#(ooc: god now I want soup)
mrthenarrator · 6 months
(suddenly, a bowl of soup is delivered to the narrator)
-warmest regards, soup.
Ooh, how delightful! I was beginning to grow rather peckish.
...Ah, I see! A bowl of soup from Soup!
And on a rather perfect day as well. It's freezing outside. And it is an utter crime that we don't seem to have any Hot Chocolate mix stocked in our pantry.
Thank you, Soup. Rest assured this soup will be savoured and enjoyed immensely! 😊
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
Honestly I'd take any writing about Andy LMFAO whatever you want to write, I'd just love to read something, be it headcanons or some short story <3
Absolutely! I was shocked when I tried finding content for TCOAAL, and there was none💀. For the sake of fluff Andy, the reader is the closest thing Andy has to a sister!
*Leyley doesn't exist*
P.S. Hopefully, this isn't OOC. This is also not proofread, so
I hope these meet your expectations <3
Andrew Graves x female best friend! Reader
TW: Everyone has a filthy mouth (swearing)... N/M = Nickname ♡
♡925 WORDS♡
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Ever since Andrew was a kid, he was treated more as his parent's friend than their kid.
This often meant that Andrew was forced to miss out on childish routines like throwing a tantrum, making a mess, having fun the loud way, and making mistakes, simply because "he was so easy."
If he were to add to his parents' load of problems, he wouldn't be able to live with himself, let alone sleep.
But that was all before he met you.
Every Friday, Mrs. Graves would give Andrew money to go on a snack run for the weekend.
But no matter what he did, no matter when or how he entered the grocery store, this little girl (no less than five) would terrorize Andrew.
"She's so annoying, mom! She always snatches the snacks I go for and then bolts for the next aisle. Then she just giggles and runs away with MY TOMATO SOUP."
Mrs. Graves sighed and turned around to face her son, "Andrew, just because a little five year old girl is taking some of the same snacks as you DOES NOT MEAN I am letting you shop at a different store! 'Shop Shop Shop and Shop, with more Shop' is the best for low-deals and prices. Please don't be difficult."
With no other choices, Andrew was forced to continue shopping.
Every week, she did the same thing. She'd sneak up behind him when he wasn't paying attention. She'd snatch the poor snack out of Andrew's hand and would bolt out of the aisle.
And everytime she did this, Andrew would grow angrier and angrier.
Finally, when the little girl stole the hundredth can of soup from his hand, Andrew turned around and grabbed the little girl's hair.
"AHH! Get off of me asshole!"
"You little shit! Give me that can back!"
They'd fight over the can of soup in the middle of the aisle for the next 10 minutes before the store owner kicked them out for "public disturbances."
Now, without his can of soup, sitting at the curb outside the store, with new bite marks along his arm, Andrew was more pissed than ever.
"What the hell is your problem? Do you just find malicious torment funny, you borderline psycho?"
Andrew turned towards the girl. She turned her smile towards Andrew, "Nah, just you."
Annoyed and exhausted, he put his face in his hands.
She thought for a moment , "No one plays with me, so I figured I should play with someone who looked as miserable as me."
Andrew looked at her through his fingers, "What about me screamed misery?"
She put a finger on her bottom lip, deep in thought, "You just have this face,"
Andrew scoffed at the girl, burying his face in his knees. She giggled.
"You just naturally look like an asshole"
"Watch your language, you fucking shit!"
Andrew went to grab the girls hair, "You dont even know my name, and yet you're calling me an asshole!? No wonder you dont have any friends."
She slapped Andrew's hand before it could reach her, "Well, what's your name?"
Andrew hesitated, "It's...Andrew Graves. What's yours?"
The little girl smiled, "Y/N L/N, your new best friend, Aaaaandy."
Andrew sat lazily with Y/N, laying on his lap. He cringed when he thought about their first meeting.
Of all the things they could've fought about, it was a can of soup... God, they're fucking stupid.
Since that day, Y/N would beg Andrew for attention and fun. She'd stalk him when he was out and about and would drag him away from any errands he was requested to run on.
"Leave me alone, N/M"
"Make me~"
"Lame. Now I have to come with you! With that bitch ass attitude you'll get beat up."
And when Andrew accidentally reveal his address? Andrew was permanently stuck with Y/N.
Every Friday, she'd follow Andrew home, and even when Mr. and Mrs. Graves questioned the foul-mouth girl Andrew would never offer an explanation better than, "Some stray I picked up that won't let go. I have to keep her."
"Aaaaandyyy, can you change the channel? I don't want to lift my eyelids."
Andrew sighed, "The remote is right by your leg, dumbass"
"So?" She scoffed, "reach it for me."
"It's closer to you than it is to me!"
"Andy change the goddamn channel!"
"i'm not getting up just because your ass wants to be lazy!"
Even if that meant pissing each other off with meanless schemes.
Despite their bickering that has made local pedestrians' ears bleed, they still were there for each other in everything.
"Whatever, you dumb bastard," Y/N mumbled to herself.
Andrew played with Y/N's hair as he stared at the mindless TV.
"Veronica Steveson asked me out to the date."
"Aw, poor hussy"
"Ouch, you think so lowly of me?"
"No, I just assumed you said no," Y/N continued to watch the TV.
"Why would I...?" Before Andrew could finish his sentence, Y/N sat up and stared at him with intense eyes.
"Do you like her?"
"W- Well no, but it's not like any other girls are crawling to date me"
Y/N scoffed at Andrew, flicking his forehead, "That's because you're stupid to notice."
She laid back down on his lap, and Andrew secretly smiled to himself. "So...who aren't I noticing?"
"Your mom."
And even if no one admitted it out loud, and even if you blushed one too many times around each other, you belonged with each other.
"But seriously, Andy, pass me the remote"
"Eat shit, N/M"
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Thank you for the ask <3
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vin-taege · 6 months
Can I request a chishiya fluff? can you do reader taking caring of sick chishiya? we see chishiya taking care of reader but never a reader taking care of chishiya so i wanted to see! Thank you if you do!!
Summary: Who knew the worst patient on earth would be a doctor? Alternatively, the one where Chishiya is being stubborn and whiny because he ALLEGEDLY never gets sick.
Genre: fluff, normal!au, slight ooc chishiya
Pairing: reader x chishiya
Words: 1k
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“___… ___… where’s my briefcase?”
You could hear him groaning from your room, undoubtedly prying himself up on the dresser again in the attempt to prove that he is totally not sick. With a fond sigh, you set the hot soup down on the tray, which also had a cup of warm tea and migraine medication.
Maneuvering past your boyfriend’s hunched-over form, you set the tray down on the bedside table before walking over to him and lightly taking his hands into yours. His polo shirt was buttoned asymmetrically, his hair tangled and tied into a messy bun. His eyes were half-closed from the headache and he sniffled every few seconds, but he was trying his best to stand up straight and look normal. Before you could open your mouth, he cut you off.
“I’m not sick. I never get sick.” His voice came out small and groggy, like shrapnel shredded his throat.
“Yes honey, sure you don’t,” you gave him a patient smile. Begrudgingly, he followed you back to the bed, never once letting go of your hand. You tucked him back in, suppressing a chuckle upon seeing a permanent grimace on his face, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. “I need you to finish the soup so your stomach is full enough for the meds.”
“I know that. I’m a doctor, ___, for fuck’s sake. I’m not sick,” he rolled his eyes, turning his face away from the spoon you held up. Hesitantly, his eyes darted back to meet yours. Upon seeing the pout on your face, he let out a long sigh, followed by a painful groan. He held his head in his hands, leaning over before he fully fell back into the headboard. “You hid my briefcase, I know you did.”
“Chishiya, I didn’t do anything to your briefcase. Maybe it’s God’s way of telling you to rest and drink your medicine,” you punctured the sentence with a light jab of the spoon.
He huffed before finally accepting your offer. “There is no god.”
“But there is a flu and right now your head sounds like it’s about to pop off. Don’t get all philosophical with me, doctor. If you be any more difficult, I’ll have to strap you to this bed,” you teased half-heartedly.
In all honesty, you were worried. Chishiya was right in saying that he never gets sick—which is exactly why it’s such a big deal when he does. When his immune system finally crashes down because of all the late nights and missed meals, it fully implodes. You were well aware of his tendency to be cocky and stubborn—though never towards you—but being sick definitely amplifies it. Why else would he be in an unpressed polo shirt looking for a briefcase all the while his skull felt like it was getting jackhammered?
Halfway through the bowl, you set the spoon down and pressed the back of your hand on his forehead. You gently swiped at the beads of sweat, frowning at how hot his skin had become. He had his eyes fully shut, barely containing a whimper.
“___, I’m dying.”
A laugh escaped your lips before you knew it. He opened his eyes slightly only to squint at you. “You’re laughing. I feel like I’m dying and you’re laughing.”
“You are not dying. You’re in the care of Dr. ___!”
“Which is exactly why I’m dying.”
“Hey!” you squeezed his arm lightly. To your relief, he was well enough to let out a small laugh. After that, he thankfully allowed you to keep feeding him without much resistance. When he finished all the soup, you gave his cheek a small poke.
“You’re starting to become the patients you hate the most,” you teased.
“I was born into the world to annoy you, actually,” he grinned, peering up at you with his honeyed eyes.
“You’re thankful you have a smart mouth and a cute ass,” you stuck your tongue out at him. Picking up the meds, you showed him the label to get his confirmation—which he gave to you with a worldless nod, his lips turning into a smirk.
“You love my mouth.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. Your own cheeks burned, bringing a hand up to smack his arm lightly. He groaned again, this time more exaggeratedly. “That’s medical malpractice!”
“I’ll cheer you up once I get the sponge bath running,” you purr into his ear. His eyes lit up despite the pain in his head.
“Will you actually—”
“No, you’re sick. I’ll give you a special treat once you get better and only if you’ll be a nice patient for me.” You pressed the pill into his lips, letting it slip inside his mouth gently. Taking the glass of water, you carefully tilted it towards him and waited for him to finish drinking.
“Yes ma’am,” he beamed. You mirrored his smile, pressing a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. He covered it with his own, fingers automatically weaving with yours. 
“Rest, okay? I mean it. Go take a nap and I’ll wake you up when the bath’s ready” You leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. Feigning innocence, he turned his cheek towards you as well. With a playful eye roll, you pressed a kiss against it as well.
He rolled over, burying his head in the pillows and duvet. “I love you,” he murmured into the sheets. You almost didn’t catch it on the way to the bathroom.
“I love you too,” you called out to him. You opened the cabinet under the sink first before taking out his suitcase. Snickering to yourself a little, you tucked it back in. Right now, your main focus was to get the water temperature right. Beyond the water running, you could hear Chishiya’s snoring muffled by the duvet. Who knew he could be so dramatic?
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holycrimin · 2 months
Is It Casual Now?
12!Donnie x Reader
AN: wrote this on a whim bc I'm bored and am procrastinating. and also because we don't get enough friends-to-lovers fics lmao (also might make a sequel?). also might be ooc? idk
warnings(?): not alot, mild cussing?, might be a little ooc, mention of apritello but only brief,
It was a warm summer night...
Actually, who were you kidding? It was freezing. Okay, wait, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. It was still cold though, you stand by that.
"Want me to lower the AC? You look like you're dying."
"hrnn... But what about your experiment-thingy-thing? Wouldn't that like... affect it or something? Or was that the other one?" You ask, sniffling. Oh yeah, did you mention you were sick? Because you're sick. Sick as hell! Haha! haha...
No but seriously, you felt like you were dying. You bet it's not even that cold.
"Nah, don't worry that was the other one. It's in the freezer."
"Aw dude, Mikey might eat it or something."
"No he won't, there're like, a million warning stickers on that thing, he wouldn't—" You gave him a look,
"Crap." He ran out of his lab and went straight to the freezer.
Wait a minute, why were you here again?
Oh yeah, the project. And to hang out with Donnie, sure that too.
He came back with his experiment-thingy clutched in his arms. You sniff, "Dude—" "—Gross,"
"Shut up, anyway,"
"Why didn't you put it in your freezer? You literally have one right there." You pointed at the small metal box (that you're pretty sure he built himself) next to his desk.
"Because there's ice cream in there, and I don't want to share with my brothers."
"So what's your plan now?"
"Should we like.. eat some of the ice cream to make room for your weird jelly-thing, orr..."
"Well I didn't think that far, sure, why not." He places the container down on his desk and takes out a small tub of vanilla ice cream.
"Ew, vanilla? that's so... Vanilla." You smile,
"Excuse you, that's for me. This, is for you." He says, taking out an equally sized tub of cookies and cream.
"Bro that vanilla has nuts in it, you like your ice cream with nuts? Ew."
"Oh nevermind, guess this is going back in the freezer," He takes the tub of cookies and cream ice cream and tries to put it back in his freezer.
"Wait, hold on, your honor I'm innocent!"
He chuckles, you smile.
"Shut up, dork, take the ice cream."
"Speak for yourse— Oh, oops, nevermind I forgot you had full control of my ice cream privileges."
"Mhm, yeah, that's what I thought."
He hands you a spoon and you notice a little red button at the bottom of it.
"What's this for?"
"For heating up the spoon so that we wouldn't have to wait like, half an hour to eat the icecream."
"God, that's such a good idea, you're a genius."
"Yeah, I know right?"
The two of you laugh as you both open your tubs of ice cream. Well, it was more of an attempt in your part. You eventually got Donnie to open it for you.
"Oh wait, my project... Whatever, it's the weekend, I'll do it tomorrow."
"And that's why you end up pulling all-nighters and get all grumpy on us when we talk to you on schooldays."
"Shh... SShhhut up. Eat your ice cream."
He chuckles.
It's quiet.
"Soo... How're things with April?"
And that is definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Eh.. You know. The same it always is."
And back to quiet. It's nice, but you wish it wasn't so awkward.
"..I should've given you soup instead. Giving you ice cream was a bad choice on my part." He stand up to take the ice cream (which was already a quarter finished, by the way) from you.
"Aww, come on Don. I can have the— ha..." You sneeze, "..have the soup later. After ice cream."
He snorts, "Come on," he gently puts the back of his hand on your throat, then your forehead.
"Oh damn, I did that as a joke, but you're seriously burning up. Yeah, no, I'm getting you soup."
You let out a whine of defeat as the tub of ice cream gets taken away from you, and hey, was it this cold before?
"I'll get you a blanket too. Why'd you even come here anyway?" He smiles a little, "And don't say that you needed help with your schoolwork. We already covered that like, a week ago? Get some rest, man." Before he leaves, he puts the experiment-jelly-thingamabob in the freezer.
Why were you here?
Easy, you liked hanging out with him.
Because he's fun to be around?
Might need to think deeper than that.
Who are you, my therapist?
You're literally talking to yourself.
Whatever. Because... I don't know, he makes me.. happy? that sounds weird.
Yeah. Keep going anyway.
This self analysis thing is getting weird.
And he's back. You smile.
"I got some hot chocolate too. Had to be quiet though." He covers the both of you with the blanket, and hands you the soup.
"Damn, you're cold too?"
"Yeah duh, turtles are cold-blooded."
"So you've said."
He leans back,
"You gonna finish your little experiment here?"
"Maybe. I'm tired."
"What time is it?"
"Uhh.." He checks his t-phone, "1:10 AM."
"Whatt... You're telling me I've been here for six hours?" It's fine, your parents were out of town. You liked it better here anyway.
"Also, I really don't think you should get that close to me dude. I'm, in your words, 'seriously burning up'."
"Ughh.. but you're warm. And I don't wanna get up." He dramatically lays his head on your shoulder, fake-snuggling up to you.
He gets a laugh out of you, he grins.
"I'm tired."
"Yeah, me too." Donnie yawns, pressing a button on his remote. Suddenly, the lights started to dim.
You let out a breathless chuckle, "When'd you install that?"
"A couple weeks ago. You said you didn't like how bright the lights were. So I made this remote to dim the lights, then I got distracted and made more options, then turned it into a slider... then just... booshhh... yeah."
"You remembered that?"
"Of course."
That's actually pretty sweet.
You smile at him. "Yeah?"
"Mhm. I'm gunna.... sleep. G'night."
And like that, he was out like a light. You just realized how close he was to you.
He's next to you, head basically on the crook of your neck. Both of you sharing the same thick blanket, with the empty bowl of soup that you didn't realize you had finished, and the half empty cup of hot chocolate.
And now, you start thinking to yourself,
Is there more to this?
No, you're just friends. Right?
But that tiny voice in your head that's getting increasingly bigger as the minute passes, is asking you:
Do friends do this for eachother?
Are you sure?
What else could it be? What else could we be?
Do friends go out of their way to show up to your school in a disguise while it was pouring out to take you home?
He's just like that. He's nice, he's caring.
Do friends install fancy advanced remote-controlled lights just for you because you mentioned once how the lights were overwhelming?
..He's my friend. I'd do the same for him. Well, If I had the smarts.
But the difference is that you know how you feel.
Well.. Yeah.
Do friends leave lingering touches?
..Didn't he say he had a heater in here?
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reeniecon · 7 months
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" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer, right? "
Warning: chapter 7 light spoilers, bad grammar, not proofread, general Lilia, and war lol a little OOC of you squinted.
- readers povs -
You can hear it's raining hard outside your cabin, the water droplets one by one crashing to your roof. the weather has been very bad lately it's either raining or thunderstorms. Because of the weather, your garden is not doing very well...
Because of the wind, your fence is falling down. 'oh great' you thought to yourself and went outside to fix it.
while you fix your fallen fence you hear a strange sound and you decide to find out what it is. your eyes widen, shocked by the scene you have encountered
It was a fae... And he was hurt quite badly, it seemed that he had fainted for some time by now.
Without any thought, you brought him inside. Oh, how lucky that he is not too far away from your house and not too heavy....
' oh god, what have I done... Bringing a stranger inside my house, and not only that... He was a fae! ' you thought to yourself and cannot help but sigh at the situation you're in right now.
'but no matter what I have to save him' You're determined to save him, so you clean his wounds and patch them.
Some time has passed since then but the unknown fae haven't woken up, you're quite worried about it...
- Lilia povs -
" Tch, those silver owls didn't know when to stop!" He hissed while running through the deep forest
" CHATCH HIM!! " Silver Owl A says to his teams followed by " That is Lilia vanrouge we have to catch him while we finally get the chance to!!! " They scream.
" Dang it stop being so loud!! " He screams back to them, Lilia can't fight all of them with his injured body not to mention 7 vs 1 is a really bad idea.
" WHERE IS HIM?? " the captain of silver owls screamed.
" AGRHHH!! REALLY WE LOST HIM AGAIN, YOU. FIND HIM NOW! " he ordered his subordinates
" Finally" Lilia mumbled to himself. 'So tired' he thought after that Lilia's vision blurred just like that.
' ugh...the ground is so soft I don't want to leave, huh- THE GROUND ARE SOFT' he processed to wake up from his long sleep, and was startled by his wound had been treated, with caution he observed his body and the surrounding area looking out the glass window he can conclude that he has been not very far away from the last chase, trying to open the windows to escape from whatever situation he was on right now
But he failed miserably in the windows wouldn't open no matter what... He can break it of course but, he cannot break windows that belong to his unknown helper...
The door opened slowly, and there they stood the human that helped him.
" Oh you've finally awakened, do you want soup I just made? I'll get some for you if u want " You told him and asked
In return, Lilia just stared at you observing you from beside the window looking at you up and down ' Oh a human' he thought to himself and smiled
" No, it's okay I'll get going now, thank you for helping me" He replied with a business smile
" Are you sure you didn't want a meal before you go? " You asked once again.
" Yeah I'm sure " He clarify
" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer" He said with a mean expression but in a melancholy tone.
"Huh? " Is the only reply that you can utter right now
" I'm sorry that I've troubled you for the past I-don't-know-how-long, but thank you for treating me, and I'm sure that I will pay you back in the future" He stated.
" Mr. Fae? " You called him.
" Yeah? Is my offer too small for you? "
" No no, you don't have to repay me I just wanted to save you that day and I didn't think of any payback from you...And I don't mind having you in my house... Don't worry !! So you can have your soup if you want to? "
His face flushed with embarrassment.
'how can I think it that way!! ' he thought to himself while lowering his head because of the embarrassment he felt...
" Ehem! Sorry for the misunderstanding...and I would like to have dinner with you.. My apologies for thinking bad about you... "
After that, you two have dinner together and you will nonstop hear Lilia apologizing to you the entire evening.
An: I'm starting to use Grammarly LMAO I hope my grammar mistakes will be smaller this time hehe
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soulaires · 1 year
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Love, it’s okay.
pairings: Aaron Warner x f!reader
summary: you got your period and that caused you to snap, but thankfully your boyfriend is there to make things better.
warnings: soft!Aaron warner, OOC (?), domestic fluff
« words: 1,245┇ao3┇reblogs are appreciated! »
🪩:: voicemail ; read my other aaron warner fics here.
authors note: not proofread! just a short one shot for my love Aisha 🫶 hope you feel better soon!
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You have always been the sweetest, most considerate girlfriend, but once a month, your mood took an unmistakable turn.
The day had arrived, and you were in the throes of your period. The cramps were gnawing at your insides, and you felt irritable and moody. It wasn't something you could control, but you hated how it sometimes led to snapping at the person you loved the most—Aaron Warner.
It had been a beautiful, sunny morning, and you guys were enjoying a leisurely breakfast in a cozy kitchen. you had been silent for most of it, and Aaron couldn't help but notice your furrowed brows and tense shoulders. He didn't want to make any sudden moves that might set you off, so he opted for a gentle and understanding approach.
Aaron reached across the table to touch your hand. "Love, are you feeling alright today?"
you glanced up at him, and your eyes were a mix of discomfort and frustration. "I'm fine, Aaron.” you said as you shoved his hand away.
Warner froze and panic quickly running through his body. Did he do something wrong? “Aaron? You never call me that. Are you okay, love? Did I do something wrong or something that upset you? Please tell me—“
“Oh my god! Maybe I just want to Call you by your name. Did you even think of that?” You snapped as you stood up from the chair and quickly ran inside to you and Aaron’s shared bedroom.
Aaron was confused and concerned. As he glanced up to his phone, he saw the date today is.
You have gotten your period.
He knew it was coming. Every month, like clockwork, your mood shifts. But he also knew it was a result of the pain and discomfort you were experiencing, not something you could control.
As much as he wanted to be with you right now to ease your pain, Aaron knew that you needed your space to cool off.
As he retreated to give you a space, he decided to take care of you the best way he knew how. Aaron knew your favorite remedies, and he set to work immediately. First, he fetched a heating pad and adjusted it to the perfect temperature. Then, he started preparing your favorite comfort food—a warm, hearty bowl of tomato soup with grilled cheese.
Once the food was ready, he plated it beautifully in a tray and brought it to you in the bedroom. He knocked first, not wanting to upset you more.
“My love? It’s me. Can I enter please?” He asked softly.
“Aaron—? Please come in.” You answered with a shaky voice. Warner entered the room and God, you look so wrecked. Oh, his poor love.
“Oh, my love,” he said gently as he put the tray to the side of the bed and quickly hugged you. You quickly buried your face to his chest as he played with your hair and drew circles to your back as he whispered sweet nothings to your ear.
“Shh, I’m here now, love. Don’t worry.”
“Baby, I’m sorry about earl—“ he cut you off with a soft kiss.
“Don’t worry about it, my beloved.” Aaron spoke softly, his voice as tender as the dawn's first light. "I know you're in pain, Love. I've been keeping track, and I understand how you feel."
you blinked, her frustration waning as you realized Aaron's patience. "I'm just... I don't know, everything feels annoying right now."
He nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I get it. But please, love, don't pick fights with me. We don't have to make today any harder than it already is."
you sighed and let your guard down, your shoulders relaxing. “I'm sorry, darling. You're right. I shouldn't take it out on you."
He offered a reassuring smile. “No need to apologize, Love. I know it's not you. Now, I have something to help you feel better, maybe? I got your favorite comfort food. I thought it might help soothe you.”
“Oh, love, you don’t need to—“
“But I wanted to. I wanna help you, okay?”
your eyes softened, appreciating his understanding and willingness to ease your discomfort. " Thank you, I love you.”
With a loving glance, he rose from his seat and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I know, I love you, too. So much. You have my heart. Please don’t ever give it back."
He then once again sat beside you, and you enjoyed the meal. You and him didn't talk much, but the simple act of him being there for you was enough to communicate his affection and support.
After you have eaten, Aaron suggested, "How about a warm bath? It might help with your cramps."
you nodded, grateful for the suggestion. "That sounds lovely."
Aaron carefully drew a bath for you, making sure the water was just the right temperature. He added some of your favorite bath salts, filling the room with a soothing fragrance. Then he helped you undress and gently guided you into the bath.
As you relaxed in the warm water, Aaron perched himself on the edge of the tub, gently massaging your shoulders and neck, providing relief from the tension that had built up in your muscles.
"You're incredible, Aaron," you whispered, your eyes heavy with contentment.
He planted a loving kiss on your temple. "And you're worth every bit of it, Love."
After your bath, he gave you his soft clothes as you guys went to the living room, where Aaron had already set up a cozy nest of blankets and pillows. He picked out some of your favorite movies and let you choose which one you guys would watch. As the film played, both of you nestled close on the couch, your head resting on Aaron's chest.
With his fingers, Aaron traced soothing circles on your back, calming your racing heart.
"You make everything better, darling," you whispered during a quiet moment in the movie.
He smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'll always take care of you, Love. It's a promise,"
“And please, if you are hurting, please do tell me. I may not know what it feels like, but I want to be there for you, I want to understand what you are going through.” He continued as his green eyes looked at yours like it’s the whole universe.
“I will, thank you, love.” You said as you hugged him.
“You can talk to me or not talk to me, but I am here with you until the end of the world. And if you are too tired to speak, just sit next to me in silence. Okay?”
“Roger that, sweetheart.” You said as you gestured a salute with a laugh.
Warner laughed with you as he pulled you closer. “You’re impossible.” He teased.
As the hours melted away, your cramps gradually eased, thanks to Aaron's tender care and support. you were reminded once again how fortunate you were to have a partner who could navigate your moods and take care of you, even at your worst.
Later, you guys retired to their bedroom, where Aaron had prepared a soft, welcoming bed. He tucked you in, making sure you were comfortable and warm. As you settled into the embrace of the shared warmth, Aaron held you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you.
"I love you so much, my love.” he murmured, his voice soft and filled with affection.
"I love you too, pretty boy," you replied.
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(Aaron Warner) tag list 🏷 : @ravisinghs-wife @aishaleblanc @ab-baybay
If you want to be included to my tag list please let me know!!
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hibischush · 2 months
made with love
description; Reina's family teases her about her crush on Mistria's newest resident.
notes; This was a prompt by one of the lovely persons on FoM's discord! I'm on there under the username 'schramollie.' Go on over there and join the early access hype!! Also this may be a little OOC for everyone here now since there are so much more dialogue for everyone, so it may take me a while to get a grasp of the characters🌺💗
word count; 754
warnings; n/a
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“Reinaaaa, why won’t you share any of those desserts with us?” Maple pouted, dramatically sliding down past the countertop and out of view, to try (and fail) to sway the young chef’s mind. Luc stood on standby, always there as an advisor to his sister’s ‘diplomatic discussions', which often included begging for sweets. 
Reina rolled her eyes, slowly working the tender fruit into her scone batter, cautious to avoid staining the entire dough a washed-out pink.
“I’ve already told you, Maple, this isn’t for you. Were you the one that grew these strawberries?”
Luc watched as Maple flopped on the ground with a groan, and readjusted his glasses, huffing.
"Reina, how come you never share the food you make with the farmer's crops? I kind of got it the first few times, but now it's just unfair."
Right before Reina opened her mouth to return a quick quip to her little brother's whining, her mother walked by in a rush to the soup pot.
"Dears, let Reina figure out her feelings for that cute farmer. You know what Reina puts in every treat she makes: " Josephine paused to let her two youngest complete her saying with her, which they eventually did: "lots of love!"
Maple jolted upright with the realization, while Luc just grinned devilishly.
Reina could feel warmth rush to her head.
“That’s why you make them so much food! You want to show them that you looooove them. You have a crush on the farmer!” Maple squealed, jumping up and down. 
Josephine ladeled some soup into a to-go cup and shushed her eldest as she left the inn. "Oh, hush, darling, don’t act like I don’t see the way you look at them.” She chuckled, slamming the doors behind her. 
The moment of silence after everyone digested what happened was deafening. Reina internally kicked herself. She couldn’t stop her feelings when it came to the farmer. Not only were they kind and hardworking, they were generous. Especially to Reina. 
Reina could have sworn that her heart exploded with excitement when they stopped by the inn to hand her freshly picked produce. She was so delighted, in fact, scanning over all the items in the wicker basket and brainstorming dishes to include them in, that she nearly missed the angelic way the farmer gently laughed at her, setting the crops on the table. 
“Reina, you really are cute when you get excited about food. I think I might just have to keep bringing you ingredients from now on.”
She still hasn’t been able to move on from that memory without her heart skipping a beat (and her cheeks flushing when thinking about the way their toned muscles flexed beautifully in the early morning sun). 
Reina groaned, fighting the urge to hide her face in front of her two siblings, and instead poured the dough onto the flour-dusted counter to cut the scones into their signature triangular shape. She was determined to finish this before dying of embarrassment. 
“Reina, we’ll help you,” Luc said innocently, sidling up to his sister.
She narrowed her eyes and muttered with annoyance, “You are not going to help me bake these scones.”
“No, not with that. We’ll help you make the farmer like you back!”
She didn’t know that she could blush any deeper than she did before, but the gods were testing her limits today. Maple squealed again and ran around to join them. 
“Yeah! We’ll help you! And I’m sure Dell will help us too.”
Reina almost threw the prepared sheet pan into the hot oven while pulling out the first batch. She needed to get out of this kitchen and away from her impish siblings. “Guys, that’s not how relationships work.”
"Sure, they do! That’s how the nobility manages marriages in the capital! We’ll do all the arranging for you!”
She set the pan of fragrant scones down on the counter, defeated. She knew she shouldn’t have read that book about Noble Society & Customs to her little sister before bedtime.
“This is something that I should do myself, not leave to you two,” she sighed.
“Leave what to who?” a familiar voice called out, lugging a large basket of goods into the building. To Reina’s horror, it was the farmer. They smiled sheepishly at her. Her heart fluttered. 
Slowly turning to Maple and Luc, she whispered:
“Four scones. And you two don’t say anything about this conversation to anyone and go to your rooms.”
Maple and Luc shared glances before grinning.
“Deal.” They whispered.
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Now that the EA is here, y'all will be gettin' more canon fics for sure. Also go play the game. It is everything anyone has ever wanted and its just in its EA form!
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necrotic-nephilim · 13 days
"I don't care how much you hate me - you need to eat!"
DickTim during Bruce's Lost In Time phase but with Dick stopping Tim from leaving💕
send a quote and a ship and I'll write a short fic!
fucked up DickTim during Bruce's lost in time era my beloved. this is 2k of *very* dead dove DickTim, with one-sided feelings from Dick and unreliable narrator vibes. it is a smidge OOC, just bc of how dark Dick gets, but i think i kept it best i could. enjoy <3
It wasn’t supposed to go this far.
Dick thought he was doing this to honor Bruce. The last thing Bruce would’ve wanted was to see Tim drive himself over the edge and go too far, all for a fruitless chase to bring Bruce back from the dead. And sure, maybe deep down Dick knew he reflected some of Bruce’s worst traits. The obsessive control. The worrying to the point of being overbearing.
It came with the capes and spandex territory. Especially now that Dick had decided to man up and put on that damned cowl.
But even at Bruce’s worst, Dick was pretty sure he wouldn’t dare go this far.
Dick knew it was wrong. What he didn’t know was why he couldn’t stop himself. Why the gnawing guilt was so easy to compartmentalize and why every good point Tim had got ignored by Dick’s logical side, brushed off by one simple mantra.
He was doing this for Tim’s own good.
All of this was to protect Tim from doing something he would regret.
Dick had done brain scans, had Tim magically checked up, and even managed to get him to properly talk to a psychiatrist. Everything came back normal. Tim was perfectly healthy.
So maybe this was something that had always been a part of Tim. Maybe it was a bad idea for any of them to have let Tim into the vigilante world so young.
Some people could handle it. Some people couldn’t. Dick had seen firsthand how it broke minds and ruined lives. He’d seen people turn to drugs, cults, murder, and god knew what else just to try to cope with it.
That didn’t make Tim weak. Tim Drake was the furthest thing from weak, and Dick would fight anyone on that.
This was just a hard life to cope with. Sometimes, people needed support through the worst of it.
That’s what Dick was doing.
Giving support.
“I don’t care how much you hate me- you need to eat!” Dick stepped back, dodging Tim’s attempt to kick his feet out. The bowl of salad Dick had set next to Tim was completely ignored.
Dick had learned not to give Tim hot food after Tim flung potato soup at his head the first time, chunks of potato stuck to his hair.
Tim’s scowl was lethal. Technically, he wasn’t restrained. He could move freely around the manor and do whatever he wanted.
It was the shock collar that kept him from leaving the grounds or breaking into the Batcave.
Dick had decided that would be the most humane way. The shock was only momentarily painful, it was designed to knock Tim unconscious if he tried to get somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. The collar had taken three tries before Dick found a lock Tim couldn’t pick, and a few more unfortunate incidents of Tim finding weak spots in the barrier.
But Dick always found Tim and brought him back home.
That was what was important.
The fact Tim kept trying to break out and go to god knew where on some fruitless quest to find a dead man made Dick more secure about this decision.
He was doing this to protect Tim. Once Tim worked through the worst of his grief, all this would be in the past. Something they would laugh at.
It was like one of Tim’s contingency plans. Really, he of all people should understand.
But he didn’t. Which was what hurt Dick the most, the angry look in Tim’s eyes and the way his fists clenched when Dick came into Tim’s room. Tim had access to the whole manor, but he stuck mostly to his room, refusing to talk to anyone.
Especially Dick.
And now, it seemed, his latest tactic was a hunger strike.
“I’ll let you look over the burglary case we’re working on,” Dick offered. “I’ll bring you all the files and your computer if you just…” he gestured to the salad, “eat something.”
That had worked, in the beginning. Dick could coax good behavior out of Tim by offering to let Tim help with whatever case Dick was facing. It took a load off of Dick’s back and gave Tim something to focus on.
Of course, Dick couldn’t leave Tim’s computer with him. The first time Dick did that, Tim managed to break all of the firewalls and safeties put on it to start a case file about Bruce. Dick had to delete everything and only allow Tim monitored access from that point on.
After that, Tim really didn’t like Dick.
“Can’t you just go back to ignoring me?” Tim snapped. He sounded… resigned. Emotionless in a way he hadn’t been, like all the fight he’d been putting up for weeks was finally going out.
“Ignoring you?” Dick frowned. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut at the words. He kept a wide berth from Tim, wary of more punches being thrown, and decided to sit at Tim’s desk chair, a good few feet from where Tim was on his bed. “What makes you think I’m ignoring you?”
Tim scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You only talk to me to ask if I’ve dropped the Bruce thing yet, or to try to force self-care on me. The rest of the time you ignore me so you don’t have to face your own guilt.”
Dick violently shook his head. “That’s not-” he sighed, running a hand over his face- “I’m just busy, I promise. Between being Batman, managing Bruce’s estate, and trying to handle Damian, I just…” his voice trailed off. So many things to balance. He still didn’t know how Bruce managed it all. “I haven’t made enough time for you. I’m sorry.”
He decided to take on the burden of helping Tim. It was his responsibility and Tim was right, Dick was doing a piss poor job of taking care of him.
No wonder he pushed away Dick’s attempts to reconcile. It must’ve come across as half-assed, in Tim’s eyes.
Dick wished Bruce was here. He would’ve known the right way to handle this.
“Don’t start now,” Tim said icily. He picked up a book from his nightstand and opened it, pointedly not looking at Dick anymore. “Just leave me alone.”
“Will you eat first?” Dick asked. “If you just eat, I’ll go. I promise.”
With a loud sigh, Tim snapped his book shut. He picked up the salad Dick brought and shoveled down mouthfuls, all while glaring at Dick. Once the bowl was empty he set it back down and spread his hands, waiting.
Dick didn’t leave.
He wasn’t going to abandon Tim.
Dick stood up and Tim relaxed for just a moment before he realized Dick was walking toward Tim’s bed instead of the door. Slowly, like he was approaching a wild animal, Dick crept forward. He chose to sit on the foot of the bed, still far enough away from Tim to give him personal space.
“Out. Now. You promised.”
Dick ran his fingers through his hair. “I know, but-”
“What do you want from me?” Tim almost yelled the words. “Do you want me to just say I don’t believe Bruce is alive? Will you finally leave me alone, then?”
“Can you say it under a truth serum?”
Tim went quiet, grinding his jaw.
“I want you to get better,” Dick sighed.
“What happens when I get better, then?” Tim challenged. He moved to sit cross-legged on the bed. So close to Dick that Dick could reach out and touch him, but emotionally, they were miles apart and it hurt Dick’s chest. “You ‘fix me’-” he put finger quotes around the words- “to your liking, then set me free?”
“Don’t talk about yourself like you’re an animal.” Dick frowned, fist clenching at the idea Tim thought of himself that way.
Tim just stared at him. “Then don’t treat me like one.” He raised a hand and tapped the collar.
It looked like it had new scratch marks on it.
“That’s not what I’m doing,” Dick said. He tried to find the words. It was so hard to explain it when Tim wasn’t listening to him. He wasn’t even given a chance. Dick tried to reach out. For once, Tim didn’t pull away. He was completely rigid under Dick’s touch, though. His hand rested on Tim’s arm, thumb stroking back and forth. “You know I’m doing this because… because I’m worried about you. And I care, Tim.”
“No you don’t,” Tim leaned away from Dick, but didn’t pull his arm free. “Whatever version of me exists in your head-”
“-isn’t real,” Tim ignored him and kept going. “You won’t even listen to my theory-”
“Tim!” Dick tightened his grip, ignoring the small wince of pain that came out of Tim. “I’m not entertaining that kind of talk.” He tried to be firm but loving with his tone. But even Dick could hear the anger and frustration that was bleeding off of him. “This is practically self harm.”
“I know I’m right,” Tim mumbled. He wouldn’t look at Dick. “Will you just leave, now?”
Against his better judgment, Dick stood up. He had to patrol soon. “I’m sorry. We’ll talk after-”
“I’m going to sleep,” Tim snapped. “No, we won’t.”
Dick tried to throw his hands up in frustration, but he was still holding onto Tim’s arm.
He didn’t want to let go.
He knew Tim was waiting for him to let go, but Dick couldn’t force his fingers to release. He just stared for a moment, breathing hard.
Dick was doing this out of love.
And now, he loved Tim too much to want to let go of him.
Did he have to patrol tonight? He was pretty sure the Birds of Prey were in Gotham.
“Dick,” Tim said carefully, starting to scoot away from him. The apprehension in his voice was unsteady, eyes narrowed. He was always too on edge. “I’m tired. Just go on patrol.”
Instead of letting go, Dick lifted his other hand and held Tim’s face. Tim flinched but stopped inching away. He was completely still, barely even breathing.
He looked afraid of Dick.
Dick’s chest clenched. He wished he could get Tim to understand. Dick leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Tim’s forehead.
He wanted to kiss somewhere else, somewhere a few inches lower and just as unobtainable. That was a feeling Dick buried deep, deep inside of him.
It wasn’t why he was doing this.
A hand pressed against Dick’s chest. Trying to push Dick away, but for just a moment, the pressure and warmth almost made Dick shudder. Tim hadn’t properly trained in a while.
He wasn’t actually strong enough to push Dick off of him. If Dick wanted to, Tim couldn’t have stopped him.
But their relationship was already fractured. It would take a long time of repairing and letting Tim heal before Dick could even try pursuing those feelings.
Tim had once had a childhood crush on Dick, though. So he was pretty sure they could work their way up to it, be something more.
Dick pulled away. He let go of Tim’s arm and allowed himself one stroke of Tim’s hair. It was getting a little long, brushing against Tim’s shoulders.
The entire time, Tim remained perfectly still. But his eyes got wider and wider, the way they always did when he had just figured out a case.
Dick was getting too close. He needed to pull back.
“You still have the spare comm link?” Dick asked.
Tim didn’t answer. He just kept staring with those wide, searching eyes. He looked a little pale. Dick should get him some iron supplements, Tim becoming anemic is the last thing Dick wanted.
“Use it if you need me for anything,” Dick continued. He gave Tim what he hoped was a calming smile. “Get some sleep, Tim. I love you.”
He turned and walked out of Tim’s room. Slowed to crawl at a snail’s pace, hoping for an answer from Tim. He would take any kind of answer.
But Tim kept silent, even as Dick took his time intentionally, slowly closing the door. Dick just sighed, turning down the hall to head down to the Batcave.
Someday, he’d get through to Tim. Dick would find a way.
Someday soon.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
spoken across stars
summary: voicelines some characters would have in sagau! takes place pre-isekai, post inazuma archon quest. includes kaeya, thoma, and diluc.
word count: ~700
-> warnings: sagau things, potentially ooc candace(?)
-> gn reader (you/yours) + unspecified traveller (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay
< masterlist > || kazuha, wanderer >
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about us: the traveller
i must say, i was rather surprised that the traveller was the first one chosen to be a vessel — at first i had assumed it was merely because of their status as an outlander, but now…. well, last i checked, i was from teyvat.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes i wonder why vessels are even utilized at all, in truth. i mean, what use does the divine have for a mortal man? i understand it’s not my place to question it, but… *sigh*
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
thank you. truly, thank you. i’m not sure words could describe everything i feel, but… perhaps a night at the altar would suffice? please, just say the word. i will be there. for you.
about us: the traveller
the traveller? … they’ve done a lot of good for inazuma, that’s for sure, along with the other nations. i’m a bit intrigued about the teapot they always carry around, but milady says it’s some kind of important artifact… either way, i’m certainly curious!
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes it hits me just how lucky i was to make it to inazuma after the storm, and how easily i could have died at sea, never to be seen again… whenever that happens, i find its best not to think about it. i was blessed by the creator, and thinking over why i received it won’t get me anywhere.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
while i’m not sure what use my housekeeping skills would be to you, i place every other talent i have at your disposal. whether my sword or my shield, or even just to be somebody to talk to, i would happily accept any task you give me. it would be an honor to serve you.
about us: the traveller
i have little to say about the traveller that hasn’t already been said. while at first i may have thought their kindness was only wrought from the hands of a god… i can see now that i was wrong, and that is what truly matters.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
when the winds blow hard around the winery and rain pelts the windows… it’s easy to forget everything good in the world. it’s easy to slip into a mindset of helplessness, when even going outside feels forbidden by nature… nonetheless, it’s important to recognize the fault in that belief. rain nourishes the earth, and wind drives windmills. even i have to remind myself of this fact on occasion.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
it would be a lie to say that i don’t hold any influence over mondstat, but it wouldn’t be to say that you take priority over any project i have my hands on. whether it’s in the middle of the weinlesefest, or the peak of the summer season, please never hesitate to come to me for anything. you gave me everything i have, and i’d be a fool not to try and return the offer in whatever way i can.
about the creator: diligence
the creator? o-of course i follow them! what gave you the impression that i didn’t? oh, am i not doing enough? i always dust the shrine at the knights’ headquarters, i say my prayers before bedtime and every meal, i never miss a service at the cathedral… tell me, what am i missing? the last thing i want is to fail at my most important task—… of course it’s most important! being a maid comes secondary to the divine, as everything else does.
about the creator: deserted
it’s easy to think that the desert is neglected by the divine, but i believe the opposite is true. were we truly abandoned, we wouldn’t have the oases, nor the henna berries, nor anything else that brought life forth and helped it thrive. if you ask me, the belief that the desert was forgotten about is what drove the akademiya to such extremes… *sigh* it’s such a pity.
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suntoru · 2 years
prompts : 1,2,16,27,35,37
anything you pick idc
love you and happy holidays 🎄🎄🤍
might ask again for sero, kirishima and bakugou 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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a/n: hi, thank u for making a request 💗💗 a lil late but happy holidays n i love u too!! ♡
warnings: fluff, a bit of swearing, ooc denki
back to prompt list
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shopping with denki was never an easy task. as much as you loved the sparky blonde, he would constantly get distracted by the most trivial things. whether it was the latest hero action figure, or cotton candy shaped like flowers, his short attention span often veered the course of your trips to the mall.
he’d run off somewhere, leaving you alone, wondering where he went, and when you found him again, he’s lost interest in what he was holding. whenever this happened, he’d act like YOU were the one lost and he was the one trying to find you. you learned that if you just held his hand tightly and just followed his flow, he’d stick to you and drag you along with him.
this time, however, you ran off by yourself. the sale at your favourite clothing brand had caused a massive lineup, and you practically bolted across the mall just to get there. thankfully, you had made it there just before the rush, but you were still behind at least 70 people. forgetting about all other things, you anxiously tapped your foot and kept poking your head out of the line to see if the line was moving any faster.
“c’mon… hurry up please…” you whined impatiently. god, or whoever’s up there, please let there still be clothes in my size… as the minutes turned into hours, you slowly started losing both excitement and patience. it was getting dark, and you didn’t know what time you’d be back. you were so close to giving up; the only thing that kept you going was the fact that there was only two people you were behind.
your stomach growled loudly, you haven’t eaten since you left in the morning… whatever. after this, you could buy something from the mall and sleep for hours. suddenly, a loud voice pierces through your ears. “hello, we’re here to report a missing person. y/n l/n, if you are still in the mall, come to the front desk. denki kaminari is there waiting for you.”
oh. fucking hell, you left denki back there. shit, shit, shit. you try calling him on your phone, but it’s dead. you’re so close… c’mon, just a couple more minutes… but he thinks you’re missing… goddammit, you think, ditching the line to rush to the entrance.
as you get closer, you see a familiar head of bright blonde hair. he’s biting his lip, pacing back and forth, traces of stray tears decorating his cheeks. approaching him, you instantly flick his forehead. instantly his massages his forehead and opens his eyes. “y-y/n! i thought you were dead!” he cries, wrapping his arms around your torso. “denks, what the fuck!” you whine. “i was so close to getting into the storeee…” “m sorry.” he mumbles into your shoulder.
sighing dramatically, a genius idea pops into your very big brain. you’re going to make him dance. he never wants to do it, and this is a golden opportunity! “you gotta make it up to me.” you pout. “alright fine, what do you want?” he asks. you think about it for a minute before grinning devilishly. “you gotta make a tiktok with me.” “right now?” “yeah, let’s go outside, it’s snowing!” “i don’t think-”
tugging his hand, you drag him outside and start to film your video. it’s… a lot colder than you thought it would be. it’s alright though, you have a super strong immune system! and kaminari never wants to be dancing in your videos… so you’ll be fine for a couple more minutes!
the next day, however, you regret it all. sneezing and coughing miserably, you look out the window. in hindsight, you knew it was a bad idea, but now, you get all the affection from your boyfriend. “i told you dancing in the snow for a tiktok wasn’t a good idea.” he huffs, walking in with a bowl of soup. he’s clearly annoyed that you got sick, but that doesn’t stop you from teasing him.
“i know, but now i have this super cute video of us!” you smile weakly. “you better not post that.” he puts up the tough facade, but you can see his smile from a mile away. “whatever you say.” giggling, you wrap your arms around your boyfriend. “you better take care of me when i get sick too.”
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max-jagerman-asks · 9 months
someone told me you were in soup?
what was that about?
(Ooc: The soup story: Max’s pov)
The soup.
The day started like any other. Then the asks came in. They were calling me things I had never even heard of like skrimblo, Silliest little eeby deeby gooby wooby, blorbo, baby girl, poor little meow meow, number one sopping wet cat, etc.
Then someone threatened to put me in soup. That’s when it really started. Oh the horrors. I told them no, that over my dead body they were going to get me into that soup. Little did I know.
There were so many. I couldn’t fight them all so I got into the soup.
It was chill at first, then they wanted to add things. They tried getting Pete in but he escaped. I wish I was that lucky but I wasn’t.
They started innocent enough. They made jokes about Dirty boy soup. Me and other me added alcohol. Some veggies, some meat. Then. Than the chernobyl elephant’s foot. It was all so innocent till then. Part of me believes that maybe the radiation did get to me.
It was a bird next, then dog meat, some more normal things, then the homeless man’s tears, The Ooze, a small child, finally it seemed like it was going back to normal with actual foods and spices, even more broth. Than the flesh. Human flesh.
Finally someone cleaned it out and had just a beef and potato stew. I thought maybe I was safe…. There was so much. So much vanilla extract, I’m talking over 8 gallons of it. More flesh, fucking pure potassium, salt too much salt, cyanide, meth. Then.
The lobster, just one at first looking for a place, but it invited its friends and I became their god. Peter griffin was in the soup at some point, he went to soup school and got a soup degree in radiation. Peter cured the radiation in the soup. Tim was put in, my dad was put in, so many lobsters. There was more flesh and meth, 8 tons of meth, more things kept being added. The spicy anon who kept adding spicy shit had a whole arc they went through. There was a fire, me and Tim escaped. Now they want to put me in a salad.
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wraitingtoyou · 2 years
Call it cold I call it connection
Kaveh x gn!reader
Modern au | college au
When taking care of bf when he's sick and overworking himself resulted in him getting but you get sick instead :D
May be ooc sry!
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Walking back from the museum after both you and Kaveh were done with their assignments.
"ACHOO!" you sneezed and pulled back your snot. "Ewww will you look at that my baby's disgustinggg" You playfully pushed your boyfriend at his joke. "Says the one who I got this from" He laughed and pulled your one hand to put it in his pocket "Hey hey now I warned you I was sick!" You shot him a glare "Yeah so you should've known better to take care of that! If Haitham didn't tell me and I didn't take care of you, you would've been in hospital right now"
He raised an eyebrow "ehh... Alhaitham that snitch...and since when did you start listening to him" you pinched his palm that was in his pocket "All the bad news he gives me is always true anyway" Kaveh winced in pain "ow ow ow- sorry sorryyyyy" you rolled your eyes.
He playfully nudged you with his elbow on your arm "hey hey but can't blame me though the deadline was nearrr"
"so was mine!"
He let out a yawn and back hugged you "Heyyy but it's not that bad you know, you caught MY cold heh" he smirked
You turned your face to look at him "Not something to be proud of idiot" he hugged you even tighter "Heyyy it's romantic y'know, how do they say it in those dramas again?" He fake coughed "Don't come near I don't want you to catch my cold" he then melts in your back hug "And what does the girl say? Mm no! I don't mind if it's your cold....then the guy says no this won't d-" before he could blabber any more nonsense you softly slapped his face away from your neck
"Eww don't say those lines again we're getting late let's go" You two started walking and a withered leaf fell on top of your head, he picked it up and played with it using it as a fan. "Heyyy sorryyyyy don't be mad mmk? It just means it's my turn to take care of you!"
You smirked "uh huh and what exactly will Mr Kaveh do?" He hummed in thought "Hmm maybe make you soup? Cuddles? Remind you to take medicine?" It was the basic stuff but you were a sucker for spending time with eachother.
You nodded "Well I demand corn soup then" He gasped "Oh my goodness do you mean those packet ones you get?" You raised an eyebrow "And?" He gasped even louder "You're sick you can't eat packet stuff! You're such a no lifer N/n I can't believe you" he teased. "We're college students it's natural!"
He started to walk faster "I'll make it don't worry when Alhaithams gone to shit I be cooking like a 5 star-" you both continued "Michelin" and broke into laughter.
"I'll bring extra blankets" he smiled, you smiled back "No hoarding my plushies to yourself this time" "Heyyy they're my kids too now" you scoffed "Kids?" He gave you a susoi expression "ohh? Curious? Want one?" You punched his arm "ow-" "We're in public for god's sake Kaveh!" You bowed your head to hide your face in your muffler.
He grinned "Look at us, call it cold but I call it connectionnn" you rolled your eyes "Mhm maybe tone down your kdrama time"
He raised a finger "I say we watch Happiness while we" he winks "you know" You broke into a smile ah this fcker "Okayyyy" he held your hand that was still in his pocket tighter.
Maybe it wasn't so bad...you guess.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
god the way everyone hates ed tucker is understandable but also just proof of how effective the copaganda is 🥴
I have a lot of thoughts about Tucker tbh. Like yes absolutely the fact that he is a villain is copaganda at work ("how could she like him he threw her in jail" he had her DNA at the crime scene and a mounting pile of evidence why SHOULDN'T he have put her in jail? "Oh Elliot believed her" that's not bc it would be morally correct to do so it is bc Elliot and Olivia live inside each other's skin in a way that is not always healthy or positive and that's another post; Elliot's reasons for believing her were more supernatural than practical) bc what makes him a villain is that he is trying to hold cops accountable for bad actions, but he doesn't understand that our cops are allowed to operate outside the law and that. That is what copaganda is. Our cops are the good guys it's not a big deal when they violate people's civil rights bc those pesky laws just get in the way.
I think a lot of people's hatred of him has more to do with the way they engage with the text. It's either people who didn't watch 2.0 and so did not see the scenes that humanized him and can't fathom a jump from hating him to liking him, or it's people who still hold a grudge against him for doing the job. Even after Olivia explains that she understands his position better now, that it's different when you're the one left holding the bag, that as a boss she can't condone the same reckless behavior she enacted, even after we see him be kind to her, take care of her, make her feel comfortable and safe, even tho "blue eyed Irish asshole with a short temper, a smart mouth, and a good heart" is literally exactly Olivia's type, 1.0 said he was a bad guy and some people are just. Never gonna see him differently. There has to be a willingness to accept the humanity of the villain, to acknowledge that a conflict can have multiple perspectives and that the right side and the wrong side might both have arrived at their conclusions for "good" reasons, in order to like Tucker. I get the feeling there aren't a lot of enemies to lovers fans in this particular fandom soup.
The Tucker journey isn't confusing or ooc, imo. It is deeply human. It is about Olivia seeing the humanity in a man she hated - even as Tucker discovers the humanity in her one day I will write a whole post about post mortem blues - it is about her willingness to believe maybe there is more to him than she previously saw, and when she is willing to look she finds a man who gently and without judgement pulls her back from drinking too much and takes her to Paris like she always dreamed about. She finds out that Ed worked the 9/11 cleanup and carries emotional scars from it in addition to the physical damage it did to him, she finds out that Ed is sweet with her son, she finds out that he understands her. And maybe always did.
The humanization of Ed Tucker makes those 1.0 scenes even more compelling, imo, bc you can almost see his begrudging respect for her, that he enjoys sparring with her. And Liv wants a man she can fight with.
I've gotten off track but yes. Tucker being a villain in 1.0 is copaganda in action, and I love his 2.0 arc so much, and I will always defend Tuckson lmao
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gnzma · 2 years
6, 7, and 8 !!
also 21 and 22
[ gio spills the tea ; ACCEPTING ]
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6. dash commentary ; also asked by @battlesfought
[ another dashcomm thing, if i see the height discourse again i think i will blow up fr
also i'm so glad we moved past the soup discourse. i know i'm treating with the devil over here by bringing it up but im SO glad ]
7. excessive ooc
[ okay, i think i have to make a distinction here. like for me "excessive ooc", as in writing ooc posts? that's more than fine, we all need to write things down, vent, or even just write a lot of updates or talking about stuff we enjoy!!
my big problem with excessive ooc comes when someone uses their rp blog exactly as a personal. like of course anyone can use their blogs as they please, but i remember years ago i ended up unfollowing a good friend (we're still friends now btw!!) because they really kept reblogging shitposts, memes and IRL news and posted, like. one thread every 10 posts that have nothing to do with their muse ]
8. DNIs in rules
[ eeeeeeeeh okay uh let's say i have my beef with this because. other than the usual "hey don't interact if you follow idk aku or smth", most of the times i had to deal with DNIs were from people who were like. Really Not Good? at all?
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like im talking transphobes starting obviously fake shit with my friend group because we called em out for that transphobia, or people who ended up being much worse than the people in their DNIs. of course, if it helps someone feel safer, i see no problem with that!! i just wish said rule had a link to. idk proper sources or something, because all i can think of is "hey remember that one terf who tried to say we were sexist for not shipping with them?" ]
21. violent threads
[ GRABS i love violent threads so much i love blood and gore and. wheres that one tiktok where that guy goes YESSS WE'RE DRAWINGGG TWO MEN AND THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL EACHOTHER AND THE WRATH OF GOD AND THE WIND ARE MAKING THEM BLEED??? bc thats me fr ]
22. your current RPC; also asked by @battlesfought
[ WELL i talked about the pokemon RPC time to be. both positive and negative, i guess? about the SCP one!!!
because the few people who rp para are incredible. we're like, seven, eight at best? and they're hilarious we can manage to go from shenanigans to horror to angst to. fucking. mass panic at a containment breach and even if none of us is super active it's always a delight to see one pop up and quickly followed by literally everyone else
on the other. it unfortunately suffers of the "famous internet fandom" RPC disease where a lot of people play... i wouldn't say "badly", that's rude, but in a way i can't vibe with at all. most of the RP blog are actually IC blog that occasionally (which means. 20% of the time) end up having in character dialogues that fill the dash and 0 respect for rules and general RP etiquette like reblogging from source and whatnot, and once again since i'm here playing the arguably "fandom favorite" researcher i'm!already!!so tired of the people who come to me expecting to immediately play their husband!!!
so idk. i'll be in my corner with my cLiQuE being silly and cry because i just want a 076 to bully is it too much to ASK ]
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amazoniangrip · 6 months
💋 all of em :3
OOC: Since I have no idea whether or not you meant All Of Them in terms of characters or the subjects presented... Guess I'll do all of them in both categories.
💋: This iteration of Vriska isn't too experienced in kissing, her strength is what provides the deepness and power to her smooches, but she has no advanced methods.
💄: Makeup... she rarely wears it and barely has a clue on how to apply anything save for lipstick.
👾: This Vriska is definitely a gamer, though her choice of game is mostly ones with much melee or hand to hand violence, she's quite good at Mortal Kombat 10
🎵: She's got a fair singing voice but it really only shows in the shower.
💃: Asking her to dance would be like asking a cow to do the twist. She's got dexterity but can't dance to save her life.
🎹: She doesn't practice with it much but she does have an acoustic guitar, she has to be very careful with it though, due to her great strength. She can play simple tunes with it, but nothing very fast or complex.
🌷: In spite of having taken care of spidermom for a long time before coming to this version of earth, she's terrible with taking care of living things beyond feeding them. any pet or plant would be horrifically bored living under her care.
🌲: Surviving... yeah she's got a stomach tuned for savage survival. Any earthly critter would be a quick meal for her, as for making shelter she would do so quickly, as Kanaya has taught her a fair bit about plantlife and natural fibers, when one can use as a needle, and how to make a tent from just large leaves and grass.
👊: Are you kidding? There is little that could stand up to her. She holds back often just because she wants relationships. She's an excellent fighter from her flarping days as well as the body she now has.
😇: Rules... she only really follows rules when it's convenient for her to do so, otherwise she disregards them at her leisure, rules to her are more suggestions than anything else.
🍳: She's a rather experienced cook. she spent many years on her own and with little to make things interesting and a rather ravenous belly, she cultivated a refined chefly skill, her skill includes soups, stews, stir fries, entrees of seasoned and well marinated meats, veggies and on occasion, various dishes of fish.
🍼: Do not give her your children. Sure she'll keep them safe but they absolutely will learn tax fraud and how to be e-girls.
🎁: As she has more money than she knows what to do with, All she really needs to do is listen to her pals and get them what they talk about, so she's sort of good at gift giving.
🎉: Her idea of a party is a tournament fight to near death and a cuddle pile afterwards. So you decide if that's good.
💌: She is great at the flirting and honeymoon aspect, but as soon as she has someone, she goes blank and wonders what the hell to do.
🎨: Chibi shitscribbles are the extent of her artistic prowess
🍀: Do you even need to ask? She has AAAAAAAALL the luck.
⚽: Aside from fencing and wrestling, she doesn't have experience in sports, and she isn't actually that good at what she does know, her strength just lets her win.
🏊: She can float very well due to... certain aspects of her body, but she isn't very good at swimming.
🚗: She's a fair driver, she doesn't crash but can't maintain control under high speeds.
🔮: She never went god tier but some residual magicks of her fated class remain, she's inordinately lucky and can float if she tries hard enough.
🔎: She has a good eye for detail, though tends to miss things if she's too determined to get something done.
🔫: She does own a large caliber pistol but that's mostly for intimidation, however, her naturally fucking epic eyesight and muscle control make her a rather accurate markswoman.
💣: She has no fucking clue how to use explosives.
🔪: She is excellent with melee weapons, specifically Cutlass swords and curved blades in general.
🔬: Having canonically made several doomsday devices and made them specifically to fail, she's heavily technologically inclined, though out of practice. as for science in biological areas... she isn't very well versed.
🚿: She keeps herself very tidy and is a bit of a neat freak, especially because her roommates often make messes.
💰: Due to her luck powers and a rather well put together brain, she's gamed the local stock market and made successful business ventures, she has all the money she could ever need and more.
🌍: She doesn't have all that much knowledge of the earth she's currently living on, but she does know she lives in the green fields outside of a large city.
👻: She has really no connection with the paranormal. And never wants to.
📚: She's an excellent reader and has a private stash of books, they are mostly fiction and books on money.
🔧: She's been fixing her ship since the moment she landed on earth, and knows every inch of it, she also fixes cars on the side for the fun of working on primitive tech.
⌛: She's often late to gatherings and appointments but no one has called her out on it yet because she's fuckin huge.
📥: She's got everything in her room organized because she resents to mess her roommates make, that goes for every room in her ship, especially the kitchen.
🍺: She could walk into a bar, drink everything they have, and only have a small hangover the next day. She used to have a severe drinking problem and her alcohol tolerance is extremely high.
🚴: If she could find a bike that can hold her she might be able to ride one.
🎭: She's dramatic to be sure, her childhood spent roleplaying though actually helped her hone her theatric skill, as long as she's interested in a role she could do at least a decent portrayal.
⚓: How fucking dare you question her sailing skill? She's literally the captain of a (space)ship and you will respect her post! In all honesty, if on an actually ship on the water she'd learn it fairly quickly.
➗: She's the kind of woman who, while wearing a bathrobe, just got out of bed and hasn't gotten her coffee yet, would see you struggling with a math problem, steal your pen, and solve it in an instant. She's got mad math knowledge not for days but YEARS.
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essentialsugar · 2 years
Riddle, Trey, and Cater's Reaction to Their GN!S/O's Taste Test Prank
Summary: S/O making a 'new recipe' prank on the Heartslabyul boys and see what their reaction is.
The prank went wrong.
+ . _ . + . _ . + . _ . +
AN ) This will be my first time writing. Uh, let's see how this goes because I'm not really confident with my writing skills sobs. Compared to one of my friends, I am somewhat okay?.. Hopefully. Anyways, doing this at 1 am on a school day and I'm not happy but at the same time, WHOOOO!
Characters : Riddle Rosehearts , Trey Clover , Cater Diamond
Warning: Grammar mistakes (I think..), 2nd reader pov (you/you're/your), somewhat ooc?..
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Riddle Rosehearts :
Now, don't get him wrong. He loves you with all of his heart and his dignity, and he doesn't want to lie to you. But, just to make you happy he does. And even though he does try to lie, you could see it on his face that he does NOT like the taste (poor Riddle).
He gladly accepted it when you first asked him if you could make him something to eat and rate it. Of course, he would say yes because he wanted to spend some quality time with you so that he could make up all the days he's been busy.
Plus, he's pretty confident that your 'new recipe' would taste amazing! You're a really good cook in the Heartslabyul dorm, and everyone seems to like your cooking skills and the food you make.
Riddle would be happy and honored because he gets to taste your cooking! But, oh boy, the look on his face when he saw the. . . soup? (is that even soup..? What is that..) was expected but it was something.
His reaction is quite priceless. As he takes one bite of your very, very good and amazing soup(?) you've made just for him, he looks at you and smiles through the disgusting taste and tries to eat it. You feel so bad for him because you can clearly see the singular teardrop rolling down his face as he (struggles) tries to eat all of it.
It seems like Riddle is currently in pain.
Watching him struggle to eat your 'amazingly' new recipe(?) was something that surprised you. You'd never thought the dorm leader of Heartslabyul would actually taste your outrageous food. Of course, you can make something way better than what you just gave him, but you just wanted to see his reaction. And you got his reaction, it was funny at first but now you just feel outright bad.
Getting out of your trance of thought, you looked at Riddle finishing your soup(?)...FINISHING YOUR SOUP(?)??
"RIDDLE DEAR-" you cut yourself off as you looked at him with wide eyes. You were lost for words. Out of the many people you've done this to, he was the first one actually eating all of it. You were quite skeptical about it because there's no way someone could eat whatever you made. You don't even know what you made either which is the funny part.
Hearing a loud crashing noise, You turn to see Riddle's unconscious body on the floor.
In the end, Riddle got sick and you had to be there by his side and take care of him.
EXTRA !! :
Slowly opening the door to the room, you held a bowl of lemon chicken soup with some herbal tea and medicines and slowly bee-lined towards his bed and set everything down on his nightstand. Turning to look at Riddle's face that was peacefully sleeping, you smiled softly. Mentally saying sorry of course, then finally leaving the room with the fresh hot lemon chicken soup and steamed hot tea just for your beloved queen.
+ . _ . + . _ . + . _ . +
Trey Clover :
When you asked Trey if you could cook him something for a surprise, he was already in the dormitory kitchen baking away for the next Unbirthday party which is tomorrow. Pretty busy too. But no worries, he'll give your cooking a try right after he's done baking the pastries and the other sweets.
When he was finally done with everything, Trey went to go immediately find you to ask about the little 'surprise' you were going to give him.
He was actually excited because he knows how you cook. It was always amazing. Even the students of the Heartslabyul Dorm liked it too.
Upon seeing you, he could've sworn he smelled something..awful. Though, he decided to ignore it and walked straight towards you. And the second he kept walking, the smell was getting worst.
Trey was worried if you did something (totally not murder), and it seemed like you did.
Excitedly scrambling off the chair you were sitting on, you held out a suspicious substance inside a bowl in front of him, waiting for his response.
He couldn't even speak. What did you even make and what was this? This is way worse than Lilia's cooking. And even though you could see the clear hesitation on his face, he worriedly looked at you with a small smile that says "are you sure you made this?". But he took the bowl of the suspicious substance out of your hands and looked at it thoroughly before taking a small sip out of it.
"S/O, are you sure you're the one that made..this?" there was a bit of hesitation in Trey's voice as he asked you this.
"Of course I did! I thought you liked my cooking? This is one of the new recipes that I wanted to try out, so I decided to have you test taste it first!"
This convinced Trey that you wanted to poison him out of spite. But, he was willing to try it just for your sake and happiness. Most of all, your happiness does come first in his eyes. Well, along with your safety.
But seriously, Trey was questioning himself while looking at this weirdly suspicious thing that was in front of him. There was a thought that came to his mind that you went to Lilia for a new recipe, but he quickly crossed that out. You were one of the best cooks in NRC, so it wouldn't make sense to him why were you even asking Lilia for help amongst the students that CAN cook.
As Trey was in space, you chuckled and continued to look at him and admire his face and his reaction before it was over. "Ya' know, you don't have to eat it if you want to. I don't take any offense to it." Trey looked at you for a moment then back at the soup(?) and sighs greatly. Currently praying for his mental (and physical) health, he took a bite out of it.
Your eyes widened up as you saw him gulp down the suspicious soup you gave him. You didn't even think that he would eat it anyways but it seems like you were wrong about that.
He ended up in the nurse's office right after. Pray for him.
+ . _ . + . _ . + . _ . +
Cater Diamond :
Omg, you want him to do a taste test?? And you're asking him?? HE NEEDS TO TAKE A PICTURE NOW-
When you first came up to him asking if you could have him do a taste test for your 'new recipe' that you just made, Cater gladly accepted the request. Who doesn't like your cooking? You were practically the chief of Heartslabyul! All of the students love your cooking.
"Don't put anything sweet in it please, you know how much I dislike sweets hehe~"
He'd actually be really happy and excited. And I bet that he's going to post it on Magicam like, 'Look what my S/O made for me!' just basically showing you off. But little does Cater know that you're planning to prank him with something that's not even edible (uh oh).
When Cater saw you that day, heading towards the Heartslabyul Dorm, he called you over to walk with him. Seeing that the soup you made is covered with a lid to conceal the stuff in it, he got really confused but he was excited nonetheless.
Finally getting to the dorm, Cater hurridly rushed you inside just so he can finally taste test your 'new recipe'. But once he open the lid, his eye twitched for a bit.
"S/O, you. . .you didn't make this right?" there was sweat dripping down Cater's face as he looked at the gooey substance with uneasy eyes, but he had a smile that was uncertain. "What do you mean Cater? Of course, I made that. It's my new recipe I told you about!" you said happily as if you're not trying to kill him right now.
Ahh . . . does he really have to try this? This was NOT magicamable S/O! Cater's hand was sweating as he picked up the spoon next to the bowl that had the substance in it. Before Cater could take one taste of the . . . thing . . . he looked at you.
You were practically beaming, having a closed eyed-smile as you expected him to taste it. But before you could've said anything, a sigh came out of Cater as he finally took a sip of it. You chuckled as you slowly opened your eyes.
"I'm just kidding Cater! You didn't have to- CATER!"
I would be certained that he fell uncousious because of the smell that was basically radioactive, but it wasn't, it was the taste. You were sweating bullets as you called someone for help. Not Riddle, of course, he's gonna be scary if you told him what happened.
Yeah, take good care of CayCay okay? He's gonna need it.
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