#(ive been thinking about how this would work since i proposed the idea)
ssspringroll · 2 months
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sure why not. i dont have enough things going on
watch this space 👀
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pastara-cell · 1 month
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PART 1 (Double Life Au)
Okay so, This is sorta similar to yesterdays thing, and also, I’ve literally posted about this, but now that I have my medication, i can ACTUALLY write it. TMF DOUBLE LIFE AU- Okay okay wait wait lemme recap then I’ll go into detail, because I dont want this to be a complete restatement of my older post, as its been more fleshed out since then.
So, for a recap, if you dont know what double life is, them it’s essentially the 3rd season in a mcyt series called “the life series/traffic life”. In this season, people are paired up with anothet person, their soulmate, and they take damage when the other person takes damage.
However, with that being the canon, many different headcanons and fan conceps have popped up for it, such as feeling everything your soulmate feels (Physically and mentally). I’ll only give one example because there are physically so many that i’d be here all day talking about them.
I would also like to take a second to say that i’m a firm truther in the fact that double life is an allegory for the fact that you cant be forced until love. Also, remember that soulmates can be platonic or romantic, or sometimes even enemies! (Not like im gonna make zailey soulmates, they could be platonic but Its just not my thing)
So what I proposed is that we take the tmf guys, and we throw them into the double life universe! This au was just a thought at that point, but I have it mostly mapped out now! So, heres a lil thing showing all the pairs ^^ (what no, I didn’t steal half these screencaps from rosypenguins and the tmf suffering bracket…LIESSS/silly)
(The letters to the side stand for what the pair is. R means romantic, p means platonic, q means QPR, and c means complicated)
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Now im not gonna sit here and go over each pair, however, i’ll dump some headcanons for the au!! (If you end up using this au, which i totally dont mind, please change anything you want!)
-The reason Drean is a confusing pair is because they dont know eachother, or atleast, not well. They’d probably not know how to properly talk to eachother at first. I could see this going from not knowing eachother, to platonic, to romantic, but any way works and they’ll be able to be interpreted as romantic or platonic
-Staisy QPR because yes.
-ran out of people to pair up, and decided “huh, okay then, sadie and maria” and tbh, why not. New rarepair. They go from mild dislike to loving eachother practically as soon as they bond.
-all the pairings in this are based upon canon friendships, my personal headcanons, and whatever I felt like putting together.
-Lia and Zoey are NOT friends in this au, well atleast not anymore. But they’re stuck together.
-Hailey and milly cause i need to see them interact more
-Milly and Elliot totally do a secret soulmate thing, like bigb and grian, but are super awkward about it. Hailey and jake know, and they think it’s hilarious
Enough about the pairings, au facts time!!
-Drew is a past watcher. Take that as you will with your own watcher lore ^^
-Sadie is a listener, also take that as you will with your lore.
-Because I can and Because I will, Liam and henry live in the “relation-ship”. They’re the boat boys. No other pairing lives in the same houses as the original mcyts, Just those two.
-green, yellow, and red lives still exist. Yes they can die. Yes, my friends, this does mean angst.
-Will take place in the terrain of the double life map. Only things that are missing are the structures that were built by the mcyts, the cake does not exist, nor does pearl’s tower or anything. The relation-ship is there but thats an exception.
Mayyy update this, part 2 with my othet au may come out today or tomorrow, depends on how lomg it’ll take me to do stuff. ^^
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corrupted-bandages · 6 months
i have a small problem
So, I've been thinking about eventually hosting an interactive story thing here on Tumblr, since I held it on my other site.
problem is, a kinda big part of clues involve finding hidden links / invisible links, and i dont think i can make tumblr links invisible, unlike my other site
other site changes text color if something's a link, while tumblr underlines links, which means emojis & invisible symbols dont make invisible links, and I can't embed links in images.
So i have no idea how to make it work.
the ideas ive had & a friend proposed are to either;
1- just have the story acc intro link to the other site account, which has the invisible links scattered around. I'd have to hide or modify almost all the posts though, so i could technically kill make a replica account that looks a lot like it & has all the same links & stuff
or 2- buncha extra side accounts, post the hidden things to said side accounts, and "hide" the posts via tagging them as "Clouded Mind (random number)" (Clouded Mind is the story name) . the multiple accounts would mean that no one would have access to ALL the hidden posts through finding one
I could technically link things in subtle things like a period at the end of a sentence but. idk about others, but i notice pretty quickly ..
and this is just one part of setting up everything i need to do to eventually start Clouded Mind again, I also need to revise the entire story/options so far & draw the cast 😓
Instead of links, why not try hiding the clues in images instead? Like, change the font and colour so that it doesn't look obvious. You can do that in tags too, when someone clicks on it it'll just send them straight there.
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dogtoling · 3 years
What if Ink Tanks aren't what we think?
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In today's post, I've been looking a bit into the functionality of Ink Tanks and I'm here to propose an idea: what if they aren't what they seem? A majority chunk of the fanbase (including me before Dec 24, 2021 2am) seems to assume that the ink goes from the Inkling into the ink tank, and from there to the weapon. But what if it goes from the tank to the Inkling? That's what we're talking about today!
(Note: This post is speculative and there still isn't a canon answer to any of this as far as I know. Feel free to agree or disagree with the points made here and add your own input; there's DEFINITELY things I've missed and not even looked at considering there's less than a day between me thinking about this and making this post. I simply want to share my findings and thoughts on the matter.)
Ink Tank designs and their implications
Why is this even a consideration? Well, we still haven't had canon confirmation as to how the ink gets from the tank into the weapon, and we know there are no wires. While looking into this and trying to work it out, I figured an alternative possibility, which I'm exploring a bit in this post.
So first, let's look at some of the Ink Tank designs
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There are at least five different Ink Tank designs that thematically support the concept of the Ink Tank existing to circulate ink INTO the Inkling instead of draining ink from the Inkling, i.e making them a kind of hydration tool. The main tanks from Splatoon 1 and 2 are seemingly based on sports bottles, which are obviously meant for hydration (drinking), the Splattershot Jr. Ink Tank from Splatoon 2 is a baby bottle, once again meant for drinking; one of the Ink Tanks in Splatoon 3 is just a plastic bottle, and probably the most obvious parallel is the fact that the main Ink Tank design for Splatoon 3 is LITERALLY a hydration pack.
Most of these could definitely just be a coincidence and are simply designed after various bottles because of stylistic choice or the mere fact that these are all containers meant to carry liquids, but there's a lot more other containers that are also meant to carry liquids that don't carry the obvious emphasis on being hydration devices. I just find the recurring theme kind of peculiar. In theory, you could also include the IV drips from Octo Expansion in this category... it technically confirms that ink is and can be injected INTO Inklings at times.
How does the Ink get around?
Now, the issue of the Ink Tank drawing ink FROM the Inkling and linking directly to a weapon.
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[text: It has been officially acknowledged that there is no tube connecting from an Ink Tank to a weapon, so it isn't a case of a tube getting in the way of animations]
And aside from that, surely, if the weapons WERE designed to get their ink right from the tank and a tube was required (which you would assume to be the case, right, since matter usually doesn't teleport) SURELY the tube being too difficult to implement into animations would not be the reason it was left out, considering it would've been a key element of the whole thing.
[text: It has been vaguely suggested that the ink may get to the weapon from the hand of an Inkling, but this is VERY early and vague, and ultimately the impression is that "more research is needed" in this specific dilemma]
EDIT: Link to the dev interview
These claims are sourced from a developer interview that I couldn't find in time for this post, but it is somewhere out there, and I don't remember this issue one-to-one, but essentially: the function of how the ink gets into the weapon was asked, and it was kind of danced around. To my knowledge, it was ACKNOWLEDGED that there indeed is no tube, which implies it was never meant to work with a tube like so. The ink coming from the hand - thing was, to my knowledge, brought up as a reference to fan art where it was depicted this way, and it wasn't debunked nor confirmed, just brought up. (Edit: This is likely not in reference to the fan art but instead "according to one theory in which the ink comes from the wrist", so it may be internal.)
But weirdly enough, there's actually a few specials in favor of the ink indeed being sourced from the hand (how this works exactly is a discussion for another day), namely the Splashdown and the Booyah Bomb. In both of these specials, the ink seems to specifically be sourced to the hand of the Inkling, which would imply they are able to emit ink quickly through their hands. Which would actually be a useful skill for climbing or hunting, for example.
Issues with the "Ink-Draining Ink Tank"
Let's take a quick break to address some concepts for the Ink Tank indeed being the ammo hold for the weapon, and the issues with this concept.
Wireless Ink Technology. Maybe the ink tank has some kind of pad inside that warps the ink from the tank to the weapon. I actually ran with this theory for some time because from a gameplay perspective, it seems the most plausible all things considered - the Ink does seem to drain from the ink tank and go right to the weapon, and we know for a fact there's no wires.
There's a few glaring issues with this, obviously, the first one being that there ARE NO WIRES. Typically, liquid does not TELEPORT. Let's say, though, that we can work around this with the wireless tech, given that Splatoon does have some pretty advanced technology that we really don't know the limits of, and warp tech could technically be one thing. Sci-fi is sci-fi.
Even then, though, there's STILL another problem with this specifically. The implication that the Ink Tank needs to be high-tech to be usable, considering it needs to be able to run warp technology. And this is not a problem in Turf Wars because we know the Splatoon 1 and 2 ink tanks are VERY high-tech, as we know they even have screens built into them, but...
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Right, I REFUSE to believe this plastic bottle strapped into a backpack with a tube running out of it has WARP TECHNOLOGY baked into it. The fact that this plastic bottle ink tank is suitable as an INK TANK implies that an ink tank needs to be nothing more than a container that is capable of holding ink. And if there's no tubes coming out of it, that kind of implies immediately that this isn't being used to directly fuel a weapon. (Granted, yeah, there is a tube in this one, but as far as I can tell this tube never connects to a weapon either. There's very little footage to work with...)
Obviously, the other technical problem with ink-draining ink tanks is the question of HOW they're draining ink to begin with. Probably the most common concept is that there is either a siphon or a patch on the upper back of an Inkling where ink comes out of, based on a Sunken Scroll that shows us this:
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This scroll does kind of imply that the ink sac goes towards the shoulder of an Inkling, but I don't really think this works for multiple reasons. First off, there ISN'T anything on the back of an Inkling, so once again if this was a major part of how the core game mechanics work, that definitely would've been reflected in the models. And if we assume there is a skin patch on the upper back that lets more ink through, that makes very little sense considering Inklings seem to already be able to emit ink through their whole body. Having an ink sac specifically connect to a very weird and honestly not that useful spot when the same functionality is already literally everywhere else seems very pointless to me. When this specific image is considered, my guess is still that the tube would be going up to the mouth, which is the only other thing somewhat highlighted in this picture, and also lines up with every other ink-using creature we see using ink organically spitting it out of their mouth - this might also explain why Inklings sometimes have "normal"-colored mouths and ink-colored other times, ignoring that it's probably just stylistic inconsistency.
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Then there's the issue with the ink actually getting from the skin to the Ink Tank, and once again there is no other explanation than either warp tech or some kind of technology in the straps that vacuums up the ink and sends it to the tank. This is pretty much grasping for straws the way I've looked at it, because in some cases (I don't know if most), the straps itself don't even connect to the tank, but are a separate harness that the tank is attached to with a clasp. In a case like this which works if you twist canon a little bit to the left to make it potentially work, it can work, but it clearly is not intended to be like this.
The other non-invasive option for the ink-draining ink tank is that the inkling has to manually remove the ink tank mid match and spit ink into it to refill it which is ridiculous, ruins the pace of a match, and also at that point, why not just do that directly to the weapon which already usually has its OWN ink tank.
TL;DR when looking at the Ink Tank as a device that drains the Ink from an Inkling and signals it forward, pretty much nothing makes sense or works, there is no way of the ink ACTUALLY getting in or out of the tank, and no tubes has been pretty much confirmed not to be a stylistic choice, but the actual canon. (Yes, the fact that the Ink Tank really has no way for the ink to get in or out does also interfere with the Ink replenishing the Inkling-idea, but this really seems like an issue that won't be addressed for a while so we just have to deal. Maybe they LITERALLY drink out of it at this fucking point)
Is the Ink Tank really necessary?
Anyway, something of a final blow for the importance of an Ink Tank as a direct ammo hold for an Ink Weapon:
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[text: It's unclear how much of this scroll can be taken at face value, but it depicts ancient Turf Wars and no one seems to be using an Ink Tank to fire their weapons]
The scroll in question is from Splatoon 1, and has many easter eggs in the image that might not be historically accurate in-universe, but some of it probably still means something.
[text: Marie using her charger with no Ink Tank in the Hero Mode finale (Splatoon 2)]
-> An Ink Tank does not seem to be a requirement for using ink weapons, so it probably isn't the direct source of ink.
And this is sort of a big deal; I didn't go on a deep dive to look for every instance of this kind of thing happening, but it seems like an Ink Tank is NOT a necessity for using an Ink Weapon, which would imply that it's not where the ink for the weapon comes from. This could also be supported by the fact that there are several Special Weapons where the Ink Tank is not present, although in the case of Specials it is pretty much outwardly stated that the ink is sourced directly from the Inkling.
Inklings, the limitless ink fountains... or are they?
For the sake of game mechanics and the game working at all, they kind of are, yeah. Like, an art book directly states that an Inkling using a special weapon is somehow able to emit an amount of ink at least 20 times their entire body volume within 10 seconds. But ignoring that part for a second, let's look into how they probably AREN'T limitless ink fountains. Namely, let's look at limited ink.
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Limited Ink challenges! The first game has them, the second game has them. They're quite simple; you can't refill your ink, and you have to complete a course of obstacles with the ink you have, after which you no longer have ink. It is worth mentioning that in S1 challenges, running out of ink splats the Inkling out of nowhere, which could imply they LITERALLY run out of ink... although this may simply be game mechanic. (Thanks to Copyceps for checking this for me!)
So why is the ink suddenly limited here? If we assume that the Ink Tank draws ink from the Inkling and they can just generate endless amounts of ink, this wouldn't be a problem whatsoever. You would theoretically never "run out" of ink. If your Ink Tank runs out, just fill it back up. But if it's the other way around and the Inklings DO follow the laws of physics (to at least some degree), they're bound to run out of ink at some point, what with constantly burning it into not only weapons, but ink flow on their skin, and Super Jumping for example. This is when the Ink Tank carrying excess ink that it pumps into an Inkling makes more sense.
The thing is, you CAN actually refill Ink during these challenges, but just like (presumably) the Ink Tank ink, this ink is external. Namely, you can find Ink Refills to inject ink back:
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(Edit: The Refill is apparently modeled after a rodent drip feeder. The rabbit hole just goes deeper)
Cap'n Cuttlefish seems to shed some light on the matter of limited ink specifically in OE I02 - Dinky Ink Station. "Don't let that turn you into a dried-up husk like me!" (Referring to the fact that he is "dried out" and doesn't produce much ink) -> Implies the ink for the fight comes directly from the player's body, i.e. you are actively losing ink while shooting, rather than depleting it from an external source
"Excellent - now your skin will be supple and silky smooth!" (Comment after obtaining an Ink Refill)
-> This comment implies that somehow, the refill affects your physical properties directly. Makes very little sense if the ink was going into the tank and directly into a weapon, as it would do nothing to alter the physical properties of the Inkling.
Both of these comments by Captain Cuttlefish seem to imply that the ink for your weapon is coming directly from your body as opposed to an external tank, and the ink inside an ink tank or refill might be going to supplement the Inkling internally as opposed to straight into an ink tank and to a weapon.
It is possible, if not very likely, that Ink Tanks work to rehydrate and refill an Inkling mid-battle to make sure they do not run out of Ink, rather than the opposite of draining ink from an Inkling under the assumption that Inklings are an endless fountain of ink and the ink tank somehow forwards the ink to a weapon. This is supported not only by some niche dialogue, as well as the thematic consistency of a lot of Ink Tanks being modeled after hydration devices, such as bottles and even a hands-free hydration pack.
This makes a lot of sense from a more logical standpoint, with the assumption that Inklings DO have limits, and there is only so much that an Ink Sac can carry and produce in a short time. Inklings constantly burn through their internal ink reserves during Turf Wars not only through the passive flow of ink coating their skin (visible in swim form and for example things like Ink Armor), but also while Super Jumping, and obviously through shooting weapons. It would be pretty insane to imagine that on top of these things, they would at the same time have a pack on their backs that drains loads of ink out of them at all times. It then makes quite a bit more sense that the Ink Tanks, which can probably be filled at Spawn (seemingly endless ink fountains), hold "extra ink" that is phased into the Inkling's body to make sure they don't dry out and are able to play the sport normally, as well as allowing for larger weapons and more action in general.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk once again, if you read this far; that's crazy. If you have something to add or discuss PLEASE do because there's a lot left untouched (Like whatever the hell "the Limiter" is, we know so little I didnt even bother mentioning it), or if you have counterpoints to some of the points here. Either way, hope you have a nice day, and above all I JUST WANT ACTUAL ANSWERS <3
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quiilio · 3 years
No thanks, but i still like you // albedo x reader, xiao x reader
Summarry // you reject their love confession
Warnings // fluff to angst :'D, gn!reader (uses they/them pronouns)
Notes // requests are open! please read request rules before requesting something :v i got really lazy at the end of albedos and xiaos whole part so uh yeah
stories under the cut! enjoy~☆
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|| Albedo ||
Albedo wasnt human. He didnt have the proper understanding of basic human emotions like you did, yet he had a general idea. He wasnt new to this of course, he had experience in these kinds of things. But he didnt understand the concept of romance— that was the only thing he struggled with.
He never really engaged in the romantic aspect of life; he was a busy man who had better things to do rather than focus on his feelings. After all, it was unlikely that he would ever feel romantic attraction to someone, so why would he waste time on understanding those feelings when they were irrelevant to him?
However, even though it was unlikely, there was still a chance. And that chance was with you.
How did this happen? Well, its simple. You were a traveling biologist from Inazuma, arriving initially to study animal life in the different regions of Teyvat. You had just come from discovering life in Natlan, where you were able to inspect tons of foreign life forms. But you were excited to finally be in Mondstadt— youve been here before and was delighted to be back. Mondstadt was truly a beautiful place, and its citizens were even better. You stayed in the region for 3 years once— it was certain that many people would be excited to hear about your return. However, the only reason youre coming back is because back then, you werent exactly... qualified to experiment with Mondstadt biology and stuff, so now that youve finally finished your studies, the only place left for you to experiment things at, was... here.
Albedo played a large role in your excitement to travel overseas, you were looking forward to meeting him. You knew about his knack for biology as well, he was quite smart in that field. It was one of his favorite fields of research after all, always studying different ways to create life.
You had finally arrived in the city, yet you noticed that signature blond hair youd see in photos of the alchemist. You smiled in enthusiasm as you hurried over to the man.
"Hello... Albedo, correct? Youre the cheif alchemist at the Knights of Favonius. My name is [y/n], a former student at Sumeru Academy. Ive heard great things about you." You introduced as you found yourself next to him. He stared at you as his walking halted, a look of confusion on his face.
"Ah, [y/n]. So youre the biologist that was rumored to be arriving today, I see." He said, his voice quiet as if he was talking to himself with his hands placed on his chin. "I myself have done my research on you, and I must say— your knowledge surprises me. I admire your intelligence," He spoke louder this time, his voice was smoother and softer than you had imagined.
"Oh, thats— thank you." You laughed, looking straight ahead to the beautiful city in front of you. "I was hoping that we would be able to connect on astute levels while Im here; it would be wonderful if i would be able to hear the thinking of one of the smartest people in Teyvat."
"Ah, you flatter me. I would be more than happy to show you my comprehension in the alchemical field, and... would possibly hope to learn more about general biology if we have the time." He became quieter near the end, as if he was embarrassed at his proposal. You nodded either way, you were quite excited to finally be able to work with Albedo, the man who youve been practically dying to meet ever since you heard about him. His level of understanding was high; and you wanted to meet that level as well.
"Of course! Is... hmm, say 3pm a good time to meet up?" You asked, looking over at him who was staring towards the large Windrise tree. "We can meet up in Dragonspine, or..."
"Dragonspine is alright. We can schedule a gathering at 3pm, and I can bring you to my campsite." You agreed, and after talking a bit more, you decided that it was best to head off.
"Well, I should get going. I wanted to do some stuff in Wolvendom, if you dont mind me leaving." Albedo waved you goodbye before heading back to the town as you went the opposite way.
After that encounter, Albedo couldnt get you off his mind for some reason. The image of you both working together in his campsite, talking together; he couldnt stop thinking about the events that would take place later that day. He knew you, of course he did. He knew many biologists, alchemists, scientists— he knew so, so many. But you were his favorite, you were smart, charasmatic, and overall just a great person. He could help but feel this way, the way you both were able to connect with each other sparked something in him.
That was at least a year ago. Visiting Mondstadt, visiting Albedo made you want to stay in the land even more, especially because youve had such a great time here ever since you arrived.
You and Albedo were meeting up today, at that big tree in Windrise; aka near the place that the both of you met at. It was his idea, he told you that he wanted to talk to you about something. You agreed; you thought it would be something related to your guys' work.
"Thank you for coming," Albedo said, walking towards you as you were sitting up against the tree. You waved as he stood in front of you, his hair was neatly tied and braided, and his outfit was straight and freshly washed. He knelt down in front of you snd looked at you in your eyes. "There was something I wanted to speak with you about."
"Sure, what did you need?" You asked, and Albedo took your hand in his as he looked down. You watched as he toom a deep breath in before looking bsck up at you— his face was slightly redder than before. But that is probably because of the blazing sunlight that shone on you both.
"...I want to inform you, that im not... exactly used to this feeling I have. Its foreign to me, and if i make you uncomfortable, please let me know." He spoke lightly, almost in a whisper. You nodded, so he continued.
"I have, this... emotion, towards you. Attraction, if you will. I am attracted to you. Uh, in a romantic sense." You widened your eyes in shock at his confession, you never imagined that someone as secluded and private such as Albedo wouldve felt this way to you.
"Oh wow... Albedo..." You muttered, him still looking deeply into your eyes. You didnt know what to say— you were flattered at the fact that he had feelings for you. However, this wasnt good. Considering the fact that you would be leaving in a few months, and...
...You just didnt like him back.
"I-I dont know what to do," His face dropped at your words; he knew you would reject him. He sighed and stood back up, helping you stand aa well. "I just... you already know, dont you? Im sorry..."
"I understand. I completely understand, dont worry about it. I'll leave you alone now," He spoke, but as yoy were about to stop him, he hurriedly left.
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|| Xiao ||
Xiao was an adptus— a living being who didnt understand the concept of love as easily as others. He knew some basic components of the feeling, like what people do when theyre in love, and other things. I mean, hes been living for over 2000 years. However, hes never personally been in a relationship. Nobodys ever had the guts to ask him out, let alone even look at him. Hes too intimidating, and so its surprising when you found out that he was attracted to someone.
You and Xiao were... close? You didnt understand your guys' relationship. One day, he would be very talkative with you, and the other days you wouldnt talk to him at all for days on end. So he was a bit weird to be close to, but you enjoyed the time you both spent together nonetheless.
Today, you were going to visit him on behalf of his request. Last night, he had managed to get into his home apparently you didnt know that he was able to teleport, even though youve known him for years now, and he "accidentally" woke you up to tell you to meet him at Qingce Village. So you complied, and as you neared the spot he told you to meet him at, you saw a glimpse of that signature green polarm swinging in the air.
"Xiao!" You called out to him, catching his attention. You could hear him grunt before teleporting to you.
"I apologize for not being here when you arrived. I was slaying a few demons nearby," He explained, but you only waved your hand in dismissal.
"Its alright. What did you wanna talk about with mr?" You asked, sitting down at a nearby table with Xiao following behind. He stayed silent for a bit, you began thinking that you had said something wrong.
"I... wanted to ask you something." He spoke, quietness enveloping you both again. You and him didnt dare to make eye contact— the atmosphere was too awkward. You heard him take a breath, so you glanced up at him to see his eyes looking at you.
"Ive been having these feelings. Im not used to them, and... I know you know about these kinds of things, which is why I need your assistance."
You looked at him in confusion, before remembering how he had told you earlier about how he likes someone.
"Oh, sure! Are you feeling romantic attraction towards someone? Who is it?" You asked excitedly. You could see as his face became red.
"Its— you." His statement caused you to fluster a little at his words. You leaned over the table, getting close to his face.
"Huh?! Xiao, are you being serious?" You smiled, and his face lit up. Were you about to accept his feelings for you?
"Yeah... is that a bad thing?" He smiled as well, but your face dropped. He watched you in confusion as you leaned back, playing with your hands.
"Uh, kinda... Xiao, youre a great guy, and i admire what you do for us in Liyue! But..."
Xiao knew what was coming.
"I just, y'know, dont feel that feeling towards you."
"..." Xiao looked away in embarrassment before standing up fron his seat, and walking a few inches away from the table before looking back at you. "I knew I shouldnt have told you this. I apologize." Was the last thing he said to you before he teleported away.
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©︎ quiilio ; please do not copy and/or edit my work. Thanks :)
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duncanxtrent · 2 years
Ok so I had this dumb idea about how Duncan and Trent’s wedding would be
AAAAAAA I MISSED YOUR ASK AM SO SORRY! Just been very tired as of late.
(Duncans POV)
I groggily sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. I rolled out of my bed, only to realize my boyfriend isn’t home. I shrug, assuming he already left for work. I prepare myself some cereal and sit there watching cartoons. I glance at my ring on my finger. I smile remembering Trents proposal on the beach. I was so excited for our wedding.
Our wedding
Our wedding…
My memory finally returns and I rush to my closet, desperately looking for my white tuxedo. I glance around and finally find it safely tucked away in the top right corner. I struggle as I rip off my clothes and desperately attempt to pull on my tuxedo pants. I hear a burst through the door as Courtney storms into my room, furious!
“UGH YOU MORON!!!“ She grabs me by the shoukders and yanks my pants up roughly, squeezing my groin. I would be tempted to scream if I didnt want to get this over with.
She spins me around and quickly gets me in the rest of my tuxedo. Once Im dressed, she yanks me out to the car and tosses me in the passenger seat.
“Of all the days to sleep in on an important event…” She mutters angrily.
“I know, I know! Im aware! Im just tired!” I say exhausted.
“Your WEDDING DAY Duncan! Were you up late?! And if so, WHY WERE YOU UP SO LATE?!”
“You really want me to tell you?” I smirk.
Courtney instantly goes pink, and turns her attention back to the car. She starts the ignition and in a flash were out of the parking lot and on our way to the venue.
“Now then do you remeber where the venue is?!” She asks.
“Didnt you just come from the venue?! How do you not know where it is?!”
“I know where the venue is you idiot! Im trying to make sure you’re actually competent enough to Atleast remember some things about your wedding.”
“Fine… Its on Harukawa Street, the Italian Restaurant where we had our first official date.” I mutter.
“Good… Now then, the flower girl is…”
“My sister Ella…”
“The ring bearer?”
“My brothers Boyfriend, Scott…”
“And who are you getting married to?”
“The most handsome man this side of the planet who else?” I smile.
“Which is?”
“Trent…” I sigh.
“Thank you… Listen I know Im bombarding you but I just really want to see this marriage succeed. This is the first time Ive seen either of you happy in a relationship since… Forever! So Please, please dont mess this up…” Courtney pleads.
“I wont, Promise…” I say smiling.
Courtney breathes a sigh of a relief. “Good, anyways your here now, get into your dressing room and get yourself prepped. Ill see you in a bit…” Courtney smiles.
“Thanks, Court…” I smile and get out before making a dadh towards my dressing room.
(Trents POV)
I nervously glance at my watch. The ceremony was in 5 minutes and I still had no sign of my Soon to be Husband.
I thought I should have woken him up when I left, but he was just SO DARN CUTE when he sleeps!
My Father in Law Jake paces the room nervously waiting. “God where is he?!? I swear to god if hes late to his own fricking wedding Im going to… I dont even fucking know what Im gonna do…” Jake sweats.
“Calm down Dad, everything’s gonna be fine!” Brick comforts him.
“If he doesn’t show up like right now, Were gonna be in some very deep shit…” Jake complains.
Brick pulls out his phone and breathes a sigh of relief. “He just arrived, hes in his suit and the girls are getting him prepped.” Brick says thankfully.
“Oh thank god…” Jake deflates, before glancing my way. “You doing good?”
“Yeah, just waiting for this whole thing to happen.” I explain.
“Still cant believe Im finally gonna get to walk my son down the Aisle. Im so happy…” Jake sheds a slight tear.
“Well you should probably go meet him then.” I recommend.
“Smart! Catcha later!” Jake heads out and towards the dressing room.
“You think everything will turn out well?” I ask Brick.
“Im sure it will.” He smiles.
(Duncans POV)
“I know I know! Ive already gotten enough of an earful from Courtney.” I say.
“Clearly not enough of an earful! Look at you, your hair is in all sorts of Directions, youre suit is wrinkled to high heaven, and OH GOD THAT SMELL!!! When was the last time you showered?! 2007?!?!” She screams.
“Mom, please Lay Off Duncan.” Ella insists. “You shouting is not gonna make this any better…”
Mom takes a deep breath. “No… Youre right, we can fix this…” She approaches me.
She grabs a hairbrush from a nearby table and begins brushing my hair.
“Mom Im going to a wedding I don’t need to look like the Choir Boy.”
“Settle down, and tryst your mother, ok? Im not gonna make you look like some prep nerd but I want you look decent.” My Mom breathes.
She finishes up and shows me my hair.
“It looks the same as normal…”
“Its a controlled messy hairstyle, Ive practiced on some weebs here and there. Now you’re still messy, but you look good.” She sets down the hair brush and pulls out a bottle of Colonge.
“Arms up.” She tells me. I put them up and she gives me a couple sprits into each of my armpits. She then pulls out a lint roller and rolls me down for hairs.
“Alright. This is as good as were gonna get it.” She says.
I set my arms down.
“See? He looks wonderful now!” Ella says.
“Looks like a twink…” Monika teases.
“MONIKA!” Courtney pushes her.
“Its fine, its fine!” I laugh. “He’ll love me anyways, right?”
My Mom gets down to my level. “God knows he will. I swear you could look like the ugliest motherfucker this planet had to offer and that boy would still say Yes. Hes a good one, loyal too. You have difficulty finding men like your father nowadays, especially in the times were in right now…” She comments.
“Im… Not gonna mess it up… Right?”
“Course not. All you gotta do is say Yes. Just say those two little words and you’re gonna be spending the rest of your life with the second most wonderful man on earth.” She smiles.
“Thanks Mom.” I smile.
“No problem. Now get on out of here, your father is waiting outside. If you keep that poor man waiting any longer hes gonna carry you all the way to your husband.” Mom laughs.
“Right right.” I get up and out of my chair. “I love you Mom.”
My mom smiles. “I love you too, Baby.”
I walked out of the room and see my Dad standing out in the hall.
“Oh thank god.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “I thought you’d left or something.” He says.
“Would I really have done that to all of you?” I ask.
“I would hope not, but Ive only gotten to know you as my son for like 6 months, and in that time you’ve already gotten married.” My dad adjusts his tie. “Im just nervous I guess…” He sighs.
“Is Trent here?” I ask.
“Yeah he should be waiting at the altar.”
“Then everything’s gonna be fine Dad.” I hug him.
He quickly embraces me and squeezes me before letting go and looping his arm in mine. “Alright… Lets do this.” He says.
(Trents POV)
I stand and tap my foot nervously at the altar. The priestess stands and begins quickly reviewing her lines as we wait.
“Your husband is on the way, yes?” She asks.
“Presumably…” I mumble.
“Atua does not like to be kept waiting. So Sorry if Im trying to rush things a little.” She huffs.
I sigh and look towards the door. I see my Mother in Law as well as my Siblings in law sitting in the front row. I look over to her. She sees me and gives me a thumbs up.
Finally, I see him. Him and my Father in Law step out on the carpet and walk down the aisle, before he finally hands Duncan off to me and sits down next to his wife.
I step closer. “Been a while…”
“Sorry Im late…” He mumbles.
“You’re good. We are here now, yeah?” I run my hand through his hair.
The priestess claps her hands “Lovely! Now then.” She coughs a moment before speaking.
“We are gathered here on this fine day, to see these two men wed under the blessing of god. However, before we solidify these two mens perfect union, The Groom on the Right.” She says pointing to me. “Would like to speak his vows towards his liver. You may have the stage.” She hands the mic to me.
Duncan and everyone else look at me in anticipation.
“Go on, say it.” She whispers.
I take a deep breath. “I dont exactly know how to fully describe it but… Duncan. Its been god knows how long since we first met, and Ill be honest, when I first saw you I thought wed be at each others throats. But as we started hanging out a little more, I started getting to know you more. I picked away at the little shell you hid yourself in and saw all the beauty that hid underneath. And, at the same time, I was able to slowly open up myself to you. I don’t know how it was able to work so well, but slowly I learned you for all of your kindness, your strength, and most of all your love.” I stroke Duncans chin. “Im sorry if this sounds a but strange, but Id love to keep doing it. To keep learning more and more about you, as we live and support each other, Id love to finally uncover you, in all of your beauty.”
The audience was filled with claps as I handed the mic back to the priestess. She nodded.
“Beautiful job! Now then, let us begin the vows.” She turns towards Duncan. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do.” Duncan smiles.
“Lovely! And you,” She turns towards me. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do…” I smile.
“Wonderful! Now then, without further ado, I mow pronounce you, Husband and Husband! You may kiss your lover!” She smiles.
I take Duncans face, gazing down on him one last time, before kissing him, sealing the beginning of the rest of our lives.
(Sorry if the ending felt rushed, I just really wanted to finish this up. But hey! Now its done, wonderful!)
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technowoah · 3 years
could you do 21 and 23 from the prompt list with george x gn! or fem!reader?
btw i adore your writing!! i love all your ideas and your imagines are so original ahhh i love them sm
So Cliché [3:41 am]
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Also sorry this came out so late
I am guessing the prompts are from the fluff list, but if this isn't what you wanted I'll do it from the angst list!
21) "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
23) "Pinki promise kiss"
⚠︎ swearing, fluffy stuff, i didn't proofread 😪
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Your eyes adjusted to the dark bedroom you were in. The door was closed and the curtains were slightly opened letting in the slightest slither of light inside. The sun hasn't rose yet and your body felt heavy. You turned around under the warm covers of your bed and looked at the clock beside your bed that shined 3:41 am.
You groaned as you rotated around in bed until you found a comfortable way to lay down. Time seemed to be going slower when you woke up, the need to sleep flooded your mind but you just couldn't relax. Turning around again you faced your closed door that led to the hallway. The door always had to be at least cracked and not completely closed, but your roomate was making too much noise at an ungodly hour.
Living alone wasn't good for you at all, you didn't feel comfortable living alone. It was so quiet all the time and no one was around to entertain you or comfort you when things went bump in the night until your friend George suggested that you moved in with him. You always complained that you needed a roommate so he proposed the idea that you two moved in together to make you feel safe.
A few days from that conversation you packed your things and moved in with George. Slowly but surely you moved all of your things into George's place and he was always there to help. George had two bedrooms in his house and they were right next to eachother. You both woke up around the same time and went to bed at totally different times.
George and you always made breakfast together, sat around the house thinking of things to do and just end up sitting on the couch watching anything interesting he finds, doing chores and going out quickly to then inevitably end up back to the couch to do absolutely nothing. George always ended up sleeping while you two had this time together because he stayed up so late you dont know how he could sleep like a baby like that all the time. He ended up either laying on the armrest of the couch or on your shoulder. You always thought that was uncomfortable for him, but he always ended up there. The last couple times he ended up laying on your thighs which flustered you the first time, and the second, basically anytime he goes to lay on your lap you tense up.
You weren't afraid of physical touch, but this was new to you, you've grown accustomed to George and you think you a crush evolved from nothing. You two have been really close and it all started with a stupid Minecraft server. Ever since you moved in you two have grown closer than ever and your complicated feelings if you would want George as a boyfriend or not flooded your mind as we speak.
You still couldn't sleep and it was becoming a problem. You tossed and turned until you felt comfortable and began to count sheep, but you already got to 40 and didn't feel sleepy at all. Encasing yourself underneath your covers didn't help, it only made you hot. You were wide awake at this point. You had sat up and got out of your bed slipping on some fluffy socks and quitely opened the door and shuffled your way to the living room. You tried to stay quiet trying to keep George asleep as you turned on the TV.
Turning down the volume you sat there for a while underneath a blanket you and George had on the couch for times like this. You had a throw pillow underneath your head while you layed horizontal, across the couch. Two shows later and your eyes began to droop, it was a sense of accomplishment because you were finally sleeping so you stayed there still so you continue to lull yourself to sleep.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" George asked with tired eyes and gravelly voice. "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
"Fuck you George. I was about to go to sleep. I kinda want you up with me." You complained as you pulled the blanket over your head with your eyes still closed.
"C'mon silly get in your bed. Were you here all night?" George said while leaning against a wall, clearly still tired.
"No. I couldn't sleep. Why are you here?" You asked, but your words mumbled together.
"I heard the TV." George pointed at the TV that was illuminating objects in the dark.
You hummed and he did as well. "Are you okay bub?"
You had a small smile on your face, you loved the small petnames he gave you. You had a small feeling that he didn't mean it in the romantic way you wanted it to be.
"I woke up and cant sleep now. I was almost asleep, but you came in so.." You said still drowsy from staying in the state of in-between being awake and sleep.
"Im sorry." George said with his head against the wall, eyes closed. "Mm sorry I'm tired." George wiped his face.
"Could you sleep with me?"
"What?" George asked laughing slightly.
"No not that, just sleep in the same bed." You said. Your brain was just working on his own. You wouldn't have said this if you were awake, but you were desperate and needed sleep. Also you were touch starved and your crush on George was becoming more apparent each day, but that wasnt the point now.
"Yeah I'll do that." George said while pushing himself off of the wall.
"What?" You said thinking he would reject the offer.
"You sound like me. Come on." George said making his way over to you and reaching his arms out. You sat up looking at him with half open eyes and ended up grabbing both of his hands to pull yourself up.
Once both of you were on your feet you both lazily made your way to your bedroom. You mad yourself comfortable under the covers while George sat ontop, restricting the cover's movements.
"You're ontop of the blankets, it's weird." You mumbled.
"Sorry, sorry. Um, what would you want me to do?" George asked as he got off of the bed and stood there awaiting for an answer.
Your back was facing towards him when you answered. "Come on under the covers, I dont bite." You faced towards him when you said that.
He smiled a bit and then got under the covers with you, he layed on his back facing the ceiling and his hands on his stomach. He was uncomfortable.
You turnedon your side facing George. "Are you uncomfortable? If you want you can leav-"
"No! No. Im just- Ive never done this before you know. I've never comforted anyone like this." George quickly said.
"Like cuddled anyone?"
"Like cuddle, yeah."
A silence fell upon you two until George laid on his side facing you. His face was close to yours and you tried not to freak out right in front of him. He reached his hand across your body and started to rub your back. You shuffled your body a little so that your heads weren't at the same level, you were level with his chest and you got closer leaning your forehead against his chest. You both got more comfortable and got closer in touch, he soothingly rubbed your back trying to lull you to sleep.
It was a while that you both layed like this, basking in eachothers comfort
"I wish I could sing like Wilbur. That would make this moment better." George whispered against your hair.
"You being here makes this moment already great though." You whispered as well hoping he could hear you.
"Really. I mean it. I love this." You pulled him close.
"I love 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ."
"I love you too."
You smiled with your eyes closed. "Promise you love me?"
"Pinki promise I love you." George lazily locked both of your little fingers together.
"Pinki promise kiss." You puckered your lips hoping he would get the hint.
You heard George chuckle and he softly pecked you lips, it was like he was testing the waters. You opened your eyes and he had a small tired smile on his face, the two of you ended up giggling like little kids and then going back into the calming state you both were in.
Thank God for you both being in that state of tiredness. You just hoped that you both remembered what happend at [4:32 am] when you both wake up.
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You were alone in the kitchen this morning making pancakes. George hasnt met up with you yet and you questioned why. Yes you remembered last night and you're glad that you finally had the courage to say that you loved him, but it wasn't how you pictured it happening.
You flipped your pancake as George came put from around the corner looking fresher and more awake than last night. He smiled at you and made his way over to you. He closely stood by you and reached over your head to grab a glass from above. He only stepped that closely to you to grab a glass.
You begun to think that he forgot about last night's kiss. He had filled his glass with ice and then with water he stood over by the refrigerator for a while until he walked over to you.
You had just finished the second pancake of the day and faced George who was stood beside you waiting for your attention. He smiled at you and slowly leaned down and gave you a kiss on your lips. It was slow and longing, like he wanted to do this for quite a while. One of his hands found the side of your face and the other one pulled you closer by your waist. He then pulled away having a big smile on his face, you matched his smile clearly glad that he did that and remember.
"This is so cliché you know that right?" You laughed.
George rolled his eyes playfully. "Exactly, I feel like I've read this somewhere before."
"Like on Wattpad?" You jokingly asked.
"Yeah I read a bunch of DreamNotFound fanfiction on there." George said as he swayed you back and forth along with him.
"I'm just kidding! And I pinki promised didnt I?" George rose his eyebrows.
"You did! You did!" You smiled at him and he matched your smile again.
"I love you." George said.
"I love you too." You replied.
"I could get used to this!"
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake affection | I
sweet anon: Can I request a dom! Han Jisung smut? Where he and the reader are fake dating because Jisung want's to make someone jealous but ends up fucking the reader instead? I love your writings so much!!
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.5k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mention of masturbation
A/N: Wow, so it looks like I am unable of making short fics, haha. I planed for this to be a one-shot but it’s already this long and I don’t want to bore you guys with long fics so I will make a second part and a third if needed but I doubt. I really hope you guys like this one. Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      Y/N was tapping her finger on the desk, her head resting in her palm. She was watching the professor walk around in front of the class explaining something but she wasn’t paying attention. Her mind was filled with thoughts about whether or not she was going to get the role. 
      Some people from her university that were majoring in Film Production had to write a script for a short movie and the best five got chosen to be produced. Initially, she believed that only Theater and Film Majors could participate at the auditions but the administration of the school made an announcement one morning informing them that everyone could take part in the audition process. That meant she had to deal with more competitors for the role she wanted.
      Initially, Y/N was the only one who wanted to audition for the main role of one of the movies since people didn’t really catch its concept that well. When the audition day finally came, one Modern Dance major showed up out of nowhere and auditioned as well. The apparition of that particular character made her blood boil with anger.
      Her competitor for the role was none other than Mina, her so-called enemy. They weren’t enemies in the real sense of the word. They just simply didn’t click with one another and silently agreed a long time ago to ignore each other. They weren’t pulling childish stunts on each other, they didn’t speak each other's names unless necessary, they didn’t try to win each other in grades or parties or body counts. They were just mutually ignoring one another. And everything was fine until she showed up there.
      Y/N wasn’t going to lie and say that Mina wasn’t good. Her performance wasn’t exceptional but for someone that has never done that before, she was fairly good. That had her worried about her chances of getting chosen.
      When the bell finally rang ending her suffering she got up in the split of a second and left the room. She could not bear to hear any more of the professor’s babbling. Her boots let out quiet thuds every time they touched the concrete floors. She found herself in front of the announcement board but the paper that was supposed to tell her if she got chosen or not, was missing. Thinking to herself that they probably will put it up later she turned on her heels and made her way towards the cafeteria.
      She met her friend Hayoon there and they sat down at a table situated in the centre of the cafeteria. They talked about how they had been up until then and Hayoon complained about one of her classes and how she’s going to fail it.
      The chatter in the cafeteria died down when the door was slammed open and Mina stomped in, a bitter expression on her face. “I can not believe that they made me a stunt double! What does that even mean?” Her voice was louder than it should have been as she addressed her friends. Her intention was most probably to attract attention.
      A smirk crept on Y/N’s face as she realised that she did, in fact, get the main role. She gave her friend a suggestive eyebrow raise as she slowly took the chopstick to her mouth. Her face dropped when she heard the stomping approaching her. “Hey, loser, what’s a stunt double?” Mina’s voice was scratching her ears. How she managed to sound like one of those toys for dogs sometimes, she’ll never understand.
      “I can’t believe you’ve auditioned for a role without knowing what a stunt double is.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the other girl and a few people from around them chuckled. Mina’s face caught a crimson colour as the embarrassment settled in.
      “Haha, you are so funny!” It was clear by now that the girl was trying to mask her flustered form by trying to embarrass Y/N back.
      The truth was that she didn’t mean to make fun of her. She just let her first thoughts leave her mouth. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” A sigh left her lips. “A stunt double is a person that executes all the dangerous or action scenes for the main actor so they don’t get injured. Stunt doubles are usually gymnasts, people that know martial arts and all that jazz. They probably chose you because of your dance background.”
      “I can’t believe it. Not only they didn’t give me the role, but they are also going to use me to protect you?” Mina had an annoyed expression.
      “Oh please! Did you really think they were going to choose you? You entered that room without even knowing the concept and somehow managed to get the feel right a couple of times. Meanwhile, some of us actually prepared for that audition.” Y/N was fed up with Mina’s princess behaviour. Always thinking that everything is rightfully hers and expecting everyone to kiss her ass. All that just because her father was donating a big sum of money to the university every term. They are donations at the end of the day and she should not be expecting special treatment just for that.
      Mina’s face became a crimson red for the second time in ten minutes and she stomped away from Y/N’s table. The few people that were watching them averted their eyes when Y/N took a look around.
      From the corner of the cafeteria, someone was watching them with a smirk on their face. Oh, how he got just the perfect idea.
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            Y/N sat in the second closest row to the professor. She was in “Canto class” as she liked to call it. It was one of the optional classes she chose to take that year. It wasn’t a compulsory class for Theater and Film majors since you don’t necessarily have to know how to sing to be an actress but she took it anyway because she thought it would be fun. And so far it was.
      A loud bang invaded her left ear and she turned to find Han Jisung having his back to her and chatting with his friends that were seated a few rows behind them. She raised her eyebrow but didn’t question it. It wasn’t like the seat was occupied and she definitely had nothing against him sitting next to her. He probably just wanted to pay more attention since he and his friends are always distracted during class. 
      Y/N turned back to her stuff and opened her notebook to take another look at the notes from last class. Soon after the professor entered the classroom and the chatter died down. 
      She was vigorously writing in her notebook everything the professor was explaining to them. Suddenly she felt a touch on her left elbow and stopped for a second. She immediately resumed her writing, convinced that he probably did that by mistake. Not even a minute later she felt another touch on her elbow this time more evident. She ignored it again not paying much mind to it. Jisung’s elbow collided with hers causing her to push her notebook and scribble on it.
      She snapped her head towards him and felt anger overcome her when she noticed the smirk on his face. “What?” She whispers yelled in his direction.
      “Hi!” He did a short wave of his hand in her direction and she clenched her jaw. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply before going back to her note-taking. She had only five minutes of peace before he poked her side again. She smacked his hand away from her and continued to mind her own business.
      Throughout the class, Jisung kept bothering her and trying to talk to her despite her obvious wish to let her take notes. When the bell rang she got up quickly, her blood boiling and left the room in a hurry hoping she could lose Jisung on the busy halls. As she was hurriedly making her way between the sea of people she felt an arm going over her shoulders and she crashed with the owner of the arm.
      “Why are you in such a hurry babe?” Jisung’s voice rang in her ear as they were practically glued to each other. She grabbed his hand and swung his arm away from her shoulders.
      “For the love of God, what do you want from me Han Jisung?” Exasperation was present in her voice as she threw him an ugly look.
      She couldn’t guess what he needed from her to annoy her to that extent. They were acquaintances and nothing more. They knew each other from that one class they shared and the longest interaction they had was when the professor prepared an interactive class once and they had to work in groups of five.
      He was the university’s “heartthrob” as people liked to call him. Y/N personally thought that that title should be given to Hwang Hyunjin who was majoring in Modern Dance. He was more mature than the rest of his friends, he was friendly with everyone and wasn’t pulling pranks on innocent people to entertain some brainless creatures. But who was she to oppose the masses?
      On top of doing all those things, Jisung was also in a relationship with Mina. Every time they are together they will target someone and will start making fun of them. More Mina than Jisung but he was still entertaining her actions and that made him as guilty as she was.
      “I need to ask you something. Or better, make you a proposal.” He winked at her and she felt an uncomfortable shiver run through her. How disgusting.
      “Ok, and what is it?” She threw him an expectant look and he started looking around.
      “Let’s talk outside where there are fewer people. You got a free period, right?” Confusion made its way on her face.
      “How do you know that? Are you weirdo following me?” She has never talked with him as friends and they share only one class. How on earth would he know her schedule?
      “What? No! I see you hanging out around the university all the time after our class.” She rolled her eyes at his answer and gestured her hand towards the closest exit out of the building signalling him to lead the way.
      Very soon they were seated on a bench under a tree somewhere behind the university. It was her first time coming there. Y/N usually liked to remain at the front of the building since couples usually liked to come there and make out sometimes even fuck.
      “I think we should start dating.” He blurted out and she froze for a second before jumping to her feet startling the man.
      “I knew you were fucking weird. I’m leaving!” What in the actual fuck did she think when she came here. For a second she expected a real conversation but Jisung’s main skills were flirting and making bad jokes. She set her expectations way too high for that conversation.
      She picked her bag from the bench and started leaving only to have Jisung grab her wrist and stop her. “Wait, let me explain. I swear you’ll understand better after.” Y/n wanted to turn and leave but the puppy dog eyes he gave her made her stay and listen to him. Now, don’t get her wrong, his expression didn’t soften her but if he was desperate enough to try the puppy eyes on her then it must be important to him.
      She plopped down on the bench and waited for him to start talking. “Look, I’m pretty sure you know Mina. And I know you two aren’t on great terms. I say we date so you can get back at her for all the things she has done to you.” He raised his eyebrows at her and pursed his lips.
      Y/N was the one that raised her eyebrow next as she leaned her head to the side. “Aren’t you and Mina dating?” 
      “Obviously not.” Jisung used a tone that pissed Y/N off. A tone that said ‘It was so obvious, how can you not know?’ and she didn’t like it one bit.
      “Oh, I’m so sorry! I must have read the signs the wrong way. I mean, it's not like you are always together and you carry her backpack around and you hang out outside of school six days out of seven and kiss before classes and make out behind the university probably right on this bench.”
      A smirk appeared on Jisung’s face. “Who’s following who now?”
      “Don’t flatter yourself. Mina’s voice is so annoying I could hear her every time she talked. When I would turn to see what was up now you two were most times engaged in some sort of PDA.” She spoke fast trying to prove that she wasn’t following him. She didn’t know why she felt the need to do that but the thought of Jisung thinking that she has some sort of interest in him was terrifying. He completely humiliated the last “unpopular” girl that confessed her feelings to him and at that moment the last thing she needed was for him to go around saying she is a stalker.
      “Well, we are getting there. I asked her out and she said that she’ll love to but it’s too fun to tease me. When I asked her ‘What if I get a girlfriend?’ she told me I can not find anyone better for me than her. When I saw you fighting in the cafeteria earlier I knew I found my perfect girl. Not only are you hot, but she also hates you.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at his words.
      “Hot?” Her tone was untrusting as this was the first time someone from uni had said that to her. 
      “Yeah. You didn’t think that guys came to last year’s theatre spectacles because they were actually interested in theatre, right?” A laugh left his mouth at her dumbfounded face as she registered his words. A blank expression adorned her face immediately after trying not to seem so surprised.
      “Well, not anymore.” She let her tongue trace her bottom lip before biting the flesh. “Ok, so tell me what you actually want us to do.” Uneasiness settled inside Jisung as he watched her bored face.
      “Well, I mean what I said. We should date. Or fake dating if you will. That way I can make Mina jealous and push her to run into my arms. I bet she can’t stand seeing me with you for too long.” He looked into her eyes hopefully thinking that maybe he convinced her but his hope was quickly shattered when she opened her mouth.
      “What are you? Five? I don’t want to get back at her and I have absolutely no reason to help you in your sick plan. I’m out of here!” Once again she picked up her bag to leave only for Jisung to grab her wrist and stop her, again.
      “Please Y/N! I’m desperate. I’ve been trying to date her for a year and a half already.” That was pathetic. She had absolutely no reason to help him. None at all. But something pushed her to stay and accept his offer. Maybe she could take advantage of the situation.
      Turning her head towards her she tried to keep a straight face as best as she could. “What do I get out of it?”
      Jisung’s face brightened instantly at her question and he held her hand with both of his. “Anything you want. If it’s possible I’ll do it.” His eyes were pouring into hers and a stupid sparkle was present in them.
      “I guess you were going to do that anyway but I want you to present me to your friends.” The same bored expression that she had on for almost the entirety of their conversation was adorning her face. Jisung was amazed at the lack of emotions she managed to show but she was an actress. Maybe she’s just good at her job.
      “Why? Do you have a crush on any of them?” A smirk was enveloping his facial features and he had a teasing tone. Y/N rolled her eyes at his comment.
      “No. Some of them seem like really interesting people but their only defect was hanging out with you. Now that I have to hang out with you too I might as well start talking to them.” She shook his hands off hers before putting it in her front pocket. “Now I have to go to class cause my free period is almost over. See you later, babe!” She winked at him before turning around and making her way to her next class.
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      The next day she met with Jisung in front of the cafeteria so they could walk in together and “announce” their relationship. Somehow he got hold of her number and they texted the night prior about the terms of their little deal. She felt like laughing when she saw how serious he was about it. If he really did end up dating Mina she’ll be convinced that both of them are idiots.
      His arm was over her shoulders as they walked through the tables. Multiple people were staring at them but she decided to ignore them. Upon reaching the table she placed her tray down and took a seat. The people at the table were looking confused at one another and some were throwing Jisung questioning looks.
      “Everyone, meet my girlfriend.” He spoke gesturing with a hand towards her. She smiled at them and waved her hand, muttering a soft ‘Hi!’.
      One of them, who she recognised to be Lee Minho, a Modern Dance major cleared his throat. “Hey. It’s nice to meet you.” He had an awkward smile on. “What are you majoring in?”
      “Yeah, I don’t recall seeing you around campus.” Seo Changbin, a Music Production major added.
      “Oh, I…” She started talking but a puff coming from her left stopped her.
      “Seriously dude? You share a class. She’s L/N Y/N from your Theory and Improvisation class.” The voice belonged to Hwang Hyunjin and she felt a funny feeling in her stomach at the realisation that he knows her. Everyone around the table was throwing him weird looks.
      “You are right but how do you know that? I’m pretty sure you don’t take that class.” There was a trace of embarrassment in her voice.
      “I don’t but sometimes when I wait for those guys outside of the classroom I see you walking out.” He said that with nonchalance taking a bite from his food.
      “And how do you know her? She’s not a Music Production major otherwise we would have known. And she’s not a Dance major either otherwise Minho and Felix would have known about her as well.”Changbin’s tone was almost provoking as if Hyunjin had done something bad and he was about to reveal it.
      “She’s a Theatre and Film major. Last year when we went to all those theatre spectacles to support Jeongin I was actually paying attention to the plays. She had either the main role or the lead. I remember her being really good.” She felt her cheeks heat at his comment.
      “Thank you!” She threw him a smile. However, she got ignored as Lee Felix started talking.
      “Do you know her Jeongin?” She somehow felt offended by his question. Maybe that wasn’t his intention but he should have used a different tone.
      “Of course I do. We share almost all of our classes and last year we worked on multiple plays together.” Annoyance was present in his voice caused by his friends' ignorance.
      She knew Jeongin from the first day. He was the first to speak to her although they didn’t exactly become friends. They kept on working on plays together throughout the entirety of the first year of college but they kept everything mostly professional since they both had their own group of friends and she kind of disliked most of his friends.
      “Then how come you never talk about her?” Now, wasn’t Changbin an annoying one? She rolled her eyes discreetly at his question.
      “Because we are not the best of friends. Why don’t you talk about Kim Gina from your degree?” The youngest question was a good one. They were acquaintances and barely knew something about each other. What was he supposed to talk about?
      “Gina is not hot. What am I supposed to talk about?” The older male said calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.
      The water she was just drinking got stuck in her throat and she started coughing violently. Jisung started hitting her back repeatedly trying to help her swallow. When she finally calmed down she looked at him annoyed.
      “Who she is, is not important. What’s important is that she is my girlfriend” he gave Changbin a side look ”and you have to accept that. Stop talking about her like she is not sitting right in front of you.” A few of them raised their hands in defeat while some of them averted their eyes. Minho and Changbin rolled their eyes.
      She felt her blood pressure spike up at their action. She remembered why she never wanted to talk to any of them. Arrogant pricks.
      “Ok, Mister protective boyfriend. Just tell us when you break up.” Minho took a bite of his food done with the younger man’s antics. Everyone knew that he was in love with Mina. The moment she shows some interest in him he would probably leave this one in a heartbeat.
      Y/N sucked in a breath discreetly. He really got her worked up and she hated it. She put an arm around Jisungs shoulders and yanked him towards her, his face close to her chest. With her other hand, she grabbed the sides of his face making him look up at her and forcefully pursing his lips. 
      “Break up? Do you wanna break up with me, babe?” Y/N’s voice was mocking as if she was talking with a child. Jisung swallowed hard before shaking his head. She smiled at his response and used the hand from around his shoulders to ruffle his hair. “That’s what I thought.” She placed a short kiss on his lips before releasing him and turning back to her food.
      Everyone at the table was looking at both of them shocked, especially Minho and Changbin. She wanted to let a proud smile escape her but she controlled herself.
      For the rest of the lunch, she decided not to engage in any more discussions with Jisung’s friends. She continued eating her food and listened to them talking about things that didn’t involve her, occasionally responding to Hayoon’s texts.
      She was the first one to get up, impatient to go to her next class and not have to see them. “Bye guys. It was lovely meeting you!” She smiled at them, a smile half true because she did like some of them. “Bye babe. See you later!” She grabbed the sides of his face again placing another kiss on his lips before taking her empty tray and leaving them alone.
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      The men all watched her as she made her way out of the cafeteria. When she closed the door behind her they all burst into laughter. Jisung was biting the inside of his cheek irked by their action. When the laughter stopped, Seungmin that was sitting next to him put his hand on his shoulder.
      “I absolutely adore your girlfriend. She knows how to keep her ‘babe’ in check I see.” Seungmin tried cupping his face as Y/N did but Jisung slapped his hand away.
      “Are you her good boy, Jisungie? Does she give you rewards if you listen to her?” Minho cooed at him and Jisung held back an insult.
      “Shut the fuck up. It’s not like that. She surprised me as well. Who the fuck knew she was going to do that?” When he proposed the whole fake dating thing to her he thought it would be easier. Looking at it now he can’t understand why he thought that. He saw the way her fights with Mina unfold and he knew she was an actress which meant that she was probably either crazy confident or really good at faking it. For some reason, he thought she would be easier to tease and control but it would be a lie if he said it didn’t intrigue him. He liked a challenge and if the prize was Mina he would try his best.
      “And you man” Chan spoke for the first time “what the fuck was that? Do you know her entire biography?” He was looking at Hyunjin who rolled his eyes.
      “I told you I paid attention to last year’s plays. On top of that, she’s hot. I remember that after one spectacle I and the guys from my dance group at the time talked about her for like a month. She was so..” The man let out a groan and threw his head back trying to explain what he meant.
      “Sure, tell me more. Did you masturbate to the thought of my girlfriend? Perhaps got any wet dreams about her?” Jisung commented, raising an eyebrow.
      Hyunjin winked at him as a smirk made its way on his face. Some of the guys simultaneously let out disgusted sounds at his gesture.
      “But how did this whole thing happen? I can’t remember a moment when you talked about her or when you were together.” Felix’s deep voice rang making everyone pay attention to him.
      Changbin suddenly let a gasp out and dramatically covered his mouth. “Yesterday our little Jisungie sat next to her in Theory and Improvisation and when the class ended he ran after her. I think he might have had a secret crush!” The older man teased.
      “Yeah, but she looked really annoyed with him. Hence why she sprinted out of the class. Why would she accept to date him if she looked like she’d rather listen to Mr Jung talk about the first piano ever invented.” Chan intervened making Jisung shrug his shoulders.
      “She was annoyed with me but what can I say? I’m so charming she couldn’t refuse me.” He leaned back in his chair putting his arms over the back of the chair. 
      “I think she did it out of pity. When she realized you’ve been trying to get Mina for a year and a half now she probably felt so bad for you she decided to sacrifice herself so you look less like a loser.” Hyunjin said his tone way to serious to be a joke.
      Jisung threw the man a deadly stare. “At least I didn’t masturbate to the thought of her like a fucking virgin.” He spat in the other man’s face.
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yandere-dark-cupid · 3 years
If you’re requests are open can I get a Yandere Zuko x fem reader where after the war he looks for his darling by making his guards track her down but without anyone knowing bc he doesn’t want ppl to think that he’s back into his old ways again and keeps her in the palace
Ok Angel 💜👌💜. If you want, I could continue this as a mini part to part scenario series if I have the time T.Angel. There is just so many ideas worming around this concept and just think of the crazy things the darling and Zuko is going to go through, while also keeping both of their identities on the veeery low-key. Just let me know Angel 😊☕💜.
Also everyone is going to be aged up to 18+ Btw.
Side note: For the sake of this scenario, the darling will be from the Southern Water tribe. If this Angel decides to let me continue this as a mini scenario series, then the both of us are going to talk about if the darling can be a Waterbender or not.
Warning ⚠!!!: Their is going to be some slight Nsfw in this.
Yandere Zuko: A Dragon's treasure
Five weeks. It has been five weeks since you've went missing. Once the war has ended, Zuko was planning to propose to you. But every since his coronation of being crowned the new FireLord, you just up and vanished. It was like you were never there in the first place. And Zuko has been scattering everywhere in the palace and Fire nation to find you or some type of clue. But nothing. There was nothing there. You really covered your tracks, didn't you?
Right now Zuko was in his thrown room. He was fuming- No steaming with rage. If anyone were to walk in to the room, they'll notice it was boiling in there. He tried to look everywhere in the palace. Even outside the palace. But to no avail. Zuko couldn't find you. You've made it clear that you don't want to be with him or any where near him with this type of stunt you've pulled.
Zuko took a seat on his thrown. His hands was on his head, just about ready to pull his hair out and shout in frustration. But then a knock on the door stop him. " *Frustrated sigh* State your name and your business." Zuko said with spite and a hint of venom in his voice. The person behind the door flinched at his tone of voice. "It's me Sir. The guard you put in charge of the search party for Ms.Y/N". Zuko perked up at the mention of his missing lover's name. " Come in. " said Zuko. With out a second thought, the guard entered the room. She bowed down in respect for her FireLord.
" FireLord Zuko I have an update about Ms.Y/N's whereabouts. " Said the guard. She almost stuttered. The guard noticed how extremely hot it was in the thrown room. It was a clear sign that FireLord Zuko was pissed out of his mind. " Well, " Zuko said in annoyance and anger. Zuko was beyond angry at this point. He was a whole entire cluster fuck of emotions right now. " M-me and m-my crew found some people who could be connected to Ms.Y/N's disappearance , your majesty. " Stuttered the guard in slight fear. Zuko quirked up an eyebrow at what the guard said.
Ah. So the guard managed to find the ones responsible for his darling's vanishment, or at least had some part in it. " Bring them in. " Zuko said. The guard only merely nodded, not wanting to meet the FireLord's intimidating gaze. The guard got off their knees and went to call the other guards, to bring out the people that played some part of the darling going missing. The other guards quickly brought out four other people. Those people was tied up, bounded, and blind folded. The people was visibly quivering in fear. They were very confused and scared on what they did to upset the FireLord.
The four guards forcefully pushed the four people down to the floor. Each guard took off each person's blind fold. In front of the four people, there sat the FireLord in all his glory. FireLord Zuko glared down at the 4 people in a burning gaze. So these disgusting pathetic excuses of human was responsible for his darling going missing. Zuko scoffed at the thought. After a painful intimidating stare down, Zuko finally spoke. " So your the ones held responsible for Y/N's disappearance. " Zuko spat out to them with his voice dipped in poison.
" I-if y-you're talking about a someone that has (h/c), (e/c), and (s/c) then t-they came to m-my store to buy clothes." The woman stuttered in fear. Zuko stayed quite and only listened. " If you're talking about the same person; they came to my food stand and brought some food. " the old man said quickly in fear of what the FireLord would do to him if he took so long to explain himself. Zuko only merely quirks his eyebrow. " Y-yeah, that same person came to my Shop and bought some bags and extra equipment as his they were going on a trip. " The man said while sweating nervously. " The same person came to shack a-and brought some w-weapons. " Said the short lady in fear. Zuko only hmmed at what they said.
" So you're telling me the lady you just described went to all of your stores and shops to buy something. " Zuko said still glaring down the four people. " Y-yes. " the woman squeaked in fear. The old man only nodded quickly. " Mhm. " both the man and woman said. Zuko got up from his thrown and began to walk down to his stand. " What should we do with them you highness? " Said one of the guards. " Bring them to the dungeon. I will decide what to do with them later. " Said Zuko. " I-I don't understand what did we do wrong. " Stuttered the woman in fear and nervousness. Zuko quickly turned to the woman, the woman quickly shuts her mouth. Zuko then begins to slowly walk towards her.
Zuko shot one of his hands out and grasps the woman's face in a painful grip. The woman squeaks in surprise and fear. Zuko just merely just glares down at her. His eyes is filled with a flaming rage. " You all are held responsible for the disappearance of Y/N, " Zuko spat out in anger. Zuko releases his hand from woman's face. Zuko steps away from the woman and is now in front of the four bounded people. " Since you all play a part in my- err Y/N's disappearance, you all will be punished accordingly. " The four people only shook even more at FireLord Zuko's statement. " All of you take them away were they'll never see the light of day again. " Zuko said with venom dripping from his voice.
The four guards only bowed and said a quick " yes sir ". With that they took the four people away. Now Zuko was once again left in his thrown room...... alone.
Zuko let out a sigh of frustration out. He walked towards a window that was in the room. He stared down at his people, he was thinking about something. Based on what the four people said, Zuko can conclude that his darling is no longer in the Fire nation. Zuko dug into his pocket and took out something. It was a necklace. A betrothed necklace to be more specific. You see his darling was not from the fire nation, no no no. You were from a Water tribe, the Southern Water tribe to put it. While Zuko was on his trip to help Aang defeat his father and help him master firebending, Zuko found out from Katara on what her necklace means. He found out that from the Water tribe in order to marry someone, you have to make a betrothed necklace and give it to that special someone. When Zuko found out about this type of information, he instantly got rapped up about it. Ever since he's joined team Avatar he was thinking about what life would be like when he becomes FireLord, then his thoughts were drawn into marriage. He can't help but think, his darling would make the perfect FireLady. His FireLady.
And they'll have children. They'll be lovely children. With his darling swelled up with another one of his heirs all while holding another one of their children. It'll truly be a.. delicious sight to see ~ Zuko hmmed in delight at the thought of his darling bearing his children. But... that's if he witness such a darling sight. Zuko groaned at his mood being dampened and soured. But he knows it's true. Zuko knows if he doesn't act fast, he'll lose his darling. And that lovely little scene that played in his mind, will be nothing but a mere fantasy. Besides, he doesn't want to get himself accidentally sexual frustrated.....
With that aside, Zuko begins to start planning and strategizing. Zuko walks away from the window. He calls a servant, he orders them to get one of his best generals. The servant was slightly hesitant and confused, but never the less terrified. Wasn't the war over? They pushed their question aside, because they know now wouldn't be the best time to question the FireLord. He hasn't been acting himself lately and has been been flaring up at anything these past few weeks. With out much of a second thought, they did as they were told and went to see if someone could get one of the generals FireLord Zuko was talking about.
Zuko on the other hand, went back to sit on his thrown. He knew it will take time for the general to get here, so he decided to sit and be patient for him to get here. All while doing this, Zuko began to plan out in his mind on how he was going to get his darling. He was thinking about getting some of the Fire nation's best spies to help track down his darling. Sending out a whole search team and alerting the public while cause some type of panic. Not only that but he's trying to show that He and the Fire nation has turned over a new leaf, that and he doesn't want people and the other members of team Avatar know he's basically going back to his old ways. Since everybody knows the history on how he went to the ends of the earth to find and Capture the Avatar, and he's basically doing the same for his darling. It'll put a bad name on him and an even worse name on the Fire nation. So he'll lay as low as possible and keep shush shush about it, so he doesn't rise suspicion and ruin all the hard work he's been putting in the past time he's became FireLord.
With all those thoughts in mind, Zuko decides to call the same servant from before. So he can see if his message has been delivered. The Servant said they already sent a messaging hawk out to see if they can reach the general. Zuko only hmmed and dismissed them, and told them to report back to him once the massage has been delivered. With that the servant left, leaving Zuko in his thrown room. Zuko dug into his pocket again. He took out the Betrothed necklace out. He gently creased and rubbed the engraving and creases. He took so many hours and very much effort into making this for his darling. Looking at it always made him feel calmer, it made him happy knowing that his darling will be wearing it soon. But then his darling ran away from him before he can give it to them. Zuko pushed down on the purple garnet at the thought of his darling running away from him ( the rest of the necklace's gems are made up of smaller bits of Rudy and sapphire ). Zuko let out another sigh of frustration. He began to think. Once is darling is back with him he's never letting them go...........
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My God, this was a boom ass idea. Not only that, but an idea of Zuko having a bit of a breeding kink has been floating around in my mind for some time now. I had a lot of fun with this. Like I said before T.Angel, If you want me to make a mini scenarios series about this let me know 😆! Well I hope you enjoy it. Until next time my Little Tainted Angels, see you soon ~💜❤💜
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broiunno · 3 years
License to Steal - Act IV
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License to Steal
Act I // Act II // Act III // Act IV
summary: Min Yoongi is your new protection detail upon your return to your father's side after being sent away during a bloody gang war. Now the dust has settled, you've been called back to your old controlled life, and leaving you an unwilling participant in your family's plans. You don't know what they are but you are no longer willing to be the obedient, protected daughter. You don't really care in the least of it makes Yoongi's new assignment hell on earth- So you'll carve your own life out back home on your own terms.
-rating: 18+
-pairing: min yoongi x reader
-word count: 5.8k
-warnings: swearing, gang activities includes drug mention and eventual drug use, the slowest of burns, organized crime, toxic af family dynamics, BEWARE IN THIS ACT: graphic family abuse (father initiated verbal and physical assault- does not fade to black), violence, blood, graphic descriptions of torture, and graphic sex scenes will be included in this work.
-authors note: @chelsea-chee leading the au as usual. I love her the appreciate her as my love, writer, and my beta. Her works are *chefs kiss* Thank you again beautiful <3 PLEASE NOTE: I AM REALLY NOT EXCITED TO POST THE NEXT FEW ACTS. They deal with heavy subject matter and I don't fade to black at any point so please note my works are for mature audiences, warnings are there for a reason and in bold. You are an adult if you are reading this work (per the warnings) and you are responsible for the content you consume. Thank you. ILY all and I love asks about the characters. And that's all I have to say about that...I'm sorry for the wait. I've had covid. I'm back on a better schedule now.
You fumbled with your hair as you tried to rip your fingers through the still damp strands to assemble it back into a semi-presentable pony tail as the door slid open to your father’s office. You really did wish that you had been able to go upstairs and shower. Or at least change your clothes from the workout gear you currently felt sticking to your skin from the cooling sweat. As a breeze drifted from the vent as the air kicked on, you shivered violently, shaking your head and shooting a hateful stare in Yoongi’s direction as you stepped into the office. Appearances were everything in your family. They were the first level of protection to ensure threats stayed at a minimum. A show of strength and cohesiveness discouraged any hair-brained ideas from a weaker or less organized opposition.
Your father raised a dark, thick brow, turning from the man was speaking quietly to, his expression unreadable as you inclined your head slightly in greeting. “You asked to see me?” you said quietly, keeping your eyes downcast. Since Yoongi had mentioned your father was summoning you, you knew it couldn’t be anything positive. This soon after your arrival? Nothing good would come of this. You had just grabbed onto the distraction of Yoongi until you both stood in the office, feeling stripped bare, awaiting whatever admonishment was about to be delivered.
“You couldn’t make it a full forty-eight hours without causing me a migraine,” your father said sharply and you kept your eyes trained on the floor, as you replayed yesterday in your mind.
“Father, I don’t know what you-”
“Y/N, you weren’t even back a day and you spent how much?” he said, aggravation lacing his tone. “I had to call in Kim to look at your accounts immediately. You’re a fucking hassle.” He huffed and your eyes finally lifted to the stranger that stood next to your father, noting that he stepped away from your father and bowed quickly.
“Nice to meet you, miss. I’m Kim Namjoon. I’ve been handling your accounts and will continue to do so.” You felt your lips part in a soft ‘oh’ as you studied the broad planes of his face, full lips and intense eyes. You felt like he was picking you apart in that moment as you took your time to absorb his ash blond hair in a relaxed, but carefully crafted style. His skin tone was golden; a contrast to Yoongi’s milk-like skin. He glowed, and you couldn’t tell if it from his melanin or the fact that he was radiating intelligence.
“N-Nice to meet you too,” you stammered and managed to close your mouth as he pushed up the rolled sleeves of his white button-down shirt. You swallowed hard and tried to claw through the mental fog that had overcome you. With the teasing from both Jungkook and Yoongi, being presented with another god-like man was the last thing you needed. “I will admit I’m a little confused; my spending was never a problem when I was away? I mean, it’s not like I bought a car.”
Your father barked a laugh and threw up his hands. “You have no grasp on what I do to make this money that you just piss away Y/N! And you COULD have bought a car with the amount you spent yesterday! Like I said: a god damn burden!” he hissed and you flushed slightly, taking a step back unconsciously as you watched his neck flush. Yoongi hadn’t said a word, but you knew you could still sense his dark presence in the corner of the room, not looking at him to notice his eyes narrowed slightly as the scene unfolded.
“Y/N, I’ve had an idea. You’re a daughter. I can’t do much with you. Your brother who I could actually have used is dead. Your mother-” He stopped as he watched your eyes bulge and he shook his head. “I can’t have more children. I’d consider it disrespectful to her memory,” he mused, a hand running along his chin and you couldn’t help the scoff that escaped you, but your jaw snapped shut audibly as your teeth clacked together after the noise passed your lips.
Your father’s eyes flared to life in challenge and he glanced at Namjoon, lip curling. “Did you calculate her estimated cost of living and monthly expenditures? Do you have solid numbers?” he said shortly and Namjoon just nodded, eyes flicking between the family members silently. “And did you adjust for a profit at the margin we discussed?”
“Yes sir,” came the deep steady voice, Namjoon’s eyes traveling your figure, his gaze not heavy with lust or desire, but full of curiosity. “The monthly amount that you should request for that profit is in the proposal if you would like to review it.” He finished and cleared his throat. “I can return if you want me to look over the contract,” he said softly, clearing fishing for a dismissal and your father granted it, offering his hand and you felt your mouth tighten in confusion.
“What contract?”
Namjoon grabbed a briefcase and inclined his head to you stiffly in farewell before his long legs carried him out the doorway. Your father’s gaze didn’t leave your eyes as he spoke. “Yoongi, see him out.” Yoongi nodded and started after the tall man in silence, not sparing you a second glance on his way out.
“I asked you what contract?” you said softly, struggling to keep your voice even as your father stepped closer to you.
“Well, you went out. Spent a lot of money that you’ve done nothing to earn, and caught someone’s eye in the process. Someone worth a lot of money and who would be an asset to have closer to the family at this point in his career.” Your father clasped his hands behind his back as he continued to close the distance between you, each step he made, you felt your heart plummet further.
“Father… what exactly are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything, Y/N. I’m telling you. Someone’s made a bid for your hand, and it’s the only thing you’ll be good for at this point. The shopping sprees, your lifestyle. I can maintain them, but if someone else is willing to do so, and the marriage benefits me in my business, I’d be stupid not to pursue it. Do you think I’m stupid, Y/N?” he said, voice getting dangerously quiet as he reached out to tuck a piece of hair that had escaped the rapidly put-up ponytail behind your ear.
“You can’t sell me off like fucking cattle!-” you said, flinching away from his touch, and his large, calloused hand shot out to grab your chin tightly. He forced your face back towards his as you tried to jerk away, squeezing hard enough to make your eyes begin to water. Your heart thudded out a dangerous irregular rhythm as you breathed hard through your nose.
“I can’t? Y/N, you seem to be under the delusion that you are free from the responsibilities that come with being in this family. I suppose that may be my fault. I was too soft on you, pitied the losses I caused you to have. I always had your brother anyway; there was no harm in indulging you. But now, you’re the only one with my blood in your veins. You’re home to do a service for this family. Everyone else has given their lives in some way. Did you think you were special?” His words were measured and cold as he studied you, grip not loosening on your face. You would be bruised tomorrow as you felt the throb set in from the pressure he was applying.
“You may order me to do it, but I don’t have to go along with this,” you hissed, barely able to open your jaw, but clenching your teeth to get your words out, rage licking up and down your body. He had taken your entire life as a child, as an adolescent. Did he really think giving you a few years of freedom put you back in his debt so far that you owed him the rest of your life?!
No sooner than the words were out of your mouth you heard the sharp crack, and felt yourself stumbling backwards into the wall. You blinked quickly as you registered the pain in your head, immediately starting to pound as the metallic taste of blood filled your mouth. You barely had time to regain a semblance of your bearings before your father was upon you again, face chillingly blank as his ringed fingers gripped the base of your ponytail, ripping your head back at an awkward angle, a scream breaching your bloody lips. The noise was cut short by another blow, snapping your head to the side before he jerked your face back to center.
“Who do you think you are, you little bitch?” he said with a lilt to his tone as you choked out a sob, unable to keep it from escaping your lips. “You really thought you weren’t going to do shit to replace that money you spent?” When he finished speaking he gave your head a violent shake, as if to scramble your thoughts further. It was completely unnecessary, as your head felt as if it was splitting with the pain he had rocked through you with his blows and harsh grip. You felt the start of a purely hysterical giggle break through, spitting out the fresh rush of blood that ran in your mouth due to the cuts in your cheek from your teeth. You noticed a piece of the skin from inside your mouth flapping loosely that made you nauseated if you dwelled on it.
The laugh was probably the worst response you could have had.
You heard a soft hiss, and your father stepped into your space further, hands darting from your head to wrap themselves around your throat and squeezing. As your hands scrambled to scratch at his hand, his arm, his face, anything, you wished you were surprised at this. You wished you were hurt because you were shocked, but you weren’t. There was blood in the water and he was a shark. He built his life this way.
“You don’t have to go along with this…” he said softly, voice void of emotion, “but you also don’t have to keep living here either. How long will you make it without this family? You’d never make it out of the city.” He mused and continued to squeeze, your vision starting to spot as you tried to draw in any bit of air within the hold he had, the choking heaves under the weight of him making the blood that had pooled in your mouth from his blows spill over your chin grotesquely as it began to stream onto his hand. “So will you behave for once in your fucking life?”
You were hyper aware of the tears streaming down your face as you managed the smallest of nods. You supposed he was right; you had never imagined you would be used in the family in any way. Your entire life had been lonely, and even though you hated it, you had resigned yourself to it. His hands unwrapped themselves from your neck, letting you inhale a burning gasp of air as you slid down the wall, and onto the floor. You coughed and rocked forward onto all fours as the shaking of your body didn’t allow for much more than consciousness.
Your father pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the crimson of your blood off his hand before tossing it to you on the floor. You could barely recognize the quick but unhurried footsteps coming back down the hallway to the office before they stopped short.
“Yoongi, take her upstairs.”
The flush from hustling back to his boss’s office drained from Yoongi’s face as his eyes widened at your figure hunched forward onto your elbows on the floor. He watched you hack as your body tried to clear your airway. Yoongi stayed silent as he reached down, crouching next to you and attempting to offer you a hand so you could stand on your own, for which you were thankful. You felt the physical pain, but no emotions as your mind sluggishly screamed at you to just accept his hand and stand. You needed to walk out of here on your own. You knew you wouldn’t make it all the way to your room after the assault, but you didn’t need to. Just to the elevator.
You reached out your hand, shaking hard, as you clasped at his large palm and hoisted yourself up, letting him pull lightly as he stood with you, noting that he was still silent. You tried to ignore how your vision swam before you, willing your knees not to buckle. You couldn’t pinpoint if the unsteadiness was from the blows to your face, the lack of oxygen, or the tears that had thankfully stopped streaming down your face but still filled your eyes.
Yoongi seemed to read your mind, shifting his grip from your hand to your upper arm, nestling in your underarm and gently steered you to the door, but let you support most of your weight on the way out. You walked in silence as he didn’t rush you down the hallway, both of your eyes trained on the lift door as he typed in the code. As you waited for the door to open you felt your shaking legs betray you and start to bend. You glanced away from him, the movement of your eyes causing a piercing pain to shoot through your head. “Please,” was all you rasped wetly as you put more weight and started to sink, but the pressure holding you up immediately doubled, Yoongi’s support forcing you upright, even if it made your shoulder raise. It would be almost imperceptible from your father’s office if he was still looking in your direction, but you doubted he would. He had already received your submission; he didn’t need you for anything else.
Yoongi didn’t seem to want to take the chance that he was still watching, stepping into the elevator and continuing to only hold you in one place. His grip was still disguised as if he was walking you out in the same way he may escort an associate who was no longer welcome - in such a manner that would deter any further escalation. No one would be able to tell he was the only thing keeping you upright.
As the door slid shut to the elevator the facade crumbled, you lurching forward and gasping out a sob of pain, tilting your head down to let the blood that had been collecting in your mouth pour out onto the floor. You forgot how much mouth wounds bled. Yoongi was not bothered with the grotesque display as he swiftly adjusted his grip to wrap around your shoulders, his other arm sweeping at your feet as he lifted you with apparent ease. You shut your eyes as the tears began to flow once more, unable to restrain the moans and whimpers of pain that escaped between gasps as you cried. He still hadn’t said a word, even as you turned your face into his suit jacket, inhaling jaggedly as you tried to focus on the scent permeating from him, trying to place it through your snot-filled nose. The only thing you could recognize was the warm, woodsy scent of patchouli as you reached a shaking hand up to hold onto his jacket tightly. You knew he wouldn’t drop you, but it grounded you all the same.
You tried to slow your breathing, but failed as the elevator door opened and Yoongi strode quickly to your bedroom door, bending at the knees and somehow using his crook of his elbow and his body to turn the door knob, the only change in your positioning being that you tilted slightly as he spun it. He kicked the door with his foot gently as he stepped in, by-passing your bed as he carried you into your bathroom, carefully getting on his knees as he lowered you into your large bathtub as he placed you there. You continued to breath quickly, your gasps becoming sharper as your gentle shaking soon became uncontrollable. You released his jacket as he stood and you pulled your knees to your chest, shutting your eyes finally as you heard the tap briefly run before a cool rag brushed your chin, eyes flying open as you flinched away.
“Shh, I need to see your face. I have to get the blood off,” Yoongi whispered, and you finally looked at him, noting his face was still paler than normal. “Princess, I need you to take a slow, deep breath okay? Can you do that? Your lips are turning blue; you’re hyperventilating. You’re safe,” he murmured, brows pinching together in a pained expression you had never seen on his face as you tried to nod, attempting to take a long breath in but ended up gulping in air multiple times on the way, the blurring of your vision worsening as Yoongi grimaced, your breathing speeding up again, your shoulders shrugging with the effort to take in air. The last thing you heard was Yoongi’s tense exclamation of “Shit!” before you blacked out.
When you awoke, you were under the covers of your large bed. You sat up quickly before groaning from the ache in your head, then realizing that opening your mouth made you want to scream from pain. Between the squeeze on your jaw and the cuts inside your mouth, it was safe to say you would be saying very little for a while. You glanced towards the window, noting it was inky black outside.
“How long has he hit you?” came a cool voice from beside your bedside and you turned to face the source, seeing a figure standing beside the small table, casting a shadow with the aid of a lamp. Had he even left? Yoongi had shed his stained suit jacket, but still wore the white shirt and same suit pants. You only knew it was the same shirt due to the blood stain from where your mouth must have painted him. Instead of attempting to speak, you shrugged in an attempt to get his gaze off of you. It was piercing and unnerving. You felt as if this was the beginning of an interrogation, and you didn’t fail to notice the color had still not returned to his normally pale face. Now that your mind was a bit clearer you were able to recognize why it registered so deeply with you. He was the embodiment of white with fury. “How. Long?” he said again with such harshness you swallowed hard, ignoring the fire that licked down your throat as you did so.
“That’s a joke right? He’s always been like that. I just normally am better at avoiding it,” you forced out; your words were almost incoherent as you tried to move your jaw as little as possible as you spoke. That was bearable. Good. Not that you had expected it to be, but at least your jaw wasn’t broken; that would have been a pain in the ass. “What time is it?”
“It’s three am,” Yoongi hissed as his eyes glimmered in the near darkness, pushing off the wall and grabbing a glass of water off the table and sweeping a few pills into his hand. “Take these.” You took his offering and a small sip of the water before carefully throwing the pills to the back of your throat and washing them down, sighing softly. “They’re pain pills. They’ll help and you’ll be able to go back to sleep in a bit.”
You didn’t answer but pulled back the cover of your bed and slid out, noting that your bloody shirt had been changed but you still had on your sports bra and leggings. And your ponytail had been taken down, which was probably a good thing since your scalp was still aching from the hold your father had you in.
“Y/N… don’t.” Came Yoongi’s voice, still unemotional but a bit gentler than his earlier tone. You didn’t turn back to him but stopped your path to your vanity, obviously trying to look at your reflection in the mirror to assess the damage.
“Is it that bad?” you grumbled, turning to him and you watched him shrug.
“It’s not good. Don’t worry about it tonight. No bones are broken from what I can tell. I wiped you down the best I could. Just change once I leave and get back into bed.”
You let out a deep breath but finally stepped towards your closet instead to grab an oversized t-shirt. You could work the bra off under it and slip your pants off once you had it on. “Why did you even stay?” you said softly as you set to work, your muscles aching as you attempted to change modestly. You don’t know why it even mattered, but in this moment it did.
“I needed to know if he had done this before. I needed to know if this was the first time. When we were kids, you weren’t around all the time. Sometimes, I’d go months without seeing you. I didn’t know if this was a part of it,” he spat out, visibly tensing as he took a loud steadying breath.
You shrugged as you pulled off your leggings, successful in stripping your bra off under the shirt, and padded back to your bed. “There were a few reasons he kept me separated from everyone. It wasn’t all because he thought I was too precious to see any of this.” You climbed back into bed and tried to settle back into the plushness. Yoongi took a step closer to you, his mouth slightly open as he watched you try to get comfortable, seemingly unable to stop himself.
“Y/N…” he said softly and reached a hand towards you and you stiffened, eyes narrowing, and he took note, dropping his hand slowly.
“Yoongi, I never asked for your fucking pity.”
“I know, and it makes me want to help you even more.”
You blinked and tried to register what he was implying. “Help me?” you repeated, shaking your head as you felt the same hysterical laugh bubble up that had made your assault that much worse in your father’s office. “No one can help me!” You laughed, eyes widening as the smile twisted your features. “This is my life, this is what I was born into. This is what all those shiny things cost, Yoongi! I always knew it but I forgot.” You watched as the pained expression from earlier slid back over his features, and you raised your eyebrows in response. “I appreciate it, but unless you’re willing to put a bullet in my fucking head there’s no saving anything.”
“Who says it has to be your head, Princess?” he said gently and you swear you felt the world stop.
“Don’t say shit like that Min,” you hissed, baring your teeth and shaking your head. “Even if we don’t always get along, I don’t want you dead too.”
“Whatever you say Princess,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips as he cocked his head to the side. “Are you alright to sleep? You don’t feel like you’re going to vomit?” he asked seriously, watching as you shook your head.
“I don’t have a concussion,” you grumbled but as you watched him smirk and go to grab his jacket you felt your heart speed up. “Yoongi- w-wait.” He immediately stopped, as if he was anticipating your words. “Can you stay here the rest of the night? I know he won’t do anything but I-”
“Let me go change my clothes. Is that okay Princess?”
“Yeah… I just don’t want to be-”
“It’s fine Y/N. I’ll be right back.” You stayed sitting up, watching him as he dismissed your attempts at explanations and justification as he walked out.
You sighed, leaning against the leather headboard and let your breathing even out, even as your heart still raced. The pain began to slowly ebb as the medication took effect; what had you even taken? It had to be something strong as a comfortable fog began to cloud your thoughts.
You didn’t know why you felt the need to have him here. Did you even need to explain? He was technically your bodyguard. You had known each other most of your lives. You had just suffered through an assault; staying with you was reasonable. Even if the assailant wasn’t unknown, nor were the motives. At the end of the day, Yoongi’s presence made breathing a bit easier. His presence made you feel safe.
The door opened again and you sucked in a breath as Yoongi re-entered your bedroom, one hand carrying his gun and holster, the other a hanger with a clean pressed suit. “I’ll wake up before you,” was all he said in response to your surprised expression as he studied you. He mistook the shock on your face as being accredited to the suit. He was an idiot if he thought you cared about the fact he would dress here. You were too busy drinking in the sight of his lean figure in low-slung grey sweatpants. You tried to rip your gaze back to his face but you got caught on the black ribbed tank top and the swirling black tattoos covering his shoulder and chest before disappearing under the material.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos,” you choked out, feeling your face flush and mentally slapping yourself. He may look like sex on legs, but you looked like you just had the shit beat out of you. Which to be fair to yourself, you actually just had the shit beat out of you.
“Oh, I forgot,” he said, a small smirk tilting his lip up but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He draped his suit over the chair to your vanity and carried his gun with him towards the plush armchair in the corner of the room.
“The bed is big enough Min. I won’t touch you,” you said breathlessly, trying to force away the blush that was deepening across your face. He seemed to freeze and take a few steadying breaths.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Princess.” His voice was controlled but quiet.
“Please Yoongi…” you said just as quietly. “It’s just for tonight. I won’t feel safe if you’re all the way over there.”
It was definitely an over exaggeration. You hadn’t really expected him to even agree to stay in your room with you. The chair was the reasonable option. You knew you were pushing it.
“Princess, I-” He breathed, the airiness of his tone making your belly somersault and it gave you a tiny shiver.
“Yoongi, please. I need you next to me. Just tonight.” You shouldn’t be so worried about getting this man into bed with you, but now that he was here in front of you and it was so close to happening, you felt you might cry if he denied you.
You watched his back muscles rippled as he tensed and tried to relax. He turned wordlessly and walked to the opposite side of the bed, setting his holster down and climbing into the king-sized bed with you. “Go to sleep Princess.”
The drugs had to be prescriptions, not that you really expected a member of an organized crime family to just take a regular aspirin when they were in pain. “Is the oxy working yet? It should start soon if it hasn’t.” You hummed your assent as you squirmed down into the bed and tried to keep the smile from your face as you reached over and turned out the lamp. You took a deep breath and shut your eyes, savoring the heat that quickly built from having two bodies under the covers of your bed, ignoring the slightly annoyed sigh from the other side of the bed.
“Be quiet Min, I’m trying to rest,” you said softly and a soft dry chuckle cut through the silence as you let sleep take you.
Yoongi’s POV
Yoongi listened to the soft sounds of your breathing as they lengthened and deepened, the pain pills having done their job perfectly. If only he could have done his job in such a manner. He had been given a job: to keep you safe, and he took it seriously. Even if the one assigning his work was an abusive piece of shit. Yoongi let out a sigh, glancing over at your figure in the dark to make sure his huff hadn’t disturbed your slumber. It didn’t. You were still laying there, eyes closed and unaware, your face turned towards him to afford him a view of what exactly your father had done in his absence.
He felt his teeth grind against each other as even in the dark, he could make out the near black bruises covering your neck in the clear shape of hands, a bloom crossing your smooth cheek as well. Even your chin and jaw were dark from bruising; evidence that your father had held your face to force submission. It had worked. He opened his mouth and stretched his own jaw to try and stop himself from continuing to grind his molars down to nothing in rage. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to forget how you looked and how he felt when he entered the office, watching the blood drip onto the floor. How he wanted nothing more than to simply pull out his gun and lodge a bullet into your father’s knee before proceeding to swing the butt of his gun down onto him until he shattered every bone in the pig’s disgusting face.
Until he begged him to stop. Until he begged his daughter to tell Yoongi to stop.
The daydream made Yoongi smile a full gummy smile and chuckle for the first time today. He would stop when you told him to. If you told him to. Now that he knew your father had put his hands on you before this, he wondered if you would just let him continue until his mania at seeing what had been done to you was sated. He knew it wouldn’t be until he heard your father’s death rattle, knowing it had been at his own hands.
You stirred slightly to readjust in your sleep, drawing his attention back to the present as you moved closer to him in the bed and he sucked in a breath. Even beaten and bruised you affected him. Even carrying you in that elevator down the hall as you clutched onto him. He had been spiraling down into violence but as soon as you grabbed his jacket, he knew you wouldn’t withstand even him raising his voice to anyone without shattering. You were normally so fierce and seeing you broken made him want to tear apart this entire society you both lived in, even if it was all either of you had ever known.
It was then he had decided he would be what you were asking of him with your sobs and how you clutched onto him; he would be as gentle as could be and give you whatever you needed tonight. Tomorrow he would begin the undertaking of dismantling your father piece by fucking piece.
He had watched over you after you passed out; you had woken up briefly for him to get you to take pain medicine once before you actually were able to speak to him. Before you asked him to stay with you. He wanted to pretend it didn’t make his icy heart crack, the way you tried to explain and justify his presence. He would never ask you to in this kind of situation. When Yoongi returned to his room, he attempted to steel himself for a night of sitting in that uncomfortable chair, and a sleepless day tomorrow. He had gone more than twenty-four hours without sleep before.
But when your eyes, even if they had started to become glossy and dilated from the drugs, began to run over him, he had to try and think of every unsexy thing he could fathom. You had just been fucking violated and just with one look he felt the blood travel away from his brain and pool below his waist. Why did he think he would be able to wear sweatpants while staying with you? You destroyed every semblance of self control he had. He still hadn’t forgotten your teasing in the elevator prior to this shit show.
Then your soft drowsy voice had called out to him just as he had regained his mental fortitude and continued to the chair. You would be the fucking death of him and he didn’t think he would really mind. Now, as he laid here in bed with you trying to ignore the fact that you were shifting closer to him in your sleep, seeking his warmth, he closed his eyes. He had anticipated the pure fury of tonight keeping him awake, but instead it was the fact that he could feel your breath on his neck, that if he turned his head back to you he could still make out your absolutely gorgeous feminine form from under the blankets. The dip in your waist and the curve of your hips, sloping into your soft thigh. Yoongi’s eyes shot open as he let out a soft hiss as he felt his member stiffen in his sweats, one large hand reaching down to palm himself, and he willed his hard-on to disappear.
He dropped his eyes again, confident he would get his bulge to go down without waking you, and as he tended to it, a soft small hand reached across his middle, making his forehead furrow. He tried to take a steadying breath, and tried to not imagine that the events of last night weren’t the reason he was in your bed. That you had just invited him to bed because you wanted him there, not for security but because you wanted him as a man to share your bed and body. That he could roll over to face you, slip his own hand up that oversized shirt and rub soft circles into your skin before slipping his hand down in-between your thighs.
Yoongi felt his cock twitch and himself harden further, forcing another deep breath in and out as he circled back to try and think of grotesque things to make his longing subside. You at least had stopped wriggling in the bed in an attempt to get closer; he was thankful for that. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter and tried to calm his heart and regulate his breath to make it possible for him to drift off.
This was going to be a long night.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
so. a thought ive been chewing over for a couple of days since rewatching 7.7 for the monster penny post
from like a national security perspective, penny really does not seem to make sense. general ironwood went to a team of top atlesian scientists and told them to come up with ideas for new tech to fight the grimm, and pietro was like: what if i build a little robot and put a human soul in it? and that’s the project that got funding.
which is bananas.
leaving aside that penny herself is a human being with intrinsic worth—the proposal for penny amounted to a proposal to sink huge amounts of time, money, and materials and mutilate the soul of a top atlesian scientist in order to build one (1) robotic super-soldier, and then if the prototype even worked out (not a guarantee) you have the problem of not being able to manufacture more because, how many people are going to be willing to rip out bits of their souls to do this. as a military investment it’s just not practical
(i think it’s honestly understandable for watts to be pissy about this, ngl)
anyway at first i kinda put this down to: atlas is a culture of prototypes and spectacle, all the tech is shiny and new and cool but wildly impractical, of course ironwood would go for the drama of a sentient robot—
if the atlesian military weren’t already researching aura around the time pietro submitted the penny proposal it must at least have been a subject of intellectual discussion—partial removal of the human soul was considered plausible enough that pietro didn’t get laughed out of the room for suggesting it—and ironwood had a very good reason for choosing to put all his eggs in the proverbial basket of the penny project, didn’t he?
because if you can take a piece of someone’s soul and stick it in a robotic vessel to get a super-soldier with the durability and firepower of a machine but the fighting prowess of a human hunter,
and if you can also put a maiden in a pod and vacuum her soul out of her body and stick it into someone else and thus control exactly who her magic is transferred to,
then eventually you can have four nigh-indestructible robotic maidens whose programming makes it literally impossible for them to betray you!
…except that as soon as penny goes from an abstract research proposal to being an actual alive human girl whose soul gives her pesky things like feelings and the capacity for free will that plan gets derailed because, well, the last thing you want is for there to be even a shred of a possibility for your nigh-indestructible robotic maiden to ever betray you, right.
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17wishbones · 3 years
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Here is the FINAL part (3) of Chapter VII: War’s End! So glad that you made it all to the end. A rather bittersweet sort of sensation but, it was fun writing this to the very end. I so wanted a happy ending, but I still sort of followed Rengoku’s path and cried my eyes out again but it was worth it. Again, this one I know I could write better so I’m going to work on it. Thank you all for reading through this and sticking with me. This was just so fun to do!
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                                      Chapter VII: War’s End
“Everyone ready to go?” Tanjiro asked his ‘lively’ crew.
Zenitsu was sitting with Nezuko who was comfortably set in her box. “Yep, yep! Me and Nezuko-chan are as ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Finally! I can get out and stretch my legs!” Inosuke shouted with glee as he grabbed his two blades.
“Hope you have room for one more.”
“Oh, sure, we do-- _____, is that. . . is that really you?”
“In the flesh.” You stepped through the doorway in just the uniform. Over the weeks, you garnered a leveled bob cut of your locs, an eyepatch over your left eye, and scars littering your arms and around your face. “I’ve missed you all so much.”
“COOOOOOK!!!” Inosuke bum-rushed you into a hug, sniffling loudly beneath his boar’s head. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?”
Zenitsu joined him, well, more like pushed him out of the way as he hugged you next. “____, WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!!”
“I’m so sorry for up and leaving just like that. There was a lot to process after the Mugen Train incident, and I didn’t want to muddle your healthy minds with my emotions. I wanted to be mentally strong for you guys.” 
‘Her scent is still sad. Of course, she has a reason to be. She lost Rengoku-san, and has had to cope with that loss on her own. I know how tough that can be, but I have Nezuko with me still. She doesn’t have any kin or home to return to. Demon slaying is all she has. . . and us.’ Tanjiro’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! You have us.”
“Hmm? What was that, Tanjiro?” You asked.
“We’re a family, isn’t that right, _____?”
His words surprised you, and it made your heart jump with joy. You looked at all four of them as a part of your family. There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them. “You’re absolutely right. That’s why I want to come with you. Besides, as a Hashira, it is but my civic duty to protect Kyōjurō’s juniors.” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you spoke fondly of him. “He was so ecstatic to have more apprentices under his belt. Therefore, I must follow in his footsteps and watch over you.”
“YEEEESS!! Having Cook with us will make traveling even better.”
Zenitsu frowned at him. ‘As if traveling with you has been anything pleasant.’
“Now, before we go. I want to see Senjuro. Did you relay the message to him already, Tanjiro?”
“Mhm. As soon as we got back, and when I was able to move. Do you want us to come with you? We’re heading through that direction anyway.”
“Perfect! Let’s be off then.”
You all travelled down to the Rengoku Estate, seeing Senjuro sweeping out of his home. He was caught off guard when you embraced him.
For a moment, there was silence as he held you back tightly, his eyes swelling with tears. Seeing him reminded you of all the times you spent together. The three of you were a team when you and Rengoku were training for the Final Selection. Senjuro, sweet and kind, had a quiet fire burning in him. He was going to be something amazing, just like his brother.
“Senjuro, how have you been? Are you alright?” You inspected him from his ember-tipped hair down to his sandals.
“I’m better now, after seeing you. You left in such a hurry, I was worried that you weren’t going to come back.”
“You’re stronger than I, Senjuro, and I wanted to be that for you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, _____. Are you leaving with Tanjiro and the others now?”
“Yes. I want to follow in your brother’s footsteps and protect those that I love and those that can’t protect themselves.” You knelt down, looking into his big, soft eyes. “I really wanted us to be together.” You said this, not knowing when death would knock at your doorstep. “I love you, Senjuro. I know you’ll be a great man in the future.”
“Mmm, I think I will be, too.” He hugged you one more time. “I love you, too, _____!”
You returned the favor before you both let go. You reached for your belt, pulling out a small box of goodies. “For you. Hope you like them. Take care, Senjuro.”
Your days, though filled with amazing memories, came to a close as you fell protecting the children. More than anything, you wanted them to succeed. Sacrificing yourself was the only way to win. It was a swift pain, a slow burn, and then darkness bled into your vision as your soul lifted towards the light and your warm, wavering aura vanished from your body.
You were sorry that you couldn’t stay as you walked halfway across the red bridge, spotting flame-tipped hair just over yonder. He peered over his shoulder, a proud smile spread on his handsome features as he held his hand out to you.
Over the red bridge did you both cross, fading into the distance.                                                          
                                       ( B O N U S - E N D I N G)
Summer had come and college was out! Most couldn’t wait to spend it goofing off on a beach, traveling across the States, or going right back into school a couple weeks later for summer courses. Many people had many things to look forward to, but you? You had woken up at the ass crack of dawn, taking in the morning air as you raced down the steps with your suitcase fully packed.
“Mom! Dad! Come on! We have to get the airport now! I can’t be late.” Your parents were so slow sometimes and that made you anxious. You could leave them here and catch a ride there or make it on your own but they were not having any of that.
“We’re coming, _____, we’re coming!” Your dad said with a mouthful of foaming toothpaste.
“You usually don’t wake up this early with this much energy.” Your mom added. 
“It’s not everyday you get to study abroad in the land of the Rising Sun! I have a day’s worth of traveling to do so I can always sleep later.” Yeah, you didn’t get any kind of sleep last night as you’d be spending most of it in the air.
You hurried them up and sped to the busy airport to meet with the group of classmates you were leaving with. You said your goodbyes to your parents, boarded the plane, and wished for a safe trip. 
As soon as service was offered, you grabbed a couple drinks, ate whatever they served in the trays, and knocked out until landing - save for the few bathroom trips -. 
Your horizon suddenly expanded the moment you walked out of Japan’s airport, looking around you in amazement. You had to keep murmuring to yourself, “Do not weeb out. I repeat, do not weeb out.” You loved anime, you loved Japanese culture, and you loved their idea of cuisine. Japan felt like the place for you.
“Okay everyone, please come together,” spoke your sweet, endearing Japanese princess of a teacher, Mayamoto-sensei. “We’ll be heading two hours out by bus to Kimetsu Daigaku (Kimetsu University). Rest up and be ready for a little surprise set up by a few students who were interested in meeting you guys soon after arrival.”
You internally squealed with glee. You weren’t dressed up for the occasion but who was going to tell you that you couldn’t wear a pair of sweats on the ride there. With your short locs retwisted and your good outfits packed, you were set to go!
So set that you were the first off the bus and getting your things out. “This is going to be a great experience, I know it!” 
“Nn! I agree!” 
“Oh my god!” You jumped, scared by the booming voice beside you. “Oh… oh my god.” You had laid eyes on one of the most unique men you had ever had the pleasure of gazing upon. He was different, what with his flame highlighted tips, dazzling eyes, and charming smile. 
“Yes. . .?” He slowly stood, his eyes never leaving yours once locked. This man, a vocal and expressive man, was left speechless. He ogled you for much longer than he’s ever done, going over your brown skin, your brown eyes, your short locs, everything! He immediately bowed before you, introducing himself. “Konnichiwa! Rengoku Kyōjurō to moushimasu! Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu!” (Formal: (Hello!) I’m called Rengoku Kyōjurō! Nice to meet you!)
Your eyes bugged out of your face. ‘Shit! Wasn’t he speaking English a minute ago? Okay, okay, what did he say?’ You looked back to see your sensei and the students watching the two of you interact. This was not how you kept yourself out of weeb trouble. Hell, you were still trying to figure out what his fine ass said so fast.
“Onamae wa, nan desu ka?” (Polite: What’s your name?)
You sighed, being able to understand that. “Watashi no namae wa… _____ _____ desu. Doozo yoroshiku.” (Casual: My name is _____. Nice to meet you.)
‘_____?’ He eyed you for a second longer before he placed his hands on his hips, smiling wide from ear to ear. “Very good, _____! I’m Rengoku Kyōjurō, and I am with a few classmates to meet you all. Welcome to Kimetsu University!”
“Woooow, his English is so good.” You thought. Aloud.
“Thank you! I have been learning since elementary! Your pronunciation is good, but your flow is slow. However, I am sure you will improve after being here for a month!” 
‘Oh, thanks for putting me out there!’ You smiled nervously. This handsome, wild man was nothing like you had expected. “That’s what I’m hoping for as I’d like to work, live, and travel here in the future.”
“Is that so?” He faced you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Be my student!” Your mouth, along with the others, dropped at his proposal. You looked to your sensei for help, and she encouraged it with an approving nod and smile. “Great, then it’s settled! You’ll be fluent in Japanese in no time!” He looked off to the distance, laughing loud as you smiled in confusion.
(Modern AU Sequel coming SOON!) - - - - - - - - - Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII (Part 1) / (Part 2) / (Part 3)
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spider-boy1989 · 4 years
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Roy was a intelligent, educated man. At least, that’s what he would never stop bragging about whenever he met someone new. It’s all he talked about around the water cooler too. He wanted everyone else to know how dumb they were in comparison to him. One day, I had enough and decided I needed to take him down a few pegs. I will say I also could gain a lot from him being out of the way, as I was his competition for a promotion.
Anyway, back to the main event! See, Roy was hot, and I had always considered asking him on a date, but his pompous attitude and need to be the smartest man in the room always stopped me. We both are gay, so I figured...why not make him more my type? I was 34, and as hot as Roy was, my usual type was a young himbo. If I could build my perfect man AND get the promotion ive fought years for in one go??? Amazing.
The company we work at was working on a lot of new technology. I’ll spare you the details on all of them, but in order to tell you this story, I need to tell you about at least two. The first one is a new kind of subliminal message. See, the old way didn’t work as well as advertisers had previously thought. So they needed a better option to get people to buy, buy, buy. It was the same idea-messages just below the surface of a commercial, but this time it was changed to be an adaptable frequency that targeted specific parts of the brain. I switched out all his music from his music library(...he didn’t stream his music, he bought all of it...such a boomer.). I waited patiently for results as I programmed him to act dumber, more immature, and to care less about what people thought of him. I wasn’t sure it was working until one day I walked in on him taking a selfie. He wasn’t dressed in his usual sharp manner- he looked like a frat boy.
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“Hey Roy. Whatcha doing?” I smirked as he was completely unphased at being caught taking a selfie when he had left a meeting to ‘go to the bathroom’
He smirked right back.
“I’m just takin some pics for Insta... I’m trying to hookup tonight and I figure maybe a thirst trap will do the trick.”
I laughed. “When did you start an Instagram??”
“Like, last night, dude. I dunno. I’ve been feeling myself lately and I just wanted a place to show off this sexy body!”
“I mean it is pretty sexy. Not gonna lie. You’re still not quite my type, but I love the new energy.”
“What new energy bro?? I’m just bein myself!”
“Of course! Why don’t we head back to the meeting...dude?” I guided the dumber Roy back to the meeting. It was his turn to propose something for the new campaign, and he completely didn’t give a shit. He hadnt prepared. He cursed, he talked about how he didn’t wanna be here. Of course, they put him on leave, assuming he was having a mental breakdown. That’s what brings me to the second thing. I guess our company doesn’t technically make it- we’re ad men, not scientists.
Anyway, one of the companies we work for was working on a drug that would completely change a persons body. It didn’t just make you younger, it changed your dna. It made you permanently younger. As you can imagine, it wasn’t too difficult to convince the newly dumb Roy to take it. He didn’t even ask questions once I told him I’d have sex with him. So now Roy was being programmed to be dumber, and boy, is he a dumb himbo now, and being turned into a much younger man who looks nothing like Roy. So it was easy for me to convince him he wasn’t Roy.
“What do you mean dude?? I think I’d remember my own name haha”
“That’s not your name, Ronny! I’m telling you. You know you’re my cute little himbo boyfriend, right?”
He nodded his head obediently.
“Good boy...well, I think since I’m the smartest one in the room I can safely say, your name is Ronny.”
“You’re right daddy hahaha. Sorry for the mixup. I guess I just had a brain fart.” After saying fart, he started to laugh way harder than any smart person would at the word fart. I smirked “it’s okay, boy. We all make mistakes. I’m glad to have you to help around the house and it helps you have a big...” I smirked and rubbed the front of his pants, causing him to moan.
“Please more...” he begged.
I can’t say no to him, so I reached around and played with his hole a bit. “Such a nice hole, too, Ronny boy.” I had complete control of him, just by getting him aroused now.
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So, that’s how I got Ronny here. He works as my intern now. I think everyone knows how he got the job, but Ronny doesn’t mind that. All Ronny wants is to make me happy, work out, and have sex. And sometimes get me coffee, and occasionally get me off at work. He calls me daddy at work and I’m not sure the other interns know he’s not calling me daddy cause I’m his father. I got the promotion, I got the guy, I guess a gay man in his 30s really can have it all. Cant say the same for annoying loud 50 year olds who cross me, though!
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faunrasthewinterelf · 4 years
Calm After the Storm Pt.2
And So it Begins
I’m actually excited for this? like I’m so nervous, but here we go! here's roughly 4047 words that ive written and agonized over for you Maribat lovers!
please let me know what you guys think!
Marinette Cheng meets Richard (Dick) Grayson at the start of the tour of Wayne Enterprises. She’s outside, leaning against the tall form of Chloe Bourgeois, her best friend who had shot up like a damn weed in the past year, and trying her best to stay awake. While everyone else in the class had gotten to adjust to the time zone change, Marinette and Madame Bustier had gone over to the Martha Wayne Foundation building to settle the scheduling and award intricacies. She had also seen a photo of her biological paternal grandparents for the first time, which had been nice.
But today. Today was tiring and it wasn’t even 8:30 yet. It was cold, which isn't helping her attempts at staying awake, even though she had on a newer, thicker outfit, bundled up tight to ward off the cold that was seeping into her bones and irritating her side. Damn Ladybug Effects
Marinette was trying her hardest to leech the warmth from Chloe while the two waited for Lila ‘Oh, my ankle hurts, I must have twisted it!’ Rossi to limp her way off the bus. The rest of the class and Madame Bustier were all behind the liar. Which meant Marinette was in the cold, and THAT was commonly known as a bad idea at this point. Chloe was huffing as she kept an arm wrapped around Marinette’s looking ready to murder Lila. Listening to the Italian girls lies was a staple for their lives at this point, and Marinette couldn't help a sarcastic,
“And so it begins.”
Chloe snorted at that, wrapping her arm around her tiny friend’s shoulders, rubbing her back, before the blonde snarled at another shiver from Marinette, and just dragged the poor girl inside to wait. 
Getting inside is a blessing, and as the warmth hits Marinette, she lifts her face away from where it was squished against Chloe’s arm to keep her nose warm. 
Almost immediately, Marinette is digging through her bag for her small sketchbook to start jotting down ideas from the lobby alone. Chloe, on the other hand, starts fishing out the NDA’s the class had signed that morning from Marinette’s bag, and begins flipping through them to make sure that everyone’s was accounted for. The two girls settle into the couches by the entrance waiting for the rest of the class.
After a couple minutes, Lila walks through the door, (wow, her ankle is already better!), and smiles around at her surroundings, looking as if she just walked into a loved home rather than a building she’s never been to. Her eyes light up as she smirks, before turning to her loyal followers friends, and though Chloe and Marinette can’t hear what she’s saying, they can imagine.
Madame Bustier frowns at the two girls on the seats to the side as she approaches the front desk, but is quickly distracted by the secretary as the two begin discussing the tour, and its itinerary. Lila and her group have navigated to the other side of the lobby, away from Marinette and her friends, thankfully, but are talking loudly, interrupting people as they enter the building. From the corner of her eye, Marinette can practically see Adrien frowning in hers and Chloe's direction, can practically feel his disapproval.
Just as she is finishing shading in a particularly pretty flower in a planter, one of the elevators to her right dings. A rather tall man steps out, straightening his tie, a clipboard tucked under his arm. He looks to be roughly 6’2 and is dressed in a white button down tucked into plain black slacks, with a nice pair of black shoes. He glances over at their loud wayward class before spotting Madame Bustier and heading over to the secretaries desk to join her. Marinette nudged her friend, who looked up from the NDA’s, adjusting the Miraculous on her head as she looked up.
“Looks like the tour is starting soon,” the bluenette is already standing, slipping her coat off to drape over her bag. Chloe eyes their classmates, as if debating whether or not they actually would be starting soon and if it was worth standing up, before sighing and giving in, getting to her feet.
“Then let’s go give Madame Bustier her paperwork, she seems a bit frazzled about it missing.” and indeed she did. Their red headed teacher was shifting through her bag at a frantic rate, clearly worried about something. Marinette shook her head. Madame Bustier had asked Marinette to collect the files for her, she should remember that her class representative had them. The teacher had been foisting a lot of responsibility on Marinette this trip. Already, Chloe had to step in and help her unpack her bags after Madame Bustier had sent Marinette to sort out the rooms of the hotel, and then dragged her to the MWF Building as soon as the small class rep had handed out the room keys to everyone else, and had helped with the NDA’s earlier that morning.
Marinette took the file folder from Chloe as they walked over and she waited patiently beside her panicking teacher for a moment, before clearing her throat to catch Madame Bustier’s attention, holding out the folder for her to take.
“Oh, Marinette, thank you, I thought I had these with me!” Madame Bustier then spun around, handing over the folder, without checking inside, to the gentleman who had to be their tour guide. “Here you are Mr. Grayson, all the NDA’s, as requested! I must have left them on the table this morning!” she gave a charming smile before turning again, and hurrying over to the rest of her class to get everyone else's attention, leaving Chloe and Marinette with the tour guide.
As their teachers' voice rang out over her classmates, Marinette and Chloe shared a look between them. Chloe sighed as she followed after their teacher, and Marinette turned to the man beside her.
“Bonjour, my name is Marinette Cheng, are you the tour guide for today Monsieur…?” she smiled as she held out her hand which was quickly enveloped by his much bigger one,
“Richard Grayson Ms. Cheng! A pleasure to meet you, you’re the one who wrote the winning essay for the Martha Wayne Foundation right? Me and my family all read it! And yes, I am the tour guide today, we’re just waiting on your visitor badges, and then we’ll be on our way!” Richard’s smile was nearly overwhelming, the amount of words coming from him more so, but that wasn’t what had caused Marinette to freeze.
She hadn’t looked at any photos of the Wayne family since she heard about Cassandra Cain-Wayne’s adoption. Sure, she knew what they looked like, but that had been several years ago. Marinette hadn’t anticipated meeting her oldest adopted sibling so soon.
It was weird to talk with her brother Richard, without him knowing they were technically siblings. She shook the feelings off quickly, (years of an emotional terrorist did wonders for emotional control apparently) and allowed her smile to grow wider.
“Thank you Mr. Grayson! I hadn’t had much to do at the time, and the MWF scholarship to GU was worth the late nights! I’m flattered that you and your family liked it so much.” a box full of visitor IDs and lanyards were placed in front of them, and Marinette shot the receptionist, Ms. Keanes, a quick “Thank you!” before carrying them over to the class.
Chloe looked about ready for a nap as she watched over her class, all of them whispering to each other as Madame Bustier went over rules for the Tour. The red head seemed to be willfully ignorant of her class not listening as she spoke, and just smiled at Mr. Grayson as he and Marinette approached. Marinette shook her head as she began handing out the IDs, quick to snag hers and Chloe’s first, slipping both around her neck for the time being as Mr. Grayson began speaking.
She had to admit, her brother Richard seemed determined to give her class the best tour he could. He had notes and anecdotes on that clipboard of his, and he knew how to use them to get attention. Unfortunately, he just wasn’t as captivating as Lila, who had begun to spin another tale of ‘Oh, yes, I spent so much time in Gotham when i was younger that I’m practically a Gothamite! There’s this amazing restaurant nearby, we should go there for dinner tonight!’
By the time lunch rolled around and Richard had gotten the class into the cafeteria, he seemed to have lost most of his determination. Most of the class pushed past him, not even listening to his explanation about the Cafeteria, and his shoulders slumped as he stared after them. Marinette, who had been taking notes about as much as she could, felt a bit guilty for how he was being treated. Chloe had pulled out her tablet about a half hour into the tour and began working on MDC Business, and while Marinette knew Chloe had been listening, she had been focused on her work. 
“Mr. Grayson? I’m sorry for my class’s behavior, they’re just, excited, to be in Gotham and haven’t quite gotten it out of their systems yet.” Marinette reached out to tap him on the arm as she spoke, gently prodding him until he looked at her. She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile.
“I enjoyed the tour, there’s so much to learn, and I can’t wait to go to other floors after lunch! I’ve already jotted down several ideas in my sketchbook, so thank you!”
Richard smiled at her in thanks, eyes brightening a bit as he nodded at her, before fishing out his phone and turning away.
Marinette quickly linked arms with Chloe before walking into the large room, as she only needed space for her and Chloe, who had saved whatever proposal she had been going over as they searched. Once they found a good spot they went and joined the line for food. A few tables down from their spot, the class, who were back to loudly talking to each other and squealing about Lila’s ‘childhood sweetheart, I might be able to see him again! he took me to that restaurant I mentioned earlier as a date actually!’, and were all ignoring the looks that WE employee’s were shooting at them. Madame Bustier all but collapsed on a table for herself, and put in earbuds as she ate.
Marinette shook her head as she and Chloe walked past, getting into line for the small buffet style lunch available. Other employee’s were also entering the room, and while they did have an hour and half lunch, Marinette didn't want to wait too long and have to eat quickly. By the time the girls got their food of choice and sat down at the table they had spotted earlier, the line was quite long, and the rest of the class were at the end of it. They had a long wait.
Lunch passed in quiet, and for the most part she and Chloe just worked. Marinette on a commission Uncle Jagged had requested, one inspired by his hometown, and Chloe back to whatever she had been working on before. It was only interrupted by Mr. Richard Grayson asking to sit with them. He was picking at his food more than eating it, staring with furrowed brows at Madame Bustier and the rowdy class (It was an hour in and most of them had only just gotten food) 
“Madame Bustier is of the opinion that they’ll settle down after today.” Her voice seemed to almost startle Richard, but he just turned to look at her, more confused as he asked,
“What? But, your class-”
“Bustier is next to useless when it comes to interventions. She probably won’t do anything about their behavior for a couple more days.” Chloe didn’t even look up from her work as she interrupted Richard, her scorn clear.
“What, M? It’s true and you know it! She’s treating this more like a vacation than a class trip.” This time the blonde glances over at the teacher, who still had her earbuds in. “She’s not even watching her class! She hasn’t looked up from her Audio Book since she sat down, Mari. I know we're all legal adults and graduated at this point, but it's still a school trip, not a celebration over Hawkmoth’s defeat! We're in one of the most dangerous cities in America, the least she could do is check that all her students are behaving.”
Before Marinette could respond, Richard cleared his throat, drawing their attention to him before he asking,
“Who’s Hawkmoth? What do you mean ‘celebrate his defeat?’ That makes him sound like a supervillain.”
Marinette and Chloe look at each other, before Marinette turns back to her brother the tour guide.
“That’s because he was Mr. Grayson. How didn't you know about him? He terrorized Paris for four years? Mayura, his accomplice helped for roughly three” 
Marinette knew it was due to a country wide media blackout and the French Government working with Paris’s governing body to suppress the news further to not put a damper on tourism, but surely something must have gotten out? After the JLE had decided to leave Hawkmoth to Ladybug and her team, she had figured they would at least issue a warning. Chloe chimes in with a tired voice, shoulders lowered and eyes blank,
“He would take control of someone and transform them into a monster using their own negative emotion, and in return, all they had to do was get the Ladybug’s earrings and the Black Cat’s ring. He did it by sending an Akuma, which is a corrupted butterfly, by the way, and they would possess an Item on the victim’s person. Ladybug and Chat Noir, and the others, had to locate and destroy the akumatized object so that Ladybug could purify it. There were normally 4 or 5 of them a week, though they got more frequent and powerful the month he was caught.”
“But, Thats- We would have known about it!” Richard seemed horrified, “The amount of damage that would have happened? Surely something would have gotten out!”
Marinette shook her head. “That's the thing Mr. Grayson, part of Ladybug’s powers, was that she could summon something she needed for the fight. When it was over, she could use her ‘Lucky Charm’ as it's called, to reset all the damage done by the akuma. The buildings got fixed, injuries healed, and many people who were killed were brought back.” She shared a small smile with Chloe,
“Hawkmoth was defeated earlier this year, just after school started. The Miracle Court took back his and his accomplices Miraculous, and both were placed into custody. Last I’d heard, Gabriel Agreste, Hawkmoth was given several life sentences, and Nathalie Sanceour, Mayura was in a high security medical facility for the damage her illness had done. The Court is staying active in Paris for the remainder of the year, but after, the JLE has asked them to either step down or leave Europe. They haven’t announced what they're going to do yet after the year is over.”
Before he could question the girls further, looking rather sour at something, Chloe’s phone alarm went off, meaning they had 10 minutes to clean up. Marinette quickly fished her phone out of her bag, and opened up the BugOut blog. Tilting her screen so Richard could see, she explained as best she could about it as Chloe cleaned up the table.
“This is the official Blog that was dedicated to Ladybug and her efforts. There's another one called the Ladyblog, but it's not the best anymore. Ladybug endorsed that blog for it’s professionalism and writing. It’s not active much anymore, but it’s got a good archive of everything, if you’re curious.”
He had opened his mouth to ask more questions, but then he froze. Marinette had flipped to a photo that showed a comparison of the Teams, and his eyes zeroed in on it. One shot of the current Court of Miracles, Ladybug, Testudo, Byakko, and Cheval Joli, one shot from two years ago with Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rogue, Carapace, and Queen Bee, and finally, one shot from the very beginning, of Ladybug and Chat Noir stood awkwardly in frame.
Marinette shook her head,
“Ladybug and Chat Noir were the first, they were somewhere around 13 or 14 when they started.”
Marinette left him after that. She had garbage to sort out and a plate to return. The two girls waited at the same entrance they came in from, seated on the couches by the door, watching as the class got up at 3:00 on the dot, and left their plates stacked on top of the garbage cans like they were in a fast food place, not a famous Enterprises cafeteria. Madame Bustier and Mr. Grayson joined them shortly after, Mr. Grayson rubbing at his forehead as he walked up.
The second half of the Tour seemed to stretch on for a while. Marinette’s side was beginning to go taught, and she could already tell that a massage and some painkillers would be involved in tonight's bedtime routine. She almost regrets leaving Tikki in their hotel room, the little goddess always healed her in little bursts to help with the pain, but Tikki had been just as tired as Marinette this morning, and the cold was affecting the little Ladybug Kwami harder, so she had left Tikki bundled up near the heater for the day. Besides, Chloe had hers with her, and Akuma’s weren’t a thing they had to worry about. Marinette really hadn’t seen the harm in letting Tikki rest for the day.
While Mr. Grayson (Please, Ms. Cheng, just call me Dick, I promise it’s my nickname, and I honestly prefer it) was watching the rest of her class, he had given up trying to keep their attention, and was basically just speaking directly to Chloe and Marinette, both of whom were paying attention now. The Business and Legal areas were something of great interest to the girls, as they were working together to maintain MDC, Chloe with the business side, and Marinette with the creative side/designing. The class behind the two girls, still wrapped in their own little world, completely missed the looks they were still getting from employees as they passed by workstations and offices.
The only time Madame Bustier intervened was when Alya had a particularly loud outburst, all but shouting out a loud “WHAT?? GIRL YOUR DATING DAMI-” before getting cut off by a sharp “Alya!” from the teacher.
But Marinette hadn’t been paying attention to Lila, her side had escalated from tight to aching, and was now rubbing at her side as she walked, her notebook away and her arm linked with Chloe’s as she wrote, trying to focus more on what Dick was saying rather than the pain.
Of course, with how this bit of the tour was going, Dick had noticed. During a particularly ‘exciting’ bit in whatever lie Lila was spewing, he quietly approached the girls.
“Hey, what’s up Marinette, (then in that case, please, call me Marinette “or Mari” Or Mari, thank you Chloe) are you alright?” 
It was startling, to be honest. Beyond Chloe, no one really ever noticed when she was in pain. It took her a second to respond.
“Yes, it’s alright, just, an old wound. It gets bad when it’s cold, and I’ve been walking a lot today.”
His worried eyes scanned over her, seeing how tense she was and how her hand didn’t stop doing small circular motions around the left side of her waist, just below her ribs, He was frowning, and his body screamed concern.
“Do you need a break? There’s a break area on this floor.” His voice was soft as he spoke, but, even though she was tired, getting a break or special treatment now would mean dealing with Lila and Alya later, even if would help with the pain.
“I’m alright, besides, there's barely an hour left, and then we're getting on a bus back to the hotel, I’ll be fine,” Marinette smiled, (was this what its like to have a sibling?)
“And I already made her take some of the Advil she carries with her” comes from the tall blonde next to her. Dick looks at them both like her wants to argue, eyes tight, before he nods.
“If you’re sure.”
Apparently, they weren’t taking a bus back to the hotel. Lila had convinced Madame Bustier to cancel the ride, and let them go to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Which meant the class would be walking back after. Marinette closed her eyes, rubbing at her side firmly as she listened to Lila, Chloe beside her, hip jutted out and arms crossed.
“My Damiboo took me there for a dinner date, it’s where he confessed! Oh it was so romantic, I would love to go eat there again!” her simpering was painful, she was even holding her hand to her chest like she was going to faint, but her other arm was entwined around Adrien’s, and her current boyfriend looked more bored than anything as she described her ‘childhood sweetheart’ As usual, the class was eating it up.
“Oh, Lila! That sounds so romantic!” Rose had her head against Juleka’s shoulder, a dopey grin on her face as she imagined the two on a romantic dinner date.
Alya had turned to Nino with a quirked eyebrow and a sly smile, “Why haven’t you done that to me huh?” before turning towards Madame Bustier.
“Please, may we eat there? It’d make Lila so loved, and she says the food is great! Who better to show us the good places than an honorary Gothamite?” Madame Bustier had already been nodding, happy to appease her class.
“Of course we can, It's not a far walk from here at all!” The class excitedly began chatting, but before they could all set out, Chloe finally intervened.
“Madame Bustier, we’re not supposed to eat out on Mondays, shouldn’t we head back to the hotel?” her words were met with silence, and she was quiet a moment, before continuing,
“Besides, Marinette’s side is beginning to hurt, she nee-”
A loud snort comes from Alya, who rolls her eyes. She looks Marinette up and down, scowling before biting out,
“Please, like she needs, anything! I can’t believe you think she was actually hurt! Everyone knows that Marinette's a bully Chloe, she’s just jealous of Lila, and lying for attention.”
It had been 2 years since she and Alya had been friends, but it still hurt when her old best friend said things like that. When Lila had threatened to take all her friends, Marinette hadn’t believed her. But here she was, all her friends gone, and the only reason she had Chloe at all is because they hadn’t been friends until Lila had everyone else on her side. Marinette and Chloe had sat together at the back of the class, and they’re neutral ‘ill watch your stuff if you watch mine’ had eventually become ‘well now I'd die for you.’ It was nice, having a friend in class again.
Lila, never one to miss a chance, hiccupped loudly before wrapping her arms around herself.
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause trouble, I jus-just wanted to b-be reminded of my Damiboo! I Haven’t-t see-en him in so long!” By the end of it, she had full blown sobs going, and the class closed ranks around her, comforting her while glaring at Chloe and Marinette. Adrien was frowning at Marinette again, eyes almost furious as he glared, and Madame Bustier just sighed.
“Marinette, please, can’t you see Lila needs this? Can’t you take one of your Advil so that we can help Lila? Remember, All the Marinettes of the world?”
She sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head, before agreeing. Chloe beside her started to protest again, but stopped when Mari put a hand on her shoulder.
“Alright Madame Bustier.”
“Thank you girls! Alright, Lila!” Madame Bustier clapped her hands a couple times, catching the classes attention,
“We're going to the restaurant!, Lila, why don’t you lead the way? I’m sure it’s lovely!”
Marinette was sure it was going to be hell.
Now, anyone wanna guess what Miraculous Chloe has? I tried to give hints! or does anyone want to try guessing who Testudo, Cheval Joli, and Byakko are? both have already been Miraculous holders, and the names will be expanded on!
If any one has any questions I’ll elaborate with as little spoilers as possible, Thank you all so much for your encouraging words and kind comments!
TAGLIST: @ aestheticnpoetic @ kitsunebell @ superbwhispersconnoisseur @ thewitchwhowaited @ junarvion @ liawinchester67 @ woe-is-me0 @ dorkus-minimus @ i-am-on-wattpad-2  @ atramentias @ togetherwekill @ ramos123 @ anjuschiffer @ thecc11andme @ poodapup @ mochegato @too0bsessedformyowngood
367 notes · View notes
kim-miri · 4 years
HALF(have a little fun) pt. iv
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→ one | two | three
→ Sayomi Zoldyck is the eldest child and twin sister to Illumi, of the renowned Zoldyck family of assassins. At the age of ten she’s taken away to Meteor City by her mother, Kikyo Zoldyck, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, as well as newborn Killua, and left to fend for herself. This is the story of the long-lost Zoldyck and those she becomes acquainted with, all while she just wants to have a little fun.
» part four / ?
» pairing: eventually - chrollo x oc x feat. hisoka
» warnings: swearing, blood/violence
» a/n: helloo~ this is my first write ever, and it’ll probably be a pretty long series. I’m also balancing school and a part-time job so forgive me for slow updates! If you’re reading this, thank you so much for showing interest and please leave comments below with your inputs!
» word count: 3,118
Name: Sayomi Zoldyck 小夜美 | "小" is small | "夜" is night | "美" is beauty |
Hair color: White
Eye Color: Purple
Nen: Manipulator (same exact abilities as Illumi)
Abilities: Same as Illumi Zoldyck - Body Alteration, Hypnotic Spell, Corpse Control, Needle People, Katana
☾iv. part iv: the mafia(1/2)
The ambience within the car was calm, or at least a calm for the situation at hand. 
Sayomi was curious about what kind of job she was being forced into, but at the same time, she wanted to maintain her composed facade by staying quiet.
She decided to start with a subtle question. “So… who exactly are you guys anyway?”
The man seated next to her answered without an ounce of hesitation, “The mafia.”
Well, shit. So much for a subtle question.
Sayomi was thrown off by the man’s response for the first time since they’d showed up.
The mafia… what would they want with a nobody from Meteor City? 
Her parents had often spoken of the Mafia. They had a reputation of harboring no-name assassins who’d overrun the market with their skill and mass numbers. 
No names… Mother once said that the most notorious criminals hailed from the dumps in Meteor City. Because… their records didn’t exist! They couldn’t be traced, but I wasn’t born there. Do they know that?
Sayomi was on edge now, having a vague idea of what they might be planning to do with her. “What, am I gonna be one of the Mafia’s little assassins now?”
The man smirked at her quick deduction abilities. “You’re a bright one I see, Sayomi Zoldyck.” His tone had roughed up at her last name.
He knows. 
“Well, seeing that you know who I am. You should also be aware that my family would never let me work for another group, right?”
He moved in his seat, turning to face her slightly as he sensed a long conversation. “And that’s why they left you here? Because they care about you?”
She grimaced at the hard truth behind his words.
In an attempt to hide her deflating ego, she replied an icy tone, “Don’t make assumptions. You people know nothing about my family.”
The man let out a monotonous laugh. “Ms Zoldyck, I’m not trying to start a fight here. We didn’t take you to use against your family or anything of that sort. We simply came to recruit our next line of assassins...  and what a coincidence! The family we were following called one day to say they had a proposal for us, and that’s where you came in. It was just the luck of our draw that you happened to stumble upon the exact family of who would’ve been our next assassin.”
The man continued, “So please, rest assured we will not attempt to harm you or notify your family of your whereabouts. That would only be bad for both of us, correct?”
Sayomi nodded in defeat. She hadn’t stopped to think about the possibilities of her captors being a group so far up the food chain.
It’s true I don’t exactly want to go back home anyway. Maybe I’ll stick around and see what happens.
Sayomi closed her eyes as she leaned up against the cool glass of the window. Her head was throbbing from the sudden onset of overwhelming information, and all she wanted now was to let herself drift off into sleep.
Noting the lack of words from the teen beside him, the man made quiet movements to revert back to his original position, opting to stare out the window as the remainder of the car ride went without another word.
Deep in her dreams, Sayomi felt an emotion she hadn’t experienced since she was abandoned. 
☾ iv.
Inside Sayomi’s dreams.
Sayomi looked down at herself to see she was wearing the kimono she had on the day her mother left her. There’s no way it could still fit her now, having grown almost half a foot, but there she was.
Fine, black silk ran elegantly down her shoulders, arms, and body. The silver accents shone like moonlight reflecting off of her form, while a shocking violet color made up the wrap around her waist.
“Sayomi! Get your head out of the clouds! If I beat you this time I’m taking your new daggers!”
Her head whipped up at the familiar squeaky voice. “Illumi?” she mumbled.
At the sound of his name, the boy turned back towards her, mid-run. The wide smile on his face was replaced by a frown as he noticed Sayomi’s perplexed expression.
Sayomi said nothing, however, only running towards her twin as she reached out to envelop her ever 10 year old brother in a hug.
But upon contact with Illumi, he vanished into thin air, taking the familiar scene of the courtyard away with him.
In a split second, she was back in Meteor City. 
Sayomi blinked twice before slumping down into the sickening piles of junk and filth, sobbing as the absence of her other half sparked her back into reality.
“Ms Zoldyck”, a man’s voice echoed through her dreams.
“Ms Zoldyck”, once again and she opened her eyes-
☾ iv.
Sayomi blinked several times, spotting the reflection of herself slumped against the car door in the window. 
It was much brighter now, the sun having risen far overhead while she had been asleep.
She squinted at the scenery whizzing by outside the window, sighing in defeat when she failed to recognize her new surroundings.
“Good Morning Ms Zoldyck. We have about a half an hour left to our destination.” 
Bidding a slurred ‘good morning’ to the voice in return as she stretched her limbs, a weight dropped in her chest as she remembered why she was here.
Making use of the time left before her arrival, Sayomi attempted to wake herself further as she mentally prepared for the events to come.
15 more minutes in, and the nature that made up the scenery outside began to clear as Yorknew City came into view.
Worries aside, Sayomi stared at the rapidly approaching city in awe. She had yet to have visited Yorknew City, as her parents had felt she wasn’t ready for the big jobs yet. 
But now she faced the megacity at last. She couldn’t help but feel excited at the thought of being in the bustling city of Yorknew on her own.
She was like a teenager who had snuck out to the mall while her parents were at work. 
There was something so exhilarating about going against her parents’ words, even if it was unintentional. In the back of her mind, she felt crazy for cracking a smile in the situation she was in, but the 16 year old side of her ignored it as she let herself enjoy the moment.
Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought.
☾ iv.
Arriving at their destination, the three black cars pulled up in front of a luxurious hotel.
Sayomi looked up at the building in awe, her breath fogging up the glass as she gaped at the forever extending floors of the hotel.
The driver of her designated car stepped out, followed by the man on her left. 
Rounding about the back of the car, the man opened the door on Sayomi’s side, gesturing for her to exit the vehicle.
She quickly obliged, slinging her katana over her shoulder as the men from the other two cars accompanied her into the lobby.
Sayomi was once again awestruck by the interior of the hotel, everything around her seeming to scream ‘high-class’ and ‘wealthy’. It was a stark contrast to the rags she wore, having no other clothes besides the now tiny kimono she’d left back at Meteor City.
Although the mansion was without a doubt far larger and much pricier than the hotel in which she stood, Sayomi was mesmerized by the people, walking around or sitting in groups, their friendly bonds shining through the crowds.
Back at home, Sayomi’s only ‘friends’ had been Illumi and the butlers. She had yet to experience what it was like to have real friends, her parents seeing them only as a distraction to her job.
She was pulled away from her thoughts as one of the men nudged her to keep walking, the group making their way to the elevators. 
Stopping in midway through the hall in wait of an elevator, the man who had been sitting next Sayomi in the car spoke up, “Welcome to your new temporary home, Ms Zoldyck.”
Home? I get to stay in this classy hotel? 
The man broke through her thoughts once again, “As I told you before, as long as you behave and prove to be a valuable asset to us, we will treat you with the utmost respect.”
Sayomi made brief eye contact with the man, still wary of the offputting kindness they were showing her. Nevertheless, she nodded, not wanting to ruin the rare opportunity.
A loud ding signified the arrival of their elevator, and the same man accompanied Sayomi into the elevator, the rest of the members turning to head back out of the building. 
Inside the elevator, the man held two buttons down at the same time, the top two floors: 49 and 50. Sayomi tilted her head, curious of the maneuver. “Why two floors?” she asked.
The man looked over his shoulder at her, raising his eyebrows at her question.
“It’s a secret floor. For the Mafia and our hired assassins. Just above the 50th floor.”
Sayomi’s mouth formed a round O, clearly impressed by the revelation of a secret floor. Just how influential are these people? They have their own floor and everything.
The two of them waited in silence for the remainder of the time, only moving when the elevator arrived at their floor. 
Sayomi followed the man out into the hallway ahead, mindlessly reading the different room numbers as they passed her by. 5102… 5104… 5106… 5108-
“Alright Ms Zoldyck, this will be your room for the time being. Inside you’ll find a uniform along with any other supplies you’ll be needing while we’re here. I’ll come back in about half an hour to get you started on the job, so in the meantime please change into the uniform and get settled.” And with that, the man handed Sayomi a room key while explaining how the elevators were locked, meaning she couldn’t escape.
Accepting the room key, Sayomi hummed in agreement before entering her new room.
Room # 5110
Two steps into the room, her heart raced with excitement at the view in front of her. 
The room itself wasn’t the impressive part, being a small square with a bed and bathroom. It was the view from the large window in front of her that made her exclaim in delight.
Having grown up on Kukuroo mountain with only the occasional trip to the outside world, the vast city and its bustling streets made Sayomi swoon, her heart restless for a chance to explore the beautiful city.
Noticing the uniform hanging in the closet as mentioned, Sayomi made quick work to change into the fresh set of clothes, ditching her rags.
It was a classic black suit with black dress shoes, matching the clothes of the men that had accompanied her here from Meteor City. The change in outfits restricted the usual placement of her band of needles, and she opted to tuck the band into her pocket instead. 
A knock on her door interrupted the silence, as the man asked through the door if she was ready to begin the job.
She replied with a “yes”, moving to sling her katana over her shoulder as she exited the room.
☾ iv.
“When we don’t have specific targets for you, this will be your job.” the man started to say.
Sayomi stared at the walkie talkie now in her hands. 
“You’ll be staged as a bodyguard for the VIPs that visit the hotel. It’s nothing hard, just a deal we keep with the management to keep our floor up here a secret” he continued.
She nodded in understanding. A bodyguard, huh. Maybe I’ll at least get some action this way.
“Ah, right. The walkie talkie I gave you will notify you of incoming VIP clients. All you have to do is accompany them with your assigned team to their room, where you’ll stand guard either inside or outside. 50 percent of the time the VIP will have a few assassins after them, but the other 50 percent stay and go with no problems.” He started walking back up the hall to the elevators.
Sayomi followed closely behind, asking a question once she stepped into the elevator. “For those 50 percent- the ones targeted by assassins, I mean. Is it fair game to kill their attackers?”
The man laughed out loud. “But of course, disposing of any attackers would only mean a safer client. Do as you wish as long as the VIP’s safety is ensured.”
The assassin blood that ran through Sayomi’s veins was bleeding through. It seemed her inevitable instinct to kill would always resurface, no matter how sympathetic or innocent she tried to become.
Back down at the hotel’s lobby once again, Sayomi now blended in with the numerous other bodyguards dressed in black suits. 
Sayomi’s escort pointed towards the main entrance of the hotel. “Ms Zoldyck, you’ll be stationed with Team 3 over by the fountain right outside. Introduce yourself or don’t, just stand posted until your team is dispatched through the walkie talkies.”
Before she could even respond, the man took off walking back to the elevators, leaving Sayomi to find her way to her post.
Wow, alright then.
Sneering at the man’s abrupt exit, Sayomi tied back her hair, taking a second to compose herself before walking out to the fountain to join her team.
Finding the line of bodyguards quite literally stationed in front of the fountain, the man’s instructions echoed in her head as she decided on the latter, keeping from introducing herself.
The team now had 6 members with the addition of Sayomi, and the others took a moment to size up their new member.
Sayomi did likewise, glancing down the row of suit-clad bodyguards. There were 4 men and 1 other woman, all of them looking to be around their mid-20s. 
Talk about a let down, they’re all at best D-ranked assassins.
Unimpressed at the lack of powerful auras amongst her new allies, Sayomi’s shoulders slumped as she turned to face the busy street with a lack of enthusiasm.
Figuring out a way to pass the time, Sayomi settled for analyzing the hundreds of people that walked by. She was curious about the so-called urban culture she had heard so much about from Ayame back in Meteor City.
Though Sayomi wasn’t completely detached from society, she had still spent a large portion of her life either trapped in the mansion or, recently, in Meteor City. This being, she was fascinated by the little things, such as the different types of clothing people in the city wore, or the billboards and neon signs that began to light up the streets as evening fell upon Yorknew City. 
I wonder what I’d look like if I wore a dress like that… nah but it’s probably impossible to run in anyway.
Looking down at the modest outfit she wore and back to the woman passing by wearing a rather revealing dress, she pouted. 
It must be nice to be able to enjoy the nightlife in a city like this. Maybe when i’m older-
The static sounds of her team’s walkie talkies cut through her thoughts, finally dispatching their assignment for the next few days.
“Team 3. VIP client Adachi Yuto is arriving in less than one minute. The vehicle is a black Maserati and the assigned room will be 4823. Current stay will be 3 days.” 
In unison, Sayomi and the rest of the team straightened their postures, now on alert while they awaited the VIP’s arrival.
Right on time at about a minute later, a black Maserati pulled up to the curb in front of the team. A few of the members began walking towards the car, and the rest including Sayomi followed suit.
The driver opened the door to the backseat in front of them, and a man looking to be in his early 20s stepped out, thanking the driver. 
Must be the VIP.
Her fellow bodyguards started to move almost automatically, forming a circle around the young man. Sayomi quickly found her spot in the formation, walking behind the VIPs right side as the group made their way into the hotel.
Her team seemed to be far experienced, as they walked straight to the elevators without another word or break in formation. It was a silent trip up to floor 48, the VIP remaining occupied on his phone for the entirety of the ride.
Once arriving at room 4823, one of the bodyguards finally spoke, addressing the VIP. “Mr. Yuto, would you like any of us to accompany you inside?”
The VIP politely declined, only looking up from his phone to briefly thank the team for their hard work.
With the VIP turning in for the night, the 3 day timer began for the team. They would take turns in pairs, staying posted outside the VIP’s room, the others going to get rest before switching in once again. 
One of the men volunteered to take the first shift, along with the other woman in group, leaving the rest of them to rest until their shifts came around. 
Sayomi was paired with one of the remaining men to take the next shift. He was a stocky, sturdy-looking man, most likely one of the older members of the group from the signs of age evident in his facial features. 
Agreeing to come back around to the post 15 minutes prior to their shift, the two returned to their rooms on the 51st floor.
☾ iv.
Sayomi flopped down onto her bed upon returning to her room.
Man, this job is getting boring already. 
Glancing at the clock on the wall, she decided to get some rest while she could. She had about 4 hours until the shift change, her break being in the most inconvenient time frame. 
Sayomi’s shift would be in the dead of night, from 1 am to 5 am. 
Not bothering to move underneath the blankets or even untie her hair, Sayomi fell into a deep sleep with her legs dangling off the side of the bed. Her mind and body were both exhausted from the day’s past events, and all she wanted now was to move on from what’d already occurred. 
Because the past isn’t important… right?
That’s what she chose to believe for now, but she also knew in the back of her mind that sooner or later the past would come back and find her. 
☾ iv.
to be continued.
a/n: my taglist is open!
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Podcasting "Disneyland at a stroll"
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This week on my podcast, I read parts four and five of my Medium series on “amusement parks, crowd control, and load-balancing” — “Expectations management” and “Disneyland at a stroll.”
“Expectations management” runs down the techniques that Disney uses to move — and hold — crowds in the parks. This is an old conundrum (think of PT Barnum’s “This way to the egress” signs”) but Disney’s versions are a mix of sophistication and deceit.
Disney queue spaces are reconfigurable, with out-of-sight spillover areas that can be opened or closed as needed, so that from outside the ride, the queue always seems to be long enough to signal something fun, but not so long as to seem like a penance to wait in.
And Disney uses subtle design cues, like adding or removing detail, to pull you through its built environments. The more detailed something is, the more you’re drawn to it.
(Tokyo Disney Sea, with its incredible, uniform, fetishistic, gorgeous detail, is actually kind of disorienting — I inevitably find myself following an intriguing side-path until it dead-ends in a service entrance.)
That’s in addition to tried-and-true midway techniques, like setting up tall, eye-catching “weenies” (like Space Mountain’s spires) that can be seen a long way off and that draw crowds to them.
But in addition to all this fascinating design thinking, Disney also does something quite blunt and a little bit off-putting: They lie about how long the lines are, deliberately padding wait-times as a means to discouraging people from entering parts of the parks.
This paternalistic tactic actually opens a space for a countermeasure. Apps like Touring Plans’ “Wait Times” display the actual wait times alongside the official ones, and you can get “bargains” — sliding into a line billed as 70 minutes, knowing you’ll get through in 17.
In Part VI, “Disneyland at a stroll,” I try to pull together all the threads from the series and talk about what Disney’s demand- and crowd-management techniques have done to the “structure of feeling” engendered by a day in the park.
The neoliberal age urges us to become self-Taylorizing time-and-motion tyrants of our own lives, to become entrepreneurial brands whose unproductive cars become Ubers, unproductive hobby rooms become Airbnbs, unproductive leisure is spent as a Mechnical Turk.
The texture of a day under these conditions is uniform: rush, rush, rush. Did back-to-back Zooms cost you the interstitial email-answering moments you used to get between meetings? Just work Saturdays!
We need a respite. Time away from work has been a labor demand since the Bronze Age prophets declared the Sabbath. Our grandparents demanded “eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep and “eight hours for what we will.”
Rather than offering a respite from this pace, Disney parks match and exceed it. The demand-management techniques Disney employs increasingly require you to script your day up to six months in advance, down to the minute.
“A day at Disney is more like a skydiving excursion than a day in the park. You should expect physical challenges, you’ll need to do a lot of prep work, it will be expensive, and there will be a high degree of regimentation.”
In the article, I argue that Disney’s high-intensity thrill rides, and our high-intensity lives, would benefit from texture, from a variety in pace and intensity — from a time to stroll as well as race from place to place.
I offer some examples of Disney attractions that managed this (the late, lamented Adventurer’s Club), and propose some ways that role-play and other kinds of play can be woven into a Disney day.
I discuss the idea of treating people “as sensors, rather than as things to be sensed” and imagine an app that is about Disney revealing its offerings to you, rather than insisting on, and then gathering, your plans.
This was a fun podcast to record, not least because it’s the 400th (!) episode of my podcast, which I started at Mark Pesce’s urging in 2005.
It was also great to get a chance to acknowledge and thank John Taylor Williams for his decade+ of editing, mastering and production. He’s the reason I’m still at it.
Here’s the MP3 for the podcast (hosting by the Internet Archive, they’ll host your audio for free, forever, too!):
And here’s the RSS feed for the podcast:
And here are links to all six Medium articles:
I. Are we having fun yet? https://gen.medium.com/b-are-we-having-fun-yet-part-i-4c7ef0ce9ee5
II. Boredom and its discontents: https://doctorow.medium.com/boredom-and-its-discontents-part-ii-95b10f8d6041
III. Now you’ve got two problems: https://doctorow.medium.com/now-youve-got-two-problems-part-iii-45e1328c5ae1
IV: Managing aggregate demand: https://doctorow.medium.com/managing-aggregate-demand-part-iv-8d2022a5125b
V. Expectations management: https://doctorow.medium.com/expectations-management-part-v-2ad8183fd1ce
VI: Disneyland at a stroll:
Image: Evan Wohrman https://www.flickr.com/photos/lyght55/51200454472/
CC BY-SA: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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