mallek adalov love club
50 posts
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
Literally every Knight ever: fuck therapy i’m becoming a knight
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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Marvus Xoloto and Chahut Maenad from Hiveswap are going to super hell together for bi crimes, juggalo crimes, and mass murder!!!
requested by: Anonymous
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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(text source: punlich and kiloueka on tumblr)
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
😃 hey! Guess what I made?
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This!! And I cried while making it 👍 it honestly looks so unsettling and I feel like I did something illegal
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
May I request yandere headcannons for Marvus and Chahut with a human s/o?
I crave the clown content.
Clownfucker alert.
Lmao, same tbh, they're just 💜💜💜
Anywho, I hope you like what I threw together. P.S. they're workin together to keep ya, hope you don't mind.
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What are you scared of??? They're gonna find out and use that to scare u bc they're like that man.
Oh you aren't scared of anything? Haha... you were wrong =)
You are stuck wherever they go, if one doesn't have you with em 24/7 the other one surely does, and they often fight over who gets to keep you.
Another type of yandere to accidentally kill the s/o and just... keep the body and not care.
Forget personal space man, that's out the fucking window by now.
You are never with both of the giant two trolls alone, you're always with one or the other, I'm pretty sure they don't get along with sharing you man.
You're so fragile as a human, they godda remember you can't squeezed or thrown around to hard or you'll break.
Well, you have broken before, physically that is, separate they're really sweet to you, often taking you around wherever they go.
And when I say broken I mean, you've almost lost limbs before, like, my god.
Perks about this are you are never bothered by anyone, and if someone questions you or looks at you funny, just, SPLAT, gone
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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Yeah ladies.
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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[holds up a ring] ma’am,
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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take me to clown church baybe
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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“we needed your help * I needed your help * and you weren’t there *|”
Coming 2022 - a free, fan-made sequel to Hiveswap: Friendsim from the studio behind @hsnewgameplus
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
hii!! can i get some hcs with dave where him and his s/o are mutually pining on each other and it’s so obvious but they don’t seem to realize until their friends push them to it
you and dave have been really close for a while
you understand each other perfectly and get each other’s jokes without any explanation needed
even with his long winded metaphors that lead nowhere, you can easily jump in and turn it into something even more dumb and ironic
between jokes however you share lingering glances
you watch his every reaction to your words and find yourself zoning out when you start to overanalyse something tiny
you’re sure he doesn’t notice
but john does
he doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry at how painfully oblivious you both are
every time you slide between both boys to play a game, he notices you leaning further into dave subconsciously as you get more invested
and he watches daves character mess up the closer you get
he even gets the classic “so my bro likes this person and they don’t like him back...” texts from him
he knows what he has to do
even in movies the fan favourite comedic relief always pushes the two love interests together
so he just rips off the bandaid and tells you two to get together already when he finds you both drinking apple juice with straws like some old timey milkshake diner date
it’s a relief for both of you to have the conversation started
you thought the chance was long gone and you would just be stuck in awkward friend crush zone with him for eternity
everything just falls into place once you admit how stupid you’d both been for trying to hide how you felt
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
i need to smoke weed with this bitch
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
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Just MSPAR getting Mallek a drink. Don’t forget, Mallek do wear glasses.
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
o while i’m setting up rules and stuff, if anyone has anything they’d like me to tag i can do that !
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
Any characters you don't write for? Ex: Vriska, Zebruh, Eridan, Bro, Calliborn, etc
the only characters i can think of that i won’t write are the cherubs and doc scratch,, i think im cool w everyone else ! so just to be clear i’ll write for :
beta kids and trolls
alpha kids and trolls
hiveswap characters that we’ve met (im willing to try dammek though!)
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ghostswap · 4 years ago
Hope that you're not too busy and you're taking good care of yourself! May I req some matesprit headcanons with Mallek and a human s/o? That would be rlly swell 💙
bhxsa tysm anon u 2 ! <3
mallek adalov w/ a human matesprit !
mallek is already protective of his quadrantmates (although he would never admit it) but with a human? oh boy
he knows you’re walking cullbait and it freaks him out
definitely has trackers on all your devices and convinces you to wear his colour when you’re out alone
and when you’re together
he’s cold as ice 24/7 so him and snakedad use you as a heat rock a lot
he likes to have his hands against your bare skin because of this
on your leg, under your shirt, anywhere he can reach
also likes to sleep like that ! he wraps himself around you and you keep him toasty
he insists that his shitty sleeping schedule is ‘a troll thing’ and you wouldn’t understand as an alien
you tell him that as his personal robot you will not allow him to be awake past afternoon
he always schemes to make you fall asleep before him though so he can get more work done
he thinks human quadrants (or lack of) are cool ! he doesn’t get it at first but really the thought of having to only trust one person is ideal for him
it takes him a while to completely open up to you but when he does and you explain earth’s relationship customs, he’s ready to give you everything and be ‘human boyfriend’ with you
be prepared for take out every day
even if you want to cook for him he likes seeing the look on your face when he successfully reroutes a drone
you tried his glasses on once and can’t work out if he’s practically blind or troll glasses are just very trippy
overall he feels really special that you chose him of all trolls and he brags about how he gets the alien all to himself
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