#31 days of freakblr
pastara-cell · 27 days
Freakblr day 23!! (I think? Too lazy to fish for the image today LOL)
My opinion on drake!!:
Good god, I love drake. In no way do i ever want it to be canon, ever, its toxic and theres a dynamic between the two that tells me that things after the drakeup would and could never be the same. However, Its the toxic-devotion character arc that drew has, and jake slowly drifting off, and neither of them can help it. Its doomed from the start, and good god do I love toxic, doomed character relationships. They portray it in such a good way, so subtly yet so obviously when you look into it. 10/10 writing, therefore, 10/10 ship that i’d never want to see in the canon
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jakesterling · 2 months
guys i dont have a freakblr blog thats special to me.. :sob:
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mixed-up-media · 1 month
Freakblr Day 9
Something I like about the Jomies/Dromies: The chaos that the just are. The Jomies are chaotic little gremlins, and I love that. They're constantly having a good time together. I think it's cute they have that little friendship.
Something I dislike: THEY'RE BULLIES! Honestly! Look, I feel like in real life, Henry would be the one getting bullied cause he's a weeb, but that's not what's in the show. They hurt people! The club, poor Elliot, there's probably more! Look, I like to watch them cause they are interesting, but sometimes it feels like people ignore the fact that these guys are bullies.
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crescent-rolls4 · 2 months
listing my favorite characters for day 2 of freakblr month 🔥🔥
Hailey, Jake, Milly, and Zander <33
*sigh* i love them
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sweetzscore · 2 months
Okay uhh freakblr month day 2-
My favourite characters uhhh
Milly, Sean, Liam, Daisy, Sadie, Jake and… *sighs* Luke
Im sorru I love our favourite white boy <//3
And Oreo ofc
I probaly have other favourites but I fuxking forgor
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So this post is for Day Five of Freakblr Month, and I'm putting it on here because I just KNOW it's gonna be a long one. One I may end up getting analytical with. Sorry for being late lol, and without further adieu:
Now, I will say, Jake is one of my favorite characters. In my top five for sure. I think he just has a wonderful storyline and great character development.
I have been in a Jake type situation before. Torn between two friends, not wanting to choose, but having to. I relate heavily to it. Jake learning how his attempts to stay neutral really just hurt everyone in the situation is so well done.
I like him realizing that just because he cares about Drew and all of them, doesn't mean he can excuse their actions and let them hurt his other friends. I
His arc of not only knowing that he's been wrong to not say anything, to actually doing something about it, it's amazing. It's the way I aspire to be.
I also like how he actually owned up to his actions, and apologized for real. So often in media we see the main character do something wrong, be sad about it, and the side characters end up being the ones who have to apologize. For being upset, even if it's justified. So to see Jake be the one to fight for them, and to apologize. To see an MC actually be accountable? It's great, and so refreshing.
Finally, I really like Jake's humor. He's actually really fucking funny. And a lot of his lines make me chuckle to myself. Witty Jake is best Jake.
Jake is quite a flawed character. So there are a lot of things I could probably nitpick and find to say for this category. But at the root of it all, the thing I dislike most about Jake (and a lot of characters int he series, but this is about Jake rn), is his lack of communication.
I love this boy, but he is unable to healthily communicate for shit.
He constantly pushes down his own wants and needs, his own feelings. All in favor of trying to make others happy. To attempt to keep peace.
The issue is, this only causes Jake himself to build a slow resentment towards the people around him. We see it when he explodes at Drew during the Drakeup. That slow building anger at Drew, for something he didn't even realize was an issue for Jake. (Parallel to Drew, and his slow building resentment to Jake for abandoning him, but we're not talking about that rn).
So by attempting to disregard his own feelings to make others feel better, he only intensifies those more minor feelings and ends up lashing out on the very people he sought to keep happy.
And as someone who hates, dare I say despises the miscommunication trope, this frustrates me too now end. I am constantly wanting to reach through the screen and shake the boy into speaking his mind. Into expressing how he actually feels.
Part of the reason this frustrates me, is because I see so much of my past self in him. Bits of my future self. I know personally that not communicating properly not only harms yourself, but the people around you. It serves no one.
As we can see, I'm extremely passionate about this particular subject. So much so that I probably will make a whole sperate post about just that subject.
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rosypenguins · 21 days
Day 30! LGTV Headcanons! (Jomies Edition!)
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💛I’m sorry, but I can’t see Jake as anything other than straight. He is after ladies and ladies only. And in all honestly, I feel he’d pretty much know nothing about the LGBT community. (Along with the rest of the Jomies tbh.) Like, he only knows straight, gay and bi. Anything else is completely foreign to him. (I can totally see a conversation between him and Luke regarding Luke’s sexuality. Jake’s like: “So, you’re gay too?” And Luke responds with: “Oh, I’m pan actually.” And Jake just buffers for a moment like: “Pan? Like- like a frying pan? What the hell does that mean? You like pans???” And you can just see Luke’s soul leave his body.) (He’s not trying to be insensitive he genuinely just doesn’t understand this stuff.😭)
🖤Drew’s biromantic. Because no way his feelings for Jake are platonic. I can also see him having crushes on other guys in the past, but he never really registered those as crushes. Just… very close friends. Also, don’t really think he (or any of the Jomies) has a problem with other people being gay. But in Drew’s case, I feel like that’s something he personally doesn’t think he’s allowed to be for whatever reason. Like, he’s so set on the idea that he’s straight he cannot fathom the idea of being anything else. It’s what he has to be, basically. (Internalized homophobia baby! ✨) Oh, and I also like to think Drew’s ace, because… uh, vibes, I guess? I don’t really have an explanation for this, I just think it’s fitting. (And I just want more ace characters in media that still want romantic relationships it makes me feel seen.😭)
❤️Both Liam and Henry are the type of guys to be like: “I’m straight, but- 20 bucks is 20 bucks-” (And even without the incentive of 20 dollars they still do the gayest shit ever so no one really knows what they are. Not even them.) (But I do imagine Liam’s bicurious.)
🩷Zoey’s honestly an enigma to me. Because literally, anything works. Straight? Lesbian? Bi? Aro-ace? All of it makes sense.
💜Lia’s a lesbian. She’s always liked girls but is in complete denial of it. Her almost obsessive crush on Jake was just her trying to convince herself she liked guys. But she doesn’t. It’s always been girls.
🤍Bonus! Daisy’s bi, and Sadie’s a lesbian! (And I also like to think Sadie’s transfem because I saw someone else headcanon it and the idea of that’s been living in my head rent-free since.)
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This’ll be the last day of Freakblr month I’ll be doing. I don’t really have any ideas for Day 31 other than “Is Drew a Twink?” so I think I’ll be leaving this off here. This was so much fun to participate in, though! I love rambling about these sillies and seeing other’s thoughts on them too! 10/10 would participate again.
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tmf-confessions · 1 month
For day four of 31 days of Freakblr!
This blog really is super special to me. It was the blog that helped me to feel more comfortable interacting with the rest of freakblr in a way that I haven't before in other fandoms. I also just think it's a great blog to have healthy character discourse and to share opinions that can be discussed. And from what I've seen it never causes fights.
(not to mention the birth place of the rat eggs. Automatically special there)
Really, I just think this blog deserves all the love, and the person running it! It has really helped to grow freakblr into the type of online community I'm proud to say I'm apart of. So thanks!
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undeserved-halo · 2 months
So um. 31 days of freakblr huh
Because of ~~timezones~~ it’s already August 1st for me and the day 1 prompt is ‘send an ask to the first freakblr blog you interacted with’ which would be you
I’m only in the freakblr fandom cuz I had the courage to send u an ask in the first place!! You ar. Friend
HIIII HELLO and shit id forgotten about that i mean what shhh no i didn’t
ironically you sent this in the exact hour it turned august for me lmfaoo
but wowee i feel honoured<333 tysmmm Frienddd
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pastara-cell · 1 month
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AAAA I MISSED DAY 19 SO 19 + 20 (20 doesn’t require a post so just 19 I guess XD, who are the gods of freakblr again?)
Head canons! Unlike when I did the jomie headcanons, I dont have 2 hours to type out bunches of headcanons, so i’m gonna do one each! (Not gonna do jake cause I already did ten for him 😤)
Hailey: she’s such a swiftie actually shut up (I dont even like taylor but omfg hailey is a swiftie)
Luke: he has a peanut allergy
Zander: dryest texter ever (besides the occasional exclamation mark and word in all caps)
Sean: Hes enjoys putput golf
Milly: Her entire playlist looks like this:
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(Yes this is an album in my phone, yes its 7 hours long with every old gacha song I could find. Don’t question)
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jakesterling · 2 months
i was gonna do day 3 of @31days-of-freakblr but I don't actually know much freakblr lore bc I've only acc been on here for a month.. anyone wanna inform me on some? 😳🔥
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sobeksewerrat · 1 month
I'm doing the 31 days of freakblr so hi!! random question but what is your current favourite song?
Hello!! I'd say my current fave song is probably (ضرب نار), I've been listening to it a lot recently lol
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mixed-up-media · 1 month
Day 8 of Freakblr Month
Least favorite character...
Look I when it comes to characters, I have a hard time "hating characters"... mostly
There are some characters I love to hate, like classic disney villians I love because they're awful! Ursula and Dr.Facilier are my favorites!
I like to hate Drew (Sorry Drew people, no hate to you!) Because he's interesting to watch.
But there is one character in TMF I hate for some reason.
I just don't like her, and It's not because she's not interesting to watch, I just hate her. She hurt my baby girl Milly too many times, if I have to beat the b-tch I will.
No hate to Zoey likers, you guys are fine, I just dislike her. She also reminds me of some people who have bullied me in real life, so there's that too I guess.
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tmf-confessions · 2 months
what is up confession blog
(31 days of freakblr)
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undeserved-halo · 2 months
I'm doing the 31 days of freakblr so hi!! random question but what is your current favourite song?
heyy!! thank you<33
gotta be this shit tbh
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pastara-cell · 29 days
Quick thing before we start, anyone in my asks rn about wanting an au to be made, just letting you know its in the process! Currently watching a series to get to know the person i’m putting into the au.
(Ontop of that, Hello there freakblr members! If you want one of the following:
-A custom, fully thought and graphed out au of your choosing
-Pictures of my bearded dragon, puppy, or cats
Search up ‘Scott Smajor ship Bracket” on tumblr and vote “Flower husbands” or “Jimmy/scott” and Put your prompt or what pets you want silly pictures of in my ask box 👍👍 I’ll do literally anything as long as its not sexualizing the characters or super morally illegal
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i love jailey sm actually, Dont get me wrong, i’m a huge multishipper and I have ships I like more, but Jailey, I love u
Its the most developed ship by far, even more than lander (which is funny since lander is already canon- i get jailey is the main pairing but rosy 😭😭/lh)
I have nothing to say on them other than I love them and do hope that they turn out as canon because AHH🤍
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