#(like ive sure been on both ends of this and- damn do i admire and appreciate it)
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godzexperiment · 2 years ago
I've kinda been following this blog from afar and Nix seems so chaotic lol. I love it. I'm a bit shy/nervous to attempt to interact though, especially because I'm a (dead) fandom and human blog. I think I'll just keep watching from afar, keep it up xD
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Omg, obviously no pressure first off- like watch from afar if you want/feel free to like utilize anon for silly things when you want to if you do. Nothing wrong with that; mad respect for this sweet little send in especially since I know sending even this can be rough depending on the shyness,etc. (social anxiety in me typically has me making silly faces at the screen whenever I do anything.... finger guns can't save me but they can make me scream internally less when i hit up cool, lovely people) And yes Nix is super, duper chaotic it's sure not an personality he picked but it sure suits him (precious little chaotic disaster) lol. Also- I totally get that; ironically an vast reason I made Nix an whole main blog. Cuz I wanted to work on my rp social anxiety/maybe try cultivate some of the good old antics and vibing. Like sometimes the best fun in rp is just antics? I wanted to just have fun and love my silly passion project oc that's like years of love. So I will say- I am super adaptive; like (dead) fandom/human really doesn't seem much an issue on my end if that helps ease some shyness,etc. Bit of an soft spot even tbh since I've been in that spot plenty. But literally no rush, watch from afar just saying this to let you know I'm thankful for this message and that. If you do interact I would be stoked; in any capacity and just as !!!! I was reading this ask. <3
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addicted-to-reddit · 2 days ago
I’ve ruined every relationship and friendship my sister has, now I’m tearing apart her family, I’m happy about it (plus many edits and one update)
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Edit: hi, so to anyone coming from those other subs, ya i will remove comments on my post that are rude and just done to bully me, ive already gotten some, and i realize my post has been shared in other areas, i know the subs as i got tagged by an automod, i didnt share my story to be bullied or called a liar so just screw off, i never asked to be posted in subreddits made to bully people because you think its fun to bully people get a damn life, heres a life lesson shit happens if you take two steps away from the keyboard neck beard idiots.
Posts got removed its all here now :p
Ive ruined every relationship and friendship my sister has, now im tearing apart her family, im happy about it
So, i (20F) have a sister, im going to call her kelly because why not, shes 22. Ever since she started dating shes also cheated, over and over again, a never ending cycle. Her first relationship she was 15, i was 13, she introduced me to brad, sweetheart, great dude. Two days later shes hanging out with her 'study partner' in her room an awful lot, i wasnt stupid, i figured out what she was doing, heck she told her friends, she bragged to them on our living room couch. As soon as she did that, i decided she wasnt a good person, she disgusted me.
So the next time her and her study partner were in her room, i took a picture through the keyhole in her door, they were just kissing, gross, but nothing bad. I waited and the next day stole her phone and got brads number, i texted him who i was and why i was messaging him, he didnt believe she was cheating, i sent him the picture and asked him not to tell her how he found out, he agreed.
They broke up obviously, she was heart broken, and accused her friends of telling him, she never suspected me, why would she? I was the suster who clung to her, copied everything she wore, did, watched, i admired her, and i kept up the act, i didnt want her knowing i knew, or what i had done. I hoped she had learnt her lesson, but she didnt.
The next real boyfriend was when she was 17 and i was 15, i had been watching her like a hawk, waiting for the next boyfriend. No one would date her for a while after brad, she was a cheater afterall, her 'study partner' didnt even want to date her, he already had a girlfriend afterall, that didnt last more then a month after braf broke up with kelly, someone told study partners gf he was a cheater, weird.
Anyways, in comes steven, hes trusting, maybe a bit dim, believes everyones good kinda thing, she convinced him that brad and her had only ever kissed no more, i didnt believe that but whatever. This innocent church boy truly believed she was a changed girl, after barely two years, ok sure. A month in and i had no dirt, im starting to think shes changed, bam, shes bragging to her friends about cheating on steven, i stay hidden, i need the details, i wish i had recorded the confession, but i didnt. What i did hear was her planning to meet side piece at the park the next afternoon. We were both old enough to leave the house whenever we wanted we just had to tell our mother we were leaving.
The next day she said she was going to the mall, i said i was hanging out with friends. I waited till she was a few minutes a head of me and then went to the park, i got pictures of the cuddling under a tree and kissing, rinse and repeat, steven swore to secrecy, did show her the pictures but this time there was no evidence who took them, she'd have caught me with the first ones but anyone could have caught them so blatantly in the park.
Relationship number three in enters bad boy, i hated him, he was rude, gross, and disrespectful, this one was more questionable for me, he was clearly a rebound, only a few weeks later. But i thought he might be the type to hurt her if something like cheating happened, so i had to get her to break it off, or him choose to leave her without it being her fault, even though she was horrid. I planned and plotted, waiting for evidence they werent right, and could you believe it, they were cheating on each other......with the same guy. I kinda thought calling them out may just make them a throuple, i was wrong, he hated the idea of someone knowing he was gay so when he found out she knew he was bi, he ditched so fast there was fire where his tires were.
Three down, my sister still has no idea whos doing it, but shes suspicious i know because she was ranting to me, about me, and didnt know, then she told me her plan, she would tell each friend something different, and see which story the next boyfriend got. I helped her come up with the fake names, and looks, and locations. It was kinda fun actually.
So boyfriend number 4 was actually just a guy friend of hers in on the plot, he wanted Kelly so bad he'd do anything for her attention. She told friend A she was cheating on 4 with a blonde dude and meeting him at the ice cream shop tomorrow. Friend b got brown hair and beach, friend c had red hair and house, and friend d got bald and starbucks.
Kelly wanted me to scope out the ice cream shop, kelly was at home, and 4 went to starbucks, no one was at the beach. But kelly figured if none of us saw any friend near any building, then friend B was the culprit. We did just that, it was kinda funny getting her constant texts asking if anyone saw anyone yet, she was panicking because B and her had been friends since diapers and she didnt want it to be B.
In the end no friends showed up, and she sent B a rant about being a bad friend and telling her exs about her cheating, B denied it heavily, but the friendship was in pieces, A took b's side saying kelly was crazy to think it was them, and C took kellys side saying it was suspicious that a,c,d didnt show up to the spots and that logic pointed at b, d thought they were all insane and actually accused me, pointing out that if i was the tattle no friend wiuld have shown up anywheres, and that since no one was at the beach they couldnt know. Kelly was offended, and said id never do that to her, i loved her far to much to hurt her, we were sisters after all.
In the end D went with a and b because kelly in her mind was delusional, c stayed with kelly. 4 and kelly did not become an actual couple, kelly thinking the rat was gone started dating luca.
Poor sweet luca, yours was the most tragic, for she cheated on him with his twin brother, this was when sge was 20, i was 18, maybe to old for this but not done yet, i wouldnt let het waste a guys life.
It took me longer to catch onto this one, twin boys, never questioned pictures on snap, never questioned the guys looks, how could i? They were twins. Until luca shaved his head for a friebd with cancer, but twin did not.
I got a video of them in his car kissing, sent it to luca and wiped my hands clean, he showed her the video and she flipped out, she hadnt told anyone about the cheating this time, not me, not C, not 4. And since they were twins she thought no one would notice.
Finally, she dates 4, hes the only guy left in our small town dumb enough to. She of course, does the usual cheats on 4, heres my problem, i wasnt certain hed break up with her over cheating, or hed believe it at all. So i waited, gathered evidence, and in a twist turn if events i got a picture of c and 4 cheating. They cheated on her, i sent him the pictures of kelly cheating, and sent kelly the pictures of her cheating. It exploded.
She had no friends, not one, she chased them away, and everyone in our tiny town knew she was a cheater.
Now, you maybe wondering, why tell this story now, and why destroy my sister in such a way.
I hate her, ive hated her since i was a kid, see, we are only half sisters. We have the same dad, different moms, our dad cheated on her mom with my mom. My mom who i loved, was disabled, and my father had a better lawyer, when i was 5 he stole me from her, legally i suppose, but my mom was given visitation, nothing more. I got to see her, one a week for an hour, as she was not deemed safe to have a child. When i got older i would sneak to her house after school to be with her more.
My darling older sister caught me, and told our father, we went back to court and as a dumb 8 year old i blurted out that i hated my father, that he was a cheater and scum, and i wished he never knew me. It was decided my mother was alienating me from my father. And visitation was cut, i was thrown in therapy to fix my feelings about my father, now yes i know she was only 10, but she never apologized, even when i brought it up she saw no wrong.
My mother died a year later, and i was forbidden to attend her funeral by my father, my materal grandparents tried to force his hand, went to court, but were shot down, told only my mother could have fought my father, and unless they had proof he was a bad parent they shouldnt waste their time. My fathers wife had forgiven him, nit very smart in my opinion. And raised me with him, and i had my sister who i hated.
I pretended not to, the best revenge is a dish best served cold.
Now, why tell this story now? Because my darling half sister uses this subreddit, i dont think shes posted, but she has lurked, and im moving out, into my materal grandparents home, why now at 20 and not 18?
Because today the final nail of my revenge went into the coffin, i left pictures all over the house of my father cheating on my step mother with various women, all have the dates marked on them, from the time they took me in to about a week ago. Walmart having a photoprintet was helpful.
And so, all i wish for, is to destroy my father, and my sister, as my stepmother, who i feel bad for, has a prenup, if he cheats on her, he gets nothing. She owns the house, the cars, the summer house, they have a joint bank account that he might drain, but to my knowledge the vast amount of her money is in her seperate account. Shes rich rich, to the point she paid for everything i needed as a kid and smiled doing it, i dont know if she ever resented me, but she never showed it, she treated me exactly like my sister.
But as well as that, ive also left proof my sister knew our father was cheating on her, proof that my darling sister knew her mother was being cheated on and said nothing. From chat logs, to voice records, to even literal recipes of gifts he bought her to shut her up, its all there, waiting in the house.
And today, both my sister and father are gone for the weekend, my step mother will be home in a few hours, and i will be gone. Even if kelly sees this within ten seconds of it going live, she will never get home in time to clean up the mess.
Edit: ok i see alot about the keyhole, to explain my house was old old, made by the people in the town, back when my house was built people would yell 'help me build and ill buy the beer for the day', they made dumb style choices, every bedroom door in my house had a large hole under the handle shaped like a keyhole, it was built into this metal plate that was attached to the door knob, the keyholes do not function in anyway shape or form, as a lock. My house was so old when we redid parts we found knob and tube wiring, the insulation was newspaper, old bed sheets, torn bible pages, and more, there was even a creepy doll. Other funky style choices in this house included as my sister called it a coraline door that originally led into a barn beside the house but the barn was long gone. The light switch to the basement was inside a bathroom no where near the basement door, the bathroom light switch was outside the bathroom. The clothes washer drain is connected to the shower and when the clothes washer is on the shower bubbles up sometimes and you have to turn the shower on to get rid of it. In the basement on the ceiling is a bunch of jar lids nailed into a piece of board because the old owners used to nail the lids up and screw the jars in to hold things like nails, screws, and broken glass according to my dad. The house is yacky and weird, things make little sense there was other things i dont remember at the moment but ya. Thought the keyhole thing was more common, am learning its not and am a bit surprised.
Edit to add: alot of you are convinced a rich lady needs to live in a nice house. The house we lived in was bought when she was pregnant with kelly, my dads grandparents and or great grandparents were the builders i think, not sure maybe not, all i know is it was his familys house for years, he grew up there. They lost ot though and had to move, he met and married step mom and they lived with her parents well looking for a place, he saw his hoise on sale and begged step mom for it, she agreed, on the condition that they only hire workers when necessary because her parents taught her only to spend money when necessary not needlessly. They had kelly he fixed one of the rooms a bit but to my knowledge no big repairs happened in that time as they had a baby and were busy. The repairs i know of when they got me, was mine and kellys rooms being cold, so he opened the wall to check the insulation of which it was old news paper, the plan was me and kelly stay in their room woth step mom and dad sleep on the couch till it was fixed. Well doing this he found the knob and tube wiring. We left the house well a professional fixed the electrical in the emtire house, then he finished insulating. When it comes to the old key holes step mom thought thry were cute, the only fixed one was the bathroom. He removed the old style handle, replaced it with one that locked, shoved something in the hole and plastered or painted over it i dont know. We also tore up all the carpet, which was two layers. And tore off wall paper from every room, well doing this in the living room we had found the coraline door as we called it, dad told me there used to be a barn right next to the house so he thought thats where it used to lead. Now if you opened it there was nothing because the barn was gone and they hadnt just left an open hole in the wall, but there was like six layers of wall paper over that door. These repairs and stuff were always happening, all dads because it was his paper and he knew what he was doing. I cant remember which happened when because i was a kid. Also yall seem to think 8 to 10 year olds are dumb and cant hold a grudge, which is crazy, because i believe i said the revenge started at 13, sure the situation started at 8, but i had from 8 till 13 to stew and be angry. And no i didnt do this because a 10 year old made a mistake i did it because my sister never saw what she did was wrong, she told me i got a better family out of it, that my mom was an r, that she did what was best and right, ect, and i hate her for that, for never apologizing, never seeing how she hurt me.
Edit: yall want an update, i can promise i will give one but things are hectic right now soooo just wait lol
Question: should i make a seperate post for the update or add it here when i decide its time? I keep seeing people type update me how does that work?
Question 2: someone suggested posting this in a revenge subreddit, i dont wanna like copy and repaste this, does anyone who reddits more then me know how to link the post or something in those subreddits so more people can enjoy it?
Question 3: i can now see it says theres been 2 cross posts, is that the thing i asked yall to do above? If yes how do i see where its been crossposted to? Ive been enjoying reading comments on reddit and tiktok and dont wanna miss any well im waiting for things to chill out.
Edit: whomsoever so DARED to send reddit care after me sucks to be you im already in therapy and learned a long time ago you dont have to tell no one shit! Until after the deed is done so its to late for a therapist to try and calm the burning flames in your heart!!!!!!!!
Edit: soooo yall will be getting an update i think some time today, i was gonna update now but a few minutes ago i got a call from my therapist, soooo i have an appointment now....any chance thats cause the video got on tiktok and he doom scrolled into it or is it just a coincidence?
Update: Ive ruined every relationship and friendship my sister has, now im tearing apart her family, im happy about it
Ok, hello people, you all wanted an update, the original is getting long so im making a second post about it.
So, i'll start off with my step mothers reaction, around the time she would have gotten home, i sat in front of my phone like a kid on Christmas waiting, to my disappointment all I got was a text message, it said 'tomorrow, lunch, fav pizza place (it said the actual name but you get what i mean)'. That was all, i was wondering if she was going to end my life, after some discussion with my friends I went, dumb? possibly, am i still alive? you could say that.
So, i meet step mom at the pizza shop i adore, we order and shes smiling at me, it was kinda creepy, she asked me if i knew why she invited me out, my response was probably dumb but i replied "to murder me?" she laughed shaking her head and told me she spent to much time keeping my dumb butt alive to off me now. She said the reason she invited me is because she now has no reason to keep my fathers secrets from me, me being the drama dung beetle i am i begged for info.
She provided, i still dont like her, but damn, she asked me if i knew about the way my parents met, obviously i said no, she explained that a cousin of hers, who i know as auntie sam, was throwing a party for her friends and family, sam was friends with my mom, but my mom had never met step mom and my dad, my mom was born blind, but liked parties anyways.
There was alcohol present but my mom only drank pop in a glass with ice, my step mom left early because she didnt like being away from kelly long, and my dad stayed. Sam introduced my father to my mother, sam had no reason to suspect anything would happen, sam was also already drunk to my step mothers knowledge. Sam doesnt know what happened from there, she didnt know if my father had gotten my mother a new cup with something more then pop, or if he had dropped something in her drink or if she grabbed the wrong cup. Sam glanced over at some point and saw my mother wobbling, and sam ran over, my mother was, to sams drunk mind, clearly drunk, there were lots of cups on the table so she at the time had assumed mom grabbed the wrong cup to many times. She brought my mom upstairs to sleep it off, that was the last time she saw my mom that night, but she saw my father a few times.
Sam continued to hang out with my mother and one day my mother announced she was pregnant, my mother did not have a partner at that time, sam did some mental math and flipped out asking my mother alot of questions but my mother laughed it off and said she didnt get pregnant at the party, but with a one night stand, sam accepted this hesitantly. After I was born, sam was babysitting me and kelly at the same time, her red flags went off again seeing us side by side, and she did a dna test, one with me and sam, figuring if it was a family member sam and me would be a slight match. we werent a match at all and she was relieved. But sam babysat us again when I was three and kelly five and according to step mom, sam couldnt stop staring at us, and did another test, me and kelly this time.
She got the results and her heart sank, me and kelly were a match, she said nothing for a bit, asking my mother occasional questions but couldnt hold back and told my step mother at some point who blew up at my father, he claimed he was drunk and mistook my mother for her, that there was consent but it was a mistake and happened only once. step mother agreed to forgive him on the condition he was part of my life, she said she thought hed admit to the fact my mother wouldnt want to be near him, but he and my mother went to court and an agreement was had.
Step mom said she wasnt happy with this but she went with it, when i kept getting distant from my father she gave him money for family therapy, and play dates, he used this money plus his money to hire a lawyer and basically steal me, by time she realized what he did she couldnt stop him. She still wanted little to nothing to do with me and didnt want to get involved, then my mother passed away and she said she realized one thing, if she left him now she was leaving me with an idiot who would probably sell me for a pair of shoes. If she left she could take kelly, but she had no claim to me and I never let her adopt me and that wasnt helping, she tried to help my grandparents fight for me but they were shot down and she decided she could put up with him to protect me (her words i dont know if its true).
She said she didnt care now, I knew the truth, she was divorcing him and she wouldnt have to think about him again, I asked her about kelly and she shrugged and said her daughter ended up a bit to much like her father for her liking and that she was going to give kelly a few options to try and fix the problems she saw in kelly such as therapy, cutting off her father, ect. But she was going to take everything from my father as the prenup they signed basically says cheater gets nothing but the clothes off their back, so exactly what I wanted.
We left it there, she hugged me and apologized for not being better and for screwing up so much, and making me hate her, and kelly, she said if i need help with anything to let her know. Im starting to think i misjudged her, dont know yet though. we parted there and i went home. I waited and waited and then got a call from my dad and did not answer, he texted me that i was a horrible daughter, that he wanted me out of his house (lol) and that he never wanted to see me again, that i destroyed his marriage over a dead woman who barely knew me. He was so mad about it but i texted and reminded him that he had years to stop cheating on step mom, and to not let me catch him and he could have had the picture perfect like he thought he deserved, i also called him a few choice words on my mothers behalf.
Next was kelly, she did in fact find the post, and apologized......NOT, she texted me paragraph after paragraph calling me a manipulative b-word, saying i spent my life lying to her face over a mistake she made when she was 10, that she didnt need to apologize or feel bad, that i should have liked being part of a new rich family, that i didnt need to tell her mother anything about her dad bribing her, or her cheating (i did tell step mom during the meeting), that it was my fault step mom gave her the ultimatum, which was get therapy, cut dad off, or find somewhere else to live. I just sent back a laughing emoji and blocked her and my dad. That was all yesterday.
Does not end there, as some of you know my therapist called me this morning, he asked if i had time to meet today and i did, so i met with him, and i walked in, he turned his laptop to face me and showed me the tiktok video about me, and asked "is this you", i couldnt stop laughing, and he just shook his head and said he had alot more work to do then he thought he did, but he was smiling, i saw that smile, he just didnt want to tell me he thought my revenge was awesome i know it. We chatted a bit about the situation, about how it was a bit far, i disagree, but whatever, i left.
Step mom called me later and asked for help with something, I went to her house curiously, she told me her lawyer told her to give dad yesterday to come get his shit and get out, he got what he could, and now today we were going to have a bonfire, i asked if this was lawyer approved and she shrugged and said its her stuff anyways, dad bought none of it and probably cant afford a lawyer to fight her. So we threw alot of stuff in a pile and let the flames burn, it was kinda fun, she invited auntie sam over who cried and hugged me because she felt bad for not telling me but she hated my father and wanted to be no where near him.
I showed step mom the texts from kelly and she called kelly and told her she had no one to blame but herself, and not to blame me for the fact she couldnt help chasing nice guys away and if she wanted to stick with a nice guy she should act less like her cheating mess of a father, and that kelly had a week to decide her choice, shes an adult and step mom can ditch her whenever she pleases, she hung up.
Step mom, me and auntie sam ordered pizza and step moms dad called her, asking what was going on and why kelly showed up at their house crying, step mom went inside, i have no idea what was said but she came out looking smug and told me not to worry about it because kelly wasnt my problem anymore, i shrugged it off and said whatever then. Anyways the day aint over yet but i have kelly and dad blocked, my maternal grandparents have confirmed that step mom was ready to sneak them money to lawyer up fight for me after mom died. I did confront her about not helping them when mom was alive but shes sticking to the story that she didnt know my father was taking them to court the second time until it was to late and she felt awkward contacting my mom after she helped steal her child.
My step mothers parents have also told me not to worry about my dad and kelly and that if they try anything after this they will wish they had licked their wounds and moved on. I dont know what my step mothers parents told kelly, but apparently they are highly against cheating of any kind and think kelly should do as step mom said, cut off dad and seek therapy and apologize to me.
I think thats everything, it was crazy for a bit there but im moving on with life, washing my hands of kelly and dad as far as im concerned, iffy on if im ditching step mom or not, she said shed completely understand if i did as she says she screwed up bad during my childhood, but she still wants to help me with expenses and stuff so idk. But either way, everyone in my tiny town knows what both of them did now, some people in my town actually found the post as well, not just my therapist, and drama spreads fast apparently, im also owning that shit when im asked about it because I want people to know what they did to me.
I dont think step mom is facing much backlash, she did give all the pictures i printed off to her lawyer who laughed at the pile and said me existing was enough proof for the divorce but the pile doesnt hurt, especially since i wrote the dates on many of the pictures and some were relatively recent.
I dont think this is as good as the original post because i never expected to make an update and ive kinda written this as it happened, and so ya, hope this calms the drama junkies in the comments and if anything else happens ill probably had it here to this post.
There will not be anymore updates
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sserapic · 2 years ago
maybe in another world, my dearest.
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summary. getting into a relationship with the balladeer was your greatest mistake, though you don't regret anything that had happened between you. after taking the side of the good guys, he just never felt the love he used to feel every damn time he sees you. but if you couldn't handle the pain then you shouldn't feel it anymore, altering your memories of him is such a great idea. you say.
character(s). scaramouche/wanderer, gn!reader
tw. angst, no happy ending.
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"come on, traveler, lead me to him."
you had convinced lumine that you're the lover of scaramouche, well, ex-lover. she hesitated despite the fact that you're a harbinger in which you couldn't be trusted very easily.
scaramouche sat there, under a tree, in the grass where he admired the view from up there. "wanderer." wanderer? had he changed identities?
he was certainly in shock to see you, well he should be, he left you in the dark and never came back which led you to search for him.
"oh, it's you."
you noticed how the traveler had left as you sat next to the former harbinger who you used to fought alongside with, who loved you so dearly but changed so damn quick.
"so, wanderer is the name you go with now?"
even up until now you wish that he'd just fall in love with you all over again and come back to you, but you both know it wouldn't even work out anymore even if he did come back to you, the feeling left him but yours never escaped.
"y/n, you do not have to make yourself suffer like this. just go back to being the harbinger you are, but im afraid i cannot stand beside you any longer."
you fought back the tears trying to break free from your eyes, "but i cant. i always need you by my side." you sniff, refusing to even look his way.
"you have to, you can't just cry about me all the time. you're the 5th of the fatui harbingers, there's a chance that we might be each other's opponents someday."
the thought of him taking the side of the good guys while you stayed with the villains hurts like fuck. but somehow, you also cannot betray the tsaritsa.
"why does it hurt so much.." your voice muffled from covering your face with both hands, not wanting him to look at you, crying.
"because the love you had for me was genuine, and so was mine. but ive already moved on, neither will mine come back even if we get back together."
he stood up, lending you a hand.
as soon as you got back to your feet you pulled him close and sobbed in his chest, he let you sob your pain out, ignoring the fact that you're ruining his clothes.
"the traveler has mentioned that nahida can alter memories, is she telling the truth."
"yes, but wh-"
"can you please just make her erase mine?"
"y/n i don-"
although he had to make sure that the God of Wisdom was alright with helping a harbinger, he agreed and so did nahida. she was honestly touched and wounded from hearing about you and sc- the wanderer.
he wished to stay and observe how nahida erases him from your memories and will forever be an enemy in your eyes once this finishes.
"one last time, y/n. are you okay with this."
you nodded, glancing at your ex lover one last time. if the Gods ever allow you to live once more, at least let it be with him.
"here we go."
tears started streaming down on your cheek as you closed your eyes, and felt weird seconds later. your eyes opened and observed the unfamiliar place you were in, turning your attention to a certain man beside you who was on the verge of tearing up.
maybe in another world, y/n. i will love you with all i have, that's a promise.
now he just has to watch you from afar, knowing that he would forever be the opponent of the side you've always been with. as much as he wanted to grab his feelings back, he couldn't.
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note. hey !! this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks now, and this is actually inspired by a genshin oneshots book in Wattpad ! also about the smau, i commented on the second chapter. please take a look at it if you're waiting for an update on the smau !
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electronikmilk · 4 years ago
Papa’s Punishment
alternative title: Accidentally Fucking Around and Finding Out
ive been working on this for so long and im sick of lookin at it
rating: explicit/nsfw
Copia x f reader 
contains: dom copia, possible abuse of power, spanking, and pet play. 
You had dozed, then awakened to find that you were still bound in Copia's ornate bed-chamber deep within the abbey walls. 
No, he wasn't Copia anymore. He was Papa now. And you had to address him as such when he wore the paint. That was what he said when he had his Ghouls drag you into his chamber after you had called him the silly little nickname that the other sisters called him behind his back as a joke. Ratman. It was innocent enough since he was fond of the small rodents, or so you thought. Copia's face had grown dark as soon as you uttered it, and it frightened you enough to fall silent after a fit of giggles. Then he reached out and gripped your chin tight before leaning close to address you. 
"Mm. Funny." He said in a way that sounded like he didn't find it funny at all and glared down at you, "It is bold of you to be disrespectful to your Papa when he wears the paint. And that is all I will be to you now. I'm not Copia, not Cardinal, and especially not Ratman. I am Papa, and I will not accept any other title, sister. Perhaps a little lesson is in order so you will remember this." 
Before you could say anything, Copia snapped his fingers, and that was when his two Ghouls surrounded you, grabbed you by the arms, and marched down the halls with you in tow. Everyone within the corridors stopped and watched as the Ghouls dragged you along. Two sisters from the convent whispered to each other and turned their gazes away as if they might be taken away at any second too. They knew where you were going, and it was sure as hell somewhere they didn't want to be, for it was a place of great shame and mystery. You let your head drop in humiliation before your peers, not standing the way they saw you. It was a relief when you finally arrived at Copia's chamber and were taken inside. You said nothing to the Ghouls as they fastened leather cuffs around your ankles, then bound your hands over your head with silk rope. 
"Sorry, sister," One of them had said. They removed the coif and veil of your habit, then pulled out the pins that held your hair in place so that it fell loose, "We're just following Papa's orders. I'm sure you understand."
All you gave them was a contemptuous look until they left. 
You had struggled against your restraints until you eventually gave up, falling asleep despite your buttocks pushing against the hard stone wall behind you. How long had that been? There was no clock or window in the room, so it was hard for you to tell. Perhaps a few hours. Long enough for you to wake up with a sore neck, anyway. The room itself lay in shadow and unbroken stillness. You winced as you turned your head to look around the room. The only illumination offered to you was from a small antique lamp on an ink-stained writing desk in the corner. The dim light threw long uneven shadows on the high arched ceiling above. A king-sized bed sat against the wall opposite you with a canopy bed frame draped with black cloth. It made it look like a dark, cavernous mouth that was ready to swallow you whole. A tall mahogany bookshelf containing several taxidermied rats positioned in various poses stood near the door. You made a face at the furry ornaments. It was definitely Copia's room. 
Your stomach growled, and the sound of it in the stillness of the room made it seem more like a lion's roar. How long Copia planned to keep you in here and what his intentions were, you didn't know for sure. You just hoped he wouldn't starve you. The thought sent a sudden jolt of panic through you; your mind flashed images of you left to rot in a cell in the abbey basement. You knew that the cells had been abandoned for centuries, just collecting dust and acting as storage for Yuletide decorations. But Copia had changed since he finally became Papa Emeritus IV. You had always thought him awkward as a Cardinal, sometimes even amusing in his antics, but he was always just that: awkward, no one to be scared of. It was a curious and abrupt transformation; He held his head high now, and his stride was no longer unsure or clumsy. When he wore the paint, he had an air of authority, of strength and pride no one knew he had. He wanted respect, and he demanded it among the clergy with an iron fist. Everyone was to address him as Papa only and woe unto anyone who didn't comply. At first, you had to admit his newfound confidence in his power was something to admire, covet even. That is until the sisters of the order were no longer safe from his wrath, then it became something to be feared. Copia had forgiven slips of the tongue and had given warnings that he said he would only offer once. If it happened again, however, there would be a severe punishment to follow.  
Sister Claire was the first to be punished. Claire had always been hotheaded and often butted heads with her superiors for the sake of her own amusement. She had been no different with Copia two months ago. On your way to your weekly duty to clean the chapel, you stumbled upon Copia, two Nameless Ghouls, and Claire in the middle of the empty hall. You seemed to go unnoticed by all four. Curious, you slipped into one of the corridor's alcoves and peeked around the corner, as not to be seen. As you listened closely, you caught the tail end of a heated argument over the state of the abbey's gardens. Claire was on a tirade, ranting about how Copia's lack of dedication to employing a proper gardener made the grounds look like it was in shambles. She had addressed the new Papa as Cardinal several times, much to Copia's irritation. The former Cardinal stood back with folded arms and a frown while the hot-blooded sister babbled on about how this needed attention and how that needed fixing. She addressed him incorrectly the entire time. It amazed you how bullheaded Claire could be. 
"Cara," Copia finally interrupted after Claire had called him Cardinal for the fifth time, his voice becoming stern. "I understand that you're upset, but I have made it more than clear that everyone within this church is to call me Papa. And frankly, I will not tolerate your blatant disregard for my rules." 
"Don't you 'Cara' me!" Sister Claire shot back, " And I'll call you Papa when I'm damn well good and ready. But until then, I think I'll keep calling you Cardinal, Cardinal." 
"Basta! Enough!" Copia shouted suddenly, grabbed Claire by the wrist, and dragged her behind him as he headed further down the hall, luckily away from your direction. "I have been patient with you, sister, with all of you. But no more!"
Claire resisted, trying to wrench from his grasp and yelling at him to let her go. Copia ignored this and tugged her along anyway. When she started cursing and slapping at him, Copia gestured for a Ghoul to take her about the waist and carry her. Claire shrieked like a banshee and kicked her legs in the air when she was lifted. Copia gave the Ghoul a sharp command for them to silence her, and the Ghoul clapped a hand over Claire's mouth, muffling the scream as they hauled her away. You watched the whole display in shock, unable to move or look away. When all four of them disappeared around a corner, you crept out from your hiding place on shaky legs. You quickly made your way to the chapel without encountering anyone else, and it was a relief to you. You tried to put what you saw out of your head, but as you tended to your regular duties, the sound of Claire's screams resonated in your head. 
You didn't see Sister Claire again until late into the evening. She seemed no worse for wear, having neither a bruise nor scratch on her. But she was timid, quiet, and obedient, you noticed when Sister Imperator asked her to sweep and wash the floor, which she almost scurried to do. When the other sisters asked her where she had been, Claire just shook her head frantically. Her pretty face grew red, and a look of shame and fear that concerned you twisted her features. 
"I can't tell you!" was all she said and nothing more. 
It wasn't too long until other insubordinate sisters fell victim to Copia's fury. Each one disappeared into his chambers for hours at a time, and when they were set free, none of them spoke of what they went through. You could only speculate, and what you brewed up in your head terrified you. All manner of dark medieval tortures often raced by: pears of anguish, iron chairs, Spanish donkeys, breast rippers, and thumbscrews. You knew all of that was impossible, however. None of the other sisters had a mark on them when they returned; they barely even a hair out of place, so what kind of punishment was wicked enough to force them all into silence? Whatever it was, you tried so hard to avoid it. You never spoke out of turn, tended to your duties without complaint, you even baked a cake for Copia on his birthday. But despite all your effort, misfortune still befell you over a joke that wasn't even that funny. Your throat tightened as tears began to prickle behind your eyes, and you dreaded what kind of torment waited for you in this dark room. 
You were almost lost in your contemplation of it all when you heard the heavy wooden door open. You saw the tall, lean figure of Copia enter the room and close the door behind him, a plate of food in one hand and a blood-red velvet bag in the other. He almost seemed like a specter, dressed in a figure-hugging black suit --the one that you said he looked handsome in to gain his favor. His face was bare of paint, save for his eyes. He had lined them with black, smudged eyeliner, making his mismatched gaze smoldering and intense. 
He made his way to you with both items in hand. He stayed back a few feet, the velvet bag swinging slightly at his side. The faint aroma of roasted chicken found your nose, and the delectable smell of it made your mouth water. Copia gazed at you with narrow eyes, his expression unreadable. You lowered your eyes and sucked in a breath, petrified of what was to come. You waited for yelling, cursing, for the food to be thrown at you, anything, but Copia just muttered something under his breath, went to place the plate and bag on the bed, then returned to undo all your restraints. You stood there free with stiff, aching arms. You wanted to stretch them but didn't dare make any movement that Copia might disapprove of. You kept your eyes down, only bringing them up once to see Copia sit on the edge of the bed with the plate in his lap, then darting them back to the floor. You felt the subtle pressure of his gaze on you for what seemed like a long time. 
"Come here." Copia finally broke the silence.
You obeyed and took a tentative step forward. 
"No." He said sharply, making you freeze, "On your hands and knees. Crawl to me." 
Your head jerked up, eyes wide in shocked disbelief. Your breathing hitched, and your heart started to hammer. You hesitated, and Copia frowned at you. He raised his gloved hands and slapped them together once, hard. It sounded like the cracking of a whip in the quiet. "Now, sister." 
You let out a little yelp and dropped to your knees. You hurried as you crawled over to Copia, stopping just before his feet. He gave a hum of satisfaction.
"Ah, excellent. You're obedient. That is good, my dear. It will make your ordeal go more smoothly." 
Ordeal. The word made you shudder. 
"But first, you must be hungry, si? You've been waiting here a long time."
Your stomach let out another grumble. You said nothing. You kept your eyes fixed on the glossy leather of Copa's black shoes as your apprehension deepened. You didn't want to look up at him; all at once, he seemed large, mighty, and terrible, like he could crush you underneath those patent leather soles if he so desired. He could make you suffer, and no one would witness it. It was just you and Copia. You and Papa.
"Say 'yes, Papa' or 'no, Papa,'" Copia said. "And I'm sure I don't need to tell you to be respectful." 
"I...I-" You stammered, then you swallowed hard, trying to compose yourself, "Yes, Papa." 
"Good girl." He said. "Now, kneel up and look at me." 
You did as commanded, and you realized as you looked up at him that you were crying. Through the blur of tears, you saw Copia's hand reach for your face. You flinched a little, then relaxed when you only felt the fingers wipe away your tears and smooth your hair back almost affectionately.
"Oh, come now. I have not been mean just yet, my dear. Don't cry." He soothed, "There will be plenty of time for that later, but if you're well behaved and do what I say, Papa will be gentle with you. Do you understand?" 
You nodded, sniffling and letting Copia caress your face. It comforted you, if only a little bit.
"Answer me properly,"
"Yes, Papa. I understand." You said.
"Very good, very good," Copia said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead before letting you eat the slices of succulent chicken breast on the plate with your hands. After you finished, he took a sprig of green grapes and fed them to you one at a time. He watched in obvious amusement when you spat the seeds into your hand and timidly discarded them onto the plate, careful of every move you made. When he got to the last three, he took one and held it up just out of your reach. He smiled when you blinked up at him, confused. 
"Up, cara," He said, "Show me a trick." 
You bit your lip, blushing, and again, you hesitated. You shook your head before you realized what a mistake it was. Immediately, Copia took the plate, set it aside, and then gathered you up to toss you over his lap so that your legs dangled over the floor. You gasped in surprise and fear when he flipped your skirt to expose your panties. When you felt the sting of his gloved hand spank you hard, you couldn't help but let out a cry. One great slap after another fell on your buttocks, sounding thunderous in your ears. You heard yourself taking in sharp gasps of pain with each strike. His hand seemed solid and heavy like a paddle as it spanked you, over and over, hitting you on the right cheek, then the left, and then covering your thighs with smacks while your ass stung and throbbed. You clenched your teeth to stifle your cries, and when you tried in vain to wiggle away, Copia held you in place and rewarded you with more vigorous blows, swift ones that whipped you like a strap. And soon, you realized you were becoming frantic, tears streaming down your cheeks. You tried to be still, but your body squirmed and writhed of its own accord. Now Copia worked only the backs of your thighs, where the punishing hand lingered and struck hard until you were sure that the flesh there was red and inflamed. 
"Papa, please!" You finally wailed and broke into choking sobs.
The blows stopped. You didn't move. You just shut your eyes and wept as Copia's hand now moved along your buttocks languidly. He stroked your thighs as if to soothe them.
"Now, do you see why I ask you to do as I say?" Copia crooned, "I can be cruel, sister. Much more than this, I assure you. The other sisters know what I can do, especially Sister Claire. She knows the worst of it. Lucifer's name, she was like a devil herself, all teeth and claws until I tamed her. The other Papas have spoilt her and the others rotten. Not just the sisters, but the brothers, too, and the priests, the bishops. They all have little to no manners, no respect. So I have to take it upon myself to teach them." 
You shook against his legs as he told you this. He rubbed little circles in the small of your back, then he squeezed your buttocks, sending a rush of sensation along your body that made you flush. You thought of poor Sister Claire and what she must have gone through that was enough to break her. Vivid images of whipping belts, heavy wooden paddles, and flesh crisscrossed with angry welts made your stomach sink, so you stopped. 
'I have to be good.' You thought. It was better to surrender than suffer the same fate as the others, better to leave with your good reputation with Copia intact. After all, he said he would be gentle if you obeyed, and you decided you would. You hoped he would keep his word, and you let your body slacken in resignation.   
"I like to play games with them." Copia continued, "I like to order them around the room, fetching whatever I throw for them because it pleases me or whatever else suits my mood. Sometimes I even strap them down and use the paddle. But I never hurt them, not severely. I happen to be a reasonable man, after all. Oh, but that would be too hard for you, wouldn't it? You're too sweet for the paddle, too soft. It's just a pity you disobey me, call me names. Do you think yourself too good to call me by my proper title, sister? Too good to follow my direction?" His hand tightened threateningly on your thigh, then you felt it leave your skin, and you were terrified he might spank you again. 
"No, Papa," You said in a panicked whisper. 
"Do I need to punish you like the others?" 
"No, Papa. I'll be good, I promise." 
"Yes," Copia sighed, his hand now playing with your hair instead of punishing you, "You will be perfect for me, won't you?"
"Yes, Papa." 
Copia pulled you back up and set you on the floor. You had stopped crying, though your lips still trembled. You knelt there and awaited his command. Again, he took a grape and held it up for you. This time you didn't hesitate to take it from his fingers with your mouth. He held the next one high enough to make you raise yourself up on your heels to get it. He then tossed the last grape into the air, over your head so that it bounced and rolled a few feet away when it hit the floor. 
"Fetch, little puppy." He commanded, a smirk playing on his lips. 
You obeyed shyly. When you crawled back and dropped it into Copia's open hand, he let out a hearty laugh. 
"You're easy to train." He said and popped the fruit into your mouth, "Perhaps I should make you my little pet when we're finished here." 
You didn't really want to eat it, but you did anyway, seeds and all. Copia beamed at you, his smile genuinely kind. 
"Lovely, my dear." He whispered, his voice low and sweet. Then he gathered you in his arms once more and kissed you deeply. It sent a shock through you, settling into a knot in your stomach that made you shiver against your will. Copia kissed the smoothness of your forehead, kissed your soft hairline, your eyelids, and the tip of your nose. They were tender, gentle, like butterflies that brushed against your skin with their silky wings, and you lifted your head to receive them. He kissed your cheeks, then returned to your parted lips. You let out little sighs as he kissed you despite your fear, which now melted away a little bit as your body seemed to soften all over. Copia moved and rose to stand, pulling you up with him into his embrace. He pulled you closer to his body once you were steady on your feet; his kisses left your face to explore along your jaw and the line of your throat. His slim arms were surprisingly strong as they held you, and his lips were soft. They tickled against the sensitive skin of your neck as they trailed down. His hands started to roam your body, stroking your hips, groping at your ass and the backs of your thighs. It sent delightful shivers along your skin and down your spine. It made you feel weak, dissolving, aroused. Any fear you felt a minute ago faded into a haze of sudden lust. You couldn't stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck and moaning. The action made the kisses harder, more fervent. When you felt Copia open his mouth to bite you here and there as if to taste you, you whimpered, and your body melted all the more. You felt your breasts against his chest, and you wanted to press them to him harder. You almost did when Copia pulled away, slipping out of your arms. The loss of sensation was nearly gutting.
You stood there dazed, swaying, and taking in uneven breaths. Copia's own breath came heavy and deep as he straightened his clothes to disengage himself. You could see his arousal through the tightness of his pants, and you bit your lip. If only your punishment could be just this, but you knew it wouldn't be. Copia appeared to be fighting to contain himself, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Once he was composed, he let out a quiet laugh. It was almost musical in its softness. Your body burned as you watched him, aroused but at the same time fearful of punishment. You would do anything to please him, to keep him gentle like this, so you waited.  
"Pardon me, cara. You gave in much faster than I anticipated, and I almost lost myself." Copia said, catching you in his gaze again. His lips spread slowly into a grin when he observed you flushed with desire. "And still, you wait for my command. I admit I didn't quite expect you to be as obedient as you are, and I would reward you, but I want to play one of my games with you first." 
Before you could protest, he took the velvet bag off the bed, opened it, and plunged his hand inside. He pulled out a spiked leather collar that looked like it was meant for a large dog. A black leash was affixed to it. You felt your breath leave you when Copia undid the collar and eyed you with a deliberate leer. You swallowed, then lifted your head so that Copia could fasten it onto you. He shook his head.
"Not yet." He said, "Take off your clothes." 
Your face burned as you obeyed. You took a few steps back and hurried to shed your dress, slip, shoes, and stockings, but you hesitated yet again once you were in your bra and panties. You felt so naked already, so vulnerable. You didn't know if you could bear it to be completely nude. You tried to shield yourself by bringing your hands up and wringing them. It did little to conceal you. Seeing this, Copia approached and kissed your temple. 
"You can keep them on. Now, my little puppy..." He buckled the collar to fit snuggly around your neck and left the leash dangling between your breasts. "You have been very, very good so far, apart from your little slip of decorum, but I want to see just how obedient you can be. You know a well-trained dog always follows its master's commands, yes?" 
An icy prickle crawled up your spine, sending shivers through your arms and making your heart clench in your chest before hammering hard again. 
"Yes, Papa..." You said as expected though uncertainty and fear laced your voice. Copia rubbed your shoulders, his hands firm and soothing at the same time. His touch made you feel almost woozy, dreamy even in your unease. 
"I will make it simple: Tonight, you're my pet, sister, and I am your master. As your master, I will give you commands, and you will do them as perfectly as possible to please me. Do what I tell you, and you will be rewarded. Disobey, and you will be punished. Ah, don't be afraid; I don't think you will disappoint me much, but..." Then he pressed closer to you, leaning in close to your ear so that you felt his breath caress your skin, "I confess I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spanking that plump bottom of yours." His hand slid down and grabbed your ass before giving it a playful swat. You blushed. You felt the arousal rise in your core again. It flooded in, threatened to sweep you away in its erotic current, and you lowered your head, overcome by shyness. Copia lifted your chin and shook his head at you again.
"No. None of that." He admonished, "I want you to keep your gaze up and your manner attentive. And don't hide your body. I have been fair enough to let you keep your underwear on. Now let me see you." He took both your wrists and forced them down to your sides, then prodded your shoulders so that you straightened your back. You stood erect and grew embarrassed now that your posture didn't hide you. Copia nodded in approval, "Yes, much better."
His eyes roamed up and down your body, taking every inch of you in. You wanted so desperately to cover your stomach, your chest, to tear off the collar. Of course, you didn't dare any of it. You couldn't imagine what he would do to you if you were foolish enough to disobey him again; you didn't even want to think about it. 
For a moment, Copia seemed to be thinking, then he smiled. His eyes gleamed like gems in the lamplight. He took the leash and wrapped it around his hand a few times to make it short.
"Clasp your hands behind your back and keep them there. And open your legs wider." He said, then nudged your feet apart until they lined up with your shoulders. You kept your hands behind your back as commanded. It was worse than keeping your hands at your sides. This position arched your body a little more and forced your breasts out. You felt dreadfully exposed, and what was even more excruciating was having your legs apart. But what could you do other than what was commanded? Could Copia be so cruel as to punish you even if you threw yourself at his feet and begged for his mercy? You weren't sure, and you didn't want to risk it. He would have his way, and there was nothing you could do about it. Then you wondered, did you even mind? The pleasure that had built now ebbed away slightly, but it wasn't far from reaching you again. If Copia touched you, it would surely wash over you again. Part of you wanted to drench yourself in that pleasure, to swim and melt in it completely. A corner in your mind wished with all your might that Copia would let you; the rational part of you recoiled at your desire, it being so undignified and sudden. You tried to let your head drop a little, and immediately Copia pulled the leash up with a quick tug that snapped it back in position.
"I said to keep your head up," He said, his voice low, menacing. His hand didn't drop or loosen the leash, so your head remained up. "I will not tell you again, sister. Now be still and don't move until I tell you to."
Copia gazed down at you with such ferocity that you stood rigid and kept your lips pressed together tight. The new Papa was frightening looking but very handsome in the dim light that made his face angular, his eyes even more smoldering. You marvelled at him for a moment, then with a shock, you felt Copia's free hand on you. You felt his fingers trail down the side of your neck and down to your breasts. He grabbed at your right breast, cupping it as if to feel its weight, then kneaded it slowly until it sent shivers through you. His thumb brushed over your now hardening nipple through the material of your bra. He did the same with your left. He then imprisoned the nipple and squeezed it rhythmically between his fingers before reaching for the other to give it the same treatment. A rush of shameful pleasure shot through you and settled between your legs, making your sex grow warm as if it could also blush, and you held back a moan with great effort. Copia pulled on the leash, making you lean slightly closer to him. 
"Kiss me," He whispered. As soon as he commanded, you moved to catch his lips in a deep kiss almost too quickly, still keeping your hands behind your back. Copia sucked at your mouth, then opened it with his tongue as his hand went between your open legs and, without warning, stroked your sex through your panties. You uttered a sharp cry against Copia's lips before you could stop yourself. Your body immediately acknowledged him with a twitch of your hips and a soft discharge of fluids while you struggled to swallow another moan. You squirmed, resisting the urge to close your legs with everything you had. Copia broke away from your lips to kiss your earlobe, then he nibbled at it as his hand continued to stroke you. His fingers moved in slow circles now, pressed harder until they found the sensitive mound of your clitoris through the moistening cloth. You gave a soft, open-mouthed gasp and your hips jerked forward in supplication. You wanted to grind yourself on his fingers, rock your hips for more, but the sheer gracelessness of it seemed too much for you. Besides, you weren't sure if it was something he would approve of or chastise, so you stayed as still as you could, your legs starting to shake under your weight. Copia pulled back and smiled at your flushing face, then pulled the crotch of your panties to the side and glided two of his gloved fingers along the delicate folds of your labia. The fingers teased at the moist lips and continued to massage your clit in more circles, even slower ones that drew out the sensation. Breathy moans spilled from your lips. The pleasure washed through you, mounting and mounting as he worked you. Beneath your ecstasy, you felt a twinge of embarrassment at how quickly you had become wet for him. It was forgotten in an instant once Copia slid a finger inside you, then a second. You shuddered and cried aloud. Your sex quivered at the sudden penetration, and your cry melted into a long, low moan. Copia kissed the corner of your mouth.
"That's it," Copia said softly, pulling his fingers out, then sliding them back in slowly. Then again and again. "Don't resist me. Be a good girl for your Papa." 
Your hips moved forward at the sound of his voice. Once so frightening, but now smooth and rich as velvet. He was so close to you now, and for the first time, you could smell his cologne. It was warm, spicy, and delicious to you, almost intoxicating. Your eyes stared through heavy lids at Copia's lips. They were full yet strong, set into a faint smile that struck at a cord of desire in you that made the penetration even more pleasurable. You wanted to kiss and kiss those lips until you had your fill. You felt your sex start to throb, and you began to gasp, but before it became too much for you, Copia dropped the leash, withdrew his fingers, and pushed you back, that seductive little smile still there. You let out a disappointed moan that would have been humiliating had you done it to anyone else. 
"That's enough for now," Copia said, "Get down on your knees." 
Your mind whirled as you let yourself float down until you sat on your heels on the floor, your legs still slightly apart. Your thighs trembled under you, and your throbbing craved relief. You kept your hands behind your back. You feared that if you let them fall to your sides, you would lose control and throw yourself at Copia in desperation. The only thing you allowed yourself to do was writhe, clasping your hands as tight as possible. You felt the wetness of your sex between your legs, sticky, slick, and hot. 
You let out a sigh, looking up at Copia, your lips parted, your body wanting more.  He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor.
"All fours." He ordered.
You fell onto your hands and knees. You arched your back, your buttocks lifted as if to be presented. Your body tingled in arousal at doing so, knowing that Copia could see you doing it. You wiggled your hips a little bit, and you were shocked at your own boldness. 
'Fuck it, I don't care. I don't care.' You thought.
Copia stepped forward, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. 
"Good girl," He said, and he crouched down to take a closer look at you, "Does my little puppy want more?" 
"Yes, Papa." You said softly, "Please." 
"Then I think you should clean up the mess you made." Copia held up the hand that touched you. The gloved fingers were still glistening with your juices. He touched them to your lips, and you took them into your mouth without a thought. You sucked on them, letting your tongue swirl around the digits. The taste of leather and your own fluids mixed with your saliva, and when Copia pulled them away, you swallowed. The flavor lingered, both tantalizing and odd to you. 
Copia stood and made an airy gesture to your bottom.
"Wag your hips for me." He said, and he laughed when he saw your face go red, "It's no use being shy now, sister. Unless you want me to take my belt off and make good use of it. You don't want that, do you?"
Your breath caught in your throat. You shook your head. 
"That's what I thought. Now, put your face to the floor and swing those hips." 
Your face flamed as you lowered it until you all but kissed the floor, your ass high up in the air. You churned your hips and hoped it was pleasing. You felt Copia take the leash from the floor and give it a quick tug. 
"Faster. Arch your back more."
You lowered as you were told to do and arched your back almost uncomfortably, your cheek sealed to the floor. A groan escaped you at the touch of the cold stone on your chest. Then in utter submission, any sense of pride, if there was indeed any in the first place, left you, and you wagged your buttocks back and forth like an excited dog wagging its tail for its master. Above you, you heard the creak of the bedsprings as Copia sat. You felt another tug on the leash, and you lifted your head. Copia sat back on the bed with his legs spread apart, the bulge of his erection in full view. Your sex seemed to swell at the sight of it. 
"You please me very well, sister," Copia said. He tugged on the leash again to bring you forward. "No more playing. Come here, let Papa reward you." 
"Papa..." You whispered. You hurried to him on your hands and knees. You kissed the tops of his shoes on an impulse, then his ankles. Copia didn't protest, so you kissed his knees and dared to run your hands along his inner thighs and kiss them as well. His thighs were rather shapely and solid under his clothes, pleasant to touch. When your hand rubbed over his groin, Copia let out a soft moan. Encouraged, you leaned over and kissed the waist of his pants, still rubbing the bulging sex. 
"Undo them." Copia's hand stroked your hair.
You didn't hesitate to undo the button and zipper of his pants. And now you were staring at his cock through his boxers, a small wet spot formed on the dark cloth. Again, you leaned down, placing a little kiss there, then you darted your tongue out and licked it. The hard cock twitched in its prison as if it asked to be free. You looked up at Copia with lustful, inquiring eyes, and you were delighted when he nodded at you. 
"Yes, cara. You can touch it." 
You pulled the elastic fabric down until his cock sprung free from its confinement. It stood tall and thick. A bead of clear fluid seeped from the tip, and you stared at it, surprised by its length and size. You took it in your hand, stroked it, felt its hardness and warmth. You couldn't help but wonder if the others knew Copia was quite well-endowed. You caressed the shaft up and down, tightening your hand every so often at the base of Copia's cock. Copia moaned as you did so, his head lolling back slightly. Your heart fluttered in your chest. It felt good to know that you gave him pleasure, that you pleased him enough to avoid his wrath and to even reward you. What an honor this must have been! A ripple of relaxation washed over you. You closed your eyes and took the tip of the cock into your mouth, suckling on it before taking it deeper in.
Copia gasped above you and bucked his hips. The action drove the shaft even deeper into your mouth, and you sucked on it hard, bobbing your head with a steady rhythm. It nudged the back of your throat, droplets of salty liquid mixed with the taste of his skin. Copia's thighs shivered, and his breath quickened. You moaned as you continued to push up and down on his cock until his hips started to shake. 
"Fuck, sister," Copia grunted, "That's enough!"
He grabbed your hair and pulled your head away. He didn't pull you hard enough to hurt, but you still gasped once you felt the fingers grip your hair. When he released you, he motioned for you to stand. You obeyed.
"Take everything off and lay on the bed." He told you, almost breathless. 
The collar was the first to go; you unbuckled it and threw it aside, happy to be rid of the awful thing. You unclasped your bra and let it slip from your shoulders. Though the air was cool on your now naked breasts, your nipples grew hot and erect. A sudden, inexplicable desire to entice Copa came to you as you lowered and stepped out of your panties. 
'Do it.' Your lust-clouded mind ordered you, and you did. 
When you straightened, you locked eyes with Copia as you ran your hands over your breasts, pushing them together and biting your lip. A dark look flickered across Copia's face, and he stood with a low growl. He snatched your upper arm and yanked you to him. 
"You dare tease me in my own room after I've given you an order?" He hissed, then gave a wicked smile, "You must like being punished, sister. But we will save that for another time." 
He turned to fling you down onto the bed. You fell back onto the mattress; the sheets and coverlet were soft and plush underneath you. You had little time to enjoy it before Copia descended on you with rough kisses, his hips grinding against yours, his cock prodding at your thigh. His hand grabbed and kneaded your breast hard. But you wanted him so badly that you scarcely noticed how tight his fingers dug into your flesh. He then gave it a cruel slap that drew a loud moan from you. It was an exciting mix of pain and pleasure, and you wanted more.
"Again." You pleaded. You arched your back to offer your chest to him, and you wrapped your legs around his hips. Copia rose from his kisses. It was his turn to lock eyes with you as he lifted his hand and struck you again, just a little bit harder than the first time. You whimpered and squirmed underneath him. Copia positioned and moved his hips so that the shaft of his cock rubbed along your slick pubic lips, grazing your sensitive, engorged clitoris. You strained against him, tried to rock your hips to feel more of that rigid member. Copia looked amused by your torment. 
"Tell me what you want." He leaned down again and sucked at your nipples, bit at them playfully with his teeth. Your hands went to cradled his head to you, little sighs and moans leaving you unrestrained. 
"Fuck me." You murmured into his hair. 
As soon as the words left your mouth, Copia rose, brought his cock to your opening, then drove it into you in one fluid motion. You cried out. Your head fell back, and your body seemed to explode in pleasure. His cock was a thick, piercing thing inside you, bathing in your juices as he drew back and plunged into you. His thrusts were brutal, delivered in almost snapping motions that made the bedsprings creak under you. You heard yourself unleash loud, guttural moans with each solid thrust, wholly overcome by denied passion. Copia buried his face in your neck, his breath making the skin hot as he panted. The agonizing pleasure rose in your core, swelling, ready to erupt in a shower of sparks behind your skull, in your loins. Then all at once, your wet sex tightened around Copia and throbbed violently until you were all but screaming in ecstasy. You clutched Copia while the spasms rolled through you, and you let your legs spread wide, allowing Copia to slam into you unhindered until he also gave a small cry and shuddered above you. Hot, gushing fluid flowed into you and lay you back with your chest heaving in gasps. 
Copia pulled out and collapsed beside you. You turned on your side to face him; his features were soft-looking, almost angelic in their exhaustion. His eyes drooped closed, his forehead glistened with sweat. You brushed his disheveled hair back, leaned close, and kissed his brow, tasting the saltiness on your lips before pulling away. Copia opened his eyes, gazed at you lovingly, then took you and cradled you to his chest. The fabric of his suit felt luxurious on your naked skin in the afterglow, and you snuggled close to it, sighing. You both stayed that way for a few minutes, with Copia threading his fingers through your hair. You yawned, and your eyes started to feel heavy.
"We can't fall asleep," Copia said, shaking you a bit to rouse you, "I've kept you here long enough, and the other sisters must be out of their minds with worry by now." 
"Yes, Papa." You nodded, sat up, and winced a little. Your privates ached from their hard riding. You tried to hide it, only making a slight noise in your throat. It seemed you couldn't fool Copia, however. He also got up and rubbed your lower back, kissing your cheek.
"Was Papa too rough with you, cara?" He asked. You shook your head. 
"No, Papa, I'll be fine. It'll pass." You reassured him. 
"Alright, but I will have Cirrus check on you later tonight anyway," He patted your hip, "And what happened here must be a secret. You know this, right? Otherwise, I'd have to gag you and march you through the grounds. It's a little, eh, display, you could say, that I've come up with to officially demonstrate my authority to the others. I have yet to put it into practice, and It'd be unfortunate to have you be its first victim." 
You bowed your head, not in fear, but again in reassurance.
"Yes, Papa. I won't tell anyone." You said obediently. You crawled out of bed and gathered your clothes. Copia zipped and buttoned up his pants, then stood as well and straightened his hair. 
"Good. Now, get dressed and get back to the convent. Tell the Ghouls to run you a bath when you get there. Say it's my orders, and they'll do it." 
"Okay." A bath sounded lovely to you as you redressed. If only Copia could join you...
"And sister," Copia's voice came low, playful. You turned, and you saw his eyes gleam at you. Your pulse quickened.
"Yes, Papa?" You asked.
"Don't forget that I said I would save your other punishment for next time." He winked at you, and your heart soared. 
"I won't." You smiled. 
"Good girl."
You bid him good night, then left his chamber, secretly hoping that that time would be soon.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years ago
Part IV
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1880.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
After you came back to your room, you got a message from Steve about changing the locks on both you door and your locker. You were so taken aback by today's conversation in the student council room that you had completely forgotten about it. Apparently, Steve had already requested the change of locks on your behalf through email, and you were really grateful to him for that: you dreaded coming back to the room that had been forced open. Of course, tonight you would have to move your dresser to the door so that nobody could enter when you'd be sleeping.
Shit. It was absolutely crazy.
"I'm not sure about all this, Steve." You texted him while laying on your bed and staring at your phone in the darkness of the room. "It doesn't seem right."
Naturally, you meant the fake dating thing. It felt horrible thinking of what others would think after seeing you with five different guys. Would they be calling you a whore in the open? Make some nasty jokes behind your back? Report you to the school administration for immoral behavior? Remembering those bigots from the student office, you cringed at the thought.
Besides, it still didn't make sense to you why you had to date all five. Sure, if they were around you at all times like your friends, these unhinged bastards who stole your things wouldn't do anything funny again, but it wasn't like that. What could one guy do against a group of other students?
"Listen, I didn't want to talk about it in class, but I'm worried it won't end with a stolen lingerie."
You didn't like his message.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. They might attempt something much worse than a theft."
Oh no. Was he talking about rape? Seriously? Did he anticipate others were so crazy they would do something like that?
But then again, girls were being raped in colleges even if it weren't the all-boys schools. A shiver ran down your spine.
"But if several people attack me, just one of you won't be enough." You typed with your shaky fingers, trembling beneath your blanket.
"It's not about the pure force. Each of us has a certain reputation, and others wouldn't want to cross us over because of it."
Wait, this was interesting. What on Earth did he mean? What kind of reputation was that to prevent people from messing with them?
"Thor is a good athlete and a great leader, his basketball team is ready to beat people to death for him."
"Loki's father is one of academy’s main sponsors, and he can have this school turned upside down if he wants to."
"Bucky is a threat by himself, but he also have a company of loyal friends."
"I don't think Peter is serious enough to scare anyone, but with his computer skills he could easily blackmail others, I’ve already seen him doing it. Students would be wary to cross him over just like any of us."
Steve was writing you a bunch of messages with a terrifying speed, and you could barely read the first when he was already sending you the second. It felt absolutely insane. Did he choose every guy because the more powerful admirers you have, the less others would intervene? Well, at least in case of Bucky and Thor who could beat people to near death, it was wise. You preferred not to think of Peter - you had no idea someone as sweet and caring as him did something as disgusting as a blackmail.
“But what others will think? 5 boyfriends? Others will think you are dating-” you paused, chewing your lips to bit, “- a whore. Nobody gonna stood up for me.”
"Imagine if each of us tells our friends that other four guys were just asked to watch over you, but you date only one.”
Oh. Yes, this was slightly better. Then you wouldn’t have to do something as bold as kissing every guy in public, instead maintaining the mystery who you were really dating. 
Damn, how Steve even came up with this plan? Why was everything so complicated?
“It’s getting late. Good night.” Your phone vibrated again, and you huffed with irritation. You hoped you could ask him a bit more - about what you were going to do with the thieves Steve found, for example - but he was probably getting tired with all your questions. It was better to ask him tomorrow.
The next morning you were restless: since you were starting to going out with guys, you felt like you needed to look better than you usually were, so you spent your morning working on your hair and makeup. It was like fake dating, right? You had to pretend you wanted to look pretty for them.
What else did you have to do? Cook something sweet for them? Yeah, probably, but not at the start of your relationship. Going to cafe together? Helping each other study? Loki also mentioned the cinema...
You felt dumb. Of course, you dated guys before, but now you realized you had no idea how to act not to cause any suspicion. Oh boy, it was going to be a tough day.
Thor nocked at you door thirty minutes before your first session, but you woke up so early you were more than ready to go. As you opened the door, first moving the dresser back to its place, the guy looked at you with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Hey, what was that?"
"The dresser. I can't leave the door just like that until the lock is changed."
He blinked at you, watching the door and then probably remembering somebody forced the lock open to steal your underwear.
"These guys are batshit crazy." He mumbled and nodded you to go with him, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, they won't do it again."
You wanted to argue they definitely would, but, seeing his warm smile, you thought Thor simply wanted to cheer you up and smiled at him in return. In the end, he was here only to make you feel safer: you didn't doubt he was very popular with the girls every time he went out to the city.
"You look great today!" He said sheepishly, walking in the dorm's corridor while other students were staring at him silently, obviously surprised to see you two together. "I mean, not that you looked bad yesterday, I just..."
Watching his face suddenly getting crimson red, you couldn't help but giggle at his expression. You could never think Thor was actually bashful around girls. Yeah, at your old place he'd definitely be one of the most popular guys around.
It was lunch time when you two could actually talk, sitting together at the same table and being watched by everyone around. Strangely, with Thor constantly talking and often rubbing your hand with his, it didn't feel suffocating, and you held your head high: regardless whether those pricks were looking at you, you weren't going to run away to your room and cry there like a little girl. Loki was right: you weren't a silly little sheep, scared of your own shadow. You wouldn't let anyone spoil your time in the academy you dreamt studying in.
Funny enough, Thor turned out to be a talkative type when he was speaking about basketball and his team in particular. He loved sports: while you were more into hockey, the way he talked was so enthusiastic it made you listen to him with a genuine interest. Thor's love for basketball was infectious.
He seemed a simple man, this giant bag of muscles who was laughing so loud people around him flinched; Thor wasn't the exact type of a guy you would encounter on your own, but he seemed nice, sincere, and surprisingly softhearted. You felt at ease talking to him, and soon you too acted like you'd known each other for long.
It was a pity you'd only met under this circumstances. It felt like you two could became friends.
But then when Thor absent-mindedly put his arm around your shoulders, you remembered Loki's warning: they would try to gain your favors. Was it the reason Thor was so nice to someone he just met? Wasn't it suspicious of him? You couldn't let your guard down after just one lunch together. In fact, you knew nothing of the man sitting in front of you.
"I knew something like would happen." Some guy to your left sighed loudly, catching your attention. "They were fucking crazy."
"I'm not surprised either. I just wanna know who they got in a fight with to be beaten like that. Have you heard they broke Gray's both legs?"
"Woah, both? That's brutal, man."
You shivered, trying not to listen to them.
"It'd happen sooner or later anyway. They were completely wild."
A word caught your attention right away: that was what Steve called those students who were stealing your things. Could it be a coincidence? Surely, in an all-boys school the students were fighting each other constantly.
But to the point of breaking both legs of someone? Really?
As you sent Thor a nervous look, he gently patted your shoulder, lowering his voice so no one would hear him, "I'm sure it's nothing to do with you. These things happen here from time to time because the guys have no idea what to do with all that testosterone."
You hoped he was right.
The rest of the day went as usual aside from Thor walking the corridors with you and chatting about sports: he managed to convince you to come see the game next month when they would be having a tournament. You were grateful to him for helping to ease your mind because the news of guys being sent to the ambulance made you shook. Steve also mentioned something about his and other's friends ready to beat anyone to death, right?
By the middle of your last class you couldn't think of it any longer and quickly typed a message to Loki. Of all people, right now he seemed the most sincere to you.
"Hi. Are the guys who were beaten last night are the ones who stole my things?"
Waiting was a special torture when you held the phone in your arms beneath your desk, hoping to see your screen lighting up with a message. In five minutes you got your reply.
"Yes." The message said simply, but it was enough for you to stare at your phone with horror, wishing you didn't ask Loki anything.
Oh shit. It wasn't a coincidence, right? It's impossible. Somebody did it on purpose. But who of the five?
"Do you know who did it?"
Next time he answered pretty fast, "No."
A part of you felt relieved. Maybe it wasn't related, finally. Maybe they got beaten by somebody who was fed up with their attitude because they were crazy as the guys in the cafeteria said.
But what if it weren't true?
"Who's the most brutal among you five?"
Biting your lips, you started rocking in your chair a little, making the guy on your left to roll his eyes in irritation.
The phone's screen flashed again.
Part V
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @stupendouslovegardener @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic
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jeongvision · 4 years ago
pairing. history teacher! seo johnny ✗ english teacher! fem! reader (ft. english teacher! mark lee)
genre. fluff, slight humor, high school teacher au, non idol au
warnings. some cursing and super soft hours after this huhu <3 and not proofread but we can discuss that later
author’s note. this is an continuation to this blurb! this could be read as a standalone but regardless i hope this brought a smile to your face bc it certainly did for me <3
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You should’ve seen it coming. Damn it, it was right in front of you all along, so why didn’t you see it in the first place?
You and your students have been grinding nonstop for the past couple weeks to prep them for the AP English IV exam. There was a time where you requested two days off from work for emergency purposes (thankfully it was nothing too major) leaving you to ask your coworker- Mark, another teacher in your department -to help fill in your students on materials needed for the exam.
Everything was perfectly fine when you came back, your coworker going beyond your expectations in taking care of your students. However, one thing you failed to take notice of is the recent changes the college board made in their AP exams, including the course you teach. After reviewing some of the revisions they made, you felt your heart drop.
They’ve added three additional sections to the exam, meaning an additional two weeks is needed to cover the materials for your students to grasp some sort of mastery on those concepts.
You have four weeks left until the exam, and you’re already compacted those remaining weeks with other necessary materials for the exam.
“Fucking hell,” you murmured under your breath.
Running your hand through your hair, you let out a tired sigh. It’s already bad enough that you have to work overtime in making revisions to your lesson plans. However, it’s worse to see the crestfallen looks on your students’ faces when you dropped the news on them. They’re already tired enough from dealing with other classes and extracurricular activities. On top of that, you know most of them are stressing about their acceptance letters from their colleges.
You dropped the pen in your hand and rubbed both of your eyelids. Relax, y/n you told yourself. Don’t worry, you can do this. You heard the door behind you open, meaning someone walked inside the teacher’s lounge.
“Hey, y/n. What’s up- Woah, woah, WOAH! What do we have here?” the person exclaimed. You let out a chortle. You could distinctively point that voice out from anywhere, and you’re sure as hell that the state of your workspace is nothing short of hell. Taking your hands away from your face, you crossed your arms and leaned back a little in your seat to look up at the latter.
“Well, hello to you too, Mark,” you chuckled. You both gave each a fist bump before he sits down in the empty chair beside you.
“What the hell happened here?” He grabs some of the documents splayed out before you, eyes scanning through the materials that you’ve scribbled on in the past hour. “Wait, what? They added new things to the AP exam?”
You sighed and nodded dejectedly. “Yep. And somehow, I gotta squeeze all those materials into my lesson plans before they take it next month.” You rested your arms on the table and rested your head on top of them. “At this point, I just want to light myself on fire and call it a day.”
Mark lets out a cackle besides you, prompting you to smile. You’ll never mention it to him, but his laughs and smiles are always infectious. It’s what makes him so well-known and loved in the English department in the first place, both faculties and students.
“Please don’t do that. We love you too much to let you do that to yourself,” he responded.
Sitting back up in your seat, you take a glance at the clock. Just four minutes before the section ends and you have to go back to teaching your classes again. You heard your coworker clear his throat, bringing you to face him.
“Do you need help with any of this?” he offered.
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine, Mark. I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to bother you with my workload.”
“No, really. It’s fine, y/n. I only teach honors and they’re all pretty ahead in their assignments, so I have some free time if you’d like.”
Just like that, you swear you could see a halo shining above his figure, your world much brighter and clearer than it was this morning. “Oh my god, yes please.” You shifted through your papers, searching the remnants of the piles before handing it over to him. “Can you please go through these and grade them for me? Here are the answer keys for them.” After debriefing him for that stack of papers, you gave him another one. “And for these, can you make some copies for me? I need them tonight so I can plan for tomorrow’s class.”
He listened attentively to your commands, taking a mental note and nodding each instruction given to him. “Okay, got it, y/n. I’ll get these done and hand them over by the end of the day.”
You’re gawking at him, surprised that your coworker is willing to lend you a helping hand. You could honestly cry out tears of joy right now, but timing refuses to let you do so as the bell rings, marking the end of a period. You both stood up in your seats and grabbed the papers on the table into a neat pile. You let out a content sigh as you both walked out the teacher’s lounge.
“Thank you so much, Mark. You’re the best,” you exhaled. Outside your classroom, you already see some students entering inside as you left it unlocked, free for them or your coworkers to enter as they pleased. You both stood next to its entrance before he shrugs his shoulders at you.
“Hey, I mean it’s what I do best, right? Being the best.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove, earning a laugh from him. Saying goodbyes to one another, you walked inside your classroom. You nodded to the students present. “Afternoon, class,” you greeted.
“Good afternoon, Miss y/n!”
“Miss Y/n, there’s a bouquet of flowers on your desk,” one of your students called out. You raised an eyebrow. Flowers? Looking over to your desk, your student was certainly not lying and neither are your eyes. Perched in the middle of your desk lies a vase filled with varying colors of tulips. Petals are in full bloom and the stems are clipped uniformly. You walked over and saw a notecard attached to one of the flowers.
“Who is it from, Miss Y/n?”
“Yeah! Who got you flowers?”
You looked up and realized more of your students are present, capacity almost at its max. Class was starting soon so more and more are rushing in to see the surprise gift settled on your desk.
“Is it Mr. Kim in the science department? I saw you two walking together in the hallways last week.”
That assumption piqued your interest. “Wait, Mr. Kim? The physics teacher?” you asked. The student, Krystal, nodded, causing you to huff incredulously. “Krystal, please. We’re merely just friends.”
Another student chimes in. “Friends don’t lock arms with each other at work.”
“Jongin, please. Your last girlfriend only stayed with you for a month and she started dating an upperclassman a week later.”
“Guys, calm down,” you interjected. “As much as I love you crazy bunch, I am still your teacher. Therefore, what occurs in my personal life stays private, and how much I am willing to share with you all lies in my discretion.” But unbeknownst to you, one of your students sneaks behind you to get a glance of the card, discreetly reading the contents:
‘The best deserves nothing less than the best.
Yours truly.’
The student, Luna, almost lets out a squeal. “Guys! Guys!” You jumped in shock, startled by her sudden presence and her high-pitched voice. “I think it’s Mr. Lee! The other English teacher!”
All attention is now on her, excitement filled in the air.
“Mr. Lee? The one that teaches honors?”
“The one with boba eyes?”
“The one that laughs at everything?”
Luna nods to each question, visibly thrilled with the subtle jump in her steps as she walked towards her classmates. “Yes! I heard Miss y/n calling him the best earlier and Mr. Lee joked about being the best! And in the card, it said ‘the best deserves nothing less than the best’.” The bell rang, marking the beginning of the period, but that didn’t stop your students from chattering with happiness, faces completely wiped from fatigue and stress of the upcoming exams. Some students entered your classroom late to the discussion, prompting other students to fill them in only to also be electrified by the ‘news’.
You run a hand through your hair again and sighed. Not this again, you thought to yourself. But just before you could jump in to stop all this chaos, you heard someone knock on your open door, diverting your attention and your class’ to the intruder.
“Well, good afternoon, class,” the person chuckled. “Why’s it so boisterous here? Did I miss a party or something?”
Of course, what better person to appear now of all times? It was none other than the infamous history teacher, Johnny Seo. You rolled your eyes before laughing. Coincidence, my ass.
“Mr. Seo! Someone gave Miss Y/n a bouquet of tulips! She has a secret admirer!” Luna stated.
He raised an eyebrow at her direction. “Oh, does she now?” He looks back at you with a grin. “Did Miss Y/n find out who this secret admirer is?”
“We think it’s Mr. Lee from honors English.”
“And what makes you think so?”
“Because we heard her call him the best earlier before class started, and the notecard called her the best.”
“Coincidence? I think not,” Jongin nodded.
All of the students followed along in unison, profoundly proud of their assumptions that left you shaking your head in disbelief. Surely, you had a smile on your face, but it’s surprising to know how your students are able to make such large assumptions based on groundless evidence. You sat down in your chair and turned on your computer, getting your lesson plan ready for the period as your students entertained themselves with Mr. Seo.
Johnny takes it all in, nodding to all of them before walking up behind your desk. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t pester too much to Miss y/n about it. You know how much she likes to keep her life private.” While you were browsing through your saved files and pulling up powerpoints, you felt the latter tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Right, Mrs. Seo?”
And just like that, your hands stilled. Wait, did he just—
“Hold up..”
“Did you just—”
“Mrs. Seo?”
You squeezed your eyelids shut. Oh my god, here we go again—
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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mybillyhardgrove · 4 years ago
He loves you, he loves you lots b.h.
A/n: if you haven’t read Mango Kisses, check it out :) this piece may be my favorite thing ive written so far and im excited for you to read it!
Disclaimer: i don’t own any Stranger Things material
Word count: 2467
Warnings: some cheeky remarks from billy and a couple curses
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader (female)
Summary: after being with Billy for a few months, it has become clear how he shows his love for you
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Physical Touch
The touches had been deliberate at the start, meant to convey the interest you two had in each other. Flirty touches of his shoulder or arm as he talked to you in the school hallways or at random parties on the weekends. Gentle touches of your lower back as he walked past you, his chest rubbing a bit on your shoulder blades, though there was room enough for him not to need to be so close.
As your relationship developed, the touches became more frequent and less subtle. His arm draped around your shoulder or his hand in your back pocket, your legs crossed on his lap or your fingers intertwined with his. No matter what, it seemed that you were connected in some way almost all the time.
Finally, when you accepted Billy’s invitation to a date and you were officially his girl, the touching didn’t stop. Not that you minded. You found it so endearing that Billy seemed to reach for you, sitting with his knee touching yours, his hand on your back, his shoulder rubbing against yours, his hand on your thigh while he drove. It also seemed he didn’t realize he was doing it most of the time. It was an unconscious pull he had to you whenever you were near. One of your favorites was when you and Billy laid together and he played with the ends of your hair, rubbing his fingers together and smoothing the bumps away. It tended to relax you so much that you had to fight to keep your eyes open, lulled by his steady heartbeat and the warmth of his body wrapped up in yours. “That feels nice, Billy.” You felt his chest vibrate as he laughed, pulling you closer and lightly scratching your scalp as you let sleep fall over you.
It meant even more to you that Billy was so comfortable being physically affectionate with you after you learned about his childhood and the physical and verbal abuse of his father. This point was driven home when you were sitting at a diner one evening, Billy’s sneakered feet rubbing yours as you sipped your milkshake. You grabbed his hand resting on the table, softly rubbing your thumb over his knuckles and giving him a soft smile. He squeezed your hand in response, wiping his mouth and making sure he had your attention.
“I’m glad you’re my girl.” Your smile immediately widened, teeth popping out.
“I am, too, Billy.” After a beat, “What made you say that?” He grabbed your other hand across the table.
“I’m just happy to have you. It feels nice that I can reach out and I know you’ll be there. Your hugs, the way you touch me, I’ve never felt that before. Usually it’s rough and my dad or a girl wants something from me. I like that you touch me and let me touch you so much because you’re happy.” You could see he was losing his nerve, pulling his hands away and preparing to put on the devil-may-care attitude that was common when with friends.
“I love you, Billy. And I love that you feel comfortable enough to share that with me. I hope I can always make you feel that way.” He looked up, smiling a little, the tension leaving his shoulders. You didn’t want to make him feel awkward by focusing on the confession too long, so you continued. “Now eat those fries before I steal some.” He chuckled and grabbed your hand again, reaching across with a fry for you.
Once he had dropped it in your mouth, he cleared his throat. “I love you, too.” You smiled widely again, squeezing his hand a little tighter.
Words of Affirmation
You were rushing to get ready, imagining the look on Billy’s face as he sat on the couch all ready to head to the party. Your hands were shaking a bit as you dusted the rose blush on your cheekbones and nose. As Billy’s girl, you could expect as always to be the center of attention for most of the night as girls looked at you in jealousy and boys looked at you while they talked with Billy. It wasn’t that you wished you weren’t with Billy, it just got tiring to have all eyes on you both.
“Are you almost ready to head ou-” as you turned towards the sound of Billy’s voice, you watched him lower the sunglasses from his eyes, dragging his baby blues down your body and back up. You could feel your cheeks get hot as he let out a low whistle. “God damn, baby, you look like that and we may never make it to that party.” He came closer and wrapped his arm around your side, his hand fanning across your lower back and with a small pull, your body was flush to his. He leaned down to press his lips to your jaw, murmuring compliments as he spread the kisses down your neck and behind your ear. “You’re so beautiful.” Kiss. “I can’t believe you’re mine.” Kiss. “So smart and kind.” Kiss. “I am the luckiest man in Hawkins.” Kiss. “I love you so much.” After this last profession, Billy pressed a soft and meaningful kiss to your lips, lingering there as his hands came to rest on your hips, giving them a squeeze.
You tilted your head to the side into the kiss, slipping your fingers in his hair and scratching a bit at his scalp before pulling away and grabbing your purse. “I’m ready to go. Let’s get this over with.” You grabbed his hand and led him out of your room.
He followed with a lovesick look on his face. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Bill, shift your legs a little, mine are falling asleep.” You and your boyfriend were currently watching Red Dawn, your head resting on one side of the couch as Billy’s was resting on the other, legs intertwined and a thin blanket over the both of you. Sadly for you, it wasn’t quite enough to keep goosebumps from rising on your skin. Although the day had been fairly warm and you felt good in a sundress as Billy showered you in compliments all day, you were now verging on cold. Alone in the Hargrove’s house for the evening, the cool air coming in the open window was making you shiver.
Finally too distracted by the chill, you rose from the couch and shut the window, returning to curl up against Billy. You lifted the blanket, wiggled between his legs, and rested your back against his chest with the blanket up to your chin. He shifted a little and wrapped his arms around you, putting your hands in his. “Jeez, babe, your hands are freezing.” He pulled them up to his mouth, blowing warm air into your curled fingers, rubbing his palms together in an effort to bring them back to normal. You moved your feet a bit and accidentally pressed your cold toes to his bare leg. “Your feet are like ice cubes! Why didn’t you tell me you were so cold? Scoot forward, I’ll be right back.” You did as you were told and he swung his leg over your head, retreating to his room for a minute before coming back, a mess of fabric in his hands. “Here, put these on.”
You took the lump to the bathroom and laid it out, finally determining what he had given you. A cozy pair of his sweatpants, a long-sleeved henley shirt, and a pair of thick socks. Humming, you slipped your clothes off and changed into his, surrounded by the smell of cologne and a hint of smoke. You grabbed your things, dumped them next to your purse in the living room, and crawled back under the blanket with Billy.
“Feeling better?” He rubbed his hands down your arms.
“Much. Thank you.” You turned your head, pressing a kiss to his lips before settling to watch the rest of the movie.
A while later when the movie was finished and it was time for Billy to drive you home, you explained you would return his clothes the following day. “Keep them. They look better on you anyway. My gift to you, so you don’t freeze your ass off anymore.” You giggled and grabbed your things, admiring how loving Billy was to you.
Acts of Service
It was a bit of a tradition that had developed where Billy would climb up the trellis to the roof outside your bedroom window, tapping lightly so you would let him in. You loved when he did this and never asked why. He loved that about you - you didn’t need a reason or an explanation, you were there with a smile and a kiss, ready to snuggle and whisper until the morning.
This particular night was a bit different than usual. When he began the climb to your room, he could see the window was already open, likely because it was a cool night and the breeze felt nice on your skin. Smiling as he thought about seeing you, he peeked in the window and saw something that warmed his heart. The light next to your bed was on and illuminated the pile of books and clothes around your room as you slept in the middle of your bed, a notebook still open on your lap.
Billy let out a breathy chuckle as he quietly climbed in, careful not to wake you. He shrugged off his jacket and slipped off his shoes, placing them by the window. Who knew a girl who so lovingly helped Billy clean his room when Neil rode his ass about it would be able to make such a mess herself. He knew from your recent conversations that school was kicking your ass at the moment and it seemed cleaning was taking a backseat for the time being. He looked at the soft rise and fall of your chest, your tangled hair, and the pout of your mouth for a minute before getting to work. He gathered empty water bottles and crumpled up pieces of paper, throwing them in the small garbage can under your nightstand. He collected the school books that lay in a halo around you, gently lifting your hand to grab the notebook and pen you had been writing with before nodding off. Placing those on the top of your dresser in a neat pile, he went into the hall to grab a laundry basket.
After Billy had picked up the discarded clothes on your bed and floor, as well as those in your hamper, he tiptoed to the basement to throw the load in for you. Carefully avoiding the creaky spots on the staircase, he returned to your room, pleased with himself that it once again resembled the way you liked it. He pulled the socks from your feet, knowing you hated sleeping in them. As he did so, it dawned on him that they were his socks. In fact, you were also wearing the pair of sweatpants and the henley shirt he had given you the night you were cold while you watched a movie together. That memory brought a smile to his lips. Finally, he grabbed the rolled edges of your sheets and comforter from the foot of the bed, lifting them over your legs and up to your chest. This caused you to shift, taking a deep breath before rolling over, giving him enough room to slide in next to you. He did just that, humming a bit as he wrapped you in his arms, drifting quickly to sleep to the sound of your soft breaths and the warmth of your bed.
Quality Time
“Really, Billy, I don’t mind. I’ll just stay home and see you later.” You were currently on the phone with your boyfriend, trying to convince him to go to the party alone that you were going to go to together. It had been your plan all week to go to this party together and you even had an outfit laid out for the occasion. Unfortunately, you had woken up with a sore throat and a completely stuffed nose. After a few hours of blowing your nose, taking Vitamin C, and praying this would go away, you were resigned to call Billy and tell him he’d have to go without you.
“I am not going unless you’re there and I can tell from your voice that you’re really sick. Lay down and get cozy, I’ll be over in a little.” You sighed, disappointed that you were altering the plans for the evening.
“I’ll be fine. I feel bad that-” Before finishing that you felt bad for throwing a wrench in the evening, you were interrupted.
“I am not going to that stupid party, baby. I couldn’t care less. Trust me. Now get under the covers. I’m coming over. Is the door unlocked?” You answered in the affirmative and with one more order to get under covers, he hung up. You shuffled your feet across the carpet, burrowing under the large throw blanket, tissue box close by.
For a while, there was silence (apart from the sneezing and the pounding in your head from an annoying little headache that had formed since your call with Billy). You were somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, praying that this would end and missing the time you could breathe out of your nose. As you lay staring at the ceiling, you heard a familiar rumble in the distance get closer until it finally stopped in front of your house.
A few steps up to the front door and the creak as it opened and shut brought your boyfriend into view. “Shit, baby,” and with that, he kneeled next to the couch, running his fingers through your hair, wincing a bit as they ran over your forehead. He put his cheek there to confirm before saying, “I think you have a bit of a fever, too. You got it rough. But don’t worry, I brought all the things to make you feel better and I won’t leave your side until you’re good again.” He reached behind him, dragging a plastic bag full of medicine, chocolate, more tissues, and even a couple movies. You knew you were in for a troubling evening as you fought against the fever, headache, and sore throat. But with Billy by your side, it would all be okay.
By the next morning, after a night of movies, talking, snuggling, and even Billy spoon-feeding you soup, you felt almost your old self again. You were so grateful for your wonderful and caring boyfriend who showed his love all different ways. You made sure to tell him a million times, though he already knew.
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maraudereestauderelb · 4 years ago
A Duff McKagan smut One Shot
Prompt: You go to a concert with one of your friends and band mates, who's having a thing with no other than the band's guitarist Slash. After the show you get to meet Duff McKagen and somehow end up having your first time with him.
Warning: sex (duh)
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"They're good aren't they?", Y/F/N shouted over the loud music. "Amazing!" "Told ya!"
We were dancing along to the loud music and enjoying ourselves. It had taken her quite some time to convince me to come with her instead of heading for the Troubadour with our other two band mates. Apparently coming with my bassist had been the right choice though.
After a world tour, a successful album and quite a bit more money in my bank account than before we had left LA, I still felt more at home right here. In a rundown club on the strip with a still upcoming rock band on stage.
Y/F/N and I had fit in perfectly. Nobody would recognize just the two of us having a great time and getting drunk. Except maybe the group of aspiring musicians and rising rock bands of the strip. In this circle everyone knew everyone, knew in which bands they had played, who they were associated with, had partied together before and so on and so forth.
That was exactly the reason why we had ended up here. The lead guitarist used to play in a band called Road Crew and had surely attended one of the parties at our trailer before. Y/F/N knew him and she had told me he was in a new band that was very close on getting a record deal. "You gotta check them out! Heard they're fuckin good", had been the argument that had won me over in the end. Not so much her initial reason to come here. That being the fact that apparently the guy had been an awesome fuck and she wanted to get laid by him again.
Now being here, I didn't regret it. I was having fun! And I was back in my usual habitat and in a situation that was familiar. If after the concert she wanted to leave with her black haired curly-head she was free to do so. Either I'd bump into someone I knew or would simply head home and call it a night.
The singer seemed familiar as well and if I remembered correctly Nikki had left his ass outside at one of their parties.
"Yo, what's the lead singer's name again?", I asked Y/F/N. "Oh that's Axl. Hollywood Rose, remember?" "Oh yea, right!"
I got why those boys were apparently very close to making it. Shit, was Guns n' Rosesgood!
Y/F/N had successfully gotten us all the way through the crowd to the stage, where we danced and sang along some more until the band was finished.
A few moments after the last song had ended the club put on some generic rock music and blasted them through the speakers.
"You gonna head backstage or wait here?" This wasn't the type of club in which the band would go off stage and head backstage never to be seen again. They had a small room for all of them to change and would then most likely come out to party. I knew, because we had played here before.
"He saw me, so trust me, he's gonna come to me", she grinned, and I once again admired her confidence.
It didn't take too long before Slash really showed up. He greeted me as well and congratulated on our album, so I told him what a sick guitar player he is. I give credit where it's due.
But I also understood that it was probably best for me to piss off now. So that's what I did. I figured I'd get one last drink and keep my eyes open in case of seeing anybody I knew. And for real I spotted a few people I knew from college who quickly waved me over.
After telling them the generic shit everybody wanted to know coming back from tour, it actually turned into a lot of fun to party with them. No coke but sure as hell a lot of alcohol.
It was hours later when they decided to leave and I had actually planned to leave with them
when I spotted a barkeeper, I knew. He had also attended a bunch of our parties and was a cool guy. So I sat down at the bar and joked around with him some more as the club kept getting emptier.
The club surely was anything but empty at one point, neither was it packed. It wasn't so crowded anymore, and I had completely lost track of time when someone sat down on the barstool next to me.
I didn't pay much attention and simply took another sip from my vodka lemon until he said: "You know, your friend's already gone, right?"
I turned to face him and recognized him as one of Slash's band members, right after I had been speechless for a moment because of how handsome he was.
"Yea, I know", I nodded and added grinning: "So is your guitarist, right?" "Obviously", he answered laughing: "Should've seen him backstage after the concert, couldn't get to her fast enough!" I joined his laughter, finished my drink and looked around. "Your remaining band member's left with a groupie as well, huh?" "No, fuckin idea where they are", he smiled and waved over to Jimmy, the barkeeper: "Another one of these for the little Rockstar here and I take whatever she has."
"Thank you", I told him with a soft smile. He waved it off: "I'm Duff McKagan by the way." "Y/N Y/L/N", I replied. "I know, was at one of your trailer parties before ya guys became famous." "Oh were you?", I asked surprised. I would've bet I'd recognize such a pretty face. Blond, tall, bassist. I was in fuckin heaven.
"You then ones with the trailer with the IV in the living room, right?" "Yupp, that's us", I nodded with a smirk: "Then I'm sorry for not recognizing you..."
"Don't worry bout it", he smiled: "Doubt we got the chance to talk...not that I wouldn't have wanted to..."
"We should have! Then I probably would've listened to you guys sooner! And Oh. My. God. You're amazing!", I gushed excitedly. "Thanks! Hoping it'll get us where you are now." "You'd have to be a complete idiot not to fuckin sign you!"
"I fucking hope so", he sighed and took a big gulp from his vodka: "You the song writer, right?" He suddenly changed the topic.
"Yes, why?" "I dunno", he shrugged: "When I first saw your music video on TV I couldn't help but fuckin wonder what complete asshole hurt this beautiful girl..."
His words hit me like a fucking train, because they reminded me of my former best friend Nikki Sixx, whom I had been stupid enough to fall for, but soon my drunken brain focused on something else: He thought I was beautiful...
"An asshole that's no longer a problem", I laughed. "Well cheers to that", the blond guy smirked and clicked our glasses: "Lucky me."
I returned his smirk and soon felt his hand on my thigh.
"How come you didn't leave with a groupie?", I tease him and sip on my glass. "Not my thing..." "What an utter liar", I thought. "And also", he went on: "I saw you in the crowd dancing next to your friend and knew exactly who to go for."
The way he looked into my eyes send chills through my body and I quickly took another sip from my drink.
"You alright?", Jimmy asked from further away to make sure I was fine, and I quickly nodded.
"You're pretty confident, huh?", I asked Duff. "Why?" "Well, what if that one girl you decided to go for wasn't interested?", I teased him.
Was I interested? I mean...damn he was hot and watching him on stage had been hot! His touch on my thigh made me feel hot! But for fuck's sake I didn't knowhim!
"That would be pretty sad for both of us", he shrugged and winked at me before looking at his glass and away from me.
Was he right? God, I could already feel the heat inside of me rising and a quiet voice in the back of my head reminded me that I had seen him shirtless on stage and wondered what it would feel like to touch him.
But damn it, I was drunk!
He lit a cigarette and I gave my everything not to stare at his lips for longer.
"I liked you better when you were funny and not seductive", I shrugged as well with a smirk and made him laugh. "Ouch, thanks!", he replied smiling: "In that case you'd have loved to see me lookin like an idiot when I got to Slash and your friend hours ago just to realize your gone."
"Maybe you should've hurried more, you know, the way your friend Slash did", I teased him more and calmed my nerves.
"He's just a funny guy", I told myself: "Joke around with him some more and then get your ass back home."
"Well, in the end you waited here for me anyway." "Rockstars don't wait for anyone", I joked and took the cigarette from him to take a drag as well. I could tell he was staring at my lips this time but was ripped out of his thoughts when I handed it back.
He cleared his throat and said: "Always wanted to fuck a rockstar."
I almost choked on my drink. That was my sign. The cards were on the table. I should tell him that this certainly wouldn't be the night he'd get what he wants and leave! But I was curious... so damn curious...
I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him! Maybe I could at least make out with him...find out what his lips felt like...there was nothing wrong about that.
"That's what the girls always tell you?", I tried to mock him but was too nervous to sound convincing. "You're quite a joker, huh?" "At least tryin to..."
"It's cute", he admitted. "Good, because I never run out of stupid jokes..."
"Trust me, I'd know a way or two to shut you up", he grinned to himself and took a last drag before he stubbed the cigarette out.
God, his words went straight to my core and put pictures in my head I hated but at the same time desperately wanted to happen. I wanted to find out what he wanted to do!
"Ya know what I always wanted to find out?", I asked without thinking about it twice. "What is it, gorgeous?" "If it's true that bass players don't just have skilled fingers when it comes to playin instruments."
I cracked the joke before I had thought about it. Why? Because I always had to listen to idiots tell me that and because I somehow really wanted to find out.
His smirk grew winder than I had seen it all night and it made me knees weak. "I can definitely show ya that."
"How about you first make me shut up?"
I had barely finished my sentence before I felt his free hand in my neck and soon enough his lips on mine.
I felt like melting right then and there! His lips moving against mine felt so good! But what started as a rather innocent kiss quickly became more heated. I grabbed the hem of his leather jacket, not to pull him closer but because I needed to hold on to something, anything."
His lips were moving against mine before he gently captured my lower lip with his. It was hard not too moan on the spot! And even harder when I tasted his tongue.
I damned those stupid barstools! I wanted him closer, needed him closer.
When we finally separated again my entire body was totally antsy!
"Speechless?", he asked teasingly. God, he was so damn hot!
I tried to think of something witty and fun, but I couldn't summon a single proper thought.
"You know...to prove the other thing we should probably move this somewhere more private...", he whispered into my ear and hadn't goose pumps already covered my entire body they definitely would have after he seductively kissed my neck.
I should tell him no. I should move my fucking ass back home.
But when he leaned back again and all I could think about was how I buried my fingers in his blond hair, I just nodded...
He had his arm around my waist when he let me out of the club and down strip. It was still dark and it wasn't hard to tell that there were still a bunch of parties going on in other places as well. Like I said, I had long lost my sense for time.
"My place ain't far from here", he told me and I nodded. Excitement was bubbling inside of me and gosh, I couldn't wait to kiss him again!
All worries and negative thoughts had been long gone as we walked through the cold night. I kept looking at him from the side and tried to hide the excited smirk on my lips. But
damn, he was even taller than I had guessed and looked so handsome in the dim glow of the streetlights.
I didn't know what to say. Where words needed?
I realized how he eyed me as well and a smug smile appeared on his lips. Shit, I wanted him. I had never felt this need for someone before, but I had also never allowed myself to get this carried away.
I bit my lower lip and tried to clear my thoughts but that attempt was quickly thrown completely over board when he suddenly pressed my back against the closest wall and kissed me. The kiss almost took my breath away.
Here I was standing on the strip with my back against the wall of some club and making out with a complete stranger. And it felt so right.
"Duff", I whimpered against his lips in a needy tone. "We should probably keep going, huh?", he smirked a little out of breath himself. "Except you consider this somewhere more private", I said with a grin on my lips but felt how he led me on with his arm around my hips once again.
"Wouldn't mind", he shrugged and lit another cigarette: "But I wanna take my time with you."
I swallowed hard and accepted the cigarette he wanted to share with me.
The next five minutes of us walking passed mainly without much talking but then I found myself in his one-bedroom apartment.
Alone with him now I felt the nervousness set back in.
So this was how it's gonna be?
"You want somethin to drink or anything?", he asked from behind me and I shook my head. Soon I felt him against my back with his arms around my body and his lips on my neck and shoulder.
I suppressed the low moan that had wanted to escape my lips and simply leaned back against him.
He had soon gripped the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head. A shiver ran through me but his warm hands that travelled my body soothed me and quickly found the clasp of my bra and opened it.
He was still kissing my neck when he whispered: "Turn around to me." I obeyed immediately.
The sight of my bare breasts exposed before him made him fight to contain his arousal as he hardened in his boxers. He lowered his head and wrapped his lips around my nipple. He sucked gently and I failed to find something to hold onto.
It was weird to be almost naked in front of him while he was still fully dressed, at the same time it made me feel excited.
"Get on the bed, I got something to prove", the blond haired told me smirking and I nodded. I tried not to run to the bed and could barely believe how caught up in the moment I was. My entire mind was foggy!
I watched him take off his leather jacket before he walked over to me and moved my thighs apart so he could lay down between them.
I could feel him hard against my center through our clothes but before the nervousness consumed me he had his lips on mine again and consumed my senses instead.
His body was pressed against mine and he traced his fingers down my body. He stroked over my thighs and spread them even more before moving to my panties.
Through the fabric he pressed his hand against me and gently rubbed me. A soft moan left my lips and I stirred underneath him and spread my legs further. Duff smirked against my breats and took my nipple in his mouth again as he began to rub me through my panties. His fingers ran over my slit as heat began to pool and I whimpered.
"Duff", I moaned softly.
He pulled away from my titts and brought his lips to mine while his fingers rubbed at my clit.
My eyes were closed, and I was lost in the moment, but I managed to bring my hand to his head and tangled my fingers in his blond, long hair. My lips parted as another soft moan left them and Duff pushed his tongue inside my mouth, massaging my tongue with his own.
His fingers were moving in circles over my clit and I whimpered against his lips as my panties became more soaked with each move he made.
I moaned and writhed on the bed as his hand travelled beneath my panties. Both of us moaned as he ran his middle finger between my folds, feeling how wet I was.
I whined his name again and lifted my hips to meet his hand.
He pushed his erection against my thigh and instinctively I reached down and stroked him through his pants.
"God you’re so wet for me", he growled in in my ear.
I bit my lip and raised my hips when suddenly he pulled away from me.
He knelt on the bed and smirked at me before ripping my panties down my thighs and tossing them to the floor.
My heart felt like it was about to pump out of my fucking chest.
He moved between my legs and crashed his lips against mine.
His fingers made their way back to my core and he pushed his middle finger inside me with ease, making me gasp.
"You want me to fuck you?", he pulled his finger out teasingly slow.
I bit your lip and without thinking I nodded as he pushed his finger back in.
He added a second finger, stretching me slowly: "But not yet."
He pulled his fingers away and I whined at the emptiness. But before I could protest Duff spread my legs apart and laid between them.
He ran the flat of his tongue along my slit, making me gasp and clutch at the sheets.
His tongue ran over my clit in two slow strokes.
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and let out a moan.
His tongue ran over my clit in slow circles and he reached his hands up to squeeze my breasts. When he sucked at my clit I let out another moan into my hand and Duff pulled away.
"Oh No, baby", he told me and moved my hand from my mouth: "I wanna hear you."
I bit my lip and watched as he went back to his slow licks and his eyes never left mine as he ran his tongue over me. I felt like I was burning.
I squeezed my eyes shut and reached down, wrapping my fingers in his blond hair and raised my hips to meet him. He pulled back, only slightly and ran his fingers over my slit. He let out a growl as he watched, pushing two fingers into your throbbing pussy.
"Duff", I gasped and already felt extremely full. "Don't panic", I told myself and threw all worries away when he began to pump his fingers in and out of me, slowly at first before he increased his speed.
"You like that, baby girl?"
I moaned in response and he stopped his movements. He sucked at my clit and the change in pleasure made me squirm.
I whined and lifted my hips to meet the strokes of his tongue.
He moaned against me and the vibrations sent pleasure soaring through my veins. He began pumping his fingers once more, curling them against my wall and rubbing against my gspot.
I writhed on the bed, clutching at the sheets because of the amount of pleasure.
"You gonna cum for me doll?", he growled against me.
I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip as my orgasm coursed through me. MY walls clenched around his skilled fingers and his tongue didn’t stop running over your clit, making my legs tremble.
When my orgasm started to slow down he got up and took his clothes off, throwing them anywhere. Before he sat back down between my thighs, I watched him put on a condom through barely open eyelids.
Without a warning and therefor without giving me the time to over think this he plunged his cock into me. I gasped at his size and raked my nails down his back.
The pain was sharp and unknown.
"God you feel so good baby."
He crashed his lips against mine, stifling my moan as he pulled out of me slowly.
"So tight." He pushed into me again. I was frowning and pushed my eyes closed as I was trying to adjust to him. Fuck, he felt so good at the same time this hurt so bad but in the best way possible.
I moaned and ran my hands over his back as he set a pace with deep and slow thrusts. He wanted me to feel every inch of him entering me and he lost himself in the little whimpers I made as he pushed into me. After a few more thrusts when the pain was starting to die down, he pulled out of me and knelt on the bed.
"Rollover", he ordered.
I bit my lip and obeyed, kneeling in front of him on all fours. Duff let out a breath as he looked at my ass.
I felt him run his cock over my center before he pushed into me once more.
"Duff...", I hissed.
His change of angle set a whole new sense of pleasure and he set a faster pace. It hurt but felt so good... His cock slammed into me and I collapsed against the mattress, falling onto my elbows, arching my back more in doing so.
He brought his hand down swiftly, slapping my ass and making me gasp.
Duff gripped my hips and I moaned between breaths as he picked up a fast and hard pace, slamming into me hard and fast. He leaned forward and pulled my hair into a ponytail, his thrusts never slowing down. With a gentle tug at my hair he pulled me back onto all fours and with his spare hand he reached under me.
His fingers found my clit and he rubbed clumsy circles. I bit my lip, trying to contain my moans and arched my back. He leant over me, his breath on my shoulder and hearing his staggered breathing sent me into overdrive. He released his grip in my hair only to wrap his hand around your throat gently and pull me back enough so he could turn my head around to kiss him. Just what I needed.
"You gonna cum for me?"
I attempted to nod, which proved difficult with his grip on my throat. He didn't wait for an answer though and rubbed his fingers over my clit faster.
"Cum for me, babygirl."
I lost all control, my eyes rolling back as the waves of pleasure rolled through me, sending shivers all over my skin. His pace was sloppy now and I knew he was almost ready as well. He slowly pulled away and turned on his back so I knelt down on wobbly legs. I removed the condom and licked along his throbbing cock and he let out a low moan. I took him as deep as I could and began to suck him off until he grasped his cock and pumped it a few times before coming in my mouth.
I swallowed his load and his deep moans send a few last chills through me.
Both of us collapsed against the sheets, a sheer layer of sweat covering my skin as I tried to catch my breath.
"Shit that was good", he exhaled and placed a lazy kiss on my shoulder. "Yes, it was", I thought and grinned to myself, trying to process what had happened.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years ago
Characters: Petra Ral, Levi, Hanji Zoe x Levi
Genre: Action / Mystery / Romance
Rating: T
Summary: when Petra was promoted to a detective and partnered up with legendary Levi Ackerman, she felt like the happiest person in the world.But, as she soon found out, detective Ackerman she used to admire so much was actually a far cry from the ideal policeman Petra thought he was. He was rude, harsh and easily annoyed. And, in addition, he still hadn’t moved on from the death of his previous partner - detective Hange Zoe.
Chapter 13/14
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Сhapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Сhapter 7
Сhapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Beep, beep, beep
It didn't stop, didn't pause, didn't even quiet down.
Hange tried to ignore the irritating sound, tried to forget about it and return to the dark place where she was safe and warm.
Beep, beep, beep
As though mocking her, it got louder and louder, allowing Hange no respite. Accepting that this battle wouldn’t end in her favor, she groaned and forced her eyes open.
The ceiling above her was white, the walls surrounding her were mostly white too. The bed she was lying on was also white, and to her hand was attached a thin line of IV.
Huh. It was a while since she had the pleasure to wake up in a hospital.
Hange meant to continue her survey, but everything else was too blurry for her to see. Glasses. Where were her glasses?
Her hand flew to her face, touching her nose. No glasses there.
With a considerable effort Hange pushed herself up into a sitting position. She blindly reached to her left where a bedside table stood. She moved her palm all over it, there was lots of things on top of it. No glasses, though.
"The first drawer," a voice behind her helped.
Hange obediently opened it, her fingers immediately finding the familiar shape of her glasses. She put them on and sighed in content, as the world around her finally came into focus.
She turned her head to the direction the voice was coming from. Next to her bed stood another one, separated by a blue curtain. In the corner of it she could see Zeke. Their eyes met, and he gave her a weak, but unexpectedly genuine smile.
"Welcome back to the world of the living."
"Was I out for too long?" Hange frowned, trying to recall what had happened. She remembered Floch, remembered that horrible room in Zeke's safe house, remembered his brother, the erupting pain in her side as he had shot her and the dangerous glint of Floch's blade near her throat. She remembered being afraid and sorry for missing her another chance and not telling Levi how she truly felt all these years. Remembered Levi rushing in, saving her. Remembered his trembling fingers and soft touch. Remembered how he held her and refused to let go all the way to the hospital, remembered—
That was all she remembered.
"It's been almost a day since doctors operated on you," Zeke explained. "You've got your friends worried."
Hange looked to her bedside table again, gawking at the amount of gifts there. There was a box of candies from Nifa, teddy bear from Moblit, balloons from Keiji and Abel, a giant bouquet from Erwin... And a small postcard that stood at the far side. Hange picked it up, studying curiously. Her lips curled up and she giggled - the postcard was from Pieck.
"And what happened to you?" Hange looked back at Zeke. His torso was bandaged and he was unusually pale in the face.
Zeke grimaced, lifting his eyes to the ceiling. "My brother turned out to be a better shooter that I've anticipated."
"And..." Hange began uncertainly. Her fingers curled into the bedsheets, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know, but— she decided to ask anyway. "And what happened to Eren?"
Zeke sighed, pushing hair back from his face. "I took care of him."
Hange looked down, not knowing how to feel about it and what to do with that knowledge. Should she say something to Zeke? Tell him that she was sorry? Or that he did the right thing? What he wanted to hear? He probably didn't wish to hear either.
"And what happened to your eye?" she pointed her finger at a large bruise that bloomed on his face. "Was it... Eren as well?"
"No," Zeke scoffed. "That was your partner, detective. An eye for an eye, I guess," he chuckled dryly.
"Levi..." Hange's heart fluttered at the mention of him. "Do you know if he's—"
"He's been by your side this whole time," Zeke rolled his eyes. "He left just a few minutes ago. I'm sure he'll be there any moment now. He barely slept while you were out."
"Oh..." Hange couldn't help her smile. She wanted to see Levi so much...
"Jesus," Zeke groaned. "The two of you are sickening. If I spend another day watching you, I'd get cavities from your damn sweetness. Damn it, and I can't even smoke here..."
Zeke obviously meant to complain some more, but he fell silent, as the door to the ward opened. Hange turned to it with a grin that dissipated almost immediately, a heartbeat after she saw Petra's sheepish smile instead of Levi's gloomy scowl.
"Disappointed, aren't you, detective?" Zeke mocked with a shit eating smirk.
Hange discreetly flipped him off and roughly closed the curtain between them.
"Sorry about that," she mumbled, giving an apologizing look to Petra.
"It's alright," she said. "Levi is just behind the door, Oluo is distracting him while I'm here." Petra tutted, her auburn locks flying as she shook her head. "I had no choice but to resort to this. He doesn't let anyone else see you. Only Captain Erwin was allowed inside, and that too lasted just for a few minutes."
Hange chuckled, her heart swelling. Yep, that's the ridiculously protective shorty she knew and loved...
"I know you can't wait to see him, too," Petra winked, taking note of her pleased expression.
Hange flushed, but the embarrassed blush turned into angry one, when she heard a not so subtle scoff behind the curtain.
"So I will be brief," Petra sat down on a chair beside Hange, setting her hands on her lap. Her fingers twisted together in a nervous matter as stared at the floor, appearing deep in thought. After a long moment, she lifted her eyes, a small, slightly crooked smile playing on her lips. "I just wanted to thank you for... giving me strength back there. I lost all hope, thought I was done for, but you... You kinda rekindled that light inside me. You showed me what true bravery and resolve means."
"Petra," Hange smiled, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "I should be the one thanking you. On the night Levi and I reunited, if it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for your bravery and resolve, who knows what would have happened? Perhaps, I would have never gathered enough courage to face Levi. Perhaps, he would have never found out that I actually survived. Don't sell yourself short, you're a strong and courageous person, and have been like that long before we met. You have a bright future ahead of you. I'm excited to witness it."
Petra bobbed her head, her smile growing wider, more open. "And I'm excited to learn more from you. But as for now," Petra stood up and fixed Hange with a rather strict look.
She is learning things from Levi too, Hange thought with an amused smile.
"Rest and gather your strength. Everyone is waiting for you to come back. Someone is more impatient that the others. I need to go before that same someone rips Oluo's head off for keeping you away from him. Take care," Petra waved her hand, gifted Hange another bright smile and left.
As soon as she closed the door, Hange heard a familiar, grumpy voice.
A second later, Levi walked in. His eyes widened when they met hers. With his hand still on a doorknob, Levi stood at the threshold, staring at her with an intent look.
Hange almost squirmed under his gaze, it was too intense to belong to Levi. She wondered what was the reason for it.
But then the spell broke, and Levi looked away.
His steps heavy, he marched further into the room. He didn't head to her bed, though. Instead he stopped next to Zeke's.
"If I hear just a pip from you," he warned in a low voice. "They'll have to prolong your stay in this hospital."
Levi didn't wait for Zeke to reply and turned on his heels, taking a seat next to Hange. Crossing his legs, he just sat there, his gaze not moving away from her face.
He didn't glare, didn't scowl, just stared like Hange was the most interesting thing in this room. Her stomach turned, and she wasn't sure if she liked this feeling or not.
"Where were you?" she asked, when it became evident that Levi wasn't going to start a conversation.
Her question made him look away, just long enough to roll his eyes.
"That idiot Oluo ambushed me in the hallway. Demanded an advice from me."
"An advice?"
"On how to be a good detective," Levi answered, before Hange could get funny ideas about other types of advice. Not that Levi was knowledgeable enough to give them. "Erwin decided to promote him. Now Petra will have a new partner."
"You and Petra won't work together anymore? Then who is going to be your new partner?"
"Yeah, Hange," Levi sat back in his chair, crossing hands on his chest. "Who will it be?"
"You," Zeke stage whispered.
Levi's eye twitched.
"I told you—"
"Wait," Hange put a hand on his arm, quelling his anger. A heavy feeling settled in her stomach, a hope that was ready to get crushed. She frowned at Levi. "Can I even return to work? Technically, I'm still dead."
"Erwin is working on it. He pulled some strings, asked a few favors..."
"He managed to restore your documents. He even kept your full name."
"He wanted to change it? To what?"
Despite the faint blush, Levi held her gaze firmly. "Ackerman."
Now it was Hange's turn to feel flustered.
"And by the way," Levi rose to fluff and fix the pillow underneath her. Hange tried to ignore the subtle tremor she noticed as his fingers moved. "You'll have to stay at my place for a while. Erwin is looking for an apartment, but since most of your stuff is already there..."
Hange couldn't help it - she started laughing. God, both of them were so hopeless.
"Aren't we moving things a little too fast?" she gave him a sly look, a flutter inside her returning as Levi snorted.
"Too fast? If you ask anyone else, four-eyes, we're moving things way too slowly."
Well... Hange certainly couldn't argue with that.
"And if you want to help things move along more smoothly," Levi sat back down, putting his hand on the bed, his fingers almost touching Hange's. "I remember you promising to tell me about your type."
Hange did promise that, she almost did tell him too, back in his office, when they received news about Petra. It wasn't the right time back then. But now...
"My type is certainly one of a kind. You have seen him, though."
"Where?" Levi grew just a little bolder, moved his hand just a little closer to Hange's.
She grinned and shortened the distance, intertwining their fingers.
"In the mirror."
The possibly sweet, tender moment was ruined by a loud groan that was followed by, "God, I never thought that flirting could be so torturous."
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wyn-n-tonic · 4 years ago
Golden, Like Daylight -- Part IV
Word Count: 1,925 Warnings: PTSD. Drug use. Ben Affleck. Panic attacks. Bullet wounds. Smut (not explicit but it's there). A/N: Your kind words mean literally everything to me and I have been sobbing between the warmth shown to me over this series and also how much I love Francisco Morales and want the absolute best for him.
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Gif by: @uuuhshiny
Luna hasn’t stopped wailing since Sunday, the one and only day Frankie said he wouldn’t be able to call.
It’s Thursday and both their lungs are close to giving out.
One Morales woman hyperventilating herself into fitful sleeps, the other only sobbing through held breaths in stolen lonely moments of peace and quiet.
Kristyn had taken up residence in the spare room, making sure Leah slept and ate. She was the one who cashed in Leah’s sick days with the school, forging a bullshit sick note when she went into work.
Leah is currently distraught because her husband might be dead in South America, we don’t know.
That’s what the first one said, dashed out on the keyboard in a petty moment of frustration. She might be the only one of Leah’s sisters who didn't want to lob his fucking head off every time she shed a tear but it didn’t mean she never wanted to do it.
Patient is suffering from a prolonged migraine and intensive nausea. Follow up appointment scheduled for next Thursday at 9am.
That should fucking do it but she’ll have to start checking off the vacation days soon. Dip into family leave for Luna.
Alexa held her on that first Monday, talking her through the panic in a puddle of spilled coffee. The paper cup splashing across their knees in the hallway as concern emanated from the AP Lit room at their backs.
Somewhere at the base of the Andes, her husband was being pried out of a crashed helicopter by the only other men she’d ever truly loved. William was shot, Benny was reckless. She felt it all in her body as she was driven home, helped into the shower, held in her bed but not by the arms she craved.
“He's coming home,” Deana brought dinner that night, her big sister cutting into her steak like she was a child at risk of choking again, “he will do anything he can to make sure of that.”
“What if he doesn’t, D?” Leah’s taken on the stare, everything and nothing all at once, “what if he doesn’t come home this time?”
“I promise you, Lee, okay?” She reaches out to push aside hair damp with tears, ���I've never seen a man so in love.”
“Yeah…” she’s quiet, “he promised me too.”
And she told him to stop making promises because he doesn’t keep them.
I think you put a baby in me, Francisco Morales.
The tears well over her eyes, spilling onto already salt stained cheeks.
He made love to her like it was the last time he would ever see her, the last chance he would ever get. He poured his entire being into her, drunk off the feel of their bodies together. She could feel him in the hollow of her ribs, an aching that called out for the comfort of his beating heart against hers again.
Would that be so bad?
She sobbed out, startling Luna’s own ragged cries again, afraid that she would never know warmth against her cold hands again.
“Hey,” they're huddled against the onslaught beneath a barely-there cliff, labored breathing in tandem, “you still with me?”
Frankie’s panic attack came on slowly, a rolling storm in the distance the moment the helo crashed in the valley.
Bad landing.
His fight or flight response has his lungs in a vice grip but he still manages a laugh, “I think I should be the one asking you that.”
“You know it’s gonna take a lot more than a stray bullet to fuck me off,” he’s smiling but Frankie knows how much blood he’s lost, how long it takes for a wound like that to clot without medical intervention.
It’s true, it’ll take a lot more than a stray bullet to take William Miller but that was before, when they had back up. Out here, though? Surrounded by his brothers in arms? Having done what he just did?
Francisco Morales has never felt more alone.
“Fish,” William hits his knee against his, “where are you?”
His eyes refocus on the tepid water pounding all around him, the world coming back as he takes a deep breath, “are you afraid, Will?”
“You gotta be more specific, Frank, I’m terrified of everything.”
He’s quiet when he speaks, “me too,” barely above the downpour.
He sees Will nod in his peripheral, “I know.”
“Will, I’m afraid I’ll never see them again,” and when he chokes, he realizes he’s been crying.
“No, you can’t think like that.”
“I know, but I can’t stop it either, like…” trailing off, he lifts his face to the pressure of the water; it’s the sweetest thing he’s felt in days, “what if this is the last shower I ever take?”
“Fish…” Will reaches for him but he’s cut short.
“No, listen to me. If anything happens to me out he—“
“Nothing is going to fucking hap—"
“Shut up and let me finish,” his rage and sadness is burning hot through him, it takes everything within his being not to choke on air as he speaks again. “If anything happens to me out here, Will, take care of my girls. Please.”
The blond nods his head, heavy with exhaustion and pain, “until the very end of my life, Frankie.”
The relief that spreads through his body is better than any drug he ever tried, he feels himself slipping into an upright sleep, his heart at peace for the first time since he left his bed.
“But,” Will’s voice catches him on the edge of consciousness, “I would also face down the end of my life to make sure you see them again, do you understand me? If the only thing standing between you and a bullet is me, don’t fight. Leave me there and run like hell. You’re going back to your family.”
“But if I don’t make it…”
“Fish,” Will's laugh is drenched in the space between them, “are you saying it’s your last will and testament for me to marry your wife?”
“Fuck off,” his words are clipped, strained, “and don’t call me Fish.”
They still, eyes up to the screen of the baby monitor as they hold their breath for another sound from Luna’s room. The baby settles back into silence, her small chest rising and falling on the grainy feed.
He remembers Leah opening the military grade surveillance equipment at the baby shower, the shake of her laughter as she held onto Benny’s shoulder to anchor herself to the chair.
“Should we check on her?” It’s small, a rushed question of a concerned mother.
“I said a baby monitor, Benjamin, not a prison security camera.”
“Absolutely not,” Ben grabs her hand, “This is better than any of that shit you’ll find at Target. Video means there’s no wondering either, you can just look up and assess the situation, more rest. That’s important, you’ll need to savor the little that you get.”
He pushes a lock of hair from her face, damp with the tears of the day and the sweat of the night, “no, baby, we don’t want to disturb her.”
“Yeah,” Will chimes in, his beer bottle held loosely in his hands, “Frankie should’ve been training you on sleep deprivation this whole time, you’re spec ops yourself now.”
“But what if she wakes up?”
“Well…” the corner of his mouth lifts to close the fan at the corner of his eyes, “it’s a good thing she can’t see us through that thing, right?”
“Francisc—“ the irritation of his name is finished in a heady moan lured from her body by another slow drag of his hips.
The crook of his nose slots against hers as he finds her lips again, the warmth of the room around them is nothing compared to their mouths on each other. Bathing in shared heat, her fingers entwine into the curls at the crown of his head, the other hand palm up to his chest. And as the beating of his heart races towards her burning touch, he submerges himself once again.
His firm grip holds the hinge in her leg, fingers digging into the sensitive skin that fills her lungs with fits of laughter and light. He braces himself against the bed, the aching in his forearm dulled by the soft, breathless whimpers intoxicating his entire being.
His voice is washed out when he finds it, “mi sol,” lips dragging across her own, “mis estrellas.”
Her eyes find his, heavy with admiration and trust. “Francisco,” she is drunk and drowning in the love of this man, “finish me.”
He shifts to cradle her jaw and as he trails his other hand up her thigh, he sinks within her once more. Finding his release against her own, he is convinced they’ll never be able to fully untangle again.
He presses a kiss to her nose.
My sun.
Her forehead.
My stars.
Her lips.
My whole sky.
I think you put a baby in me, Francisco Morales.
He snaps back to reality, Santi and Tom’s voices echoing all around them.
His head is hot, he’s pushing past Will with concern set so deeply in his eyes he fears he’ll break right there.
Would that be so bad?
“Fucking bullshit!” Tom’s face is red, Santi having finally said what all of them are thinking.
He feels the weight of Leah in every fiber of his being, slotted perfectly against his body.
“We're all on the hook for this, are we not?”
I should’ve said no.
“God damn this fucking horse! Stop it!”
All those years blinded by loyalty to authority, Frankie never talked back to his leader but the man in front of him isn’t a leader. He’s a whiny child who’s lost his toys and Frankie hates him.
Biting back what he wants to say, he holds his hand up in a show of camaraderie, “Relax.” His finger quirks up as if he’s scolding a tantrum, “Relax. We’re not picking at the fucking scab right now, okay?”
Tom stares him down, like he’s weighing an argument against him too but Frankie’s done. He meets the taller man’s gaze, this man he would’ve died for.
“One foot in front of the other. Come on.”
This man he almost has died for.
“Let's go. Jesus fucking Christ.”
His true allegiances don’t lie to this man anymore or the gun at his hip. Not the money or the mules. He left that splintered fantasy about twenty feet back.
He’d throw this man over if it meant going home right now.
The money too.
None of it is worth a goddamn thing to him if it means he’ll never see the way that the light bounces off the gold in Leah Morales’ eyes ever again.
The same honeyed flakes in the brown of his daughter’s bright gaze.
I think you put a baby in me, Francisco Morales.
He made love to her like it was the last time he would ever see her, the last chance he would ever get. He wanted to pour his entire being into that woman, ensure that he would live on if lost to the Colombian jungle off a narco's bullet.
Would that be so bad?
He was scared but, truly, would it be so bad?
But it would be because he could truly leave her with nothing. No money, no husband, no father to her babies.
He lost count of the days he hadn’t called.
He makes his way up the mountain, following Tom’s bitching, wishing it was Leah leading him home instead.
TAG LIST: @justanotherblonde23 | @greeneyedblondie44 | @icanbeyourjedi | @princess76179 | @bbuckysbeardd | @notcookiebelle | @knivesareout | @empress-palpat1ne​
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
ive been in and out of the fandom but i am back to thirsting over some soft marvus headcanons with a smol s/o who likes to sing softly (or cottagecore aesthetics if you can add in!) ty in adv 😭
marvus xoloto with a s/o who likes to sing !
you keep your singing on the lowdown at the start of your relationship with marvus
it can be pretty intimidating dating one of the biggest musical artists on alternia
so you just don’t do it around him, no big deal
until that one time he plays your favourite song at a party and you sing along softly under your breath
you’re sure it’s completely drowned out by the booming music but marvus is staring at you from across the crowded room with that toothy grin
damn troll hearing
he teases you about it until you agree to loosen up around him
everytime you sing around him in private things turn strangely intimate
he stops whatever he’s doing just to listen and admire his wicked talented matesprit
messiahs, how did he get such a cool alien ?
he loves when you sing him to sleep
especially when he gets to hold you and feel the vibrations of your tiny body as you sleepily hum nonsense tunes to him
bonus : cottagecore s/o
he has no idea what you’re talking about when you explain your aesthetic but he nods along as you talk
“ lol wutz a cottage? ”
you have two completely different styles and both end up merging some of each other’s into your wardrobe
you become fashion icons
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whatifxwereyou · 4 years ago
The Oncoming Storm Part 10: Distance
Liu Kang x Reader and Kung Lao x Reader (gonna do both, two paths!)
Man, the vibe between these two fine men is so different. I'm so into it! ALSO have some exciting stuff coming. Gonna try to update both days this weekend, and then setup some... very spicy/fun/dangerous romance stuff? Might add in some "choose your own adventure" style choices before we get to that big choice Lol. ENJOY! Much love.
Part 9 Part 11 Chapter Index
You rested on your side with your head in Kung Lao’s lap, a decision that you’d had no part in making. He held your hand while the monks tended to the wound on your side. You’d pulled more of your stitches than you’d noticed when you and Liu Kang had stopped to examine your wound. You could hear him saying he told you so in your head. You owed him an apology, you supposed. Kung Lao’s thumb brushed over the back of your hand and you were momentarily distracted from the rest of night.
Your exceptionally long awful horrible and terribly confusing but also kind of wonderful night. What a whirlwind.
The way that the monks fretted over you was embarrassing. It had done nothing to ease Kung Lao’s obvious guilt. You were fine! They’d been practicing and it had been an accident. Besides that, you’d had fun with him. You hadn’t wanted him to go easy on you and he hadn’t. You were grateful. Would he ever trust himself in a fight against you again?
After a lengthy discussion out of earshot the monks decided to cauterize the wound to prevent further bleeding since you didn’t seem to be clotting properly on your own. You’d agreed when it had been presented as the only option just to feel like you’d had some say in it. Liu Kang had done the same for your arm the other day and you wished he were there to do it this time too. You’d been spoiled by his magic in comparison.
They’d hooked you up to an IV of fluids to help you recover from the blood loss and set upon the task. It was a painful and miserable process that crippled you from the onset. Kung Lao stroked your hair soothingly and urged you to squeeze his hand. You weren’t sure if he was helping or not, but it was sweet of him to try.
Once the agonizing process ended, the monks suggested you stay for a while so they could keep an eye on you. While they cared for you on and off, Kung Lao talked. He was good at that. He comforted you with distraction and told terrible jokes to try and make you laugh. Eventually silence had fallen, and he had taken to running his fingers through your hair with his eyes closed.
From the way the monks spoke, morning was fast approaching. You hadn’t felt so exhausted and afraid to sleep in years. If everything hadn’t been such a mess, then you would have been impressed. As time passed the pain faded to a near memory. It was only then that you realized that you hadn’t spoken a single word since you’d agreed to have your wound cauterized.
“You don’t have to stay.” If Kung Lao needed you to absolve him of guilt, then you would gladly do so.
“I’m staying.”
“It’s been a long night, Kung Lao. You need rest too.”
“I’m not leaving until you can.”
“You don’t owe me this, Kung Lao. This isn’t your fault.” You turned so that you were rested on your back and Kung Lao helped you settle against his legs. Of all the places you thought you’d end up, head rested in Kung Lao’s lap was not one of them. Boy, you could use a drink.
“Then whose fault is it, exactly? Yours?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I know that it’s not my fault, Y/N.”
“Could you tell that to your face?” You reached to poke the underside of his chin. He smiled, as if relieved to see you joking with him again.
“I’m staying. And I’ll make sure you get back to your room.” He poked you right in the chest.
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“What’s ridiculous is that I am being perfectly charming and on my best behavior and you’re arguing with me all while using me as a pillow without so much as a thank you. You can’t just use me, Y/N.” He said it in that boyish way, as though he was teasing you for having a crush on him. You definitely had had a crush on him when you were a kid. You didn’t know what you felt about anything anymore.
You laughed and swatted at his hand that rested on your shoulder. It hurt to laugh. “I could be here for a long time. You’re better off not waiting for me. Presumably, you have things to do today and probably got an hour of sleep at most.”
“Well, you’re lucky that I’m curious to see how long it takes before my legs go numb beneath your dainty little head.” He patted your shoulder and so you reached to pat his hand. Just as when you’d been kids there was no arguing with him. He would do what he wanted to do and there was no stopping him no matter how idiotic it was.
“Well, if I fall asleep and drool on you then that’s your fault.”
“I’ve come to terms with this disgusting sounding fate, Y/N. You’ll just owe me.”
“I will not be in your debt, Kung Lao.”
“You already are. I saved you from that fire, remember?”
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were keeping tabs!” You closed your eyes.
“I never forget, Y/N.” He whispered, picking up your hand and tracing lines along your palm with his index finger. He then regaled you with a tale of a time where he’d run an errand for Raiden and had dislocated his shoulder, tried to pop it back into place and had done a piss poor job of it. You cringed the whole time, but he had been delighted in disgusting you without you being able to escape. His voice droned on and you almost fell asleep.
Thankfully, a monk came over to you and asked you to sit up. Kung Lao, without being asked, helped you upright. It was remarkable how comfortable he was with touching you. Chen, the monk, was one of the few who you had formed a bond with during your stay in the infirmary. She’d taken to teasing you about your close friendship with Liu Kang and from the look in your eyes, you were certain this moment was only going to make that teasing far worse. You could see it in Chen’s dark eyes. It was coming.
Chen tested your reflexes, took your pulse, and checked on your wound before removing the IV and wrapping the wound tightly. “Alright, Y/N. Everything looks okay. No more bleeding and you’ve finally got some color back. Promise me that you’ll rest. And that you’ll stop bleeding all over our temple?”
“Listen, I didn’t try to bleed on anything!” You assured your friend who looked at you as if to say that was a lie and that if she saw you in the infirmary for a new wound by the end of the day then you wouldn’t hear the end of it. You avoided eye contact. “I’ll rest. I promise.”
Getting to your feet, Kung Lao joined you and offered you an arm to steady you. You swatted it, blushed, and then walked on your own out of the infirmary. Kung Lao’s eyes were on you as you went and then he followed behind you.
“Hey, you’ve got enough color back to blush again. That’s a good sign.” He leaned close enough to your cheek for you to feel his breath and you swatted at him again. For someone you hadn’t seen for years he certainly was comfortable being in your personal space.
“I’m not blushing. And I was fine, even before.”
“Is it so hard to admit that I make you blush a little?” He teased. “And you were definitely not fine. No one’s going to believe you when you say that if you keep lying.”
“I wasn’t lying!”
“It’s okay to be honest about your feelings, Y/N. All of them. Really.” He stopped in front of you, and you stumbled to a stop before him, having to place a hand against his chest to steady yourself. You took a step back and he tilted his head confidently, giving you that smirk that could melt pretty much any heart, you were sure.
“Kung Lao, really?” You rolled your eyes at him, but your heart was definitely fluttering in your chest, betraying you. “Look, I’m going back to my room now. You can go do… whatever it is you do around here, Lao.”
“Right now, I happen to be walking you back to your room.” He shrugged. “Are you feeling weak, Y/N? Do you need me to carry you?” If he hadn’t said it in such a teasing and taunting sort of way, then you probably would have considered it. Your face was hot with embarrassment. He grinned in delight, proud to have thrown you off.
“I think you’re overtired, Kung Lao. You’re clearly not thinking straight.” If he was going to tease you, then you would tease him right back. It was only fair, after all. You stepped a bit closer to him and he cocked a curious eyebrow. You tilted your head back as you drew closer and made to touch his chest but then pulled your hand back at the last second. He was very still. “I can walk just fine.”
You then stepped around him and continued down the hall. He turned to watch you walk away, and your face burned but you talked yourself down quickly. Then he hurried his pace to catch up with you and joined you in your walk. It was quiet after that for the most part, as if you both had plenty to think about. You were tired. Drop dead tired. Even so, you felt far more stable on your feet than you had the rest of that night. The quiet gave you time to think, which you weren’t sure you liked or not. You had way too much to think about.
When you made it to your room, you pushed open the door and thought your bed had never looked more inviting. It wasn’t even a particularly comfortable bed, but you were still looking forward to flopping into it. You turned to find that Kung Lao remained in your doorway, resting against the frame with his arms folded over his chest, admiring you with a smile. He did that a lot- openly admired you. You were going to have to find a way to cope with all this damn blushing.
“You’re up for me staying a bit, right?”
“I’m exhausted.”
“Just a little bit.” Kung Lao walked past you anyway, and you sighed and closed the door behind him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him there it was just that you also really wanted to sleep. Sunlight was peaking over the mountains on the other side of the ravine. Kung Lao dragged the chair from your desk and sat backwards on it. You sat on your bed and held your hand over the gauze on your side. It had a solid heartbeat beneath your fingertips. Kung Lao fiddled with things on your desk, picking up the journal that you and Liu Kang had been working in.
He flipped through the pages and you thought he looked a little sad, but as quickly as you had thought it, it was gone, and he looked bored. He closed the journal and then waved it toward you. “I thought that Liu Kang was just trying to flirt with you when he said study because that’s what I would have done. But you guys really study, huh? Your handwriting is awful by the way, especially for someone with ink arcana.”
“You’re less funny than you think you are. But yes, we actually study.” You were never sure what to do with the offhand flirtatious comments but teasing him in return seemed like the way the go. “You probably don’t remember this since we weren’t in the same class and I was kicked out of school before we got close but… I’m passionate about learning new things. Liu is an excellent and curious teacher. It’s been really nice.” You smiled in memory. It felt like it had been ages since they’d studied, and you missed it. “We’ve grown pretty close since you’ve been gone. I’m grateful to him.”
“Yeah, I noticed.” He didn’t even try to hide how he rolled his eyes and you scoffed in disbelief and scooted to the edge of the bed. “Liu Kang is a good friend to have. And so are you when you’re not being defensive.” He stood up and dragged the chair closer to the bed then sat back down. He kicked off his shoes and then placed his feet on the bed. You stared at them disapprovingly and he purposely moved them, so his legs were rested just next to yours, barely not touching you. “It was a lie, you know.”
“Huh? What was? Something Liu said or…?”
“No, definitely not. Liu is an atrocious liar. Me on the other hand? Practiced liar. So yeah, it was me. I lied to you.” He shrugged and then rested his folded arms behind his head. He was avoiding your eyes, something he seemed to do when he felt guilty. When he noticed you looking, he tilted his head, so the hat obstructed your view of his eyes. That was still extremely attractive. “When you first woke up after the fire, I told you that I would visit town because I had become fond of your dojo and your store. That it was a beacon of peace.”
“And that’s a lie? Why would you like about something so trivial?”
“You don’t need to know the reasons.” He shrugged and tilted his gaze back to you. His smile was confident, but his eyes commanded all your attention. They went from playful to serious so quickly it was giving you whiplash. You suddenly felt as if your tongue was blocking your throat and your brain went blank. All that was left to focus on was Kung Lao. “I came to see you.” He pulled his legs back from the bed and leaned closer in his chair, studying your response. It seemed like a harmless lie so why was he telling you this now? “I didn’t know that you were my Y/N but I was still drawn to you. Watching you was what brought me peace when often I struggled finding any.”
“Kung Lao…” This felt like a confession, but what the confession was he hadn’t said. They had a thousand things to talk about and this was where he started? Not the visions? Not the ink? No, his inner turmoil and the peace that you had brought him without knowing.
“If I had known that you were my Y/N then I would have been far more forward with you than I was.” He pulled off his hat and set it next to you on the bed, then rested his hands on either side of the bed next to you. You couldn’t remember him ever flirting with you back then, but you had seen many faces and most of his visits were a blur. You remembered him as harmless and thoughtful. Those were fond memories. You smiled and averted your eyes. “No? Too much?” He smiled that confident smile even against your silence.
“I’m thinking.” You laughed.
“Guy puts it out there and you just stare…”
“I don’t know what you expect me to say, Kung Lao.”
“Anything would do.”
“You’re very sweet.”
“No! No, don’t be like that, Kung Lao.” You laughed and without realizing you’d unconsciously moved closer to him. “Really, I didn’t even consider who you could be back then. You were a strange fellow from out of town who enjoyed sitting in the peace of my dad’s place. Honestly, that feels like a different life now.”
“So, where’s the but?”
“There is none.” You furrowed your brow and his thumb overlapped yours on the bed. “This is a lot, isn’t it?”
“It is.” He considered, but he was studying you, and it made you incredibly uncomfortable. This way his eyes looked you over from head to toe, not to objectify you entirely, but rather to try and gauge what you were really thinking and what happened beyond what you told him. While your eyes apparently spoke in novels to Liu Kang, Kung Lao read your body language like a book you had forbidden him to read. Never in a million years did you think that you’d be in a dilemma where your heart was torn between two men. You’d been in relationships before but most of them had been with men from out of town who you rarely saw and had been short lived. Most of the people living in your hometown that were your age were still afraid of you.
“I don’t know what to say.” You finally decided.
“Because of Liu?”
“Well, I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to say. You say a lot without saying much at all, Kung Lao. I will admit that I think of Liu Kang very fondly. Yet, it is a very strange and emotional thing to see you again after thinking that you were dead- something I would like to talk about eventually, by the way.”
“That’s less important than this right now.” He tapped the bed and spoke very quietly, and you watched his lips form every word.
“I feel selfish, Kung Lao.”
“We are allowed to be selfish at times. You were like that as a kid too. Have some fun with me, Y/N.”
“Wow.” You laughed and as he went to say something else, you pulled your hand back from where his thumb had hooked over yours. His eyes were like big puppy dog eyes. He gave you the shivers and it took everything inside of you not to shake with them.
“Come on. You like me.” He teased.
“Kung Lao, now is not…”
“If this is because of Liu Kang? Trust me, I can change your mind.”
“No, I… excuse me?”
“You were going to say something. Continue.” He leaned just enough back to let you breathe. You were so confused. What did he even mean? You had to think about it. You had to think about a lot of things. He and Liu Kang were family. You didn’t want them to fight because of you. You would sooner turn away from them both. Then there was the nagging truth of everything else.
“I’m afraid.” You confessed and as the words came out, you felt a sudden great weight on your shoulders. “For the first time in so long, I’m afraid. Since back then, Kung Lao.”
“I know you saw things then.” He moistened his lips with his tongue and his lips remained parted for just one second before he sighed and seemed to reconsider. “I asked you if you were a witch once and you got all annoyed at me.”
“In my defense, the other kids called me that and threw shit at me, Kung Lao. I was afraid that I was a witch. That I’d never be normal. Then you died and I grew out of it. Now here you are and here I am and all the things I lost as a kid are back. And I attacked Liu Kang without knowing. I don’t know what to think and then you being so forward and Liu being like he is… I’m overwhelmed. I keep thinking that maybe this is what I’m meant for.”
Kung Lao’s whole demeanor changed from flirtatious to serious and you were grateful for him listening. You hadn’t meant to say all that you’d said. It’d just come out. “No, Y/N. You’re a fighter. I know you are. I always knew that you were even back then. And I knew what was happening to you as a kid, too. Or I guessed it at least. I always thought that it made you even more special. Normal is overrated.” Kung Lao placed a hand to your lips to stop you from talking but quickly pulled it back. “Liu’s tough. I’m sure he was fine. And so am I. We can handle whatever you throw at us, knowing or not. I’m sure he’s up to the challenge.”
“I will help you fight. I won’t watch you waste away here speaking in nothing but the future.” He placed his hands on either side of you again. “And I’m sorry about your side. I know it was an accident but I’m still sorry for the trouble it caused you.”
“I’m not. I wanted to fight. I didn’t want you to go easy on me. I had fun. I had so much fun, and it was nice not to be treated like something frail.”
“It was fun, wasn’t it?” He picked up your hand and brought the back of it to his lips where he made very purposeful eye contact with you and placed a soft kiss upon it. Words were lost to you again. He pulled your hand back from his lips but didn’t let go of it. “Do you remember when we were kids and would pretend that we were like those martial artists in the movies your grandma had? I may have been reliving those days a little when we fought. Except we both knew what we were doing and could have given those actors a run for their money.” His attention was paid mostly to your hand and his thumb brushed over the back of it. “You’re still so pale. Even after everything. You weren’t before we fought.”
“Maybe I always will be now.” You finally managed to say something, but it wasn’t any of the things you wanted to say either. That crush you’d had on him as a kid was rearing its ugly head again. It had been the silliest crush. You’d both been so young and understood so little of the truth of life but there it was. You’d credited that memory of him to ruining every relationship you’d ever had. No one could ever be Kung Lao. But there he was. Alive and the memory of his lips against the back of your hand at the forefront of your thoughts.
“Don’t resign to a fate of serving others, Y/N. You’re made for more than that.”
“I’m not resigning to anything but I’m not a fool.”
“Just don’t give up.”
“I’m not. I didn’t mean to sound like I was. Honestly, that all came out of me without meaning to.”
“Like you said: this is overwhelming.” Kung Lao released your hand and with that seemed to release the hold he had over you too. “I should let you rest, Y/N. For now.”
“How very thoughtful of you.” You managed to joke at last and scooted back onto the bed. Kung Lao stood, replaced your chair, and then offered you a short bow.
“Get some rest because the next time I see you, I’m not holding anything back.”
“You’re so much trouble, Kung Lao.”
“You’re welcome.” He left without another word, closing your door behind him. You sunk back into the bed and pulled the blankets over your head with a whine. You were never going to sleep again at this rate. Liu Kang and the wild fiery tension he brought with him and Kung Lao with his nostalgia, teasing you and dripping in romance. You supposed that of all the problems you had, those two were at least fun problems to have even if you swore that they were going to send you into cardiac arrest. You drifted to sleep, more mixed up than you had ever been.
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justalittleficsideblog · 4 years ago
Care for a dance?; Itadori Yuuji
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Prompt: Satoru holds a sort of prom for students, you anxiously wait for Yuuji. But when he arrives, he says some things you’ve been waiting to hear forever.
pairing: Itadori Yuuji x fem!reader
genre: Fluff!
Word count: 1,583
This is my first ever fanfiction, I hope to get better in the future but I hope you all enjoy! <3 also, if you would like to make requests, feel free to do so!
You made your way across the dance floor, eyes glued to the entrance as you waited for that one pink-haired boy to walk through. 
You sighed heavily, leaving against the wall, drink in hand. 
Damn sorcerers and their dramatic antics
You chuckled beside yourself. It's not like you yourself were not a sorcerer, you were quite skilled in the cursed arts, in fact. However, in an attempt to give the tech students a sense of “normalcy” from other schools, Satoru decided to have the students set up their own mini prom. You were against the idea at first, alongside Medumi (although you weren't sure if he was actually listening to what Gojo had to say in the first place), but Itadori’s eyes practically glowed at the idea of a western-type dance. 
“Please y/n! Doesn’t it sound fun?? A dance and lights and music and--”
“Fine, yuuji,” you sighed as Satoru beamed in contempt. You quickly turned away from Itadori’s puppy eyes. But you couldn't just say no to him, and you weren’t quite sure why. 
Because you like him dumbass
“Oooh, so does this mean we get to see y/n in a dress for once?” a mouth appeared on the side of Itadori’s face, cutting off your train of thought.
Itadori slapped his own face, hard.
“Aww,” you teased. “Does Sakuna want to see some skin?”
Itadori blushed, but quickly slapped a hand over his arm as it spoke, “No, well of course, but it would be nice to see Yuji here get all flustered.”
“S-shut up!”
You laughed, as much as a threat Sakuna was, you had to admit he had his quirks. Itadori glanced toward Satoru in a silent plea to change the subject. The teacher complied, laying out the rules and dress code for the event.
“Hehe, have fun with this one kids, I'm off to do some sight-seeing.” and with that he turned and walked off.
“This is pathetic, why do I have to get wrapped up in this shit,” Megumi growled, also striding off toward the direction of his dorm. 
You heard a distinct whispering from behind you, which you assumed was most likely Sukuna saying something to Itadori. When you turned back around, said pink-haired boy made brief eye-contact with you before quickly looking away with his hand on his cheek.
That interaction led you to where you were now, leaning against the wall alone in a dress that made you feel like suffocating. 
Well, you thought. At least I look good
You wondered what Itadori would be wearing, would he think you looked good? Would he even notice you? Or would he steer himself in the direction of a taller girl with a nicer ass? 
You sighed, shaking your head to get rid of the thoughts.
“It’s not like it matters anyway.”
“Oh? What doesn’t matter?” 
You choked on your drink as you turned to see Satoru looking ravishing as ever in a black suit, leaning over you with his drastic height.
“Oh- uh, … nothing in particular,” you swallowed thickly.
Gojo smirked,”Well if that’s the case… he should be here shortly by the way.”
You scowled at your teacher as he chuckled and dashed off while you heard expensive shoes click clack against the polished floor. Megumi and Itadori had arrived.
“Yo, y/n!” Itadori waved while bouncing excitedly. Megumi nodded in acknowledgement, giving you a once over before taking off towards where Satoru wandered off.  You had to admit, Yuuji looked….well, good. Really good. The dress shirt he wore fitted him perfectly, accenting his hair and eyes as he moved even in the slightest.
He cleaned up well.
Itadori came up to you, snack in hand, stopping in his tracks as he got a good glimpse of you. “You look, uh, well- you look really--”
“You look smokin’ y/n” Sakuna made yet another surprise appearance on Itadori’s hand.
“Ahh! Nevermind him, sorry I was just going to say--”
You Interrupted,  “So I don't look smokin’?”
His eyes widened and he took a step back, “N-no, I just think you look… pretty.”
You cackled, noise being drawn out by the music blaring and flashing lights decorating the space. “Relax, Yuji I was just teasing.”
His shoulders dropped somewhat, releasing the tight grip he had over his hand where Skuna’s smart-mouth was. His eyes glanced over your form, noticing how the dress fell over your frame.
“It sure turned out kinda nice, huh?” You asked, turning to face him head on.
“Yeah… the music is amazing too! I dont think ive heard this song before.”
“Really? It’s such an overplayed song in my opinion.”
Yuji’s face grimaced, “Ill be right back, hold on a second.” 
Your smile fell as he walked away, but quickly you became confused as he wandered up to the DJ, whispering something in his ear, looking back at you and smiling.
The pop-song had ended just as he made his way back to your side. Your stomach tingled as he approached, turning as he stood flush against your shoulder. 
“Hey y/n… uh,” he kicked his foot against the ground a second.
Wait… there's a slow song starting, did he-- no way, your eyes widened at the realization of what he had requested at the boothe. No freakin way--
“Do you wana dance?” he choked out, practically shouting so he could be heard above the speakers blasting soft notes across the stage. 
You stared at his outstretched hand in surprise, you thought your little crush had been completely one-sided. There was no way-
You snapped back into reality, he was asking for a dance, it didn't mean anything, right?
“Y-yeah, of course!” you stammered, tripping over your words.
Thank god it’s dark in here
He beamed, grabbing your hand and leading you out onto the dance floor. He hesitated a bit with his other hand, nervously laying it on your waist where there was a bit of fabric covering it. He seemed to choke back some words, opening his mouth and closing it promptly as your body was held flush against him.
Your face was red hot as you fell into place against him, linking your hands around his neck. Which felt surprisingly strong. 
“Uh… anything on my neck?” Yuuji glanced down, peering at you oddly. 
“O-oh, no nothing. Just lost in thought I guess.”
He smiled, which caused your chest and stomach to practically be set on fire at the sight of it. You needed to get your shit together.
“Hey,” he began. “You… look really pretty tonight. And, yeah I know I already said that, but like ya know… i'm glad you came.”
“Well,” you start, trailing your hand up his neck. “ I couldn’t disappoint Sukuna now could I?”
Yuuji huffed, obviously irritated at the mention of his crazed possessor. 
“Yeah … well it’s not like his compliment actually matters.”
You chuckled, admiring the way he looked down at you, swaying your bodies in perfect synchrony. You admired the features on his face, trailing down to the little freckles and marks underneath his eyes.
Damn, you bit your lip, he’s really attractive.
You froze. Ah shit, did you say that out loud?
Yuuji looked down at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted.
Thankfully, the slow song came to an end and you let go of him. But, Yuuji’s arms stayed locked in place, not letting you out of his grasp so easily. 
“You really think that?”
Your stomach churned, chest tightening in the realization that yeah, you said he was cute.
“W-well,” you stammered, looking everywhere but him. “I mean.. Maybe..?”
Finally letting go, you both walked back over to the dark corner where he found you.
“Do you wana go outside? It’s kinda stuffy in here..” You trailed off, still refusing to look him in the eye after your previous embarrassment.
He followed after you, grabbing the door for you and holding it open so you could pass through first. Glancing up, you noticed how beautiful it was outside. Moon casting a beautiful glow down on the both of you, you caught his eye.
“Listen, uh y/n.” He blushed, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head nervously. “I really want to get something off my chest..”
“Yeah?” You looked up at him, causing his own heart to skip a beat.
“I- I think I really like you. And, I don’t mean it in a friendly way… well obviously not in a creepy way, but; I just catch myself wanting to be near you, and I think about you all the time”
He glanced at you quickly before looking out ahead of him, your gaze burning into him.
“I… just really want to protect you and kiss you? Is that weird? God, that’s weird. You know what nevermind this was stupid. Listen, I need to go--”
You grabbed his hand before he would run away.
“Come here you big idiot.”
Mustering everything you had inside of yourself, you grabbed his cheeks and slammed your lips on top of his. At first he was frozen, his biggest fantasy finally coming to life. He eased into the kiss, hugging you closer to himself as he cupped one half of your face.
Pulling away you giggled, “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
He smiled dreamily down at you, eyes glazed over in a sense of euphoria.
“D-do you wanna do that again?”
You grabbed his face once more, smiling into the kiss. 
“Fucking finally,” Sukuna’s mouth grinned from the side of Yuuji’s face.
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watermelonsugawara · 5 years ago
Leave Your Mark
❥ warnings: nsfw; needles (tattooing), pain kink is that what u call it? LMFAO IDK, semi public sex???, handjob, fellatio, slight edging, face sitting, fingering, mild dacryphilia woops, unprotected sex, creampie
❥ characters: iwaizumi x tattoo artist!fem!reader
❥ a/n: so i had this idea and it was originally meant to be ukai x reader ,,,, BUT ive never written about iwa yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i thought it was his time to fuckin SHINE
ALSO i half assed my editing so dont bully me <///3
❥ summary: you’ve given countless thigh tattoos to clients before, but this specific client had a particular liking towards pain.
wc: dude idek like 3k+ ?? JFJSJDJDH
The familiar chime of the tattoo parlor doorbell caught your attention as you finished cleaning your needles. You were the one closing up shop, so you knew that there’s only one reason for the ringing of the door, your last client of the day.
You’d seen him in the shop before, but he had gotten a tattoo from one of your coworkers. Nevertheless, he caught your eye even for the short moments you saw him passing through the shop. He was undeniably attractive, so it was even better to see him up close when he discussed tattoo details with you in previous meetings.
“Nice to see you again, Iwaizumi,” you said as you sauntered behind the counter. He nodded in greeting as you shuffled through a binder to find the tattoo you designed for him. A dragon, surrounded by cherry blossom flowers. It was a pain in the ass to draw but you were enthralled to put the art somewhere permanently.
Iwaizumi leaned forward against the glass counter to get a better admire your work. His shirt wrapped tightly around his biceps just right, the thin material giving subtle hints to his toned shoulders and chest underneath. Always so handsome upclose.
“You ready?” You smiled at him, motioning him towards the tiny nook of your tattooing station.
“Yep, I’m very excited,” Iwaizumi grinned back. Unbeknownst to you, the actual tattoo was only half the fun for him.
As you finished gathering your supplies, Iwaizumi stepped out of his jeans and lied down on the leather bench. You kept your routine speech short as the dark-haired man relaxed into the cool black material, knowing you’d have to review aftercare with him at the end of the session anyways.
Everything went like clockwork— shaving, sanitizing, tracing. The tattoo was centered on his right thigh, and you couldn’t help but notice how thick his thighs were as you traced the image. The occasional flex of his muscles under your touches only added to the curiosity swirling in your mind. Probably a strict workout regime, played a sport or two in high school.
Your silent admiration for his body was short-lived as you zeroed your focus towards what would be the next few hours of work. Your foot prodded at the pedal, the subtle buzz of the machine overlapping with the music playing through the shop, with the occasional small talk sprinkled in.
It’s fine. Slight fidgeting is fine; you learned how to adjust to it after your years in the tattooing business. After all, it is a bunch of needles repeatedly piercing into the skin, what other reaction would you expect? However, Iwaizumi’s restlessness was constant, his breathing erractic, even when you’d pause to wipe the excess ink trailing on his skin. Every touch seemed to make his breath hitch and the muscle of his thigh become rigid. Occasional flexing became frequent fidgeting, to the point where even at your skill level, you didn’t want your work ruined by a slip of the hand.
“Are you sure you’re doin’ okay?” You asked as you lifted the tattooing gun off of his skin. You looked up at him, your concerned voice laced with a hint of frustration. “We can take a break if it’s hurting you too m-”
“No it’s fine, you can keep going,” Iwaizumi cut off your thoughts, his slightly choked out response catching you by surprise. He sounded out of breath, and his cheeks were flushed a deep shade.
Throughout the entire session up to this point, you had been mentally racking through the rolodex in your brain of common reactions to getting a tattoo — general nervousness, fear of needles, fear of pain. But this... seemed different. Could it be arousal? You couldn’t even be sure. And even if it was that, this surely is new territory for you.
Iwaizumi looked back at you for just a moment, but there was a dark glimmer in his eyes that was impossible to miss. Mixed with the blushing cheeks and shallow breathing, the gears finally began to move in your brain, and he knew it. His eyes screwed shut, hoping you’d hear his silent pleas to just continue with the session.
It felt so wrong to be right. There’s still a chance, though, that you jumped to conclusions too quickly, overanalyzed the look in his eyes. Yet you couldn’t even stop tourself as your eyes trailed down to the tent straining against his underwear. Your eyes widened at the sight, the heather gray fabric outlining his cock deliciously.
You definitely shouldn’t have stared for as long as you did.
What the fuck has gotten into you? You knew this was wrong, that you were a professional, and most importantly, you sure as hell weren’t proud of the feeling this was giving you. Your brain was telling you to stop, but the growing wet spot in your panties brought along a much more exciting version of how this night would end. You lifted your foot off the pedal, the buzzing of your machine coming to an abrupt stop and placing on the rolling tray beside you.
“I think you do need a break,” you said nonchalantly, peeling your black latex gloves off of your hands. You waited for a response, a sign of life in the man laid on the bench in front of you, keen on getting an answer from him even though you knew you’d never get it. All you got in return was a dumbfounded expression painted across Iwaizumi’s face.
The piercing of the needles that would otherwise make people nervous actually excited Iwaizumi, the adrenaline coursing through his veins from the pressure. It was something about the controlled pain, the sharp stung along his sensitive skin that had his blood rushing straight to his cock. But he was usually pretty good about keeping his composure while getting tattoos from other artists. This time was different though— a shoulder or back tattoo was much less intimate than this one, your pretty face just mere inches away from his dick. 
“[Y/N],” he whispered, slightly surprised that he was even able to utter your name. He held his breath, partially to preserve whatever air you didn’t knock out of his lungs from your previous words, partially out of anticipation for your next ones.
“Let me help you. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” you smirked, your eyes flickering briefly at his unfinished tattoo on his thigh and back up to his face. “Do you want me to help you?”
You looked up at him with such soft eyes, while you both knew damn well that innocence was not in the cards tonight. 
He nodded as he propped himself up on his forearms, and watching your hands ghosted over his cock. You lightly squeezed as you ran your hand up and down his length, smirking as Iwaizumi’s precum created a dark spot on his underwear.
He lifted his hips and you obliged to his request without even needing to hear it. You hooked your fingers on the elastic of his underwear, pulling down to free his throbbing cock.
Fuck, he was big.
You climbed onto the bench with him, straddling his legs. His cock was heavy in your hand, your fingertips barely touching as you wrapped your small hand around the base. You licked a long stripe up from Iwaizumi’s balls to the tip of his cock, your hot tongue making him clench his jaw, biting back a groan. You flicked your wrist, letting Iwaizumi’s cock hit your tongue, the lewd slapping noises making him whimper. You swirled your tongue along the head of his cock before taking his length into your mouth, stroking what you couldn’t fit in your hands. It felt like your jaw was going to snap from trying to fit his fat cock into your mouth.
Your hands were so small, your mouth was so soft and wet; it was such a stark difference from the intense prick of the needles on his skin just moments ago. It made Iwaizumi’s cock twitch knowing you could bring him so much pain and pleasure simultaneously. 
“Fuck yes, just like that, [Y/N], fuck,” Iwaizumi groaned, watching your pretty plump lips wrap around his shaft. 
You shallowly bobbed your head before coming all the way down to try and take his entire cock into your mouth. The sudden jolt of pleasure of you gagging made Iwaizumi buck his hips, pushing his cock farther down your throat than you thought you could even take it. Your lips reached the base of his cock, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. 
Iwaizumi repeatedly rammed his hips upwards, eager to feel you gag around his cock again. Tears were falling freely down your face, blurring your vision as you desparately gasped for air. Fuck, he was already so close.
However, as much as Iwaizumi wanted to shoot his hot load down your throat, he knew he wanted you to come all over his face even more. A soft tap on your shoulder had you quickly pulling away from Iwaizumi, coughing and catching your breath as you sat upright. You got up to remove your jeans and underwear as he removed his own shirt. Iwaizumi’s large hands immediately found purchase on your ass when you straddled him again.
“Sit on my face, please pretty girl,” Iwaizumi groaned, his hands still kneading the soft flesh of your hips and ass. He laid back against the bench once more, his eyes fixated on your pussy above him. You sat down, his tongue immediately flat against your folds to taste your juices. He wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking and drawing circles with his tongue, before pushing his tongue into your tight hole.
It was damn near impossible to keep yourself upright, Iwaizumi’s hot tongue pushing into you, his hands roaming all over your body, pushing your bra and shirt away to grab your breasts. You ripped off the remainder of your clothes as he rolled your sensitive nipples between his fingertips.
“Yes yes yes, Iwa, fuuuuck,” you whined, carding your fingers through his hair. The apex of his nose brushed against your clit and you rolled your hips against him, the vibrations of his moans against your cunt sending you over the edge.
Your thighs clamped around Iwaizumi’s head as you let out one last choked out moan, your spongy walls clenching around his tongue as you came.
You moved back to kneel above Iwaizumi’s hips, the fluorescent lights of the shop highlighting your juices all over his face.
“You still haven’t helped me out yet, [Y/N],” Iwaizumi smirked, stroking his cock. His other hand reached down to your cunt, pushing a finger into your sensitive hole. You sucked in a sharp breath as you barely came down from your first high, but before you could retort, Iwaizumi cut you off.
“You’re gonna need the prep, baby.” Although his voice was playful, you knew he meant it wholeheartedly, as you were reminded of the thick girth of his cock by the subtle ache of your jaw. Iwaizumi plunged another finger into you, making your thighs tremble.
You looked so fucking beautiful above him. Mascara running down your cheeks, mouth hanging open, moans echoing through the empty shop. He just couldn’t wait to stuff your tight little cunt full of his fat cock.
Iwaizumi pulled his fingers out of you with a loud squelch, spitting on his hand and pumping his length a few times as you caught your breath. He teased the swollen tip of his cock at your hole, groaning at how tight you were as you began to sink down around him.
You’ve never been stretched out like this before, hot tears resurfacing at the corners of your eyes. You gripped his broad shoulders to steady yourself, your nails digging into his soft skin. You let out a shaky sigh as your ass met his hips, nearly coming already from how his huge cock filled up every inch of your pussy.
He sat up, steadying himself with one hand behind him and the other at the back of your head, pulling you in to mold his lips to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. He moaned into the kiss as he felt you move your hips, slowly bouncing on his cock.
“[Y/N], baby, you’re so fucking-hnggg- tight,” Iwaizumi groaned against your mouth, his hot breath fanning across your face. You started to bounce on his cock at a faster pace, and with every loud slap of skin on skin, his cock brushed against the spongy spot inside of you, making you clench even more around his hard shaft.
You couldn’t even control all the moans falling from your lips, Iwaizumi’s cock now relentlessly hitting your g-spot as he rutted his hips up into you. Your cunt was sucking him in, feeling every vein on his cock drag along your tight walls.
As your mouth hung open, Iwaizumi pushed two fingers in and you wrapped your lips around them, eliciting another groan from him. He pulled his fingers out to bring them down to your aching clit, his rough fingertips rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves. Iwaizumi thought you couldn’t get any fucking tighter but as he toyed with your clit, your cunt spasmed around him even more.
“Iwa please-” you cried out, feeling another orgasm creep up in the pit of your stomach.
“Milk my cock while you cum for me baby, c’mon,” Iwaizumi groaned, your erratic clenching bringing him closer to his own release.
With one final thrust into you, you came with Iwaizumi’s cock bottomed out inside of you, thick ropes of cum painting your cunt white. You both cried out for the other as you rode out your highs, your hands scratching red lines into his back.
You crawled off of Iwaizumi’s lap, his cum still leaking out of your pussy and onto the black leather of the bench.
“So,” Iwaizumi sighed, catching his breath but eager enough to not miss a beat, “When’s our next session?”
spicy taglist: @wakatshi @heyhinata @murdereddaydreams @msbyslut @dearkags @saetyrn9 @todoroki-vivian
[send in an ask or message me to be added/removed]
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the-void-i-scream-into · 4 years ago
White Tulips - a JunJin fanfic 2/3
Full Story: Part 1, Part 3
Hello Everyone! I hope you are all happy and healthy. Part 2 of my Junjin fanfic is finally up. Thank you so much to the beautiful and wonderful people who liked my fanfic. I am so sorry I have not been responding to your lovely comments. I had exams so I was really busy but I will get to them now. It took me a long time to post this next part because I wanted to finish both Part 2 and 3. I’ll be posting the other part too once I’ve proofread everything
As always, this chapter is dedicated to the Shooters GC (which I haven’t checked in so long, I’m so sorry)  🙈 🙈
Please do be warned, this does get a little dark. But it will pay off in Part 3, I promise.
Pairing: Kang Sujin x Han Seojun
Romantic Trope: Haters to friends to lovers
Word Count: 13.5k
Rating: T
TRIGGER WARNING: Some of the themes in this story are a little dark, specifically in section iii. Please be warned. I’ve added a summary for section iii in section iv so you can skip it if needed.
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They both spoke at the same time.
“Ya Kang Sujin…”
“Ya Han Seojun…”
“What the hell happened?”
Seojun had been in a strange state of mind all day. First it was waking up in the enemy’s bed, but that part he had completely blocked out. Then it was the massive hangover, the effects of which he was still reeling from. On top of that he had received a scolding for being late to practice, which caused him to be late to his commercial shoot, which caused him to be late for his recording session which was when he had been informed about his scandal.
Seojun normally didn’t care for rumors that spread about him. He relied on his performance to speak for itself; the people online with their uninformed opinions didn’t matter.
“But why did it have to be her?!” He had groaned when he first read the articles. But then he asked himself seriously, “Why did it have to be her?”
It all seemed too convenient. Additionally, she had been the one to drag him for drinks and then back to her apartment.
Was this another one of her schemes? What would she gain from doing this? Maybe it was because he was on to her and could see the truth about her and now she wanted him gone. Yes, it must have been that. Or was it not? Was his theory too farfetched? Maybe he was being too harsh. Maybe he was misunderstanding the situation.
Seojun felt conflicted. On the one hand, it would have been so easy to just blame Sujin and keep on hating her like he wanted to. On the other hand, he could hear Suho in his head, warning him about being too judgmental. Seojun normally trusted his instincts with everything but this time his own instincts were confused. Should be giving Sujin the benefit of the doubt? 
Seojun knew that if he needed answers, he would need to go to the source.
“What the hell happened?” They both asked each other at the same time but neither had the answer.
“How the hell would I know? It was your apartment.”
“The pictures were obviously taken by someone was obsessed with you.” Sujin fumed.
“Are you saying this is my fault?”
“Then are you saying it’s mine?”
“I’m not the one who took us out drinking then brought me back home to her apartment!”
“I’m not the one with the crazy saesangs!”
“My fans are not crazy! They are way better than arrogant women with a princess complex like you!”
“Don’t call me princess.” Sujin said dangerously.
“Or what? You’ll get me drunk and back at your apartment again?”
“Ah shut up, you man-child!” Sujin hung up and Seojun flung his phone across the room where it bounced onto the couch. He was seething.
“Aish!” Seojun kicked the air.
“Did you talk to Sujin?” Heekyung’s calm voice startled Seojun.
“What? Oh, Noona.” Seojun gulped.
“How was she? Was she okay?”
“Umm…” Seojun blinked
“She must have been shaken. Facing something like this can be very upsetting.”
Seojun’s shoulders deflated. “Uh, yeah…” He hadn’t considered that.
“Did she agree to give a statement to help clear up this mess?”
Oh right, I was supposed to ask her…
Heekyung continued, “I do have good news. We’ve found the person who took the photographs. So he won’t be sharing them with anyone else.”
“You have?”
“Yes. It was unfortunate. A photographer happened to be there, just as you were leaving. He actually recognized you from your voice. Talk about having bad luck.”
Seojun frowned. So, it wasn’t Sujin.
“So will Sujin do it? We just need a simple statement. She can release a post on her socials and we’ll take care of the media articles.”
Seojun rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Um, I don’t think she’ll agree.” . Especially not after the blaming match that just happened. “Can’t we just clarify things on our end? Not get her involved?”
Heekyung smiled with a twinkle in her eye, “Oh I get it. You don’t want her to feel burdened.”
Seojun could tell what she was implying. “Ah-nee! Its not that at all!” His voice was pitched a little too high.
Heekyung laughed, “I’ve been at this for longer than you, Seojun-ah. You can be straight with me.”
“It’s not like that! I don’t care about Kang Sujin at all!”
But Heekyung wasn’t listening. “Just be careful. Your career has just started. You can’t afford scandals like these. People will turn against you in an instant, you know?”
Seojun swallowed. He knew all too well how people could turn against him in an instant, like the way thy did with Seyeon. But he wanted to believe that he would be able to face them.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”
Heekyung nodded. “Good. Now I’ll go tell our PR team to release a statement about you and Sujin being just friends.” Seojun nodded gratefully. “I think the fact that you went to school together will help. Hopefully people will buy it when you tell them nothing happened between you two.” Heekyung winked as she walked away.
“It’s not like that!” Seojun called after her.
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The situation subsided as quickly as it had risen. Move Entertainment published their official statement about how it was all a misunderstanding. That Seojun had only been visiting his friend from high school and the fact that the friend was also a mutual with rising online beauty guru Lim Jukyung helped establish the connection. Seojun had been glad that Jukyung had taken those selfies with Sujin with Seojun in the background otherwise people might have just taken the statement as an excuse.
What annoyed Seojun about the whole situation was not his reputation or the online speculation but how everyone else kept teasing him about it. This was made especially worse when they were all gathered around for drinks, including his own squad, Chorong and Co., who were eyeing Sujin with a mixture of adoration—that made them stare at her, and fear—that kept them from talking to her.
“Ooh, Han Seojun you better not drink too much or you’ll end up in Sujin’s apartment again.” Taehoon teased. Seojun gave him the death glare while Sujin made a disgusted face. Everyone else laughed.
“Guys! Don’t be mean.” Jukyung’s voice went unheard among the collective chatter.
“Han Seojun, I can see you’ve been keeping a very close eye on Kang Sujin.” Chorong whispered in his ear. Seojun elbowed his ribs.
“Pay up, Sujin didn’t kill him.” Suho asked from Suah.
“You guys had a bet?” Sujin asked icily. Seojun almost admired the scathing look Sujin gave Suho as she eyed the money being exchanged.
Suho’s and Suah’s hands froze right when they were exchanging the bills.
“No?” Suho said weakly.
“Kang Su, I bet on you okay?” Suah defended.
“Ah is that so? Well then you’re off the hook.”
Suah relaxed while Suho blinked forty times, sweating. “Kang Sujin. It was just a joke okay?”
Sujin just put her hand forward and Suho silently put the money in her hands.
“Wah, just 5 dollars? I’m worth 5 million you know.”
“Sure you are. And I’m the King of England.” Seojun said under his breath. Kang Sujin and her princess complex.
“What was that?” Sujin put her hand to her ear, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you over the apology you owe me.”
“What apology? I owe you nothing.” Seojun retorted, fully aware that he had actually come to this gathering to apologize to Sujin about the scandal and how he had behaved over the phone. That plan had since been abandoned. 
For some reason, he could not spit out the three words ‘I am sorry’ to Kang Sujin. No matter how much he wanted to. There was just something about her that irritated him to the point of misbehavior.
Sujin clicked her tongue at Seojun but said nothing. Instead, reaching into her bag, she pulled out a notebook and a pen.
“Here, sign this.” She ordered, pushing the notebook and pen in his face.
“What is it?”
For Kang Sujin, the biggest issue from the scandal had not been the online noteriety and not even the teasing, but the fact that everyone in her office now knew that she was friends with an idol and had demanded that she get them his autographs.
“Its for my friends at work.”
“You have friends?” Seojun said with mock surprise.
“You know I was just as shocked to learn that you have actual fans. I always thought Suho was the one buying all your albums.” Sujin said.
“Of course I have fans! I am super popular you know!” Seojun defended, pulling the lapels of his jacket with pride.
“Yes I’m sure you’re veeeery popular.” Sujin’s words dripped with sarcasm. Seojun’s pride deflated like a balloon. “Just sign. And write something nice too.” She ordered. Seojun quietly picked up the notebook, not because he was nice but because he felt he owed her this much.
“You know my autographs are worth a lot of money, right?”
Sujin made a face. “Just sign the damn thing so that the girls at work stop harassing me about you.”
Seojun smiled as he signed. His fans were awesome. “How many?” He asked.
He signed seven pages, each with a personalized note.
“Be nice to my fans at work.”
“I’m always nice.”
“Sure you are.” Seojun replied skeptically. He handed Sujin the notebook. “I better not find you selling these online.” He warned.
“I’d rather starve than live off of your autographs.” Sujin bit back.
“Okay, okay! No more fighting!” Jukyung pointed between the two. “Lets all enjoy our drinks in peace.” She looked pointedly at Sujin who pointed her chin at Seojun with a ‘he-started-it’ scowl.
“Han Seo, is it okay for you to meet us in public like this?” Suah asked. They weren’t in the usual private dining area that they frequented when it was just the core group of friends. They were out where everyone could see.
“We can always hang out at our place, if you want.” Suho offered. Seojun quickly shook his head. Seeing Suho and Jukyung together outside was one thing. Seeing how they lived together was quite another. Knowing they lived together was painful enough. He didn’t want even more fuel for his imagination.
“Its no trouble at all.” He put on a smile for Suho who seemed satisfied. But, to his surprise, he found Kang Sujin giving him a strange look. She chuckled to herself but said nothing.
As they all said their goodbyes, Seojun went out the back so that he could leave in privacy. He planned on taking the long route today. A bike ride would help him clear his mind.
“Han Seojun, wait up!”
He stopped just as he was about to put his helmet on. He was surprised to find Sujin there. 
“What? Need more autographs?” He asked, cockily smiling.
Sujin made a sickened expression. “Not at all. I just… I had something to say.” She hesitated.
“Well say it.”
She cleared her throat. “It was neither of our faults. The scandal. It wasn’t that it was my building or your fans. It was someone shitty who didn’t respect our privacy. That’s… that’s all I wanted to say.”
Sujin waited for his response. Seojun could feel his face burning. He should have been the one to say all this to her, and yet here she was apologizing to him instead.
“I’msorryforwhathappened.” He said too quickly and too quietly.
“Nothing!” Seojun shoved his helmet on to hide his embarrassed face. 
“Drive safe.” Sujin said.
“Yeah, whatever.” He rode away.
Kang Sujin was just glad she was able to spit out the words she had been meaning to say all night long. It had been weighing on her ever since they had spoken on the phone. She had promised herself a long time ago that she would try to be a nicer person and for the most part she had accomplished that. But that Han Seojun just had a way of bringing her old self back to the surface. And that bothered her.
It doesn’t matter, she told herself. She would learn how to get along with Han Seojun. It was only a matter of practice. And besides, it wasn’t as if she had to be overtly obvious about it. She just had to tolerate him.
For Jukyung. It’s for Jukyung. She would want us to get along, she lied to herself. The truth was, that Kang Sujin believed that she didn’t have a choice.
Everyone loved Han Seojun, even her best friends who had never paid much attention to him back in high school. It was all because Sujin had been absent for so long. She had missed a huge part of everyone’s lives while Han Seojun had been there for all of it.
Sujin wondered whether, if it came to choosing between her and Seojun, they would choose her. A part of her believed they wouldn’t.
She had made such a mess of things before and left things unresolved for too long. She was certain that things would never go back to the way they had been, not fully anyway. There would always be a part of them that wouldn’t trust her. And there would always be a part of her that would be heavy with guilt.   
“Ah-nee-ya.” She reassured herself. “I don’t need to worry about this.”
She was glad that the whole matter of being mistaken as Han Seojun’s girlfriend had been settled. She laughed at the very idea.
“Me and Han Seojun dating. Ah, how funny.”
Sujin had heard of horror stories about how such scandals ruined people’s lives and got them shunned by society. Thank fully, none of that had happened. Her precious peace was safe again.
Sujin could see her future now; a life where she worked hard at her non-profit, where she shared dinners and lunches with her friends and laughed about the old days, where she wasn’t told she wasn’t good enough, where she did what she wanted instead of being forced to do what her father wanted. Yes, Kang Sujin could see her like ahead—a life where she was finally happy.
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At first Sujin thought she was being paranoid. But her co-workers seemed to be acting stand-offish with her, with some outright avoiding her. They weren’t replying to her as enthusiastically they used to and were having hushed conversations that immediately stopped when she approached them. They even made plans for lunch without including her.
“Is something wrong?” Sujin asked one of them.
“Not at all. Shall we get to work?” It sounded more like a snub than reassurance.
Sujin also felt the hairs on her neck rise from time to time, as if she could feel someone watching her. But when she turned around, everyone would look away.
Convincing herself that it was all in her head, Sujin ignored it and went on with her work.
But then it happened again at the convenience store. She heard her name being said in whispers behind her. When she turned, she found a couple of teenagers quickly putting away their phone. Despite the anxiety bubbling in her stomach, Sujin dismissed the incident and went home.
Normally after a long day at work, Sujin would throw her phone away, have dinner while watching TV, shower and go to sleep. But today had been strange and she was feeling out of sorts. She needed a distraction to help her calm down.
So, after a shower, she settled back on her couch with her dinner and her phone. Jukyung normally posted a new make-up tutorial by this day of the week. Sujin loved watching her transform herself from an ordinary looking girl to a stunning beauty, while explaining each step.
To Kang Sujin, Jukyung was an artist who used her face as a canvas. Sujin herself had learned a lot just from watching Jukyung. She was excited about what she would learn today.
Sujin dismissed the dozens of Instagram notifications on her phone. Suah was always tagging her and messaging her about some post or the other. Sujin would get to them later. As Sujin searched for Jukyung’s channel, her Instagram notifications kept dinging. She put it on mute and played the video.
This time, Jukyung was giving a tutorial on American style makeup and how it was different from Korean style. Sujin grinned all the way through the video as Jukyung talked through her tutorial. Sujin scrolled through the comments as she watched.
My beauty Queen! I love you!
I tried your winged liner look and was able to finally do it for myself. Thank you.
I use the exact same foundation but it doesn’t work for my skin. But looks great on you. <3
You didn’t mention the eyeliner you used here. Can you please add it in the description?
This is why I have trust issues. She looks like a completely different person. This is fraud.
Sujin frowned at the last comment. “She looks beautiful either way.” She said angrily aloud as she typed it in, punching the buttons as if she could punch the commentor. Sujin scrolled further.
Who else came here after reading the Soompi article?
This comment had a lot of likes and comments. Maybe Jukyung was getting famous enough to be reported by entertainment websites now. Sujin smiled proudly.
Lim Jukyung, yours is the best makeup channel here!
Saranghae unnie
I was so sad to learn that you were bullied as a kid. So glad that you’ve found success now.
Sujin swallowed thickly. It would always bother her to know that she had once exploited Jukyung’s past bullying for her own gain. The fact that she had once contributed to her bullying would always fuel Sujin’s self hatred. She was just glad that Jukyung had moved on from her past and had become confident in herself. And more so, had found a community online that adored her.
As Sujin scrolled down some more, she noticed that most of the comments were talking about how Jukyung was a survivor of bullying.
Wow, I had no idea this girl was so brave. Bravo!!!
I’m a survivor of bullying too. Its nice to know I’m not alone.
I bet her bully is watching this now and regretting what they did.
I don’t watch makeup tutorials. Came here cuz of the bullying scandal. But stayed cuz she is so good.
The last comment made Sujin stop. “Bullying scandal?”
Sujin went to Naver and searched for scandals involving Lim Jukyung. The first few links were Jukyung’s most popular videos but beneath that were a slew of articles from slanderous gossip sites.
Girl from Han Seojun Scandal Turns Out to be a Bully
Online Star Lim Jukyung Gets Involved in Han Seojun Scandal
Han Seojun’s Alleged Girlfriend was a Bully in High School
“What?!” Sujin stood up on her feet in shock. With shaking hands, she went through the articles one by one. Somehow, someone had uncovered the post from her high school community page that had revealed what she had done to Jukyung. Except they had gotten their facts mixed up and had reported that Sujin had been the one to bully Lim Jukyung about her looks.
That girl is so despicable.
Han Seojun is hanging out with a girl like her? I can’t believe it. I actually used to like him.
I bet this girl seduced Oppa. Don’t dislike him!
I am so glad they’re not actually dating.
Her face is so evil. And she’s uglier than Lim Jukyung!
I bet Han Seojun was fooled by her. She feels like the type who uses her looks to manipulate men.
People like her should kill themselves.
Guys! I found her Inssa!
It really is her! This is authentic!
The room began to close in on Sujin. She immediately opened Instagram where her account was flooded with comments and direct messages from people either telling her to kill herself or threatening to kill her.
Her heart was beating so fast it felt like she would throw it up. She was equal parts shaken and angry. So many people were after her but she hated that these people felt they had a right to treat her this way.
Sujin opened up the messages on Instagram and began firing back to her haters, starting with the most recent messages.
Get off of my account before I report you.
No thanks, I’m not going to kill myself.
Threatening me will only get you sued.
You don’t have to follow me if you don’t like me.
“These assholes think they can bully me online? Well, they’ve got another thing coming.” Sujin growled through clenched teeth as she typed away with all her anger.
I did not bully her!
I made a mistake!
I apologized!
People immediately started responding.
You’re not even going to admit your mistake?
OMG! I can’t believe you actually replied!
Are you honestly defending what you did?
You can’t talk like that to me! I’m going to tell everyone you’re a total b****
How can you be so audacious after you bullied someone? Just kill yourself.
Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Sujin screamed in frustration and threw her phone away. It smashed into the wall and landed with a sickening thud. Her hands suddenly felt clammy. Clammy and sticky and sweaty and dirty, dirty, dirty. So dirty that they smelled.
She ran into the bathroom and furiously scrubbed her hands clean. Once, twice, three times. No matter how many times she washed or how hard she scrubbed, the dirty stench of the hate she had just received wouldn’t wash off.
Her hands became all red and felt raw and exposed. But she kept on washing till she ran out of soap. She fell to the floor, suddenly weak and exhausted. The cool tiles felt nice and it was then that she noticed how hot she felt.
Calm down. I have to calm down. She breathed in, then out. In, then out. She could hear her heart in her ears. Pounding and pounding. The walls were closing in. The messages on her Instagram suddenly had voices that shouted in her mind.
Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself.
A ringing broke through it all. First Sujin thought it was in her head but no, it was from the living room.
Her cellphone. Lim Jukyung was calling.
How could she face Jukyung? What would she say to her? Wouldn’t Jukyung say the same as everyone else?
Sujin cut the call. Notifications from Instagram were still coming in. She deactivated her account and deleted the app.
Lim Jukyung’s name lit up her phone again.
She turned it off and flopped down on her sofa, head pounding.
Her fragile little hope for a good life was now shattered completely. She could hear her father now. Hear him yell at her that she was useless, that she was pathetic, that she was stupid and inferior. Unable to beat even Lee Suho.
Kill yourself.
Her father had never told her this, but he might as well have. Even now it was his voice saying it over and over in her mind. It was his angry stare she felt on her back.
How would she face people now? People would hate her now that they knew what she had done. And her co-workers…. Of course they knew. That’s why everyone had been acting so strange.
This all felt so cruel and unfair. She had been so good these past couple of years. She didn’t want all of it to just be taken away like this.
But didn’t you do the same thing to Jukyung? Her father’s voice taunted. She was a good person too, wasn’t she? You’re nothing but a piece of trash.
I bet you think that you destroyed Lim Jukyung, Seojun’s voice said, but you’ve only destroyed yourself.
SUMMARY of iii: Because of the Han Seojun scandal, people find out about the community post that revealed what Sujin had done to Jukyung and people online start thinking that Sujin bullied Jukyung. They harrass her and it becomes a scandal of its own.
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It was chaos at Move Entertainment.
“What the hell happened?! You told me you settled this!” The director threw a magazine in Heekyung’s face. Seojun saw this through the glass door and barged in.
“Is that how you treat your employees?” He demanded angrily.
“Get out. Get. Him. Out! Get him out of this company for good measure!”
Heekyung pushed Seojun out before he could do anything else, dragging him as far away as possible. “Don’t be an idiot. You can’t just barge in like that.”
“But he’s being an asshole. Should I just stand around and let you take it?”
“This is the adult world Han Seojun. Actions have consequences here.” Heekyung said reasonably. “And you’re the reason he’s so mad. A bullying scandal is serious. We’ve even publicly acknowledged that you and Sujin are friends. This doesn’t reflect well on you.”
“The articles are lying. Sujin didn’t bully Jukyung in high school. She just—”
“I know exactly what she did. You think I don’t know about what happened to my own sister?” For a brief moment, Heekyung’s professional demeanor slipped into anger. But she recovered quickly. “It infuriates me that my sister’s past is being brought up like this. But I have a job to do and I need you to cooperate with me. Okay?”
Seojun exhaled. “What are we going to do?”
“Nothing. The situation will sort itself out. You will need to keep a low profile, however.”
Seojun exhaled. “Noona, we need to set the record straight. Sujin is—”
“Sujin isn’t represented by Move, you are. None of us here can do anything about what is happening to her.”
Seojun clenched his jaw. “Have you seen what is being said about her?”
Heekyung looked away. “Its not like I enjoy saying this. I’m only telling you what I was told when I made the same request. She’s not represented by us. She’s not our concern.”
“Was Seyeon not your concern either?”
Heekyung had nothing to say to that. “I have to go back in. You stay here, arachi? Don’t do anything rash and…” she yanked Seojun’s phone from his hand.
“Ah!” Seojun tried to get it but Heekyung had the phone out of reach.
“I’m keeping this for now.” She said and left.
Seojun exclaimed in frustration, running his hands through his hair. Despite the animosity he had towards Kang Sujin, this kind of exposure to such vitriol online didn’t sit well with him. Kang Sujin deserved a lot of things, but she didn’t deserve this.
He knew Sujin was tough. But this kind of incident would make anyone crumble. He just hoped she didn’t do anything stupid.
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“Sujin-ah. Can you explain your side of things?”
Of course her office had heard about everything. Apparently her past misdeeds were a trending topic online. Her supervisor had called her in as soon as Sujin had shown up.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Her supervisor asked.
Sujin inhaled, “When I was in high school, I fell in love with a boy. But he had a girlfriend… she was a friend of mine. I got jealous… and petty. I published an unflattering video of her on our school’s online community. She had been bullied in her previous school because of her looks. So the video was especially traumatizing to her. I was responsible for what happened in Saebom High, but I wasn’t involved in anything that happened before that.”
Sujin looked at her hands, still red and raw, “I have made up with her since then. I’ve apologized. We’re both friends now. And I’m not a teenager anymore.”
Something stung Sujin’s hand. Water droplets? No, tears. She hadn’t noticed when she had started crying. But she kept her face straight even when the tears didn’t stop. She looked at her supervisor.
“I am ashamed of what I did. If I could take it all back… you have no idea what I would do to take it all back.” Sujin furiously wiped away her tears. She hated crying in front of anyone. “I love working here. I really do.”
Even as she was saying the words, she knew what was coming. Of course her company wouldn’t keep her on. Even non-profits couldn’t afford bad reputations and the fact that Move Entertainment had worked with her company for a lot of benefits hadn’t escaped her notice either.
“Sujin-ah.” Her co-worker said, peeking from the cubicle wall as Sujin packed up her things.
“I never thanked you. For getting me Han Seojun’s signature.” The woman said meekly.
Sujin gave a small smile. “You’re welcome.”
The woman handed her a bunch of sticky notes. “These are goodbyes from everyone. We know you’re not getting a farewell party so we thought you should have our thoughts with you.”
Sujin looked down at the brightly colored notes that contained encouraging messages from some of her co-workers. Her dismissal had been so swift that she hadn’t even been given the chance to say anything.
“If its worth anything… I don’t believe any of it.”
Sujin smiled gratefully this time. “Thanks, Chulhee-yah. I appreciate it.”
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Sujin was both grateful and surprised by how much her friends had reached out. Apparently they had showed up to her place multiple times to see if she was okay, given that she was not answering any of her calls. Sadly, Sujin had not been there to receive them. She had gone to her aunt’s place to get away from everything.
That had not proved to be a good idea.
“Have. You. Lost. Your. Mind!!” Each word was punctuated with a smack from a slipper. Her mother, the once elegant and graceful Mrs. Kang, chased her daughter around in the most inelegant and ungraceful manner. Mrs. Kang’s sister tried to save Sujin by stepping in between but Mrs. Kang still managed to get a few whacks in.
“How could you let a boy stay over at your place?!”
“Omma! That’s what you choose to focus on?!”
“Yes! How could you have disgraced your family this way? And not just any boy, an idol? What the hell were you doing with an idol? Come here.”
This was one fight Sujin would never win. Her mother was not a force of reason when she was this angry. And it took a lot for her to get this angry.
Sujin didn’t mind these smacks. They came from a place of love and worry. Eventually her mother calmed down enough to address the other issue with Sujin. She took her daughter in her arms and wailed.
“How could those people be so mean to my daughter?”
“Omma, I can’t breathe.” Her mother smushed Sujin to herself.
“My poor girl. My poor baby girl.”
In the end, Sujin was glad she had come back to her aunt’s place. It gave her the break she had needed. Away from all of the noise of her online haters, Sujin found she could finally breathe. She found great comfort in her mother’s arms and her aunt’s assurances her that everything would be fine.
However, the dread of returning to her normal life still loomed over her head. Sujin felt her throat close up every time she imagined going back to her apartment. Would the people point and laugh at her on the street? Would she be able to live a normal life from now on?
It was strange how deeply all of this had affected her. Even now, as Sujin walked from the grocery store to her aunt’s house, she felt the paranoia that people were talking about her, pointing and laughing, even though they weren’t. 
And now it felt like they were actually calling out to her.
“Kang Su!”
Sujin turned in surprise, ready to fight whoever had called her. “Who is it?”
“Who do you think? It’s Jukyungie! ” A human mass known as Lim Jukyung ran towards Kang Sujin with arms wide open. The girls hugged each other tightly, Jukyung grinning with her gummy smile while Sujin stood, mouth open in shock.
Not far behind, were Suah and Taehoon.
“Ya Kang Su, at least answer your phone! Do you know how worried I was?” Suah scolded.
Sujin laughed, almost tearing up. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had feared that her friends would turn away and curse at her after she had avoided them. But here they were, all gathered just for her.
“How’d you find me?” She asked the three. They all turned to Suho who stood there smiling.
“Hey Sujin. Have you been well?”
Of course, Suho knew where her aunt lived.
“What well? You all know what happened.” Sujin replied, not bothering to pretend that she was fine.
“Ya! What have you done to your hands.” Jukyung held up Sujin’s scabby hands with worry.
“It’ll heal.” Sujin smiled. Maybe it was the massive hug she had received, or the fact that her friends had traveled so far away to meet her, but suddenly, Sujin felt relieved. It was as if the entire situation was trivial and that she could see light at the end of the tunnel.
“Of course we know what happened.” Suho replied.
“And we know exactly how to fix it.” Jukyung grinned wider.
On the screen, in front of a ring light she had set up at her home, Lim Jukyung stood with a gummy smile and a warm welcome.
“Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. This is Lim Jukyung here with a new make up tutorial for all of my beautiful viewers. Uh, today I have a new kind of tutorial for you all. But before we begin, there is something that I think has been on all of our minds that needs to be addressed.”
Jukyung motioned to someone standing behind the camera to come forward. Kang Sujin entered the frame awkwardly, not knowing where exactly to look. The way Jukyung had set up her studio for this live event was to have the camera, the mirror with the ring light and her laptop screen facing her so that she could do her make up while also reading the comments. And while Jukyung was used to having all of this equipment focused on her, Sujin was not.
“Introduce yourself.” Jukyung said softly, nudging Sujin with her elbow.
“Ah, yes.” Sujin cleared her throat. “Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. I’m Kang Sujin.” She waved robotically while staring in the camera like a deer caught in the headlights.
Jukyung couldn’t help but laugh. “Ya, Kang Su, are you afraid of the camera?”
“Ah-neeeee, it’s just so unnatural.” Sujin quickly countered.
“Don’t worry, the camera doesn’t bite.” Jukyung put an arm around her friend’s waist. “Okay everyone now that my friend Kang Sujin is here we can talk about the recent—”
“Lim Ju, maybe we shouldn’t do this.” Sujin interrupted anxiously.
“Huh? But it’s already live.” Jukyung pointed at the camera.
“What?” Sujin on in panic.
Jukyung continued, “So everyone, as you all may have heard, Sujin and I went to the same high school together. However, before that I attended another high school where I was bullied for my looks. Sujin and I did not know each other back then and she had nothing to do with that part of my life so the allegations that she bullied me are completely false. That was another person and that person is no longer in my life.”
Sujin cut in, “However, it is true that I revealed Jukyung’s past to our school and posted an unflattering video of her online.”
Jukyung nodded, looking serious. “I won’t lie and say it was easy for me to have that happen. But… both of us have changed since then. We have grown up and grown past that time.”
The girls took each other’s hands in solidarity.
Jukyung continued, “I’m not the girl I used to be. Neither is Sujin. And while she did do something wrong… I’ve forgiven her. I would rather remember the good times we shared…” The time that Sujin caught that pervert, the time she helped rescue Jukyung from those kidnappers, the time she helped hide Jukyung’s bare face at the school trip. “There are things that I wish I had done differently too. I wish had been more confident in myself and honest about who I really was. I wish I had stood up for myself earlier. But the past is the past, and I would rather focus on the present.”
“Everyone, I am grateful for all of the love and support you showed to me. I know bullying isn’t something you get over easily and I saw a lot of you comment about the bullying that you suffered. I am grateful you shared your stories with me. I hope we can take this opportunity to help each other heal rather than put someone down.” Jukyung looked at Sujin. “Now you.”
Sujin recited nervously, “Ah. Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. I’m Kang Sujin.”
Jukyung giggled. “We’ve done that already.”
“Oh, yes. Um… I uh…” Sujin took a pause to collect herself. “Let me be the first to say that I’m not a nice person—”
“Yah!” Jukyung protested but Sujin carried on.
“But I’m also not the girl who posted that video about her best friend, not anymore. At that time… I was foolish. I let my personal problems cloud my judgement and I took my frustration and anger out on Lim Jukyung. I have regretted doing that every single day since it happened. I am sorry. I understand everyone’s anger towards me. I would be angry too if I heard this about someone else. However, I hope that you all will be able to forgive me, as Jukyung has.”
Sujin ended her speech with an apologetic bow. Jukyung bowed with her. The girls then shared a tearful hug. From the back, Sujin saw Suho give her a thumbs up. Sujin sent him a smile back. The girls parted, wiping their tears.
“Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, we can get on to the real reason why you are on here.” Jukyung clasped her hands together. “Sujin will be assisting me today.”
“Ah, yes.”
“So Kang Su, shall we bring out our model today?” Jukyung asked her with a mischievous gleam in her eye.
The girls nodded conspiratorially before turning to Suho who looked on, confused.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
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“What is it? What are you laughing at?” Chorong asked Seojun as he leaned over his shoulder. They were at Chorong’s place where the boys were goofing off, playing video games and lounging about.
Seojun didn’t hear Chorong’s inquiry through his ear buds and kept on shaking with silent laughter.
“Hey, nobody said anything about me being in the video.” Suho was protesting on Seojun’s phone. Seojun turned up the volume to hear Suho’s annoyed grumbling more clearly. Of course, Seojun was going to make fun of Suho about this afterwards. 
“Just sit down, Lee Su, before I get mad.” Sujin commanded.
“That attitude of yours has never worked on me,” Suho replied coolly.
“Come on, Suho-ya. I do your makeup all the time don’t I? It’ll be fine. I promise.” Of course, when Jukyung said this, Suho melted like butter on a hot pan. Sujin rolled her eyes but it was clear that it wasn’t out of spite.
“Okay everyone! Let’s begin with the base and then we’ll work our way up! I am going to keep this look as natural as possible so that its not modifying anything but merely enhancing his features.” Jukyung pushed Suho’s bangs out of his forehead with a giant pink bow shaped clip. Seojun was quick to get a screen shot of it.
“What are Lee Suho and Kang Sujin doing on Jukyung’s channel?” Chorong asked in Seojun’s ear, shocking him. Seojun almost screamed in fear. He pushed away Chorong’s face to watch the video in peace.
In the live video, Jukyung was explaining the differences of applying make up on a guy’s face, versus a girl’s face.
“Sujin-ah. Why don’t you read some of the comments while I’m buffing in his foundation? You have to buff it in for a long time to make it appear natural.” Jukyung told her audience.
Sujin moved towards the camera, blocking Jukyung a little as she read off of her laptop. Her unfiltered face was front and center for the world to see. At this position it looked unflattering, which made Seojun chuckle even more.
Sujin read the comments in a robotic monotone, “Jukyung Unnie, I don’t usually watch make up tutorials. But after today I’m your number one fan.”
“Mwo-ya, this girl has no camera sense.” Seojun said to himself.
“Thank you! I’m your fan too,” Jukyung replied brightly.
“Your looks are always so classy and stylish.”
“Thank you! I’m glad you liked them. Let me know if there are any other looks you’d like to see.”
“Will you do a tutorial on how to wear red lipstick properly?”
“I’m actually planning on doing that soon!”
“Lim Jukyung, you are so beautiful. Marry me please!”
Suho got up to see the screen, “Who asked that?”
“Sit down!” Jukyung pulled him back as he grumbled. “Sorry,” Jukyung said to the camera, “but I’m taken.”
“Are you and Kang Sujin really friends now?” Sujin turned to Jukyung and all Seojun could see was her shiny black hair on screen.
“Dangyunhaji! In fact, if I wasn’t dating Suho, Kang Sujin would be my boyfriend.”
Seojun scoffed, “As if. It would have been me.”
On the live, Sujin laughed, “Is that so? We can still be together though. Have an affair behind Suho’s back.”
“Sure.” Jukyung said casually.
“Yah!” Suho protested.
Both girls giggled.
Suho looked miffed, “Kang Sujin, you’re blocking the view.” He said peevishly.
“Oh sorry. I’ll move.” Sujin circled around the couple to stand behind Jukyung and read the comments over her shoulder.
Jukyung read something on the screen and pointed it to Sujin, “Read that one.”
Sujin hesitantly read, “Kang Sujin, I’m sorry for judging you.” She looked up, “It’s okay. I can be harsh in my judgements too. The key is to try to learn from your past.” Sujin smiled at the camera before turning back to the screen.
“Kang Sujin, you’re pretty.” Sujin recited in her monotone voice. “Yes. I know.” She said without looking up.
“She is also super smart!” Jukyung gushed. “She was one of the top students in class.”
“Could never beat me though.” Suho said smugly, still sore about the affair comment. Both girls turned to Suho and stared. His mouth became small. “Sorry.”
Jukyung went back to explaining her tutorial, slowly performing each step as Suho patiently sat. She made his eyes look bigger and applied a natural lip tint to finish off.
Both girls couldn’t help but gawk at how good Suho look by the end. Jukyung removed the pink blow clip from his hair in a daze.
“How do I look?” He asked Jukyung.
“Too good, Lee Suho.” Sujin clapped. “Too good.”
Jukyung blushed but couldn’t articulate her thoughts. She stuttered, “Uh-ah! Let’s look at the c-c-comments again!”
Suho grinned.
“Lim Jukyung, you were amazing as always!” Sujin read aloud.
“Thank you.” Jukyung bowed.
“Watch the latest and best movies for free at—”
“Sujin that’s just spam.”
“Oh. Right.” Sujin continued, “Lee Suho looks prettier than the both of you.”
The girls’ face fell flat. Suho just looked innocently at the camera. The girls cleared their throats.
“Ah that’s all the time we have!”
“Ah, yes! Time to move on!”
The two pushed Suho out of the frame together.
“I can still be on camera if you—”
“No, I think the people have seen enough of you.” Sujin said while smiling widely at the camera.
Jukyung went wide eyed when she looked into her computer screen. “Ya! This live got 3.3 thousand comments!”
“Daebak. Good job Lim Ju!” The girls grinned, but then Sujin squinted her eyes disapprovingly at something on the screen. “Lim Jukyung, you look so ugly without makeup? Ya, who wrote this comment? User name KimChee23? Why don’t you show yourself to me and then we can see who’s really ugly?”
“Sujin-ah. It’s just a comment.” Jukyung tried to calm her.
“Comments matter too! Otherwise people wouldn’t be writing them! Ya KimChee23 where do you live?”
Seojun laughed out loud as he saw Jukyung try to calm Sujin down on screen.
“So, is everything all settled now?” Chorong asked Seojun.
“I think, yes. Just look at all the comments praising Sujin.”
He was right, the comments section was flooded with statements of Sujin being a brave person for apologizing and changing her bad behavior. 
“Great.” Chorong shook his friend’s shoulders. “Now you don’t have to be so troubled about Lim Jukyung.”
“Lim Jukyung? Why would I be troubled about her?”
Chorong was confused. He had not known about the scandal. The matter Chorong had been referring to was Seojun’s theory that Kang was apparently still after Lee Suho.
“I mean... haven’t you been in a bad mood all week because of her?”
“Why bother asking Chorong?” One of the boys said, “You know the answer to all of Seojun’s heartaches is Lim Jukyung.”
Seojun didn’t bother responding. He returned to his phone screen where Jukyung and Kang Sujin were wrapping up the live, waving at the camera with wide smiles. Suho was trying to get back in the frame and Sujin kept pushing his out of it.
“Ooh. Look at how Han Seojun is smiling.”
“Something good must have happened.”
“See! He’s always thinking of Lim Jukyung.”
“No I’m not!” Seojun protested. Quietly, he admitted. “I wasn’t thinking of Lim Jukyung.”
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Han Seojun had arrived at Kang Sujin’s building an hour ago, but for the life of him he could not muster the courage to go up to her apartment.
“I have no reason to see her. So, why should I?” He argued with himself. He paced back and forth, going up the entrance and then going back again, unable to enter.
In his hands, Han Seojun held a beautiful arrangement of white tulips and yellow roses. White tulips as an apology and yellow roses as an offering of friendship. It was his way of apologizing for being a jerk.
After hearing everything she had said on the live event, Seojun had no doubt that Kang Sujin wasn’t who he thought she was. Certainly, if Jukyung and even Suho could trust her, then he could at least give her the benefit of the doubt. 
It had felt like a good idea at the time to try to make amends with flowers. But now that he was actually here, at her home, he felt stupid.
What would Kang Sujin say when he showed up at her place? Would she laugh at him and tell him to go to hell? Would she be offended that he just showed up, unannounced? The uncertainly of it all made him anxious.
As he went back down the steps to the building entrance for the thousandth time, Seojun bumped into a lady.
“Oh ma’am. I’m so sorry!”
The woman had been carrying tote bags with plastic containers of food in them. The bags had fallen to the ground but luckily, the containers and the food inside them were unharmed, just a little shaken.
Seojun looked at the woman with an apologetic face. She appeared to be a very dignified lady, as old as his mother. Her hair was up in a chic bun and she wore well fitted, albeit a little worn out, clothes. Her brows were crinkled in disapproval. But upon seeing Seojun, her face softened.
“Are you okay, ma’am?” Seojun asked and his humble words spoken in that rich baritone subsided the woman’s irritation further to the point where she smiled.
“Omo, how can someone be so handsome?”
Seojun beamed. Elders had always loved him. “Ah, thank you.” He responded shyly. “Let me help you carry these.” He took the heavy bags from her, putting the flowers under his arm, careful not to smush them.
“Oh no. I don’t want to bother.”
“It’s no bother at all, ma’am. I insist.” He didn’t let the woman say another word, walking past her into the building. The woman smiled and followed.
“Are you going to visit your girlfriend?” The woman asked, eyeing the flowers.
“A friend. A friend who is a girl.”
“Is that what the youngsters are calling it these days?”
“Ah-nee-heyo. It’s not like that.”
The woman just smiled knowingly. “I’m going to visit a special girl too. My daughter lives in this building.”
They entered the elevator. Seojun asked which floor the woman wanted to go to. “Oh, I’m going to the same floor. Maybe my friend knows your daughter.”
“I’m sure she does. My daughter is a wonderful girl.”
When the lady walked in the same direction as Sujin’s apartment, Seojun said, “Oh. My friend lives this way too. What a coincidence. They might live right next to each other.”
“Then you should come over with your friend. I will cook for you.”
And when the woman stood in front of Sujin’s apartment, Seojun said, “Oh, this is my friend’s apartment. Are they roommates?”
“Young man, is your friend’s name Kang Sujin?”
“Yes, ma’am. How did you know?” Seojun asked, surprised.
The lady patted Seojun’s face, “At least you have good looks.” She punched in Sujin’s passcode and went in. Han Seojun stood outside for a full minute before he connected the dots. And then his eyes went wide.
“Sujin isn’t home yet. Why don’t you wait inside?” Mrs. Kang called out.
“I’m so sorry Mrs. Kang. I didn’t recognize you.” Seojun entered, placing the bags on Sujin’s counter.
“It’s okay, Son. You’ve known Sujin long?”
“I went to Sujin’s school. I knew her through Lee Suho.” He had only seen Sujin’s mother a couple of times at school. But never up close. She had seemed so stuck up like Sujin at the time; with her fur coats and expensive jewelry. Now she seemed like just another lady. Her appearance seemed to have humbled after the divorce.
“Oh Suho! Lovely child. How is he these days? Sujin doesn’t tell me anything.”
“He’s good ma’am.”
Mrs. Kang started lining the containers on the counter. It seemed like too much food for one person.
“Sujinnie never eats properly. She always scolds me for worrying but what can I do? She never takes care of herself.”
Indeed, when Mrs. Kang opened Sujin’s fridge, it was empty save a few water bottles and expired milk that Mrs. Kang threw away.
“And look at you! All skin and bones! It is unfashionable to be healthy these days?”
It was a complaint he had heard from his mother as well. But Seojun had to maintain a lean figure for his job, as he was about to explain to Mrs. Kang.
“Ma’am I actually have to diet beca—”
“I won’t hear it! Sit. I will get you something to eat. I’ve brought more than enough.” Mrs. Kang commanded. Seojun could see where Sujin got her tough exterior from.
“I don’t want to be a bother…”
“Nonesense! It’s no bother at all. Especially not for,” she eyed the bouquet Seojun had placed on the counter, “Sujin’s friend.”
Seojun wanted to protest Mrs. Kang’s assumptions but figured that denying it would only reinforce the idea. He would let Sujin clear up the matter.
“Well if you’re going to cook Mrs. Kang, you might as well let me help.” Seojun often cooked with his mother and was used to being in the kitchen so his culinary prowess impressed Mrs. Kang greatly.
“Your mother must be so proud of you.” Seojun grinned at the compliment. He decided that he liked Mrs. Kang.
Likewise, Mrs. Kang decided that she liked Seojun. She put the flowers he had brought in a vase and brought it to the table. As they cooked, she went on and on about Sujin and her many accomplishments. The woman was very proud of her daughter.
Seojun listened diligently as Mrs. Kang explained how much she was worried about Sujin. The non-profit sector didn’t exactly offer a lucrative career. Not as much being a doctor would have.
“I remember how much she had wanted to be a doctor as a child. Omma, I want to heal everyone, she would tell me. But when her father started pushing her and pushing her… suddenly it was all about ranking number 1, not helping people and her heart just wasn’t in it anymore.” Mrs. Kang lamented. She gave Seojun a considering look. “Has she told you… about her father?”
About the divorce? “Yes. I know.”
Mrs. Kang looked at him tenderly, “You must really be close to my daughter then. She’s a very private girl.”
Seojun didn’t understand why the woman as acting like it was some secret. Everyone knew about Mr. and Mrs. Kang’s separation.
The woman stared into the distance. “If I look back, I can only blame myself. I should have stopped it the first day her father started hitting her. But I was blind. I believed that it would all stop if she got good grades and got into a good university. My husband was always a tough man, but had never been like that to me, you see. I didn’t realize what he was doing to Sujin till it was too late.”
Seojun froze. He felt he had been told something he wasn’t supposed to know.
“And then, she started taking her anger out on other people… it might have been late, but I finally put my foot down. I’m glad my girl is in a better place now.”
Mrs. Kang looked down in remorse. Seojun found it hard to keep looking at her. He suddenly recalled what Sujin had said in Jukyung’s video.
I was foolish. I let my personal problems cloud my judgement and I took my frustration and anger out on Lim Jukyung. 
Ah, crap. Seojun thought.
“My daughter is a sensitive girl, despite how strong she appears. I just want to know that she is with people who will care for her, and not hurt her.” Mrs. Kang looked at Seojun meaningfully. He swallowed.
“She is Mrs. Kang. You don’t have to worry.”
The woman pressed his hands gratefully. “You must have heard… about what Sujin was involved in recently.”
Seojun was sure he was going to die today. His heart felt like guilt had wrapped its sharp claws around it and was squeezing tightly.
“Ah. Yes.”
“Don’t believe any of it! My Sujinnie isn’t that kind of girl”
“Ah. Yes.”
“She did go a little astray in school, but what kid doesn’t go through a phase like that? Show me a teenager who has never made a mistake!”
“You’re absolutely right ma’am.” Was all Seojun could say.
“If only I could get my hands on that Han Seojun.” Seojun felt his heart stop. It was then that he realized that he never really introduced himself to Mrs. Kang. “How dare that no good idol take advantage of my daughter? Ah-nee, what kind of a person stays over a girl’s place like that? And doesn’t even help when she gets into trouble because of him?”
Seojun could see his funeral now, his mother crying for him as his friends lined up to regret their loss.
Guys… take care. Please check on my mother for me.
The door chimed as Sujin entered. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Han Seojun and her mother sitting at a table full of food, waiting for her.
“Ah, Omma why have you come all this way again? Do you really like tiring yourself out so much?” Sujin scolded as she hurriedly put on her indoor slippers.
“Is that any way to greet your mother?” Mrs. Kang scolded back.
Sujin was undeterred. “You know I can always come and visit you and Auntie. Why do you have to come here? And look at all this food! How is this okay for one person? It always goes bad and then I have to throw it out.”
“It goes bad because you don’t eat enough, bad girl! You see what I have to deal with?” Mrs. Kang turned to Seojun who had gone white.
“Ya Han Seojun, what are you doing here?” Sujin asked him.
There was a second of silence where no one spoke. A pin drop could be heard.
“Han Seojun?” Mrs. Kang looked at Seojun. On stage, with makeup on, Seojun looked different. Here, in person, it was difficult to recognize him. But now that his name had been spoken, Mrs. Kang could see the young man whose face had been plastered all over the articles concerning Sujin.
“You… you’re the Han Seojun from the scandal?”
Sujin quickly caught on. “Seojun. Run.”
And then all hell exploded, or rather, one Mrs. Kang. Sujin jumped in her mother’s path as the woman got up with a slipper in her hand. Han Seojun lept off his chair and bowed furiously.
“I am so sorry Mrs. Kang. I am so sorry for all the trouble caused!”
Sujin desperately tried to block her mother’s blows but Mrs. Kang was a formidable woman. She smacked Han Seojun with her slipper.
“Do. You. Have. Any idea. What. Problems. You. Caused!” She punctuated each word with a smack. Seojun, for his part, did not run but rather took it like a man. He was just glad she was beating him with a slipper and not a heel.
“Run! Why aren’t you running?” Sujin asked him as she tried to grab her mother’s wrists.
“Are you protecting him? After everything that happened?”
“I’m really sorry Mrs. Kang.” Seojun said.
“Sorry? What good will an apology do? Will an apology undo the pain you’ve caused?” Her words sounded eerily familiar.
“Ah Omma, stop hitting him! He didn’t do anything. It was my fault. It was all my idea.”
Mrs. Kang stopped. “What?”
And thus, it became Kang Sujin’s turn to be given the mom-smack down.
“Ah Omma WAEEEE??”
“It was your idea to bring him home?!”
“Omma you’ve already beaten me about that!”
“I haven’t beaten you enough.”
“Mrs. Kang please! We were both drunk. Sujin had no choice but to—”
“What?” Mrs. Kang went ballistic.
Sujin glared at Seojun, “Han Seojun do you actually want us both to die?”
“Omma it wasn’t like that!”
“Mrs. Kang it really wasn’t.” Seojun chimed in.
“If it wasn’t then why is he bringing you flowers? Why is he showing up at your place?”
Sujin looked at the tulips and roses on her table. White tulips, a flower of regret. And yellow roses, flowers of friendship. Sujin knew exactly what they meant. She wondered if Han Seojun knew too or if he just got really lucky with his choices.
It was a while before Mrs. Kang calmed down. Seojun felt thoroughly sore. Both he and Sujin sat on the floor with guilty expressions on their faces, looking like school children being punished.
“Get out. I don’t want to see the likes of your around my daughter ever again.”
Seojun bowed his head to the ground. “I am really sorry Mrs. Kang. I’m really sorry for all of the trouble that I’ve caused. I assure you I will never let anything like that happen again.”
Mrs. Kang crossed her arms and looked away.
“Omma. Neither of us had any idea that something like this would happen. Its not Seojun’s fault. And besides, he got into trouble too.” Sujin nudged him with her elbow.
“Yes, ma’am. I was almost kicked out of my company.” Which wasn’t exactly true but Seojun didn’t mind fibbing a little.
“You should have been!” Mrs. Kang fumed but then softened when she saw Seojun’s best puppy dog face. Han Seojun was always good with ladies, especially ones that were mad at him.
He inched closer to Mrs. Kang. “Mrs. Kang. I’m really regretful about what Sujin faced.” He took her hands in his. Sujin watched in astonishment as Han Seojun turned her mother’s boiling anger to a low simmer. “But I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure that this never happens again.”
Mrs. Kang cleared her throat.
“And look, the food we both prepared has gotten all cold. Wouldn’t it be better if we all eat and talk calmly?”
Sujin scoffed, not only at the blatant pandering but at the fact that it was working. Mrs. Kang’s anger all but disappeared. It came to a point that as they all ate, she began taking his side.
“How could you risk an idol’s reputation like that?” She asked Sujin who could only roll her eyes.
“Omma, how can you say that?”
“I mean, now that I think about it, it isn’t Seojun’s fault that his fans came after you.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe this.” Sujin scowled.
As dumb as Han Seojun had appeared, Sujin had to admit this was pretty shrewd. It made her wonder what else she had misjudged him on. He even got himself invited by Mrs. Kang to come by again for dinner.
“Your mom is incredible.” Seojun told Sujin as they walked to the convenience store. Mrs. Hand had sent them out for some ice-cream since she had brought nothing for dessert.
“She’s changed a lot after the divorce. She’s more herself now.”
They walked slowly, enjoying the night air and the silence. Oddly enough the quiet didn’t feel awkward or strange. Neither of them felt any pressure to speak. They got papico, the ice-cream that came in squishy bottles, and sat by on the benches outside.
“Kang Sujin,” Seojun began, “about what happened… are you… You know when I, um… I guess what I’m trying to say is…”
Sujin laughed, a clear gurgle of joy that made Seojun feel strange in his stomach. “Mwo-ya? Has the great Han Seojun been rendered speechless?” She laughed some more and Seojun didn’t stop her. “Relax Han Seojun. I’m fine.”
Seojun looked at his feet. “I… wasn’t happy with what happened to do… with the articles and how everybody was talking about you.”
“Gwenchana. It’s over now. I mean I had to make another Instagram account but all in all, its not as bad now. Besides,” she tilted her chin, “do you think a bunch of cowards who hide behind usernames are enough to take me down? I’m Kang Sujin, remember? Badass of Saebom High.”
“I thought I was the badass of Saebom high.” Seojun raised a brow.
“You were the gangster.” Sujin grinned, eating her ice-cream.
“I’m glad you’re tough. You don’t let these things bother you.”
“I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. People telling me that I’m the worst and I should die wasn’t exactly easy.” She said grimly. “But you know what upset me the most?”
“That I couldn’t beat those cowards up for saying what they did.” Sujin got up and punched the air. “If I could just get my hands on those twerps then I would teach them a lesson or two.” She punched the air.
The fire in Sujin’s eyes was so comical that Seojun burst out laughing.
“Don’t laugh! Hajima! I’m not joking.”
“Kang Sujin, were you always such a fighter?”
“Yup!” Sujin stated simply. She sat back besides Seojun, closer this time. And he noticed. “What about you?” She asked. “How are you doing?”
Seojun leaned back leisurely, “Eh, I’m fine. I don’t worry about public perception anyway. The people who matter will know me. Everyone else is just noise.”
“I bet your fans would leave you in a second.” Sujin teased.
“Don’t diss my fans. They’re all cool and awesome.”
“What, all two of them? Do they also happen to be named Jukyung and Suho?”
“You’re forgetting Chorong.”
The two giggled.
“Did your co-workers ask for more autographs?”
“Nope. Got fired before they could.”
“What?” Seojun stood up. Sujin relayed how her company had let her go after details about her past misconduct were released online.
“How could they just fire you? Isn’t that illegal?”
“Calm down. It’s normal for that to happen.”
“How can you be so calm?”
“Would you rather I get angry? There’s no point in doing that. I won’t get that job back.”
Seojun pressed his lips together in a tight line and sat back down.
“I’m surprised that you’re actually defending me.” Sujin sounded impressed.
“I mean… its wrong. Even if you and I don’t get along, what’s wrong is wrong.”
Sujin chuckled. She looked at the time on her phone. “I should get back. How are you getting home?”
“I brought my bike.”
“Your company lets you ride motorbikes?”
“Nope.” Seojun grinned.
“A’ight. Good night, Han Seojun. Stay safe.” Sujin walked back in the direction of the apartment. Feeling light and happy. While her online image hadn’t completely recovered, her relationship with Han Seojun had. She might not have to simply tolerate his presence now. They might genuinely get along.
“Kang Sujin!” Han Seojun called out to her, the woman who he thought was vile and destructive. The person that turned wasn’t that woman. It was the little girl who had looked to her father with love but only got his abuse in return.
“I’m sorry I misjudged you.” Seojun told the little girl.
The girl smiled. “I’m sorry I misjudged you too.”
It was unfamiliar territory, getting along with Kang Sujin. More for the group than Han Seojun and Kang Sujin. They all looked at the pair in wonder and shock when Sujin asked Seojun to pass the soy sauce and he obliged. It shocked them further when Sujin laughed when Seojun bragged about being recognized at a department store and being asked for pictures.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Jukyung asked Sujin quietly.
“Yeah, why?” Sujin replied.
“Nothing. Just asking.”
“Hey, what’s up with you?” Suho asked Seojun privately.
“You’re acting all weird around Kang Sujin.”
“Weird how?”
“You’re being nice.”
“Am I not supposed to be?”
“Okay! Who’s going to go first?” Taehoon asked the room, interrupting Suho and Seojun’s conversation. 
They were at Suho’s apartment where he had a karaoke machine set up. Seojun had finally relented to visiting their place and it was just as painful as he had thought it would be. It was a mishmash to Jukyung’s bright and lively style with Suho’s dark and moody one.
The posters of rock bands and Junji Itou’s mangas were something both of them shared. It was fascinating how the two of the most caring people in Seojun’s life were into such dark things. Seojun saw Sujin eye one of the horror comic book posters suspiciously, as if the monster drawn in them could come out any second.
Chorong sang first, sharing a duet with his girlfriend. Then Taehoon and Suah went next. Duets seemed to be the theme of the night. Jukyung and Suho went next.
“Alright? Who else?”
Sujin was the only girl left.
“Well I’m not going up there.” She said when everyone looked at her. She eyed the other boys, all of whom were terrified of her. Even they could still hear Kang Sujin saying Ya Han Seojun, are you a gangster?!
“Jukyung-ah. Sing with me.” Sujin grabbed Jukyung’s hand and led her up before she could say anything.
“I’m singing too!” Suah joined.
Seojun went next. His was a solo and he clearly was the best performer. His rich baritone singing in a soft melody made everyone pay attention.
“Isn’t it nice to have an idol as a friend?” Suah asked. “Its like having a private concert.” Jukyung and Sujin nodded in agreement.
Everyone swayed their heads to the beat, except for Kang Sujin who was noticing the lyrics Han Seojun was singing.
I want to give you all of my days
I want to tell you all these feelings of mine
The sleepless blue winds
Brightly light up this night
He was singing about Lim Jukyung. Sujin looked over to her friend, who was looking longingly in Suho’s eyes. The two were entranced with each other, not noticing Han Seojun who stood just a couple of feet away, pouring his heart out.
After all the fun had been wrapped up, Seojun and Sujin had been the only two to stay back. Sujin had helped Jukyung clean up while Suho went to throw out the trash.
As Sujin cleaned the dishes, Seojun sat in the living room, looking at all of the pictures Jukyung and Suho had hung up. He could see how Suho and Jukyung would sit on the very couch he was on and watch TV together or lie around reading books.
He tried to replay those images, with himself there with Jukyung instead of Suho but he couldn’t. He couldn’t lie to himself about who she belonged to.
“You know, Han Seojun, I just realized something.” Sujin called from the kitchen.
“You have two hands.”
Seojun looked at her like she had lost her mind. “Wow, Kang Sherlock. Your powers of deduction amaze me.”
“So, since you have those two hands, and you’re a gentleman, why not help me out over here? I assume you would feel bad that I’m the only one doing any actual cleaning.”
“You assume incorrectly. I have no issues with you doing all the cleaning.” Seojun turned back to the TV and was promptly hit in the head with a dish rag.
“Oops.” Sujin said flatly.
Seojun got up, dish rag in hand. Wordlessly, he took out the dishes from the washer and lined them up in the cabinets.
“Aren’t you ever afraid that Jukyung will be uncomfortable about you singing love songs to her?” Sujin asked in a low voice.
“What do you mean?”
“That song you sang. My heart is full of you, I’m starting to take after you?”
Seojun eyed her. “She won’t know.”
“I did.”
“Yeah but, you’re you and Jukyung’s Jukyung.”
“So…” Seojun leaned closer, “you ranked number two in class for a reason.”
“Sujin-ah! I told you I would take care of everything.” Jukyung appeared from her bedroom.
“Don’t worry about it. Han Seojun helped.” Sujin assured.
The pair said their goodbyes to the couple and exited together. Han Seojun said nothing when he started walking his own way, while Kang Sujin turned to wave at him but was unseen. He was too lost in his own broken heart to notice anyone or anything.
She simply sighed, took it as just a Han Seojun thing and started walking in the other direction.
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“I still can’t get used to this.” Suah said, waving a spoon between Han Seojun and Kang Sujin. The two sat opposite each other and were eating their food peacefully.
It was this peace that bothered Suah.
“I mean, how can you two just get along?”
“We’re adults Choi Su. We can learn how to get along.” Sujin stated.
Suho spluttered in laughter. “I thought you said that Seojun was a giant baby with no manners?”
Seojun gave Sujin a scathing look. Sujin went pink, “I never said that! You take that back!”
“It’s still strange.” Suah leaned closer. “What happened? Have you guys settled your differences?”
“Han Seojun got Sujin flowers.” Suho said cheekily.
“Yah!” Seojun protested. But it was in vain, the deed was done, and everyone oohed and aahed at this news.
“Did you really get her flowers?”
“Wait, when did this happen?”
“Does that mean that Seojun apologized first?”
“What kind of flowers?”
Seojun looked at Suho with the rage of a thousand suns. Suho just grinned back.
“Aren’t flowers romantic?”
“Ya! There was nothing romantic about it. All I got her were yellow roses and white tulips.” Seojun defended.
“OoooOoooh. Roooses. Roses are totally romantic.” Taehoon teased.
“They were yellow. Yellow roses are for friendship!”
“So, are you two friends?” Jukyung asked and everyone looked at Seojun and Sujin.
“Meh.” They both shrugged at the same time.
“Omo! Look at how in sync they are!”
“We are not.” They both said in sync.
Seojun had to admit, their group gatherings were much more comfortable now that he and Sujin had cleared the air between them. He enjoyed discovering how Sujin was less the ice princess he had thought her to be and more a regular girl. She also turned out to be much cooler than he had expected.
She had been the only one to see his discomfort when Jukyung and Suho suggested they all go on an overnight trip with them. Going to see their apartment; the very proof that Lim Jukyung and Lee Suho ate and slept—Oh God, don’t think about them sleeping—together was painful enough. Seojun didn’t need to see them canoodling for an entire weekend.
“What about it guys? Shall we go?” Jukyung looked around as everyone nodded excitedly, including Sujin.
But then her eye’s met Seojun’s. He said nothing but he didn’t need to.
“Lim Ju, it’ll be difficult for me to join. I just lost my job, remember? An overnight trip is...” Seojun knew Sujin was just making up an excuse.
“Oh, oh right. Sorry Kang Su-ya. I totally forgot. Something else then!”
The group moved on to discussing other options. Seojun sent Sujin a grateful look. She acted nonchalant, as if she had not just overturned everyone’s plans for him.
“Thanks. For what you did back in there.” He told her as they were all leaving.
“Forget about it.” She waved a hand in dismissal.
The next time the group gathered at a fancier restaurant than usual. A suggestion by Suho who had offered to pay for the food tonight.
“This place is so beautiful.” Suah commented looking around the interior.
“Are we celebrating something?” Sujin asked. “This doesn’t seem like a regular get-together.”
Sujin had only asked for the sake of asking. But something about the way Suho looked at her told Seojun that she was on to something.
“Well,” Jukyung held up her hand, “we do have something to announce.”
And announce she did. The big fat diamond resting on her ring finger had a lot to say. And suddenly everyone erupted with joy. The girls took Jukyung in their arms, squealing and crying with joy. The boys surrounded Suho, patting him on the back, congratulating him.
All except Seojun, who just sat there in a daze. Sujin happened to look over and see him, frozen in his seat. Sujin wasn’t alone in her observation. Taehoon also noticed but missed the implication.
“Look! Han Seojun is actually so shocked he—"
Sujin made it look like an accident, her bumping into the table and sending a glass down on the floor, shattering into a million pieces. The sound shook Seojun out of his daze and also distracted everyone from realizing Seojun’s inner turmoil.
“Oh shit.” Sujin said looking down.
“Hey, be careful.” Jukyung said.
“You okay?” Suho asked Jukyung, taking her arm.
“Excuse me, can we get someone to clean this up?” Taehoon asked the waiter.
The fuss over the broken glass gave Seojun enough time to recover. He then congratulated Suho with a massive hug.
“You both deserve each other. I mean it.” He told Suho and he meant it.
Maintaining a fake smile over dinner was easy. Everyone else was so chatty that Seojun’s and Sujin’s relative silence went unnoticed. Suah pestered Jukyung for details: “How did it happen?”, “When?”, “Why didn’t you call me immediately?”. Taehoon made jokes about marriage being the end of romance to which Suah started an argument with him and then it became about settling matters between the two.
Sujin didn’t remember much of what happened after that, the rest of the night was a blur. She just hoped that she had maintained enough dignity to not appear as bitter as she actually felt.
Even though they all parted very late in the night, Sujin couldn’t go directly home. She needed something to ease the pain. So naturally, she went to the nearest tent bar she could find. The place seemed to be overcrowded, with people waiting outside for others to leave. Sujin managed to sneak in and grab a table.
She downed half of a soju bottle in one go but then couldn’t muster the energy to drink further. Her side dishes went untouched. All Sujin could do was stare and wonder if there was any way to just take her heart out of her chest and throw it away. Because there seemed to be no relief from this pain she was feeling.
She banged her head on the table. “Ah wae? Why can’t I just move on?” She asked herself in frustration.
“Ugh, why the hell are you here?” That irritated tone and deep voice could only belong to one person. And indeed, when Sujin looked up she saw Han Seojun a few tables over looking at her in disdain.
“Wae? You have a claim on this place?” Sujin raised a critical brow.
“And what if I do?”
“Then give me everything for free. Since we’re friends who get along.”
“No. Friends pay double.”
“How stingy.” Sujin took another shot of soju.
The man running the tent bar came over. “Why don’t you two share a table since you know each other? I have customers waiting to be seated.”
“No way, I’m not sitting with her.” Seojun grumbled.
“Aha! I knew it! Being all nice to me was just an act.”
The owner ignored Sujin, “How can two youngsters be so rude? Get up! I’m moving you over there.”
This was how Han Seojun came to drink with Kang Sujin for the second time. They both looked at each other with scowling faces.
“What happened, Kang Sujin? You were acting all happy for the lucky couple.” Seojun taunted. He seemed a little tipsy but so was Sujin.
“Of course, I’m happy. I’m so, so happy.” She said wistfully.
Seojun scoffed. “Is that why you were whining about not being able to move on? I thought you said you didn’t like Lee Suho anymore.”
Sujin narrowed her eyes. “I don’t. And even if I allegedly did, at least I held it all in. You were clearly about to run away with Jukyung before I saved you.”
“Saved me? Puh-lease.”
“Why? Do you think that glass fell on its own?”
Seojun gave her a sideways look before taking another shot.
“You gonna eat that?” He pointed a chin to her plate.
“Nah, have it.”
They sat in silence for a moment. A comfortable silence where neither felt compelled to say anything.
Sujin shook Seojun when she suddenly smacked her glass down on the table. “I’m over Lee Suho.” She declared. “I’m over Lee Suho… but…”
“Just because you’re over him, doesn’t mean you stopped loving him.” Seojun said what she was thinking.
She looked at him, her pain evident on her face. In that moment, he let himself be vulnerable too.  
“Isn’t it funny? Out of everyone I know, you’re the only one who gets… this.” Sujin said.
Seojun chuckled. “Exactly. Who woulda thought? Kang Sujin and Han Seojun having something in common.”
“You know it’s gonna hurt even worse from now on, right? We’re the closest to those two. That means we’ll be involved in everything.”
Seojun rubbed his faced. “I can’t think about that right now. Or I really will die.”
Sujin understood what he meant. “You know what I want?”
“I want Suho to never find out that I still like him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I can’t help that I feel this way right? You can’t stop yourself from feeling what you feel. But… I wanna keep my dignity. I wanna still be cool and… not be seen as some pathetic loser who’s still after her best friend’s boyfriend.”
Seojun took a shot, nodding.
Sujin leaned forward. “That’s why, I suggest we help each other out.”
Seojun gave her a look. “How so?”
“Well, if we see the other being too transparent, then we stop them, or at least take the attention away so that the other can collect themselves.”
“Like the broken glass today?”
“Like the broken glass today. And if it’s getting too painful, then we can just talk about it.”
Seojun laughed. “Kang Sujin, offering therapy. That’s rich.”
“Not therapy. Friendship. It helps if you talk about stuff like this.” Sujin insisted.
Seojun gave her a considering look. “What’s in it for me? These seem like things you want to do.”
“You’ll be able to attend Jukyung’s wedding without feeling like you’re dying on the inside.”
“There’s no guarantee that will happen.”
“You’re right, there isn’t. But at least that’s what it’ll look like. Think about it Han Seojun. Do you want Jukyung to always see you as the friend who is in love with her? Or do you want her to see you as a cool friend who she can comfortably rely on, without wondering if she’s hurting his feelings.”
Seojun thought about it. It felt like a bad idea. But there was a part of Han Seojun that was tired of his own attachment to Lim Jukyung. If it meant that it would help him move on, then he was willing to try anything
“Alright, Kang Sujin.” He raised his glass. Sujin clinked hers with his. “Let’s try this.”
I am bad at making memes but I do it any way
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echoes-of-the-clockwork · 4 years ago
Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter IV
When Prompto woke up the next morning, he opened his eyes with a small groan. Feeling a familiar warmth, he looked down to see (Y/n) curled up against him. He had one arm slung across her waist, unsure of when he first put it there. He peered into the sleeping girl's face before looking around the room. Noctis was still fast asleep while Ignis and Gladio were gone.
After checking once more to see if the prince was asleep, Prompto scooted closer towards (Y/n) and tightened his arm around her waist. He moved his other arm around to the back of her head, cradling it against his chest. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against the top of her head. "(Y/n), I...I..."
The guardian inhaled deeply as her eyes fluttered open. "What is it, Prom?"
Prompto shrieked in surprise and quickly removed his arms. "N-Nothing..."
She sighed, pushing herself up into a sitting position. "You've been acting weird ever since yesterday. What's the deal?"
"Really, it's nothing!"
"Like I said, you're a bad liar..." She hopped off the bed. "Are you embarrassed from touching me? If so, I don't understand why because you've had no issues before. You scared the others are gonna catch you and tease you?"
"Maybe just a little," he mumbled.
"Well, how about we get a separate room then? That way, you can touch me all you like."
Prompto swallowed nervously, tugging at the collar of his shirt with his finger. "You make it sound so dirty, (Y/n)..."
"I'm not the one thinking dirty thoughts. Get your head out of the gutter."
"I-I am not thinking anything dirty!"
"Whatever you say, Prom," the girl giggled at him before stalking towards him. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and tilted his head upward before leaning down and pressing her lips against his forehead. "Consider this your good morning kiss since you gave me one."
His cerulean eyes widened. "You were awake?"
"It's what woke me up."
He stared into her eyes, enjoying her touch as her thumbs trailed across his cheeks. His fingers twitched, itching to touch her. However, he held himself back.
"Now then," (Y/n) removes her hands from his cheeks, causing him to groan in disappointment, "Let's do some exploring!" She grabbed his hand and yanked him off the bed, dragging him out of the hotel without disturbing Noctis.
Prompto and (Y/n) wandered the streets of Lestallum. Their first stop was the marketplace. They browsed the many wares, coming to a stop in front of a stall selling small chocobo charms. The marksman nearly stumbles over his own feet in his haste to take a closer look. Luckily, the girl caught him before he could fall.
He picked up the yellow chocobo charm and admired it. "This would totally look amazing with the bracelet."
She glanced at the charm he was holding. "It does match the gemstone. Why not buy it?"
Prompto was about to pull out some gil, but stopped himself. Even though he loved chocobos, he felt the purchase would be childish. "Nah, I should really spend my gil on something that's useful."
(Y/n) could read the blonde easily. He was an open book to her. "Oh, c'mon, Prom! Spoil yourself once in a while. Besides, it only cost 10 gil. It'll also add some flare to the bracelet."
"Mmm..." He analyzed the charm closer, feeling his resolve shaking. After contemplating for a few seconds, he gave in. "Okay, I'll buy it." He handed over ten gil to the merchant, earning a thanks from the man. He handed his camera over to the girl so he could put the new charm on his bracelet. Once it was securely in place, he smiled. "Ooh, I'm really diggin' it!"
The guardian elbowed him playfully in the side. "Told ya~!" She handed him back his camera. "Let's see what else this place has to offer."
Continuing to browse the market, they found many ingredients that would interest Ignis. They also found more souvenirs for sale, but none of them caught their eye.
(Y/n) and Prompto left the marketplace and wandered the streets before making their way to the outlook. There, the boy took many photos of the scenery while the spirit casted her gaze upward when hearing a voice from above. She couldn't make out what they were saying, deciding to ignore them.
Just then, a flash caught her attention. Her head snapped in the direction the flash came from and saw Prompto with his camera pointed at her. "Did you just take my picture?"
He lowered his camera. "Maybe..."
She huffed out a chuckle. "You should save your pictures for someone who's worthy."
"You are the most worthy and beautiful person of being photographed. It'd be a shame if I missed my opportunity to snap a pic of you. If I could, I'd post your picture everywhere!" Prompto smiled, but it quickly fell when he realized what he just said. It rolled off his tongue with ease without a single thought. He raised his camera and used it to hide his faint blush. "I-I mean...uh, well...eh..."
(Y/n) smiled kindly at him, combing a few (h/c) locks behind her ear. "You're too sweet, Prom. How'd I get so lucky?"
He lowered his gaze, smiling giddily. "I ask myself that question every day..."
All of a sudden, the boy's phone rang. He promptly picked up once seeing Ignis was calling him. When the call ended, he put his phone back into his pocket. "Welp, looks like Iggy wants us to return to the Leville. Ready to head back?"
"Yeah, let's-" The spirit fell silent when she heard the voice again. She looked back up at the sky and addressed him. "Actually, you go on ahead. I'll be there shortly."
Prompto looked up at the sky, but all he could see was how blue it was and the occasional white, fluffy cloud float by. "Oh, um...okay." He glanced at her worriedly before walking back to the hotel by his lonesome.
The second he walked into the lobby, he saw Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis chatting with Talcott and Jared. He asked what was going on and learned from the young boy about the sword behind the waterfall. The four decided to check out the tale and left the Leville.
Outside, Noctis turned to his best friend. "Where's (Y/n)?"
"At the outlook. She was supposed to be back by now," Prompto answered. He lifted his camera and admired the recent photo he took of the girl. Her beautiful golden eyes were casted to the sky with a tranquil expression on her face. He sighed sorrowfully, feeling as if he had no chance with her.
"What's with the gloomy look?" Gladio asked.
"Oh, nothing," the sharpshooter replied, wishing to avoid being teased mercilessly. He looked around at the many women who walked by. "H-Hey, what about the girls here? They're so cool and independent, like, "I don't need a man!""
Noctis glanced at him. "Sounds like you've heard that one a lot."
"C'mon, cut the little guy some slack. I'm sure somebody around here finds him attractive," Gladio said.
Prompto frantically looked around. "Well, then where are you?! Show yourself!" He spun around, coming face to face with the golden-eyed spirit. He screamed in surprise, jumping slightly. "(Y-Y/n)!"
"Does this mean she's the one?" Noctis asked.
"Maybe," Gladio shrugged his shoulders.
The (h/c)-haired girl smiled apologetically at them. "Sorry for being late. What's our next course of action?"
"Gonna check out to see if there's a royal arm nearby," Noctis said. "You taggin' along?"
"Of course! We ready to go?"
"Ready as we'll ever be. Let's go."
The group headed to the parking lot and climbed into the Regalia. (Y/n) was about to return to the gemstone when Prompto stopped her. He told her she could sit in the back between Noctis and Gladio. She looked toward the prince and his shield to make sure it was okay, and they both agreed. With everyone in the car, Ignis started the engine and drove out of Lestallum.
They traveled a little ways down the rode before pulling aside at Burbost Souvenir Emporium to hop out. They used a stairwell located a short distance down the road and wandered down the trail leading to the nearby river. At the water's edge, they spotted a midgardsormr slithering around. Noctis quietly led the group around the large creature, keeping close to the cliffside to avoid detection. However, the path ahead was littered with shieldshears.
"Oh, wow. I've never seen such large crabs before," (Y/n) commented.
"Think they'd taste good, Specs?" Noctis asked.
"What they have gained in size they will have lost in flavor," Ignis replied.
"Guess this means crab won't be on the menu tonight," Prompto commented.
Noctis went to summon his sword, but stopped when he noticed the shieldshears were already on fire. He stared in shock, watching the creatures keel over one by one as they burned. He patted his pockets and checked on his magic flasks. When one wasn't missing, he looked over at (Y/n). "Did you...?"
She smiled innocently. "I've no idea what you're talking about. Let's go!" She ran past the boys and up the pathway leading behind the waterfall.
Gladio looked at the dead carcasses of the shieldshears. "Damn. Little lady did a number on these things without touching them."
"Isn't she amazing?" Prompto sighed dreamily. "She's so badass!"
"Her abilities are fascinating," Ignis commented.
"Hey!" (Y/n) shouted from the path above. "Are you guys coming or what?"
"'Tis rude to keep a lady waiting," he stated.
"Be right there, (Y/n)!" Prompto shouted back.
The boys caught up with the spirit behind the waterfall. There, they discovered the entrance to greyshire glacial grotto. "Wouldn't you know it-an entrance!" Prompto spoke up.
"Looks like the legend checks out," Gladio said.
"So, what does this legend say?" (Y/n) asked.
"Apparently, there's supposed to be a sword behind the waterfall."
"And you believe it to be a royal arm?"
"Bingo," Noctis replied.
The group enter the cave. The first thing they noticed was how cold it was and everything was frozen. Prompto rubbed his arms up and down his exposed arms. "This place gives me goose bumps. Double back for our coats?"
"What's the point?" Gladio remarked.
"Well, looking on the bright side... Maybe the cold keeps the daemons at bay?"
"Yeah, because monsters like warmth."
"Ah. Sarcasm. Hmm... But what if they're frozen?"
"Encased in ice... Waiting for something warm to pass by..."
"And then they jump out!" Prompto's teeth then started chattering from the cold. When he walked closer to (Y/n), he noticed the temperature rose. "Oh, hey! It's pretty warm over here!" He walked ahead and stopped when the warmth vanished. "Aaand it's gone."
The guardian wondered if the blonde would put two and two together, but she sighed when he continued looking for the warm spot again. "Prom, you're gonna run into daemons if you keep wandering ahead."
"But the warmth!"
"Is radiating from (Y/n)," Ignis stated.
"Wait, really?" The marksman strolls back over to the girl. When he did, he felt the warmth pouring from her being. "It is!"
"You're tellin' me you never noticed before now?" Gladio questioned.
"Well, no... I mean, it's not like (Y/n) and I ever went somewhere this cold before. It's kinda nice. Makes me-" The spirit suddenly grabbed Prompto and pulled him back. Flans spawned where he once stood, blocking their path. He eyed the daemons, summoning his pistol. "And there's our warm welcome."
"Flans are resistant to physical attacks. Use elemental attacks to hurt them," the guardian stated. She held out her hand and created a throwing knife from pure flames. She tossed it at one of the daemons, inflicting heavy damage.
"Maybe you should handle this by yourself, (Y/n)," Noctis commented after witnessing her conjuring skills.
"Oh, I don't think so. You've got your own magic at your disposal. Use it."
Prompto snickered. "She gotcha there, buddy."
Gladio and Ignis, even though knowing physical attacks would do little to no damage, used their weapons to distract the flans. Noctis and (Y/n) teamed up while Prompto kept his distance and fired a few rounds.
When the daemons were dead, the group proceeded forward. They wandered through the frozen grotto a little ways before coming across an icy slope leading deeper into the cave. Prompto stands at the edge of the slope, peering down to see just how far it would take them. "Heading down a slippery slope... In slip-sliding shoes. What could possibly go wrong?"
"I'm sure we'll be fine," (Y/n) reassured him.
"Then ladies first."
"All right." She stepped on to the slope, keeping her balance as she slid down on her feet.
Prompto gasped. "W-Wait, (Y/n)! I was only kidding!" He quickly followed after her, slipping on his behind as his body slid down the slope. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis followed after him.
The girl reached the bottom first, landing in the middle of a horde of imp daemons. She conjured a barrage of fireballs, targeting the daemons. Some imps were killed, but many others remained.
The boys reached the bottom and joined her in battle. Noctis summoned a javelin with an annoyed wail. "You things love deep pits. Let's get it over with."
The group fought against the remaining daemons, silencing each and every last one. Prompto dispelled his pistol when all the enemies were dead. "So much for a "little chill." I got an ice cream headache-without the ice cream!" He stepped closer to (Y/n) and held up his hands.
She eyed his gloved hands. "Am I a campfire to you?"
"No, but... I mean, you're the warmest thing down here and I'm freezing!"
"If we keep moving, you'll eventually get used to the cold. C'mon, Prom." She walked away from him, following after the rest of the boys.
"Aw..." He whined before promptly catching up with the others.
The five continued to trek through the frozen cave. They arrived at another icy slope and saw a side path a little ways down. Carefully, they proceeded onto the slope and slid to the side path. From there, they cross to the other side of the cave and crouch through an opening in the icy wall. They encountered another group of flans, which they easily disposed of.
Eventually, the group came across a narrow ledge. Noctis was the first to cross followed by Prompto, Ignis, (Y/n), and Gladio. Once safely on the other side, they noticed how the cave opened up. They were soon joined by an arachne daemon. It took no time at all for the five to get rid of the creature and head towards a ramp leading to a pathway above.
After taking down some more flans, Gladio dispelled his greatsword and looked around. "So, the glaive is through here?"
"Most likely," Noctis replied as he guided his companions to another narrow ledge.
"Let's see for ourselves," Ignis commented.
Like before, Noctis was the first to cross the narrow ledge. It wrapped around the side of the cave, leading to another path. Prompto, who was following right after the prince, shivered. "I'm freezing... What I wouldn't give for a hot bowl of soup. Mmm...soup. We're almost there... We gotta be. Right?!"
"Keep calm and try not to fall, Prom," (Y/n) advised.
After crossing the narrow ledge, they came across an area with an immense icy slope leading upward they couldn't reach. Located down the left path, they spotted a familiar stone door. "Hey! Knock, knock," Gladio grinned.
"We're there...finally," Ignis sighed.
Noctis went to approach the royal tomb, but he quickly backed away when a mindflayer materialized out of thin air and blocked the path. Alongside the medium-sized daemon was a pack of imps.
"Can't it ever be easy?" Gladio groaned, summoning his greatsword.
"Never." Noctis conjured his sword and leapt at the mindflayer.
"Where's the fun in that?" Ignis sarcastically replies, calling upon his own daggers and joining the fray.
Prompto used his pistol to attack from a safe distance. Whenever he was able to defeat a single imp, he shrieked when flans manifested right behind him. "These things are everywhere!"
(Y/n) placed distance between her, the boys, and the daemons. "This calls for a little fire." She transformed in her spiritual form and immediately pounced on the nearest daemon. Using her fire, she burned it to a crisp before setting her sights on another one. Seeing her presence had grabbed the attention of all the imps, she stepped back and inhaled deeply. Once creating a large flame in her throat, she exhaled and breathed fire at the small daemons. Each one perished from her attack.
Hearing a scream from behind her, (Y/n)'s ears twitched. She turned around and saw one of the mindflayers grabbed Prompto. She leapt into action, latching her jaw around the daemon's body and yanking it off the blonde. When he was free, she tossed the mindflayer aside and Gladio dealt the finishing blow.
While Prompto was recovering from the attack, the spirit utilized her many tails and swatted away any daemons that tried to attack him. Noctis made his way over and killed the enemies that she smacked away. Ignis and Gladio took down the last mindflayer while Prompto fires another bullet and annihilated the last flan. He sighed in relief when seeing all the adversaries were dead. "Does this mean we can go back outside?!"
Noctis didn't answer the marksman as he enters the Tomb of the Wanderer, acquiring the weapon that belonged to his ancestor. While he claimed his third royal arm, Prompto wandered over to his guardian. He threw his arms around her neck and buried his face into her soft fur. "So warm..."
(Y/n) nudged her nose against the top of his head in response to his touch. She messed with his hair until Noctis exited the royal tomb with his newly acquired weapon. With their business done, she returned to her human form and they left greyshire glacial grotto.
Outside the cave, Noctis is suddenly wracked with pain and grabs at his head. He witnesses a vision of Titan as well as the Disc of Cauthess. Prompto stepped away from (Y/n) to check on his best friend. "Noct, you okay?!"
The prince was baffled at the images that crossed through his mind. "What did I... Where was that?"
"What is it?" Gladio asked.
"A hole in the ground...something burning... The Meteor?"
"You saw the Disc of Cauthess?" Ignis asked with a tone of shock.
"Let's make our way back to Lestallum," the shield said.
Prompto nodded. "Yeah, gotta report to Talcott."
"Can you walk?" (Y/n) inquired.
Noctis met the girl's golden gaze and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."
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