#(it's a progress update; not a weekly one. I post them whenever but that is my old tag; etc.)
lacunafiction · 2 years
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Progress Update: 9 August  2022
I hope you’re doing well! Hello to new and old readers. 💚
I somewhat recently shared the news about Book One being finished and submitted to Hosted Games. 🥳 You can find the submission news and a link to the overhauled demo: HERE.
Seeing your enthusiasm and excitement about returning to Fernweh means so much to me! I’m going to address some asks I’ve been getting so that you all might see the answers. :D 
>Any news about a release date? When can I get my hands on TFS: Book One? 
One anon just sent in: ‘*grabby hands*’, which is relatable. I’m like that too! Hosted Games has a queue for their publications with tentative release dates. I will be sure to let you all know when I hear where TFS: Book One might fall on this list after HG staff approve it and slate it for a date. 
>What platforms will your book be on? I’m hoping for a Steam release! 
Same! :D I’d like to reach PC players. Steam release is at the discretion of COG, so it’s not something I can politely request, though I do hope for it. Based on what I have seen in the past, I strongly feel that TFS: Book One will be out on Steam given its length (600,000 words in total) and the overall plot of the story, but we will have to keep our fingers crossed about it.
It should be available on the: COG website, iTunes App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore for Android, and possibly Steam.
> Book Two demo when? 👀
Lol, I’m 95% sure you’re kidding with me. XD There will be a Book Two demo, but I can tease and say it will be very spoilery as soon as you start the first page… I’ll need to wait for Book One to release so both new and old readers have some time to find and read it. It may depend on how far I am with my outline to try and stagger content for you to enjoy during Book Two’s wait.
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> Here is what I have been working on: 
- I have been working on finalizing some assets for Book One! I’m not sure how curious some of you might be about the process, but there are things beyond the chapters required by COG. 
- I tend to think of it in three parts: the game files, the textual assets, and then the art assets. I might get more into these in future updates, since I don’t want to ramble too much in this one. 
- The short and sweet news is that the parts are done; the tag lines, synopsis, tags, logo, etc. 
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> Here is what I will be working on:
- Book Two, my beloved! 🥰 
- I have already started the base coding for the second book. I’m working on wrapping up the different levels of recaps since some players might want something condensed, while others may want a more detailed experience. (Eventually, you all should be able to import your Returning Visitor from Book One.) I will move forward with filling my outline; I’m thrilled to continue writing.
Thank you all for your support and patience with me! 💚
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vendetta-if · 2 years
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Hey guys 👋 I just notice that I should probably start making posts updating on the exclusive content that I made on Patreon whenever I finished them 😅
So, I decided to make two posts to let you guys know all of the exclusive side stories and the spicy ones that I currently have up on Patreon so far. In this post, I'll exclusively focus on all the side stories and give out a little sneak peek of each of them. For the spicy side stories and Q&A sneak peeks, click here.
If you guys are interested in supporting me and getting access to all of these exclusive side contents, please check out my Patreon page 🥰💖 I currently have a monthly-subscription-based payment set, so you don't have to worry about getting charged twice when subscribing near the end of the month.
Other than weekly progress update posts, here are currently all the exclusive side stories that are up by the end of November 2022:
Vendetta Halloween Interactive Side Story
Around 19K words, it's a really cute and wholesome and fluffy story about little MC, Ash, and Rin celebrating Halloween together with Viktor, Takashi, Luka, and Cara. You'll have three Halloween costumes to choose from, which will also affect Ash's and Viktor's costumes. There will also be four different activities to choose from for the Halloween Fair and a bunch of smaller interaction options!
Check out the little snippet/sneak peek of the story in this post!
Dead Man Walking (Part 1 & Part 2)
An angsty AU where MC is the one who dies instead of Viktor that night in the alley. Written in Viktor's POV. Around 6K words long.
You’re not sure how you even got into this mess in the first place, but you should’ve known that this day would come, sooner or later. You can only run away for so long before the consequences of everything you’ve done catch up to you.
Any other day, or maybe when you were younger, you would have turned back and tried to face them head-on. But now, you have something special—oh, so very special and dear to you—and you won’t risk harming him; his safety is the only thing on your mind right now.
You are running through a maze of deserted and dank alleyways on a cold winter night, and beside you is your son, his little hand is engulfed in your bigger one as you hold on tight. Sasha has just turned ten today and even though this might not be the best birthday he has had so far, you are planning to make it up to him in the next few days during the weekend.
Vodka Misadventure (Part 1 & Part 2)
A wholesome side story featuring young MC and Ash regarding the vodka incident that they talked about at the party in Chapter 2 😂 Written in MC's POV and a little part in Ash's POV. 6.5K words long.
It’s far from your first time stepping foot in his office. You’ve spent a lot of time with Ash here when you were both younger, hanging out with each other while Uncle Luka worked on some stuff on his desk. It’s certainly a spacious office with a plush carpet and sleek and elegant furniture. There is no window in the room, but it doesn’t feel suffocating at all.
In one corner of the room, there is a full set of sofas, armchairs, and a low and wide coffee table made out of black marble. It’s where you often spent time with Ash and also where your Uncle would receive guests. You know your uncle always makes sure to lock his office whenever he’s not using it and the fact that you’re both in here right now without him even knowing makes you nervous a bit as if you’ve done a crime.
“We have tunnels?” you say in awe.
“Cool, right? Uncle Luka showed this one to me, like a few days ago. He said he’ll give us a thorough tour soon. Said it’ll be useful for us to know, in case of… Well, never mind that. I still have one more thing to show you!” Ash gushes.
They set down the pizza box on the coffee table before moving towards Uncle Luka’s big desk and you trail after them gingerly.
A Fateful Encounter
A Yvette backstory on how she first met Viktor. 6K words long.
Yvette’s heart rate skyrockets as panic starts to sink in. Thankfully, she had taken advantage of the man’s momentary distraction to grab her phone. She quickly taps it to unlock it, only to find out that the phone is… dead. The electricity…
“Well, I think it’s enough chatting. Now, what should I do with you, huh, missy?” There’s a slight edge of excitement under his tone. “If you really are a hero like you said, then maybe it’s a good idea to kill you and make you an example. Or maybe maiming you to the point where the agency wouldn’t want you anymore will be a better fate? Hmm… I like the sound of that. I can already see the headlines: ‘Tragedy strikes as a young superheroine’s career got cut short,’” he says to himself almost dreamily before turning back to her, electricity charge building up in his palms.
He takes a step closer to her and Yvette scrambles back futilely. She feels her scalp tingling as strands of her hair start floating from the static electricity building up in the surrounding atmosphere. This is it… This is the end of my career, my life, she thinks one last time before bracing herself for the agony. However, the man stops at the last moment and turns his head towards the entrance. Yvette hears the crunching glass chimes for a split second before the man in front of her is tackled away.
Patreon Link
Spicy Side Stories and Q&A Sneak Peeks Post
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eriquin · 5 months
Nightswimming working for WIP Wednesday, and also want to know how do you do your chart <3 (You maybe already say but I don't remember!)
Once the door was shut, Steve flopped down onto the bed. “Huh. It’s weird,” he said.
“What is? All of this?”
“My mom. She never let any of my old friends call her Diane.” He sat up. “Maybe she likes you.”
“Maybe she thinks I saved your life in the mall.”
“You kind of did.” He reached over and grabbed her hand. 
(make me write)
I would try to see if I posted about it before, but tumblr search function is shit and I don't know what I would've tagged it. Basically, I have a bunch of worksheets in a spreadsheet file. The first one tracks each thing I work on by day and wordcount. I add new lines and update it daily, or whenever I'm working:
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Second sheet tracks total words per day. It's calculated automatically from the first one. I just need to add a new line each day, copied from the line below it. I included the sumif formula for the words in the screenshot:
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Third sheet is progress by week, with columns per work. I could add those columns to the daily sum but it seems unnecessary. It automatically adds a new week when the time comes, but then I have to go down to the bottom row and make sure the data from the oldest week is populated:
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But the graph in particular is on the fourth sheet. It uses the data from the first sheet to find sums for the past 7-8 days (depending if I put the top entry as =TODAY() or =TODAY()-1) then it sums those up and I can use that data specifically for the graph:
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I have at least one more sheet that pulls graphs on data from the weekly sheet and the daily sheet, so I can see my trends:
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But that's more so I can know that my progress is predictable, to a point. My Steddie Bigbang one is particularly funny:
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It takes a lot of playing around with spreadsheet formula to get the data to calculate automatically, and every couple of months I tweak it a little to see something else. Sometimes I break it completely and have to spend time fixing it. But, it works well enough.
The word totals aren't entered automatically. I have to do wordcounts from my documents to get them. I could change that by using APIs, but I think if I did, then I would be more likely to screw something in how I keep my docs. The manual step is better for me right now.
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infinite-mess · 4 days
Welcome to my infinite mess.
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This shall be my cozy little cave, where I shall go to watch all sorts of animated movies, series, etc. I’ve always had a passion for the medium, and I think it’s time to put my so-called “excellent writing” skills to use with this here blog.
My love for animated media isn’t the ONLY reason I decided to start this blog, however. I’ve had struggles in figuring out how to deal with certain media. Usually, whenever I have found even slightly unfavorable aspects of media, I would throw the entire thing out like it was nothing. But I’ve seen so many people who, although they also draw the line somewhere, love certain pieces of media while also criticizing it at the very same time. But…how can one LOVE or even LIKE a piece of media with issues in it? I felt like starting a blog could serve as a healthy outlet to explore my thoughts, as well as to potentially find some new pieces of media to add to my small pile of favorite movies, shows, etc.
I was mainly inspired to make this blog by a website known as AnimeFeminist, as well as several of the team’s outstanding WordPress blogs, as well as some blogs here on Tumblr. I found Tumblr to be the easiest and most efficient site for me to make this kind of blog on, so that’s what I’m doing.
How will this blog work? Well:
I will do polls where you guys can decide which shows/movies I should watch
Near the end of each month (unless stated otherwise in the following month’s post) I’ll update you all on my media progress with “progress posts”!!!
I will probably do reviews on finished shows/movies, stating my opinions on them as well as stating wether or not I would recommend them to anyone
A lot of what I may be watching will be anime. It’s not the ONLY form of animated media I want to cover, but anime may end up being the majority of what I end up covering.
I will PROBABLY not be doing seasonal anime watches. I prefer to watch shows that are either already finished, have an end in sight, or have otherwise gone on for a while.
The exception to this rule is a concept called “Wild Cards”! With these, I will only limit myself to watching an episode of that show on a weekly, biweekly, etc. basis depending on how long the show is, and the shows that qualify to be wild cards have to have a confirmed new season coming, or at least be confirmed to still be going. Most of these wild cards will be anime, and every 3 months, I will do a poll which will decide the new wild card entry.
For certain media, I’ve wanted to do “watchalongs”, which are posts discussing a specific portion of a show (like 5-15 episodes each or SOMETHING, depending on how long the show is). This was inspired by AnimeFeminist’s watchalong podcasts, but instead of a podcast, it’s a Tumblr post, and instead of there being multiple people, there’s just one person (me). Not all of the media I discuss will have watchalongs!!!
Recommendations are ALWAYS welcome! Wether you decide to comment on THIS post, on my progress posts, on poll posts, or even on my reviews of certain media, I can never get enough of recommendations from people. Please note, however, that I can say no to any recommendations for multiple reasons. There will be some shows or movies that I just won’t watch for one reason or another, and there are places where I will draw the line on which media I watch.
With any and all media I watch, the minimum amount of episodes of a show I have to watch before deciding wether to continue is 3, and I have to at least watch a 1/4th of a movie before deciding as well. (if they make me uncomfortable enough, however, I don’t have to follow these rules)
I’m unsure of what the results of this blog attempt will be, as well as wether it’ll actually be able to live up to my expectations, but the only way for me to find out is try! So again, welcome to this infinite mess.
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bvannn · 1 month
Weekly Update May 17, 2024
I really need to sleep. I keep staying up late, I’ll try not to tonight. I keep wanting to do everything, but my exhaustion leads me to not really be able to do as much as I’d like. I did some things, though.
Biggest thing I got done was that banner. I might mess with the formatting and dimensions some, since it really doesn’t fit well on sites besides newgrounds, but the actual Art is done. Luckily, due to the amount of extra rendering I did, that banner also works as a color refsheet, which is also great, since that was another thing on my list of things to do. Granted, that’s now only done for the O’Malley characters, not the Backstage characters, but that’s fine since they’ll get their own banner when I shift to working on them, whenever that may be. I think writing their pitch comic outline could be something I do at work this summer, or I could continue with the future O’Malley comic writing. We’ll see.
As for the comic itself I’m very close to done with page five, I’d say 16% done with the pitch comic overall. Making good progress, but still a bit slow. Once I’m caught up on rest I should be able to go a bit faster, since the new strategy with the layers is working out wonderfully.
Music stuff is still on the back burner, no new progress on the OEB video, but lyric writing for the originals is going well. BMBO has a draft 100% finished, and I can get a VPR file ready now and edit the lyrics more later. I know what voice I want in it but I’m not sure about the specific voice bank, since it’s be a vocaloid with multiple. I’ll get the file ready for the English bank, and then try to adapt it to a Japanese bank and ask to get it exported with all the options, then I’ll compare them and pick my favorite. I’m really getting thinking about music more so maybe I’ll write more random originals if I find myself in the space for it, but I’d rather worry about the OEB video. I’ll try to take another bite out of that tomorrow after finishing up the O’Malley page.
I did find out also that I’m not set to go back to work again until after Memorial Day, which sucks since I found out this week I need a few medical procedures done before I can get my next surgery, and they’re looking a bit pricey. I think I will be fine but I’d want to tidy up some of my commission stuff at some point too. That’s on me though, I’d like to try that this next week as well. I think priority will be rest this weekend, followed by O’Malley comic progress (I think one major step a day is reasonable), OEB progress, and general drawings. Some of those general drawings may be tokens for my AC game so not everything will be posted. I’ll try to write up a schedule tonight, and stick to it this week.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi, I have a non iwtv related question for you, more on writing tips. What is your writing process? Do you plot your stories beforehand or just go with the flow? And how do you motivate yourself to stick to a specific schedule like weekly updates for example?
I find that when I plot out a story in detail, it kind of kills my creativity because I feel boxed in, but at the same time I don't like not having a structure because then I will write pages and pages of rambling with no coherent plot and the editing will take forever. It's so frustrating and I feel like it's stopping me from making any progress on my drafts 😭
Well, first of all, don't be too hard on yourself *hugs*, life's hard enough! :) (While I do try to post weekly for "Laden" I didn't manage this week either^^. *shrugs* And that is fine (has to be fine), because life and all that. And Friday's news, in this case, unfortunately.) (For those waiting, the next chapter is in the works though^^).
It depends what I have in mind. If it is "just" a scene, a PWP or something similar, like something encapsulated, then I just start and let it click into place. I tend to "hear" the characters, and the world in and by itself is a logical one for them, so... it just is the flow there.
If I know it will be a longer one (like "Laden"), then I have several chapters where I just randomly jot down short notes, add links, add images too, whenever I think of something. And then, when I write a chapter, I go over the notes and check if there is something I wanted to remember/include, and then I take it out of the notes and into the chapter (and that then more or less flows, too). That may seem a bit wild, but it helps me remember where I want to go with the fic, what big character arc or story points I want to hit :)
Maybe that would be something for you, too, because it sounds like you have it all in your head already? :) (And I mean, that's where it lives, right?^^)
As per motivation... as I said, I try to hit my one chapter / week goal. Simply because I have found that it does me good to have a goal and then recognize the progress. I feel relieved when I got a part of the story that is in my head out :) And it does me good to not think about current affairs or work, or chores. Diving into a mindset definitely not my own helps a lot :)))
I started getting up a bit earlier to write every morning, during the pandemic that literally saved my sanity. These days it's often asks^^, but that, too, is a way to think about something else, so I enjoy that as well. But I always make sure that I have time to write every day, even if it may be only one sentence.
(Also, I'm not sure how well you do with background noises, but I often put on rain sounds on earphones when writing. It helps me to concentrate.)
I hope you get back to the joy of writing, nonny, I know it can be frustrating, but I really really hope you get back to the fun part of it :))) Not sure if my ramblings help *laughs*, but... sending you lots of love and good energy!!
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heavenssexiestangel · 2 years
Work in Progress Wednesday
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Creators: work on or post something from your WIP. This is your weekly reminder to get something down on paper (real or virtual). It’s also a chance to share your progress with your followers and give them a sneak peek of what’s to come!
Fans: leave a comment on an unfinished fic and let the writer know how much you love it. Reblog an artist’s sketch and let them know you can’t wait to see the final product. Send someone an ask cheering them on!
Idea taken by @ao3commentoftheday :)
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Soooo, after a pause of a few months because of Health IssuesTM and being busy with Uni, I recently started writing again and took the time to work on some of my WIPs.
Today, I'd like to share with you not one, but two snippets from two different fics. Both have Debriel as the main pairing.
The first snippet is from the upcoming chapter of Tell Me to Stay:
Gabriel squinted his eyes at the phone, his hands shaking.
He was the one that had called his father first, but now he wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to him. He switched his weight from one leg to the other as he closed and opened his fist.
“Shit,” he breathed, looking around the empty living room as if anyone could help him.
The phone stopped ringing, just to start again.
“Okay, okay,” Gabriel took a long breath and answered, grabbing the table for support. His voice came out steady, which made him smirk. “Hey, dad. What’s up?”
“Gabriel,” his father’s tone was flat, as always when he was unimpressed. Gabriel imagined him sitting at the desk in one of his various offices, a brow raised as he tapped his fingers on the smooth surface. “You’re the one who called me earlier, so I should be the one to ask you that.”
Gabriel gulped lightly and sat down. His heart hammered in his chest, a mix of anxiety and excitement. He hadn’t heard his father in weeks.
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” he heard himself saying as he focused his gaze on a random point. “My fingers must’ve slipped,” he chuckled.
“Are you sure about that?” There was something in his dad’s voice; a hint of tiredness and something else Gabriel couldn’t place. He imagined his father’s piercing blue eyes on him, a gaze so intense that always made him tell the truth.
“I…” He cleared his throat, and his voice cracked as he spoke. “No, dad. When are you coming back?”
Silence fell on the other end of the phone.
The second one is from the upcoming chapter of Family Seder:
“I really didn’t think we had so much stuff,” Dean sighed, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. He eyed the various packages, biting the inside of his mouth. “But at least we can cross a few things out of the shopping list.”
“Do we have to throw it all out?” Emma asked.
Dean turned towards her, shaking his head, and went to sit on a stool beside her.
“Nah,” he took a packaged loaf of bread and turned it around in his hands. “That’s not how this works, honey. We just take out of the house all the leavened food and make sure to clean the hametz.”
“What’s that?” She frowned, mouthing the new word.
Gabriel entered the room just as Dean opened his mouth, leaning on the doorframe, and answered in his place.
“It’s anything that contains wheat, barley, spelt, oats, or rye… Which has leavened,” he shrugged, running a hand through his longish light-brown hair. “Some Jews will actually also get rid of kitniyot.”
Emma hummed and raised her eyebrow in question, tilting her head.
Dean loved how focused she was, and he was glad she had him and Gabriel to learn. He hadn’t had the same luck.
His boyfriend walked towards the counter and bowed to get to Emma’s eyelevel.
“Kitniyot is anything containing rice, millet, corn, and legumes,” he made a half-smile, which didn’t reach his eyes. Dean hated how, whenever Gabriel talked about his past, his eyes became dark, almost hollow. “Back when I lived with my parents, we used to get rid of it too. With Dean, I’ve relaxed some on the matter.”
Are you reading either of these and waiting for an update? Are you excited? Come talk to me!
Just a gentle reminder that I have created a Discord Server for my writing. It's totally free and you will be able to make requests, have snippets ahead of time, and all the fun stuff. You will also be able to help me brainstorm fics on occasion, if you want!
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sapphicneige · 1 year
It's been a while since I did a writing update, and a lot has changed since my last one so I thought I would go ahead and just ramble for a bit.
I currently have 3 projects that I am actually writing and have inspiration for.
Obviously, two of them should be obvious, as they both got updates yesterday, but Silver Linings and end of a life are both being worked on. The third, however, is actually a completely new story that I really love.
Silver Linings is the one that will probably take a while before it gets an update. The next chapter is probably going to be a really big one and I haven't even started working on it. I think that's also probably going to be the future of that fic as well, at least for now. Instead of fairly short chapters that come out frequently, there'll probably be much longer chapters (like 15k words+) and they'll come out much more infrequently, but hopefully, there'll still be a decent amount of content for the story. I definitely have an idea of how the story will progress from here, but it's not completely planned out yet.
end of a life is going to continue as planned for the next three chapters. Astute people will also notice that I changed the number of chapters from 11 to 12. I was initially going to end the fic where I stopped writing it over a year ago now, but I decided that I do want to give it another final chapter at some point to properly conclude it all and tie up some of the loose ends. That chapter hasn't even started to be written just yet, but again, is also probably going to be a very long one. I will keep with the weekly posting schedule (it releases every Sunday btw) until we reach Chapter 11 and then Chapter 12 will come out whenever it's ready.
The third story that I'm working on is one that has been in the writing process for about a week now. It started off as a short first chapter inspired by a random thing I saw, but after a rewrite, the first chapter has already doubled in length from where I expected things to go and there's a chance the first chapter alone could pass the 15k mark. I'll be sharing a snippet of it soon probably, but for those of you that want to see the thing that inspired the fic in the first place, here! It's also drawing a lot of inspiration from a lot of other stuff as well, so I hope you all will enjoy it when it does release. (It's also going to be the first multi-chapter fic in a while that is rated E from me... so.... have fun~)
Okay, I think that's most of the stuff I wanted to cover. If you do read anything I throw out there, then thank you! And I hope you enjoy some of the other stuff I release in the future!
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zorosmalewife · 2 years
chain rxn upd8
Been a while since I've updated, sorry! I've been busy lately, and there's been a lot going on, what with the holidays and all, and my brain just Will Not cooperate with me on this one. I'm trying to work on this (and I *have* been doing it, I promise!) but it's been incredibly slow goings. If I force myself to shit something out to meet the deadline, it's going to be exactly that--shit. And I like this piece, and like my readers, so I don't want to put out shit. I want to be proud of my work. Which means, unfortunately, an indefinite hiatus while I chip away at this. There will be no update on January 1st.
There are some other projects that have taken the forefront, and with my ADHD, I just kind of have to ride the waves as they come. Hopefully, once this new garbage is out of my system, I can return to chain rxn. Since I have everything outlined through the end--the "plot" is usually my biggest problem finishing pieces, especially if my hyperfixation ends before I finish--I do genuinely think it'll get done. I really have been working on it, but progress is too slow to realistically consider regular updates. The plan now is to go on hiatus until I finish it all, then go back to posting weekly until the end. Sorry if that's not what you wanted! I urge you to subscribe to the piece and then just keep an eye on your email so you don't miss whenever I start uploading again.
Please believe me when I say that I don't want to do this. I don't like having to go back on my word, and I especially don't like disappointing people who enjoy my work. That being said, this is the only real option I have, so it's what I'm going to be doing. It's far too stressful to have impending deadlines looming over my head, even if they're arbitrary and self-delineated. Thanks for sticking with me, and thank you for reading. I'll be back.
As I hit milestones, I'll post about them here, so you know I really have not abandoned this. Let this soothe you:
Total word count: 60,373 -> 61,804
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
Don’t ask me why I made this, just know that I’m right and this is not just a Headcanon post but real. It’s not me having brain worms haha that would be insane. Honestly I just started thinking about how the hell arc introducing Seireitei approved social media would be such a mistake but god would it be fun to watch.
The Current Captains On Social Media
Shunsui Kyoraku - Failed erotic novel author turned romance/erotic novel reviewer. The fan base for his work is very small compared to his actual following. There is some divide in his followers—those who follow for his life updates and those who want to hear him talk at length about his latest read. Funnily enough, his quick, messy posts usually paired with scenery or a selfie are his most popular writing, often hailed as snippets of his poetic soul. Lots of people want to give him a hug.
Soi Fon - Adamant privacy and safety poster. Took to code and anti-virus technology well, much to Mayuri’s annoyance. Posts tips and tricks that read more like demands. Is known for her bitchy responses when followers @ her with their progress that are eaten up gratefully. Her advice is punctuated by posts admiring athletic women and these women make up the bulk of who she follows. She seems to admire runners and lifters the most. Her threatening posts when people hit on her too hard/with too many notes to back them up are turned into copypastas.
Rose Otoribashi - Has one of the larger followings thanks to his nostalgic visuals as well as his dedication to frequently posting new music. He has a personality that’s easily digestible when viewed through snippets. The fact that his passion is music and his job is news/editing also do him a lot of favors. He loves doing live streams and encourages his followers to perform for & with him.
Isane Kotetsu - Her growth being captured on social media not just as a captain but as a person has given her a fan base that feels extremely protective of her. She’s less known for what content she brings and more for her personality. Any creative content she posts is likely to start trending. Especially her ‘peaceful morning’ videos and reflective writing. She’s one of the more interactive posters, beloved for her encouraging responses.
Shinji Hirako - As a more private person, he doesn’t have much of a following and his most popular posts are candid moments posted by others. Lisa is a large reason people consider him endearing in anyway. Definitely the kind of person who is either considered cringe or cool with little in between. The kind of guy who asks what he should do with his hair and then goes with an option that wasn’t listed.
Byakuya Kuchiki - Has an extremely scheduled and curated presence on any site he’s on, but is nonetheless adored. He used to ask Renji and Akon for advice on how to handle some of the more online behavior (like being @ed by women who photoshop them as their date to events or being asked how many notes a date would cost) but stopped quickly. Turns out saying something is flattering leads to more of that behavior. Any selfie he posts is edited and reposted into oblivion until it’s thousands of people’s pfp.
Tetsuzaemon Iba - Despite him being one of the most well rounded captains personality wise, he gets put onto block lists the most for his dedication to concepts of manliness, which are easy concepts to feed to the social media outrage machine. Women’s Association vs Men’s Association is a popular meme where the former is something sensible and the latter is something ineffective/archaic. That being said, he’s also known as a ‘problematic fav’ and people will often post memes about abandoning their feminism for a few minutes to like his selfies and training videos.
Lisa Yadomaru - Another captain with a large love and hate following. Often picked apart for interacting with porn/hentai accounts, thirsting after women openly, and posting pictures alluding to her sexual escapades. Despite her account being regular food for the outrage machine, she doesn’t seem to care or pay attention to it and is forever horny on Main. She posts a lot of candid photos/videos of her friends. Recommends the best fucked up fiction.
Kensei Muguruma - Of course he does cooking videos, but what really does well are his cooking challenges. He forces his lieutenant, friends, and colleagues to compete with him on making a better dish on a time limit and often with other handicaps. Usually wins. His bloopers get a ton of mileage when he posts them. His merch is constantly sold out. People often dress up as him for Halloween/conventions, usually with foam or blow up arms/abs.
Toshiro Hitsugaya - Another captain with a huge following due to him approaching social media with his tireless work ethic. His ice sculptures are very popular and his pop-up galleries sell out in hours. Is actually a huge fan of ‘cozy’ games and is known for having beautiful towns/farms/ect that showcase his attention to detail. He does events in Minecraft sometimes, where he guides people through building large scale projects (and also feels like he’s making friends but that’s left entirely unsaid). A bit harsh, but beloved.
Kenpachi Zaraki - People question if it’s really his account because it’s so random at times, but he posts videos of him mowing down his subordinates during training so it has to be. The odd content includes engaging with easy recipes & activities for toddlers and increasingly complicated punk hairstyles that he really does try out. He also posts weekly, asking for people to volunteer and fight him. The human world especially loves this and he gets a lot of responses. He tries to set up times to fight them but Nanao threatens to delete his accounts and put him on suspension if he attempts to follow through. He posts a lot of post-battle pictures and humans gobble it up. “Just fought *insert ridiculous thing here*” is a huge meme.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi - He is constantly making new accounts and circumventing bans for posting links to his old lab work, that often involves heinous amounts of gore. Actually does have a following, often from those within his own division, those hoping to be in his division, or humans who see him as edgy and a little bit off his rocker, which they think is cool. He posts pictures of himself whenever he switches up his look. And posts Nemuri a lot with unhinged captains about how she’s going to outpace even the head captain and no one could make someone as special & smart as her. Just comes off as a really passionate dad. Plenty of people are convinced he’s a creepy pasta project ran by a dude with a daughter.
Rukia Kuchiki - Like Isane, she’s really loved for who she is rather than creative content. Even her attempts at being stern and ‘captain-like’ are fawned over. She has a line of children’s books, stickers, and notebooks with her cute drawings. Her most popular set was when her daughter contributed. The human world is convinced Renji is her house husband and her life is generally seen as all around ‘goals’. Her posts are riddled with mistakes and very sporadic; she’s posted accidental live streams while she did paperwork and they went viral. She posts tons of candids of her subordinates and family but they are usually blurry or actually videos.
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lacunafiction · 1 year
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Progress Update: January 23 2023
TFS: Book One Masterpost  | TFS Patreon  🌲
Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re having a lovely week! 💚
Well, I learned something that I kind of already knew about myself. If I say: ‘I’ll think about it’, then I really think about anything other than ‘it’ and procrastinate until someone asks me the same question again. (Yes, it’s an utter joy deciding what to eat for dinner with me. /s 😌) It has been 15 18 (I meant to post this earlier) days since Book One’s release, and it sometimes still feels like the first day of release…
…But, I’m also seeing more comments/reactions from people finishing up their first playthrough or even a third/fourth, which helps to cast off that feeling and makes me eager to delve back into where I left off with Book Two. I’ve also been playing Book One—a few select pathways to ensure that foreshadowing or links I have outlined for future chapters neatly dovetail. There will be plenty of a-ha moments within the series because I love giving little details big meanings!
Re-playing Book One has also helped me further isolate those variables I mentioned in the last update that should be called on in Book Two and beyond. I’ve also been studying the random test readouts and color-coding them to make sure I’m not letting any slip through the cracks. All of this legwork is important when building the recaps and the level of character customization at the start of Book Two. I know not everyone is going to want to pick with exacting detail what flower the MC’s grandfather gifted them for school graduations/events, but some of you might want to since many of you have experienced how it does come up again. 💐 The levels will let readers who don’t choose to import set their own degree of detail; some might want to get right into Book Two’s story, while others will want to mold their MCs.
(I recommend eventually importing saves, but that’s in the future since Hosted Games enables this feature closer to the next book’s release!)
It’s more than 80 distinct story variables that can be filled in multiple ways (e.g. the flower is a single variable, but it has 6 different potential fills for it from a daisy to a forget-me-not) without counting the obvious gender-setting, height, aesthetics, personality stats, etc. It’s a lot! But, I’m proud and happy to account for them all so you get a meaningful experience while in Fernweh. 
Some variables will naturally be called on more than others, but I wanted them all coded-in and largely accounted for in the recaps to not tie my hands while I’m writing. (*hint*: that one choice in Chapter 6 that earned a lot of reactions will come up very early in Book Two. 👀) I can always go back and adjust later. I’ve been re-familiarizing myself with all of this^ to get back into things.
Thank you all for your support and kind comments/asks! 💚 If you’re enjoying Fernweh, please consider leaving a review/rating on the platform you downloaded from; they do make a difference, and I appreciate each one. 🥰
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ggsstudies · 4 years
my home notion page
- an explanation
ok so for those of you who know what notion is, i bet you’re v excited for this (heck i am!) but for those of you who don’t, notion is an app you can get on all platforms (and even access from the internet) and it can really do anything. people use it as digital planners and organizing their “second brain.” in this post, i’m giving a little update on my home page and how i use it in my life almost every single day.
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so here is what my home page looks like! she’s pretty cute ngl hehe ok so! the top line i just have a little quote/reminder for myself and a link directing to my ~ideal self~ basically a page where i talk about what i want to do with my life and stuff like that. it’s kinda cheesy but oh well. on the far left, i have my most reached pages like my to do lists, a page for random thoughts that i categorize later, my weekly reviews, and a couple other things! in the middle, there is a board with some of my notes that i need to review (please don’t mind how many there are, i’m behind and i’m trying to work out a routine to review my notes so it’s a work in progress) then, on the far right, i have a board for people i should reach out to since i haven’t talked to them awhile! mostly friends, family, and teachers from back home :)
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if you scroll down a little farther on this home page, you see on the far right, a board that says “last...” this is to help me track the last time i did laundry, exfoliated my face, vacuumed, and other tasks like that! since i’m in college, i just try to get to those things whenever i can so i don’t have a set routine (aka i don’t do all the things on one day like i did when i was in high school bc hi i don’t have that much time). then, near the bottom left, i have a section called “reference.” i don’t access these pages that often but they’re good to have. they’re pretty straight forward. then i have two pages under personal projects: my blog (ha oops haven’t done that much) and then photography (aka a list of photos to edit). then on the right i have my master calendar for school. this has my deadlines and test dates so it’s vvvvv important
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here’s a look at my “last...” page! basically what i just talked about above. with notion, i can have it notify me when i need to do something (uses the “overdue” section). it’s really hard to explain super quick but i guess that’s the best way i would describe it. if you want to learn more about making tables and stuff like that in notion, i would go to youtube! i really like watching ali abdaal’s videos on notion so i would suggest checking those out!
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this is my “dreaming” page! it houses what my idea day(s) looks like in addition to my goals and my bucket list. i think it’s super important to have goals and stuff like this stored somewhere. i just chose to store it in notion!
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and then here’s a glance at my “master to do list” page. i used this a lot more over the summer when i jsut had so much to do for college, packing, and other stuff! i really love how i organized it into categories so i can easily see what i need to do. it just keeps it really organized so i don’t have a never ending to do list. 
so yeah! that’s a quick look at my notion home page and a couple other pages linked in it! soon i’m going to make a post about how i use notion for school because i have a whole separate page just for that! i absolutely love notion and i could go all day about it. i think everyone should try it because a) it’s free and b) students that have a school email (like .edu) can get the pro plan for free. i have a whole bunch of other posts about notion and i’ll probably make a bunch more so just look around for them! 
let me know if you have any questions or want me to do more posts about notion!!!
xo- gg
october 2020 
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tippenfunkaport · 3 years
Tippen’s work in progress fic updates! (April 2021)
It's time once again my friends for an update on all my works in progress!
The TL;DR is that I am writing a lot of stuff to prepare for Seamista and Glimbow Weeks so I didn’t post as many things this month in exchange for post A TON next month.
The big news is that I am
participating in Seamista Week in May @cephalopod-literary-society
modding / participating in Glimbow Week a week after that @glimbowweek
doing Camp NaNoWriMo
Which means I am writing a TON this month but just not stuff I could post yet.
What about your ongoing fics? I hoped to finish Glowing Up and The B Team before April and I... totally failed at that. But The B Team WILL be updating every Sunday like clockwork until it’s done in an unprecedented bout of consistency. At the time of posting, there are two chapters left and they are both ready to roll.
In the meantime, there aren't too many chapters left of Glowing Up and most of them are already written, it's just a matter of finding time between other things to clean them and get them posted. Hopefully once Glimbow Week is over I can get that one completed.
As for Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer and Going There, both of them are both my mental fallback projects in the sense that whenever I don't particularly feel like working on anything specific I always return to them so I'm fine with just working on them in the background whenever in between other things. You’ll get those when you get them, basically, and likely not until after Glimbow Week.
That said, I do plan going forward to always have one fic that is getting consistently updated weekly, like I am doing now with The B Team and then just do other updates as I can.
What are you working on for Camp NaNoWriMo?
For NaNo, I didn't set a numeric goal. I am just trying to get everything written and ready to go for Seamista and Glimbow weeks. I'm also writing as far ahead in all my multi-chapter fics as I can this month so there should be less posting delays in the future.
What's coming up?
If anyone cares, here's a little teaser of exactly what I'm working on (with the disclaimer that this is always subject to change as my whims and sudden and capricious).
Seamista Week
As of now, I am planning on writing four things for sure Seamista Week and then maybe doing more if I have extra time. These are...
a double date between Seamista and Entrapdak (Yeah, you read that right, baby!)
a long post explaining a treasured headcanon of mine about Seamista in Season Five that I am too lazy to make into a full fic
The Sea Gate from Swapped Seamista's POV set in the world of my Glimbow Swap (aka Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer)
a fun modern AU of Sea Hawk failing (... or is he?) to pick up Mermista at a bar
if I have extra time I will write a song parody (steeples chin mysteriously)
Glimbow Week
As for Glimbow Week, my intention right now is to participate every single day. I am going to try to NOT stress myself by doing two prompts for every day but if I do get extra fics written, I’ll throw em up too!
Here are some of the things I have for you...
Outlaws of the Whispering Woods! Multi-chapter Robin Hood inspired / dystopian spin on the events of Season 5 for Catradora and Glimbow but focusing on the friendships between Adora & Bow and Catra & Glimmer that I am so so excited for you to read!!
a cute high school AU
a funny college AU
a post-canon multi-chapter fic where Glimmer accidentally teleports herself... into a modern AU! Comic antics and also feelings may ensue!
something kind of different from me, my angsty as HELL (literally) take on the popular Celestial AU but focused on Glimbow of course bc it's their week
something people have been asking me for for a while... a sequel to my fic Paperworks and Proposals fic!
Yes, they are almost all AUs. Let me live.
I also wrote..
a PJO mythology inspired fic (that I planned for Glimbow Week but got too long so I’ll save it for another time so I don't have too many fics in progress at once)
a Medieval AU one-shot I wrote for my own amusement with princess / royal guard dynamics (can’t post for Glimbow Week bc TOO SEXY OH NO!)
another too hot for Glimbow Week post set in the world of Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer
a bunch of self-indulgent gift fics for all my Glimbow buddies that I meant to have done for Glimbow week but will probably instead roll out randomly as I get them finished
What about...?
The two things people ask me about the most are when am I going to continue my Horde Glimmer and when will I post the next part of Beasts AU?
The answer to that is I planned to start posting them for Glimbow Week but then I realized I didn't want to have too many fics in progress at once. So they are both partially and I will start posting them eventually but first I have to finish some other ongoing stuff. 
And, I’m telling you right now, if they announce more She-Ra I’m going to start posting the sequel to Going There, Coming Home, even if GT isn’t done yet because I’d rather have it posted before post-canon changes and I would have to rewrite it.
Once Glimbow Week is over, I will have five multi-chapter fics in progress 😫 which is too many so I’ll be working on getting those up and completed for the foreseeable future!
And that’s what I’ve got coming up! Sorry this is the longest post on earth! As always, feel free to send me asks about any of my fics or works in progress, I would LOVE to talk about them!
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bnha-scenarios · 4 years
Okay, so, first thing first. The second half of September and the whole October has been a wild ride.
Apparently this game blew up on TikTok (and probably some other platform or something?), and now I could see that there are tons of you who downloaded the game. That's just... so... unreal, at least to me. I didn't think this project would get so much attention. Even now, I’m still waiting to wake up from this dream 🙃
Anyway, if you’re new here: welcome! Sit back and relax, ‘cause this is gonna be a long ride!
I want to take this opportunity to say that due to the amount of comments, especially on itch.io page and my Tumblr, I won’t be always replying personally one by one to everyone anymore. I'll still try my best to answer questions and all, but I think by now everyone's common questions should already be answered in the FAQ page. So, moving forward, questions I have already answered inside that page will be ignored.
Still, I want you to know that I do read and treasure every single one of your comments. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, support, and suggestions! I'm sorry I can’t reply to those writing in languages other than English and Indonesian. While I can throw simple comments into Google Translate, every now and then the translator butchers long sentences and gives me garbled translation which I can't understand 😥
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  ☕️ Special Thanks ☕️ 
I'd like to also take this chance to say, many, many thanks for the coffee, you all amazing, generous people:
M.L. | Dominique | Genki | Sara | 1 Anon
Even in this hard time, you’re all so kind. Again, I can’t really do much, but as my way of thanking you, your names will be put under Special Thanks in the game ♡ 
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Alright, now, to the real essence of this post: progress update.
My work had been pretty demanding nearing the end of this month, and it made me get really sick of doing coding in general. Still, there is some progress on the game, and that’s good enough for me!
More details below ↓
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Character Sheet: You / Player / Main Character
Before I get to anything else, let’s talk about ‘you’ first, shall we?
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Although the main character's name is changeable, if you don’t wish to pick a name for them, ‘Suzuki Kaede’ is set as the default name.
Why Suzuki? I figured I would just take from one of the most common Japanese surnames.
Why Kaede? I chose it because I wanted a common Japanese unisex name, because the main character themselves is supposed to be gender neutral. So, the name came up as one of the results in Google, it has a somewhat nice and neutral meaning (maple), and I find that it sounds pretty nice, I decided to use it.
To reiterate, throughout the game, I try my best to not mention any physical characteristics and avoid elements which leans heavily to a specific gender in the story. All the characters in the game will also call you with your last name, and only neutral suffix (-san) is used at first. But you could get an event where you would be able to pick how the love interest will call the player, starting from that point in the story (on top of neutral options, there will be choices with gender-specific suffixes which you could pick if you want to). Other than that, all characters will always refer to the MC as ‘they/them’.
Now, moving on to the thing which people has asked about -- the player's Quirk. Here's a text version in case you couldn't see it in the image above for some reason:
What happens when a woman with Enhanced Learning quirk and a man with Camera Vision procreates? A child with exemplary learning ability and a pair of exceptionally observant eyes, apparently! The hereditary Vision you got from your father enables you to focus or scan an object or landscapes. With all the cues and information from your eyes, it seems that you're able to analyze and 'see' particular details of your object of interest in the form of numerical data. Due to the mainly passive nature of your quirk, you have to rely on the traditional weapons for offense, which might not be useful at all depending on your opponent's quirk. It's a plain and nonoffensive ability which isn’t so suited for a hero according to most people, but whatever - you’ll show those noobs the power of a gamer!
In other words, the information in 'Stats',  ' Weapon Proficiency', 'Special Moves', and even the 'Affection' meter, are actually part of the MC's Quirk. This also means, the more you hone your Quirk, the more it could affect your gameplay. I'll talk about that on the Gameplay section below.
There is one thing that’s kind of related to the MC's Quirk and I wanted to clarify. Bakugou did call you this in the demo, and yep, you might have guessed it: “crosshair eyes”. Reticle, crosshair, whatever you want to call it -- it’s that symbol you usually see in the center of your screen whenever you play FPS games. This is the only physical feature of the player's character that I specified (and yes, canonically, Hatsume has a pair of similar looking eyes in the original work). In relation to this, the icon for ‘activating’ your Quirk matches the same symbol.
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Introducing: Stats, Special Moves, and Video Games!
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There are 5 basic Stats for all of the characters in the game (brownie points if you recognize where they're taken from!): Speed, Technique, Power, Intelligence, Cooperativeness.
Your own Stats start off low, but you will be able to increase it by doing various activities, such as studying, playing games, winning on Heroics lessons, going to certain places, etc. Different activities raises different Stat, and you're free to choose which particular Stat you want to develop.
What are Stats being used for?
Certain Stat will increase a certain character’s affection, though it won’t be as much as if you hang out with that character.
There are certain places which you can only unlock when a specific Stat reaches a certain point. I’ll talk about hang out places and characters’ schedules in another post.
Weekly one-on-one training matches in Heroics lessons will test a specific Stat or Special Moves each time. Depending on who you chose to become your opponent, that specific Stat will determine the outcome of that match. On one hand, winning these matches can increase your Stat, but on the other hand, there are also special events you could possibly unlock when you lose. Again, I’ll probably talk more in detail about this in another post, since I still don't have the coding part down, so things might change.
Special Moves
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Every hero has a Special Move in this universe, and so does the player’s character! While they might not be as flashy as All Might’s iconic United States of Smash, some of your Special Moves will have a direct effect on the gameplay. For example, a certain Special Move could unlock more answer choices for certain scenarios. Another Special Move could be activated to give you hints on how many affection points will be added to a character for the available choices.
You have a total of 5 unlockable Special Moves, and it will be up to you to use this feature: do you spend your time trying to unlock all of it in hope to make your gameplay easier, or ignore them completely in favor of balancing your Stats while pursuing the affection of your chosen love interest? It’s your choice!
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(More brownie points for you if you got the reference in that picture lol)
Another use for Special Moves would be in the Heroics lessons, seeing as it might test how your Special Move fares against the opponent you picked.
Video Games
I would say that this particular element plays quite a big role in this game, since the MC learns and develops themselves by playing games. While you do have a set of games which you’ve owned, you’re able to purchase new games from the Video Game store. I would recommend doing this, as there are some neat ones which will help you greatly in your playthrough. But if you're not interested to explore them, that's fine too!
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Each video game has a different effect, and it’s up to you to discover them! Or, perhaps, you could unlock a Special Move that allows you to know what effect each of the game has? 😉
What are Video Games being used for?
Most games will only increase specific Stat(s), but there are also others that can unlock Special Moves.
There is one game which helps you to unlock Stats or Special Moves of your classmates, which you can use in the Heroics lesson to pick a suitable opponent based on your current Stats.
In addition to all that, there are 2P games which require more than one person to play, and you could play them with your romance target when they’re available. On top of building your Cooperativeness, choosing the right answers during the gaming session will increase that character's affection.
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The basic functions behind some activities like studying, buying video games, and playing video games are done. I will probably move on to code the functions handling the Heroics lesson’s battles and the behind-the-scenes of when the player chooses to go to certain places.
I've also finished the two main custom screens, which is the Quirk and Games page. If I have time and the motivation, I'm guessing I'll be adding the two other additional screens I had thought of doing. We'll see.
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This part is my nightmare, because I’m a perfectionist who’s far too picky when gathering resources…
But no assets = no game, so I did find several assets which I did like. This includes backgrounds, audios, background musics, and some sprites I was planning to use for developing the phone call function. I’m not going to list down all the things I found here, because I don’t think any of you would be interested in a long-ass list, but here’s an amazing background picture which I stumbled upon searching the dark abyss that is the internet:
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Full credits to the artist: https://arsenixc.artstation.com/
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I would have to say there isn't too much progress on this side yet, but I did decide on some story elements I want to insert into the game and scripted in a few scenes for the first day. I also managed to code in the dialogs for some common activities / places, like the video game store and a small part of school lunch time.
Honestly, I should probably create a sheet to identify how many scenes I would have to write? So all of us know the progress for this part of the development? ..... Let's see how it goes when my OCD flares up...
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All assets included in the devlogs are not mine, and credits to the asset owners / websites will be included in the game! My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia ⓒ Horikoshi Kouhei
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bronanlynch · 3 years
bi-weekly update
it sure has been a wild time here and tbh I had enough to do one of these last week and just. didn’t?? for some reason?? anyway
listening: the Promare soundtrack went on sp*tify recently so I’ve been on Promare soundtrack lockdown over here. I know Kakusei is the iconic Promare song but Inferno (the opening song) always makes me tear up??? love to experience emotions about a movie in a reasonable and normal way. so anyway my standout track from the OST is Piromare because I am so very not immune to sad soft piano renditions of a motif that is usually triumphant/cheerful/etc
reading: I have, for once, read a bunch of books. I got a giftcard to my favorite local indie bookshop for Christmas and finally got around to using it to buy two books I’d been looking forward to, Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson (bi polyam Dracula retelling, kind of) and Winter’s Orbit by Everina Maxwell (gay arranged marriage space opera)
Dowry of Blood was very satisfying to me, someone who has lots of opinions about how vampires ought to be sexy and also terrifying, and I really enjoyed this specific take on vampire lore. also the formatting/pagination was really really cool and reminded me more of poetry books than prose usually does. for the first couple of pages there’s only text on one side of the page and then there’s one line on the back of a page and it hits really hard. extremely good and cool printing choices. would def recommend, but it is also explicitly an exploration of getting into and then out of an abusive relationship so. warnings for that in addition to the murder/blood warnings
also look at how sick this cover is (by Marlowe Lune, an artist whose work I really like in general)
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I previously read Winter’s Orbit when it was on ao3 as an original work (called Course of Honour) and it was really cool to read a familiar story that I uh. read several times on ao3 but with added layers, because the author added a bunch of worldbuilding and an entire overarching higher-stakes political plot. I really really liked the added worldbuilding, and for the most part I enjoyed the new plot stuff, though at times I felt like it distracted from what I liked the most about the original, and there was one specific scene that was taken out that I was disappointed about. fave thing about the worldbuilding is when something is referred to by normal familiar words (like pigeons or bears) and then the actual thing is like, a fucking dinosaur that only vaguely resembles the word that’s used for it. very fun
also slightly mixed feelings about the framing of empire in the book, since there is some discussion about the consequences of imperialism and the resolution of the plot involves getting more rights and political sway for colonized planets. but the majority of the plot is about preserving an unjust status quo, and the representative of one of the colonized planets is working for the interests of the empire so that they can appear unified in the face of a larger-scale potential threat, which I’m not sure I love. and I also didn’t really care for the way the resistance movement (whenever it came up, which wasn’t often) was portrayed. so. on one hand yes there is a message of ‘empire bad and we should maybe try to be less Like That’ but on the other hand sometimes it did feel like the imperialism was an under-examined backdrop for a romance. like don’t get me wrong, I love the romance, I love the characters, it’s just that some of the politics didn’t quite do it for me and I think I just wanted More of things that just. weren’t the focus of the story
warnings for discussions of abusive relationships in this one, except this time it’s backstory for one of the characters, not something that’s present in the central relationship. and for all of the things that I wasn’t quite satisfied with, the parts of the book that are about like, learning how to be a person again after being in a situation where you’re not allowed to be yourself are still very well-handled and hit me real hard.
I also read a whole bunch of KJ Charles because sometimes all my brain can handle is marathoning romance novels, but I’m not gonna talk about all of them because this is already long enough (have not read the new one that came out today yet though that’s what I’m gonna do after this)
watching: Supernatural season 13 is incredibly boring and bad in ways that aren’t interesting or fun to talk about so I haven’t watched any recently. I did watch the first episode of Lupin, and really enjoyed it! will definitely watch more, though slowly because it takes too much of my brain to marathon it, partially because I know just enough French to almost not need the subtitles but having to read and also automatically trying to translate as I’m listening takes more brain energy. love a good heist though, and it has some good social commentary on race and class and crime
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also the main character is very good. fucking superb you funky gentleman thief
playing: still making my way through the last mission of Knife of Dunwall. I made a bunch of progress since I whined at my friend about how hard it was and they told me to just stay in the building that has places to hide (the one you have to make your way through as Corvo, so I already know the layout, which helps lol) instead of the one that’s falling apart with nowhere to hide. who would have thought.
have also watched my roommate play lots of games and have thoughts on those too. Final Fantasy games (or at least the ones I’ve seen anything from, which is 7, 14, and 15) really appeal to me on a character/aesthetic/plot level but the gameplay looks like it would be bad for my brain. and yes all of those have very different gameplay but they would all be not fun for me in different ways. my roommate showed me like an hour of cutscenes from 14 last night that was basically a movie of tropes I love but holy shit I could never play a game where I have to wait for other people to be ready to also play the same part of the game before I can advance the plot
they’ve also been playing Persona 5 Scramble/Strikers (I don’t know which one the S stands for and at this point I’m too afraid to ask), which I do intend to play myself some day. it’s a sequel to Persona 5 with the same characters and damn they really nailed the feeling of seeing your friends again after not seeing them for a while, both in terms of. I care about these characters and am happy to see them again and also, they haven���t seen the protagonist in a while and they’re so happy he’s back and it makes me very soft. would love to reunite with friends whom I haven’t seen in a while
making: haven’t worked on cosplay but we did make some very tasty tortellini soup last weekend, and then last night we made fish & chips which was a lot easier than I was expecting and turned out pretty well? we just used frozen fries instead of like. frying them ourselves but we did make some very tasty lemon-garlic green beans
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writing: well. I have a couple of things I’ve been noodling away at for a bit, and then a couple days ago I had a little bit of a breakdown and wrote 3000 words of angst in one sitting for an entire different new fic (Persona boys having a miserable time), and then yesterday decided to get in on a thing in The Untamed fandom of people writing short ““boring”“ domestic oneshots, and I love domesticity so I wrote one, which various reviewers have called “very sweet” and “a callout post” (it is both of those things)
I’m also organizing an event for P5 trans content because someone was shitty to one of my roommates over a trans headcanon and I got so pissed off that I’m running a prompt week now. love to have reasonable emotional reactions to things that happen in my life. why would I think about my actual problems when I could get petty and spiteful over someone saying that a fictional character couldn’t possibly be trans
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hati-writes · 4 years
Harry Potter and the Family who Loved him Year Two
What if Harry Potter had been raised by a family who gave him all the love and support he needed? What would change about the Harry Potter stories if Harry had been raised by the Weasleys rather than the Dursleys?
Part One is here
Link to the story on Ao3 is here
The summer after his first year at Hogwarts passed in a happy sunlit blur for Harry and his family. Ginny was highly excited to be going to Hogwarts in September and badgered Ron and Harry with a million questions as to what it would be like. Charlie gave them weekly updates on Norbert’s progress and the twins persuaded Harry and Ron to help them, ahem, “borrow” their dad’s battered muggle car to test that it worked well. They didn’t even crash it! Not that that made any difference to the scolding they all got when they returned home, breathless and delighted with themselves. Mrs Weasley was less than delighted and all four boys ended up de-gnoming the garden and pulling up weeds for hours. Still, it had been worth it they blithely decided.
It took almost two weeks for Harry to notice he wasn’t getting any mail, and even then only because Hermione mentioned in one of her letters to Ron that ‘I was surprised you would be better at replying to letters than Harry, can you tell him to hurry up and write back?’. Mystified Harry checked with his parents, Errol hadn’t brought any mail for him at all, and neither had Hedwig or any other owl.
Mr Weasley was alarmed when this was brought to his attention, being well aware of how difficult it was to interfere with the owl post. He consulted with his eldest son and Bill came home for a week to check up on the status of the house wards. They could find no evidence of tampering, which only made them more suspicious. Worried, Arthur invited over Moody to see if there was any dark magic around. Mrs Weasley threatened her children into behaving for their guest and chased them upstairs while Moody was examining the wards, for fear that the twins would play some sort of prank that would send Moody in a paranoid state and end up with the kitchen demolished or something.
Banished to their bedroom Harry and Ron had been playing chess when they were visited by a house elf. Ron was gobsmacked, Harry had been raised to be polite though and invited Dobby to sit down. This cued tears and self inflicted punishment. The boys did their best to keep him quiet, not wanting to incur their mother’s wrath any further. Dobby eventually revealed he had been stealing Harry’s mail and that Harry was not to go back to Hogwarts. As expected, Harry refused to consider that particular notion.
Dobby wouldn’t give up that easily however and sprinted downstairs, closely followed by Ron and Harry who were just in time to see him shoot a stinging hex at a distracted Mad Eye Moody and vanish. Moody, predictably, reacted like it was an attack from fully trained dark wizards and Harry and Ron leapt for cover as the wall behind them was blown to smithereens.
Moody apologised of course and managed to fix the wall up better than ever , but the damage was done. Ron and Harry were grounded for the rest of the summer. No flying, no visiting the village, no chess and all homework completed. Mrs Weasley even confiscated Harry’s new broom just to be certain there would be no illicit Quidditch games before school, no matter how much Harry begged that he needed to practise, he was on the team! Harry did notice that Ron got quiet whenever Harry mentioned that and resolved to discuss it with Hermionie when he next saw her. The other outcome of Harry and Ron being grounded was the twins getting bored enough to let Ginny play seriously with them. She was much better than anyone had realised actually. Harry was impressed.
When the time came for the Diagon Alley shop Ron and Harry were thrilled, they’d been itching to get out of the house for weeks now and the prospect of minor freedom was intoxicating. Harry of course knew how to use floo powder properly and, with no desire to incur his parent’s anger yet again, he went straight to Diagon Alley. There they met with Hermione and her parents as well as bumping into Hagrid. The bookstore was overflowing with middle aged witches with stars in their eyes and all the Weasley children eyed the banner proclaiming the author signing with apprehension. They were all too aware of their mother’s infatuation with the blond man, and none of them felt overly inclined to be favourable to him.
Lockhart never noticed Harry in the crowd, another red haired boy in second hand clothes standing with his family. Lucius Malfoy on the other hand was very aware of all of the Weasley’s, and the Potter they thought of as their own. His comments towards Hermione had Harry and his brothers furious, and then when he started on their father...well, if Arthur hadn’t punched Lucius then his children might have!
But there were no further incidents and September first and all the usual chaos of sending children off to school descended upon the Burrow. Even more so that usual, this was the first year that all the children in the house would be leaving! Six children to get up and dressed and fully packed for the eleven o’clock train to Hogwarts. Mrs Weasley had been heard to enthuse about all the relaxation she was going to get now she and Arthur would have the house to themselves. 
Harry and Ron waited for the rest of the family to go through the barrier before following. Or trying to. The barrier was blocked somehow, and they stared in dismay as the clock ticked over past the hour and the train left. Ron’s idea of taking the car was regarded as sheer genius by Harry and the two of them cheerfully set off to fly all the way to Scotland.
They rethought the plan after a few hours of hot, uncomfortable, and hungry driving. Even moreso when the invisibility booster failed and they had to be constantly wary of being spotted by muggles. They managed to get to school without any real incidents though. At least until they crashed into the Whomping Willow. They came out of that incident with several bruises and scratches each, a snapped wand and no car. Exchanging looks they came to the gloomy realisation that their mother was going to kill them, and when they went to the entrance hall and found Snape waiting for them they decided she might not get a chance.
Snape didn’t even say anything to them, just took them to his office, continuing to avoid looking at Harry, and leaving them there. The lack of shouting was somehow even more unnerving than threats of expulsion or dismemberment. Both brothers were convinced they were going to be thrown out. McGonagall shouted enough for two Snapes, and Dumbledore’s disappointment was even worse. The two eventually made their way up to Gryffindor Tower, still feeling as though they had narrowly escaped death or worse to be greeted by a disapproving and annoyed Hermione who thought they’d stolen the car just for  lark or something.
Discovering Lockhart was their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher did not improve their first week. They’d already coped with seeing two red envelopes flying towards them at breakfast, both screeching discordantly at them while the rest of the school looked on and laughed. Harry had tried to hide behind a pile of sausages while Ron had gone brighter red than his hair. At least Hermionie seemed to think they’d been punished enough and was back to being their friend again. But that was small comfort for Harry as Lockhart corralled him outside Herbology, apologising elaborately for not recognising him earlier and assuring him that Lockhart would help his celebrity shine through, that Lockhart would be Harry’s guide and advisor and that he could make it so no one ever mistook Harry Potter for a Weasley ever again. Harry stiffly informed him that he was a Weasley and he didn’t want to be recognised as a celebrity. Lockhart seemed not to hear.
After dealing with Lockhart Harry was even more irritated to find a first year following him around with a camera and constantly calling him Harry Potter. Unsure of how best to deal with either situation he simply did his best to avoid both Colin Creevy and Lockhart. Which was difficult when one was your teacher and the other in your house. He was relieved when Quidditch came around, he’d spoken to Hermionie about Ron seeming upset over Harry being on the team and she’d had a suggestion he wanted to talk to Wood about.
Wood was eager to talk, and Harry’s suggestion made him nod thoughtfully, though he said he’d have to think it over. This was enough for Harry and he was smiling happily as they stepped out onto the pitch. Only to be faced by Draco and the Slytherin team. In the ensuing fight it was revealed just how badly Ron’s wand was broken. Ron, Harry and Hermionie retreated to Hagrid’s hut where Harry plunked his head on the table and declared this had definitely been his worst week of school ever.
School however did slowly improve, Harry and Ron fell into their usual routine of classes, homework, Quidditch practise and relaxing. Lockhart had claimed Harry for detention much to his annoyance and had him answering fan mail for hours on end. The detention was only finished when Harry heard a mysterious voice making threats from within the walls. Concerned he told his twin and his friend but they didn’t have any ideas.
Harry was also becoming worried about Ginny. She was his little sister, he’d known her as long as he could remember and Ginny was usually bright and chatty and full of questions and enjoyment in everything she did. But since coming to school she seemed to have become quiet and sad, withdrawn...almost washed out. Harry shared his worries with Ron, but neither of them were certain how best to help. Ginny denied anything was wrong whenever they pressed her about it.
Finally after Quidditch practise one night Wood held back Harry to talk to him, he admitted it was a good idea, to start to train up reserve players for Gryffindor team and he would let Ron try out for reserve keeper sometime soon. In his excitement to tell his twin the news Harry ran full pelt through the castle, slamming into Filch and getting in trouble yet again. Honestly, he’d been in trouble almost constantly this year, or at least it felt like he had! He did however get invited to a Death Day party by Nearly Headless Nick.
Unforunately the party ended with Harry, Hermionie and Ron standing next to a petrified Mrs Norris and half the school suspecting them of murder. Ron muttered that this seemed par the course for the way this year was heading. At least Dumbledore didn’t seem to think they’d done anything, though Snape seemed more suspicious, wondering aloud why they hadn’t been at the feast. 
Hermionie asked Binns about the Chamber of Secrets and all three of them became convinced Malfoy must be the heir. They began trying to think of a plan to find out the truth, hampered only by the disastrous end to Harry’s Quidditch match against Slytherin. As though he’d needed any extra reason to dislike Lockhart… Colin Creevy’s petrification and Dobby’s clandestine visit made their search for the truth even more important.
The duelling club was an unmitigated disaster, though considering who the host was that wasn’t really a surprise to anyone. Harry was well aware he was a Parselmouth of course, his mother had caught him earnestly trying to convince a grass snake to go and scare the twins after they’d turned Ron’s teddy into a spider. The next morning his dad had sat Harry down and carefully explained that there was nothing wrong with him, but people might get scared if they knew he could speak to snakes so he should only do it in an emergency. Harry deemed it an emergency when the snake seemed about to attack Justin Finch Fletchly and revealed his secret to the whole school.
His brothers and sister knew about it of course, and they stuck by him through the suspicion of the school. Ron never left his side, Percy took to lecturing groups of students on the history of Parseltongue, Ginny showed a flash of her old self and promised to play the worst possible prank on him to distract him (this one worried Harry, Ginny had a fiendish imagination) and the twins tried their level best to turn the whole situation into a joke, loudly proclaiming Harry was the Heir in such over the top ridiculous manner that no one seemed able to take the idea seriously.
Hermione’s idea for catching Draco turned out to be slow and difficult, but on Christmas morning the potion was ready. Mr and Mrs Weasley had practically begged all their children to come home for the holidays, all things considered but truthfully hadn’t been surprised when they’d all decided to stay, all of them were Gryffindors after all, they weren’t the type to run away from danger. Case in point Harry and Ron spent their Christmas afternoon sneaking into the Slytherin common room to question Malfoy. They got no useful information and both boys were only barely able to retrain themselves from getting into a fight when Malfoy began insulting their father. Only the failure of the Polyjuice kept Harry from punching Malfoy as hard as he could.
Ginny’s prank became obvious on Valentines day. Harry swore he would never forgive his younger sister as he tried his best to flee from the dwarf chasing behind him. Ginny leaned against the wall as he struggled, smirking and looking more like herself than she had in weeks. Harry’s bag ripped, throwing all his equipment everywhere, including the strange diary he’d found in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. Harry didn’t notice Ginny’s face turning white as she stared at the book, too preoccupied as he was by trying to gather his things and dealing with the laughter of everyone nearby.
That night Harry tried writing in the diary and soon had more answers about the heir of Slytherin than he might have wanted. Shaken and unsure, he and his brother discussed with Hermione how best to ask Hagrid about it. However, the diary was stolen away again before they could question it further, and by someone in Gryffindor tower at that! They grew ever more concerned and resolved they had to talk to Hagrid, no matter how awkward it might be. They decided to wait until after the Quidditch match that was upcoming. Ron had been training as reserve keeper since Christmas and was thrilled to be more of a part of the games, even if he wouldn’t be playing in this match. But before they could even kick off, the match was cancelled and Ron and Harry had to deal with the sudden loss of Hermione to petrification.
They snuck out to see Hagrid. But that ended with Hagrid arrested and Dumbledore pushed out of the school. All they were left with was a cryptic clue. Harry knew about Ron’s fear of spiders of course, he’d been there when the eight year old Fred had screamed at Ron in anger and Ron’s teddy had squirmed and warped until it was a spider half the size of the five year old. It had turned back after a few minutes of course, an eight year old’s accidental magic wasn’t that powerful really, but the damage had been done. Ron had thrown the teddy into the fireplace and hated spiders ever since.
But for Hermione Ron would face his deep seated terror of spiders. Once the spiders had been found he and Harry snuck out that very night and went deep into the Forbidden Forest. They met Aragog and barely escaped from him, only saved by the old and battered car they’d crashed into the Whomping WIllow months previously. No answers had been found in the forest and Harry and Ron returned to their beds dispirited and worried.
Harry realised that Moaning Myrtle had the key to the whole mystery and he and Ron snuck off to talk to her. After a brief detour by Hermione’s hospital room where they learned what sort of monster they were up against, they had all the answers they needed and were on their way to the teachers lounge when the announcement was made. Hiding in a cloak closet, listening as the teachers discussed what had happened. Both Harry and Ron felt as though they had suffered a physical blow when it was revealed who exactly had been taken by the monster.
Harry returned to the common room, feeling like his heart had shrivelled up into stone, how and Ron and him not noticed? Why hadn’t they taken better care of their little sister. He sat with his brothers, none of them saying much as they all tried not to contemplate the awfulness of reality. Harry felt the first pangs of real, true grief tug at him, and it was a relief when Ron and he decided to go and speak to Lockhart. Any task, any distraction was worth it right now.
Lockhart turned out to be a fraud and, reckless with grief and fear, Ron and Harry decided to go and fetch Ginny on their own. If there was even the slimmest chance their sister was still alive then they had to find her and bring her home safely. They found the entrance and, taking Lockhart with them, went down to battle a Basilisk and save their sister.
The fight was hard, Ron was separated from Harry. Lockhart tried to use Ron’s wand, broken during their crash landing at the Whomping Willow and ended up wiping his own memories. Harry continued on alone. Parseltongue got him through the doors to face the shadow of Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle who insisted on addressing him as Harry Potter, no matter how tersely Harry corrected him as to his surname. Tom Riddle who took Harry’s wand as he tried to lift up his younger sister to carry her to safety. Tom Riddle who revealed his true name as Lord Voldemort and brought forth the Basilisk. Harry barely survived the fight with Slytherin’s monster but with the help of Fawkes and the sorting hat, he overcame the diary and the beast both, driving the Basilisk fang deep into the pages of the slim volume and watching the ink pool and splash. Behind him Ginny woke up with a gasp.
Ginny was crying and apologising, trying to explain how she’d wanted to come and talk to her brothers, but that she felt like she’d betrayed Harry. Because Harry was her brother and she knew that was all he ever wanted to be, but Tom had become obsessed when she’d let slip about Harry’s past and Ginny had felt as though she’d betrayed her brother by revealing his original surname. The guilt had stopped her coming to her family for help until she was too far under Tom’s control. Harry hugged her and told her it was alright, he didn’t blame her at all, he was just relieved she was safe. Then Fawkes guided Ginny, Harry, Ron and the befuddled Lockhart out of the Basilisk’s lair and to the safety of Dumbledore and their parents.
The Weasley’s cried and hugged all their children close, half scolding, half praising them. Harry and Ron told Dumbledore their story and Ginny tearfully confessed to her part when Dumbledore asked how Voldemort had enchanted a Hogwarts student. Dumbledore asked Harry to stay behind after everyone else left, but Ron insisted on staying with his twin and Harry nodded when Dumbledore looked at him questioningly. Dumbledore explained about the sword, and the true meaning of courage.
Moments later Lucius arrived. Harry and Ron both instantly recognised Dobby and in a single glance they formed a plan, Dobby may have got them into a lot of trouble over the year, but he didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Ron ran ahead to slow down Lucius as Harry quickly took the diary back and stuffed it inside a sock. A few minutes later Dobby had been freed and Ron and Harry ran down to the Feast, laughing and happy again. The year had been full of trouble, but everything was made right again as Hagrid came back, and Hermione ran over to hug them both, and all their brothers were over the moon to have their whole family safe and well again. Gryffindor won and Harry thought his face would tear he was smiling so hard. All was right in the world once more.
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