#(new meds)
animentality · 4 months
sorry i've been so horny lately, I am just happy to be alive.
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skankhunt44 · 1 year
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daddysmusicblog · 6 days
Does anybody else feel like every day is like walking into a room and forgetting what you walked in there for? Nope, just me?
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tiredflowercrown · 11 months
(Picking up new meds)
Pharmacist: just make sure you're eating and sleeping enough
Pharmacist: also call if you have a persistent headache
Me (regularly doesn't eat or sleep enough and all headaches are persistent): :/
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bpdbecca · 1 year
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Been an anarch bastard, a sad thot, a sad bitch, an anarch thot and more.
Right now I’m an edgy bastard. How about you?
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dmardsanddaisies · 2 months
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I feel like I've just entirely "zoned out" this past month, maybe a bit longer? I don't even know lol. I'm super fatigued, I'm on medical leave, I started Sulfasalazine because my RA is out of control again, I'm trying to get disability support, my mental health has been a dumpster fire, and I'm really sore and tired; both physically and mentally. I'll get to my messages again eventually and respond to everyone, and hopefully back to posting regularly I'm sure. Just be patient with me pleeeeease!
This chronically ill girly beeee goin' through it lol. Blegh 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
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Nadine is of the "this one big thing makes me a failure" mind and Chloe is of the "I am failurified by so many little things that I lost count of them growing up" persuasion
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Guys these new meds got my eyes dilated as shit.
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I feel like a cat
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performing-personhood · 8 months
Day 2 of BuSpar
The bad news: the morning dose makes me dizzy in a "if I turn my head too fast everything gets tinnitus-ey and the floor disappears for a split second" way
The good news: this seems to go away after about forty-five minutes.
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mosscaller · 10 months
A little nervous...
My neurologist is listening to me about what's been going on with my sleep disruptions. Which, I'm really happy about...
However, she prescribed me new medicine and is going to be doing a few more tests on me. Apparently I have neuropathy and wants to do a urinalysis.
..she needs to test if I have diabetes. ( My Mom has it, so she's concerned that might have it. ) One main reason, there was swelling in my ankles.
The EMG test she requested was a bit weird, but I did pretty well.
I have severe nerve damage in my right leg ( just below the knee. ) and I have some damage in my arm.
She wants to check for issues in my right arm and leg.
I'm not at all thrilled to have more tests done, but it's the way of things and I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
It's taken me too long to figure things out, that have been plaguing me for years. I'm finally getting answers.
Things are stressful, but I am trying to take care of myself.
My neurologist prescribed me something called "trazadone" to help me with my insomnia. I just took my first dose tonight, but I'm a little nervous due to not being used to sleeping at night.
Hopefully it goes well.
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morai-io · 2 years
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pose4photoml · 1 year
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bi-bats · 1 year
Hm maybe I don't know how to write anymore hope I remember someday
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purplekturtle · 1 year
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What will the side effects be today?
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years
About a week into the new nerve pain meds and even on the lowest dose I think I am experiencing somewhat less nerve pain in my right leg, where it was worst
So that's something!
My lower back pain is still a bitch tho so I'll definitely be talking to the doc about increasing my dose when this 2 week trial is up
I still feel a little dopey and clumsy when I take the meds but I'm hoping that will continue to reduce over time
This has been Naomi Medical Updates. Stay tuned for a visit to the eye doctor.
But now, the weather
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klonopinandketamine · 2 years
Starting to feel like her again…
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