#(only kinda)
monteruu · 2 months
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they are goobers and lame heads
[image id: various digital illustrations of john egbert and dave strider from homestuck. top left john is wearing a tool band t-shirt and gray sweatpants while holding dave with one arm and looks aloof. dave is wearing a shirt that says "he who does not lick the clit does not get to hit" with dark jeans and white shoes and is holding onto john. next to this we see dave wearing a nicolas cage shirt leaning over john while pointing and yapping while john is wearing dave's godtier hoodie and thinking "kys". on the far right is dave without a shirt on with a noticeable farmer's tan and red boxers and john is the back shielding his eyes and saying "dude you're hurting my eyes!". below this are simple doodles of young dave holding his broken sword above his head with a grimace and john with his arms spread and a smile. both of their clothes are too big. the background is an orange and red gradient. end image id.]
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samglyph · 4 months
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I don’t even know anymore man. Big John manifestation be upon ye.
Tip Jar
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smuby · 3 months
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art dump. again. for the uh, 5th time I think
(goku design by @//sporrkks)
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soapbubbles511 · 7 months
A big part of the problem is not one studio has figured out how to make streaming a profitable business model. None of them. And they're all starting to realize this (especially post-strike).
Netflix is the only one who's kind of managing because they were the first and got a lot of subscribers early. But they also keep raising prices and cutting content and opting for cheaper content because they don't have a long term profitable business model.
They all threw tons of money at original content early on to build up subscribers. But then they realized infinite subscriber growth is not a thing. And the more streaming services there are, the fewer people will subscribe to any individual one. So they're cancelling things, deleting them altogether.
As much as I wanted someone to adopt our pirates, I'm not really surprised. They're all losing money. None of them know how to make streaming work. Pretty much everything has merged into a handful of massive conglomerates. And until something changes we're going to get a whole lot of hot garbage.
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Ferris Wheel 🎡
Summary: You and Loki spend a day at the local fair. You finish the experience with a ride on the ferris wheel
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word count: 565
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff
Author's note: I found this little piece hidden away in my writing challenge folder. It was meant for a challenge hosted in Feburary, but it seems after finishing it within the set time, I just forgot about it and never posted it?
Don't ask me, man, my brain is weird. Just enjoy the bit of fluffy, innocent sweetness.
You impatiently shift in your seat, the gondola you're sitting in creaking and swinging with your movements as you wait for it to reach the highest point of the ferris wheel.
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Loki sits opposite from you, his long legs crossed as he watches you fidget about excitedly. He seems unimpressed, but you know him and his games of pretend.
“There we go,” you exclaim and get up from your seat, climbing onto it knees first to lean against the glass and stare outside.
The gondola jolts to a stop, giving the two of you a few moments to take in the sight laid out before you.
“I can't remember the last time I've been on a ferris wheel,” you sigh happily. “It's definitely been too long.”
Loki hums and uncrosses his legs. He moves from his spot on the worn bench opposite you and glances past you at the lit up stalls below selling all kinds of sweets and savoury snacks to the eager fair visitors bustling about.
The lights twinkle in the dark, colourful bulbs and flashing decorations giving way to the warm lights of the city shining beyond the fair.
“It's probably boring compared to your home place, what with all the grand architecture and stuff like that,” you note with a slight shrug.
Loki hums again, his body shifting behind you until his front is just slightly brushing your back.
You see his pale face in the reflection of the stained glass, his eyes sweeping over the landscape below before settling on you.
“Asgard was grand, yes. And while earth is a little more... quaint than the grand halls of the golden city, it is true. It's raw and rough, but-” he hesitates, gaze flickering down to the fairgoers and back to you.
“You're here. You like it here, you want to show me things you enjoy. And I do not care if you think I might find them dull, because I would never disregard something that brings you joy.”
The gondola jolts once more as it begins its descent and you turn in your seat, still balancing on it on your knees.
“That is very sweet of you to say,” you say with a shy smile, hands reaching out to place them on his shoulders for balance.
Loki returns your smile and cups your face with a cool hand, fingertips skating along your jawline.
“Sweet, just as you are,” he returns and leans in to peck your lips.
One last jolt announces the final stop of your gondola and on cue, the old door of the gondola creaks open and lets in a cold gust of wind.
The straight-faced operator waits impatiently by the door, gesturing for the two of you to get out.
“We will remain for one more ride, yes?” Loki asks, no, tells the lanky man, and to your surprise, no words of protest are uttered. The operator merely closes the door again and turns away to wait for the next little capsule to arrive.
“What-” you begin to ask, but Loki silences you with a finger to your lips.
“I have my ways,” he says with a wink and then grabs your shoulders to turn you back around in your seat so you can watch the landscape during your ascent. “Let's enjoy this moment while it lasts.”
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losrgeek · 5 months
My friends and I went to the mall and wanted me to draw Leon in this silly shirt so I shall.
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misty-missdee · 7 months
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Rainy daaay~
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Strange Rabbits, Round 3! Choose your favorite :D
Check out my Patreon here!
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wevtheengines · 4 months
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the triforce of pikmin
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I have no idea how I’m meant to listen to the Malevolent episode tonight while I’m still processing hearing HIM happy in tmagp
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glitch-after-dark · 5 months
Mer formers drift ratchet & rodimus mer types? Their courting gestures?
I hinted at it a bit, but I do have ideas for them. It was fun to consider.
Drift is definitely a highly predatory species with those kinds of instincts. I am picturing a mouth of fangs and prominent claws as well of spines that are aharpnenough to cut. He is made more for speed and slender but significantly sturdier than Rodimus. He would be bigger except he went through starvation periods during his youth, which affected his growth rates. His species also in edition uses old shells and rocks to build armor to make them more deadly. Drift used to wear significantly more and does have a sword but has mostly reduced it to just ceremonial paints that mix in with his natural patterns. His back spines do have a paralytic in them.
His subspecies have many rougher mating rituals because they are sturdy and do ritualistic fights to attract a mate and may even wrestle their mates as well and bite to pin them during sex. They also offer fresh kill to show their skills when there aren't rivals to do displays with. Drift has learned to be careful with Ratchet and Rodimus so not to hurt them.
Ratchet is larger and fatter with actual fat storage on him, and this is due to him being based more of dolphins and orcas, hence the lactation. The proper name for his young would actually be a calf, but he defaults to pups. His subspecies have an easier time picking up on Cybertronian speech, and he mostly eats plants with things like shrimps and crabs to supplement and holds weight easily. He has plainer coloring with less dramatic pattern compared to his mates.
His subspecies actually have complex songs and dances and offer food and care when courting. He and Drift had a hard time figuring this out at first. But he has more of an idea how to make himself clear when Rodimus shows up and when they want to make it official he is a bit embarassed but does take him out to sing and dance around him. Drift incorporated some of this into his own courting of Rodimus after years of adjusting to court Ratchet.
Rodimus, meanwhile, is very much a tropical fish and veey delicate and more agile with a lot more bendable tail used for anchoring around shallows with plants and coral to rest. His skin is significantly more delicate, and he is smaller than his mates. While he isn't venomous like Drift, he is poisonous and tastes disgusting. He is the brightest of them and most fragile thought he does of sharp teeth and claws for breaking crustaceans and opening shells. He will happily eat fish as well.
Rodimus's courting is very straightforward, giving gifts of shiny things and rocks to build the nest, and when you decide who you want, you cuddle them and wrap around them or in the same area to sleep making yourself open to them. Lots of rubbing against people. He tucked himself under Ratchet and curled around Drift to get this point across. The courting started, though when he started looking for the perfect rocks for the nest, both Drift and Ratchet brought ones back for him to inspect and help build it, which was good enough for him. Especially with caretaking gestures and nwsting down with him.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Thought about that person who said we wouldn’t like Billy if he was black… so shout out to my favorite black characters who are “problematic,” “difficult to love,” and/or “bad survivors”! I love you Billie Lurke (Dishonored), I love you Leon (Mr. Robot), I love you Chiron (Moonlight), I love you Blade (Marvel), I love you Shaolin Fantastic (The Get Down), I love you Shawn and Kenny Payne (Cobra Kai), etc. I think it’s even more difficult to get the support and attention for traumatized, mentally ill black characters who don’t cope well than it is for white characters, but you won’t find me or the vast majority of Billy fans hating them when we’ve actually done the work to understand just how complex trauma can be and how coping with trauma can be messy. I’d love to see more characters of color with stories like Billy. I know that’s hard because of the possible negative stereotypes these stories could feed into, but they’re important stories nonetheless. Too many marginalized characters are expected to be models of perfect morality and virtue and that’s just not fair.
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ectoimp · 1 year
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Im gonna need to model his hair, but I cant wait to mod this into being mystery/murder mystery
Murder myster will take more work, but I really want his tails to be audio linked
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.....I havent looked into it...but I wonder if you can audio link movement.....added a head/tail bob would be fun.
Also need to make (okami) ninetails.
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wikipedie · 2 years
stop asking who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship and start asking who's jane and who's lisbon in the relationship
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The Sparkling ain't Megatron's btw, both faction leaders are just a bit dumb when it comes to the idea of protection in general. You can bet the Decepticon Leader is definitely jealous and mad at the sire. Meanwhile Optimus' baby father is fucking frozen as they made the biggest 'oops' that been committed in history.
Optimus owes Ratchet triple for this. Especially since Prime's kid might inherited the biting bots like a scraplet habit. He often uses the kid as a reason to get Optimus to take better care of himself.
Plus I think it's funnier the Autobot Leader has the kid before the events on Earth. Like no one would expect this bot to do the dumbest thing possible. Yet the proof is there, currently in a staring contest with Miko.
The Decepticons find out later via Soundwave and everyone on the Nemesis has to deal with their leader throwing a massive fit.
Knockout: Why do I have a feeling Spark-napping is about to be another objective?
Breakdown: *sees Megatron destroy a monitor* Pretty sure it's guaranteed.
I love how this implies Megs and Oppy might've had a battlefield frag
Baby daddy is exactly frozen because again, them and Optimus hadn't exactly thought that through. They need a plan but their processor is blanking out so much
Megs is jealous because as we constantly see in tfp canon he's that stalker ex who still isn't over Optimus.
We are back on the biting train! ^w^, yes. He owes Ratchet so much for this, and Ratty is gonna be so loud about this fact. Plus even though he said he's not helping Oppy out this tine, that last time he swore it'd be the last time he helps out, he's gonna help out. He's gonna be the best damn thing for that sparkling, even if he's more than a little miffed at it's creators.
Optimus having other oops! Kids out there is fucking hilarious actually, and the team will never let this upgraded dork forget about it.
Meggsie tantrum time! Yes! He's honestly making such a big deal about this because he has this whole ♡thing♡ about Optimus and attention, how dare someone draw his nemesis's optics away from the main attraction!
Ohhh Breaky, Knockout. Yes. That is on the table
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pizza-feverdream · 9 months
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Til that servos were invented for sesame Street and I now know who did it. I bet they never had to deal with them locking up on THEIR set..
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