her little round face red. Laudine felt a moment of guilt, but it faded as soon as Millie’s face wrinkled in disgust.
“That’s such a lame castle.”
“It’s not a castle,” Laudine sighed. “It’s a manor. Our castle is elsewhere.”
“That’s stupid.”
Laudine rolled her eyes, nodding to the guards at the front gates, who let her in.
The manor’s front courtyard was a beautiful affair, with community gardens and a small pond with a bridge going over it, but Millie seemed unimpressed, huffing under her breath as she followed Laudine to the front doors.
“Herrady,” Laudine called to the butler. “Can you fetch my brothers? Tell them we have a young guest who claims to be from another time.”
“The future,” Millie piped up. “Way in the future.”
Herrady raised an eyebrow, but turned curtly and marched off.
Millie sat down on the tile floor.
“Oh, stand up,” Laudine sighed. “Or sit on a chair.”
“I don’t want to,” Millie whined, laying down now. “It’s soooo hot outside and the floor is so cool.”
“It’s not hot out,” Laudine said, stooping to grab the girl’s arm. “You’re wearing a sweater.”
“Yeah, but it’s also hot,” Millie grumbled, wrenching her arm away. “Leave me alone.”
Laudine snarled, leaning down to grab at her again, but Millie twisted away, wiggling, wormlike, on the floor, her shoes squeaking maddeningly on the floor. Laudine let out an irritated cry, and Millie laughed, leading her on a chase around the floor, Laudine stooping and swinging her arms like some sort of ape, trying to catch the girl, only to be closely evaded.
Finally, Laudine’s temper snapped, and she pulled out her staff.
“Woah, Lady, chill.”
She whirled, glaring up the stairs at her brothers, who stood on the top landing, watching in amusement.
The siblings certainly looked similar to a certain extent. They had the same warm skin tone, the same black hair and eyes. They were all tall, all with perfect posture. That’s where the similarities ended.
Jeynu wore architect’s robes, simple and warm colored, layers on layers and belts on buckles. His head was shaved short, his goatee neatly trimmed. A smile danced on his face, his eyes sharp and amused, he looked perfectly at home in the calm manor, looked just as at ease as he always did.
Delmonico, however, was larger than his siblings, not only in height, but in weight. His hair, like Laudine’s, was long and wavy, but unlike hers, it flowed free around his shoulders. He wore his kingly robes, all white and red, all trimmed in seal fur and gold. Tattoos of bones plastered every joint, a skull across his face. He was watching the affair with a wide smile, clearly ready to laugh at any moment.
“Lady, you can’t fireball the kid,” Jeynu said, amused. “That’s not okay.”
At that, Delmonico let out a laugh, a raspy, rough chortle.
Millie stood, eyes wide and caught on the king’s face.
“I can see your bones,” She breathed. “That’s crazy.”
“It’s just a tattoo,” Laudine sighed. “It’s not his real bones.”
“It could be real,” Delmonico shrugged. “Who knows.”
While Jeynu and Laudine had soft, sweet voices, and spoke with eloquence and grace, Delmonico almost spat every word, stumbling over the sounds, cutting himself off at the end of every sentence like he meant to say more. His siblings were used to it, as were most of the staff, but that didn’t mean that this rude little child would have the same respect.
And she didn’t.
“You talk weird.”
“You look weird.” Delmonico said, immediately.
Her jaw dropped, and then, to Laudine’s surprise, she lit up. “Fuck yeah, you’re cool, big man! What’s your name?”
“Delmonico,” Delmonico announced proudly. “I happen to be King of this fine Kingdom.”
“What kingdom is that, England?”
“I told you that,” Laudine muttered. “Like an hour ago.”
“I forgot,” She shrugged. “Whatever. I don’t know where that is.”
“Are you sure you’re from a different time?” Jeynu asked. “Or a different world?”
“I don’t know. You guys have magic, right? We don’t.”
“You don’t have magic?” Jeynu asked, incredulously. “How does that work?”
“I don’t know, it just does,” Millie said defensively. “How the hell should I know?”
“How old are you, anyways?” Laudine asked.
“And how’d you get here with no magic?”
“I don’t know, me and my little brother were walking home, and then suddenly I was here.”
“Hm,” Laudine gave her brothers a look. “Right.”
“I believe you,” Delmonico said, not very helpfully. “I bet you really are from another world.”
“Del,” Laudine said, wearily. “Don’t-”
“No, I do too,” Jeynu said. “I remember hearing something about this happening before. Supposedly we all descended from people who fell through cracks in the other world and ended up here, or something.”
“I’ve literally never heard of that,” Laudine said, thinly. “Is this another fae tale?”
“No, this one came from a book.”
“And was the book written by a fae?”
Jeynu stared at her.
“So… you guys are going to help me find my brother and get home, right?”
“Right,” Jeynu smiled. “And until then, you can live here, with us, as an official ward of the state.”
Laudine was starting to think it was very much a mistake on her part to bring the girl here.
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sgcairo · 1 year
More Mamatorre thoughts:
-Whenever they see eachother for the first time in months, they start giggling and spinning around like school girls
-She has an old photo of baby Dottore chewing on a ruin guard part and claims it's "on of her favorites"
-In the hallway of her house the walls are full of photos, and the first time she met Pants she spend at the very least an hour explaining the story behind each and every one of them
- Since she and Dot have their own lil spot for their picnics, she went and found a seperate small spot for her and Anastasiy to hang out when they wanna go outside
- I feel like her favorite fruit would be some kind of citrus, something like oranges or grapefruits
- She always makes sure to give Anastasiy some pressed flowers from her garden to send back home when he visits
- When Dottore was young, any time he'd get angry or frustrated she'd send him outside to chop wood or just destroy something to relieve some stress
- I like to think that whenever her husband was too annoying she'd just put sleeping pills in his coffe(my aunt used to do this but with her in-laws. She was an interesting woman)
- She love pinching Danya's cheeks and likes giving him and all of the clones forehead kisses
- Her house is quite cluttered. You have to watch your step quite a bit to make sure you don't accidentaly knock something over or step on a beaker. She just has lots of things laying around
- She has a glass table with all sorts of moths and butterflies in it
- I feel like she should have at least some kind of animal companion. Maybe a snake?
- I know you mentioned that her teeth are slighlty less pointy than Dottore's, but im gonna double down and say hers are actualy sharper. Dottore, apart from his height and teefs, looks pretty much identical to her. When you look at his dad, you'd probably think he was just some sort of family friend and not actualy related to him
- She has a "Number 1 mom in the world" mug Dot handmade when he was like 10 and she still often uses it to drink her morning tea
All of this, yes, and allow me to add on some little things of my own:
-When Dottore was younger, Mamatorre would tell him to go run around in the woods whenever he was feeling angry/antsy. This led to a dirt covered, absolutely wild Dottore scurrying through the forest at questionable hours of the night, to the point that he would scare the absolute daylights out of travelers passing through the forest, with his pointy teeth and red eyes glowing like some kind of gremlin when fire from a lantern or torch passed by. It didn't help that he had a biting problem at that age, which left many poor souls with a fear of the deep Sumeru forests, and whatever goblin apparently attacked them there. Dottore became something of a cryptid as a result, and when Magdalena eventually heard about it, she laughed so hard she cried.
-Her favorite fruit is actually oranges, believe it or not, and she has a tree she's been nurturing for years in her garden. Whenever the segments visit, she always makes sure to pack them a basket of them for the boat home, just so they don't get scurvy and almost die (again). Unfortunately, they wouldn't stay good long enough to make it back to her son in Snezhnaya, but she always sets one aside when she peels them in the morning for breakfast, only to be painfully reminded that her little Zandik isn't going to run up and squirrel it away.
-She doesn't have an animal companion quite yet, but she does have her own little version of Benben, named Qalbi. It's quite the enthusiastic little thing, and usually floats around the garden beeping along to a tune that only it can hear. Qalbi tends to accompany her into town to deliver "medicine" (mostly to ensure her safety by Dottore's orders), and gets very excited when she gives it a coin to keep for being such a good helper.
-As for her home, it's definitely somewhat cluttered, but it's comforting that way. Unlike Dottore's lab, her cottage is more cozy than cramped, and her equipment is always tucked safely away, so none of the segments will run into it by accident and get hurt. A lot of her more dangerous tools are baby-proofed, because her son's segments are a handful, and also can be little idiots in the heat of the moment. She doesn't want any recreations of Julius Caesar happening in her living room, and that means putting the blades in the secret drawer for safekeeping.
-While you'd think that a man like Dottore would keep his cool when seeing his mother for the first time in literal months to preserve his dignity- you'd be wrong. In fact, he starts shouting at the top of his lungs, and once he reaches Mamatorre, he scoops her up like she weighs nothing, gives her a little spin, and continues to hug her until she manages to extract herself somehow. I mean, she's not much better, also shouting and hugging him back like it's the last hug she'll ever get, but they're both dramatic as all get out, let them have their moment. The segments have similar reactions, except it's a group hug that threatens to squish poor Mamatorre, but she's always delighted to see her favorite little ones. Even if they popped her back a little.
-She absolutely loves braiding little flowers into Danya's hair (and that of the other segments, if they'll stop eating the damn flowers out of her hand). Making little flower crowns and twisting flowers into their hair like she used to do with Dottore when he was little always brings a smile to her face, especially seeing the delight from Danya when he looks in the mirror. It takes some convincing to make any of them take it out, but that only makes her fondness grow.
-Mamatorre is quite lonely, actually. While she seems to be quite friendly, and the people in the nearby village like her quite a bit, she's not... close to anyone. Outside of her son and his cohort, that is. Sure, she knows a few harbingers from her son's letters, and has met a few wayward travelers throughout her time in the woods, but she's almost always alone. It's not that she likes being alone, quite the opposite, but those who are close to her always seem to leave. She won't stop trying to hold onto those she cares about, but it hurts, being old and alone in the middle of the woods, with no one but your son to take care of you. But alas, it's the reality of her life. Perhaps that's why she jumps so readily at the possibility of staying in Zapolyarny for a while, at least there she always has some sort of company, even if it's not the one she came for.
That's all I have for now, but more is coming! Enjoy!
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omniblades-and-stars · 2 months
📻 peas peas peas for korak and crash ily
Darkness shatters Rhythms changing Breathe new life If we come together When life's broken It can be remade
So now it's time to admit that I actually do not have playlists built up for Korak or Crash yet. But regardless, I've been going through my library, picking through songs and this one, despite being a very gentle song, reached out and hit me in the face with Korak feelings.
I really should probably post the story I wrote for Korak since I talk about it all the time, but his story is about losing everything he knows and loves during the Reaper invasion. His story is about building a new life with his daughter. For those that don't know, Korak is an RP character, and we've been exploring him learning to stop hiding his grief away, unsealing it and relearning how to do more than simply survive to the next day.
I also think it's fitting in name. Korak is a quietly spiritual guy. He prays to his own gods when things are quiet, when he's alone. But he also tries to keep Aumellio's beliefs close to his heart. Aumellio being his turian husband (well, they weren't married but for all intents and purposes they might as well have been), who died on Menae, defending his home planet in it's time of need. Korak finds himself asking the turian Spirits, as he understands them, to keep and guide Aumellio's Spirit.
Korak didn't get a funeral. All he has left of Aumellio are his memories, a picture, and what amounts to a scrap of cloth with the insignia from Aumellio's military company. So he does cling to the idea of spirits as one of the few connections he can keep in the aftermath of losing everything.
I'm not a fucking third class citizen You can try all you want but you'll never have a grip on me
Bully all you want I'm building a foundation I respect where I am But also where I came from I adapt my ways But never my integrity You think I am afraid But I keep growing my dignity Respect motherfucker
I know often times when I talk about Crash, it's about how she's kind of a jovial jackoff who loves making sus food, drinking and gossiping with her friends. I usually mention how she takes care of her community, helping to arrange mutual aid, and she has definitely turned to violence to solve some of her community's issues (gang bullshit, slavers, that sort of thing.)
The thing about Crash though is that she has VERY strong feelings about authority figures (Aria, gang bosses, etc.) pushing little guys around just because they don't have the power to fight back. Crash makes herself a very loud nuisance against injustice.
Back in her younger days, she had a hair trigger when people talked down to her, or otherwise tried to tell her how she should be living her life. She's in a place now where she largely just doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about what she's doing. But she will stand up to people who think someone else is lesser for any host of bullshit reasons assholes hang onto to justify what they do.
Anyways, I love Crash and I'm glad you do to.
||Send me a 📻 and the name of one of my OCs and make me scramble to find a song to share that I identify with them!||
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
Nori HC bc she pretty-kooky-insane-heavy-lore lady.
Anyways my friend and I agreed that Nori is 100% a femme goth mom
She would wear loose black dresses made of satin or velvet or light materials. Have either an 80s-90s goth vibe or a dark cottagecore vibe. Would go to goth clubs and hit the fucking griddy if she could,make gothic art with coal and ink. (Would probably be into ink mosters)
Would wear black gloves,wear black shoes with heels,wear a lot of rosaries in silver and light shades of purple. Would teach Uzi some goth dances and call her all sort of sweet-dark-themed nicknames.
Nori: Aww! There is my little machine of death and destruction! *grabs her and kisses her multiple times*
Uzi: *struggling to break free from Nori’s grasp while also being embarrassed* MOOOOM! >:’(
She would also call Uzi “my lil bat” or smth along the lines. Since Uzi has a bat motif and in the goth community,people who are new in the community are called “baby bats” :3
Would hang out with the lil robo cockroaches (but I also think she may have eaten a few of them but we don’t talk about that-) and give them names. Would listen to scremo,punk,goth and old timey songs.
Most of her colors would be black and a bit of white with various shades of purple,most of them light,grey-ish,warmer tones.
Would have black,purple and white flower motifs. Maybe also a spider or moth or purple/black butterfly motif.
A LOT of Uzi’s taste’s would have come from her but they are more modern ofc and edgier.
She would also decorate her black hard hat too. And if possible definitely bake spooky looking cookies :3
Anyways have dresses that Nori would wear :D
These are more of a “dark cottagecore” vibe but my friend personally sees her as more of a 80s punk-rock goth vibe.
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Anyways,all of you Nori lovers, draw Nori wearing these if u want. Go crazy,go bonkers,go ham. Please-
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mmmmalo · 10 months
In revisiting Remele, a prolific plagiarist, the standout element to me was the object of her art heist: a paraphrase of the famous Silence of the Lambs poster, depicting Clarice Starling's shocked face with her mouth covered by a moth. I watched the film and looked over some reviews to sift for parallels and found 2 points from Roger Ebert written 10 years apart. From his 2001 retrospective review:
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Compromised confidence hits even before the character select screen: MSPAR asserts that drifting episodically from friend to friend is "the only way to live", a phrase that to me undercuts the cool enthusiasm with a trace of resignation to a life of scrambling for survival. Remele then suggests, repeatedly, that her own air of confidence is overstated: there is an instant game over if you call her work derivative. Remele is not worried about the plagiarism charges, but she should probably get back at that reporter just in case. Her successful adaptation to new problems twice compels Remele to muse that she would switch careers, were she not so good at art -- a thought that perhaps betrays doubt about her abilities. After co-murdering a purpleblood, MSPAR wonders aloud if they can "interpret [their] adrenaline shakes as euphoric overload", and Remele replies "me too!".
So Remele and Clarice share a lingering self-doubt, doubtlessly worsened by working in an environment that constantly questions their legitimacy. Of course Remele *is* an actual plagiarizer (the moon's a pale thief), which makes this all a little funny, but in Alternia's bad-faith rhetorical context, undeniable illegitimacy can be apprehended as insult instead of fact. Moving on to Ebert's original 1991 review:
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The Death's Head Moth on the SotL poster is, among other things, an emblem of such "unwanted male attention". The skull on its back composed of nude women, borrowing the arrangement of Salvador Dali and Phillipe Halsman's "Voluptate Mors". Within the film this association is drawn by juxtaposition: while the moth skull is being unveiled, a man with an intense stare hits on Clarice; the moth's cocoon is discovered in a dead woman's throat as men photograph her nude body; and of course the cocoon was inserted into her throat by a killer who skins victims to create a woman suit -- that last point, denoting a predatory female impersonator, leads to the film's lasting transphobic reputation, despite the film's glib dismissal of Buffalo Bill as a sort of trans-trender for an additional layer of illegitimacy. Anyway,
On Remele's duplicate, the Death's Head Moth is replaced by a winged purple blood. This catches my interest along two axes:
Remele's art gallery is primarily patronized by purple bloods. Their presence on the art piece could imply that their gazes trouble Remele in a manner akin to the gazes that follow Clarice? The association of the audience (via diegetic entities aligned with the 4th wall) with a phallicized gaze runs through Homestuck back to at least Problem Sleuth... the SotL reference seems a decent enough manner to pepper that motif into a Hiveswap context. Plus the audience's gaze tends to be racialized with Homestuck, so the hip-hop affecting purplebloods capture that quality as well.
Much like in Silence of the Lambs, the moth/butterfly's metamorphosis is leveraged as a transgender allegory in Homestuck. Not relitigating that here, read Slurquest. But with that in mind, and considering how deeply Remele's stereotype Vriska was interwoven with Egbert's gender question, I'm inclined to think the constant questioning of Remele's legitimacy invokes transphobic as well as misogynistic policing
That's about all I can get out of the comparison. Good night all
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erigold13261 · 2 years
:3 I love your blog and your art so much!!! So if the NSR cast had fursona what would be? ( >:3 please do EX-Jay, and West too? *Pours 13 liters of love and appreciation over you*)
Thank you! And that depends. Are we talking about fursonas that FIT the characters, or fursonas that they would choose themselves? Because that could be very different depending on the characters. I'll try to give both but some characters I only have one idea for, or just a vague idea for one over the other.
I'm mainly just sticking to real animals. Not so much doing hybrids or mythical animals because I do not have any ideas for those. Because I think a lot of this cast would be some kind of dragon or something haha.
Also put below a read more since you basically want EVERYONE lol
Mayday: I can see her being either a canine or feline, something full of energy or life for what would represent her. But for one she would choose, I would say she'd be a Malayan Civet.
Zuke: For animals that represent him, probably something like a bull or a Malaysian Horned frog. But if he was going to choose a fursona he'd be an alligator, and he's make a point to let you know it's an alligator and not a crocodile.
DJSS: I feel like a sea turtle would best represent him, but if they were to choose one for themself I think he would choose a Goliath Heron as his animal.
Sayu: Sayu kinda already has two animals that represent mer (not counting the mermaid part) which would be a bunny and a cat. Bunny because ze was drawn as a bunny in mer concept art, and a cat because some of the people who work at Metronomik said Sayu's shadow puppet animal would have been a cat. I also think Sayu would choose a bunny as mer fursona. A very colorful and fluffy bunny.
For the rest of the Club I already had animals picked out for when I did a swap of them with 1010, so those I feel best represent them and what they would choose.
Aoi: He would be a wolf.
Haru: Sea is a fox.
Yua: She would be a dragonfly.
Renho: And Renho is a butterfly.
Remi: I can see Remi being represented by a red panda. He would choose a crab though. Or maybe it would be the other way around. Either way, red panda or crab is Remi.
Tila: She would definitely be picking an otter as her go to animal fursona. Though I can see her being represented by a Nightingale.
Dodo: He seems best represented by a Red-Crowned Crane, but would most likely choose a squid of some sort.
Sofa: I can see them being represented by a monkey of some sort, like a macaque monkey. But they would definitely choose a blobfish, but they would make it accurate to how a blobfish looks like under pressure, not the meme blobfish you see on the internet.
Yinu: She would be represented by a Cloudless sulphur butterfly or a honeybee. However, I see her choosing an axolotl as a fursona and she would make the "ears"/fins look like plants or flower petals.
Mama: I can see her being represented by a Red Adder snake. She seems like she would choose to be a Monarch Butterfly though.
Papa: He'd probably be represented by a Luna Moth. He would have chose a ladybug as a fursona if he was asked to choose when he was alive.
Neon J: Hmmm, maybe he would be represented by a Korean Crevice Salamander, but he would definitely chose a bat as his fursona. Actually maybe the other way around. Either one of these I feel fit Neon, though I think the bat represents him more, while he would actually choose a Korean Crevice Salamander. Yeah, that way works better.
Rin: I can see it choose a mountain goat as its fursona. I'm not sure on what would represent Rin though, I feel like a hairless cat would represent it really well lol.
Purl-hew: Purl is definitely represented by a chameleon as they try to mimic/mirror the people they are around as a form of masking. However, if asked Purl would funnily enough be a Blue Sea Dragon even though Purl hates the ocean so much. That animal is one of Purl's favorites (also what Purl was when swapped with the Mermaid Club).
Zimelu: I think she is best represented by a red betta fish. I can also see her choosing that as a fursona.
Haym: I had said that Haym would be a cat, but I honestly think I changed my mind on that. I think a Jindo dog would best represent Haym, but I can see him choosing something crazy, maybe even doing a hybrid. Hmmm... may he'd pick a kind of cat/reptile hybrid. Like mixing a banana snake (mainly tail and eyes, but some scales) with a Siberian musk deer (fangs and ears) and a leopard (mainly markings).
Eloni: I can see him being represented by the Alpine black swallowtail. But definitely some kind of bug she is choosing for herself, something more dangerous and cool looking. He'd either be a Triangle Crab Spider or a Wasp Spider just with the yellow coloring changes a bit more to green (Eloni loves spiders).
Dew: I don't think Dew would want a fursona at all, like he would definitely keep dodging the question. Though at some point he'd say something like a fur seal or a goral or something just so you leave him alone. I think an armadillo or a pangolin would be best to represent Dew though.
Maragold: They would choose a butterfly with rainbow crystal wings, or a butterfly with multiple sets of wings as a fursona. As long as the wings look pretty, and maybe like flower stained glass, they will be happy. Represented-wise, I don't know why but I can see them being represented by a Dodo bird (which I am now wondering why I didn't make that Dodo's represented animal lol).
Carna: Fae is definitely a racoon for represented animals. I can see faer choosing something really messed up like the fungus that turns ants into zombies. So fae would be an ant, but also looking very gross and dead, maybe even make some pastel gore on faer fursona suit if fae made one.
Eve: Similar thing with Sayu, people at Metronomik said Eve's shadow animals would be a peacock, platypus, or octopus (not canon) so those are the ones that represent her. And honestly, I can see her picking a peacock as her fursona, maybe even a peacock and octopus hybrid if Haym is helping her out.
Tatiana: Okay, I am going into the fantasy a lot with this one, but I just don't see any fursona that better represents Tatiana than a phoenix. She would probably pick that too, or just pick like a bear or something.
Kliff: He'd be represented by a red fox. Hmmm, what would he choose though... I can see him choosing a firehawk as a fursona.
DK West: We already know that West is represented by a bull, and honestly I can see him also choosing that as a fursona. Although, I can also see him choosing a water buffalo or an Asian elephant.
Mystery Man: I don't know what he'd choose, but I can see him as some kind of water snake. Like a snake that can travel on water, but it would probably also be one made out of water (like the pattern of it would look like water).
Cyril: He'd choose a vampire bat as his fursona (wonder if people will get what I am referencing here). As for one that represents him, I'd say a hedgehog would be best.
Noa: Maybe a boar for represented fursona. Though I can see him choosing a group of starling as his fursona (kinda like how those fish in Finding Nemo make faces and images, would be how Noa's fursona would work, so he doesn't have a fursuit but would get his fursona drawn/2D model or someting).
Asa: He is definitely represented by a weasel. He'd probably go for a slow worm/legless lizard though.
Rei: I feel like his representative animal would be the red deer. He'd probably choose a Western Taipan (I can see the tail or just some scales with creative liberty being put over the left eye like Rei likes to do with his hair).
Elivy (Goolings Singer): I don't know, I see his represented animal as a shrew. But I feel like he'd pick a barn owl for his fursona.
Quida (Goolings Drummer): Hhmmm. She would pick the Ocellated lizard as her fursona. Either that or she would pick the Processionary Caterpillar, though I also see that as representing her.
Joust (Goolings Bassist): When I drew him I was basing his design off of a shark, and so that would be his represented animal. As for choosing, he might choose a striped hyena.
Martha: A wolf in sheep's clothing lol. That would be her representation (or even Kliff lol). But she would probably choose a Northern Red Salamander.
Aria: And finally, Aria. She would choose to be a firefly for her fursona. I feel like she would have a dove that represents her though.
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17magpiesinatrenchcoat · 11 months
oh yeah, the short story I wrote when I was 14 lol
it’s not very good but here💀
realising that this was the last time I wrote something is not a nice feeling. I didn’t even realise it’s been so long, holy shit, like i knew it had been a while but I didn’t realise it was literal YEARS now that’s just sort of depressing, especially since well.. I still can’t do better than 14 year old me now and she’s probably better bc I have not practiced in years smh💀💀
I wish I knew how to be a writer, it would be so amazing to get my stories out in the world, but I’m just so lazy ☹️☹️☹️ if any of y’all got any tips on how to get into it well. You know where to find me
anyways here (cw for death/suicide I think, idk what 14 year old me was cooking)
`At first, it was only an ember.
It was near the end of the Great War that they found her. Cold and trembling, crumpled in the ruins of her scorched village, a lone survivor. She was the only ember of life in a ruined land.
The kingdom set up camp among the blackened stones, wary of the stranger. They could not afford to let their guard down, because even the tiniest spark can start a fire. However, the princess did not heed their warnings, and went to talk to the stranger. The girl reminded the princess of a candle in the night, hopelessly shining, doomed to eventually burn out, fated to never see any light apart from her own. She could not help but pity her, this pathetic little ember, soon to burn out. The princess thought she had already seen it all, ravaging fires and thunderous floods, so what could a tiny, blackened ember do to hurt her?
She held out her hand to the candle, beckoning to a shining future. She might as well blow a little air on a dying spark, keep it burning for a little while longer, a good deed for the day. It wouldn’t affect her in the long run. Or so she thought.
Then, it was a spark.
The candle hid in the shadows of the palace, too afraid to talk to anyone higher than her. Amongst the glittering scarlet tapestries and golden sunrises, she was a moth amongst butterflies, draped in beige rags. She prayed to the moon and stars to forget, to no avail. She glared out from under black veils at the butterflies, half-hoping that one would someday give her some sort of reassurance, that everything would eventually be alright, but the only thing she got from them was judgemental glares and mistrusting whispers. Who was this little moth to enter their lair? In the middle of a war against her, no less? She felt their eyes boring into the back of her head as she sulked through the corridors. She scowled at them from her corner of shadows. It was one of their own who brought her here, so why couldn’t they blame her instead? She felt a spark of spite flickering in her chest. It wasn’t fair. None of it was.
Somewhere, a spark was struck.
Then, it was a flicker.
The candle slammed open the doors of the princess’s lair. She glared out at the princess from her scraggly veil of hair, her face twisted into a vicious scowl,
“Why did you bring me here? Don’t you know how the others treat me? Won’t you do anything?”
The interruption caused the princess to snap the nail she was busy pruning. She scowled towards the intruder, before realising who she was.
How curious.
It was the ember she had rescued a couple weeks ago. She somehow looked even worse for wear, with her clothes that were barely more than stray rags sewn together, and eye bags so dark she looked half-dead. But her spirit was completely unscathed, apparently. The princess felt a smile tug at her lips. Who did this candle think she was, harassing the very person who spared her? Who could take it away in an instant? It was the most absurdly idiotic thing the candle could do. The princess decided that she liked her.
She smiled a sickly sweet grin, her eyes boring into the candle.. “So you want to fit in?” she trilled to the candle. “You want to be loved?
The candle scowled again, but she could not hide the longing gaze in her eyes.
“I guess.”
“Well,” warbled the princess, her grin widening, “There is no easy way for it. But, a way some outsiders in the past have found that their place in this sad world is theatre. People will not care about who you are if you are too busy pretending to be someone else.”
The candle did not bother hiding her longing any more. “How do I do it? How do I make that my place?
The princess’s grin was now so wide she looked more monster than human. “For that, my dear,” she said, as her eyes shined, “You need to learn how to dance.”
And so, the candle did.
Then, it was a flare.
With the princess as her mentor, the candle slowly learned the art of theatre. She did not understand why the princess was helping her, but she was grateful, because though she picked up the techniques easily, she would not have been able to do so without help. She danced through the days, some she was a princess in glittering golden robes, some she was a villainess, clad in deep violet, slung elegantly across her throne. She found her new stunt was to light a ruby red torch and fling it hand to hand as while elegantly gliding across the stage as her audience screamed. She loved her new life more than a flame loved the fuel, but it was not enough. While the butterflies may have loved to see her on stage, they still were mistrusting. She would never be one of them; to them, she was still the sad little moth who the princess had rescued to keep up appearances. She’d never really be accepted. Whether the princess had lied or she just hadn’t known, the candle couldn’t be certain. She was right, in a way; they accepted her when she was pretending to be someone else, as momentary entertainment, but it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.
And, despite her own warnings, the spark slowly grew to a flicker.
Then, it was a blaze.
The candle continued to dance in the glory of the stage, but she could no longer find any small solace from it. She watched the butterflies’ eyes follow her, dead, unfeeling. They didn’t care if she lived or died. They only cared about the characters she played. Without them, she was nothing to them. The flame of hatred grew.
There was a recital that night. The candle refused to come. She crouched sleeplessly in her room, staring out at the barren landscape, dead-eyed.
She watched the dark turn to bright emotionlessly. She was still waiting. Only when the sun was so high that it was obscured from view, did she hear the knock at her door.
“Where were you?”
It was the princess. Her chartreuse eyes glared into the candle. “We were all waiting for you.”
The candle stared at her. “You lied.”
The princess stumbled back. “What are you talking about?
“You said that they’d accept me if I did what you said. They don’t. They only see me as momentary entertainment. When I’m away from the stage, I am once again an outsider.”
The princess hissed, like a flame being put out. “How was I supposed to know that? For all I could see, that was the truth. Stop being so ungrateful.”
The candle whipped away from her and glared out the window at the blackened landscape. So, the princess was just like them after all. She made up her mind.
“Leave.” She commanded, without turning around. “I never want to see your face again.”
Then, it was an inferno.
That night, the candle returned to her dreaded stage, for the last time.
She glared out at their cheering faces, disgusted. These were the same people who shunned her in the hallways. She was nothing to them. Even her one and only ally turned out to be no different. She was going down, and they were all coming with her.
It was time to pull her favourite stunt.
She lit a bright ruby torch as the crowd cheered. She swirled around and around with it, cradling it in her arms, only this time, she didn’t stop. The crowd screamed in terror as the candle hurled the torch into the crowd and it lit up in flames, roaring and tumbling onwards. The doors were sealed; there was no escape. The candle gazed blankly as her tormentors perished.
Because of them, she had become the very thing they feared she was.
She held onto this thought as her world crumbled around her, beautiful and terrible. She felt it all at once, and crumpled to the floor in unbearable anguish. But it didn’t matter. None of it did. Soon, she would turn to ash, just like her first and last allies on that fateful day, and none of it would matter. She would finally be free.
What a pity, that candle.
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zoeyslament · 9 months
What kind of animals do you think the rtc characters would be if they were animals?
Ocean is a chihuahua. Because like a chihuahua, she’s an annoying little bitch
Noel I think would be something elegant, maybe like a black cat, or a hare/rabbit
Mischa is probably like a wolf or a coyote or something
Ricky is a cat, duh, specifically a scottish fold
Constance is a pomeranian! With the cute curly tails n stuff!
Janeyboo I think would be a pretty little moth or butterfly of some sort
Penny I am torn between lion, sheep, and deer
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spacefinch · 1 year
More Magic School Bus headcanons!
Here’s my headcanons for what each kid does when they grow up!
(They’re all scientists!)
Arnold: Geologist. I also think it’d be neat if he’s a geology teacher as well. Instead of apples, his students bring him cool rocks. (This headcanon was inspired by students bringing my geology/oceanography teacher rocks.)
Phoebe: I got a few options for her: ornithologist (bird scientist), lepidopterist (butterfly and moth scientist) or botanist (plant scientist). Whatever she does end up doing, she’s sure to put her whole heart and soul into it.
Keesha: Microbiologist. (Yes, this is because of the pickle episode.) For non-science careers, she’s probably a dancer or does work in the movie industry.
Ralphie: Chiropterologist, or a scientist who studies bats. In the chapter books, he really likes bats. In the show, he’s a bit slower to warm up to them, but he learns to like them.
Tim: Marine biologist or ornithologist (if Phoebe decides she doesn’t want to study birds professionally). He’s also a well-known illustrator and nature photographer.
Wanda: Herpetologist (scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians). She prefers a hands-on approach to her research, and everyone agrees she takes after her mother.
Carlos: Paleontologist. His favorite dinosaurs are Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx, if you’re not counting modern-day birds (which he loves too).
Dorothy Ann: Astronomer or astrophysicist. She specializes in deep-space objects such as stars, black holes, and faraway nebulas.
Mikey: probably a computer programmer or engineer of sorts. Very hands-on with his work. He might also help make improvements to his friends’ science equipment.
Janet: Paleontologist— and Carlos’s rival, at that. The two of them are always going off at each other via research papers.
D.A. and Carlos have named things they’ve discovered after each other. Carlos named a feathered dinosaur after D.A. Meanwhile, D.A. named a star cluster after Carlos.
Ralphie has a doctorate (everyone here does because they are that hardworking and ambitious); however, he’s probably the most chill about it.
Someone: Hey, Dr. Tennelli!
Ralphie: Oh, no, no, no. Dr. Tennelli is my mom. Please, Call me Ralphie.
A look at Carlos and Janet’s intellectual arguments:
“A Theory About Dinosaurs,” by Ramon, et al.
“A Conflicting Theory About the Same Dinosaurs,” by Perlstein, et al.
“Dr. Perlstein (the Paleontologist, not the Geologist) Was Wrong and Here’s Why,” by Ramon, et al.
This continues for several more research papers, eventually ending in a temporary truce:
“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?” by Perlstein, Ramon, et al.
(And of course Tim does illustrations for both papers.)
Dorothy Ann still has her parrot named Dinah, but she also has some new pets too. First is a dog named Laika, after the first dog in outer space. Second is a cat named Asimov.
Phoebe’s house is full of plants, both outside and inside. Everywhere you look: plants. The outside plants are all species that are native to where Phoebe lives, and they attract lots of birds and insects. Phoebe keeps her more exotic plants indoors, and likes to propagate them to give to friends.
Mikey plays the piano as a hobby. He has a service dog, though I’m not sure what breed. And he’s very passionate about disability rights and accessibility.
The whole gang lives near one another. Options: Same neighborhood, different houses. Same apartment, different rooms. Or everyone lives in one big house.
About the last bullet point: yes, the former students of Ms. Frizzle’s class (plus one sibling and one cousin) live in a sitcom.
Never though I’d bring MSB Rides Again into this discussion, but hear me out. Jyoti is part of the Science Gang. I personally think that she and Mikey would do engineering stuff together.
They all enjoy hanging out together and watching Star Trek!
Ralphie attempted to build another robot to do everyone’s chores. It did not go well. Hopefully he as learned his lesson and will leave the robot-building to the coding and engineering experts.
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