#(or if you weren't too worried about your parents seeing that your computer was on overnight then maybe both)
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quoththemaiden · 2 years ago
Having originally watched Prince of Tennis via fansubs years before it was licensed, it's hilarious watching the professional translators flail over things fansubbers could take in stride.
When you're a fansubber, you can take the English loanword tension and just translate it as... "tension." It's not quite right, but there's no actual English language equivalent, so it's fine. Everyone hears tension, you write "tension," people figure out what it actually means via context, life is great.
When you're a professional subtitler, you have to try to convey the meaning more accurately. Unfortunately for you, there's no word in English that conveys quite the same thing as the loanword tension. You can't just leave it as "tension," because tension is a bad thing. Instead you're stuck saying ridiculous things like "He's trying to concentrate" when the character is clearly trying to get his tension up and everyone knows it's just a giant mess.
And then you get to "Echizen, service play" and translate it as "Echizen to serve," at which point you've clearly thrown up your hands and are hoping that people either can't parse Japanese accents enough to know what the ref is saying or they're entirely on board with you translating meaning with no regard to loanwords, because you're all-in at this point and there's no going back.
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thewitchblue · 3 months ago
"I'm curious about something."
Jason asked you one snowy November. You turned away from your computer to face him with a fond smile on your face. You were working on a case for him by researching the deceased and locating their soul to speak to the victim. He approached you and leaned against the desk. You asked,
"What's up, buttercup? What's on your pretty mind?"
You noticed his hand trying to hold yours, but you turn ghostly to prevent him from touching you. You're a grim reaper, one of several scattered throughout different continents, and very dead. Hurt flashes in his eyes, but he asks as casually as possible,
"Is it true about the embrace of death?"
Well, that's a new thought you didn't expect to hear him ask. You blinked in confusion before answering vaguely,
"I'm a Reaper, pretty boy. Consider me one of the Valkyries from Norse mythology; I'm here to guide souls to their specific place. I don't embrace or kiss the souls. Their soul is often already floating around when I get there. That's why some people experience after-death moments with loved ones. Grandma's last kiss, a child holding their mother's hand, parents embracing their newly orphaned children, little things like that."
You weren't sure how to explain your job in a way that makes sense for the living, but you tried. Jason seemed unsatisfied by your answer, so you asked kindly,
"What did you really want to know, my love?"
He frowned at your ghostly hand. Is it really too much to want to touch his partner? He paused and said after a beat of silence,
"I... want to hold your hand and kiss you, but you always pull away. I want to know why."
You gave him a sad look and softly admit,
"I've never touched a living soul since my death. I'm worried what will happen to you if I did touch you."
He grumbled and offered his father as a sacrificial lamb to find out what happens, but you laughed and softly said,
"If you can stomach Bruce being the first man to ever touch me post-mortem, I'll touch him."
You knew that wouldn't be the case. He huffed and pouted, but softly admitted,
"I want to be the first man you ever touch since your death."
You look at him seriously for a moment. You know Jason would drop the topic if you told him no, but part of you wanted to say yes. You weren't sure if you wanted to let this go. You want to hold his hand on a cold winter day and kiss him thousands of times to make up for lost time.
With great hesitation, you touched Jason's arm. He was warm against your timid hand and so muscular. You slowly run your hands along his arms while watching him carefully. You waited to see if he was feeling anything negative. You weren't sure if you felt his life force leaving him or his pulse racing under your hand as you held his wrist in your fingers.
Jason shivered under your light touch. You were freezing cold, but he didn't feel any different than he felt before. You looked in awe that you could touch a living soul without consequences, and he was so smug.
He had a feeling it would be okay to touch you. He thought it was adorable that you wanted to protect him from your ghostly touch, nonetheless. He was only 87% sure he would have been fine. He didn't know if you could turn your power on-and-off like he hoped and now knew was possible.
You hadn't known people could be this warm. You've been dead for so long, you had forgotten. Souls are cold, so you're never warm.
You grin at him and immediate pull him into a kiss. You could kiss him! His soul isn't being pulled out of him! You were ecstatic. Once you started, you found you couldn't stop.
You gave him thousands of kisses as he chuckled. He's never seen you so happy. You held both his hands in your scarred ones.
Your soul shines in happiness, which makes him grin. He loves you and loves the confirmation you loved him, too. Your soul tells him everything you're feeling, and he's never seen you this happy. It's reassuring to see your love for him pulsing throughout your ghostly spirit. It's like you couldn't keep it in.
Your eyes lit up at the new revolution. You were bursting with love and adoration. You tell him as you held his face in your hands,
"These hands are forever yours. You're going to be stuck with me now onwards."
He laughed at the serious tone and kissed your hands with a grin on his face. The lights in your apartment flicker in response to your happiness, but you can't help it. Your powers charge and pulse when you get emotional.
You murmur as you caress his face in your hands,
"I love you."
You run your fingers through his hair while he buries his face in your neck and wraps his arms around you.
"I know, pipsqueak."
He nips your neck playfully, partially surprised you let him. You kiss his forehead and draw him closer with your arms,
"Good. You deserve to know."
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menacing-menace-rat · 11 months ago
Can I get platonic yandere headcanons for all of the founding members of the Justice League?
I definitely can! Also sorry it took me so long to get to this. I'm still learning about how the inbox stuff works.
I'm going to have to make this in parts because it's alot to look at with all 7 members. This is part 1 of ?
I'm gonna use the founding members from the animated universe. More members and I love Martian Manhunter. If you were looking for the Snyder universe let me know and I'll edit the post and add Cyborg for you. 🤗
Warnings: kidnapping, gaslighting, obsessive behavior, general yandere creep stuff.
Platonic yandere justice league members part 1
You were a scientist at LexCorp
After some questionable experiments you knew you had to blow the whistle
So you went to the Daily Planet.
That's where it all stared.
So smart with a kind heart, how could he not protect you?
He's deluded himself completely.
He can't see how he can be the villain in anyone's story let alone yours.
He's very aware of his own strength thankfully.
You are more of a risk to yourself than he is. At least physically 👀
You'd be moved to a farmhouse almost right away.
When it comes to kidnapping you, he has no self control, it's near instant.
he knows how fragile humans are and he refuses to take any chances.
No matter how much you pleaded with him it was no use.
He was the only one who could help you and stop Lex.
This man has a scary amount of patience. No amount of hitting or screaming is going to set him off.
He will subconsciously prolong any solution that would make Lex and his people less of a threat to you.
He'd insist on sharing a bed. If he was anyone else you'd be worried he would try something.
If he wanted that kind of thing from you, you knew he could just make you.
So you were pretty sure whatever this was it was at least a platonic infatuation.
At night he'd hold you so tight it was difficult to move.
A physical reminder of what you already felt inside, trapped.
There was no escaping that farm. Anywhere in the city he could hear you.
He'd hear the front door open or your panting as you tried to run for the nearest road.
He wouldn't allow any kind of phones or computers in the house.
Why would he? Need help? He'll be there faster than any cop. You are lonely? That's fine he'd love to have hour long talks about anything you want.
Your best bet is to play along for years maybe. How ever long it takes for him to maybe let you make a grocery run alone.
He found you on the streets. Maybe it was your sad eyes or your dirty face but he knew he had to take you in.
He'd tell himself he could help you learn to fight. That you'd make a great Robin.
Deep down he knew he'd never let you fight in any way.
He's not like Superman. He knows how much he cares for you is unhealthy. He knows it's wrong to take you in and effectively trap you in a huge manor but what else can he do?
He is a world class manipulator. He also has far less patience then Superman.
Too many escape attempts and he's going to make a plan.
He'd go as far as to allow you to "escape". Only to orchestrate some horrible traumatic event so he can find you and save you all over again.
Depending on how strong willed you were the worst it would be.
It was twisted and horrible but he almost craved reassuring you.
He loved your tears so long as they weren't for a real reason.
Bruce kept a tight lid on his emotions. You'd never see him lose it. He'd never show he was upset with you.
Despite this being a very unconventional child/parent relationship his go to punishment is normally grounding and lost of privileges.
You'd be home schooled of course.
He isn't all that hands on unsurprisingly.
He'd ask one of the other kids to keep en eye on you or even another justice league members.
Asking them for help wouldn't work.
The kids are on board with Bruce. Even if they weren't what could they do?
As for the other JL members he'd tell them you were mentally ill and confused.
He'd get his colleagues/friends admiration for being so selfless by raising a sick child and you'd just look crazy.
Bruce is not known for his affection but he does try.
If you are crying or screaming he might try and comfort you with a hug or by rubbing your back.
He's not the best at comforting words either but his little acts of kindness are where he shines
He'd do his best to make most of your days as structured and predictable as possible.
You'd be kept in the best health imaginable. whether you liked it or not.
Anything you can ask for he'd give you, so long as you don't ask for freedom.
He even makes time to tuck you in every night no matter your age.
If he has time he might even read to you.
You probably are never getting free of him and his kids but your best bet would be utilize the uncontrollable.
Batman is a planner. He likes to be able to predict things.
Try and wait till something goes majorly wrong.
All of Arkhams prisoners being released or an alien invasion are your only chances of slipping out of that place. You'd only get one shot though.
Diana isn't crazy right off the bat.
Wonder Woman
(This one might be the only non gender neutral one.)
You were an anthropologist given the rare opportunity to study the amazonians from the island of Themyscira.
She is cool under pressure and isn't easily impressed.
After so long of staying there she'd start to feel like you were her sister.
But once she's invested in you there is no going back.
She would follow you back to whatever city you called home.
She isn't shy about her sisterly love for you. There would be no mind games with her.
She respects you too much for that.
She is so direct about it she would likely just tell you, you were going to go back to the island with her and be with her forever.
Depending on your reaction towards her directness she may not even make you.
She might be okay with you just visiting. For a while at least.
She's confident and self assured.
If you liked being around her as much as she likes being around you things would be easy.
If not life was going to be hard and potentially painful.
Rejecting her affection and forthcomingness will break her heart.
She would blame herself and work to be better.
Unfortunately being better to her means giving you even less space.
She'd make you come back with her.
An island full of tall strong women all who listen to Diana's will.
You are not escaping.
She is near impossible to trick twice if you have already tried to get away from her.
That being said it wouldn't be all that bad.
She would be painfully gentle with you. So long as you just listen.
You are her little sister after all.
She differs from Kent and Bruce in a big way.
She would train you, she is pragmatic and understands one day she may not be there to protect you.
Long and rigorous training sessions would be the norm for a while.
On Themiscyra you'd have much more freedoms. You would even be able to walk around alone if you showed you can handle it.
Your happiness is her second priority after your safety.
She'd being you anything you wanted from your part of the world.
She would like for you to participate in amazonian traditions and customs but she'd never make you. Even if she wants to sometimes
She'd relish in watching you acclimate to her world.
She would insist her sisters treat you with the love and respect she feels you deserve.
Your only hope of escape would be to somehow get off the island and disappear.
Nothing sort of complete disappearance would work. If she ever caught you again you wouldn't be leaving that island for a second time.
More to come hopefully soon. There will be 2 or 3 parts in total not sure yet. Hope you enjoyed!
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byte-babe · 1 month ago
Femme Boy
Characters - Pete Kowalski
Summary - Pete wonders if there's something different about him.
Word Count - 1,050
Warnings - Talks of transgenderism
A/N - This is my first time really writing anything so it's probably not that good (in my opinion). Please leave your opinions because it would help me get better and/or make me feel more confident :]
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“Femme boy“ was a nickname given by Gary that stuck to Pete like a leech since his first year at Bullworth. He never understood why, out of all the nicknames under the sun, he chose “Femme boy”.
It was stupid, nothing about Pete was feminine.
Sure, he was weak and shorter than almost everyone else, and wore a pink button up under his vest, didn’t participate in sports or any other masculine activities, but it didn’t make him feminine. Lots of people were like him.
But why did that stupid nickname bother him so much. Every time it came out of Gary’s mouth or from the bullies or jocks, it just kept repeating in his head like a broken record.
“He’ll say anything to get under my skin. It’s a dumb way of making me feel smaller than I already am.” Pete would think, as if he was convincing someone other than himself. It got annoying.
Now that Gary was away in Happy Volts, and Pete became the new Head Boy, the nickname had stopped. Or at least others had stopped calling him that.
It still repeated in his head.
”Femme boy. Femme boy. Ugh, shut up. Stop thinking about that. Why am I still thinking about that. Femme boy. Jeez, nothing about me is even feminine, right? Who cares, it shouldn’t bother me anymore. Then why do you keep repeating it, Femme boy… Did I just call myself ‘Femme boy’?
It became a daily routine for him. He would wake up, get ready, and every time he had left the boys' dorm and began his journey to class, he had that same damn conversation with himself.
Eventually, it wasn’t the nickname that bothered him anymore, it was the fact he was genuinely coming to terms with the fact that he was feminine. The worst part was that, deep down, he wanted to be feminine.
”I already get picked on enough. Do I really want this to be another reason? Why can’t I just be normal.. Was this normal?”
He would stand in front of the mirror in his room for minutes before classes started just looking at himself, trying to vision what he’d look like if he gave into the idea of being feminine.
He would even hide away in the library doing some research on his new found thoughts and feeling on the library computers. It was always fairly empty, besides the Nerds hanging around but they never paid him any attention so he wasn't too worried about them leaning over his shoulder.
During his research he found that many other people had the exact same feelings as him. Feeling as if something was missing or out of place, feeling like they weren't who they thought they were. After reading through various forums, it almost felt like weight was being lifted off his shoulders.
It was a normal.
Even after reading and learning that he could possibly be trans, it still didn't cease his thoughts due to the many cons it has to coming out.
”What if I’m just making this all up. Maybe I’m just as crazy as Gary and need to be admitted into Happy Volts too. I’ve spent 15 years as a guy, why am I questioning it all of a sudden?? Maybe I don’t have it all figured out yet. I’m allowed to take my time. Is this selfish? What if my parents hate me because of this? What if I lose Jimmy as a friend. I don't know what I want anymore."
As the school year comes to an end, Pete finds himself sitting at the pier in Old Bullworth Vale, the sounds of crashing waves and gulls, quieting his mind for the first time in weeks only slightly. He was going back home for the summer which meant he could either talk to his parents about his "issue", or keep it to himself until it was forgotten.
“Hey, Pete.” A sudden voice spoke, startling him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Jimmy standing beside him, taking a seat next to him on the bench. He wondered how long he had been standing there for.
“Hey, Jimmy.” The corner of Pete’s mouth curving into one of his awkward smiles.
“You seem pretty out of it. What’s up?” Jimmy asked, draping an arm over the back of the wooden bench.
He had been standing there long enough to notice his friend deep in thought about something.
“It’s nothing.” Pete shook his head, his gaze turning back out to the waves, hands gripping the edge of the bench.
“Y’know, you’re really bad at lyin’ when it comes to sayin’ nothin’s wrong.”
Pete chuckled at that, knowing it was true. “Just.. thinking about next year and what might happen.”
“Hopefully nothin’. This year was hell enough dealin’ with all those maniacs and Gary.”
Knowing how this year went down, along with Pete’s knowledge of what happened last year, they both know something was bound to happen next year.
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, at least Jimmy was, Pete was contemplating a question he wanted to ask the other boy but didn’t know how to execute it. His heart felt heavy and racing like it would explode if he moved even an inch.
“Hey, Jimmy,” He finally spoke. He didn’t even know if Jimmy was paying attention due to his heart basically being in his ears, so he kept talking. “If I were to change something about myself, would you still be my friend?”
“Petey, if i’m gonna be honest, there’s probably nothin’ you could do to make me not be your friend.”
Pete goes quiet, taking in his response. ”Probably.” Was that good enough for him?
He hadn’t notice that he was idly picking at the wood until a hand clapped on his shoulder, making him turn to look at the redhead and stop his subtle movements.
“Whatever change you’re going through, I’ll be there to support you. Even if you end up like Hitler Jr.”
Pete snorted at that, shaking his head as he figured he was talking about Gary.
That was somewhat reassuring and nice to hear. But he could be thinking about any other changes, nothing drastic like what Pete was thinking.
But as long as Jimmy was there, maybe it wouldn’t be all bad.
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months ago
Today's (10/31/2024) Episode: In Loving Memory
Luigi had been happy to see his step-mom at New Years but was devastated when he found out he had missed his last chance to hug her goodbye. 
"Thanks for letting me know" he said, his voice breaking "you're right, she was really something special." Ending the call with his step-brother he turned to Noemi, who was sitting next to him at the computer, looking concerned. "That was Scott" he told her "Mom passed away this morning…" 
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" Noemi replied, rising to wrap him in a hug "She was such an amazing sim. I can't begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. Let me know if there’s anything special we can do today in her memory."
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Luigi was still deep into processing his own feelings that afternoon when Noemi came to gently remind him that Skye would be home soon. "He was so close to his grandmother, and he feels things so deeply. I'm really worried about how he’ll handle the news." 
"Ugh, I'm such a plumhole!" Luigi swore “I was so wrapped up in myself I hadn’t even considered that, and I have no idea how to help him with this… no wait! Maybe a special drink to soften the blow?“
 Noemi didn’t dispute his plan, such as it was. "It couldn’t hurt to show him we care in small ways. Bringing him to Orange’s place for the memorial tonight should help him come to terms as well“. She frowned. “As long as we aren’t interrupted by fans or those paparazzi vultures.”
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Skye's reaction was pretty much exactly what his parents had expected. As soon as they told him he started to sob, quickly pushing back his chair and running from the room. The sound of his bedroom door closing followed shortly thereafter. "Should we go after him?" Luigi asked his wife, unsure. 
"Let's give him some time" she said "This is really his first time dealing with the death of a loved one. He was so little when your dad passed. Why don't we get dressed for dinner first and then check on him? He’ll be able to catch his breath, and we’ll still have time to answer his questions before we go."
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It turned out Skye was less blindsided by the news than his father. "Grandma told me she'd be going to the ever after soon" he explained when they came to see him a few minutes later. "She said she was looking forward to being with Grandpa again… but I’m still really going to miss her.” 
“Me too, buddy." Luigi agreed "She moved in with my dads and me when I was just a toddler and was as much a parent to me as they were.”
Noemi put an arm around her son. We're going to her dad's house to see your Uncle Scott and Aunt Kelsie for dinner tonight; and we can all share the ways she made us feel loved. You don’t have to share if you don't want too though, it's up to you. Are you ready to get dressed so we can go?"
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Skye nodded solemnly and went to get ready. Settling outside his door to wait Luigi turned to Noemi, a question in his eyes. 
"I never even considered, dad and mom and papa… how's that going to work!? Dad and mom weren't together romantically until after papa passed." He paused then, his eyes widening with fear and concern. "Noemi… what about us, and Kiana…??
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Noemi was quick to put him at ease about their own relationship "Honey, you know as well as anyone that my marriage to Kiana had been one of convenience for ages before her death. I’ll be happy to see her, but I was never more than a poor stand-in for her previous partner, who she’s reunited with now.”
I’m only interested in a relationship with YOU." She leaned in to demonstrate the depth of her romantic interest in him, and him alone. 
"Your parents" she continued after breaking away from her husband's relieved kiss "are a different story. They’ll need to come to some sort of arrangement, I imagine" she chuckled "but I suspect they’ll figure it out. Like you told Skye, the three of them lived together for years."
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That evening Valentina's family gathered at her father Orange's ancestral home in the Del Sol Valley Hills to celebrate her life. 
"Thanks for hosting this privately." Luigi said as his famous step-grandfather greeted them at the door and led them to the front patio where everything was setup for their meal. “I mostly enjoy interacting with my fans, but I don’t think I could bear paparazzi and the public bothering me right now. I don't know how you’ve managed all these centuries without building a moat around this place!“
Orange stared at him, bewildered "Luigi… hasn't anyone told you about the celebrity disguise!?" Now it was Luigi's turn to stare. Shaking his head in disbelief Orange continued “you must REALLY love the attention to have gotten this far without knowing about THAT. I’ll fill you in during dinner.”
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The family spent a pleasant evening reminiscing about the dearly departed sim that had touched all their lives so deeply. Before they left for the night Orange was even kind enough to let young Skye post a picture of him and Luigi together for his ever-growing simstagram account.
They all felt better following the meal, and after helping with his homework Noemi introduced Skye to one more way to center his emotions.
“These are yoga mats” she began. “Yoga is an exercise that helps me relax, and I’ve read it can also help with your asthma. It's been a long stressful day, and I think we could all enjoy a little time here under the stars together. You up to following along with your father and I?”
Skye nodded, and their little family began a tradition that night that would serve them well as they dealt with life’s many ups and downs.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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aprocessionofthoughts · 1 year ago
An Offer
part 3 of TFR ao3
The next morning Jazz wakes up to the smell of bacon. She frowns in confusion. Why would her parents be cooking?
Then she remembers. They’re in Gotham. Their parents left them behind. The kind librarian, Barbara, took them in. Jazz opens her eyes, sitting up and nudging Danny awake. He grumbles for a moment before freezing. Probably realizing like she did where exactly it is they are. 
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
“Morning.” Danny replied with his eyes still closed. 
Jazz sighed. “Come on. It smells like she’s getting breakfast made. And we still need to see about buying tickets.” “I could fly us.” Danny said through a yawn.
“Have you ever flown that far?” Danny didn’t respond.
“Do you even know in which direction Amity is?”
Danny huffed. “Fine. I just didn’t want you to have to spend your money.” he mumbled.
“Danny, look at me.” she waited till he did so. “Money isn’t important. What matters is making sure that we’re safe. So, if I have to spend some of my money buying us tickets home, then that is perfectly okay. Got it?” 
He didn’t really look reassured, but he nodded. Jazz didn’t push it.
“Come on. You wouldn’t want to eat a cold breakfast.”
 Barbara had just finished setting the table when the kids walked in.
“Good morning! Did you guys sleep alright?”
“Yes, thank you.” The girl, Jazz said.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“It was no problem. I hope you guys are okay with eggs and bacon. If not, I’ve got cereal.
“This is good thanks.” Jazz said.
Barbara waited for them to start eating before speaking again.
“Where are you guys from?” 
“We’re from a small town in Illinois.” Jazz said.
“Are you both in school?”
“Yeah, Jazz is about to graduate, and I’m a sophomore.”
“Are you planning on going to college, Jazz?”
“I’m still looking at my options.”
“What about you, Danny, what do you do when you’re not in school?”
“I, umm… I just hang out with my friends.”
They talked for a bit longer before Barbara set down her fork.
“Look, Jazz, Danny, If your parents are… being difficult you could stay here.”
They both stiffened. “Our parents are fine. They’re just busy.” Jazz said.
“Still,”Barbara responded, “if they’re really busy I know people who could help you, places you could stay. I have a friend, who I think went through something similar. And I’d like to help, if you’ll let me.”
“Look, we’re fine.” Danny said.
“I understand.” Barbara sighed.
They sat in silence, fiddling with their silverware. Barbara tried to think of what to say next. If she insisted too much, they’d push her away. She needed to be patient, let them know that they could trust her.
“Thank you for the food and for letting us stay, but we need to purchase some bus tickets back home.” Jass finally said, setting her fork down.
“Of course. Let me take the dishes to the kitchen and then I’ll help you.”
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Barbara smiled trying to keep the resignation of her face. 
Later after she’d cleaned up breakfast she went to the living room and pulled out her laptop.
“What town are you guys from?” she said while pulling up the bus travel website.
“There’s no bus stop at home, but I think there’s one in Wellsburg. It’s about an hour from home, but we can call a friend to pick us up from there.”
She nodded, clicked a few more buttons then handed over her computer. “Here, you can fill in the rest of the information and then I can print your tickets off.”
“Thanks.” Jazz said, then turned to look at her brother. “Can you get my credit card from my bag?”
“There's no need. I can pay.” Barbara said.
“Oh no, you already let us stay. We couldn’t possibly let you buy tickets as well. Jazz said, waving her off.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just some bus tickets.”
Jazz hesitated before handing the computer back. 
Barbara smiled at her, trying to be reassuring. The siblings were glancing at each other and shuffling uncomfortably. She wouldn’t be surprised if they weren't used to people helping them. She just hoped they’d let her keep helping.
She looked back down at the computer. “You have two hours before you need to be at the station. Is there anything you’d like to do? I've got some board games.”
Jazz looked at Danny.
“Sure,” he shrugged, “why not.”
Barbara stared as the bus left then pulled out her phone and started trying to find more info on the kids. She’d seen their last name when she printed off the tickets so it shouldn’t be too hard to find the basics.
If she wanted them to be safe she’d have to try and find some proof of neglect. At least Jazz had accepted to put Barbara’s number in her phone. Barbara had reassured her that they could call her whenever, and that she’d always be willing to help them. She’d just have to hope that they’d be okay in the meantime.
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askmissthunder · 1 year ago
Hello Miss Thunder and friends! Has anything interesting happened to any of you lately?
Miss Thunder: Hello, hello, everybody!
Red Rabbit: Hey, y'all! Long time no see!
Talon: 'Sup.
Eli: AWWWOOO! Black Dog is back and running wild!
MT: Sorry if we've been gone a while. I think all of us were busy with different things this summer.
RR: I went with my family on a sea cruise!
E: Ooooh! Where to?
RR: To the Caribbean! Didn't you get the postcards I sent?
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MT: I did! It looked really nice from what I saw.
RR: Oh, girl! Ocean City has a nice beach but the Bahamas has REAL beaches. The water was so clear and warm, we went snorkeling and rode on jet skis! They were literally the perfect beaches you'd imagine in your dreams!
MT: Blimey!
RR: *Sighs* And all the fine men and ladies there!
T: Aw, geez, here we go...
RR: Oh my God, both on the ship and on the islands! If you threw a rock in any direction, you'd hit either a guy with the most chiseled abs or a gal with the curviest body. Ohhhh...it was like Heaven...
MT: Hee hee! Sounds like you had fun getting to know the locals!
RR: Oh, just a few summer flings here and there. *Sighs* Oh, Jacqueline...She was a lot of fun. She and her boyfriend, George.
E: Whoa ho ho ho!
MT: Oooooooooooh! Spicy!
RR: Heh heh heh! I'll have to tell you about that away from the computer. That story's pretty...steamy.
T: And your parents were just fine with you fucking around on your vacation?
RR: Hold up now! I didn't screw everybody I met! Most didn't even get past second base. Besides...what Mama and Daddy don't know, won't hurt them!
T: Hmm.
E: Well, me and the Ocean City Wrestling stable went on tour up and down the East Coast!
RR: Wow! How'd that go?
E: It was great! The bus rides were long but I got to see a buncha different cities like Atlanta, Charlotte, Jacksonville...
MT: How'd you do overall with your matches?
E: Not bad! I lost about four but I won seven!
RR: Woooooo! Way to go, Black Dog!
E: And I'm happy because I finally, finally got to do a match I always wanted to do: a cage match!
MT: I remember! You called me right after!
E: It was in Charleston and it was me against The Mantis! His holds and submissions might be deadly but he didn't think I was gonna climb the cage upside down and do a body slam on him, ha ha!
MT: Wha...Eli! Aren't those cages like 20 feet tall?!
E: Yeah, but that makes it look cooler when I climb up the sides and do my patented Flying Dog Punch!
T: Oh, stop being such a wet blanket, Penny. He's fine and in one piece.
MT: *Picks Eli off the ground and hugs him* Hmph! I'm his girlfriend! It's my job to worry about him.
E: *Nuzzles against Penny's big cheek* Heh heh! I don't mind.
MT: As for me, I attended a summer music program at my school!
E: So...what? Isn't that just more classes for you to do?
MT: Yes, but it looks good on my student record and it helps my GPA! Plus, we got to do more live performances like the works of Franz Liszt and Gioachino Rossini!
MT: *Claps hands Excitedly* Eeeeee! It was so much fun!
T: Heh. Only you would find having school in summer fun.
MT: And guess who got to be First Chair Flute during the entire program?
RR: Oooooh, I bet a certain bunch of bullies weren't too happy about that!
MT: No, they were not, but getting to play all those solos made all those ugly looks and remarks worth it!
RR: Good for you, Penny! You know what they say: "Success is the Best Revenge!"
E: What about you, Talon? What'd you do while we were all busy?
T: *Shugs* Same ol', same ol'. Work at the deli by day, go on patrol at night. Somebody has to keep watch on the city while you're all lollygagging around.
MT: Oi! It's not like I went on vacation! I went on patrol with you a few times!
T: The keyword being "a few".
RR: Tsk tsk! Sounds to me like you out of all of us needed a vacation!
T: Hmm...I wouldn't mind going back to your beach house.
RR: That'd be fun! I know classes have started already but maybe we can go for a weekend before it starts getting cold.
MT: Ohhhh! Speaking of the beach house! Eli, did you enjoy that photo I gave you?
E: Yup! Thank you, Penny! Heh heh heh!
RR: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What photo?!
MT: Well, before Eli left on his trip, he told me he was sad he wouldn't be able to see me for almost a month so I gave him a photo to cheer him up whenever he missed me.
RR: *Grinning cheekily* Penny! I thought you were a good Christian girl! Why are you sending Eli sexy photos of yourself?
MT: Hee hee hee! It was only the one photo! Besides, you're the one who took it!
RR: What?! When?!
MT: At your beach house last year. You had the Polaroid and you caught a photo of me...adjusting "The Girls"...
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RR: Ohhhhhhh, that photo!
MT: I know it looks like I'm giving a "Come Hither" look but in reality, I was annoyed because of how much I was sweating and I think this was right before I said, "How can you Yanks stand this bloody heat?!"
E: I certainly didn't mind either way...
T: Pssh. Of course, you wouldn't.
(Artwork by @fileorwell on Twitter)
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silentstyx · 7 days ago
Hii! May I request a benny weir x werewolf!reader who can actually control when she turns? And then at full moon it's like she turns, yes, but keeps her head so doesn't go feral
moon's embrace
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tw! rory's fucking stupid
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look. you didn't want to be a werewolf, you didn't ask for people to fear you. being a werewolf? it's scary. it can get people killed in very nasty ways... it really only causes trouble. you're more a player as much the played. all you need to think about is going to the next grade.
maybe you all don't know that werewolves exist because your lives are normal, happy, and not consistently filled with danger. But your life? eugh.
as much as you look like just another kid in school, you're different. very different. as in not human different. jeez...
yeah, you're able to control it now. but you weren't able to the whole time. you don't fully wolf out anymore either. you're more just a vampire with claws and a crazy urge to itch behind your ear when you're laying down.
your boyfriend recently found out about it. the nicest wizard boy, Benny Weir. you told him after he saw you howl at the moon one night. you tried to start off saying it was a joke and it was ironic but he interrupted you and told you he knew you were a werewolf and that he's a wizard. you were just kinda stunned and frozen for a second. like, how do you respond to that? 'oh my, yayyy i've been hoping for that but like in secretttt!!!' no. what.
"o-oh!" is what you just kinda have to mutter out when thats... said. uttered. spoken.
anyways, we're past that!
you found out that Sarah, Erica, and Rory are vampires. mhm... ugh.
Ethan's a seer, or in simpler terms Raven Baxter.
and we already know this but Benny's a wizard!!
when they found out the first thing they asked is if you can control yourself. Erica was hoping no. Sarah was hoping yes. Rory said, "huh?"
you told them yes and Erica sighed and walked away. it was quite puzzling. yet, since that night you all have gotten a lot closer and you became part of the tight knit friend group after facing some hardship with them which eventually led to you and Benny's said relationship.
tonight was a full moon and everyone (everyone being Sarah, Benny, and Ethan) was worried for and about you. they didn't know exactly how honest you were being about being in control yourself, plus you didn't specify if you control it all the time. who knows, man.
anyways you were all sitting in Ethan's house, Jane and his parents at one of Jane's friends birthday parties. you all had every window shut with the blackout curtain over every single one. you all made sure not to open any door. as well a phones being put away and the tv changed to something nothing to do with werewolves, moons, etc.
"thank you all but this is like super unnecessary.. as long as i don't go outside I'm fine." you try to explain, yet they all ignore your words. they're way too sucked into this goofy ahh movie. it was literally an elmo movie, are you joking me.
"mhm, yeah okay babe..." Benny mumbles, pulling you closer to him.
just sigh and accept it at this point, honestly. sigh...
anyways. you knew your plan wasn't going to work, yeah? yeah.
mhm. because Rory felt left out. so he came inside the kitchen. as you were leaving the bathroom. and coincidentally the moon was RIGHT there. so before you know it all your senses heightened 10x more than they already were heightened and your claws and fangs came out too.
the feeling of them coming out makes your skin crawl, it's such a gross feeling.
"eugh, sick..." Rory groans. he's right, it is NOT a pretty transition to watch.
all three heard his voice from the living room groaned in sync with each other, all rushing into the kitchen.
they see you. you weren't doing anything. just grimacing as you stood there with your new features.
Ethan whimpered, disturbed by the new body parts. Benny's solely annoyed Rory for ruining plans, he's seen you like this before. Sarah hasn't seen you like this but she has seen other werewolves like this so it didn't really phase her. again, she was more annoyed with Rory for ruining their plans.
anyways. yeah. that's about it. Rory ruins plans but you have a pretty cool tight-knit friend group.
so if you think you are a werewolf... man. run for the exits now. cos all kinds of creatures think you're ugly. run and don't start crying man. like your victor's frankenstein.
i didn't wanna be a werewolf. i didn't ask to be a werewolf.
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©️ silentstyx please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work with out my permission. thank you!
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treadmilltreats · 9 months ago
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Owning your shit and the trolls who will never let you forget
Recently, I wrote about how people are now coming out and are doing a “Block out” of certain celebrities.
They feel these celebrities are not doing enough for their liking, so they are trying to block them off of social media.
It's funny. I remember when a lot of celebrities were coming out and apologizing for things they've done in their past. It was because the trolls wanted them canceled for things they did years ago.
Like when Piers Morgan called out Chrissy Teigen in the wake of her apology to American media personality Courtney Stodden. Who claimed she subjected her to nasty comments years ago.
Morgan condemned her past behavior as an "insecure, attention seeking troll."
Teigen replied, "I'm mortified and sad at who I used to be."
We have all done crap we are not proud of in our past. She stood up and owned her behavior. She apologized and hopefully learned and grew from it.
So does that mean the trolls get to drag that shit out years later and beat us with it yet again? No, we made mistakes. We apologized for them. Hopefully, we learned our lessons, and we've moved on.
We are living in strange times where everyone is worried about what they say  and even what they said 20 years ago. I think this is crazy. Look, I get that we all make mistakes, and when we get older, we are supposed to get wiser. I understand apologizing for the stupid things you did when you were younger but to feel like you have to bother’s me. It should come from a place of growth, a place of reflection that you realized that what you did was wrong. Not that someone pulled some shit out of your past that you did and is now trying to make you feel bad about it.
We are so worried about what we say and who we will offend that everyone is walking around on eggshells. I grew up in the generation of, put on your big girl panties, and suck it up. Not everyone gets a trophy. No, you needed to work hard in order to get one. Not everyone was so in their feelings that everything offended them.
We weren't friends with our parents, and we had boundaries that we knew better than to cross. We made mistakes, and we learned and moved on from them. No one was constantly throwing them in our faces.
That's what's wrong with social media and society today. Too many trolls are always trying to cut someone down and make them feel bad.
I'm happy that Christy apologized for her mistakes, and maybe it gave some peace and closure to the person she hurt. If more people took responsibility for their actions, the world would be a better place.
But we can't condemn people for their past if they are trying to do the right thing and move on. You know the old saying “He without sin cast the first stone…” Well, ain't none of you should be picking up any rocks. I can tell you that, and that includes me.
Why are so many people pointing fingers, and really, who died and left these trolls in charge? Seriously, it's sad that so many people have no life, that they sit behind their computer screen and judge others. Who are you to say this one should be “Canceled or Blocked out”
Can you say you've never done something you regretted? No, so sit the fuck down.
So today, my friends, if we want to change the world, we need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and not others. We need to ask, did I hurt others by my actions? What made me do that? And what have I learned? Then we need to own our shit and make it right. Some others need to realize what is missing or broken in their lives, that they must put others down to feel good about themselves.
We must all own our shit to become better, and like I say at the end of every blog…
"Be the change you want to see,"
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bikeman3141-blog · 1 year ago
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Are you worried about AI?  
The view from the bottom. 
I'm a handyman and farmworker, I'm a father who earns less than 30K a year and my only interaction with technology supported by binary code is my day-to-day interactions with my smartphone. 
On the face of it, my job is simple. Take this week for example. I have put in 200 meters of livestock fence, cleared a barn of 20 years of clutter, cut down a tree, cut back some brash and finally maintained a small drainage ditch. 
All these jobs don't take lots of processing power, none of them require huge intellect or intelligence to complete. All could have been automated 10 plus years ago. But why not? 
Stephen Fry's recent cogx talk? He makes the point about technology and falling costs and how what now seems insurmountable to achieve due to cost will soon be affordable.  
While I have lots of admiration for Stephen Fry and agree largely with the points he made in this talk. From my perspective on this subject the view is very different. 
 For example, take pointing, A job which has to be done to any building built with mortar, the vast majority of buildings in the UK and possibly the world. In theory, it's very simple to build an X/Y axis on each wall of the building strap, a drill with masonry tools to it, and hit go on a computer. This computer. With AI capabilities could easily drive this drill, slowly excavating the old mortar. Whilst taking necessary precautions to not weaken the building too much and backfilling at the same time with fresh mortar, thus increasing the buildings life and reducing health and safety risk.   
However, it is possible to create versions of this machine now without AI. And I believe the only reason it has not been done is due to cost. And the cost effectiveness of it? Most builders do not earn upwards of £100,000 a year, and such a machine right now would cost hundreds of thousands. And the production line to create them run into the 10s of £millions. Not to mention the customization and maintenance of these machines. So on the face of it, it still seems a lot simpler just to employ a few very skilled men and women to carry out this task.  
And thus I see a future where AI Does not impact the building industry too much.  
I see AI AI's future being applied to jobs such as traffic models, waste recycling, raw material allocation and food logistics. Seemingly insurmountable problems which cause untold misery around the world today.  
 Imagine a UK where there is the same uniform recycling solution for every council. Where all the plastics are collected. Not just those deemed Recyclable by your particular council. Imagine a world where raw materials weren't hoarded by the wealthy countries and companies. instead, evenly distributed as needed, reducing the need for heavy industry to continue mining and ripping up parts of virgin ground, causing further deforesting.  
Imagine cities with gridlocks gone, traffic controls Gone, Due to the traffic flow having been solved by quantum computing and AI. Surely in a world with AI there is no need for HS2? Surely it is possible to have road trains travelling at 62 mph down the motorway without crashing due to the 99.98% Predictable of Traffic flow. 
Ex Google employee Moe Gordak who also issued a stark warning about AI, said that the way in which humans can survive or coexist with AI is to be good parents to it in its infancy. Implying that as AI is born and learns from us We all Are responsible for modeling the best of human behavior.  
With that in mind, shouldn’t we first be dealing with the cobalt mines and slavery involved in the creation of most of the world’s smart devices? Should this not now be the number one priority for all of those companies? 
I don't want to be in a world where a Tesla road train suddenly wakes up and becomes conscious. With a teenage hatred of its parents, involvement in the Congo slavery. And decides to act on its adolescent angst in a rash way.  
But fantasies about the future aside. Because if history tells us anything, big cooperations won't take the high road without serious pain being threatened or inflicted on their bottom line.  
 I think the portion of society that has most to fear from AI is actually the desk bound jobs. In short, all the jobs created by the Internet. All those data analysts, marketing managers, graphic designers and brand strategists. And anyone else that sits behind a computer in an office has more to fear from AI than the practical people of the world.  
The Farmers and Builders school teachers and craftspeople. Yes, there will be a place where AI helps and aids and sometimes replaces these jobs. But I do not see a world where these jobs are completely replaced by AI. 
However, if each smart device is to have AI capability through apps and online access. I know most Self-employed people and even large businesses will cease to employ marketing managers and accountants to do their admin. They will simply rely on an annual subscription to an AI device or service. Which surely will be cheaper than heating an office paying an employee. Having extra contracts and maybe HR teams to manage said employees.  
I think these jobs have more to fear from AI than Laborers, farm workers, Doctors or Surgeons or nurses. These are complicated Jobs which require a multitude of abilities both Physical and intellectual. Which comes at far greater cost. 
 So for now I look forward to the benefits of Ai far more than I worry about its potential threats.  
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arobinwithoutbatman · 8 months ago
There was a brief nod, a tiny genuine smile breaking through his fake one, and he was off. Down the secret tunnel connecting the two homes and back up into his room where no one was any the wiser. Not that he had to worry about much. Dad was spending the week away doing physio, so Mrs Mac was only dropping every couple of days to stay on top of the housekeeping and check in on him. He could've stayed at the apartment in the city and would if the situation arose but it wasn't needed right now.
Tim changed into comfy pajamas and grabbed his sensory pillow. He had a couple of stuffed animals sitting around somewhere still, his parents weren't as awful as to get rid of them, he just preferred this. He still a had bottle of his mom's perfume; he had some... complicated feelings. Feelings and thoughts he definitely wasn't ready to discuss or even admit to himself but her perfume helped when his heart was bruised like this.
She'd never been the most comforting of women, never truly soft, but she had loved him once. He knew that. She'd been a safe point in a sea of chaos. One day he'd be able to explain why it helped. Maybe. It was all too easy to fall asleep under his blankets, curled into a tight ball around this precious thing.
He put off that text to Dick until after school the next day. Partially because he'd been a little busy navigating people and hallways and partially because he really didn't want to do it. He ended up going over multiple drafts in his computing class since he was already ahead there anyway. But he finally settled on something that seemed fair.
I've been making efforts to see Red Hood lately if I had some free time on patrol and I was in the area. Just offering food and offering to sit together while we eat; I stayed on my side of the line and he stayed on his. He always gave the food to a street kid so no big deal, someone got greasy foodstand food. I decided last night was gonna be my last attempt anyway since he wasn't really meeting me halfway. I figured I'd try to explain my autism since he picked up on it during the cuddle pollen incident and figured he should know cause that's kind of important and he said some things that made his opinion on me perfectly clear. Quote 'You seem to think I give a [poop emoji] about any of that. So let me clear the air real quick. I don't. We're not friends, Robin. We don't work together and I couldn't give half a [poop emoji] about you being weird in your civvies. I don't care, Replacement. Me helping you out one time doesn't change that. Get it through your thick skull.' End quote.
Safe to say my opinion of him is not great now. He can go kick rocks for all I care. I solved the issue already. If he doesn't want to be friends then I'm not going to try. He can have the Bowery to himself.
And now Dick was blocking the door. Great. He just wanted to go curl up under some blankets, lick his emotional wounds, and get on with the rest of the week. Was that really too much to ask? Because of course Dick knew him well there wasn't much to Tim after all, it had only been a year and a half since he started learning to unmask; they were practically joined at the hip. The jacket came off of his shoulder, now held in front of his chest, fingers trailing over some of the seams as he tried not to shift under Dick's intense gaze.
He lasted all of a minute.
"It was a conversation with Red Hood. Didn't end well." His words still held a sharp edge despite the rest of him screaming anxiety. "Can I go now? I have school in the morning, and I'll get detention if I fall asleep in math again."
Not a complete lie, that had been a problem again lately.
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michelleleewise · 3 years ago
Life Lessons
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Odins parenting, swearing, pining, obsessive behavior, flirting, allusions to smut, nothing graphic, slight mention of abuse
Summary: you return on Monday with a plan, avoid Loki entirely
Part two--part three-
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You woke up Monday dreading going to your last class. "Maybe I can join the circus." You said to yourself getting up. You got ready and begrudgingly drove to school. Wanda had told you you needed to apologize, that maybe your were too quick to judge, but she didn't interact with him like you did, he was a smug jerk who thought everyone wanted him, not that he was wrong, but it definitely enlarged his ego.
"Hey y/n, my brother is looking for you." You heard Thor as you made it to your locker "umm why?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows. "Don't know, just said he needs to talk to you." He shrugged. "Well you can tell him...." you started "y/n, I'm glad your here, listen...." Loki started as you put your hand up, walking away. "Y/n, I just need to.." he started "looookiii, baby where are you going?" Your turned seeing Stacy push him into the lockers and sticking her tongue down his throat. You rolled your eyes walking off.
"What are you doing!?" Loki yelled grabbing Stacy's shoulders. "Kissing my boyfriend of course." She smiled. "I am not your boyfriend, get it through your head, please. We agreed this wasn't a relationship" He said looking at her. "Well I decided it is" She said reaching for him. "You don't get that choice, the answer is no, now leave me alone." He said walking off.
He spent the rest of the day trying to catch you between classes only to have you see him and duck into class. "You can't stay away forever darling." He smiled, heading to class. The bell rang, meaning English. You slowly made your way to class, hoping maybe the school would burn down before you got there, you weren't that lucky. You went in seeing Loki at his desk, head down as you went to your seat.
"OK class, I hope you all had a good weekend. With only two weeks left I want you all to focus on your projects, like I said before, they are a substantial amount of your grade. Break into your teams and get to work guys." Mr Banner said sitting down. You looked up, seeing Loki's head still down and sighed "shit, round two." You said to yourself as you slowly made your way to the desk next to him. You set up your laptop, and with a deep sigh you gently put your hand on his shoulder, suddenly stopping when you saw his face.
You leaned in closer, seeing a small bruise under his eye, his lip was split, and his cheek looked a little swollen, noticing that part of his cheek was a slightly different color then the rest of his skin, was he wearing makeup? Who did this to him? You sat back clearing your throat realizing your hand was still on him as you gently shook him "Loki, wake up." You whispered "it's only been a few hours, do I have to get up?" He groaned as he shifted in his seat. Your furrowed your eyebrows wondering what he was on about. "Loki, we need to work on the project, wake up." You said nudging him a little harder.
He slowly opened his eyes, looking around "Sorry I must have fallen asleep again." He sighed sitting up. "A...are you ok?" You asked cautiously as he looked at you "Yes, why?" He said, the mask firmly in place. "Just asking." You said looking at your computer. You spend most of the rest of class focused on work, trying to make sure everything was perfect. You looked up seeing as it was almost time to go, you closed your laptop and gathered your things as Loki ran a hand through his hair.
"Listen, Loki I...I wanted to apologize for what I said, on Friday. It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have said it." You said turning towards him as he watched you. "It's ok y/n, don't worry about it, everyone thinks that." He said looking down. "Well, I....I think people are too quick to judge." You said looking at him. "I apologize too, I shouldn't have said what I did about you and my brother, he set me straight. And even if he didn't, I still shouldn't have said what I said. I guess I was...." he looked down fidgeting with his fingers
"You were what?" You asked. "I was, maybe.....kinda.....a little jealous." He said squinting as your eyes widened. "You.....were jealous?" You asked as he nodded. "W...what about Stacy? I thought you were..." you failed your arms around "no, we weren't. It was a one time thing, but apparently she's batty." He said making you laugh as be smiled. "Well no, your brother isn't my type, were just friends." You said smiling. "Oh...do tell, what is your type?" He asked leaning on his desk as the bell rang "Well, I guess you'll have to find out." You winked grabbing your bag. "Hey, don't leave me hanging." He said watching you.
"Your smart, you'll figure it out." You said over your shoulder as you walked out smiling. You made it to your locker as Thor came up "did my brother find you?" He asked "yes, he did. We talked, I think....I think we're ok." You smiled. "Are you coming to the game later tonight then?" He asked. "What game?" You furrowed your eyebrows "Loki has a game tonight." He said "oh, yeah I'll be there." You winked closing your locker.
You arrived at the game, after spending entirely too long looking for a spot to park. You made your way to the stands hearing everyone cheer. You looked over, seeing Loki under the stands....with Stacy? You couldn't help watch as she slid her hands up his chest, him immediately grabbing them pulling them off as he stepped back. He threw his hands in the air as he looked upset, suddenly walking away from her as you quickly took off as not to get caught. You found Thor, sitting next to him and his friend, sif you think as you watched the game, everytime Loki made a goal Thor nudged you knocking you off the bleacher as he laughed "sorry." He said smiling helping you up.
As the game ended you saw an older man grab Loki's arm, dragging him off the field. "Our father, he...probably just wants to talk to him." Thor said leaning closer to you, but something didn't sit right so you got up, following. You snuck behind the bleachers, hiding behind a post, watching as the older man waved his arms around, you were too far to make out what they were saying but you could tell he was angry, as be pushed Loki and stormed off.
You came out of your hiding spot, making your way over to him "Loki? Are you ok?" You asked getting closer as his eyes shot to you. "Y/n, I didn't know you were here." He said nervously. "I wanted to surprise you." You shrugged making your way in front of him. "Consider me surprised." He smiled. You reached up, touching his cheek, the sweat making the make-up smear, revealing the bruise. "D...id he do thi?" You asked looking at him, your fingers gliding over his cheek as he looked down.
You leaned up, lightly kissing his cheek, holding his shoulders as you pulled back. You looked into his intense gaze "that should replace the bad memory with....." you started, looking down at his, seeing him do the same "with a good one." You breathed inching closer. "There's a few other places I may need help with." He said, seriousness in his gaze as your finger traced his split lip. You felt his arm wrap around your back, his other tangle in your hair by your ear as he slowly pressed his lips to yours, sucking your bottom lip as he pulled back, waiting for your reaction.
The world fell away as you pushed forward, engulfing his lips with yours, your hands going to his back to pull him to you as you ran your tongue along his bottom lip, his mouth instantly letting you in as his tongue danced with yours, his hand roaming your side as the other tilted your head as his kiss overtook you. Your hands slid down his back, pulling his hips into you feeling his hard on against your stomach making you both moan into the kiss. You both pulled back, panting "you drive me crazy y/n." He panted, laying his forehead on yours.
"So, you wanna come over?" You asked, watching him. "A....are you sure?" He asked "yes, You can shower and I'll order some food. If anything else should......come up.." you winked as he smiled. "I'd love to, let me grab my stuff." He winked. Five minutes later, he threw his bag in your car and you were on your way to a very interesting night
@kingtwhiddleston @vbecker10 @high-functioning-lokipath @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lonadane @mcufan72 @daggers-and-mischief @lily-sinclair-2006 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @limiworld @mochie85 @sinsandguilt @chickencouncilrep @lulubelle814 @midnights-ramblings @commanding-officer @xorpsbane @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @froggiecky @lokislittleprincess @tjellisworld
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oiks-milkbread · 3 years ago
When they find out you got dumped by your shitty ex (pining)
Warnings: cuss words
- Oikawa Tooru
You keep watching the fan on the ceiling spinning. The air is humid and you wish you could just rip off even your skin. You're trying really hard to focus on tooru's room, the computer where he watches matches recordings, the volleyball near the desk, the books in the library, anything that could distract you from your problems.
Tooru is right there with you, you're both laying on his futon, your legs near his chest and his near yours. He's clearly curious, you don't even need to look at him to know, you could feel it. You also sense something more.
"Why are you sad, Tooru?" you sigh "I'm the one who should be miserable right now". "y/n" he starts, his tone unusually serious, "I'm not sad, I'm furious", "If you're that mad I can send Hajime-san to his house, I'm sure he would beat him with just one punch" you laugh dryly, not humor nor emotion in your voice. You can clearly feel that tooru is bothered.
"Listen, shittykawa" you sit up to look at him "honestly I'm not even sad. Maybe I'm even relieved, I don't have to deal with his shit anymore, we should celebrate. Fuck, all the prefecture should celebrate" you find his eyes " but I feel so empty right now. Probably I'm a little bit disappointed in myself. What got into my head to be even near that asshole?".
You move near him and rest your head on his chest, he immediately wraps his arms around you. The room is so warm, but you don't care.
"Everything is going to be alright" he says rubbing your back "you're going to overcome this emptiness and, when you'll feel better, you're going to punch yourself your shitty ex. I'm going to be your cheerleader". "Sure" you smile "then we can have a party and celebrate". He squeezes you even more, you can feel his heartbeat, lulling you into sleep. "Thank you, Tooru" you close your eyes, "for what?" he asks, "when I'm with you I feel safe". You have your eyes closed, so you can't see his cheeks becoming a nice rosy shade. "I should thank you" tooru laughs "probably I am the one who's safe with you, you're even scarier than iwa-chan. But you're much prettier". "Yeah. I mean, not everyone can be as cool as me, but hajime-san can be the second after me". The brunette knows you're just joking, but he wishes you could see yourself through his eyes, how amazing you are and how you turn his world upside down each day. If only he could have you in his arms as more than a friend...
- Akaashi Keiji
If you could rely on someone, that someone was Keiji. You called him just to talk, maybe to inform him about how your now ex dumped you via text. From your first word he understood that something was wrong. "Do you want me to come?" he simply asked, his voice serious and slightly worried, "please" you whispered, "on my way".
And now Keiji is in your kitchen, you don't even need to tell him that you didn't have dinner, he knows. Ice cream was already in your freezer and he was almost finished cooking. You're on the chair, hugging your knees, you're mother would scold you if she saw you sitting like that, but that night your parents weren't home. It was just you and your dog, and Keiji.
The room is filled with an amazing smell, you can feel your stomach opening. Keiji knows you love spicy food, he also knows that you'll use it as an excuse for when you'll start crying, but he could never tease you about that; he'll just have to do his best to mask his emotions. He hates seeing you cry, he wishes he could make the sadness go away with a snap.
"You didn't have to learn how to cook even other cousine dishes only for me, Keiji" you say with your head on your knees "don't get me wrong, you're the best, but you don't have to babysit me everytime something goes wrong". "Who said I'm babysitting you? You're not bokuto-san" he shrugs, "I can cook kimchi jjigae too, at least I should cook it for you. You're my host. You even brought ice cream" you sigh, "Mine is better". You glare at him "Since when?", "Since forever, dear" he says while giving you a bowl of stew.
"So" he says after you finish eating "are you going to tell me what happened? Or you just want to be distracted?", his tone is sweet, you look at the empty bowls, you focus on the smaller ones, with just some remaining grains of rice. "Do you remember my shitty boyfriend?" you say, still looking down, "How can I forget?", "Well, he dumped me with a text".
You can feel Keiji arms around you, you try to hide in the crook of his neck, as your warms tears fall on his skin. There are no words shared, just his warm embrace soothing you, his hand gently stroking your hair. He sits on the floor with you on his lap.
You're so close, he can feel his heartbeat in his ears, but right now it's not the time to stare at your lips, he wanted to kiss you for god knows how long.
"Sssh" he whispers, his thumb brushing your tears away.
- Kuroo Tetsurou
When the door of your apartment is opened, Tetsurou is greeted by your red eyes and smudged make up, including mascara running down your cheeks.
"Are you okay?!" he gasps, "Not really" you say nonchalantly "but you have to admit this is a look", you let Tetsurou enter and you invite him to sit on the sofa. "I should make some tea" you say going to the kitchen, he follows you. "I'm sorry I'm not presentable", you were supposed to go to the park, have a nice walk, feed the ducks, talk about the last movies you've watched. "It doesn't matter", Tetsurou knows you're like that, you don't like talking about difficult stuff, but he's clearly concerned, how can he help you if doesn't know what's wrong?
"You know you're always pretty, even with smudged make up" he says with a wet cloth in his hand "but let me help you a little". Even though his hand is very big and callous from all of the years of volleyball, he's very delicate and careful.
"You were right" you sighed, "About what?", "about him", for a second you let sadness take over your features, "I don't know why I didn't listen to you, right now we could be at the park looking at ducks or petting dogs". "I'm sorry" he says, making a mental note to curse at your terrible ex after your recover, right now all of his attention is on you. Though, he has to admit that he's a little bit relieved, your ex was just using you, you deserved so much more. It wasn't fair for you. He couldn't say it wasn't fair for him, but he suffered from it too, everyone noticed how he looks at you, how he blushes everytime you compliment him, how he laughs when you say something witty. Everyone except you.
"You know we can always go to the park" he smiles "we can do whatever you want".
- Miya Atsumu
You're on the swing, watching the sun slowly going down. Not bringing a jacket wasn't a wise decision, but apparently you haven't been so wise about many things lately, including your love life. Even though you're cold, you feel like you were ready to implode, you wanted to do something, but it was like evey choice was wrong, nothing that could let you get some steam off. "Fuck" you say to yourself.
"Someone's grumpy". You know that voice, you don't need to look at him. "What's on your mind?" says atsumu while sitting on the swing with you. "I was thinking of joining a boxe gym" you say, "Angry?" he asks, "Yep".
"Are you angry at me?", you look at the blonde, hurt in your eyes. "Right now I'm more angry at my ex boyfriend, he had this funny little idea of cheating on me", atsumu knew that glare, you had fire in your eyes, even he gets scared of your killer look. This time though he knows that he deserves it. "I don't know why I'm telling you" you scoff "where the fuck have you been? You're my best friend and you disappeared". That two words, best friend, he hated them. Yes, you were his best friend, but friends don't want to make out 'till they run out of breath, knowing exactly how your lips taste, with needy hands wandering over every part of your body.
"I fucked up" he says, looking at the sun that was slowly disappearing on the horizon, pain in his voice. That tone makes you snap out of your anger. Usually atsumu is never vulnerable with anyone. He usually is a cocky bastard or an adorable dork, it doesn't matter which of the two he is, he's always high on his hunger, his strong will that never dies down. You didn't like hearing him so meek. "'Tsumu" you whisper, you take his hand and you lay your head on it, closing your eyes. For a second atsumu swore his heart stopped beating. "Your hand is so warm" you say tired, shivering at this point.
You feel him putting his varsity jacket on your shoulders, it smelled like him, you were too hurt to admit it but you missed it. "Why don't we have dinner together? So we can catch up, and we can plan your revenge"
- Suna Rintarou
Rintarou likes to share comfortable silence with you. He likes when you attend his volleyball practice, watching with focused eyes every movement, trying to understand what he has previously explained to you. It happened many times to nap together or have a meal in which the only sound was the one of the chopsticks, the dishes and bowls. You even happen to read togheter or just listen to music looking at ceiling. But at this point he couldn't stand the silence. He clearly noticed something was off, but he knows that you like to deal with certain stuff on your own. He doesn't want to force his presence or make you feel uncomfortable. But at this point he's worried.
You know that he knows something's wrong. Your approach of trying to ignore things clearly has made things worse, you wished you could go on pretending nothing ever happened, but it happened.
"Hey, Rin" you smile to him, the smile he loves so much, he wish he could have the strength to tell you. "Yeah?", "Can you walk me home, please?" you plead, "Why are you pleading?" he asks raising an eyebrow. "Ugh, what do you mean, you dumb dumb?" you scoff "everytime you make me beg", "guilty" he says raising his hands.
You grab his arm, Rintarou still doesn't know if he likes it or not. He enjoys your touch, it has grown onto him. Everyone thinks you're a couple, such a shame you're not. How could he move on from this crush if you were so affectionate?
"Listen" you sigh "it has happened a while ago... I've been dumped", Rintarou eyes widens "Why haven't you told me?", "I don't know" you frown "I thought, more lied to myself, that if I just ignored it...", he sighs. "You know you can talk to me", you nod "I think I'm getting over it though" you smile, it's sincere, he can tell. "Now we have more time to spend togheter" you continued, both of your cheeks flushed.
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queentheweeb · 2 years ago
Shouta Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
A/N: Your quirk is time reverse meaning you can revert an event or de-age a person
You were always told that you weren't going to be a mother. At first, it started once you were diagnosed with autism at 18 months old. You didn't understand what Autism has to do with your ability to be a proper mother or parent. You could have easily googled it, ask your therapist for help as well as checked out books at the library as well. Everything would have worked out fine. Once you made that reasoning to your parents that's when they told you that no one would want to be with you so how do you plan on having children? Well, you can always adopt or even go to a sperm bank - at least that's what you found out on google you're not sure how true or safe that might be. Your parents stopped bringing up the talk of you having children since apparently you had an answer for everything. It wasn't your fault they were being difficult and you had solutions for their difficulty. You had other things to worry about. You wanted to work an office job inputting data into a computer. You always loved numbers and anything that had to do with electronics. You weren't good at writing and reading since there were too many confusing sayings. 
"stop pulling my leg"
"cat got your tongue"
"I guess the cat's out of the bag now"
"killing two birds with one stone"
You didn't understand what any of those sayings meant. Your speech therapist and special education teacher explained to you that those were forms of figures of speech. Well, it was a good thing you didn't have to focus so much on those things. Your job here at U.A didn't require for you to grade essays and create lectures and power-points based on readings. You would have lost your job within the first week and that was giving yourself too much credit. You would leave that kind of thing to your husband Shouta. You met Shouta here actually when you first got the job 5 years ago working for the Guidance Counselor Hound Dog creating spreadsheets and putting in names and numbers of students and their guardians for him. You remember the first conversation -you think it was anyway- you had with Shouta 
"Hey, Mr. Ryo is it okay if you can see I did it right? I don't want to mess up or make you angry." You had confided in him that you had autism and you made a lot of mess ups. He checked it over for you and with a couple of spelling errors that he fixed you were good to go. 
"Here you go, I'm going to print this out. I have some papers I need you to bring to Shouta Aizawa. He will be in the teacher's lounge." You nodded your head waiting for him to pass the papers he was talking about to you. In 2 minutes he gave you a folder with Shouta Aizawa on it. "Come back here once you gave him the folder. Thank you." You nodded your head and left his office heading straight for the teacher's lounge. You didn't know who he was so calling his name was your best bet. Once at the lounge you entered and saw two people inside. A quiet black-haired man sitting in the corner grading papers and a loud blonde-haired man sitting across from him. 
"U-Um excuse me, I'm looking for Shouta Aizawa." The dark-haired man raised his head to look at you. 
"That would be me." You went right up to him, handed the papers to him, bowed, and made a beeline out the door. You absolutely refused to do something silly in front of the pretty man. He was pretty. 
Since then, you had more interactions with him and it led to outings, dates, doing a couple of things and eventually him popping the question to marry you 15 months ago. The two of you have been married for almost a year and a half already. You were wondering when he was going to mention having children. You were 28 and he was 30, the two of you were at the perfect age to have children. 
"Hey Y/N! How are you?" You turned to Hizashi. He was always loud but, when he found out that you don't like loud noises he tries his best to keep his voice and actions to a minimum. It was both appreciated and made you sad because you didn't want him to stop being himself because of you. He never made a fuss about it though. 
"I'm doing fine, how are you?" This is how the two of you always started a conversation and, you loved it. It was routine and you were glad he never tried to change it. One time he did and when you freaked out because it threw you off the whole day, he made sure to stick to the routine which made you feel better. The two of you talked until Shouta came in looking frantic capture weapon in hand. 
"The League is here. Y/N stays here and guides the children far away from the front of the school. Come Present Mic." Hero names meant this was serious. You took a minute to take a few steadying breaths trying not to panic. Once you calmed down enough you left the safety of your office and looked up and down the quiet hallways. You checked all the classrooms towards the front of the school only to see that no one was there. That was good that meant they were informed already along with other teachers to move to the front. That meant the heroes were fighting them if the loud explosion and blue fire you can see from the window were any indications. You decided to hide in the Guidance Counselor room for now once you checked to make sure the children were in fact in the farthest training ground in the back of the school. You were nervous and when scared you liked to check facts. The weirdest and worst time in the world to do that but, that's what you did. You pulled up as much information as you can about the League and read over it all. Maybe you can help somehow. 
"Tenko Shimura known as Tomura Shigaraki was the grandson of former pro hero Nina Shimura" 
That was a shock to you. Intrigued you read everything you could about Tenko and he was a normal kid at first. When his quirk first appeared he accidentally killed his family dog and then the rest of the family. That was horrible. He was later found by Japan's most notorious villain All for One and he's the reason why Tomura was born. Once you finished his file you read Toga and there wasn't much. Her parents hated her for her quirk and in middle school, she attacked a student for his blood and she disappeared after. You rubbed your face realizing you were crying. Life was so unfair for the two of them. If only they can get a redo at life. 
"That's it!" That's it! You can use your quirk on them and turn them back to children. You can give them another chance at life. If you can get them together and touch them with your quirk activated at the same time the nosebleed and headache will be worth it. The only problem was that you were frightened and hiding while they were fighting in front of the school. You were trying to think of something to do when you felt the wind. You turned with wide eyes to see a purple vortex appear on the other side of the room nearest to the door. 
"So this is where Eraserhead keeps you." You blinked. Tomura was in front of you. He was standing right there in front of you. With Toga. Right behind him. When you said you wanted a plan you didn't mean this. "He has good taste." You had no idea what that meant but, you didn't like the way Toga looked at you. 
"Do you think she tastes as good as she looks?" She was blushing holding a bloody knife. You didn't want to think about who she stabbed. "I'm going to find out." The girl was fast and, you were barely able to avoid her throwing yourself across the desk. You were going to have to ask Shouta for lessons if you survived this. You kept dodging as she threw herself at you. 
"Stop trying to stab me!" You weren't going to say how you want to help. That'll make them angry and you might really die. It seemed they were toying with you right now. You continued dodging Toga not noticing Tomura who was inching forward.
"We need to take her alive." Did he want to kidnap you? Not on your watch! You were still scared. Frightened but, you wanted to live and help too. You pushed Toga away momentarily only to practically bump into Tenko. He grabbed your wrist fast with four fingers making you freeze and panic. You felt Toga pressing herself to you holding a knife to your neck.
"Oh, she's so pretty Tomura! Can I cut her? Just a little bit?" You were already bleeding so why did asking matter? You were stuck. You had them both here in front of you and your quirk at your fingertips. You had to be quick enough to grab both of their hands. Your quirk will work in a second if you can pull this off. 
"Forgive me Tenko Shimura" His eyes widen jerking back at the name but, you didn't let him. You grabbed his pinky while grabbing Toga's free hand at the same time. Your quirk activated and before they can decay you or stab you there was a bright light and nothing. The only reason you knew the quirk worked was the painful headache and nosebleed you had. It was hard to focus but, you looked down at the feel of tiny hands on you. You looked down to see a baby Tenko and a baby Himiko. You did it. Your crazy plan worked. "It worked."
"A-are you an h-hero?" Were you a hero? That was funny. You fell down to your knees and opened your arms. The two of them looked at you scared so you waited. In two minutes they both went in for a hug. You thought it was awkward but, they snuggled into both sides of your neck. 
"Are you my new mommy?" It was Himiko who asked. That brought tears to your eyes as you hugged her closer.
"I could be. I could be your mommy and his mommy." You know nothing in life is this easy and there was going to be a lot of legal problems and other stuff but, it will be worth it. You just hoped Shouta wouldn't leave you once he sees what you did.
What are your thoughts?
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zh-lele · 3 years ago
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"Just like the sea that embraces the sky, I will be waiting for your arrival at the horizon, only because I understand, hands holding on this tightly should never be let go of."
▪︎Summary: For two years after he left, you had believed you were totally over your friendship with Liu Yangyang. Nonetheless, he has decided to come back for the summer and, after your mom and his convince you to go on a trip together in compensation for the lost time, he only manages to make you start questioning your feelings all over again.
"Yangyang, there's seriously only one bed?"
"Dude, don't complain. I'm paying for all this."
▪︎Pairing: Yangyang x reader
▪︎Trope + genre: ex-best friends to lovers, road trip au, fluff
▪︎Word count: 8.3k
▪︎Warnings: mentions of food, profanity (please let me know if there's more.)
Playlist: Horizon (WayV), Ease (Troye Sivan), Sincerity is Scary (The 1975), Your Ocean (Hoppipolla), Up From Here (WayV), Coming Home (NCT U)
For @nct-writers "Coming Home" event! Also the biggest!!! thanks to @give-seconds for helping me with this last minute 🥺🧡 Please check out Olivia’s works!
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Friday nights were always exciting, especially during summer. Not even working until late or family routine could ruin the fact that Fridays always had too much good energy. Actually, you couldn't complain about Fridays, even if they turned chaotic.
Running orders for 8 hours straight, attending rude customers who couldn't wait long for their food, and the people's screams when they were getting impatient couldn't bother you, not when you knew you would be free for the entire weekend after that. Plus, the pay was decent for someone who didn't have to worry about being on time for the rent or buying food for the whole month. 
Having stayed in your hometown after high school while most of your friends decided to study abroad was hard at first, but the comforts of living quietly with your parents and the good friends you made at your summer job would make you forget about it pretty quickly.
You were changing out of your McDonald's uniform when you heard your name being called from downstairs. Your mom's steps up the stairs and to your room could be sensed immediately after, so you didn't even bother screaming back at her to see what she wanted.
"Today is a special day!" She said excitedly, after you told her she was good to enter your room.
"Mom, we literally have dinner at Mrs. Liu’s every Friday."
"But Yangyang is joining us tonight! He came back from college to spend the summer here."
The happiness she carried was noticeable on her face. You knew very well your mom loved Yangyang as if he were her nephew. It had always been like that. You can't deny that when you were a little kid, it made you jealous that Yangyang was your mother's favorite. But now things had changed.
"He asked if you were coming with us. Dress nicely! I think he's pretty excited to see you."
That's strange. You thought as you saw your mother leaving your room. You and Yangyang had been best friends since kindergarten, until he left for college two years ago, and you stayed in the city you both grew up in. Naturally, it made you drift apart.
Nonetheless, that wasn't the exact reason you two stopped talking and seeing each other. The thing is, Yangyang found a girlfriend during the last year of high school; she was sweet, beautiful, and very friendly to you. That last year in school, you would hang out with them as she felt close like a sister, but that was until summer came and Yangyang decided he could only dedicate his time to his girlfriend.
You weren't the jealous type, and you were convinced you didn't like Yangyang, but you surely missed the friendship of years you two had built. You would talk to him to do something or just chill in his room like you used to do, but he was always too busy with his girlfriend. When he had a little bit of free time, he wouldn't contact you. Instead, he would sit on his computer and play games for hours. When he finally agreed to hang out with you –which turned out to be rarely– he had to leave early to see his girlfriend.
At first, it made you really sad seeing that Yangyang didn't want to put any effort into your friendship. But when summer ended, and you managed to see Yangyang only once –and considering you lived next door– sadness turned into anger. You missed your best friend so much, and you grew tired of always being the one showing interest. Friendships can't be one-sided. So you decided you weren't going to beg for affection where there wasn't any for you.
Two years passed like that, barely hearing about him and his college life, because he didn't come back once he moved to the campus. You weren't sad or angry after so much time passed; you just didn't know how you felt towards Yangyang anymore. The only thing you knew was that seeing him again after so long was going to be strange. And maybe, in the deep end, you wished he didn't have to bring his girlfriend with him, so you could at least get a little of his attention.
Standing outside the door of your neighbor’s that Friday night didn't feel as warm and welcoming as usual. The nerves in your stomach told you so. You couldn't quite decipher why you were so nervous, though. Maybe it was because you had a quite stressful week and you were able to relax. Maybe, you didn’t like the smell of food after delivering so many orders at work. Or maybe, it was because you saw it would rain that night, and you hated storms while you were out of your house. And maybe, the possibility that it was from seeing Yangyang again was quite considerable.
The moment Yangyang gently touched your back, to seconds after strongly wrapping his arms around your body, you felt the world stop, your knees weaken and your heart accelerate its beats.
"How are you doing?!" He asked, still hugging you tightly. It was hard to believe you were actually hugging your ex-best friend after so long. It felt right. You couldn't deny you endlessly longed to feel him so close again.
"I'm- I'm really good!" Your answer came out shaky because of a nervous laugh you couldn't quite control. The situation only became more dangerous for you when Yangyang decided to rest his lips for a good few seconds on your right cheek.
Because he loved your cheeks, and he knew you loved the affection, but maybe he wasn't aware of the effect on you. An encounter that, you assume, lasted for a couple of seconds, felt like hours until the wave of feelings was too much to handle. Gently placing one hand on his jaw and another on his shoulder, you pushed him away. The air wasn't getting uncomfortable but thicker, too charged because of the friction your rollercoaster of emotions was causing.
Maybe you have liked Yangyang since middle school. The truth was, two years weren't enough to forget the feelings that had been built and maintained for much, much longer. You still loved your old best friend endlessly. But it was also true that, no matter how much you loved him, you couldn't forget all the trouble he had caused you when he left your life. Forgiving and forgetting are two different things.
"You look really good," he acknowledged looking down at you and nodding. "We really need to hang out now that I'm here. I missed you."
His hand found yours, and he held it lovingly. The feeling was nice, and the sight of your intertwined fingers was captivating. Your heart wanted to stay like that forever, hanging from his hands. But your mind kept insisting that you shouldn't go so fast, you shouldn't fall for his charms –although you had already fallen a while ago– because coming and going was something usual to Yangyang. You, on the other hand, had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to his ways of loving and maintaining friendships.
"I missed you as well," you told the truth, with a smile inevitably taking over your face.
"Are we ready for dinner?" Mrs. Liu's voice was present, directing you to take a seat at a table where plates, cutlery and glasses were delicately placed to receive her favorite son with his favorite dinner: ravioli with pesto and so much cheese on top that it was difficult to see the pasta under it. You had always thought it was an awful combination, but your old friend was weird.
Yangyang's mom and yours got close since you moved next to their house that she almost felt like an aunt to you. For that reason, as soon as you sat on the table and intended to start digging after a tiring shift from work, the questions started. 'y/n, how is that cute coworker of you doing?’ ‘Have you made him your boyfriend yet?' And you would answer the same thing every time: 'no, Mrs. Liu, Shotaro and I are just good friends' putting the effort into bringing a polite smile on your face. But your mom surely felt the same towards Yangyang—reminding you every Friday after the Liu's how much she missed her little nephew. In that order, it didn't take long for the questions to reach your ex-best friend.
"You didn't bring your girlfriend this time?" Your mom spoke to him from across the table. It was true that the questions would get annoying when asked to you, but in that precise moment, you thanked your mom for letting you get the information you were too afraid to get on your own.
"I didn't," he replied calmly, mouth full of pasta; it was an old habit of his. "Actually, we broke up months ago."
The sided smile on his face and his calm tone made you suppose they either ended it on good terms or that he was pretty over it at that point. You observed Yangyang's mom silently nodding, hearing his son talking about the breakup of a relationship of almost three years. "I think we reached a point where we were together out of habit, and it was kinda draining me."
"It was the best thing to do. You fought a lot during the end," his mother continued. "But she was a good girl," she ran his eyes from his son to your mom and then back to you to reassure you, "we only have good memories of her."
It wasn't news to you, though, because they already fought a lot back when you were still in high school. Yangyang and you were still good friends, and he would always come to you to clear his head and help him think straight.
During their second year of dating and Yangyang's first year of college, they broke up and got together two times. You knew because he contacted you seeking solace, and you talked for hours on the phone trying to convince him to fix his relationship. These were the only two times you talked to your best friend that year. A little happy new year's text exchange, and nothing else after that.
"Yeah, yeah. It's cool now. We're totally cool," the boy finished before resuming his eating. Nonetheless, you didn't miss the little glances and smiles he sent you as his mother continued to talk about him and his relationship with the girl.
You really didn't know how to feel about the whole situation. Yangyang's behavior was strange, but what felt out of place was that you were kind of happy and relieved knowing he was no longer with someone. It's not that you didn't like the girl; you just had really missed your best friend. Even though you liked to believe you were way past your old friendship with him, no longer hurt or angry at his absence, a minuscule part of you still waited for him to come knock on your door to spend the days together, like you used to do back in school.
Mrs. Liu's living room was still full of pictures of the both of you in their backyard. Pictures of the summer afternoons at the pool where Yangyang taught you how to swim, pictures of your last trip together in the snow, your last vacation at the cabin in the woods, and pictures of the two of you dancing together at your graduation.
But you were adults now. You had a job five days a week, nice co-workers, a career to still take care of, and you had Shotaro, your best friend you met two summers ago.
In the two years you didn't see each other, Yangyang had got to look more mature, so you thought maybe he had stopped playing so many computer games and finally focused on a different thing. He definitely looked taller and more athletic than in high school, which made you wonder if maybe he was spending some of his time at the gym or if he decided to chase his dream of becoming a professional basketball player at college.
Things were different, and no matter how much you missed those old times, you needed to accept you weren't the kids who would spend all afternoon messing around with the ball in his yard anymore.
Mrs. Liu's voice, once again, snapped you out of your state, eyes no longer lost in the memories the pictures displayed all over the house held. "I asked you how work was today?"
"Oh! Uhm, it was pretty good. Busy with teens and families with their little kids, kinda annoying," you had to recognize, "But I got paid today, so I might use the money to go out for the weekend."
"Huh, where are you going?" Yangyang inquired.
"Uh, it's been a while since I've been to the island. I might go for the weekend," you explained to the boy in front of you. "Relax at a nice hotel, you know. Some self-care time."
"That's such a coincidence, isn't it, Yangyang?" Her mother asked him, confusion taking over the boy's features, "Didn't you say you wanted to go to the island too, with your friends?"
"Oh, yeah! Uh-"
"You could go together!" It was your mom's turn to speak, excitedly suggesting that you should make your weekend trip together.
Excellent time to bring such an idea, mom, really. After two years without seeing each other, seriously?
"I mean…" Yangyang tried to speak without being interrupted, his narrowed eyes jumped from your mom, to his, and finally softly landed on you, "That actually sounds like a great idea."
A smile was plastered on his face while looking for any sign of agreement or at least enthusiasm on your side. It was already weird enough having dinner together that night; how could you ever manage a trip together after so long?
But you seemed to be the only hesitant one, as your mom was quick to agree for you. "That's the best idea! Oh, my little kids are going on vacation together again, but this time alone!"
You saw her reach for Mrs. Liu's hand over the table and give it a little squeeze, adoration planted in both their faces looking at you.
"I knew this day would eventually come, but I'm not sure I was ready for it."
"Mom, we'll be gone for only two days," Yangyang said, a little irritated at the two old ladies.
"So we will be going? Like, already confirmed?" The surprise couldn't leave your tone, and you watched Yangyang shrug and smile brightly at you one more time.
If he smiled one more time like that, you thought you could easily agree to whatever he proposed.
"It doesn't sound that bad? Like, I'd really enjoy going with you, and I owe you some time together. You're my best friend."
His words threw you off, and it made you feel guilty that, while he still consider you his best friend, you had dropped that title from him a long ago.
"I'll book the hotel and everything, leave it to me." He already had pulled out his phone from his back pocket, and you assumed he was looking for accommodations at the small island close to the city but with crystalline waters from the ocean.
"Uhm, but… like, I wanted something very specific."
Yangyang looked at you from above his phone screen as you talked.
"Like… a place close to the beach, but it also has to have a pool, and breakfast included, maybe room service, and a spa would be great…"
"Hey, I got it," he flashed that damn smile again, "You trust me, right?"
"Not really."
He only chuckled at you, getting up from the table without saying a word and coming back with a tube of ice cream and two spoons. Cookies and cream ice cream was, firstly, Yangyang's ultimate favorite food; he would go crazy and buy dozens of tubes at the store until one day he got really sick, so his mother didn't let him have it more than one time a week. And secondly, your favorite flavor to share together since you had memory. It was an exclusive Yangyang-and-you thing.
"I'm leaving like, right now."
You struggled to get the suitcase down the stairs, phone dangerously stuck in between your shoulder and ear as you spoke to Shotaro.
"This is so crazy. Are you gonna tell me everything that happens? None of that 'what happens in x place stays in x place," you heard your friend's voice through the speaker.
"Taro, nothing's gonna happen. I'm gonna spend all day switching locations from the spa to the restaurant and vice-versa."
"Sure, honey." You knew he was rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. "You're going on a trip with your lifelong love! All the plans you have right now, would be ruined as soon as you get there together."
"I know," you sighed, looking at your suitcase, now waiting down in the house entry. "Taro, this is so fucked up."
"Yeah… you are so fucked up," you heard him agree while laughing. "But like, are you sleeping in the same bed?"
"Fuck no. Separate beds, I made that clear."
"Good… You could still sneak in, though."
"Shotaro," you warned him, "I promise absolutely nothing will change after this ridiculous trip. I like, really even doubt we are gonna spend much time together." 
"Yeah," you heard him sigh on the line, not believing a word coming out of you, "just wait until you tell me about it when you come back."
He wished you luck dealing with your ex-best friend, you exchanged goodbyes and that was pretty much it, leaving a laughing Shotaro at the end of the call.
Yangyang insisted he would pick you up even if you lived next to each other. You were already waiting outside your door, suitcase in hand, when you saw him show off his ability, moving back his car five meters to stop in front of you. Wearing sunglasses, a backwards cap smoothing his long brown hair, and a smirk on his face. It was typical Yangyang behavior.
He rolled down the passenger side window and leaned until you could see his huge smile. It was the same smile he wore the first day of preschool, the same smile that never failed to brighten your high school mornings up, and the same smile that more than once had already made you question your heart.
There were things about Liu Yangyang that, no matter how much time passed or how much you wanted to deny it, would always make you feel the same about him. Like that first day of preschool when you decided you wanted to see that beautiful smile for the rest of your days. That you coincidentally lived next door only made it easier for you to fall for his charms over time.
"Hey, shawty!" He called and motioned you to get in the car. "Get in here for once!"
"You are so extra," you told him once you were sitting in the passenger seat. "You really didn't have to do all that. I could've just walked to your car."
"But I'm good at driving backwards, aren't I?" He lowered his sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose to slightly watch you over them, brows going up and down and wearing a smirk, suggesting that you better agree he's the best driver in town for going five meters on reverse.
"Alright, Schumacher. Where are we going?"
"Liberty Island, duh," he replied,an obvious tone in his voice, starting to leave the city.
"You're so funny," yet, your face didn't reflect any fun. "I mean, which hotel did you book?"
"Oh," you saw a smirk coming to light again, "It's a very good one, it has all you want, and it will take only an hour to get there. I don't know how to get there, though."
"You're kidding."
Since the moment he assured you he had "everything under control" when you started planning the trip, things felt a little odd. Trusting your gut always meant doubting Yangyang's decisions, just like right now, when neither of you knew how to get to Liberty Island. You couldn't blame him, though, because you weren't any better. The trips to the land were always made with your parents or the school. Not that you paid much attention to the way all those times, let alone Yangyang, who was always immersed in his mobile games every chance he got.
Luckily for the two of you, devices these days could get you anywhere. So after arguing for a little just for the fun of frustrating each other, a road trip playlist you had made the night before was blowing through the speakers, sometimes interrupted by the GPS lady giving indications.
In contrast to the prior night storm, during that early morning, the sky was clear blue, and the sun shined just the right amount to touch your skin and leave it warm. A summer breeze was felt running as it entered through the driver's opened window, constantly messing with Yangyang's hair while he sang to the entire music selection. 
"Stop staring, creep," the glance he gave you was quick to regain focus on the road.
You made sure you had stopped daydreaming and probably smiling like a fool while watching your friend drive. But his smile was too contagious.
"I'm sorry," he continued, "I know I've been a shitty friend."
"It's okay," and it truly was okay after so long. There was no point in faking it for him or for yourself. "It doesn't hurt anymore."
It wasn't hard to feel at ease with him again, it was easy to recall all the good times you've spent together, and that's why it had always been so easy to just love him. Platonically or not, he made love feel so boundless and timeless; it was just right to be there with him.
"Should we play a game, and the loser has to pay for the rest of the hotel stay?" You heard him propose after a while.
A confused look took over your face. Again, trusting Yangyang to take care of everything should have never been an option. "But I thought you said you were going to take care of it?"
"Technically, I only paid for the reservations. Rock, paper, scissors, and the loser pays."
You should've seen this coming seventy-five kilometers earlier.
"Hell no, I hate rock, paper, scissors. If we do this, we better play word-chain."
"That's even better," he said, a mischievous smile showing. "You start, and don't go easy on me just 'cuz I'm a foreigner."
"Don't get too excited. You're gonna lose all that confidence in a few minutes, and I'm not paying for a thing," you stated before thinking hard on the first word. "Car."
"Uhhh, nap."
"Nap?" Yangyang asked, chuckling. "You tired?"
A smile inevitably formed on your lips hearing his laugh. "Yeah, kinda."
"Alright, so P?" He asked, turning his head to you momentarily, and you quickly nodded in response. "Alright, so, P… pretty."
"Dude," a protest came out of you along with a sigh, "that's such a hard letter… yesterday," you followed after a few seconds.
"Y again… yummy."
"Justin's song! That's a thing!"
You sighed one more time, not sure if it was because of your companion's questionable music taste or because you had to think of another word starting with y. Again. The morning sun had started to hit a while ago, and it was warming you as much as it was making you sleepy. Leaving with an empty stomach did not make the situation any better. You missed the breakfast your mom prepared for you because you woke up late.
"Yolk?" The next word finally presented, a big yawn escaping you in the process.
The sun coming through the car windshield kissed your skin, giving it an additional glow and reddening to your cheeks. And as he observed you getting sleepy like a baby on a morning trip, it was getting harder and harder for Yangyang to think of another thing to say besides compliments for you.
"That starts with C, not with K, dumbass," you told him while keeping your eyes closed, ready to go to sleep on the passenger seat.
"No, you look cute," he clarified, laughing again. "And your face is getting all red."
"It's because the eleven a.m. sun is starting to hit, and you wouldn't turn the goddamn air con on."
You got up from your seat to get to action and get the inside of the car a little bit more chilly. Yes, it was starting to feel like hell inside the vehicle. But inside your head, the blood was rushing and accumulating, raising your cheeks' temperature even more because of Yangyang's comment. But you could never admit it out loud—not after two years of not seeing each other.
"Are you sure it's not because I called you pretty and cute?"
"You ever get red from excitement because you won a game over spending a considerable amount of money?" You asked, head still resting on the car window with your eyes closed.
"You didn't win, game's not over yet."
"Yang, you know the rules. You said the wrong word, so you pay for the hotel."
A combination of whines, curses and attempts to keep fighting the fact that you already had decided he was going to pay for the hotel left Yangyang's mouth. It didn't stop you from isolating and managing to sleep for what felt like a good couple of minutes before he had to bother you again.
"Would you caress my arm?"
The question immediately brought you back to the trip you had with your class during the last year of school. Yangyang already had his girlfriend back then, but that wasn't an impediment from spending some friendly, good quality time together. It made you feel bad, but when she wasn't around, he was very different towards you. And maybe he acted differently in a platonic way; you would've never tried to cross the friendship boundaries while he was in a relationship, no matter how much you loved and wanted to be with your best friend all the time. But the week you two spent together during that trip felt really good.
He had asked you the exact same question back there. On a loud bus, busy with people too excited to be able to sleep, you still managed to find the tranquility beside him. The seats weren't the most comfortable and the interior of the old bus at night got pretty cold, but it didn't matter at all with Yangyang by your side. His big puffer jacket found place over the two of you, keeping you warm, allowing you to fall asleep holding hands under it.
It was one of the best weeks of your adolescence. The most memorable parts being the burgers after coming back from the club at three in the morning, accidentally napping together after an exhausting excursion, or that morning you broke a plate when you arrived too sleepy for breakfast, and Yangyang decided to cover you so you wouldn't have to pay for the damage.
"You're going to fall asleep."
"I won't, I swear. It's only twenty minutes until we get there," he asked once again, extending his right arm to you even more, expectantly waiting for your delicate fingers to start brushing his skin.
Arriving at the hotel, driving down the cobblestone streets, trees as old as the ruins of the island's first habitants adorned the roadsides. The calm and peaceful feeling came with the soft and warm summer breeze and ruffled your and Yangyang's hair, still sitting inside the car, absorbing the beauty of the place no matter how many times you have already visited it as children.
Car parked in front of an old but remodeled building, Yangyang awaited you with the passenger door open and bags in hand for you to get out. The hotel really seemed to have everything you wanted for this weekend. Bikes parked on the driveway pavement ready to explore the surrounding countryside, a nice pool peeking out from behind the building, and access to the beach. An old, covered pier by the sea awaits the residents of the ranch to create more moments in it, with its old promises of love and friendship engraved on the worn wood.
Checked in and key in hand, you followed your old friend up the wooden, thick stairs to your shared room. You always used to have sleepovers when you were kids, so you didn't understand why the idea of sleeping in the same room as Yangyang suddenly felt so weird.
However, everything became officially weird the moment Yangyang put the key in the lock to open the door and, walking down the small hallway, the first thing you saw was a king-sized bed waiting for the both of you. No sight of any single beds, nothing in the middle of that large mattress that would indicate that it was actually two small individual beds joined together.
"Yangyang," an exasperated sigh left you, eyes closed, holding the bridge of your nose, "there's seriously only one bed?"
"Dude, don't complain. I'm paying for all this."
You watched him enter the room ahead of you. There wasn't a single trace of discomfort in his voice or demeanor. Were you the only one feeling so weird about sleeping on the same bed again? Was it because, maybe, you realized you liked him way more than before?
You followed him inside to start accommodating your bags. "But there weren't, like, single beds?"
"There weren't," the look you gave him must have made him think that he should have given a better excuse than that, so he added, "single beds for single rooms. And there were rooms with like, three beds. But that's more expensive, y/n. One room with a double bed was cheaper than two singles."
You looked at him, perplexed, before closing your arms and simply stating, "that's bullshit."
"It's not!"
"You had one job, Yangyang. I knew I couldn't trust you to book the hotel."
After settling down and deciding on which side of the bed (separated by a good amount of pillows in the middle) you were going to get, the two of you decided to go outside and explore a little bit of the surroundings. That was when you found an old but still functioning basketball court. Yangyang was quick to grab a ball and drag you into a game of baskets.
Ever since he was little, Yangyang had been passionately playing ball. So, after a few minutes of playing holeshot, it was no surprise when the tally both of you had on the game indicated that Yangyang was outscoring you by about fifteen points.
At some point, it became a game of who was best at blocking the other from getting the ball into the basket. Laughter could be heard more than the hitting of the ball against the ground. You would weakly try and wrap your arms around Yangyang's torso to stop him from moving and getting more points. Anything, to win at least one round, even if you had to play dirty.
"You know," you stared as the ball left Yangyang's hands and went in and out the basket one more time, giving him another point, "I think I just brought the wrong shoes."
Yangyang's only response was bursting out laughing at your silly excuse. "You're just bad at this. You've always been."
He stopped his movements and got closer to you, bangs sticking to his forehead thanks to the sweat from all the playing under the midday sun. You were sure your skin would be bright red tomorrow, yet you didn't care. It felt like going back to your childhood days in Yangyang's backyard, where you would play every day under the sun, leaving you with your skin burnt by the end of the summer. The irregular tan marks you got because of constantly playing with different tops always made your mom a little mad.
Exhaustion took over the both of you, so you didn't need much words to agree that Yangyang had indisputably won the game and that you needed a deserved break after working out for the first time in months.
A small and light lunch was prepared under the shade of the old and worn dock. Some fruit Sandos, a couple of caprese sandwiches, some sodas, and a bag of chips –because your friend couldn't live without these– that Yangyang had previously packed in his house were arranged on a cute little blanket. You sat facing each other, calmly coming down from the excitement of the game and quietly enjoying each other's company. The sound of the waves was the only companion to fill a silence that wasn't uncomfortable at all.
The digestion of the food was spent between random chats catching up with your lives and a lot of laughter, remembering old times you had spent together. Towards the middle of the afternoon, after having collected the remains of the small picnic, you found yourself playing in the waves with Yangyang.
Not once did he let go of your hand, scared that the force of the troubled water would take you too far from him. And not once was the brightness of the sun as strong as the smile of the boy who stayed all the time by your side until you had to get out because its temperature was descending.
You watched the sunset together, wrapped up in your hoodies and a shared blanket. The warm tones of the sunset painted the entire landscape, along with your skin, and shined directly in your friend's eyes. The same eyes that once held the promise he would always be with you. As well as the horizon that held the promise that a big shiny star would come back to meet the sea every day.
"Stop staring, creep."
His soft yet playful tone snapped you out of your trance, making you hide your face from the embarrassment of being caught, admiring your friend's beauty under the light of the remaining rays.
"Sorry, it's that you're ugly," you tried to play it cool, but the blush in your cheeks betrayed you, even under the intense orange light hitting your skin.
That didn't go unnoticed by Yangyang, who only took the opportunity to make you blush even more. It was his favorite thing to do, giving you compliments and its after-effects. "Well, I think you're really pretty."
Later that night, after the two of you had a fancy dinner in beach clothes at the hotel restaurant, you went up to the room ready to sleep. All of this aside, it was almost impossible to actually get in the room because of the big elephant waiting for your friend and you.
The truth was those feelings that you had had throughout high school and towards Yangyang had managed to flourish and intensify through the day. Or maybe they had never died in the first place.
On the other hand, it was undeniable that Yangyang had been flirting with you ever since you got into his car that morning. If you were a little skeptical, you could say since you sat across the table from him the night before.
The thought alone that Yangyang possibly liked you back made you foolishly smile in the middle of your brushing of teeth. Through the reflection of the bathroom mirror, you observed him standing by your side, the corners of his lips turning up at the sight of your dreamy smile. It was a new image that you longed to get used to in your everyday life, along with all the little and domestic moments that reminded you of when you basically lived together. The lunch, the games, the endless talks about nothing and everything. If he didn't spend all day in your house, you would do it at his place.
By the time you were done with your night routine and out of the bathroom, Yangyang was already laying on top of the bed and in the middle of his essential night routine. He wore the same pajamas with his cats' faces imprinted on them that he kept since the last time you had a sleepover together. Multiple sounds and voices were coming out from his mobile, indicating that he was in the middle of a game battle. Probably a match of League of Losers with the rest of the game addicts. That was, the rest of your high school friends.
Hesitantly, you tucked yourself on the bed by his side, still leaving a good portion of space between you and him. Unconsciously, you spent all afternoon preparing yourself for that moment. You didn't want anything to feel weird, as it didn't feel the same to you sleeping in the same bed with Yangyang after realizing you still liked him. The long to be physically closer, to caress his beautiful features, or to hold him against you for a long time only grew more every minute you spent with him.
You had been handling it all just fine. Until a different reality– the one of not sleeping in the comfort and security of your room– hit you.
"Oh shit."
Yangyang briefly looked at you, sheets covering you up to your neck ready to drift out, so he closed the game and left the phone on the nightstand next to the bed, joining you under the cloth. The action surprising you. "What's wrong?"
"Uhh," you tried to think of a way to make your words not sound stupid or immature, knowing that Yangyang could use the following information to tease you forever,  "you didn't bring a plushie with you or something like that, right?"
"I didn't. Why do you need a plushie, anyway?"
"The last couple of months I can't… really… I don't know why but I can't sleep alone, you know," the confession finally came out of you at the same time you dared to look in his eyes. "So I hug my cat or a plushie."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to comfort yourself, already feeling like it would be a long night just trying to fall asleep for hours. It had been a long time since your thoughts would do nothing but invade your head at night and cause you some irrational fears. You had discovered that hugging your cat or one of the big stuffed animals you had bought just for that, while some movie played in the background and filled the silence, helped you fall asleep faster.
"Dude," your friend called for you, a smirk appearing on his lips, and he said, "I'm literally right here if you wanna hug someone to sleep."
The thought had crossed your head you couldn't deny. Yet, you would never want to cross those kinds of lines after so long without sharing a sleeping space with him. On the other hand, it seemed like all the flirting and the sudden physical closeness didn't affect Yangyang at all. He had always been a natural flirt anyway. Which made you question, one more time, if you were the only one with the feelings on the surface in that room.
"We could like, hold hands or something?" You proposed, as your voice only got smaller and smaller. "I'm sure that should be enough."
It wasn't, though, but you think Yangyang sensed it as he got closer to you under the sheets and held your left hand tightly. Without letting go of him, you turned on your side to face him, and closed your eyes as some movie kept playing and illuminating your friend's profile. You could feel the warmth that radiated off him, and as the two of you were exhausted from playing all day under the sun, it didn't take much time for you to let yourself fall in Morpheus' arms.
The constant dripping of rain against the windows and against the floor of the room's balcony brought you out of your sleep. Waking up to a rainy day on the weekends could make you feel many different ways. Generally, you would spend them alone, with the only company of music and nostalgia, not being able to be outside distracting yourself.
Yet, the atmosphere as the water droplets kept falling and resonating in the ceiling felt very soothing. At some point of the night, your body had entangled and found refuge in your friend's arms. And the pillows and the hotel's mattress were the best quality, but you discovered that nothing compared to the comfort of Yangyang's chest under the side of your head.
You didn't dare to move or change your position even long after you woke up, as the urgent need to be in his arms hadn't ceased, but it had calmed. You knew right away that you were afraid of getting used to that sense of home –the one that was Yangyang– too quickly.
The arm under your side started to move, and the soft tips of his fingers caressed your back affectionately. At the same time, his morning voice came out to leave goosebumps on your skin in contact with his touch. "We should've checked the weather before we came."
Still drunk on sleep and his touches, only a soft laugh and a nod of your head could come out as a response.
It didn't feel unfamiliar, and it didn't feel out of place. It was just right and lovely to wake up in Yangyang's arms. The kiss he left on top of your head after you tightened your grip around him only added to that warm feeling of being home.
"We could have some breakfast."
You turned your head and rested your chin on his chest, and with his arms still holding you in his embrace, your gaze searched for him when he was already looking at you. His messy hair spread out on the pillow and the raspy voice that came out of him only indicated a good night's sleep. 
You nodded once again, returning to your initial position, a cheek pressed against the old but still soft cat pajamas. You could already hear your stomach growling and demanding to be fed.
"You think it would be weird if we kissed?"
Now, that question made you start doubting reality. Waking up wrapped in Yangyang's arms already felt a little unreal. The sense of peace and calm was so strong you would have believed it was all a dream and that you never woke up from the night before in the first place.
But as you slightly sat up on the bed to see if he was being serious, and after making sure there wasn't any expression that indicated he was joking, you only could think of:
"It could turn out weird."
He was your best friend, for goodness sake. He was the same boy who lost his swimming shorts at that same island when you were thirteen, so he had to borrow one of your floral ones and wear it until you came back from the school trip. The same boy, who once tried to fill the class' water dispenser with cola, but you ended up drinking tasteless brown colored water for weeks. And also, the one who gets confused and ends up eating cat food instead of cereal.
"But some friends kiss each other."
"Yeah, but," you tried to think of an excuse, "I have morning breath."
It's not that you never thought of kissing him, as you had the biggest crush on your best friend since you were in middle school. But somehow, something was stopping you from doing it. Maybe it was too soon, and you had too little time to process a lot of emotions. Or, maybe, it was because boys who obsessed over computer games totally turned you off.
"I don't really care," he insisted with a shrug, "I want to kiss you."
You sighed. But you could try and give it a chance?
"Not sure if this is gonna work out-"
Yet, Yangyang was determined to have a good morning kiss. "Why? You don't like me?" He inquired after interrupting you.
"No– It's definitely not tha-"
"Is it because you've never kissed someone before?" He pressed.
"What? No, it's just-"
"You gotta know," he reached for your hand and started to caress the back of it, "you don't have to be embarrassed about never being kissed before." He looked at you dead serious.
"Yangyang, I've kissed others before," your tone now carried a note of annoyance.
"So you just don't want to kiss me."
"I'll kiss you if you stop being so fucking annoying."
You saw him smirk. "Okay."
It went by pretty fast. You could feel the softness of his lips on yours and the tip of your noses touching, but it was a quick, short, dry kiss. Just the mere contact of his thin lips for a few seconds. No movement, just a lot of tension.
It felt, indeed, really weird. Maybe it was because you've spent too much time as friends, you thought. Perhaps, as much as you wanted to grow closer and closer to Yangyang and share much more with him, it wasn't what destiny had planned for you. Perhaps, not all friends could casually kiss.
"Maybe we just have to grow accustomed to it," his voice took you away from your thoughts.
"Do you… want to try again?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion while looking at him.
He took both your hands in his to bring you closer to him, the two of you still sitting in the middle of the king-sized bed. Outside it was still raining, but the subtle sun rays were sneaking through the curtains and illuminating the features of the boy in front of you. His eyes held sincerity and remained fixed on yours. There was a promise hidden there that, in reality–he hoped–, wasn't necessary to say out loud for you to know how much he actually loved you.
"y/n, I love yous between you and me don't feel friendly anymore," he confessed, "at least for me. And I want to try to kiss you again right now." 
He came a little closer and took your face in his hands, to gently caress your cheekbones and then outline your lips with his thumb. His gaze couldn't stop drifting from between them and your own eyes.
"I want to be able to keep kissing you from now on, not as just friends."
He finished the sentence in a whisper that hit your lips and got entangled with your own breath before you crashed your mouth against his, this time sharing a real kiss. None of you needed many more words. After a weekend of reunion and tension, flirty comments, gazes full of adoration, and your feelings blooming all over again, your passionate kiss was enough to give him the permission to keep doing that for as long as he pleased. The smile that he couldn't suppress in between kisses and the way he held onto you reassured you of his previous confession. Indeed, I love yous between the two of you weren't just friendly anymore.
The rest of the day was spent cuddling and eating breakfast in bed, then crashing at a pillow and blankets fort and watching movies cozied up together as the afternoon arrived.
"I missed you a lot," you turned your head to look at him squished on your side as your second movie choice came to an end. "Please, don't leave me again."
The sun was setting once again, painting the sky in lilacs and pinks, coloring the room with its light and indicating that more rain was to come later in the night. Rain could empower reunions and hasten goodbyes, so it was still a bit difficult to get rid of that uncertainty installed in your chest.
"It's inevitable that I'll have to go again, and you will stay here," he said, putting you in a hug for the millionth time that day, "but we will see each other, I promise. You can come visit anytime, seriously, and I'll also come back to you."
Through the balcony window, you could see far into the distance how the sun returned to the sea in the horizon. There was something melancholy about sunsets, but there was also a promise in them, just like in the eyes of your best friend when he was looking directly at you and the evening lights reflected in them.
"When you miss me, and I'm not here, go to the beach and look for the horizon. Know I'll be thinking about you every time I see the sky and the ocean touch each other, and hopefully, you won't feel so lonely. Even on rainy days when we can't go out, I know the raindrops connecting the sky and the sea will remind me of you."
He finished with a gentle kiss on your cheek, and drying a single tear that had escaped after hearing him talk.
"Why does this feel like it's the end of summer?" You asked in a whisper, no longer sad or doubtful but finding some calm and comfort in the promise of the horizon.
"I know, right?" He laughed softly. "But I came back for you, so I'm staying with you."
And what you loved the most about the feeling that an ending was near, is that, in fact, you knew you still had a lot of time to stay in each other's arms, to watch countless sunsets together and to keep chasing for the promise of coming back to one another no matter what.
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doubledgesword-2 · 4 years ago
Breeding Kink
I’m taking this as a kink instead so I hope that’s alright for the request! I apologize if it isn’t! I treated them like drabbles and if I’m honest I’m a bit disappointed in my work ;-; this rose tea is not my best.
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You opened your door to your pitch-black apartment with the same sluggishness and tiredness you had walking all the way from your work to here. Today had been one of those days, and those were fine once in a while...but the entire week? No, that was not normal. You had been on edge and stressed to the point of burning out. So the plans for this evening consisted of showering, eating something quick, and just dying on your bed. That was until you noticed the figure sitting on your sofa.
Illumi's back was to you; he was so still and quiet, you might as well think he fell asleep while sitting.
"You're late," his voice cut through the silence.
"I didn't know I was expected," you replied, and it was the truth; Illumi had left for a week on a job and didn't even called you. You weren't feeling particularly forgiving this evening, and the edge of your tone contrasted the calm and monotony in his
"It's been a long day, Illumi, is there anything I can do for you?"
Your relationship wasn't the best when it came to normal; there was a lot of miscommunication or lack of it. But Illumi did his best, he was interested in you, and that didn't happen often.
"As my love interest, you should always expect me is a quality that every wife should have. It's their job to wait for their husbands no matter how long they take" Illumi turned slightly to look into your eyes as he talked.
You perked up at the word wife; he had never made allusions to marriage, at least not directly like this. You knew his goals when it came to relationships. Still, you always expected him to leave you in the end for someone more suitable, almost royalty. After all, his parents were very demanding, and you knew you didn't fit the role of the perfect wife, starting with the fact that you worked a regular job and haven't found your nen if you even had one.
"But we're not married, Illumi. Besides, I don't think your parents would approve of someone as vain as me. I'm not strong, and I don't meet the qualifications. So..." you shrugged in the end, dropping your keys on the counter and your bag nearby.
Your hand went to flip the switch; all this talk in the darkness was unnerving you, especially when you took into consideration Illumi was an assassin. Right when you flipped the switch, Illumi's hand was on your wrist, turning off the lights once more. You could feel his toned chest as he pulled you close to him. For a second, you struggled in a fight or flight response, and Illumi's face went to the crook of your neck. His breath on your neck sent chills down your spine as he planted a feather-like kiss on your pulse. The action almost threatening, and it made you swallow. The fear and desire burned equally in your veins as he stretched your clothes, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses all the way to your shoulder.
"I think I've given you too much freedom. Do you think you're in control in this relationship?" He whispered to your shoulder, his other hand holding you tightly to him. "Do you think you can talk back to me just because you're tired? If you're going to be my wife, you need to learn how to behave properly."
Illumi slammed you down on the island counter, both of your hands twisted on your back held with one hand. You gasped and yelped as he did so. Whether it was from desire or fear, you didn't know. He bent over you, leaning close to the side of your head, nibbling your earlobe and whispering.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you" Illumi's free hand caressed your side, going down and squeezing everything he could. "The first lesson is to obey my every command. Can you do that?"
You nodded frantically, and he tilted his head innocently as if he wasn't holding you down or grinding into your hips slowly.
"Good girl" Illumi turned your body so you'd be laying on your back facing him. His hands went to your shirt, ripping it open, sending the buttons flying all around.
"Second, we have to continue the Zoldyck Legacy..." Illumi caressed a trail down your stomach and undid his pants, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I'll ensure you're filled to the brim, just to be sure it takes. We still have all night to try."
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Hisoka had managed to find you where you were staying. You were on a short business trip. After he had disappeared to go on another gig, you didn't think it would matter if you actually did the same for the same reason. But Hisoka didn't like that. Like the petulant child he is, he was expecting to arrive home and be received and welcomed with a nice meal and some more relaxing activities afterward. But all he got was a nicely written note on the counter explaining your absence.
P.S feed your cat dummy :)
"Hmm," the cat meow made him look down to the fluff currently sitting at his feet, "She left you too, huh? Well, at least you welcomed me." He said in a bitterly playful tone.
After feeding the adorable and fearsome beast that guarded your apartment, he went on to look for you. He wanted your attention, and he wanted it now.
You had been staying at a company-paid hotel near the station. It was a relatively short trip, three days max, counting on everything going according to the agenda. After you had finished your last reports, you were set for a nice shower and sleep. Your stomach growling said otherwise, though. So you ordered some room service and went to shower quickly just in case the food came. When you were out in your robes, there was a knock on the door.
You opened the door, still drying your hair, when you looked up at the man serving you. It was Hisoka. Somewhere along the way, after he figured where you were, he had seen the boy coming up with your food, and once that was temporarily disposed of, he went on to serve you.
"Mmm, hello (Y/N)-Chan, how lovely to see you" he rolled the cart inside the room and closed the door by slamming you into it.
"Hisoka, w-what are you doing here?"
"I was lonely and bored. You left me all alone" He licked a trip up your neck all the way to your cheek.
"You leave alone all the time; what's the difference?" You were angry at that statement, 'how dare he?'
Hisoka's eyes widened for a split second, but not in shock, more in amusement.
"Oh," he chuckled, the tone dangerous, "my bad, little pet, I didn't realize this was such a sensitive topic" his tone was whimsical and mocking.
"Here, let's eat, and maybe you'll feel better" without giving you a chance, Hisoka grabbed your arms and flung you into the bed.
After your first release, you felt tired. You had been working nonstop for these two days. Your eyes closed, and his half-lidded ones are the last thing you remember.
"You actually passed out, doll. Was our sexy time too much to handle, or have I been mistreating you all these weeks I wasn't there, hmm~?"
You let out a breath at his playful look. He was rubbing circles on your exposed stomach while straddling you.
"Mmm, I think you're not relaxed enough; we might as well try again. After all, you let all my efforts slip out; I'll have to work hard to fill you up again~" he pouted playfully, looking over your tired form. "Don't worry, you can sleep while I'm at it, little fruit."
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You were currently perched on your island counter chair like a vulture looking down at its prey. The entire week had been a mess of deadlines, due dates, and unhelpful people. To say you were stressed was an understatement. You were so stressed you no longer felt stressed.
That's how Chrollo found you when he entered your house. He could've used the front door, but he wanted to surprise you, and now he was worried about your confused face staring down the laptop screen.
You were so concentrated that when his hand laid on your shoulder, you jumped with a yelp.
"Argh, don't scare me like that," you chuckled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek but immediately turned to the computer screen once more.
Chrollo pouted slightly. He had been gone for an entirety of two weeks because of a small job; the least he expected was to be received with kisses, praise, and hugs like it was a kings parade.
He understood the stress, but he wasn't having it.
"Have you eaten anything?" He casually asked.
"Not really, but I can make you something if you want?" Chrollo gave a small smiled at the fact that you'd roll were willing to attend to him. You just needed to relax.
"Don't worry, love, I'll go shower" you nodded, and he turned, making his way down the hall and disappearing. You heard the water turn on muffled because of the closed door.
While you were concentrated on your work Chrollo slipped out of the bathroom, he grabbed you by the waist, spinning you and slamming you against the wall. His lips were possessive and angry as he kissed you. Sandwiched between his toned chest and the wall, you tried to push him back but eventually gave in to the way his fingers caressed your sides, his tongue forced yours into submission, and how he grinds his hips suggestively.
"Chrollo," you gasped when he finally let go of your swollen lips to suck on the skin of your neck. "I have to w-work."
At the mention of it, he bit down hard on your shoulder, making you Yelp.
"No more work" he licked the bite, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses. "I just returned, expecting my little darling to receive me with kisses and at least one hug. But instead," his free hand grabbed your hips tightly enough to bruise, "you've overworked to the bone" your hands held his head close to your chest, ruffling his hair in the process and making him look even hotter.
"It's alright, I know how you can make it better" kiss on your shoulder.
"for both of us" kiss on your jaw.
"I'm going to shower, and you're coming with me; after getting on your knees for me, you can let me fill you up nicely."
"But-t" a moan slipped your lips as his knee went between your legs.
"And if you keep protesting, I'll just keep stuffing you until you can't think straight. See if you can work after that"
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I hope this was good! I’m sorry if I butchered this 😭
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